[Goanet] Right to Convert

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Santosh:if you tell somebody that they will be cured from cancer if they
pray for this saint to intercede on their behalf, as soon as they convert,
and you sincerely believe what you are telling them, then are you committing
a fraud? I have a suspicion that our legal system says no. Otherwise, it
would slide down a slippery slope towards all kinds of legal precipices
related to religious and ethical matters.

Response:In my view, what religion to follow or not is a personal matter and
choice. The state has no place in it. The state's role should be restricted
to maintaining law and order. In case any complaint of force or fraud or
coercion is made, it is the responsibility of the state to investigate and
prosecute as per the laws of the land.
In reality, conversion is not an issue at all. It is only an excuse for
vested interests who want to maintain the status quo vis-s-vis the
marginalised sections. They need them for their cheap labour and to exploit
them. Once these people are educated and given access to better medical care
and employment opportunities, they are unlikely accept domination over them.
It is interesting that inspite of the various allegations made and the
enactment of anti-conversion laws in 7 states, there has been NOT A SINGLE
case of conviction in the last 40 years. Does this not tell the true story?
Further, the same people who are protesting against conversions are the
first to send their children to christian schools, colleges and institutions
and use christian hospitals. Uddhav and Raj Thackeray's children are
studying in christian schools. Keshubhai Patel (former CM of Gujarat) sends
his grandchildren to St Xavier's. So many BJP / Shiv Sena politicians bring
pressure on christian institutions to admit their wards. Why would this be
so if they fear conversion? The truth be told, they would like the best for
their children but do not want the marginalised sections to benefit for
obvious reasons. And the bogey of 'conversion' is a good one to subdue the



[Goanet] Ref: Heart to Heart: CM Sir, can you liberate yoursel ffrom delusion?

2008-12-22 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In support of 

Message: 4
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:58:59 -0500
From: "Ethel Dacosta" 
Subject: [Goanet] Heart to Heart: CM Sir, can you liberate yourself
from delusion?


Dear Ethel,


"CM Sir, you really should liberate yourself from the delusion that all's 
well in God's paradise - Goa"


Well put, I don't think any other writer in world would have put it any better.
Bravo !!!


In reality I am very emotional sort of guy, and when it comes to Goa or my
little village, Nuem down south, it gets even worse, and when I get emotional,
all my different vital parts, of my anatomy start to cry foul, sometimes it's
the liver spaying bile like the squid sprays it's ink as a self-defense
mechanism or my stomach that goes into reverse gear but most of the time it's
Mr. Schume that runs haywire, Oh !! Schume, that's the small motor, the size of
my fist that's placed in my ribcage by our "Maker", my heart, I have named him
after my favourite  F1 personality and Legend Michael Schumacher. 


As I was going through your very "fact-full" post, all of a sudden I realized,
Schume had stepped on the gas paddle and raced to 170 BPM instead of the healthy
72 - 76 BPM and the chassis and the frame started vibrating vigorously, I have
made him understand umpteen number of times that this was a '58 model Ambassador
and not a 2008 model Ferrari, I just managed to get him under control in the
nick of time, 


At first, it was the President of the GPCC that said Ministers should increase
rapport with Aam Aadmi to know the reality of "ground zero" and now the CM says
that, opposing development is become fashion for Aam Aadmi.


Why don't these imbeciles just understand that they are elected by Aam Aadmi to
do the will of Aam Aadmi wants and not force their will on Aam Aadmi, I would
definitely like to tell the CM that, what is good for him and his conniving
self-indulgent colleagues, is most certainly not good for Goa and Goans. That's
Aam Aadmi's decision. You take it or leave it, simple as that. Please don't
force your will on Aam Aadmi just because you and your corrupt brigade tend to
benefit in cash or in kind from the builders  and the mining lobby, at the cost
of devastation and destruction of Goa and it's ecology. 


Hope this Christmas season will enlighten their minds and touch their hearts and
change their outlook and work for the betterment of Goan and Goans instead of


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby 
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[Goanet] Conversion and Secularism

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Dr Barad:
Marshall, before I key in my response on above subject, can I ask you as to
your definition of the words Conversion and Secularism?

Could you inform us what you understand by the words Conversion and
Secularism? I will then respond.
I do not have the time or patience to play merry go round with you. You have
mastered the art of shoot and scoot.



[Goanet] Muntadar Al-Zaidi expected to be shot_Reminds one of the satyagrahis

2008-12-22 Thread Venantius Pinto
Muntadar Al-Zaidi expected to be shot after he hurled the first shoe — so no
point in making the point that, under Saddam Hussain he would have been
killed. Its is interesting how things change and no correlations through
analyses are permissible when someone is willing to put his / her life on
the line.


And a petition from CodePink:

Again, reminds me of the satyagrahis, and the extent to which people are
able to stand their ground although many see it differently, perhaps for
reasons that are eminently logical to them. In the Goa of today, I feel he
would be finished by now. This is speculation, of course but worth swirling
in ones mind, before we get too inebriated during Christmas. If time permits
also think of the money changers being driven out of the temple, then
connect some dots as to our existence.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Ref: Merry Christmas

2008-12-22 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Dear Goanetters


Let the spirit of Christmas, that, forever and ever endures,
Leave it's richest blessings, In the hearts of you and all your loved ones.

Wishing you all a very Holy, Happy, Healthy and Blessed Christmas

May the joys of the season be yours now and always

With much love and sincere good wishes


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

D G Jones International Ltd. 

Dubai Mall - Project

P.O. Box 62256


United Arab Emirates


Tel: 00971 44073599

Mob :  00971 50 541 7001

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reliance on the contents of this information is prohibited and may be unlawful 
in certain legal jurisdictions. If you have received this communication in 
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This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email 

[Goanet] Right to Convert

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Vinay Natekar:
The conversions by force, fraud and inducements was are under debate. Have a
look at the conversions in Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Arunachal Pradesh and
their impact on law and order there which compelled some Indian states to
implement ban on conversions

But Today we can see conversions by enticement and fraud are quite rampant.
Mass conversions by the so-called faith healing programmes in the guise of
offering social service, etc should be checked at root.

Will you kindly enlighten us how many convictions were there under the
various anti-conversion acts in the last 50 years? And aren't the VHP/BD the
guys creating the law and order problems.Have you been following the news
about Orissa, Mangalore, Jabalpur, Delhi, Dangs, etc or not? Conversions are
only an excuse to keep the dalits and tribals under the control and
domination of vested interests.

If the VHP is genuinely interested, they can also work selflessly to uplift
the dalits and tribals. But all this entails hard work, commitment and
abandoning caste and creed discrimination. Are they ready ?



[Goanet] Will someone ask Manohar Parrikar what is his stand on what his party colleague in Orissa has said on the floor of the Orissa Assembly?

2008-12-22 Thread Albertina Almeida
BJP legislator Mahesh Sahu is reported to have remarked on the floor
of the Orissa Assembly that those who felt apprehensive could go to
Italy, Australia or Kerala to celebrate Christmas.(see news item from
Indian Express of 19th December below). Will someone (ideally journos)
ask Manohar Parrikar what is his stand on what his party colleague in
Orissa has said on the floor of the Orissa Assembly? Will he state
whether that is the BJP's party line or whether the party is disowning
that MLA and if so what is the party's action against that MLA?



Tension in Kandhamal as Christian leader kidnapped
Bhubaneswar: Kandhamal continued to remain on the edge after a
45-year-old Dalit Christian, Digal, who is also the Kandhamal district
Congress Sevadal president, was allegedly kidnapped by some miscreants
shouting Jai Shri Ram. Kandhamal Superintendent of Police S Praveen
Kumar said Digal, a resident of Kanjamendi village in K Nuagaon Block
of Kandhamal was allegedly abducted in G Udaygiri block on Tuesday

"He was returning home along with his son Muna, from the house of
Congress MLA Ajayanti Pradhan on a bike when some miscreants accosted
him on the road between Telengia and Sitapanga. His son has alleged
that he was kidnapped and killed. But we are yet to find his body or
the vehicle and have registered a case of kidnapping only. We are
searching the area thoroughly for Digal," he said.

Raising the matter in the Assembly, Congress president Jaydev Jena
alleged that Digal and his son were attacked by a group shouting Jai
Shri Ram. Both Jena and his party colleague Satyabhushan Sahu said the
incident took place two days ago and the Government must provide
information about Digal. Congress's Nalinikanta Mohanty expressed fear
that Digal might have been killed as his hat was recovered from the
kidnapping site.

The alleged kidnapping may worsen the situation in Kandhamal as it
comes a week before the December 25 Orissa bandh called by Swami
Laxmanananda Saraswati Shraddhanjali Samiti to protest police inaction
in arresting Saraswati's killers.

Though the BJP is yet to take an official stand on whether to support
the bandh or not, the party is readying for a face-off with the BJD
over the bandh. BJP legislator Mahesh Sahu created a flutter in the
Assembly when he remarked that those who felt apprehensive could go to
Italy, Australia or Kerala to celebrate Christmas. Worried over the
bandh call, the Government has deployed 45 companies of the CRPF and
sealed the district borders.
(M) 9326137682
"Every flower must grow through dirt." -- Anonymous

[Goanet] Could be Goa?

2008-12-22 Thread Hartman de Souza
Hartman writes: Just received the article below from a friend. It's very
beautifully written and very eloquent, and strange though it may seem, is
signed 'Anonymous'. Somewhere in the article, towards the end, the writer
says that where Mumbai goes, the rest of the country follows. How true.
Readers may find suprising parallels with what's happening in Goa.

Me Mumbaikar

The gruesome battleground in South Mumbai has left us Mumbaikars fed up,
scared, angry, willing to lash out, especially at the politicians. We now
have an incoherent rant against "the other" or "the system". My heart goes
out to the victims and this article in no way downplays the magnitude of the
human tragedy. Yet as a lifelong Mumbaikar, I have not been able to shake a
feeling that people have deliberately refused to grasp the essence of the
problem because it is not conveniently gift wrapped with a bow on it.

Simply put, there is no "other" to blame. Mumbaikars over decades of greed
and rapacity, have destroyed rule of law and corrupted the systems which
should have protected us. We are the system. We are the reality of Mumbai.
We are its pestilence. It is convenient to demand action, to demand results,
somehow, anyhow.

Can we believe in a fantasy that a bureaucracy, government and law
enforcement apparatus which have never delivered anything meaningful which
we have ourselves strangled over the years, can suddenly start delivering
results in one narrow sphere of security?

AIDS victims don't die of AIDS. They die because AIDS reduces immunity and
invites secondary diseases to feast on the weakened host. An AIDS patient
can die from a common cold. Terrorists only descended upon the enfeebled
carcass of Mumbai to deliver the coup de grace. They are the opportunistic
secondary infection.

Mumbai was always a symbol of opportunity and accomplishment, with the
accompanying corruptions of any big city. But what is Mumbai today?

It's a ghettoized city of intolerance where Raj Thackeray can rouse lakhs of
people into hatred of an "other", where vegetarians can discriminate openly
against the "other" in their buildings, where Muslim enclaves make the
"other" uncomfortable in their midst, where a parallel economy and a
parallel justice system can thrive.

It is a city of corruption, where the police force has been emasculated,
where constables have to take bribes to pay off the cost of their postings,
where senior officials operate openly in collusion with industrial houses,
where human trafficking and child abuse are openly tolerated in plain sight
at traffic signals.

It is a city of decay, where greedy and corrupt builders can destroy every
last inch of breathing space, documents can be faked, BMC officials bought
off en masse, protesters can be bullied and threatened, restaurant owners
can dump their daily trash in any quiet street corner.

It is a city of harassment, where kids on loud motorcycles can whiz about
unstopped, where loud pandals and religious displays disturb people way into
the night, where poor people live in constant fear of harassment by the

It is a city of neglect, where we cannot even point to one bylane free of
potholes and garbage, not for technical reasons but because it fuels the
perpetual motion machine of contracts and corruption.

It is a city where the local governance become an enemy of the people,
grabbing parks, destroying open mangroves, dumping huge toxic waste in plain
view of its citizens.

Ask a Mumbaikar from the slums what fun it is to get his kid's birth
certificate from the BMC, to get past a police check, to get a lawyer who
won't cheat him for common things,to get a judge who won't delay his case
indefinitely. A poor "unconnected" person or a single woman would think
thrice before walking into a police station to get help and even then would
not do it.

Above all Mumbai is a city of temporary convenience and compromise with no
core values left to hold on to.

The euphoria of economic growth justified every short cut and every
depredation. Beneath the facade, Mumbai fell apart street by street, tree by
tree, victim by victim. Mumbai is not an international city, it is an
international joke.

It is easier to take offense or retreat behind cliches, than to sincerely
ponder the truth of this statement. The city cannot provide roads, fire
service, ambulance service, police safety to its people.

Those who feel it is "part of the charm" to walk past open garbage and
people defecating, to drive on wretched roads, to not have any place to take
your child to play, to have parks grabbed by local slumlords, are in denial
about their hometown. They add to the apathy which keeps it in decline. We
try to talk ourselves into believing that the human vibrancy covers up the
physical dehumanization.

Each and every one of these acts is perpetrated by a Mumbaikar. Each
incident is like an incident of unprotected sex which takes the victim
closer to the fatal disease. Each instance of apathy is just like o

[Goanet] VOA News - India Says Prepared for All Measures if Pakistan Fails to Act Against Extremists

2008-12-22 Thread Ruby Goes

What a messy situation.



[Goanet] Goanet Weddings: Joaquim Da Cruz & Ashlyn Lobo (Loutolim)

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News
Loutolim, Salcete (Goa) was the venue for the mid-week (Dec 18, 2008)
wedding of Joaquim Da Cruz and Ashlyn Lobo of Vasco. The groom is son
of the popular musician Emiliano -- who has entertained Goa with his
Latino-style music for a generation and more.

Nuptials at 5.30 pm was at the Loutolim Saviour of the World Church,
with family, friends and wellwishers witnessing the celebration of
Mass that ended around 6.30 pm. While the bridal couple attended tos
igning the registers, the rest of the church was treated to a violin
solo for about ten minutes by a young woman. All tuned in with rapt
attention till the last note.

Outside the church foyer, the young couple was greeted and wished.
Guests were treated at Crystal Rock, next to Big Foot, a
well-decorated brightly lit garden lawn park with a spacious circular
dance floor that accomodates 500 couples. Lynx was the band in
attendance, with Bambino as emcee. The evening, which lasted till 1
pm, also saw a spacious 30-dish buffet capping the evening. [Inputs:

* * *

Send your birthday greetings to greeti...@goanet.org

[Goanet] Is religion...

2008-12-22 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
... the only thing there is to discuss on Goanet? After 13+ years
here, it seems as if we're having all our bandwidth clogged up with
just one issue. Sad! FN
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
M: +91-9822122436 P: +91-832-2409490


2008-12-22 Thread augusto pinto

I think Valmiki Faleiro's Herald Sunday Mirror article series on Goan names
is quite hilarious. But underlying the humour is the fact that giving a name
to a child is a political act. An act whereby the identity of the child is
sought to be defined. Somewhere after India's independence  and around the
time of Goa's Liberation  one can find many Goan Catholics were given
"Indian" names by their parents - Valmiki is one, but also Rabindranath,
Gandhi, Aurobindo ... and among girls Sunita, Anita and so on - obviously
the parents were announcing their sympathy to Indian  nationalism.

However some of the names that were given were given to children during
Portuguese times were truly millstones around their necks. Often it was done
to honour an ancestor.  My brother was named Tertuliano, after a
grandfather, whom someone had named after someone who was named after some
obscure Christian writer. It was a name which my brother detested and so it
was made more tolerable by shortening it to Tate, But that too  became
unacceptable after he went to England where he discovered that there Tate
was a surname, and to be addressed by one's surname as in,"Hello Tate"
was  demeaning. So he switched to using his second name Antonio, which he
further shortened to Tony! Now all these name changing shenanigans may
create problems for his child in legal affairs as his documents bear
different names.

Of late there seems to be a trend of creating hybrid names from the names of
the father and mother. But sometimes one wishes that the parents were a bit
careful when they did this - I'm pretty sure it was a couple named Felicity
and Abdon who stupidly decided to name their child Felon. I hope that a
Mervin and a Dion don't decide to name their child Melon and a Donald and a
Cornelia don't make their son a Con or worse Corny.

Surnames are a bit more difficult to manipulate, but here too politics
enters. A.K Priolkar  exploited this in his clever attack on Goan Christians
in 'Who is a Goan?' in Goa Re-Discovered, 1967, when he suggested that  they
should  abandon the Portuguese surnames that came to them after conversion,
and either revert to their original pre-conversion names or take up a
suitably Goan Hindu sounding one by adopting the name of the village one
happens to reside in - like Lotlikar, Calangutkar etc - in order that they
appear more nationalised.

Anyway, looking forward to see how Valmiki manages to manoeuvre his way
through the treacherous minefield of names in his future articles.


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] KUWAIT: GULAB" Carol Singing Competition

2008-12-22 Thread Gulab Kuwait
Kala Mogui Kuwait  &  Gulab Working Committee


GULAB" Carol Singing Competition

Date:  26th December 2008 at 3:30pm

Venue: Carmel School Auditorium, Khaitan, Kuwait

KMK - Kala Mogui Kuwait 

[Goanet] Police Constable Ambadas Pawar

2008-12-22 Thread Roland Francis
I am glad that at least in one area, I see a significant change for the better.

For many many years, the heroic sacrifice of one's life in India did
not receive the monetary compensation one would have liked to see

I hope the following is a typical example of the families of poor
victims of 26/11 being compensated.
Compensation Pawar's family may get:
Rs 25 lakh from state, Rs 14 lakh from Railways; Rs 5 lakh from BMC;
Rs 5 lakh from Baba Ramdev; Rs 5 lakh from the emoluments from the
police department, including contribution, insurance and gratuity; Rs
1 lakh from the Congress; Rs 40,000 from a corporate house; Rs 33,000
a month for the next five years from a corporate house; 2BHK MHADA
flat at Pratiksha Nagar, Antop Hill, worth around Rs 25 lakh.


Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] re poem

2008-12-22 Thread Marinella Proenca
Hi there

Since there are some mistakes in the post that has appeared on goanet, I am
re-sending my poem.


Aurora of Christmastide-  Marinella Proença

Josef and Donkey trudged down the path

Over rocks, then 'ways of cobbled-stone

Donkey nudged on to carry his load:

Hallowed Tabernacle to the Prince un-born

Viagem into Bethlehem's heart.

Stopped here – looked on…

Weary and hopeful, enquiring along

Good Josef

He needed a room

To rest his Beloved –

So patient but worn

Good Josef

He needed a room

To rest his Beloved –

She with child (to be born).

And so again

He stopped here – looked on…

Thanks Be! On thrice-try

A Keeper of Inn soon ushered them in

To a Manger: warm and small

No vacancy it seems

Across down the hall

Josef helped Mary gently to sit

On hay: spun gold

That shone by lamp-lit

Soon creatures witnessed the Birth of our King

'Jeweled Knight, Prince of Peace'

Myriad angels did sing

The Manger turned Throne for the Li'l Babe within

And trumpets they sounded

Sweet shepherds they rounded

In – the Magi strutted

To bow to our King

The Manger turned Throne for the Li'l Babe within.

Don't wait for clip-clops

Don't wait for door-knocks

Just open your hearts

To the swaddle-clothed King

Save your heart as a Throne

For Him and Him alone -

Peace and Goodwill

For you He shall bring.

-  Marinella Proença

[Goanet] Conversion and secularism

2008-12-22 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
This message is to Marshall Mendonza.

Marshall, before I key in my response on above subject, can I ask you as to
your definition of the words Conversion and Secularism? 

I await your response by return message.

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Goa news for December 23, 2008

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Bengal mark return to Elite Division - Cricketnext.com
[Dec 21, 2008]  PTI New Delhi: Bengal returned to the Ranji
Trophy Elite Division after registering a 107-run first innings
lead against Goa in the Plate league semi-final ...

*** Goa beach party ban leaves Israeli youths in the lurch -
[Dec 21, 2008]  Jerusalem (PTI): Goa's decision to cancel all
beach parties may force thousands of Israeli youths, who throng
the popular Goan beaches every year, ...

*** Tourism to Goa takes beating after Mumbai attacks - The
Associated Press
[5 hours ago]  The only thing missing from Goa's beaches are
the throngs of merrymakers who normally flock here for the
hedonistic year-end parties. ...

*** French woman found dead in Goa - Hindu
[7 hours ago]  The husband is being treated at the Goa Medical
College and Hospital, they said. Both of them were found near a
trailer equipped with all the amenities ...

*** 300 Central paramilitary personnel rushed to Goa - Hindu
[11 hours ago]  New Delhi (PTI): The Centre on Monday sent 375
CRPF and RAF personnel to Goa in the wake of intelligence
reports suggesting that the tourist hot spot might ...

*** Goa year-end beach parties banned after Mumbai attacks:
gov\'t - AFP
[Dec 20, 2008]  PANAJI, India (AFP) ” Beach parties in the
Indian resort state of Goa are to be banned over the Christmas
and New Year because of security fears following ...

*** Goa accuses Karnataka of illegally diverting river water -
[Dec 21, 2008]  Panaji (IANS): Goa has accused Karnataka of
diverting waters from the Mhadei river into the depleted
Malaprabha basin and has called a cabinet sub-committee ...

*** Migrant verification yields results in S Goa - Times of
[Dec 21, 2008]  MARGAO: Hordes of migrantsbeing drawn to police
stations voluntarily is now a common sight in South Goa. Armed
with verification forms, migrants have been ...

*** Rural development to pick up in Goa - Times of India
[Dec 21, 2008]  The state government is reported to have
constructed 2898 houses for the rural poor, the minister told
Rajya Sabha member of Parliament for Goa, ...

*** Jaiswal to visit Goa to review Christmas security - Times
of India
[9 hours ago]  PANAJI: Union Minister of State for Home
Sriprakash Jaiswal will be in Goa on the eve of Christmas for an
internal security review meeting with top state ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] goa's exchequer

2008-12-22 Thread Eugene Correia
Holy smoke that Aires is writing about Goa's exchequer and ministers. For a man 
of his integrity and guile, he should be the last person to talk about it. 
I am not surprised at his somersaults. Recent events involving Aires are still 
too fresh in memory. But then for someone like me who has been a "victim" of 
his arrogance all I can say is that the man should be ignored and his views be 
dismissed as from those of a crank.



[Goanet] Meet the Prince of Konkani Humour... via You Tube

2008-12-22 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
The Prince of Konkani Humour: Prince Jacob
Why did he take to comedy? What's the challenges in producing films in
Konkani? What needs to be done to take Konkani stories to the big
screen? And what are his upcoming plans? PRINCE JACOB, the popular
figure of the Konkani stage (and of the recent film PADRI) spends
seven minutes focussing on these issues in an exclusive interview with

Michael Gracias... on Romi Konkani books and more
Goa-based publisher Michael Gracias explains the economics and
challenges of promoting books in Konkani in Goa.

Promoting written Konkani, how?
Konkani enthusiast Walter Menezes from Quepem
 is into poetry, writing and even sketching.
He talks of his work, and how even a couple of cross-language book
reviews (of Konkani books, but written in English) had their good

Goa's neglected toddy-tapper (render)
Jess Fernandes  is director of the Qupeme
Urban Co-op Credit Society, but his heart is in writing. He has penned
30 books in Konkani, and has collected a wide range of artifacts that
related to the lives of the traditional toddy-tapper (render) in Goa.
Hear all about this here.

Margao's Rabindra Bhavan
Goa got a new cultural centre at Margao, called the Rabindra Bhavan,
recently. Some glimpses from the place... if you haven't visited it
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
M: +91-9822122436 P: +91-832-2409490

Re: [Goanet] The right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Carvalho

--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Vinay Natekar  wrote:

 Mass conversions by the
> so-called faith healing programmes in the guise of offering
> social service, etc should be checked at root.
> Regards
> Vinay
Yes Vinay, right behind you mate. While we are at it let us just stop 
Christians from celebrating Christmas Mass because Hindus do attend it, tear 
down their public statues because Hindus do pay homage to them, ban their 
holidays (Parrikar already tried I believe) and ensure we rewrite India's 
history so that every child knows that these Christians are the direct 
descendants of those who brought the Inquisition to India. Otherwise who know, 
Hindus might want to convert.

By the way Vinay, where were you hiding when Christians were being tormented in 
Orissa? I was waiting for you and Barad to come on Goanet and condemn what was 
happening. Strangely enough I didn't hear from either of you then.

Is this the India you want to create?

Hurray. Viva la India.



2008-12-22 Thread michael iglesias

It's certainly good to celebrate during this festive season but one should not 
forget what happened in Mumbai recently and God forbid it should never  happen 
in any country again , in Goa we should be very vigilant and use our wisdom 
wisely during these celebrations, let's not pretend to be carefree on such 
situations , God has blessed each and every one of us with wisdom and it would 
be wrong if we know the threat surrounding our nation and yet we tend to take 
it lightly and are ignorant.
The entire Police machinery or even the additional police force sent in by 
Central Govt may not be enough to prevent or understand what the enemy is 
planning, each  and every citizen in today's India , and human being should be 
a police ,a spy, a warrior,a protector of the India, of their respective 
states, people, and themselves we can't be wise after the sad incident happens 
and can't blame the police entirely, let's be watchful and careful of our 
families not with fear but being fearless and wise in celebrating this festive 
seasons in GOA 
If beach parties are banned , please don't think of how much we would have made 
and how much we have lost due to this restriction but let's think of how we can 
avoid casualties and be safe and celebrate it in a true Christmas spirit , 
let's sacrifice this years celebration by having a low key celebrations ,as a 
respect to all who passed away in Mumbai and be thankful to God that it never 
touches Goa never never. Probably we have not been affected that's why we have 
no clue what it takes to face terror and killings of our loved ones or even if 
they are not our own . 
Let's boldly and respectfully see the positive sides of banning these beach 
parties  and not shed tears afterwards due to our own fault.
Soem one sent me this TERROR STRIKE PATTERN , i would like to share this with 
you , one may want to believe it or not , or just ignore it 
Interesting observation...are they dates pre-planned or mere coincidence? 
Hi ... check this out ... terror strike pattern!!  
13 May  JAIPUR June --- 26 July  AHMEDABAD 
August --- 13 September  DELHI October 
- 26 November --- MUMBAI December 
 13 January - What Next? 
Find a better job. We have plenty. Visit MSN Jobs

[Goanet] Re The right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- None of us have the proper knowledge of religion and of God. 
Mostly the Roman Catholics boast of their religion as true religion constructed 
by Jesus Christ and that the pope is the direct descend of Peter who was the 
\first Pope. I do not want to argue on anything for I have not gone to Heaven 
and come back to tell you how it looks. None of us including the popes and the 
bishops and the priest. The only person who had been to heaven and had come 
down from heaven was Jesus for he was the true son of God. From my childhood it 
is the same cassette that I have been hearing .Everything is forced down our 
throats. The so called cathesism was heavily injected like the polio dose by 
force from childhood. What to do ? The so called poor people live in huts and 
sometimes the daily wage labourer depends on his daily work to get paid in the 
evening to buy him bread and honey. Everyone shouts from roof tops. I am a 
catholic. I go for mass everyday. I do church work. I am this and I am that. 
But none of the catholics will visit any houses meet people and transfer the 
word of God to the other. We have been celebrating feasts of Mary.365 in a year 
.I am sure for many Mary are many. I heard from a very educated person that 
Valankani Mary is powerful M
For the freshest Indian Jobs Visit MSN Jobs

[Goanet] Growing Up Extreme: On the Peculiarly Vicious Fanatacism of Expatriates

2008-12-22 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 11:12:12 +0530
From: "Marshall Mendonza" 

Frederick had made an interesting observation that many expatriates profess
liberal values abroad and are arch conservatives back home. They practice
double standards. Secularism for some of them is only skin deep. Here is an
article written by Shashi Tharoor in the Washington Post sometime in the
90's but still very relevant today.


Mario observes:


While not denying that some expatriates may be vicious fanatics, may I remind 
you that there are far more vicious fanatics, as a percentage, back home who 
are NOT expatriates?  There are even some on Goanet.

On the other hand Indian expatriates raise and remit BILLIONS of non-fanatic 
charitable contributions to family members and NGOs, have raised the image of 
Indians from lowly indentured laborers a few generations ago to the highest 
rungs of British, Canadian and American society and achievement levels, and 
were instrumental in helping President Bush and Manmohan Singh to successfully 
complete the new nuclear power agreement that should transform India into 
electric self suffiency if properly implemented.

[Goanet] The right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Vinay Natekar
Selma wrote : There cannot be a "sinister and subversive" plot when people have 
a power to say no.
Dear Selma,
There is a provision in our Constitutional which gives one right to practice or 
 propagate any religion. There is a right also to ask people to convert. 
However, when it comes  to maintain  public order these  rights  need to be 
restricted. The conversions by force, fraud and inducements was are under 
debate. Have a look at the conversions in  Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Arunachal 
Pradesh and their impact on law and order there which compelled some Indian 
states to implement ban on conversions. Even  the Supreme Court ruled that 
these states had acted legally and within the spirit of the Constitution. Thus, 
a fundamental right to convert has been denied by the Supreme Court. 
L.K. Advani who has been termed  a communal, however he himself rejected ban on 
religious conversions. 
While a person cannot be denied a right to convert himself on his own free 
will, and after his own study of the religion he wishes to adopt and the one 
that he wishes to leave, the right to ask someone else to change should be 
questioned. But Today we can see conversions by  enticement and fraud are quite 
rampant. Mass conversions by the so-called faith healing programmes in the 
guise of offering social service, etc should be checked at root.

[Goanet] The Right to Convert

2008-12-22 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 11:39:27 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

But conversions in India, as they are happening today, are not
merely about empowering the poor. It is about a sinister and subversive
strategy, hatched in the US, backed by the Bush administration over the

Mario responds:

Dr. Barad,

I have good news for you.  The Bush administration, which BTW has only been in 
power since 2001 and has had their hands full in converting 50 million Muslims 
to freedom and democracy, will be over in another month, so you can begin to 
transfer the "hatching" to Barack Obama's transition team.  Sonal Shah may be 
able to help you get to the right people.

Isn't it "sinister and subversive" to demand in a free society like India that 
people must continue to profess the religion of their birth even if if they 
want to follow a different religion after they grow up?

[Goanet] Poema escrito por Sílvia Bragança (viúva do Prof. Aquino de Bragança), depois do s incidentes de Mumbai (Bombaim)

2008-12-22 Thread Jorge Heitor

Following Gandhi's steps

Following Gandhi's steps
INDIA can invite the WORLD
To make a Great Peace March
Physically and intellectually conceived
To grew up our World for new actions

The courage of all the staff, military or not,
 In the process of battle to gain the serenity:
To dismantle the tragic operation,
The Authorities' safety words help
The people of India and of the world,
The media fellows with one's life in danger
Show us all the events
To think and rethink
In this inspected phenomenon.

Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and Jew, all religions people
>From south, north, east, west
All together, let's join our minds to construct
Our destroyed world
PEACE and CLEAR mind
 Must be the vivid
 Philosophical and practical involvement

WE ALL must guess,
WE ALL must pray,
WE all must realize!

Please! You, two hundred and more political leaders
 Commanding the world,
Look for the History
And re-created
The new world!
No problem if the economic power is down
Joint the hands
 To construct
To the equal
It IS time!
The new ERA

Please follow the steps...
Of many more examples
To fully join reality:

Sílvia, a war's victim at 1986
29 November 2008


2008-12-22 Thread sharmila Fernandes

We the family members of  late Joao Agostinho Fernandes  thank the organisors  
Dalgado Konknni Akademi, and the Konknni playwright fraternity of the first  
" Konknni (ROMI LIPI) Sahitya ani Sonvskruti Sommelon" to be held on 20th and 
21st December, 2008 for naming the venue, of the convention as "Pai Tiatrist" 
- "Joao Agostinho Fernandes nagar " - at Ravindra Bhavan,   Margao Goa ,and for 
staging a tiatr written by "Pai Tiatrist " to commemorate his   birth 
Indeed we do acknowledge also earlier efforts to name the 1150 AC indoor 
auditorium after "Pai Tiatrist" on 20/07/2008.
It is indeed a great honour bestowed upon him for the cause of Konknni.
We also take this opportunity to extend an open invitation to all the 
organisors and the delegates who would be participating in the two day 
convention to visit  the " House of Pai Tiatrist " during the convention or 
even thereafter.
We are indeed delighted that the State Government of Goa is upon the 
recommendation of the Rajya Sabha MP  Shri Shantaram L Naik, who visited our 
house on 30/08/2008 considering maintaining the modest 140 year old "House of 
Pai Tiatrist" , so that it will inspire the upcoming Konknni playwrights  to 
understand how Pai Tiatrist rose to become an icon in Konknni tiatros, even 
though he came from humble background.  His personal effects and orginal works 
will be preserved in this House for the benefit of visitors.
It would also be of interest to know that on the 100th death anniversary on 
30/12/1908  of  his wife Regina Fernandes, the first lady to act on stage on 
22/11/1904, there will be a Eucharistic Mass dedicated to her at the Holy 
Spirit Church Margao at  8.00 a.m.  Friends and well wishers may accept this as 
the only intimation.
We wish the organisors of the "Sommelon"  all success and many more to follow.
Kindly circulate this message to all Konknni lovers.
Ana Maria Carolina Quadros Fernandes,
306, House of "Pai Tiatrist" 
Modsai, Margao - Goa  403 601
+ 0832 2726713

  New Email names for you! 
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. 
Hurry before someone else does!

[Goanet] Goa's Sunburn under cloud of doubt

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News
Goa's Sunburn under cloud of doubt
22 Dec 2008, 1354 hrs IST, PTI

PANAJI: Sunburn, labelled as Asia's biggest music festival, is facing
uncertainty with Goa banning beach parties citing security reasons.

The three-day festival was scheduled to start from December 26 at
North district's Candolim beach in Goa. Top disk jockeys from across
the world were expected to perform at the festival.

The state government last weekend decided to ban all beach parties
from December 23 to January 5. The decision comes a couple of days
after the organisers of Sunburn festival declared their event.

The organisers said they have all the requisite permissions, but the
district administration has categorically stated that the event would
be on hold.

"We have all the required permissions and there will be clarity on the
issue only today," Manoj Aggarwal, CEO of the organiser Percent D'Mark

The organisers claim that the festival is not held on the beach but on
a private property which gives it immunity from the ban.

The festival website www.sunburn-festival.com carries a notice which
reads "Conflicting reports in Goa newspapers case doubt on post 10 pm
parties on public beaches, but Sunburn runs from 12 noon to 10 pm on
private property and has the full backing of the Goa government and
local authorities."

However, the district administration has said that Sunburn festival is
not exempted from the ban.

"There are no exceptions for any festival except traditional
celebrations," North Goa collector Mihir Vardhan said.

The state police officers also contended that they have not issued any
no-objection certificate to any of the festival and they are
proceeding with the ban orders for security reasons.


[Goanet] EXHIBITION: The World of Mario

2008-12-22 Thread
Mario's works at Hotel Rajdhani, Panaji:

A  selection of limited edition prints of famous Goan artist, Mario Miranda, 
along with an array of other items such as portfolio, cards, tiles, books 
and other gift items, will be on sale at Picturesque Gallery opposite Hotel 
Rajdhani from December 21, 2008 to January 1, 2009 from 9:30am to 7pm.

The selection is made by Gerard DaCunha and will accompany the exhibition, 
The World of Mario' which is to be held in Mumbai by early January.

Goanet A&E

Re: [Goanet] Goan joke

2008-12-22 Thread Seb dc

Everyday i learn something new on goanet

Today i learnt that there is a 'Joke and a mental Joke'..Without goanet who
would have leant all these new things, that popup every now and then! I am
having a laugh on the joker, i hope you do as well:-)

But there is one problem here. It proves that indeed English is a difficult
language after-all and not for all:-)


Re: [Goanet] The Right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 14:37:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Carvalho 

I think I am experiencing forced conversions here in the UK. Every time I am on 
a bus or walking to my favourite butcher to buy mutton (Muslim butchers sell 
the best mutton here), I have these Jamaican ladies who come running up to me, 
guaranteeing eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. No amount of telling them 
that I am already Catholic seems to dissuade them. They insist I must read the 
Bible. Maybe there is something about me that says I can't possibly be 
Christian, like that Madonna T-shirt I keep wearing :-)

Mario observes:

These Jamaican women obviously Googled "Strange Indian woman with Madonna 
T-shirt" which led them to you on Goanet where you have loudly and frequently 
proclaimed yourself to be an agnostic, i.e. fence-sitter, which makes you a 
perfect target for those who want to pull people to their side of the fence.

Just ask them where you can get the best Jamaican jerk chicken or goat curry.

Selma wrote:

Stop forced conversions in the UK, especially on the Red Bus, since there is 
absolutely no chance of me getting my British driving license and I have to 
keep using that bus. Say no to forced conversions :-)

Mario responds:

Now this is embarrassing - for you to say that you cannot earn a driver's 
license in a country with the most benign and polite drivers on earth where 
everyone religiously follows the rules - at least they used to.

And, after suggesting how freedom of religion should work and sending both Dr. 
Barad, a hardworking defender of Hindutva, and the equally hardworking defender 
of Christianity, Marshall, off on the same constitutional tangent, you are now 
insisting that people cannot preach and advertise their religion, thereby 
impeding their freedom of religion:-))

Selma wrote:

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Mario adds:

Here's adding the same wishes to all Goanetters.

[Goanet] The Right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:26:10 +0530
From: "Marshall Mendonza" 

I believe the Supreme Court ruling was flawed. Refer critique given below.

"And, although many legal luminaries believe that the 1977 judgment was
unconstitutional, since it has been ruled by the Apex Court, we must abide
by it. This means, as of now, Christians have the right only to communicate 
their beliefs or expose the tenets of Christianity to others, and not to 
convert. However, if the person to whom the faith is propagated is convinced 
and wants to profess or practice on his own volition, he or she has the right 
to do so." Unquote.


Mario responds:

We got off on this tangent because Dr. Barad turned the thread on its head and 
cited this Supreme Court ruling inappropriately in answer to Selma's comment 
that Indians in a free society that guarantees freedom of religion MUST have 
the right to convert from their religion at birth.

Both you and Tehmina Arora are missing the point.  The Indian Supreme Court 
correctly overruled the Orissa High Court on a very narrow issue challenging 
the state of Orissa for instituting procedures to verify whether Oriyas were 
converting voluntarily and not under duress or against their will, which has 
been an allegation in impoverished and socially backward parts of rural India.  
The state of Orissa was not impeding anyone's freedom of religion, simply 
monitoring that freedom.  That's it.  Case closed.

None of this prevents Indians from preaching their religion or from voluntarily 
converting from their religion at birth.

[Goanet] UK House of Lords discusses Orissa attacks

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza

Re: [Goanet] Pakistan -failed state?

2008-12-22 Thread Roland Francis
Hello Manoj,
Just had time to read one chapter of the ebook, but what I have read
merits reading of the entire book.

The author seems to be balanced while still maintaining a direction he
wants to take with the reader.

Please tell us something about him.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 12:16 AM, Manoj Raikar
> Hello,
> Pakistan failed state?
> Decide after reading attachment
> Regards
> Manoj Raikar
> Attachment: Pakistan Failed State  By Shiv Sastry
> http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/EBOOKS/pfs.pdf

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

Re: [Goanet] Ref: Oh God, What Did I do ?

2008-12-22 Thread goasuraj

Dear Freddy,

This is a fit script for a RoseFerns' Tiatr, really.
Much appreciated.


- Original Message - 
From: "Freddy Fernandes" 

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 11:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Ref: Oh God, What Did I do ?

What Should I do ?

My name is Dom Pedro and I came from a poor family,  I am thankful to my
for helping me to finish my studies, they had to sacrifice a lot to pay for
education, my younger sister was still in School, though I tried very hard
all I
could do was get a Commerce degree. I tried to get a decent job but no luck,
parents couldn't afford to pay agents for a job in the Gulf or on the ship,
should I do ? This was the question that vibrated between my ears with great
intensity, I was going nuts, just then local elections were announced and
one was on the run and in hunt for candidates and supporters by whatever
means. .

[Goanet] It's time for Goans to do introspection: Kamat

2008-12-22 Thread mario rodrigues

 CM saying it is become a fashion nowadays to oppose everything. Well I was 
trying to think of  his defination of DEVELOPMENT. 1. Does it mean ,develop and 
develop in coastal areas and let the people die of MALARIA?2. Does it mean, cut 
down hills & mountains and expose Goa  to environmental disaster?3. Does it 
mean, let the beaches be full of shacks and beds that common person can cannot 
even take a walk?
( There was a time when there was lot of place on beach for "DRIED FISH", but 
now it is only "TWO LEGGED TANNING"- I can see our taste has changed!!!  4. 
Does it mean, close his eyes and ears and support mining activities 24x7?5. 
Does it mean, go slow on demands of special status for Goa so that they win a 
lottery from mega projects?6. Does it mean, keep on allowing migrants and let 
slumps grow like mushrooms in Goa?7. Does it mean, drive bumper to bumper on 
the same  roads(1960's )  and let people die anytime?8. Does it mean, keep 
providing clear drinking water to star hotels and let people drink from 
contaminated pipes?9. Does it mean, keep open skies for charters to land on the 
same strip of  dabolim where two aircrafts can brush each other?10. Does it 
mean, GOANS should now buy BREAD from outsiders?Oh hoGOOD to see  
DEVELOPMENT in Goa and Goans can afford to buy BREAD at Rs. 2.50 Well, I think 
the CM & his team also has on his list of development  better life(hosp
 itals), better education( Universities), better living( enviornment). WHEN???  
 > Message: 2> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:13:00 +0530 (IST)> From: Miguel 
Braganza > Subject: [Goanet] It's time for Goans to 
do introspection: Kamat> To: Goanet > Message-ID: 
<127979.56138...@web8702.mail.in.yahoo.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; 
charset=utf-8> > Dears,> > QUOTE "Goa has done a lot of progress and there is 
still scope for further> development, however, the people are now opposing 
everything," the Chief> Minister said and added that it is important for people 
to draw a line with> regard to development. UNQUOTE> > Obviously, the CM does 
not like the LINE drawn by the people of Goa through the Gram Sabha resolutions 
across Goa AFTER the TCP Department had a field day with colours ...all in the 
name of DRP 2021 based VILLAGE PLANS that are removed from the reality!!> > 
Perhaps, he thinks that the GBA is KPA once more and that GGRM, CCF
 s, BVAC, GGR, KNS, SVM and other CBOs/CSOs can be wished away like a builder's 
mid-summer night's dream.> > Mog asundi> > Miguel
More than messages–check out the rest of the Windows Live™.

Re: [Goanet] Foreign Funded charity

2008-12-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 12/21/08, Sandeep Heble  wrote:
> I am not per se against an Indian converting from one faith
> to another. If someone is not treated well in his own religion
> or ceases to believe in his own religion's philosophies, ideals
> and beliefs, that person should well be entitled to convert, but the
> conversion must be voluntary, i.e. without the use of unethical
> methods like force, fraud or material inducements.

The use of the word material is noted, but I think inducements should be 
allowed. In my opinion from a legal standpoint judging whether an inducement is 
used in a conversion activity or not is a tough thing. When you tell somebody 
that this is the only way you can be saved or that this is the shortest route 
to heaven, you are by definition using a psychological inducement.

Even tougher is to judge whether the inducement used is fraudulent
because the whole system is based on belief. A religious belief by its
very nature does not have to be supported by scientific evidence. So
if you tell somebody that they will be cured from cancer if they pray
for this saint to intercede on their behalf, as soon as they convert,
and you sincerely believe what you are telling them, then are you
committing a fraud? I have a suspicion that our legal system says no.
Otherwise, it would slide down a slippery slope towards all kinds of
legal precipices related to religious and ethical matters.




[Goanet] Subject: A Letter to the Archbishop of Goa - By Mario Cabral e Sa

2008-12-22 Thread floriano

Dear Mario Cabral e Sa, Sir,

Due to my preoccupation with family matters, the celebrating kind though, I 
had no time to look into the daily load of newspapers I subscribe to and 
hopefully I shall be able to catch-up with the goings-on of the past few 
days. But, as a force of habit, to the point of 'come what may' I always but 
always do not miss to scan thro' the NT Panorama, for it never fails to 
deliver. And it did, today, with this letter of yours to our 'Goumvli Bab- 
Archbishop of Goa. And, Goa World Today has saved me the trouble to 
transcribe the entire text so that I may venture to make my two bit comments 
on your said letter.

Your have started by identifying two major mainstays of our economy, that of 
'mining' and 'tourism'. It is not proper for me to correct an eminent 
personality of your stature but I think you are very much wrong in your 
classifications since both these so called mainstays have been looking after 
not the economy of Goa and Goans but of a few persons who are in charge of 
these from time to time.

As far as mining is concerned, it should be temporarily banned completely 
until such time that  a more disciplined and eco-friendly mining policy is 
put in place so that Goa's lungs, which are the forests and hills are saved 
on the one side and people's actual lungs are saved from the chronic dust 
pollution emanating from this destructive industry. According to me, a 
policy on the lines of " If the God given mineral deposits do not profit the 
common man of Goa and on the contrary its extraction jeopardizes his very 
health and natural cover, let these deposits lie where they are, undisturbed 
and untouched" would be most appropriate and sound.

As far as the tourism industry is concerned, Goa's leadership have been 
chasing a moving and vapourising cloud. In the bargain Goa has been milched 
for its goodness of resources and laid wasted for generations to clean up 
the mess, with no benefits neither for Goa nor for its people. Only those in 
power from time to time have profited from this mainstay so much so, permit 
me to say, that they have not been able to look at our golden beaches as our 
heritage but just milching cows on the one hand and not even having the 
capacity to put up a simple pedestrian crossing overhead-bridge at the 
tourist-boating jetty in Panjim.

You then talk of 'aggressive negativism'  where you have the 'Council for 
social peace & Justice' heading the anti-SEZ movement, anti RP-2011 etc in 
mind. With all your precious experience, would you classify these as good 
for Goa when they were gifts for the moneyed, custom tailored to denude and 
amputate Goa on the one hand and load it with excess baggage of unwanted and 
unnecessary human load that would be better-off jettisoned into the Arabian 
Sea? Could  the people who took these decisions be termed as 'trust-worthy 
and sons/daughters of Goa?

You are asking the good Archbishop a question you should ask our leading 
politicians " Where are the jobs, Sirs?" In the same breath you wax-eloquent 
about Manohar Parrikar for his Catholics cultivating skills in his usurped 
constituency of Panjim by naming Fontainhas and Mala which names will never 
stop giving Goans sleepless nights for the rampage his dear RSS undertook to 
divest its Portuguese influence. AND if you think Manohar Parrikar has given 
you moments of joy to wet your pants, then I shall want to tell you a story. 
I had coaxed a Catholic Gujarati Industrialist (anglo to be precise), a 
foundry-man, to bring his non polluting, modern 'Engine Block Making 
Technology' to Goa, to use local produce of 'pig-iron' (instead of 
transporting the same from Goa to Rajasthan), train Goan workforce etc. This 
technology was Swiss, could manufacture engine block from  JCBs to small 
cars. Requirement of sand and water was minimum with a requirement of a land 
plot of approx 100,000 square meters (which was identified, accepted and 
negotiated for in Valpoi, privately). Mr. Rosario was told by me that Goa 
sports a Chief Minister who is an IIT'an in Metallurgy and setting up this 
unit would be no problem. Mr. Rosario invested in two trips to Goa from 
Ahmedabad but he went away a sour man. He never stopped telling me that my 
IIT Metallurgist CM told him that he does not understand these things and 
shunted him to the puppet Pollution Control Board who struck off the project 
off-hand without looking at it stating that 'foundries' are polluting and 
cannot be accepted in Goa. But the sad thing is that the same CM introduced 
umpteen steel rolling mills in Goa which are devastatingly polluting and 
free of cost power-guzzling. Amen.

You say "I wish my request for a meeting with you had been conceded". But 
than you were asking for the heavens. Didn't you realize that Archbishop 
Raul Gonsalves had left his trade mark on the administration of the Bishop's 
palace? You are required to write down what you want to talk to the Bishop 
about. On

[Goanet] comedy with mog

2008-12-22 Thread JANE ALPHONSO


Hi guys i hope you will enjoy this. with mog from jane
Sir comedy part 1http://uk.youtube.com/watchv=Vm3Eztter7U&feature=related
Sir COmedy Part 2

 Sir Comedy part 3

Sir comedy part 4
Sir comedy part 5
Sir comedy part 6

Mummy comedy part 1http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XOGEtffu3Z0&feature=related 
Mummy comedy part 2
Mummy comedy part 3
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=v0LqjwfCsW8&feature=related Mummy comedy part 
Mummy comedy part 6

[Goanet] Fast train from Laloo to Digu

2008-12-22 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
It was a party time: One of my friends who had been on holiday to Goa asked
me what's happening in Goa and Goans these days. 


Quick came the answer from another friend: Ask Laloo for starting direct
train from his home State to Goa! 


Prompt came another question from another friend - who will be the
passengers in that train do you know? And how Goa Government is going to
accommodate them? 


Bored with the discussion another friend said: Come on.let's enjoy the
party. After you go HOME please click on this link to get all the answers on
this subject. 


I'm sharing the link provided by my friend to Goanet members:





Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad



[Goanet] Funding of VHP

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
"But efforts to investigate the VHP's foreign funding have been thwarted. In
a 1999 article, Om Prakash Tiwari documents a distressing "missing" file of
the VHP. He writes: "The corridors of power in Delhi have mysteriously
suppressed a file of the Income Tax Department which was investigating into
the fund of Rs 300 crore ($ 62.5 million USD) coming from NRIs allegedly
received by VHP. The Income Tax Commsioner Mr. Vishwa Bandhu Gupta said that
VHP have received ample amount from abroad.¨ (from South Asia Citizens web)

According to Indian Income Tax laws, any religious trust needs to submit its
account for governmental review each year. Section 11 of the Income Tax Act
prohibits the classification of any organization that spreads religious or
caste doctrine as charitable. Each recipient of foreign aid must spend 75%
of the funds in the same year it was received. (ibid)

The "missing" file prevented the Income Commissioner from auditing the
records of the VHP. Since then, the Income Commissioner has been unable to
make a case against the VHP. The Commissioner made four notable

1) the VHP and BJP are not separate bodies and should be treated as one
entity; 2) the VHP did not have any accounts of its expenditure-income; and
3) the construction of a temple (in Ayoodha) is not a social work; and 4)
the VHP did not file any return which would determine where it received the
large quantity of funds. (ibid)

Where then is the money coming from? Below is my effort to trace both the
roots--and the funds-of the Sangh Parivar abroad. " Unquote.




[Goanet] Conversion and secularism

2008-12-22 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
This is in reply to Message: 3, dated: Sun, 21 Dec 2008, from: Marshall
Mendonza under subject titled: Conversion and secularism

Marshall writes: ..But what we are also seeing is the harassment of
minorities through killing and various kinds of actions and inaction. New
legislations, like the conversion statutes, are being drawn up to harass the
minorities. The campaign to intimidate the minorities is done both through
legal and illegal means. Manipulating the law and using the police to arrest
and detain people is yet another form of intimidation. This is what has
happened in Pastor Raju's case. Unfortunately, India's secular governance is
allowing a large number of such instances of abuse and intimidation to
occur. Unquote:

My response: Thanks Marshall you opened the flood gate in Goanet on above
topic. Right this time I would only say that what you wrote is not correct.
It's other way round. And if you still believe in your version please blame
Congress for all the mess they have created in India on this topic. 

>From my view point: Today Minorities are dominating and ruling Majorities. 

More on this issue will follow shortly without causing harassment to Goanet

Meanwhile please digest two messages that appeared in Goanet as an response
to your posting on JOKE: 

1. From Bosco D'Mello (Reference: Message: 4, dated: Sun, 21 Dec under
subject: Goan joke, 


2. From Me with LOVE: (Reference: Message: 6, dated: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 on the
same subject)

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad


2008-12-22 Thread GREG RATO
Hi Goannet staff
In behave of me, my wife and my son, WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND 
A PROSPORUS NEW YEAR 2009, may child Jesus bless you all and our lovely and 
beautiful GOA, which we very earger to see.
Thanks and Best regards
Greg R
Utorda/Saudi Arabia

[Goanet] Govt. sponsorred terror on the common man: Our politicians are still not listening

2008-12-22 Thread Miguel Braganza

The terrorists attacked the Taj and Trident hotels in Mumbai. Both
these hotels are back in business in Mumbai. Their sister hotels will
continue to be in business in Goa. The terrorists did not attack
Chowpatty or Juhu beaches in Mumbai.These beaches will see life this
season while Goa's beaches will be deserted.  All this is possibly
only due to POLICE INTELLIGENCE. What a paradox that is?? A Moidekar
or Benaulekar would have done a better job at the helm of our
Administration and Police but we have to make do with Sardarjis
becuase Goa University syllabus and Goan attt

The Government of Goa seems to have a distinct preference to the rich.
 The banning of the "beach parties" between 23 December, 2008, and 5
January next are a case in point. The sudden removal of the by now
"traditional" food stalls at Miramar circle after an elite Club set up
a restaurant is another. Whether the mechanism used is a court,
executive order or the almost non-existent  police "intelligence", is
another matter.

Of course, the Government has a vested interest. The establishments of
the rich may Luxury, Service, Excise and other taxes from amounts they
earn from the corporate sector junkets and other sources. In addition
to the statutory ETP or STP, the hotels of the rich also have the
mandatory slush funds needed to survive in big business. These are
facts of life that every businessman or woman who has survived in
business knows. It is as much a part of the "growing up" process as
the clandestine sex education. The best business practices are not
taught in the B-schools and I am yet to find a person who has learnt
to make love through the course content of some "professional"
college. One lives to learn, often the hard way if one is poor or "not
so rich" in an affluent place like Goa withthe per capita income
bloated by those who sell the very entrails of Goa in the form of iron

The terrorists attacked the Taj and Trident hotels in Mumbai. Both
these hotels are back in business in Mumbai. Their sister hotels will
continue to be in business in Goa. If there were fears that their
business would face a slump due to poor tourist arrivals, they were
misplaced. "Big Brothers" Government of Goa and the Goa Administration
are there at their service for a small fee, perhaps payable in kind as
complimentary tickets to their shows and other facilities. Relatives
and friends keep popping up this season, you see. With low occupancy
levels this season, there is really no expense in giving a few roooms
for free! With beach parties banned, the borderline cases will opt for
the stars.

The terrorists did not attack Chowpatty or Juhu beaches in Mumbai.
These beaches will see life this season while Goa's beaches will be
deserted. We are in the midst of a Global recession or economic
melt-down [whatever that means], so the foreign tourists in Goa would
normally head straight for the shacks from their rent-back
bed-and-breakfast facilities. They are less "fidalgo" than the
Gujarati babus and babes on a holiday, but otherwise accustomed to
starred hotels in their native lands. If the beaches were not to be
deserted the starred hotels would be. Therein lies the terror: the
terror of losing mega bucks from foreign tourists to the poor shack
owners... if they have the beach parties. They must be banned. The
Government did just that.

It is heartening to see the shack owners protesting. The media has a
responsibility to support the Goan people, native or settler,
struggling to earn a decent living through their shacks and gaddas,
licenced and paid for. Mr. Cruz Cardozo and the Goa Shack Owners'
Welfare Society [G-SOWS] will reap the fruit of their labour, if they
persist and persevere in their demand for compensation if the
Government is adamant on enforcing the ban. The villagers of Candolim
have shown what can be done. The Government has brought in Police
reinforcements to prevent a repetition of that success. It is clearly
on the side of the mine owners. The Tatas are the pioneers in iron ore
mines and steel units, in case it has skipped your mind. More and more
mine owners have gone into hotel trade and now into casinos. If they
can protect their Portuguese colonial "Titulo de Concessao" to mine
ore in Goa with the support of the state and faking an "Opinion Poll",
they can also protect their hotel business and increase the number of
casinos. It is the same story when it comes to the script for Konkani.
Check who traditionally uses the Devanagri script and the Antruzi
dialect and you will find all the answers you need. The Tiatr Akademi
is another "natok" like the "Opinion Poll" for the gullible. Cough
suppresants work only for some time. It is now time to cure the cold,

Miguel Braganza

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa Goa
403507 Ph 9822982676 miguelbraga...@yahoo.co.in

The news clipping

[Goanet] Foreign-funded charity

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Shrikant Barve:This is it.. Marshall Mendonza
The article refered by Dr. Barad.

I found the article in the IE. I asked for the weblink to the page in the
ministry of home affairs website which gives all the information about funds
and donees.



[Goanet] Goa books... available

2008-12-22 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
Dear all: Check out this list of Goa books available with the Other
India Bookstore in Mapusa [http://www.otherindiabookstore.com]

You can download the list of Goa books in print here (as available with them):

Sorry that some edges of the catalogue have got cut, but my scanner
isn't large enough for this. You could pick up a copy of the catalogue
from OIBS at Mapusa (behind the Old Mapusa Clinic). Other places with
good collections of Goa books include Broadways (Panjim), Mandovi
Hotel Bookshop (Panjim) and Golden Heart Emporium (Margao). FN
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
M: +91-9822122436 P: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Conversion

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Sandeep Heble:
That person should well be entitled to convert, but the conversion must be
voluntary, i.e. without the use of unethical methods like force, fraud or
material inducements.
Any conversion which is done by force or fraud is no conversion. The Church
does not look upon the same as conversion and discourages such conversions,
if done at all.

Sandeep Heble:
The Supreme Court has not banned conversions. In my opinion, what the Court
suggests is that every Indian has the fundamental right to propagate his own
religion's philosophies and beliefs but the same must be without the
ulterior motive to convert, since the whole process of conversion includes a
heavy demonizing of the other person's faith which is against the "freedom
of conscience" of the other person. The process of conversion must thus be
The Church does not indulge in demonising another's faith, though it is
possible that some fringe fundamentalist groups may do so. It would not be
fair to taint everyone with the same brush. Conversion has to be voluntary
for it to sustain. Otherwise we would have 'aya rams' and 'gaya rams' as in
politics. The very fact that the christians in Orissa are suffering for
their faith and living in fear and in relief camps is itself testimony to
the genuineness of their conversions.The dalits are deprived of all state
benefits on conversion. Yet they continue to remain christians.

Ironically, should any of them revert to their former religion, they start
getting all the state benefits. Now what would you call that- Inducement,
allurement, fraud, coersion? In Orissa, they are being forced to reconvert
under threat of death or loss of livelihood.Why are no cases being
registered by the police against the VHP/BD?




2008-12-22 Thread mario rodrigues

A good opposition party can be respected if they  dutifully oppose when they 
have to(incase of excessive travelling, dinning, dancing, illegal mining, mega 
projects, crz violations.etc)  and not be just  mere silent spectators. It 
appears that whoever is in opposition just waits for the downfall of the 
government  so that they can  grab the "KODEL" and when government is in 
opposition, they wait for their turn again. 
So its time to GETRID of current government and opposition. Time for REGIONAL 
> Message: 10> Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 05:41:50 +0530> From: "Aires Rodrigues" 
> > Subject: [Goanet] SAVE THE GOA EXCHEQUER> To: 
> goa...@goanet.org> Message-ID:> 
> > Content-Type: 
> text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1> > Goa Government should take austerity 
> measures to stop the unnecessary strain> on Goa's exchequer. There has to be 
> a curb on unnecessary traveling by> Ministers and in particular the foreign 
> jaunts. The Ministers should keep> themselves fit and trim by not wining and 
> dining at the people's cost.> > In holding on to his chair Chief Minister 
> Digambar Kamat has had to walk a> tight rope with some Ministers within his 
> cabinet not seeing eye to eye.> Time and again the Chief Minister has had to 
> diffuse virtual in-camera> cabinet bull fights. Infact the brunt and 
> humiliation Digambar Kamat has had> to face from his own party men and allies 
> has been a bigger threat than the> official opposition
 , the Bharatiya Janata Party.> > With all clamoring for Ministerial berths and 
eyeing exclusively the plum> lucrative portfolios, it only confirms that they 
have not embarked on a> mission to serve the people but to help themselves and 
make the best while> it lasts.> > Aires Rodrigues> Ribandar> 
Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. 
It's easy!

[Goanet] Little Christmas cheer for Indian tourism

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News
 various categories in the state.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has painted a
gloomy picture of India's aviation sector. IATA chief Giovanni
Bisignani stated that Indian carriers would witness a drop in demand
following Mumbai.

Ernest Dias of SITA Travels said that while the number of flights
coming into the state from Europe remained constant, there has been a
20 percent drop in actual arrivals.

Those in the tourism and hospitality trade are hoping that the
situation will improve in the coming six months.

'The tourism industry experienced a similar situation after 9/11 in
the US. But we are hopeful as the Indian tourism industry is
resilient,' said Reddy.

Goa is beginning to see foreign and domestic tourists trickle back.

Rajeev Narain, president of the Tourism Guild of Agra, said: 'It is
high time we changed our focus to domestic tourism to provide
continuity and stability and assured revenue. We are hopeful of
getting more bookings from next month.'

Perhaps 2009, meant to be 'Visit India Year', will bring good tidings
and be a new year in every sense of the word!

(With inputs from Sanu George, Mohammed Shafeeq, V.S. Karnic, Qaid
Najmi, Anil Sharma, Mayabhushan Nagvenkar, Brij Khandelwal and Mayank


[Goanet] French woman found dead in Goa

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News
French woman found dead in Goa

Indo-Asian News Service 

A French woman was found dead in a trailer parked near Vagator beach
in Goa, while a man believed to be her companion was lying unconscious
next to her, police said on Monday.

The trailer, equipped with modern amenities including a mini kitchen,
was found parked near Vagator beach, 25 km from state capital Panaji,
on Sunday. Police suspect it could be a case of drug overdose.

"The post mortem examination will be conducted on Monday. The other
foreigner who was conscious has been admitted to the Goa Medical
College and Hospital. He is still in a state of shock," a police
official said.

Although no passport was found, police narrowed down on the
nationality of the woman from the number plate on the trailer in which
her body was found.

Police said they would try and identify the victim on the basis of
foreigner registration forms that hotels or guest houses are required
to submit to the police. These forms have the personal details of
foreign guests.


[Goanet] Christians Observe 'Protest Fast' To Mark Orissa Attack Anniversary (SAR News)

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News
Christians Observe 'Protest Fast' To Mark Orissa Attack Anniversary


MUMBAI, Maharashtra (SAR NEWS) -- Activists of a Catholic forum in
Mumbai December 21 observed a daylong fast to mark the first
anniversary of the violent attacks on Christians in India.

The members of the Catholic Secular Forum, a community non-government
organization, were protesting the Orissa state government's inaction
and calling for protection for the community.

Alongside the fast at Azad Maidan was a 'Black Crib' symbolically
representing a Christmas crib that was torched near Nagercoil in Tamil
Nadu last week, and threats to repeat it in other places.

CISF general secretary Joseph Dias told SAR News that attacks by
non-state players had increased in vigour in the run-up for Christmas.

The saffron brigade -- the pro-Hindu groups -- has reduced the freedom
of religion to a farce in Orissa where there has been no respite for a
year despite assurances by the Union and state governments, he said.

There has been no let-up in the attacks on Christians and the
potential danger of attacks increasing during Christmas is even more.

State shutdown called off: Despite the calling off of the proposed
Christmas bandh, Orissa continued to be a communal cauldron, Dias
feels. "The mob terror unleashed by the fundamentalists in Orissa
makes it equal if not more disastrous than the Mumbai terror attacks.
The government and the citizens therefore need to pay equal if not
more attention to communalism and mob terror, if India's secular
fabric is not to be torn asunder by extremist elements."

He said there was no improvement in the situation in Orissa, as even
this Christmas, religious services will be held by over 12,000 persons
in 9 relief camps in Kandhamal district alone, and an equal number in
another 13 affected districts like Jharsuguda or Bherampur.

At least another 30,000 are hiding in the forests of Orissa and
thousands of families fleeing to the state capital Bhubaneshwar or
other states like Maharashtra, Kerala, Delhi or Goa.

The protesters urged the prime minister, the home minister, the chief
ministers and political leaders to act and treat communalism as equal,
if not more threatening than terrorism, damaging the secular fabric
and unity of the country.

[Goanet] Soiled Sons and other Tourist Attractions in Goa (George Menezes, Goanet)

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet Reader
Soiled Sons and other Tourist Attractions in Goa

George Menezes

If there was a fear that tourism was going to take a beating in Goa,
think again.

There is too much happening in "amchem" Goa. And the happenings are of
such exciting proportions that it will attract thousands of Indians
and foreigners whose boredom levels have touched bottom, pun intended,
like the Dow Jones and the Sensex.

Courts and Police stations have specially cleared enormous spaces for
tourist attendance.

One such court is hearing a case against a well built, good looking
guy who has been found wandering in the city and Goa's northern
beaches with out wearing his trousers. Not even a "khashti", mind you,
said the prosecuting officer.

"Are you married?" the judge asks the accused

"Yes your honour" says the accused. "Five times. One recently"

"And do you have any children?"

"Yes your honour" says the accused "Fifteen of them. Some black, some
white and two khaki. And one is on the way"

The Honorable Judge thinks for a minute, scratches his moth eaten wig,
bangs his gavel on the table and says quietly "Case dismissed. The
accused obviously has no time to put on his pants"

>From what we read in the newspapers and watch on television there
appear to be a whole lot of men who have no time to put on their pants
in Goa.

Hence the fear of a dip in tourism is unfounded.  If fact after the
high attendance at the Police Stations and courts, where touts are
charging entrance fees, tourists mix with locals at "tavernas" and
bars to get the real story.

Says the father of one such pant-less progeny. "It is all a political
conspiracy. My enemies have formed small political parties and are
using all the pants they can get as the Party flags. Our sons have no
pants to wear. One Party has even made a pact with the BSP and adopted
a slogan that says "Caste-less and khashti-less Party"

Tourists are also flocking to the Tourism Department's "All Goa
Treasure Hunt" to find a very precious and precocious Goan youngster
who has disappeared when he was badly wanted. "Baba come home, no?"

This is bigger than the "Bigg Boss" or even "Big Brother" and the
prize for finding the missing gem is any one's guess. Millions, I am
told, considering that the lolly is coming from the tax payer's

Switch to the village of Moira. Tourist buses packed to capacity are
wending their way to the colorful and once quiet village of Moira,
famous for its special bananas, now a show case for a Banana Republic.

The hand out says that Goa's famous "cock fight" or less vulgarly
"rooster fight" is being staged at the Gram Sabha (Village Council)
office of Moira.

The place is crowded with goons preventing genuine members of the
Sabha from entering the meeting place. Venita Coelho who calls herself
an accidental activist and who wrote a moving and scathing article in
the local newspaper is not allowed to speak. She is threatened and

I quote her own words.

"I was threatened with 'We'll see how you step out of your house.
We'll see how you live in this village.' I was surrounded by a ring of
shouting gesticulating men threatening me with the worst.

And what did the police do? They swung resplendently into action -- by
grabbing me, pulling me forcibly out of my chair and dragging
me to the police jeep. I was driven straight to the police station and
held for three hours.  The police repeatedly assured me I am not
arrested -- but I cannot leave till the PI (police inspector) comes".

As you can imagine the tourists are asking for more. The famous bull
fights called "dhirio", for example.

Goa obliges. They are taken on a journey to every Gram Sabha where
there is a total suspension of the rule of law. Blood flows like feni.
The tourists are lapping it all up. The  blood more than the feni.

Obviously it is better to run a Moira  Banana Republic that attracts
tourists than a constitutionally functioning democracy committed to
the rule of law that attracts no one.

The next attraction is a  re-hash of our famous Carnival with floats
moving down the Mandovi River.

One float is made up to look like a Court room or may be like a
hospital Ward. From a distance the tourists can't tell the difference.
Standing defiant, you see the courageous advocate Aires Rodrigues
whose fingers have been chopped by hired assassins. Next to him is
Prajal who was in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong day.

Serve the advocate right say the Middle Eastern tourists. How dare he
represent a foreign mother whose daughter was allegedly sex-abused by
Goan sons of the soil? Back home his whole hand would have been
officially cut off in public.

Other floats are made to look like garbage dumps disguised as Gram
Sabha offices. You see a montage of the faces of a generation of Goan
born-again angry citizen activists bruised, battered, neglected,
humiliated and betrayed by their own people. Betrayed by friends,
neighbours, relatives, people who baptized them and who will one da

Re: [Goanet] The Right to Convert

2008-12-22 Thread Carvalho
--- On Mon, 12/22/08, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

> My response: But conversions in India, as they are
> happening today, are not
> merely about empowering the poor. It is about a sinister
> and subversive
> strategy, hatched in the US, backed by the Bush
> administration over the
> years. 

Barad, we are not talking about people being given sweeties here or enticed to 
eat a dollop of ice-cream. We are talking about a change of religion, a change 
that for most people would require deep examination of their conscience and 
then an informed decision. There cannot be a "sinister and subversive" plot 
when people have a power to say no. That is the point I am trying to make.

Knowing evangelical groups, I bet they are appealing to people not through 
money but with the promise of miracles. The miraculous possibility that one's 
life can change through embracing a new philosophy is a powerful motivator to 
anyone. You don't have to be poor, living in the tribal belt of Orissa to 
believe in fairytales. Most of our Catholics living in Goa also believe in 
these "Born again" fairytales nowadays.

The answer to this problem is not legislation or violence. It is education and 
continuous counter-information. Once you understand something about evangelical 
groups and the sort of ideology they profess then you can be well on your way 
to tackling it. 

I am as much against evangelicals as I am against some of our Goan activists. 
But I defend the right of both to exist without hindrance in a civil society. 
Because if we undermine this basic right then we are inturn undermining 



[Goanet] FEDERATION CUP: Bagan Win, Dempo Lose

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News Service

Dempo Disappoint in Summit Clash

Kolkata: Jose Ramirez Barreto, the symbol of Mohun Bagan's resolution and 
resurgence, guided his team to the summit for the umpteenth time. Karim 
Bencherifa's bruised and battered side defied the odds in stunning fashion, 
subduing Dempo Sports Club 1-0 to lift the Federation Cup - for the 13th 
time -at the Salt Lake Stadium on Sunday.

Barreto scored the decisive goal in the 68th minute to maintain the green 
and maroons' Phoenix-like rise from the ashes.

Dempo huffed and puffed, leading to key striker Ranty Martins' expulsion 
card towards the end, and were ultimately out-thought and outsmarted by the 
more determined and disciplined side.

Mohun Bagan were so much in control, so decisive in their attacks, so quick 
to respond to crisis, that their fans would have started believing that this 
could be their year. They were the deserving winners of the Federation Cup.

Bencherifa ensured his players were in a positive mood by unleashing Ishfaq 
Ahmed on the left flank and Lalkamal Bhowmick in the middle, with the intent 
being clearly on inflicting damage to the Dempo defence. Their hunger was 
palpable as they looked brisk and business-like right from the opening 

Barreto was at the heart of Mohun Bagan's domination, knitting together 
moves, helping Ishfaq create a shooting opportunity and setting him free for 
another chance. The Brazilian, blessed with immense stamina, roamed all over 
the park. One such enterprise saw him pounce on poor defending by Creson 
Antao to give PC Lalampuiya another chance to expose the growing disorder in 
Armando Colaco's backline.

Pushing Dempo back by force of will, Mohun Bagan began the second half in 
the same tempo. And then came that moment in the 68th minute. Goalkeeper 
V.P. Sathish Kumar failed to judge Lalkamal's corner as Mohun Bagan 
right-back Habibur Rahman Mondal backheaded the ball towards the box from 
the other end. Barreto made his presence felt in front of the goal, pouncing 
on the opportunity with a clinical finish in a melee.

Trust Barreto and his Mohun Bagan to make crisis look such a silly word.


[Goanet] Churchill makes a case for Romi Konkani

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News Service

Churchill makes a case for Romi Konkani

Margao: Minister for public works and development (PWD) Churchill Alemao on 
Sunday made a strong case for the inclusion of Konkani in the Roman script 
as the official language of the state.

"Children of the backward classes like Velips, Kunbis and Gawdas will 
immensely benefit if Konkani in the Roman script is compulsorily taught to 
them, at least in the primary classes. This will help them to easily adapt 
to English medium schools as they would have already been familiar with the 
script (Roman alphabets)," Alemao said.

The minister was addressing the gathering at the concluding session of the 
first Romi Konkani culture and literature conference, organized by the 
Dalgado Konkani Akademi (DKA) at Margao on Sunday.

Voicing concern over the "imminent obliteration" of Goa's identity if Roman 
Konkani is not accorded the official language status, Alemao lamented the 
growing affinity of the Goans to the English language which he said was 
harming the interest of their mother-tongue.

Lauding the tiatrists for "striving to keep Roman Konkani alive in the 
hearts of Goans," Alemao urged the tiatrists fraternity to stay united for 
the cause of Goa's identity. "If all the tiatrists shed their differences 
and stay united, it won't be long before Roman Konkani achieves the status 
of Goa's official language," he stated.

Earlier, the DKA adopted various resolutions in support of Konkani in the 
Roman script.

The resolution demanding Konkani in Roman script be accorded official 
language status along with Devnagri script, ranks high among the list of 
resolutions adopted.


[Goanet] Growing Up Extreme:On th Peculiarly Vicious Fanatacism of Expatriates

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Frederick had made an interesting observation that many expatriates profess
liberal values abroad and are arch conservatives back home. They practice
double standards. Secularism for some of them is only skin deep. Here is an
article written by Shashi Tharoor in the Washington Post sometime in the
90's but still very relevant today.




[Goanet] Star Hotels v/s Shacks: Turf battle with a biased umpiring from Govt., media and Church in Goa ?

2008-12-22 Thread Miguel Braganza

Where are the foreign tourists most at risk in a terrorist attack: a
jam-packed Starred hotel ballroom /discotheque with limited exits and
narrow corridors or  Goa's churches at midnight or open air "beach

If your answer to that question is a "beach shack", one of us must be
crazy ...or a hotel owner/manager, a police officer or a bureaucrat
who has psyched our CM in doing the unthinkable: banning the beach
parties at the height of the tourist season.

"Economic terrorists" who frequent the seats of power dare not
frighten the Roman Cathoic Church in Goa. Protagonists of Konkani in
Roman script or catholics in Kandhmal district of Orissa are a
different cup of tea. They can be intimidated into silence. Goa's
Churchill is no Winston Churchill, either. Rs. 15 lakhs ...and a
promise of more ... can silence the demand for control of the
linguistic body with far reaching implications and  a budget Rs.2.00
crore per annum, it seems. The mess will go on. The Midnight mass will
also go on. Terrorists will attack the Hedonists, SFX will protect all
Niz Goykar catholics and Damu-bab will protect the Hindus. the Muslim
girls in the Madrasas will have to fend for themselves as they have no
known local patron, save Datta Naik who went to jail to protect the
rights of the minorities in Baina one mid-summer afternoon in 2004.
Thereafter, the animal that the BJP was riding piggy-back walked off
from under its butt. The party has not recovered since. I hope it can
enjoy a "Khuxalbhorit Natal". I really enjoyed the audio CD its
Cultural Cell distributed and recommend it to those who like
meaningful Christmas carols and other songs in Konkani and English.

After Madras city became Chennai and Madras state became Tamil Nadu,
the term Madrasa seems a bit anachronistic. May be they should use a
seminal name like a seminary [NOT 'semi nari', as it is often

As far as SECURITY CHECKING goes, sample this:
1. Carrying of liquids and aerosols as hand baggage is banned in
airplanes ...but one can put it in the checked in baggage.
2. The CISF questioned me at Dabolim and Mumbai airports about the
hermetically sealed packets of Costa's branded "Dodol" I carried for
my friends on a recent trip to Bhubhaneshwar. I had to leave the
bottle of sealed mineral water at the "security check" because liquids
are not allowed in the hand baggage. No not even water! When I reached
Bhubaneshwar and was looking for my used can of liquid shoe polish in
my checked in baggage, I discovered that I had put it in my hand
baggage ...and it had passed all security checks, including four
checks at the Chatrapati Shivaji international airport in Mumbai
3. At the Mumbai airport on my return trip to Goa, I happened to meet
the unforgetable Linda D'Souza  of the wonderful little restaurant in
Fontainhas appropriately called "Viva Panjim". As any genteel lady
does, she carried some creams and lotions in the only baggage she had:
"Hand or cabin baggage". NO, she could not take it with her the X-ray
machine operator told her. If he allowed her, she would be stopped at
the "Security Check" anyway and the items would be confiscated or she
would not be allowed to travel. In addition he would be questioned for
allowing it. Fortunately, I had place in my checked in suitcase and
the creams/lotions could go in there. When we reached Dabolim, Linda
discovered that one large bottle of oil had remained in her hand
baggage after all that fuss!!

All this happened in just one week...Monday to Thursday ...at Mumbai
International Airport. Did someone say there was a heightened alert in
Mumbai after the 26/11 terror attack at the Taj and Trident  in

This cancellation of "beach parties" is an economic strategy, nothing
else. It is to ensure that there is no "leakage" of clientele from the
5-star hotel to the beach shacks. You can get permissions for a dance
at the "Spice Farms" in the hinterland as they are not in competition
with the Beach Resorts. The target of the terrorists are the beach
shacks. The terrorists are not armed with AK-47s and grenades. They
are armed with slush funds, complimentary stay/dance coupons and
Goa Government orders! Capt. Anand Sharma must be some nut to say
that the tourists have nothing to fear. They must fear the Congress,
the party to which he belongs. Congress men and women will do almost
anything for money or favours. The history of modern India is replete
with examples to need repetition. It is not as if the judiciary is
above all this. The central Cabinet has approved the setting up a
National Judicial Council to probe complaints against judges of higher
judiciary. [See report below]. About Goa Police, the less said the
better. See what happened to Police Inspector Nelson Albuquerque
.suspended for inefficiency in Pernem, then reinstated and posted
in charge of immigration. The tourists do not complain about
inefficiency in "hafta" collection. It is only the "higher ups" who

[Goanet] Ref: Oh God, What Did I do ?

2008-12-22 Thread Freddy Fernandes
What Should I do ?


My name is Dom Pedro and I came from a poor family,  I am thankful to my parents
for helping me to finish my studies, they had to sacrifice a lot to pay for my
education, my younger sister was still in School, though I tried very hard all I
could do was get a Commerce degree. I tried to get a decent job but no luck, my
parents couldn't afford to pay agents for a job in the Gulf or on the ship, what
should I do ? This was the question that vibrated between my ears with great
intensity, I was going nuts, just then local elections were announced and every
one was on the run and in hunt for candidates and supporters by whatever means. 


Our poverty did not deter my parents from up bringing me through sincere
Christian virtues, though there was no money and me jobless even than, I
refrained from getting my hands on the ill gotten wealth, so lavishly thrown
around, like feed for the pigeons in a public square in Bombay, by the corrupt
politicians. What should I do ? 


I was young, I was good with my tongue as I was with my over all knowledge and I
was energetic, but my parents were getting old, my sister had to finish her
studies and had to marry her off, how long would my parents be able to support
and sustain, what should I do ?  


As tormented as I was and with the search still on for a job, no solution came
forth. All my friends were too busy to help me, either in business, in the Gulf
or on the ship, I was getting a wee bit sick of being born in a poor family,
frustrations and demons started making their way into my head, what should I do


As my apathy for life started to transcend, I started seeking absolution through
anger and guile, and at that vulnerable moment, I was confronted by our local
MLA, with a sympathetic ear. I was impressed that he had time for me and my
problems and offered me a job as his PA, the clouds in the sky had disappeared
and rays of sun shone brightly, the MLA was indeed my saviour, I worked very
hard in his election campaign and was rewarded in more ways than I had hoped
for. Election were done with. The MLA was elected and became a Minister and with
him, my stature too increased. The local MLA was uneducated, I was, he was
impressed with all that I did for him and I was applauded by his Party-men too.
I did, what I had to Do !!!


Things began to simmer for the better and life looked good and I began to
prosper. I Soon became the middleman for deals between the Minister and the
interested parties, Christian upbringing was "cocooned and mummified" and  money
was my God as it was of the Minister's, both riding high of the wings of
fortune, my small house, turned into a bungalow with a Honda Civic in my
driveway. Parents, though questioning, never perusing for the truth, because I
had warned them not to interfere in what I do. Along with all the ill gotten
wealth came the axis of evil, wine, women and gambling, a life of debauchery, I
had become arrogant and inconsiderate to all and did not even realize it.  I was
young and I had already made a mark and got noticed, I was having a ball of a
time, what more could I ask for ? I did what I had to do !!!


In a jiffy four years had gone by, I did not realize how fast time passed with
all the money that came by, I was amazed at the power and pelf, I had achieved
by my sheer guile and gall, I felt good, at last I was emancipated from the
dreadful clutches of poverty. That was the past, I had developed an instant
amnesia for my past poverty, I knew I did, what I had to do  


Four good years had gone by in a whiff and I was not just a "fringe factor" any
more, I had taken the "centrestage" along with the minister. I was the fast
talking, fast acting affluent phenomenal achiever with "greenbacks" banked as
far as the Alps. All I did was, what I had to do !!!


Next round of elections were announced and the pace of activity was hectic, for
my generous contribution to the Party and personal funds, I had won my
Candidature, what an achievement ? All I did was, what I had to do !!!


All this while I did not realize, that I had done nothing for the people but
myself. People had become wise and began to question, why's and the how's.  Four
years I did not attend any village function, feasts, deaths or births. I wasn't
aware if our neighbours and relatives were dead or alive and I was hit by my
silliness for over-indulgence with wealth. Oh ! What did I do ?


I poured out money like water in a field to make up for my incoherent
prescriptions and perceptions but could not win over the public, I might have
developed an instant amnesia for my past poverty but the people did not develop
amnesia for what I had done or not done. I lost the election, the Party too
lost. No power no money. What did I do ?


As at times misfortunes come in heap,  I fell sick and was diagnosed to have
AIDS, the floor on which I stood collapsed, knees became weak, a high flyer
brought down to earth in a jiffy as well, 

[Goanet] Wishes

2008-12-22 Thread Marinella Proenca
Aurora of Christmastide

Josef and Donkey trudged down the path
Over rocks, then 'wasy of cobbled-stone
Donkey nudged on to carry his load:
Hallowed Tabernacle to the Prince un-born
Viagem into Bethlehem's heart.
Stopped here - looked on...
Weary and hopeful, enquiring along
Good Josef
He needed a room
To rest his Beloved -
So patient but worn
Good Josef
He needed a room
To rest his Beloved -
She with child (to be born).
And so again
He stopped here - looked on...
Thanks Be! On thrice-try
A Keeper of Inn soon ushered them in
To a Manger: warm and small
No vacancy it seems
Across down the hall
Josef helped Mary gently to sit:
On hay: spun fold
That shone by lamp-lit
Soon creatures witnessed the Birth of our King
'Jeweled Knight, Prince of Peace'
Myriad angels did sing
The Manger turned Throne for the Li'l Babe within
And trumpets they sounded
Sweet shepherds they rounded
In - the Magi strutted
To bow to our King
The Manger turned Throne for the Li'l Babe within

Don't wait for the clio-clops
Don't wait for door-knocks
Just open your hearts
To the swaddle-clothed King
Save your heart as a Throne
For Him and Him alone
Peace and Goodwill
For you He shall bring.

Marinella Proenca
Author of:
Heart Beat
Poems Awakening GOAN Memories


[Goanet] The Right to Convert

2008-12-22 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
This is a reply to Selma carvalho's message No:  9, dated: Sun, 21 Dec 2008
on the subject: The Right to Convert

Selma writes: Excellent post Father Ivo. We must make clear the position of
the church as it has been for a long time. There is grave misconception out
there fuelled by right-wing fundamentalist groups that we must correct.

India has gotten into the nasty habit of taking away civil liberties in the
guise of upholding its democracy. If there are brutalities in the Gulf
carried out against maids, rule that maids cannot work in the Gulf. If HIV
becomes prevalent, propose that HIV testing be made mandatory before
marriage. If there is a high incidence of foetocide, makes sure that every
women is denied the right to know the gender of her baby before birth. And
now this court has deliberately split hairs on its definition of what is
freedome of religion. It's is a dire sign that barely 60 years after
independence our Constitution should come under attack like this. Little by
little, we ensure that our civil liberties are being curtailed and India can
successful trot its way to a totalitarian country based on some preconceived
Raj model.

My response: But conversions in India, as they are happening today, are not
merely about empowering the poor. It is about a sinister and subversive
strategy, hatched in the US, backed by the Bush administration over the

This is the first para of the article which is titled THOSE THAT SHALL
DELIVER... Read more on this issue by clicking the link provided here below:


Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Skin-deep secularism (FN, in the Herald)

2008-12-22 Thread Prakash kamat
- this needs to appear in our dear Gomantak and Tarun Bharat too- prakash

--- Goanet Reader wrote:

> Skin-deep secularism
> case to show that 'secular'
> campaigners in Goa have their
> own religious and even caste
> biases. 

[Goanet] Heart to Heart: CM Sir, can you liberate yourself from delusion?

2008-12-22 Thread Ethel Dacosta
Heart to Heart
By Ethel Da Costa

CM Sir, can you liberate yourself from delusion?

I've been traveling like a nomad on the loose.wanting fresh air to run 
through my hair, from mountains to the cities, driving miles of humanity 
spread across acres of land, some dry, some desolate, some bursting with 
population and their vagaries..traffic, exhaust, cows chewing on plastic at 
roadside garbage dumps, drones in office spaces, beating recession, 
inflation, falling sensex and so many aspirations as we struggle to find 
balance in a country now experiencing anger, fear, insecurity and loads of 

I packed my travel bag and set across the borders, wanting to quiet down the 
stresses of progress at the price of human lives..but CM Sir, your Goa and 
mine is truly on fire..the flames of anger now stoking high and loud. It 
seems to me that you've now lost control and credit trying to keep the 
cockroaches hidden under the carpet. Happens, when you keep sweeping them 
under, thinking no ones looking, shutting the genuine concerns of people - 
your voters who have been supporting you initially and are now very angry - 
with a brute force of power. Lathi charge at innocent anti-mining protestors 
at Ambauli, pulling people out of their homes and beating them up, while the 
corruption of land deals, builders lobbies, River Princess, garbage sites 
and I can't count the scams anymore, continue to haunt our daily, normal 
lives, abetted by your people in the Secretariat. Have you seen the sorry 
state of your own city? Margao? And does it strike you that we have more 
`migrant' than local sharing resident spaces in what was once a lovely town 
to settle down in? I'm not a regionalist, but CM Sir, even simple road 
directions from roadside passersby -- if you're lost meandering looking for 
a sample of peace in your own hometown -- can be had from migrant labourers 
proudly owning ownership of our land. What happened to my local Goenkars? 
Hopefully, you know better than me. I no longer recognize Margao. I no 
longer recognize those places dotted with intimate memories of family 
outings doing ice-creams at Penguin, dosas at Kamat, biryanis at 
Longuinous.or the side lanes for burgers during college, or shopping for 
Christmas at Old Market..I feel like a stranger in my own hometown CM Sir. 
Because, while I struggle to make a decent ration card and voting card for 
myself, your `migrant' brethren blessed with the graces of our political 
grasshoppers flaunt their right to my space so boldly..

Is this the Goa you are bequeathing to the younger generation still learning 
Goa's history in their schools? Are these the values you are passing down, 
that lip service will take our State and country to heaven?

Tell me CM Sir, are you one of those who cannot differentiate between good 
people and psychopaths crowding your living spaces, day in and night out, 
using your good offices for a good, fast buck? Having worked with you 
professionally, I know a great good exists within your heart. It is that 
good I seek to appeal, for the greater good of Goa. As leaders, we 
understand the pressures of running portfolios, seats of power and people 
management. But a steadfast man/woman is he/she who knows when to draw the 
line and how. Even if you have to firmly put down a foot, make that two, 
when things have to be done right. Even in great pressure. Even in greater 
opposition. Because you are accountable to a higher conscious, your own 
conscious, the seat the people have put you on and the enormous weight of 
responsibility absolute power bequests those assigned with it. These are the 
expectations that have gone awry today. And yes, you are to be blamed a 
great deal for letting your cronies have the better end of the pie, while 
the people of this State have been left with the crumbs. Because, finally, 
you and I know well that the buck stops with the man/woman on the hot seat. 
Works in life, works in work. Simple.

As I write this, I will watch with amusement as another charade of 
Liberation is played in my backyard. Speeches, medals, and high tea. I avoid 
all these like the plague. Not because I disrespect the protocol of niceties 
that go with these deliberations, but because I have lost patience, like the 
lakh of Goans who now believe that the only way to make their voices felt is 
to now show it in strength. The River Princess. The mining monsters eating 
away into our health and environment. The police versus people lobby. The 
builders lobby who have ruined whatever little patches of green to exfoliate 
our lungs off the dust settling into our homes and food. Why can't you 
simply get your act together, boss? You must understand that the people of 
Goa mean well. But the `grasshoppers' now turned voracious locusts have been 
eating for too long into our pride as the country's most peaceful, sucegad 
State with their antics that shame even teenagers high on testosterone. We 
want to tell you CM Sir, th

[Goanet] Foreign Funded charity

2008-12-22 Thread Sandeep Heble

I am not per se against an Indian converting from one faith to
another. If someone is not treated well in his own religion or ceases
to believe in his own religion's philosophies, ideals and beliefs,
that person should well be entitled to convert, but the conversion
must be voluntary, i.e. without the use of unethical methods like
force, fraud or material inducements.

The Supreme Court has not banned conversions. In my opinion, what the
Court suggests is that every Indian has the fundamental right to
propagate his own religion's philosophies and beliefs but the same
must be without the ulterior motive to convert, since the whole
process of conversion includes a heavy demonizing of the other
person's faith which is against the "freedom of conscience" of the
other person. The process of conversion must thus be voluntary.

I however agree entirely with your positions vis-à-vis the Catholic Church.

Below is one of my responses to something similar from another forum:
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GoenchimXapotam/message/15756 )

"The Hindutva outfits must learn to differentiate between radical
evangelical outfits and mainstream ones like the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church is no longer into conversions. As a matter of
fact, Catholics themselves are against these radical outfits who
propagate a very orthodox form of Christianity, a form that the
Catholic Church discarded ages back.

These radical outfits convert not only Hindus to their orthodox faith
but Catholics too. Even the Pope used the word "Rapacious wolfs" to
describe these outfits.

A Catholic friend of mine complained to me recently about his own
brother who was weaned away by such believer groups. He was upset with
his brother's subsequent irrational behavior with him and the rest of
the family which created serious conflicts and tensions between them.

I see no difference between these outfits and Hindu radical outfits
like the VHP, Sanatan Saunstha and HJS."

I shall elaborate on this subject and pen my own thoughts in a later post.



Marshall Mendonca wrote on Goanet:

1.The Tehelka story is regarding funding of Pentecostal / Evangelist groups
in India. In case you are unaware, the Catholic Church is different from the
pentecostal / evangelist church.
2.The BJP was a great fan of George Bush (43) who is a 'born again
christian'  and about whose groups the story is all about. So I guess, the
sangh parivar should have no problem.
3. Receiving funds from abroad is not illegal provided they come through
official channels and are subject to audit and disclosure.There has been no
information about misuse of funds.
4. There has been a gross miscarriage of justice in the Stanislaus Case.
Refer critique below.


[Goanet] Why Atheism May Be The Best Way to Understand God

2008-12-22 Thread Venantius Pinto
>From Alternet.org
Why Atheism May Be The Best Way to Understand God, by Larry Beinhart
(Two excerpts)
Nowadays, it is common to hear things like "God is Energy," or the Universe,
or Love, or That Which Quarks Come From (heard that one last night, with
great conviction and certainty).

If the word of God is true, it makes a certain amount of sense that people
will kill and die for it. Understanding that is pretty straightforward. But
if people are killing and dying for a delusion, then there's some explaining
to do.


[Goanet] Help Wanted: Composting in the USA & Canada

2008-12-22 Thread Clinton Vaz

Dear Goanetters in the US & Canada,

While at Greenpeace Sweden, I came across a guy that pointed me to 
http://www.naturemill.com/ which is an American company that makes 
composting bins that are small enough to be used in apartments. Some 
models actually fit into the kitchen cabinets! Prices from 200 - 400 
USD, It's rather steep, but I can't help wondering if they are popular 

Can anybody find out some more about this product? If it's found to be 
great, I would not mind buying the cheapest model 199+15$ that comes to 
about Rs.10,000/- to try out here and see if we can make cheaper models 
that work on the same principle.


Benaulim / Goa
+91 9890936828

[Goanet] Souverir of the opening of the new building - Goan Institiue, Dar es Salaam - 3rd December, 1959

2008-12-22 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Here is a picture from the 1959 souvenir.
If anyone has a picture of a better Goan club house, please post it here.


For those interested in the rest of the souvenir, here it is in its entirety.



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2008-12-22 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Goa Government should take austerity measures to stop the unnecessary strain
on Goa's exchequer. There has to be a curb on unnecessary traveling by
Ministers and in particular the foreign jaunts. The Ministers should keep
themselves fit and trim by not wining and dining at the people's cost.

In holding on to his chair Chief Minister Digambar Kamat has had to walk a
tight rope with some Ministers within his cabinet not seeing eye to eye.
Time and again the Chief Minister has had to diffuse virtual in-camera
cabinet bull fights. Infact the brunt and humiliation Digambar Kamat has had
to face from his own party men and allies has been a bigger threat than the
official opposition, the Bharatiya Janata Party.

With all clamoring for Ministerial berths and eyeing exclusively the plum
lucrative portfolios, it only confirms that they have not embarked on a
mission to serve the people but to help themselves and make the best while
it lasts.

Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet] VOA News - Mumbai's Attacked Hotels Reopen

2008-12-22 Thread Ruby Goes


Have yourselves a Merry Christmas.

Re: [Goanet] The Right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Carvalho

--- On Sun, 12/21/08, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> I am firmly opposed to coercing others to convert against
> their will by "force" or "fraud". 
> However, in a free society that guarantees freedom of
> religion, every individual must have the right to
> voluntarily change their religion at any time, for any
> reason, other than under duress and against their will.
Very good point Mario. 

I think I am experiencing forced conversions here in the UK. Every time I am on 
a bus or walking to my favourite butcher to buy mutton (Muslim butchers sell 
the best mutton here), I have these Jamaican ladies who come running up to me, 
guaranteeing eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. No amount of telling them 
that I am already Catholic seems to dissuade them. They insist I must read the 
Bible. Maybe there is something about me that says I can't possibly be 
Christian, like that Madonna T-shirt I keep wearing :-)

Stop forced conversions in the UK, especially on the Red Bus, since there is 
absolutely no chance of me getting my British driving license and I have to 
keep using that bus. Say no to forced conversions :-)

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Cheers guys,


[Goanet] Shack owners cry foul over ban on Goa beach parties

2008-12-22 Thread Goanet News
Shack owners cry foul over ban on Goa beach parties

Panaji, Dec 21: Hoteliers have breathed a sigh of relief at the
government's decision to exclude hotels from the ban on parties in
Goa, but shack owners are crying foul over it.

Gaurish Dhond, Goa Hoteliers and Restaurant Owners Association
spokesperson, said the government had done the right thing by banning
parties on beaches.

"Security cannot be compromised. And a ban on beach parties will not
affect tourism in Goa much," Dhond said.

He hoped that with hotels being allowed to organise parties and
celebrations, tourists would now start making a bee-line to Goa.

Vice president of the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)
Manguirish Pai Raikar claimed that while the industry as a whole would
have to pay a heavy price due to the ban, excluding hotels from the
ban was a huge relief.

"At least the more secure, indoor venues have been spared from the
ban. This is a good sign to some extent," Raikar said.

The ban on parties on beaches and open areas comes into force from Dec
23 till Jan 5. Parties and celebrations held within hotel premises and
other religious and traditional celebrations like the midnight mass
and Christmas revelries have also been excluded from the ban.

The ban, however, has led to gloom for the owners of the several
hundred shacks or makeshift thatch huts serving refreshments and
alcohol on the beaches.

Cruz Cardozo, Goa Shack Owners Welfare Society president, claimed that
the ban was mischievous in nature and smacked of the government's bias
toward rich hoteliers.

"Most shack owners were planning to hold modest New year parties. They
are a source of income for us. The government's decision has hurt us
very badly," Cruz said.

Already pushed to the brink following a lean season, Cruz promised
retaliation if hotels organised their parties on the beaches.

"If there is ban, it should be for all. We won't tolerate hotels
organising parties on the beach," he warned.

Cruz said that shack owners shell out Rs.30,000 as licence fees each
month and that the government was not doing much to protect the
interests of the shack owners.

"How will we survive? The government has failed to protect the
interests of the people," he said.

Another shack owner told IANS that the government's ban would only
fester corruption as there were several aspects in the ban that were
open to a wide range of interpretations.

"Look, all your rave and beach party organisers will now have to bribe
the district administration to hold beach and rave parties by applying
for licences in the name of birthday parties and religious,
traditional celebrations. This ban is only a new way to earn money.
Terror is only an excuse," said the Calangute based shack owner.

Goa has over 300 licenced shacks dotting its coast that are allowed to
do business only during the tourist season after which the makeshift
structures are brought down.

--- IANS


[Goanet] The Right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
"There is no such thing as a fundamental right to convert any person to
one's own religion and the government can impose certain restrictions
keeping in view public order, the Supreme Court has ruled.The court's ruling
came while dismissing a petition challenging an Orissa law requiring police
verification of all religious conversions. Citing the SC's landmark 1977
ruling in Rev Stanislaus vs Madhya Pradesh, a Bench of Chief Justice V N
Khare and Justice S B Sinha said that ''what is freedom for one is freedom
for the other, in equal measure''.

I believe the Supreme Court ruling was flawed. Refer critique given below.

"And, although many legal luminaries believe that the 1977 judgment was
unconstitutional, since it has been ruled by the Apex Court, we must abide
by it.
This means, as of now, Christians have the right only to communicate their
beliefs or expose the tenets of Christianity to others, and not to convert.
However, if the person to whom the faith is propagated is convinced and
wants to profess or practice on his own volition, he or she has the right to
do so." Unquote.

To me conversions are a non-issue for the following reasons:

1.The population of christians in India has shown a steady decline from 2.7%
to 2.3% as per the last census.
2.The anti-conversion laws have been on the statute in some states like
Orissa, MP, Arunachal Pradesh for over 30-40 years. During this time there
has not been a single case of conviction. This puts paid to the false
propaganda expounded by the sangh parivar.
3. In today's world there can be no 'forced conversion' unless backed by the
power of the state. Ironically, it is the VHP which is indulging in forced
conversion in Orissa and elsewhere. Refer:
4.The bogey of 'forced conversions' in reality exposes the true intentions
of the the Sangh Parivar, whose ideologue Golwalkar expounded, "The foreign
races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must
learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no
ideas but those of glorification of the Hindu race and culture[..] or may
stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming
nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment — not
even citizen's rights.'
5.The underlying objection to conversions is the fact that the missionaries
by uplifting the poorest of the poor by providing them education and
healthcare has removed them from the expoitative clutches of vested

