[Goanet] Secularism in the pleural cavity

2009-01-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Gilbert wrote to Kevin on Goanet:

As usual you and others responding to my post attack the messenger.  You did 
not write any original thoughts. So, as a suggestion, you (and others) could 
respond to:

President Pandurang is very happy that Gilbert has appointed himself the 
messenger on Goanet.  The President had great difficulty understanding 
Gilbert’s latest post on god because this time he said nothing about diet and 
food, but used big words such as pleural secularism and quasi-ethical wonkery, 
and shared extremely original thoughts that you will not find in any book or 
dictionary. Nonetheless, here is how the President finally understood what 
Gilbert meant to say.

The rest of your characterization (and those of others) is a facile little 
bit of quasi-ethical wonkery.:=)) If you do not believe in a soul and 
life-after-death, please have the courage of your conviction to say so 
succinctly. Thus, you can save us from the kathakali dance.

No dictionary gives the meaning of quasi-ethical wonkery. So the President 
asked the very ethical Kazi from Indira Nagar what it means. Kazi Quasim said, 
Humko kya maalum ye wonkar-bonkar kya hai. Koyi humko ye bola to bolo usko hum 
uske wonkar khont marenge. Phir vo kathakali sayi tara karega.

Pleural secularism is the modern lingo for the age-old gnosticism where 
everyone has THEIR  OWN divine soul and personal knowledge of god.  Pleural 
secularism (and other such labels) is nothing more than 'Old wine 
(gnosticism) in a new bottle'.

Because Gilbert used a big medical term, the President had to consult a
Portuguesa anatomie profsor to find out where in the pleural cavity of the 
thorax is this secularism. Many years ago when the President had gone to GMC to 
complain about a problem with his constitution, they put a tube in his side. 
They said the tube was because he had a pleural effusion.  The water that came 
out of the tube was like old wine, and they put it in a new bottle every 6 
hours. May be, Gilbert is talking about something like this, and not the 
secular pluralism in the constitution of India. If so, the President wants to 
know from Gilbert what other such labels besides pleural secularism he should 
put on those new bottles.

About gnosticism, on Gilbert’s advice we have already banned the teaching of 
knowledge (gnana) in our Chimbel schools of thought. Nobody there now has their 
own divine soul and personal knowledge of god. We do not add god to any food 
served to the children, in any case.




[Goanet] Vasco terrorists transferred

2009-01-01 Thread Miguel Braganza

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org


The good news on New Year's eve [in print on New Year's Day] is that Deputy 
Superintendent of Police Deu Banaulikar and Police Inspector of Vasco Harish 
Madkaikar were transferred to the barracks of Goa Reserve Police [GRP] in 

The Citizens Initiative for Communal Harmony, the Women's organisations and the 
Muslim leaders in goa, including Congressman Mulla Akbar, did well to dig in 
their heels and insist on disciplinary action while accepting the apology of 
the Dy. S.P. in the presence of the South Goa Member of Parliament, Francisco 
Sardinha. Forgiveness with restitution for the crime. Further action by the 
Government to suspend the duo, make a red ink entry in their service records 
and to withhold increment at least for one year is needed to discipline the 
Police force. No lessons have been learnt from the illicit raid on Babush 
Monserrate's house by the Police on 19 February, 2008, and the subsequent 
transfer of Dy. S.P. Mohum Nai and PI Naik to GRP. Had they been disciplined 
effectively, the illicit raid on the Madrassa on 17 December, 2008 [10 months 
later] would not have taken place. 

Imagine the terror inflicted on 9 to 17 year old girls, many of them orphans, 
when they were hauled to the Police station by all male cops and detained for 
three hours. The policemen ought to be prosecuted under Section 8 (1) of the 
Goa Children's Act, 2003, for simple sexual assault not amounting to rape.

In the meanwhile the alleged terror suspect, the 17 year old Safiqul from Assam 
has been released by the Goa Police and sent to Apna ghar for the destitute.

The Goa Police may be STRESSED but they are getting its mirror image, just 

Mog asundi



If you really want to laugh, read Cecil Pinto's take [in GT of New Year] on the 
Goa Police guidelines on how to detect a terrorist! ;-)

  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now 

[Goanet] New Year celebrations

2009-01-01 Thread Olga Maciel

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

New Year revellers brave the cold 

In pictures: New year festivities 
Get a bird’s eye view of the world with Multimap

[Goanet] Vavraddeancho Ixtt - 75 Years Old

2009-01-01 Thread augusto pinto

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

A Happy New Year to all of you.

I have before me a copy of the Vavraddeancho Ixtt issue of December 27.

Vavraddeancho Ixtt is not a usual paper as those of you who have come across
it will recognise. It is published by the Pilar Fathers and is targetted at
lower middle class Christians. It is not sold at news stands, so to get it
one has to subscribe; the subscription rate in India is Rs. 150/= per annum
which for a weekly is very reasonable. I am pretty sure that my subscription
has run out but I still get the paper and I have not had reminders to bother
me to renew. This means that the profit motive is not uppermost in their
minds. They have a decent amount of advertising support so I presume that
they must be breaking even.

I bring this paper to your notice because this is its 75th anniversary and
the edition I speak about seems to be a special one. The paper has been
given a design makeover. For those of you who are not aware, Vavraddeancho
Ixtt prints articles in Konkani in the Roman as well as Devanagri script, as
well as articles in English.The editor is Fr. Feroz Fernandes, and deputy
edior Fr. Eusebio Miranda. Contributors to the issue I speak about include
its ex-editors Fr. Ubaldo Fernandes, Fr. Sergio Mascarenhas and  Fr. Peter
Raposo; Fr. Mousinho de Athaide, Jason Keith Fernandes, Uday Bhembre, Pio
Esteves, Tomazinho Cardozo, Dr. Pratap Naik S.J. , Rajashri Sail, Frita
D'Souza, Soter D'Souza, Almir D'Souza, Michael Fernandes, Alexyz, Soter
Barretto, Nevel Vel'lekar and F.X. Ribeiro.

Although this is a 'Catholic' paper, I was surprised that there were a
variety of non-conformist viewpoints, from a Catholic perspective that is,
which were presented. For instance, Fr. Mousinho de Athaide strongly
advocates that Devanagri is Konkani's only proper scrpt.

This particular issue focusses on the media, on the Konkani script issue,
and on the V. I.s history. www.v-ixtt.com is their website but I found it
difficult to locate those articles there.  So it would be nice if the
editors post the articles online.
Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Goa 2008: Year of Rapes

2009-01-01 Thread JoeGoaUk

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Goa 2008 is the year of Rapes

You hear or read about rapes in Goa almost every other day.
Although the official figure puts ‘two rapes per month’ unofficially on 
unreported rape figure could be 3 times more.
There are reports of rapes involving minors, ministers’s sons, Married man 
raping minors (below 18), youth raping school going girls etc.

Recently, there were two reports of rapes within a period of 5 days where the 
victims were over 55 years of age.
On  26th Dec 2008, at Arambol beach, local fisherman found a 55 year old woman 
found lying naked by the beach . She was selling flowers to the tourist in that 
area and hailing from Korgao-Pernem   It appears that she was dragged by some 
persons (suspected Nepalis)  on the seashore where she was ganged rapped. 
Sadly, she died at GMC  on 30th Dec. and never regain consciousness to give 
statement to police. Her husband file case with the Police. 

2-3 days latter, another older lady 60, was raped by a 24 year old youth at  
Panjim Market.
She was sleeping at the market area where the youth raped her. Both victim and 
the rapist are non-Goans.  Where the victim still in GMC and the suspected 
rapist  arrested by the police.

Goa is too soft
Goa is free for all
Welcome to Goa, which is a heaven for both rich and the poor and the beggars.

Talking about the beggars, reminded me of this..

I was under the impression that any  inter-state trains (Indian Railways) 
besides A/C and sleeper coaches have 2 or 3  general compartments or bogies. 
Sitting capacity of each such unreserved  bogies is about 80.  However, tickets 
for such class compartment are very very cheap and never run out or ‘sold out’ 
and as such there can be up to 3 times more than the std capacity  or even 
more.  There are some instances where Bombay-Goa passengers travel in this 
class even on one foot or one legged i.e. packed like sardines, there is no 
room for the second leg.

Interestingly, the recently started  Patna-Goa (Vasco) new train which will 
have not just 2 or 3 general bogies but 5.5 boggies (5 + 1 luggage cum general) 
which means  each train could bring in Goa as many as  1320 beggars per week?

Imagine the figure when the weekly frequency of the train increased from 
present 1 to 3

Goemchea Mhojea Goemkarano
Kitem zait gai amchea Goemcho fuddar?

Coming next:
Goa 2008 – Year of Hopes and Betrayals 
(if you know what it could be all about, pl write back)

Please Participate in this related POLL anonymously 


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


Re: [Goanet] Loud Music Noise Pollution ... and Control

2009-01-01 Thread Miguel Braganza

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org


When one cackles loudly everytime one lays an egg ...and sounds as if one has 
laid to rest the queen of Pakistani by floral jihad  one is bound to be 
noticed! ;-)

Happy New Year

Mog asundi


Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 16:13:45 +0530
From: floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Loud Music Noise Pollution ... and Control
Message-ID: 7a0126daf58a4e77b3098a0b99ab8...@home

Miguel Branganza seems to know a lot of what Floriano Lobo does and does not 
do :-))

Happy New Year

From: Miguel Braganza braganza.mig...@gmail.com
 Floriano Lobo is doing a good job at monitoring the noise pollution in the 
 shacks. Apparently the local citizens in Candolim had no support from him 
 when it came to SUNBURN festival 27 to 29 December, 2008, i.e. during the 
 same period.
 It is a crime to be poor.


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[Goanet] New Year celebrations superficial, says Goan centenarian

2009-01-01 Thread Goanet News

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

New Year celebrations superficial
1 Jan 2009, 0312 hrs IST, Nigel Britto, TNN

Feedback to nigelbri...@gmail.com

CAMURLIM: The walls at her home hint at a remarkable journey. Although
freshly painted, the monotony of the bright yellow takes a break with
various pictures and portraits from different decades of the previous
century, many of which were put up by the lady herself. Among the many
tapestries is a papal blessing, a parchment sealed and autographed by
the late Pope John Paul II.

While liberated Goa celebrates its 48th New Year on Thursday, Lourdes
Conceicao Lobo of Camurlim, Bardez, celebrates her 100th. Talking to
the centenarian in her living room, she doesn't appear hundred; her
voice, quivering with age, is soft as she switches between English,
Konkani and Portuguese when the English word fails to capture her

For the hundredth time, she will celebrate the occasion with her
family. Just as she has done since 1908. Looking up from her newspaper
in response to a question, she takes the opportunity to stress the
importance of family get-togethers. Christmas and Easter, especially,
are family feasts, to be celebrated by the family, says the feisty
woman, who was born decades before Mario Puzo raised the status of
blood-ties to an iconic level with his series of novels set in the
Italian hinterland.

Back to the newspaper. She loves them, according to the two daughters
she lives with, and can't survive without them. Since I have free
time, I first go through the obituaries, so I can pray for the dead,
she says, matter-of-factly. (Her patron saint, incidentally, is St
Joseph, patron of a happy death.)

There's one major difference though, according to her, which
distinguishes life in the early 1900s with that today. It's rotten
today. Human beings are rotten! she emphasizes acerbically. There is
no love, no unity. Read the papers, they're full of murder, rape,
suicide and other crimes, says Lobo, who has seen the inside a
hospital only at the birth of her four children.

She reminisces, Look at how we built our houses in the past, she
says, gesturing at the Indo-Portuguese styled house she has lived in
since 1963. There were no robberies the way there are now. We could
live our lives in peace, without fear. These days, people are driven
by fear hence they build grilled prisons for themselves, she says,
referring to modern urban architecture.

The centenarian also rues the decline of the family as a unit. There
isn't any unity now! We see around us broken families, broken homes.
Parents don't look after children and correspondingly, kids don't look
after their parents. These kind of things were an extreme rarity last
century, says this grandmother of six who has lived through both
world wars.

Another missing aspect is the respect for your fellowmen. Youth no
longer have any respect for elders. When I was young, we used to
respect and seek blessings from older people. Now, that respect is
reserved only for money, she declares scathingly, before continuing
in the same vein, People don't even have time for the Rosary (family
or community prayer). They only have time to gossip!

At hundred, this St Joseph devotee is one of the oldest living people
in Goa. No secret to a long life, she says. Just the Will of God.
And she believes that she has the perfect solution to the present mess
our society is in. It's the same philosophy Jesus preached two
millennia ago. Love God, and love thy neighbour, she says, with a
twinkle in her eye.

[Goanet] .... has never been communal / Confidential report in the file

2009-01-01 Thread Marshall Mendonza

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Santosh Helekar:
We are not dealing with a genuine effort to inform people or discuss issues
in an honest manner. Instead, we are seeing a full fledged political
campaign to malign and destroy people.

Santosh appears to be suffering from some delusion and sees demons where
there are none. Even Don Quixote would have been aghast. He then indulges in
kite flying. A good story to tell to the birds.

This is my last post on this thread. I hope 2009 will bring peace and
justice to the people of Orissa.



[Goanet] Cuncolim Consumer Forum for inclusion of Municipalities in preparation of RP for Goa

2009-01-01 Thread Goa Desc

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your family members,
relatives, neighbours and friends.Help others be better informed

Cuncolim Civic  Consumer Forum sets time frame for inclusion
of Municipal Councils in preparation of the Regional Plan
The Cuncolim Civic and Consumer Forum (CCCF) has taken
serious note of the non inclusion of  Municipal Councils in the
participatory process for preparation of the Regional Plan for
Goa 2021 (RPG 2021) and has demanded that steps be taken
to facilitate involvement of citizens residing in Municipal Areas.

In a representation to the Chief Town Planner Mr. Morad Ahmed
the CCCF has pointed out that in the advertisement released by
the Town  Country Planning Department dated 14 December the
participatory process is fully focused on the Village Panchayats and
other than a reference of the classification of the Municipalities into
M1(150FAR) and M2(100FAR) there is no mention whatsoever
of the involvement of the Municipal Councils in the participatory
process, especially when Town  Country Planning Department
has decided that the last date for sending in suggestions is 15th
February 2009.

The CCCF has further pointed out that the Municipal Councils have
not yet received the Regional Plan Report nor the Taluka Map or the
Settlement Plans/Outline Development Plan. Moreover there is no
representative of the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA)
or of the Municipal Councils in the Taluka Level Technical Team
(TLTT). This has resulted in the Municipal Councilors and residents
being unable to benefit from a presentation on the draft Regional Plan
by the officials of the Town  Country Planning Department and to
select a Town Committee to study the RPG2021 and accept
comments, objections  suggestions.

 The CCCF has set a time frame by which various activities be
undertaken by the Town  Country Planning Department so that
the Municipal Councils are included in the participatory process for
preparation of the Regional Plan for Goa 2021. The schedule
proposed by the CCCF includes dispatch of copies of the draft
RPG2021 Report, Town Settlement Plans/ODP and questionnaire
to the Cuncolim Municipal Council  other Municipal Councils
latest by 10th January 2009, selection of Town Committees by
30th January after proper guidance by TCP Department in
collaboration with the Directorate of Municipal Administration
(DMA), inclusion of representatives of Directorate of Municipal
Administration (DMA) in the Taluka Level Technical Team (TLTT),
presentation of RPG2021 to all elected Councillors  Town
Committee members in the Taluka by TCP Dept. Team to be
completed by February 15th and two months time for filing
comments, objections  suggestions be provided so that the
last date be fixed as April 15th.

The CCCF has also written to Mr. Daulat Hawaldar, Director
of Municipal Administration to extend all necessary assistance
to facilitate the involvement of Municipal Councils and citizens
residing in Municipal Areas in the participatory process for
preparation of the Regional Plan for Goa 2021.

Copies of the representation have been sent to the Governor
of Goa, Chief Minister  Minister for Town  Country Planning,
Minister for Urban Development and MLA Cuncolim Constituency,
Chief Secretary, Secretary, Urban Development, Secretary,
Town  Country Planning, Vice Chairman Task Force RPG
2021, South Goa Collector, Salcete Taluka Mamlatdar,
Chairperson  Chief Officer Cuncolim Municipal Council.

Meanwhile the CCCF at its monthly meeting has discussed the
modalities to be adopted to facilitate the involvement of the
residents within the jurisdiction of Cuncolim Municipal Council
in the participatory process for preparation of the Regional Plan
for Goa 2021. The CCCF has resolved to ensure that all the
maps are properly displayed in Cuncolim and review of missing
information in the provided maps is undertaken, Town Committee
for RPG2021 is formed and ward wise consultation is initiated.
Press Release from cuncolimcconsumerfo...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Talking Photos:Empty Miramar Beach, Empty Bunkers, Empty chairs on the new year’s nite

2009-01-01 Thread JoeGoaUk

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Talking Photos:
Empty Miramar Beach, Empty Bunkers, Empty chairs on the new year’s nite

Come anytime /any day of the week after 11 pm and one could find at least 
50-100 people on the beach  and the figure was swelling during weekends and on 
public holidays.

But check this out on the New year’s night
Not even the Police or CPRF man seen arround.


Looks like the case of ‘big cry and no wolf’

I think Goa Govt should not have banned the night parties particularly in 
response to not so genuine  terrorist threat.  What  the Goa police for?  What 
the CRPF for? 
How big is Goa compared to other states of India?
Goa even got about 400 more CISF men from the centre just before the festive 
And yet the parties were banned.

‘Chor kedna sangon chorunk eta?’


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] India - Pratibha's dowry remark steams up women

2009-01-01 Thread Ruby Goes

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Would somebody elucidate us about the good ole 'Dowry System.'? Ah well,
atleast Sati's been abolished! Such progress,no?



[Goanet] Goa news for January 2, 2009

2009-01-01 Thread Goanet News Service

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Ambanis come together on New Year\'s Eve - Hindu Business
[10 hours ago]  MUMBAI: Ambani brothers Mr Mukesh and Mr Anil
came together to celebrate sister Ms Dipti Salgaocar's silver
marriage anniversary on New Year's eve in Goa, ...

*** Tourists flock Goa beaches - Hindu
[Dec 31, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): Tourists flocked the beaches in
Goa to usher in the New Year, jamming the lanes approaching the
coastal belt this Wednesday evening. ...

*** Auto Corp shuts Sattari unit in Goa temporarily - Economic
[5 hours ago]  MUMBAI: Automobile Corporation of Goa, where
Tata Motors is one of the largest shareholders, on Thursday
decided to temporarily shut one of its plants in ...

*** Is Goa safe on New Year\'s Eve? - NDTV.com
[Dec 30, 2008]  In response to recent intelligence warning on a
possible attack during the New Years' Eve in Goa, heightened
security is palpable. ...

*** Road Safety Week from today - Times of India
[2 hours ago]  PANAJI: The Directorate of Transport will carry
out intensive checking of vehicles in Goa to enforce traffic
rules as part of the 20th Road Safety Week ...

*** Kidnapper demanded ransom for bash in Goa - Times of India
[Dec 31, 2008]  ... his Rajinder Nagar house at night on
December 26, had been picked by the kidnappers for a ransom so
that they could celebrate the new year in Goa. ...

*** Goa daily, tour operator apologise for controversial ad -
[10 hours ago]  We brought to their notice the hurt and the
anger of the people of Goa and they having accepted the error,
decided to publish the apology, Almeida said. ...

*** \'1 in 100 women attempt suicide in Goa\' - Times of India
[Dec 31, 2008]  PANAJI: A study has found that nearly one in
every 100 women, aged between 18 and 50 years, attempted suicide
in the last 12 months in Goa. ...

*** INDIA Hindu Filmmakers Movie On Lourdes Saint Premiered In
Goa - Union of Catholic Asian News
[7 hours ago]  21 in Panaji, capital of coastal Goa state, 1910
kilometers southwest of New Delhi. VR Gopinath, alsoa Hindu,
directed the 85-minute film. ...

*** This hippies child has made Goa his home - Times of India
[Dec 31, 2008]  He juggles his time between America and home
Goa, studying mural-style painting at the Institute of

[Goanet] Books from Goa... a listing of easily-available books related to the region

2009-01-01 Thread Frederick FN Noronha

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

BOOKS FROM GOA...a  list of titles available with the Other
India Bookstore http://otherindiabookstore.com/index.jsp


  Goa Aparanta Edited by Victor Rangel Ribeiro Pp.
  250 (2008) (HB/lf) Rs. 3500 Lavish coffee table
  production, purporting to give the reader a
  kaleidoscope view of Goa, including her history,
  language and literature, art and architecture,
  clothing, food, flora and fauna and the much
  debated `Goan identity'. Presented in the form of
  essays, poems, excerpts, from a variety of eminent
  personalities and supported with beautiful, full
  size colour photographs, printed on art paper.

Goa: A Journey and Reminiscence By Dr. Tilak Ranjan Bera Pp.
210 (2008) (HB/LF) Rs. 2000 A lavish production, with colour
photographs of Goa's beaches, churches, bazaars, fairs etc.
that bring out the charm of this hotspot tourist destination.
Goa: Of Sun and Sand By Valerie Rodriguez Pp. 96 (2008) Rs.
295 coffee/ee table book with photographs of beaches, fairs,
towns, churches, temples and alleyways. Printed on art paper.

Under the Archangel's Wings By Teresa Albuquerque Pp.108
(2003) (HB/LF) Rs.500 Produced for the 400th anniversary of
St. Michael's Church in Anjuna, this historian tells you all
there is to know about the church, the chapels and other
interesting places in Anjuna.  Packed with colour

Goa - Images  Impressions By Thomas Vaz Pp.70 (1983) (LF)
Rs.290A high-quality coffee/ee table book on Goa, filled with
nostalgia and exquisite colour photographs of Goa today.
Classic India: Goa Edited by Amrita Kumar Pp.57 (1997) HB
Rs.95 A book on Goa generously illustrated with colour

Goa By Mario Cabral e Sa  Jean-Louis Nou Pp.111 (1986)
Rs.550 Goa's contemporary chronicler explores the past,
strips away the stereotypes created around Goa. 60 lavish


  Lived Heritage, Shared Space By Angelo Costa
  Silveira Pp. 140 (2008) Rs. 495 Courtyard houses,
  typical of dwellings in the Konkan region are
  described in great detail in this book, which is a
  translation from the Portuguese. Beautiful
  photographs both in colour, and black and white.

  Parmal:  The  Eternal  Fragrance  of  Goan Heritage
  By Goa Heritage Action Group Pp. 150 (2007) Rs. 200
  Short essays, notes, jottings on Goan heritage

Houses of Goa By Gerard da Cunha, Heta Pandit and Anabel
Mascarenhas Pp.208 (2006) Rs.1900 Studies over 150 Goan
houses in detail. With 200 gorgeous colour pictures.

Churches of Goa  By Jose Pereira Pp.103 (2006) Rs.195 Richly
illustrated with photographs of church interiors, maps and
line drawings.

  Walking in and around Panaji  By Goa Heritage
  Action Group Pp. 304 (2005) Rs. 600 Panaji is among
  the finest examples of how art can be com-bined
  with functionality while still retaining its
  traditions and cultural patterns.

Magnificent Monuments of Old Goa By Patrick J. Lobo Pp.130
(2004) (HB/LF) Rs.1200 13 churches and chapels in Old Goa are
in various stages of preservation. But there were many more,
now lost forever.  The author painstakingly goes into the
past while highlight-ing the present. Beautiful photographs
maps and drawings illustrate this lavishly produced book.

In  Around Old Goa By Heta Pandit Pp.131 (2004) Rs.695 A
collection of essays and photographs on Old Goa.

The Heritage of Govapuri By Fr. Cosme Jose Costa Pp.132 (LF)
(2002) Rs.300 beautifully-produced study, profusely
illustrated study of the artifacts in and around the Pilar
Seminary Museum.


Flora of Goa, Diu, Daman, Dadra  Nagar Haveli By Rolla
Seshagiri Rao 2 Vols. Pp.545 total (1985) Rs.250 An
exploration of plant life liberally illustrated with maps and

  A Photographic Guide to Butterflies of Goa By Parag
  Rangnekar Pp. 66 (2007) Rs. 150 Beautiful
  butterflies, all in colour, that are found in Goa
  and other ranges of the Western Ghats are
  catalogued and described in this booklet size
  publication along with best places to spot them.

The Western Ghats By Mohan Pai Pp. 237 (2005) Rs. 475 $ 20.00
The Western Ghats is one of the 18 biodiversity hot-spots of
the world and the main intent of 

[Goanet] Forum manners: Basic human courtesy please!

2009-01-01 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

I think the solution is simple. If what Melvyn writes is true (and I have no 
reason to doubt), why are intelligent Goans on GX?  By definition, the purpose 
of GX is to display the power of poppycock.

Those who engage in bizarre debates on goanet, should be placed on an 
automatic delete list..  If their post is opened by oversight, and the first 
three lines is same old ... same old ... same old, there is the delete button.

My reading of goanet, some members have too much time on their hands. And 
few use goanet for their free entertainment.  They should goggle the blogs of 
their favorite stand-up comedians. The readers will have a  much better laugh 
from a professional comedian; than from a wannabe groping for something 
brilliantly-stupid to write.  But perhaps what these writers and readers  need 
is a hefty dose of 'Truth Serum' like Fred's description of grown, mature 
Hmm...,  (? on purpose) Fred did not use terms like 'smart' ... 'intelligent'.  
Are the grown, mature men using the goanet and GX writings as an alter-ego to 
spice-up their sex lives?  As a  suggestion, in the New Year these writers 
could drown their woes in single malts and sirloin grease. 

A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all  Keep smiling!  

Regards, GL
--- Frederick Noronha:

Very true. If it wasn't so sad, it would have been funny!
I also think it is unbecoming of grown, mature men (very few women survive 
these bizarre debates) to keep flogging the same issue ceaselessly. If someone 
doesn't want to get convinced by your logic, leave him alone when two 
persons have a one-on-one slanging match, it becomes boring for everyone else 
on the list!

 Melvyn Ferrao:

I have been following the posts on Goanet and GX forums for several weeks and 
have a few observations to make. Here is a typical conversation very much 
exaggerated to explain the point I am trying to make.
A: I think ..
(B fumes with rage. How dare A write this? He has insulted us all). How long 
will it take you to grow up A? Stop your ugly rants in favour of XYZ


[Goanet] Freddy (Tiatrist)

2009-01-01 Thread JoeGoaUk

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Freddy (1930 - 2008)


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] Good manners on Forum

2009-01-01 Thread Mervyn Elsie Maciel

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Melwyn Ferrao has said what, perhaps, many of us have wanted to say for
sometime.  As an insignificant contributor to goanet, I too have felt that
some of the posts
have exceeded the bounds of decency.

Is it too much to ask that arguments, however provocative, be conducted in a
gentlemanly manner and with a semblance of decency?

Mervyn Maciel

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Star of Agassaim

2009-01-01 Thread JoeGoaUk

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Star of Agassaim


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


Re: [Goanet] HELP Protect

2009-01-01 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Roland Francis wrote:
 I consider this nothing but shocking.
 Even the Khapris look after their wildlife better.
 And we think we are way better than Khapris.

 Apologies for letting my racial biases surface.
 India is getting nearer to Khapri-land.
 Only a matter of time before we outdo Rwanda.

Thank you for exposing your racial biases but I simply cannot understand
how you are able to match Khapris with wildlife.

I do not think it is possible to profess a love for animals when you so
blatantly display that you hate a section of your fellow human beings.

Lastly, I have a child whose parent is a Khapri. 
In a few days, he will be President of the USA. 


Instant Messaging, free SMS, sharing photos and more... Try the new Yahoo! 
Canada Messenger at http://ca.beta.messenger.yahoo.com/

[Goanet] Khajim-ethical wonkary

2009-01-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Gilbert wrote:

 The rest of your characterization (and those of others) is a facile
 little bit of quasi-ethical wonkery.:=)) If you do not believe in a
 soul and life-after-death, please have the courage of your
 conviction to say so succinctly. Thus, you can save us from the
 kathakali dance.

Because Kazi Quasim was of no help President Pandurang asked the Portuguesa 
dotor and Vhodlo Ghadi to consult the big cirurgiaos in Lisboa about 
quasi-ethical wonkery. Now we have the answer by telegram. It is also a medical 
condition like pleural cyclerism. In Chimbel it is called khajim-ethical 
wonkary. A person suffers from it when he eats too much khajem or kadyobodeyo 
at the fest or zatra. They are made of god. As Gilbert told us, too much god is 
bad for you. The main symptom is wonkary or vomiting. The President now 
understands Gilbert completely. Those who have given up god like Kevin may have 
suffered from khajim-ethical wonkary after seeing too much god on Goanet.

Happy New Year!



P.S. BTW, the President now knows that pleural cyclerism is caused by riding 
cycle daablexitt everyday. Forsu suffered from it because he was riding ladies 
cycle with girls in the front.


[Goanet] Pictures, video, news

2009-01-01 Thread Olga Maciel

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

In pictures: UK celebrates
Fireworks as world welcomes 2009 

India moustaches 'face the chop'
Olga Maciel
Imagine a life without walls.  See the possibilities. 

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (2Jan09)

2009-01-01 Thread alexyz fernandes

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Wishing our Politicians...Bureaucrats...Builders...Mine..Casino Owners...Goans 
A Non-Destructive 2009

Read a Book by someone You respect. Let People read the Goodness in You.

My Experiments with Truth - M.K. Gandhi

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Loud Music Noise Pollution ... and Control

2009-01-01 Thread Frederick FN Noronha

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Guys, can we avoid these kind of posts? Or if we want to take pot-shots at
each other, do it via private posts please! Just a suggestion...  Happy New
Year indeed! FN

2009/1/1 Miguel Braganza miguelbraga...@yahoo.co.in


 When one cackles loudly everytime one lays an egg ...and sounds as if one
 has laid to rest the queen of Pakistani by floral jihad  one is bound to
 be noticed! ;-)

 From: floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com

 Miguel Branganza seems to know a lot of what Floriano Lobo does and does
 do :-)) Happy New Year

[Goanet] Socorro residents object to conversion of football ground

2009-01-01 Thread Goanet News Service

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Socorro residents object to conversion of football ground


PORVORIM, jan 1, 2009

Residents of Carrem-Socorro are up in arms over the conversion of the football 
ground and the surrounding area in Carrem into residential plots by Serula 

On getting the information that the Serula Communidade has started the work of 
developing roads inside the plots, the villagers rushed to the site and did not 
allow the attorney of Serula Communidade from carrying out asphalting work.

Speaking to Herald, Serula communidade Attorney Agnel Lobo said that the 
has obtained provisional NOC from the Town and Country Planning Department for 
development of plots and the final NOC will be issued by TCP after completion 
of the 

Serula Communidade is constructing houses for the economically backward 
classes and 
will be allotted to those who reside within the jurisdiction of Serula 
said Lobo.

He further said that the communidade has set aside 4,800 sq mtrs of land for 
football ground, 1,000 sq mtrs for the primary school and the remaining area is 
being converted into plots for the construction of houses.

Kishor Assnodker of Socorro said that state level sports events have taken 
place on 
the football ground and they had submitted a memorandum with the signatures of 
villagers to the government with a request to restrict Serula Communidade from 
converting the ground and surrounding area into plots, but in vain.

Former Socorro Sarpanch Seby Mendonsa said that the communidade is planning to 
construct about 60 houses in the area without creating any infrastructure.

Socorro has been facing water shortage and collection of garbage problems. The 
garbage will flow down the plateau during rainy season, which will pollute the 
wells, said Mendonsa.

The residents residing beneath the plateau will face the problem of drinking 
and in view of this, the development of residential plots should not be 
allowed, he 

Socorro Sarpanch Kirti Assnodker said that Serula Communidade has not obtained 
permission from the panchayat for the conversion of the area into plots and 
the conversion is illegal.

Wilbur Ticlo stated that in 2007, they had objected to the conversion of the 
into residential plots and had also requested the government to reserve it for 
sports, recreational and cultural activities for the residents.


[Goanet] .... has never been communal / Confidential report in the file

2009-01-01 Thread Marshall Mendonza

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Marlon Menezes:
If I had to bet on who is NOT a communalist, I would bet my money on
Whether Santosh is a communalist or not, his words and actions will
determine that and not any certificates dished out by anyone. But I can say
for sure that he has put up a spirited defence of the sangh parivar. It is
all documented in the archives.

Marlon Menezes:
If I may use Marshall's own logic, may I ask him where he was when Goan
catholic extremists incited violence when they successfully got the Da Vinci
Code banned in Goa?
If you have been following my posts, you would not fail to observe that I
am strongly against any act of hate or violence from whichever source -
whether christian, hindu, muslim, atheist, etc.



[Goanet] A regional party by Activists in Goa? [fungoa.blogspot.com]

2009-01-01 Thread Goa Observer

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

A regional party by Activists in Goa?

The Election Commission designates two types of political parties in
India. Political parties whose realm of influence extends to four or
more states are termed as ‘national’, the rest being classified as
regional. Regional parties contest for elections within that state and
are considered to be truly representing the welfare of the people in
that state. A casual glance at the political scenario in our Goa shows
that we have no regional party of note to protect our interests. The
two major political parties in Goa are both branches of a national
party. The ministers of these parties are more interested in following
the commands from the central ‘high-command’ and the aspirations of the
locals are put on the back burner.

The first regional
parties in India originated before independence. In Tamil Nadu the
“Dravida Munnetra Kazagham” (DMK) party helped form the Tamil state and
safeguarded the interest of the Dravidian people from immigrant north
Indian Aryan culture. The “Akali Dal” in Punjab is a religion oriented
party whose followers are the Sikhs. In Andhra Pradesh, “Telegu Desam”
was founded to protect local Telugu culture. In Assam with the “Assam
Gana Parishad” and in Maharashtra with the “Shiv Sena”, there are
political parties which came into existence because of the
discriminatory feelings of the local 'sons of soil' population. The
seeds of dissent were sown by frenzied migration from poorer
neighboring states as well as countries like Bangladesh and Nepal, a
situation similar to what we are seeing in Goa today. In recent years
these parties have moderated their ideologies to integrate in the
national coalition governments. The other notable state parties in
India include the National Conference in Kashmir, Haryana Vikas Party
in Haryana, Manipur People's Party in Manipur, Sikkim Democratic Front
in Sikkim, Mizo National Front in Mizoram, All India Anna Dravida
Munnetra Kazagham (AIADMK) in Tamil Nadu and many other parties. People
who broke away from larger national parties founded some state parties
like the Trinamul Congress, Tamil Manila Congress, Kerala Congress,
Maharashtra Navnirman Sena etc.

It may be recalled that
before Goa ’s Liberation, Jawaharlal Nehru, the then prime minister of
India had declared:  Goa has a distinct personality, and we have
recognized it. He subsequently stated “We do not want to impose
anything...If anything is to be changed, that shall be decided by Goans
alone...” Though the need to preserve Goa ’s identity was often
mentioned, no endeavors beside the language opinion poll were
undertaken to ascertain the people’s wishes.

The need of a
legislation or status for Goa to protect the interests of the Goan
populace was felt even then fearing that Goa would sooner or later be
lost in the mammoth ocean that is India . Such “radical” thoughts were
however quashed by a pseudo or ultra patriotic fervor that swept the
land after liberation from the Portuguese. A look at the socio-economic
scenario today makes you reckon that those apprehensions were indeed
genuine. The influence of national political parties towards this
predicament cannot be summarily dismissed. 

scenario post liberation from the Portuguese rule was different. Goa
was then a union territory with two strong regional parties, the
Maharastrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) and the United Goans Party (UGP).
Goa had managed to carve a unique spot in the multi-cultural concoction
that is India. This sense of identity along with a series of stable
governments allowed the state to make rapid strides towards
modernization. In spite of some populist laws like the Mundkar Act,
Land to the tiller Act etc. that were enacted in that era, Goa began to
flourish. Unfortunately nothing was done to regularize the mining
industry nor were our communidade lands safeguarded, which has resulted
in their incessant exploitation now. The quintessential old world charm
remained a part of the Goa and attracted tourists from all over the
world. The tourism industry went on to be the backbone of our economy.

attained statehood in 1987; a political milestone that got it renewed
attention from the central government. The entrance of national parties
like the Congress and Bharathiya Janata Party (BJP) made the Goan
political scenario take a turn for the worse. Goa has a unicameral
legislature consisting of a 

[Goanet] FR is offline....

2009-01-01 Thread Frederick FN Noronha

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Due to a subtle mix of pressures, polite requests and blandishments, I
regret to announce that homevideo of the Cafe Prakash video -- about
the plot to unleash a book of Goan music -- is no longer available on
YouTube: http://in.youtube.com/user/fredericknoronha

Of all guys, Goanet's scarlet pimpernel Joe Goa Uk was asking me who
were the other two guys in the video.

Anyway, since we are not secretive in keeping most secrets: the
frizzly haired guy is William, a musician himself. Silver maned Silvio
is a popular figure from Fontainhas and (according to some of us
journos) deep into the local gossip! (Silvio is related, cousin, I
think, to the late Goan journalist who carved a niche for himself with
his forceful stories in the extant Illustrated Weekly, Ivan Fera...
short for Fernandes, I guess! Used to be a fan of his writing in the

A hint: you might still find some traces of the music book video
somewhere in cyberspace... but I really can't say where the sharpnel
has stuck!

See you'll Goanetters on Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm ... and we've promised
to be on good behaviour, and only add to the Goa Sudharop function,
without disrupting it, Goanet style, with loud unceasing arguments :-)
If we agree on a place, we could even adjourn later for dinner.


[Goanet] DNA - Mumbai - Police top corruption chart in state

2009-01-01 Thread Ruby Goes

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Hi Goanetters,


How do the Goa Police compare with these figures?


[Goanet] Looking for information about Goa League London

2009-01-01 Thread Carvalho

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

In 1956-57, there existed a Goa League London. Not much is known about them 
except they held a public meeting once and issued literature on why Goa should 
be liberated from Portugal and join the Indian Union.

If anyone has information about this league or its counterpart Goa Movement, 
which raised its voice for self-determination, please do get in touch with me. 

Any information by way of literature or contact with people involved or related 
to those involved would be greatly appreciate.



Re: [Goanet] Books from Goa... a listing of easily-available books related to the region

2009-01-01 Thread Manuel Caldeira

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Dear Frederick
Wish you and your family a posperous New Year 2009.
Congratulation for your article BOOKS FROM GOA it is the most comprehensive 
work I 
ever come across about our beloved Goa.
I'm working on a project about Silent Cleansing of Goans and in this contest 
cultural legacy of Goan Identity embeded in BOOKS FROM GOA will overpower the 
Migrant Identity in Goa.

   The time being opportune to wage war,
   Goa was conquered by Apostules of Corruption
   Yes, Goa was conquered by Apostules of Corruption

   Pound the enemy!


Re: [Goanet] Please identify these heavenly bodies

2009-01-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

 From: JoeGoaUk

 Please identify these heavenly bodies

Was an interesting arrangement of the planets with the Moon a month or so ago. 
visible all over the Northern Hemisphere. Back here we were blessed with a few 
days at night to enjoy the celestial sight.

The use of an average binoculars coupled with steady hands revealed some 
companions of the smaller-looking planet on the right.

Joe, I guess this was the last time you and I could enjoy this celestial 
of this threesome.

Rural Goa is a fantastic location to observe the heavens especailly when the 
air is 
dry - its close to the city, many hills to choose a vantage location and for 
one can almost always hear some commotion in the local bar.

- B


Re: [Goanet] HELP Protect

2009-01-01 Thread Roland Francis

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org


1) Here is the connection between Khapris and wildlife:
Game Wardens, Forest Rangers, Wildlife Sanctuary Officers and other
people involved with protection of wildlife in Africa do their job
diligently. They understand that nature is closely linked with human
habitation on this planet and they are essential to our survival. An
understanding that seems lacking in some of their Indian counterparts.

2) You have equated my bias with hate. Is further explanation
necessary for you to understand the difference?

3) You have either badly constructed your sentence I have a child
whose parent is a Khapri. In a few days he will be president of the
USA, or you are professing to be Barack Obama's father. If the
latter, I can visualize headlines like Goan lottery prize winner made
son's presidency possible. Re your recent post on winning a lottery
in Toronto.


On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca wrote:
 Thank you for exposing your racial biases but I simply cannot understand
 how you are able to match Khapris with wildlife.

 I do not think it is possible to profess a love for animals when you so
 blatantly display that you hate a section of your fellow human beings.

 Lastly, I have a child whose parent is a Khapri.
 In a few days, he will be President of the USA.


[Goanet] God and You

2009-01-01 Thread Albert Desouza

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Albert writes:- When God created you He created you like Him. Just as an unborn 
child is connected to the mother through the embical cord we too are connected 
to God through Christ. The scriptures need to be read and revealed to us by the 
Almighty God. How many of us actually read or know the scriptures? We hardly 
have time for that. The church does not encourage the scriptures. We ought to 
do mediation on the word of God. The words of John The word was with God 
...etc will touch your heart if you mediate on the sentences and these words 
soothes your heart like a pain balm. I often wonder why we are so afraid of the 
believers when they are not afraid of us. Our clergy often critise them from 
the pulprits but they do not. Many times the clergy will stop us from reaching 
to God.Many times our own Catholics are deprived from preaching the word of 
God. If a lay man wants to preach the word of God he will have to climb the 
Himalayas, swim the English Channel and finally may be told sorry we cannot 
allow you. Many of us the Roman Catholics are suffering from Fearosis Syndrome. 
We are hidding something and are afraid the truth may be revealed and the bomb 
migh go on fire. Singing the song of Come Holy Spirit  will not make the Holy 
Spirit descend down on us. Our hearts must be set on fire. The fire must be 
engulfing you. It took the church years to publish a konkani Bible and when it 
was put on the stand the people could not afford it. Christmas is the time to 
think about the poor. Everyone seems to loving the poor and the aged. It looks 
like to get this affection one has to starve for 330 days. We have money but 
not for the poor. We collect money for the poor but it does not reach them. 
Jesus came for these poor people. Christmas time is the renewal time of our 
life. We can celebrate only if Christ lives in us. Today people fear of dying 
in hell. Our prayers are all out of fear. Catholics mostly read Pslam 91. They 
want God to protect them. They do not know that they have to ask God to teach 
us to love. Love is the word that is found in dictionary only. No love for our 
parents, our spouses, our children, our neighbours and others. We have no love 
for ourselves and yet we want to take part in Christmas celebration..Mere 
Midnight mass will not make a christmas. Empty your hearts and receive Jesus. 
Happy New Year

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