[Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: So why target Sebastian Rodrigues now? (Vidyadhar Gadgil)

2009-01-24 Thread Goanet Reader

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So why target Sebastian Rodrigues now?

The time for intimidatory
litigation and farcical PR is
past -- now the mining industry
must clean up its act, says

The defamation case filed by the Fomentos against Sebastian
Rodrigues in the Calcutta High Court, claiming damages of Rs
500 crores, has opened up a new front in the ongoing battle
against mining in Goa.

  This case is clearly an instance of SLAPP
  (Strategic Litigation Against Public
  Participation), a strategy frequently used by
  industry to silence critics by burdening them with
  the cost of a legal defence.

As the Wikipedia entry on the subject says, it is a lawsuit
or a threat of lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and
silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal
defence until they abandon their criticism or opposition.
Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the
person filing the SLAPP. The plaintiff's goals are
accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation,
mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the
criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from
participating in the debate.

While the acronym was coined in the 1980s, SLAPPs have long
been a strategy used by corporate capital to stifle public
debate and criticism. While it broadly covers any legal
strategy used to silence criticism of a corporate initiative,
it is typically used in environmental cases when protests and
critiques interfere with a corporate body's business

SLAPPs interfere with the freedom of speech of individuals
and groups, and as such are an attack on this fundamental
right. Internationally, courts have not treated SLAPP cases
kindly. In Canada and the US, as SLAPP became a favoured
strategy of corporates, laws were enacted to protect
defendants in SLAPP cases.

In Canada, the Protection of Public Participation Act was
brought in. In the US, a number of states have brought in
legislation to prevent misuse of litigation in anti-SLAPP
suits, especially where the complaint is related to
activities that fall within the right of free speech.

Similar situations exist in Australia and other countries,
with courts and legislatures having intervened to protect
defendants in SLAPP cases.

Probably the most renowned of SLAPP cases has been the
McLibel case, wherein the European Court of Human Rights
found that Helen Steel and David Morris did not receive a
fair trial while defending a libel action brought by
McDonald's in the UK.

Found guilty in 1994 of libelling the company in a leaflet,
the court ruled that, because legal aid is not available to
libel defendants, their right to freedom of expression had
been violated. This landmark judgement recognises the basic
imbalance in a situation where corporates with deep pockets
can engage in endless and expensive litigation, while
defendants, usually ordinary activists or whistleblowers, are
hampered due to lack of resources.

In India, unfortunately, the authorities are yet to take
appropriate action to prevent misuse of SLAPP cases. While,
in the past, criminal complaints (usually fabricated) were a
common strategy, the latest trend in India,as noted lawyer
Rajeev Dhavan has pointed out, is to use the law of
defamation to silence criticism.

As Dhavan says, The Indian law of defamation with its
criminalising posture and gagging writs offends responsible
democratic governance founded on free speech.

The willingness of courts to admit such cases and the
interminable legal delays involved only helps the cause of
suppressing free speech. Sunita Narain says that even in
India companies who file SLAPP cases rarely win in court,
but achieve their real objective to discourage others from
speaking out.

  The worst case is probably the one filed by United
  Phosphorous against Umendra Dutt of the Kheti
  Virasat Mission for discussing in public something
  as well established as the ill-effects of pesticide
  exposure. Going further, United Phosphorous also
  filed a case against the publishers of the Times of
  India for publishing a report quoting Dutt.

Interestingly, the report does not even mention the company
but only makes general comments about pesticide exposure.

This case shows that, not content with going after
environmental activists, corporate India seems keen to
silence the media 

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: So why target Sebastian Rodrigues now? (Vidyadhar Gadgil)

2009-01-24 Thread Goanet Reader

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

So why target Sebastian Rodrigues now?

The time for intimidatory
litigation and farcical PR is
past -- now the mining industry
must clean up its act, says

The defamation case filed by the Fomentos against Sebastian
Rodrigues in the Calcutta High Court, claiming damages of Rs
500 crores, has opened up a new front in the ongoing battle
against mining in Goa.

  This case is clearly an instance of SLAPP
  (Strategic Litigation Against Public
  Participation), a strategy frequently used by
  industry to silence critics by burdening them with
  the cost of a legal defence.

As the Wikipedia entry on the subject says, it is a lawsuit
or a threat of lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and
silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal
defence until they abandon their criticism or opposition.
Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the
person filing the SLAPP. The plaintiff's goals are
accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation,
mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the
criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from
participating in the debate.

While the acronym was coined in the 1980s, SLAPPs have long
been a strategy used by corporate capital to stifle public
debate and criticism. While it broadly covers any legal
strategy used to silence criticism of a corporate initiative,
it is typically used in environmental cases when protests and
critiques interfere with a corporate body's business

SLAPPs interfere with the freedom of speech of individuals
and groups, and as such are an attack on this fundamental
right. Internationally, courts have not treated SLAPP cases
kindly. In Canada and the US, as SLAPP became a favoured
strategy of corporates, laws were enacted to protect
defendants in SLAPP cases.

In Canada, the Protection of Public Participation Act was
brought in. In the US, a number of states have brought in
legislation to prevent misuse of litigation in anti-SLAPP
suits, especially where the complaint is related to
activities that fall within the right of free speech.

Similar situations exist in Australia and other countries,
with courts and legislatures having intervened to protect
defendants in SLAPP cases.

Probably the most renowned of SLAPP cases has been the
McLibel case, wherein the European Court of Human Rights
found that Helen Steel and David Morris did not receive a
fair trial while defending a libel action brought by
McDonald's in the UK.

Found guilty in 1994 of libelling the company in a leaflet,
the court ruled that, because legal aid is not available to
libel defendants, their right to freedom of expression had
been violated. This landmark judgement recognises the basic
imbalance in a situation where corporates with deep pockets
can engage in endless and expensive litigation, while
defendants, usually ordinary activists or whistleblowers, are
hampered due to lack of resources.

In India, unfortunately, the authorities are yet to take
appropriate action to prevent misuse of SLAPP cases. While,
in the past, criminal complaints (usually fabricated) were a
common strategy, the latest trend in India,as noted lawyer
Rajeev Dhavan has pointed out, is to use the law of
defamation to silence criticism.

As Dhavan says, The Indian law of defamation with its
criminalising posture and gagging writs offends responsible
democratic governance founded on free speech.

The willingness of courts to admit such cases and the
interminable legal delays involved only helps the cause of
suppressing free speech. Sunita Narain says that even in
India companies who file SLAPP cases rarely win in court,
but achieve their real objective to discourage others from
speaking out.

  The worst case is probably the one filed by United
  Phosphorous against Umendra Dutt of the Kheti
  Virasat Mission for discussing in public something
  as well established as the ill-effects of pesticide
  exposure. Going further, United Phosphorous also
  filed a case against the publishers of the Times of
  India for publishing a report quoting Dutt.

Interestingly, the report does not even mention the company
but only makes general comments about pesticide exposure.

This case shows that, not content with going after
environmental activists, corporate India seems keen to
silence the media 

[Goanet] Konkani songs on you tube

2009-01-24 Thread Olga Maciel

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  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
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Some nice Konkani songs on this channel.
New Videos from velbz07 

Konkani Song: Vavraddi 
Konkani Song: Rocky Shut Shut 
Konkani Song : Meera Meera 
Konkani Song (Medly) 
Konkani Song: Kanvllea Kieteak Rodtai Daran 
Konkani Song : Ang Mojem Choi 
Konkani Song : Altodi Poltodi 
Konkani Song : Adlea Tempar 
Potuguese medley
Olga Maciel
Windows Live Messenger just got better .Video display pics, contact updates  

[Goanet] Barack Obama's inauguration speech ... crafted by 27-year-old in Starbucks | World news | The Guardian

2009-01-24 Thread Ruby Goes

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For your information.


Re: [Goanet] Good bye Bushism

2009-01-24 Thread Mario Goveia

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Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 17:39:41 +0530
From: Radhakrishnan Nair rknai...@gmail.com

Good quotes, Marshall, but you missed my favourite one:

It's got to be a budget. There are many numbers in it!

Mario observes:

Good one, RKN and Marshall.  Hahahaha!  The Bushisms are almost as funny as 
Radhaisms and Marshallisms.  Hahahaha:-))

The difference is he has helped millions over the last eight years, mostly in 
poor and impoverished countries.

Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience and Soul

2009-01-24 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Why are these advocates of one particular religion poking their nose
into brain science? Why don't they stick to what they are ordained to
do - preach their faith to their followers and to those they hope to

What is offensive from the standpoint of a universal intellectual
pursuit such as science, as well as from the perspective of other
religions is that they are advising others to be cautious about
scientific findings that contradict their own parochial beliefs. The
clear implication is that their own religious beliefs about the
natural world take precedence over hard scientific evidence.

Contrast this medieval censorship and interference in non-religious
affairs based on the dogma of one solitary religion to the
open-mindedness and deference shown to science by Dalai Lama who
addressed a gathering of neuroscientists a few years back. This is
what he said:

On the philosophical level, both Buddhism and modern science share a
deep suspicion of any notion of absolutes, whether conceptualized as a
transcendent being, as an eternal, unchanging principle such as soul,
or as a fundamental substratum of reality. Both Buddhism and science
prefer to account for the evolution and emergence of the cosmos and
life in terms of the complex interrelations of the natural laws of
cause and effect. From the methodological perspective, both traditions
emphasize the role of empiricism. For example, in the Buddhist
investigative tradition, between the three recognized sources of
knowledge - experience, reason and testimony - it is the evidence of
the experience that takes precedence, with reason coming second and
testimony last. This means that, in the Buddhist investigation of
reality, at least in principle, empirical evidence should triumph over
scriptural authority, no matter how deeply venerated a scripture may
be. Even in the case of knowledge derived through reason or inference,
its validity must derive ultimately from some observed facts of
experience. Because of this methodological standpoint, I have often
remarked to my Buddhist colleagues that the empirically verified
insights of modern cosmology and astronomy must compel us now to
modify, or in some cases reject, many aspects of traditional cosmology
as found in ancient Buddhist texts.

Dalai Lama

Please note his acceptance of the fact that scientific findings always
trump the ancient scriptures, wisdom and teachings of his faith, and
his willingness to revise his religious beliefs in the face of
incontrovertible empirical evidence.

Here is the link to the text of his entire speech:




--- On Fri, 1/23/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

 Dear Goanetters,
 I have been discussing long ago about the dialogue between
 Science and Religion.
 My answers were rooted in the knowledge of Science and
 We need to discuss and clarify concepts which may be vital
 for us all.
 Let us see what we have to say about soul from the
 viewpoint of Science and of Religion.

 ***Soul, God Are Beyond Realm Of Neuroscience, Jesuit
 Experts Tell Seminar
 January 22, 2009

 LONAVALA, India (UCAN) -- The realities of the soul,
 spirituality and
 God-experience remain outside the domain of science,
 regardless of
 neuroscientific advancements, two Jesuit scholars
 stressed at a recent Seminar.


[Goanet] Comedian SELVY singing

2009-01-24 Thread JoeGoaUk

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  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
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Comedian SELVY singing


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[Goanet] Video + Text: London Church Service for Jonathan Marques

2009-01-24 Thread Eddie Fernandes

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Video + Text: London Church Service for Jonathan Marques
24 Jan: CNN-IBN.  The Goan community in Reading and London has come together
to help. President UK Goa Association, Flavio Gracias says, We will give
support. We are in touch with the police and the family through our website
and even if they want financial support in some weeks we will provide it.
For text, 300 words, click here.

For a video clip, 300 words, click here.

Now how is this for a coincidence: As I write this from my home, the author
of this report is in the garden interviewing Fiona Mackeown, the mother of
Scarlett Keeling.  For a background to this case see:

Fiona Mackeown: 'I can't let them get away with it'
21 Jan: The Guardian (UK). In the year since her daughter was murdered in
Goa, Fiona McKeown has single-handedly fought a botched police
investigation, endured vicious attacks in the media and even faced charges
of neglect. At the end of this month, MacKeown plans to go back to Goa to
commemorate Scarlett's death and to request, yet again, that the authorities
release organs that had been taken, without MacKeown's knowledge, during two
autopsies. 3099 words. 
For the facsimile version: Part 1, see .
Part 2: see

For the html version, see:

If you have problems with the links go to http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Shiv Sena protests screening of Slumdog

2009-01-24 Thread Sandeep Heble

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  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Fringe groups like the Hindu Janajargruti Samiti(HJS) create
unnecessary controversies to gain a base for themselves. The Shiv Sena
too has virtually no base in Goa. Religion is often used by these
orthodox elements to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses. Such
groups have neither love nor respect for Hindu and Indic values which
are based on the principles of diversity and pluralism.

A couple of months back, when the HJS made a noise over the screening
of Hussain's documentary Film at IFFI 08, instead of calling their
bluff and showing them their due place, the CM directed the
authorities to cancel the screening. It is only after some Filmmakers
and delegates protested that the Government relented and the
documentary Film was screened. The documentary Film Through the eyes
of the Painter, showcasing the beauty of Rajasthan through the famed
Painter's eyes, ran to a packed audience while the HJS volunteers who
had threatened to forcefully agitate ran into their mouse-holes.

The sad part is that Digamber Kamat has proved to be a leader without
a spine. Instead of protecting the rights of freedom of speech and
expression, he gives undue importance to such fringe radical elements.
The role of the media too is deplorable. They blow these issues out of
proportion giving a lot of undue mileage to such groups, when such
groups hardly command a universal respect in the society.

During the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival some years back, members of this
group came to my house to lodge their protest against a banner we had
displayed in the Mahalaxmi Temple Hall to promote our festival
programme. Their complaint was a silly one: the Ganesha on the banner
was playing a flute which was blasphemy as flute is a symbol only of
Lord Krishna. This was followed by a 15th Century discourse on
orthodox Hindu values where principles of pluralism and liberalism
were shred into a million pieces. These members subsequently walked
away in a huff, quite upset, as I was unwilling to bend to their

In the same year, the mischievous streak in me could not resist
putting a bow in Krishna's hands instead of a Sudarshana Chakra, on
our Tableau displayed in St. Inez on the eve of Diwali. (The bow is
normally associated with Lord Ram).  Here is a picture of that
(http://tinyurl.com/dhrm54 ). And the Flute-Ganesha continued for
another 2 years :-)

It is pertinent to note that these radical groups understand neither
the essence nor the spirit of Hinduism where the Gods have
consistently been depicted liberally. During the Ganesh festival, one
has to travel across the length and breadth of Goa, into its villages,
particularly in cultural centres like Cumbarjua, Marcel and Ammona to
understand what Hinduism is: a glowing tapestry of ideas. Some of
these pictures are available at this link: http://tinyurl.com/aw3qnq

A fitting tribute to India's living civilization was given by Mark
Twain when he wrote and I quote: In religion, India is the only
millionaire - the One land that all men desire to see, and having seen
once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows
of all the rest of the globe combined. It is the cultural beauty of
Hinduism that has made significant contributions to India's rich
diversity, where Artists and sculptors have consistently played around
by depicting Gods in the manner they imagine them, where scriptures
and holy epics have consistently been re-written from different
perspectives and interpretations, and where the very notion of
thought-control is non-existant.

Organizations like Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and 'Shiv Sena are
behaving like self-proclaimed moral custodians of faith and culture,
trying to dictate to others what they should do, see, eat and drink.
If such groups are given a free hand, they will destroy all that
Hinduism has to offer. The Millionaire Nation will slowly and steadily
be turned into a pauper. The need for the State to deal with such
groups with a firm iron hand becomes therefore imperative.

On a related note, Pradeep Dalvi's Marathi Play Mee Nathuram Godsey
Boltoy is scheduled to run at the Kala Academy Auditorium, Panaji on
Sunday, the 31st of January. In this play, the Assasin Nathuram has
been glorified and Gandhi has been depicted as a Villain, likened to
Kamsa and Ravana. Let's wait and see whether these groups are going to
stage even a peaceful protest outside the venue against the vicious

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Some Goan Plants, sunsets, dances, Boats, Ramponn, sharks etc

2009-01-24 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Talking Photos: Some Goan Plants, sunsets, dances, Boats, Ramponn, sharks etc

If this is Bil Maadd

Then this must be Kondde/Bamboos
It’s leaves look like this

Another medicinal plant?

Tambddem sallok

jetty at sunset

A Goan Falk Dance - New

River under the moon

Ramponn boat, Voddem, Canoe

Shark or sharks on land


A family at sunset beach


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] God and You

2009-01-24 Thread Albert Desouza

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Albert writes:- God created a beautiful earth. He created whatever He felt was 
necessary. If you just stop a while you will notice several things that God has 
created around us that are for the betterment of us. We have plants that are to 
be eaten for food, we have medicinal plants etc etc. He has created herbivores 
and Carnivores and has created a balance between them and the nature. If today 
we are not happy or are troubled by nature it is because we have unnecessarily 
created an imbalance with the nature. Hills are cut and trees are cut and 
animals are cut in plenty .Today man is angry with his own people. The war 
between husband and wife with divorce as the end product is seen in the world. 
There is no link between husband and wife, between parents and children and 
between the young and the old. The line - is missing. In chemistry we use the 
word bond when we want to show a relationship between two molecules. We write 
ch4 as methane but there is a link between each carbon
  molecule with hydrogen molecule. But with human beings the link or bond 
btween our elderly parents, between young parents and between young parents and 
children is broken. If human being cannot have a binding with other human being 
of its own blood and having some common chromosomes, how can human being have a 
binding with his neighbour who is not his blood relation ? I do not think we 
can ever love God whom we cannot see. We are bluffing everyone and this guilt 
of ours make us run to church everyday and to other places like Potta, 
Vallankani, and many other places. People are just acting that they are 
christians that they love God, they value mass, they value prayers but heart of 
heart they are big cheats. Open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus, to tell him 
that I love him, to hold and to touch him...Open my heart Lord, I want to feel 
Jesus, to pour out my love for him, and clean my heart of all the unwanted 
things. Open my eyes Lord, I may see your creations, that I may t
 ransmit the love you gave me from calvery to all my brothers and sisters of 
the earth. Please pray from the heart, there is a meaning in this. Let tears 
flow from your eyes when you think about God's love. These should be the tears 
of Joy. Our Father you are in Heaven, Holy be your name and let your kingdom 
come to us from you. We glorify you Lord for you have to be glorified and if 
you want that we should be glorified too let it be done according to your 

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Re: [Goanet] Shiv Sena protests screening of Slumdog

2009-01-24 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA

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Hi Sandeep
 I have just seen Slumdog Millionaire. I think it is a pretty good film that 
will particularly appeal to Western audiencesno wonder it has 10 Oscar 
I regret that for now, I just haven't got the time to explain why I thought the 
film was good.
I would be most disappointed if the people of India were prevented from seeing 
the film because of Shiva Sena protests. Such censoring attempts are 
dispicable  in my view.
--- On Sat, 24/1/09, Sandeep Heble sandeephe...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Sandeep Heble sandeephe...@gmail.com
Subject: [Goanet] Shiv Sena protests screening of Slumdog
To: goa...@goanet.org
Date: Saturday, 24 January, 2009, 11:14 AM

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Fringe groups like the Hindu Janajargruti Samiti(HJS) create
unnecessary controversies to gain a base for themselves. The Shiv Sena
too has virtually no base in Goa. Religion is often used by these
orthodox elements to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses. Such
groups have neither love nor respect for Hindu and Indic values which
are based on the principles of diversity and pluralism.

A couple of months back, when the HJS made a noise over the screening
of Hussain's documentary Film at IFFI 08, instead of calling their
bluff and showing them their due place, the CM directed the
authorities to cancel the screening. It is only after some Filmmakers
and delegates protested that the Government relented and the
documentary Film was screened. The documentary Film Through the eyes
of the Painter, showcasing the beauty of Rajasthan through the famed
Painter's eyes, ran to a packed audience while the HJS volunteers who
had threatened to forcefully agitate ran into their mouse-holes.

The sad part is that Digamber Kamat has proved to be a leader without
a spine. Instead of protecting the rights of freedom of speech and
expression, he gives undue importance to such fringe radical elements.
The role of the media too is deplorable. They blow these issues out of
proportion giving a lot of undue mileage to such groups, when such
groups hardly command a universal respect in the society.

During the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival some years back, members of this
group came to my house to lodge their protest against a banner we had
displayed in the Mahalaxmi Temple Hall to promote our festival
programme. Their complaint was a silly one: the Ganesha on the banner
was playing a flute which was blasphemy as flute is a symbol only of
Lord Krishna. This was followed by a 15th Century discourse on
orthodox Hindu values where principles of pluralism and liberalism
were shred into a million pieces. These members subsequently walked
away in a huff, quite upset, as I was unwilling to bend to their

In the same year, the mischievous streak in me could not resist
putting a bow in Krishna's hands instead of a Sudarshana
Chakra, on
our Tableau displayed in St. Inez on the eve of Diwali. (The bow is
normally associated with Lord Ram).  Here is a picture of that
(http://tinyurl.com/dhrm54 ). And the Flute-Ganesha continued for
another 2 years :-)

It is pertinent to note that these radical groups understand neither
the essence nor the spirit of Hinduism where the Gods have
consistently been depicted liberally. During the Ganesh festival, one
has to travel across the length and breadth of Goa, into its villages,
particularly in cultural centres like Cumbarjua, Marcel and Ammona to
understand what Hinduism is: a glowing tapestry of ideas. Some of
these pictures are available at this link: http://tinyurl.com/aw3qnq

A fitting tribute to India's living civilization was given by Mark
Twain when he wrote and I quote: In religion, India is the only
millionaire - the One land that all men desire to see, and having seen
once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows
of all the rest of the globe combined. It is the 

[Goanet] Goa Sudharop: Goan Artist Laxman Pai to display art

2009-01-24 Thread George Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

We are pleased to inform you that world-renowned Goan artist Laxman Pai (born 
Margao, Goa) will be displaying some of his work at the GOA SUDHAROP organized 
CELEBRATE GOA day on Sunday, February 22, 2009 at the India Community Center 
in Milpitas, California (www.indiacc.org).  Art by Laxman Pai will be available 
for viewing (and sale) during February at the ICC. For more information on the 
artist, see http://www.indiaartists.com/

In keeping with Goa Sudharop's theme for 2009 YEAR OF THE YOUTH, there will be 
a Youth Panel and other events on February 22, 2009. Stay tuned for more 
details. All invited.

Thank you to the volunteers, well-wishers, supporters and donors of Goa 

Goa Sudharop

Re: [Goanet] A GOLDen future?

2009-01-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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goa...@yahoo.com wrote: 

My bottom line:
1) Currency trades: Some diversification to safeguard against a cataclysmic US$ 
collapse is a good idea, but too early to predict dollar trends. One predictor 
for this is US bond yields. 
2) Gold: look for inflation signals. If there is inflation, buy gold/dump 
3) New technologies: Strong on smart grid technologies in short/medium term. 
Strong on solar/wind in medium/long term. Strong on clean water long term.

Nice post, Marlon.
Made interesting reading even though it is a US centric view point.

Others see things slightly differently. 
1) The US is printing money as though it is running out of trees and Hussien 
bin Obama promises more of the same.
There is only one consequence of printing more money, it becomes less valuable, 
and that guarantees inflation.
Gold does extremely well in inflationary times and sometimes even when there is 
the prospect of inflation.

2) The time to invest in gold, or any thing else for that matter, is when you 
hear people say, Prices are so low, I could puke.
Buying gold after inflation signals are confirmed, is rewarding those who 
bought early for their astuteness. Thank you.

3) Throughout history, when nations go to war, the currencies of both the 
victor and the vanquished get debauched. The first 
Afghanistan war caused the Rubble and later the USSR to collapse. A similar 
fate awaits the US if the politicians don't come
to their senses on the two bogus wars.   

4) The US electric grid loses 50% of its energy while being transferred from 
the producers to the consumers. If Obama tackles 
this problem, it will be boom times again for the US. Secondly, Canadian and 
European research institutions are bracing for what 
Obama decides on research funding. If research funding is restored and 
decisions for funding are made on non-religious views, 
e.g. stem cell research, scientists and innovators will be lured back to US 
institutions, immensely benefiting that economy.

5) Lastly, the US is currently losing 500,000 jobs PER MONTH. Nothing golden 
about that. A golden future would be possible
only if the current administration does the exact opposite of the Bush (43) 
administration. The exact opposite means:
a) Create new jobs
b) Cut military expenditure
c) Stop printing money
d) Increase taxes to balance the budget

This is the medicine the World Bank has been advocating to debtor nations for 
the past 50 years.
If the biggest debtor nation is unable to take this medicine, it will get 
sicker, much sicker before it recovers.

When the lion is crippled, the hare goes to his house for debt recovery.
- African proverb -  

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[Goanet] Bush Fox News

2009-01-24 Thread Tim de Mello

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While other TV channels were focused on the new president . . 

When Bush left Washington, Fox News had detailed coverage of him leaving 
Washington, landing at Midland Texas and then also at Crawford . . 

It prompted Jon Stewart on The Daily Show  to say to Fox News:
Let it go . . . he's gone . . . if you love an administration . .  set it free, 
if it returns . . . . 

we'll all move to Canada.


Windows Live Messenger. Multitasking at its finest.

[Goanet] There are far more important things than speeches

2009-01-24 Thread Mario Goveia

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I have watched with bemused amusement a number of shallow posts on Goanet on 
the inauguration of the new American president, apparently missing the 
significance of yet another seamless transfer of awesome power from one 
American administration to another, unique for its simple civility, regardless 
of political affiliation.

One Goanetter was apparently so impressed with the inaugural Obama speech that 
a link to the text was cut and pasted here.  Another apparently fell asleep 
while watching, failing to be duly impressed, hoping for who knows what to be 
SAID.  A speech?  Mere words, by a career politician, whose own pastor once 
famously said would say anything to get elected?  Talk about being impressed by 
form over substance.

Others took the opportunity to display their small-mindedness by repeating the 
same tired old canards and Bushisms, most of these made up by Bush's 
political adversaries, while seeming oblivious to Bush's towering achievements, 
which included turning around a declining economy in 2001, containing the 
economic fallout from 9/11, providing the leadership for seven years of 
uninterrupted economic growth with low inflatipon, while also achieving two 
epic political liberations and massive assistance to a number of poor and 
oppressed countries, including an unprecedented nuclear agreement to help India 
enhance its power generating capabilities.

By contrast, the following are links to two thoughtful columns by two premier 
African-American journalists which offer some serious food for thought for the 
days ahead among all the verbal chaff:



Re: [Goanet] The bait-and-switch - defrauding Goans once

2009-01-24 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair

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Something is seriously wrong with this guy to use such language in a
public forum. He needs more than blood pressure medication. He should
have his head examined.

-- RKN

Rajan P. Parrikar parri...@yahoo.com wrote:
The Comrade is right that Marxist scum does not figure
on my map.  And it is true that ghatis should vamoose
from Goa.

But my generosity also knows no bounds, for when
this Comrade came begging at my door asking for the
fruits of my work - the RTI land conversion document - I
was kind enough to provide it to him.  That sort of
gracious behavior is foreign to bhaile carpetbagging
mongrels defecating in Goa.

Warm regards,


ps: I don't follow Goanet but don't mind kicking ghati
ass once in a while when brought to my attention.

Re: [Goanet] Faith can heal

2009-01-24 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

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Dear Goanetters,
We have been discussing a lot on faith and religion. I would like to
provide a statement of a physician that Faith can heal.

Faith Can Heal, Physician Tells Science Seminar
January 23, 2009

LONAVALA, India (UCAN) -- Good health is linked to faith in God, says an 

physician who has studied the role of religion in medicine.

Religious involvement and doing good for others can help maintain one's 

and mental health, S. Chattopadhyay told a recent Church-organized science

Chattopadhyay researched the relevance of religion and spirituality in 
and bioethics for his master of bioethics program. He holds a doctorate from 

University of Connecticut, in the United States, and presently teaches
physiology at the Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences in Bhubaneswar, in
Orissa state, eastern India.

Neuroscientific Revolution, the Human Soul and Spirituality was the theme of 

Jan. 1-5 seminar in Lonavala, near Mumbai, 1,410 kilometers southwest of New
Delhi. About 200 people, including university professors, researchers and
activists from India and abroad, attended the event.

The Indian Institute of Science and Religion (IISR), which Jesuit Father Job
Kozhamthadam started 10 years ago, organized the seminar in collaboration 

three colleges, a major seminary and a university, all in Maharashtra state.
Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra state.

In his presentation, Chattopadhyay spoke on Neuroscience and spirituality:
beyond outright rejection and blind acceptance.

He said the human person cannot be reduced to super-conscious matter as
asserted by some neuroscientists. Human beings are not hard-wired for 
belief in

God, but deep down, human beings hunger for God, he said.

He also asserted that faith in God is beyond the intellect and is not 
that can be measured. But it triggers love, compassion, empathy, 

brotherhood and such eternal values among faith people.

Faith in God, he said, has played a great role in healing some of the worst
diseases suffered by people, such as cancer, and this has surprised doctors.
Also, studies have shown that religious people live healthier lives, and 

generally happier.

He noted that the World Health Organization had accepted spirituality as an
important aspect of people's quality of life.

The use of scientific tools to explore religious and spiritual phenomena and 

knowledge thus acquired have evoked myriad responses, ranging from outright
rejection to blind acceptance, he said.

Much of modern biomedical research, including neuroscience, reflects
reductionism theory, an approach to understand a system by reducing it to
component parts.

He said spectacular advances have been made using the reductionist 
approach. However, such an approach cannot fully explain religious 

such as spiritual enlightenment achieved by spiritual leaders.

Such experiences, he added, cannot be researched and quantified on the
psychological basis of the neuronal functions of the brain.

[Goanet] Goa People's Assembly - Jan 23, 2009 edition

2009-01-24 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

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Attached below is a report by Soter D'Souza of the 
Goa People's Assembly held on Jan 23, 2009.  

One-line summary: Reject the sham Regional Plan 2021 in toto.

As we said earlier, we plan to continue with more editions 
of the Goa People's Assembly.


Goa People's Assembly on the Draft Regional Plan 2021 
organised by the GGRM
at T. B Cunha Hall at 04.00 p.m. on 23rdJanuary 2009

-The Kerala model of participatory planning was presented by 
Mr. Soter D'Souza.

-GGRM Convenor, Mrs. Geraldine Fernandes welcomed the 
participants to the peoples' assembly with a brief on the beginning 
of GGRM as a movement towards a better and equitable Goa 
for all. The moderator for the evening, Mr. Soter D'Souza was 
then requested to take forward the sessions.

-Mr. D'Souza stated that the evening was about testimonies 
of Gram Sabha members on their experience in the participatory 
planning process outlined in the Draft RP 2021 as well as the 
difficulties faced by them at the village level. He further 
introduced Mr. Abhijeet Dessai who would take the participants 
through the process of the Draft RP 2021.

-Mr. Dessai stated that RP through its name is indicative of a 
process of planning.  He explained that planning in RP referred 
to procedures of physical, social and economic planning, through 
which there had to be a clear understanding of the present 
situation in terms of resources i.e. what is, etc. He outlined 
planning in three steps namely a) Data Collection and Analysis 
b) Vision Establishment c) Mechanism and processes needed 
for the way forward. By RP 2021, he said that the Government 
envisages a vision statement till 2021. The two levels of planning 
which was stated by Mr. Dessai was top -down and down-top, 
the former done by a committee of few members whereas the 
latter includes people as central to the planning process. Such a 
document on planning was put together by the Task force.

He stated that the origin of regional plans was the constitution 
of the TCP Act in 1964 which made way for such plans to be 
prepared by the TCP dept. RP 2001 was the first, followed by 
RP 2011. RP 2011 was scrapped as it failed for varied reasons, 
one being no available data for the people to make informed 

He stated that in the draft RP 2021 spatial plans which were 
generally the last step, were already prepared, which was indicative 
of the realities in the process of participation. Further it was 
stated in the draft RP 2021 book that the plans incorporated 
the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments with participatory
planning, quite contrary to the maps received, as proposals 
were already made such as marinas, golf courses, etc; whereas 
natural resources, water bodies etc were not shown.

The next caution was with regard to whether the objections, 
suggestions will be put forth effectively and adequately, given 
the inadequate data and training received by the Gram Sabha 
members along with the Village committee.  Planning wrongly 
done would lead to implications for the future.  Mr. Dessai stated 
that basic necessities for life like food, water, air, shelter and
environment should be the focus of planning, as this would 
ensure a sustainable future for all, not the proposed 
developmental projects.

-Mr. Soter then led the participants to the next part of the 
sessions where various gram sabha members were to present 
their testimonies.

1.Ceasar Fernandes of Colva stated that the draft RP 2021 was 
a sham as the most visible and highlighted colour was brown 
which indicated settlement. He stated that water bodies were 
missing, further there was inadequate data through which effective 
verification could be done e.g. road maps, economic surveys, etc. 
The elected village committee had objected to work on RP 2021 
as there was no basis for analysis and data collection. Further, 
a group had gathered to collect and collate information; this 
however would not be submitted at the Gram Sabhas.  He 
said that the only concern of concerned authorities was filling 
of the questionnaire which may or may not be binding. He felt 
that work on the draft RP should stop and a demand for a 
proper planning process should be undertaken.

2.Shanti Fortes of Orlim said that she was happy on hearing 
that a new plan was put forth and volunteered in the Village 
Committee, but was sad to see the confusion. She questioned 

[Goanet] songs with mog

2009-01-24 Thread JANE ALPHONSO

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Hi guys I hope you will love this. I know it has been a long time and you guys 
have been writing to me asking me for more songs well i have been busy with 
work and play and family and all will i hope to brings you guy up to date with 
some more new songs soon. mog to all from jjandson
http://uk.youtube.com/watchv=YzcNgb6I6gofeature=related  TRUMPETAR SONG BY 
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sucor/andrew  http://uk.youtube.com/watchv=S2GB8s6Qou0feature=related
http://uk.youtube.com/watchv=U8M89TUyPrQfeature=related   menin mario
http://uk.youtube.com/watchv=p6Nl9LEx4ZEfeature=related  beporva
http://uk.youtube.com/watchv=bMO6JGkZU90feature=related    don ruppa movie
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=d6mI-Zl5yOQfeature=related  zanet/philip
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uV5JhynZqa0feature=related   niz 
 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bZGgLhp9WV0feature=related    married 
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=494D8zDX-dsfeature=related    All alone in 
Goa Join our single female traveler as she scours t..


2009-01-24 Thread Aires Rodrigues

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Goa's Aam Aadmi is at the mercy of a chaotic administration that is
grounded and dysfunctional. Digambar Kamat is dragging on in office in
the footsteps of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and hoping to
complete his term.

Good Governance is not about trying to appease all while pleasing no
one. Decisions have to be taken with conviction and not to satisfy a
few at the cost of the larger interests of Goa.

To protect the interests of Goa's educated unemployed Digambar Kamat
could have reverted the retirement age of government employees to 58
and revoked the blatant extensions in service and contract
appointments given to retired government officers.

To ensure transparency in recruitment of government staff the entire
selection process has to be handled by the Goa Public Service

All government jobs should go only to people of Goan origin and 80%
jobs in private and other organizations for people who are domiciled
in Goa for at least 25 years.

There is need of a law to regulate sale of land to persons not of Goan
origin. Communidade land has to be protected for the purpose it was
envisaged by taking deterrent action against large-scale encroachment
and land use violations.

Aires Rodrigues

Re: [Goanet] The bait-and-switch - defrauding Goans once again

2009-01-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: 
 The Comrade is right that Marxist scum does not figure 
 on my map.  And it is true that ghatis should vamoose 
 from Goa.

 But my generosity also knows no bounds, for when
 this Comrade came begging at my door asking for the 
 fruits of my work - the RTI land conversion document - I 
 was kind enough to provide it to him.  That sort of
 gracious behavior is foreign to bhaile carpetbagging
 mongrels defecating in Goa.

Too sad, Rajan.
My comrade had a choice between making money and protecting the rights of Goans.
The comrade chose to live in, and protect Goa.

The other character had a choice between staying in Goa and making money.
The character chose, money.


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[Goanet] Goa news for January 25, 2009

2009-01-24 Thread Goanet News Service

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Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Shiv Sena activists ransack Goa multiplex screening
\'Slumdog...\' - Sify
[Jan 23, 2009]  The Panaji police arrested 12 activists,
including Goa Shiv Sena unit chief Upendra Gaonkar, for the
attack. The police said the Shiv Sainiks have been ...

*** Indian Premier League auction in Goa on February 6 - Hindu
[Jan 23, 2009]  Mumbai: The auction of overseas players for
DLF-IPL season II will take place in Goa on February 6. The
governing council of the IPL will also hold a ...

*** SC moved over Goa govt giving cabinet status to three MLAs
- Times of India
[10 hours ago]  24 Jan 2009, 1748 hrs IST, PTI PANAJI: Social
activist Aires Rodrigues has filed a caveat in the Supreme Court
praying that no appeal of Goa government, ...

*** IRB constable will be firmly dealt with - Times of India
[42 minutes ago]  PONDA: Angered over the involvement of a
police staffer in a rape case, the North Goa district
superintendentof police (SP) Bosco George on Saturday said ...

*** Large-scale investigation in UK for missing Goa boy -
[15 hours ago]  MISSING: Jonathan was not happy in UK and
longed to return to his native land, Goa. ibnlive.com is on
mobile now. Read news, watch videos be a Citizen ...

*** Cultural Bureau to hold lecture on \'Portuguese
Civilisation in Goa ... - Macau Daily Times
[15 hours ago]  Goa and Macau were amongst the numerous Asian
colonies established by the Portuguese Seaborne Empire after the
15th-century Age of Discovery. ...

*** AITUC accuses government of anti-labour practices - Times
of India
[42 minutes ago]  The government's malpractices have emboldened
private companies in Goa to victimise workers by denying them
their rights, lamented Christopher Fonseca, ...

*** GOA To host largest conference in it\'s history - What They
[Jan 22, 2009]  Beginning with a keynote presentation from
celebrated Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist and author,
Dave Barry; GOA, the premier expo and conference ...

*** Few takers for army jobs in Goa: Official - Times of India
[Jan 23, 2009]  PANAJI: Goa is one of the lowest response areas
when it comes to army recruitment, Brigadier Bhanwar Poonia told
mediapersons on Friday. ...

*** Travelmasti.com launches Kashmir, Goa  SL packages -
Economic Times
[1 hour ago]  To beat the downturn, Travelmasti has launched
some innovative packages for its customers. In fact, 

Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience and Soul

2009-01-24 Thread Fr. Ivo C da Souza

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From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

Why are these advocates of one particular religion poking their nose
into brain science? Why don't they stick to what they are ordained to
do - preach their faith to their followers and to those they hope to
***Totally wrong. Theologians are not poking their nose by speaking of 
but scientists are poking their nose into religion and theology by denying 
in the name of Science. I have already repeated ad nauseam that the research 
of scientists
is confined to the phenomenal world. Science cannot either prove God and 

or disprove.

What is offensive from the standpoint of a universal intellectual
pursuit such as science, as well as from the perspective of other
religions is that they are advising others to be cautious about
scientific findings that contradict their own parochial beliefs. The
clear implication is that their own religious beliefs about the
natural world take precedence over hard scientific evidence.

***Christianity is not parochial, it is open to all. It speaks of Man
and of the Universe in the light of Revelation.
There is not scientific evidence that there is no God, no soul.

Contrast this medieval censorship and interference in non-religious
affairs based on the dogma of one solitary religion to the
open-mindedness and deference shown to science by Dalai Lama who
addressed a gathering of neuroscientists a few years back...
***To speak of God and of soul is not to interfere in non-religious 

That is precisely where Science ceases to operate, and Religion reigns.
This is not medieval censorship, it is contemporary thought.

On the philosophical level, both Buddhism and modern science share a
deep suspicion of any notion of absolutes...

**If Science can dispel superstitions, it is most welcome.
Science has its limits. The Church works together with the Pontifical 
Academy of Sciences.
Pius XII has been speaking to scientists on scientific subjects, even about 
the splitting of an atom

and the ethical values, and has been well accepted by them.
Dalai Lama, who showed his interest in Science and wrote a book on The 
Universe in a Single Atom,
spoke in November of 2005 at the annual meeting of the Society of 
on the influence of meditation, which is a mental activity,  on the brain's 

Buddhism focuses on mental techniques.
But Dalai Lama said that he rejects the so-called scientific materialism,
namely that the idea of consciousness is no more than a series of chemical 
reactions in our brain.
At that meeting Richard J.Davidson, professor of psychology of  the 
University of Wisconsin at Madison,
who presented a study on emotions, on brain circuitry, on insular cortex, 
said that many scientists have shown

it is possible to do research on evolution and still believe in God.
That is what I have been saying all the time.

[Goanet] There are far more important things than speeches

2009-01-24 Thread MD

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The simple fact that an African American is elected to lead America is a
snub to Republicans, a clear rejection of George Bushes policies,
domestically and internationally.  The Israelis knew they will not be
allowed to butcher innocents in Gaza strip after Barack Obama takes power
and rightly as I predicted, they declared unilateral ceasefire (can u
imagine an aggressor declaring unilateral ceasefire - this is equal to
conceding defeat!!).  Ted Kennedy, Gen. Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama.
Even white Americans have said he is a phenomenon and they have endorsed
him.  When Americans have chosen Obama,  what are we Goenkars? Nothing. So
we have to shut up and put up. The economy is in shambles, jobs have to be
created, the loyyuits have to be contolled. Obama has chosen an impartial
cabinet and he is the right one to reain america's place as leader of the
free world and he knows diplomacy works better than  empty threats.

I look forward to change in the attitudes,



2009-01-24 Thread floriano

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When one feels over-confident and unvincible, trouble comes knocking at the 
door. This is unavoidable and I know from first hand experience.

It seems that Audhut Timblo will now be reviewing his friendship with many a 
past and present politicians and bureaucrats who ill advised him and made 
merry at his cost.

In the end, he is the sole person who will have to hold the heavy bag.

Being a personal friend, I sympathize with him for all the heartaches and 
humiliation he will presently  undergo in view of the Order of the Hon. 
Supreme Court with the CIDADE De GOA not remaining the Cidade at all.

But we have full faith that the Audhut's heart-beat 'The CIDADE'  will once 
again arise from the ashes of the demolition squads and be the 'Cidade' that 
we all loved and appreciated by Goa and Goans once again.

At this moment, I sincerely urge Audhut to review the bad advices given to 
him w.r.t. filing the Rs. 500 crore defamation suit in the HC of Calcutta 
against Sebastian Rodrigues by withdrawing it entirely and completely, if 
possible by extending sincere apologies to Sebastian Rodrigues and the Goa 
Su-Raj Party of which Sebastian is a lifetime member. It is not necessary 
for Audhut to know the amount of good-will that will come crashing-down on 
him in this his time of sorrow.

Others who feel over-confident and unvincible please beware


[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Lok, Gozali Kiteak Uloitat?

2009-01-24 Thread lino dourado

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   Lok, Gozali Kiteak Uloitat?
Modlo vell (interval) aslo. Iskolachea kenntinaxim pavtoch mhaka gomlem mhoje 2 
rupia compass box-an visron urle mhonn. Klasint bhitor sorlear, roddkulem tondd 
korun mhoji avddichi ixttinn Luiza, bankar boson aplo uzvo dollo ghonstitali. 
Klasint anik dusrim vorgmitr (classmate) naslolim. Tichi dukhavoll somzuchem 
oxem mhaka dislolean hanvem vicharlem tednam, tinnem sanglem.
“Mhojea dolleant kisor (speck) asa tem sokall savn mhaka tras dita. Upkar korun 
dolleant aslolem kisor kaddpak, tuzo adhar korchi?” 
Khoinchea vellar mhonn hanvem tika vicharlem? Anik thoddo vell tichexim pidder 
kelear kenntinantle gorom-gorom botat-panv mhaka mellchenant asle mhonn, hem 
hanv zannam aslom. Tea disa ghora kodden kofi borobor khavpak choppatti nhoi 
mhonn tandlanchi bakri mellunk nant. Upaxi pottar hanv iskolak ailolom. Mhoji 
avoy xezarche Filomena antiche konna tori mornnachea Misak hajir zaunk sokall 
fuddench Bettpateche igorjent ghel’li. Dekhunuch tinnem iskolachea kenntinant, 
modlea vellar kitem tori khanvchea khatir mhaka 2 rupia dil’le. 
Orxim 17 chedde ani 18 cheddvam vidhearti asun vorg aslolo amcho. Ami amkanch, 
klasint aslolea cheddvank vattun ghatlolim. Mhonnche; Agnelo-n Rita-cheo 
oddchoneo pollouncheo zalear; Carlosan, Irachem voir-sokoll zatoleacho husko 
asunk zai aslo. Ani oxem toren amchem ixtt-ixttinnichem natem ekdomuch ghott 
aslolem. Punn Luizacho ankddo cheddvam modim subeij aslolean tem eksurem 
urtalem. Tichi vrut’ti (attitude) veglech torechi asli. Ticheo moskoreo kelear 
tika sonso naslem ani tiddketali. Konnam thaim odhik uloinasli. Dekhunuch, 
mhojea xivai vorgantle dusre chedde tika lagim kori nasle khore, punn her 
kamanim amkam sodanch Luizacho sohokar melltaloch. Hich tigeli khaxalai asli. 
Ani mhaka ti kiteak posond lagtali tem viskovttun sangunk, az meren hanv 
mhakach gospolun urtam. 
Amchea dolleant illoso mhell vo anik dusrem kitem-i bhorlear kosli usavoll zata 
ti ami zanant. Konnem tori funk marchi vo udok marun dolleant poddlolo mhell 
beg-begim kaddunxem dista. Dusreanche dolleantlem kisor kaddtolo zalear, 
kaddtoleache dolle poile nigutt asunk zai. Mon’xan, apleachea dolleant patti 
(log) astanam dusreachea dolleantlem kisor kaddchem nhoi mhonn, oxi kitem tori 
kisor-pattichi khobor Kristi Povitr Pustokan (Luke:6, 41) amkam vachunk mellta. 
Luizachea dolleant aslolem kisor ani Povitr Pustokar asloli gozalik sor korunk 
zai nasli. Hangasor, dukhin kostovtoleachi kanni mhojea mhorean poddloli ani 
hanvem tika adhar korunkuch zai aslo. Zori mhojea pottak bhuk lagloli tori 
astanam ghorjevottank ani duentink poilem panvchem mhonn amchea vodhilanim 
amkam xikoilolem asa. 
Ghostun-ghostun thamddo zal’lea tichea dolleank polloun mhojea dolleant dukham 
ailim. Mhozo dhavo hat tichea bhuzak dorun ani uzvea hatachea bottanim 
dolleachi paklli ugteo kotanam tinnem apnale hat mhojea buzancher dovorle. 
Tiche dolleant polloit astanam tigele kallzache lubddup (heartbeats) vaddle. 
Ani hanv dolle topaspak odikuch tigelea dollea lagsor pavlolom astanam 
klasintlea bhair varandantlean pasar zatoli tticher Libian-an amkam pollelim 
ani klasint bhitor sorun vhoddlean aroddli. 
“What is going on here? Why are you holding each other? What do you think? This 
is the place to express your love. Wait! I will complain to headmaster” 
“No teacher no. Please! I am helping her” Hanvem mhollem 
“Helping? What types of help? 
Padd poddlolea ‘kisor’-ak Inglez bhaxen kitem mhonntat tem, tea vellar mhaka 
yad zainam zali. Eka borea Samaritana bhaxen hanv Luizak adar kortalom. Punn 
amchi, koslich malis nastanam eka-mekak chitkon bospachi doxa (situation) 
pollelear somzutoleak kitem somzuchem tench kollnam aslolean tticherigelem 
toklechem pintt challvololem. Ani hanv tticherichea tonddak polloit Luizachea 
dolleant funk vo varo marunk zai mhonn mhojea gal folloile tednam tticherik 
kiteak rag ailo to hanv sangunk nokom. Hanvem mhoje gal poskotea porim motte 
kelole polloun tinnem mottean mhojea tokhler kutt’ti marli borobor f korun 
mhojea tonddantlo varo just Luizachea dolleant boson tika tras ditolem ‘kisor’ 
bhair sorlem ani sontosan Luizan mhonnlem. 
“Thank you Lino. Now I am feeling alright” ani tinnem aplea dolleant poddlolea 
kisorachi gozal tticherik viskavun sangli. Punn mhoje toklecher kutt marloli ti 

[Goanet] Year-end musings… HERALD(Goa), Jan 25, 2009

2009-01-24 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

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By Valmiki Faleiro

“Year-end? We’re almost one-twelfth into the new year!”

This Rip van Winkle knows. But, my year-end seldom ends before this time in the
following year. I mean the festive season of joy, of visiting overseas friends 
who with
unscheduled ‘surprise’ visits upset schedules, of birthdays, wedding invites… 
makes the ‘holiday season’ my busiest in the year.

The time of the year is literally a holiday for overseas friends. To escape the 
winters in their country of domicile, for a slice of the Goan sun and warmth of 
local folks.
For most of us, poor country bumpkins, it is not vacation but work as usual, 
save the day
of Christmas and at best a couple of days around it. But, when one is on 
holiday, one
perhaps presumes everyone around is also on holiday.

Not that I grudge giving overseas friends time. Provided it be factored in my 
Most folks will come unannounced. To give you a ‘sweet surprise.’ Abroad, they 
have the door slammed on the face – after being curtly told to phone and come. 
The way
it should be, because in the times we live, everyone’s day is planned, and 
nobody is
waiting to welcome ‘surprises.’

Personally, such ‘surprises’ do not fascinate. They irritate. So be alerted 
friends ‘n’ foes:
phone and come!

On the eve of Republic Day, let’s turn our thoughts to those gallant men who 
give their
lives in defence of the nation. The numbing November terror attack in Mumbai 
more national heroes. (Incidentally, ‘Param Vir – Our Heroes in Battle,’ by 
Maj. General
Ian Cardozo, Roli Books, 2008, ISBN: 978-81-7436-262-9, Pgs.225, Rs.295, is very
informative and inspiring.)

The unsung heroes of Mumbai were ordinary men. Unfortunately, just as the media
stayed stuck with elite targets like the Taj and Trident hotels, with 
negligible coverage of
CST, Cama hospital and Girgaum junction, it was, ironically, the latter that 
produced the
greatest heroes of that black day.

Like the announcer at CST who, perched high above the platforms, saw what 
Ismail and
Kasab were doing with their AK-47s. Over the public address, he continuously 
passengers which way to alight from trains and in which direction to run for 
safety. The
perplexed terror duo, seeing a rich harvest suddenly vanish, spotted the 
announcer and
opened fire at him. The man ducked and saved himself, but not before saving 
knows how many innocent lives.

Like the unarmed constable who grabbed an ancient 303 rifle from the frightened 
of a colleague, to take on the might of two AK-47s, each discharging 150 death 
per minute.

Like the humble generator technician at Cama, on his way down after locking 
dozens of
doctors and others in the hospital’s terrace, encountered Ismail and Kasab, who 
the way to the terrace. The brave man saved those sure terrace deaths. But my 
were two men of the Mumbai Police at the Girgaum road block, hastily erected to 
the terrorist duo.

Moment the commandeered Skoda hit the road divider, a constable sprang to the 
side window and snatched the car keys, sealing any chance of Ismail and Kasab’s
getaway. As Ismail, at the wheel, opened fire at the cops and was soon wounded
mortally, Kasab crouched. Abruptly opening the side door, from the still 
position, Kasab fired.

He got PSI Tukaram Ombale. Despite a hail of bullets on his chest, Ombale 
lunged onto
Kasab, deflected the AK-47, and, as he died, gave the nation not just his life 
but also the
only terrorist from ten to be captured alive.

Ashok Chakra, India’s highest gallantry award, will be bestowed tomorrow on the 
Mumbai cops who died. Honestly, men like Tukaram Ombale deserve much more…

Hats off to Lorenz Photo Studio, Margao, for the lovely wall calendar dedicated 
to ‘Tiatr,’
the stage art form despised by upper classes. Photography was brought to Margao 
an Amar from Cortalim. Then came studios like ‘Atelier Moderno Fotografo Antao,’
Mauzo and Raikar. Started by a ‘Times of India’ lensman in 1947, Lorenz’s 2009
calendar does the history of Goa’s photography proud. (ENDS.)

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the January 25, 2009 edition of the Herald, Goa

[Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-01-24 Thread Sandeep Heble

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Should Priests and other spiritual figures associated with religion
enjoy an absolute freedom to preach or should their freedom be a
restricted one?

The holy men being citizens do enjoy fundamental rights under the
articles of freedom of speech and expression but a Secular State,
liberals, critical journalists, scientists and rationalists should not
justify their orthodox and retrograde actions simply because they
happen to be the men of God.

For instance, when we know that the Earth is round, a secular State
must not allow the priests to get away with preaching to young
innocent minds that the Earth is flat, even though some holy books
written a few thousand years ago may have said so.

Jeffrey Goldberg, an Israeli-American Journalist, studied the
education system of the madrassas in Pakistan some years ago. He later
reported in the New York Times that poor and impressionable children
were kept largely ignorant of the world and were taught a one-
dimensional interpretation of Islam. Students came to see the world
divided in two domains: the peaceful worldwide community of Muslims
(the abode of peace) and everywhere else (the abode of war).

The harmful effects of the madarasas are there for all to see. The
same principles would hold true to children who are imparted orthodox
education in Hindu/ Christian institutions. The children are the
triceps and biceps of our Nation. They are our future. They will shape
the Nation, either for the good, or for the bad.

The men-in robes should not be allowed to get away with preaching
and/or indoctrinating the minds of children and others with values and
beliefs which are harmful and incompatible with science and other
modern principles like equality, liberty and freedom.

The State needs to deal with these people with the same firmness as it
deals with frauds and charlatans. Our children need to grow up to
become good rational citizens who will understand to objectively and
critically discern the truth.

We need more Abdul kalams, not Osamas! This is the least a modern
Society owes to posterity.

Sandeep Heble

[Goanet] Priyada Murali - A Shining Star on the Cricket Circuit

2009-01-24 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

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Priyada Murali - A Shining Star on the Cricket Circuit
- By: Gaspar Almeida, www.goa-world.com   
Priyada Murali, a Xth standard student of Gulf Indian School, Fahaheel had the 
rare honors of leading Kuwait’s Under 19 Women’s’ team which participated in 
the recently concluded  ACC (Asian Cricket Council) U-19 Women’s Championship 
at Chiang Mai, Thailand. 
 Debutants Kuwait U-19 Women’s cricket team performed extremely well as they 
matched their opponents with grit  determination and brought laurels to the 
country. Kuwait won remarkable victories over China  Oman  very narrowly lost 
to Singapore  ultimate champions Nepal in the league round matches. 
Taking up cricket only a few weeks back, the highly motivated women’s team 
performed incredibly well to finish 9th in ranking and thus earning a ticket to 
participate in the qualifying rounds for the  2010 Asian Games, in which 
cricket will make its first appearance. 
Having attracted to the game of cricket by participating in the CRY cricket 
tournaments conducted by FOCC in Kuwait, Priyada Murali showing remarkable all 
round cricketing skills excelled in each of the games played and earned the 
praise of ACC officials to be declared the Best Bowler of the tournament, 
apart from having the honor of being awarded the Player of the match awards 
on two occasions. 
Pictures courtesy http://www.asiancricket.org/cnt_archives.cfm
FOR MORE DETAILS:  http://www.asiancricket.org/cnt_lawsofcricket.cfm
 Also read Arab Times (Sports Pages) of today's date (25 Jan '09)

Upcoming event:
CRYcket - Children's Cricket Festival at Ahmadi, KOC Grounds on 30th Jan. 2009 
organized by FOCC, Kuwait.   Visit www.focckwt.org or email: focc...@yahoo.com 

    Goa World   Goa Mog     Goa SuRaj       Super Goa  (em Português)  TGF 
Writers' Sketchpad  www.colaco.net
 www.goa-world. .com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 
Mahableshwar http://www.mahables hwar.com St. Mary's School - Mt Abu, Rajasthan 
India http://www.abusms. com  
DIRECTED BY T-BUSH to be released in GOA - 
GOA MAG ONLINE http://www.goamag.net

Congratulations and best wishes to President Barack Obama. I watched the 
inauguration speech and was very impressed. If he manages to fulfill just a 
tenth of what he has promised, his place in the history of the human race is 
assured. And I have a nagging suspicion that he will. - gaspar almeida
We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of 
integrity, if you look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else. - 
Tom Stoppard 


Re: [Goanet] Neuroscience and Soul

2009-01-24 Thread Santosh Helekar

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The two news reports circulated by Fr. Ivo contain bogus information
and distortions regarding the findings of brain science. Contrary to
what has been claimed, no mainstream neuroscientist has ever concerned
himself with studying the existence of supernatural entities such as
God or the soul as part of his/her scientific research. The priests,
the physiology professor and/or the authors of the news reports appear
to be fabricating or falsely speculating and erecting straw men on the
basis of their superficial knowledge of what is written in the lay or
popular science press. These fantasies appear to stem from not being
able to understand the interpretations of results of some experiments
that map what happens in the brains of people who claim to be having
religious experiences.

As far as the existence of a natural mind or self as separate and
distinct from the brain is concerned, an overwhelming amount of
objective neurological evidence indicates that such a substance
dualistic scenario is untenable.

In addition to their misrepresentation of scientific findings, I am
deeply concerned about the fact that the Jesuit priests are reported
to be exhorting people to challenge these findings or view them with
caution on the basis of their own pharisaic religious dogmas.

They also appear to be projecting themselves as speaking for all
religions, when the Dalai Lama has clearly contradicted them from the
Buddhist standpoint. Here are the contradictory assertions:

Contending that the human soul and spirituality are fundamental to all
religions, he insisted that religious believers need to challenge the
conclusion that new findings demonstrate that brain is the soul.

On the philosophical level, both Buddhism and modern science share a
deep suspicion of any notion of absolutes, whether conceptualized as a
transcendent being, as an eternal, unchanging principle such as soul,
or as a fundamental substratum of reality.

I quote below excerpts in support of my contention that the two
priests and the physiology professor (or the news reporters) are
pulling wool over the eyes of their audience/readers with regard to
their allusions to neuroscientific findings. None of the following
claims about neuroscience is true:

The priest said in his keynote address that while all human
experiences have both physical and spiritual dimensions, research in
neuroscience could not reduce the soul to the brain.

Today, however, some neuroscientists have claimed to have uncovered
the soul and spirituality through brain imaging and mapping,
artificial intelligence, computer science in researching the human
brain and mind, the priest continued.

Contending that the human soul and spirituality are fundamental to all
religions, he insisted that religious believers need to challenge the
conclusion that new findings demonstrate that brain is the soul.

The neuroscientists are contending that God, the human soul and
spirituality can be explained in terms of neural networks,
neurotransmitters and brain chemistry. And many believers are offended
by their notion that God is a creation of the human brain instead of
the other way around, he said.

He urged religious believers to welcome emerging ideas, but cautioned
against blind acceptance. Although neurological studies could shed
light on the mysterious workings of the brain, any claim to prove or
disprove God through neurological studies must be taken with caution.
(The irony of the use of the term blind acceptance by a priest who
has to operate on the basis of dogma should not be lost on anybody)

He said the human person cannot be reduced to super-conscious matter
as asserted by some neuroscientists. Human beings are not hard-wired
for belief in God, but deep down, human beings hunger for God, he said.

Such experiences, he added, cannot be researched and quantified on the
psychological basis of the neuronal functions of the brain.



--- On Sat, 1/24/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza icso...@... wrote:

 ***Totally wrong. Theologians are not poking their
 nose by speaking of soul,
 but scientists are poking their nose into
 religion and theology by denying soul
 in the name of Science. I have already repeated ad nauseam
 that the research 

[Goanet] A Book on Kandhamal to reveal the truth behind violence

2009-01-24 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

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A Book on Kandhamal to reveal the truth behind violence
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Report by Rashmi r Parida; New Delhi: Sai Prasan, a Mumbai based senior 
journalist, has been writing articles on Kandhamal violence which he calls it a 
phenomena. He has written three articles and taken an interview of Dr John 
Dayal, working for the cause of dalits.

Currently, Sai Prasan is writing his fourth article on the same subject which
will be released in the public domain within a couple of days. The readers can 
read the earlier articles at www.kandhamalconversion.blogspot.com

In the process of studying Kandhamal phenomena, he has got the feed back from 
people that the reasons behind Kandhamal violence is not local only. But, it 
has both national and global linkages due to which the image of India specially 
Odisha has been tarnished. And, poor dalits / tribal have become the victims of 
communal forces.

Sai Prasan thinks that the media coverage of Kandhamal violence / phenomena is 
not complete and the facts or truth behind Kandhamal episode is yet to be 
unveiled. The people specially from Odisha origin living within and outside the 
State as well as country were of the opinion that the global world needs to be 
conveyed that the peace loving people of Odisha alone are not responsible for 
the violence that continued for four months. There were several other factors 
too responsible for this SC-ST conflict taking the shape of a Hindu-Christian 
communal violence / phenomena, he said.

Sai Prasan is of the view that the people within and outside Odisha should be 
conveyed that the secularism-peace and social change is a must for a holistic 
development of the state.

In this backdrop, Sai Prasan has been suggested by some of the readers to write 
a book on Kandhamal violence-phenomena. Hence, he has decided to write a book  
with the help of inputs offered by two other persons. Both of them are also 
closely associated with the day-today development in Kandhamal.

He has already written five chapters out of the twelve chapters of the seventy 
five (75) pages book. Apart from covering different aspects of Kandhamal 
violence, the book on Kandhamal violence will carry author's interaction with 
Christian and Hindu leaders on Kandhamal violence / phenomena.

The book will be released in March this year. The place of the book release 
will be either Bhubaneswar or New Delhi. The publisher of the book will be 
Mumbai based media company – Samagra Mass Media (SMM). The copyright, 
distribution rights or any other form of rights to the book will rest with the 

The resources for the printing and promotion of the book will be mobilized from 
the individual and institutional sponsorers as it will help in keeping the 
price at an affordable level for circulation within Odisha. And, the book will 
be sold at the market price outside Odisha. The name of the sponsorers will be 
given prominently on a separate page in the book. The number of the printing 
order of the copies will depend on the resources mobilized.

The author or publisher shall not take any profit from the books sold in the
calendar year 2009. And, any profit earned from the book will be spent on
creating awareness among people about secularism and social change in Odisha. 
The name of the book will be decided in due course of time.

For further details, contact,
Sai Prasan, Journalist,
Web: www.kandhamalconversion.blogspot.com
Mobile: 09821265458
Address: 432/4, MHADA, Vanrai, Goregaon (East), Mumbai


- Forwarded by  Ancy S DSouza Paladka 

    Goa World   Goa Mog     Goa SuRaj       Super Goa  (em Português)  TGF 
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 www.goa-world. .com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music 
Station for KONKANI 
Mahableshwar http://www.mahables hwar.com St. Mary's School - Mt Abu, Rajasthan 
India http://www.abusms. com  
DIRECTED BY T-BUSH to be released in GOA - 
GOA MAG ONLINE http://www.goamag.net

Congratulations and best wishes to President Barack Obama. I watched the 
inauguration speech and was very impressed. If he manages to fulfill just a 
tenth of what he has promised, his place in the history of the human race is