[Goanet] Pe. Mousinho's letter (Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc?o)

2009-09-30 Thread manuel tavares

The letter from Dr Ferdinando dos Reis Falca?o expressing his views on the 
status and feelings of Goans post Liberation is every interesting. He touches 
on various salient points which have been sentiments expressed by various Goans 
since Liberation. To begin with, he is right that although India is a sub 
continent, there was never one Government that ruled the whole of India except 
under the British Rule. Similarly if one takes the example of Africa;  although 
Africa is one continent, it was, like India, a continent divided into various 
tribal kingdoms or tribal areas. Even at indipendence, there was the partition 
which again split up India and Pakistan. So by any stretch of the imagination, 
one cannot assume that there was ever one India before the British or after the 
British. India before the British was a land governed by various Maharajas or 
tribal Chieftains who were constantly at war with each other in order to 
exersice their dominance upon a growing sphere of the pop
 ulace. Even after the British departed, India, Pakistan, Bhutan Sikhim Ceylon( 
Srilanka) Burma and others were seperated form  British India and unless 
invaded and taken over by force by India were Independent countries. India's 
invasion of Goa was a desperate act of Political expediency by Jawahirlal 
Nehru, whose Congress party was waning in popularity and in order to prop it 
up, Nehru invaded Goa, not for the love of liberating the  Goans from 
Suppressive Portuguese Rule. If this were so, he should have had a referandum 
or plebicite soon after to determine the wishes of the people of Goa as to 
whether they wanted to become part of India, or be an independent country. That 
privilage was not afforded to the Goans, this then would be true liberation 
instead, we have only substituted one set of harsh rulers for anothe . It is 
therefore our inherant fate and there is nothing we can do about it seeing that 
India will never relinquish its hold on Goa. 

Under the Portuguese rule, it is true that corruption crimes, rapes, 
extortions, murders, and other civil disturbances like strikes, lockouts etc 
were minimal or not tolerated under a suppressive regime.  I have however, to 
difer with his views about userpance of property, as I know for sure that the 
Portuguese government did confiscate property of people who opposed the regime 
and bequithed the property upon thoes who were their stooges.Besides theere 
were little or no civil liberties. 

Goans have therefore never enjoyed a true sense of freedom. The present 
governmant of Goa is as corrupt as you can get. Selfless politicians are a rare 
breed and are soon eliminated either by money, thraets imprisonment or other 
means. Who is to be blamed for this? We the Goan people who constantly keep 
re-electing these corrupt politicians back to office. They feel that they are 
now Maharajas of Maharanis who have the right to the offices they hold and can 
never be deposed, continueing to operate with impunity.
They have no fear and we, in fact fear them. I am Impressed by the current 
President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who has singlehandedly developed a 
governmant in that West African state which has rid themselves of corruprion 
and is now the fastest developing nation in the world. The Goans have now no 
alternative, We do not have the might to fight for independance against the 
mighty Indian forces. We therefore have to play with the hand  that is dealt to 
us in the best way that we can. Firstly we must rid ourselves of corruption by 
electing honest and trustworthy politicians. We must refuse to pay bribes and 
report all those soliciting bribes to the authorities. In order to achieve 
this, the police force must be independent of the government under a special 
commission so that corruption at whatever level can be prosecuted to the 
fullest extent of the law. Only after routing out corruption will the lot of 
the people improve. We can do this, after all, it is only about ha
 lf a cetury that we have witnesses these types of activities whereas India has 
seen it for centuries longer. We can be an examplary state the likes of which 
the rest of India would like to become.


Let us chose the best of both worlds  (Portuguese & Indian) and mould them into 
one super culture the likes of which the world has not seen and the one which 
we will be proud of to leave as a legacy to future generations of Goans let us 
be the true Rome of the East. Otherwie, we will not have achieved anything.

Re: [Goanet] Morgad Put

2009-09-30 Thread rcabral

Hi Augusto,
In our village there was a family which was popularly known as "Morgadanguer" 
which in my opinion implies that there were also "first families" in the 
 Oscar Lobo  wrote: 
> Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?
> WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji
> WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm
> http://www.facebook.com/n/?event.php&eid=146588805806&mid=12a68daG1df3c3d3G2ac936fG7
> (First Born in the Goan Family - Malgodo Put)
> The term I heard and is well known amongst Goans
> Who were brought up in Goa was Malgodo Put. The first born son
> is termed exactly that amongst Goans.
> No special privileges that I know of other than being the pet of
> his mother.
> Oscar C. Lobo
> Melbourne.
> From: augusto pinto
> I believe the Konkani term,"Morgad Put" refers to the first born son (I
> doubt there were "Morgad Dhuvs" but stand to be corrected). Can anyone say
> whether at some point of time, either legally or by social sanction, this
> first born had any special privileges among Indians in general; among Goans
> of all communities; but most particularly among Goan Catholics and
> Mangalorean Catholics? 


2009-09-30 Thread Aires Rodrigues

The shameless manner in which the Goa government has sought to extend
by two months the contract of Law Secretary Mr. V.P. Shetye reveals
how low this administration has stooped. After the High Court had
opined that the initial contract itself was illegal and in violation
of the recruitment rules, it should have been enough fodder for Mr.
V.P. Shetye to immediately pack his bags and start enjoying his
retirement which is long overdue. Having himself been a District
Judge, Mr. V.P Shetye at 70 should have shown some grace and left in

It is very improper that a District Judge should be made a Law
Secretary  and have to bow down to Ministers whom he has to encounter
as an accused while as District Judge given Goa’s track record of

Mr. V.P. Shetye is a classic example of an officer who has played to
the whims and fancies of the politicians. We have seen IAS and IPS
officers being shunted overnight for not pleasing those in power. IAS
officers are usually transferred after three years but recently we had
a no nonsense Chief Secretary Mr. Hauzel Haukhum who hardly lasted
just over three months and thought it fit to flea Goa’s murky
administrative waters on health grounds. On the other hand we have
another astute IAS officer Raajiv Yaduvanshi who has managed to cling
on in Goa for over six long years. Looks like he has decided to rest
here in peace as he is holding key departments like mining and
forests. About which less said the better!

Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet] Tina is d/o of Allen Costa

2009-09-30 Thread JoeGoaUk

Tina is d/o of Allen Costa
'Yes, I am the daughter of Allen Costa..'
Tina (or Justina Maria Costa?) has confirmed in an email to me.
Next day, she sent me the lyrics which I have requested for
Here I give a part of it (2 of 5)
Sung by Allen Costa & Paul Fernandes
Eksuro bosun te deger }
Mandovi-che nodicher..}   2
Rautam nodor ghalunk tujer }
Visor podona monacher  }
Ai ai…ai ai ai ai (2)
Tea disa dektoch hanvem tuka
Kallzak ghantt podli mhojea.
Kinarer bosun sang anjea ...]  2
Rautalem tum zallear mhaka ...
Ai ai…ai ai ai ai (2)
Note: I thought, atleast, FN would confirm on this as he is the first to 
Tina on the Net/here
TINA COSTA seen singing in this First Prize Award wining Tiatr
At 6.29

Also check this Pic


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[Goanet] Kuwait Indian Football New Season Updates

2009-09-30 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

Kuwait Indian Football New Season Updates
Kuwait: The Extra-Ordinary General meeting of the Kuwait Indian Football 
Federation (KIFF) with the football teams’ representatives held on 28th 
September 2009 at Village Inn, Kuwait City, was very chaotic with some times 
threatening to withdraw their teams from the KIFF fold and participation.  It 
was a near failure to redress the important issues placed before KIFF relating 
to the smooth organizing of football tournaments, ground selection and 
“The start of the season which was scheduled to start on 2nd October 2009 has 
now been further delayed as KIFF could not get qualified referees to carry on 
as well as a 'ground' ,” remarked a team’s representative who attended the 
It is to be also pointed out that the 'dictorial' ban on players - who are 
qualified members of an independent refereeing body [IFRA and whose 
contribution to football in Kuwait is well recognised and documented] 
-  refusing to officiate 'as KIFF referees' was REMOVED courtesy to the efforts 
of some Goan clubs.   This 'unjustified ban' was dictated by some members 
(some past-presidents of the Federation] and who often shuffle themselves 
from one team one year and next migrate to another team as representatives, 
just to show themselves attending meetings and be seen on press cuttings, with 
no worthwhile contribution.   Such characters are also supported by one blogger 
for his own interest in soliciting event sponsorships. 
The so-called stalwarts [and often self-glorified] founder members of KIFF were 
shown the 'door' by the younger members at the house!   This actually happened 
at the meeting and is now jokingly 'considered' one of the major highlights of 
the evening when one of the 'KIFF constitution interpreter' had to walk away 
from the meeting as his biased views and arrogant attitude was not tolerated  
by the members present.   
“Efforts to bring down the new KIFF managing committee is only because of 
destructive thinking and personal egos, but we will never be a part of such 
minds,” countered a Goan member of KIFF committee.. 
When asked about the rumours circulating on the Net, “KIFF is not dissolved and 
will not be dissolved at any time as all the football teams, players/members 
and organizers are passionate about the game.. but attitude and egos of 
'seniors' have to be shelved,” remarked another football fanatic. 
"We will compromise to reach at an amicable solution", as past KIFF president 
who served for a few terms was overheard as saying.   
It is also noted that a particular KIFF member had the audicity to welcome one 
particular club representative to join in to be the KIFF nominated 'referees 
administrator' to find a solution, when the same group exactly a year ago 
ensured that no newcomers can 'contest' general elections and KIFF president 
post and again passed on a 'resolution' contravening the KIFF 
constitution.  This was pointed out by the two-year old club rep.  which 
created a humourous situation for all.  When questioned about the strength of 
suggested 'referees', KIFF could mutter just a 2-3 names, for which the team 
representatives expressed their displeasure.  
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, one should not forget 
Newton's Law, a long time Indian watching football from the Al-Sour Ground days 
In the meantime, there will be a 8-a-side one day football 
tournament on Friday, 2nd October 2009, with Indian Football Referees 
Association (IFRA) officiating at the Digital Grounds, Kuwait City, as per 
information received by www.goa-world.com last evening.
It's high time KIFF recognises the fact that the spring time is the best to 
play 'football' in Kuwait rather than making the players sweat it out in 45 
Degree heat.  It is also to be observed that tournament matches are not played 
on important religious days of significance - as per the moods and fancies.  
And most importantly adhere to the KIFF constitution!
I.F.R.A, K.I.F.F and the memory of late J.P.D'Mello 
The Indian Football Referees Association (I.F.R.A.) has been one organization 
which has given an immense goodwill to Indian football in Kuwait. Since 1980, 
the association has trained and recruited new referees as its members and 
provided services for football matches. The late J.P. D'Mello, Founder 
President of the Association was the one instrumental in forming the current 
Kuwait Indian Football Federation (K.I.F.F) and its constitution. His memory 
has been justly kept alive by KIFF through its affiliated Indian football 
teams/clubs/associations by naming the KIFF League after him.  May his soul 
rest in peace. 
The Kuwait Indian Football Federation (K.I.F.F) established in 1983 controls 
all Indian expatriate football activities in Kuwait. In the recently concluded 
season, a total of 18 teams were registe

Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism - final

2009-09-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

Mario Goviea, the self-proclaimed 'lone voice on Goanet of reason,
truth and peace' wrote the following (I summarise)

1: Since India was liberating a territory that was an integral part of
the Indian SUBCONTINENT that had been invaded and occupied by force by
the Portuguese occupiers for 450 years, asking the "permission" of the
local population who were being liberated was hardly necessary and
considered moot.

2: my consistent support for the liberation of oppressed territories
from tyrannical regimes, whether in Iraq, Afghanistan or Goa.

3: Thus, I supported India's decision to liberate Goa from the
Portuguese invaders who had occupied it by force and then run it
mostly for the benefit of the occupiers and some local sycophants,


It is good to note that Mario Goveia proclaims himself as the 'lone
voice on Goanet of reason, truth and peace'. He has certainly taken
his inspiration from the much (self) vaunted "fair and balanced"
Faux/Fix Nooj.

It is truly inspiring to see a new 'entrant' into the justification
for invasion i.e. "subcontinent". Mario is, of course, quite well
versed with finding newer justifications. Sure, there are
international conventions and organisations like the UN ---but who
cares? They are only useful when they are convenient. Besides, Geneva
is a foreign 'country"(;-) like London or Europe. Who cares about
those foreign conventions?

Am I correct in understanding that Mario Goveia is equating the
Invasion of Irak with that of Goa?

Mario's position therefore justifies China's invasion of Tibet,
Indonesia's invasion of East Timor, and Pakistan's invasion of Western
Kashmir. Brilliant !!

What it also does - is justifies Irak's invasion of Kuwait. (I know
Mario will look up the history books)

Interesting indeed!

Now  I have said enough about this matter. I accept Mario Goveia
as the final authority on all invasive matters. If he is wrong, we
shall all blame it to 'intelligence' failure.


Re: [Goanet] DNA: India: Cow urine soft drink all set to hit

2009-09-30 Thread Carvalho

> --- On Wed, 9/30/09, Ivo da C.Souza 
> wrote:
> > 
> > ***Cow urine medicine would not have by itself
> anything to
> > do with Religion. I know Catholics and Hindus who take
> their
My fellow goanetters,
Whether you are Catholic or Hindu or Muslim, I beseech you please do not wake 
up every morning and go in search of a bispot to collect your own urine or that 
of the cow which you might be rearing for this said purpose.

The simple reason is, urine is a waste product of the body and the reason the 
body rejects it is because the body no longer needs it. Now if you insist that 
you know better than what thousands and thousands of evolutionary genetic 
engineering has programmed your body to do, then I am sorry but you are living 
in a cow's paradise.

Just recently we had about 10 school children in the UK seriously ill perhaps 
even some fatalities after visiting a farm and catching the deadly e-coli bug. 
Why pray tell would you want to tempt fate by trying to catch an early morning 
sluice of a cow festering possibly with just such e-coli contamination? 

In sum, I would like to share a theological story with a very scientific 
ending. A man goes to a priest and asks him, "Father if I start exercising, 
give up smoking, drinking, women, eat healthy and drink my own urine every 
morning, will I live longer." The Father, a very wise and old man well verse in 
theology and science, a strange but not impossible combination, looked at him 
and said "No, son, but it will seem longer."



Re: [Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-09-30 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, MD  wrote:
> As India can never become a superpower in its real sense, Obama may have 
> >realised India’s potential in limited spheres!!  Even now it relies on 
> >foreign powers including Israel for its defence equipment procurement.  
> >Given the current ‘All Indians born in India are Hindus’ type of >thinking, 
> naturally Obama being the President of the only world >superpower, may have 
> realised emergence of a Hindu Hardliner India, may >try to misuse its nuclear 
> arsenal.

This is as contrived and bizarre an argument about the current U.S. policy 
towards India as the previous one in this thread, which it is addressing. 

Any objective person would note that India is a stable secular democratic 
republic headed by a centrist Government comprising the Indian National 
Congress party. This is in contrast to China, which is a communist autocracy 
and Pakistan, which is a failed unstable Islamic republic. The Hindu hardliners 
were roundly and soundly defeated in the last two national elections, and the 
majority of the voting population has never subscribed to their theocratic 

The president of the U.S. is elected to defend the interests of his own 
country. He has no obligation to promote the interests of any other country.




[Goanet] Ram Rajya

2009-09-30 Thread Sandeep Heble

In his letter “Saffronised system” appearing in Herald(Sep 30), Tabrez
Mohamad seemingly takes offence to the words “Ram Rajya”, used by
Digamber Kamat in his speech, without understanding the proper context
in which the Chief Minister chose to use this term.

I once got into serious trouble when I told a friend at a Party that
“she was dressed to kill” and she took it literally, not understanding
the context and the proper meaning of the expression. Whenever terms
with religious connotations are invoked, we need to understand the
context instead of judging these with prejudiced eyes.  With Religion
being a way of life, many terms whose origins may lie there have found
their way in the modern secular diction. Like “Ram Rajya”, other apt
illustrations would be “Inshallah” and “For Christ’s sake”.

“Ram Rajya” was first invoked by none other than Mahatma Gandhi in the
pre-Independence days; to outline his vision of a free modern India.
Since then “Ram Rajya” has become common parlance in Indian political
circles. Political leaders have often used the expression to signify a
truly democratic form of governance on the basis of equality and
justice for all, or in brief an ideal administration!

In recent times, Congress President Sonia Gandhi used this term in an
election speech in Uttar Pradesh. “Ram Rajya”, she said “doesn't
differentiate between people... it doesn't have hatred... there are no
communal riots in Ram Rajya... it's such a system which provides
justice for all”.

When similar religious concerns were expressed in those days, Gandhi,
in his clarification that appeared in the news-daily “The Hindu”,
explained that politically translated, “Ram Rajya” is his idea of the
perfect democracy in which, “inequalities based on possession and
non-possession, colour, race or creed or sex vanish; in it, land and
State belong to the people, justice is prompt, perfect and cheap and,
therefore, there is freedom of worship, speech and the Press”.

How beautiful! Would anybody in their true sense refer to such views
as unreasonable or tag the Father of our Nation as unsecular? If the
Chief Minister wishes to transform Goa into Gandhi’s “Ram Rajya”, then
such an act will indeed be a step in the right direction; and a model
democracy based on such lines will truly be an ideal democracy: for,
of and by the people! Where we can all live with rights, freedom and
dignity, where we are not threatened or intimidated by non state
actors, where we are not discriminated against on the basis of our
caste, creed or religion, where the State shall rule justly and wisely
and where we get to enjoy full freedom, equality and justice in every

Now whether the Chief Minister will put his words to action is the
scope for another debate.

Sandeep Heble


Saffronised system by Tabrez Mahamad, Davorlim

With reference to the news “ CM calls upon people to make Goa a ‘Ram
Rajya’ (Herald Sep 29, 2009), I am happy and delighted that the
present government is having a good vision about Goa and I hope it
would work hard to march towards the vision.

However, is it really necessary to use terms related to the Hindu
religion such as ‘Ram Rajya’? Why can’t we tell people directly about
our vision rather than using examples from the Hindu religion alone? A
Chief Minister is a person representing the entire state. Just because
he is a Hindu, it does not mean we need to know and follow Hindu

I am in total agreement with our respected CM’s views that we should
make Goa just like ‘Ram Rajya’ in which peace existed and crime and
evil were non-existent. I am sure Muslims as well as Catholics respect
and adore Lord Ram. However, that does not mean that the CM should
tell us that we should “not make Lord Ram a hero of only one
particular community”.

Such behaviour by the elected representatives in a secular state sends
out a clear message that the system is being saffronised.

Source: http://oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=27995&cid=13

[Goanet] Learning from America - what not to do

2009-09-30 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:58:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence 



America, it's time to sober up. We've become addicted to high-cost, high-tech, 
average health care, and breaking this addiction will solve our financial 
problems, not vice versa. 

When it comes to health care, Americans want everything, the works: an 
antibiotic "just in case" the bronchitis isn't from a virus; an MRI of the 
back, not because the clinical scenario is worrisome, but because we've been 
reading about spinal cord tumors on the Internet.

Giving patients what they want -- meeting their expectations, efficacy and 
costs be damned -- keeps them happy, if not healthy; and happy patients don't 

Yes, some physicians practice the unproven for profit, gaming a system which 
stupidly pays more for doing more, regardless of the efficacy of "more". But 
most physicians dabble in the gray zones of medicine because doing something 
avoids having to discuss the sobering details of the latest medical research 
("Here's why you don't need this test"), the likes of which contribute to a 
sense of professional ineptness.

For competitive or legal reasons (both in the case of bone marrow transplants 
for breast cancer), private insurers have had difficulty saying "no" to 
unproven therapies.

We need to keep chasing down miracles, but we won't build a futuristic health 
care system by bankrupting the current one. We'll get there by paying for 
proof, by developing a keen eye for treatments that are both great science and 
great medicine, and by admitting to our anxiety-ridden souls that life will 
forever have limits and uncertainty.

Mario responds:

The title of this post is misleading because it only mentions in passing why 
most physicians in America do what some other PHYSICIAN - like the author - 
thinks they should do or not do when it's someone else's patient.

Physician Craig Bowron writes an impassioned article that would only make sense 
if physicians in America did not have the prospect of being sued if something 
goes wrong and they hadn't done everything that an enterpising personal injury 
LAWYER would expect them to do, rather than sound medical practice.
These lawsuits, often frivolous, drive up malpractice insurance premiums.  They 
also force physicians to practice medicine defensively, which meand higher 
costs, and both these factors are significant reasons why medical costs in 
America are higher than elsewhere.

Because the trial lawyers in America are one of the biggest contributors of 
campaign funds to President Obama and Democrat party politicians, none of the 
proposals being considered seriously address this problem or seek to control 
it.  President Hussein acknowledges this problem when talking to physicians, 
and ignores it when talking to his fellow lawyers and has so far not insisted 
on tort reform as a key ingredient in reducing health care costs in the US.

Here are some articles that discuss this thorny issue:



[Goanet] Christians with Hindu names....

2009-09-30 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira

*Christians with Hindu names*
*Tue Sep 29 19:37:02 PDT 2009*

Thanks Vivian.

Mahatma Ghandhi said, " I love Christ but not Christians. If Christians only
live and practiced Christ, there would be no other religion in the
world."You might be surprised to know, that it was the teachings of Christ
that influenced and inspired Mahatma Ghandhi to emancipate India from the
clutches of the English without violence.

Jesus came for everybody and he laid down his life for every human being.
Including Bin Laden. He came to serve and not to be served.It is so sad,
that our minds a filled such petite issues, which I consider as garbage and
thrash of this world, causing disunity, barricades, boundaries in our hearts
and minds resulting in hate, anger, violence. Look around guys.
Christ is LOVE and he gave us two commandments. Love God n love your fellow
brother ans sister. If you love you cannot hurt, you cannot destroy, you
cannot sin.Have a nice day and God bless you all.

JOAO: Love cannot become a commandment. What pure nonsense! Commandment
belong to people with an army mindset. Also Jesus does not have a monopoly
on love. It is one of an array of human emotions so let us not get carried
away! Enjoy!

xOn Sat, 26 Sep 2009 07:51:16 +0530 wrote>* This
topic is so ludicrous, that I am surprised so many people felt the need to

*A fitting response to such fanatics is a deafening silence.

[Goanet] Goa news for October 1, 2009

2009-09-30 Thread Goanet News Service

Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** India's Sesa Goa plans to raise up to $1.25 bln - Reuters
Indian iron ore exporter Sesa Goa (SESA.BO) said on Friday it
will seek shareholders' approval on Oct. 20 to raise up to 60

*** Goa Minister arrested again - Press Trust of India
ess Trust of IndiaPanaji, Sep 30 (PTI) Goa Tourism Minister
Fransisco Pacheco was today arrested for the second time in as
many days in connection with an extortion case and ...

*** Number plate racket: Delhi man held in Goa - Times of India
cyVhIQ-vGPywgY2EqMZqQ">Delhi man held for selling duplicate
HSRPs in Goa

*** Gun groups pick sides in delegate race - Northern Neck News
rthern Neck NewsAccording to Bill Kling, Crabill's campaign
manager, the GOA will assist in fundraising efforts. The NRA, he
said, only gives rankings and does not assist ...

*** I-League Crystal Ball Series: Sporting Clube de Goa -
eague clubs, Amoy Ghoshal writes on last season's third placed
team Sporting Clube de Goa who would be looking to win the ...

*** Goa Marriott undergoes property revamp - TravelBizMonitor
avelBizMonitorGoa Marriott Resort is undergoing a complete
property revamp. The renovation process will take place in three
phases which will ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.travelbizmonitor.com/goa-marriott-undergoes-property-revamp-8391&usg=AFQjCNHx6qosQhu-h1FbKDmMcbdPK1e8Mw

*** Goa Carbon to consider issue of shares on Oct 08, 2009 -
Equity Bulls

*** Goa government clears land for Bharti-AIFF football academy
- India Business Blog (blog)
ll ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://trak.in/news/goa-government-clears-land-for-bharti-aiff-football-academy/9114/&usg=AFQjCNHXybgZ0EerZujzriB5rRURVER_Lg

*** Long weekends rescue tourism industry - Times of India
mes of IndiaPeople are making a beeline for places like Goa and
Lavasa during the weekends, these are a few of the closest
places. Also the air connectivity between ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/city/pune/Long-weekends-rescue-tourism-industry/articleshow/5073862.cms&usg=AFQjCNHcHwgy_Z-BTYi0DRIY3A7J7YdonA

*** Rs 4cr project to showcase Goan crafts - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Shilpgram, a project of the Goa Handicrafts
Rural and Small Scale Industries Development Corporation Limited
(GHRSSIDC) spread over 8000 sq m to ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/city/goa/Rs-4cr-project-to-showcase-Goan-crafts/articleshow/5069776.cms&usg=AFQjCNGWrJu8-wKkwWTgAD7vJSIHCmJzjQ

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] The accords of Timoja

2009-09-30 Thread Bernado Colaco

Sycophants, cohorts, and current historians will not dwell on the episode of 
Timoja and Portuguese defeat of the Muslim rule in Goa. Easily brainwashed by 
the current colonial rulers these simpletons accepts things even if it is crap. 
The reply by one John Gomes to Dr. Falcao is an example.



[Goanet] Obit: Valeriano Luis Azavedo (in http://goanvoice.org.uk)

2009-09-30 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

Condolences to Arlette Azavedo, a Goanetter who has contributed to
this network with her writings, on the death of her husband Val:

Deaths 29 Sept: Porvorim/Mapusa, Goa. VALERIANO LUIS AZAVEDO (Born
1954; Ex-Sesa Goa, Sirsaim). Beloved husband of Arlette. Loving father
of Aldrin & Aldryk. Brother of late Gilberto, Eufemio/Veronica,
Anita/Greg, Irene/Allen, Prakash/Cynthia, Ancila/Victor and
Roscilda/Arthur. Brother-in-law of Adolfo/Terezinha, Astrid/Alfredo,
Celestino/Nicolette, Alirio/Maria, Augusto/Adelaide, Asterio/late
Anna, Aurio/Mary Ann and Fatima/Raphael. Funeral on 30 Sep. at Mapusa.

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Updated: http://goabooks.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-09-30 Thread MD

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


As India can never become a superpower in its real sense, Obama may
have realised India’s potential in limited spheres!!  Even now it
relies on foreign powers including Israel for its defence equipment
procurement.  Given the current ‘All Indians born in India are Hindus’
type of thinking, naturally Obama being the President of the only
world superpower, may have realised emergence of a Hindu Hardliner
India, may try to misuse its nuclear arsenal.
Furthermore,  Obama is a Politician, he has seen the alarming rate of
domestic unemployment, therefore if ‘profit’ is not the only
criterion, may opt to keep the jobs at home, providing jobs to
Americans rather than outsourcing, thereby, he will provide more jobs
locally and increase his vote bank...this is called killing two birds
with one stone.  As for AfPak, it is quite natural to eliminate the
breeding ground of potential terrorists that can be a threat to
America’s national security.  Bush won on these same grounds two terms
but did not eliminate the breeding ground for terrorists.  I see
nothing unusual if President Obama ‘swings’ widely at that direction,
he has American National Security in his mind.  I also heard there are
many Americans of India origin in his administration.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 16:16:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mario Goveia 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]  Is Obama a nightmare for India?
Message-ID: <710865.22684...@web80502.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8



He may not relish the comparison but it is now becoming increasingly
obvious that Mr Barack Obama is the most hostile American President
for India since Richard Nixon. In the eight months he has been in
office, Mr Obama has snubbed India more than once. He has sent
repeated signals that New Delhi is not integral to his Asian security
architecture. Partly as a result of his country?s economic crisis, he
has bent over backwards to accommodate China. His open advocacy of
protectionism has been most visibly targeted at outsourcing of
technology jobs to India. He headlined anti-trade legislation by
saying it would punish those who created jobs in Bangalore rather than
Buffalo, a special mention that was extraordinarily impolitic and did
not go unnoticed in India. In contrast, the tariff war against Chinese
tyres has not been posited in such stark bilateral terms. This past
week, the Obama team reversed a decade of American nuclear pragmatism
and went back
 to an outdated non-proliferation agenda that should have died,
really, in the 1990s. Once more, India has been asked to give up its
nuclear weapons and sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a
second-tier power. Most alarmingly, Mr Obama has swung wildly on
Afghanistan-Pakistan (AfPak). At various points his diplomats and
Generals have said different things. Yet, in all this the overarching
political message has been missing.
[end of excerpt]

[Goanet] Altodi poltodi

2009-09-30 Thread Olga Maciel

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Konkani Song : Altodi Poltodi


Olga Maciel

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Re: [Goanet] DNA: India: Cow urine soft drink all set to hit

2009-09-30 Thread Santosh Helekar

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
> ***Cow urine medicine would not have by itself anything to
> do with Religion. I know Catholics and Hindus who take their
> own urine satisfactorily (urine therapy) as well as
> Catholics who are being treated by Hindu ayurvedic
> physicians with drug prepared from cow urine for pemphigus
> vulgaris (successfully, not just by "anecdotal evidence", as
> the amelioration of symptoms is giving them "scientific
> evidence").

It is true that gullible folk of all religious and non-religious persuasions 
side with the Hindu extremists, as far as the New Age quackery-based and 
anti-scientific mindset is concerned.




[Goanet] Christians with Hindu names and Gandhi

2009-09-30 Thread Cajetan Alvares

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


There is a series on BBC2 on Gandhi this Saturday @ 22:15

Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-09-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


So dear I Nunes,

Is it your opinion that Goans were vanquished or an Integral part of
any Vanquished nation?

Why were Goans denied this? Were they (the Goans) the waging war on anybody?

BTW Tuna apart,  Did the East Timoreans not get to decide?

ps: Please note that the ONLY reason I brought up this 1974 Treaty is
because Mario made it out to be important to Goans. I contend that it
is of zero use to Goans. Goa was already annexed in 1961


2009/9/29 lyrawmn :

My reference was to the 1951 Peace in the Pacific Treaty to which
Japan and the USA were signatories, following WWII.

The distinction I was attempting was that nations wage war, surrender,
sign peace treaties in good faith that benefits their nationals [who
do not get to vote on this executive function.]

My take was on the vanquished in wars. Yours would appear to be..tuna?

[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Workshop for Youth report

2009-09-30 Thread George Pinto

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Workshop for the Young Aspirants held at Cuncolim

In connection with its 2009 YEAR OF THE YOUTH theme, Goa Sudharop, in 
association with Rotary Club and C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce, Cuncolim, 
organized a One-day Workshop for young aspirants on 12th September 2009 in the 
College Audio-visual Hall. Goa Sudharop is a development oriented voluntary 
organization working towards the advancement of Goa and Goans.

The programme titled “YOU CAN DO IT” was conducted in the College Audio-visual 
Hall, Cuncolim. Around 100 students participated in the Workshop.
At the inaugural session Mr. Anil V. Pai, President, Rotary Club, welcomed the 
gathering and told the participants to take the benefit of the Workshop to 
develop into complete citizens. Mr. Bhicu Dessai, member, Rotary Club, 
introduced the Chief Guest. The workshop was inaugurated by lighting the lamp. 

Mr. Ibonio D’Souza, Chairperson, Goa Sudharop, addressed the participants on 
the purpose of the Workshop. In his inaugural addressed the Chief Guest, Dr. 
Laximan G. Naik, Principle, C.E. S. College, spoke about the importance of soft 
skills in the personality development and stressed upon three aspects that the 
youngsters should cultivate – 1) Self-respect; 2) Nationalism; and 3) 
Individual productivity. Mr. Gaurakshanath Panchwadkar, member, Rotary Club, 
proposed the ‘Vote of Thanks’.

The first session of the Workshop on the theme ‘You Can Do It’ was conducted by 
the resource person, Mr. Atul Shah (Director, VVM’s H.M.N. Gaunekar Institute 
of Management, Training and Research). With the help of film clippings, Mr. 
Shah explained how will-power and determination help in developing leadership 
qualities and achieve the set goals. One should set a positive attitude of ‘I 
Can Do It’. He spoke about the need of communication skills, confidence 
building, cheerful attitude, activeness and alertness in personality 

The theme for the second session was ‘Drug Addiction’ and its adverse effects. 
The resource person Dr. Priti Bakre (Psychiatrist, Sethu Centre of Child 
Development and Family Guidance) said that multiple developmental pathways like 
culture, interpersonal relations, psycho-behavioural factors and biogenetic 
factors lead to consumption of drugs, which in-turn can lead to addiction. The 
session was conducted with the help of scientific diagrams and pictures to show 
the effects of addiction on mind and behaviour. Dr. Priti concluded the session 
by emphasizing on ‘Just say No to Drugs’.

Dr. Jorson Fernandes (ENT Surgeon, Cuncolim), the resource person for the third 
session spoke on the theme ‘Stress Management and Life Values’. He said, ‘image 
is the sum total of knowledge, skills and attitude’. Areas of knowledge include 
effective communication, motivation, effective decision-making, effective 
time-management, managing change, managing stress, setting goal, effective 
planning and managing self. 

The fourth session was conducted by Mr. Sandeep Azrencar (President, Nisarga) 
on the theme ‘Environment Awareness and Conservation’. He stressed on the need 
for protection of environment and awareness of the issues related to 
environment and its conservation. He brought out the role and contribution of 
Nisarga (NGO) in protecting environment and promoting tree plantation in 
various places. He appealed ‘Do not damage environment in any form’.

All presentations were made on Power Point supported with Audio-visual 
clippings to sensitize the issues. 

The Workshop was concluded by giving away the certificates to the participants 
during the valedictory function. Mr Ibonio D’Souza made his ‘Concluding 
remarks’. Dr. Sarala V. Katageri (Lecturer, C.E.S. College) presented a brief 
Report of the proceedings of the Workshop and also compeered the conduct of 
Workshop. Mr. Shivanath Sawant, member, Rotary Club, proposed the valedictory 
‘Vote of Thanks’.

Thank you to the volunteers, supporters, well-wishers and donors of Goa 
Sudharop and to the participants, hosts and facilitators of the event.

Goa Sudharop

[Goanet] Food Habits Are More Important Than Most Important Obesity Risk Gene

2009-09-30 Thread Con Menezes

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Why your diet is critical.


Re: [Goanet] Morgad Put

2009-09-30 Thread Oscar Lobo

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


(First Born in the Goan Family - Malgodo Put)

The term I heard and is well known amongst Goans
Who were brought up in Goa was Malgodo Put. The first born son
is termed exactly that amongst Goans.

No special privileges that I know of other than being the pet of
his mother.

Oscar C. Lobo

From: augusto pinto

I believe the Konkani term,"Morgad Put" refers to the first born son (I
doubt there were "Morgad Dhuvs" but stand to be corrected). Can anyone say
whether at some point of time, either legally or by social sanction, this
first born had any special privileges among Indians in general; among Goans
of all communities; but most particularly among Goan Catholics and
Mangalorean Catholics? 

[Goanet] Berkeley Lab’s Ashok Gadgil Wins Heinz Award

2009-09-30 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


I am happy to announce that Dr. Ashok J Gadgil, of Berkeley Labs, has
won the prestigious Heinz Award for his environment contributions.
Quoting from Berkeley's press release:
"Gadgil, 58, was recognized for his work as a researcher, inventor and
humanitarian. The foundation cited Gadgil’s efforts to understand
airflow and pollutant transport in buildings, which helps to reduce
health risks, and efforts to improve energy efficiency and enhance the
quality of life in developing countries. His knack for creating simple
inventions to solve fundamental problems in developing countries was
also highlighted."

More details here:

And here: http://www.heinzawards.net/recipients/ashok_gadgil

Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: We Love Ayurved

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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1033 (Fr Mousinho's Letter)

2009-09-30 Thread John Gomes

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Ill conceived, ignorance,senility etc shows superiority.Disparaging Fredericks 
and others views in like manner is in bad taste.

Yes, we must acknowledge all that was good during foreign rule,and also that 
Goa is a part of India geographically if not historically,recognised as an 
independent country by the United Nations..To quote Fr Mousinho de Athaide, 
there is a difference in conquest of Goa by the Portuguese and conquest (if you 
say so)by India.The former led to our subjugation, the latter to our 
liberation.. Goa is a State in India, and after47years of Indian Democracy, 
with it's vast population, castes and creeds,and progress nevertheless,it is 
futile to have the hangover of British or Portuguese supremacy and 
preference.No one prevented those who wanted to continue with foreign rule to 
migrate.They are still free to do so.Regarding mismanagement and crime, we are 
free to put our money where our mouth is and try to  correct/do something 
positive about it. The world is full of evil, and you can find the worst even 
in America believe me! You can also find the best,as also
 in India,if you look for it. 
--- On Wed, 30/9/09, goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org 

From: goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org 
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1033
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Date: Wednesday, 30 September, 2009, 12:26 PM

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Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-09-30 Thread Mario Goveia

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 14:31:29 -0400
From: "J. Colaco  < jc>" 

That is why the WILL of the people i.e. Democracy is determined NOT by
speculating on chances but by going directly to the people and asking
them a very simple question.

There is NO argument put forth that this "asking" should have been
done in 1974; 1962 would have been a good time - unless Mario knows of
an excellent reason (based on the principles of democracy) why not?

Mario responds:

Of course I know an excellent reason, which is why I remain the lone voice on 
Goanet of reason, truth and peace:-))

The concept behind the "simple" question JC asked is so simple that it makes no 

Since India was liberating a territory that was an integral part of the Indian 
subcontinent that had been invaded and occupied by force by the Portuguese 
occupiers for 450 years, asking the "permission" of the local population who 
were being liberated was hardly necessary and considered moot.

India was gracious enough to keep Goa intact as a self governing entity, 
whereas it could very well have been divided up between Maharashtra and 

JC wrote:

Of course, I do understand Mario Goveia's support for invasions and occupations.

Mario responds:

As we can see from his comments JC pretends not to understand my consistent 
support for the liberation of oppressed territories from tyrannical regimes, 
whether in Iraq, Afghanistan or Goa.  

Thus, I supported India's decision to liberate Goa from the Portuguese invaders 
who had occupied it by force and then run it mostly for the benefit of the 
occupiers and some local sycophants, mostly Christians who had been converted 
over the year, also mostly by coercion.

Invading a foreign country, occupying a part of a foreign country for 450 
years, forcibly converting people from Hindus and Muslims to Christians, 
pretending the colony was an integral part of Portugal?  Tsk, tsk, tsk.  

These aggressive European occupiers don't seem to have been very nice people, 
except to their sycophants among the natives in Goa.  Oppressive to everyone 

Fourteen years after the modern era of colonialism had ended, and Portugal had 
refused several polite requests to vacate the forcibly occupied premises, India 
decided to end the farcical Portuguese charade of an "overseas province" and 
recovered Goa from the recalcitrant occupiers.

Thirteen years later, the Portuguese meekly signed a treaty accepting India's 
sovereignty over Goa.

Case closed.  Time to move on.

[Goanet] Cows in my Village

2009-09-30 Thread Freddy Fernandes

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


In Response to:

Message: 10
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 21:22:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: TABP http://f5mail.rediff.com/prism/writemail?&mode=mail_to_individual&email=bennetp
a...@yahoo.com&els=8504b8d9520c253dc8d3ea78061e1b03> >
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Cows in my Village

Stray animals on Goan roads is not an uncommon sight, infact it's a very common
sight, not just on the village roads but even on national highways, there have
been a lot of fatal accidents, courtesy of the dung or the animals themselves,
even then the authorities turn a blind eye to this ever growing problem. 


I myself have missed being a victim of this menace on a number of occasions and
was a witness to one such accident on the Assolna - Ambelim road, I was
proceeding to Nuem (my village) from Margao, on my then beloved  "Yezdi"  it
was sometime in the latter half of the 90's. I had just cautiously passed the
sharp blind turn soon after the Assolna, market square, when I was overtaken by
a youngster on an Enfield with a backpack, he looked to be in a hurry,  a good
distance away I could see a herd of buffalos, lazily tottering along in my
direction, as the Enfield was closing on the distance, I could hear the blaring
of the horn, but the cattle did not budge, as the rider got in touching
distance, the animals on the front line stepped aside and the Enfield was moving
slowly through the middle when all of sudden one of the buffalo swung it's head
wildly and bang, the guy and the bike were down, I could see the animal was
trying to free it self from the weight of the boy,  I just pulled on the
accelerator and reached the spot, just as the animal managed to free itself from
the boy, and somehow managed to have the backpack tangled on it's horn, As I
approached the motionless body, I feared the worst,  there were no other guys
passing at that moment so, even though I knew my feet would turn to jelly, at
the sight of blood, I turned the boy over and to my surprise and relief there
was no blood around,  just then a couple of guys got off their bikes and come to
help, the guy was unconscious but no serious injuries were noticed,  it took
some time before some one got water because it was a stretch of road with fields
on either side and no houses close by, but some how he revived, while the animal
was still struggling to get rid of the backpack, lucky for the boy to escape
with just a bump on the head,  the sharp horn could have torn into his belly but
somehow got the straps of the bag tangled onto it's horn and pulled the boy
down. Even after all these years the sight of buffalos on the road sends shivers
down my spine.


What's actually done in case of serious accidents involving cattle on the road ?
Is any one held responsible  ?  I find it very amusing that our government takes
action against people who catch frogs, but does nothing for the stray cattle,
shouldn't they take action against people who let their cattle stray onto the
roads even at night and cause danger to the animals themselves, as well as the
people around ? It is surely a very strong case for animal lovers as  well. 


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] DNA: India: Cow urine soft drink all set to hit

2009-09-30 Thread Ivo da C.Souza

   Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


From: "Santosh Helekar" 
--- On Sat, 3/7/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

So the good dotor is displaying yet another of his skin deep secularism
characteristics. Yep, liberal abroad, conservative at home.

Bingo! That was so easy.

Not only does Marshall Mendonza have no problem with Frederick Noronha
propagating the outrageous Hindutva line that cow's urine is harmless enough 
to be marketed as a soft drink, but he now actively channels the warped 
thought process of this Hindutva sympathizer.

The following mainstream media report should show you how Frederick and 
Marshall are linked to the RSS and other Hindu extremists. Please do not let 
their Christian names deceive you.


***Cow urine medicine would not have by itself anything to do with Religion. 
I know Catholics and Hindus who take their own urine satisfactorily (urine 
therapy) as well as Catholics who are being treated by Hindu ayurvedic 
physicians with drug prepared from cow urine for pemphigus vulgaris 
(successfully, not just by "anecdotal evidence", as the amelioration of 
symptoms is giving them "scientific evidence"). I came to know of this 
"drug" being giving to a skin disease patient only two weeks back. Whether 
it is to be accepted by Western medical fraternity and by WHO is a question 
of more systematized clinical trials and double-blind trials. It is to be 
seriously, scientifically investigated. If it is not efficient, then all are 
"quacks"... It is to be shunned away... It may be taken as "soft drink" (or 
natural 'Coca-cola'!), if it does not harm their health, but works merely as 
a diuretic...



2009-09-30 Thread BONNIE FERNANDES

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


2nd ABU DHABI CUP 2009
Canacona Outsiders will be having their 2nd Goan football tournament on 2nd 
October 2009, at Dubai club ground in Dubai. The tournament will start at 6 pm 
and 24 Goan teams will be taking part in the Goan football one day tournament. 
Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded to champions and runnerup, while 3rd 
and 4th place will be awarded trophies, besides there will be a match played 
between Abu Dhabi Goams v/s Dubai Goans.
May The Best Team Win
00971 50 8488096  


[Goanet] Goan Twist Dancing of 1960s

2009-09-30 Thread JoeGoaUk

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


Goan Twist Dancing of 1960s etc

Also meet  Guitarist Tony Gomes.
TONY GOMES was the first musician to play electric guitar in HINDI FILMS. 
and has played for Music directors kalyanji anandji, O.P.Nayar, RD Burman, SB 
Burman, laxmikant pyarelal, Ravi, V Shantaram, and frank fernand, 
He is also seen playing the violin in the opening song in Amchem Noxib. 

Besides, Souza Ferrao, Antonette, Ophelia, Cyriaco Dias,Romeo Mendes.
Saby, Seby Coutinho, Jack souza Ferrao (Nephew), Bela etc



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Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism - FN

2009-09-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


The illustrious  Frederick [FN] Noronha wrote in true GoaJourno style -

1: Ah ha!
2: I note that JC has neatly side-stepped the substantial issues of my
post (my view of the reasons for 1961 looking less of a Liberation
3: Since lastwordism isn't one of my virtues,
4: Secondly, I didn't travel to Brazil. I only returned from there :-)
5: Thirdly, the decision of my folks to move to Brazil had zilch to do
with Lusostalgia,
6: Over to you for the last word. Or last many words :-) FN

Dear Frederick Noronha,

For a guy who behaves like a tinpot Sala_Czar i.e. dictator of GoaNet,
you deserve commendation for your brilliant pseudo-response.

I will accept that last-wordism is not one of your virtues; though,
your dictatorial behaviour on GoaNet appears to be one of your vices.

I wonder where you got the impression that anyone had suggested that
you (FN) had traveled to Brazil. Do you think that most Goans are as
brilliant as the GoaJournos? Do not all and sundry know (already) that
you were born in Brazil?

I notice your "Secondly" and "Thirdly" - Where is your "Firstly"?

Oh ...so 'solly' for ignoring your 'Analysis' . I hope you will read
back your own "first"  semi-mild flame in this conversation. The point
I was making had zilch (if I can borrow the "kaiser's" word) to do
with circa 1961 (Italian Brasilian Obstetrician's comments - which you
obviously heard) or your long winded revisionist explanation of the

My point was quite specific even a non-legal mind or a GoaJourno
could understand it ...if he would engage his brain before running his
mouth (via the keyboard)...i.e. No reasonable individual BELIEVES the
liberation propaganda.(in 2009)

Liberation as quite separate and apart from "liberation from the
Salazarian Portuguese".

Though ...I am not so sure that Goans or GoaNet have been truly
liberated from Salazar.

Now if this post passes the GoaNet censor . You can develop
the virtue od Last-wordism and have it at the same time.


PS: Did notice how neatly you side-stepped the questions related to the Money.
Nice Try.