Re: [Goanet] Casino propaganda misfired

2009-10-10 Thread floriano

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

If Soter will remember, we (Goa Su-Raj Party) had come out with a widely
distributed leaflet sounding alarm bells when Manohar Parrikar's BJP was
introducing IFFI to Goa. In that leaflet, we had said that Goa, which is a
short flying distance from the Commercial Capital of India - Mumbai, will
unload its extra-baggage of VICES onto Goa. That Goa must be prepared with
proper infrastructure, meaning policy matters, rules and regulations before
opening it up to these mega events in its raw and primitive form. Naturally,
we take pride for having sounded the Goan ears that matter at the right
moment of time. But did anyone listen?

Given a primitive, rural hinterland back-water  village anywhere in the
world, there will be gambling, sex and crime. This cannot be taken away
since the human being has created and/or needs these diversions. We find
this from time immemorial. Therefore, as long as there is human habitation,
there will be vice.

However, as affluence starts gaining, the primitive vices gain in stature.
Goan society is galloping towards affluence. And therefore sophistication in
vices is bound to take over. Voila! we have sex rackets being operated left
right and centre from hotels, motels, private residences, beauty parlors
what have you. Sophisticated sex models are descending on Goa seeking
affluent customers. We had one floating casino. How did the Mandovi get
crowded so? Not inevitable? Goan boys working on cruise ships  could work
closer to home for almost the same perquisites and salaries. Why not?
Upcoming Goa is beckoning every talent and artistic streak. Why not? Can
this be stopped?

Whether anyone likes it or not, whether any government bans it or not, there
will always be vices in their regenerative forms. The only satisfaction we,
as a State of Goa must have  is the right infrastructure to uphold the law
and the dignity of the State that it deserves.

When money is to be made, the very first to suffer is the law and the
Does Goa and Goans want to uphold these to perfection is a million dollar

And the deciding factor is the voting booth - ultimately. Goa has voted. It
has to watch and wait until it is time to say Goa wants a repeat or not.
Nothing can and will be done before that time arrives. Goans must decide if
they want to march the streets in protests waving placards, sit in darnas,
storm offices, sit in hunger strikes or write reams of paper as articles and
letters to editors, and as some say, make a profession of it, or wait until
the time is ripe and cut the cancer and throw it out calling the past as a
bad mistake. We must be happy that one of the good benefits of the
liberation of Goa (or its conquest, if one likes) is that it has given us
'democracy'  wherein we can CHOOSE what to have and what not to have. And it
goes without saying that if we choose, we cannot complain. Can we now?

And, we have said all this to show our solidarity with what Soter has said
in his write-up above even if our way of saying things  may conflict with
what he has said.


- Original Message - 
From: "soter" 

Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 12:04 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Casino propaganda misfired

I am forwarding this opinion that was sent to Herald on 18/09/09 but has
not been published. A sudden silence seems to have descended in the Goan
media after raisng the controversy but probably realising later that it
has misfired.  The debate on casinos and its holy claims of providing
employment to thousands of Goan youth needs to be revived to expose the

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Walkover? Ttenxonn Kiteak?

2009-10-10 Thread lino dourado

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

     Walkover? Ttenxon Kiteak?
Chalu vorsachea Otumbrache 1ler thavn 50 hozaram voir mahest-denngi 
(gifts-in-kind) ditoleak, kor (tax) lagu zatolo mhunn, Central Board of Direct 
Taxes (CBDT) hannim IT Act 1961 hacher haddarun kaido chalik laila. Denngikaran 
vo denngi divpean affidavit korun, denngi ghetoleachem avoy, bapui, dhuv, put, 
bhav vo bhoinn  koslem natem (kin) asa tem jahir kelear, tankam voilo kor lagu 
zavncho nam, oxem CBDT odhikarean fuddem kolit kelam.
Camilo boro bhurgo zalear ek khoddegant futboll khellgodi. Futboll moidonar to 
porzollta. Sodanch to aple ttimink zoit dita ani tannem goal marun dilolea 
zoitachi khobor sogllea disaleancher chappun yeta mhunntoch, tachem nanv 
vollkiche zaun ghelam. Tachea khellpache huxarkayek ani bore xistik lagon, 
ganvchea bhatkarachea tegam dhuvantli vhoddli dhuv mogan asa. Camilo modlea 
klasintlo zaun aslolean, zati-kati manddpi bhatkar, aple vhoddle dhuven vichun 
kaddlolea soirigotticher ragar zata ani tacho mog nhoikarunk aple dhuvek koddok 
utramni xiddkaita. Punn jitt khellpi dhuve mukhar bapaichem xannponn cholona 
zaun, Camilo ani Joan-achi ixttagott, fuddlea mhoineant thavn kazarachea 
ekvottan ghott zaunchi asa. Punn….
Porchea disaleacher voili bhatmi vachun, Camilo bexttoch pertubado (disturb) 
zala. Khorem mhollear tannem vhokoll-bai Joan-achea ghorchea thaim, dott nhoi 
mhunn dennem magunk nam. Joan-achea girest avoy-bapaichi khuxi, aple morgadd 
dhuvek ek flett, gaddi, ani her vilaxi (luxurious) mahest-dennem koxem 
divnchem. Oxem tor, voir aslole bhatme pormonnem Joan-achea bapain, apnnalem 
dhuvek gifts in kind dita mhunn tannem affidavit toyar korun, IT odhikareank 
kollit korunk nibel gorjechem. Ani oxem zalolem Camilo-k naka aslem. Kiteak? 
Lok khoim somzotolo? Dottivinem to kazar zala mhunn? Voilea kaidean, tachim 
chintnam padd ghalim. Ani tatuntlean tatum anik ek dhoko mhollear, kalchea 
Sunkrarak hea vorsantli futboll league suru zaunchi asloli. Kaim futboll 
mahasongoth-ache (football federation) sokoile dorjeche vagnnukek lagon, 
league-k khelltole ttimini futboll moidonar walkover diun, fuddarak hea 
movsomantli league chalu astoli vo nam ho ek vhodd prons dor ek
 farik kelolea khellgoddeak, chintnachea moidonar xennoila. Ani hem pikasanv 
Camilo-k sottaitana….    
“So what! Tuzo futboll khell tuka posta? Hoi? Tor kitem zalem? Tumche ttimin 
walkover dilear? Ani tum mhaka kitem sangunk aila? Mhojea mogacher walkover …….”
“Joana please! Hea vellar mhojim bhavnnam (feelings) somoz…”
“Koslim bhavnnam? Mhojea moga vonn tuzo futboll khell vhodd? Mogacho teag havem 
keleat. Tujea moga khatir mhojea bapai koddlean nixttur utrancho mar khaila. 
Tuka, tuzo futboll khell vhodd vo hanv?”
“Aikun ghe! Futbollavixim hanv titlem ttenxon ghena. Don mhoinem uprant gifts 
in kind ho kaido pas korunk zai aslo mhunn, hanvem tuka poir ugddas kelolo. 
Havem tuzo niz mog kela. Tuje bore gunn ani vagnnunk mhoje avoyk avoddlolean, 
ticheach axirvaddan havem tuka mhojem korun ghetlam, ani nhoi tuje bapaichea 
gireskayek bhulon.”
“Oh I see! Hem sodanch tum mhaka sangot aila. Tor kitem zalem mhozo avoy-bapui 
aple kkuxen mhaka mahest-dennem dita zalear?”
“Amkam flett kiteak zai aslem? Amchem lhanxem ghor……..”
“Hum! Atam somzolim. Mhojem aik Mhaka flett zai mhunn, havem mhojea bapaik 
vinonti keloli”
“Punn kiteak?”
“Vachunk nam tuvem? Hea disamni gorom-gorom paper-ancher chappun yetoli bhatmi”
“All India Mother-in-law Protection Forum, hachi”
“Hi kosli sonstha?”
“Amchea Bharotan joint family poddot asa. Kazar zolole put ekach ghorant ravtat 
ani tanchi avoy ghor choloita. Sun-sasumaimcho vadvivad zaun thodde pavtti sune 
koddlean sasuk opmanachea utrancho mar khavncho poddtta. Ken’nai hangar hat 
zata. Hem soglle char vontti bhitor cholta. Bhailo somaz sasumaimchem dukh 
aikunk toyar nam. Dekhunuch, sunam koddlean tras nam mellche mhunn Dil’li, 
Mumbai-che sasumaimni andolona (campaign) suru keleant. Lohu-lohu korun, Bharot 
desachea dusrea prathant pavtolim ani Goyam pavunk fattim nam.”
“Tor kitem zalem? Mhoji avoy, sunnek tras ditoli tosli nhi.”
“Kazar zavnchea adim ek rong asta ani kazara uprant topia bhaxen rong bodolta. 
Irlexe chukik vo somzonenk lagon maim-sunechem kestanv suru zata”
“Osli dharunai tujea vo mhojea avoy sovem ghoddchi nam”
“Ani ti ghoddchea adim, mhojea bapain mhoji surokxe khatir mhaka 3 bed 
rumamchem flett toyar kelam. Az tumche ttimin walkover ghetlo mhunn tuka khub 
ttenxon zalam. Toslim ttenxona sonsunk, mhojea bejeak sokott nam. Tea khatir, 
kazar zalea uprant tuje

[Goanet] A tale of ulhas-os

2009-10-10 Thread Antonio Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

It all started when a plague virus descended upon the inhabitants of Old
Goa  in mid 18th century.
Its people ran away as far as they could from the epicentre of the plague.
Most of them migrated to
Bardez via canoes plying in the rivers between Divar and Chorao islands. The
well to do proceeded
towards Panjim  the new capital of Goa. But there were others from villages
surrounding Old Goa
like Korbomle who apparently did not fit in well with those who migrated to
Bardez and Panjim and
so they chose to flee down to South.They ran like ''Speedy Gonzalez '' till
they reached Vel-he and
did not wish to proceed any farther south.  So like an American general,
made their Custer's Last
Stand  and dug in Vel=he. Settled down in this village as moradores but
succeeded in landowning
business so much that they as moradores bhatkars  gave a sort of complex to
local gaunkar

I wonder why bhatkars say from, Cansaulim, Majorda . Varca. Navelim and
Chinchinim did not welcome \
them in their midst, could it be  they suspected them to be potential
carriers, well, answers may
never be found.

Being so close and now so far away in Vel-he  for over two centuries from
the centro of power  in Old Goa
/Panjim may have made their hearts grow fonder  and it would be appear they
are still very much in
love with the Portuguese.

[Goanet] The Creepy Times 34

2009-10-10 Thread Rahul Alvares

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

The Wolf Snake

The common wolf snake is one of the few snakes that actually seems to profit by 
man-made environment. Houses with tiled roofs are their favorite hideouts. They 
expert climbers and slide in between wooden beams with dexterity. Catching them 
on a 
roof is tricky business indeed since they always have the upper hand on this 
(well maybe I should say that they have all the advantage  since hands don't 
to them!).

Sometimes though they might hide in the hollow created for the wooden beam that 
slides shut old Goan house doors. These hollows are more than a meter in length 
inside the wall and pulling out a foot long snake from the depths within isn't 
walk in the park either!

The strangest place I've pulled out a wolf snake from is inside the chain guard 
of a 
motorcycle. How and why the snake had got in there I can only guess. I had to 
dismantle half the guard before I could access the greasy snake. Snake rescuing 
calls for mechanical skills as well!

Wolf snakes are fairly aggressive reptiles and won't hesitate to bite when 
caught. When first touched the tendency of a wolf snake is to sit coiled and 
unmoving. If the touch stimulus continues though the wolf snake will uncoil and 
thrash and twist around madly.

Wolf snakes get their name from the long front teeth they possess. Presumably 
help the snakes get a good grip on geckoes (their favorite prey).

The wolf snake's dark color marked with white bands across the body confuses 
people into falsely identifying it as a common krait. Adding to the confusion 
is the 
fact that the wolf snake and the common krait are both nocturnal snakes and 
therefore likely to be spotted during the same time.

An easy way to tell them apart is to notice the lines running across the 
body. The difference between the two is that the wolf snake has white bands 
more prominent in the head region which disappear towards the tail end. The 
on the other hand, has thin white lines mostly located in the posterior half of 
snake's body, but disappearing toward the head.

In Goa wolf snakes come in two different color morphs. One of the morphs is 
colored with the characteristic bands across the body. The other is much 
lighter and 
lacks bands altogether.

Re: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communal tensions?

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

2009/10/10 Santosh Helekar :
> .Frederick Noronha
> Please note here that he is utterly oblivious
> or ignorant of the history of secular thought
> and practice in India since at least the
> 5th century B.C. - the fact that the 

The only problem of getting into a discussion with the  Santosh
Helecar -- apart from his last-wordism -- is his tendency to use
dozens of adjectives to describe anyone who disagrees with his point
of view.

Besides, Santosh also tends to personalise the debate so much
(repeatedly dragging in names, with unflattering terms), which also
makes it not worth a debate! I leave it to readers to judge who's
saying what, and who's distorting who's words! FN
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

[Goanet] Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winne

2009-10-10 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

*Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...*
*Sat Oct 10 11:23:46 PDT 2009*

From: Carvalho < elisabeth_car at
 >>* There is something seriously wrong with this Nobel Peace committee to
award* barack obama, the Nobel peace prize even before he could say Camp
David oreven smell the coffee at a >serious peace accord conference. This is
simplyridiculous and too insane for words. Infact from now on the Peace
Prizemeans dirt to me. I wouldn't be surprised if Mickey Mouse is >awarded
thePeace prize next.
Joao observes: After the Nobel peace prize was awarded to Henry Kissinger
how can you say something like this? Anyway, let's move on. The day Obama
became President of the U.S. he should have been awarded the Peace prize.
The greatest office on this planet has been won by a brown man (most of us
Goans and Indians should be especially proud!) although  Americans who are
colour blind refer to him as black as the only colour of value over the
centuries has been white. Yes, We Can is more than a mere slogan, it is a
call to people all over the world, to all minorities all over the world,
irrespective of colour or caste or whatever to demand their rights as
human beings. Meanwhile, we, who belong to a country of more than one
billion people should continue to ponder and wonder: Can India do an Obama?

>* best,> selma* In modern India, we Yindians have coined a special term,
tailor made justfor such occasions : "MATCH FIXING" ;-)Salaams and may you
be 'baraka'Tony-- o .

. o o_.__' Cheers! \~/ \ / '-.-' Tony de Sa | M: +91 9975 162 897 _|_
Ph: +91 832 2470 148 `"""` tonydesa at W.
Somerset Maugham: "I always find it more difficult to say the things Imean
than the things I

Re: [Goanet] Indian ancestry revealed in massive study

2009-10-10 Thread M.D'MELLO

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible


In other words, the Aryan Invasion theory is substantiated
Can some one explain in simple terms please???


--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Goanet News  wrote:

> Indian ancestry revealed in massive study
> First Published : 25 Sep 2009 03:19:58 PM IST
> Last Updated : 25 Sep 2009 03:58:48 PM IST
> LONDON: The largest ever DNA survey of Indian heritage has
> revealed
> that the population of India was founded on just two
> ancient groups
> that are as genetically distinct from each other as they
> are from
> other Asians. 

Re: [Goanet] Pro-Goans vs. Anti-Goans, Freedom and progress? And O Heraldo & Pe. Mousinho.

2009-10-10 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Ashburn Pereira posted the following from Ashburn & Leron Pereira:

1: Countless promises were given to Goans by the Indian Government but
all these were eventually turned down

2: India even tried to impose the non-Goan rule of Maharastra in Goa

3: Even the renowned Goan journalist Frank Moraes felt ashamed to be
an Indian because of the non-beneficial policies imposed by India

4: The letters sent by us true Goans, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão,
Ashburn Pereira, and Leron Pereira never got published on O Heraldo on
1st Oct. ’09, so I ask what is R F Fernandes and Ashwin Tombat and the
whole editorial group of O Heraldo trying to prove?


My dear Ashburn & Leron Pereira,

There are many points in your post which are accurate. However, I am
more than a little puzzled by #s 1-3 above.

May I ask if you have any firm evidence to substantiate those comments?

I will submit here that #s 1-3 (above) can be classified as being
distinctly false.

Must say that in this matter, If I were working for the Herald, I too
would dump your letter into the bin.

I wonder what made you juxtaposition some facts with the above non-facts.


Re: [Goanet] Portuguese love for Goans!

2009-10-10 Thread sallesfonseca

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Subject: Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Dear Frederick:

If you are the owner, the manager or any thing similar of Goanet,  
please be impartial.

Henrique Salles da Fonseca
Lisboa - Portugal

[Goanet] G'bye Goa - Migrants, necessary "evil": HERALD(Goa), Oct. 11, 2009

2009-10-10 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

By Valmiki Faleiro

Migrants abound Goa. Most who in-migrated between the 1960s and 1980s are well
assimilated, speak the local language, and consider themselves as Goan as any 
They now own accommodation, ranging from a comfy house/flat to a shanty in a 
Even if they had a choice, most would never return home. For them, Goa is home.

We curse them, but what would Goa be without them? Let's briefly look at who 
Goa's workforce today.

In manufacturing, mining, civil construction, tourism, transport, fishing, 
services including
retail vending, and the tertiary sector, it is migrants, migrants and migrants 
all the way .
Perhaps, 80 per cent of the way. We Goans chase only white-collar jobs. And 
that migrants be chased away.

In manufacturing, save good paymasters like Zuari, Syngenta, MRF and Nestle, 
bulk of
manpower particularly in the Industrial Estates is migrant. Goans have 
developed a
squinted view towards blue-collar jobs.

In mining, both legal and illegal, over 50% of the workforce is migrant. Ditto 
with truck-
tipper drivers/cleaners who shift the ore to river-loading points. Barges that 
take the ore
to port, however, are largely manned by Goans, perhaps because diesel pilferage 
them more than their wages.

(Only a cynic like me would say that chasing away migrants from mines would be 
a good
idea. That way, Goa's current environmental destruction would be reduced by 

Construction: Where would Goa be without migrants? From unskilled labour to all 
of skilled/specialized workmen, Goa depends almost entirely on migrants. The 
only job a
few Goans, mainly from the OBC community, still do is lay concrete, where wages 
twice the daily average. They are now being edged out by ready-mix concrete 
which employ migrants. Migrants today do the traditional OBC road asphalting 
work. We
sure abhor malaria-spreading, night-thieving workers at construction sites, but 
building a house exclusively with Goan labour!

Tourism: Go around Goa's coastal villages, from Pernem to Palolem, from small 
to big hotels. Who constitutes the bulk of waiters and kitchen staff? A tiny 
place like
Palolem seasonally employs around 2,500 Nepalis alone, not to count experienced
hands from touristy places like Himachal and Kerala, and of course the rest of 
Today, cooks from Orissa to Bengal dish out their version of "authentic Goan 
Xacuti" to
the world. Imagine the fate of Assado and Sarapatel if they handled beef and 

Transport: The role of Goans in ferrying the public in private buses is that of 
owners. Most I know contract their vehicles to migrant drivers/conductors for a 
fixed daily
return. That's one of the reasons why recklessness has increased on Goa's 
roads. Read
names of drivers charged by police as responsible for road fatalities and you 
will get a
better idea.

Fisheries: Ask any trawler-owner what his fate would be if the boat crew didn't 
from elsewhere in India. Even a few days' delay in their arrival at the start 
of the fishing
season around "Nariyal Poornima" would mean a huge difference to his entire 
fortunes. Because the first three or four weeks of August yield bumper crops of 
prized "Solar shrimp."

Trawler-owners are so dependant on migrant labour that they pay substantial 
to crew at the end of season, and lose a lot when crewmembers do not show up. 
consumers pay for it at Goa's fish markets.

The story is not much different in the service and tertiary sectors. Almost 
technician (or "Service Engineer" as euphemistically called in this age) that 
we rely on is
invariably a migrant.

Now revert to the scenario of what would happen to Goa if some bright day all 
could be chased out Goa. Goa would grind to an agonizing halt the next morning!

We cannot blame migrants. If Goa is changing, the cause is not them. It lies 
Let's come to that next Sunday.

P.S: Laxmikant Shetgaonkar has earned his niche in history. His film, whose 
translates to "Man Across the Bridge," won an international award, the 
first-ever film in
Goa's native tongue to earn such honours. A filmmaker of the stature of Shekhar 
had, it seems, prophesized last year that Shetgaonkar had it in him. (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the Herald, Goa, edition of October 11, 2009

Re: [Goanet] Feppi Boddei, Joe-Goa_UK! Zaite Fuxial Pottun-yo? Many Happy Returns!

2009-10-10 Thread Alfred de Tavares

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

&, so say all of usso say all of us...
for, he is a jolly good fellow...
he is a prety joly good felow...
Zaite pati oh dis tuka mel'lum...

> Mogall Joe_Goa_UK!
> Devan tuka bore bolaiken ani khuxalkaien dovorcho!
> My thanks to your real Goan niz-Goenkar heart, mind, body and soul, for doing 
> us great favours with your carefully planned shoot-outs for the state of life 
> in Goa today, for the glimpses of Tiatr in Goa, the bountiful nature, the 
> flowers, the sorrow state of affairs in Goa, and the numerous videos of the 
> latest in Goa.
> There may be lots of other Niz-Goenkars like you, but they don't have your 
> resources, your energy and the time that you spend to give us the true 
> picture of things Goan right away! For this we are in your Upkar!
> For your lovely nostalgic words and pictures like "Katt-Kongam" ( I always 
> thought they were salted (kattuk) but they are oinnin) we thank you. Please 
> keep writing about them and let the experts tell us otherwise and increase 
> our knowledge of the true words of origin in Konkani. BUT KEEP WRITING ABOUT 
> those Goanetters and GoaResearchNetwallahs for givings us explanations and 
> corrections especially of Portuguese words which are so well Salcetized, but 
> which sound so nice.
> To JOEGOAUK, keep sending us the correct and latest image of Goa!
> They also serve most, who just travel and travel and stand and wait and SHOOT 
> through the LENS!
> So when will you come out!
> Wish your parents were here to see your gifts to Goans!
> Mog assum di ani ilem xekoi mhojea nanvan!
> Kuttu!
> Zolmacho Diss tuzo!
>  I nominate you for the 'TRUE SON OF GOA AWARD"
> Silviano Barbosa
> October 10, 2009
> _
> New: Messenger sign-in on the MSN homepage
Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on 

[Goanet] Goa news for October 11, 2009

2009-10-10 Thread Goanet News Service

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa: Bus trapped in deep flood waters -
arnataka border in a place called Kudal, which is about 100 km
from Goa. ...

*** I-League: Sporting - Air India Match Postponed Due To Heavy
Showers -
eague hasn't been the best so far for the state of Goa as rains
have played a spoilsport... For the second consecutive day, ...

*** Goa BJP wants govt to use IFFI funds for relief work -
Press Trust of India
IFFI funds to aid flood-hit people in Canacona: BJP

*** Sesa Goa - A long-term bet -

*** Goa's biggest offshore casino unfit, inferior: Ministry -
Times of India
biggest offshore casino unfit, inferior: Ministry

*** PREP FOOTBALL: Muir loses on late field goa, 9-6 - Pasadena
ewsBURBANK - Michael Solano kicked a 21-yard field goal with 9
seconds left to lift Burroughs High School to a 9-6 victory

*** A kiss of Goa across the border - Times of India
RM">and more »

*** Remo laments Goa's woes in latest video - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Rampant mining, beach erosion and over
zealous exploitation of land resources in Goa find 'top of the
chart' mention in noted musician and singer ...

*** Goa changes stand on edu hub yet again - Times of India
oM">and more »

*** Goa denied calamity relief funds - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsGoa tops the list of five States that have
been released no money from the central Calamity Relief Fund
(CRF) as they did not submit the utilisation ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] I am sure you like this - Accident 2

2009-10-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

I am sure you like this - Accident 2
With Wilson/Sharon, Sheik Amir, Sonia, Socoro de St.cruz
Ben Evangelisto, Eugene, Maria, Joao, Tomazinho, Master Karan,
Dynaneshwar Morajkar, Shivanand Naik, Mathias etc
With little bit of
Robin Vaz,. Marcelin de Betim & Trio Kings 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  Connect more, do more and share more with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn more.


2009-10-10 Thread MD

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Message: 5
Message-ID: <>

RecentlyI viewed on TV, this Michael Moore accompanied several white
Americans to Cuba for treatement.They were financially
bankrupt after paying for huge medical bills, yetsaw no improvement or
could not afford the cost of treatement or did not have medical
insurance in their country. I was amazed to see the Cuban medical
facilities (no wonder Comrad Castro is still alive) and all the sick
people were assured free treatement or with a cost of $500. max.  This
is not an exageration, believe me.

One more on collective ownership:

The kibbutz (Hebrew word for “communal settlement”) is a unique rural
community; a society dedicated to mutual aid and social justice; a
socioeconomic system based on the principle of joint ownership of
property, equality and cooperation of production, consumption and
education; the fulfillment of the idea “from each according to his
ability, to each according to his needs”; a home for those who have
chosen it. (Is this something like 'Gaunkari'?) Rightwingers too
follow this socioeconomic system!!!


Re: [Goanet] 1. Re: Indian Colonoliasm (Mario Goveia)

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Bosco, not allowed! It's your birthday and you have to be
sugar-n-spice to everyone else :-)

Okay, but maybe you can scrape through, since the date-stamp shows you
sent in out in the last minutes of your pre-birthday day!

> Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 23:30:30 -0400
> From: "Bosco D" 
> Social Engineering?? Your posts on a regular basis smack of Social
> Engineering:

More seriously, happy birthday for Oct 10, and may you continue all
the good work done to keep Goanet sailing (not to mention the
football, and propagating Goa-related books in .ca!) --FN
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

[Goanet] Zinc Deficiences A Global Concern

2009-10-10 Thread Con Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Zinc deficiency?

Keep reading.


[Goanet] Painkillers every day? No way! « He alth Revelations with Dr. William Ferril

2009-10-10 Thread Con Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

 Another of those conflicting theories about aspirin.

Read ..


Re: [Goanet] Portuguese love for Goans!

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Without using the term 'flame bait' (oops!) I could just say that I
saw this reply coming. Haha :-) FN
PS: There should be some simple-to-remember number when one needs the
cyber-fire extinguishers! But Goa's 108 might not be a good comparison
right now. Or is it?

2009/10/10 J. Colaco  < jc> :

> Dears,
> I did not know that "Flame baits" were allowed on GoaNet.
> It appears that Frederick Noronha is writing / has written a new
> 'thesis' on this topic. His 2005 dogma:  it was "mainly those Colaco
> types. Bernardo, Paulo and Jose who propound this
> colonialism-started-in-1961 theory"

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

[Goanet] Could sweets every day as kids make adults aggressive?

2009-10-10 Thread Con Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Aggressive adults  through sweet indulgence as kids?
What do you think?


Re: [Goanet] Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Tony de Sa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

From: Carvalho 
>There is something seriously wrong with this Nobel Peace committee to award
barack obama, the Nobel peace prize even before he could say Camp David or
even smell the coffee at a >serious peace accord conference. This is simply
ridiculous and too insane for words. Infact from now on the Peace Prize
means dirt to me. I wouldn't be surprised if Mickey Mouse is >awarded the
Peace prize next.
>best,> selma

In modern India, we Yindians have coined a special term, tailor made just
for such occasions : "MATCH FIXING" ;-)

Salaams and may you be 'baraka'


  o  .
 . o
o_.__'  Cheers!
 \   /
   '-.-' Tony de Sa
 |M:   +91 9975 162 897
   _|_  Ph: +91 832 2470 148
W. Somerset Maugham: "I always find it more difficult to say the things I
mean than the things I don't."

Re: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communaltensions?

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Floriano, what's wrong with diversity?

2009/10/10 floriano :
> Could Frederick have been pinning the blame on Nehru for disintegrating
> instead of integrating India when he said
> "India's languages (parochial India) and cultures are like mosaic which
> needs to be preserved at all costs"?
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

[Goanet] Shabbat thoughts

2009-10-10 Thread Antonio Francisco

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible


A basketball in my hands is worth about Rs. 500/-
A Basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth  Rs. 50 crores

A golf club is useless in my hands.
A golf club in Tiger Wood's hands is a 4 Major Golf championship.

A rod in my hands will keep away a dog or a wild animal,
A rod in Moses hands will part the mighty sea.

A slingshot in my hands is a toy, it may kill a Kingfisher bird,
A slingshop in David's hand is a mighty weapon and killed a giant.

Two fish and five loaves in my hands
is a couple of fish sandwiches.
Two fish and five loaves in Jesus hands will feed thousands.

Nails in my hands might produce a bird house.
Nails in Christ Jesus' hands
will produce salvation for the entire world.


So, put your concerns, your worries,
your fears, your hopes,
your dreams, your families and your
in God's Hands because...


Courtesy Internet.


Re: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communal tensions?

2009-10-10 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Sandeep Heble  wrote:
>I always thought that Frederick was a rationalist but I found his logic >on 
>that day peculiar and highly absurd to say the least.


You were naive to believe that Noronha was a rationalist. He has always been 
the exact opposite. Frederick Noronha has never cared for rationalism or 
secularism. He is a classic knee-jerk anti-establishment cultural relativist 
who does not know the difference between sense and nonsense, reason and 
superstition, justice and prejudice, tolerance and intolerance, parochial and 
universal, harmful and useful, and good and bad. He also makes arbitrary 
exceptions to his relativist mindset when it is convenient for him to do so. 
For example, he fancies himself as an eastern chauvinist who believes 
secularism, rationalism and science are western inventions, and therefore, need 
to be opposed with greater vehemence than is reserved for Hindu extremism, to 
which he paradoxically grants an arbitrary exemption from his eastern 
chauvinism, when it serves his agenda.

Here are quotes from his latest response in this thread, which substantiate 
what I am saying here:

"My view is that the irreligious (if not anti-religious) attitudes of some 
early politicians  (Nehru, for instance) could well have pushed religion to the 
defensive, and only given a fillip after some time to the more intolerant, 
chauvinist and extremist faces of religion we see resurgent for the past decade 
and more."

.Frederick Noronha

Please note the twisted logic here. He blames non-religious people for the 
criminal behavior of religious extremists. He has no problem about taking 
temporary leave from his relativistic position and his senses to indulge in 
this flight of fancy.

"At one level, calling the Bhakra project as "temples of modern India"
reflects the genuflection of a Nehru towards that god called Science
and Technology, and looking down on things traditional."

.Frederick Noronha

Please note the absurd intolerance here towards Science and Technology, and 
once again, the insinuation from the context that India's problems, including 
religious extemism are a consequence to Nehru's affinity towards something 
which all rational people believe is the single most important cause of human 

"Maybe a Gandhi was more apt in understanding the role of religion in a
hyper-religious space like South Asia. Such an attitude, which seeming
obscurantist at first, might have been more sustainable."

Frederick Noronha

Please note that he conveniently forgets the historical facts that Gandhi was 
killed by a Hindu extremist because of his political views and actions, and 
that violent communalism emerged contemporaneously with Gandhi's non-violent 
struggle for freedom, the largest Hindu-Muslim riots having taken place during 
the partition, for which Gandhi was in part responsible.

"The traditions which Sandeep mentions about secularism come largely if
not entirely from the Western world, and have little to do with the
Indian reality. Here, secularism was born less out of a "revolt
against the Religious Orders" and more out of the need for a
multi-religious, multi-ethnic, multi-caste nation state to co-exist
amidst all its diversity."

.Frederick Noronha

Please note here that he is utterly oblivious or ignorant of the history of 
secular thought and practice in India since at least the 5th century B.C. - the 
fact that the Indian tradition comprised of atheistic religions, atheistic and 
agnostic schools of thought, secular pluralistic religions such as those of 
Kabir and Akbar, and that religious minorities from other parts of the world, 
such as Parsees and Jews came to India to escape religious persecution, and 
have since lived in peaceful co-existence and harmony.




Re: [Goanet] 1. Re: Indian Colonoliasm (Mario Goveia)

2009-10-10 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Mario wrote:

> It [the USA] is  struggling right now because of a misguided experiment 
> in social engineering which started when the government imposed 
> regulations to force banks to lend money to low income people to buy 
> homes.

Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 23:30:30 -0400
From: "Bosco D" 

Social Engineering?? Your posts on a regular basis smack of Social 

Mario responds:


Shouldn't one understand an issue as well as one's own references before 
responding to avoid unnecessary embarrassment?

Here is what your own source says about social engineering:

* Social engineering (political science), efforts to influence popular 
societies on a large scale. 
* Social engineering (security), the practice of obtaining confidential 
information by manipulating users. 
* Social engineering (sociology), efforts to fix a sociological problem in a 

The social engineering I was referring to was in the Community Investment Act 
of 1977 was intended to fix what liberal politicians saw as a sociological 
problem, i.e. the lack of home ownership by low income Americans.

As the lone voice on Goanet of reason, truth and peace, my role is more like an 
informal truth detector, ombudsman and commentator.  I have no ability to 
influence any popular society on a large scale.

Wise up.

Bosco wrote:

Having said that you lack the skills of one K. Mitnick..perhaps for good 

Mario responds:

Perhaps that's just as well as I have no idea who K. Mitnick is.

[Goanet] Many Happy Returns!

2009-10-10 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 01:17:28 -0400
From: Francis Rodrigues 

10 October -

Bosco De Mello - lucid, articulate contributions and well-balanced moderation 
in Goan cyberspace,

Joe GoaUK - a prolific contributor to Goan cyber-space, whose daily chronicling 
is simply phenomenal,

To both these worthies -

"Many Happy Returns, today!"

Mario adds:

I don't recognize any of these folks from Francis' descriptions, but Happy 
Birthday, anyway:-))

Re: [Goanet] Much to the AMUSEMENT of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 18:51:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

I am with the camp that wonders what Obama did to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mario observes:

If you follow some credible sources of news, which I know is hard to do where 
you live, you may see that many of Obama's liberal friends, who used to take 
this award seriously, are wondering the same and are embarrassed and some have 
urged him to turn it down.  Especially after the equally embarrassing snub last 
week in Copenhagen, where he and his wife's speeches showed they thought the 
Olympics were all about THEM.

This was like a salesman trying to convince someone to buy what he is selling 
because it will benefit the salesman!  Pretty amazing.

But, why are is anyone surprised about the Nobel Peace Prize after the recent 
choices of Jimmy Carter, Yasser Arafat, Kofi Annan, Mohammad El Baradei and Al 
Gore, all of whom had made the world less safe by emboldening the enemies of 
America?  Obama is a combination of all these folks, on steroids, as we can see 
from the accelerated hostile actions of N. Korea, Iran, Russia, Libya, 
Venezuela, etc. all of whom have nothing to fear as long as Obama is in charge.

Until 2013, it is Israel that is the default leader of the free world.

Just look at how long Obama is dawdling and dithering over a simple request by 
the Genaral he appointed in Afghanistan for additional resources, AFTER HE KEPT 
the request with no decision in sight.  He's playing politics with the lives of 
American soldiers in Afghanistan.  No wonder the Nobel Peace Prize Committee 
was so impressed.  This is just what they like from a US president.

Besides, it was you, who is still struggling to learn how the health care 
system in the country you live in works for people who are seriously ill, who 
supported his election.  So, what are you going on about?

The Norwegians obviously picked someone who they hope will make the US more 
like them - physically and economically weak and of no use to anyone who is 
oppressed.  Come to think of it, this is also more like Canada.  They LIKE what 
he said he would do during the campaign.  What they don't know is that he says 
what the people in front of him want to hear, and then conveniently forgets 
about it when his audience changes.

Mervyn wrote:

Now the reason for this post.?
I think Obama should have won the Nobel prize for economics. 
Anyone who could stop the rot George Bush (43) set into the US economy really 
deserves that economic prize. Obama has put a stop to the downward economic 
spiral the US was in. Turning that economy around i.e. turning the budget 
deficits from the position it is into a positive one really requires the 
strength of a dozen of the Greek Gods. ??

Mario responds:

Aye, aye, aye!  So much misinformation, so little time!  You seem to know about 
as little about the US economic system, where you don't live, as you do about 
the Canadian health care system, where you do live.  You really need to start 
following some credible sources of information.

It was Obama's party that passed the Community Reinvestment Act and it was his 
party that imposed the government regulations that caused the rot in the US 
economy.  The banks later joind in the tamasha to get the regulators off their 
backs.  George Bush and John McCain tried to stop them but were obstructed by 
the Democrats as illustrated by this report.

Listen carefully.  You may even learn something.

Bush 43 had actually engineered a recovery from the recession he inherited from 
Bill Clinton by cutting tax rates while making the US safe after 9/11.  In 
addition, he led the liberation of 50 million innocent Muslims in Iraq and 
Afghanistan, much to your chagrin, while most of the rest of the world, 
including Obama and his party, sat on their hands or tried to obstruct him, and 
cheered for the US to fail. 

Re: [Goanet] Portuguese love for Goans!

2009-10-10 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Frederick Noronha wrote:

[1]  I guess Domnic's post was just a flame-bait
[2]  My thesis is that some Goanetters  believe that
[3]  Domnic, more seriously, nice to have you back. Your posts add
value to Goanet as always. FN


I did not know that "Flame baits" were allowed on GoaNet.

It appears that Frederick Noronha is writing / has written a new
'thesis' on this topic. His 2005 dogma:  it was "mainly those Colaco
types. Bernardo, Paulo and Jose who propound this
colonialism-started-in-1961 theory".

When asked to provide proof for the above statement (with regards to
Paulo and Jose),  Frederick Noronha  ducked. He has now resurfaced
with an ostensibly modified 'thesis'.

I too am happy to see Dominic back. As far as posts are concerned, my
'thesis' is that value is always added when a post is received and


Re: [Goanet] Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Selma, Do you really believe that such awards are not political, and
don't reflect the balance of power in the globe (even if of the only,
and declining, superpower)?

I also think such awards are also influenced a lot by all the media
hype that emerges and makes up our mind for us. When the media turns
hostile to an Obama (as it happens with many politicians in due
course) then all this would be conveniently forgotten.

To be fair to the Nobel industry, I think a Gandhi would have
definitely got a Nobel in his time if only he had a bigger media
machine hyping him (not just the Birlas, later of Hindustan Times
fame, and a handful of others in his time). FN

PS: Compared to a Bush, an Obama has made some interesting statements
and gestures. But there is a lot more action is needed obviously, not
just pious words and good sentiments.

2009/10/10 Carvalho :

> There is something seriously wrong with this Nobel
> Peace committee to award barack obama, the
> Nobel peace prize even before he could say Camp
> David or even smell the coffee at a serious peace
> accord conference. This is simply ridiculous and
> too insane for words. Infact from now on the
> Peace Prize means dirt to me. I wouldn't be
> surprised if Mickey Mouse is awarded the Peace
> prize next.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] Recent books from Goa... worth recommending

2009-10-10 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

--- On Fri, 10/9/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> I thought Santosh was going to post ections
> from Priolkar's book for review and discussion.  I have
> not seen any.  But may be I missed them.

I had said I would write my own review of the book, which I will when I have 
some free time to do justice to it. I have already commented on Buchanan's mild 
account, reproduced in its entirety by Priolkar. Buchanan was another man 
Frederick had tried to smear and misrepresent in this forum, along with 

>Some defend using Dellon's account (which I have not read) as being a 
>>victim's account. This has minor validity. This is like trying to know >about 
>cholera by reading the account of a patient. 

Strange logic! How about a rape victim's account of a rape committed against 
her? Would that be of minor validity, as well?

I thought a good physician learned a lot about a disease from a patient's 
description of his/her own symptoms.

> I am sorry about "a well known Christian research scholar
> too has endorsed this". This shows that scholars can make
> basic mistakes in judgment. Nothing new!!! I am glad M.
> D'mello and and FN are bold and have stood up. 

Incredible! Please note the emphasis on the religion of this research scholar 
and the posture of D'Mello and Noronha. This statement should tell us 
everything we need to know what this is all about.

I had provided the endorsements of not one, but two eminent scholars, Gerald 
Moser and Charles Boxer. I do not know what religion they belonged to. The 
scholarly journals did not mention it because it should be of no consequence, 
if one is solely interested in the dispassionate, unvarnished, unwhitewashed 

But any objective person would like to know what contributions to historical 
scholarship on the inquisition have Maurice D'Mello, Frederick Noronha and 
Gilbert Lawrence made for which they are standing up on Goanet, and opposing 
real historians. What profound independent insights have they achieved which 
lead them to believe that genuine historians and scholars have made basic 

M. D'Mello wrote:
> Is this a revised addition? If not, more and more will deem
> that this is the truth about inquisition in Goa as this
> book heavily relies on Dellon's biased account in the first
> place. 

The above tells me that D'Mello has not read Priolkar's book. The book relies 
on the works of 50 named scholars and one anonymous work. Regarding Dellon and 
Buchanan, Priolkar simply reprints their accounts in Part II of his book.

>Unless some one brings out the truth, I am sorry to say, this will be the 
>>impression of the Inquisition.

How does this man decide what the truth is?

Noronha wrote:
> AK Priolkar's The Goa Inquisition (new edition). A book
> that has shaped the understanding of the Goa Inquisition,
> specially within South Asia, though I do not agree with its
> portrayal. 

Why does Noronha not agree with Priolkar's portrayal based on the works of 50 
historians and scholars? What does he know that nobody else does?




[Goanet] Ayurveda is not a miracle, it’s a sc ience, says Vaidya Bhide

2009-10-10 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

R. K. Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 
recently urged the media to focus on the "scientific rationale for action" 
rather than the political aspects of climate change. I disagree. Science does 
not and cannot provide us with our values, our sense of ethical responsibility, 
or our vision of the future.

--- On Fri, 10/9/09, SHRIKANT BARVE  wrote:
> Ayurveda is not a miracle, it’s a science, says Vaidya
> Bhide, and it doesn’t have the drawbacks of Allopathy
> (where almost all medicines today are inorganic in nature
> because they’re synthesised and can, therefore, do more
> damage than good). He quipped, “We’re all organic,
> Mother Earth is organic…but even our diets are not organic
> anymore!” 

This is funny. In addition to not having a clue as to what is meant by science, 
this vaidya does not seem to know the difference between organic and inorganic. 
Is water organic or inorganic according to him?

Can a person who does not understand elementary chemistry, let alone the 
biochemistry of the human body, be allowed to prepare and dispense his own 

Don't his promoters and audience at the Goa Science Center remember anything 
from their high school chemistry classes? 

This is why we need journalists who are scientifically literate. Otherwise, we 
will continue to have the general public being fooled by such nonsense.



Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: We Love Ayurved

  Connect more, do more and share more with Yahoo! India Mail. Learn more.


2009-10-10 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 18:09:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

Michael Moore also points out that the people who caused the US banking system 
to collapse are now running (or is it ruining?) the US treasury.

Mario observes:

Those with functioning memories will remember that Mervyn and Michael Moore 
blindly supported the election of the US president responsible for this.

Mervyn wrote:

These are just scare stats, ala our good fiend, Mario, who claims that the 
scariest words he has heard is, "I am from the Govt and I am here to help," 
while at the same time, he is the main beneficiary of medical help from the 

Mario observes:

This is the kind of illogical balderdash that Mervyn embarrasses himself and 
Goanet with.

How can I be a "beneficiary" of a system that is projected to run out of money 
by 2017, which Mervyn's preferred US President is now threatening with a 
quicker demise by cutting $500 BILLION from its funding over ten years.

Besides, the proof that the scariest words in the English language are "I'm 
from the government and I'm here to help" lies in the ONE MILLION Canadians who 
are on waiting lists for surgery, another ONE MILLION on waiting lists to see a 
surgeon so they can get on a waiting list for surgery and FIVE MILLION without 
a primary care physician, and arrangements now being made for Canadians to be 
sent to the USn for urgent tests and procedures.

Mervyn wrote:

Here is how it works. When the US runs a budget surplus, the dollar is strong 
and gold is weak. When the US has to borrow money to pay for essential govt 
services AND pay for an unpopular war, the US dollar becomes weak and gold 
becomes strong. 

Mario observes:

More poppycock.  This reminds me of the time that Mervyn seriously explained 
that he had picked the lowest price of gold which was in the mid 80's by a) 
looking at price charts in 2008, b) by buying gold because he learned that all 
the central bankers were selling gold [Memo: when all the central bankers sell 
gold the price goes down, not up], and c) by working hard like when he was 
lobster catching champ in East Africa.

It's not that simple. When the US ran huge deficits during the Reagan years 
gold was fluctuating around $400 per ounce, between $300 and $500 per ounce.  
When we had a surplus in the 90's gold was between $300 and $400 per ounce.  
Towards the end of the Clinton administration when we still had a surplus, gold 
was below $300 an ounce.

Perhaps the war is unpopular for Mervyn who sits safely in Toronto.  Easy for 
him to say because he was not brutalized by either the Taliban or Saddam 

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would be over by now if the US efforts to 
liberate the 50 million innocent Muslims in these countries who have proven 
they want freedom and democracy in multiple elections got more support from 
these armchair critics who bray about "unpopular wars" while safely enjoying 
the fruits of freedom themselves.

[Goanet] Fwd: Everything you need to know about Climate Change

2009-10-10 Thread Venantius J Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

-- Forwarded message --
From: Himal Southasian 
Date: Oct 7, 2009 11:30 AM
Subject: Everything you need to know about Climate Change
To: Venantius Pinto 

 Dear Venantius,

In case you haven't received it yet, here is our newsletter with links to
the actual articles online. Feel free to send it out on any listservs or
email networks you may be on.

Thank you,
Himal Southasian,
GPO Box 24393
Tel: +977-1-5547279

[image: Himal Southasian] 


   *Adam J West*  *Bilash Rai*Undoubtedly, dire predictions are no longer
droll. When over 10,000 heads of state, scientists, policy pushers and
wallahs *gather in Copenhagen this December (in the process generating more
than 16,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide at a meet that will cost upwards of USD
65 million), it will be crucial to separate the hot air from the rhetoric.

Helping the potential victims of climate change adapt to the *disastrous
transitions* in livelihoods must be a priority. This includes the technology
transfer from the West to the South. But prioritising adaptation by ‘buying
off’ some Southern countries would be wrong, for we would then be *‘adapting’
forever*, even as climate change accelerates in the absence of effective
mitigation efforts. The historical culpability of the West, going back to
the Industrial Revolution’s coal-burning, naturally requires moral
accountability. At the same time, the massive middle class of the South
seeking to emulate the consumerist North must not be allowed to have its
way. There must be a commitment to mitigate, by all of the West and the rich
of the South, including Southasia. Indeed, *no adaptation without


*'Charting change ' by
Kunda Dixit*
*From the Himalaya to Male, there are clear signs that climate change is
*'Frontline nation '
*Interview with President Mohamed Nasheed.   *

*'The need for a Southasian
by Shyam Saran*
*We tend not to comprehend how ecologically inter-connected we are in the
region. *

*'Beyond sun and dung'
*Interview with Rajendra Pachauri*
'Glaciers take the
by Smriti Mallapaty*
*The receding glaciers of the Himalaya offer a critical case study of the
region’s approach to climate change.*

*'Hard science '   *
*Interview with **remote sensing specialist **Pradeep Kumar Mool.*

'*The coming crisis '
by Afsan Chowdhury*
*From Bangladesh to India … and then the rest?*

*'Weaker and worse '
by David Sassoon*
*Understanding the limits of America’s international climate posture.*
**'This frog won’t
by Vijay Prashad*
*China and India must collaborate to force the West to pay for past excesses
rather than plead for a ‘humanistic’ approach. *
'Uncertainty, unclear risks and Compromised
by Jayanta Bandyopadhyay and N Sundararaman *
*The post-Kyoto Protocol global politics that has emerged in relation to
mitigation makes the future of reductions in GHGs uncertain. *

*'Southasian front '
by Rishikesh R Bhandary*
*A common regional platform is necessary, but India might not be the ideal
*'Leading the way ' by
Jessica Ayers and Saleemul Huq*
*Bangladesh is the unquestioned leader on formulating adaptation policies to
deal with the ramifications of climate change. *

*'India’s ‘stage three’
by Rahul Goswami*
*It does not look like India’s nuclear industry is up to the task of
providing **‘clean energy’ to fuel India’s energy demand**.*

by Mukul Sanwal*
*While the impact of climate change is global, the response is piecemeal
with an increasing burden on the p

[Goanet] Money for one road was paid thrice

2009-10-10 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

This scheme was promoted by the ex-Belgian citizen, now an Indian naitonal,
Jean Dreze.  He was able to push it through only because of his closeness to
Sonia Gandhi, and by presenting as an alleged 'aam admi' programme to enable
the party to win elections.

The national scheme is almost on the same lines as the one in Maharashtra.
When the scheme was about to be implemented, a scandal in the Mahrashtra
scheme had been exposed.  The methodology for corruption in the Maharashtra
scheme was exactly the same as what is stated in this report.  In
Maharashtra the scandal was exposed in more than one place.
And there is no reason to believe that what has been stated in the article
has not happened in other places in the country.

It is a tragedy in our media that this corruption is not being aggressively
exposed.  A huge amount of money is being wasted here.
Even where the scheme is being implemented in the way it is supposed to be,
studies have shown that the amount reaching the ultimate beneficiaries,
namely the ones who are doing the physical labour, get only a portion of the
total expenditure.  The rest goes on material and administration (ie the
government servants).  A professor in the USA has written an article
recently stating that instead of the scheme, it would be better to make a
cash transfer to the people.  Of course, even in such case corruption can
well be quite significant, since the payrolls can be manipulated, or the
recepient is forced to part away some of the money that he receives.

There have been at least two people who have been killed for exposing the
corruption.  From a moral standpoint, these deaths should be on the head of
the promoters of the scheme.

The economists and others are also conspicuous by their silence.  The
supposed economist par excellence, namely the prime minister, is once again
exhibiting a Bhishma like silence.

Read more by clicking the link provided here below:

Author: Subodh Ghildiyal
Publication: The Times of India
Date: October 2, 2009

Massive corruption in the NREGA scheme in Lalitpur, one of the most backward
districts of UP, is more serious because functionaries, besides being
corrupt, have also been revealed to be indifferent towards the scheme. The
district has been able to spend Rs 157 crore-far short of what is required
in the unirrigated region ravaged by drought.

The most common irregularity is faking of old assets-roads and wells-as new,
and spiriting away the allocation. Money is also being pocketed by inflating
the scale of work-like construction of bunds and digging-while muster rolls
have been cooked up to make fruadulent withdrawals. This was the tale across
gram panchayats Patha, Bilt, Paniyara, Budera, Ram Nagar, Barethi,
Sunderpur, Bhamora and Mawai.

In Budera, the monitors reviewing a Jatropha plantation work of Rs 4.10
lakh, found nothing on the grounds for the Rs 80,000 that was claimed to
have been spent. A well on the land of Achheylal Kushwaha was shown as a
fresh construction although it has been in existence since 2004.

In Sukwaha, the monitors found an ingenious way of misappropriation. The
functionaries claimed payment for construction of three roads whereas they
had constructed one. A road from Sukhwaha to Gundwara was made and widened
alright measuring 1,280 metres. But it was found the road was also broken
into two-Sukhwaha to Barai Tal and Barai Tal to Gundwara-on papers and the
measurement book of the original road split. The money for one road was thus
paid thrice.

There are serious doubts on the construction of 'kuchcha roads' made in
Patha. While a road from Patha to Sagoni (Rs 3.92 lakh) and Deviji Mandir
Patha to Matauli (Rs 4.90 lakh) were made, land records show that these were
existing roads. Poor workers have lost in the process. In Patha, the
sarpanch kept a blank document signed by him which could be used by
secretaries to create fabricated records. In a check dam, with an estimated
cost of Rs 4.99 lakh, money was embezzled by passing 15 cm thick RCC slabs
as 25 cm. The structure was so weak that no shutters could be put for fear
of water pressure triggering a collapse. The mustser roll signatures
appeared signed by one person, either the sarpanch or secretary. In Bilt,
while plantation was poor, tree guards, involving material cost on cement
and bricks, have been made in large number at Rs 1,200 each. The monitors
found that plant survival rate was barely 10-15% while 'tree guards' had
leakages up to 60%.

[Goanet] Is Obama a nightmare for India?

2009-10-10 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 09:41:02 -0400
From: MD 

North Korea and Iran issue has not cropped up after the new US admisnistation.

Mario responds:

You obviously have no idea that N. Korea and Iran have both accelerated their 
nuclear programs recently because they have nothing to fear from the new 
"Europeanized" administration - only Israel now stands in their way.

MD wrote:

Bill Clinton visited N. Korea and brought back the US female journalists jailed 
there for illegal entry.  Would the US Military might have
accomplished this?

Mario responds:

Prior to this administration the US did not negotiate with terrorists.  This 
only leads to more terrorism.

MD wrote:

The current US adminstration is working on Iran in coordination with its
previously ignored Eurppean Allies. 

Mario responds:

Like the blind leading the blind.  Iran has nothing to fear from these weak 
kneed people - they only fear Israel.

Here is one journalists view of the new president:

MD wrote:

Out of the whole haystack, I found one die hard supporter of Bush, Guess who

Mario responds:

If you looked at the facts perhaps you would support Bush too, and not Saddam 
Hussein or the Taliban.

Only because of Bush do 50 million innocent Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan 
have a chance for freedom and democracy.

The delay is because of people like you, and the rest of your haystack, who 
sympathize with and provide immoral support to those who want to destabilize 
these countries and prevent freedom and democracy from being consolidated.

Only because of Bush was Kosovo able to become an independant country.

Only because of Bush was India able to get a special nuclear agreement against 
the opposition of many other countries.

Re: [Goanet] Criminal flooding (floriano)

2009-10-10 Thread Mario Andrew Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible


I came back again. A bit on Goa. Since I never heard of floods in Goa and 
rechecked with my Mom too and she said did not see nor heard floods of this 

ever in Goa since last 100 years. 


Nature(Mother Earth’s) fury is a reminder to humans(Goans especialy), 
especially those who are greedy and out to destroy Goas enviornment by abusing 
it by cutting down hills, trees, illegal mining, mega projects, CRZ violations.

Salute to the locals irrespective of caste, creed, religion, colour went about 
helping those in need and those who went only for photography sake-shame on you 


Taking the liberty to put here the email detailing the situation before and 
after and the urgent needs. 



Do Not Play With Nature (Freddy Fernandes)
During the good “young” days, I was often told by my parents not to play with 
fire and water and they made sure that I understood the why factor of it. Fire 
and water are major contributors to life as well as destruction, it is said 
that “one tree can give us millions of match sticks, but one match stick could 
destroy millions of trees”, further it is also said that “a drop of water can 
give life to a dieing man, but a strong flow of water can wipe away cities”. 
Mother nature has been very good to us Goans, in all my life I have never heard 
of any major natural disaster on Goan soil. As gracious and kind as mother 
nature is, it can also be very destructive as well, hence we should not take 
mother nature for granted and abuse it’s generosity.

The cloud burst over Poinguinim, and the flood caused thereafter should be a 
reminder for us that it could have been worse and should be thankful that it 
wasn’t. However advanced we may be in science and technology, we will never 
ever be equipped enough to face the wrath and fury of mother nature, it is only 
advisable for us to live in ambience with nature and follow it’s natural 

It is indeed very sad that a lot of our people have been badly hit by this 
tragedy, some dead, houses, properties and fields destroyed but it is 
heartening indeed to read that the locals helped each other in this time of 
adversity, caste, colour, status and religion was forgotten, it was humans, 
humane effort that saved the day for a good many. Leaders do evolve from 
ordinary men and women during crises. It was also not surprising to note that 
the politicians, police and the bureaucrats did nothing to help but were 
somehow there for the photography sessions and to “take stock” of the situation 
as they say, which undoubtedly means trying to figure out how much they could 
benefit from this disaster (letter by Urvee Kavindra Phaldesai, Poinguinim on 
Herald “Real heroes of the deluge dated 5th Oct’09). 

Soter, in his letter “Gods are angry” on Herald dated 5th Oct’09, states that 
during the good old days, people would have thought that it was God’s 
punishment for the crimes and atrocities committed against mother nature and it 
could be very much true, because the rate at which our forest area is receding 
and our green cover disappearing because of mining and hill cutting to 
accommodate mega housing projects, it is all this destruction that contribute 
to climatic changes and cause the imbalance, sooner or later worse disasters 
are bound to happen, if we do not show any tangible change in attitude towards 
mother nature. Men’s greed along with his uncanny disregard for ecology and 
environmental safety, will most certainly invite the wrath of mother nature in 
all it’s ferocity. We have to respect nature and preserve it’s generous 
giving’s. I only hope and pray that we Goans do not have to bear the blunt of 
the ferocity of mother nature because of the greed and arrogance of our 
politicians. Like my parents had told me “do not play with nature.” Save our 
environment, save Goa

It was beyond anyone imagination, as to why we do not have a comprehensive 
mining policy even though mining was carried out even during the Portuguese 
rule and are absolutely astounded to note, that Goa till date does not have a 
state disaster management system set up. Aren’t we all sitting ducks, if 
disaster strikes Goa ? 

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Catholic Church beware of Neo colonoliasm

2009-10-10 Thread Noel DCosta

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Goa net readers, 
I came across this article and thought of sharing this with you.

-          By Victor Ferrao and Boniface Furtado


our last article on Herald (Dated:10/09/09 ), we have already deconstructed and
exposed the following erroneous assumptions of the proponents of the Church
‘Transparency –Accountability’ Discourse: 1. That the Church is a Democracy; 2. 
That Rebellion is a necessary tool for Change; 3. That there is a rampant lack 
of Transparency
and Accountability in the Church; and 4. That the Church in Goa is plagued by 
high-caste dominance. 


In the
present attempt, we wish to engage with their discursive strategies and bring
to light their manipulative intent. This engagement into the discursive
politics of the proponents of the discourse is indeed crucial because it has
the power to dismantle the piercing fangs that strive to inject obnoxious venom
into the minds of thousands of innocents and expose their malevolent design to
frame the Church and her Leaders.


notice that the discourse under our scrutiny is constructed and maintained with
a deliberate employment of a motivated semiotics and hermeneutics that aims to 
disturb, doctor, manipulate, colour and control the public perception of the 
Church and her Leadership.
Such a dangerous attempt to socially engineer a public perception to
manufacture support for their devious agenda is certainly an oppressive strategy
of  the master promoters of Neocolonialism.
Hence, we attempt to critically examine the link between this Discourse and 


juxtaposing ideals of Democracy, Freedom and Equality with some real or fake
stories of abuse of properties in the Church, the proponents of the discourse
generate a picture that all is not in the order of things in the Church. This
clever semantic ‘othering’ of the Church
through the introduction of a framework (doctored frame: Democracy, Freedom,
Equality and stories of abuse) creates and manufactures a need for the Church
to change. Such an orchestrated design is manifested by an attentive reading of
the discursive choices of the proponents of this discourse. The lexical
choices, the heteroglossia (double voicing) and foxy semiotics craftily
employed by Dr. Teotonio de Souza prove our contention. Hence, we attempt to
analyze the strategies of the proponents of the discourse and bring into the
open their manipulative character.


earlier effort has already exposed that their discursive strategies suffer from
crafty insinuations, caustic sarcasms, gross overgeneralizations, and
reductionist oversimplifications. Here we try to examine the texture of their
text and the tonality of the speaking subjects (which, surprisingly, shows a
remarkable change after our intervention) and expose how the discourse
threatens  to become a new incarnation of


We find
that the discursive politics unleashed by the proponents of the discourse
employ the following corrosive discursive strategies: 

 Cunning use of Semiotics
 Crafty Mix of Fiction with Truth
 Politics of Propaganda
 Fallacy Ad Hominem  



Cunning use of Semiotics 

proponents of the discourse use combinatory and associative hermeneutics to
engineer a public perception of the Church to suit their dubious agenda. As we
have pointed above, they mix the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Equality with
the real or fake stories of abuse of property in the Church and generate an
explosive hermeneutical cocktail. This designer hermeneutics constructs a
picture that all is not in the order of things with the Church. This picture is
further reinforced by a devious use of double voicings like “praying doves and
preying vultures”, “The Name of the Rose” or “the priest with konkan herbs”
primarily by Dr. Souza. But the explosive hermeneutical cocktail generated to 
a malign picture of the Church and her Leadership in Goa follows tooth and nail
the strategy of the master promoters of Neocolonialism.


mass-disintegrating forces of Neocolonialism manipulate the shared mental
environment of the people by skillfully shaping perceptions, creating
impressions, inducing beliefs and preparing their mindset to generate
consensus, in order to execute their hidden agenda and promote their vested
interests. At the global level, these manipulative catalyzing dynamics is
obvious  in the classic examples of the stage-managed
invasion of Iraq by the  allied forces led
by the USA and “Israel’s” lament of her Nazi past while ironically caging 
in Gaza’s ‘open-air concen

[Goanet] Pro-Goans vs. Anti-Goans, Freedom and progress? And O Heraldo & Pe. Mousinho.

2009-10-10 Thread Ashburn Pereira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

These letters were sent by us to O Heraldo on 29th Sept. ’09, the same day
that Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão had sent his reply to Pe. Mousinho.

* *

*Pro-Goans vs. Anti-Goans, Freedom and progress? And **O Heraldo & Pe.

*Ashburn & Leron Pereira*

* *

The History of Goa/India has been carefully manipulated over the decades,
confusing people till today. As it can be clearly seen that they annexed
hundreds of Princely States that once existed in the Indian Subcontinent which
were never been annexed or conquered by the British. Though most acceded
peacefully, except for four: Junagadh, Hyderabad, Jammu and Kashmir and
Tripura which was taken at gunpoint by the armed forces of the Indian Union
surpassing the Indian Independence Act 1947. Each Princely State had its own
history, geography and culture.

Intellectuals comprising of Menezes Bragançá, Loyolá Furtado, Uday Bembro &
Purusotomá Cácodcar failed in their attempts to get any response from the
Salazar administration, thus putting an end to these Goans who wanted
complete autonomy for Goa. Between ’55 - ’63 Goan petitioners in the UN,
particularly Antonio da Fonseca – Secretary General of the Goa Freedom
Movement held in Paris fought for autonomy too, but unfortunately over the
years when Dr. Mario Soares, representing a new Democratic Portugal,
recognized the annexation of Goa, Damão and Diu and reopened diplomatic
relations with India, which put a complete end to these ‘true freedom
fighters’*. *If the Portuguese themselves were unstable we wouldn’t have had
our Goa colonially and later provincially ruled for 451 yrs.

M. Boyer in one of his songs soon after 19th Dec said “Goycar ami nidlole,
nidloleank uttoile, Patcam corun voir pavtoch modench tuttoile, Bhav – bhav
mhunnon Goyencarank bhatttoilet, Ani aplem apleak mevtoch xekim Goyencarank
fottoilet”. Also, Religion shouldn’t involve itself in political issues, but
some Goans credulously believe that our most revered St. Francis Xavier, had
prophesized, “Goa ninguém a tomará, ela por si acabará” (No one shall take
Goa, she will herself end) (Mário Cabral e Sá - Goa Today, Oct ‘05)

We Goans are facing the garbage problem; pot holed roads, no proper
sanitation & negligence over the swine flu issue. Thus when a Goan who wants
to divulge the fact is ostracized, like the trio Conception-Nelson-Anthony,
so also Kid Boxer were punished by hired administrators of the Indian
Government in Goa for exposing the squalid rule, as if Goa was ruled not
only by dictatorial Salazar but someone worse than Salazar. Countless
promises were given to Goans by the Indian Government but all these were
eventually turned down. What about the increase in crimes and robberies
filching Goans of their valuables.

Goa’s immaculate image has been tarnished by bribery in every segment of our
life, India even tried to impose the non-Goan rule of Maharastra in Goa
thereby keeping colonialism alive, thus liberating Goa from Portugal and
subjugate it under Maharashtra and Delhi deputationists in order to
de-Goanise Goa by damaging our culture, rich history and to also hurt our
religious sentiments, other Indians have started pouring into Goa there-by
spoiling the grandeur of Goa and Goans.

We are currently facing degradation of Goan character by the present
generation including politicians because they learnt everything from the
corrupt Indian rule over our land. Such things never happened during the
last years of Portuguese rule but is taking place in the so called liberated
Goa; we then had “Hindu, Mussolmán ani Cristão Bhavponn”. The secularism
that is imposed on Goa now is a fake one, during the Portuguese rule; Goa
had better secularism in its true sense though censorships were prevalent
under the Salazar regime. Even the renowned Goan journalist Frank Moraes
felt ashamed to be an Indian because of the non-beneficial policies imposed
by India. Can we call this 47 years of freedom and progress?

The letters sent by us true Goans, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão, Ashburn
Pereira, and Leron Pereira never got published on O Heraldo on 1st Oct. ’09,
so I ask what is R F Fernandes and Ashwin Tombat and the whole editorial
group of O Heraldo trying to prove? That Pe. Mousinho is absolutely right?

This is the impartiality by O Heraldo mete out to us Goans who try their
level best in bringing out the truth to the general public & shadowing us so
that the self-proclaimed freedom fighters and pro – Indians get all the
credit and people like us have been shunned, this attitude shown to us by
this biased newspaper can’t be just taken on our ch

[Goanet] article

2009-10-10 Thread Joel Moraes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Welcome to Goa.
The one-time very beautiful state of Goa welcomes you all for yet another 
tourist season.If one has proper contacts he/she can find anything from good to 
worst in the state of Goa which was once famous for xitt-koddi,fenni,football 
and peace.One need to be careful of the Goa Police but in case of your 
involvement of minor offenses you can get away by warming the palms of our 
Police.There was one time, this green state hardly use to witness a murder in 
a year but now,crime including rapes,dacoities,murders etc has become very 
common in Goa.
If one wants to set up a polluted industry in Goa,you are welcome.If you want 
to buy a piece of land there is plenty available for non-goans.If you want to 
convert one of our green fields into a building,it's very easy.If you want to 
set up a Hotel close to one of our beaches,not much formalities to follow.For 
all these things you have to contact one of our ministers and to tell the fact 
they are very helpful to non-goans and foreigners.I forgot to mention one very 
important thing,this season if one happens to be in Goa,make it a point to 
visit the one of the beautiful tourist spots,I m talking about the garbage at 
sonsdo.It's really interesting and worth to watch that spot.
There were minor floods in Goa these days.Why it all happened?Where the rain 
water will go when our past and present governments were all out to convert our 
fields into concrete jungles?Will our government learn a lesson from the 
present floods?
Salcette will now really march towards heaven and all our fields will be saved 
from the hands of builders because the two well known samples from 
salcette,Churchill and Mickey has joined hands to save Salcette and Goa in 
general.In reality have they joined hands to sell Goa or save their own selves 
is a million dollar question.
No worries,enjoy this tourist season.Viva Goa.
Joel Morais


[Goanet] Brief Story of Mumbai Terror attack

2009-10-10 Thread Joel Moraes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Are we in Safe Hands? 
Mumbai never sleeps. It’s a lively, free place and if one has proper contacts 
he/she can find anything in Mumbai. This lively place has always been a victim 
of terrorist attacks since last two decades wherein innocent people have been 
killed for no fault of theirs and the recent 26/11/2008 terrorist attack forced 
a lot of ordinary citizens to question our ownselves, are we in Safe hands? 
It was quite clear that Mumbai Police was ill-equipped on that fateful day to 
fight against the trained, professional terrorists from Pakistan . What a 
fanatical act it was in the name of Jehad? Just ten terrorist robbed the 
happiness of happy Mumbai for 3 long days and if they were twenty what would 
have been the state of our beloved Mumbai on that fateful day of 26/11/2008. 
They enemies entered very easily without any problems in our country and what's 
this forces us to think? Despite of having information regarding the attack on 
Mumbai through sea and intercepting some very important telephone conversation 
regarding the attack, the information was just carried on form one concerned 
agency to another with hardly any follow-up and because of such ignorance 
Mumbai had to pay heavily. On 18th September 2009, RAW, an Indian intelligence 
agency intercepted a telephone call from a Lakshar man and an unknown person 
saying that a operation has been planned to target a hotel at Mumbai’s Gateway 
of India and a sea-route would be used. On 24th September another call was 
intercepted and this time, the Targets were named as Taj, Marriot, Sea Rock and 
Land’s end. On the 19th November, another satellite call was intercepted saying 
we will reach Bombay by nine to eleven. On 20th of Nov 2009, Indian coast 
received a message from their
 Headquarters that LeT vessel sighted at a certain position attempting to enter 
Indian waters. The missing Indian trawler Kuber all this while was on a sea 
passage to Mumbai from Karachi and despite of having so much information the 
attack on the amchi Mumbai couldn’t be averted. 
  The enemies, Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab and Abu Ismail opened fire in the name 
of Jehad at Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus better known as Victoria Terminus. 
Their AK-47’s did not discriminate the Men, Women and Children. Railway 
Protection force head constable, one among the few armed Policeman did a 
counter firing from his pistol consisting of six rounds and than snatched a 
.303 rifle from a constable to confront the Terrorists but the weapon was no 
match to the arms used by the enemies. Our country spends so much money on 
useless politicians and despite of witnessing several attacks in the past our 
Policemen were at misery as far as protective clothing and arms were concerned. 
We love to fight in the name of North, South, West and East Indians but we were 
handicapped when Jehadi enemies attacked our Mumbai.  It was a total one sided 
battle for quite some time. Mumbai’s top police officers were killed, Police 
jeep was hijacked, Azad Maidan Police
 station secured their doors recounts a Journalist present out there but the 
daring act of ASI Omble helped the country to arrest the lone terrorist caught 
alive.ASI, despite of being ill-equipped never got afraid of Kasab’s AK-47.He 
caught him although Kasab managed to fire multiple rounds and the catching grip 
was such that he never left him. He died a Hero’s death. 
The Mumbai Police was stuck for hours at Taj and Oberoi. They never had an 
action plan till the arrival of NSG commandos at Hotel Taj and Oberoi. They are 
very well known for taking haftas from road-side prostitutes, snack gaddas etc 
but they were badly paid the hafta that fateful day. Major Unnikrishnan who led 
the 160 odd commandos at Taj finally died a Hero’s death while firing with the 
terrorists and finally on the 29th of November three of the 4 terrorists at Taj 
were  burnt inside the hotel and one was shot after he jumped from one of the 
windows and in a similar fashion Hotel Oberoi was also secured by the NSG 
commandos and latter handed over to the Police. 
 It’s almost one year since Kasab has been held; it’s an open case, He entered 
our country with a jehadi mission, and he opened fire at the innocents and 
killed them which include the top Mumbai Police officers. Our beloved country 
pays for his advocate and it’s a shame that one of our Indian Advocate says 
that he can prove him innocent, thus proving his love for our country. Are the 
laws in our country are such that he might be proved innocent and allowed to go 
back the way he 

[Goanet] No health without mental health (Karl de Souza)

2009-10-10 Thread Goanet Reader

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Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

No health without mental health

By Karl de Souza

Every year, October 10 is celebrated globally as World Mental
Health by the World Federation for Mental Health, as a
unified effort to promote greater public awareness and
understanding of mental health and mental illness.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO)
constitution: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity", and mental health is a state of well-being in
which every individual realizes his/her own potential, coping
with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and
making a contribution to her/his community.

  Unfortunately, even today a large proportion of
  people with mental disorders around the world fail
  to receive appropriate help in spite of new
  treatments for mental illnesses. They suffer in
  silence because of the stigma attached to mental
  illness leading to reluctance to ask for help.

Lack of mental health puts a heavy burden on the individual,
the family and society. There are many different types of
mental health conditions, which can lead to a disability,
including dementia, depression, and schizophrenia. Major
depression ranks fourth in terms of disability, and WHO
predicts that in 20 years time more people will be affected
by depression than any other health problem.

  Out of the estimated 450 million people globally
  who have a mental health disorder, fewer than half
  receive the help they need. According to Shraddha
  Rehabilitation Foundation in Maharashtra, mental
  disorders afflict five crore of the Indian
  population. Some 80% of our districts do not have
  even one psychiatrist in public service.

In fact, there are just about 3,500-5,000 psychiatrists in
India or three psychiatrists per one million people. Inspite
of WHO estimates of 2001 indicate a prevalence level of about
22% of individuals developing one or more mental or
behavioral disorders in their lifetime in India we devote
less than 1% of our health budget to mental health.  Over 90%
of people with mental illness are cared for within their
communities by their families and may never even receive a

Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health
Organization, in her message launching WHO's 2008 World
Health Day, 'Primary Health Care: Now More Than Ever', stated
that WHO's focus on primary health care grows both from her
personal conviction, and from an increased demand from Member

Dr. Chan noted that the concept that health systems might
become more "equitable, inclusive and fair" is in itself
solid rationale for inserting the needs of people living with
mental health problems and disorders into the discussion of
improving integrated primary health care.

For centuries, mental health treatment, mental health
promotion and prevention of disorders have not received the
needed level of attention from governments, from the medical
profession, and from the general public.


As a society we need to realize that mental health is
determined by multiple and interacting social, psychological,
and biological factors. Mental disorders can have an effect
on physical health and many physical ailments can induce more
mental health issues. It is imperative that mental health and
mental disorders are included in plans and policies intended
to promote the concept of "Primary Health Care now more than ever"

National mental health policies should recognize and address
the broader issues which promote mental health. This requires
mainstreaming mental health promotion into policies and
programmes in government and business sectors. Particularly
important are the decision-makers in governments at local and
national levels, whose actions affect mental health in ways
that they may not realize.

The 2009 World Mental Health Day global awareness campaign
theme "Mental Health in Primary Care: Enhancing Treatment and
Promoting Mental Health" is intended to address the
continuing need to "make mental health a global priority,"
and focus the integration of mental health into primary

The engagement of the "end users" of mental health services,
their families who carry much of the responsibility for
helping people living with mental illnesses, and the
advocates who attempt to influence mental health policies, is

Why integrate behavioral health into primary care settings?

Most people seek help for 

[Goanet] Thanks and Best Wishes to Bosco D'Mello, volunteer and NIZ GOAN who only GIVES!

2009-10-10 Thread Silviano Barbosa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Hello Bosco,

As I get off the phone wishing you Happy Birthday, I 'd like to thank you for 
giving of your time and services for all Goan causes. 

There are a few Goans like you on goanet who never say "No" to Goan causes.
You are one of the few, who do it, not for money or fame, but for the love of 
our beloved Goa.
These are the people who should be recognized by us all.
Many such people come to mind, especially on our Goan Cybersapce.
Government of Ontario and Canada give out certificates for volunteer services 
in our communities, but who is responsible to give awards for International 
Goans like you and other volunteers at Goanet, Konkani Radio GoaWorld Radio 
365, Radio Goa Konkani Online Radio, Joe-Goa-UK clips/photos, various U-TUBE 
Konkani clips (even though  some of them contravene copyright laws). But we 
profit from the work of such volunteers, who only seek to propagate, Konkani, 
Goan culture and our way of life.
To all such self-less Goans, today I pay my respects while they are all alive 
and well.
Long live true Goanness!

Silviano Barbosa
October 10, 2009.

New: Messenger sign-in on the MSN homepage

[Goanet] Feppi Boddei, Joe-Goa_UK! Zaite Fuxial Pottun-yo? Many Happy Returns!

2009-10-10 Thread Silviano Barbosa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Mogall Joe_Goa_UK!

Devan tuka bore bolaiken ani khuxalkaien dovorcho!
My thanks to your real Goan niz-Goenkar heart, mind, body and soul, for doing 
us great favours with your carefully planned shoot-outs for the state of life 
in Goa today, for the glimpses of Tiatr in Goa, the bountiful nature, the 
flowers, the sorrow state of affairs in Goa, and the numerous videos of the 
latest in Goa.
There may be lots of other Niz-Goenkars like you, but they don't have your 
resources, your energy and the time that you spend to give us the true picture 
of things Goan right away! For this we are in your Upkar!
For your lovely nostalgic words and pictures like "Katt-Kongam" ( I always 
thought they were salted (kattuk) but they are oinnin) we thank you. Please 
keep writing about them and let the experts tell us otherwise and increase our 
knowledge of the true words of origin in Konkani. BUT KEEP WRITING ABOUT THOSE 
Goanetters and GoaResearchNetwallahs for givings us explanations and 
corrections especially of Portuguese words which are so well Salcetized, but 
which sound so nice.
To JOEGOAUK, keep sending us the correct and latest image of Goa!
They also serve most, who just travel and travel and stand and wait and SHOOT 
through the LENS!
So when will you come out!
Wish your parents were here to see your gifts to Goans!
Mog assum di ani ilem xekoi mhojea nanvan!
Zolmacho Diss tuzo!
 I nominate you for the 'TRUE SON OF GOA AWARD"

Silviano Barbosa
October 10, 2009

New: Messenger sign-in on the MSN homepage

[Goanet] Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama.

2009-10-10 Thread MD

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

The below statement speaks for itself, although the naming of US
President Obama for
the Nobel Peace award, not only surprised President Obama, but many
including me.  But
the below statement from the committee and the awardee, probably
justifies the decision.
However, it was premature to blame 'lobbyists' for this decision.

May the World be a better and safer place to live.

Maurice D.


"Speaking at the White House hours after the Norwegian Nobel Prize
Committee named
him as a surprise winner, he said the award should be a "call to
action". The world faced
challenges that "cannot be met by one person or by one nation alone,"
Mr Obama said.

The committee said he won for efforts to boost diplomacy and co-operation".

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 12:18:49 -0400
From: "Goanet News Service" 
To: "Goanet" 
Subject: [Goanet] Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama

Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama

[Goanet] A house donated to Roman Catholic church collapses out of neglect in my neighbourhood

2009-10-10 Thread armstrong augusto vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

A house donated to Roman Catholic church collapses out of neglect in
my neighbourhood --pics

Re: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communaltensions?

2009-10-10 Thread floriano

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Could Frederick have been pinning the blame on Nehru for disintegrating
instead of integrating India when he said

"India's languages (parochial India) and cultures are like mosaic which
needs to be preserved at all costs"?


- Original Message - 
From: "Sandeep Heble" 

Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:21 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's

A few days back, during the heat of Subodh Kerkar’s “Ganesha” Art
Exhibition controversy, the “Sunaparanta Goa Centre For Arts”
organized a Panel discussion on the topic of “Freedom of Speech and

Frederick similarly tried to pin the blame
for India's conflicts, rioting, strife and communalism on Jawaharlal
Nehru, by making the meaningless claim that Nehru’s policy of
promoting science and rationalism were the root causes of all of
India’s evils..

Why is Frederick making baseless assertions while ignoring the ugly
realities of religion? Can History be ignored, can the truth be
suppressed? Is it fair to blame Jawaharlal Nehru, decades after his
death, for India’s communal tensions?..


[Goanet] Why did Hinduism never become an 'organized' religion like Christianity or Islam? -

2009-10-10 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Ruby Goes brought to our attention the following url:

Ruby commented: "Food for thought."  Can she elaborate what she found
interesting in the article?

To my mind, Wendy Doniger (who she is has not been properly explained)
thinks that the attempt to adopt some of the aspects of an organized
religion by Hindu organizations is not desirable.  This is actually an
equally damning statement against Christianity and Islam.  Even as we resist
the attempts by these Hindu organizations, should there also not be a
movement towards getting rid of the harmful characteristics of an organized
religion within Christianity and Islam?

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Portugal pulls the rug on Goa!

2009-10-10 Thread eric pinto

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Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

  The fatherland is now a morass of  treachery, none in Portugal are likely to 
want Goa back !   eric.

Sorry it is no more an allegation. Read the book by Frank Moraes. A traitor is 
a traitor forget the caste.

Very easy to make all kinds of allegations without naming names! I
sometimes suspect the condescending attitude towards Valerian Cardinal
Gracias, in part at least, stems from the fact that he didn't belong
to the Catholic caste elite that long dominated Goa. FN


[Goanet] Indian ancestry revealed in massive study

2009-10-10 Thread Goanet News

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Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Indian ancestry revealed in massive study

First Published : 25 Sep 2009 03:19:58 PM IST
Last Updated : 25 Sep 2009 03:58:48 PM IST

LONDON: The largest ever DNA survey of Indian heritage has revealed
that the population of India was founded on just two ancient groups
that are as genetically distinct from each other as they are from
other Asians.

The findings of the study, conducted by a group of top international
geneticists, have strong implications for health and medicine, and
reveal important new information on caste in India.

The study shows that most Indian populations are genetic admixtures of
two ancient but genetically divergent groups, which each contributed
around 40-60 percent of the DNA to most present-day Indians, Nature
magazine reported Wednesday.

One ancestral lineage - genetically similar to Middle Eastern, Central
Asian and European populations - was higher in upper-caste individuals
and speakers of Indo-European languages such as Hindi, the researchers

The other lineage was not close to any group outside the Indian
subcontinent, and was most common in people indigenous to the Andaman
islands, says the study conducted by a team led by David Reich of the
Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Lalji Singh of the
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in Hyderabad, India.

Nature said that although India makes up around one-sixth of the
world's population, it has been "sorely under-represented" in
genome-wide studies of human genetic variation.

The Indian Genome Variation database, launched in 2003 to fill the
gap, has so far studied only 420 DNA-letter differences, called single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), in 75 genes.

In sharp contrast, the study reported by Nature has probed more than
560,000 SNPs across the genomes of 132 Indian individuals from 25
diverse ethnic and tribal groups dotted all over India.

The researchers also found that Indian populations were much more
highly subdivided than European populations. But whereas European
ancestry is mostly carved up by geography, Indian segregation was
driven largely by caste.

"There are populations that have lived in the same town and same
village for thousands of years without exchanging genes," said Reich.

The authors of the study said the new genetic evidence refutes the
claim that the Indian caste structure was a modern invention of
British colonialism.

"This idea that caste is thousands of years old is a big deal," said
Nicole Boivin, an Oxford University archaeologist.

"To say that endogamy (the practice of marrying within a caste,
community or tribe) goes back so far, and that genetics shows it, is
going to be controversial to many anthropologists."

The study also suggests that Indian populations, although currently
huge in number, were founded by relatively small bands of individuals
- a finding that has clinical implications.

"There will be a lot of recessive diseases in India that will be
different in each population and that can be searched for and mapped
genetically," Reich said.

"That will be important for health in India."

[Goanet] Fwd: Need Freelance Journalist for Vavradd...

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Kindly follow-up if interested.

-- Forwarded message --

Urgently Require Freelance Journalist for Vavraddeancho Ixtt

Vavraddeancho Ixtt urgently require freelance journalist to cover
exclusive newsworthy stories and interviews.

The story can be submitted either in English or Konkani (Roman or Devnagri)

The weekly also needs persons in the field of Marketing and Advertisement

Interested persons can contact:

Fr Feroz Fernandes sfx

Mobile: 9822 136 720
Phone: 0832 221 9091

Vavraddeancho Ixtt (literary means Workers Friend) as a newsweekly was
started in 1933.
Over the years it has grown and emerged as the voice of the Goans.
At present we have over 12,000 committed subscribers in Goa and abroad.
It always aspires to nurture a journalism of Hope and convey the
message of love.
You can have a look at our website:

Re: [Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communal tensions?

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Firstly, "artistic freedom" cannot be seen in a vacuum, and the debate
about Dr Subodh Kerkar's cartoons/drawings and Sanatan is directly
linked to religion, irreligiousness, religious bigotry, religious
sentiments and defining what it takes for someone's sentiments to be

I believe such debates are closely tied up with how we understand the
'secular state' and its role, and the rights of citizens and religious
groupings in this space. Also, the interaction between politicians and

The comments about Nehru came in the context of the discussions that
day, when one of the speakers praised the first Prime Minister of
India for promoting "secularism" in India, and building a sound basis
for the Indian state.

My view is that the irreligious (if not anti-religious) attitudes of
some early politicians  (Nehru, for instance) could well have pushed
religion to the defensive, and only given a fillip after some time to
the more intolerant, chauvinist and extremist faces of religion we see
resurgent for the past decade and more.

In this context, the role played by the political (and otherwise too)
successors of a Nehru, like Indira (the rise of a Bhindranwale, and
anti-Sikh sentiments) and Rajiv Gandhi (opening of Ayodhya, the 1984
landslide election win, based on the India-in-peril sentiment and soft
communalism) has also to be noted in its overall role in promoting
communalism of the kind we have subsequently see in India.

At one level, calling the Bhakra project as "temples of modern India"
reflects the genuflection of a Nehru towards that god called Science
and Technology, and looking down on things traditional. I don't think
there is anything illegitimate with some pious person believing in
religion; what I have a problem with is making use of religious faith
for negative political purposes and building hate among different
sections of the population.

Maybe a Gandhi was more apt in understanding the role of religion in a
hyper-religious space like South Asia. Such an attitude, which seeming
obscurantist at first, might have been more sustainable. I'd anyday
prefer a religious Hindu, Muslim, Christian (or a tolerant
atheist/agnostic) rather than a communal or intolerant one.

The traditions which Sandeep mentions about secularism come largely if
not entirely from the Western world, and have little to do with the
Indian reality. Here, secularism was born less out of a "revolt
against the Religious Orders" and more out of the need for a
multi-religious, multi-ethnic, multi-caste nation state to co-exist
amidst all its diversity.

And I stand by my views. I don't use the label "rationalist" to
describe myself; I dislike labels as these can be misleading most


2009/10/10 Sandeep Heble :

> A few days back, during the heat of Subodh Kerkar’s “Ganesha” Art
> Exhibition controversy, the “Sunaparanta Goa Centre For Arts”
> organized a Panel discussion on the topic of “Freedom of Speech and
> Expression”. The Panelists, Dr Subodh Kerkar, Venita Coelho,
> Vidhyadhar Gadgil and Geoffrey Witte voiced their individual opinions
> on the subject and thereafter indulged in a fruitful interaction with
> the audience.  I was a part of the audience which was reasonably
> large. Amongst other recognizable faces were Frederick Noronha, Vivek
> Menezes, Cecil Pinto,  Shrikant Barve and Rajiv D’ Silva.
> While the scope of the discussions generally centered on the topic of
> “Free Expression”, the discussions for a short moment degenerated into
> a debate on ‘Secularism’ and ‘Communalism’, courtesy Frederick
> Noronha.
> I always thought that Frederick was a rationalist but I found his
> logic on that day peculiar and highly absurd to say the least.
> Frederick’s logic was akin to the logic used by ‘Bernard Simoes’ who
> blamed Darwin for racism, Nazism, Fascism, Communism,  genocides and
> terrorism of the whole World in his article that appeared in the
> Herald some 3 weeks back. Frederick similarly tried to pin the blame
> for India's conflicts, rioting, strife and communalism on Jawaharlal
> Nehru, by making the meaningless claim that Nehru’s policy of
> promoting science and rationalism were the root causes of all of
> India’s evils

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Carvalho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

There is something seriously wrong with this Nobel Peace committee to award 
barack obama, the Nobel peace prize even before he could say Camp David or even 
smell the coffee at a serious peace accord conference. This is simply 
ridiculous and too insane for words. Infact from now on the Peace Prize means 
dirt to me. I wouldn't be surprised if Mickey Mouse is awarded the Peace prize 


--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

> Is this a bad dream? No, Barack Obama has been awarded the
> Nobel Peace
> Prize. Yet, three days after he took the oath of office, he
> droned
> Pakistan, killing civilians, including children. This
> continues.  Our
> country is engaged in three wars. We have a huge mercenary
> army,
> unaccountable to military law


Re: [Goanet] Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

2009/10/10 Bosco D 

> RESPONSE: Now the Nobel Peace Prize laureate cannot wage war and will
> desert the
> Hindu Kush. Will return his troops to Camps on his spread. Will appear
> impotent in
> dealing with rogue nationswe are reminded of January 2013 on a
> daily
> more and more like a right-wing
> conspiracy.;-)
> Seriously.this is the Nobel Prize committee that failed to
> recognize the
> 5-time nominated Mahatma as a Nobel Laureate, even posthumously, albeit the
> Dalai
> Lama and Mandela among others espoused the Gandhian values of non-violence
> and
> became Nobel Peace Prize laureates.
> Another dent in the shine of the Nobels!!
> - B
> RESPONSE: An excerpt of his acceptance speech in which he alluded, that he
got the award, to prod him into action in the near future

''The US President said that he was really humbled by the choice made by the
Nobel Peace Prize Committee in choosing him as the 2009 recipient. He said
that he was deeply humbled and surprised at the same time.

He said that it was not an individual prize but an affirmation of the
American leadership, and not recognition of his accomplishments as he still
had a lot to do and accomplish. He was fair in saying that he personally
thought that he did not deserve the award , because there were others who
were more deserving than him.

He says that he now has a greater responsibility to use energy and that we
should live in a world where there are no differences on caste, creed or
religion in seeing one another, that there must be a new beginnings in
religions and with mutual interest and respect we must resolve the
conflicts. He said that the world had suffered enough of pain and hardship
and that we must have an unwavering commitment to reduce it. He spoke
passionately about the Palestine hardships.''

Read more:

That was one hell of a gracious acceptance speech. Let us be magnanimous,
give the man a chance. The men of yesteryear have blood on their hands; over
here in the U.K.  the ex P.M. was soundly berated by the Archbishop and a
man whose son was killed in the on going wars.


Re: [Goanet] [G Much to the AMUSEMENT of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

2009/10/9 Mario Goveia 

RESPONSE: There would have been no response if it was not of consequence.
Very predictable, LOL indeed; like a red rag to a bull!


Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-10-10 Thread pcheryl

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible


My name is Cheryl  , but explaining an email Id like Pcheryl would take us 
back to one of the hottest debates on Goa net.

Please permit me to use your question to add to this debate !!!


 What's in a name ( formerly CHRISTIANs WITH

15 years ago one Cheryl Desouza  joined an organization called Stock 
Holding Corporation of Inida which had an 70% South India Hindu population 
and 28.5% other Hindu  population . 1.5 % catholic population . Of this 
1.5 % Catholics Goans consistited 25 % and I was the loan Goan woman in 
the operations side the rest were secretaries . It  was but fair enough 
that I  would often receive mail addressed C/O South Holding Corporation 
of Inida . Hence keeping in line with the great South India Tradition of 
having the husbands initial / family name before ones name , my email Id 
got created as pche...@stockholding .com 

But over the year I have noticed that as per my office records Cheryl 
Dsouza got changed to Cheryl Pereira and then  unceremoniously to pcheryl 
which is totally harsh  to the ear and sounds more like an illiterate . 
But I have not changed from being the Cheryl Desouza and still radiated 
the same aura ( if any ) invoke the same emotions / disgust among people I 
interact with .

So as one of our friends has rightly said
 What's in a name???.

My ancestors were Hindus , I am a Catholic ?? Why should I be ashamed of a 
Hindu  name ??? By being ashamed of a Hindu name I am indirectly ashamed 
of  ancestors ? Were they that lowly members of society that I should 
whant to deny their existence??? That  amounts to self denial and insult 
to my self . I can change my name but not my Blood ! And certainly not 

Regarding your illiterate non Goan Sarpanch ,  I can very much guess she 
is a Marwadi. Last may I went to the north east for a holiday and I was 
stunned to see that most business ( Shops ) in Assam and Shillong were 
owned by Marwawadi's. The North East is a matriarch society where one goes 
by this mothers family name unlike the rest of India. And from the current 
state of affairs in the North East you may as well guess how very 
sentimental people are about their land and Culture . The Marwadi's out 
there have fond a novel way to get acceptance in a matriarch society. They 
have married local girls and have added their surnames to theirs . NE 
being a matriarch society they have managed to find acceptance among the 
locals  and have made much more successful business men because of their 
Marwadi Genes.

Now regarding you illiterate non Goan Sarpanch, ask yourselves who voted 
her to power ? has she done you any better than a Goan Sarpanch .? If yes 
, appreciate and Integrate , she cares for you much  more than your own 
Goan Surpanch . If no  just Boot ! You have the democratic power to do so! 
The choice is yours . Just crying fowl don?t help . Now if 1/3 rd of us 
can be bought for a peg of Fenny ! only vote and the remaining want to 
hold on to our Susegad philosophy ,we  might as well as lay back ! try and 
enjoy it . After all each one of us has contributed to such a system and 
majority wins is the rule of any game! 

Alfred de Tavares  
10/08/2009 08:31 PM

GOANET Lists , Goa Net Organization 

RE: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

Dear Pcheryl,

Is the 'P', in your sweet name silent as in Psmith?

Just pleasantly curious
Alfred...nothing silent therein...

> From:pcheryl
> To:
> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 08:17:57 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism
> * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
> Planning to get married in Goa?
> Making your 'dream wedding' possible
> Hi Bernado !
> Its pleasant to find literary inclined Goans on the net. We can  all 
help each other 
> through our learning and sharing . Literature is the product of a very 
intelligent / 
> powerful mind and always carries a hidden message  which is hard to 
> decipher.  In fact the poetry you quoted was one of my favorite I 
studies during 
> high school . I can still remember teacher Melba explaining the meaning 
to us and 
> how  her words shaped my life.  Two other very inspirational poems I 
faintly recall 
> are  'IF'  and another by D.H Lawre

[Goanet] Raj Thackeray's unchecked dadagiri is his latest slap on the face of (a joke called) India and a kick on the Indian judicial system

2009-10-10 Thread Anthony M Barreto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Date: 5 Oct 2009 05:23:48 -
From: "Bonefacio Lopes" 
Subject: [Goanet] Who rules Bombay-Mumbai??
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Ha Ha Ha , the recent tamasha by Raj Thackrey and Karan Johar is very
strange and funny. Who rules Bombay , do we have a democratically
elected Govt in Bombay, or the Govt. runs with the help of goons and
muscle power of Raj.

NDTV which claims to be a very constructive media source , instead of
creating an awareness of what Raj did was wrong , on the contrary were
trying to glorify him and his actions , most of the damage in the
world and minds of people is created by the negative hype from media
houses be it paper or T.V. channels.

Do we have a law in India  whereby an individual like Raj can
influence a citizen to change his acts or words, if Raj had a problem
why couldn't he take the legal stand ??

Indian Citizens watch out???

  Add whatever you love to the Yahoo! India homepage. Try now!

Re: [Goanet] Many Happy Returns!

2009-10-10 Thread Alfred de Tavares

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Exactly what I feel, Francis...neither pay nor commission
could7would ever fetch the services Joe, so generously,
renders us...

I suppose it is a nigh universal feeling though I have noticed
a brace of detractorsthey should stand rebukedand, hang
their heads in shame...and Tom D...

keep it up...dear Joe boywe are with you...all the way...
Alfred Chacha... 

> Next time!:-)
> Your contribution to Goa, Joe, is far, far greater
> than what ordinary mortals perceive - on a daily,
> virtually hourly basis, you are chronicling in the
> finest detail, every breath of our beloved Goa.
> Very few understand - even less appreciate the
> massive effort - all given free of charge, for love.
> Every day I look at all the marvellous pictures in
> the finest detail, the beautiful videos captured
> the previous night with painstaking effort, the
> evocative articles penned with such sincerity...,
> and I say to myself - here, unsung and unknown,
> is one of the greatest of all Goans, who would
> lay down his life for his motherland, without
> wishing his name or family even to be known.
> That rarest of species - the unsung patriot.
> (only FN comes close!:-)
> It would have been a great, great honour for
> me to shake your hand on that Sunday, Joe!:-)
> May you have a wonderful year ahead, and may
> mother Goa bless you abundantly in return.
> Kind regards,
> FR
> ---
> Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 07:00:59 +
> From:
> Subject: Re: [GOAN-NRI] Many Happy Returns!
> To:
> CC:
> Thank you Francis
> Actually, I was in the line..
> I thought I would at least shake hand with the
> great man for his greatest konkani music book (in
> the name of taking your autograph) in black box Goa.
> Sadly, you choose the waiting media people disapointing us few.
> So close yet too far
> --- On Sat, 10/10/09, Francis Rodrigues  wrote:
> From: Francis Rodrigues
> Subject: [GOAN-NRI] Many Happy Returns!
> To:
> Date: Saturday, 10 October, 2009, 12:14 PM
> It's that time of the year again!:-)
> 10 October -
> Bosco De Mello - lucid, articulate contributions
> and well-balanced moderation in Goan cyberspace,
> Joe GoaUK - a prolific contributor to Goan cyber-
> space, whose daily chronicling is simply phenomenal,
> To both these worthies -
> "Many Happy Returns, today!"
> Have a great year!
> FR.
> _
> Click less, chat more: Messenger on
Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on 

Re: [Goanet] Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

The Blood-Stained Prize. Theater of the Absurd (by Missy Comley Beattie):

Is this a bad dream? No, Barack Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize. Yet, three days after he took the oath of office, he droned
Pakistan, killing civilians, including children. This continues.  Our
country is engaged in three wars. We have a huge mercenary army,
unaccountable to military law

Read here:

2009/10/10 Bosco D :

> Seriously.this is the Nobel Prize committee that failed to recognize 
> the
> 5-time nominated Mahatma as a Nobel Laureate, even posthumously, albeit the 
> Dalai
> Lama and Mandela among others espoused the Gandhian values of non-violence and
> became Nobel Peace Prize laureates.
> Another dent in the shine of the Nobels!!

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] The Male Goan Lover

2009-10-10 Thread Cecil Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Ben Fernandes (BF) wrote:
> I noticed that Philippino was spelt incorrectly in the article.

Cecil Pinto (CP) replies:
Thanks for pointing that out. I stand corrected.


> Also although not explicitly spelt out, the article certainly seemed to be 
> biased against Thai,philippino women

If I had to use Russians or Chinese too you would accuse me of being
biased. I had to use some ethnic group, so I just chose the most
popular perception. being Politically Correct can be a pain in the
writing wrist.


> Don't you think we have goan erotic masseurs?

We most definitely do!


> Most of us tend to think that we are cleaner and better than everyone else

That is true. But in my writings I poke fun at our Goan foibles very
often. Matters of sex and sexuality are minefields in which one treads
with extreme caution.

> I see here in Kuwaiti newspapers goan women (and other women of course) are 
> routinely caught offering sexual services.

Not impossible. I don't have access to Kuwaiti newspapers but a
statistical comparison of ethnicities involved in the sex trade would
be revealing.

> I even know personally a couple of married women involved with other 
> married/single men here in Kuwait

Highly possible. I never said Goan women were paragons of virtue. I
just could not get anyone qualified to answer my survey.


> When I worked in Bangalore the reputation of goan girls was that of a fun 
> partner because they apparently give the guy everything and know how to party.
> Most of my north indian male friends desperately wanted to have goan girl 
> friends and even asked me for help.

Perhaps this reputation that Goan girls had/have was more to do with
how Goan women are portrayed in Bollywood movies than based on actual
fact. We tend to confuse a Western attitude with promiscuity.


> I must say that I take offence in your decision to repost that article.
> It might have been a funnier and better article somehow if it dint involve 
> any foreign women.

My apologies if I caused offense. I try as much as I can to make my
columns light enough so they can be read as satire and humour rather
than as serious social commentary. But that is a thin line a writer
walks. Should I cause offense to Goan women and bring on the wrath of
the Bailancho Saad who will definitely have morchas outside my house
and want to face my face black. Or should I risk offending the Thais
and the Filipinos who seem to take their characterisation with the
handful of salt it deserves?

Sure I did the cowardly thing. But discussions like this can set the
record straight.




Re: [Goanet] Much to the chagrin of some Goanetters, the Nobel peace prize winner is...

2009-10-10 Thread Bosco D

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

-Original Message-
From: Gabe Menezes


RESPONSE: Now the Nobel Peace Prize laureate cannot wage war and will desert 
Hindu Kush. Will return his troops to Camps on his spread. Will appear impotent 
dealing with rogue nationswe are reminded of January 2013 on a daily more and more like a right-wing 

Seriously.this is the Nobel Prize committee that failed to recognize 
5-time nominated Mahatma as a Nobel Laureate, even posthumously, albeit the 
Lama and Mandela among others espoused the Gandhian values of non-violence and 
became Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

Another dent in the shine of the Nobels!!

- B

[Goanet] Why did Hinduism never become an 'organised' religion like Christianity or Islam? -

2009-10-10 Thread Ruby Goes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Food for thought.

[Goanet] Vacancy in Dubai - EMIRATES FLIGHT CATERING CO.

2009-10-10 Thread MARSH MENDONCA

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Goans,


We have vacancy for General Assistant Helpers in Cleaning, dishwashing, Stores, 
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Marsh Mendonca
Begin your day with a strong dose of news, sports, entertainment and more on 
MSN India

[Goanet] A friend is a star to behold - By Wendell Rodricks

2009-10-10 Thread Cecil Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

By Wendell Rodricks

I distinctly recall when I first met Noel Lima Leitao. Lucio and
Corine Miranda invited Jerome and me for a dinner party at their home
in Altinho. Corrine cooked up a storm. Lucio sang like a dream. And we
met two new fun guys: Raj Salgaocar and Noel Lima Leitao. They
laughed, sang and in general seemed to be having the most fun.

At the time I was new to Goa. In the new surroundings of Altinho I was
happy to meet new people, far removed from my cocoon in Colvale and
the fashionable crowd of Mumbai.

Many years of fun, jokes and festivities followed. Noel did not arrive
at friendships threshold alone. His family quickly became our family.
Nayantara's parents and siblings graciously took us to their hearts;
the doors of our respective homes always open to one the
warmth, joy and love that only a family-by-friendship can provide.

One evening, Noel arrived at my office in Souza Towers, Panjim. In
that modest but stylish space, overlooking the Municipal Garden,
Noel's face was lit by the sun setting over the Mandovi. It was a
moment frozen in my brain. Through his dimpled smile he asked me a
"favour". He was celebrating a Vasco Sports Club team event, raising
money for a gentleman whose son was with cancer. "I have fifty
thousand rupees to spend", he said. "Can you do me a small show for
the evening when we auction a T shirt for this young boy? Can you get
Malaika Arora to model for us?" In my head I said "How can I tell him
that a show costs between 8 to 12 lakhs and that Malaika's fee at the
time, for an appearance, was somewhere over 2.5 lakhs?" But my heart
said "Wendell this man is not asking anything for himself. It is for a
cause. Actually a multitude of causes." So I return the dimpled smile
and said "Okay. When is the date?"

An hour later, I got on the phone to Malaika. I said very simply that
I had only twenty five thousand to pay her, that it was a cause...
blah, blah, blah! Sweet girl that she is, Malaika agreed immediately.
The balance money was divided between her air ticket and the local
Goan models.

On D day, the Vasco Sports Club team walked the finale line up with a
dropdead gorgeous Malaika in a gown that left no place to hide. The
sound track was by Queen: "We are the Champions" The whistles that we
placed on the seats at the Marriott Ball Room were used to the hilt.

Years later, I told Noel Malaika's rate and the favour she had done
us. He was so overwhelmed that whenever he met her, he would touch her
feet and say thank you.

Which says a lot about my friend Noel. To touch someones feet when he
received no personal favour for himself.

Two weeks ago and many years later we were on the same flight to
Kolkata. He was anchoring for ESPN. I was showing "The Earth Goddess"
collection at Kolkata Fashion Week. We talked of many things and he
promised to attend the show.

The next morning actress Lisa Ray sent me a mail that she had cancer
of the bone marrow and it was going to be on her blog. I was
shattered. This is a 37 year old Lisa. My Lisa. Who stayed in Colvale
on holiday. Whose mother I wheeled in a wheelchair around Old Goa and
the Cidade the Goa. Whose lovely face in Water warmed a million
hearts. Whose awesome body made men's blood race in hotter-than-hot
swimsuits for Glad Rags magazine.

This is an ominous week I said to myself.

On show day, Noel called to ask if he could bring ten guests along
since they were all keen to see the show. We seated them front row.
Including two gentleman I met in the ITC Sonar Bangla lounge a day
before... from Sesa Goa; Harshraj Chati and Kishore Khanolkar.

When I walked out with model Pia Trivedi at the finale, Noel was so
moved by the show that he gave me a standing ovation.

Model introductions later, Jerome, Noel and I descended to the moonlit
Sonar Bangla pool with the owner of Elite model agency, Sushma Puri .
We joked, laughed and talked till 2.30 am. In a departure from his
usual self he told me that I was a "genius". That I should only "do
creative work and not get distracted by other issues too much. Do that
Wendell but give your God gifted creativity more time"

When I returned to Goa a day later, I did not realise that they were
words of wisdom from a man who was soon leaving us for another realm.

On Sunday, the dark cloud that began with Lisa's sad news burst into a
thunderstorm over our heads in Colvale.

Noel was no more.

When I heard the news I wept. When his wife Nayantara and her
wonderfully talented children asked if I wanted to say a few words at
his funeral I was too emotionally d

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1071

2009-10-10 Thread Carmen Miranda

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear All

I support  Sebastian's campaign against the devastation of the environment
in Goa.

Drastic and urgent measures to protect forests in Goa should be seen as part
of India's
agenda to mitigate the effects of Climate Change.

We are now witnessing the results of irregularities and mistakes made by
MoEF in the process of giving Environmental Clearances to mining in forest
areas in Goa. They need to be corrected , before the environmental
destruction becomes irreversible.

All the 400 or so new mining concessions should be frozen, until an
independent investigation is carried out about the legality of those
concessions in view of the irregularities of the environment clearances. In
my view, Environmental Clearances in forested areas must be immediately
revoked.  And  please note, I am referring to
 the so called "legal" concessions. Never mind the dozens of illegal mining
going on!

The fact that a considerable number of govt. ministers in Goa have direct or
indirect involvement in the mining business is a serious obstacle to
environmental considerations and protection of forests in Goa. How can
anyone hold a portfolio of forests in one hand and the private business
portfolio of mining exploration on the other and be serious ?

I recently  spent 3 weeks visiting the mining belt in Goa and talking to
people - right from the Minister of Environment and various goverment
officials, mine owners, NGOs, activists and communities at grass roots. Not
a pretty picture!

Only swift and drastic measures will arrest the process of environmental
destruction in Goa. We must demand immediate action from the Ministry of
Environment and Forests .

Carmen Miranda

From: sebastian Rodrigues 
Subject: [Goanet] Massive deforestation in Sivsorem, Rivona, Goa
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

According to the reports just coming in there is massive destruction of
forest in Sivsorem in order to clear way to start open cast iron ore and
manganese mining. The mass scale tree cutting is going ahead in the land
that is demarcated as mining lease bearing T.C. No. 75/1952 in the name of
one Voicunta Canecar of Margao bearing name Chunimolo or Gotifondodatembo
covering area of 88.15 hectares of land recorded as in Colamb but existing
in Rivona Panchayat jurisdiction covering survey numbers 88/1, 88/2, part of
138, 139, 140, 141, 87/1 and 89.

Public Hearing required under the law was held in Sanguem town on
12/12/2006. According to the sources in Forest department that spoke to
Ramesh Gaouns on the condition of anonymity they have been granted
environmental clearance by Indian Central Government's Ministry of
Environment and Forest (MoEF). One of the conservator of Forest who refused
to be named spoke to Ramesh Gauns and expressed his helplessness over the
destruction of forest in Goa in highly planned manner by MoEF by allotting
Environmental Clearances to the mining projects in Goa's Forest Areas. He
said is applying for transfer to another place in Goa as he is totally
frustrated as the upright forest officers hands are tight from taking any
action against mining companies.

Conservator of Forest is lucky to have an option to go to another place in
the Country but what about people of Goa? Where are we to go if mining
companies continue their dangerous trend of transforming this State into
draught region by sucking our water bodies and destroying our Forests?

May the MoEF withdraw all the Environmental Clearances accorded to the
mining companies in the State of Goa. May it be blessed by universe and have
change of heart and stop showering misery on the State of Goa. May Indian
Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh be enlightened and carry forward the
mission to protect Goa and its forest with all the courage and honesty.

This is humble prayer from People of Goa. If the Indian Government is so
determined to see that Goa is wiped away from the World map we would surely
die with smile our face if this will satisfy sadistic pleasures of mining
companies and Indian Government. Once upon a time in 1961 on 19 December
Indian Government came to Goa as its liberator. Today on in 2009 on 09
October Indian government is need of liberation. May India be liberated. May
everyone in this land of India live happy, live in prosperity with misery
and cruelty to none - not even to Goa, not even to Jairam Ramesh.

Long live Peace! Long live Joy! Long live Happiness! Long live Liberation!

Sebastian Rodrigues

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 4:18 AM,  wrote:

> Send Goanet mailing list submissions to
> To s

[Goanet] The Cardinal who pulled the rug on Goa!

2009-10-10 Thread Bernado Colaco

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Sorry it is no more an allegation. Read the book by Frank Moraes. A traitor is 
a traitor forget the caste.

Very easy to make all kinds of allegations without naming names! I
sometimes suspect the condescending attitude towards Valerian Cardinal
Gracias, in part at least, stems from the fact that he didn't belong
to the Catholic caste elite that long dominated Goa. FN


[Goanet] Is Jawaharlal Nehru responsible for India's communal tensions?

2009-10-10 Thread Sandeep Heble

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

A few days back, during the heat of Subodh Kerkar’s “Ganesha” Art
Exhibition controversy, the “Sunaparanta Goa Centre For Arts”
organized a Panel discussion on the topic of “Freedom of Speech and
Expression”. The Panelists, Dr Subodh Kerkar, Venita Coelho,
Vidhyadhar Gadgil and Geoffrey Witte voiced their individual opinions
on the subject and thereafter indulged in a fruitful interaction with
the audience.  I was a part of the audience which was reasonably
large. Amongst other recognizable faces were Frederick Noronha, Vivek
Menezes, Cecil Pinto,  Shrikant Barve and Rajiv D’ Silva.

While the scope of the discussions generally centered on the topic of
“Free Expression”, the discussions for a short moment degenerated into
a debate on ‘Secularism’ and ‘Communalism’, courtesy Frederick

I always thought that Frederick was a rationalist but I found his
logic on that day peculiar and highly absurd to say the least.
Frederick’s logic was akin to the logic used by ‘Bernard Simoes’ who
blamed Darwin for racism, Nazism, Fascism, Communism,  genocides and
terrorism of the whole World in his article that appeared in the
Herald some 3 weeks back. Frederick similarly tried to pin the blame
for India's conflicts, rioting, strife and communalism on Jawaharlal
Nehru, by making the meaningless claim that Nehru’s policy of
promoting science and rationalism were the root causes of all of
India’s evils.

To make a strong case against atheism, Frederick cherry picked the
examples of Jinnah and Advani. To make a strong case in favour of
religion, he cherry picked the example of Gandhi ignoring all the
other religious fundamentalists who are operating in the Indian space.
Fortunately, there were no religious fundamentalists - Hindu,
Christian or Muslim - present there on that day. Had they been there,
they would surely have garlanded him and declared him a hero. Such
were his postures in favour of religion and against the principles of
atheism, rationalism and science.

I have no personal issues with Frederick Noronha. I am posting the
discussions here because I disagree with such thoughts, which I
believe are ridiculous and need to be nipped in the bud.

The whole concept of Secularism was born when people revolted against
the Religious Orders. Until then, we had no rights, freedoms and
liberties.  Women were burnt on the pyres of their husbands or on the
suspicion of being witches. Humans were treated as untouchables
because of their caste or skin-colour. Principles of Free Speech and
Expression were virtually non-existent. Those who challenged religious
concepts were tortured and even killed.

Why is Frederick making baseless assertions while ignoring the ugly
realities of religion? Can History be ignored, can the truth be
suppressed? Is it fair to blame Jawaharlal Nehru, decades after his
death, for India’s communal tensions?


Re: [Goanet] Accords of Timoja

2009-10-10 Thread Bosco D

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

-Original Message-
From: Bernado Colaco

> Thanks for the patience in compiling info on the acts of Timoja and the

> accords with the Portuguese. Brainwashed Goans like Bospam today have

> ghanti thinking do not know what is darkness and light.

RESPONSE: Arre irmao, darkness - when there is no light,  sounds elementary, 

Are you going to give us some references to read or are you going to continue 
blowing hot air aka the south-asian version of the "voice on Goanet for reason, 
truth and peace".

- B

Re: [Goanet] Indira, and India.

2009-10-10 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Dr. Eric,

1. Only heard of the BC Roy-Birlas episode, but know not
much. But one thing we must remember: that save Parsis
like Tatas and modern-age GDP producers like Wipro and
Infosys (discount Satyam!), MOST "successful" leaders of
industry in free India thrived on favour and graft. And never
more than during the Congress regime -- whatever you say
about Kantibhai.

2. Sa.Ka Patil. Wasn't that the reason Mumbaites rejected
him, in favour of a taximen union leader, George Fernandes,
the giant slayer (not even a "Marathi Manoos," but a former
seminarian migrant from far away Mangalore?)

3. The Tamil thought process (and politics) has always gripped
me. The more I got gripped, the less I seemed to have understood!
Annadurai, Kamaraj, Karunanidhi, MGR, Jayalalitha ...

- Original Message - 
From: "eric pinto" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Indira, and India.

The reason why Priyadarshani succeeded in
throwing off the entire old guard is that she held the purse strings
to the party's funds. "I" was the powercentre, "O" just a shunniya.
And the Mundhra scandal was surely not the first since Aug. 15.
Thank you, Val, and that had her telling us "India is Indira" !
The other money links were B C Roy - Birla-Calcutta, and our S K Patil - Dalal Street/Share Bazaar. To their credit, they did not 
enrich themselves, unlike Morarjee, whose son Kantibai was the family bagman and license peddler.
Kamraj, the ascetic patriot, had stood up to the secessionist DMK with great dignity, even as he oversaw a Madras Congress 
transition from the Charis, Swamis and Subramaniams to his own restless Dravid kin. His sudden resignation as CM, coupled with a 
call for the entire party High Command to give up cabinet posts, produced a public turmoil not seen since the Quit India days of 
1942: Morarjee, Patil, Roy and CB Gupta resigned, in short order, decapitating the Cabinet and the 'Government of the Republic of 
Fearing a move by the President and army, Nehru immediately named Lal Bahdur to his own office, an effective resignation of his own. 
Soon, he was dead, a bitter and broken man. Had Laljee survived, he would have brought Kamraj to Delhi. Both detested the Moscow 
fifth column, and our 'socialist' farce would have ended very quickly. India would have become Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Singapore, 
rolled in one, with genuine free enterprise, not the crony variety that gave us ACC Cement and Birla Motors. eric. 

Re: [Goanet] Many Happy Returns!

2009-10-10 Thread Francis Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Next time!:-)

Your contribution to Goa, Joe, is far, far greater
than what ordinary mortals perceive - on a daily,
virtually hourly basis, you are chronicling in the
finest detail, every breath of our beloved Goa.

Very few understand - even less appreciate the
massive effort - all given free of charge, for love.

Every day I look at all the marvellous pictures in
the finest detail, the beautiful videos captured
the previous night with painstaking effort, the
evocative articles penned with such sincerity...,
and I say to myself - here, unsung and unknown,
is one of the greatest of all Goans, who would
lay down his life for his motherland, without
wishing his name or family even to be known.

That rarest of species - the unsung patriot.
(only FN comes close!:-)

It would have been a great, great honour for
me to shake your hand on that Sunday, Joe!:-)

May you have a wonderful year ahead, and may
mother Goa bless you abundantly in return.

Kind regards,
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 07:00:59 +
Subject: Re: [GOAN-NRI] Many Happy Returns!

Thank you Francis

Actually, I was in the line..
I thought I would at least shake hand with the
great man for his greatest konkani music book (in
the name of taking your autograph) in black box Goa.

Sadly, you choose the waiting media people disapointing us few.

So close yet too far

--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Francis Rodrigues  wrote:

From: Francis Rodrigues
Subject: [GOAN-NRI] Many Happy Returns!
Date: Saturday, 10 October, 2009, 12:14 PM

It's that time of the year again!:-)

10 October -

Bosco De Mello - lucid, articulate contributions
and well-balanced moderation in Goan cyberspace,

Joe GoaUK - a prolific contributor to Goan cyber-
space, whose daily chronicling is simply phenomenal,

To both these worthies -

"Many Happy Returns, today!"

Have a great year!

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[Goanet] Daily Grook #539

2009-10-10 Thread Francis Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

by Francis Rodrigues

mediums deceive
thru dud trances,
by taking leave
of their seances!

Going to GOA? "GREATEST KONKANI SONGBOOK"sheet-music,tab,
lyrics, chords, of great Konkani film & pop hits, mandos.
PEDRO FERNANDES: Panjim GPO; Margao Stn. Rd. Tel.2226642
FURTADOS: Panjim opp-Monginis;Margao Grace C.Tel.2223278
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