Re: [Goanet] Trisha Brown: So That the Audience Does Not Know Whether I Have Stopped Dancing

2010-01-20 Thread Venantius J Pinto
People in NY, PA--
Here is something that may interest you. I plan on travelling to PA to see
Any interested Goans may contact me. If I do go, will take the bus from
Chinatown, or Amtrak.

Trisha Brown: So That the Audience Does Not Know Whether I Have Stopped
(excerpt) While Trisha Brown is best known for her innovative choreographies
that revolutionized modern dance, she has for many years made drawings and
other works beyond the stage that integrate the performing and visual arts.
The exhibition presents a particular occasion to consider the lesser-known
visual arts practice of one of the most acclaimed contemporary
choreographers at a moment of increasing interest in the broad sweep of her
work and its influence. Drawing has long featured prominently in Brown's
maverick practice, shifting from a tool for schematic composition into a
fully realized component of her broader investigation into the limits of her
own body.

January 20-March 14, 2010
*Special programs on January 27: Trisha Brown in conversation with John
Killacky, 5:30 pm
Opening Reception, 6:00-8:00 pm*

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Attacks on Indians are racisit : Australia's ex-Army chief

2010-01-20 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

Below are some extracts from the Times of India forum, on the question "Why do 
you think Indians are being attacked in specific in Australia?" as previous 
attempts to send the link did not work as expected:

Australia has so far been a very tolerant country with respect to letting all 
different nationalities come into their country and be a part of their society. 
Over the last 20 years, there have been so many Indians who have moved to 
Australia and are now citizens here. Common sense prevails, if there are more 
people of Indian origin in this country, they will surely be victims to the 
crimes that exist in this society. It's not like if someone is going to commit 
a crime, they look at your colour and your background. If you see the stats 
that prevail, white people are victims of such crimes as well. But hey 
ignorance is bliss! When it comes to getting on the streets and protesting 
without knowing facts, Indians are ace! I am an Indian by birth and I moved 
here 10 years ago. So far, I have never been discriminated against. It is a 
very fair country and I truly believe that people here are amazing. The 2 most 
recent cases that have been labelled as racist
 attacks are still under investigation. Nitin Garg was crossing through a park 
in one of the unsafe suburbs in Melbourne at 11.30 at night. Throughout the 
year there are incidents reported in that park. For the first time it was an 
Indian national - so what do we do - Label it as an racist attack. What about 
all the Caucasians that have died in that park. Again common sense prevails, 
when you know a park is unsafe and people don't walk through there during the 
day, why would you walk through there at 11.30pm?!? The other guy who died in 
Griffiths, he came to Australia on a contract marraige and owed people money... 
for all we know a fellow Indian could have killed him. Now calling Victoria 
Police names is not going to help the cause. There are procedures in place in 
this country and rationale exists. They don't operate like our Punjab police... 
thats right throw everyone in that neighbourhood in the jail and then people 
would go... 'OH WHAT A GREAT JOB
 THE COPS HAVE DONE'. Media has totally handled this situation in a BAD WAY! 
It's a shame to see that this baseless issue will affect the relations between 
the two countries. 

Lets gets the facts right, Indians are NOT being specifically attacked in 
Australia. There is violence in any big city and people get attacked and hurt, 
some unfortunately happen to be Indians, if you look at the actual reports you 
will find that more Australians are attacked than Indians. We (Indians) are NOT 
targets. While most Indians do very well, a small few resort to cheating and 
give the Indian student a bad repotation. Cheating includes, Providing false 
papers and qualifications so as to get Visas, Not attending class, not doing 
tier assigments and taking others peoples work. 

If you are in a wrong place at a wrong time, irrespective of your nationality, 
gender, age etc, you will be the victim of violence. If you do not mix well 
with local culture and customs and keep pushing your own which may be deemed as 
anti-social, it will not be liked by the society and it can cause backlash 
which can be violent at times. After spending 10 years in Australia, I can say 
that majority of Australians are warm hearted, accept diversity in the society 
very well and our press and politician should rethink before labelling 
Australians as racist. 

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever, beyond the hysterical ranting of 
the Indian gutter press, that indians ARE being targetted. This is a pointless 
and foolishly leading question. Let's look at the last couple of attacks: 
Indian man stabbed: Indian press goes crazy. Later revealed that the attackers 
were other Indians and it was a business dispute. Deafening silence in Indian 
media. Man burned in car: Indian press goes crazy. Later revealed that the 
whole story was made up and that the man himself lit the fire. Deafening 
silence in Indian media. You are not served well by your media, but I guess 
that they are dealing to the needs of a horde of hysterical clowns who are 
over-eager to be stirred into a rabily howling frenzy. Honestly, this whole 
debate is based on so muc ignorance that it's just plain embarrasing. 

Well I am Indian and have lived in Brisbane for over 5 years, and am still 
here. I've never seen as many international students anywhere as I'm seeing 
here today. And let me tell you something, just because they're Indian doesn't 
mean they're innocent. A lot of these students (yes, a LOT) are Punjabi and 
lack basic manners and courtesy. They're very loud, have terrible hygiene and 
have no manners towards others. They also have a very bad habit of harassing 
girls over here, both Indian and Australia

[Goanet] Daily Grook #611

2010-01-20 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

whilst levity
lifts a frown,
sadly gravity
gets us down!

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278

Re: [Goanet] Citizenship issue...

2010-01-20 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:21:42 +0530
From: Tony de Sa 

This is typically the sarsaparilla that Gouveia specializes in. So parents,
husbands, wives, relations who invest money or goods or services for their
children/ spouses/ relations have half brains by the reckoning of the
'economist' from Jamshedpur's Tata Industries? Philanthropists who invest
millions by this reasoning must be having atomic brains.

Mario responds:

We can see that Tony De Sa cannot even spell my name correctly.

As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace, I am forced again to explain what 
I wrote to show that Tony is having a hard time following the conversation:-))

Tony previously wrote, "I am no economist I confess, but I suspect
that this money was primarily sent to alleviate the lot of their families
and not specifically to improve the economy of the State."

Here is what I wrote in response to Tony's bizarre notion that people invest 
their money "specifically to improve the economy of the State":

No one with more than half a brain works hard and invests money primarily for 
someone else's benefit.  When people help themselves economically, they 
automatically help others around them when the money is spent on purchases and 
starts circulating in the economy.

Obviously when parents, husbands, wives, relations who invest money or goods or 
services for their children/ spouses/ relations they are investing primarily 
for the benefit of their own family and "not specifically to improve the 
economy of the State", as Tony wants NRGs to do.  Only those with half a brain 
would invest "specifically to improve the economy of the State."

I wonder if Tony can grasp the difference.

I wonder who he is talking about from Jamshedpur's Tata Industries. Must be 
like that Goan from Toledo.  It's those pesky facts again that Tony has a 
problem with.

Tony wrote:

Philanthropists who invest millions by this reasoning must be having atomic 

Mario responds:

Once again I will be glad to teach Tony how this works:-))

Most American philanthropists like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were not born 
wealthy, i.e they did not have enough money to be "philanthropists".  They 
later became wildly successful in their businesses, investing for themselves, 
not for others.  

Once they had more money than they knew what to do with, they started giving 
money away to help others, i.e. became philanthropists.  They never invested 
"for others" because not too long ago, they had no idea they would have so much 
money even for themselves.

Tony wrote:

Bull sh1t

Kitem re mario? Bezo fry zala, kitem?

Mario observes:

I think this gives us all an insight into the kind of half-baked thinking we 
are dealing with here who joined Samir in launching a furious assault not on 
the corruption that is responsible for the real mess in Goa but on NRGs trying 
to help.

[Goanet] SMILE................. IT'S WEEKEND (21/01/2010)

2010-01-20 Thread CAJETAN DE

Mogrem caught her husband Sakaram searching high and low all around his living 

Mogrem: What are you searching for?

Sakaram: Hidden cameras!

Mogrem: And what makes you think that there are hidden cameras here?

Sakaram: That guy on TV knows exactly what I am doing!. 
Mogrem: How you can say so?
Sakaram: Because every few minutes he keeps saying 'You are watching the Star 
World channel'. How does he know that?"
Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Well Done Goan Youth

2010-01-20 Thread Arwin Mesquita
  I commend and thank those Youth who spoke up for Goa at the Rahul Gandhi
meet; I hope more youth join the effort to speak/act for the purpose of
saving our beautiful land and our prized identity.The more people join the
effort will only increase the chances for Goa's Survival from the cluthes,
of those who want to destroy Goa!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE

Re: [Goanet] Question MOPA Airport

2010-01-20 Thread A C Fernandes
The demands from all and sundry for Goan land is never ending. Here we
go again...The Indian Navy now wants their pound of flesh (or more) in
Mopa for a naval enclave!!! Could someone please expalin what exactly
this "naval enclave" entails? Is it to host another Navy Ball now in

Well, Well!  Everyone is jumping  on to the bandwagon to get their
share of the spoils. Our Goan Politicians, the builders, the Hotel
nexus all have acquired land in the vicinity and are waiting like
vultures to swoop down and feast on the area. You can already see the
gleam in everyones eyes as they lie waiting, salivating and drooling
for getting hold of more Goan land and the spoils.

I'm sure the Russians and others too will now be waiting in line for
their turn to claim they are entitled to Mopa land. After all they
could claim like the Navy that they too are contributing to Goa's
welfare by bringing in more Russians who will use this proposed
airport?  T

Please note "An assurance has already been given in the
recently-concluded assembly session that the government would complete
the acquisition of the maximum amount of land by March 31, 2010." You
can rest assured that they will indeed go all out to acquire the
maximum amount of land even more than what is required.

>From an earlier posting below on Goanet our Goan villagers stand to
loose 90 lakh sq metres of land to this project!!! Does anyone know
what is the real area of Goan land that is sought to be acquired in
the guise of building this new airport? And for whom? Goans need some
answers to these questions?

This article below is from the Times of India on the Navy's demand for
land in Mopa.

  Navy seeks enclave at Mopa airport

PANAJI: As a quid pro quo for allowing a civilian enclave at Dabolim
airport, the Navy has asked for land at the proposed Mopa airport to
set up a  naval enclave.

However, the seven-member Mopa airport steering committee chaired by
chief secretary Sanjay Srivastava has not committed itself on the
issue. Sources said the committee will call a representative of the
Navy as a special invitee to its next meeting, which is yet to be
scheduled. Sources in the committee confirmed the Navy’s request made
at a meeting with the joint secretary of civil aviation, who is also a
member of the committee, in New Delhi in October last year.

The request was brought to the notice of the committee during its
first meeting in Goa on December 11, 2009.

The committee also comprises the state finance secretary, chairman of
the Airports Authority of India and Nasser Munji, chairman of the
Development Credit Bank of India. In its first meeting on December 11,
the committee had discussed the appointment of consultants to prepare
the documents for floating global tenders for the airport, land
acquisition for which is under process.

An assurance has already been given in the recently-concluded assembly
session that the government would complete the acquisition of the
maximum amount of land by March 31, 2010.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Arwin Mesquita
 Dear Goans,

 Please see below links for photos and below Press Note on the Proposed Mopa

 We need to strongly question and debate the same; is it really required for
 Goa/Goans or is it really required to satisfy the greed of Politicians who
 besises other vested interests; have made huge investments today in the area
 with the hope of reaping huge illegitimate profits should the airport come


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Siddarth Karapurkar
 Date: 2010/1/7
 Subject: Fwd: mopa vimantall+ photos of mopa
 To: arwinmesquita

 hi arwin,
 pl find photos of mopa villages which will be destroyed if airport is



 REF NO . pn 011
 Date : 29/08/2009

 This is apropos  the press note published on the 26th  august  in local
 daily lokmat issued by one mr Rupesh Parab claiming to be a member of so
 called “xetkari samiti “ of Mopa Pednem  stating that the mopa villagers who
 will be affected are in support of the proposed airport.

 We like to inform that we strongly oppose the land acquisition a


2010-01-20 Thread Santosh Helekar
This new installment on the above-referenced subject from Shri Averthanus L. 
D'Souza appears to be a rambling diatribe meant to deflect attention from the 
serious scientific and philosophical points made in my earlier responses. The 
use of “we”, “our” and "us" in this screed makes it appear that he is speaking 
on behalf of his political constituents, co-religionists or his organization. 

This new harangue is a sophomoric reaction to substantive statements, using 
such frivolous gimmicks as to ridicule non-human primates by anthropomorphizing 
them, as if such a thoughtless response could ever make a dent in the 
scientific observation that these animals are self-conscious beings. What is 
worse is that the author does not have the courage of his religious 
convictions. He flatly denies the transparent fact that his claims are derived 
from his own religion. Instead, he wants readers to believe that science is the 
basis for his morality, which he believes is synonymous with legality. He wants 
to sell the whopper that his received wisdom regarding “intrinsic evil”, and 
his self-righteous pronouncements of medical abortion and medical use of human 
embryos being murder, are dictated not by his priests, but by scientists. One 
would surely like him to answer the following question in this regard, so 
hopefully one can find out how much
 credibility he is willing to expend in order to test the gullibility of his 
fellow primates (In case of unfamiliarity with basic biology, please note that 
humans, like monkeys and apes, are primates):

Which branch of science defines murder, and gives these medical procedures as 
examples of murder, and based on what scientific justification?

Furthermore, despite my attempts to explain as clearly as I can, the new 
installment betrays a persistent lack of understanding about the distinction 
between the term "human person" used by theologians and the notion of 
"personhood" defined by secular philosophy as the state of being 
self-conscious.  My explanation that science has discovered facts that define 
the latter concept with precision, and by virtue of this definition, rejected 
its exclusive confinement to humans (which is implied by the former theological 
term) does not seem to have registered in the author’s mind. He projects his 
confusion on to me.

I wonder what such a mentality would do if we ever encounter technologically 
advanced sentient and self-conscious non-human extraterrestrial beings in the 
future. Would it deny them personhood? Would it be morally unconcerned about 
killing them?

Above all, in the new installment there is a complete lack of recognition of 
the self-inflicted fact-free confusion that has led to the following 
superficialities, absurdities and calumnies:

1. The blatantly false charge that I would like people to believe that the act 
of destroying “a person in a coma, or a patient suffering from Alzheimer’s 
disease is not necessarily an act of murder.” Indeed, I have stated exactly the 
opposite, bolstering my argument that lack of personhood is no grounds to 
dismiss the charge of murder.

2. Gratuitous suffixing of a question mark after “Dr.” to question my 
undeclared credentials.

3. The absurd claim that science must have something to do with defining murder 
because “doctors are ‘morally’ responsible for ‘all’ the actions performed by 
them in their professional capacity”. By this simplistic logic, I guess, public 
transportation is also responsible for defining murder because a bus driver is 
clearly morally responsible for all his professional actions, which involve the 
responsibility for the lives of his passengers. The obvious question to ask the 
author is the following:

Which human being is not morally responsible for all his/her actions in his/her 
professional capacity?

4. The imposition that the author’s own religious morality regarding medical 
abortion and medical use of human embryos equals legality.

5. The absurd claim that science is grounded on faith, using pure gibberish 
about objective truth and epistemological relativism to ostensibly justify that 
claim. The author evidently believes his personal faith is based on objective 
truth. This mixing of religion and science is at the heart of the apple and 
mango confusion in which he finds himself. He is completely oblivious of the 
fact that faith is the exact opposite of objective evidence, and that other 
people’s faiths prescribe different moral dictates.

6. The faith-based claim that Ruchika is Ruchika “despite physiological, 
sociological, cultural and psychological changes” because of “mysterious 
design”, which science has not been able to decipher. An individual who was 
guided by objective evidence rather than his personal parochial faith would 
have been aware or receptive to the universally applicable scientific knowledge 
on the biological basis of constancy and variability of the human body and 
mind, and would have avoided making such a ga

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another

2010-01-20 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 18:22:44 +0530
From: Tony de Sa 

*A lie* well told and *repeated* constantly *becomes* a *truth* to credulous 
people. This is the tactic that Mario, a proponent of the "only-NRGs can save 
Goa" camp.

Mario responds:

Here what I said in the following post:

There are many good RGs doing their best and offering positive and constructive 
solutions for Goa, like Floriano and Venita for example.  

Compare this comment with the false poppycock by Tony that I belong to some 
"only-NRGs can save Goa" camp.

Actually, it is Tony who belongs to the two-person camp that "only RGs can save 
Goa", as we can see from his following post, referring to NRGs:

But they forget, that it is we and only we that can effectively change what is 
happening in Goa.

Tony says, referring to RGs, "we and only we".  I think this shows that Tony 
should be re-named Pinocchio:-)) Actually, he should apologize for  trying to 
impugn my integrity, and failing to do so.  We'll see if he has the stones to 
do so, or whether we can expect to see more stones thrown at NRGs for trying to 
help "we and only we".

Tony wrote:

We Goans are lotus eaters and we will never put down the bottomless glass of 

Mario observes:

Now we begin to see what Tony thinks of his fellow RGs and an indication of 
what he is capable of doing for Goa.

Is it any wonder that Goa is in such a mess?

Tony wrote:

Arwin recognizes that RGs are also contributing towards Goa's progress.
To blindly assert that only NRGs can change the ground situation in Goa by
remote control is ridiculous.

Mario observes:

See what that bottomless glass of feni can do to a person?  For one thing it 
makes it hard to understand the posts on Goanet, where I just showed where I 
had written, "There are many good RGs doing their best and offering positive 
and constructive solutions for Goa, like Floriano and Venita for example."  
Tony missed this because he was so busy looking for his next stone to throw at 

Other posts have shown that Rajan, George, Carmen, Arwin and Anil, among 
others, had made personal and very physical contributions to solving problems 
in Goa, and were not operating by "remote control".

Tony wrote:

To blindly assert that only NRGs can change the ground situation in Goa by
remote control is ridiculous.  To believe that NRGs are our saviours borders on 

Mario responds:

Here we see that Tony is unable to comprehend who was sleeping at the wheel 
since 1987 while Goa was being turned into a bloody mess.

Anyone who has been following these "discussions" know by now that numerous 
NRGs have not only done things for Goa but are looking to do more.

In the meantime, Samir and Tony have taken it upon themselves to demonize ALL 
NRGs, including their citizenship and their motives and dismissing NRGs as some 
sort of interlopers when Tony says, "But they forget, that it is we and only we 
that can effectively change what is happening in Goa."

Here is what I wrote in the post referenced above:

Unfortunately, there are also some RG and "deshi" NRG chest-thumpers who have 
decided that "foren" NRGs are a bigger problem than the corruption and mess in 
Goa, who are completely wasting their time and energy and deflecting attention 
from what needs to be done.

Tony wrote:

Will someone explain to him what I am trying to say in a few simple words?
But then he believes that he is the only voice of truth. peace and sanity on 
Goanet.  And a lie oft repeated etc, etc.  Tragedy is he believes it himself.

Mario responds:

If Tony will put down his lotus and bottomless glass of feni long enough to 
read what I have written above, perhaps he will see why I remain the lone voice 
of reason, peace and truth on Goanet:-))

However, based on what he has written so far, I am not holding my breath:-))

In the following post we see a compilation of stones thrown at Carmen and Anil, 
with threats against Rajan, by Tony and his NRG friend who pretends to be an RG:

I wonder what his next stone,, post, will look like:-))


Re: [Goanet] NRGS and RGS

2010-01-20 Thread floriano
I believe there is sweet music flowing in through my window, sweet enough to 
make me open my windows wide.

Let this sweet music keep on invading the sound bandwidth and deafen the 


PS1:  Incidentally, the sweet music does not move my feet but makes my eyes 

PS: Fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Join the  PPS Brigade. Adorn 
your 2/4-wheeler with the PPS sticker. Show solidarity with the movement 
with conviction

that  ' We Shall Overcome '

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour
[Note: Sticker now available at CHAMPS,   MAPUSA - PANJIM -  MARGAO]

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] NRGS and RGS

Dear all

I have been following this arguments as i call them with interest and

Arguents are basically ego trips and no one is a winner.






2010-01-20 Thread Aires Rodrigues
We all know that with every Goan Minister having his own agenda, we
virtually have 12 Chief Ministers (mis)governing this State. But the
government has to explain why we need two Secretariats. With the Government
Secretariat having officially moved to Porvorim why is it that the national
flag continues being hoisted at the Old Secretariat in Panaji. In a way it
is a dishonour to our national flag being unnecessarily  hoisted over  a
vacant building undergoing renovation.

The old Secretariat premises are being renovated to house the proposed
museum but it is still being guarded by a half dozen police constables
thereby causing a further unwarranted burden to the State exchequer. A few
years ago when the Bombay High Court at Goa had sought police security for
the bungalow of the visiting judge at Altinho it was told that police
provide protection to individuals and not vacant premises. Will this
government look into this major lapse now on the part of the authorities?  And
perhaps when that building is ready for a museum the scandal ridden
skeletons of our politicians should be displayed as a priority for the
viewing pleasure of the Aam Aadmi.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Any arguments against sops for IT ?

2010-01-20 Thread Samir Kelekar
Jose Colaco as usual beats around the bush, but fails to give a single argument 
sops for small entreprenuers in Goa.  I assume Jose as usual has no arguments, 
than the fact that he doesnt want his imagined status quo of Goa of 1960 not to 
be changed, unless of course it is done by non-Indian citizens.

Josebab, now that as per you I declared on the net that I am involved in 
why dont you file a case against me as per the law of the land and bring me to 
task? You anyway have enough evidence, and besides you are a lawyer.

I rest my case.


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (21Jan10)

2010-01-20 Thread alexyz fernandes

*** Rahul tells Youth to Revolt ***

"The First Point on our Agenda: All Senior Politicians go to the 'Home 
for the Aged'"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

Re: [Goanet] Indian students targettied in OZ: Victoria police chief

2010-01-20 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
I suggest you read most of the answers at rather
 than having me to supply what is what.

As my son said to me when he paid us a visit at the weekend - every 
student (not necessarily Indian) coming into the country ought to be given 
orientation not only about university life, but also by:
1. Police, regarding personal safety (what routes to avoid)
2. Fire fighters, regarding safety within the premises, especially how fires 
can occur easily caused by carelessness with cigarettes, lighters and cooking 
appliances (houses here are mostly wooden-framed, have wooden-floors, the 
external brick, if any,  being just a facade - aka brick-veneer). 
3. Surf life-guards, regarding safety on the beach. A number of foreign 
students in Melbourne come from land-locked areas, and they think the sea is 
just another "swimming pool", not knowing that there are under-currents and 
rips that can draw one out to sea in an instant. 

What I have said above is not a criticism of people coming in to Australia (or 
even going to Europe, for that matter), but something to be aware of when one 
moves to a place one is not familiar with.  

BTW, some 14 years ago, when I went to Canberra, the taxi-driver in Canberra 
asked me where I came from -  I told him "Preston", where upon he said "ooo a 
dangerous place for us taxi drivers". On enquiring, he told me about a couple 
of attacks on taxi drivers that had occurred in the area. Those drivers were 
white. Then it was the Somalis who were the taxi drivers, and they too suffered 
at the hands of some idiots who were too drunk to know what they were doing. 
Nowadays, nearly all the taxi drivers happen to be Indian. And it is now they 
who are being addressed improperly, worse now due to prevalence of drugs such 
as GHB, ice and what have you, in addition to alcohol. I hope you get what I am 


- Original Message 
> From: Samir Kelekar 
> To: Goanet 
> Sent: Wed, 20 January, 2010 4:40:26 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Indian students targettied in OZ: Victoria police chief
> This further bursts the NRG bubble. NRGs stand exposed now.
> regards,
> Samir

See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now:

[Goanet] StyleSpeak: New Decade Resolutions

2010-01-20 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 23:04:32 -0500
From: "manuel tavares" 

To ensure that all eligible Goans are registered to vote and also ensure that 
on election day, they turn up and vote out all corrupt, selfish, and dishonest 
Members of parliament and vote in honest, courageous and selfless MP's who know 
that it is an honor to represent the people in parliament and ensure that it is 
the people's business that they are elected to conduct NOT their own and that 
they are there to do the Peoples work not to enrich themselves at the people's 

Mario adds:

Amen.  Even I could not have said it any better:-))

I hope Wendell, Floriano, Venita, Tony, Samir and all RGs will take this to 
heart and do whatever they can to make this happen.  BTW, the last two need to 
put down their stones and quit thumping their chests.

Whatever else you do will not go very far if the local citizens cannot be riled 
up to "throw the bums out".  They showed what they could do by opposing the 
inappropriate SEZs and CRZs, and this would be another step in the right 

In the meantime, the Village Panchayats who caved in to the Rahejas need some 

Wendell told us of the relations he had developed with his own Panchayat and 
Sarpanch, and there is no reason why the villagers affected by the Raheja 
developments cannot do the same.

2010/1/19 soter  wrote:

Sometimes it just baffles me as to why people blame politicians for
Goa's miserable state. It is just like the parents of a drug addict
blaming the friends, police and government for not doing enough to
curb the drug menace. We simply deny that we are also part of the

When it suits us the politicians are good and when it does not they
are bad.

Mario asks:


While you are right that the citizens are ultimately to blame for electing and 
re-electing corrupt politicians, are you saying that it is the average citizens 
who are allowing the destruction being caused by open pit mines being left 
un-landscaped and un-rehabilitated after the useful ore has been extracted?  Is 
it average citizens who are approving ugly building developments without regard 
to the surrounding ambiance, history and architecture?  Is it average citizens 
who are allowing the Rahejas to run roughshod over the desires of the rest of 
the village?

The citizens are responsible for electing legislators who they think will 
benefit them, and the legislators are then expected to exercise wise judgment 
and decision making in order to do so.  If they do not they should be replaced 
at the next elections instead of being re-elected time and again.

It only took ONE MAN's courage and vision to turn the mammoth Indian economy 
around after 50 years of going in the wrong direction.  While he had help from 
others who believed as he did, they were unable to do what was necessary until 
he came along.  That ONE MAN was Manmohan Singh, who is quiet and unassuming 
and the opposite of a chest-thumper.  Neither does he throw stones at NRGs.  In 
fact, he is doing everything he can to encourage whatever NRGs can do to help 
India, unlike a couple of stone-throwing chest-thumpers roaming around Goanet 
looking for NRGs to attack.

Manmohan Singh is a great example of what ONE good politician can do.

Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 21:23:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Samir Kelekar 
[Goanet] Our future meeting with Goa CM regarding tax sops

Guys, I dont need to do this. I am quite comfortable in Bangalore.

Mario responds:

I know you don't.

I know you are.

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but I have included you in my commendations of 
those who are doing positive things for Goa.

The only aspects of your approach I find deplorable are your wholesale and 
often incoherent personal attacks on NRGs other than yourself, who is also an 
NRG as you have admitted above, some of whom have done at least as much as you 
for Goa and others who are interested in doing more.

At the very least, unless they are physically impeding something positive for 
Goa, leave them alone and mind your own business.  They are not your 
adversaries, even though YOU have chosen to make them so.  There is plenty for 
all the chest-thumpers to do in Goa, in case you haven't noticed.  There is 
enough limelight for everyone.

Tell Savio to contact someone like Victor Menezes who is an advisor to an 
investment group that invests in India:

[Goanet] Attacks on Indians are racisit : Australia's ex-Army chief

2010-01-20 Thread Venantius J Pinto
To All among Us on Goanet,
I would like to know whether any Goan, NRG or resident on Goanet explicitly
said that the attacks in Australia, were in any way not racist. Was it even
implied that the attacks and deaths must not be seen as racist.

When one assigns the term racism, it is prudent to note that very often
calling actions racist but not doing anything about them, at the level of
individual being and institutionally, does not as a matter of wish
fulfillment stem any urge towards rancour, baiting, harassment, attacks and
deaths. That change of consciousness and awareness is indeed desired in any
being, and often simultaneously a change in collective mindsets---in-groups,
out-groups, communities, cultures, sub-cultures, to overlap further towards
a broader visible change in the national mindset; to wit, as Amilcar Cabral
says "...…national liberation is necessarily an act of culture." In this
case it is liberating ones mind.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] NRGs

2010-01-20 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
With a handful of gnetters objecting from time to time about what NRGs can
write or cannot write about with regard to Goa, I strongly suggest that they
set up a high-level committee and draw up a list of topics of what can be
discussed and what is off. And, while they are at it please also include
NRIs and foreigners. With the caste system breaking down faster than the BJP
could have ever imagined we need a new system to replace it. After all, who
can tell what people will do next?


2010-01-20 Thread Domnic Fernandes
This is an updated version of my article first posted on Goanet on April 
17, 2005.


The jackfruit originated in India at the foot of the Western Ghats, and 
is now very popular throughout South East Asia.

The tree is handsome and stately, 30 to 70 feet tall, with evergreen, 
alternate, glossy, somewhat leathery leaves which are oblong, oval or 
elliptic in form, 4 to 6 inches in length; juvenile leaves are lobed. 
All parts contain "pank" (sticky white latex.)

Short, stout flowering twigs emerge from the trunk and large branches, 
or even from the soil-covered base of very old trees. It cannot tolerate 
'wet feet.' If the roots touch water, the tree will not bear fruit or 
may die.

A good yield is about 150 large fruits per tree annually, though some 
trees bear as many as 250 and a fully mature tree may produce 500, these 
fruit are probably of medium or small size. A jackfruit tree is said to 
live as long as 100 years. However, productivity declines with age. 
Almost everyone in Goa grows jackfruit trees and they can be seen in 
every compound/backyard in villages as well as in towns.

The fruit is unusual as it is borne on the main branches and trunks; 
occasionally even from surface roots of the tree. It is the largest 
tree-borne fruit in the world, weighing from 10 to 60 or even as much as 
110 pounds, and up to 36 inches long and 20 inches in diameter.

The rind or exterior of the compound fruit is green or yellow when ripe 
and is composed of numerous hard, cone-like points attached to a thick 
and rubbery, pale yellow or whitish wall. The interior consists of large 
edible bulbs of yellow, banana-flavored flesh, massed among narrow 
ribbons of thin, tough undeveloped perianths and a central, pithy core. 
Each bulb encloses a smooth, oval, light brown starchy seed covered by a 
thin white membrane.

The seed is 3/4 to 1-1/2 inches long and 1/2 to 3/4 inches thick and is 
white and crisp within. There may be 100 or up to 500 seeds in a single 
fruit. The aroma of the ripening fruit is extremely sweet, with a 
distinctive flavor reminiscent of banana and pineapple. Once the aroma 
spreads, it cannot be controlled; hence, the good old Konkani saying: 
"Ponnos lipovn dovrunk zait punn tacho pormoll lipovnk zainam!" (You may 
hide a jackfruit but you cannot hide its aroma!)

Jackfruits mature 3 to 8 months after flowering. The fruit is covered 
with numerous hard points, is pale green in color and changes to a 
yellowish-brown during ripening. Fruit is mature for harvest when the 
single small leaf above the stem withers and the first color change occurs.

Ripening continues post-harvest and with experience is ascertained by 
tapping the fruit. When ripe, the fruit softens a little and the rind 
will give in when pushed. Jackfruits turn brown and deteriorate quickly 
after ripening. If a person is fat and has a round stomach, people 
remark: "Polle taka, to ponnos koso zala!" (Look at him, he has become 
like a jackfruit!) Sometimes, people jokingly tap his stomach and 
question him: "Ponnos pikla re?" (Is the jackfruit ripe?)

Jackfruit is a summer fruit of Goa. It ripens principally from March to 
June. It is one of those delicacies which once you begin to eat ends 
only when the stomach is full. Many people at first hesitate to eat it 
because of the "pank" but once they get the hang of eating it, then 
there is no looking back; jackfruit fondness grows with familiarity. 
This is how the good old Konkani saying originated: "Vokol ghore khaina 
mhunnon bingttamnim varn bhorlem khuim." Roughly translated, it means 
the bride pretended not to eat jackfruit and yet the rice husking pit 
was filled with seeds.

Similarly, many despise things when they have had too much of them or 
had them for too long. Here again, we have yet another jackfruit-related 
Goan saying: "Pott bhortuch ghore ambott!" (When your stomach is full, 
the carpel is sour.)

There are three types of jackfruits in Goa:

(1) "Rosall Ponnos" - having a pale-brown or occasionally pale-green 
rind and containing small, fibrous, soft, mushy, but very sweet "ghore" 
(carpel;) the rind of these jackfruits can be broken open with bare 
hands. Some women, when their husbands are aged, refer to them as 
"Rosall Ponnos;"

(2) "Capo Ponnos" - usually having a light-green rind, occasionally 
brownish and containing crisp and almost crunchy "ghore" of high quality 
though not quite as sweet; a knife is needed to cut open the rind; and

(3) "Capo-Rosall Ponnos" - also having the same rind as that of Capo but 
its "ghore" are a mixture of both - they are neither hard nor soft but 
they are sweeter than Capo Ponnos; this one also needs a knife to cut 
open the rind. The "char" (perianth) of the Type 3 jackfruit is quite 
thick and as tasty as the fruit. As children, we ate it as well.

Jackfruit trees of Type 1 mostly bear fruits at their lower trunks, 
whereas Types 2 and 3 bear fruits high above on the tree. 

[Goanet] Goan Konkani drama 'Mahanand - Monis vo Soitan?

2010-01-20 Thread Goa World

“Mahanand Monis vo Soitan?” charms Kuwait’s Konkani Audience
By R. Rodrigues

More pictures at the following link:

Francisco Gonsalves alias Franky meticulously enacting the role of the 
serial killer received admiration and applause from a capacity crowd at 
Kala Mogui Kuwait’s presentation of Tony Dias’ Konkani drama “Mahanand 
Monis vo Soitan?”. The audience were engrossed to the story which had 
Bushka, Jane, Jessica, Shruti in role of the victims, Jaju as Police 
Inspector and Manohar Bhingue as the Home Minister. Filu Dias, Trindade, 
David D’Costa, Conny M, Filipe Almeida and Socorro de Santa Cruz playing 
their part to perfection and flawless clarity in unfolding the story 
with sound, scenes, and captivating performances to everyone’s delight. 
Equally the singers both within the visiting troupe as well as 
Kuwait-based singers entertained on varied latest subjects relating to 
the Goan community and two of the actors did dual roles with equal flair 
and modulation camouflaging themselves. Comedians Janet Almeida, Aurelio 
and Ambe added to the funny bone with their timely interjection of 
humour delighting the crowd. H.E. Shri Ajai Malhotra, the Ambassador of 
India was the chief guest and prominent Goans and KMK well-wishers 
Albano Pinto, Gaspar Almeida, Fr. Lionel Braganza, principal of IEAS 
(Don Bosco) accompanied him on stage along with Fr. Teo Fernandes who 
welcomed the large gathering. The Ambassador, In his brief introductory 
speech congratulated the organizers and also greeted everyone on the 
occasion of Pongal - the colourful festival of India. Kala Mogui Kuwait 
felicitated Socorro de Santa Cruz, a prominent singer and actor who has 
contributed for nearly three decades on professional circuit; well known 
singer, writer-director-producer Rosary Ferns for his artistic talents 
on Konkani stage in Kuwait and Tony Dias for his mind-blowing innovative 
work specially grooming and encouraging young actors and talents. 
Mementos were also presented to the Carmelite priests, Fr. Melwyn 
D’Cunha and Fr. Teo Fernandes in appreciation of their services in 
Kuwait who will bid farewell soon. Speaking to this reporter, KMK 
President said “

We thank all those who have contributed and coordinated to have this 
show in a short time’s notice”, watching fabulous Franky in the title 
role “Mahanand Monis vo Soitan?” he said we are human, must not become 
devil in our daily life.  Jet Airways-sponsored KWI-GOI-KWI air ticket 
was won by Manuel Goes for a housie game whereas two lucky winners won 
Coolpex-sponsored products. Al-Yasra Food Co. served free snacks to the 
audience. KMK’s President Domingos Araujo and Event Co-ordinator Felix 
Fernandes (de Merces) together with their members & main sponsor: Kuwait 
Continental Hotel, co-sponsors: Jet Airways, Coolpex, Al-Yasra Food & 
Winners Restaurant, sponsors: Bombay Masala, Goa Textiles, Rock Music 
Center, Royal Plaza Catering Co., General Printers, Expressions-The 
Flower Shop & contributions added extra dimension. 
Sincere thanks was voiced to Da’iya Fencing Club Management, visiting 
and local artistes, supporters: Agnelo Rebello, Benny Rebello, Benny 
Vaz, Nicholas Rodrigues, Thomas Fernandes, Anand D’Souza, Rorry Miranda, 
Joaquim Rodrigues, Lawrence Cardozo, Laurie Miranda and Manuel F.X. 
Fernandes, the press and news media: Arab Times Publications, Kuwait 
Times Publications, The Times English Weekly, Al-Watan English Daily,,,,,,, Goa’s widely 
read Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter, The Goan Forum, Lino 
B.Dourado, William Fernandes, Gaspar Crasto, Agnelo Fernandes, Tony 
Coelho, Sunoj Nambiar, Dr.Jose Colaco, O’Heraldo, The Navhind Times, 
Gomantak Times, V-Ixtt & all Goan Internet Forums & Goan Magazines for 
the wide publicity given to all their events in Kuwait. On Saturday, a 
farewell dinner to the Tony Dias’ complete troupe at the Kuwait 
Continental Hotel where they stayed before their onward journey to 
London to present two shows in Wembley & Swindon. In Doha-Qatar, the 
finale show will conclude the troupe’s tour according to latest 
information. Congratulations to KMK for successfully organizing the 
event and giving a head start marking the commencement of the cultural 
activities for 2010 for the Konkani loving people. “KMK continuously 
endeavour to strive to entertain and participate along with other Indian 
organizations. A number of events are presently in the final conceptual 
stages and more details will be announced through the press and internet 
media”, a spokesman for KMK mentions. “Sao Francis Xavier” a maiden 
Konkani audio CD album by Luis Vincente de Ribandar & Micky Fernandes 
was released at the hands of Fr. Teo Fernandes and KMK President 
Domingos Arauj

[Goanet] Staying on the messenger is more 'releasing' than staying on the message

2010-01-20 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Tony D'Sa: So parents, husbands, wives, relations who invest money or
goods or services for their children/ spouses/ relations have half
brains by the reckoning of the 'economist' from Jamshedpur's Tata

JoeGoaUK: Earlier, it was said, it was going to be ready just in time
for the Church feast i.e. before 8th December 2009.

Samir Kelekar: One of the seniors at Herald, who routinely publishes
my articles specifically told me that "I liked your yesterday's
article particularly". Why such different feedback from others
compared to Josebab?


Dear Samirbab,

The comment of the 'senior' at the Herald having been duly noted, I am
convinced that one day soon, you will commence writing in English,
instead of this Ingraji you routinely put out?

I am also convinced that, in the not too distant future, when Samir
Kelekar writes in to say that he is presenting "an Outline of a Road
map", there will at least be an outline and a road map, NOT the
'promise' of a 'Map Lying out on the Road'.

In your zeal to attack the messenger instead of the message, it
appears that you have conveniently, or perhaps intentionally, ducked
the issue of your own participation in corruption. Did you or did you
not bribe a 'lineman' when you were trying to get get a telephone
connection - and then gripe about it in cyberspace?

JoeGoaUK writes about the Panjim Garden which is now ?aiming for a Dec
2010 completion. Perhaps, the CCP or another entity will approach the
'senior' at the Herald or the good Samirbab for a roadmap. Never mind
what JC or any other NRG has done or not done for Goa, Samirbab has
definitely a lot for Goa. He will certainly list what he has done.

Tonybab's statement is interesting. Wonder how the following will
sound to the great (but yet to be discovered) benefactor i.e. Samir
Kelekar (These NRGs are totally useless. What have they done for Goa?)

Tonybab's statement (modified): So, sons who invest(gift) money or
goods for(to) their parents (or in Old Age Homes for unrelated
individuals, or computer labs for primary schools for the poor) have
half brains by the reckoning of the 'economist' from IIT?

I do understand that eating channa and onion bhajia causes 'gas' in
some individuals, and that Gas must to be released, somewhere. But,
Why here?

In any event, good luck with the SOP and the Damocles matter.

from the bootlicker's front
ps: I would be very disappointed if Samir did not abuse me - instead
of just abusing my views. He did that to Rajan Parrikar, who BTW is no
amigo of the 'senior' at the Herald.

So, Samir - Please do your thing. Abuse. If possible, in English.
Nothing less is expected from your keyboard.

[Goanet] Bicholim locals vow to stop mining trucks indefinitely

2010-01-20 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM JAN 19: The Bicholim MLA, Rajesh Patenkar and the people from
Bicholim today vowed to indefinitely stop mining trucks plying from the

It may be recalled that the Bicholim MLA and the BMC councillors earlier
through a press conference had called a meeting today at the BMC hall of all
the people who were against mining trucks plying in the city.

Since last four years, there has been constant agitations in the taluka in
protest against the mining transportation. Besides trucks from Sirsaim,
trucks proceeding from Maharastra, which enter the State, use the roads in
The agitations have been sparked off mostly due to accidents, pollution,
overloading of mining trucks and police authorities’ incompetence in keeping
a check over mining. The agitations only led the traffic to stop for some
time, which would resume after about two to three days.

In view of this the Bicholim MLA had told that the problem should be solved
once for all and a meeting to this effect was called today. About 100 people
attended the meeting and expressed their displeasure over the mining traffic
in the city.

Some also suggested alternative suggestions while others asked to carry out
a massive agitation involving all the people from Bicholim. The Bicholim MLA
later told that the meeting was called to chalk out a final action plan and
an action committee was formed to stop the mining plying from Bicholim.

Speaking to media persons later Patnekar told that on Thursday they would
submit a memorandum to the Deputy collector to this effect and would give an
ultimatum of five days and from Tuesday all the mining trucks plying from
Bicholim city would be stopped.

"We have formed an action committee and have decided to stop all the mining
trucks plying from Bicholim as it is posing danger to the life of the
general public" Patnekar told.

The BMC councillors, panch members of various panchayats and prominent
persons from the city were present for the meeting.

[Goanet] NRGS and RGS

2010-01-20 Thread anesimo56

Dear all

I have been following this arguments as i call them with interest and 

Arguents are basically ego trips and no one is a winner.

Different people have  different ways of solving a problem and nobody 
can claim that their solution is the best. In the time of crisis, 
different people will come with different solutions and some may have 
radical one. That does not mean they have less interest than others. It 
is just different way of doing things.

The situation in Goa is critical and people like Rajan think it needs 
drastic solution as he is very blunt and emotional about things. On the 
other hand, people like Arwin are doing things in a different way which 
others find more compatable with their thinking.

But the fact is, time is running out and Goa needs urgent radical 
surgery. Who and how it is done is immaterial. It has to be done 
somehow.Since it is not easy and complex, we need input from as many 
surgeons as possible.So, instead,  all the brilliant surgeons who have 
burning desire to save Goa, should put their heads together, accept 
disagreements,dissent,criticism,  and agree on a plan of action.HULITY 
Is the mum WORD.

Rajan, Samir, Floriano and all others who are having emotional debates 
about Goa are doing so because they LOVe Goa FIRST. It does not matter 
who is a NRG,RG, GRG. Infact, every person who have been living in Goa 
for sometime and have made Goa as their home {Ghatis who are squating 
on free land and Politicians vote banks and the Destroyers of Goa who 
include our own Goans, are exclude) should join in to save Goa.






Re: [Goanet] Why blame politicians in Goa?

2010-01-20 Thread lyrawmn
I agree with you.
It is the matter of lack of integrity, transparency and independence of the 
If the newspaper's editor can not even attribute credit  to JoeGoaUK for use of 
his  photography - a simple matter of journalistic ethics -  will they have the 
spine to report the pervasive abuses by politicians and business in the state 
wide sale of Goa to the highest bidder?  
With their compromised interests, I think not.
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 1/19/10, soter  wrote:

I definitely endorse the view of JC that the media also has a significant role 
in abetting the crimes on Goa. The media dictates the agenda according to whose 
interests have to be served. But the media is owned by the very Goan 
industrialists who keep these political puppets floating. Goans prefer to buy 
and believe gossip every weekend which is produced by a keralite settler 
controlled by the pwoers that be. 
In Goa we do not need BJP to muzzle the press, the publishers themselves will 
do it. But again, like the rest of Goan society the press persons take all this 
lying down because they will say it is their bread and butter. If everyone is 
concerned about bread and butter who will be left to save Goa?
You also asked whether these problems existed before. They could not exist 
because our ancestors were not greedy. They were producers not consumers.  They 
had natural wisdom. I would say that the problems of today are a manifestation 
of what went horribly wrong politically, economically and socially from 1961 to 
1990. Like drug addiction, materialism is a progressive disease. 


[Goanet] Fwd: PES Programmes to save forests

2010-01-20 Thread Anita Mathew
Please publish widely as we in Goa are distressed to see the drastic
reduction of forest cover these last five years-due to unregulated growth of
buildings and poor infrastructure to take in all the real estate boom and
muck. Thanks. Anita mathew.
Alto Torda, salvador-de Mundo,Bardez taluka.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Pamela Gale-Malhotra 
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 6:15 PM
Subject: PES Programmes to save forests

Dear all,This is an example of what can be done around the world to save our
forests, including here in India. The concept is easy, and the results are
often dramatic both in forest protection AND in raising the standard of
living for rural people.

Please pass this info on to others, especially those who may be in positions
of power to implement such programmes.
Thanks enough for caring to act!
What May Halt Deforestation In Central Africa’s Rainforests

Payments for environmental services (PES) may be a key component for
stopping deforestation of Central Africa’s tropical
according to a report released Thursday. Titled State of the Forest 2008,
the report was released at an event hosted by the U.S. State Department and
the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The report looked at
forests in the six member countries of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership:
Gabon, Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial
Guinea, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic.
PES schemes as taking into account the environmental functions of
ecosystems and assigning a price to be paid to those who benefit from
functions. The rationale behind PES schemes is to “make a direct,
contractual, and conditional payment to the owners or users of the sites if
they adopt practices to secure the conservation/restoration of the ecosystem
and thereby generate environmental services.”

There are three types of PES schemes, according to the report:

   - Schemes based on area—contract is for a particular space in which all
   or certain uses are prohibited
   - Schemes based on products—where consumers pay a “green” premium in
   addition to the market price for a property that has been produced in
   compliance with environmental standards
   - Schemes based on use restrictions* *which compensate users for limiting
   their use of resources, without restriction to a particular area, such as
   preventing great ape hunting or sea turtle fishing.

The Congo Basin is a poverty-stricken area. Two of the countries (the
Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic) are
classified by the World Bank as being among the lowest income countries in
the world with gross national income (GNI) per inhabitant of $935. The
majority of people living in the Congo
on “small-scale slash-and-burn shifting agriculture for
subsistence,” and harvest forest products for food and energy, according to
the report.

Forests in general serve an important function in fighting climate change:
sequestering carbon dioxide. Globally, forest destruction creates more
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions a year than all the “trains, planes, and cars
on the planet,” according to the Rainforest Foundation
Deforestation accounts for 20 percent of all global GHG emissions.
Rainforests  in particular produce
20 to 30 percent of the world’s oxygen, and contain 80 percent of the
world’s terrestrial biodiversity.

Pamela Malhotra--Trustee,
SAI (Save Animals Initiative) Sanctuary Trust, Theralu Village & Post,
South Kodagu District 571249 KA India
Tel: +91-(0)8274-238022/238036
Wireless in Sanctuary: 93419-75527
Mobile: 98803-59367

Re: [Goanet] Scrapping the Mining Bandwagon - Carmen Miranda - Herald Opinionated 20 Jan, 2010 - Comments

2010-01-20 Thread floriano
That is a great and informative article, Carmen.
Am looking forward to tomorrow's 2nd. part.
Goans can learn a lot from the write-up
I fully agree with you when you say that we are 'stupid'  not to see beyond our 
"We need to invest in the FUTURE, the future that is not just a hole in the 
ground" is a great line.
And you will agree with me when I say "Let our mineral resources lie there 
untouched whether the Central or State Governments like it or not, if the 
extraction of the same are not beneficial to the people of Goa"

PS1: I am overwhelmed with the offer of sponsors for the 'stickers' from the 

PS2: Fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Join the  PPS Brigade. Adorn 
your 2/4-wheeler with the PPS sticker. Show solidarity with the movement with 
that  ' We Shall Overcome '

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour
[Note: Sticker now available at CHAMPS,   MAPUSA - PANJIM -  MARGAO]


2010-01-20 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 19:57:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

Abortion is only the proxy for the real issue which is believers 
v/s non-believers.

Mario responds:

This makes no sense whatsoever, at least as far as I am concerned for whom 
abortion has nothing to do with believers and non-believers.

Mervyn wrote:

The group of people who have a religious book or guidance to depend on will 
always be firm believers on what they are told. If the book says no to 
abortion, then it is so. Any other opinion becomes that of
'the anti-God.'

The group of people who simply refuse to believe every word in the religious 
books have the opportunity of finding out from science when life begins and 
when it ends. 

Mario responds:

Perhaps Mervyn wrote his comments before he saw my post in response to Venita 
Coelho's column in the Herald, where I provided my perspective on abortion 
without referring to any religious book or any religious teaching:

I made no references to God or anti-God, and only used science and common sense 
as my guide.

Mervyn wrote:

It is not unusual to read in the Canadian papers of a person being revived 
after spending 15 minutes at the bottom of a lake. Science is pulling 
people back from what used to be know as the 'dead.'

Mario observes:

Though modern medical technology can do a lot of wonderful things, it still 
cannot bring back people who are "dead", i.e. brain dead.  The people referred 
to above were not "dead".

Mervyn wrote:

While it seems that the drive of every scientist is to expand scientific 
knowledge, the drive of every religious person seems to be to repeat what he is 
told to believe.

Mario responds:

Poppycock.  I am a practicing Catholic and no one has told me to simply repeat 
what someone has told me.  Many scientists also practice a religion and are 
able to tell the difference between science and faith.

Mervyn wrote:

There are thousands of websites devoted to the debate on believers v/s 
non-believers. I ask all here that are interested in debating beliefs, to take 
their arguments to those sites. 

Mario responds:

Thanks, but Goanet is fine for any discussion that Goans are interested in.

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another

2010-01-20 Thread Tony de Sa
Please chedk this out:

Message: 10
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:42:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Mario Goveia 
Subject: [Goanet]  Dinesh D'Souza
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 18:01:48 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

I picked up this article from The Goan Voice, UK.

It mentions stuff about the most embarrassing (to me) Goan in the USA.

Warning: This is not for the feint of heart. This is also a primer on how
far a person can go in the good ol' USA when he is extreme right-wing.

Please read the article in the link given by Mervyn:
We can infer:
1. That corruption exists in high places in America and in such magnitudes
that would put some of the third world parties to shame.
2. Racism exists in America contrary to what the running dog lackeys of the
white imperialists (some of them on this forum)  would have us believe.

 Tony de Sa
   M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


Re: [Goanet] Blessed Jose Vaz and Padr Agnelo

2010-01-20 Thread Valmiki Faleiro


I withdraw my petulant "dedd xanno" remark in the response
to Alfred Tavares. If that upset you, I sincerely apologise.

Regards, v

- Original Message - 
From: "Xanno Moidecar" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:58 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Blessed Jose Vaz and Padr Agnelo

My apologies to Alfred de Tavares,  Socrates Valmiki Faleiro and all Goemcar 
Catholics offended by my silly and flippant rant.

And Socrates the prefix should be the more appropriate Homer – esque  D’OH!

A bout of juvenile petulance is the only excuse I can offer.

I join the rest of Goemcar-dom in praying that our Church be blessed with the two prime candidates going through the process, 
reaching the goal soon.  And yes even if it is unfair to fair Kerala, I’m hoping both will be bestowed the ultimate honour before 
long and before any other.

Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] Goa news for January 21, 2010

2010-01-20 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Reduce Sesa Goa target of Rs 344 Angel Sec -
Mhzdd5MH15tNPvJwtYw">Sesa Goa to Mine 8 Million Tons of Ore in

*** Goa issues take Rahul by storm - Herald Publications
complaining, start working: Rahul

*** Goa on January 29 - Oneindia
_UcopRVwXzA">Premji as hero

*** Performance audits in Goa's minority-dominated areas -
ppointed state ...

*** Chirag, Dempo draw 1-1 in I-League - Sify
 with Goa's Dempo SC in an I-League encounter here Wednesday.
Peter Carvalho put the visitors ...

*** Goa carnival to begin without Brazilian Samba float -
says no to bikini, yes to bottle

*** Karnataka opposes Bt brinjal -
ngalorean.comKarnataka government t is ready to hold talks with
the Goa government for amicable settlement for implementing a
scheme for diversion of 7.56 tmcft of water ...

*** 'Goa' and 'TVP' out from Pongal race - Calcutta Tube (blog)
lcutta Tube (blog)Soundarya Rajinikanth's 'Goa' and 'Theeradha
Vilaiyattu Pillai' are not releasing on Pongal. It's final now,
as film distributors have decided not to ...

*** North Goa guest houses slash room rents by 40-50% - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: It's the peak tourist season, but North Goa
beaches are missing the regular hustle and bustle this time
round. There is a perceptible lull in ...

*** Funds keep flowing, citizen's role in planning goes for a
toss - Times of India
mes of IndiaClefacio Dias, chairperson of the South Goa Zilla
Panchayat, who is also the chairperson of the South Goa DPC,
said he had received draft developments plans ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Another magnificent Chapel spotted at Neura-o-Pequen hillock

2010-01-20 Thread JoeGoaUk
Another magnificent Chapel spotted at Neura-o-Pequeno hillock
Possibly 17th Century Chapel (?)
It’s St. Sebastian Chapel up on the hill.
It looks like there was a big city or port town?  in 17th/18th Century..
It also, appears that this chapel served there as a small  Church with it’s 
own cemetery situated in front of it (according to the locals).
May be the city was abandoned  for some reasons.
The place was like a jungle and the chapel almost hidden in it.
Now,  slowly- slowly, the area is once again developing, few houses/bungalows
already come up and the entire area is now fully developed into 
residential  plots and sold.
There is also news making round that recently, when one contractor 
digging up for construction, he found an ancient ‘anddo or handdo’ 
 (a box/container with precious metal like silver gold etc) which lied
 buried underground. The lucky migrant contractor left Goa overnight 
and never came back.
The area Neura Pequen is mostly inhabited by Hindus and there is a 
temple there too.
Inside the chapel, on the main altar,  the is a life size image of 
Jesus Christ  (see pic)  which is usually seen on Good Friday in 
all churches.
We were told, every first Friday, there is a Mass at this Chapel (pl Confirm).
At Pilar junction take right towards old Goa.
After about 2 kms, you enter the Neura-o-Pequeno, then 
Neura-o-Grande, followed by Dogrim, Mandur, Carabolim, Old-Goa.
>From the main Neura-O-Pequeno Road, the chapel is towards 
your left.  Several  roads/access through the developed areas. 
The chapel is up on the hill about 400-500 meters from the main road.
I like to know more about this chapel please 
with brief history of the area ranging possibly from Kadamba period (?).
the pics

The Chapel (facing)
facing with side
Side from the road

inside/ Main Altar
with part ceilings

Top Ceilings
the chapel on wikimapia

Note: we spotted the chapel last year and we visited today being St. Sebastiao 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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Re: [Goanet] Citizenship issue...

2010-01-20 Thread Tony de Sa
M. Gouveia: No one with more than half a brain works hard and invests money
primarily for someone else's benefit.? When people help themselves
economically, they automatically help others around them when the money is
spent on purchases and starts circulating in the economy.
This is typically the sarsaparilla that Gouveia specializes in. So parents,
husbands, wives, relations who invest money or goods or services for their
children/ spouses/ relations have half brains by the reckoning of the
'economist' from Jamshedpur's Tata Industries? Philanthropists who invest
millions by this reasoning must be having atomic brains.

Imagine a father saying, "Bostiao, yi panch lakhchi policy tujea navan
kortao. Yem korun, amchea deshache borem ponn vaddtelem.

Bull sh1t

Kitem re mario? Bezo fry zala, kitem?

= \\-00 Tony de Sa
  C   u
   \ ~/   M   : +91 9975 162 897
 --|><|   Ph. : +91 832 2470 148
 = /  |

[Goanet] Indian students targettied in OZ: Victoria police chief

2010-01-20 Thread Samir Kelekar

This further bursts the NRG bubble. NRGs stand exposed now.



[Goanet] Attacks on Indians are racisit : Australia's ex-Army chief

2010-01-20 Thread Samir Kelekar

Wonder what argument our resident NRGs have this time. Ex-Army chief has lost 
"civic consciousness" ? :-)



[Goanet] Panjim's Garcia-Da-Orta - Progress status

2010-01-20 Thread JoeGoaUk
Panjim Garden - Status as on 19/1/2010
Municipal Garden, near Church
Earlier, it was said, it was going to be ready just in time for the 
Church feast i.e. before 8th December 2009.

the whole area is enclosed

for earlier pics Nov. 10, 2009 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] GBA member seeks Rahul's intervention to save Goa - Comments

2010-01-20 Thread floriano

GBA member seeks Rahul's intervention to save Goa
Herald Reporter
Panjim, Jan 19

The youngest member of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Aaron Pereira today sought 
the intervention of MP Rahul Gandhi to save Goa from destruction which is 
going on through reckless mining, land acquisitions with hidden agendas, 
playing with land - the scarce- resources of Goa.

"I have faith in you vision, I beg you not to abandon Goa to thoughtless 
policies, surely encouraging discontent and naxalism. The  people will be 
with you if you help stop illegal mining and disempowerment through 
Government Gazetted land-grab in the name of pubic interest"  Aaron said in 
his letter he handed over to Gandhi during the latter's interaction with the 
students in the Goa University campus, Taleigao.

He said as a young Goan he is desperately helpless and frustrated to see the 
accelerated lawlessness and plunder Goa's  land is going through, with 
rampant mining and mindless land acquisitions with little public interest at 

"I have seen successive Governments arbitrarily acquiring land and promising 
employment, with little or no thought behind them, housing projects 
disguised as SEZs, five star resorts disguised as Food Parks And what of 
the IT park? How do we trust this when the first heavily advertised building 
was a super mall in the shape of a ship?" Aaron asked.

Elaborating further, he said that just as our beaches prove to be our 
lifeline in terms of fishing and tourism, there's another secret to our well 
being - the richly forested Western Ghats.

Passing through the spine of Goa, he pointed out that they are part of the 
top twelve bio-diverse hotspots in the world, and are responsible for fresh 
water springs, crucial to the well being of people. New species and 
medicinal plants are being discovered regularly in these regions. "if  Goan 
people are known for being peaceful, it's because they have lived in harmony 
with everything that nature provides" the letter says.

However, this world's hotspot is being destroyed at an alarming rate, with 
its people and secrets locked in plants that we are yet to find uses for, 
Aaron said.

Giving an example, he said like Switzerland has kept its beauty leveraging 
chocolate, banking and natural beauty as its industry, why can't Goa make an 
industry in export of medicinal plants unique to the Ghats, of Feni, of 
managed forestation in denuded areas that serve the Indian plywood industry 
and increase green cover at one stroke.

Why can't Goa be the jewel in India's crown, a successful experiment in a 
small place, brought about by the will of a forward thinking Government? he 

If you help swing policy for equitable distribution, making Goa a rich and 
sustainable state you will be forever etched in our memory as the politician 
who did the right thing.


Dear young man, Aaron,

Your sentiments for Goa are well meaning but a trifle misplaced in the hands 
of Rahul Gandhi. Yes, we know that you have written to him understanding 
fully well that he will, one day, sit on the Prime Minister's Chair of 
India, like his father. I think, by that time comes, your sweet little Goa 
will be another Dharavi of Mumbai. No, I am not being pessimistic., but this 
is a fact. Look at us, a forward looking mini State which cannot take care 
of its wastes and garbage.

You talk of beautiful Switzerland of Chocolate, watches,  international 
banking system and natural beauty. Most of your corrupt ministers have 
hoarded their loot of your tax money in those Swiss banks and rightly so. 
What the Swiss have kicked out, your MPs and Ministers and your Delhi 
Governments have rehabilitated in Goa's Santa Monica Estate belonging to 
your Church, to poison Goa and to kill its people  with pesticides.

What you have written to Rahul is accepted with utmost respect because these 
are sentiments coming out from a young bleeding Goan heart. But instead of 
telling him our Goa's woes, you could have told him to kick these corrupt 
political players in their backsides while giving the TICKETs to contest 
Goan elections, sacrificing the big fat suitcases with currency notes packed 
into them as the price of those tickets. Naturally, those tickets would go 
to youngsters like you so that Goa's Land, Wild-life, Forests, rivers, 
mountains et al would be saved. But is this going to happen with the Mafia 
culture of the 'Kangress' Party of India? The Good INC took a turn for the 
worst when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru condoned the sins of corruption of his 
Minister, V.K. Menon in the Jeeps Scandal of yore. But Krishna Menon was 
Nehru's blue eyed boy. He was even given Goa to march into,  to bolster his 
alter ego. Today, India has hundreds of Krishna Menons if not in thousands 
who are sucking India dryer than the dry baby's nappy. And if neo baby faced 
Rahul Gandhis go against these mafiosi, they will vanish in thin air just 
like Rajiv Gandhi did. No. Rahul Gandhi will nev

[Goanet] Chess for Everyone on Friday 22, 2010

2010-01-20 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Press Note
Chess for Everyone
Every Friday at
International Centre Goa, Dona Paula
January 20, 2010
Schedule for On Friday January 22, 2010
4.00to 5.00 pmPeople from all ages will play chess and participate in some 
simple chess
tricks under the guidance of Shrikant Barve and Shravan Barve
5.00to 6.00 pmShravan Barve will explain few comprehensive chess endings  
6.00to 7.00 pmA chess DVD on Comprehensive ending by Grandmaster will be 
Chess for Everyone is organized
by Chess Activity Centre and International Centre Goa on every Friday where in
people from all ages can participate. 
Chess helps elders to release
mental stress for children it is a learning tool.
For Chess Activity Centre
Shravan Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] From one NRG to another an open letter

2010-01-20 Thread Samir Kelekar
Tony writes:
>I have been asking Mario to put his money where his mouth is and do
>something similar. But the man does not get the message. 

Hi Tony
Mario has openly declared on Goanet ( you should be able to
find that post if you search the archives) that he doesnt intend to do
anything for Goa. Getting into a dialogue with such a person is
a waste of time. So, it is best he is ignored.



[Goanet] Moira - The truth

2010-01-20 Thread Xanno Moidecar
MD appears to be a man or woman after our own hearts.  Us Moidecars that is.  I 
will be proposing at the next sabha of the Communidade de Moira that a rare 
honour be accorded unto him.

I will suggest that MD be made an honorary Moidecar.  Subject of course to his 
accepting the accolade.  I have to warn him however, that as always, great 
privilege has great responsibility.

On his acceptance, within their ranks as one of them, by the most famous of the 
villagers of Goem, his life and that of his family and progeny will change 
forever.  No more mere normalcy.  Everywhere he goes he will be hailed and his 
connection to Moira sung out loud and clear.

In short he will become familiar with what the likes of Brad Pitt and others 
touched with fame have had to put up with.  

The upside naturally far outweighs the cons.

So welcome, brother MD, into the ranks of the Moidecars; for whom fame is as 
familiar and recognition perennial.  

As for the ‘kamlins’, my friend, let us keep this quite for the moment.  Once 
you are one of us, all will be revealed.

Xanno Moidecar  

Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] Antioxidant-rich fruit and veg may cut lymph cancer risk

2010-01-20 Thread Con Menezes
Antioxidant -rich fruit & veg. may cut lymph cancer risk.
New study.

More here.


[Goanet] Super Chess Housie III on Republic Day at Hotel Miramar

2010-01-20 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Super Chess Housie III
Hotel Miramar and Chess Activity Centre is organizing Chess
tournament for Primary School students in two groups. 
Group I : KG, 1st and 2nd Standard. 
Group II : 3rd and 4th Standard
Venue : Hotel Miramar, Near Goa Science Centre, Miramar, Goa
Date : January 26, 2010 
Time: 3.30 to 7.00pm
*Maximum 24 entries will be accepted in each group. (total
*Number of Rounds 5 
(First two rounds will be of Pawn Game last three rounds
full chess game)
 All participant will
get chance to play all five rounds.
Entry forms are available and accepted at Hotel Miramar,
Near Goa Science Centre, Miramar Beach End, Nomoxin, Caranzalem, Goa 
Phone : 2461765 Mobile (Fausto) 9822290738
For more details contact S. Barve at 2451143, 9403175973,
9326132702, 9403176657
 Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] STT: Devache Munxamche ami umao ghetat gai?

2010-01-20 Thread JoeGoaUk
STT: Devache Munxamche ami umao ghetat gai?

I remember those days while kissing the priests’ hands.
 we said ‘Deu boro dis dium tuka pativ’
Ami ou amchim bhurguim azunui oxem kortat gai?
Kiteak na?
Antam vas eta kitem?
Ou tanchim fottim ou mellim kortumbam 
tumchea dolleam samkara etat?

Why this is not happening now?
Is it because..
Tempa pormonnem mathiar kurponnem?
Yes ?
You mean to say they were like God before? 
If yes, who are they like now? 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] Big builders mould pliant Panchayats

2010-01-20 Thread Tony de Sa

That the TCP has fallen foul of the law is evident, not just in this
project but in so many others. Its record in cases filed in the High
Court stands testimony. But however much the Rahejas may have got the
Panchayat and the TCP wrapped around their little finger, they still
have to reckon with the people.

And activists from Carmona have now resolved to knock the doors of the
judiciary to challenge the decision of the village Panchayat approving
Raheja's plan for sub-division of plots. More power to them; may the
people of the village continue to stand strongly by their side.
[end of excerpt]

Mario responds:

Memo to Tony D'Sa & Samir Kelekar

Here is an illustration of a REAL problem going on right under your RG noses
that can be addressed before it is too late.
So finally the big DADA of the NRGs has fnally proved my point. Only we RGs
can solve Goa's problems.

And Mario, I prefer to spell my name de Sa and not D'Sa

= \\-00 Tony de Sa
  C   u
   \ ~/   M   : +91 9975 162 897
 --|><|   Ph. : +91 832 2470 148
 = /  |