[Goanet] Definition of Heaven

2010-03-04 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -



[Goanet] OFFBEAT QUERY: Teg Zann Bondukkar.

2010-03-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
What would this translate to in English:

 Teg Zann Bondukkar.

Clue: think of something outlandish.
Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging
P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436  A:784 Saligao 403511 Goa India

Please add a 'signature' below your email. Makes it easy when someone
wants to contact you!

[Goanet] To Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests - Moratorium on Mining in Goa

2010-03-04 Thread roger dsouza
Attn: Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Mr. Jairam Ramesh

March 4, 2010

Dear Honourable Minister,

Re: Moratorium on Mining in Goa

As a Goan and a concerned citizen of India, I would likely to
gratefully acknowledge and thank you for your stellar decision and
mandate in imposing a moratorium on mining in Goa at the recent
meeting in Kotagiri. This is truly a landmark decision on your part
and a step in the right direction for the work that still needs to be
done before it’s too late.

While this is the culmination of a lot of work, sacrifices and
activitism on the part of a huge number of Goans, we would like to
thank you for taking the right step forward in the capacity of Union
Minister for Environment and Forests.   There is an urgency to protect
the fragile eco-environment in Goa as the destruction continues which
will have long lasting and irreversible damaging impacts on our
Environment, climate and consequently the quality of life.

We need to prioritise on the conservation of Goa’s unique Environment
and Ecology and subsequently the multitude of plant, agricultural,
forest and marine species that abound in our Goan forests and villages
that are under attack due to the accelerated Mining or risk decimating
the Goan Ecology which would accelerate climate change and destroy our
The Bio-diverse ecosystems in the hinterland of Goa as well as the
coastal belt and the mountainous regions, along with its waterways
serve as an important part of the Goan Environment and the custodians
of biodiverse resources are the tribal and rural communities, farmers
and fisherfolk and indigenous population. Refocussing research and
development priorities and promoting biodiversity through public
education to build an ethic of conservation rather than destroying our
Natural Environment is the pressing need of the hour.

As our Honourable Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests,
you have pledged to take forward these wonderful ideas and do your
best to integrate climate change and mitigation strategies with
biodiversity conservation in both national policy and in international
discussion in Mexico later this year. 2010 is the International Year
of Biodiversity and we trust that your commitment will bear well for
Goa, India and our World.

Hence your recent leadership role as the Union Minister for
Environment at the recent meeting in Kotagiri, wherein you took the
decision to issue a moratorium on the mining industry in Goa following
the presentations by Carmen Miranda, Claude Alvares and others is
highly appreciated by all Goans and like-minded people in India and
all over the world.

Your bold and courageous decision has been well received by Goans and
Indians and we thank you for taking your leadership role in the right
direction. The common man in Goa has long suffered by the vested
interests of certain groups as a result of the Mining industry and the
Real Estate Lobby all out to make a quick buck given the huge demand
from certain quarters and other countries for our natural beauty,
resources and wealth. Without considering the long term and negative
and adverse impacts we have seen how these industries have sought to
exploit Goa’s natural resources, her mineral wealth  while denuding
and destroying our forests, polluting our rivers, destroying our
Khazan lands and Goan villages and razing our hills.

The work is not over Honourable Minister – we need to have stringent
checks and balances to ensure that the Mining Industry in Goa operates
within the environmental and ecological guidelines, does not damage
our fragile eco-systems in their greed and eagerness to exploit our
Mineral Wealth. Intimidation, harassment and criminal activities
perpetrated against the Goan villagers and Tribal communities in the
mining belt continue and the sufferings of the Goan people in this
context are immense.

Finally the people of Goa need to be made inclusive in the democratic
and participatory planning for sustainable, equitable, economically
and ecologically sound development that retains the basic physical
[hydro-geological], environmental, social, ethical, political and
cultural characteristics of Goa that has drawn humanity to it across
the generations for its greenery, tranquillity and way of life beyond
mere existence and monetary net worth.

Your decision will have a tremendous and powerful impact for Goa and
we laud your for it but there is still a great deal of work to be done
moving forward. All Goans are aware of your actions on our behalf, and
are grateful to you and fully support you in this regard and thank you
for this.


Roger D’Souza

[Goanet] Goan Abroad! #6

2010-03-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues


weekly humor

[If you joined us late -
Langoti Long John Silva is a globe-trotting Goencar,
always accompanied by his foul-mouthed parrot Cocky]


A-wake Moron!!

The white missile roared at me like a dazzling bolt-from-the-blue!

Fou derecha! screamed Cocky in French, as she got a direct hit!

From behind the looming Cohan statue in Times Square another
snowball flashed at us from a hooded figure, followed by a shout.

Haha! Gotcha with that potshot! sang sag-bellied Farid Noorani.

Potshot? I'll blast your short-pot! cried Cocky, dusting herself.

Our Goan stringer with the NY Times, Farid fancied himself as an
omniscient censor too. Ice glistened off his beard and shiny top.

Still stifling imaginary critics? I growled,Where ya off to??

Moron! he shook a gloved fist and wet paper at me, Moron!

There's no need for insult! I snapped, but Cocky cackled.

Farid's going for a moronn! (a funeral in our Goan tongue).

The popat always knows.

Don't you read the Times? said Noorani. Lampiao's dead!

I staggered.

Pandurang Pandu Lampiao Lemos was one of those 'modern'
Catholic Goans who hankered for their Hindu ancestry. Kindly
christened Pancho (heaven knows where that came from) he
lost no time changing it to Pandurang, on attaining majority.
He was one of NY's Goan icons - a homegrown success story.

In Jamaica, Queens, he opened NY's first Parlour Ice-creme de Goa
(P.I.G), selling assorted Indian lollies, ice-krut, golas, kulfis.
Stuffed with additives and coloured candy, they caught on like
wildfire. Soon the PIG ice-cream chain flooded North America.

The wake was at Vanella's (where else!!) on 29 Madison St., the
service coincidentally at 29 Mott St.'s Transfiguration Church. A
slap-up lunch was to follow at Forlini's, not far off on Baxter St.

We got to Vanella's Funeral Chapel Inc. for the later 5-7 pm wake -
there's two generally - in time to spot our stringer copiously taking
pretend notes, whilst liberally pocketing wads of shrimp-crackers.

An Armani-clad funeral director sniffed, Regret, no birds please!,
but Cocky dive-bombed him, and flew over to hide near the coffin.

Pancho looked beatific, as if he'd overdosed on vanilla-sundaes.

Farid ambled to the fulsome daughter Mrs. Anofelli Lemos-Quito.

Tell, tell, tell! he insisted Why not use a Goan funeral parlour?

What kind of oily question is that? stormed Ano ('tel' is also oil!).
Are you trying to censor me too, now that Dad's gone, Noorani?

Real sensor - Farid even senses non-existent stuff! spat Cocky.

Nah go, bai! spluttered Farid, Tell, tell, tell - why not use Iris's?

Iris Rodricks owned a NY Goan funeral home - Utt Goenkara Last
Yarns (UGLY), literally translating wake into the Konkani utt.

Tell'ing me to go, bye??? screamed Ms. Lemos-Quito.

Nah go, bai! he tried again, With Iris, all Dad's potli..

Stop cried the irate daughter, Now you call Dadportly???

Ssshhh! shushed her mother, We're starting the prayers!

Lord, an old biddy intoned, From this earth your son is..

F...reed! called Cocky to Noorani, and sniggers broke out.

From, the aunty went on, His beloved wife Ela,  Pandu is

F...reed! a louder whisper from Cocky, and mourners cackled.

Noorani slid by the coffin, glaring at the hidden bird, Whaaat??

Pandu's leaking! croaked Cocky, Eeuuww! Get a censer, quick!

A thick brown trail began to drip onto the floor. As a vanilla odour
filled the hall, I realized Pandu did indeed take a cold potli along.

For a censor, you're pretty sense-less! gasped Cocky to Farid.

Quiet!! growled Farid, What's this stuff, what will you do??

I...scream!!! roared Cocky, and the hall dissolved in laughter.

The popat always knows.

The above column first appeared in the 3 March, 2010 edition of The
Herald Daily, Goa, followed by other print and online publications.

IM on the go with Messenger on your phone

[Goanet] 25 North Goa's best restaurants

2010-03-04 Thread Gabe Menezes

The hungry beach bum's guide to 25 of north Goa's best restaurants
 CNNGo travels the length of northern Goa to uncover the best places to fill
your tummy in 2010

 Users liked this

 Tell others what you think!
  [image: La Plage Goa]
Soft jazz, softer sand, finger-licking French food and the best chocolate
crepes outside France make La Plage in Ashwem one of the few beach shacks
you actually need to reserve in advance.

Whether you're a fan of shoreline shacks, riverside restaurants, treehouse
tables or candlelit cliff-top dining, north Goa has a really eclectic
variety of places to put your beach tote down and get your fingers greasy.

Whether it's rustic Italian pizzas, gourmet Greek, fine French, Asian
noodles, a BBQ steak, classic Goan prawn curry and all manner of fresh
seafood these are the 25 best restaurants in north Goa for 2010. Not
forgetting dessert, for our writer practically has a degree in chocolate
hunting in Goa, India's hippie-style, global-vibe beach destination.

[image: Fellinis Goa]
Eat: Pizzas at Fellini's in Arambol.
1. Pepperoni pizzas at Fellini's Italian Restaurant  Pizzeria, Arambol *

* *Amongst the meandering shop lined lanes of the Russian appropriated
Arambol, is a well hidden shack-style restaurant. Plastic chairs and fold-up
tables serve as the no-nonsense décor that comes with some very, very
serious pizza eating. Run by Moses Fernandes, pizza worshipers visit
Fellini’s to try an exhaustive selection of oven fresh massive thaali-sized
pizzas. Mozzarella melts in a delicious mess, the tomato sauce is just
perfectly tangy and sweet, and each herb infused slice of salami pizza bends
over with its generous helping of toppings. Your search for the best pizza
along the Goan coast will end here, where a young staff of local boys have
been trained in the art of pizza crafting. *Socoillo Vaddo, Main Arambol
Beach Road, Arambol Pernem Goa; tel. +91 9764893896, 9881461224;

*2. Liver pate or chocolate pancakes at La Plage, Ashwem*

* *Over the years our love affair with La Plage has not only survived, but
become stronger, despite an infiltration by chi chi crowds who make this an
essential daily stop over. La Plage could be without a doubt the most
stylish shack ambience and finest French food in Goa. Up three stone steps
just off the hip Ashwem beach, La Plage appears like a fairy in white on a
sand dune. Accented by billowing colourful muslin curtains cordoning off the
outside sand seating from the larger open deck area one step up. An
abundance of deck chairs, soft jazz or eclectic hip-hop and a finger-licking
French cuisine make this one of the few places you actually need to reserve
in advance. *Off Ashwem beach; tel. +91 9822121712;

[image: Pink Orange Goa]
Eat: Desserts at Pink Orange in Ashwem.
3. Brownies and apple pie with ice-cream at Pink Orange, Ashwem*

* *As shacks go, Pink Orange isn’t particularly spectacular. Chances are
you’ll probably miss the inconspicuous blackboard that acts as a sign.
Cheek-to-jowl with a sarong selling tent, and another with a menu of Goan
food written in Russian, Pink Orange’s popularity has mostly spread through
word of mouth. Dreadlocked owners Jai and his girlfriend Alex create a
familial atmosphere, where seating comprises cushions on bamboo chattais and
hammocks. Their toddler paddles around in her plastic blow-up tub with other
the guest toddlers, while the mother shoots orders to the kitchen and her
father handles other niceties. A completely vegetarian menu makes this the
perfect detox vacation spot, where you can gorge yourself silly on salads,
juices and spinach lasagne. Your only sin here will be Alex’s desserts,
which aside from her regular brownies and apple pie offerings also include a
daily experimental surprise. *Beach Village, Morjim-Ashvem Beach; tel.
+919822347462; pinkorange...@gmail.com; **www.myspace.com/pinkorangegoa*

*3. Chocolate fondant at Sur La Mer, Morjim*

* *This Italian style villa, with hints of Spanish and Moroccan influence
has rooms that open out onto a large swimming pool and courtyard is perfect
for those looking to get off the beaten hotel and shack route. Tastefully
done up, the retreat’s excellent cuisine comes courtesy of food aficionado
owner Aneel Verma, who spent years travelling the globe taking fancy cooking
courses. The military like attention to detail of the food is countered by a
flexible eat-where-you-want rule in the rest of the resort. Sur La Mer
serves what could be called a rich, brilliantly textured chocolate fondant
and filo pastry. Precede this with the escargot, clam chowder, beef
carpacio, lobster thermador or baked goat cheese salad with balsamic sauce,
ruccola and cherry tomatoes. All with fruits, herbs and vegetables that are
grown organically on this property. *Morjim-Ashwem road, Morjim; tel. +91

[Goanet] Moratorium on mining in Goa

2010-03-04 Thread Carmen Miranda
Dear Goans

Following on the Moratorium on new mining leases in Goa, I would like to
bring to your attention an important and crucial issue about this matter,
details of which you will find in the attached PETITION.

We need your help and coorperation to get signatures urgently and send them
directly to Mr Jairam Ramesh.

Many thanks
Carmen Miranda

[Goanet] more schlock from GBA

2010-03-04 Thread anesimo56

Dear Goyenkars

By now you must have had enough of GBA and all those Apolitical  NGOS 
who have been trying to save Goa.GBA blew the Golden opportunity in 
2006 when they would have walked away with majority of assembly seats 
without spending  hard earned public money which the politician rob 
when they come in power.

Everybody was hoping that a new era of hope will dawn in goa after the 
GBA 2006 meeting. The current politicians were on backfoot and were 
terrified of defeat.But what happened after that was History.But what 
was most surprising was that the so called elite/intellectuals/savers 
of Goa, got conned by the anti-Goan Politicians.Of course, now the 
skeletons are coming out of the cupboard and we know that those same 
people who have been portraying as saviours of Goa were in fact 
TRAITORS who were and are in hand in glove with the currupt politicians 
who want to finish off Goa for good.

What we need now is GBP- Goa Bachao Party  and not GBA. Forget this 
trash about being Apolitical by the NGOS. End of the day, it is all 
about politics.The elections are not far away. It is time, all like 
minded people in Goa- goyenkars and non Goyenkars who have made Goa 
their home come together and start a political movement that should 
contest the next elctions. Goa Suraj Party has a ready made Manifesto 
for Goa.You do not need crores of rupees to win elections.You need 
genuine people who have interest of AAM AADMI at heart.

We can start a new chapter. Nothing is ever too late. Goa could show 
the way for the rest of the country. We need a new political 
dispensation which is not controlled from DELHI as we are a free state 
and not a backyard colony of DELHI BABUS. If we can acheive this, which 
we can, if there is a will and love for Goa, rest of the issues like 
Ghatis will fall in place.

Viva Goa!


[Goanet] God and You

2010-03-04 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- The Holy Spirit works wonders in us. Jesus did not start his 
mission without receiving the Holy spirit. We all have to receive the Holy 
Spirit in us if we want to be vibrant. At the baptism of Jesus the Holy spirit 
came in the form of a dove. At pentacost the apostles received the holy spirit 
in the form of tongues of fire and then the apostles became fierce as a tiger 
or leopold. We need to receive the Holy spirit within us. Our body is the 
temple of the Holy Ghost and if that is so one must know to respect our body 
and the body of others. When we sin we drive away the Holy Ghost from our body 
and request the satan to take possession of our body. If you believe that your 
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit then you will not allow your body to 
receive hatred, pride, envy etc which will harm the temple of the Holy Ghost. 
One should avoid speaking evil of others. One should avoid having hate feelings 
and avoid being proud. Let your self be as simple as possible. Like Jesus who 
washed the feet of his disciples we too should bend low and touch the feet of 
our brothers and sisters.   
What does Budget 2010 mean for you? Catch all the latest news, updates and 
analysis on MSN Budget Special

[Goanet] In Reply To RP

2010-03-04 Thread anesimo56
Roboni Saha wrote: As an appeal to all those who feel for this cause we 
welcome solidarity!

My dear, Almost every Goan in Goa and worldwide have been supporting 
this cause.They have been hopeful and patient that someting good will 
come out of this movement.But, what do we see now. BACK TO SQUARE ONE!


You WILL have our solidarity, if you CAN TACKLE THE PROBLEM HEAD ON AND 




[Goanet] Uncouth Goans and Goan Jews (was Rupya Reputation )

2010-03-04 Thread Antonio Menezes
Jews like Parsis do not covert people to their religions. They do not even
accept  children
of Jewish and Parsi women married to outsiders.
I am familiar with Jewish surnames like Bar-Lev, Cohen, Levi, Goldberg,
Epstein, Steinberg,
Strauss etc. but is Menezes a Jewish one ?
Marlon, please  forgive me, were your ancestors by any chance members of the
Manasseh tribe ?

Re: [Goanet] Symbol for the Indian Rupee

2010-03-04 Thread Tony de Sa
I kinda liked this guy's effort:
Please check it out
   Tony de Sa
 M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] Recovering the Republic II

2010-03-04 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
Recovering the Republic – II

A Dalit epistemology

(A version of this essay was first published in the Gomantak Times, 4 March

It is only recently that I have managed to understand the term
‘epistemology’. Simply but not particularly helpfully put, epistemology is
the knowledge or science (logos) of knowledge (episteme). In my own
befuddled way therefore, allow me to suggest that epistemology is concerned
with interrogating the ways in which we construct our knowledge of the
world. What are the bases, the places from which we derive our knowledge?
Marginalized groups across the world will assert that the fonts of knowledge
are invariably the experiences of dominant groups, not the experiences of
the marginalized. Indeed, a popular phrase pertinent to our discussion is
that ‘History is always written by the victors’. In fact, it is because the
victors define knowledge based from their experiences that they invariably
continue to remain dominant and victorious. A part of the project of any
marginalized group therefore, is to ensure that fields of study, and
knowledge itself, incorporate subaltern experiences giving them validity as
the basis of scientific inquiry and knowledge systems.

This column is the second of a two-part response to the critiques of my
earlier column that called for a commemoration of the Declaration of the
Portuguese Republic. The column was built on the assertion of a Goan Bahujan
activist, who claimed that he first received freedom with the declaration of
the Portuguese republic in 1910. Citing historical fact, that the Portuguese
republic did not intend to reform feudal Goan society, or that the
Portuguese republic paved the way for harsh colonial regimes, a friend
suggested that perhaps this Bahujan activist was mistaken.

This suggestion is a precise and wonderful example of how the experiences
and assertions of the marginalized are held to be incapable of being the
basis for any serious intellectual thought. In the south-Asian continent, we
have our own peculiar way of ensuring marginalization through the caste
system. Interestingly and not unsurprisingly, in the course of the session
where our Bahujan activist made this link between his freedom experience and
the Portuguese Republic, a prominent Goan freedom-fighter, stood up, livid
with rage and shouted in that public assembly ‘*arrey makdan, thum amkam ved
shikoitai?*’ (You damn monkey, are you trying to teach us the Vedas?) It is
not coincidental that this activist was referred to as a monkey. An animal,
the monkey is commonly understood to be able to only imitate humans, but is
incapable of knowing why he does so. Even if it does, it is unable take the
intellectual impulse further. That it was a freedom-fighter, a nationalist
who shouted out this slur is also a pertinent fact. Bahujan and Dalit
assertions invariably stand against nationalist assertions, particularly in
the Indian context, where Indian national values are formulated on the basis
of upper-caste (whether Hindu or otherwise) experiences and interests.

Indian nationalist constructions of Goan socio-cultural and legal history
seek a pre-Portuguese past, and then a post-61 total liberation. The
colonial period is presented as one long dark nightmare, particularly harsh
for the Hindus of this realm. Our Bahujan activist in hailing the
declaration of the Portuguese republic was casting a spanner into this
carefully constructed history. Like other Dalit activists, for him,
colonialism is not an unmitigated evil. On the contrary, colonialism allowed
the Dalit to find liberation from upper-caste oppression through the
introduction of modern values, such as a legal regime based on equality. For
these internally oppressed, colonialism was not experienced as the
humiliation that the upper-caste felt colonialism to be. There is no need
for them to reject blindly the entire colonial experience, for they can see
it brought hope along with trial.

What this Bahujan activist was doing was to open our eyes to places where
our caste and nationalist influenced sight would not go. He was not
mistaken, he was not misinformed; his assertion was a conscious and
deliberate claim. It is a claim that those of us who claim sympathy for the
Bahujan-Dalit cause must take up. This claim stands between two strands of
popular Goan historiography. One that sees the colonial period as a dark
interlude, and the other that sees it as a lost period we must now lament.
Unconcerned with these two largely upper-caste positions, he takes from this
period what is necessary for the egalitarian project and moves on. For those
who charged me with nostalgia for the colonial era, know that this
activist’s position is where my sympathies lie. They lie neither with
nationalist Portugal, nor with nationalist India, neither for pre-61 nor
post-61. They lie in picking up from our history those threads that will
allow us to highlight the struggles towards greater equality. If this means

[Goanet] Patronguer?

2010-03-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
Was the Vasco da Gama locality of Patrong earlier known as Patronguer?
If so, did this refer to anyone? Just curious... FN

Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging
P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436  A:784 Saligao 403511 Goa India

Please add a 'signature' below your email. Makes it easy when someone
wants to contact you!

[Goanet] Varca: help wanted

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Ali
Dear friends,

My cousin, Annette, is trying to trace her mother's Mrs. Theresa Miranda nee 
Lyall's first cousin Mr. Inacin ( Ina) Francis Fernandes of Varca. He has three 
daughter's one of who is named Jennifer. Their house is near the church in 

Annette last met Mr. Ina Francis Fernandes about 40 years ago but have since 
lost contact.

Annette, is my first cousin. And would appreciate if some contact phone number 
or email address could be intimated to us in Karachi.

Many thanks for your trouble.


[Goanet] Naomi Klein: How Socialism Protected Chileans from Earthquake Fall-out

2010-03-04 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Naomi Klein: How Socialism Protected Chileans from Earthquake Fall-out

A particularly distasteful case in point. Just two days after Chile was
struck by a devastating earthquake, Wall Street Journal columnist Bret
Stephens informed his readers that Milton Friedman's spirit was surely
hovering protectively over Chile because, thanks largely to him, the
country has endured a tragedy that elsewhere would have been an
apocalypse It's not by chance that Chileans were living in houses of
brick--and Haitians in houses of straw--when the wolf arrived to try to blow
them down.
The building code was
adoptedhttp://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheNcpsidt=1289347 in
1972, ie., pre-Pinochet.
CEPR http://www.cepr.net/ Center for Economic and Policy Research. They
tracked down the origins of the building code.

ALL--- This is the kind of information we could provide directly to
individuals or on Goanet. It helps in many ways, besides boosting morale. It
gives courage to those whose spirit goads them to take on contentious
issues. Do it for larger reasons. Of course the other well treaded option is
to attack everything and wilfully mislabel thoughts, ideas, events,
ideologies, including the misbegotten desire to proclaim to speak truth---a
kind of in-your-face kouko-meme.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Deo Borem Korun

2010-03-04 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Does anyone know why--in Konknni, for 'thank you' it is Deo borem korun? Why
is dhonyavad or some other construction not common?
Any ideas how this practice came about? Was it part of our earlier
formation--Is there something else to it?

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Alfred Rose songs on Melbourne FM

2010-03-04 Thread Edward Verdes
Goans in Melbourne may tune into PBS 106.7FM from 8to10pm on Saturday 13th 
of March.
Todd Solomon will play atleast one Konkani song track besides some Gujrati 

Todd Solomon an Australian who joined the Alfred Rose Fan group on Facebook 
last week,
loves Indian Music..sepcially Konkani Music. During his recent trip to South 
India including Goa,

he got hold of some gramaphone records in Mumbai including Alfred Rose.
Says Todd  Alfred Rose made some fantastic Music! he seems to have blended 

Latin and sometimes African/Carib sounds to perfection!

He is currently on the look out for more 45 gramaphone records of Alfred 
Rose and other artists
of 60's. Last week Todd played two of Alfred Rose songs 'Angela' and 
'Beatrice' on Melbourne FM.

Those of you interested in buying Konkani Gramaphone records or gramaphones, 
they are available
in Mumbai at Chor bazar. You have to search and ask for Konkani..or Alfred 
Rose records..they only

know Alfred Rose but other konkani artists records are also available.
A friend of mine has recently purchased some records, some of them were 
brand new.

Fans of Alfred Rose can now join the Alfred Rose fan group on facebook.

Eddie Verdes

[Goanet] Chalte Raho GBA!

2010-03-04 Thread soter
Chalte Raho GBA! Really great yaar to spot a noted architect of GBA seated 
amongst TCP officials on the other side of the table while GBA argued its case. 
Divine coincidence yaar that busy CM was available to meet GBA crowd at Altinho 
without notice. CM announces he will stop development in Eco Sensitive Zones 
for which he will call a meeting of the TCP next month.  What nprompt action 
yaar considering that one month is too short a time for tackling Goa's rapid 
developments. And you minister guys putting pressure on CM to accomodate your 
land use changes from RP 2011 just beware, he chavi his GBA to pre-empt you. 
Aam admi rush with your files to obtain your clearances, but you may suffer the 
brunt of inflation in TCP. You may get a concession if you know the right Goa 
safety activist. RP 2021 draft is still 6 months away. By that time all zones 
will be builder freindly. What a CM yaar? Ami khush, tumi khush, soglle khush! 
Amchem Goa Gham! Ami Goykar xanne ghanti nhoi re baba.

[Goanet] Owner's Pride

2010-03-04 Thread ignatius fernandes

I have been saying on Goanet for the last two years
that the Goa Government should force Anil Salgaocar 
to pay for the disposal of the River Princess.
If he does not do so the Govt should stop
all transactions and refuse to give him any contracts,
and put restrictions on his business in Goa or 
anywhere in India.
This person is a multi billionaire and not short of 
a few bob, why should the Goan taxpayer pay to 
remove this eyesore from Candolim beach.
They should charge him for the environment problems
like sand erosion.
The Goa Govt. is hard on Aam Admi why do they favour 
this man and treat him with kid gloves?
Make him pay for the lot.
Ignatius Fernandes.

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[Goanet] Goanet] Moddgonv (Margao)

2010-03-04 Thread Blasio Fernandes

Alternatively, one could also sing the last line as:

Moddgonvche chedde
Bhangrache gulle
Ratche ugte gatai sangalle, oi sangalle.


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 06:57:43 + (GMT)
From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Moddgonv  (Margao)
Message-ID: 646193.50117...@web25903.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
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Moddgonvchim cheddvam
Mottim pamprelam
Ratchim ugtim gatai zonelam, oi, zonelam ?
Moddgonvche chedde
Bhangrache gulle
Cheddvank sodunk voitai garakodde, oi, garakodee.

[Goanet] Panjim Shigmo goes 'Piso'

2010-03-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
Panjim Shigmo goes 'Piso'


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[Goanet] Konkani Literature: Caught In Script Whirlpool

2010-03-04 Thread Ancy D'Souza

Konkani Literature: Caught In Script Whirlpool

By Sri Govinda Raju (Raz Andamani) from ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR
Profile: Member of Sahitya Akademy GENERAL COUNCIL 2008-2012
Email: razandam...@gmail.com

In the last general Council Meeting of Sahitya Akademi, the Academy of 
Letters of India, held on February 16, 2010 in New Delhi, Edwin JF 
DSouza raised the controversial issue of Konkani Script.

The language was written in five different scripts for historical 
reasons; Devanagari, Roman, Kannada, Malayalam and Arabic, whereas 
Sahitya Academi recognized only the books written in official Devanagari 
script to the exclusion of all other scripts.

The bone of contention was that the books written in scripts other than 
Devanagri were not considered for awards by Sahtya Akademi and, on cue, 
by other organizations and institutions too. It was a gross injustice to 
the writers engaged in literary work in Konkani in scripts other than 

To a pointed question of Edwin DSouza whether Sahtya Akademi recognized 
the script or the literature; Sunil Gangopadhyaye, President said in an 
unambiguous term “literature!” The argument should have ended there but 
Pundalik Narayan Naik, Convener of Konkani Language Advisory Board cited 
the Govt of India notifications recognizing the Devanagari script as the 
official one and also referred to the previous discussion on the subject 
in the General Council of Sahitya Akademi that remained inconclusive.

However, the majority of General Council Members did not approve that 
the literature created in the same language but different scripts should 
be discriminated against when the bulk of Konkani literature was written 
in Kannada and other scripts, according to DSouza.

Dr Harish Narang argued that in the hi-tech age of advanced computer 
programmes where, on a click of the mouse the script can be changed from 
one script to the other, there was any reason why books written in 
scripts other than devanagari should remain out of the purview of 
awards; unless it was meant to limit the competition.

After a prolonged discussion, on the suggestion of Sunil Gangopadhyaye, 
President, the matter was referred to the Language Development Board of 
Sahitya Akademi for an early resolution.

Migration and fragmentation

The arrival of the Portuguese lead to major changes in Konkani. The 
conversion of Konkanis to Christianity and the religious policies of the 
Portuguese caused a large number of Konkanis to flee to neighboring 
territories. The isolation of Hindu and Christian Konkanis added to the 
fragmentation of Konkani into multiple dialects.

The language spread to Canara (coastal Karnataka), Kokan-patta (coastal 
Konkan division of Maharashtra) and Kerala during the last 500 years due 
to migration of Konkanis. Although a few Konkanis may have been present 
in the neighboring areas and there may have been migrations due to 
economic reasons in the past, the main cause of migration was the 
Portuguese control over Goa.

It was spread to these areas by Hindu Konkani and Christian Konkani 
speakers in three waves of migration. The first migration occurred 
during the early years of Portuguese rule and the Inquisition of 1560s. 
The second wave of migration was during the 1571 C.E. war with the 
Sultan of Bijapur. The third wave of migration happened during the wars 
of 1683-1740 A.D. with the Marathas. While the first wave was of Hindus, 
the second and third waves were mainly those of Christians.

These migrant communities grew in relative isolation and each developed 
its own dialect. Since these communities had to interact with others in 
local languages on a daily basis, Konkani dialects show strong local 
influences in terms of script, vocabulary and also style.

Other Konkani communities came into being with their own dialects of 
Konkani. The Konkani Muslim communities of Ratnagiri and Bhatkal came 
about due to a mixture of intermarriage of Arab seafarers and locals as 
well as conversions of Hindus to Islam. Another migrant community that 
picked up Konkani was the Siddis who were sailor-warriors from Ethiopia.

Source: http://www.lightofandaman.com/news7.asp

[Goanet] Pope names Goan priest in Eucharistic Congress

2010-03-04 Thread Goanet News Service

Pope names Goan priest in Eucharistic Congress


Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday appointed Fr Theodore Mascarenhas, SFX, 
official of the Pontifical Council for Culture, as member of the 
pontifical committee for International Eucharistic Congresses for a 
period of five years.

Fr Mascarenhas, a Pilar priest who is currently based in Rome, is 
incharge of the Departments of Asia, Africa and Oceania at the Vatican’s 
Pontifical Council for Culture.

Hailing from Camurlim-Salcete, Fr Mascarenhas was awarded the doctorate 
in sacred scripture at the Pontificio Instituto Biblico, Rome-Italy in 
June 2003.

Fr Mascarenhas also teaches holy scripture at the Pontifical Gregorian 
University, Rome the Pontifical St. Thomas University, Rome and the 
Pilar Theological College, Pilar, Goa.

Fr Mascarenhas is also closely coordinating the process for the 
beatification of Fr Agnelo with the postulator in Rome Fr Antonio Marrazzo.

“I felt humbled by the faith reposed in me by the Holy Father. The new 
appointment will inspire me to work even more devotedly for Christ and 
his church,” said Fr Theodore, when contacted over the phone.

“The task entailed by this appointment is mostly consultative and would 
mean participating in meetings that would seek to animate and further 
the devotion to the eucharist.”

He also expressed his gratitude to the support of Cardinal Ivan Dias, 
Prefect of the Propaganda Fide, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of 
Mumbai, Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao, Archbishop Patriarch of Goa and 
Daman, Fr Tony Lopes, his Superior General and all the confreres of his 

The Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses is 
part of the Roman Curia of the Roman Catholic Church. The committee was 
constituted and erected in 1879 by Pope Leo XIII and which received 
approval of its updated Statutes in 1986 from Pope John Paul II.

One such International Eucharistic Congress was held in Mumbai in 1964, 
which was presided over by Holy Father Paul VI. The last Eucharistic 
Congress was held in Quebec, Canada in 2008 and the next one is 
scheduled to be held in Dublin in 2012.

According to its Statutes the pontifical committee examines proposals 
that are to be submitted to the Holy Father about the city where 
Congresses will be held. After the approval of the place for the 
celebration of a Congress it falls to the competency of the same 
committee also to study both the theme and programme of this event, 
which must likewise be approved by the pope.


Re: [Goanet] Chalte Raho GBA!

2010-03-04 Thread floriano

As regards (2), the GBA will be barking-up the  wrong tree on 4 March 2010.
[Said it by - not Laxman - but Florian]

- Original Message - 
From: soter so...@bsnl.in

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:44 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Chalte Raho GBA!

Chalte Raho GBA! Really great yaar to spot a noted architect of GBA seated 
amongst TCP officials on the other side of the table while GBA argued its 
case. Divine coincidence yaar that busy CM was available to meet GBA crowd 
at Altinho without notice. CM announces he will stop development in Eco 
Sensitive Zones for which he will call a meeting of the TCP next month. 
What nprompt action yaar considering that one month is too short a time for 
tackling Goa's rapid developments. And you minister guys putting pressure on 
CM to accomodate your land use changes from RP 2011 just beware, he chavi 
his GBA to pre-empt you. Aam admi rush with your files to obtain your 
clearances, but you may suffer the brunt of inflation in TCP. You may get a 
concession if you know the right Goa safety activist. RP 2021 draft is still 
6 months away. By that time all zones will be builder freindly. What a CM 
yaar? Ami khush, tumi khush, soglle khush! Amchem Goa Gham! Ami Goykar xanne 
ghanti nhoi re baba.

[Goanet] CM has assured RP 2021 in next 6 months: GBA

2010-03-04 Thread roger dsouza
The following article is from today's Herald. More power to the Goan
people as they stand up to protect Goa.

CM has assured RP 2021 in next 6 months: GBA



Goa Bachao Abhiyan  Convenor Sabina Martins said Chief Minister
Digambar Kamat had assured them the Regional Plan 2021 would be
finalised in the next six months and henceforth no permissions would
be given for constructions in eco-sensitive zones.
Addressing media persons outside the CM’s Altinho residence, here,
after a half-an-hour long meeting on Thursday evening, Sabina, who is
also the GBA spokesperson, informed that Kamat had assured the GBA
delegation that taluka-level plans will be released and kept open to
the public every month.

She said the CM also assured the delegation no NOCs (no objection
certificates)  would be granted for constructions in eco-sensitive
zones, mangrove areas, cultivable fields and cutting of hills and that
he would issue the necessary instructions in this regard at the
forthcoming Town and Country Planning (TCP) board meeting.

Sabina said the CM, who is also the TCP minister and chairman of the
TCP board, had also committed to dealing with permissions granted for
illegal projects in villages on a case–to-case basis. “We have told
the village groups to make individual files wherever violations were
found and place them before the CM,” she stated.

She said they had been told by the CM that he would issue directions
to the TCP to address the press on the status of the RP after every 15
days till the time of its finalisation. Besides Sabina, the members of
the delegation that met the CM included Dr Oscar Rebello, Miguel
Braganza, Claude Alvares, Anthony D’Silva and some village leaders.

Sabina observed the fact that people waited so long to have a word
with the CM outside his residence was a sign they were fed-up over the
sorry state of affairs in their villages and were willing to come on
to the streets to agitate.

Earlier, between 3 pm and 3.30 pm nearly 400 people including village
leaders and 25 groups assembled at the TCP office in Patto, here. A
memorandum was submitted to the Chief Town Planner Morad Ahmed, who
pleaded helplessness as there were no AutoCAD operators with him to
incorporate the RP inputs on to the computer.

Ahmed assured the delegation he would take up their demands but was
helpless as far as policy decisions were concerned. At this point the
large gathering spontaneously decided to walk to the CM’s residence
and have a discussion on this subject and place forth their several

But by the time (at around 5 pm) the people reached the CM’s residence
he had moved out from there. But the villagers were adamant to meet
him and talk business over the delay of RP. After Dr Oscar Rebello
spoke to the CM on phone informing him that  the agitating people were
willing to spend the night outside his residence, Kamat returned for a
meeting with the GBA delegation.

[Goanet] Marlon Jew

2010-03-04 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Yoi Marlon,  Good one !!

[Goanet] Goa news for March 5, 2010

2010-03-04 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa CBI arrests Rajesh Adani - Times of India
ear-old charge of evasion of customs duty to ...

*** YouTube airs Israeli drug dealer's link with Goa police -
between Goa cops  drug mafia exposed

*** FIRST CUT: Hello Zindagi is boring - IBNLive.com
wyycVGy9LU5FPAA take on life

*** India's Goa cracks down on drug-fuelled parties - AFP
in Goa? Government will decide

*** Tourism Meet to focus on Goa - indiablooms
tate Regional Conference on tourism will be organized for the
western states/Union Territories on Saturday at Goa ...

*** Sesa Goa leads gainers in 'A' group - BloombergUTV
Goa hits all-time high as iron ore prices surge

*** Goa farmers celebrate 'Shigmo' Festival - Oneindia
Celebrate Indian Spring Festival

*** Akshay Kumar: Festival of colors in Goa! - Entertainment and
tertainment and Showbiz!However, this year, the star decided to
take a little time off from his shooting schedule and head off
to Goa. The actor sought permission from his director ...a

*** Pope names Goan priest in Eucharistic Congress - Herald
rald Publications... holy scripture at the Pontifical Gregorian
University, Rome the Pontifical St. Thomas University, Rome and
the Pilar Theological College, Pilar, Goa. ...a class=

*** Pranab grants a Rs 200-crore facelift to Goa - Economic
rore stimulus package, announced in the Budget last week, may
give a much-needed boost to Goa's ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service