Albert writes:- The Holy Spirit works wonders in us. Jesus did not start his 
mission without receiving the Holy spirit. We all have to receive the Holy 
Spirit in us if we want to be vibrant. At the baptism of Jesus the Holy spirit 
came in the form of a dove. At pentacost the apostles received the holy spirit 
in the form of tongues of fire and then the apostles became fierce as a tiger 
or leopold. We need to receive the Holy spirit within us. Our body is the 
temple of the Holy Ghost and if that is so one must know to respect our body 
and the body of others. When we sin we drive away the Holy Ghost from our body 
and request the satan to take possession of our body. If you believe that your 
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit then you will not allow your body to 
receive hatred, pride, envy etc which will harm the temple of the Holy Ghost. 
One should avoid speaking evil of others. One should avoid having hate feelings 
and avoid being proud. Let your self be as simple as possible. Like Jesus who 
washed the feet of his disciples we too should bend low and touch the feet of 
our brothers and sisters.                                           
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