[Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: Goa's Michelangelo (VM)

2010-07-22 Thread Goanet Reader
Goa's Michelangelo

By Vivek Menezes

The Goan monsoon arrives heaven-sent, a blessing from the
divine. This year there's more reason for gratitude -- the
rains have brought the return of Dr. Jose Pereira to his
homeland, carrying a stunningly beautiful new suite of

'Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods' is on view at the XCHR in
Porvorim from July 24. It is another singular contribution to
our culture from a man who has given us his all for so many

  Jose Pereira's life confounds every stereotype and
  pigeonhole. He is conservative Catholic, but also
  world-renowned Sanskrit scholar and Indologist.
  He's written dozens of books on theology, history,
  architecture, language and music, but also steadily
  carved out a place for himself alongside our most
  significant iconographers.

This is the artist responsible for the only contemporary
example of fresco buono in India, a magnificent tableau
painted on fresh plaster a la Michelangelo, on a groined
vault of the chapel at Borda. It is simply a masterpiece.

Dr Pereira, while working on his frescoes at Borda, earlier
this decade. Photos: FN

But it is these 'Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods' that
permanently underline Dr. Pereira's worth as an artist. The
beautiful pastels have been painted by a man on the cusp of
his nineth decade, despite ongoing health problems caused by
Parkinson's disease.

  We would have understood if our tireless polymath
  now sat back to appreciate the plaudits he's earned
  in his prodigious, peerless scholarly career -- but
  Dr. Pereira is not like that. He's unstoppable, and
  his genius cannot be shackled. And so we come to
  reckon with these lush, epiphanic pastels, painted
  by this toweringly great Catholic theologian, in
  sincere, devotional tribute to his Hindu patrimony.

In a way, these paintings represent a closing of the great
circle opened when Jose Pereira (b. 1931) embarked on his
studies in Bombay. Already aware of his exceptional
capacities, he spent his mornings studying Sanskrit at
Siddarth College, and the rest of the day immersed in the J.
J. School of Art alongside contemporaries like Tyeb Mehta.

Circumstances led to a stellar scholarly career, but it is
interesting to note that his art practice never went away
altogether. Alongside this historic suite rendered in 2010,
there are other hitherto unknown canvases by Dr. Pereira on
display at the XCHR.

Among them is a superb nude self-portrait from 1946, which
predates the notorious nude self-portrait by another Goan,
Francis Newton Souza, which kick-started the new wave in
modern Indian art. In fact, the entire body of work on
display in Porvorim after July 24, 2010 makes an undeniable
case for Dr. Pereira to be included alongside the great
artists of his generation, much less known but no less
important than Souza, Vasudeo Gaitonde and Laxman Pai.

'Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods' are rendered in a realistic
idiom, which Pereira says frees the drama in the themes from
the constriction of iconographic formulas.

There is monumental scholarship backing each image.
'Nrttaganapati' is derived from a quotation from Somadeva,
the 11th century saint-poet. The Sesasayi Visnu is based on a
verse by Visakhadatta, the Gupta-era Sanskrit dramatist, and
the Dasavatarasamuha on a description by Vedantadesika, the
13th century Vaishnava guru. Some paintings are based on
Chola sculpture and Thanjavur temple carvings, and others
depict scenes as described in the Ramayana, the Bhagavata
Purana and Gitagovinda.

  In his curatorial essay, written for the
  paradigm-shifting exhibition 'Aparanta' (Panjim,
  2007) the extraordinary art critic and poet Ranjit
  Hoskote wrote about finding in Goa inspired
  individuals who defy the apathy of India and the
  defeatism of their peers, who work in the context
  of compelling psychic and historical contents that
  spur them on to artistic exploration. Though his
  paintings were largely unknown at the time Hoskote
  curated Aparanta to unprecedented national acclaim,
  Dr. Pereira's art fits that description perfectly.

When you consider that these stirring, unforgettable images
have been rendered by a great polymathic scholar at the
summation of a magnificent career devoted to classical India,
the work takes on a transcendent aspect that is ideally
suited to the subject matter.

Dr Pereira's latest work, on exhibition at XCHR, Porvorim:

[Goanet-News] NEWS: Aires complaint against Vishwajit set aside by high court (ToI)

2010-07-22 Thread Goanet News
Criminal intimidation bailable: HC
TNN, Jul 22, 2010, 05.23am IST

Tags:Bombay|Health Minister|IPC|cellular telephone|Old Goa police

PANAJI: A significant judgment by the high court of Bombay at Goa has
rendered offences under Section 506 of the IPC non cognizable and
bailable. On Wednesday, the court quashed and set aside the criminal
complaint filed by advocate Aires Rodrigues against health minister
Vishwajit Rane.

A division bench comprising justices A S Oka and F M Reis delivered
the verdict in a petition filed by Rane challenging a 2004 government
notification categorizing offences under Section 506 (ii) (criminal
intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code as cognizable and non-bailable.

Rodrigues had filed a criminal complaint against the minister alleging
that he had received threatening calls from a mobile phone whose
number was traced to the minister’s wife, Divya.

Thereafter, Old Goa police had filed a 73-page chargesheet under
Section 506 on the directions of the high court after Rodrigues
initiated contempt proceedings against the police for not charge
sheeting Rane.

Atmaram Nadkarni appearing for Rane had argued that the chargesheet
filed against him be quashed as the 2004 notification had not been
published in the official gazette.

Rodrigues told the court that the notification making section 506
cognizable and non-bailable dated June 27, 1973 as amended by a
corrigendum dated July 5, 1973 is valid as it had not yet been

State advocate general Subodh Kantak told the court that as the
notification has not been published in the official gazette, it is
unenforceable and offences mentioned in the said notification,
including offences punishable under Section 506 IPC cannot be treated
as cognizable and non-bailable.

The high court accepted the government’s argument and had held in its
judgment that the investigation carried out against Rane based on the
First Information Report (FIR) was illegal and therefore the
chargesheet has to be quashed and set aside. The court has also held
that the information given by Aires to the police on August 22, 2007
was of a non cognizable offence and has directed the police to act in
accordance with the law.


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Konknni Film Utsov Kuwait-an zatolo?

2010-07-22 Thread Goa World
Konknni Film Utsov Kuwait-an zatolo?
Ponnje:  Gõy sorkara koddlean komi duddvanchi mozot apleak mell’li zalear, jea 
zagear apunn 14 filmam ghevn poilo Konknni film utsov ghoddun haddpacho asam, 
thoim apunn aplea ‘budget’-a pormonnem unnim filmam ghevn, to utsov ghoddun 
haddtolom, oxem Kuwaitchea Kala Mogi-cho Xri Domingos Araujo-n V. Ixttak 

Ho utsov Kuwait-ant ghoddun haddpa vixim Gõychi  maim bhas, sonskrutai ani 
porampora porgott korunk Santa-Cruz-cho Xri Domingos Araujo sabar vorsam 
pott'tiddken vavurla.  Atam  kaim hata bhailea karannank lagun, sorkar ami 
ghetlelea prostavacher xik'ko marunk fattim-fuddem zata zait, punn Gõycho 
sorkaruch ho ontor’raxttrik Konknni filmam utsov yesesvi korunk fuddem astolo, 
oxem Xri Araujo-n  sanglem. Gõychi bhas Konknni. Tiatr, khell tiatr, Zagor, 
Mande, Dulpodam adi. Gõychi sonvskrutay, porompora ani osmitay mhonn veglle 
toren sangchi goroz nam. Konknni film Gõyche osmitayecho ek bhag zal'lean, 
Gõychea Konknni filma vorvim amchi osmitay konnui sonvsarbhor vistarunk sodta 
zalear, ami ani Gõychea sorkaran tenko diunk naka? Kala Mogi Kuwait (KMC) hi 
songhottnna Konknni khatir Kuwait  vavurta. Tannim hea vorsa nirnnoy ghetla; 
Kuweitant Konknni film utsov ghoddun haddunk. Hache adim he songhottnnen 
zaiteoch Konknni karyavolleo keleat  mhonn Domingos Araujan V. Ixttak  sanglem.
Konknnicho ani mhoje osmitayecho mog monant dhorun hanvem Kuwait desant 
ontor'raxttrik film utsov korunk yevjilam. Punn he mhoje yevzonnek Gõychea 
sorkaracho kosloch adar mellonam tem pollevn khont bhogli', oxem Xri Araujo 
sangta. Ho yedo vhoddlo film utsov korunk  ek krutt rupyancho khorch asa. Hea 
film utsovant 14 filmam dakhovpak tharailam. Hantlim 8 filmam spordhea 
(competition) khatir astolim, zalear 6 filmam spordhe bhair asun fokot 
kormonnuke khatir astolim mhonn tannem kolloilem. 

Tache sangnne pormannem him filmam utsova vellar dakhoitolet, tea sogllea 
filmank Inglezint 'Sub Titles' astolet, tea pormannem, hea utsovant bhagidar 
zalolea desantlea lokak son'vad sompeponnim kolltolo ani Konknni film 
sonvsarbhor pavtolo. Tum Gõychea sorkara koddlean kitlea  duddvanchi opekxa 
kortai? Oxem V. Ixtt-an taka vicharlem, tedna tannem sanglem ki, Gõychea 
sorkarache apnnak 75 lakh mellpachi opekxa asa. Karonn ho ek mukhel ani Konknni 
mollar poile pavtt videxi desant zavpi  utsov. Gõycho sorkar bhailea rajeantlea 
lokak karyavolleo korpak hozaramni duddu monzur korta. Gõychi osmitay fuddem 
vhorunk kiteak  hat fattim kaddta kai?” oso Xri Araujo  udgarlo.
Poilech pavtt Konknni filmancho utsov pordesant zatolo, ti obhimanachi  gozal. 
Ho utsov ghoddun haddpeank dor eklean vakhann'nni ani ut'tejon diunk zai. 
Pordesant  Konknni utsov korunk khuxen Gõychea sorkaran duddu diunkuch zai 

oxem Gõycho 'camera man' Dyanesh Moghe-n V. Ixttak sanglem.
Poilech pavtt zaupi utsovant 14 filmam aspachi goroz nasli. Karonn Konknni 
bhaxentlean zanv 'celluloid' ani 'digital' pod'dotin filmam kitlim asat? oxem 
Xri Moghe-n mhonnlem. 

Gõyant Morathi filmancho utsov zata  tedna tin lakh rupyam voir duddvanchi 
tortud asona. Punn pordesant oslo utsov ghoddun haddunk sorkarak zaitxem 

mhonn Xri Moghe-n sanglem. Kuwait-chea sorkaran utsov ghoddun haddunk porvangi 
dilea. Duddvanchi mozot diunchona. Karonn tea desant sabar bhasancho lok asa. 
Aiz eke bhaxechea lokak adar dilo zalear, faleam herui bhasancho lok ap-apli 
magnni sorkarak kortolo ani tem magir marekar zanv yeta, oxem Xri Moghe-n V. 
Ixttak spoxtt kelem. Halinch toyar zalolem 'Poltoddcho Monis' hea filmacho 
direktor Laxmikant Shetgaonkara pormannem Konknni filmanchea utsovak somestamni 
yevkar diunk favo. Sorkaran hea utsovak aplem fattboll diunchem. 


* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Daily Grook #763

2010-07-22 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

rump-wrap shirt
gives men guilt,
call it a skirt
you'll get kilt!

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Turn down-time into play-time with Messenger games
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Church indicts Goa government for shielding drug traders

2010-07-22 Thread roger dsouza
  * The Goa Government and our politicians along with the Government
machinery continue to protect, promulgate  and promote the vested interests
of criminals, goons and all sorts of anti-social activity. The
police-politician-drug nexus is fully entrenched within Goa and our
politicians do not have the will nor the resolve to put an end to it
- obviously they want to benefit from the kick-backs, rewards and the money
power that they enjoy. This article is from sify news.

Church indicts Goa government for shielding drug traders
*  **2010-07-21 13:20:00

After the opposition and the local media, the Goa Roman Catholic Church has
indicted the Congress-led government for failing to curb the drug trade and
for shielding the police-politician-drug mafia nexus.

The state police machinery was entangled with drug peddlers and the Digambar
Kamat-led government was 'not honest about probing the
(police-politician-drug mafia) nexus', Father Maverick Fernandes, executive
secretary of the Council for Social Justice and Peace (CSJP), a social arm
of the Roman Catholic church in Goa, told IANS.

'The press has covered enough of how the men in uniform are involved with
the drug peddlers. Law enforcement officers are themselves involved or
assisting in this trend,' said Maverick, a respected voice in the social and
religious sphere in the state.

'The government is not honest in probing the nexus. The intent of the
government is found lacking in probing the case,' he said.

The CSJP in a press note issued here recently on the International
Anti-Drugs Day June 26 had also lambasted the state police machinery for
abetting the drug trade in Goa.

'Goa has sunk into such a shameful situation that those entrusted with the
duty of upholding justice by enforcing the law, blatantly availed of
loopholes to acquit the accused,' Maverick said.

'Today citizens at large have lost their confidence in all arms of the
authority and are led to believe that there definitely exists a nexus
between the politicians, police and all rungs of traffickers,' he added.

The CSJP has also said that 'bars and taverns are focal points of relaxation
where soft drinks laced with narcotic substances and hard liquor flow freely
and other psychotropic substances are easily available'.

Goa Home Minister Ravi Naik's son Ro, has been linked by the Israeli media
to the Israeli drug mafia operating in the state. Seven police officers have
already been arrested for being a part of the drug nexus.

Leader of Opposition Manohar Parrikar had alleged in the Goa legislative
assembly Tuesday that Kamat was shielding people linked to the drug trade.

The local media, which has been consistently reporting the drug nexus issue
since it first came to the fore in March, has severely castigated the state
police and the ruling political leadership for covering up the nexus.
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 


2010-07-22 Thread rajendra kakodkar
It is almost a week since Nandu posted as below. And it is even longer time 
after the issues Nandu referred to occurred. Yet the conscience keepers have 
not spoken a word on the conflicts of interests in the cases he refers to. This 
lends a strong credence to his claim – conscience keepers are selective. And 
why are they selective? Is it that conscience keepers also have interests (and 
conflicts thereof and therein) of their own? Speak up conscience keepers. Or 
accept that you were SELECTIVE.
Nandkumar on 16 july 2010 wrote: The highly selective approach of the 
conscience keepers of Goa would be seen in their stand on the following issues 
where obviously the 'conflict of interest' is either not detected due to poor 
homework or because there is a tacit understanding that these personalities 
deserve permanent exemption.
Besides there are fundamental issues ( policies, legislative reforms, 
administrative mechanism, decentralization of powers to grassroots) to be 
addressed on the purpose and mandate of the so called TCP review
committee that too under an officer who has been accused to shield mining 
interests and ironically 'prepared' both goa mining policy' and goa forest 
policy which are awaiting cabinet clearance. After a careful thought I am
constrained and compelled by conscience to paste some old correspondence (make 
a composite reading of all three e-mails annexed below) on Regional plan and 
related issues.

Examine three latest developments:-
1). Government shelves City development plan (CDP) of Margao MC Questions-
a) Who prepared the plan at Govt. cost?
Answer:- Arch. Rahul Deshpande and associates
Incidentally Mr. Deshpande also happens to be the paid ( and prize winning too, 
we appreciate that) architect of GSSIDC and also a member of an important 
decision making task force on RP Goa 2021-would the conscience keepers ask Mr. 
Deshpande to make his choice now?. A panchayat member is disqualified if he/she 
takes government contracts.

2). GOAMAP criticism of ex-NIO biologist, mangrove champion  Dr. Aravind 
Untawale GOAMAP commented-GOAMAP also condemns scientist Arvind G. Untawale, 
director of National Institute of Oceonagraphy, Dona Paula who has prepared 
report for Goa Governemnt declaring that there are no mangroves in Pachwadi to 
benefit Sesa Goa mining company. GOAMAP advises Dr. Untawale and other
scientists not to indulge in unethical practices to favour mining industry.  I 
have not seen or studied the report. Nobody can doubt Dr. Untawale's knowledge, 
expertise and interest reg. mangroves. So it is difficult to believe the 
comments if we read what he had said in Mumbai-check the news item-Report 
indicts CIDCO, MHADA, MMRDA(check
the weblink
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/8501673.cms ). Dr. Untawale had 
done excellent consultancy for Industrialist Godrej foundation leading to 
conservation of pristine mangroves at Wikhroli. But Panchwadi is an
ecosensitive area where no mining should be allowed at any cost. I am trying to 
get a calling attention motion on this issue in Goa assembly. GOAMAP could help.
But is there no conflict of interest if Dr. Untawale continues to be a member 
of CZMA almost from the beginning all these years?. And why there is a retd. 
geologist sitting on CZMA?. Is there no conflict of interest?.
Another geologist/marine scientist is member secretary of Goa state 
biodiversity board- How he would reconcile the interest of mining companies and 
biodiversity conservation?

3). Constitution of govt. committee on review of TCP act, 1974 I maintain that 
RP-2021 has to be dumped, scrapped immediately and all those who helped in 
laying down this dangerous trap owe an immediate apology to people of Goa. 
Spatial planning powers to be fully decentralised.  State
land use board and land resources management committees need to be recast and 
activated. RP-2021 would ensure with better maps, GIS etc. programmed, 
stepwise, intelligently planned systematic, externally aided destruction of
Goa. The folly would be realized once harassment of the people post 
notification begins.
It is different matter that I had campaigned in favour of Model TCP act, 1998 
was an active and integral part of CSJP's pre GBA deliberations in 2005 (see 
E-mail ANNEXURE 1-the draft of letter/ press release which I had assisted to 
revise and ponder whether GBA has received answers to the issues raised way 
back in Dec. 2005by an important organ of the Church itself) and in all 
sincerity made suggestions to the CM after a farcical meeting on TCP
act in October 2007, (see ANNEXED  e-mail 2 below).

Now look at the composition of the new review committee-

1. Commissioner  Secretary (TCP) ? Chairman.

2. Adv. *Mahesh Sonak* ? Member.

3. Adv. *Nitin Sardesai* ? Member.

4. Adv. *Cleofato Countinho* ? Member.

5. Under Secretary (Drafting/ ? Member.

/Law) Law Department

6. Ms. *Patricia Pinto* 

[Goanet] Facebook for South Goans

2010-07-22 Thread Cecil Pinto
Facebook for South Goans
Ixxt meets West in this virtual balcao

By Cecil Pinto

Facebook is making custom versions of its package to appeal to every
known demographic. Currently being developed is a special version for
South Goans called Saxtibook. I was lucky to catch up with chief
developer Flavia Lobo who was in Margao to run a Beta Version past
some potential users.

“But Flavia what I can see are three typical elderly Salcete aunties.
I’m not quite sure they understand English very well.”

“This is what our local market research team provided as a
representative sample. The men folk apparently are all either in the
Gulf, on board a ship, in Florida or in Swindon - and come down just
once a year if ever. The older men folk are drinking and watching TV
and are not too interested in computers.”

“But what about the youth from Salcete. Surely they are interested in
a version made specifically for them?”

“Naaah! They want the UK version of Facebook. They pretend they don’t
even know Konkani. Look at the way they dress and behave. They are not
emulating North Goans or Indians or Americans. They think they are
British! So the only major demographic segment left are these aunties.
Fortunately these aunties are very interested in any device or
software that will help them keep in touch with their children

“But can’t they use phones and emails like everyone else?”

Cecil, which century are you living in? Even people who have been
phone and email savvy for decades are now using Facebook as their
communication portal.”

“Ok, ok! Now show me how Saxtibook works.”

“As you can see the opening screen is pretty much standard. On your
left is your profile photo, and below that are clickable fields.
Newsfeeds has been renamed as Chakattam and Messages are Recard.
Within the Messages one can select Sogleo (All), Vachleleo (Read),
Vachunk Nassleleo (Unread) and Kainch Naka (None). Then we have
Ghoddneo, or Events, further categorized into Happy Bodday, Kazaram,
Festam, Ladainhas, Month’s Mind and Dusrem (Others).”


“You can store as many photos as you want under Botam Chitram (Digital
Photos). The subdivisions here are Dhanvtim (Video), Attanch Kadlelim
(Recent) and Dusreachim (Others). And of course you can Share all your
Photos, Links, Gozali etc with the Vant button.”

“What about the controversial Facebook issues regarding privacy?”

“Fortunately Cecil in Salcete we don’t have such a problem. Nobody
wants privacy. They want to show off their new bungalow - with
ostentatious internal staircase, new car, new stereo, new girlfriend,
new spouse, new whatever. And among the once aristocratic gentry they
want to show their ancestry and get it clear to you that they are from
a ‘cultured’ family. In fact we are seriously thinking of adding Caste
in the profile along with Sex, Date of Birth etc.”

“Sure! Why not? If the Government of India can ask for Caste in a
Census why not Saxtibook? As long as you make it an optional choice
and those who don’t want to reveal their caste, or don’t believe in
caste, can leave the field blank.”

“Good suggestion Cecil. I presume you know that under Soirigot
(Relationship Status) for females on Saxtibook we have Ankwar, Mudi
Ghatlea, Chiti Vachlea, Kazari, Mickey's ex, Beatinni, Rann and
finally Ghuspagondoll for It’s Complicated. Of course the most
important section is Ixxt (Friends). You can Search for Friends and
Friendship using the Ixtagott button.”

“How come under Political Views you have only Congress, Churchill,
Congress with Churchill, and Other”

“Well none of the Others were statistically significant enough for a
separate entry.”

“And also you’ve removed the Books and Movies section and replaced it
with Tiatrs. Nice! Flavia, what’s this Bangoddi section?”

“Those are what are called Applications in regular Facebook?”

“So why call them Bangoddi?”

“Every time we tried to explain to our Sample Audience how to use
these Applications they told us - Amkam naka teo bangoddi! – so we
decided to name them Bangoddi.”

“But Flavia, other than language and minor tweaking this Saxtibook is
not vastly different from the regular Facebook.”

“Agreed, but there are many modifications. For example in Facebook we
have Friends Searches among Classmates and College Mates. In Saxtibook
we didn’t feel the need to go beyond Primary, Secondary and Higher
Secondary - if you know what I mean. And also, for example, we don’t
have any subsections under Games as the only game is Football!”

“Huh? What about popular Facebook games like Farmville, Mafia Wars etc?”

“Cecil, understand that those are Third Party games and not directly
developed by Facebook but by independent developers. Of course there
are many such games for Saxtibook. The equivalent of Farmville is
Bhatkar-Mundkar, Farmtown is Xettkamti and for Mafia Wars we have
Alemao vs Pacheco. The IQ Test equivalent game is Ginean but as you
can expect there aren’t many levels necessary.”

“I don’t doubt you, Flavia.”


[Goanet] Role of English. Was: Re: A literary bombshell from a writer who aimed to create his own school of aesthetics and literary criticism in Marathi

2010-07-22 Thread Frederick Noronha
Dear Nandu,

I was glad to learn about the work of my former Goa University prof,
Dr Balchandra Nemade. As you suggest, information often does not
travel across from one language to another within India, and there are
few translations happening.

But I don't think it is the Anglocentric world alone that is to
blame for this. For that matter, there are a number of articles on Dr
Nemade's work in English language newspapers:

There are 15,000 links on Google showing up for keywords related to this book.

DNA has this story:
Brahmins, Hindutva have ruined Hindu religion: Bhalchandra Nemade ...

A Facebook group has been set up

There are YouTube videos (though in Marathi, and without
translations). Even Hindu Jagruti (in English, no less!) has got into
the act:

Maharashtra Dharma was founded by Malik Amber! : Hindu hater ...

In the interview with The Hindu, Dr Nemade
suggests that Indian writing in English is not authentic. I would
believe that the language is just the clothes for one's ideas, and one
can use a shuddha Indian language but still be incomprehensible to
the vast majority of Indians! Hindi itself is a case in point.

With India soon expected to become the largest English speaking
country in the world, I don't think the
English-is-too-narrow-and-elite arguments will hold for much longer.
It is a tool that, among others, helps the country communicate within
itself and with others.

Should we take the approach of a  Ngugi wa Thiong'o, the Gikuyu writer
from Kenya, began abandoned his successful career in English in favour
of his native language, and suggested (in Decolonising the Mind, his
1986 farewell to English) that through language people have not only
describe the world, but also understand themselves. Or consider
English to be a  cultural bomb that still erases memories of
pre-colonial cultures and history, so as to install a new, more
insidious form of colonialism?

Or do we see languages like English, though a colonial imposition,
today promoting both inter-nation communication as well as a tool to
counter the colonial past through 'de-forming a standard European
tongue and re-forming it in new literary forms'?

I think reality lies somewhere between these two extremes.

Incidentally, I would have not got to know Prof Nemade and his work,
had I not been in the Goa University English Literature class when he
was heading that department!


Frederick Noronha

On 21 July 2010 20:41, Dr.Nandkumar Kamat nandka...@gmail.com wrote:

 A lot of publicity hype has been created on
 this novel-but the Anglocentric world is
 unaware of this new cultural phenomenon.
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Vitamins D E show brain benefits

2010-07-22 Thread Con Menezes
Vitamin s D  E show brain benefits.
More from Nutra Ingredients here.

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 


2010-07-22 Thread floriano

A question for you Mr. Kakodkar and to you,  Mr. John Gomes.

Dear Mr. Kakodkar,
Have you by any chance been influenced by PPS which is abundantly available 
on goanet?
I am talking about People for Political Sanity which is displayed by a nice 
looking green sticker.
If Goa's political problems are to be solved, they have to be solved by 
people who want to see 'Political Sanity' in Goa.
That means that they will  have to abandon their 'Congress' , 'BJP' , 'NCP' 
'MGP', 'UGDP' even 'GSRP' tags, ask them to pull their  pants down so that 
they can see what they have down there, and if what they see is good for 
GOA; or kick it in.

Cheers to you for realising that this exercise is vital for the political 
and every other survival of GOA.

Dear Mr. John Gomes,

In our esteemed parliament, they throw shoes and chappals. They pull down 
microphones of the speaker. They stand on the speaker's desk. They flash 
bundles of currency notes.

In Bihar, today, they have suspended 67 MLAs for goondaism, smashing of 
flower pot and decorative vases  and what not.
In Goa, its esteemed speaker is on record of having flung  the statuette of 
Mahatma Gandhi to the floor. During the BJP, they even dragged out the 
opposition MLA.

Have you, by any chance, seen the proceedings of the Parliament of 
Singapore You must have been wondering why that smaller than GOA country 
is so successful?

www.goasu-raj.org  for scroll-up expanded Party Presentation on the home 

PS: You will have to wait until Goa Su-Raj takes over every bench in the Goa 
Legislative Assembly, when MLAs and Ministers will not flex their muscles to 
give the watching cable tv public the erection.


- Original Message - 
From: rajendra kakodkar rskakod...@yahoo.co.in

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 10:23 AM


John has pointed out well. His Dos and DONTs are paramount for political 
But mere requests are too mild for the rhino skinned Digus, Alemaos and 
Ravis. They have now started choking democratic avenues of addressing 
injustice using police and other legal provisions supposed to be used only 
against goons like sect 144. Digu enforced sect 144 against the teachers 
when they wanted to agitate, but welcomed fake Moti dongor delegation to 
arrest Mickey. He bashed up and hauled ladies of village groups a month ago 
and now teachers. He has planned a 2000 strong industrial police force to 
crush agitation against mining excesses. He is also planning police bill to 
aid his miner friends.
Time has come not just to suggest and express but act. People wanting to see 
Political Sanity prevailing, must get together in each constituency and act. 
Through the posts on Goanet let us get together.
This is humble request to all goanetters to=A0express their willingness to 
join forces for political sanity. My constituency is Curchoem and my phone 
no is 9822101450.

John gomes wrote:
We would request our honourable members in this monsoon session to please 

1)The Legislative Assembly is a sacred democratic institution.Do not desecr
ate it by unparliamentary actions and behaviour.2) Debate and pointed brief 
Questions and relevant?Answers should be the norm.Please no speeches,talking 
out of turn/together same time,or out shouting to win 


* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] House pays tribute to Adv Velho

2010-07-22 Thread Domnic Fernandes

House pays tribute to Adv Velho


The Goa Assembly on Tuesday paid
rich tribute to Adv Leo Velho, ex-MLA of Goa, Daman and Diu
from Navelim Constituency who passed away on July 18, 2010. 
The House observed silence to condole the death of Adv Velho who served three
terms in Goa assembly, on two occasions as
candidate of United Goan and third time he was elected on Indian National
Congress ticket. 

PWD Minister Churchill Alemao while making obituary reference said late Adv
Velho always had a smiling face and he would be remembered for his services to




COMMENT: I worked in the
Secretariat when Adv Velho served as a legislator. He was a gentleman; a jewel
of a person. He was quite tall, handsome and always had a smile on his face. 
employees had a crush on him; so much so, when he passed by, they murmured
among themselves:  “To kitlo sobit nhoi
gho hea?” (He is so handsome; isn’t he?)


He wished and mingled with
everyone right from the peon to the top officer; hence, he was liked by all. He
mostly arrived for the Assembly Session clad in a suit with advocate’s gown on
his left arm; an indication that he came directly from his duty in the court. 


Today, every MLA travels by car,
but Adv Velho always traveled by bus. What a difference between then and now!
These days, it’s difficult to find sincere and dedicated politicians like Adv.
Leo Velho.


May his soul rest in peace!




Domnic Fernandes

Anjuna, Goa

Mob: 9420979201

See the news as it happens on MSN videos
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] SMILE.................. IT'S WEEKEND (22/07/2010)

2010-07-22 Thread CAJETAN DE
Niclau and Netty had a ten year old son (Nelito) who was very mischievous with 
so many complains from his school and neighbors. Niclau was trying his best to 
teach his only son the discipline and manners.
One fine day, while having lunch on dinning table:
Nelito: Dad, are caterpillars good to eat 
Niclau: (angrily) Have I not told you, never to mention such things during 
Nelito: Sorry Dad!
After few moments: 
Netty: What made you to say that son? 
Nelito: Mom, I said… I am sorry!
Niclau: Why did you ask that question? and that too while having our lunch?
Nelito: It's because I saw two caterpillars crawling on Dad's lettuce,
Niclau: What….? Where is it?
Nelito: Now it's too late Dad, it's gone.
Niclau: Gone? Gone…… where??
Nelito: In your stomach Dad!
Niclau runs to wash room…
Niclau: Vak……. Hak……. T.
Cajetan de Sanvordem

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Gold Makes Dead Portuguese Dictator Top Investor

2010-07-22 Thread Gabe Menezes
Former dictator Antonio de Oliveira
be remembered as Portugal’s best investor had central bank rules
allowed the country to benefit from his shrewdest trade: Europe’s biggest
gold pile.

Portugal owns more of the precious metal relative to the size of its economy
than any euro country, accumulated mostly during Salazar’s 36 years in power
using savings and money from exports including tungsten and canned fish.
Gold’s 26 percent advance in the past year leaves Portugal holding an
increasingly valuable asset, though one the indebted government can’t touch
because the law prevents proceeds from going to state coffers.

Full read @


Gabe Menezes.
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Mining... making news elsewhere too

2010-07-22 Thread Frederick Noronha
-- Forwarded message --
From:  milap_chora...@yahoo.com
Date: 21 July 2010 17:59

Times of India:-
'BJP MP behind whistleblower's murder'
AGENCIES, Jul 21, 2010, 01.07pm IST

AHMEDABAD: A day after RTI activist Amit Jethwa was shot dead outside
the Gujarat High Court in Ahmedabad after filing a recent PIL against
illegal mining, the family of Amit Jethwa alleged that a BJP MP was
behind his murder.
Jethwa's family on Wednesday alleged foul play saying that BJP MP from
Junagadh -- Dinu Solanki was behind the murder.

Bhiku Jethwa, Amit's father s id, I strongly suspect that Dinu
Solanki is behind my son's murder. Because he has  threatened me on
telephone. He also threatened Amit many times. Amit was threatened in
Kodinar and Khamba towns in
front of large crowds, a thousand strong. But nobody dared to report
the matter.

Amit Jethwa was killed by 2 unidentified assailants on a motorcycle as
he was coming out of the court. Police say the assailants ran away
from the spot after shooting Jethwa.

He had recently filed a PIL in the Gujarat High Court against illegal
mining in Gir forest. Following his PIL, the authorities had cracked
down on the illegal mining activities in Gir forest and other areas on
the Saurashtra coast.
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Model tongue helps texture optimisation of low fat foods

2010-07-22 Thread Con Menezes
Model Tongue helps..
from 'Food Navigator'

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Fw: Healthier Talk - HealthierTalk.com Headlines

2010-07-22 Thread Con Menezes

From: Healthier Talk 

   Click on to the headings below  for more..
  Following the toxin trail to the bottom of the ocean (TED video)
  Vision Vitamins: It’s not only WHAT you take but HOW you take it 


  Copyright ©2010 by HealthierTalk.com.  

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

Re: [Goanet] Security guards are a security risk

2010-07-22 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Would'nt the third chap's duty be to open the door to
you with a flourish...must ask my friend...the long one:
name starts with a 'P'  ends with an 'U'!


 Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 05:43:28 -0700
 From: parri...@yahoo.com
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] Security guards are a security risk
 To Goanet -

 It is not only the bank.  The same situation prevails at other places, such as
 hotels.  An iconic city hotel (name begins with the letter M and ends with the
 letter i) now has 3 'security guards' at the entrance, one to salute you, the
 second to say Good maarning saar and the third to - well nobody knows
 what the hell he is for.  Early morning you see their fellow ghati friends 
 loitering at the front door of the hotel.  And these guys are going to 
 provide us 

 * * *
 Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
 journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
 gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
 http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
 Panjim. Ph 9822488564.
 * * * 
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

Re: [Goanet] House pays tribute to Adv Velho

2010-07-22 Thread Edward Verdes

Adv. Leo Velho was a highly qualified, devoted and down to earth person.
He helped a lot of people in our village Chinchinim. It is said that he had
to sell his property to fight the elections. Sadly sincere politicians like 
him and

Dr. Alvaro will be missed by Chinchonkars.

May his soul rest in peace!

Edward Verdes

From: Domnic Fernandes

House pays tribute to Adv Velho

The Goa Assembly on Tuesday paid
rich tribute to Adv Leo Velho, ex-MLA of Goa, Daman and Diu

Today, every MLA travels by car,
but Adv Velho always traveled by bus. What a difference between then and 
These days, it’s difficult to find sincere and dedicated politicians like 

Leo Velho

May his soul rest in peace!

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] The KIDS ROCK show to be held at the DSM Institute this Saturday the 24th of July.

2010-07-22 Thread goan...@yahoo.co.uk

What s on in the GOAN WORLD.

DAR ES SALAAM INSTITUTE - musical talent !! 



Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/



* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goa's Michelangelo (VM)

2010-07-22 Thread Goanet Reader
Goa's Michelangelo

By Vivek Menezes

The Goan monsoon arrives heaven-sent, a blessing from the
divine. This year there's more reason for gratitude -- the
rains have brought the return of Dr. Jose Pereira to his
homeland, carrying a stunningly beautiful new suite of

'Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods' is on view at the XCHR in
Porvorim from July 24. It is another singular contribution to
our culture from a man who has given us his all for so many

  Jose Pereira's life confounds every stereotype and
  pigeonhole. He is conservative Catholic, but also
  world-renowned Sanskrit scholar and Indologist.
  He's written dozens of books on theology, history,
  architecture, language and music, but also steadily
  carved out a place for himself alongside our most
  significant iconographers.

This is the artist responsible for the only contemporary
example of fresco buono in India, a magnificent tableau
painted on fresh plaster a la Michelangelo, on a groined
vault of the chapel at Borda. It is simply a masterpiece.

Dr Pereira, while working on his frescoes at Borda, earlier
this decade. Photos: FN

But it is these 'Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods' that
permanently underline Dr. Pereira's worth as an artist. The
beautiful pastels have been painted by a man on the cusp of
his nineth decade, despite ongoing health problems caused by
Parkinson's disease.

  We would have understood if our tireless polymath
  now sat back to appreciate the plaudits he's earned
  in his prodigious, peerless scholarly career -- but
  Dr. Pereira is not like that. He's unstoppable, and
  his genius cannot be shackled. And so we come to
  reckon with these lush, epiphanic pastels, painted
  by this toweringly great Catholic theologian, in
  sincere, devotional tribute to his Hindu patrimony.

In a way, these paintings represent a closing of the great
circle opened when Jose Pereira (b. 1931) embarked on his
studies in Bombay. Already aware of his exceptional
capacities, he spent his mornings studying Sanskrit at
Siddarth College, and the rest of the day immersed in the J.
J. School of Art alongside contemporaries like Tyeb Mehta.

Circumstances led to a stellar scholarly career, but it is
interesting to note that his art practice never went away
altogether. Alongside this historic suite rendered in 2010,
there are other hitherto unknown canvases by Dr. Pereira on
display at the XCHR.

Among them is a superb nude self-portrait from 1946, which
predates the notorious nude self-portrait by another Goan,
Francis Newton Souza, which kick-started the new wave in
modern Indian art. In fact, the entire body of work on
display in Porvorim after July 24, 2010 makes an undeniable
case for Dr. Pereira to be included alongside the great
artists of his generation, much less known but no less
important than Souza, Vasudeo Gaitonde and Laxman Pai.

'Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods' are rendered in a realistic
idiom, which Pereira says frees the drama in the themes from
the constriction of iconographic formulas.

There is monumental scholarship backing each image.
'Nrttaganapati' is derived from a quotation from Somadeva,
the 11th century saint-poet. The Sesasayi Visnu is based on a
verse by Visakhadatta, the Gupta-era Sanskrit dramatist, and
the Dasavatarasamuha on a description by Vedantadesika, the
13th century Vaishnava guru. Some paintings are based on
Chola sculpture and Thanjavur temple carvings, and others
depict scenes as described in the Ramayana, the Bhagavata
Purana and Gitagovinda.

  In his curatorial essay, written for the
  paradigm-shifting exhibition 'Aparanta' (Panjim,
  2007) the extraordinary art critic and poet Ranjit
  Hoskote wrote about finding in Goa inspired
  individuals who defy the apathy of India and the
  defeatism of their peers, who work in the context
  of compelling psychic and historical contents that
  spur them on to artistic exploration. Though his
  paintings were largely unknown at the time Hoskote
  curated Aparanta to unprecedented national acclaim,
  Dr. Pereira's art fits that description perfectly.

When you consider that these stirring, unforgettable images
have been rendered by a great polymathic scholar at the
summation of a magnificent career devoted to classical India,
the work takes on a transcendent aspect that is ideally
suited to the subject matter.

Dr Pereira's latest work, on exhibition at XCHR, Porvorim:

Re: [Goanet] Role of English. Was: Re: A literary bombshell from a writer who aimed to create his own school of aesthetics and literary criticism in Marathi

2010-07-22 Thread rcabral
Hey Rico,
Your write up evoked many a memory of those MA days. I remember Dr. Nemade very 
well and his teaching of Linguistics. That man had ideas though he wasn't very 
good at expressing them orally. But besides his intellect what struck one 
harder was his typical farmer-type moustache.To me he was a piocture of simple 
living and high thinking.
He had come with a big reputation having completed a path-breaking novel which 
had made quite a splash in Marathi.
I would like to congratulate him on his singular achievement.
Richard Cabral

 Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com wrote: 
 Dear Nandu,
 I was glad to learn about the work of my former Goa University prof,
 Dr Balchandra Nemade. As you suggest, information often does not
 travel across from one language to another within India, and there are
 few translations happening.
 But I don't think it is the Anglocentric world alone that is to
 blame for this. For that matter, there are a number of articles on Dr
 Nemade's work in English language newspapers:
 There are 15,000 links on Google showing up for keywords related to this book.
 DNA has this story:
 Brahmins, Hindutva have ruined Hindu religion: Bhalchandra Nemade ...
 A Facebook group has been set up
 There are YouTube videos (though in Marathi, and without
 translations). Even Hindu Jagruti (in English, no less!) has got into
 the act:
 Maharashtra Dharma was founded by Malik Amber! : Hindu hater ...
 In the interview with The Hindu, Dr Nemade
 suggests that Indian writing in English is not authentic. I would
 believe that the language is just the clothes for one's ideas, and one
 can use a shuddha Indian language but still be incomprehensible to
 the vast majority of Indians! Hindi itself is a case in point.
 With India soon expected to become the largest English speaking
 country in the world, I don't think the
 English-is-too-narrow-and-elite arguments will hold for much longer.
 It is a tool that, among others, helps the country communicate within
 itself and with others.
 Should we take the approach of a  Ngugi wa Thiong'o, the Gikuyu writer
 from Kenya, began abandoned his successful career in English in favour
 of his native language, and suggested (in Decolonising the Mind, his
 1986 farewell to English) that through language people have not only
 describe the world, but also understand themselves. Or consider
 English to be a  cultural bomb that still erases memories of
 pre-colonial cultures and history, so as to install a new, more
 insidious form of colonialism?
 Or do we see languages like English, though a colonial imposition,
 today promoting both inter-nation communication as well as a tool to
 counter the colonial past through 'de-forming a standard European
 tongue and re-forming it in new literary forms'?
 I think reality lies somewhere between these two extremes.
 Incidentally, I would have not got to know Prof Nemade and his work,
 had I not been in the Goa University English Literature class when he
 was heading that department!
 Frederick Noronha
 On 21 July 2010 20:41, Dr.Nandkumar Kamat nandka...@gmail.com wrote:
  A lot of publicity hype has been created on
  this novel-but the Anglocentric world is
  unaware of this new cultural phenomenon.
 * * *
 Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
 journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
 gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
 http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
 Panjim. Ph 9822488564.
 * * * 

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

[Goanet] Table Tennis in the seventies

2010-07-22 Thread augusto pinto
Dear BC who wrote,

Hi Augusto,

Thanks for the fantastic input about the Kowalkar defensive play (pimple out

rubber), and the various racquet material you have mentioned. Luis Tavora
was SS Dempo he was my classmate.

Regarding which college Luis Tavora belonged to, I concede that I must have
made a terrible mistake, because as you say Luis Tavora was from SS Dempo
College, as he was your classmate there.

Actually it is a shameful mistake to make on my part because Luis and his
elder brother Carlos Tavora studied at the same school as me, St Anthony's
H. S. Monte de Guirim, although possibly a couple of years older to me. And
to add to this, I happen to be on the staff of Dempo College now, and could
have easily confirmed the facts had I not been so lazy.

And the shame is further compounded by the fact that whenever I go to one of
Luis's shops, he never fails to give me a discount if he is around, even
though I never ask him to do so ;-) - other goanet businesspeople had better
get the hint.


P.S. BC, don't you think people like you and Luis and Aditya Tarcar and
Prasad Kirtani should be part of a Dempo College Alumni Association? What
would you say about having a mailing list of ex-Dempo College students who
could reconnect with old classmates or college mates?

If I mistake not even FN was at Dempo College, although I wonder whether he
attended classes given that he had joined the Herald around that time. I
know that Selma Cardoso now Carvalho who has just come out with a tremendous
book 'In the Diaspora Wilderness' was an ex-student but perhaps much later
than you.


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350
* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See 
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 

Re: [Goanet] Forwarding News Items To GoaNet - Suggested Code of Practice

2010-07-22 Thread Eddie Fernandes
From: Frederick Noronha
I would personally like to reduce my 
clicking-and-browsing online and prefer
 to get as much information as possible 
in one place. At the end of the day, it also 
boils down to whether I want readers to be 
 glued onto Goanet, or whether you would 
want them to visit your website, I guess :-)

You are tap-dancing your way around the issues!  Of course I am envious of 
GoaNet claimed subscriber base of 10,000+:-)  But that is not the issue.

The New York Times does not permit copying of full text.  Currently we are 
witnessing regular copying of full text from the Times of India.  That too is a 
violation of copyright. 

I had hoped that suggesting a model code of practice would lead to adoption of 
guidelines by GoaNet. If GoaNet Admin. condones and even encourages copying and 
posting of full text, it could have legal repercussions.  

But it is not just a legal issue. Take a concrete example. Herald now has an 
e-paper which is free and needs to be encouraged.  Using the site will bring 
added exposure of the advertisements there. If articles are copied and posted 
from there in their entirety, the GoaNet readership will feel that they do not 
need to go to the resource as anything of importance will be brought to them in 
its entirety.  If the usage of the e-paper is low, the facility could be 
withdrawn as in the case of the Times of India (Goa).  

Would that be in our interests?  Do ethical issues matter?

Time to break into the foxtrot :-)  

Eddie Fernandes

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] exhibition of paintings

2010-07-22 Thread Deliom
The Xavier Centre of Historical Research (Alto Porvorim, 0832 241 7772) takes 
great pleasure in inviting you to the opening of an historic exhibition of 
paintings by Dr. Jose Pereira. Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods is a unique suite 
of pastel paintings conceived by the artist as a tribute to his Hindu ancestry, 
and to the Indian classical tradition to which he has devoted a lifetime of 
prodigious scholarship. Each beautiful painting in the exhibition is based 
directly on descriptive passages in the original Sanskrit texts, and each 
figure is derived in minute detail from existing temple carvings, sculptures 
and paintings. It is a unique body of work, made even more impressive by the 
fact that the artist has executed them at the summation of a magnificent 
scholarly career, despite the setback of Parkinson´s disease.

Alongside Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods, the XCHR is delighted to present a 
retrospective exhibition of previous paintings by Dr. Pereira, including a rare 
self-portrait from 1946, and a collection of superb oil paintings based on the 
artist´s Catholic heritage. Among these are three monumental Pietas, each of 
which lay damaged and forgotten for decades before being restored by Dr. 
Pereira at the XCHR just this week. Seen together with his luminous recent 
work, all these paintings make an undeniable case for Dr. Pereira to be 
included among our greatest artists.  

Please join us to celebrate the artwork and life of the great Dr. Jose Pereira 
on July 24, at 5pm. Padmashree Dr. Maria Aurora Couto, Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, and 
Dr. Subodh Kerkar will open the exhibition.

Biographical Note: 

Jose Pereira was born in Bombay in January 1931. He studied painting at the Sir 
JJ School of Art, and Sanskrit at Siddharth and St. Xavier's College, where he 
was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Ancient Indian History and Culture. He then did 
research and taught at the Instituto Superior de Estudos Ultramarinos in 
Lisbon, the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, the Institute of 
Archaeology, also in London, The American Academy of Benares in Varanasi, and 
Fordham University in New York. He has written more than twenty books and 
hundreds of scholarly articles.


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Adv Leo Velho

2010-07-22 Thread aurelio viegas
Adv. Leo Velho was a highly qualified, devoted and down to earth person.
He helped a lot of people in our village Chinchinim. It is said that he had
to sell his property to fight the elections. Sadly sincere politicians like 
him and
Dr. Alvaro will be missed by Chinchonkars.

May his soul rest in peace!

Edward Verdes

As Mr Edward Verdes said I am also of the same opinion that we wont get a down 
to earth person like Adv Leo Velho. When I was the sarpanch of Chinchinim 
Village panchayat I also use to take his advice in many legal matters and he 
without any personal gains would direct  me the exact path.
Personally I miss a good friend . May his soul rest in peace!
Aurelio Viegas

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-22 Thread Jim Fernandes
Senhor Helekar,

Since I am not able to make you understand simple logic, let me make take this 
to the REAL next level.

You did the following:
1. A response of mine to an ongoing GoaNet was forwarded by you, to your own 
little private list and you included my email ID in that list, thereby breaking 
GoaNet rule first.

2. You and members of that list engaged in what I call SPAM - because at least 
some folks continued sending me emails, when I categorically 
requested to remove me from that list.

3. As Fred pointed out in one his emails, I still own copyright of the email I 
write on GoaNet. You forwarded it out to an external group without my 

Once you break the rules, whatever follows - including my language - is nothing 
but self defense. You left the door open for me to slam you whichever way I 
want - its that simple.

Now, here's what I am going to do, if I am forced to continue putting up with 
your garbage:

1. Copy the SPAM from your private list to your address at shele...@bcm.edu 

2. Include all people of my choosing from the upper management at Baylor 
College of Medicine in that SPAM list

3. Include J. Steven de Belle and all upper management at the National Science 
Foundation in that SPAM list

Let them also get a taste of what I am talking about here at GoaNet.

If all this does not ring a bell in your neurons, take a look at the below 
1. http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0956265


You are messing up with the wrong guy. You may be a neuro scientist. In my line 
of work, we deal with complex mathematical problems and convert them to 
computer programs - Which makes me think like a chess player. I keep several 
moves ready much before my opponent makes his.

Now go back crying to your Bahama Mama and complain to her that I whacked you 
yet one more time :)

Jim F
New York.

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
 To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 11:02 PM
 Shri Fernandes,
 It looks like you are at a point now that you need some
 kind of emotional release. Unfortunately, I suspect you are
 afraid to do this in public. But you have started escalating
 your abusive behavior to a new level. You have now also
 graduated to lying about what I said in response to the
 personal attack that you initiated against me on Goanet. 
 First, here are new examples of your indecent abusive
 verbiage and name-calling directed at me in continued clear
 violation of a Goanet rule:
 Are you visually challenged or brain dead?
 Shri Jim Fernandes abusing me

 Shri Fernandes, you are wasting your hot air. Your
 persistent abuse will invariably lead to a public
 embarrassment for you. There is nothing you can do to me.

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] The ridiculous and wholesale cheating b y Task force on RP-2021-What happened on Sunday O ctober 7, 2007 at CM’s residence?

2010-07-22 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat

A presentation which was never given officially-and never before a MS , task
force who joined in his jogging shorts at CM’s residence - an informal
briefing meeting –The ridiculous and wholesale cheating by Task force on
RP-2021-What happened on Sunday October 7, 2007 at CM’s residence?

Politicians have their own ways, Media its’ own, NGOs have their own ways,
the religious bodies have their own ways and the Government has strange ways
to engage people…theiir  best policy is hide information and keep one
guessing, use when convenient and throw in dustbin…this is a truthful
account of how an informal meeting and information given in good faith has
been conveniently converted as “my presentation before the Task force
RP-2021”. A RP-2021 prepared with falsehood is doomed to fail.

For sake of posterity and keep the records straight I am constrained to
bring out all the facts, there is absolutely nothing to hide...this is just
a Zalak!

I submit (let the MS, task force produce the copy of invitation sent to me
or any other records and also explain who invited me and how for the so
called meeting with CM on Oct 7, 2007) and stand by the statement that I

In fact I did never receive any cooperation to create awareness on the folly
of going for a RP-2021.  Check the mail pasted below. It is dated 25 august
2007 much before Task force on RP-2021 came into existence (on 5/10/2007).

It reads
urgent-for uploading on GRN, Goanaet etc.-The Model town and country
planning act, 1998
Dr.Nandkumar Kamat to fredericknoron.
show details 8/25/07
fromDr.Nandkumar Kamat nandka...@gmail.comtofredericknoro...@gmail.com
dateSat, Aug 25, 2007 at 7:10 PMsubjecturgent-for uploading on GRN, Goanaet
etc.-The Model town and country planning act, 1998mailed-bygmail.com
hide details 8/25/07

I am sending the pdf file of page scans of Govt. of India's model town and
country planning act (draft)  1998 (prepared to enforce 73 rd and 74 th
amendments) which was sent to town and country planning dept. , Govt. of
Goa, in 1998 for repealing the old TCP act, 1974. The Goa government
organized a one day technical convention at Yatri Niwas in October 1998
where this act was circulated. Then the politicians developed cold feet
because they felt that nothing would be left for them if the old TCP act is
repealed and this one after deliberations etc. is passed.
I had actively participated in this technical convention. Actually right
from December 2006, GBA should have insisted on passing this act with
suitable, people, eco and Goa friendly amendments.
The GBA activists were sent a copy of this act in January 2007 through Adv.
Satish Sonak of GPF.
Basically, this act need to form the basis of any discussion even before you
start talking of a new regional/perspective plan.But for reasons best known
to it, GBA does not want to discuss about this precious document.
Although the quality of some scanned pages is poor I request you to upload
it at GRN, Goanet and as many sites as possible so that people who are going
in wrong direction understand the importance of this model legislation and
how it can empower local self government bodies.Politicians however, would
be very happy to amend the old Goa TCP act, 1974 and not to commit
themselves to repeal it and pass the new one ( a modified draft from 1998
model act).
I am also sending by next mail the note which I had prepared for the
committee set up by CSJP In october 2005, a full 14 months before GBA
formation. I stand by all the points in that note and reiterate that:-
1. Repeal old TCP act, 1974 and begin public debate and hearings on the
above model draft act, 1998
2. Order CTP, Goa  to submit progress/failure report on regional plan
1987-2001 (old regional plan)
3.order  Performance auditing of Goa state land use board and Goa state land
resources management committee whose non action/inaction was responsible for
RP-2011 mess and reconstitute both these bodies
4. Scrap all PDAs permanently
5. Scrap all ODPS (these are useless without CDPs)
6. Transfer interim powers ( till new mecahnism under new TCP act becomes
active) for land use planning to local authorities consistent with 73 rd and
74 th amendments,  to control these powers the  gramsabhas to set up special
7. Implement recommendations of V.A. Pai Panandikar committee report on
State finance commission
8.Consistent with unanimous resolution of Goa assembly of Jan. 18,
2002-appoint a task force for sustainable urbanization. Open the file which
had recommended eminent town planner and architect  Mr. Edgar Ribeiro to
head the task force.
9. The new 10 year perspective plan is to be prepared only after old TCP act
is repealed and new TCP act is passed.
10. Draft an act taking into consideration public opinion to debar the sale
of land in Goa to outsiders on lines of Himachal pradesh and Uttarakhand
The above may be quoted or referenced as 'Dr. Nandkumar 

Re: [Goanet] Church indicts Goa government for shielding drug traders

2010-07-22 Thread floriano
The Goa Su-Raj Party is indeed happy that the Goa's Roman Catholic Church 
has broken it's 'silence' over the  inefficiency, involvement with the 
drug-peddlers and traffickers and all sorts of other anti-social activities, 
reducing Goa to a pot of crime-world,  blessed by the democratically elected 
Government of the day led by a weak-kneed CEO Shri. Digamber Kamat as the 
State's Chief Minister.

It is, indeed,  in time,  that the Church of Goa, a powerful influence on 
the psyche of Goans, has poured out it's apprehensions about this ruthlessly 
corrupt government of the day. Otherwise, it would burst itself  from the 
inside, sooner than later.

Goa Su-Raj Party, it must be remembered, was the only one to have objected 
to the Church of Goa flirting with the corrupt and the communal governments 
of the day since long,  when it objected to the Church's  hosting of 
traditional 'Christmas Tea Parties' to entertain the who is who in Goa's 
politics at the very center of the Goa's Christian Center of Power, the 
POWER OVER ALL EVIL. In a letter to the Archbishop of Goa, Goa Su-Raj 
Party's incumbent President  had asked the question   of the Goa's Christian 
Church's powers that be , that by entertaining the corrupt and the unholy 
elected members of the government, irrespective of their religious beliefs, 
if it was not CONDONING their acts of commission and omission and sending a 
wrong signal to the world at large that all was well.  This Party is happy 
to say that the Church of Goa did take note of this communication and did 
act, to some extent. But this Party has always felt that it was not enough.

With this bold and cutting 'Press Statement', the Church of Goa has done 
well to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.. Only, the  most despicable,  brazen and 
shameless Government will want to still remain at the helm of power after is 
total exposure.

The Goa Su-Raj Party congratulates the Archbishop of Goa, as also Fr. 
Maverick Fernandes of CSJP,  for coming out strongly against the style of 
functioning of the 'public sponsored government' and does hope that the 
Church will take a stand of an alert and powerful 'watchdog',  always 
staying aloof, patting the government on it's  back when it does well by the 
people and castigating it, even to the extent of whipping it,  when it goes 
against the wishes and aspirations of the common man. But more importantly, 
the Church of Goa  will have to be more of a watchdog to see that it's own 
rank and file does not compromise it's stand by mixing freely  with the 
corrupt members of the government to the extent that it has to step in to 
fence for them.

Last but not the least, the Goodness of the Church of Goa must not be taken 
as it's WEAKNESS.

www.goasu-raj.org  for scroll-up expanded Party Presentation on the home 

- Original Message - 
From: roger dsouza rdsg2...@gmail.com

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 11:12 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Church indicts Goa government for shielding drug traders

 * The Goa Government and our politicians along with the Government
machinery continue to protect, promulgate  and promote the vested 

of criminals, goons and all sorts of anti-social activity. The
police-politician-drug nexus is fully entrenched within Goa and our
politicians do not have the will nor the resolve to put an end to it
- obviously they want to benefit from the kick-backs, rewards and the 

power that they enjoy. This article is from sify news.

Church indicts Goa government for shielding drug traders
*  **2010-07-21 13:20:00

After the opposition and the local media, the Goa Roman Catholic Church 
indicted the Congress-led government for failing to curb the drug trade 

for shielding the police-politician-drug mafia nexus.

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] 1,424th Birth Announcement Expectations!

2010-07-22 Thread U. G. Barad
Digambar Kamat Government (D-Gu-Gov) constitutes 1,424th committee named New
Review Committee (NRC) to review 36 years old Goa Town and Country Planning
(TCP) Act, 1974. The said act was amended in 1994, in February 2007 and
recently in March 2008. 

Historical facts: majority of Goans voiced their grievances through Goa
Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) platform, proving the Regional Plan (RP), 2011 to be
notorious, bane and detrimental to Goa's overall development. Bowing to
growing mass agitations, Goa government scrapped the act with a promise to
redraft the same with public participation. Accordingly government
constituted a Task Force (TF) headed by architect Charles Chorea. Years
passed, but other than spending lakhs of rupees, TF could not come out with
concrete proposal! If this be the fate of TF headed by world renowned
architect, Goans can easily speculate the outcome of presently constituted
NRC headed by Commissioner and Secretary of TCP. For sure it's going to be

Past incidences reveals that present chief minister of Goa stabbed Edgar
Rebeiro, the principal architect of the RP 2021 and the advisor to the TCP
Minister. In fact, Edgar represented the hopes of Goans  of other Goan
organizations which agitated for the scrapping of the notorious RP 2011. He
realized that the government did not have any intention of honoring their
promise given to Goans that the RP 2021 would not be manipulated for the
benefit of 40 thieves and land sharks. In suffocation he resigned from TF.
But before Edgar could resign, surprisingly, Dr. Oscar Rebello - the
convener of GBA who was flanked by able and dashing support of two ladies
from GBA, also resigned from TF. These two incidences raised eyebrows of all
Goans in surprise.

NAILS IN THE COFFIN: D-Gu-Gov hammered many nails to hamper finalization of
RP 2021: 

1) Government fired first shoot on TF by notifying Goa Land Development and
Building Construction Regulations despite receiving countless objections and
suggestions from Goans.  
2) Second shoot was fired by government, despite several objections, by
amending Section 16 and 16A of the TCP Act, titled Goa TCP (Public
projects/schemes/development works by the Government) Rules, 2008. This new
rules excluded state and central public sector projects and even Pad Podille
Projects i.e. public-private partnership projects (PPP) from the purview of
the RP 2021. [This amendment published in official gazette on August 18,
2008 states any other project declared by the Government by notification in
the Official Gazette after being of the opinion that the operation
maintenance development or execution of such project is essential to the
public will be exempt from the purview of the RP 2021].
3) Government also appointed a steering committee packed with land sharks
and their patrons on to TCP. Outcome of this committee is known only to
these members and no one else!  
4) Subsequently chief minister constituted a very special committee without
any representative from GBA but with appointment of Mapusa based businessman
close to ex-Finance Minister, and one Margao based advocate close to the
Chief Minister on the said committee under sub-rule 4 of rule 3 of Goa TCP
(Public projects/schemes/development works by the Government) Rules. Till
date no one knows what this special committee has done or is doing in TCP! 
5) D-Gu-Gov later brought in amendment to the Panchayat Act enabling the
Panchayat Secretary to obey and enforce the orders of the Block Development
Officer (BDO), who is normally a puppet ruling government, irrespective of
whether the village panchayat and the gram sabha agree with the decision of
the BDO or not.

Above stated NAILS were intentionally and carefully designed by land sharks,
mine owners, real-estate lobby, hoteliers, builder lobby in connivance with
D-Gu-Gov who hammered these special nails into the confine of TF only to
quash finalization of RP 2021. 

Now there appears to be a big challenge in front of NRC. The challenge is
not just correcting spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes or meanings of
lexicons used in RP Act, 1974 but is to make sure that they plug-off the
above stated NAILS as well has find ways and means to take care of 8600
complaints (that included objection and suggestions) which were received
from Goans while drafting of RP 2021 was in progress. NRC must also ensure
that provisions of the 73rd and 74th amendments to the constitution of India
are incorporated in the revised RP Act, 1976 to ensure bottom-up
participatory planning. 

In this connection it's amusing to know that since July 2007 till June 2010
D-Gu-Gov constituted 1,423 committees out of which 750 committees did not
convene any meeting since its inception! Taking these figures in account,
this review committee happens to be 1,424th committee constituted by
D-Gu-Gov. One should only hope that this committee does not become 751st
committee to not convening a single meeting! 

Recently in one of the NGO meeting I 

[Goanet] NEWS: Aires complaint against Vishwajit set aside by high court (ToI)

2010-07-22 Thread Goanet News
Criminal intimidation bailable: HC
TNN, Jul 22, 2010, 05.23am IST

Tags:Bombay|Health Minister|IPC|cellular telephone|Old Goa police

PANAJI: A significant judgment by the high court of Bombay at Goa has
rendered offences under Section 506 of the IPC non cognizable and
bailable. On Wednesday, the court quashed and set aside the criminal
complaint filed by advocate Aires Rodrigues against health minister
Vishwajit Rane.

A division bench comprising justices A S Oka and F M Reis delivered
the verdict in a petition filed by Rane challenging a 2004 government
notification categorizing offences under Section 506 (ii) (criminal
intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code as cognizable and non-bailable.

Rodrigues had filed a criminal complaint against the minister alleging
that he had received threatening calls from a mobile phone whose
number was traced to the minister’s wife, Divya.

Thereafter, Old Goa police had filed a 73-page chargesheet under
Section 506 on the directions of the high court after Rodrigues
initiated contempt proceedings against the police for not charge
sheeting Rane.

Atmaram Nadkarni appearing for Rane had argued that the chargesheet
filed against him be quashed as the 2004 notification had not been
published in the official gazette.

Rodrigues told the court that the notification making section 506
cognizable and non-bailable dated June 27, 1973 as amended by a
corrigendum dated July 5, 1973 is valid as it had not yet been

State advocate general Subodh Kantak told the court that as the
notification has not been published in the official gazette, it is
unenforceable and offences mentioned in the said notification,
including offences punishable under Section 506 IPC cannot be treated
as cognizable and non-bailable.

The high court accepted the government’s argument and had held in its
judgment that the investigation carried out against Rane based on the
First Information Report (FIR) was illegal and therefore the
chargesheet has to be quashed and set aside. The court has also held
that the information given by Aires to the police on August 22, 2007
was of a non cognizable offence and has directed the police to act in
accordance with the law.


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Adv.Leo Velho

2010-07-22 Thread celinap
Adv. leo Velho was a gentleman and a man of integrity. I remember the time he 
got me involved in a Lions. 
health project for Chinchinim. He helped a lot of people and I will miss him.
I extend my condolences to his beloved wife and to his family.
Celina Pereira

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Jim Fernandes amigo...@att.net wrote:
 Since I am not able to make you understand simple logic, let me make take 
 this to the REAL next level.

Shri Fernandes,

Sorry to break this to you, but the fact that you are becoming increasingly 
desperate to take things to what you consider to be the next level clearly 
shows that logic is not your forte. There is no logic in anything you have 
written so far on Goanet, and in especially what you have written below. 

What you have written below is a tragic escalation of a personal hatred you 
have developed towards me because your inability to present a logical and 
sensible argument in support of your imaginary Goanet rules and your public 
statements. It is an abusive public threat against an individual who has done 
nothing wrong to you personally. 

I had merely cced to you and to another Goan Indian forum, my Goanet response 
to your and Nascimento Caldeira's public criticism of scientific advancement in 
India on Goanet. In it there was a clear representation that it was my response 
to your and his public posts. Here is that public response of mine in the very 
public Goanet and GX archives:


Please note that appended to my response are accurate attributions of whatever 
the two of you had written on Goanet, with these automatically attached phrases:

--- On Thu, 7/1/10, Nascy Caldeira nascy...@...  wrote:

--- On Thu, 1/7/10, Jim Fernandes amigo...@... wrote:

So your silly insinuation of copyright violation on my part is nothing but 
malicious slander, as is the case with delirious threats you are making in this 
latest post of yours appended below.

Following my cc to you and to the other Goan mailing list in question, as soon 
as you asked not to be cced on reply all responses by me and to me by others, 
I promptly removed your email address from my subsequent responses. I told you 
so immediately after you started abusing others on that list with the most 
filthy and obnoxious language one has ever heard. Not satisfied with doing that 
you started attacking and abusing me personally in that forum and on Goanet. 
Now you have reached a state wherein you are overcome with anger and malice 
towards me.

So I am telling you again. There is nothing you can do to me personally. Please 
feel free to cc my public posts to anybody you want. You will not be violating 
any copyright or breaking any Goanet rules. Please don't let your imagination 
tell you otherwise. And, since you forgot to include the email address of the 
President of the United States and the Prime Minister of India, I am giving 
their contact information below:



Now, here are my specific responses to the additional nonsense you have written 

 You are messing up with the wrong guy. You may be a neuro
 scientist. In my line of work, we deal with complex
 mathematical problems and convert them to computer programs
 - Which makes me think like a chess player. I keep several
 moves ready much before my opponent makes his.

From what I have seen of you on Goanet, the only move you are capable of is 
publicly abusing people who have done nothing wrong to you, and with whom you 
merely have some disagreements. If this is what you did in a real chess 
tournament you would not only be beaten like a drum by your opponent, but 
kicked out of the tournament by the referees after your very first move.

 Now go back crying to your Bahama Mama and complain to her
 that I whacked you yet one more time :)

You are once again publicly abusing a fellow Goanetter, and breaking the 
following Goanet rules:

Do not use foul, offensive or abusive language.

Do not engage in personal attacks.

Please see:


Lastly, Thanks for providing a link to the announcement that I have received a 
scientific award from the U.S. National Science Foundation.



P.S. BTW, please don't be shy to include your own supervisors and employer(s) 
on the cc list. You might receive a promotion to a chess grand master or a 
complex mathematical computer keyboard operator or something.

--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Jim Fernandes amigo...@att.net wrote:

 Senhor Helekar,
 Since I am not able to make you understand simple logic,
 let me make take this to the REAL next level.
 You did the following:
 1. A response of mine to an ongoing GoaNet was forwarded by
 you, to your own little private list and you included my
 email ID in that list, thereby breaking GoaNet rule first.
 2. You and members of that list engaged in what I call SPAM
 - because at least some folks continued sending me emails,
 when I categorically 
 requested to remove me from that list.
 3. As Fred pointed out in one his emails, I still own
 copyright of the 

[Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Jim Fernandes:
The reason I am writing about this on GoaNet is because, a fellow GoaNetter
named Santosh Helekar included me in this non-GoaNet related group, when I
responded to a thread on GoaNet. He had no business of cross-pollinating
debates and then include my email ID, in such external groups, without my

In the good old days of the opium trade this was known as 'being shanghaied'



* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *


2010-07-22 Thread rajendra kakodkar
When she was in SSC, I have experienced Roshni Rego’s urge to achieve her 
ambition of becoming a doctor when she used to visit my niece to get her study 
difficulties solved. Everything is now shattered for her and her family. 
Roshni, a 12th std Damodar science student, died under train at Margao railway 
crossing barely 50 metre from her school. This happened because Digu and his 
team of 5 strong government employees could not take corrective action to 
prevent flooding of road-under-bridge, which gets flooded every monsoon. When 
small infrastructure needs of thousands of students cannot be satisfied, what 
moral authority/right does Digu have to even talk of Sea-Links, 4-Lanes and 
Government in this year’s budget has provided Rs 1200 crore as salaries, 
pensions and perks to government servents. Considering that there are 2 lakh 
households in Goa, each family bears a cost of Rs 60,000/- a year for services 
government gives us. Do we get services from them commensurate with what we 
Has not the time come for citizens to rise and dictate what Digu must do and 
what Digu must get done from ministers, bureaucrats and babus?
Last time it was Goa Bachao Abhiyan that shook the foundations of the goons. 
But this time around it is going to be different. Too much Mining money is 
floating around. The windfall comes without commensurate pain or sweat and 
therefore flows liberally to buy politicians, media, editors, reporters, 
pseudo-activists/NGOs, lawyers etc.
Incidentally, yesterday Sesa declared Rs 1300 crore net profits for April-June 
2010 quarter. Since there is no export in June, it is effectively 2-month 
profit. Extrapolate and you will arrive at Rs 6000 crore as profits for full 
year on 9-month operation basis.
Sesa is one-third of the legal Goan mining sector. This gives Rs 18,000 crore 
as profits of legal mining sector. Illegal mining could be Rs 2000 crore more. 
Compare this with Goa’s budgeted revenue is mere Rs 2700 crore. Rs 500 crore 
required for bypasses is mere 10 days profit. Why can’t Digu (mines minister 
for 11 years continuosly) force bypasses on miners? Mineral Foundation is 
hogging media space claiming CSR expenditure of Rs 20 crore - a profit they 
earn in mere SIX HOURS! 
Rajendra Kakodkar
On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 01:40:38 +0530 Goa Desc goad...@gmail.com wrote:
Subject: [Goanet] Death of student Roshni Rego :Will some lessons be learnt ?

Student run over by train at Comba
In a tragic accident, a Std XII girl, student of Damodar
Science Higher Secondary, Margao was run over by
a speeding train at the Comba railway crossing on
Tuesday morning.

The death of the young girl triggered outrage from the
school management and local residents as it brought to
fore the inadequate facilities at the Comba railway
crossing for the 1500-student community to make it
to the nearby educational institutions.

The incident occurred early morning when deceased
Roshni Rego along with four other students headed for
school from their village Batti-Sanguem. When the vehicle
carrying them approached the Comba subway to cross
over to the school, the driver found the same inundated
with rain water and decided to drop the students near the
railway crossing. It is learnt that since the railway crossing was closed for 
vehicular traffic, these students decided to cross the tracks through a narrow 
opening, anxious to make it to the school on time.

Roshni, who was the last amongst the students to cross
the tracks, was hit by the speeding Vasco-Colem train.
Within moments, the badly mutilated body of the
deceased girl was found lying on the tracks, with her
body severed into two parts.

Chairman of the Damodar Higher Secondary School,
Bhai Naik said the school had been demanding a
footbridge for a long time for the students to cross the
tracks, but in vain. He said the accident occurred
because the subway was literally converted into a
swimming pool by heavy overnight rains, adding that
the incident could have been averted if the authorities
had to build a footbridge at the level crossing

?Everyday, around 1000-1500 students cross the tracks
to make it to the educational institutions. We have been
demanding a footbridge, but the Government built a
subway. We don?t know the benefit of the subway to
the students?, he said, adding the deceased student was
dragged by the speeding train after her school bag got
entangled with the hook of the train.

Higher Secondary School Principal Ballikar said it is a
tragedy that the incident took away the life of a good
and studious student. ?Roshni was a very good and
well behaved student?, he added.

Ballikar said authorities should immediately look into
the needs of a footbridge, besides speed breakers in
the interest of students safety. ?Roshni might have
thought that she would clear the tracks before the
train could cross the level crossing. She was dragged
by the railway 

[Goanet] Discover Goa

2010-07-22 Thread Tony de Sa
Enjoy this eleven odd min video on Goa and what the Westerner's perception
of Goa is. I would appreciate your comments.

If your connection is slow, then open the vid in a new tab/ window and pause
it until it buffers fully if you want to enjoy the vid uninterrupted.

Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Security guards are a security risk

2010-07-22 Thread Tony de Sa
Many banks like one Nationalzed bank in Mapusa near the Taxi Stand disregard
the security aspect entirely. The ATM of this bank is located in a dimly lit
street opposite the Jardin. A number of neo-Goans (I am not saying migrants
or ghatis like r lest I be castigated) congregate at a pan shop which is
illegally located on the pavement there and which has such pull that it
sells gutka which is displayed in strings of pouches openly.

Can anyone lady or gent feel secure here while withdrawing cash, a ready
temptation for crime?


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] No beef on menu during Commonwealth Games: Kalmadi

2010-07-22 Thread Gabe Menezes
No beef on menu during Commonwealth Games: KalmadiPTI, Jul 22, 2010, 06.03pm
 NEW DELHI: Laying all speculations to rest, the Organising Committee on
Wednesday clarified that beef will not be served during the Commonwealth
Games scheduled to be held from October 3-14.

We made this decision some weeks ago and have informed our catering
contractors accordingly, said Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi
in a statement.

We are issuing this clarification since there seems to be a perception that
cow meat would be served during the Games. I hope this will clear any
remaining doubts, Kalmadi added.

The issue had first arisen some months ago when former Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh wrote to Kalmadi asking him to keep cow
meat out of the menu during the Games.

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) had also warned the organisers and
passed a resolution against serving beef during the 12-day-long sporting

Later, the Delhi government had also clarified that beef will not be served
during the Games.


Gabe Menezes.

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *


2010-07-22 Thread pinheiro
By the time we establish who is right and who is wrong it will be Rest In 
Peace 2021.  I must say the Madgaukar unddir is actually a smart Fox.  He 
has kept the Cat  Dog busy quarreling and using this time to collect as 
much grains as possible before 2012.

Who say colonial British were good at divide and rule.  Digu has mastered 
this art better than the British!

Agnelo Pinheiro

Message: 7
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 18:25:57 +0530
From: Dr.Nandkumar Kamat nandka...@gmail.com
To: goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] The ridiculous and wholesale cheating by Task force
on RP-2021-What happened on Sunday October 7, 2007 at CM?s residence?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252


A presentation which was never given officially-and never before a MS , 

force who joined in his jogging shorts at CM?s residence - an informal
briefing meeting ?The ridiculous and wholesale cheating by Task force on
RP-2021-What happened on Sunday October 7, 2007 at CM?s residence?

Politicians have their own ways, Media its? own, NGOs have their own ways,
the religious bodies have their own ways and the Government has strange 

to engage people?theiir  best policy is hide information and keep one
guessing, use when convenient and throw in dustbin?this is a truthful
account of how an informal meeting and information given in good faith has
been conveniently converted as ?my presentation before the Task force
RP-2021?. A RP-2021 prepared with falsehood is doomed to fail.

For sake of posterity and keep the records straight I am constrained to
bring out all the facts, there is absolutely nothing to hide...this is 

a Zalak!

I submit (let the MS, task force produce the copy of invitation sent to me
or any other records and also explain who invited me and how for the so
called meeting with CM on Oct 7, 2007) and stand by the statement that I

In fact I did never receive any cooperation to create awareness on the 
of going for a RP-2021.  Check the mail pasted below. It is dated 25 

2007 much before Task force on RP-2021 came into existence (on 5/10/2007).

It reads
urgent-for uploading on GRN, Goanaet etc.-The Model town and country
planning act, 1998
Dr.Nandkumar Kamat to fredericknoron.
show details 8/25/07
fromDr.Nandkumar Kamat nandka...@gmail.comtofredericknoro...@gmail.com
dateSat, Aug 25, 2007 at 7:10 PMsubjecturgent-for uploading on GRN, 

etc.-The Model town and country planning act, 1998mailed-bygmail.com
hide details 8/25/07

I am sending the pdf file of page scans of Govt. of India's model town and
country planning act (draft)  1998 (prepared to enforce 73 rd and 74 th
amendments) which was sent to town and country planning dept. , Govt. of
Goa, in 1998 for repealing the old TCP act, 1974. The Goa government
organized a one day technical convention at Yatri Niwas in October 1998
where this act was circulated. Then the politicians developed cold feet
because they felt that nothing would be left for them if the old TCP act 

repealed and this one after deliberations etc. is passed.
I had actively participated in this technical convention. Actually right
from December 2006, GBA should have insisted on passing this act with
suitable, people, eco and Goa friendly amendments.
The GBA activists were sent a copy of this act in January 2007 through 

Satish Sonak of GPF.
Basically, this act need to form the basis of any discussion even before 
start talking of a new regional/perspective plan.But for reasons best 

to it, GBA does not want to discuss about this precious document.
Although the quality of some scanned pages is poor I request you to upload
it at GRN, Goanet and as many sites as possible so that people who are 

in wrong direction understand the importance of this model legislation and
how it can empower local self government bodies.Politicians however, would
be very happy to amend the old Goa TCP act, 1974 and not to commit
themselves to repeal it and pass the new one ( a modified draft from 1998
model act).
I am also sending by next mail the note which I had prepared for the
committee set up by CSJP In october 2005, a full 14 months before GBA
formation. I stand by all the points in that note and reiterate that:-
1. Repeal old TCP act, 1974 and begin public debate and hearings on the
above model draft act, 1998
2. Order CTP, Goa  to submit progress/failure report on regional plan
1987-2001 (old regional plan)
3.order  Performance auditing of Goa state land use board and Goa state 
resources management committee whose non action/inaction was responsible 

RP-2011 mess and reconstitute both these bodies
4. Scrap all PDAs permanently
5. Scrap all ODPS (these are useless without CDPs)
6. Transfer interim powers ( till new mecahnism under new TCP act becomes
active) for 

[Goanet] 8 new VCDs bought from Margao, Today

2010-07-22 Thread JoeGoaUk

from Late April till July 22, 2010, so far I have gathered only 8 new 
VCDs.  I am sure there are one or two more out there.
If you know or heard of any let me also know.
VCD No: 311
With Lawry, Jr. Reagan, Steffi, Mini Mario, Cajetan de Curtorim, 
Rosy Alvares, Delton, Normandez, Myfanny etc
Rs.150 May/June 2010
VCD No. 312
OH MY LOVE by Sandy  
With Sandy, Aurvile, Ethel, Sonia Dias, Eddie, Trisca,
Lavina  etc
Rs. 150    May/June/2010
VCD No. 313
DEVACHO GUT DEV ZANA by Simon Gonsalves  313
His 3rd VCD
With Co. Agustinho, Com. Ambe, Com. Selvy,
Sucoro, Ignatius de Xelvona, Sucorin, Esmeralda,
Rosario de Benaulim, Caitanni, Abel, Domnic etc
Rs.150  May/June/July 2010

VCD No. 314
NATASHA by Jack-E’s  
With Anil, Olga, Aplon etc etc
Rs.150  May/June 2010
VCD No. 315
NISHA by Neville Pereira  
With Nancy Gomes, Roseferns, Lawry, Socorro de St.Cruz,
Diana, Benny Rebello, Baltu, Sheik Amir, Priyanka etc 
Rs.150  June/2010
VCD No. 316
SOUSAR SOMPO PORIAN by Com Domnic with Luis Bachan 
With Willy, Luiza,  Francis de Tuen, Tony de Ribandar, Albert Cabral,
Dolla Mascarenhas, Sucurine, Mcline, Pradeep Naik, Rupesh Jogle  etc
Rs.200 (2CDs)   June/2010
VCD No. 317
NANV by S Caitan    
WtihCom. Agostinho, Com. Selvy, Com. Juana, Com. Janet,
Marcus Vaz, Olga,  Antush, Shruti Naik etc
Rs.150 June/July 2010
VCD No. 318
SECOND HAND by Com. Selvy
His 3rd VCD
With Com Selvy, Com. Agostinho, Co, Humbert, 
Anita, Lawry etc
Rs.150  June/July 2010


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Goa news for July 23, 2010

2010-07-22 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Sesa Goa to buy land for steel mill this fiscal - Economic

*** Goa to have exclusive corridors to transport ore: Kamat -
BJP legislators want ban on contraceptive pill ads

*** Nifty gains further Tata Steel Sesa Goa JSW most active -
Hindustan Media Ventures was trading ...

*** Adani, Hindalco, Sesa Goa and Sterlite Technologies: India
Equity Preview - Bloomberg
re exporter was downgraded to reduce from add by Giriraj
Daga, an analyst at Khandwala Securities, ...

*** Pacheco case: Lawyer Amit Palekar withdraws from case -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Amit Palekar, lawyer of former Goa tourism
minister Fransisco Mickey Pacheco arrested in connection with
the death of his close friend Nadia Torrado ...

*** Church indicts Goa government for shielding drug traders -
South Asia Mail
ed government for failing to curb ...

*** Landslides, floods kill 2 in Konkan; roads, tracks blocked -
Hindustan Times
oa Highway and other arterial roads was blocked ...

*** Goa buildings need architectural makeover: Panel - Sify
Need for separate wing

*** Indian miner Sesa Goa's net profit rises 208 percent in Q2
2010 - SteelOrbis (registration)
eelOrbis (registration)Indian iron ore producer Sesa Goa Ltd has
issued its consolidated financial results for the quarter ended
on June 30, reporting increased sales revenues and ...a class=

*** Ban rave parties, says Goa woman legislator - Times of India
lad women should be dropped from government advertisements
promoting tourism outside ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Forwarding News Items To GoaNet - Suggested Code of Practice

2010-07-22 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 22 July 2010 17:37, Eddie Fernandes eddie.fernan...@gmail.com wrote:

 The New York Times does not permit copying of full
 text.  Currently we are witnessing regular copying
 of full text from the Times of India.  That too is a
 violation of copyright.

Eddie, I agree with you upto a point. It ultimately depends on the
publication, on whether it is open to having its content  circulated
on not-for-profit networks (with due credit), or not.

If any publication made it clear that they did not want their content
to be posted, then there's no way one should be posting it.

 But it is not just a legal issue. Take a concrete
 example. Herald now has an e-paper which
 is free and needs to be encouraged.  Using
 the site will bring added exposure of the
 advertisements there. If articles are
 copied and posted from there in their
 entirety, the GoaNet readership will
 feel that they do not need to go to the
 resource as anything of importance will
 be brought to them in its entirety.  If
 the usage of the e-paper is low, the
 facility could be withdrawn as in
 the case of the Times of India (Goa).

Good argument. Logical too. Just that I have a different perspective.

If I write an article that gets published in any paper including
Herald (which as a freelancer and not a hired-for-work employee, I own
the copyright of), I would certainly have to have it read by other
readers too. Of course, I feel it's only fair to credit the place
where it was first published.

So far, no editors have had a problem to this approach. If they did, I
would have to renegotiate.

When it comes to work by others, one has to be careful. Objections
means postings are a no-no.

As far as Goanet goes, I believe the approach is fair: Do not forward
copyrighted material to the list in a manner that could lead to
objections from the copyright holder.

In other words, if you are pissing off the copyright holder, then
better not post. FN

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Non tax-paying upper castes are equal to OBCs

2010-07-22 Thread U. G. Barad
A national commission has given a ruling saying that upper castes who do not
pay income tax are akin to other backward castes (OBCs). Read more on this
by clicking the link provided here below:


Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Degoanising Goa's services

2010-07-22 Thread soter
The growing degoanisation of every service in Goa is simply disgusting. Leave 
aside the private sector, one expects to see some traces of goanness in the 
government and semi-government undertakings. But if you are exclusively konkani 
speaking and trying to access some Goa government service you may well be made 
to feel like a migrant. The security at the Goa Medical College ensures that 
you feel like in a hospital at Mumbai and Bangaluroo. The security at the 
entrance of Goa Government Secretariat makes you feel as if you are before the 
gates of Vidhana Saudha in Karnataka. Walk into a goan restaurant and try 
conversing in konkani with the waiter and all you will get is a blank stare. 
Raise your vocie a little and he will take off to call the supervisor. The menu 
card says goan food but the cook is Nepali. The other day I was shocked to see 
the number of U.P. drivers behind the wheels of our taxis. It is difficult to 
spot a goan barber in a goan hair cutting saloon. Now Healt
 h Minister claims there are no anaesthesists and doctors in the PHCs. How can 
there ever be, when every post is auctioned to the highest bidder and a 
scoundrel politician breathes down your neck for non-productive favours? 
Standard argument is that there is no local labour available. How can there be 
local labour when the basic labour laws and wage scales are flouted?  Which 
employer will want local labour if he can get extra profits from bonded labour 
with providing low wages and sub-human living conditions? 


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Young Roshni 17, run over by train at Margao, Rly crossing, subway etc

2010-07-22 Thread JoeGoaUk

Talking Photos: Young Roshni 17, run over by train at Margao, 
Rly. crossing, Subway etc


The busiest Rly level Crossing, Comba Margao
Gate closes almost every 5 minutes,
Traffic from the prev. closure not completely cleared yet
 it’s time for second gate closure
A view (from centre of the level/Tracks) towards Majorda/Vasco
Approaching trains can be seen up to a kilometer away
In a straight line (The victim was hit by the oncoming train from Vasco)
See more info/pic at the end here.
Towards Margao (foot bridge,  for two wheelers also seen)
Sharp turn or blind spot.

Gate Closed but people continue crossing
So did the victim and her 3 other colleagues
They escape but the last one’s bag got hooked
by the train engine thus dragging her in..
Bag was traced at Margao Railway Station

The controversial ‘ Subway’ 
must have constructed by the fools

Inaugurated  by 
Chief Minister Digambar Kamat
PWD Minister Churchill Alemao
MMC Chairperson Johnson Fernandes
On  June 3, 2008
Turned into a swimming pool
And also a pond, small fish also seen
Some school kids also seen feeding fish with bread crumbs

Towards Damodar Vidyalaya
Subway currently close for all traffic, barricades placed infront.
a mongoose also seen – see arrow
with road next to it
This is towards Kare college (other side of the tracks)
Two water pumps also seen, I guess half  the sucked up water 
Coming back to the pool

Domodar Vidyalaya High School 
Shri Damodar College of Commerce and Economics
Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law
Ramcrishna  Madeva Salgaocar Higher Secondary School
Vidya Vikas Academy
Roshni Rego 17, run over by train at Comba Margao



The video clip (Dangerous Railway crossing etc)

May God grant her His eternal peace


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] About the Margao Comba Rly. Level Crossing Accident - A video Clip

2010-07-22 Thread JoeGoaUk
About the Margao Comba Rly. Level Crossing Accident - 
A video Clip  (pl watch in HD)

College Student Roshni Rego, 17,  lost her life here
 More info/pics to follow


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Remind Goa CM about RP promise, GBA to MLAs

2010-07-22 Thread soter
One cannot not agree with Nandkumar's view that the current RP2021 process 
must be scrapped in toto. Goa has managed to function in a void for the last 
4 years it can afford to do so for another 2 years but if the present 
process, under the obsolete planning laws, is allowed to go on and get 
ratified it will be an eternal disaster. GBA has played the fool with the 
people which got amply proved and in my opinion it continues to do so 
because at the end of the day, GBA is like a virtual drive in the PC. No one 
can feel its physical being that it can be held accountable and responsible 
at the end of the day.
Merely claiming that the RP 2021 must be in sink with the 73rd and 74th 
Amendement is another mantra which GBA itself is in confusion about. What 
are the TOR for GBA to ascertain that the RP 2021 is in sink with 73  74 
Amendment. 3 years down the line GBA does not have its own road map on what 
would an RP for Goa involve. Contradictions in GBA are galore with 
architects, engineers and other cheer leaders for real estate pulling on one 
side, while the pro-people, pro-participatory group pulling on the other.
GBA is a big bundle of contradictions. It agrees that the TCP Act is 
obsolete while in the same breathe it insists for an RP2021 prepared under 
this very obsolete TCP law. At the end of this it adds the catchy phrase, 
'in sink with the 73rd and 74th Amendment'. If one cares to study the TCP 
Act one will realise that for it to be in sink with the 73rd and 74th 
Amendment the entire planning process itself has to be turned on its head. 
This involves a lot of rethinking.
We are well aware that architects, engineers and real estate developers 
prefer to deal with the TCP dept.then with the Gram Sabha. Thats the crux of 
the issue as to why GBA is pushing for the RP 2021. Should the down-top 
approach materialise it will be hell for unscrupulous architects and 
engineers who are able to manipulate  the present TCP Act to cover up 
Therefore, the present TCP Act must be replaced with a single Act that 
governs land use without any scope for interference from politicians and 
bureaucrats. Only when clearly spelt out base maps on land use for entire 
Goa are in place, and the processes of down-top consutation for any 
alterations provided for, will Goa be able to enjoy some peace and planned 
development. If the government can hire foreign consultants for the 
signature sea-link, it can very well engage foreign consultants to put in 
place these planning laws instead of telling people to give the alternative. 
The Union Government has also worked out draft guidelines for planning laws 
which are in sink with the 73rd and 74th amendment  but politicians and real 
estate developers are stalling the finalisation process.

So, we definitely require to say No To the present RP 2021.


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Adv Leo Velho

2010-07-22 Thread Gracias Tome

For goans its a a Jewel lost in the oceans. 


Leo Velho I knew him personally and the he always guided me to reasonable 



 Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:38:07 +0530
 From: aureliovie...@yahoo.co.in
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org; eddiever...@hotmail.com
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Adv Leo Velho
 Adv. Leo Velho was a highly qualified, devoted and down to earth person.
 He helped a lot of people in our village Chinchinim. It is said that he had
 to sell his property to fight the elections. Sadly sincere politicians like 
 him and
 Dr. Alvaro will be missed by Chinchonkars.
 May his soul rest in peace!
 Edward Verdes
 As Mr Edward Verdes said I am also of the same opinion that we wont get a 
 down to earth person like Adv Leo Velho. When I was the sarpanch of 
 Chinchinim Village panchayat I also use to take his advice in many legal 
 matters and he without any personal gains would direct me the exact path.
 Personally I miss a good friend . May his soul rest in peace!
 Aurelio Viegas
 * * *
 The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
 the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
 [http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
 http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
 9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.
 * * *
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] RSS and terror

2010-07-22 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Editorial in Economic Times dt 22nd July, 2010

RSS and Terror

The contradiction between the RSS’ top leaders averring that the
organisation would not support or defend any members involved in terrorist
   activities, and the emergence of fresh allegations linking yet more
members, including one from the RSS’ top decision making body, underlines
both the problem the RSS itself faces and the one it posits for the BJP, its
political arm. Of course, establishing the degree of veracity and truth of
these allegations has to be left to the investigations.

But so far, links have been unearthed between Hindu extremist groups and RSS
members and the blasts on the Samjhauta Express and those in Hyderabad,
Ajmer, Malegaon and Goa. The question is whether the RSS really believed or
thought that its wider ideological beliefs and practices, based on jingoism
and hatred stemming from its narrow and sectarian interpretations of
concepts of history, identity and nationhood, could not lead to its members
committing acts of terror. It is precisely such interpretations of those
concepts that drives the Islamic extremists at home and abroad — the
difference being one of scale and expertise in implementing terror plots,
not of the terror itself. The issue, therefore, isn’t solely that a few
fringe elements may be involved in terrorist activities, but that there is a
wider context of communal hatred and fundamentalism behind such attacks.

The point is that, if terrorism is to be defeated, in all its forms, then it
also involves tackling and targeting communal hatred and polarisation. Thus,
the other big question is how far can the BJP, the major opposition party,
afford to be steered by an organisation whose ideology is linked to terror
and whose organisational links to terror acts is under active investigation.
And can sheer political, even electoral, compulsions force the BJP, at some
point, to re-examine its umbilical cord-connection with the RSS? Can it
afford not to? While hardline, even extreme, views can exist in a democracy,
violence is immanent in attempts to insert those views into society and the
workings of the state.


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Degoanising Goa's services

2010-07-22 Thread floriano


VOTE FOR Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's/Sonia Auntie's INC/CONGRESS
VOT FOR  - Modi/Advani's BJP which has swallowed Maharashtra's MGP
VOTE FOR  - The Maratha Raja's INC

SPIT ON  - Goa Su-Raj Party

www.goasu-raj.org  for scroll-up expanded Party Presentation on the home 
page so that you may know better.

- Original Message - 
From: soter so...@bsnl.in

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 5:34 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Degoanising Goa's services

The growing degoanisation of every service in Goa is simply disgusting. 
Leave aside the private sector, one expects to see some traces of goanness 
in the government and semi-government undertakings. But if you are 
exclusively konkani speaking and trying to access some Goa government 
service you may well be made to feel like a migrant. The security at the 
Goa Medical College ensures that you feel like in a hospital at Mumbai and 
Bangaluroo. The security at the entrance of Goa Government Secretariat 
makes you feel as if you are before the gates of Vidhana Saudha in 
Karnataka. Walk into a goan restaurant and try conversing in konkani with 
the waiter and all you will get is a blank stare. Raise your vocie a 
little and he will take off to call the supervisor. The menu card says 
goan food but the cook is Nepali. The other day I was shocked to see the 
number of U.P. drivers behind the wheels of our taxis. It is difficult to 
spot a goan barber in a goan hair cutting saloon. Now Healt
h Minister claims there are no anaesthesists and doctors in the PHCs. How 
can there ever be, when every post is auctioned to the highest bidder and 
a scoundrel politician breathes down your neck for non-productive favours?
Standard argument is that there is no local labour available. How can 
there be local labour when the basic labour laws and wage scales are 
flouted?  Which employer will want local labour if he can get extra 
profits from bonded labour with providing low wages and sub-human living 


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
Adding to what is said below, I am writing this to let you know that another 
fellow Goanetter named Marshall Mendonza sent me an unsolicited email, adding 
me to his private cc list of friends and supporters, with the sole purpose of 
issuing a legal threat against me. He had no business threatening me in this 
manner, in the company of his community of his allies and political supporters. 
To provide you with proof of what I am saying here, I kindly request Marshall 
Mendonza to give me permission to post his email threatening me, drawing 
support from other members of his gang.



--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Marshall Mendonza mmendonz...@gmail.com wrote:

 Jim Fernandes:
 The reason I am writing about this on GoaNet is because, a
 fellow GoaNetter
 named Santosh Helekar included me in this non-GoaNet
 related group, when I
 responded to a thread on GoaNet. He had no business of
 debates and then include my email ID, in such external
 groups, without my
 In the good old days of the opium trade this was known as
 'being shanghaied'


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *


2010-07-22 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Goa Government’s decision to appoint Additional Sessions Judge Mr.
Pramod Kamat as the new Law Secretary is a step in the right direction to
clear the mess in the Law department.

The removal of High Court Public Prosecutor  Mrs Winnie Coutinho was another
step in clearing the rot and muck that has been  witnessed. It is very
however regretful that the Goa Government allowed Mrs. Winnie Coutinho to
continue as Public Prosecutor in the High Court for over two years after the
Goa Government itself had concluded that she was incompetent and very

Now there should be a concerted effort to put the Law department in good
order. To achieve this, it’s crucial and imperative that Goa get’s at the
earliest possible  a competent and honest Advocate General in place. What is
the Chief Minister who is also the Law Minister waiting for?

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] PPP dominates Goa!

2010-07-22 Thread U. G. Barad
Goans have now started appreciating Digambar Kamat Government (D-Gu-Gov) all
the more for all round welfare planning and much more for accommodating
public participations in all government planning and serving Goans through
various government departments on PPP basis!

In a written reply Digambar Kamat, on behalf of D-Gu-Gov, promised that
North Goa will get 24 x 7 water supply from Opa through PPP project (Aam
Admi must read PPP as public private participation projects although it
actually means Pad-Podille-Projects!) He also revealed that D-Gu-Gov is
about to finalize 12 more PPP projects to operate various other government
departments!! Read more in TOI, front page, dated 22/7/10

Reacting on this PPP projects one senior citizen said, It appears that
present chief minister and group of ministers have no time to ensure smooth
functioning of government departments. If PPP projects are so effective
projects than defiantly Di-Gu-Gov must handover the positions and chairs of
chief minister and that of other group of ministers to a PPP group and get
themselves relieved from their responsibilities. Will D-Gu-Gov do this on

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-22 Thread Ivo

Dear Goanetters,
Our politicians are working for our human integral development. We know 
their temptation for corruption and criminalization of politics. Yet we 
respect them and eagerly wait for the results of their endeavours. All 
religions should work for the human dignity, human rights, human integral 
development. I am giving a little text of the Catholic Church (Pontifical 
Council for Interrreligious Dialogue) on a call to all religions and men of 
goodwill, in particular to collaboration between the Church and the Hindu 
community for human integral development (given on the occasion of their 
festival Deepavalli). 

Christians and Hindus: Committed to Integral Human Development

Dear Hindu Friends,

(1. It is my joy to greet you all, once again, in the name of the Pontifical 
Council for Interreligious Dialogue: a Happy Deepavali! Religious Festivals 
enable us to revitalize our relationship with God and one another. May this 
Festival of Lights, while elevating our minds and hearts towards God, the 
Supreme Light, strengthen fellowship among us and bless us all with 
happiness and peace.

2. Honouring the tradition of this Pontifical Council to share a thought on 
matters of common concern, I would like to propose this year that we reflect 
on the need to work together for integral human development).

**3. Integral human development implies the advance towards the true good of 
every individual, community and society, in every single dimension of human 
life: social, economic, political, intellectual, spiritual and religious. 
Pope Paul VI described it as development of the whole man and of all men 
(Populorum Progressio, 1967, no. 42) from less human conditions to those 
which are more human (Ibid., no.20). And Pope Benedict XVI wrote recently 
that integral human development presupposes the responsible freedom of the 
individual and of peoples (Caritas in veritate, no. 17).

4. Such authentic human development can be achieved only by assuming a 
shared responsibility for one another and by seriously engaging in 
collaborative action. This springs from our very nature as human beings and 
our belonging to one human family.

5. In the process of integral development, protection of human life and 
respect for the dignity and fundamental rights of the person, are a 
responsibility of everyone, both individually and collectively.

6. Respect for others therefore implies the recognition of their freedom: 
freedom of conscience, thought and religion. When persons feel respected in 
their primary choice as religious beings, only then are they able to 
encounter others and cooperate for the progress of humanity. This shapes a 
more peaceful social order conducive to development.

7. Integral human development also requires the political will to work 
towards ensuring greater protection of human rights and peaceful 
co-existence. Development, freedom and peace are inextricably linked 
together, and they complete one another. Lasting peace and harmonious 
relations emerge in an atmosphere of freedom; so also, integral human 
development is accomplished in an environment of peace.

Let us all, as people of good will, join together to dispel every darkness 
that hinders a true vision of co-existence, religious harmony and integral 
development for each and every person.

(May Deepavali be an occasion to celebrate our friendship and boldly 
proclaim the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and work 
together to bring about an era of true freedom 'for all' and integral human 
development 'of all'.

My best wishes, once again, for a splendid and joyous Deepavali).

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran

Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata



* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Polination

2010-07-22 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Please STOP YOUR SPAM MAIL. Which part to this do you not understand?

Once again you are cross-posting to start another ring-ma-roll. Unless this is 
your method of informing others to stop being weeds.

Why did you cross-post my post on this thread to one other forum and not all 
others to which you belong? Please ONCE AGAIN, let us know which of these 
multiple forums did you put together or are registered in your name. 


- Santosh Helekar 

Since Gilbert has now gotten into this debate, while simultaneously denying 
he has no intention of doing it, I would like to ask him the following 
to be able to provide appropriate answers because of my longstanding membership 
of several Goan internet forums:


* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] MNE forces removal of banner with Mapusa civic's name in Marathi, Konkani - Herald July 22, 2010

2010-07-22 Thread floriano

MNE forces removal of banner with Mapusa civic's name in Marathi, Konkani

Herald Correspondent
Porvorim, July 21

The Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott (MNE) met Mapusa Municipal Council Chairperson 
Roopa Bhakta and Chief Officer Dasharath Redkar on Tuesday and got them to 
remove the banner depicting the name of the council in Marathi and Konkani 
languages on the MMC building.

Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott Convenor Antonio Lobo submitted a memorandum to 
the chairperson and the chief officer and stated that language is a 
sensitive issue and that a decision cannot be taken by MMC without passing a 
resolution in the matter.

Claiming that the issue requires wider consultation, Lobo said the MMC 
cannot take a decision abruptly to erect a banner in Marathi and Konkani 
language solely on the demand of the Shiv Sena.

He reminded them that when the MNE had sought permission to plant few 
saplings in July-August 2009, the chairperson had told them a resolution of 
the Municipal Council was necessary.

Although a year has passed, a resolution to this effect has not been passed 
by the MMC. It is therefore surprising that the chairperson and chief 
officer unilaterally accepted  the demands of Shiv Sena to put up a board in 
Marathi without any reference to the council or adopting a resolution by 
it, said Lobo.

Any unilateral attempt to impose boards in Marathi language will be opposed 
by MNE. Moreover, no boards in Konkani have been put up anywhere and if 
there are no boards in official language, then there can be no boards in 
Marathi too. Hence the banner put up by the MMC should be removed 
immediately,  claimed Lobo.

When contacted, Bhakta clarified that some Shiv Sena members had barged in 
when a meeting of the Department Promoting Meeting was in progress.

They started threatening the chief officer of dire consequences if the 
board carrying the mane of Mapusa Municipal Council in Marathi is not put up 
on the MMC building, said Bhakta.

I had told them that I would put up their proposal before the ensuing 
council meeting for discussion and if the resolution is passed, then I would 
put the board in Marathi.

Since the Shiv Sena members started using harsh language, the chief officer 
assured them to put the board within eight days and accordingly on the 
advice of the chief officer, the banner was put, clarified Bhakta.

MMC Chief Officer Dasharath Redkar explained that a notification issue by 
the government permits the erection of boards in Marathi and Konkani 
languages. I had directed the MMC staff to put a proper board, and not a 
banner, in Marathi and Konkani languages, said Redkar.

When Lobo asked the chief officer if he had seen the banner put upon the MMC 
building, Redkar replied in the negative.

I cannot digest the answer given by the chief officer that he has not seen 
the banner put up on the MMC building, replied Lobo. He pointed out to the 
chief officer that the banner accords first priority to Marathi and then for 
the Konkani language. Since Konkani is the official language, it must get 
first priority and hence this banner should be removed immediately. 
insisted Lobo.

The chief officer and the chairperson later agreed to the demand by the MNE 
and ordered the removal of the banner.

www.goasu-raj.org  for scroll-up expanded Party Presentation on the home 

It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest 

Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined, 
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance' 
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *