[Goanet] Why I am not an atheist

2010-11-21 Thread Bernado Colaco
The illiteracy among Goans in regards to the events of 61 is huge. I remember a 
few years I challenged a priest  a bharati  who came with stories as hamara 
etc, - and who was among a  congregation of party goers. I told him  about the 
results of neo colonial rule. The priest never liked it but many in the group 
were surprised (true Goan ignorance) by the information. Likewise habari yakos 
have little or no knowlegde of Goa during the events of 61. Therefore the 
quagmire stories have to be recounted continously. Answers about fixing Goa was 
responded on a another list this in reference to the Global Goa convention 
recently held in Quwait. Now if people who are interested only in foreign 
exchange rates clearly will not be added to such a list. Get a life and know 
more about Goa and the events that has led to the failure in governance since 
Goanet is a forum where most?posters seem unable to get out of a 
quagmire. A quagmire?that they insist on?making worse.?There seem 
to be two issues?that have to be?regurgitated frequently if not every 
week. The first?issue is 1961. The second issue is the subject?the 
subject of?God or more appropriately, beliefs.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: A view from NH17 Merces (Bypass) - Lake, birds, Megaprojects etc

2010-11-21 Thread JoeGoaUk

A view from NH17 Merces  (Bypass)
Lake, birds, Megaprojects etc

New development –Mega Project

A water bird in the lake with spreaded wings
Meet my new found friend 
Very photogenic . Kya chizz hai!
A memorial (Road Accident Victim?)

Buffalo and Herons -Lake

in a line
Bokim ou Bollaram


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For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2010-11-21 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

 On Sun Nov 21 08:26:25 PST 2010 J. Colaco < jc> colaco1 at
gmail.com wrote:<<< Dear
learned Sirjee,  Thank you for
confirming that Criteria is NOT singular, and that you were in error in your
previous post.  Must say that your
humility, in accepting your errors, is striking.  May I add that except by way 
of recombinant technology,
medical dictionaries are unlikely to be able to make singular out of
plural.  If you do not believe me,
please check with Santoshbab. He is an A+ in Englsih, and you a D-.  Which 
school did you attend? Did they
not have a good English teacher on staff? 



COMMENT : Dear , you are as superior as your “Santoshbab”
in ignorance. You cited a dictionary because I wrote “a criteria” stating in
singular it is ‘criterion’. Well accepted. I have directed you to this medical
dictionary cite: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/criteria

Does it not give you the description of ‘Criteria’ as : A set of
rules…/ A listing of…?

Have I stated in my post “one of the criteria?”

, I do not need grades from a College of Ignorance that
you and your ‘Santoshbab’ belong. I know where I stand.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] Telecom scam

2010-11-21 Thread U. G. Barad

Marshall Mendonza wrote, on above subject: 

We have been reading quite a bit on the telecom scam here in this forum
mostly culled out from sangh parivar publications which has its own biases
and slants. Here is an interview of Kapil Sibal by Arnab Goswami on Times
Now which gives the other point of view.

My response:

Marshall, you appear to be all out to say ‘come what may, I will defend my
soni’ – but you proved to be a very weak advocate for Kangress. You appeared
to be ‘just got out from your slumber’ with total ignorance about the views
and stands taken by other political parties in India. And that you have not
even heard nor comprehended the interview of Kapil Sibal with Arnab Goswami
properly but preferred to forward the web-link to goanet in defense of
2G(andi)s – an perfect copy cat practice of Clerk. Marshall even pretends
has though he does not know how media personnel are hired to do what
Kangress wants.

Yes, staying in power is a privilege, but explosions of scams after scam has
proved that to hold on to power with the help of corrupt scam-artist
ministers and partners is not a safe bet for PM any more, although it has
proved to be the safest bet for 2 G(andi)s has they are unaccountable to

While concluding this posting, I pose few questions which most Indians are
asking in connection with telecom scam: 1) is not PM entrusted by the
constitution to uphold the national interest first? Has he done justice to
this basic requirement? 2) how could he ignore his cabinet minister Raja
choking a public revenue stream? 3) why did he not say NO to Raj and defined
his limits of his arbitrariness 4) why did he allow the CBI to underperform
in investigating telecom scandal? 5) it appears that Manmohan Singh works as
though he is answerable to hidden extra-constitutional force and not to
entire nation? If so, which is that hiding force?  

Although answers are self-evident, I expect Marshall Mendonza will answer

In telecom scam, Manmohan Singh is not only guilty of omission but is on the
verge of being accused of complicity. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Eduardo Faleiro: A Career Well Charte d (Mário Cabral e Sá)

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News Service

A Career Well Charted
Published on: November 6, 2010 - 20:29  
By Mário Cabral e Sá

I am glad Eduardo Faleiro was felicitated on his 70th birthday. I could 
not attend for reasons of health his graceful invitation to lunch at his 
house at Raia, his ancestral village.

His late wife, Muriel had caringly rebuilt the house and I was sad she 
was not present to see the public recognition his work for India and 
Goans - at home and at large - as commissioner for NRI affairs received.
I happen to know Eduardo since he was a child with a sad look on his 
face, holding by his hand his father professor Martinho Faleiro, who 
taught Sanskrit and Marathi at the Lycée.  He had gone almost totally 
blind. His mother had died when he was still a child and his only 
brother had died of rabies.

For a while he boarded with my neighbour and former librarian Aleixo 
Costa and his wife Olga, a very artistic seamstress, embroiderer and 
craft teacher of many a nubile girl of my generation. She looked after 
Eduardo very caringly.

Eduardo was a very good student and went with his father to Lisbon when 
he retired.  Unsurprisingly, he earned with distinction his law degree 
in Lisbon. Just when he had concluded his graduation, Goa was taken over 
by the Indian Armed Forces. Eduardo and many other Goan students 
returned to Goa.  My co-islander, the great professor Armando Menezes, a 
brilliant poet and the then Vice chancellor of the just carved-out 
Dharwad University that was till then a faculty affiliated to the Bombay 
University, gave him a most helpful hand. He got him admitted, 
straightaway, to the LLM course.

He practiced for a while in Goan courts with moderate success.  By then 
Goa was in the thick of partisan politics, and Erasmo Sequeira, the 
emince gris of his father, Jack de Sequeira picked him as a UGP 
candidate for the Curtorim constituency, which till then Enio Pimenta, a 
fine orator who did his homework meticulously, had represented.  Why 
really Enio and Jack parted company I do not know, but guess. His 
independence of character and mind, his best qualities, may not have 
pleased the UGP supremo Jack de Sequeira.

South Goa was then represented in parliament by a nominated MP, António 
Colaço, a distinguished physician with a large practice but, again, a 
very independent minded-man. Then my friend, Mukund Sinkcre surprisingly 
won the election on an MGP ticket and, if I mistake not, later Erasmo 
was elected.

UGP broke its ties with the Congress.  Indira Gandhi rushed to Goa with 
her then trusted party treasurer Uma Shankar Dixit, who at a memorable 
meeting with Sequeira proposed that he merge his party with the 
Congress. Jack de Sequeira, haughty as ever, riposted, “Why instead does 
not the Congress merge with the UGP?” Dixit was left speechless. He 
mockingly bowed to Sequeira, reverentially bared his head and said, 
“Doctor Sahib, mand lia”, and left it at that.

With elections knocking at the door, Eduardo Faleiro was the choice by 
default. Salcette was solidly for UGP, but had the commonsense to see 
through Jack de Sequeira’s flatulence and he met the destiny that 
awaited him.

To Eduardo’s credit he worked his way into Indira’s heart and unlike the 
chameleons that abounded in the Congress (by now Congress (I)) stuck 
with her through thick and thin. She inducted him in her cabinet as a 
junior minister. Knowing Portuguese at that point in time perhaps better 
than English he acquitted himself with distinction in the long drawn out 
controversy over what in common parlance is known as “BNU Gold”.

The case was that on the eve of Goa’s assault by the Indian Armed Forces 
BNU’s general manager sent all the gold pledged by its borrowers by the 
last ship to Lisbon. India ordered the currency notes issued by it lying 
in its coffers to be burnt to ashes.  Two junior officers were put in 
charge of the operation and Taleigao being in the interior was the 
chosen  place.  Small wonder some of the BNU officers, menials and 
perhaps some passers-by as well helped themselves to the notes.  Some 
were burnt to ashes, those which were not enriched the retrievers.
BNU, as with all Portuguese banking organisations, had carefully packed 
and sealed the gold pledged with it with the signature of the borrower, 
his identity and thumb impressions. When the gold eventually was 
returned to Goa it was discovered that some of the packages contained 
tinsel, but that was a trick played by the borrowers in collusion with 
the respective BNU teller.

Kudos to Eduardo for his mission successful.  I cannot say the same 
thing about his loan melas. My dear friend, the advocate Mukund Sinkcre, 
once told me that he had cautioned an old client, who was a clean and 
sumptuous man, “Are you  participating in a ‘mela’?  Remember you will 
have to repay the money. You have enough of your own. Why borrow then?” 
And the client replied in good Salcette Konkani “Saib, yen rinn nuin, ho 
‘loan’ assa.” A ‘rin

[Goanet] Local news daily has hammered the last nail in Goa’s coffin

2010-11-21 Thread Nisser Dias

Local news daily has hammered the last nail in Goa’s coffin
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

Last week one of the highest selling news daily in Goa created ripples 
not only in Goa but all over the world with irresponsible, inaccurate 
caption that 45 percent of Goans are alcoholics. Several requests to the 
editor to issue a corrigendum fell on deaf ears; furthermore the issue 
was further muddled with an editorial which said that 45 percent of 
Goans consume alcohol. Now whom do we believe the reporter who has 
actually filed the news item or the sub-editor who captioned the story 
or the editor. This is yet to be clarified by the newspaper but still 
today this news daily is keeping its readers and Goans all over the 
globe that check the online edition in suspense. This is irresponsible 
reporting that Dr. Joe D’souza had recently written about in his article 
titled, “The crisis of scientific reporting in Goa.”

The incident occurred with some personalities associated with Alcoholic 
Annonymous (AA) issuing a press-note as a run-up of its worldwide 
convention in Goa, wherein it was stated that, “approximately more than 
45 percent of Goans consume legal alcohol – way ahead of the Indian 
average of 25 percent for other states. It is estimated that there might 
be about a lakh of alcoholics in Goa.” The reporter seems to have filed 
the news item as per the press-note without verifying the facts or maybe 
to quantify his daily stories.

Firstly the personalities who issued the press-note had to be questioned 
on the veracity of the facts and figures, secondly the reporter should 
have had knowledge that AA is not allowed to provide percentages or 
figures as they do not gather statistics. The reporter miserably failed 
to adhere to the basic norms of journalism that is to verify and confirm 
facts and figure placed before him by somebody else.

Secondly the sub-editor in-charge of the front page acted in most the 
irresponsible manner while giving the caption that screamed, “45% Goans 
are alcoholics” It is very evident that the careless journalist read 
only the first two sentences of the news item and did not understand 
those two lines also but went ahead with the caption.

If one pauses for a minute and ponders the caption sounds ridiculous 
because such a high percentage roughly adds to around six lakhs out of 
the total 14 lakh population. This means seeing a Goan fallen by the 
roadside or in a gutter would be common sight. The rate of domestic 
violence would have been higher, unemployment should have been much 
higher. Then we have a vibrant economy, tourism is thriving with lakhs 
of youth have a stake in it, young entrepreneurs have become prosperous 
and more are in the making. But this simple logic or thoughts did not 
seem to have struck the sub-editor while giving the title.

Now coming to the second aspect of the news item that states, “there 
might be about a lakh of alcoholics in Goa.” The sub-editor should have 
taken a note of this as for one lakh does not add to 45 percent. At the 
same time the usage of term ‘might be’ should have sparked a light in 
the reporter’s as well as the sub-editor’s head, it is an irony that it 
did not. Worse still the report appeared on the front page of the news 
daily which indicates that it also had the sanction of the chief sub 
editor and the news editor but nothing was done to rectify the 
underlying damage such an irresponsible report would do to Goans all 
over the globe. It is a height of incompetency.

Taking the argument further that there are one lakh alcoholics in Goa. 
This is including migrant population like night loaders, day coolies, 
construction workers, daily wage workers, factory workers. And more 
importantly those alcoholics who have attained sobriety are also 
included in this bracket. So what is the correct percent of Goans being 

I am not saying that alcoholism is not prevalent in Goa, it is very much 
present but given Goan scenario like our life style, brewing two types 
of feni’s in thousands of  homes, enjoying Urrak during summers in 
almost every household in Goa besides easy availability of other alcohol 
across lakhs of counters, in taverns, bars and restaurants and shacks 
the percentage of alcoholism is comparatively low. By this I surely mean 
that we cannot lie back and relax, we have to arrest the growing menace 
of alcoholism among the youth.

Alcoholic Anonymous is doing a great among the alcoholics but the state 
government should set mechanism in place to educate youth about the 
ill-effects of the consuming alcohol. Then there should be stringent 
punishment to those who sell and serve alcohol to youth below the age of 
18 years. Of course that is another aspect of alcoholism.

But this news daily which is widely sold in south Goa has done is 
unknowingly joined hands with the Bollywood, which have been portraying 
Goans as drunkards or boozards for time imme

[Goanet] Fwd: Aquem sabha demands notice to builder of mega project

2010-11-21 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 Aquem sabha demands notice to builder of mega project



Aquem sabha demands notice to builder of mega project
The Aquem Baixo gram sabha on Sunday demanded that the panchayat issue a
show cause notice of a builder at Goraksheewadi to stop the mega housing
project with immediate effect.
The gram sabha member also adopted a resolution asking the Panchayat to
re-auction the Panchayat shops as per rules.
At the gram sabha meeting held on Sunday, the mega housing project coming up
on land admeasuring around 40,000 square meters dominated the meeting with
agitated members demanding an immediate stop to the project.
Members pointed out that the housing project is coming up in a low lying
area and raised apprehensions that the entire area will be inundated during
monsoons.. The members recalled the decision of the gram sabha not to permit
filling up of low lying area in the village.
The project was also opposed on grounds that the existing infrastructure in
the village fall short of the requirements, with members contending that the
project would only compound the problems relating to water supply, power and
garbage disposal.
Some members also demanded to know from the Panchayat body whether the land
in question is tenanted one or not. They demanded that the Panchayat make
available the records of the land in question, including the orders from the
District Collector to ascertain the status of the land.
It was pointed out that the even the High court had recently directed some
of the village Panchayats not to issue occupancy certifications to projects
if the Panchayats have failed to provide garbage disposal facility.
After much discussions, the gram sabha told the Sarpanch to issue the show
cause notice to the owner of the project by next week.
Meanwhile, gram sabha members pointed out that the shops leased by the
Panchayat body has not been re-auctioned by the body since the last 12
Members pointed out that rules mandates the Panchayat to auction the shops
every three years, with one member claiming that one of the shops has been
transferred in violation of the rules.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] TABLA restaurant to close

2010-11-21 Thread George Pinto
For those of you around the New York area, 37 days to enjoy the food before 
this remarkable restaurant closes.

Floyd Cardoz did an excellent job



[Goanet] Talking Photos: More Seasonal Flowers

2010-11-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: More Seasonal Flowers

Double Decker Doxinn (Hibiscus)

These Shebdulim are  very particular about time
5 o’clock means 5 o’clock
It starts at 5 and by 6 all done
Tambdde Rosa Tuje Pole..
Bomboi son Roz eilam, ujeache gaddienu
Mak’bai loz dista (don't touch me)
Butanv or buttons 

I guess these are also flowers
tiny yellow
Not mini Sant Anton but Mini Anant




for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] St. Joseph Church Renovation - Zanzibar, Tanzania- Update # 5

2010-11-21 Thread Mervyn Lobo
For anyone interested or who is able to help, here is the latest update on an 
effort to renovate a Cathedral in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

From: AntonioA 
To: sjcszanzi...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, November 21, 2010 1:49:30 PM
Subject: [SJCSZanzibar] St. Joseph Church Renovation,-Zanzibar,Tanzania- Update 
# 5

As of November 21, 2010, we have received/pledged $25,380.26 from Zanzibaris 

friends in the USA, Canada, England, Australia and Denmark. Funds received by 
each of the Committees is as follows:

USA/Australia$11,713.26-31 families
Canada/Denmark---$10,505.00-62 families
England--$3,162.00--5 families

We thank all those who have contributed/pledged to help restore our beautiful 
church in Zanzibar where our faith was nourished and supported. This church was 
the place where we worshipped, were baptized, confirmed, married and celebrated 
the death of our loved ones. Let us restore the Church for those who still use 
it as a Beacon of Hope.

The Bishop and the Restoration Committee in Zanzibar are busy supervising the 
restoration and "fund raising" activities in Zanzibar and Dar-es-Salaam. Phase 
II and III requires a lot of financial support (See Update # 4).

The Committee in England started late due to conflicts in vacation plans and 
other matters. A very dedicated group of members have been assembled. They have 
met and are busy planning fund raising activities and will soon be raising 

Christmas is around the corner. We have a few weeks left of 2010. So please 
consider a monetary donation to the restoration of our church in Zanzibar. 
Spread the "good news" among your friends and relatives to join us in this 
worthy cause and God bless each and every one of you.

"For it is in Giving that we Receive" St. Francis of Assisi

Anthony Antao

[Goanet] Implementation of the Sectarian Act

2010-11-21 Thread Wilson Wilmix

Implementation of the Sectarian Act

The Official Language Act  of Goa , in its present form is “lop-sided’ 
and hence, it is wrong to implement it.

The Oficial Language Act of Goa in its present form is ‘Sectarian” and 
hence, it is divisive in nature.

The Official Language Act of Goa in its present form is “Communal” and 
hence, it promotes communalism in Goa.

Inspite of all these negatives  , if the Government of Goa is hell-bent 
on implementing it, it will  only lead to chaos, confusion and add  one 
more communal - wedge between two major communities of Goa , viz. the 
Hindus & Christians..

However, the biggest  sufferer of the enforced implementation , will be 
the Konkani Language itself.

Our mother-tongue Konkani will become the “sacrificial lamb” at the 
altar of the sadists and communalists.

The Official Language Act  in its present form  has already succeeded in 
alienating  major players from the Konkani Field & now by its enforced 
implementation,  the Government of Goa will only be  sending one more 
negative  signal to the Christian community of Goa that “Salazar-giri” 
is back in Goa in the form of present Politicians and Devnagari -Script 

The move to implement the Official Language Act  in its  present form, 
is nothing  but utter   “Communalism”.   It gives Goans  the feeling 
that some communal elements in the Government or some  communal 
advisors  of the present Government , are attempting a frustrated 
back-door entry.

They are telling the Christian Community that  since the communalists 
have failed in ‘forceful  religious conversions”  , they  will now, 
forcefully convert the Goan Christians   in their  non-religious fields 
 viz.  Employment,  Education, Art & Culture .
But will it work ? Do they  really think that the Christian Community of 
Goa  is “dumb” ?

No . The Christian Community of Goa is not “dumb”. Their only weakness 
is  “tolerance” , but believe me even  “tolerance” of Goans from the 
Christian community , has a limit.

Please do not push them beyond a point. Christians of Goa who are 99.9% 
Roman Script users , can best be described  by the famous Goan saying “ 
Saad ghaltolya Kombyak , panttle pondak dhamplo mhunn tho kaim Saad 
ghalinastana rauta  ?”

Since these  communalists  have the “power” of the Government Machinery 
 behind them  ,  they  may succeed with their money , up to a 
particular point  but at grave cost to the Goan Society , ie. they  may 
drive the Roman Script users to a point of desperation forcing them to 
 embrace  English, at the cost of Konkani.

As it is , in the present set up, the entire younger generation of Goa, 
  including those  from  the Hindu Community , is already in the 
clutches of the English language.

What we need  most , now , is a spirit of give and take, a spirit of 
compromise , a spirit of accommodation among all Goans and not 
“Salazar-giri” as is being shown by the present Government .
Goa needs  leaders from among the people   with  a rationalistic 
approach , not self- proclaimed  leaders  filled with arrogance.

Goa  needs  “Nehrus” ,  not  “Nagesh Karmalis”

Nagesh Karmali  may have his way  by changing the  name plates  at 
Government Offices into  Devanagri Konkani ,  but what will Nagesh 
Karmali do, if the entire Private Sector in Goa decides to have their 
name-plates in “Roman-Script-Konkani “ ?

This is a “food for thought” for the all the Nagesh Karmalis in our 

Wilmix Wilson Mazarello
(Convenor, ‘Romi  Lipi  Action  Front’)

Re: [Goanet] Complete ignorance - was Politics, lies or Ignorance?

2010-11-21 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Gabe Menezes wrote:
> Had the same questions, re status referee been asked of theGreatest 
> guru ever to grace Goanet M.G. what would his answer have been? 

It took me a lot of time to figure out who you were referring to with the 
initials M.G.
Poor guy. 
While he was on Goanet I assured him that despite all his health problems, 
he would live to see gold at $1,650. The dude could/would not accept this
because of his extreme right wing philosophy. Strangely enough, the mantra
of the tea party i.e. those who have hijacked the Republican agenda, now is:
"Gold, God and Guns," 

The question I have for you is:
Would you invest any of your savings in a company M.G. worked for?
More importantly, would you invest your savings in a car manufacturing 
company owned by the US and Canadian governments? The company,
believe it or not has MG's initials in reverse. GM, (Government Motors)
told all its former shareholders that their shares were worthless and 
then issued shares to the Canadian and US governments. 

I would love to see the car built by govt bureaucrats. Capitalism, especially 
the hybrid practised by the US today, can be very interesting.

[Goanet] Churchill's Interview On Goamag

2010-11-21 Thread Freddy Fernandes

Churchill’s Interview On Goamag

I use to like watching Rajat Sharma in “Aap Ki Adalat” taking pot-shots 
at a number of politicians and bureaucrats and making a mickey of them, 
it was good entertainment, it would be a relief for every politician 
when the show ended, as he would corner and target all the politicians 
but one day I saw the demise of Rajat Sharma when the lion of 
Maharashtra Babashaib Thackrey was called on his show, I had finished 
all my chores well in advance and wouldn’t have missed it for the world, 
I had high regards for Rajat Sharma and the expectations were even more 
but as the show progressed it was evident that Rajat Sharma had left his 
balls behind when he took on the mighty Lion and he looked like a mere 
mouse cornered by the big cat, looking for a way out, that was the last 
episode of “Aap ki adalat” I ever watched.

I wouldn’t put Goamag’s interview of King Momo of Goa, Churchill Alemao 
in the same category as that of “Aap ki adalat” but the timidity and the 
appeasing of Goamag, of the man himself was very much evident and I have 
to agree with Agnelo Pinheiro on his assumption of the interview, it was 
not to bring facts in front of the public but a mere publicity stunt to 
promote the monster of corruption and it is indeed clear that the whole 
setup was for the benefit of, one of the most corrupt politician in 
Goa’s history, who is know to buy anyone and everyone who can be used by 
him, I am very much disappointed with the attitude of some of our Dubai 
Goans who instead of helping our harassed brethren in Goa are supporting 
their oppression.

Here are the questions asked to Churchill and my views:

Question 1: Why is politics treated as a dirty subject by the general 
public ?  According to Churchill It’s each ones perception, he most 
certainly does not see the dirt and the muck because he himself is full 
of it now and can see no difference. This reminds me of a fisher women 
who stayed overnight at the house of a woman who sold flowers and 
complained of the stinking flowers, fishermen will always be okay with 
the stink of fish around them, I mean no offence to the fishing community.

Question 2: We find political parties engaged in catfights and blame 
game, why so ? Churchill is right in his answer that he too thought the 
same before he joined politics. But now since he is part of the 
catfights and blame game, he has now realized that it’s the name of the 
game without it one just cannot survive or thrive. How often he has 
blamed others for all the his ills ? How often has he threatened to over 
throw governments and has succeeded in becoming CM through the same 
process. Has anyone forgotten how BJP came into power for the first time 
in Goa ?

Question 3: You have widespread support among NRI community, whose 
remittances helped keep our economy buoyant. Are there any plans by your 
government to help NRI’s retire back to Goa or some special incentives 
for them ? First point to be noted who said Churchill has widespread 
support from NRI’s ?  Only a few of his boot lickers support him, it 
looks like Goamag has joined the few. For Churchill Alemao all Goans are 
special especially those whom he can milk, I was told of a women who is 
a temporary worker at one of the municipalities, when this lady 
approached the man to request for permanent status she was asked to pay 
3 lakhs.  One can imagine if such low job costs such high bribes what 
about all the top notch jobs ? No wonder “bhailes” are holding all the 
top positions in Goa. Can Goans afford these exorbitant sums ?

There is another fact staring at the NRI community in the face, if you 
see the RP,  Industries, mining, hotels, casinos have been mentioned as 
the main contributors to Goa’s economy but unfortunately the remittance 
of NRI’s is not acknowledged at all, that means NRI’s contribute nothing 
to Goa’s economy ? Wasn’t Goamag aware of it ? Probably did not want to 
exposed and upset their new found demigod.

Question 4: There have been reports in the press and on the internet 
that Churchill Alemao called Goans pigs. How would explain that ? 
Luizinho was the reply, blame game at it’s best but he agrees he 
referred it to the NGO’s and the people objecting to maga-projects, did 
not Goamag know that the NGO’s and activists were niz Goans ?  Have any 
politicians ever excepted the wrong that they have said or done and 
regretted publicly for hurting the feelings of the people ? They are all 
liars and he is at the top of the list. It is people like Orlando and 
Roger that are being targeted by these corrupt politicians and some of 
the NRG’s are singing paeans of the corrupt politicians. Did Goamag not 
know that Churchill supported Raheja’s maga-builders because they would 
employ Goans as watchmen ?

Churchill said that he and his family gave their life for Konkanni ? Did 
Churchill make the Konkanni movement or the movement made him, so that 
he could stab Goans in the back 

[Goanet] Fahaheel Bros win Don Bosco Oratory 7-a-Side Tournament (Kuwait)

2010-11-21 Thread Goa World

Fahaheel Bros win Don Bosco Oratory 7-a-Side Tournament

Kuwait:  The day started at 6:30 am on a lovely cool morning the weather 
perfect to play soccer at the Digital Grounds in Kuwait City. Fahaheel 
Brothers had high expectations, and would settle for nothing less. Their 
players were highly regarded as favorites to win the 7-a-side open 
soccer league cum knock-out tournament. This was the first 7 A Side 
soccer tournament organized by Don Bosco Oratory for season 2010-11. 
Many spectators believed it was a well organized tournament to the 
meticulous details. Teams like Real Betalbatim (white) and (Blue) / 
Librament Boys / Ruas / Veterans United /Feni 7 / Skynet / Magones and 
Fahaheel Brothers all living up to their high standards, entertained the 
holiday supporters. A notable weekend of teams bonding after the 
mid-season breaks for the Indian Football Federation - Kuwait. 
Interestingly, Fahaheel Brothers went on for a record second win in a 7 
A side tournament. They made it to the finals by beating: Veterans 
United by 1 goal, Ruas 1 goal, Real Betalbatim a draw; and Feni-7 in the 
Semi Finals. The second finals Real Betalbatim (White) the second team 
made it ahead of the Real Betalbatim (Blue) having the best selected 
players from the club. Most of the games were ’nail-biting' finish.

Talking to the committee member of Don Bosco Oratory, Mr. Christopher 
Fernandes on the strategy of the tournament. "Our plans were something 
special", said Mr. Christopher. "There was a good response, but due to 
some unfortunate turn of events, some teams had to withdraw". We have, 
like in the past, continue to move forward, "once you start with this 
cool idea about organizing a tournament and spread the concept of 
friendship through soccer".

The tournament ended on a high note and was really happy to see everyone 
enjoyed themselves. Thanks to all teams for their participating and the 
audience for their support. Our appreciation for their support/ 
assistance from professional referees - Indian Football Referee 
Association (IFRA), and to all, including the news media, newspapers and 

In the thanksgiving speach, Don Bosco Oratory gratefully acknowledged 
the cooperation of all teams and the team officials. The tournament 
Winners are Fahaheel Brothers, Runners’ up- Real Betalbatim (White), 
third place - Feni 7, fourth place - Magones were all awarded 
distinctive trophies. Other awarded went to various categories 
including: Best Half - Fahaheel Brothers (Ismail), Best Keeper - 
Veterans United (Bernard Fernandes), Best Defender- Magones (Stevin), 
Fair team - SkyNet, Player of the Final - Real Betalbatim (Robin). A 
special thanks to Mr. Stephen Fernandes Sports Secretary DBPPA and Mr. 
Y. Mubarak, the Guest of Honour, for taking the time and spending the 
day with us". Christopher went on to say "Every defeat is a victory in 
itself ".

Kudos to the Don Bosco Oratory and Indian Football Federation 
(IFF-Kuwait).The next tournament fixtures of the Indian Football 
Federation (IFF-Kuwait) 9-a-sides once again will be based on league cum 
knock out, giving all teams more matches to play during the weekend 
holidays, throughout the coming months, all for the love of the game, 

- As published in Arab Times www.arabtimesonline.com and 
IndiansinKuwait.com website.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (22Nov10)

2010-11-21 Thread alexyz fernandes

"IFFI is going to be breath-taking spectacle!

"Because of the over-scented IFFI stars"

"No...Because of Goa's spectacular Garbage!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Why I'm not an atheist

2010-11-21 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Marshall Mendonza wrote:
> For the atheists on this list here is some food for thought.
>  http://m.timesofindia.com/PDATOI/articleshow/6942693.cms

Goanet is a forum where most posters seem unable to get out of a 
quagmire. A quagmire that they insist on making worse. There seem 
to be two issues that have to be regurgitated frequently if not every 
week. The first issue is 1961. The second issue is the subject the 
subject of God or more appropriately, beliefs.

Everyone here is an expert on the first subject.
The second subject remains a fascination to those who are the most 
insecure with their beliefs. 

Some of us here are more concerned with the future. A future that 
does not belong to 1961 or to the belief system.
I ask you and others to leave the quagmire behind and concentrate on
deciding what the future will look like i.e. the future for yourselves and
for Goa.

[Goanet] Safe bet for 2Gs!

2010-11-21 Thread U. G. Barad
So far year 2010 has unearthed scams after scams: CWG scam; Adarsh scam; 2G
scam; Land scam;  and many more scams are likely to come up. These scams
have proved to be a Good Food for media personnel, but have proved to be a
poison for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. 
Yes, staying in power is a privilege, but explosions of scams after scam has
proved that to hold on to power with the help of corrupt scam-artist
ministers and partners is not a safe bet for PM any more, although it has
proved to be the safest bet for 2 G(andi)s has they are unaccountable to
anyone but to themselves. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Comment on misrepresentation of science

2010-11-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
Isn't "Science" (as understood today) a fairly "new" (relatively
speaking) term, which dates back a few centuries at best, and one
whose meaning has changed quite significantly along the way?

Doesn't the view below make sense too:

Philosopher of science Paul K Feyerabend ... holds that there are no
useful and exception-free methodological rules governing the progress
of science or the growth of knowledge, and that the idea that science
can or should operate according to universal and fixed rules is
unrealistic, pernicious and detrimental to science itself.

Feyerabend advocates treating science as an ideology alongside others
such as religion, magic and mythology, and considers the dominance of
science in society authoritarian and unjustified.

He also contended ... that the demarcation problem of distinguishing
science from pseudoscience on objective grounds is not possible and
thus fatal to the notion of science running according to fixed,
universal rules.

I find the science-can-do-no-wrong suggestion to be religious, if not
fanatical, in its approach. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

> The truth is the above claim is unscientific
> and bogus from an objective factual
> standpoint. Science has nothing to do
> with the supernatural. It has nothing to
> say about the question of God, one
> way or the other. It does not support
> or refute anybody's religious beliefs.

[Goanet] Goa news for November 22, 2010

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa Heads 'West" for Opening Film - Hollywood Reporter
ased body Directorate of Film Festivals and the Entertainment
Society of Goa. ...

*** Abhishek flies in to Mumbai from Goa for 'Guzaarish' -
Indian Express
ustan's 'Players' made a quick trip home here yesterday to catch
the special screening ...

*** Indian Music Conference launched in Goa - Times of India
nticipated music-cum-networking event  the Indian Music
Conference  was finally launched in high spirits in Goa. At a
conference held for the ...

*** DirectRooms.com - Make a Splash at the Goa International
Boat Show from 4 to 6 ... - PR-USA.net (press release)
SA.net (press release)Visitors invited to attend the 2010 Goa
International Boat Show include exporters and importers, as well
as manufacturers of boating, canoeing and sailing ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHH6JCK5k3CIX06RKTh_J2NRITNnA&url=http://pr-usa.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=543022&Itemid=32

*** Water board to dig 52 new bore wells - Times of India
mes of IndiaHowever, the samples do not cover all problem areas
in Goa, especially industrial estates and springs and some
coastal villages which have been contaminated ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHB_VbwESig3hiGXIqqo4RqjG_tRg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Water-board-to-dig-52-new-bore-wells/articleshow/6966644.cms

*** Man stabs self to death after row with wife - Times of India
mes of IndiaMukdam, from Belgaum in Karnataka, works as a
labourer in Goa and had married last year. They stayed in a
rented room in Assagao. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGsbKLWZpYtU8GS-Q0yf1rfApiDJg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Man-stabs-self-to-death-after-row-with-wife/articleshow/6966643.cms

*** Plans to start Goa to Mumbai passenger liner - Times of
mes of IndiaMany living in Mumbai and Goa will recall journeys
aboard the Konkan Shakti and Konkan Sevak in the seventies and
eighties. The ships berthed at the ferry ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGKd7pmI5lZD34kkR2jJejVFL_LQw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Plans-to-start-Goa-to-Mumbai-passenger-liner/articleshow/6962094.cms

*** GBA wants transparency in NH alignment plans - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) sought the
inspection of the National Highway alignment plans at the land
acquisition office which were officially ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGKbAE7cpmeNhxowoWXegB021WqZQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/GBA-wants-transparency-in-NH-alignment-plans/articleshow/6962078.cms

*** Homestay tourism gets a boost in the city - Times of India
 a concept that until recently was confined to places like
Kerala and Goa. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG6ho9qTbiF1qZ6basmVTtcc6FhoA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/gurgaon/Homestay-tourism-gets-a-boost-in-the-city/articleshow/6966520.cms

*** Memorandum to Kamat on Qurbani - Times of India
mes of IndiaAccording to Mansur Pasha, member of the committee,
"Our team visited the Goa Meat Complex (GMC), which is legally
permitted to carry out the Qurbani, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFr_I8eClC5diiYrtg1lZ0wjd1lkA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Memorandum-to-Kamat-on-Qurbani/articleshow/6966642.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Talking Photos/TMVN: Stinking Garbage on NH17 near GMC, Bambolim

2010-11-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
Stinking Garbage on NH17 near GMC, Bambolim
Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, Minister Churchill Alemao, 
Minister Jose Philip, Minister Filipe Neri, Minister Joaquim Alemao, Minister 
Aleixo Sequeira etc pass this was 
everyday but it seems nobody cares
Other day I was travelling this way (to Anjuna) and there 
was a terrible smell.. looked throughthe car window and 
saw gabage piled up right on the NH17  
(near Bambolim  GMC towards the Bypass)
Today, I set out on a mission..
I got down Merces junction , assuming it was nearby Merces.
But no, I walked upto Bambolim to identify the spot.
Captured the site one handedly as the other hand needed 
to block my nose.
Terrible stink.
I can’t believe that his is allowed to happen right on the 
busy NH17 which is not far away from Goa Medical College 
& Hospital.
Don’t our ministers have noses and eyes?
Oh, I forgot, Ministers are not aam Aadmi.
They travel in luxury cars with tinted glasses and 
offcourse, Air-conditioned.

Almost all minsters, Chairmen and top officers pass this 
way either to go to the airport or otherwise.

This garbage is piling up here for months or perhaps 
years now.
What more? There are so many food serving joints in 
the vicinity.
In the name of IFFI, I see everywhere white wash.
I see people scrubbing Zuari bridge and other buildings 
on the NH17
How about these stinking unhealthy areas?
Does anybody care?
Or the IFFI delegates, VIPs also transported in a A/c cars 
with tinted glasses?
Health minister Viswajeet Rane, are you reading this?
You may also please forward this to the respective ministers  
There is another garbage dumping area just infront of 
GMC hospital Complex. see pics and clip
Welcome to Garbage infested Goa.
On NH17


Close to GMC Complex

This one near Merces 


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2010-11-21 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh’s long silence and inaction on the 2G
Spectrum scam is unforgivable. Action against the corrupt has to be ruthless
and dealt with an iron hand. The string of scams and the escalating rise in
graft and greed should be a matter of great concern. In Goa we have a Chief
Minister who continues to shield and take no action against the State’s
Advocate General Subodh Kantak who is embroiled in a mountain of documented
evidence of financial and other irregularities. May be its time for the High
Court to direct Chief Minister Mr. Digambar Kamat to file an affidavit on
the issue.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] Politics, lies or Ignorance?

2010-11-21 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 21 November 2010 13:12, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

> also re #2 & #3: You are being patently unfair in your line of
> questioning. I ask you the following: Have you asked similar questions
> of Sir Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Srinivas
> Mahalingam or Dr. Gloria Estefan? If not, why do you ask such
> questions of Dr. Falcao?
> yours very sincerely
> jc

RESPONSE: Had the same questions, re status referee been asked of the
Greatest guru ever to grace Goanet M.G. what would his answer have been? Go
and f#$% yourself.

Yes I agree with honourable Dr. Colaco - wrong to ask anyone on this forum
for their credentials.

For the benefit of his khakis - please convey to him prime rate in 1980 was
20 percent in the USA and in that time of stress even blue chip companies
were paying prime plus one or two percent.

Check this out:-  1980-04-02  20.00


The dolt had stated that interest rates at worst had not gone beyond mid


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Dailymotion - Duke Ellington & His Orchestra - Take the "A" Train - a Music video

2010-11-21 Thread Con Menezes
Bands of Yesteryear...Duke Ellington

Re: [Goanet] Shrine priest suspended for not fulfilling requirements

2010-11-21 Thread AF
Will this Goan priest ( priest?) go down in history, wrtten up in the 
goan diasparo books, as a goan of courage, entrpreneurship, foresight... 
or will his name be removed from any connection with goans??>.. 

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet News"

Shrine priest suspended for not fulfilling requirements

The Rev. Neville Monteiro, pastor of Saint Pius V Shrine in Lake
Zurich, has been suspended by the Archdiocese of Chicago for not
fulfilling church requirements.

By Lee Filas

Re: [Goanet] Portugal Travel advice

2010-11-21 Thread milind amonkar

--to move about within lisbon city the underground metro is the fastest,cheap 
and very well connected to all parts of the city.
--porto is about 250 kms north of lisbon so going by bus is covinient un less u 
r well aquainted with the roads and left hand drive.
--SETE RIOS bus station is in the heard of the city and buses r available to go 
to porto,fatima,batala.fatima is about 75 kms from lisbon and batala is close 
to it.costs about 8 euros.
--sintra is well connected by train(not metro)from set-rios station as busstop  
is adjecent to it .sintra is the last stop on the line and takes about 45 min 
and the station is right in the central tourist area .local bus from there 
takes u to the fort and palace.
--not been to the other places.
--the meusum at belem in lisbon has stuff showing vasco da gama s indian 
> From: gift.pinhe...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 22:51:31 +0400
> Subject: [Goanet] Portugal Travel advice
> Hello GoaNeters,
> I will be transiting through Portugal from 20th to 26th Dec, though main 
> purpose is to visit Fatima but will go around places like Tomar, Batalha, 
> Alcobaca, Obidos, Porto, Sintra & Lisboa 
> I will be most grateful if someone can provide some tips/advice on the 
> following. 
> What is the best way to move around car bus or train?
> Is self driving a good idea considering it is wet time of the year?
> Any site/place that has some relevance to Goa or Goan history that is worth 
> visiting.
> Thank you in advance.
> Agnelo Pinheiro

[Goanet] Politics, lies or Ignorance?

2010-11-21 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão


On Sat Nov 20 20:47:57 PST 2010 Santosh Helekar chimbelcho at
yahoo.com wrote: <<>>

COMMENT : Santosh, you seem to be getting increasingly more ignorant
and asinine with every post of yours. You ask questions and say there was no
answer, then quote me as to what I stated as an evidence of me claiming to have
superior qualification. If the answer to your question is in front of your eyes
and quoted from your mouth and you still feel there is no answer; I think you
are incapable of conversing with another human. You know Santosh, when I  was 
young in the 50’s, my father used
to tell me that the mad people of Goa used to be sent to Chimbel. I believe
there was a home there for the deranged. Are you by any chance  aware of it?


Santosh said:<<< Please let me know if you need any more
evidence of your undeserved and foolish bluster in what you have written on


COMMENT : Santosh, what I write on Goanet is for intellectuals and
rational humans and not for those who cannot comprehend the English language,
from Marathi medium who follow “Urban Dictionary” for their English 

Santosh, I think you must have heard about cross-pollination in your
college days. With a “Migrant Nagar” in your village Chimbel and also a Home
for the deranged in the vicinity; I was just thinking aloud about genetic

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. M.B.,B.S.(Bom)
Margão - GOATel : + 91 . 832 . 2703 100.


[Goanet] NEWS: Experience Rescuing Teenagers Caught in Sex Trafficking Motivates Student's Research

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News
Experience Rescuing Teenagers Caught in Sex Trafficking Motivates
Student's Research

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- When University at Buffalo School of Social Work
doctoral candidate Bincy Wilson tried to rescue teenage women from
sexual trade slavery working the streets of Goa, India, she was the
frequent target of threats made by the pimps -- some of them family
members of the women -- whose livelihood relied on keeping these women
in sexual servitude.

(Media-Newswire.com) - BUFFALO, N.Y. -- When University at Buffalo
School of Social Work doctoral candidate Bincy Wilson tried to rescue
teenage women from sexual trade slavery working the streets of Goa,
India, she was the frequent target of threats made by the pimps --
some of them family members of the women -- whose livelihood relied on
keeping these women in sexual servitude.

"Threats, oh yes, they were part of the job," says Wilson, who
recently finished two international conferences in which she presented
on the need for trans-cultural holistic interventions for women
exiting the sex trade, and the traumatic experiences of women in the
trade. "You don't stay put fearing for your own life when there is a
need to rescue others. We worked in this field because we were
passionate about what we did, and the smile of hope on the emancipated
victims' faces is worth the risk taken."

Wilson, 27, has tapped into the experiences of her young life for her
study at UB. A native of Bangalore, India, Wilson spent three years in
Goa assisting women in finding alternatives to working in the sex
trade. More recently as a therapist at "SAGE," an agency with a
similar mission in San Francisco, she was able to address the
traumatization in this prostitute population -- which has fueled her
interest and sense of urgency in her research.

She intends to use the knowledge gained from her research to help
organizations develop good interventions and other ways to provide
services to victims of sex trafficking.

Essential in Wilson's research is the fact that sex trafficking is
both a worldwide and dramatically increasing problem. A 2010 report
prepared by the U.S. Department of State Government concluded the
numbers of people -- mostly women -- involved in human trafficking had
increased by 59 percent in the past two years. The International Labor
Organization estimates that there are at least 12.3 million adults and
children who are trafficked for forced labor, bonded labor and sex
trade. And the problem extends across the globe, from developed to
developing countries, according to Wilson's research.

"Sex trafficking is a global social justice issue," Wilson said in her
presentation, "Developing Interventions for Women Exiting the Sex
Trade: Societal Perspectives," that she and Barbara Rittner, associate
dean for external affairs in the UB School of Social Work, delivered
at the annual Conference on Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex
Work held at the University of Toledo. "Whatever attention it receives
is driven by the rapidly increasing numbers of people being trafficked
internationally and by ( medical and health ) concerns about sexually
transmitted disease such as HIV/AIDS associated with the trade."

"Working with Bincy created an important shift in my thinking," says
Rittner. "Most of my work has been with children in foster care in the
states, many of whom had mothers in the sex trade, and many of my
female adolescent foster children were runaways recruited into the sex
trade from the streets.

"The work Bincy and I are doing has helped me think differently about
how women enter the trade, why they stay in the trade and why what
works in the West to encourage exit may not be workable in the East or
subcontinent India. This is what makes working with international
doctoral students so exciting."

Wilson's two academic presentations, including a recent presentation
in Atlanta, tapped into her unique mix of scholarly expertise and
experiences. They were lessons from the years she and her coworkers
intervened in the lives of young women -- many still in their teens --
trying to escape lives of prostitution and exploitation from pimps,
who sometimes were their husbands and family members. She was program
manager at an Indian organization Arz, which translates to "Life
Without Injustice," in the Indian coastal city of Goa where she worked
as a counselor rehabilitating young women forced to work in the sex
trade for money.

"You see exploitation of these women in every way," says Wilson, who
came to Buffalo with her husband who also enrolled in a doctoral
program at UB. "Not only is the trauma associated with their
experience while in the sex trade, but it is also attached to their
past, even before they enter the trade. Most of them are coming from
lives of abuse, neglect and abject poverty, situations in which they
do not have a square meal or basic resources.

"The debilitating impact of being in the sex trade is visible not only
when they are in the sex trade, but also w

[Goanet] Telecom Scam

2010-11-21 Thread Vasant Baliga
Marshall wrote-
We have been reading quite a bit on the telecom scam here in this forum mostly 
culled out from sangh parivar publications which has its own biases and slants.
Here is another perspective from the completely opposite side of the Sangh 
PM should admit if he has made a mistake on spectrum issue:CPI(M)
Sun, Nov 21 06:14 PM
New Delhi, Nov 21 (PTI) Asking Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to accept if he 
made a "mistake" on the 2G spectrum issue, CPI(M) today said the telecom 
department has admitted that it had kept the Prime Minister''s Office informed 
on all decisions and there was "no difference of opinion" between them. Senior 
CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury quoted an affidavit filed by the Department of 
Telecommunications in the Supreme Court as saying that "not only was there no 
difference of opinion with the Hon''ble Prime Minister, his office was also 
fully kept informed of all decisions".
Copies of portions of the affidavit were circulated at the CPI(M) press 
conference, along with several letters exchanged between the Prime Minister and 
former Telecom Minister A Raja on 2G spectrum allocation between 2007 and 2008. 
Yechury said it was the government''s "own admission, and not an opposition 
charge and Government itself and the former Minister (A Raja) have dragged the 
PM''s name.
" "There is always a charge against us that we are questioning the integrity 
the Prime Minister). What we are questioning is your infallibility and not your 
If you have made a mistake, accept it," Yechury said. He reiterated the 
demand that the Prime Minister should make a statement in Parliament and accept 
a joint parliamentary committee probe into the scam.
"We want the JPC to be announced tomorrow. Let the Prime Minister speak and 
explain, we are ready to hear him.
We are talking of a scam which is not a small issue. It could have otherwise 
created a better India," Yechury said.
The estimated loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crore could have "eliminated hunger" through 
a universal public distribution system and funded universal education 
the country," he said. CPI(M) General Secretary Prakash Karat, who briefed the 
press conference on the deliberations of the three-day Central Committee 
meeting, said, "It is not just a question of one Minister or Ministry.
It is very clear that what happened (on the spectrum issue) was known to the 
Prime Minister, the Finance Ministry, the Law Ministry and the entire 
government". He said that was why there was a need to have a JPC probe and 
were "much wider ramifications.
Why this massive loss was allowed to happen? Why was nothing done for full two 
Karat demanded action against all those guilty, including the "corporates who 
colluded to deprive the nation".
 Responding to Union Minister Kapil Sibal''s statement that the 2G licences 
should not be cancelled, he said the UPA was "willing to condone corporate 
They are more concerned about scaring investors but not about the huge loss of 
funds". (more) PTI ARC SC.


[Goanet] Holocaust Survivor's View on Fanatic Islam

2010-11-21 Thread U. G. Barad

This is one of the best explanations of the Muslim terrorist situation. His
references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to
understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel
Tanay, a well-known and well respected psychiatrist.

A Holocaust Survivor's View on Islam

A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a
number of large industries and estates. 
When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can
guide our attitude toward fanaticism. 
'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of
German pride, and many more were too busy to care. 
I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the
majority just sat back and let it all happen. 
Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end
of the world had come. My family lost everything. 
I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.' 

We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is
the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to
live in peace. 
Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant.
It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow
diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is
the fanatics who march... 
It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. 
It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups
throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an
Islamic wave. 
It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill. 
It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who
zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. 
It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide

The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent
majority,' is cowed and extraneous. 

Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace,

yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20
million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. 
China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed
to kill a staggering 70 million people. 
The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering
Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an
orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese
most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet. 

And who can forget Rwanda , which collapsed into butchery.
Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'? 

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our
powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: 

Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. 

Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because
like my friend from Germany , 
they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of
their world will have begun. 

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans,
Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, 
and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up
until it was too late. 
As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group
that counts -- the fanatics who threaten our way of life. 

Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this
email without sending it on is contributing to the passiveness that allows
the problems to expand. 
So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on and on! Let us hope that
thousands, world-wide, read this and think about it, and send it on - before
it's too late. 

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
John Stuart Mill

[Goanet] Fw: Global Goan Convention - Kuwait - An Address

2010-11-21 Thread floriano

- Original Message - 
From: floriano
To: Santos Carmo ; Gasper Almeida ; sjnazaret...@yahoo.com ; 
benedictl...@gmail.com ; cra...@hotmail.com ; canada goans ; 
isidordan...@yahoo.co.in ; Simon D'Silva

Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:28 AM
Subject: Global Goan Convention - Kuwait - An Address

If I was to address the GLOBAL GOAN CONVENTION 2010 in KUWAIT, this would be 

The Honourable Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Government of Goa  his 
Excellency Adv. Eduardo Faleiro,

His Excellency, Mr. Ajay Malhotra, Honourable Ambassador of India to the 
State of Kuwait,

Distinguished  GCC Chairperson/President Mr. Carmo Santos and other worthy 
Office bearers of this potent Goan Cultural Organization,

Global Goan Convention Co-ordinators, Goan Expatriates in the Gulf region, 
and all other Countries who are attending this Convention,


Last but not the least, all my Goenkar brothers and sisters in Kuwait and 
the world over.

My name is Floriano Lobo and what I say in this address will be very acerbic 
to the powers that be in my own Country and my own State of Goa. But then 
this is the reality that we Goans cannot run away from,  but must face it 
head-on as it is going to catch up with us sooner than later.

I represent the new entrant in the Goa's political spectrum, being it's 
'founding' President and presently it's General Secretary. It is the GOA 
SU-RAJ PARTY [GSRP], registered with the Election Commission of India on 
31st. August, 2010. It is born to change how Goa looks at organized POLITICs 
and to bring-in . down to earth, sensible and creditable ADMINISTRATION  to 
this rather small State.

If I did not comment on the erstwhile Portuguese regime in Goa which lasted 
for 4 and half centuries to start with, something would be missing, because, 
I have grown-up to my adolescent with this foreign regime ruling Goa. 
Reflecting back on those days, and striking a comparison, patriotism or no 
patriotism, I would say that Goa certainly does not want, I repeat, 'does 
not want'  the Portuguese back again, but very badly needs the Portuguese 
Rule of Law and its unique administration (that was seen working in Goa) 
back again, like yesterday, period.  And the political party that I have 
help 'found' is going to do just that - Give Goa the erstwhile Portuguese 
administration in its entirety, plus more. Goans like me are disappointed 
with the present rule in Goa because it smacks of a colonial rule 
nonetheless, it having changed from foreign colonial rule to a home grown 
one. Today, my beloved GOA is in a  MESS created by this imported  so called 
biggest DEMOCRARY of the world,  with none accountable and responsible, 
including the last vestiges   of 'justice'  for a common man which is the 
JUDICIARY. [ I am talking of Shanti & Prashant  Bhushan, on corrupt Supreme 
Court Justices] The psyche of Goans, the world must remember, has been 
formulated and sealed with the 450 years of this foreign rule and it cannot 
be erased from the Goan blood-stream. The first gross mistake that the 
Portuguese did (read Antonio de Oliveira Salazar) was to allow India to walk 
in and annex Goa through an act of war.  Forewarned, the Portuguese should 
have been wise enough to hand-over the governance of this tiny colony  to 
the indigenous Goans, who, except for a few imported officials, military 
commandants and basic contingent of troopers, were handling the day to day 
affairs of this then Estado da India, and perfectly so. It would be the 
Goans who would then decide how to get along with its immediate neighbouring 
big brother, without losing their centuries old meticulously carved-out 
cultural ethos that was distinctly different from the 'Portuguese' as well 
as from those of the  rest of India. Even if Goans had to decide that Goa 
should be a  part of India, they would certainly ask for a limited autonomy 
or ' Special Status ' for Goa,  to run their own lives and prosper the way 
they felt best, including the promotion of their mother tongue - KONKANI , 
which the Portuguese suppressed to no end, conniving with certain lobbies of 
Goan Hindus, who played a big role  in sweetening the ears of their foreign 
masters against Goa's bonafide mother tongue. It is not too difficult to 
identity this lobby which ultimately geared up Goans for the merger with 
Maharashtra. It is a well known fact that when the entire Goan population 
which included Hindus, Christians and Muslims  grew-up speaking  Konkani, no 
Konkani schools were allowed to be set up, neither the English language 
schools were allowed to have 'Konkani' as a subject,  while the religious 
language of the Goan Hindus , the Marathi language,  flourished,   with 
primary schools called 'XALAHS' being allowed to run  unhindered.  One will 
have to make a conscious effort to find out if any other territory of the 
world has gone way-out to suppress one's own mother-tongue. It is also a 
fact that the mother tongue of Goans, 

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Goa, now to have 5 lane highway

2010-11-21 Thread JoeGoaUk

Goa to have 5 lane Highway
In a special cabinet meeting held today (Sunday), it was 
unanimously decided that the special 5th lane to be added
to the controversial 4 lane project passing through Goa  
from Karwar to Partradevi NH17 and Panjim to Anmod 
via Ponda. NH4A

The middle lane will be exclusively reserved for..

Some  religious and  welfare groups welcome the move.
Jai ho Goa Sarkar
The 5 lane pattern will be similar to this one (Net pic)



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the context of Goa.

2010-11-21 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999
Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 26th Nov. from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC: The UN Convention on Rights of Persons
  with Disabilities in the context of Goa.
SPEAKERS: Open Discussion.

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the FRIDAY BALCAO.
If you cannot attend, then please send
your views and action plan suggestions
by email to goad...@gmail.com

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail to: goad...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Goa Day 2010 - Doha, Qatar

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Goa Day 2010, Doha Qatar

Organized by: Doha Goans Sports Club (DGSC)

Date: November 19, 2010

Time: 5:30pm onwards

Cost: Free (All Goans welcome)

Conference Hall, Municipality Bldg,
Near Islamic Museum Round About at Corniche,
Doha, Qatar




2   OPENING SONG   - (Paul & Group of 11)
3   KIDS  DANCE  - (Kotti) by Carmine
4   DUET  - (Paul / Vincy)
5   KONKANI DANCE  - (Lizet / Rosina)
6   DUET  - (Rosefern)
7   DEKHNI Maria and Pearl
8   BEBDO  - (Fravel / Sansha)
10  DUET  - (Paul / Joanna)
11  SOLO SONG  - (Vincy)
12  CLAUDIA  DUET  - (Sansha / Paul)


14  MARRIAGE CEREMONY (Lyzette , Rozina and group)
15  BEBDO  - (Swizel & Co.)
16  MANDO (Natsy and group)
17  BEBDO DANCE  - (Swizel & Group)
18  SKIT SANKISTAO  - (Rosefern)
19  GOMTIAK DAIEN - (Rosario Dias)
21  SOLO WORLD CUP - (Rosefern)
22  THANK YOU SPEECH - (Maurice)
23  KURRUDIN (Maria, Pearl and Olly’s  group)
24  Comedy by Vincy and Vaz
25  Bingo
26  Thanks on behalf of  DGSC by Vice President Mr. Lubino Soares
27  CLOSING SONG -  Ami Sogelle Ek (Paul)


- Gathering welcomed and emceed by Mathew Estrocio

- Chief guest - Walter Dias unique choice director

- Vice President, Lubino Soares, Guest of honor Rev. Fr. Anand, & Arthur 
Mendonca along with the Patron of the Club Mr. Basil Coutinho’ welcomed

The following were feliciated:

- Community welfare award was presented to Basil Coutinho for his 
services rendered towards the club and the community.

- Young Talent Award (below 16) presented to Belina Dsouza for her 
expertise in music and playing the saxophone at various functions at 
school and other program and shows.

- Outstanding Award (16 and above) presented to Emelina Soares towards 
her performance in Arts, Sports and Drama. She recently performed in the 
Konkani Tiatr (Soglyank Nomoskar) as a bride. She also performed in a 
theatre production of 'Wizard of OZ' in three roles. She also 
participated in 3 dance and play programs at today’s WORLD GOA Day 
celebrations in Doha, Qatar and will be performing in Bugsymalone (play) 
in December 2010.

- Academic Awards (Pending). The club will felicitate 2 students for 
their academic performance annually at a later date.

The above awards will be awarded every year to individuals after 
adequate verification and appropriate approvals from the committee.

The advisor of DGSC, Mr. Mathew Estrocio, conveyed a message to the 
audience on the concept of World Goa Day and says that this day is in 
preparation to unite all Goans to focus on their culture, tradition and 
Konkani language, to promote Sports, and motivate the young talents in 
among us.

Fr. Anand too in his speech was very pleased to witness the crowd of 
over 500 guests and strongly supported as well as encouraged these 

Walter Dias, the chief guest, with a heart full of gratitude was 
confident of the success of this occasion, designed for positive 
thinking, organized by DGSC. He encouraged DGSC to sustain these 
activities and pledged his unlimited support.

The Patron, Mr. Basil Coutinho, will be continually consulting and 
supporting this club due to the positive speech addressed by our 
cultural director, Mr. Mauricio Pereira. There was a huge round of 
applause after that comforting speech.

Mr. Mauricio Pereira gave a vote of thanks to all the sponsors and to 
all the Participants who put up the program.

The vice president Mr. Lubino concluded the show by thanking all who 
were present to witness the Gala event, for without them this should 
would not be successful.

Viva Goenkars in Qatar!!

Viva Goa!!



SOURCES: Lubino Soares, Mauricio Pereira, Emelina Soares, Armstrong 
Augusto Vaz

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] Arossim...

2010-11-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
Had a chance to visit Arossim on the weekend, and here are some pics
from the area. Many thanks to Goanetter Themistocles "Themis" D'Silva
for showing me around
Some photos are en route to the village -- the last one before
Mormugao taluka gives into Salcete. A few sunset shots are actually
from Siridao or Santa Cruz (Kalapur). FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Portugal Travel advice

2010-11-21 Thread pinheiro
Hello GoaNeters,


I will be transiting through Portugal from 20th to 26th Dec, though main 
purpose is to visit Fatima but will go around places like Tomar, Batalha, 
Alcobaca, Obidos, Porto, Sintra & Lisboa 


I will be most grateful if someone can provide some tips/advice on the 


What is the best way to move around car  bus or train?


Is self driving a good idea considering it is wet time of the year?


Any site/place that has some relevance to Goa or Goan history that is worth 


Thank you in advance.


Agnelo Pinheiro

Re: [Goanet] 12. Re: Talking Photos: Fr. Agnelo...

2010-11-21 Thread Charudatt Prabhudesai

"> All these pics are taken today between the above hours.
> Sadly, we could not get inside  the house at Anjuna as we
> were told the inmates of the house had gone out
> (Fr. Agnelo  brother's (grand?)daughter- in-law and
> her son). Hope I got it right."
> joego...@yahoo.co.uk

I should also add my two bits in appreciation of joego...@yahoo.co.uk's

committed postings of photographs on this forum. 
They may not be Cartier Bresson

but they are snaps of day to day living in Goa, which I for one enjoy to the 
hilt!. BRAVO. 

Charudatta Prabhudesai
Auroville .
South India.



2010-11-21 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
When advised that Criteria,  the plural of criterion,  is not
acceptable as a singular noun"

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão  wrote the
following  in Falconish brilliance :
Sorry , I thought you were conscious you were from the medical
profession as I was referring you a paediatric problem. I did not know
you had problems with your memory. Please check the medical dictionary

Dear learned Sirjee,

Thank you for confirming that Criteria is NOT singular, and that you
were in error in your previous post.

Must say that your humility, in accepting your errors, is striking.

May I add that except by way of recombinant technology, medical
dictionaries are unlikely to be able to make singular out of plural.

If you do not believe me, please check with Santoshbab. He is an A+ in
Englsih, and you a D-.

Which school did you attend? Did they not have a good English teacher on staff?


[Goanet] Comment on misrepresentation of science

2010-11-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
I would like to comment on inaccurate statements made in the article provided 
below, as they pertain to something being scientific or unscientific. I have no 
interest in discussing the author's religious beliefs. He like everybody else 
is entitled to practice his own religion. But to misrepresent science in order 
to promote one's own parochial religious beliefs is wrong. In the present case 
the author named Mani Bhaumik is trying to promote his Hindu beliefs while 
refuting the beliefs of Christianity, and calling it being scientific. Please 
see the following statement:

An impartial appraisal of the warp and weft of physical reality reveals that 
woven throughout the universe is an abstract intelligence that is akin to a 
Creator and Sustainer, in the sense meant by Brahmn in Indic thought. This is 
not an anthropomorphic God who rages and rules and demands obeisance. The 
perception of the elegant order of the universe and its existence as a single 
significant whole, which Einstein called the "cosmic religious feeling", is 
devoid of a god conceived in man's image.
.Mani Bhaumik

The truth is the above claim is unscientific and bogus from an objective 
factual standpoint. Science has nothing to do with the supernatural. It has 
nothing to say about the question of God, one way or the other. It does not 
support or refute anybody's religious beliefs.



--- On Sun, 11/21/10, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
>   http://m.timesofindia.com/PDATOI/articleshow/6942693.cms


2010-11-21 Thread George Pinto
Please see event information below and support the DISABILITY ASSOCIATION OF 
GOA. There are 15,000+ disabled persons in Goa.

Goa Sudharop
Building a better Goa
WORLD G.O.A.N. network.

The State Nodal Agency Centre (Sangath), Disability Rights Association of Goa 
(DRAG) and the NGOs in the disability sector in Goa

cordially invites you with family and friends to


An all India discoverability programme of the National Trust for the welfare of 
persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple 
disabilities (Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment) in collaboration with 

Held in Goa at the following venues and dates:

22nd Nov.   4 pm to 7 pm   Don Bosco, Panjim
23rd Nov.   10 am to 1 pm  Shetkari Hall, Pernem
24th Nov.   4 pm to 7 pm   Ambedkar hall, Vasco
25th Nov.   4 pm to 7 pm   Shri Shradanand Hall, Poinguinim
26th Nov.   10 am to 1 pm  Hirabhai Zantye Hall, Bicholim
27th Nov.   4 pm to 7 pm   SGPDA Ground, Margao

Attractions: Cultural Programme, stalls by special schools, felicitation of 
persons with disabilities, grievance redressal forum, employment bureau, talks 
on UN Convention on rights of persons with disabilities, success stories of 
persons with disabilities and lots more.

C/o Star Investments
Opp. Head Post Office
Panjim, Goa - 403 001.
Telefax: 0832 - 2427160
Email: dra...@rediffmail.com
"Making way for the differently abled in Goa"

Re: [Goanet] Politics, lies or Ignorance?

2010-11-21 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 20 November 2010 23:47, Santosh Helekar  wrote:

[1] Mr. Ferdinando,
[2] I am disappointed that you could not answer simple straightforward
questions regarding your qualifications and the pre-1961 history of
Goa. I am sorry to say this, but this tells me that all the claims you
have made regarding your knowledge and qualifications are bogus
[3] But please note that you are afraid to tell us what your real
qualifications are.

My dear Santoshbab,

You surely expected that I would disagree with your above line of questioning.

re #1: You inappropriately address the great GMC clinician, Dr. Falcao
as Mr. Ferdinando; Please ensure that you always address hm correctly.

re #2: Let us acknowledge one fact: Pre-1961 and pre-historic history
was written by Dr. Falcao. You have no 'locus standi' to ask such
irreverent questions of him.

also re #2 & #3: You are being patently unfair in your line of
questioning. I ask you the following: Have you asked similar questions
of Sir Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Srinivas
Mahalingam or Dr. Gloria Estefan? If not, why do you ask such
questions of Dr. Falcao?

yours very sincerely


[Goanet] View 'stars' by day, sleep under stars by night (ToI)

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News
View 'stars' by day, sleep under stars by night
Claire Antao, TNN, Nov 21, 2010, 05.23am IST

PANAJI: Another November and the movies are almost in town. Delegates
who registered well in advance get in line to collect their precious
entry passes, media folk still await theirs, the umbrellas are up and
the paint has dried, the boulevard's lit up and decked to the nines
with the blue peacock peeking from a lamppost, fence, wall or
sidewalk. Iffi 2010 is a heartbeat away.

With innovative online ticketing, beefed up security, expansion in
management, additional film clubs for special screenings, and a food
and shopping festival in the neighbourhood, this year's movie marathon
seems filled with new ventures.

While the state is also well into its tourist season, room rates and
resort tariffs are at their peak making housing an expensive affair
especially in the capital city. So, green tents are being pitched at
the Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) campsite forming the film village.

"This is an ESG initiative to help students travelling from outside
the state to avail of cost-effective, efficient housing while
attending the festival," says Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) CEO
Manoj Srivastava.

These tents are being provided by SAG along with the directorate of
sports and youth affairs.

The cost per person per night is 200. People living at the village can
also avail of the canteen facilities and sports facilities like the
badminton court, rock climbing, etc, available in the SAG premises at
a nominal price.

Although about 40 tents were to be put up according to ESG sources
three days ago, there were only 12 ready and fixed on Saturday
morning. "We have only arranged 12 tents so far as about 100 people
registered and about 10 people can fit comfortably in each tent. We
will add more tents as more people register," said Mahesh Naik, SAG
assistant secretary (complexes).

"The tents are sturdy and waterproof with a green layer outside for
weather protection and a thick layer inside for comfort. We will also
provide the people with sheets and blankets and have made available 24
lockers which they can use to keep their valuables. Since most of them
are coming in groups, the lockers should suffice and we are trying to
arrange more," he added

"There will be eight toilets and eight bathrooms located near the camp
site and the camp residents can also use the toilet facilities of the
swimming pool building.

We have redesigned our security system so that the camp area will have
round-the-clock security," said Naik. "We have made arrangements by
using the resources we have. We will spend on electricity for the
tents," he added.

Students registered online or on the phone from their hometowns and
tents were allotted on a first-come-first-served basis by the ESG.

"We have received registration from students from Hyderabad, Delhi,
Kolkata and Mumbai. Students of the Satyajit Ray Film Institute in
Kolkata will also be staying at the village," said ESG sources.

The first filmi campers are expected to arrive on Monday, adding life
to the village that will be decorated with running lights.

Each year, the festival gains added momentum, through interesting and
fresh innovations like these, said sources. This year after watching
film stars all day, the film village residents can sleep under the
stars at night.


[Goanet] Invitation to a Public Meet: "Police Reforms: For A Citizen Friendly Police" on November 25.

2010-11-21 Thread Personnel People



Best Regards,
Dolphy D'souza
Behalf of CIP


Invites You to a Public Meeting


Police Reforms: For A Citizen Friendly Police


St. Xavier's College Hall,

Mahapalika Marg, Mumbai 40001


Thursday  25th November 2010 at 5:30 PM


Dr.Kiran Bedi

Magsaysay Award winner & Former IPS Officer

Ms Maja Daruwala

Director, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative 

Mihir Desai

High Court Advocate & Member, Governing Council of ICHRL 

Talks to be followed by an Interactive Session

All are welcome

Website: www.mumbaicitizens.com  Contact: Salil 9324869143, Dolphy 9820226227, 
Soheb 9833627173


2010-11-21 Thread Leroy Veloso

While the Mumbai office of the Archaeological 
Survey of India, or the ASI, prepares lectures and college exhibitions to mark 
World Heritage Week from November 19 to 25, violations of heritage conservation 
laws seem to be taking place right under its nose. Within the precincts of a 
500-year-old Portuguese fort in Chaul, 20 km from Alibaug, a private bungalow 
has been built inside an Augustinian church built in the 1560s.

bungalow has a garden, a grilled gate fixed into the arched stone entrance and 
children's swimming pool in what would have been the church's inner 

According to ASI officials in Mumbai, this church, along with 
four other churches in Chaul fort, features on a list of ASI-protected heritage 
monuments in Raigad district.

In the list, a copy of which the Hindustan 
Times has, the church has been allotted a notification number in 1910 - a 
that is given by the ASI to all protected monuments.

This would mean that 
any new constructions built within 100 metres of the monument could be legally 
deemed unauthorised by the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and 
Remains Act of 1958.

When the Hindustan Times visited the site of the 
Augustinian church earlier this week, the bungalow's caretaker who lives in a 
hut outside the church walls, said that the house was built five years ago by a 
Mumbai-based businessman who visits it with his family a few times a 

ASI officials in Mumbai, when questioned by the Hindustan Times , 
claimed that they were unaware of the bungalow's existence and that the 
status of the church was questionable despite it being on their list of 
protected monuments.

"We are yet to verify whether the building that is 
known as the Augustinian church is in fact an Augustinian church," said MS 
Chauhan, superintending archaeologist of ASI's Mumbai circle. "There are 
such monuments in our records, which are listed by name but lack details such 
the plot number and area number, and so cannot be labelled as ASI 

Chauhan added that the list of protected heritage structures 
in Raigad was passed down to the Mumbai office from the Aurangabad circle of 
ASI in 2004, when Raigad was shifted to the jurisdiction of ASI Mumbai. 

But a few hundred metres around the church in question, four other 
churches as well as the two gates of Chaul fort have been marked as protected 
sites on large ASI signboards placed outside them.
"The Augustinian church is 
the only site in the area with the sign mysteriously missing," said David 
Cardoz, architect and former member of the state government's heritage 
who has visited the site thrice.

When told this, Chauhan said he did not 
know how one church, which is just as old as the other ruins of the fort, could 
not be verified as heritage. "We will look into it soon," he 

Members of the Archdiocesan Heritage Committee, the heritage 
conservation wing of the Mumbai archdiocese, came to know about the bungalow in 
the church more than a year ago, and in August used Right to Information 
procedures to obtain maps of all the heritage structures in Chaul from the ASI. 

The ASI sent the committee a list of 18 structures, of which five are 
churches. It also attached floor maps of each structure. The Hindustan Times 
a copy of this.

The Augustinian church was listed third in the index of 
18 structures, but its floor map is missing. "It's rather strange, isn't it?" 
asked Father Warner D'Souza, a member of the Committee.

Kamble, the local official in charge of heritage sites in Alibaug, claimed he 
had known about the bungalow since 2007 when he was posted there, but did not 
look into the matter because he claimed that it had not been certified as a 
heritage structure by archaeologists.

"Our job is conservation, but only 
after the archaeologist has notified the structure as heritage," said Kamble. 
But when told that the church appears on the ASI protected monuments list along 
with the other churches within the fort, he said, "I will now question the 
gram punchayat about the bungalow."


[Goanet] Talking Photos: Preparation for IFFI 2010 (21.11.10)

2010-11-21 Thread JoeGoaUk

Talking Photos: Preparation for IFFI 2010 (21.11.10)
International Film Festival of India (IFFI) starts 22nd and end 2nd Dec.2010
Following are todays pic - all day time up to 4pm
KTC Circle (Panjim)
Marquinez Palace

Inox Courtyard

River Front/ Promenade
Near Market

Delegates cards collection counters
At Old GMC
Kingfisher Village

King Kong in the making..

Giant TV  (Not real) there atleast two or upto 6
Power house under the rain trees /Promenade near KA
Kala Academy

Miramar Circle


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Telecom scam

2010-11-21 Thread anil desai
Marshall Mendoza wrote:

We have been reading quite a bit on the telecom scam here in this forum
mostly culled out from sangh parivar publications which has its own biases
and slants.

Here is an interview of Kapil Sibal by Arnab Goswami on Times Now which
gives the other point of view.




It is interesting how a scam that involves a loss of $39 billion to the
country's exchequer becomes BJP sponsored media invention for this partisan
Congress boy.
I found a couple of comments by Sibal who is an eminent and experienced
Harvard educated lawyer, very interesting

I quote:

"Arnab: Why is SC taking this matter so seriously?

Sibal: We only respond to judgments. We don't respond to judgments. I will
not respond to any observations.

Arnab: others say the procedure is not rightly followed. Why did the
Solicitor General say that all the five letters of Subramaniam Swamy have
been 'dealt with'?

Sibal: Please don't ask a minister in the government as to what happened in
the court. I think it is inappropriate I can tell you what the complaint was
(flashes complaint papers). I have the complaint with me. What all it have -
newspapers report. PM has to give sanction on a newspaper report? Then a
written document. PM is supposed to give sanction on this? Here is a PM who
is sensitive, Here is a PM who is extremely concerned about integrity. "

And he probably said it all with a straight face as well.

Mr Clean Mr Singh has to now answer the highest court in the land about this
mess happening under his watch and hopefully we will see whether it is his
incompetence or  the bounty he and Madam shared with Raja that is
responsible. Of course he could take a leaf out of Digu's political bible
and pass an amendment to the constitution that stops Supreme Court from
asking any questions to a sitting PM.

Is it any surprise that the same CBI that cannot arrest Kalmadi despite
considerable evidence of corruption, or Ashok chavan for the blatant
lawbreaking in case of Adarsh Scam is now trying to deflect attention by
statements such as CBI agents believe that some obscure Swami was the main
perpetrator of blasts in ajmer etc. Were these officers asleep at work for
all these years? Why do they have to feed these snippets to the press
instead of prosecuting the alleged criminals with alacrity? Do they have to
constantly re-assure Madam that they are on her side?

As the Barkha tapes reveal, Congress is ever so willing to supply such
stories to their stooges in the media. Have we heard from Tehelka yet on the
CWG, Adarsh or telecom scam yet?

Go on Mr Mendoza, have fun while the country is being looted. Blame it all
on the BJP supporting media.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] Narayanan Krishnan of Akshaya Trust chosen CNN Hero

2010-11-21 Thread Vasant Baliga
Narayanan Krishnan brings hot meals and dignity to India's homeless and 
destitute -- 365 days per year -- through his nonprofit Akshaya Trust. Since 
2002, he has served more than 1.2 million meals. 


[Goanet] NEWS: Jakati's ten-wicket haul guides Goa to big victory (PTI/TOI)

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News
Jakati's ten-wicket haul guides Goa to big victory
PTI, Nov 20, 2010, 09.08pm IST

PORVORIM ( Goa): Spinner Shadab Jakati, who had rattled Jharkhand in
the first innings, once again came good with the ball to guide Goa to
an innings and 127-run win in the Group A Plate Ranji Trophy match at
GCA Cricket Academy Ground, on Saturday.

The win saw Goa collect six points, including one bonus, and take
their tally to eight from three matches. Also, they have put
themselves in the race for the knock-out stage.

Jharkhand, who lost today, have six points from three matches.

The visitors, resuming at overnight second innings score of 14 for no
loss, lost wickets at regular intervals, even as Jakati accounted for
six wickets, and were all out for 189 after following on.

Goa, who had made 583 in their first edition, bundled out Jharkhand
for 267 and then enforced a follow-on.

Today, Jakati got the first breakthrough when he clean bowled Manish
Vardhan for 23. Sachin Prasad perished soon, trapped by Amit Yadav for

Robin D'Souza then scalped the prized wicket of Saurabh Tiwari (12),
while Yadav captured his second wicket by seeing off Ishak Jaggi,
leaving Jharkhand on 101 for 4 at lunch.

Jakati then dismissed Deepak Chowgule (14), Shiv Gautam (2), Rajiv
Kumar (23), Kuldeep Sahrma (4) and Rahul Sharma (3) to complete his
six-wicket haul.

Jakati, who took ten wickets in two innings, was declared the man of
the match. Goa Cricket Association (GCA) also announced Rs 1 lakh cash
award for him.

Goa will now take on Hyderabad on December 1.

[Goanet] TV channel owned by Jagan Mohan Reddy (YSR's son) attacks PM, Sonia (ToI)

2010-11-21 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Are Congressmen starting to revolt? Does this indicate that leaders are sensing 
that getting linked with Congress is a liability? Do they have option to go 
closer to BJP? OR the evoluion of a THIRD FRONT is imminent?
In response to Times of India report: 

NEW DELHI: Stung by the attack launched on party chief Sonia Gandhi by a 
television channel owned by belligerent MP Y S Jaganmohan Reddy, the Congress 
High Command on Sunday sought a report from the Andhra Pradesh unit on the 

"The party has sought a report from the state unit on the issue (telecast of a 
programme on Sakshi television channel)," AICC media department chairman 
Janardhan Dwivedi said. 

Sakshi, the 24-hour Telugu news channel owned by the Kadapa MP, had launched a 
frontal attack on Gandhi as well as the organization in a one-hour programme on 

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was also targeted along with the "coterie around 
Sonia" for the "sorry state of affairs in Congress." 

Congress spokesman Shakeel Ahmed said a view on the issue would be taken once 
the report is received from the state unit. 
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2010-11-21 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Sat Nov 20 12:02:00 PST 2010 J. Colaco < jc> colaco1 at
gmail.com wrote : <<<"Criteria,  the plural of criterion,  is not acceptable as 
a singular noun" http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/criterion


COMMENT: Sorry , I thought you were conscious you were from the
medical profession as I was referring you a paediatric problem. I did not know
you had problems with your memory. Please check the medical dictionary here.



Or, do you also need to check the favourite “Urban Dictionary” ? 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] Goa's 3 deadly sins

2010-11-21 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Who should have done the negotiations after or (preferably) before 1961?  The 
indocentric Goans were giddy with excitement and power.  All the lusophile 
did and still do is wave Brut DaCosta's letter to Nehru.

Even now, most Goans and Goan historians blame Salazar and Nehru depending on 
one 'philic' association.  Few (like moi) blame Goans themselves.  So I am glad 
to note more and more see some basic flaws of the past. 

Yet we need to use history to learn form it.  Current Goans should use 
Pondicherry as a role model of working together and achieving progress. 
Pondicherry as many may know was a French enclave withing the 
Indian subcontinent and currently is a Union territory.


Extracted from above:  With a territory a third of Goa, "Pondicherry is also 
considered an educational hub of southern India, having 1 central university, 8 
medical colleges, 10 engineering colleges, 3 dental colleges, 2 law colleges, 1 
veterinary college, 1 agricultural college, 10 arts and science colleges, and 5 
polytechnic colleges functioning within its territory. Many medical and 
engineering colleges including one national institute of technology and a 
state-owned university are also reported to be in queue. People of Pondicherry 
are demanding statehood for Pondicherry and are also requesting to add 
neighboring villages from Tamil Nadu to newly form Greater Pondicherry state 
better administration and development purposes."

Regards, GL

--- floriano wrote:

If I was the guy sitting with a load of examination papers, doing the  mark-up, 
this one paper would get a fool proof 101 per cent.  This would be for 
identifying in black and white the sins attributed to MP 

 Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:

Sin #1: The Original Sin
Not negotiating a special status for Goa at the time of Liberation in 1961 is 
what I call the Original Sin.  Most of the irreversible damage, political & 
environmental, we see today is a logical consequence of that misstep. As every 
job-seeker knows, the only time you really have leverage over the terms & 
conditions of your employment is at the time of joining. That is the moment for 
negotiating favourable terms, and once you are past that stage your bargaining 
power is substantially diminished. Goans did not even make a token effort for a 
negotiation in 1961. 

[Goanet] Shrine priest suspended for not fulfilling requirements

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News
Shrine priest suspended for not fulfilling requirements

The Rev. Neville Monteiro, pastor of Saint Pius V Shrine in Lake
Zurich, has been suspended by the Archdiocese of Chicago for not
fulfilling church requirements.

By Lee Filas

A Catholic priest from India who ministers at a small Lake Zurich
shrine has been suspended by the Archdiocese of Chicago and threatened
with excommunication, church officials said.

The Rev. Neville Monteiro, who is listed as “pastor” at the
privately-owned Saint Pius V Shrine, is forbidden to exercise certain
Catholic holy orders because he has not fulfilled church requirements,
according to a Nov. 5 “notification” from officials.

In the letter, officials said if Monteiro continues performing
ceremonies such as marriages or the sacrament of penance while
suspended, they would be null and void in the “eyes of God and the

The archdiocese also warned if he “does not seek to regularize his
situation and continues the illegitimate exercise of priestly
ministry,” he could be excommunicated.

Several attempts to reach shrine officials and Monteiro for comment
were unsuccessful.

The archdiocese is the governing arm of the Catholic Church in the
Chicago area, and registers and issues powers for priests, said Susan
Burritt, spokeswoman for the archdiocese.

Saint Pius V Shrine at 30 Miller Road is not part of the archdiocese.
The archdiocese does not provide staffing for the shrine, but it does
oversee the priests who serve there, Burritt said.

Monteiro was ordained a priest with the Archdiocese of Goa and Damao,
India, before coming to the Chicago area more than seven years ago,
she said.

Once arriving here, Monteiro was supposed to receive approval from the
Archdiocese of Chicago and Cardinal Francis George to serve in the
Catholic Church. All priests who come to the United States from other
countries must do so, Burritt said.

The notification states that requirement was never fulfilled. Burritt
said Monteiro was stripped of his “faculties” similar to his license
on Nov. 5, 2003. That means Monteiro was not allowed to preach and his
ability to administer the sacrament of penance was revoked, according
to the notification.

It also states Monteiro assumed the title of pastor for Saint Pius V
Shrine without being appointed to such an office by the archbishop,
officials said.

Monteiro has failed to respond to the archdiocese since the revocation
of his duties in 2003, which led to the recent suspension. That
includes removing his ability to validly assist in the marriage of
Catholics, officials said.

“If he does so in the past or does so in the future, the couple have
not received and will not receive the sacrament of matrimony.
Consequently the couple are not married in the eyes of God and the
Church,” the notification states.

Burritt said Monteiro has been informed about what he needs to do lift
the suspension, but she would not provide details.

The shrine's website at stpiusvshrine.org said it was chartered and
incorporated in Illinois by Roman Catholics, and has been “providing
the Holy Mass, Traditional Sacraments and ministering to discerning
Catholics who prefer to avoid liturgical novelties and errors.”

According to the Archdiocese of Chicago website at archchicago.org, a
shrine is a smaller church or other sacred space used by the faithful
for pilgrimages, and has limited sacramental and liturgical services


[Goanet] NEWS: 'Child died due to asphyxia'

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News
'Child died due to asphyxia'
TNN, Nov 21, 2010, 04.01am IST

PANAJI: The postmortem report on the body of the 10-year-old child,
who committed suicide by hanging in front of the altar at her home in
Porvorim on Friday morning, has revealed that the girl died due to
asphyxiaas a result of hanging.

Sanika Upale's body was sent to Goa medical college and hospital for
postmortem on Friday. Police sources said that the postmortem report
has ruled out any injury on the body of the minor, thus ruling out any
force or violence that led to the minor taking the drastic step.

On Saturday afternoon, the body of the minor was handed over to her
parents, who police said have decided to take their daughter's body to
their hometown in Chiplun, Maharashtra, for the final rites.

Police suspect that the minor took the drastic step as she feared that
she wouldn't fare well in the exams. She had also written a suicide
note in Marathi which was addressed to her mother in which she said
that if she fails in the exam, then her mother will go away and never

* * *

Porvorim school girl commits suicide, functioni postponed

Herald Correspondent
Porvorim Nov 20

The felicitation function of Vidhyaprabhodhini High School principal
and senior educationist Subhash Bhasker Velingker was postponed on
Saturday, following the demise of a 10-year-old student of the school.

Sanika Sudhaker Upale, a Std V student and the only child of her
parents, had committed suicide over fears that she would fail in her
mid-term exams in October.

Teachers and parents were stunned by the news that the 10-year-old
girl had committed suicide.

Many who had gathered in the school in Porvorim were seen discussing
how a young girl could have nurtured and executed the decision to end
her life.

Some felt that the girl may have been influenced by the television and
urged the education department to ponder on such incidents, where
students resort to drastic measures after being unable to face

It may be recalled that Sanika Sudhaker Upale who was studying in
Standard V of the Vidhya Prabodini High School at Porvorim had just
answered her half-yearly exams.

Sanika's parents, natives of Chiplun, Maharashtra and presently
residing at Alto Porvorim, had left for work at about 9.30 am and
Sanika was alone at home, as she was on Diwali vacation.

The mother, who works at a shop very close to their house, returned
home at 1.45 pm and found the door locked from the inside.

When her daughter did not respond to her call, the mother peeped
through the side window and was horrified to see the body of her
daughter hanging from an iron rod fixed in the hall.

She immediately alerted her husband and the police.

Police rushed to the spot and broke open the front door. They found
that Sanika had committed suicide by hanging herself with a dupatta.

Police found a note written by Sanika in her notebook stating she was
committed suicide because her mother would leave the house if she
failed in the exdam, which she had answered recently.

The body was later sent for an autopsy, where it was established that
Sanika had died due to asphyxia as a result of suffocation. Police sub
inspector Sagun Sawant is investigating the case. Herald. ENDS

[Goanet] Why I'm not an atheist

2010-11-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
For the atheists on this list here is some food for thought.




[Goanet] NEWS: Stopping of qurbani ritual condemned

2010-11-21 Thread Goanet News
Stopping of qurbani ritual condemned
TNN, Nov 21, 2010, 05.26am IST

PANAJI: The Goa state body of the All India Milli Council (AIMC) has
condemned the stopping of the qurbani ritual (slaughtering of goats,
bulls) on November 18 in Vasco on the occasion of Eid ul Adha by the
Panaji Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).

The state president of AIMC, Iqbal Mohidin, pointed out that qurbani
is performed by Muslims all over the world on the occasion of Eid ul
Adha as a symbolic sacrifice to commemorate Prophet Abraham's
willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael on Allah's command. The meat
is divided into three parts, of which one part is distributed to the
poor, he said. In the process of protecting animal rights, the NGO has
infringed upon the religious obligations of the Muslims and has also
deprived the poor of food on the day of Eid, thus causing a lot of
anger amongst the Muslim community, Mohidin said.

He said that the Milli council is of the opinion that some communal
forces may be using NGOs to stop Muslims from performing their
religious obligations in the hope of creating an atmosphere of unrest
in the state.

The AIMC has appealed to the government to amend the Goa Slaughter
House Act 1978 and grant special permission to Muslim organizations to
perform the qurbani ritual only for a day or two on the occasion of
Eid ul Adha.


[Goanet] Halal meat is being served in the UK discreetly -

2010-11-21 Thread Camillo Fernandes

This report  from DAILY STAR, dated 18th November is one of many in different 
Fury erupted after MPs discovered they have eaten halal meat in Parliament 
without being told.  Catering bosses in the Commons admitted they had served 
chicken slaughtered by Islamic methods.
Campaigners say the Muslim ritual of slitting a conscious animal's throat and 
letting it bleed to death is inhumane and should be banned.  Sir Struat Bell 
shocked MPs when he admitted "The catering service has unknowingly received 
supplies of poultry slaughtered using halal methods".  
Tory MP Greg Knight said "This underlines the need to have proper labelling so 
people actually  know what they are eating.  It seems there has been this drive 
in the food industry to do everything halal so it does not offend people:.   
Tony Philip Hollobone said "I dont think it is that difficult a problem to 
solve.  Maybe the Government is frightened about upsetting ethnic minorities"
Commons catering chiefs are now looking for a new supplier.  There was uproar 
earlier this year after it emerged halal meat is being served in hospitals, 
schools and pubs without the public knowing.
Comments :  Camilo Fernandes


[Goanet] Telecom scam

2010-11-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
We have been reading quite a bit on the telecom scam here in this forum
mostly culled out from sangh parivar publications which has its own biases
and slants.

Here is an interview of Kapil Sibal by Arnab Goswami on Times Now which
gives the other point of view.



[Goanet] Terror probe: CBI arrests Aseemanand in Haridwar

2010-11-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
  The chickens are slowly coming home to roost. The perpetrators of communal
attacks against the Christians in the Dangs in 1998 encouraged by the BJP
which turned a blind eye to its activities  are now being arrested for
terror attacks in Ajmer, Malegaon, Hyderabad. Sometimes Truth and Justice
move slowly but surely as subsequent events show.



Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Fr. Agnelo - His Birth place (Anjuna), Last days at Rachol (the pulpit, the bedroom), the cemetery, the grave, the Church, the Seminary, the Tomb at Pilar etc

2010-11-21 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 21 November 2010 08:04, JoeGoaUk  wrote:

> [Goanet] Talking Photos: Fr. Agnelo - His Birth place (Anjuna), Last days
> at Rachol (the pulpit, the bedroom), the cemetery, the grave, the Church,
> the Seminary, the Tomb at Pilar etc

COMMENT: There is a mass to celebrate his 83rd death anniversary, today at
St Boniface Church, Tooting Broadway SW London at 1.30 pm. There will also
be prayers for his beatification.

All are welcome.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Appreciation.......

2010-11-21 Thread Gina Fernandes

>A mail that makes sense..
> Its never too late to change our ways!
>One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial    
>position in a big company.    
>He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made  
>the last decision.    
>The director discovered from the CV, that the youth's academic result was 
>excellent all the way, from the secondary school to postgraduate research. 
>He never had a year he did not score high marks.  
>The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" And the  
>youth answered "none".    
>The director asked, " Is it your father who paid your school fees?" The    
>youth answered, "my father passed away when I was one year old, it is my  
>mother who paid for my school fees."  
>The director asked, " Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "my 
>mother worked as a cloth cleaner."    
>The director requested the youth to show his hands, the youth showed a    
>pair of hands that looked smooth and perfect to the director.  
>The director asked, " Did you ever help your mother wash clothes before?"  
>The youth answered, "Never. My mother always wanted me to study hard and  
>read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me. " 
>The director said, I have a request, when you go back today, go and help  
>to clean your mother's hand, and then see me tomorrow morning.    
>The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went  
>back home, he happily wanted to clean his mother's hand. His mother felt  
>strange and happy but had mixed feelings. She showed her hands to the boy. 
>The youth cleaned his mother's hands gently, his tears streamed down his  
>cheeks as he cleaned them.  That was the very first time that he noticed  
>that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and that there were so many cuts 
>in her hands. Some of the cuts and bruises were so deep that they caused  
>her a lot of pain when he gently cleaned them with water.  
>This is the first time the youth had realized and experienced how very    
>hard his mother had worked with her pair of hands...the hands that washed  
>clothes everyday to earn enough money to put him through school over the  
>years.  That was the ultimate price that his mother had paid so willingly  
>for his entire education...his academic excellence and probably his    
>After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly    
>cleaned all remaining clothes for his mother.  
>That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.    
>Next morning, the youth went to the director's office  
>The director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, and asked him: " Can  
>you please tell me what  exactly you did when you went home yesterday and  
>what lessons you have learned from the work you did?"  
>The youth answered:  "I cleaned my mother's hands, and only then I    
>realised how hard she had worked to put me through school all these years. 
>Those hands were so pale and wrinkled and had deep cuts. Some of those    
>cuts were bleeding when I gently washed them. I then told my mother to sit 
>down while I washed the remaining clothes. I was ashamed of myself for not 
>helping my mother with the house work all these years.

[Goanet] Who the Bleep cares about finding Goan roots in England?

2010-11-21 Thread Carvalho
Text source: GoanVoice UK
This week Selma Carvalho attends a talk by Historical-Geographer Cliff Pereira 
to discover how we can trace our Goan roots. The story of two Goan men in 
unfolds to reveal startling details of how they inadvertently ended on 
sides in World War I...It begins with a Louis Mendes born in the village of 
Candolin, in 1900, who decides at the tender age of 17 to travel to Tanganyika 
(now Tanzania), then a German colony...Meanwhile another member of Pereira’s 
family, D. Pereira takes up a job with the British Royal Navy as an Officers’ 
Cook First Class. Born in July 1876, he presumably lies about his 
age...Pereira’s research to unearth aspects of his history which have long been 
forgotten by family or buried alongside those who have passed away, is 


Re: [Goanet] Saintly Madness?!

2010-11-21 Thread floriano

A food for thought, really.

It seems that whatever good that we do, or boast of doing, is tied up to an 
ultimate reward.

That is business. That is being selfishly motivated.

If someone you help looks like 'Jesus' to you, then you are surely 
collecting bonus points for your ultimate graduation.
That this graduation might not hold good ultimately, is another matter 

If I saw  Pandu Lampiao in need of help, I would help Pandu Lampiao and not 
Jesus. Because Jesus is past helping. Also, not because Jesus would help 
under the circumstances. That would be 'imitating' to get recognition.



- Original Message - 
From: "Joao Barros-Pereira" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 6:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Saintly Madness?!

Saintly What?!

Are our saints mad?

Take Mother Theresa, for instance, who used to say she did not see the 

child or old man or woman in her arms but Jesus! A truly compassionate
person would see the person in his or her arms, not Jesus.

Why is this so? Is it because ideology gets in the way and distorts 

Why is she helping the poor if she cannot see the dying child or man or
woman in her arms? Bizarre! Madness is madness, saintly or otherwise.

[Goanet] Song for the day

2010-11-21 Thread Gabe Menezes
Marina - Billy Vaughn and his Orchestra; Unison Sax -  Big Band music. This
was a big hit in Nairobi in the 1960's.


& here's a Samba for your dancing


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Daily Grook #851

2010-11-21 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

snakes who bite us
since adam's fall,
lose as they just
cannot venom all!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278


[Goanet] CM's reputation in respecting local sentiments

2010-11-21 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Hi Nascy,
Nascy asked: What is yout personal and your community stand on this?
Reply: What do you specifically refer to by the last word of your question - 
this? Which of my community you are referring to? I have many communities - My 
wado community, town community, state community, country community, planet 
community etc. Then my school friends community, my college community, my 
professional community, my close family, my extended family, etc.. etc. Then 
various groups I am associated with. I may miss out many… yes there are many 
more whom I even don’t know: goanet community, facebook etc.. etc.. list is 
Nascy asked: Would you or can you STOP the Nation's Defence requirement?
Reply: Would I - Cant decide without facts. Can I - a small fly like me on 
goanet obviosly cant.
Nascy said: "Local Sentiments' can be of opposing views and demands! as always.
Reply: Agree fully.
Nascy asked: Which sentimen't would you choose?
Reply: Frankly do not know at this juncture.
Nascy said: Let us see your hidden wisdom, if any!Reply: You wont be able to 
see any because there are none. By the way, are you writing on behalf of some 
community or group (as you have use the word us in the last sentence)? 


[Goanet] Talking Photos: Fr. Agnelo - His Birth place (Anjuna), Last days at Rachol (the pulpit, the bedroom), the cemetery, the grave, the Church, the Seminary, the Tomb at Pilar etc

2010-11-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
[Goanet] Talking Photos: Fr. Agnelo - His Birth place (Anjuna), Last days 
at Rachol (the pulpit, the bedroom), the cemetery, the grave, the Church, 
the Seminary, the Tomb at Pilar etc
Thank you Dominc for coming back on this one.
Infact, I wanted to write you but again I said you will definitely come back 
on this.
The lady did say ‘Pe/Agnelachea Bhavachi Sun ani ticho Cheddo’ but 
again I got confused going by the ages e.g. Ven. Fr. Agnelo, if alive,  
would have been 142  in two months time ..
You guys are very fortunate for being Sons of Anjuna, the birth place of  
the (Saint) Agnelo D’Souza
My father was lucky too.  He told me he once attended Fr. Agnelo’s Mass.
Here is something I have just created ‘a page’ on Facebook
‘Friends of Ven. Agnelo D’Souza’
Hope this link works (I am not vey expert in this, also have a group by 
same title)
A video clip of 2007 – Rachol Church, Room, Grave etc

Dear Joe,
Thank you for publishing photos of Fr. Agnelo’s birth place in Anjuna.
When you arrived at Fr. Agnelo’s house, Alda D’Souza and her son, 
Gustavo D’Souza, who live in the house, had gone to Church to attend 
Fr. Agnelo’s novena.
Angelo Inaudino D’Souza was Fr. Agnelo’s brother. His son, late 
Franco D’Souza married Alda, who gave birth to Gustavo. 
Thus, Gustavo is Fr. Agnelo’s grand nephew.
You are doing a great service to Goan society. Keep up the good work!
Let us pray that Fr. Agnelo may be canonized soon!
Have a blessed day on Fr. Agnelo’s death anniversary!
Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201
All these pics are taken today between the above hours.
Sadly, we could not get inside  the house at Anjuna as we
were told the inmates of the house had gone out
(Fr. Agnelo  brother's (grand?)daughter- in-law and
her son). Hope I got it right
The original with pics


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