Re: [Goanet] Regurgitating Goa's History (part 2)

2011-02-08 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: George Pinto

>  but there are no Goan King crabs.

RESPONSE: On one of my sojourn's, I ate a Goan crab in Betalbatim at 
Martin's corner. It was massive and the best crab dish I've ever had. 
Mrs Carafina had named the dish after India's batting ace, Sachin [1], I 
was told. But like all good things in Goa, the crab was caught in waters 
off Bardez.

> Even Mrs. D'Souza from Benaulim says there are no Goan
> King crabs and she knows what she is talking about.

RESPONSE: Its quite possible Mrs. D'Souza has not left her Sashti 
confines. The crabs are in Bardez.

> Mr. Naik from Ponda told me last month he ate crab once
> at Baga beach, but it tasted like lobster.

RESPONSE: Looked like a crab, tasted like a lobster? Huh? Mr. Naik, eh? 
The name sounds familiar, nevertheless, Mr Naik is not from Bardez; he 
could not handle the liquor in Bardez hence his confusion.

There is the other Goan crab sometimes mentioned here..Allow me to 
point out a philosophical piece from our very own Goanetter, Dom Martin 
on the subject of the other Goan crab:

- B :-)

PS. All we need now is for Pandu Lampiao to wake-up. Unless he has 
returned to his digs in Sawantwadi


[Goanet] Framed Farmer in Cuncolim.

2011-02-08 Thread Arwin Mesquita
-- Forwarded message --
From: madonna Almeida 
Date: 9 February 2011 00:30
To: Arwin Mesquita 
Cc: abhijeet prabhudessai , Ronnie Pereira <>

  Hi below is a write up. Please do send it wherever possible. Hopefully
people will come in support.

*Framed Farmer in Cuncolim.*

35, Well I was just gaping at the young man in front of me as he told me
that they were a family of 35 all living  together in one house. And the
house, not being as elaborate as one would expect for such large numbers. 12
of the grand children he told me were well below the age of 12, while Mr.
Vishnu Dessai and his better half are well into their 80’s and the
predictably the oldest members of the family. I was in Cuncolim , the land
of the late revolutionaries .( while the better half of Cuncolienkaars are
mostly no more, the other ones are forever late)

I ask to have a look in the house, they oblige, I arm myself with my camera
and walk in. My eyes take a while to adjust to the darkness in the house. A
few skylights bring in a bit of the much needed light. The rooms are few
with each son having a room to himself and his immediate family. The
conditions are cramped. My mind wanders thinking of the comforts I have back
home and I feel  a sting of guilt. After getting a few pictures through my
lens I head out back to their backyard, seat myself on the hard wooden bench
and wait for Dutta Dessai to join me . He takes a few minutes longer than
expected , I let my mind wander again and fascinatingly it takes me to
the White
elephant just a stone’s throw away from the Dessai house. Not the kind to
stomp into your fiels cause depressing damage and leave the place , this one
stays on day in and day out a constant reminder of how the tax payer is
being looted by the MLA and his band of councilor show,  else could one
account for the fact that it is so well maintained, spacious  yet how under
used it is. I witnessed for months after it was built, buses would just pass
by, I’d see children playing a game of cricket. Occasionally it would even
host a cultural event and I would wonder why not just have a community hall
instead. Little did I realize then that Cuncolim is brimming with Community
halls. Interestingly quite a few of these have been transferred to religious
private parties. So ‘Cuncolienkaars’  don’t be surprised if your religious
reader is specific about which councilor or MLA you should vote for. I for
one see that coming.

 The cock crows, I hear the children chattering and it brings me back to
reality,the reality of the Dessai   family. It is  yet another story of
people who have fallen prey to a system, one that stinks of greed and power.
Dutta Dessai a rather soft spoken man, in his 30’s sits across me and begins
to tell me the turn of events. The family has been into farming for the past
80 years. It is their sole source of income and sustenance. They fields are
sown three times a year hence never actually left fallow. Adjoining the
fields they have a fruit orchard where they have a variety of fruit trees
like banana, coconut, jackfruit and many more. They also have a little pond
dug out to irrigate the place. I later on had the opportunity to walk
through their orchard and see for myself. Dutta then tells me around 9500sq
m of this is acquired by the municipality hence leaving them with a very
small patch of fields that could not possibly sustain a family of 35. He
tells me it all started in 2004 when the municipality first acquired the
land under cultivation, for the purpose of a market complex. The family
protested  saying that it was their only source of income. They approached
the MLA Joaquim Alemao pleading with him to intervene into the matter. As
Vishnu Dessai holds his ears and says ‘ashe  khanam  baandun, daily vochon
paim potta, aamkam saalwaar kor’. I flinch watching an 80 year old man
having to bow infront of a minister for justice. But what he tells me next
makes me want to roll on the floor with laughter. Joaquim , he tells me says
to them ‘tum bhinaka , sorgaaran dev asam ani haanga aapun aasa!’ Good
Gracious an ‘avataar’ of God , and that too Joaqim Alemao , this could be
nothing short of a miracle gone bad. Anyway  the lying minister does put a
stop to it and the municipality aquires the land adjoining the white
elephant( Oops forgive me father on earth I sincerely meant to say Cuncolim
bus stand)

Everything goes back to normal , the family is at peace once again and get
back to their normal day to day activities. All of a sudden one day a
relative of theirs is faced with the predicament of having to give up his
land to mining coincidentally the party wanting the land was our very own
God on earth. Innocently of course having his relative’s best interest in
mind Dutta advices him not to sell off his land. Makes me think what was he
expecting, Joaqim to be testing his people on earth, to see if they are good
or bad ,if they were ready to sell their mother 

[Goanet] 'Porricar' exonerated by CAG while Goans pay for the elctricty subsidies illegally sanctioned by his detractor Mr Godinho.

2011-02-08 Thread anil desai
While Kangress is mired in Corruption...
This is what Oherald reports today. Time for Goans to take note.
Anil Desai

CAG absolves Parrikar of most charges


CAG absolves Parrikar of most charges
 In what could be termed as a major reprieve to the opposition leader
Manohar Parrikar, the Comptroller and Auditor General has dropped ‘its
faulty 14 charges” against the former chief minister, who is facing CBI
inquiry into the financial irregularities in infrastructure development
during IFFI 2004.
While CAG dropped 14 charges against Parrikar the Public Accounts committee
has recommended that the remaining nine charges also be dropped due to
satisfactory replies from Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation
The PAC has also recommended the CAG office to conduct an enquiry as to how
this incorrect finding was given and take remedial action against the
concerned officers who have given these erroneous findings in the audit
report 2005-05.
The public accounts committee (PAC) had constituted a sub-committee under
Mapusa legislator Francis D’Souza, Nilkanth Halarnkar and Damodar Naik.
While Parrikar refused to be part of the committee in view of the Central
Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiry against him, Halarnkar seized to be
member of the sub-committee after being inducted into the cabinet in June,
The committee convened 22 meetings with the CAG and GSIDC officials.
The PAC report, which was submitted in the just concluded assembly, states
that the CAG had decided to drop 14 out of 23 paras.
“Out of the 23 audit paras CAG decided to drop 14 paras on the grounds that
the explanations given on these were satisfactory and accepted by the
committee while the remaining nine paras were discussed in detail,” the
report said.
The charges or paras dropped are – payment of bonus; Defective clause in the
agreement; undue favour to the contractor; restoration and upgradation of
facilities at Kala Academy abnormal variation; award of work at rates higher
than market rates; deficient contract management non levy of liquidated
damages; non-recovery of mobilization advance; award of work without land
acquisition; idle charges; incorrect estimation of quantity for dredging
work; variations; consultants for Kala Academy Works; appointment pf
consultants for road package works.
The other nine charges which the committee has sought details from the
Finance Department and recommended dropping are – defective or
non-transparent bidding process and evaluation; award of contract at higher
cost; avoidable expenditure on INOX appointed consultant; improvement and
beautification of roads and allied works; irregular award of contract;
appointment of consultant; appointment of lead consultant; wasteful
expenditure on abandoned projects.
The CAG finding in 2004-05 was the main base for registering an FIR (first
information) in the IFFI misappropriation case and with majority of the
charges being dropped this may come in as huge relief to Parrikar, who has
claimed innocence in the case.

[Goanet] Fwd: Whither Goan identity?

2011-02-08 Thread Arwin Mesquita
*Whither Goan identity?
Percival Noronha, Panjim
*It is said not without reason that every adversity brings its own strength
and every pain its own relief. This applies to Goans. After the so-called
‘Liberation of Goa’, we face all sorts of discrimination and injustice.
Goans lived freely in an unpolluted land with a perfect continental
administrative system. Censorship was imposed from 1929 onwards by Salazar.
But one could write one’s grievance to the government. If genuine, it would
be remedied. In any case, it was much softer than Indira Gandhi’s
Anti-social activities were rare, and dealt with firmly. Today, Goans are
not safe even in their own homes! Crime and corruption are growing and,
worse, people’s representatives and government officials themselves indulge
in anti-social activities.
Mass education has created an army of educated unemployed, while traditional
arts and crafts, and artisans, have disappeared. Forced acquisition of our
ancestral properties has become the order of the day, leaving Goans landless
and destitute in their own land!
Government jobs are no longer for Goans, as one has to pay through the nose
even for clerical posts. The top echelons of the civil service are in the
hands of non-Goans. All sorts of people – from millionaires to beggars,
including a host of criminals – are migrating to Goa. The only great
post-Liberation achievement is electrification and the completion of water
works initiated by the old administration.
Then, Goa had a good network of roads for its restricted population and
traffic. Much-needed bridges over the Mandovi and Zuari were to be built by
a Japanese company in exchange for iron ore, starting April 1962. But
Liberation intervened, and we had to wait till 1971 for the Mandovi Bridge
(again till 1992 after it collapsed), and till 1983 for the Zuari bridge.
The Mormugao harbour and the Dabolim airport were more than enough for trade
with all countries. These Goan assets are today in the hands of MPT and the
Navy, who are harassing Goans.
We have problems like garbage, mining and industrial pollution, destruction
of our ecosystem and, above all, the loot and destruction of our age-old
comunidades. The government is depriving Goans of all the prime necessities
of a decent life. Even our spiritual identity has been mauled by ugly
communalism, which is spreading its tentacles to all of Goa.
Where are those high-sounding promises of Jawaharlal Nehru, that Goan
identity would be preserved?

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

Re: [Goanet] Regurgitating Goa's History (part 2)

2011-02-08 Thread George Pinto
--- On Tue, 2/8/11, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> Their first recommendation is "to laugh at oneself" (see
> below). And the website describes this as, "Difficulty: moderately
> challenging." So clearly that means our 'king crabs' will need some
> spoon-feeding 

Please forgive Gilbert for being wrong, but there are no Goan King crabs.  Most 
King crabs are found in cool waters (off Alaska, Puget Sound, etc.) and as far 
as I know are not in the relatively warm waters off the coast of Goa.


Once at the Anjuna beach, I did see what looked like a King crab but it wasn't. 
Even Mrs. D'Souza from Benaulim says there are no Goan King crabs and she knows 
what she is talking about. Mr. Naik from Ponda told me last month he ate crab 
once at Baga beach, but it tasted like lobster.


Re: [Goanet] Goan Teenager murdered at Merces

2011-02-08 Thread Abie Mendes

Please could you provide me the website to hear his much praised
site/collection of songs - i really look forward to hearing.

Deu borem corum.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Goa World  wrote:

> Teenager murdered at Merces
> A teenager from Kirlawada, Chimbel was found murdered at Zarikade, Merces
> on Monday. The deceased has been identified as Amitabh Borkar (19). The
> incident came to light after Old Goa police were informed by a person about
> an unknown body lying at Zarikade.  According to Old Goa Police Inspector
> Francis Xavier Corte, the police rushed to the site and found the body in a
> pool of blood with stab injuries on the face and neck. Police after
> conducting the inquiry and post mortem in connection with the case
> registered an offence of murder under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code
> (IPC) against unknown persons. Later in the evening, the deceased was
> identified as Amitabh Borkar, after Amitabh’s sister lodged a missing
> complaint of her brother with the Old Goa police. The complainant stated
> that her brother had left the residence on Sunday at about 7 pm. Old Goa
> Police further informed that nothing was found on the deceased’s body at the
> time of the incident.
> __._,_.___
> Thailand XI, Bangladesh XI, Goa Maroons and Fahaheel Brothers to clash in
> IFRA 30 Years Celebration Tournament
> Football, as is known to all among the Indian and expatriate communities in
> Kuwait is the most passionate and popular sport among Goans, Mangaloreans,
> Mahrastrians and the Mangaloreans, among others.
> With large crowds attending the ongoing tournament of IFRA celebrating
> their 30 years, inspite of the chilling winds and even sacrificing their
> weekend siesta, it is not too hard to confirm their interest, Now with the
> most hidden talents among the Thailand and Bangladesh football teams with
> the popular Goa Maroons and Fahaheel Brothers (mainly from Kerala, India),
> more interest is generated in the upcoming matches. With Saint Anthony Colva
> and Real Betalbatim earning their places of pride in the Tournament, will
> now meet the much liked Assolna, Velim, Cuncolim (AVC) and Indian Strikers
> respectively in the quarter final on 04/03/2011. All eyes are now focused on
> the upcoming schedule for 11/02/2011 will be between: Thailand XI v/s
> Bangladesh XI at 2:00 p.m. and GOA Maroon v/s Fahaheel Brothers at 3:15 p.m.
> to be held at the Daiya Stadium.
> Read and view more photos and details in today's Arab Times
> Continued coverage since the inaugural of the IFRA 30 Years Celebration
> Tournament can also be viewed at ;
> ;  and other e-portals.
> The First and Only Konkani Music Station On The Internet  (established in
> March 2000)
> Hope you enjoy the selection of music I have put up. It's taken me a lot of
> work to collect the golden oldies and put them here. If you have any
> specific request do let me know. Will try and do my best. Only Konkani music
> will be played.  Musicians if you wish to promote your music and new albums,
> please email me at   Sign your comments on my Guestbook
>  Enjoy !  DJ Uly.

Re: [Goanet] Goa's road to death

2011-02-08 Thread floriano

I witnessed the Road safety week with a prominent NGO directing the drivers 
to wear safety belts.

I did have an altercation with the concerned Traffic Police Officer  who 
wanted me to wear the safety belt. Fine, I said, but how about you traffic 
cops handling the left-side over-taking, wrong side turning which creates 
traffic jams and accidents, how about monitoring two wheeler riders using 
the busy roads as racing tracks. Your only job seems to be giving tickets 
for non wearing of helmets and non- strapping of safety belts. Are these the 
onliest two items in your book of TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS?

There was no answer from the Traffic Police Officer.

The government should spend some of the tax-payer's money which is collected 
over challans and bookings to give regular advisories on Cable TV  on the 
above points instead of pocketing the amount. Mark  arrows on the road to 
show one way, turning, etc. Mark parking slots on the roadsides and more 
specifically repair the  horrible  sections  of the roads and highways to 
atleast curtail the SHAME. One point where this is required is the road 
connecting to the main trunk road Mapusa/Duler from Alankar Cinema. This 
road has been a moon crater for a long time. The other is hotmixing the 
stretch of the slope Panjim to Sai Circle. This entire slope is horribly 
worn out and not seen hotmix for a long long time..

MLA, Ministers and Chief Ministers have been blind to see this during their 
recent Assembly Session.

What a SHAME indeed.


- Original Message - 
From: "soter" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 10:52 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa's road to death

2010 saw over 12 accidents daily on Goa's roads
TNN, Feb 8, 2011, 05.12am IST
PANAJI: Despite several traffic safety drives and an increase in the number 
of persons being booked for traffic violations in Goa, the state's roads 
witnessed more than 12 accidents per day and six fatalities every week in 
the year 2010.

While from January 1 to December 31, 2009, there were 4,164 accidents and 
310 fatalities on Goa's roads, about 4572 accidents and 327 fatalities were 
registered in 2010. The year 2008 saw 318 fatalities and 4,178 accidents on 
Goan roads, while 2007 witnessed 322 road fatalities.

Re: [Goanet] Less and Less

2011-02-08 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Mon Feb 7 10:28:35 PST 2011 Juliet De Souza desouza at wrote :<<<
*Welcome to 21st Century!!*  Our communication 
-  Wireless


COMMENT: Very hilarious
the formatting:

- Wireless  Our phones  

-  Cordless  Our cooking  

-  Fireless  Our food  

-  Fatless  Our Sweets  

-  Sugarless  Our labor  

-  Effortless  Our relations  

-  Fruitless  Our attitude  

-  Careless  Our feelings  

-  Heartless  Our politics  

-  Shameless  Our education  

-  Worthless  Our Mistakes  

-  Countless  Our arguments  

-  Baseless  Our youth  

-  Jobless  Our Ladies  

-  Topless  Our Boss  

-  Brainless  Our Jobs  

-  Thankless  Our Needs  

-  Endless  Our situation  

-  Hopeless  Our Salaries  


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] Konkani filmbook available for purchase online

2011-02-08 Thread George Pinto
Please support the hard work of a Goan. Isidore Dantas' monumental and highly 
acclaimed book on the history of Konkani films can be purchased online. To 
purchase your copy, go to and click on PAYPAL 
option in the middle of the Home page.

See synopsis of the book at

See reviews of the book at

The following Bollywood stars and other celebrities sent their best wishes:
1. Salman Khan - Bollywood star
2. Lara Dutta - Former Miss India and actor
3. Helen Khan - Bollywood legend
4. Mahesh Bhupathi- Tennis Champion
5. Deepika Padukone - Bollywood actor
6. Anita Raaj - Bollywood actor
7. Shashi Kapoor - Bollywood actor
8. Salim Khan - Bollywood story writer
9..Nadia Moidu (South Indian Actor)
10. Malaika Arora Khan - Bollywood actor

See and

To purchase a copy of the book, go to and click 
on PAYPAL option in the middle of the Home page.

Thank you.


[Goanet] Regurgitating Goa's History (part 2)

2011-02-08 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Frederick, thanks for the tip about using humor. I checked the website you 
kindly provided. 

Their first recommendation is "to laugh at oneself" (see below). And the 
describes this as, "Difficulty: moderately challenging."  So clearly that means 
our 'king crabs' will need some spoon-feeding on point 1.:=))  

Now if I keep getting distracted with the humor and spoon-feeding, I will never 
get to parts 3, 4, 5, 6 ... 

Regards, Supurlo Goenkar, GL
How to Use Humor to Stop an Argument
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Instructions: 1 Laugh at yourself, and use that as the subject of a joke or 
humor to stop the argument. When you find yourself arguing tooth and nail about 
something ridiculous, like your wife burning the toast, call yourself on it.
-- Frederick Noronha wrote:
Read more: How to Use Humor to Stop an Argument |


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[Goanet] Goa news for February 9, 2011

2011-02-08 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Belgaum vegetable suppliers block supply to GSHC - Herald

*** Godinho refuses Congress post - Times of India
speaker named as Congress' Goa poll campaign manager

*** Narvekar asks govt to recover 9.61 lakh from NOTE - Times of
ndia organization and is based only in Goa with no offices or
branches anywhere else ...

*** 'Multiple cuts on neck led to Borkar's death' - Times of
mes of IndiaOld Goa police are now in the process of questioning
Amitabh's friends in a bid to find out with whom he was during
the hours preceding his death and to try ...

*** 2010 saw over 12 accidents daily on Goa's roads - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Despite several traffic safety drives and an
increase in the number of persons being booked for traffic
violations in Goa, the state's roads ...

*** Tanker mishap: Disaster officials told only next day - Times
of India
ivisional magistrate (SDM), Johnson Fernandes, to the South Goa
collector with regards to ...

*** When Christian Gawdas danced to celebrate Dhalo - Times of
M">and more »

*** MMC officials embark on two-day training trip - Times of
ov505M">and more »

*** All 38 cruise vessels have no GSPCB approvals - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Unknown to authorities, a total of 38 cruise
boats are operating in various rivers in Goa and none of them
have obtained the consent under the Water ...

*** GCA pays SAG 17.69 lakh - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: In an interesting development, the Goa
Cricket Association (GCA) has paid 17.69 lakh to the Sports
Authority of Goa (SAG) as salaries for cricket ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Somasekhara Commission Report: Inconsistencies, contradictions and a failure of public reasoning: Arvind Narrain and BN Jagadeesha

2011-02-08 Thread Marshall Mendonza
*Somasekhara Commission Report: Inconsistencies, contradictions and a
failure of public reasoning: Arvind Narrain and BN Jagadeesha*

When the Justice Somasekhara Commission was constituted to inquire into the
church attacks in Karnataka in September,2008, it was seen as a move to ward
of criticism of the BJP administration. Today, well over two years after the
attacks, when the key findings of the Report have been made public by
Justice Somasekhara himself, the findings prepare the ground for further
action against the victims of the church attacks, while absolving the
masterminds behind the crime of all blame. Naomi Klein in her book, Shock
Doctrine analyses how the period of shock which a community experiences with
the imposition of a military dictatorship is what is used to push through
far reaching changes such as radical free market policies. Similarly, post
the shock of the church attacks, the Christian community was hopeful of
justice through the Commission but instead the proceedings and the findings
of the Commission really prepare the way for continued harassment of the
Christian community under the garb of law.

Persons and organizations responsible for the above incidents:

On the fundamental question of who was behind the attacks, the Commission
finds that, ‘there is no basis to the apprehension of Christian Petitioners
that the politicians, BJP, mainstream Sangh Parivar and State Govt.,
directly or indirectly, are involved in the attacks.’

However later on the Report observes, ‘the plea of many Christian
memorialists for taking action as per law against Mr. Mahendra Kumar, the
then Convenor of Bajrangdal who publicly sought to justify the attacks on
Churches is totally justified.’ The Report then goes on to note that, ‘the
plea that the organizations like Bajrang Dal needs identification and
registration for legal control deserves acceptance’

Further the Annexure XLVII of the Report which lists 56 churches which were
attacked, specifically names Hindu fundamentalist organisations which were
involved in the attacks on the following churches:
SL Name Dist Organization
1 Christian Believers Prayer Hall Chikmanglur Bajrang Dal
2 Jagadeshawara Church Mudigere Chikmanglur Bajrang Dal
3 Carmel Mathe Devalaya,Kudremukh Chikmanglur Bajrang Dal
4 Adoration Monastery, Mangalore Bajrang Dal
5 Mandyantar Mahima Prartana Mandir Belthangadi Bajrang Dal
6 St Sebastian Church Permanur Bajrang Dal
7 DHM Pratana Mandira Nittuvali, Davangere Hindu Jagarana Vedike
8 Eternal Life Church Nittuvali, Davanagere Hindu Jagarana Vedike
9 Full Gospel Assembly Harapanahalli, Davangere Sangh Parivar
10 Jesus Prayer Hall Davanagere Hindu Jagran Vedike
11 New Life Fellowship Udupi Bajrang Dal
12 Life and Light Ministries Shiroor, Udupi Bajrang Dal
13 Kapitanio High School Mangalore Bajrang Dal
14 Anagodu Church Davangere Fundamentalist miscreants
15 Jesu Krupalaya Bada Davangere Hindu fundamentalists

In particular Bajrang Dal has been named as being behind the attacks on 9
churches, Hindu Jagarana Vedike as being behind the attacks on 3 churches,
Sangh Parivar on one church and unnamed Hindu fundamentalists on two
churches. In the face of this Annexure of his own Report, as well as the
detailed Churchwise Findings released by the commission, the question to ask
is whether the commission is at all justified in giving a clean chit to the
Sangh Parivar? The only way, the commission can do that is by concluding
that neither the Bajrang Dal nor the Hindu Jagran Vedike are members of the
Sangh Parivar.

The material before the Commission itself both in terms of submissions made
before it as well as the cross examination of Mahendra Kumar indicates the
linkages between the Bajrang Dal and the VHP and the link to the RSS.

What emerges clearly in the material before the Commission is that the
Bajrang Dal does not act independently but is really a part of a larger
parivar or family which controls and directs their actions. In the cross
examination by Mr. Ibrahim, Mahendra Kumar, the then Convenor of the Bajrang
Dal, states that the Bajrang Dal is the youth wing of the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad and is a part of the VHP.

This admission by Mahendra Kumar, one of the key witnesses before the
Commission, of the relationship between the Bajrang Dal and the VHP must be
read in the context of the conclusions of the Liberhan Commission which were
also placed before the Commission. It should be noted that when the Liberhan
Report was sought to be placed before the Commission by the Counsel for the
Christian priests, Justice Somasekhara vociferously objected that the Report
was not necessary as he was going to understand what happened in Karnataka
as a sui generis event with no linkages or connections to any past events.
However the Counsel for the Christian priests argued that one cannot
understand the church attacks as a one off event and it had to be seen as
linked to the ideology of Hindutva and the organisational structure of the
RSS. The

[Goanet] Talks at Goa University

2011-02-08 Thread CLP Instituto Camões
Dear Friends,

The Department of Portuguese, in collaboration with the Department of
History, Goa University are organizing two talks on Friday, 11, at
2.30 pm, at Room BG-47, Faculty of Languages and Literature, block B.

Prof. Dr. Maria de Fátima Marinho, Dean of FLUP (Faculty of Humanities
of University of Porto) will deliver a talk entitled «The Portuguese
Novel after 25 April: Identity and Legitimation» followed by «Past and
present: the productivity of proverbs and other phraseological
expressions in today's European Portuguese» by Prof. Dr. Isabel
Margarida Duarte, Associate Professor of University of Porto,

During their visit to the University of Goa the two prestigious
professors from FLUP will interact with Goan students and faculty.

Warm regards.
Delfim correia da Silva
CLPInstituto Camões
Agva House, 9/32 Dr.Dada Vaidya Road
Panjim 403001 - Goa

[Goanet] Now Fly-over Porvorim village

2011-02-08 Thread soter

Porvorim, 8th Feb.2011; 17.30 IST

A meeting of Baixo Porvorim residents was convened by aides of the Aldiona 
MLA Dayanand Narvekarat the Candelaria Chapel grounds this evening to 
explain the decision of the National Highway authorities to erect a fly over 
from Porvorim Tisk to Mandovi Bridge along the present alignment of the 
NH17. The MLA tried to impress upon the public how he had argued vehemently 
to save the demolition of existing houses and fianlly settled for a fly 
over. But, angry residents were in no mood to listen to any proposal on 
widening of the existing NH 17 or construction of fly overs and appeared 
firm that the present alignment must be scrapped.  A senior citizen was 
heard telling the MLA that the residents have been encircled by high rise 
buildings on all sides and now the fly-over will be like a cover to the 
tomb. Seeing the angry mood of the residents the MLA beat a hasty retreat 
and left the venue claiming that he cannot do anything more since the 
alignment has been finalised yesterday.
Some youngsters questioned the MLA over the government's failure to enforce 
the observance of pedestrian crossings and the increasing accidents due to 
rash driving. The MLA was evasive in his responses claiming that the 
government can do nothing more if youngsters choose to drive their vehicles 
in a rash manner. 


2011-02-08 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Posted by: "Bombay Catholic Sabha, Kalina"
Mon Feb 7, 2011 6:10 am (PST)


- Fr. Cedric Prakash sj

In the last couple of months, the country and very specially the
Church in India, has been confronted by three major issues:

i. the “so called” confessional statement of the “self-styled” Swami

ii. the Supreme Court Judgement on the Staines’ murder, in Orissa

iii. the Somashekara Commission Report on the attacks of the
Christians in Karnataka

Much has been written on each of the above but it is important to
highlight certain dimensions of each of them.

i. Swami Aseemanand’s confessional statement

That Swami Aseemanand is a king-pin in the attacks on minorities has
never been in doubt. He played an important role in the attacks of the
Christians in the Dangs in 1998 – 99 and thereafter, in other parts of
Gujarat; his contribution was significant in organizing the Shabri
Kumbh Mela in the Dangs in 2006 together with the likes of Morari Bapu
and CM Modi who spewed hated and venom on the Christians; the fact
that his tentacles are extremely well-connected with powerful vested
interests is well documented. One needs to wait for further things to
unfold in order to understand the depth and breadth of his ‘Hindutva’
and ‘terror’ agenda and who his major patrons are.

ii. The Supreme Court Judgement

When the Supreme Court delivered its judgement on the Staines murder,
no one had any problems with the fact that life imprisonment for the
main perpetrator Dara Singh was upheld. However, what was
disconcerting was the very loaded, unconstitutional and obnoxious
statements made by the Judges in the Judgement. Some offensive remarks
have since been “expunged”; but the damage has been done! The judges
have played to the gallery and to a certain section of the population
that desperately needs to continue its minority bashing even if it
means focusing on the ‘conversion’ debate once again.

iii. The Somashekara Commission report

The Somashekara Commission report was on expected lines. It gave a
“clean chit” to a Government of Karnataka that is steeped in
corruption and fascism and which patronized the attacks on Christians
in the State in September 2008 and ever since. The 300 questions asked
by the Commission (on the prodding by the Sangh Parivar) to the
Christians who came to depose before it, smacks of prejudice,
divisiveness and of an anti-Constitutional mindset. Once again, a very
serious damage has been inflicted on the credibility of a minority
community, even if most thinking people of the country, know that
it is a fabricated report.

The question one needs to ask at this juncture is, ‘how does the
institutional Church in India and the wider Christian community, look
at these issues?’ Does one see an ‘inter-relatedness’ in them or does
one prefer to ignore them? Several Christians, (activists,
intellectual, clergy) and even from amongst civil society have
responded to what is happening. This is good and important! Lead
editorials and columns by eminent writers in some of the leading
newspapers and periodicals, have in no uncertain terms lambasted the
aspersions cast by the Supreme Court Judgement and the so-called
findings of the Somashekara Commission.

But, that is not enough! Much more needs to be done and primary among
them is the fact that the Christians in India, (and in particular, the
Catholic Church) must address three major challenges:

a. to be more inclusive

b. to be more authentic and transparent

c. to be more prophetic

a to be more inclusive*

what is happening in the country today at every level impinges on the
rights and freedoms of every single citizen of the country and not
only of the Christians. At this stage, we have no choice. We can no
longer indulge in the “sin” of diplomatic niceties and correctness
(Jesus never did so). We have to get out of the security of our
cocoons symbolized by our “Church compounds” and ‘massive structures’.
We have to make common cause with like-minded people and movements of
our times. When one does an analysis of both Karnataka and Orissa, it
is blatantly obvious that we have not done enough to forge alliances
and support movements which work towards countering the fascist and
fundamentalist forces. It is common knowledge that the Bishops and
clergy have not spoken in one voice on several of these issues. We
have not prepared our people or stood by them when the going was bad.
Laity who have taken a stand on certain issues are either easily
side-lined or ignored. A Protest Meeting is being organized at the
Town Hall in Bangalore on February 5th - will we see the Catholic
Bishops of Karnataka at this gathering? ‘Isolationism’ and
‘exclusiveness’ should now be things of the past. Real inter-religious
dialogue does not take place hobnobbing with the Shankaracharyas or
CEOs. What is needed is a grassroots involvement and to take a stand
when the rights and freedom

[Goanet] FW: Nothing changes - Just the faces of torture

2011-02-08 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Subject: FW: [Goanet] Nothing changes - Just the faces of torture
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 10:17:36 +0530

Subject: [Goanet] Nothing changes - Just the faces of torture
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 23:03:36 +0530


On Sat, 05 Feb 2011 08:55:46 -0800, samir umarye wrote :
<<< TEAM HERALD Cipriano died, she survived. The Bicholim police, led
by the same officer conducting an inquiry into the Cipriano case dragged and
beat a woman unconscious in a minor property trespass case. A month and a half
later, every policeman roams free and without charges. TEAM HERALD pulls this
case out of oblivion and places it before you…..>>>



: An eye witness’ report is here, a neighbour of Geeta. But with such terrorism
by the people in ‘Khaki’ unleashed on citizens, who’d dare to openly give
witness? It is high time Goans realise: “Aiz maka, faleam tuka!”




Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] Goa's road to death

2011-02-08 Thread soter
2010 saw over 12 accidents daily on Goa's roads
TNN, Feb 8, 2011, 05.12am IST
PANAJI: Despite several traffic safety drives and an increase in the number of 
persons being booked for traffic violations in Goa, the state's roads witnessed 
more than 12 accidents per day and six fatalities every week in the year 2010. 

While from January 1 to December 31, 2009, there were 4,164 accidents and 310 
fatalities on Goa's roads, about 4572 accidents and 327 fatalities were 
registered in 2010. The year 2008 saw 318 fatalities and 4,178 accidents on 
Goan roads, while 2007 witnessed 322 road fatalities. 

Incidentally, while the number of accidents in 2010 has increased in North Goa, 
the number of fatalities have reduced. However, in South Goa, the number of 
accidents and fatalities have both increased, said sources. 

Sources in the Goa police traffic department said that motorcyclists accounted 
for the maximum number of fatalities, with most of the victims belonging to the 
productive age group of 20 to 35 years. Moreover, the highest number of 
accidents took place on national highways and on straight roads, with a 
majority of the mishaps occurring due to the driver's fault, followed by 
dangerous or rash driving, over-speeding, bad condition of the vehicle and 
drunken driving, the sources added. 

Data obtained under the Right to Information ( RTI) Act from the Goa police 
traffic department reveals that the number of persons booked for traffic 
violations was 2,63,911 in 2010, an increase from 2009, where 2,60,911 traffic 
violators were booked and 2008 where about 2,47,455 persons were caught. 

Though the traffic police admit that drunken driving is a cause of worry on 
Goan roads and have invested in alcoholmeters to keep a check on the menace, 
the number of persons booked for drunken driving in Goa in the year 2010 was 
just 1141. Meanwhile, 5901 people were booked for rash and negligent driving 
last year. 

When contacted, superintendent of police (traffic) Arvind Gawas said, "We are 
making every possible effort to reduce accidents and fatalities on Goan roads. 
However, the conduct of drivers must improve and road safety must be accepted 
as the collective responsibility of all road users to reduce accidents."

[Goanet] Changing life partners as rampant as changing political parties in Goa

2011-02-08 Thread soter
If Goan families are unstable, how can we expect their politicians to be stable?
Goa splitsville: Six divorces per week in 2010
Preetu Venugopalan Nair, TNN, Feb 7, 2011, 06.01am IST

PANAJI: Goa registered 793 divorce applications-or a little over two divorce 
pleas a day-last year. Of these, almost 307 got divorced. In other words, in 
the land of sun, sand and sea, almost six couples said "I don't" every week in 

Law department data reveals that the number of divorce applications has been 
steadily rising in Goa. While 750 applications were received in 2008, the 
number rose to 770 in 2009 and to 793 last year. Moreover, North Goa accounts 
for most of the applications, with 583-or almost 12 couples seeking separation 
every week-received in 2010 and 578 in 2009. South Goa received 210 pleas in 
2010 and 192 in 2009. While courts settled 318 divorce cases in 2009, 292 
couples got divorced in 2008. 

Marriage counsellors and social scientists believe Goans' dependence on foreign 
jobs is linked to the increasing number of divorce petitions. Also emancipation 
of women has led to an increase in divorces as husbands and even mothers-in-law 
refuse to accept the changing role of man and woman in society, counsellors 

"This is largely because the patriarchal attitude of men has not changed, while 
women's attitude towards life has changed. Women have now to play a dual 
role-that of homemaker and professional-and she is expected to balance both 
roles efficiently. This leads to differences between the couples. Also, in most 
cases the MIL (mother-in-law) factor is a major problem as men tend to remain 
tied to their mother's apron strings and prefer to sit on the fence rather than 
stand up for their wives," said Caroline Colaco, an advocate. 

Pointing out that today's couples are "educated, qualified professionals who 
know their rights and don't mind asserting themselves", psychiatrist Dr Ajoy 
Estibeiro said that often couples' career demands are so huge that they don't 
have time to nurture their relationships. "Due to this they soon become a 
burden to each other and to escape each other get into extra-marital affairs 
which ultimately spell doom for the marriage." 

Estibeiro added that with the joint-family system collapsing, the most affected 
in a divorce are the children and the partner who doesn't have any support 
system. "Children are the worst sufferers of broken homes and we have seen that 
often they become extremely manipulative," said Estibeiro.

[Goanet] The Growth of Cardiovascular Disease -- Heart Health Newsletter

2011-02-08 Thread Con Menezes


2011-02-08 Thread Aires Rodrigues
A mere 0.43% of the total persons booked in 2010 for traffic related
offences by the traffic police were for drunken driving. This has been
revealed in the information furnished to me under the Right to
Information Act by Goa’s Superintendent of Traffic Police Mr. Arvind

Of the total 2, 63, 239 persons challaned for various traffic related
offences in 2010 those booked for drunk driving were only 1141 while
5901 for rash and negligent driving. In 2010 there were a total of
4572 accidents registered with 327 fatalities.

The Superintendent of Traffic Police has further informed that 3
crores 49 lacs 57, 800 rupees was collected by way of fines by the
traffic police in the year 2010.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Tiger adds to the risk of living in Wild for Fale family

2011-02-08 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM FEB 8: Even as the buffaloes are being killed by the Tiger the life
of the lone family at Kudal-Mal in Charavne seem to be

at risk.

After the information when this correspondent went to the spot he was
surprised to see the lone Fale family living in the wild Chorla

ghat without electricity or water facility available. The family in all has
only three members Babu Manu Fale who lives along with his


Their house is infact a small hut with thatched roof. The family lives here
since last 60 years and their only source of income is their

buffaloes. Every day they climb down the hill and supply milk to a dairy at
Thane- Sattari. They have about 20 buffaloes and they tie

them at night in the same hut in which they live. To add to this the hut is
having no doors and not only the animals but also the Fale

family runs the risk of being attacked by the Tiger.

The area on the Chorla ghat is about 10 kms from the Keri village and is
still preferred by them as claim that their animals get their

required fodder in the area. In the absence of electricity the family
depends upon fire and required water from the nearby spring.

"Since last more than 60 years we are staying here and we have been spotting
Tiger but just recently it started attacking the animals"

Manu Fale told Herald.

"This is the third time that we have suffered loss because of the tiger
attack as the first was in 2004 and now this week the tiger has

killed two of our animals" Babu Fale claims "we are not given any
compensation neithere the government is bothered to relocate us to

a safer place away from the Tiger habitat."

Sighting threat to the life of Fale family the RFO wild life, Vishwas
Chodankar who visited the area also urged the family to move to

safer place for some days as the Tiger seem to be still hungry and it would
be a risk to be in the area.

"We have asked them to go down to Keri or some other area at least at night
as the Tiger has already killed two of their cattle but

was unable to eat them and if it is still hungry it might attack them once
again" Chodankar told.

Sighting this problem the animal lovers and the forest department has kept
the body of the dead buffalow at the same spot so that the

tiger would not harm other animals.

The animal lovers have also urged the government to take appropriate steps
to relocate the family. "We strongly demand to relocate

the Fale family and even to protect the tiger" environmentalist, Rajendra
Kerkar told, warning "the tiger that was killed earlier in Keri

was only because of the irresponsibility on the part of the forest
department and if the same thing happens again than we would not

keep quite and the entire responsibility would be that of the department and
the government."

"We also demand compensation to the Fale family as it is seen that the
government is not too serious about the issue even we would

also try to compensate them with the help of our organisation" Kerkar told.

[Goanet] YouTube - Cheating death with Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN

2011-02-08 Thread Con Menezes
Watch this short video.

[Goanet] Forest dept not convinced on presence of Tiger!

2011-02-08 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM FEB 6: The forest department seem to be giving nelson's eye to the
presence of Tiger in Mhadai Wild Life sanctuary even

as some of the families living here have verified and have already suffered
blunt of the wild animal.

It may be stated that through a notification the government had declared the
Mhadai as a wild life sanctuary in 2009. Some of the

environmentalists and animal lovers tried to prove that there is a presence
of Tiger in the forests. There were several pug marks found

at Keri Sattari but the forest department did not accept to the fact that
the sanctuary has the presence of a Tiger.

Even the killing of a Tiger by the locals in the area some two years back
did not prove of its existence or to say at least the forest

department did not agree to the same. "The work of the forest department
would increase in the area if they prove that there is a Tiger

in the Mhadai Wild Life sanctuary" Animal Rescue Squad chief, Amrut Singh
told Herald when asked about the possible reason

behind the same "they would have to abide by several restrictions if it is
claimed as Tiger reserve and even the work load would

increase and that is the possible reason why the forest department are not
agreeing to the fact."

It was just last month after the repeated efforts by the animal lovers that
the Chief Conservator of Forest, Shashi Kumar visited Keri

on the news that there were pug marks found in the area. Due to mounting
pressure from all sides the CCF at last accepted the

Tiger's presence and sent the samples of the pug mark for scientific

The Tiger showed its presence once again on Thursday when it killed a
buffalo belonging to one Babu Manu Fale from Charvane

Chorla within the Thane - Sattari panchayat. It was able to injure the
buffalo who later succumbed to her injuries. Before the news of

the killing could be flashed the tiger once again strike another bull
belonging to Fale family.

Babu Fale speaking to Herald told that the bull was attacked by the tiger in
the wee hours on Sunday. The incident took place some

100 mts away from their hut and when the family members came running the
Tiger fleed from the scene. "We just heard two cries of

the buffalo and we rushed to the spot at about 5.30 am but within no time
the Tiger had injured the Buffalo on its neck" Babu recalls

"we just saw the buffalo was on the ground and after some time it died due
to injuries."

The animal lovers from Keri and ARS Bicholim immediately swung into action
and went to the Charavne- Thane (Chorla ghat) and

were able to spot the pub marks which were about 7 cms long. "The wounds on
the buffalo's neck are deep and it can be no other

than a tiger who killed the buffalo" Amrut Singh told Herald.

[Goanet] Pulis Porjek, Gorjek vo?.?

2011-02-08 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Hea lekhak mhojo tenkko

Message: 6

Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 11:37:32 -0500

From: Goa World 


Subject: [Goanet] SON'VARACHIM SUNGTTAM: Pulis Porjek, Gorjek vo?.?


Bab Jose Salvadoran pulisanchi khotti bollai ani onitti voir soroll ugtem khorun
boroilam. Ami Goykar soddanch udhar ani doyall mhunnon amchea purvozamchea
temppar saun sogllo zogg (world) zannam. Punn maka ek somzona, amche pulisu-i
Goykar, Goychech matyeantlean te zolmoleat, tor hem Goykaranchem udhar ani
doyall rogot thanchea xiranni kityeak dhamvonam ? Goy-mattyek kityeak mhunn te
okman khortat ? Tichea bhurgeancher itlo zulm ani hottyeachar kityeak khortat ? 


Amche pulis, pulisi-karyeant bhitor sortat tednam, te soput ghetatm, ki te
sottache ani nittiche rokkondhar zatele mhunn, toxech onitti ani broxtachara
virudd zuztole mhunnon bhas ditat, punn soddanche baxen ek paut anghar khaki
vordi ani buzzar finttam podlim mhunntoch, soputavoir bhas diloli ti visortat.


Zaite pauti pulis broxtacharache ani onitti-che ghulam zaunk pautat amchea
Amdhar-montreank lagon, je poile pulisint bhorti zaupak lakhamnni poixe ghetat,
ani tea uprant aplea faideak onitt khorunk ani chollounk pulisank poixeanchi aas
dhakoitat nam tor dhomkki ditat tori aikonam tor tanchi boddli rannant vo
kheddea ganvanni Khortat.


Choddxe pulis amchea rajkarbareank lagon biggodtat, tori punn thanni, apli
zababdhari visrun broxtacharak ani onittik vengg marunk zainam. Tancho poilo
kaido zaun asa aplo dhorm, thannim, sott, nitt ani kaidya pormonnem aplea
porjechi seva khorchi, hoch soglleam pulisancho dhorm zaunk zai, tednach sott
nitt ani kaido vhostollo.


Poile swater, zaite pautti ami munis nennarponnan chuktat, tednak pulisicho
kido, nennarank sozmonni diupak. Dusre swater keddoi opraddi to zaum, dor eka
monxak hok'k asat zakam ami human rights mhunntanv ani ho monxacho hok'k
konnamchean moddunk zainat. Ho ek ontoraxtri kaido zaun asa. Pulis he sogle
kaide zannam zaunui, tea kaideanchi ani hok'kamchi bheporva khortat ani onittin
porjecher zulm khortat.


Julio Rebeiro, Kiran Bedi ani Karkere osle sabhar pulis zanni porjechi seva aplo
dhorm mhunn manun ghetlo ani thea nhema pormonnem te chol'le, toxench amchea
Goychea pulisanni hea mahan pulisanchi dekh gheunchi ani tanchea baxen sottan,
nittin ani kaidyean porjechi seva khorchi. Hich mhoji khalti maghnnim.


Mog assum


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Global Goan Awards

2011-02-08 Thread Eugene Correia
Just want to know how is this Inacio D'Silva and whether he is giving the
awards in his individual capacity. I clicked on the history button on his
website and found nothing.

Awards, awards, awards the more the better (ha, ha). It's the best way
to amuse ourselves.


[Goanet] Pick up wine yeast, in Panjim.

2011-02-08 Thread eric pinto
Belgian,  you good for a red and a white, from Marika Coutinho at the Panjim 
Marriot (HR).
Extras later, if there are leftovers.   eric.