[Goanet-News] Colourful family names, a part of the Goan reality (Goanet)

2012-05-02 Thread Goanet Reader

Street names might be alien in Goa, and house numbers hardly
get used.  But family nicknames -- literally by the dozen --
are liberally deployed in parts of the State.

  A new book on the Bardez village of Saligao lists
  six whole pages of nicknames deployed locally --
  mostly in Konkani, and bequeathed from father to
  son, across the generations.

This centuries old tradition came up because Catholic
converts might have ended up with identical names, and needed
ways to distinguish themselves from each other, suggests Fr
Nascimento J Mascarenhas, the author of 'Land of the Sal
Tree', a just-published book on Saligao.

So, households were given nicknames that reflected either a
peculiar physical characteristic or a personal trait of the
homeowner.  This led to an abundance of colourful family
nicknames, which have also been taken overseas by some who
migrated there.

  Some names are unusual -- like 'bot modi' (broken
  toe), 'kan katro' (cut ear) or 'fujao' (chicken
  pox).  Some families got described as 'caulo'
  (crow), 'goro cul'lo' (white crab) or 'cauo cul'lo'
  (black crab).

'Pinglo' (or, blonde) was the nickname given to a household
with light coloured hair.  Some families got nicknamed after
animals, birds and fish presumably because of their
perceived resemblance to their non-human counterparts.

There was the 'bokdo' (goat), 'tal'lo' (sardine), 'combo'
(rooster), 'bebo' (toad), 'manko' (frog), 'dukor' (pig),
'kolo' (fox), 'vagio' (tiger) and 'soso' (rabbit).

Personality traits also played a part in earning families a
nickname.  Such as 'Sourac' (hot curry), 'Saibin' (Blessed
Virgin), 'Godgoddo' (thunder) and 'Kochro' (trash).

The deportment of some villagers didn't go unnoticed either.
There was 'Dando' (rod), 'Raza' (king), 'Girgiro'
(propeller), 'Bodvo' (angel) and 'Devchar' (devil), notes
the book.

  Villagers got named after the work they were
  involved in -- as hatters (Chepekan), florists
  (Fulkar or Fulkarn), lawyers (delegad), evil-eye
  removers (dishtikan), ginger-man (alekar),
  candlemakers (menkar), coconut climbers (madkar),
  among others.

Then, there was Munkoto (firewood), labelled thus because an
ancestor used a piece of firewood to chase away kids whose
game of marbles disturbed his siesta.  There were also some
inexplicable names like Bendro (parasite), Poko (empty) and
Porque ('why' in Portuguese).

  A few other nicknames wouldn't be appropriate to
  use in a family-oriented publication.  But they
  were used quite freely, and without malice, by
  villagers, says the book.  It adds that a nickname
  was never viewed with derision, but instead was a
  prized symbol of a family's recognition and
  acceptance as an entrenched member of the village

The book also describes a range of Saligao village issues of
yesteryears, among which are some quaint and rustic
traditions, customs, folklore and even superstition.



Discuss these and other Goan issues by posting your comments
to goa...@goanet.org

[Goanet] Song for the day

2012-05-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
Dion And The Belmonts - Runaround sue




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Country Kidz rule ‘Battle of the Bands’ 2012

2012-05-02 Thread Goa World



   www.colaco.net  http://www.live365.com/index.live 

Country Kidz rule ‘Battle of the Bands’ 2012 

Kuwait: The Don Bosco Past Pupils Association organized the ‘Battle of the 
Bands - Simply Unplugged 2012’ with Dawliah as its main sponsor. Audience 
members watched several bands put on their best set in their rivalry for the 
prize and recognition.

Country Kidz - Winners of Battle of the Bands 2012 - Junior Section 

Winners of Battle of the Bands 2012 - Senior Section

The list of bands that performed included The Raptors, Scorpions JR, Music 
Makers, Explosive, Pretty Pink, Freak M Out, Frequenzy, Cooljulia, Beauty n the 
Boyz, Dark Angels, 4 Ways Only, Styx Divas, 4 Dimension, Styx, Country Kidz, 
Stripes and Twisted Fate. The lively dynamic of these music bands displayed the 
great potential in the young and their enthusiasm to display their skills and 

The competition was divided into two categories, Juniors and Seniors. Juniors 
included those below 16 years of age and Seniors was made up of those above 16.

In the Juniors section, Country Kidz finished first to win their third Gold in 
a row and retain their title as champions. One of the judges even mentioned 
that Country Kidz were complete performers and no other band had come close to 
their performance. 

Styx Divas made quite an impression on the judges to bag the second place.In 
the Seniors Section, Stripes came first with Twisted Fate winning second place. 
The competition was judged by Caesar Fernandes, Founder of Kuwait-Music.com, 
Hashim Al Nasser, Lead guitarist of the band Jelly Shot and Rico, a Guitar  
Keyboard performer.

These kidz have passion in what they do...music..., having started very young 
and had commitment from parents...all are below 15 years. They have good 
knowledge on new music and able to perform at ease, use thier own imagination 
and variations in playing the instruments. All kidz play more than one 
instrument. Their coach and music instructor were the real mentors who allowed 
the kidz to bring out the talent. One of the judges commented that these kidz 
already possess stardom and have all what professionals bands represent. 

Many among the audience, including parents met with the band after the event 
and asked them what is the secret of winning for three (3) consecutive years in 
a row! With a flash of beaming smiles, they all said in unison...hard work, 
practice, discipline and a williness to perform in style!

Goa-World.com Team join all music lovers to congratulate the winners, the 
runners-up and all the participating band groups (in both the junior and senior 
categories). In a special way, the organizers have to be saluted for their 
efforts to encourage such a competition annually.

[ The above report was first published by Arab Times 



Additional links from the archives:

Country Kids ( For Video Click Here )


Studio 4


Flash Bax

Individual category winners

Ms Ninion Lobo for Drums

Johenson Fernandes for Showmanship

Frederico for Keyboards



Additional Photos and input by: Ramos Fernandes, 
courtesy: Lino B. Dourado, www.goa-world.com 

*Bombay Intercessory Network (BIN)*



May Queen Ball on May 3 

The Goan Welfare Association’s (GWA) 12th annual May Queen Ball, a 
dine-and-dance event, will be held at Ramada Plaza Hotel on May 3. The 
highlight of the event, as in the previous years, is the crowning of the May 
Queen by a Bollywood star, whose name has not been announced. GWA president 
Simon D’Silva said Forefront, a prominent music band from Goa, featuring some 
of the key vocalists in the Indian rock band industry is being flown in for 
this year’s function. Updesh Swar, a popular anchor from Goa, will compere the 
function. Qatar Airways is the official airline and Gulf Times is the media 
For details: 


John 16:22 - So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts 
will rejoice, and no one will take your 

[Goanet] Finally, Fake Chicken Worth Eating - NYTimes.com

2012-05-02 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Why I Gave Up On 'Social Activism'

2012-05-02 Thread U. G. Barad
By Yoginder Sikand; dated: 19 April, 2012 (4400 words)


My Comments:

This article is a must read for all the social activists, not just in India
but all over the world.  The really visible ones are those who have made
social activism as a business for themselves, and a means of their
livelihood.  They are the ones who keep travelling all over the world, and
the ones whom the media, the government, etc., often consult to get 'expert'
views on the subject of their supposed specialization.

What the author has said is as follows:

*   Social activists divide the world between the oppressors and the
*   Social activism has actually become a profession and that it pays
handsomely.  They are actually living off the problems of the oppressed.
*   The professional social activists also come from within the
oppressed groups. They too are paid handsomely, and are today living a life
of reasonable luxury.
*   These professional social activists get invited all over the world
to tell others the problems of the oppressed.  
*   The professional social activists have, in blaming the problems on
others, have acquired a negative set of mind. He says, (M)any
'progressives' and 'radicals' were horrifically negative as human beings,
many of them being irritatingly obnoxious, judgemental, cantankerous, dour
and sullen.
*   The problems identified by the professional social activists are not
all real.  Some are imaginary and some others are self-inflicted.
*   The professional social activists are not permitted to talk about
the problems within the oppressed groups.  And if anyone did, he will be
accused of being an agent of the oppressors.
*   Also the social activists simply couldn't see or find anything
worthy at all in 'upper' caste Hindus or in Americans, and, if you did, your
sincerity and commitment were gravely suspect.
*   In mentioning about the money received by the professional social
activists, the author has exposed the funding agencies, who seem to swallow
the line taken by the activists in blaming others for the problems.
*   The professional social activists indulge in hollow rhetoric.

In the recent past, in different parts of the world, the professional social
activists have been confronted with a demand that they offer solutions and
not just narrate problems.  This is because those that the activists
identified as oppressors were not viewed by the oppressed as being
oppressors.  As one of the comments, posted to the article, says: As
someone who considers myself a progressive, I too have wondered at times how
everyone we oppose - Hindus, Jews, Americans, capitalists - pursues positive
actions and are the ones who build up the world while we seem to want to
smash what they do without trying to understand them. I have wondered many
times why every position I have is based in hatred for the other group and
in negativity and not in constructing something new that adds value to the
world.. I have sometimes wondered how the groups we hate live in peace and
harmony for the most part while we permanently seem to plan a violent
revolution although we blame them for all wars and riots.  

The social activists were so busy wallowing in their negativeness, and
spewing hatred against the supposed oppressors, that they have no time to
see what is happening at the ground level.

Sadly, the article ends in a negative note.  He has decided to cop out,
rather than fight the professional activists with the same energy that he
expended in fighting the 'oppressors'.  Another comment to the article says:
After your self-awareness moment - the least you could do is to try and
remove the poison that you have spread all around the place.

Interestingly, most of the comments on the article are supportive of what
the author is saying, and that the commentators would not be classified as
progressives.  In fact, some of them would be classified as belonging to the
oppressor groups.  There are hardly three or four, out of some 40-odd
comments, that are available that are made by those from the progressive
group.  Except for one, quoted above, the others have condemned the author
for expressing his angst.

Yet, the author has felt it necessary to offer an 'apology and
clarification' of what he wrote.  This is available at:


In it, he has offered an apology to the members of the progressive group
(namely, the professional social activists) for giving 'ammunition' to the
oppressed so that the arguments of the professional social activists can be
exposed.  Little does he realize that what he has written is what those
identified as oppressors is what the latter have been saying for many years.

In his original article, the author has mentioned that speaking about the
issues that he has done will mean a sort of ostracisation form the
progressive group.  This is an example of what can truly be 


2012-05-02 Thread CLP Instituto Camões
Caros Amigos,

Assinalando o Dia da Língua Portuguesa, o CLP/Instituto Camões em Goa
apresenta no dia 5 de maio, pelas 11.00 horas, a projeção do
documentário «Língua – Vidas em Português» (2002) de Victor Lopes. O
documentário, que conta com a participação de José Saramago, Mia
Couto, Martinho da Vila, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Teresa Salgueiro entre
outros, foi realizado em vários espaços onde se fala o Português,
incluindo Goa.

Entretanto, e aproveitando as férias escolares, decorre até o dia 11
de maio,  nas instalações do CLP/Instituto Camões, Panjim, o 1º Curso
de Verão para alunos de Português do ensino básico dos 8º, 9º e 10º
anos. Trata-se de uma inciativa da GATP (Associação de Professores de
Português em Goa) que conta com o apoio do Instituto Camões em Goa.

Dear Friends,

Marking the Day of the Portuguese Language, CLP / Institute Camões in
Goa presents the screening of the documentary «Língua – Vidas em
Português» (2002) by Victor Lopes on 5th May, at 11.00 am. The
documentary, that has the participation of José Saramago, Mia Couto,
Martinho da Vila, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Teresa Salgueiro, Mário Miranda
among others, was filmed in various places where Portuguese is spoken,
including Goa.

Delfim Correia da Silva
Centro de Língua Portuguesa/Instituto Camões
Agva House, 9/32 Dr.Dada Vaidya Road
Panaji 403 001
Goa - India
0091 832 6647737
0091 832 2422237

Re: [Goanet] Goa Airport Solution

2012-05-02 Thread roland . francis
Hello Arwin, glad to see you are back in circulation.

You must have suffered a lot of heartache during the Congress rule in Goa. 
Happy that Churchill made promises to you and then heartbroken that he ignored 

Your brief post tells me you are a sadder but wiser man now. Don't worry it 
happens to the best of us. Living in the Gulf you learn honesty, trust, to be 
caring and concerned. And then suddenly you are in Goa and in a different world.

But my advice is don't change. Hope gives us a reason to live and sorrow keeps 
us human. 

Roland Francis

-Original Message-
From: arwinmesqu...@gmail.com
Sender: goanet-bounces@lists.goanet.orgDate: Wed, 2 May 2012 03:32:25 
To: Goanetgoa...@goanet.org
Reply-To: arwinmesqu...@gmail.com, Goa's premiere mailing list,
estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Airport Solution

Centrally located Dabolim was originally a full civilian airport and was not 
planned to have a Navy Base. Appreciate that the Navy had used this temporarily 
for their earlier operations but this can't be made permanent. The Navy must 
move out of this residential region, which will as a result finally resolve the 
Airport issue

[Goanet] Vagator tourists vs locals fracas indicative of an increasing problem of disrespect

2012-05-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
Vagator tourists vs locals fracas indicative of an increasing problem of

The reason why an increasing number of Niz Goenkars are highly allergic to
tourists in Goa, is because of situations like the Vagator fracas
yesterday. Tourists with more money than brains and delirious with the idea
of partying in Goa with unlimited booze and availability of drugs on the
beach belt and feel everyone should allow them to party without making too
much of a fuss. After all, they say, they are contributing to the revenue
of this State. Disrespect of the locals and of the environment is not
something that bothers most Indian tourists. Russian tourists are brash
too, and insulting and arrogant, when their idea of fun is curtailed, but
they tend to simmer down once the police mediate.

In Vagator around 40 Indian tourists had checked into a hotel on Monday.
Oh, they were *so *happy that they were in Goa where the liquor flows as
plentifully as the sea, that they began celebrating Labour Day on Monday
itself. Turned out it was the birthday of one of the revellers. Fireworks
were lit, one was lit under a tourist taxi belonging to a Goan and the car
was damaged. The taxi owner had parked his car outside the hotel as was the
usual policy. The next morning the confrontation happened. This was
hangover time and the revellers were fixing their hangovers with more
liquor. The inevitable fight broke out with handy bottles flying around,
the inevitable crowd gathered and a flying bottle landed, inevitably again,
on one of the onlookers. The original scenario of the taxi driver fighting
with the revellers developed into a locals versus tourists free-for-all.

Hotel CCTVs will be used to see who began the fight, but this is symbolic
of a larger malaise. Well heeled Indian tourists, especially those from the
larger cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai, seem to leave
their manners at home, and behave in Goa, as they would in the privacy of
their toilets back home.

The fact is they are on their best behaviour abroad because they have a
healthy respect for payment of fines and a stay in prison. Once our rules
are tightened with strict enforcement, we can get a better type of tourist
coming in. We too have to clean up our act and give value in terms of goods
and services. No fleecing tourists.

Goans are no longer the placid, laid back kings of hospitality, tolerant of
tourists' wild behaviour. Tourists visiting Goa would do well to remember
that this is a fragile place because of its beauty and leniency. They are
free to enjoy themselves as they like, but they must respect the culture
and people of Goa.



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Why I Gave Up On 'Social Activism'

2012-05-02 Thread SOTER
This is nothing new. Reading the subject line I first thought it was UG Barad 
who quit activism. Which vocation does not have black sheep? But there are 
social activists who continue to keep away from professional or corporate 
activism and observe to ethical practise.  

- Soter

Re: [Goanet] Goa Airport Solution

2012-05-02 Thread J. Colaco jc
 roland.fran...@gmail.com wrote thus to Arwin:

Hello Arwin, glad to see you are back in circulation. You must have
suffered a lot of heartache during the Congress rule in Goa. Happy
that Churchill made promises to you and then heartbroken that he
ignored them. Your brief post tells me you are a sadder but wiser man
now. Don't worry it happens to the best of us. Living in the Gulf you
learn honesty, trust, to be caring and concerned. And then suddenly
you are in Goa and in a different world. But my advice is don't
change. Hope gives us a reason to live and sorrow keeps us human.


I applaud Roland's excellent post.

Arwin has certainly heard (similarly) from me before.

The only addition I will make to Roland's post: Work Hard, Study
Harder, Do the best you can do and IMPORTANTLY, do NOT trust the
Goa Politricksters. Using Roland's last point (above) they will
ALWAYS cause us to remain human.

Once again Roland, Well Said!


[Goanet] Mopa - a tactical distraction from the panchayat election fraud?

2012-05-02 Thread SOTER
The Mopa tamasha seems to be a tactical ploy to distract Goans from a mammoth 
fraud that has been unearthed in the on-going Panchayat elections. While 
swearing by zero tolerance to corruption, the government has rigged an election 
and are now taking cover of the law to claim helplessness. The new Chief 
minister was sounded as early as  9th march 2012 by the CSJP about the need to 
ensure a free and fair election.  This news was reported in the media on 18th 
March 2012. The Government did not bother and manipulations of the wards was on 
while the public was being distracted by what was expected to be 'The Budget' 
The ward delimitation was notified on 31st march 2012 during the Holy week when 
the Christian community was busy. The CSJP delegation met the Director of 
Panchayat. After 8th April complaints began pouring in and widely reported in 
the newspapers. On 9th April 2012 I personally intimated the CM about the 
earlier representation from CSJp and the need to intervene. There has been no 
response till date. On 11th April a delegation from CSJP met the Director of 
Panchayats and the news was widely reported the next day. The Director admitted 
that there were irregularities. But yet the Government remained silent. The 
Government went ahead and notified elections on 18th April 2012 to take cover 
of the law and prevent any action to remedy the situation. Preferential 
treatment was given to Calangute Village Panchayat on 20th April 2012 by 
issuing a corrigendum under the pretext of rectifying errors after the local 
MLA pressurised the Director of panchayat after office-hours at night even 
though the elections had already been notified. 
The helplessness proclaimed by the CM is a lie. It is not true that the 
Government had no time to rectify the errors. It is also not true that the 
Government had no alternative but to conduct elections before 19th may 2012, as 
it has set a precedent in January 2007 of postponing elections by 6 months and 
appointing administrators. These General elections to Village Panchayats 2012 
are rigged and a desperate Government has been seeking to divert attention from 
this daylight systemic corruption by raking the issue of Mopa which was never 
in the manifesto.

[Goanet] Colourful family names, a part of the Goan reality (Goanet)

2012-05-02 Thread Goanet Reader

Street names might be alien in Goa, and house numbers hardly
get used.  But family nicknames -- literally by the dozen --
are liberally deployed in parts of the State.

  A new book on the Bardez village of Saligao lists
  six whole pages of nicknames deployed locally --
  mostly in Konkani, and bequeathed from father to
  son, across the generations.

This centuries old tradition came up because Catholic
converts might have ended up with identical names, and needed
ways to distinguish themselves from each other, suggests Fr
Nascimento J Mascarenhas, the author of 'Land of the Sal
Tree', a just-published book on Saligao.

So, households were given nicknames that reflected either a
peculiar physical characteristic or a personal trait of the
homeowner.  This led to an abundance of colourful family
nicknames, which have also been taken overseas by some who
migrated there.

  Some names are unusual -- like 'bot modi' (broken
  toe), 'kan katro' (cut ear) or 'fujao' (chicken
  pox).  Some families got described as 'caulo'
  (crow), 'goro cul'lo' (white crab) or 'cauo cul'lo'
  (black crab).

'Pinglo' (or, blonde) was the nickname given to a household
with light coloured hair.  Some families got nicknamed after
animals, birds and fish presumably because of their
perceived resemblance to their non-human counterparts.

There was the 'bokdo' (goat), 'tal'lo' (sardine), 'combo'
(rooster), 'bebo' (toad), 'manko' (frog), 'dukor' (pig),
'kolo' (fox), 'vagio' (tiger) and 'soso' (rabbit).

Personality traits also played a part in earning families a
nickname.  Such as 'Sourac' (hot curry), 'Saibin' (Blessed
Virgin), 'Godgoddo' (thunder) and 'Kochro' (trash).

The deportment of some villagers didn't go unnoticed either.
There was 'Dando' (rod), 'Raza' (king), 'Girgiro'
(propeller), 'Bodvo' (angel) and 'Devchar' (devil), notes
the book.

  Villagers got named after the work they were
  involved in -- as hatters (Chepekan), florists
  (Fulkar or Fulkarn), lawyers (delegad), evil-eye
  removers (dishtikan), ginger-man (alekar),
  candlemakers (menkar), coconut climbers (madkar),
  among others.

Then, there was Munkoto (firewood), labelled thus because an
ancestor used a piece of firewood to chase away kids whose
game of marbles disturbed his siesta.  There were also some
inexplicable names like Bendro (parasite), Poko (empty) and
Porque ('why' in Portuguese).

  A few other nicknames wouldn't be appropriate to
  use in a family-oriented publication.  But they
  were used quite freely, and without malice, by
  villagers, says the book.  It adds that a nickname
  was never viewed with derision, but instead was a
  prized symbol of a family's recognition and
  acceptance as an entrenched member of the village

The book also describes a range of Saligao village issues of
yesteryears, among which are some quaint and rustic
traditions, customs, folklore and even superstition.



Discuss these and other Goan issues by posting your comments
to goa...@goanet.org

[Goanet] Goa news for May 3, 2012

2012-05-02 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa govt to consult Bombay HC in appointing Lokayukta -

*** Goan Mhamal lifts UKCA Cup - Deccan Herald

*** Goa govt appoints committee to probe GCA affairs - Zee News
ember committee to probe the alleged misappropriation of funds
and irregularities committed by the Goa Cricket Association
(GCA). The State Registration Department has set up a committee
of former GCA ...

*** Independent legislators in Goa come together - IBNLive.com

*** Kaman and Kineco Announce Agreement to Form a Joint Venture
in India - MarketWatch (press release)
 Kaman Aerospace Group, Inc., a subsidiary of Kaman Corporation
(NYSE:KAMN) and Kineco Private Limited today announced that they
have entered into an agreement to form a manufacturing company
in India.

*** Goan spin to cricket - The Hindu
o-imposing stature in domestic competitions.a class=

*** Goan beaches to be free of plastic mess by September -

*** Goa modifies poll code to allow booze, food till late night
- Hindustan Times
ide panchayat polls has just played lifesaver to lakhs of Goans
and tourists who love a late nightcap. In a key modification of
the poll code of conduct order, State Election ...a class=

*** Brokers' call: HUL, Sesa Goa - Economic Times
ed growth and ...a class=

*** India's Sesa Goa to Begin Exploring Liberian Mines Soon -
ector producer and exporter of iron ore, has plans to begin
exploration work sometime later this week in the Liberia's mines
for an iron ore project, reports Business Line.a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service


2012-05-02 Thread PAES
While the Portuguese still held on to a
piece of the Indian sub-continent, it was customary for the upper strata of
Goan society to take leave of the pre-monsoon ‘calor’ (heat) and escape to a 
more relaxing atmosphere elsewhere. ‘Mudança’is what they called it in 
Portuguese. Change is what they call it now, and the much touted phenomenon of
‘global warming’ seems to have given added impetus to Goans of all shades to
join the club. 
As a kid, I remember going on ‘mudanças’ to our own summer hideout on
an islet at Betul in south Goa. Atop the neighbouring ‘Baradi’ hill stood a
cross which, according to legend, cured the faithful of incurable ailments and
thus came to be venerated as a cross of miracles. 
I also remember my father clasping my
hand to climb the revolving stairs leading up to that cross. Up there, leaning
on its peripheral railing, we wondered at nature’s bounty below. The
breathtaking landscape highlighting the mouth of river Sal opening up to the 
waves of the Arabian Sea; a patch of white sand
at the tip of Mobor beach separating
the two waterways;  and nearer below, a
carpet of greenery covering a cluster of holiday homes along the river bank.
A chapel was built by the side of the
cross, and later extended to accommodate a growing number of worshippers. Third
of May each year is marked as the day of feast of that “Holy Cross”. Today is 
its anniversary.

[Goanet] Summer pictures: uurak, Osandem

2012-05-02 Thread Edgar Silveira

Uurak with limes from a Moira garden  osandem freshly picked and dried.

Re: [Goanet] Why I Gave Up On 'Social Activism'

2012-05-02 Thread Santosh Helekar
Soter wrote:

But there are social activists who continue to keep away from professional or 
corporate activism and observe to ethical practise.

What is the ethical practice for social activists? Is there any kind of code of 
ethics for them?



- Original Message -
 From: SOTER so...@bsnl.in
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 9:57 AM
 Subject: [Goanet]  Why I Gave Up On 'Social Activism'
T his is nothing new. Reading the subject line I first thought it was UG Barad 
 who quit activism. Which vocation does not have black sheep? But there are 
 social activists who continue to keep away from professional or corporate 
 activism and observe to ethical practise.  
 - Soter

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (03May12)

2012-05-02 Thread alexyz fernandes

~  Lokpal will only fill jails, says Kalam  ~

What is the Wise Ex-Prez trying to say...

...that there maybe a Problem running the Nation

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Goa law be made applicable in settlement of property in divorce matter

2012-05-02 Thread SHANTARAM NAIK
Goa law be made applicable in settlement of property in divorce matter

Mr Shantaram Naik M.P. said that the provisions of the law prevailing 
in Goa in the matter of property distribution be made applicable while 
disposing divorce matters  under Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act.

  Initiating the debate on behalf of Congress Party in the Rajya Sabha on 
Wednesday, on Hindu Marriage (Amendment )  and Special Marriage (Amendment ) 
Bill, Mr Naik said the government’s proposal to amendment the two acts in order 
to include the additional ground of divorce , namely , of irretrievable 
breakdown of marriage is the need of the hour.

 It is true, Mr Naik said that the government , as per the recommendation 
of the Standing Committee Report, proposes to give discretion to the court to 
order financial assistance or share in the property  to be given to the wife as 
may be deemed fit .

But, Mr Naik said that instead of giving  discretion to the courts, it is 
advisable to import Goa law into the bill and  where a definite  share goes to 
the wife upon the marriage. At this state Mrs Najma Heptullah of BJP intervened 
to support Mr Naik on this point.

 Mr Naik tried to allay the fears of the members that the bill was 
anti-women and said that the new ground of irretrievable breakdown of marriage 
avoids long trials where characters assassination women is done in courts, as a 
results of which,  media tries to carry the stories very  widely, family 
members remain  in constant psychological  pressure ,  social murmurs  become 
the order of the day and, the effect on the minds of children,  is 

   Under the present bill any of the spouses can file for divorce after 
they satisfy the court that,  they have leaved separately for three years and 
state that there is a irretrievable breakdown of marriage. In such cases, there 
is no much scope for allegations, Mr Naik said.

Mr Naik said that the government has not brought the bill simply 
because the Supreme Court in their judgments have recommended the same or that 
this ground is available  in foreign countries but because India also needs 
such a law.

Mr Arun Jetley of BJP who spoke on behalf of his party had the basic objection 
to the new ground basically because   the bill does not make substantial 
provision for wife.

Mrs Najma Heptulla of BJP said that the bill requires that husband and wife 
should live separately for three years before applying for divorce under the 
ground of irretrievable breakdown of marriage but ,in our country , husbands go 
out for employment and sometimes return after three years, such cases should be 
carefully examined.

Mrs Jaya Bachan said that even under this new ground divorce is not going to be 
easy .

Mrs Kanimozi, DMK M.P. said two persons married because they want to stay 
together but if they would like to part company, they should have freedom to do 


 Shri Tapan Kumar Sen, H.K.Dua, Smt Maya Singh, Ram Kripal Yadav, Rama 
Joice (Ex- High Court Judge), Saif-ud-Din Soz  and others participated in the 

 In view of the suggestions made by members, particularly, relating to the 
right in the property to be given to the wife, Union Law Minister Shri Salman 
Khurshid sought time of the House to reply to the debate and come out with some 