[Goanet] Of moon, moonlight, rain-clouds

2013-06-22 Thread JoeGoaUk
Of Moon, moonlight, rain-clouds

When City in darkness, moonlight comes handy

about to hide behind clouds
It’s a moment for Thieves and Lvers below

A short clip


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day....

2013-06-22 Thread Gabe Menezes
Rika Zaraï - Hava nagila




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Chief Minister’s Swedish plebiscite model has constitutional bottlenecks - www.thegoan.net

2013-06-22 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Chief Minister’s Swedish plebiscite model has constitutional bottlenecksAjay 
Thakur I The Goan ,Panjim22 June 2013Last week, after a cabinet meeting, Chief 
Minister Manohar Parrikar told the media that he would keep the Regional Plan 
open in the first week of July and “allow each village to plan for their own 
development, akin to the Swedish model of plebiscite”.While the IIT-ian in 
Parrikar is known to suggest ideas from across the world for the betterment of 
the state, this idea did not strike a chord.“The CM is wasting the time of 
Goans and cheating us with this figment of his imagination. It is surprising 
that while our demands for amending TCP laws, checking rectifications and plans 
submitted by village level committees is being ignored, he wants to hold a 
referendum for people who live in these villages”, says Zarina D’Cunha of 
Village Groups of Goa. The opponents of RP 2021 have reacted with amusement to 
Parrikar’s suggestion of a Swedish model of plebiscite.The Constitution of 
India has no specific provision for holding of referendums or plebiscites. The 
last and the only time when India and Goa had a plebiscite was when the Opinion 
Poll was held in 1967. Even that time, the state had no say in initiating it.It 
took an Act of Parliament to organise the referendum. In this case, the Goa 
Government will have to follow a long drawn process of passing a resolution to 
the effect which will be then examined and voted upon by the Parliament. After 
this, will villagers in panchayats get to vote on the Regional Plan? The 
question is, will Parliament vote to hold 223 village plebiscite for village 
level plans and four for town level Outline Development Plans? “Where does that 
leave towns like Valpoi, Sankhali or Curchorem who do not have an ODP nor a 
Panchayat?” says Yatish Naik of Pilerne Citizen’s Forum. Unlike India’s 
Constitution, Sweden’s has a provision for referendums that are binding on the 
state.The only catch - there it is meant only for affecting changes to the 
constitution. In India, the Parliament plays that role. Between 1922 and 2012, 
Sweden had six referendums and all were inconclusive. And for the referendum to 
become binding, one tenth of those deciding the change must demand it the first 
time. Thereafter one third of those deciding or voting must then support the 
referendum. If the number of votes cast for the change is more than half of the 
votes cast only then does it become effective. It appears that the CM wants 
every single change in Regional Plan to be tested by this kind of 
plebiscite.“Is the plebiscite constitutional and will it hold good under the 
TCP Act and Goa Panchayat Raj Acts?” asks Naik. The Swedish Model or anything 
remotely similar to it does not find a mention in TCP or Panchayat Raj Act”, 
asks Naik, echoing most of Goa.

[Goanet] Press note from Goans for Dabolim Only

2013-06-22 Thread Edwin/Diana Pinto
Press Note

Govt connives with builders to strangulate Dabolim Airport

Goans For Dabolim Only (GFDO) has come across incrimnating documents and other 
evidence regarding a very vital issue concerning the Dabolim Airport, namely 
the imminent loss of vital space for parking and other city side facilities. 
The serious nature of the issue, and the tremendous impact on Goan economy and 
society to follow, have forced us to place these documents and their contents 
before the people of Goa.

On 12th May 2006, the government of Goa committed to the Ministry of Civil 
Aviation and the Airport Authority of India (AAI) to make land available on the 
city side of the airport. The land acquisition proceedings for parking, 
offices, cargo and other city-side facilities were started in 2009, and section 
6 was also notified in 2010. But suddenly and surprisingly, on 16/3/2011, the 
congress led government de-notified the land acquisition, thereby depriving 
Dabolim Airport of the much needed land. The AAI, which has committed Rs. 600 
crores to build a new terminal, submitted desperate letters in February and 
March 2011, pleading with the Goa government to save Dabolim airport by 
continuing with the acquisition, but to no avail.

The denotification of this strategically vital land was decided in a meeting 
chaired by the then Chief Minister on 14/02/2011 along with Mr. Mauvin Godinho 
and Mr. Jose Philip D'Souza, based on a submission made by the land owner that 
alternate land is available for the parking and other facilities. It is 
shocking to note that this decision was taken even though the AAI had strongly 
objected during the same meeting, warning that no such alternate land exists. 
Two years have passed since the denotification, yet the government is still 
searching for this mysteriously untraceable land, while constructions are 
coming up at unbelievable speeds on the denotified lands. Goans need to know 
why the present government led by Shri Manohar Parrikar has been a mute 
spectator to this strangulation of Dabolim airport, while it has been rushing 
through with the Mopa project at breakneck speed. 

The arbitrary and misconceived decision to denotify the acquisition of these 
vital lands cannot have any other obvious motive but to help builders, who are 
now speedily constructing buildings on the denotified lands. The malafide act 
of the government may also be seen to have a hidden motive to strangulate 
Dabolim Airport by depriving it of space essential for expansion, thereby 
creating an artifical case for Mopa airport. In short, by denying this piece of 
just 36,800 sq m land to Dabolim Airport, our government is attempting to 
coerce Goa into squandering 82 lakh sq-m land for a new airport at Mopa. 

The imminent commissioning of the second terminal at Dabolim airport will 
require parking and other city side facilities in the immediate future, for 
which the land bearing survey no 8/1, Dabolim village will have to be acquired 
inevitably. It is therefore prudent that the government stops dilly-dallying on 
this matter of grave importance to our State, and forthwith stops all ongoing 
constructions on the land meant for the parking and other essential facilities 
for Dabolim airport. We also demand that the said land be acquired without any 
further delays and the parking and other critical airport infrastructure be 
created at the earliest.

[Goanet] Parikar and an unprofessional Shekar Gupta

2013-06-22 Thread U. G. Barad

This is with reference to this video:


2mins 30secs

It is titled “BJP chief minister takes on Modi over Gujarat riots”.  The
title clearly gives the channel’s summary of what was said by Manohar
Parikar, the BJP chief minister of Goa.

My reactions on the video.  Unfortunately, Manohar Parikar could not
articulate well in English and so got sort of trapped. At the same time, the
intent of what Manohar Parikar wanted to convey is clear, when he said: “But
not defending it does not mean you put the blame on a particular person.”  

The very sad part of the whole thing is the attempt made by Shekar Gupta to
put words in Parikar,s mouth, and take advantage of the poor articulation by
Manohar Parikar.  This was very unprofessional on part of Shekar Gupta. 

Some six-seven years ago, I have read Shekar Gupta write that the use, for
political purposes, of the failure of the NDA government to properly deal
with the hijacking of the plane from Nepal had already gone past the use-by
date.  For him, of course, the political use of the post-Godhra riots will
always be eternal.

The only way the secular, mainstream, English media can demonize the whole
Hindutva movement is to indulge in falsehoods, and that too knowingly.  In a
very recent article titled, “Why Modi is a test case for the Indian media’s
objectivity”, Rajdeep Sardesai writes: “Journalism in its purest form must
remain the pursuit of truth shorn of ideological agendas.”

Clearly, Shekar Gupta has failed this test.  And the way the interview has
been projected in the media, so has the rest of the media.  But then they
have always failed the test.  So, in that case, they are at least being

[Goanet] Talk by Patricia Vieira at Goa University, 25th June 2013

2013-06-22 Thread CLP Instituto Camões
Caros Amigos,

Segue em anexo da palestra sobre «Cinema Português n*o Estado Novo*»
assegurada por Patrícia Vieira da Universidade de Georgetown, Washington
D,.C., E.U.A., no dia 25 de Junho, às 11.00 hrs, na Faculdade de Arte,
Block B, Universidade de Goa.

Saudações muito cordiais.

Dear Friends,
Please find enclosed E-invite for the talk on Portuguese Cinema and Estado
Novo to be delivered by Patricia Vieira from Georgetown University, U.S.A.

The talk will be held on June, 25, 2013, at 11.00 a.m., at the Seminar
Hall, Faculty of Arts, Block B, Goa University.

Best regards.
 Delfim Correia da Silva
 Leitor do Camões, I.P. 
Responsável pelo CLP/Camões, I.P.- Goa
Agva House, 9/32 Dr. Dada Vaidya Road
Panaji 403 001
Goa - India
0091 832 6647737
0091 832 2422237

[Goanet] If Modi is Batman, Parrikar is his Robin

2013-06-22 Thread Mayabhushan
If Modi is Batman, Parrikar is his Robin


By Mayabhushan Nagvenkar

Panaji, June 22 (IANS) Narendra Modi perhaps overstated when he
magnanimously credited Goa as the talisman for his elevation as the BJP's
face for the 2014 general elections at a party meeting following the
three-day conclave here.

His real talisman, in fact, was sitting right alongside him. Looking
relieved after Modi's elevation, but still that ball of nervous energy that Goa
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has come to be known.

Whether he likes to admit it or not, it is Parrikar who, over a period of
three years, signaled the beginning of the end of party stalwart L.K.
Advani by likening him to rancid pickle. He then sealed the 85-year-old's
political coffin earlier this month by throwing the
Modi-as-prime-ministerial-option open, even before the three-day party meet

Over the last few years, the Modi-Parrikar duo in the BJP partnership has
mirrored the contours of the dynamics shared by DC comics' Batman and Robin.

Friends and collaborators, but perhaps not equals.

Sure, Parrikar has his own shortcomings. Goa's small topography (and hence
its political significance) and his relatively brief stints in power as
compared to Modi.

But Parrikar has his strengths too.

He is undoubtedly the most popular BJP leader as far as Goa's minorities
are concerned and one of the more suave cosmopolitan faces nationally. And
Parrikar comes with a reputation of a guy who gets things done - if needed,
in a hurry.

His maverick ways, his modest appearance, his ability to connect without a
sense of showmanship have earned him a sense of endearment which no other
leader in Goa has. In fact, while charisma is Modi's main draw, Parrikar's
appeal lies in his ability to appear non-charismatic and humane.

But in the recent years, national ambitions have been on the minds of both
the chief ministers, who are both known to power their way through cabinet
meetings and state organization issues, often creating a risk of killing a
second-rung leadership. Both men virtually run one-man governments where
the chief minister is both the head, the body and the wagging tail combined

While Modi started off on his national agenda with a sadbhavana fast and
sadbhvana rally in 2011, Parrikar too has been dropping hints about a move
up north.

His first attempt was in 2009, when he was in the top rung of contestants
for the BJP president's post. Parrikar's rancid pickle remark about Advani
put paid to that attempt, with the former deputy prime minister vetoing his
candidature. Parrikar was instead made head of the BJP's Good Governance
cell, which advocates and tries to replicate innovations in governance in
states ruled by the party. Perhaps the position was best suited for the IIT
alumnus and a sharp administrator, certainly not the meaty scrap which he
was aiming for.

Parrikar appears to be tasked with the unenvious task of playing Modi's
media ambassador, at least for now. Perhaps, the Goa chief minister's
comment to a national news channel admitting that the Godhra riots were
result of administrative failure was an attempt by Modi to break ice with
the English mainstream media and initiate a new dialogue with New Delhi's
media pundits.

Both Modi and a large section of the national news establishment have been
in a running feud after the 2002 Gujarat riots, when the latter blamed the
Gujarat chief minister for the communal carnage following the Godhra train

Ever since his election as chief minister in 2012, Parrikar initially
dropped hints that this would be his last stint because he was keen on
growing pineapples on a farm slope in rural Goa. His sudden passion for
the spiny fruit again fuelled speculation about his national ambitions.

But Parrikar soon relented and said that he would have to serve as chief
minister for more than five years to set right the rot created by the
Congress in state administration.

Destiny, Parrikar says, will decide if has a role on the national scene.

In Modi's elevation, has Parrikar's ride towards this destiny already been
set in motion?

(Mayabhushan Nagvenkar can be contacted at mayabhusha...@ians.in

Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
1392, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa
pin code 403509
# 7350131007

h http://www.goastreets.comttp://www.penpricks.blogspot.com
h http://www.goastreets.com/ttp://www.ardh-satya.blogspot.com

[Goanet] Apostolic Nuncio celebrates St. Anthony’s Feast

2013-06-22 Thread Michael Ali


Nuncio celebrates St. Anthony’s Feast 
Michael Ali
and Nicholas Ali 
Karachi, June
13: The curtain was brought down on the yearlong Platinum Jubilee celebrations
of the erection of St. Anthony’s parish, Karachi with a solemn outdoor 
celebration. The main celebrant was H.E. Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, Apostolic
Nuncio to Pakistan. The Mass was concelebrated by the Most Rev. Joseph Coutts,
Archbishop of Karachi and the Most Rev. Everest Pinto, Archbishop Emeritus of
The guests,
in a two horse drawn white carriage,  led by the marching band of St.
Paul’s  High School and an honour guard of the  Scouts of St. Anthony’s Church 
arrived at the
venue a little after 6 p.m. to be welcomed by showering of rose petals by the 
of the Sunday school. He was welcomed by the popular Rev. Frs. Mario Angelo
Rodrigues, Parish Priest, Melito Dias and Noman Noel  and were then
introduced to four senior members of the parish namely  Brig. Dr. Hilary 
Zuzarte (retd.), Mrs. Norma
Fernandes, Mrs. Yolande Henderson and Mr. Raphael D’Costa. 
The entourage
then entered the premises greeting the very large number of parishioners who
were awaiting their arrival. They then proceeded to vest  for the Eucharistic 
Blessing of
the Parish office 
Earlier in
the day, H.E. Archbishop Peña Parra cut the ribbon to inaugurate the newly
renovated parish office and blessed each room. He also unveiled the Roll of
Parish Priests from 1937 to date which was mounted on the left rear wall inside
the church. 
vesting, the celebrants proceeded by altar servers, resplendent in their new
cassocks and surplices and followed by priests and finally the celebrants
proceeded to wend their way through the congregation to ascend the stage to
begin the Mass. The back drop inscribed with the words ‘What thanks, O Lord,
can I render Thee’ very appropriately captured the sentiments of the faithful.
Before the Mass began  an electric flame
was switched on. 
circuit cameras beamed the proceedings to those seated inside and at the back
of the church.  
Archbishop Peña Parra, before his homily thanked Rev. Fr. Mario Rodrigues for
inviting him to celebrate the Eucharist on the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua
and Lisbon and also on commemorating 75 years of St. Anthony’s Parish in
Karachi. He greeted His Grace, Archbishop Joseph Coutts, His Grace, Archbishop
Emeritus Everest Pinto, the clergy and the parishioners on behalf of Pope
During the
sermon he explained how St. Anthony is one of the most popular saints in the
world. Through his teaching of the Gospel and his works towards poverty St.
Anthony is one of the most popular followers of St. Francis of Assisi; greatly
contributing towards Franciscan spirituality. He explained the symbols of St.
Anthony, particular the lily which represents purity and baby Jesus which
represents the humanity of Christ.  
The Nuncio
also explained the Gospel (Luke 10:1-9) on how the number 70 holds importance
in the Bible as it was the number of elders Moses chose, the Jewish Sanhedrin
was made up of 70 people and at that time it was believed that they were 70
nations on earth.  He explained that the great harvest mentioned in the
gospel is the Kingdom of God and Christ chose 72 disciples to carry out the
Word of God.  
At the end of
his homily, the Apostolic Nuncio reaffirmed the Pope’s message of
evangelization during this Year of Faith as the world is suffering from a
poverty of Spirit. 
A few members
representing parish organizations formed the Offertory procession and presented
to His Excellency, Flowers, Vegetables, a Candle,  Tri-country flags ( 
Pakistan, the Vatican and
St. Anthony’s Platinum Jubilee ), the Collection and finally Bread and Wine. 
After, the
final blessing the Apostolic Nuncio said: “I declare the Platinum Jubilee
Closed” and with that the flame too was switched off. 

A barrage of
fireworks then lit up the night’s sky in celebration and bookmarks
commemorating the occasion were distributed among all present. 
On behalf of
the parish, the honoured guests were then presented with token gifts by the
priests of the parish. In his vote of thanks, Rev. Fr. Mario Rodrigues
commended all those who were instrumental in making the celebrations of the
Jubilee year a success. 
parishioners then greeted and mingled with each other after the Choir sang the
anthem of the great saint…St. Anthony of Padua, so holy and so good, we
praise the Lord eternally through Him thy name has stood…. 

[Goanet] restaurants

2013-06-22 Thread Norman Jude Pereira
House of LLoyds for the best pork chops n beef steak in the world !!! at saipem 
,candolim and A Tona for the best bakes n pies at Betim...
Norman Pereira

Re: [Goanet] Parikar and an unprofessional Shekar Gupta

2013-06-22 Thread Jose Colaco
I do not agree with UG Barad that Manohar Parrikar 'could not articulate well 
in English ' and that he 'got sort of trapped'.

Two other comments: 

(1): Mr Parrikar did NOT slam Mr. Modi as the female news person stated. 

(2): Mr Shekar Gupta, when you ask a question of  a person, please allow the 
person to respond. It was a pain to listen to you interrupt Mr. Parrikar in 
mid-sentence. Dr. Barad is right. You came across in this interview as an 
arrogant and unprofessional bully. You are fortunate that our CM did not walk 
out on you. 


Please do not return to Goa unless you fix your manners.



On Jun 22, 2013, at 8:10 AM, U. G. Barad dr.udayba...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is with reference to this video:
 2mins 30secs
 It is titled “BJP chief minister takes on Modi over Gujarat riots”.  The
 title clearly gives the channel’s summary of what was said by Manohar
 Parikar, the BJP chief minister of Goa.
 My reactions on the video.  Unfortunately, Manohar Parikar could not
 articulate well in English and so got sort of trapped. At the same time, the
 intent of what Manohar Parikar wanted to convey is clear, when he said: “But
 not defending it does not mean you put the blame on a particular person.”  
 The very sad part of the whole thing is the attempt made by Shekar Gupta to
 put words in Parikar,s mouth, and take advantage of the poor articulation by
 Manohar Parikar.  This was very unprofessional on part of Shekar Gupta. 
 Some six-seven years ago, I have read Shekar Gupta write that the use, for
 political purposes, of the failure of the NDA government to properly deal
 with the hijacking of the plane from Nepal had already gone past the use-by
 date.  For him, of course, the political use of the post-Godhra riots will
 always be eternal.
 The only way the secular, mainstream, English media can demonize the whole
 Hindutva movement is to indulge in falsehoods, and that too knowingly.  In a
 very recent article titled, “Why Modi is a test case for the Indian media’s
 objectivity”, Rajdeep Sardesai writes: “Journalism in its purest form must
 remain the pursuit of truth shorn of ideological agendas.”
 Clearly, Shekar Gupta has failed this test.  And the way the interview has
 been projected in the media, so has the rest of the media.  But then they
 have always failed the test.  So, in that case, they are at least being

Re: [Goanet] If Modi is Batman, Parrikar is his Robin

2013-06-22 Thread Jose Colaco
On Jun 22, 2013, at 10:48 AM, Mayabhushan mayabhus...@gmail.com wrote:

If Modi is Batman, Parrikar is his Robin


In all the years I have 'known' Batman and Robin, I have never known of Robin 
ever pulling a coup on Batman. 

Politics may be akin to comic books, but politicians are not known for the 
loyalty that Comic Book heroes enjoy from their sidekicks. 

All our proverbial 'Batman' has to do is NOT go on a foreign trip and leave 
Robin to mind the kodel.  Ask Francisco Sardinha. While he was on a tour of 
Australia, Robin turned into wood pecker and swiped the kodel.


[Goanet] Goa's rivers polluted with rare earths and metals says NIO study

2013-06-22 Thread Gerard de Souza
Goa's rivers are polluted with metals and rare earths including Manganese,
Iron, Aluminuim, Cobalt, Nickel and Chromuim says a study by the NIO


Keep Going

Gerard de Souza
Reporter: O Heraldo
Joint Secretary: Goa Union of Journalists
Ph 9765853312, 0832-2410815
email: gernal...@gmail.com
Blog: http://www.bygerarddsouza.blogspot.com
Revora, Bardez, Goa 403513

[Goanet] Tarball mystery solved

2013-06-22 Thread Gerard de Souza
A vexed mystery finally solved: Now that we know the source, can we have
some action? Oil tankers transporting South East Asia crude oil to the Arab
states wash their tanks mid sea and deballast leading to
#tarballshttps://plus.google.com/s/%23tarballsalong the Western
coast of India, especially Goa that is known for its
tourism. #marinepollution https://plus.google.com/s/%23marinepollution
#oiltankers https://plus.google.com/s/%23oiltankers

check it out

Keep Going

Gerard de Souza
Reporter: O Heraldo
Joint Secretary: Goa Union of Journalists
Ph 9765853312, 0832-2410815
email: gernal...@gmail.com
Blog: http://www.bygerarddsouza.blogspot.com
Revora, Bardez, Goa 403513