[Goanet] Parrikar did you see my daugthers in London Bridge?

2013-07-05 Thread stephen dias
Chief Minister of Goa was on his personal tour to UK and was seen at the
London Bridge and he returned Goa a day before yesterday. That means
probably my both the daughters might have also been there at the same time.
 They called  me and said they are at the London Bridge and the Bridge
looks beautiful.   The photo appeared in The Goan this Sat.weekly newspaper
 dt 6th July, 2013  showing Parrikar drinking a juice from the paper cup
with his blue shirt and at his back the London Bridge photo  is seen.
Not bad to know, coincidentally  that my both the children were also in UK
when our CM was on his tour more or less on same days..I am glad to know

Stephen Dias

[Goanet] time to change rules

2013-07-05 Thread Nelson Lopes
*Time to change rules*

A lot of avoidable damage to life and property can be prevented by timely
action. People in olden days used to plant trees to mark and secure
property boundaries.  Even today they continue with this  practice just to
harass neighbours The statutes, as of now do not permit cutting of trees,
unless it poses risk to life The cumbersome process involves reports of
Police and agricultural officer (ZAO) Many a times  only the roots are in
the owner’s property , but the whole tree is spread over encroaching
neighbours space, creating nuisance and yet the owner enjoys easement
rights Legally speaking such a request is more than often rejected The
argument that the tree is prior to the habitat and that the structure is
deliberate move to  seem to hold. During rains and wind storms such plants
get uprooted causing mindless damage, Besides falling fruits, leaves lead
to breakage of tiles, even risk the life of the inhabitants

The rule needs to be changed with immediate effect, such that no owner
enjoys the right to the spread of the tree in the neighbour’s yard. Either
he has to be bound cut it or the cost recovered from the owner
Alternatively  any tree planted within 5 meters of the boundary be treated
as an offence tree

The social forestry planting trees along the roads and National highways is
again posing risk to commuters and motorists .Some isolated incidents
though have led to death of people, causing accidents, electrocution too.
The trimming of the trees along the roads must be undertaken well before
the monsoons.

The users of electricity, water, telephones are often denied permission by
neighbours to traverse through their property for the connection. This
needs to be amended too, making it as the right to these services
unhindered by any objections

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Wealth-Share.

2013-07-05 Thread eric pinto
                 All across Africa, the norm is road blocks where commercial
traffic ponies-up a share of cargo to armed members of police and government
militias. In the Congo, victims include individual travellers. A cynic would 
consider it a form of taxation in a region where the money-economy does not
embrace the hinterland.
                How then does a ruling clique go about distributing product to 
members when a veneer of order needs to be displayed in a 'democracy': one 
prints currency !  Inflation, a result of shortages or diminished supply is not 
then a 
concern for the civil service.  Priced-out and forced out of the market-place 
are the
retired, the sub-employed and the disabled. Our Pay Commissions give the 
the moral coating it so badly lacks. 
                 Now for a comparison of our surreal with the scene in Jim's 
country; they call it
'quantitative easing' in the US.  Flooded with supplies, they print 'money' 
which is turned
over to banks who in turn 'lend' it to you to buy autos, unsold homes 
appliances.  A broker
lends me this cheap money at 1% and I in turn buy company bonds that pay 6%.
                 The US supplies forty million citizens with a plastic card 
that enables them
to take home a hundred and fifty dollars in groceries every month.  No currency 

[Goanet] Ancestral land

2013-07-05 Thread Bernice Pereira
You could not have worded it better.  Agree completely.  

In the first place, how have those crooks (who are very often not even 
mundkars, and neither till the land for decades, nor take care of it), got 
their names on Forms 1 and 14?  Why is this now irreversible?  Pertinent 
questions. Answers are blowing in the wind.

Bernice Pereira


2013-07-05 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Goa is sadly witnessing a total breakdown in the law and order situation.
The spurt in the number of rapes, molestation and theft cases is a matter
of grave concern. Today women and young girls in particular are no longer
safe on the streets. A lot of cases also go unreported for various reasons.
Mostly because of people’s lack of trust and faith in the police. The buck
stops at the door of the Chief Minister who has utterly failed as the Home
Minister. May be the Home portfolio needs to be assigned to somebody more
competent and capable in order to get the messy house in order.

The government should realize that the malicious hushing up of that January
14th rape in Vasco of that seven year old little girl, must have only
emboldened many other rapists to rape without fear.

While as Leader of the Opposition Manohar Parrikar consistently blamed then
Home Minister Ravi Naik for the huge number of crimes. Who is to be blamed
now, Mr. Chief Minister. Over the last 16 months the crime rate has been
escalating with the situation having got from bad to worse. Time to act.
Mr. Manohar Parrikar, your *political hara-kiri *must be shelved for the
sake of Goa.
Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Goa news for July 6, 2013

2013-07-05 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa cabinet reshuffle on cards as CM Manohar Parrikar begins
audit exercise - Economic Times
to invite tenders for setting up garbage treatment plants

*** Landslide disrupts Pune-Goa traffic - Daily News & Analysis

*** Cricket bookie held in Goa - Times of India
branch arrests top cricket bookie in Goa

*** Goa govt to announce mining policy soon - Moneycontrol.com

*** Historian launches Goa University's visiting professors
scheme - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe lecture, titled 'Contours in reading early
Indian history' marked the launch of the Goa University's unique
Visiting Research Professors Programme. The scheme will bring 12
internationally renowned personalities from the streams of
history, art ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNH_I3WA6X07mqLFaJlwrlx0jCEw2A&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Historian-launches-Goa-Universitys-visiting-professors-scheme/articleshow/20935932.cms

*** Come Home to Goa, Tony Fernandes! - Times of India
magining the world is something that comes naturally. Born to a
Malaysian Malayali mother (who he credits for his business
acumen) and Goan father, he has rebelled against prevailing
assumptions and the status quo all his life. First ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHHKM7sNeGZxr8E710gADacnsuFXw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Come-Home-to-Goa-Tony-Fernandes/articleshow/20935781.cms

*** Members of Goa RTI forum meet governor - Times of India
ember Goa RTI Forum team lead by its president Nandini Sahai met
Governor Bharat Vir Wanchoo, on Friday over the issue of vacant
posts at Goa state information commission. The delegation
apprised the governor about the problems ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGDG6ZHOVZW8NBY1dpVMOgaT6nIPQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Members-of-Goa-RTI-forum-meet-governor/articleshow/20935868.cms

*** National Geographic to make film for Goa tourism - Times of
inute film, which will be the first-of-its ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFaScht2lFbX7HMtoXMwdW6qOYIMw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/National-Geographic-to-make-film-for-Goa-tourism/articleshow/20936411.cms

*** Mumbai-Goa ship service on Mormugao Port Trust anvil - Times
of India
mes of IndiaIf everything goes as per plan, then the next
tourism season will also see Goa become the second state in the
country to start a seaplane service. MPT chairman P Mara
Pandiyan said that many tourists visiting the state want to
experience the sea plane ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFXSGBk5ypk9cNeNnCyy08TuAMGEA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Mumbai-Goa-ship-service-on-Mormugao-Port-Trust-anvil/articleshow/20936415.cms

*** Cash-strapped Goa to hire equipment for Lusofonia Games -
Times of India
ressed for funds, thanks in good measure to the ban on mining in
the state. But while the Manohar Parrikar-led government is
making sure that the path to development is not blocked,
wasteful expenditure is being shunned.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEWchjBEuR_R-s7qD82lFgNHFNTzQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/more-sports/others/Cash-strapped-Goa-to-hire-equipment-for-Lusofonia-Games/articleshow/20933634.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] First Post poll on the food security ordinance.

2013-07-05 Thread U. G. Barad

Members will find the first post poll interesting, and is available at:


When I checked it, the polling was 85% against, with 4033 votes.

The comments are particularly relevant.

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Chinese defense minister welcomes visiting Indian counterpart - People's Daily Online

2013-07-05 Thread Con Menezes


Re: [Goanet] Parrikar Walk the Talk Part 2

2013-07-05 Thread Gabe Menezes
It is you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk - I believe walk the
talk is an Indian invention?

On 5 July 2013 02:18, augusto pinto  wrote:

> Why is there no comment on the second part of Parrikar's Walk the Talk
> interview with Shekhar Gupta?
> He made some pretty stinging remarks there too. In fact the judiciary could
> haul him up for contempt of court.
> If anyone has the time I suggest they download and send a copy of the the
> interview to Goanet.
> Augusto
> --
> Augusto Pinto
> 40, Novo Portugal
> Moira, Bardez
> Goa, India
> E pinto...@gmail.com
> P 0832-2470336
> M 9881126350


Gabe Menezes.


2013-07-05 Thread stephen dias

At the recently concluded water seminar in the city organised by Clube
Vasco da Gama on 28th June, 2013, the President of the Club, Mr Francisco
Martins, in his welcome address, reiterated the support of his Club and its
members in encouraging the scientific community in Goa to bring forth
viable solutions for water security and sustainable utility. He further
urged the eminent engineers, scientists and Government dignitaries present,
to engage actively with the people of Goa to ensure maintenance of good
quality of life by maintaining a continuous supply of clean potable water
throughout the state.

The eminent speakers were introduced by the retired NIO scientist Mr
Stephen Dias who eloquently compered the evening with his witty comments
after each presentation. He made also people aware that the first “ water
security movement’ was launched by Dr. Joe D’Souza along with the late
Matanhy Saldanha who could bring water samples from effluent discharge
plants from Du pont and Nylon 66 for analyses in the year of 1974 at the
 Dr Emidio Afonso  Laboratorio de Analises of DHS.  Stephen Dias was proud
to work under Dr Emidio Afonso guidance in the year 1964 to 1966 and Dr Joe
could also analyze these samples at that point of time.

Madam Alina Saldanha  has also been associated in some of the Meta Strips

Introductory comments by Engineer Mahesh Prabhu about Water- The Elixir of
Life, was synchronized with a slide show, sending a message to the audience
about the current and future perils of water contamination and water
shortage on earth. He cited several examples in Goa which already reflected
the ill effects of shortage of clean and potable water.

Dr Joe D’Souza an eminent scientist and ex-professor of Microbiology of Goa
University expressed his views by stating that the Government of Goa should
provided free 24 x 7 water supply. He also reiterated that the continuous
supply of quality water would not only reduce water wastage by people
leaving their taps open but also keep away diseases.

Dr A M Wachasundar, Director JICA project, and ex-Principal Chief Engineer
of PWD elaborated in detail a master Plan for 24 x 7 water supply in Goa
which he said will be possible within 5 years. He made it clear  that Goa
has already achieved 100% water connections in most parts of the state. He
estimated by 2025 requirement of water will be over 500 MLD which we have
presently only 200 MLD.

Jose Manual Noronha who is holding the post of Chairman of Goa State
Pollution Control Board, was Guest of Honour, he has  highlighted the fact
that very few rivers originate in Goa itself. He said the high urbanization
in Goa was a factor that contributed to water pollution, adding that “The
faecal E-coli form in the river Sal was not within acceptable limits” and
attributed this to discharge of sewage along the banks of the rivers.
Noronha also found that Hotels continually discharging sewage into the
Colva creek.

Hon. Minister for Environment and Forest, Mrs Alina Saldanha spoke about
her experiences in her constituency which she said is a vivid example of
haphazard development of Mega projects and voiced her opinion to limit the
new Mega projects based on infrastructure bottle necks including water
supply and sewage treatment constraints. She ensured full Government
cooperation in supporting initiatives to enhance water security and clean
water availability throughout the state.

The audience was interactive and various queries raised were addressed by
the eminent speakers.

The seminar ended with a vote of thanks by Jeffrey Chagas Pereira,
secretary of the Clube Vasco da Gama who also thanked the co-sponsors of
the seminar, M/s Sadekar Enviro Engineers and ISHRAE Goa.

Re: [Goanet] galloping prices of essential commodities

2013-07-05 Thread Jim Fernandes
I perfectly understand your pain.

But you have a choice in the matter. Here are your choices:

1. Grow you own fruits and vegetables. Even though some Goans live in 
apartments, many more still live in villages and have their own little yards. 
Further, there is vast amounts of land that is not used in farming. Take a ride 
from Cuncolim to Margao on NH17 and you'll find plenty of barren fields on 
either side of the road that were previously used for farming. Or take a ride 
from Old Market Round-a-bout in Margao and head to the beach to Colva. You'll 
find plenty of farm land that is unused for cultivation on either side of the 
road. The story is pretty much same across Goa. Goans should start growing 
their own rice, vegetables and fruits using mechanized methods and run their 
own modernized dairies. I am not talking about old fashioned farming - I am 
talking signing leases with current farm land owners and assigning these lands 
to farmers with capacity to produce crops on a massive scale.

And if you are worried about your "Copachem" and siesta ... fogittaboutit.

2. Replace the politicians with new ones. You need a new party with fresh blood 
who have a vision to put the farmland to use. Don't send the same old freaking 
politicians to office to ruin your lives!

For every Goan who complains on GoaNet, I am going play similar tunes.

Jim Fernandes
New York.
Note: Nothing personal between you and me - all I am doing is getting Goans 
fired up.

--- On Fri, 7/5/13, Nelson Lopes  wrote:

> From: Nelson Lopes 
> Subject: [Goanet] galloping prices of essential commodities
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Date: Friday, July 5, 2013, 12:22 PM
> Galloping vegetable prices
> In one week time, the prices have jumped 4 times .Is there
> is some
> connivance of manipulating the prices and indirectly
> benefiting thereby?
> The blame on demand due to short supply, unseasonable rains,
> increase in
> diesel and petrol prices, transport costs,  have 
> some effects. Why does
> the Govt,not control the prices by checking hoarding,
> profiteering of
> essential commodities? The steep rise in Vegetables, milk,


2013-07-05 Thread stephen dias
Thank You Dr. Rufino Monteiro, for sending me an attachment on Pioglitazone
drug effect on diabetic patients.

Let me give you my comments as a lay person which you may consider it as
important in the point of view on prescribing this drug:

After reading the effect of this drug Pioglitazone, I come to understand
that this drug serves the best purpose and act on insulin resistance. Also
it has the benefits on reducing cholesterol and acts as an inflammatory
marker . Third it allows internal insulin to work in the body and fourth is
a low cost drug. It has also been prescribed as a  2nd and 3rd line of
 With all the above advantages I still find no answers why this drug was
officially banned. It has been reported that this drug causes urinary
bladder cancer and heart failure.
Now is that the doctors still think that this drug can be prescribed in
India, after knowing from certain developed countries except France who
have already decided to ban. That means this drug is still under dispute.
In order  not to take any risk it will  be advisable not to continue
prescribing this drug as the doctors may find one day that the chances of
cancer  and heart failure are high and at that point of time and it will be
too late.
Now, coming to the advantage that the drug works for reducing Cholesterol
levels, doctors always have other much better substitutes for reducing the
cholesterol and not to depend on the advantage of this drug. Regarding
insulin resistance advantages, there might be better drug coming in future
once this drug is banned in toto, and probably who knows that somebody may
do a Research for a better drug for the insulin resistance. It is better
not to take any risk on this drug which is under dispute.
The report says that the physician should wisely prescribe this drug after
know the patient history and health on diabetics. There can be certain
errors in less experience physicians who may not study well to regulate
this drug and definitely chances will be higher to get into cancer or heart
 failure if they prescribe this drug on routine basis.
There are always other alternatives to lower the Type-II diabetis with some
other drug or insulin or combination with both,  and avoid the risks of
effect of the drug Piogitazone . It is  well know abroad and in India that
the research is on war footing for the the cure of diabetis and who knows
one day we may know very soon  there may be a much better drug than
Piogitazone in the market.
Prevention is better than cure.

Stephen Dias

On 5 July 2013 17:48, rufino .  wrote:


[Goanet] galloping prices of essential commodities

2013-07-05 Thread Nelson Lopes
Galloping vegetable prices

In one week time, the prices have jumped 4 times .Is there is some
connivance of manipulating the prices and indirectly benefiting thereby?
The blame on demand due to short supply, unseasonable rains, increase in
diesel and petrol prices, transport costs,  have  some effects. Why does
the Govt,not control the prices by checking hoarding, profiteering of
essential commodities? The steep rise in Vegetables, milk, gas has
crippling effect on the budget of aam admi .The vegetables are costing a
bomb. A reader responded to me by stating that vegetables are much cheaper
in Oslo Norway and per capital income of Indians is no where comparable.
The only thing consumer can do is offer resistance by curtailing needs at
the cost of nutrition. The middle class is squeezed and are reeling under
price burden. The pains of the this class is immaterial when it comes to
pleasing the below poverty population, who are the vote banks Who will pay
for all illegal tapping of electricity, water, which are in fact footed by
the middle class by way inflated bills. The rich do not mind the small
difference in their bills .The gas increase will have its cascading effect
on fertilizers, production of electricity, factory products and transport
The food bill is aggressively promoted as the game changer. Where the
finance for the massive bill will come from, What about the food
production, distribution, storage and whether administration is ready to
meet the challenge? The subsidies on gas, fertilizers are being withdrawn
in a phased manner as unproductive and un economical? This huge subsidy on
food, close to elections The food bill is likely to further put strains on
the availability and costs of essential commodities. The labour fees have
been raised and provided cheap grains to 67% of targeted population. It
does not matter that the rest of the population are out of reach of
essential commodities and their concerns do not make electoral sense or
their grievances a priority

 Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Aldona - Calvim bridge inauguration date likely to miss for the third time

2013-07-05 Thread JoeGoaUk
Aldona - Calvim bridge inauguration date likely to miss for the third time
New bridge update 5.7.2013 

Some pics
Foundation stone laid 27.10.12. Expected date of Completion July 2013.
But Parrikar planned to inaugurate on 30th May 2013, then on 30th June, 
then again around 15th July, next  date could be 15th August 2013













Had a small mishap here – Went nearly knee-deep inside..

Video clip



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2013-07-05 Thread floriano lobo
1. What is sustainable development? Is Regional Plan relevant in this scheme 
of things? If yes, what is happening to Goa's RP and who is drawing it??

2. Does the state of Goa have even a crude disaster management plan?
3. But then these are machineries what the people are paying for through 
their noses. Init? Othrwise what is their raison d'etre???

4. Can one take this away given our vote bank political system?
5. In deed, YES.
6. You can say this again and again.

PS: If one reads the GOA SU-RAJ PARTY'S ROAD MAP FOR GOA, one will find all 
the components listed hereinunder.
 Because, a DOCUMENT of a lifetime must have these ingredients + more. 

- Original Message - 
From: "John Gomes" 

To: "Lists Goanet" 
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:39 AM

1. Sustainable development and environment are do
or die issues.
2. Disaster/ Emergency Management infrastructure
and protocol cannot be taken lightly.
3. The Army, Air Force and Navy are like Insurance.
We resent the premium, but savior when needed.
4. Religion must not become opium of the
5. CMs Maharashtra,Gujarat intruded
into Uttarakhand reportedly to save only Maharashtrians and Gujaratis
respectively. Shameful!
6. Last but not least,there is no substitute for
good governance.


2013-07-05 Thread Aires Rodrigues
A young Goan entrepreneur and friend of many years Mr. Dilip Shirodkar
today passed away in a Hyderabad hospital after battling his ailment.  Dilip
and his two brothers Vinod and Rajesh were owners of the REAL Group of
Companies who also owned CAFE REAL in Panaji.

Always ever so cheerful Dilip, like his father the late Gajanan Shirodkar,
always dug deep into his pockets to help the needy and social causes. His
mortal remains are expected to arrive in Goa late tonight or tomorrow
morning for his final voyage.

Young Dilip did not live to turn 50. May my dear friend's soul rest in
eternal peace.
Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Muse India :: A Special Focus on Goan Literature

2013-07-05 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Muse India :: A Special Focus on Goa

The Illustrators

A large number of delightful sketches used in this section, depicting the
buildings as well as social mores of Goa, are by the versatile and noted
artist, Mel D'Souza. [http://museindia.com/authprofile.asp?id=1935] He
specially painted the images for all the 5 short stories for this Issue. We
are very grateful to him for his support. Paintings of the following
artists have also been used in the section. We express our deep
appreciation for sharing their work.

1. Vamona Navelcar

2. Shusha Oliviera

3. Vembly Megna Colaco


Brian Mendonça : Editorial Comment


Kiran Budkuley : Modern Konkani Classics

Ben Antao : Goan Literature in English

Vidya Pai : Translating Konkani

Vidya Pai : Mahabaleshwar Sail’s 'Yug Sanvaar'

Rajan Barrett : Dalit and Muslim Goan Literature

Isabel Vas : Theatre in English in Goa

Sudeshna Kar Barua : Joseph Furtado’s Poetry

Paul Castro : Silva Coelho’s Portuguese Short Stories

Nafisa Oliveira : Ana Mhambro’s Comic Devices

Akshata Bhatt : Damodar Mauzo’s Short Stories

Olivia Christine Lukes : Pagan’s Search for her Goan Roots

R Benedito Ferrão : Vamona Navelcar as Performance Artist

R Benedito Ferrão : Thinking Goa Postcolonially

Jessica Faleiro : 'Afterlife', a Journey in Writing

Anita Pinto : For Children, Of Children, By Children

In Conversation

Damodar Mauzo : In Conversation

Margaret Mascarenhas : In Conversation


Teresa Albuquerque

Short Fiction

José da Silva Coelho : ‘To Love Is To Suffer’ (1926)

Ben Antao : 'Star-crossed lovers'

Alexandre Moniz Barbosa : ‘Mangoes for Gabru’

Cordelia Francis : ‘In Limber Times’

Pundalik Naik : ‘The Palm Tree’


Joseph Furtado

Ethel Da Costa

Albertina Almeida

Mary Mendes

Walter Menezes

Tanya Mendonsa

Margaret Mascarenhas

José Lourenço

Brian Mendonça

Christal Ferrao

Novels (Excerpts)

Savia Viegas : Excerpt from a Novel

Belinda Viegas : Excerpts from 3 Novels

Book Review(s)

Sheela Jaywant : 'Stray Mango Branches ...'

Dale Luis Menezes : 'Handbag'


Isabel Vas : ‘Playing with the Eye of the Dragon’

FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436 f...@goa-india.org
Goa Book Club: http://groups.google.com/group/goa-book-club

[Goanet] Press Note For favour of Publication

2013-07-05 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa
*Press Note *

*For favour of Publication*

* *

*Tiatr Academy to pay tributes to Aleixinho de Candolim on his Birth

* *

Aleixinho de Candolim as he is known world over was born on 9th July 1913,
at Camotim waddo , Candolim Bardez Goa. His original name was Joao Baptista
Aleixinho Fernandes. Passionate about acting and singing since his
Childhood Aleixinho first stepped on the Tiatr Stage

at the age of sixteen in a village tiatr on the occasion of the church

At the age of twenty two Aleixinho produced his first tiatr, *‘Putanchea
Duddvanchi As Ani Avoiche Disgras’.* Thereafter he wrote and directed 27
tiatrs and went on to become one of the greatest stalwarts of the tiatr
stage. Some of his most popular tiatrs are ‘Mhatarponn, Mhojo Gov
Basurkar,Ram Ram Baoji, Amchea Xetachi Pavnni,To Bavtto Dhormancho’, etc.

Almost all the popular and well-known tiatr personalities of his times like
Minguel Rod, Young Menezes, Jephsis Hitler, Jacinth Vaz,Star of
Arrosim,Aristedes  and Luciano Dias, Anthony Mendes, etc have performed in
his Tiatrs. His scripts  were well written and most of the times carried
social messages. So also his songs like Fatima Saibinn, Bikechi Kotti, etc
are still aired on the radio channels which will keep him alive forever
amongst the Tiatr lovers.

In order to pay tributes to Late Aleixinho de Candolim on the occasion of
his Birth Centenary and give due recognition for his valuable contribution
to the Tiatr Stage  the Tiatr Academy of Goa has organised a special
function in his memory on Tuesday, 9th July, 2013, at the Institute Menezes
Braganza Auditorium, Panaji at 7.00 p.m.

Shri John Claro Fernandes a versatile Tiatr writer and director will be the
Chief Guest and Shri. Siddhivinayak Naik, Member Secretary Kala Academy Goa
will be the Guest of Honour. Shri Tomazinho Cardozo former President of
Tiatr Academy Goa and Editor of Amcho Avaz will speak on the occasion and
highlight the works of late Aleixinho de Candolim. The function will be
attended by Shri. Rosario Fernandes son of late Aleixinho de Candolim and
other family members.

Kala Mogi, Candolim a premier institution in the field of promoting goan
tiatr and cultural activities will present a special programme of Songs and
skits of Aleixinho de Candolim under the leadership of Tomazinho Cardozo.
The programme will feature popular tiatr artistes like, Anthony San, Sheikh
Amir, Succor de St Cruz, Irene and Tomazinho Cardozo besides other artistes
of Kala Mogi, Candolim.

All tiatr lovers are invited by the Tiatr Academy of Goa to attend the
function and pay tributes to the late artiste

* *

* *

*Victor de sa*

*Member Secretary*

[Goanet] Sub: Improve facilities at Goa Medical College and Hospital

2013-07-05 Thread stephen dias
Private Hospitals mint money in Goa

THIS is with reference to news reports on the move to increase seats for
students at the Goa Medical College, Bambolim. I must say that we have
enough doctors in Goa. Increasing the seats will not help this state at the
moment. Let GMC infrastructure improve as the facilities are not adequate.
Lots of outsiders take advantage of the GMC than the locals. Heart care
check-ups are much below the standard of other heart care hospitals in the
country. People still prefer to go to private hospitals in Goa. These
private hospitals mint money and their beds are always full. The government
should control rates charged by the private hospitals. The government must
improve the GMC so that the rates in private hospital come down and the aam
aadmi is benefited.



2013-07-05 Thread John Gomes
1. Sustainable development and environment are do 
or die issues.
2. Disaster/ Emergency Management  infrastructure 
and protocol cannot be taken lightly.
3. The Army, Air Force and Navy are like Insurance. 
We resent the premium, but savior when needed.
4. Religion must not become opium of the 
5. CMs Maharashtra,Gujarat intruded 
into Uttarakhand reportedly to save only Maharashtrians and Gujaratis 
respectively. Shameful!
6. Last but not least,there is no substitute for 
good governance.

[Goanet] Goa news for July 5, 2013

2013-07-05 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Landslide disrupts Pune-Goa traffic - Daily News & Analysis
road link with Karnataka blocked

*** BJP calm front after Goa storm - Calcutta Telegraph
oa turbulence saw an artificial calm as L.K. Advani and Narendra
Modi not just stood face-to-face but sat next to each other in a
seating arrangement intended to give ...

*** Pratapsing Rane to continue as Goa's Opposition Leader -
Times of India
won't engineer defection by BJP MLAs in Goa: Digvijay Singh

*** Goa govt promoting gurudwaras to strengthen religious
tourism - Economic Times
onomic TimesGoa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) showcased
gurudwaras as tourist attractions during the road shows in
Jalandhar, Amritsar and Shimla recently, besides traditional
attractions like the 16th Century churches and temples. "There
is a sizeable ...

*** Goa medical college to launch 6 new courses this year -
Times of India
ear degree courses affiliated to Goa university will be started
in GMC from this academic year in September. Besides, these
courses also include one year of internship.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHi9uF6Y8NfRLZzvEehwDk3X6oiPg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-medical-college-to-launch-6-new-courses-this-year/articleshow/20903239.cms

*** Cong won't engineer defection by BJP MLAs in Goa: - Zee News
e NewsCong won`t engineer defection by BJP MLAs in Goa: Panaji:
Amid reports of some Goa BJP MLAs being disgruntled with Chief
Minister Manohar Parrikar, Congress general secretary Digvijay
Singh has said his party would not back any move to
destabilise ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHNmZzODvVssAJSWA7TyVmre6pySw&url=http://zeenews.india.com/news/goa/cong-won-t-engineer-defection-by-bjp-mlas-in-goa_859901.html

*** Mining ban hits banks in Goa - The Hindu
3 and the non performing assets(NPAs) in the mining-related
sectors too rising steadily, bankers in Goa see ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGzwjNszwHWhpwIM0h7X0AjguTlXg&url=http://www.thehindu.com/business/Industry/mining-ban-hits-banks-in-goa/article4877717.ece

*** Goa Forensic Science Laboratory under home department
control - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe chief secretary shall be the administrative
secretary and the director general of police (DGP) shall be the
head of the FSL", the notification said. Amonkar said that the
Goa police finger print bureau functioning in the FSL shall be
an integral ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG8mmfutK3WbxyiQvjCb1WZCDWTZA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-Forensic-Science-Laboratory-under-home-department-control/articleshow/20916185.cms

*** Goa promoting gurudwaras to strengthen religious tourism -
Business Standard
siness StandardGoa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC)
showcased gurudwaras as tourist attractions during the road
shows in Jalandhar, Amritsar and Shimla recently, besides
traditional attractions like the 16th Century churches and
temples. "There is a sizeable ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFVlVMh302AQz9T323yZJqYl_xd2A&url=http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/goa-promoting-gurudwaras-to-strengthen-religious-tourism-113070401016_1.html

*** South Goa collects over 2L in fines for smoking in public -
Times of India

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Role of officials of GSPCB from ex-Digamber Govt and ex -Minister Aleixo Sequeira also to be investigated in the process of employment.

2013-07-05 Thread stephen dias

GSPCB suspends 11 probationary employees for recruitment irregularity

PANAJI: Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) on Thursday terminated
services of 11 of its probationary employees for alleged illegal
recruitment. It may be recalled that in the month of March, GSPCB had
issued show-cause notices to 34 probationary employees for alleged
irregularity in their recruitment during the erstwhile government, asking
them why their appointments should not be terminated.

The probationary employees including scientific assistants, junior lab
assistants and senior lab assistants were recruited in the month of
December 2011 by the erstwhile government.

Sayadhari Sinari, who had applied for all three posts but did not even got
selected for a single post, had filed a writ petition against the entire
recruitment process before the High Court suspecting foul play in the
entire recruitment process.

When the matter came up for hearing, the GSPCB council had assured the
court that it would initiate a detailed enquiry into the recruitment
process and accordingly initiate action.

However, to investigate the charges GSPCB had appointed retired Joint
Secretary, Personnel, Borkar and asked him to submit a report before the
Board on November 2012.

The GSPCB chairman, Jose Manual Noronha informed that the findings of
Borkar Committee had raised serious question marks over the entire
recruitment process. He further said that on February 15, at the Board’s
special meeting, the Borkar Committee report was tabled before members.

He said that during the board meeting, it decided to initiate further
action and accordingly the show-cause notices were issued to all 34
probationary employees.

[Goanet] Sub: [Goanet} 3 Masked men abduct, gang rape 13-year old school girl from Aldona

2013-07-05 Thread stephen dias
The Goanet may publish this news as it has come from Herald dt 5.7.2013

Stephen Dias


Goa News:   A 13-year-old schoolgirl from Aldona has been abducted and
gang-raped by three masked men, who later abandoned the minor girl at
Bastora, said police inspector, A Kalangutkar from Mapusa police station.

According to the police, on June 28, the minor was standing at a bus stop
to proceed to Aldona after school hours when she was abducted by three
masked men in a white coloured Maruti Suzuki van.

Police further said that the mother of the victim girl was shocked to find
her house locked and daughter missing, when she returned home from office.
She tried to call her on the cellphone but there was no response. At around
3 pm, she managed to get in touch with her over the phone and upon
inquiring about her whereabouts, she was informed by the victim that she
was in Mapusa.

The mother waited till 5 pm for her daughter to return home and later on,
lodged a complaint at the Aldona outpost as there was no sign of her
daughter. Police official at the outpost immediately forwarded the
complaint to the Mapusa police station and the cops on duty managed to
trace the victim abandoned at an isolated place in


Police brought the minor girl to Mapusa and informed her parents who were
called at the police station. However, the victim refused to recognise her
parents and she was shifted to Apna Ghar by the police. Subsequently, she
was taken to the Goa Medical College for medical examination and the
medical report has been kept reserved.

An offence has been registered under Sections 363, 342, 341, 354, 509, 376
read with 34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 8 of the Goa Children’s
Act, 2003 and Section 4 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
Act, 2012. As the victim has not disclosed anything, the medical report
will throw more light on the case.

[Goanet] Parrikar Walk the Talk Part 2

2013-07-05 Thread augusto pinto
Why is there no comment on the second part of Parrikar's Walk the Talk
interview with Shekhar Gupta?

He made some pretty stinging remarks there too. In fact the judiciary could
haul him up for contempt of court.

If anyone has the time I suggest they download and send a copy of the the
interview to Goanet.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Fwd: Boyzone's Stephen Gatley...

2013-07-05 Thread Gabe Menezes
Stephen Gately
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

*Stephen Patrick David Gately* (17 March 1976 – 10 October 2009) was an
Irish  pop
, actor , children's
 and dancer , who, with Ronan
was one of two lead singers of the pop group
.[1]  Gately and
Keating originally served as co-frontmen, but Keating gradually became more
synonymous with the group as time went on. All of Boyzone's studio albums
hit number one in the United Kingdom, their third being their most
successful internationally. With Boyzone, Gately had a record-breaking
sixteen consecutive singles enter the top five of the UK Singles
performed for millions of fans
released a solo album in 2000, after the group's initial break-up, which
charted in the UK top ten and yielded three UK hit singles, including the
top three hit "New Beginning". Gately went on to appear variously in stage
productions and on television programmes as well as contributing songs to
various projects. In 2008, he rejoined his colleagues as Boyzone reformed
for a series of concerts and recordings.

Gately wed Andrew Cowles, first in a commitment
 in Las Vegas  in 2003 and
more formally in a civil
in London  in 2006. Gately made his
sexuality known in 1999 and came
out in
a blaze of 
Boyzone's reformation, Gately featured as part of the first gay couple in
his band's music video in what was to be his last with the band, for the
song "Better 
died in a flat that he and Cowles owned in Majorca,
on 10 October 2009. Brian Boyd in *The Irish
* stated: "Stephen Gately’s death represents the first time that the
boyband genre has had to deal with such a tragic
Teeman of *The Times * (UK)
heralded Gately as a hero of gay
his response to being "smoked out of the


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] What are EMF waves and how do they effect people? - Yahoo! Answers

2013-07-05 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Probing the mysteries of probiotics - CNN.com

2013-07-05 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] | Video | Unsafe buildings, pot-holed roads lay potential death traps in Mumbai | India Videos | - India Today

2013-07-05 Thread Con Menezes
