[Goanet-News] DEBATE: Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese (Ferrao Fernandes, Kafila.org)

2013-08-31 Thread Goanet Reader
Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese

By R. Benedito Ferrão  Jason Keith Fernandes
12ch...@gmail.com   jason.k.fernan...@gmail.com

AUGUST 31, 2013

  This article serves as a response to Sir Andrew
  Green's comment on the alleged misuse of Portuguese
  citizenship by Indian nationals of Goan origin whom
  the Daily Star and the Daily Mail have
  characterized as immigrants who travel to Great
  Britain to take advantage of it.  Green's
  perspective from a few months ago mirrors prevalent
  xenophobic views on the rights of immigrants to
  Europe; hence, the counterpoint offered here hopes
  to challenge such bias as it will surely continue
  to be expressed.

On 13 May, 2013, the Goan Ethernet was aflame with outrage at
statements made by Sir Andrew Green, chairperson of Migration
Watch, carried in the Daily Star and the Daily Mail. The
Daily Star reported, An Indian national from Goa can obtain
Portuguese citizenship if their parents were Portuguese
citizens prior to 1961, and quoted Green as saying, They
can then move straight to the UK with their family. On
arrival they can avail themselves, immediately, of all the
benefits available to UK citizens.

The Daily Mail seems to have been spurred on by Green's
statement, going on to claim that [a] number of Indian
nationals from the former Portuguese territory of Goa are
thought to have taken advantage of the loophole.  Indians
living in Goa can claim they have Portuguese heritage and so
claim Portuguese citizenship.  They can then move directly to
Britain -- without ever having to visit Portugal -- and bring
a family without meeting any qualification test.

  Given the manner in which the matter regarding Goan
  access to Portuguese citizenship has been reported
  in the British press, as academics studying Goa and
  the Goan community, we believe that there is a need
  to redress such misrepresentations and firmly call
  out, not only the wilful amnesia about Britain's
  imperial past, but also the Anglo-centric
  interpretation of colonialism, the post-colonial,
  and de-colonised world order that motivates such
  representations.  In so doing, our aim is to
  address not merely a need for Goans and others of
  former Portuguese India to assert the legitimacy of
  their actions, but to also enable a view of the
  global order from a position that is more
  respectful of the formerly colonised.

Addressing the aforementioned inherently Anglo-centric bias
of the colonial and post-colonial context requires commencing
with a review of the Western European encounter with South
Asia. This engagement traces back to the late 15th century
with the Portuguese discovery of the sea-route to the
fabled Indies. It resulted in the establishment of what came
to be known as Estado da Índia Portuguesa, or the Portuguese
State in India, which was centred in Goa in 1510.

The boundaries of Portuguese India, which extended to other
enclaves beyond Goa were firmly fixed only in the 18th
century in the face of contestation with, not just local, but
other European powers as well.  As a result of this early
entry into South Asia, by the time the British departed from
the subcontinent upon handing over power to two nation-states
-- India and Pakistan -- the Portuguese State in India would
outlast their English counterparts and have existed for
approximately 450 years.

  This Portuguese state was markedly different from
  the one that the British had created in the course
  of their time in the subcontinent.  Most
  significant, for the misrepresentations that we
  seek to correct, was the fact that through the
  length of its presence in the subcontinent, the
  Portuguese state attempted to recognise natives as
  citizens, or bearers of rights equal to those of
  persons from the metropole.

As a consequence, Goa was represented by non-White
parliamentary representatives from 1834 when the declaration
of the constitutional monarchy in Portugal created the space
for a national parliament.  These rights were extended
universally in 1910 with the commencement of the First
Portuguese Republic, only to be eclipsed somewhat during the
course of the dictatorial Estado Novo, or New State, headed
by Dr.  António Oliveira Salazar.

Nonetheless, the rhetoric of equality was firmly established
and constantly referred to by Portuguese Indians, whether
living in Goa, or as migrants to British India or, indeed,
British East Africa where many Goans lived and worked, as
bearers of Portuguese citizenship.  Within this colonial
framework, even if only in legal theory, racial and cultural
difference was in fact surmountable.

  This situation was certainly different from that

[Goanet] Goa news for August 31, 2013

2013-08-31 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Is more upside left in Sesa Goa after 50% rally in one
month? - Economic Times
onomic Times0. Share More. READ MORE ON » Syria 

*** Arrested SP MLA often went to Goa and Nepal, faced rape
charge in 1994 - Indian Express
Party MLA, leaders held watching `mujra` in Goa

*** Goa CM Manohar Parrikar alleges double standard by Centre on
mining issue - Economic Times
use Goa's 8-10MT inventory once ban is lifted: Sesa Goa

*** Sesa Goa falls after over 45% rally in eight days - Business
Sensex flat, rupee falls; Sesa Goa, Infosys decline

*** Rupee crash forces Indian holidaymakers to ditch Italy for
Goa - Reuters
The Indian rupee's crash has swept away banker Nupur Sood's
dream of a holiday in Venice: instead the 35-year-old will
settle for cold beers on the beaches of Goa on India's west
coast. We are pampering ourselves with a leisurely ...

*** Central government opposes special status for Goa - Times of
against giving special status to Goa

*** BJP holds Congress responsible for Goa's mining sector
crisis - IBNLive
ron-ore-to-china-goa-bjp-to-government-1377871066Export iron
ore to China Goa BJP to government

*** Buy Sesa Goa, advises Nischal Maheshwari - Moneycontrol.com
V18, We have a buy in Sesa Goa . The broader call is on the
metal basically. Metals have been on a recovery path. Whether
this recovery is temporary or sustainable I think the jury is
out ...a class=

*** Arrested UP Samajwadi Party MLA admitted to Goa hospital -
Zee News
rostitution raid, has been admitted to a hospital after he
complained of chest pain.a class=

*** Indian rupee crashes: Indian vacationers ditch Italy for
Goa, stay-cations - Christian Science Monitor
ear-old will settle for cold beers on the beaches of Goa on
India's west coast. Skip to next paragraph. Related
stories ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-08-31 Thread Marshall Mendonza
While ignoring the usual bird brained and juvenile opening remarks which we
have now got accustomed to, I will focus on the more substantive issues.

I found the rest of the below post quite interesting. However, there do not
address the statement made by Prof Borges. and there are several gaps which
need to be filled.

1 The below post scores high on verbosity and rhetoric but low on
substance. All the quotations attributed to Fr Jerome in the below post
have all come from third parties or hearsay. If Fr Jerome did state all
these words attributed to him, surely there would be some original
documents available to corroborate and verify just like the documents
posted by Prof Borges. Is it possible for Santosh to post records
(weblinks) of the actual debate when these so-called quotations were
uttered. These would be far more reliable. Otherwise, they appear to be an
outcome of a game called Chinese Whispers which we used to play as
children. ( for those not familiar with the game or its meaning, please
refer to the foll  weblink):


2. Fr Jerome's statement that there is no caste in Christianity is factual.
I am yet to come across any authentic statement of Fr Jerome or any other
Christian member objecting to extension of economic and social benefits to
dalit christians.

I have pointed out several statements of Fr Jerome and Prof Mookerjee from
the debate in Parliament in my responses to Prof Borges which contradict
what Santosh has posted. For the sake of brevity, I reproduce a few of them

Prof Borges further quotes Fr Jerome as under:

*According to him, a man is to be assisted because he is poor,
because his birth and upbringing have not given him the opportunity to
make progress,socially,politically and educationally; it should not
matter whether he be a christian,or a Muslim or a Hindu or a Brahmin
or non-Brahmin, or a Scheduled Caste member.

Prof Mookherjee in the debate is quoted as saying:

So far as the masses are concerned my friends are united in saying
that the masses do not want reservations. They say that they are
interested in three or four things only. They want food, clothing, a
shelter over their heads, medical aid and good roads. These are their
demands. When they were specifically asked whether they wanted
reservation, the reply in every case was as follows: We know that we
shall never enter the Legislatures; reservations do not concern or
interest us. There all sections of the people were at
one. Then came queries addressed to the lower middle classes, people
who depend upon service to earn their living. Their reaction was that
if there was any kind of reservation they would like to have
reservation in jobs.

Prof Mookerjee is further quoted as saying:

So far as the idea of building up one nation is
concerned I do admit that there are certain economically backward
groups in every community and for them provision has been made in the
directive adopted in December last.

For those interested in reading the entire post, they may access the
same from the foll weblinks:



3. If, for the sake of argument, we accept that Fr Jerome and Prof
Mookerjee did press for not extending economic and social benefits to dalit
christians during the debates or in the run up to the adoption of the
Constitution, why was the Constitution adopted with the safeguards intact?

Why was the Presidential Order issued barely 7 MONTHS later which excluded
all other religions except hindus from availing of the benefits?

What transpired during the intervening period from 26th January 1950 to
9th August 1950 for this Presidential Order to be issued?

4. Santosh has quoted M Madhu Chandra as saying:

In 1950 upon the representation of Christian leaders for not including
Scheduled Caste Christians in Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order
1950, the assurance from then the Prime Minister and President via
letter dated 7 November 1950 and 17 December 1950 respectively were
..M. Madhu Chandra

If the dalit christians were excluded based on the representation of
Christian leaders,
a) why did the Christian leaders protest and make a representation to the
Prime Minister after the Presidential Order was issued?
b) Why did the PM and President have to give any assurances?
c) What were these assurances?
d) Is it possible to access these two letters of 7 November 1950 and 17
December 1950? They would shed much light.

I look forward to Santosh throwing more light rather than heat on this
subject. I believe that education never ends. There is always something
more to learn each day. With every new evidence, our old beliefs are



*Now that Prof, Borges has presented some of the facts on this issue, let
me tell you why I know that he is on solid ground in 


2013-08-31 Thread Stephen Dias
The Editor
Gomantak Times

This letter to the Editor may be published in your column.

Stephen Dias


CCP Mayor already passed on the resolution of the council as regards
closing down the city offices of the offshore casinos, to the CCP
Commissioner as he is the executive authority.

Now, it depends whether the decision of the CCP Commissioner will be
implemented or not and again will further depend on Government
decision on the existence of the offshore casinos.

Therefore, nothing is certain about the execution as it appears to be
pass on the buck to others, like musical chairs.

Stephen Dias


[Goanet] Fwd: PRESS NOTE

2013-08-31 Thread augusto pinto
-- Forwarded message --
From: Nirmala Institute of Education Goa nie...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: PRESS NOTE
To: pinto...@gmail.com

Dear Augusto

Please try and give as much publicity as possible  regarding
Prof. Sudhir Kakar's course which will begin with a Public Lecture on Sept
2, 2013 at 3.30 pm in the Conference Hall at Goa University

Thanking you

Dr. Rita Paes
Course Co-ordinator

 The Government of Goa has instituted the D. D Kosmabi Chair Visiting
Research Professorship  in  interdisciplinary studies at Goa University
.The aim of the chair is to enable the University to invite distinguished
persons to work at the University and interact with the students and
faculty of the University and affiliated colleges.

The Government of Goa, Department of Art and Culture has instituted and
funded these chairs.

* SUDHIR KAKAR (born 1938 in Nainital, Uttarakhand, India) is a
psychoanalyst, novelist, and a scholar in the fields of cultural psychology
and the psychology of religion who lives in Goa, India.

Kakar took his Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Gujarat
University, his Master’s degree (Diplom-Kaufmann) in business economics
from Mannheim in Germany and his doctorate in economics from Vienna before
beginning his training in psychoanalysis at the Sigmund-Freud Institute in
Frankfurt, Germany in 1971. Between 1966 and 1971, Sudhir Kakar was a
Lecturer in General Education at Harvard University, Research Associate at
Harvard Business School and Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Indian
Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He has also wormed at Haward, Princton,
The Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Sudhir Kakar’s many honors
include the Kardiner Award of Columbia University, Boyer Prize for
Psychological Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association,
Germany’s Goethe Medal,Rockefeller Residency, McArthur Fellowship, and the
Distinguished Service Award of Indo-American Psychiatric Association. He is
a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association,
New York Academy of Sciences, and Academie Universelle des Cultures,
France. As ‘the psychoanalyst of civilizations’, the French weekly Le
Nouvel Observateur listed Kakar as one of the world’s 25 major thinkers
while the leading German weekly Die Zeit has profiled him as one of the 21
thinkers for the 21st century. His most recent award is the Order of Merit
of the Federal Republic of Germany, the country’s highest civilian honor.

A portion of Sudhir Kakar's work involves the relationship between
psychoanalysis and mysticism. His analyses of personages include that of
Swami Vivekananda in The Inner World (1978 (now in its 16th printing since
its first publication). Sudhir Kakar has seventeen books of non-fiction and
four of fiction to his credit.

Prof. Sudhir Kakar is a psychoanalyst, novelist and scholar in the fields
of cultural psychology, and the psychology of religion who lives in Goa. He
has received many prestigious awards and is a member of the International
Psychoanalytic Association, New  York Academy of Sciences, and Academic
Universelle des Cultures, France as “The psychoanalyst of civilizations”.
He has seventeen books of non-fiction and four of fiction to his credit. 

Prof. Sudhir Kakar’s course will be launched on Monday September 2nd 2013
with a public lecture at 3.30 pm in the Conference Hall at Goa University
on “The Elephant or the unconscious mind in everyday life.”

The rest of the sessions will be from 3.00 - 5.00 pm at the Senate Hall

The Course will consist of 3 modules

Module 1.   Psychology of Indian Society

Module 2.   Psychology and Literature

Module 3.   Psychology and History

[Goanet] Claude Alvares and others on payroll - www.thegoan.net

2013-08-31 Thread Camillo Fernandes

[Goanet] Pope Francis - dailymail.co.uk

2013-08-31 Thread Camillo Fernandes

[Goanet] Food security bill

2013-08-31 Thread U. G. Barad

This is in reply to JC's message No: 7, dated: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 on the
subject. Through this message JC sends his self-styled and self-exposing

What is more striking is when my message was addressed to Marshall Mendoza,
JC prefers to send in his reply (as if Marshall Mendoza's spokesperson) and
in the bargain JC makes self-contradicting 'Self-Confession' displaying JC's
hidden attitudes!

U. G. Barad


MY original message to Marshall Mendoza was: 

I'm not born to vote for any particular political outfit nor do I subscribe
to any particular party's views nor a member of any political outfit nor
defend each and everything that that party does like you do for Kangress

I've my own views and I act accordingly. In fact, I've expressed this and
much more on this subject to you and many Goanet members on various
occasions (to confirm this, check Goanet Achieves) And now if you still
think I belong to 'xyz' party, well, you can think so and continue to think

While concluding this short message let me reiterate, Food Security Bill is
a wrong bill brought in at wrong time! And that all 'middle class' Indian
will have to suffer and get squeezed between poor and rich and wealthy

JC's COMMENTS through Message No: 7; dated: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 were:

I do not believe that anyone is BORN to vote for anything, let alone any
particular political outfit. 

Like Dr. Barad, I do not subscribe to any particular party's views nor am I
a member of any political outfit. 

Like Dr. Barad, I do not defend each and everything that that any party

Unlike Dr. Barad, I do not pick only on The Kangress party!

I pick on any party or politician who I notice doing 'non-brilliance' be it
Kangress or Bhojje Pee.


[Goanet] Rise of pervasive class of Goans

2013-08-31 Thread Eugene Correia
From The Goan Review (Sept-Oct issue)

A Viewpoint

Rise of pervasive class of Goans
Eugene Correia

I've never really understood the term, Niz Goenkar, and its significance
and appropriateness in general discourse. I have suddenly seen an explosion
on its use and by a new breed of Goans who seem to have made themselves
distinguishable from the rest of Goans. It's hard to know what criteria
these Goans apply to themselves to call themselves niz, which translates
as real or true.
Is it just an expression or is it just an exclamation of the uniqueness of
Goans, just as the Maharashtrians have their slogan, Marathi Manus? But
Maharashtrians don't differentiate between the niz ones and the rest
but use it homogenously for all.  So what sets these Niz Goenkars apart
from the rest of us who are Goans by birth or family origin?

Oscar Carmino Lobo, who holds the distinction of being an elected municipal
councillor in an Australian city, dismissed my Goan origin as not being of
any merit because I was born in Mumbai. In his words, I am a non-Goan
whereas he is a Niz Goenkar because of his birth and education in Goa
during the Portuguese rule. He's proudly pro-Portuguese and ruggedly
anti-Indian. I found out that he passed out from St. Britto High School in
1967 when Goa was under Indian rule.

He also said that most Goans born in Mumbai don't know much about Goa's
history and that whatever they have learnt is through visits to Goa on
holidays or through their parents and grandparents.  When challenged that I
know much more history than he knows, he still persisted in saying that my
knowledge is no good as I have no lived experience in Goa.  Such persons
with anti-Indian bias try to beat those on the other side with any stick,
even if they are wrong in their assessment.  In a recent post on a Goan
perfunctory mailing list (not Goanet), he says,   I would now like to hear
from Eugene Correia (made in Mumbai, India) what he has to say about the
so-called 'liberation'. His knowledge of Goan history is zilch and he
seeks opinions from others in the cosy cyber club of pro-Portuguese Goans.

Another diehard pro-Portuguese Goan, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão, based
in Goa,  hasn't lost any chance to hit out at me on the same mailing list,
a collection of email ids snatched from the Internet forums without even
asking for permission, and run by one Joseph Rebello, based in UK. In one
of his newest posts, he says, It all basically comes down to civility.
Indians have NOT been civilised except some of those who have seen civility
in European countries.  There are others who even after being in other
countries continue being uncivilised animals abroad as well as on their
return to India. These are blind animals who are incapable of being
civilised. We see many such in Goa descended from Bombay who want to be
called Goan, but do not fit in the society. And then get frustrated and
behave like rabid animals. It is not in their Gene to be rationale. They
are a waste of two billion years of evolution. What can be more
insensitive and outrageous than calling Indians animals?  Goans born of
Goan parents and if the father is Goan in a mixed-marriage, then they are
Indians genetically. I thought the good doctor would know this but then
he's blinded by prejudice.

Some Goans maintain they are not Indians but Goans per se. For them, Goa
is an imaginary homeland, a country of their own. In reality, they are
Alices in Wonderland. By capitalizing the word Gene, Dr. Falcão has
pig-headedly made an implicit reference to me.  My name is obviously
anathema to him and those of his ilk.

To given another example of Dr. Falcão's pig-headedness, I recollect his
reaction to a quote I posted on the list. The quote says, The smallest dog
can still piss on the biggest tree. The doctor shot back saying, that the
quote was grammatically wrong and went to explain that a dog or man could
piss only at the root of the tree. When I replied giving the name of the
book, A Bushie's Guide to Life!, from which I quoted, and mentioned it was
published in America, the doctor dismissed by contention with his
unflinching arrogance. Doesn't his behaviour hinge on hypocritical tendency

The Bahamas-based paediatrician, Dr. Jose Colaco, keeps unhesitantly and
unequivocally harping on Portuguese benevolence during the colonial
subjugation of the land. Portuguese contribution to the making of the Goan
identity cannot be forgotten nor can it be erased. However, a
post-Portuguese generation of Goans has now come of age, and they are the
ones who are the masters of the destiny of the state.  These GenX Goans
haven't had the benefit of witnessing Portuguese colonialisation and,
hence, the Portuguese influences on them is practically non-existent,
except for those few brought up in the home environment where Portuguese
lifestyle prevailed for a couple of post-Liberation decades or, in very
rare cases, still prevails. A master of labeling those who he hates and
those he wants 

[Goanet] Article 10612-Coconut Oil and Medium-Chain Triglicerides

2013-08-31 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] BBC News - Profile: 'Indian Mujahideen leader' Yasin Bhatkal

2013-08-31 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Simian Encounters

2013-08-31 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Simian Encounters'

Monkeying around.

Goa is home to two sympatric species of monkey, the Hanuman Langur and the
Bonnet Macaque.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar

[Goanet] The long standing Goan - source : www.thegoan.net

2013-08-31 Thread Camillo Fernandes

[Goanet] Threat by goons at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar School, Mapusa

2013-08-31 Thread Sebastian Rodrigues

According to the received information Eknath Rathod, std
VIII student at Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar English High School, Kuchelim, Mapusa is
going to be attacked by goondas in school tomorrow. This threat to create fear
in him comes after less than a week of him filing complaint on torture against
school authorities. The complaint is filed with education department, government
of Goa and copy is submitted to Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Morcha. 

The school authorities had earlier attempted to get this 14 year old
student out of school. This brilliant school boy Rathod whose favorite subjects
are math and science has been source of great irritation to the management of
the school due to his deep thirst and commitment to study. Instead of
encouraging talent in him school management is engaging in various practices of

Should there be goonda attack on Eknath Rathod tomorrow or
any other day, on campus or out of campus it will be construed as an attack
from the agents of the Bamon Raj, and Home Minister who is also the Education 
and Chief Minister of Goa Mr. Manohar Parrikar will be held responsible for the
post-attack fall out in case if his intelligence agencies and police fails to
prevent attack on young Rathod.   


2013-08-31 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Aires Rodrigues wrote:
I may have been put through a lot of inconvenience by these two cases, but

what disturbs me more is that Mr. Subodh Kantak who was the First law
Officer of the State was responsible for recklessly wasting a lot of
precious judicial time. Making a mockery of the Courts when thousands are
lined up and waiting for justice.

If anyone ever intends filing a defamation case they should seek to know
from Subodh Kantak about his personal trauma encounted in filing for
defamation. I guess Subodh Kantak must have realized that he was only
getting further defamed as the truth was unraveling. Subodh in Sanskrit
means ‘sound advice’. May it prevail.

Aires Rodrigues,
I have to congratulate you on this one. 

As long as there is one Goan willing to fight the injustice in Goa, s/he will 
be a beacon for others in Goa.


[Goanet] You heard what they said at the mining rally, but here's what they were really thinking about

2013-08-31 Thread Mayabhushan

Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
1392, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa
pin code 403509
# 7350131007

h http://www.goastreets.comttp://www.penpricks.blogspot.com
h http://www.goastreets.com/ttp://www.ardh-satya.blogspot.com


2013-08-31 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Supreme Court of India being seized of the Goa mining issue it is
highly improper that the issue is being raised on the streets. All
concerned including the government should leave it to the wisdom and
authority of the Supreme Court to adjudicate all issues concerning the
mining imbroglio.

As a Republic founded on the Rule of Law, the legal wisdom of the Supreme
Court is indeed supreme and the will of the people can be supreme only if
it is within the four corners of that supremacy of the law. May the
anarchists of all hues take note of this elementary postulate of a
civilized Democratic State.

It is the rampant failure of our elected representatives and the Government
to adhere to the laws of the land, and to ensure that all others do
likewise, which brought about the intervention of the Supreme Court in this
matter. It will not take us anywhere if some desperadoes are allowed to
take shelter under the suffering of the people in order to abuse the
Supreme Court.

There is no dispute that legal mining has to resume. But we are all aware
that the mining issue has landed in the Supreme Court due to the failure of
the successive governments from the year 2000 to act against the rampant
illegal mining which has inflicted an irreparable damage to Goa’s ecology
and environment.

The mala fide moves to try and pressurize the Supreme Court will never
yield any fruits. Courts go by the rule of law and will never cave down to
such highly contemptuous acts. The Supreme Court will definitely take
cognizance of this current judiciary bashing which is in utter bad taste.
Above all, it is an affront to the Rule of Law and an offense amounting to
browbeating of the judicial processes.

Manohar Parrikar as Chief Minister should have taken a lead to appeal to
all those concerned to leave the issue to the Supreme Court. Instead for
ulterior political motives he is fuelling emotions against the highest
court of the land. Manohar Parrikar’s utter disrespect for the judiciary is
nothing new. Not long ago he was hauled up for contempt by the Bombay High
Court at Goa and had to tender an unconditional apology.

The suggestion that all the forty MLAs should resign to create a
constitutional crisis is laughable. Goa would be better off if it gets a
respite by way of stint of President’s rule to set straight the current
sordid state of affairs.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary

2013-08-31 Thread Bernado Colaco
Here is Goa net and not india net. Dhyan Chand may have been a good player but 
his eulogies should be written elsewhere.
On the occasion of Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary, I just opened, after
many, many years, his autobiography, Goal!, and here I quote some paras
from his preface. You are doubtless aware that I am a common man and then
a soldier. It has been my training from my very childhood to avoid
limelight and publicity.   Hockey is a game of great skill. To play
it well is an art by itself. It calls for intelligence, keen eyese,
powerful wrists, physical fitness, and speed of mind and body. In
short, the game demands the best in you both as a player and as a man.
Young players must take his advice. I don't know if any copies of his book,
published by The Hindu, is available. The newspaper serialized Dhyan's life
and hockey career in the Sport and Pastime, a forerunner to the present The
Sportstar, and then put the pieces in a book form. It was first published
in August 1952. My copy of the book is yellowed and pages have come
apart. I never saw Dhyan play but my dad often related to me his skills and
art. Later on when working as sports journalist in Mumbai I did hear lot of
stuff from those who saw him play. I also met a couple of times his son and
ex-Olympian Ashok Kumar. Let's salute this man on his magnificent role in
India's glorious past.

[Goanet] Ennio Marchetto Theatre Clips - YouTube

2013-08-31 Thread Con Menezes
This weekends entertainment. Enjoy

[Goanet] WORLD GOA DAY 2013 - NEW DELHI report.

2013-08-31 Thread renebarreto

                                              WORLD GOA DAY - NEW DELHI - 

Friends ,

A post and photographs from Suman Kurade President Goenkarancho Ekvot - New 
 can viewed  on the Blog .. link mentioned below. 




- Original Message -

From: Suman
To: renebarreto
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:51 PM
Subject: World Goa Day

Shri Rene Barreto,

Forwarding a small report on the celebration of World Goa Day held on 24th 
August, 2013 
at Fr. Agnel School Auditorium, New Delhi along with some pics.


Suman Kurade
Goenkarancho Ekvot



[Goanet] Dabholkar murder: Sanatan Sanstha activist let off

2013-08-31 Thread Mervyn Lobo


Dabholkar murder: Sanatan Sanstha activist let off

A day after an activist of the right-wing Sanatan Sanstha, Sandeep Shinde, was 
detained in Goa in connection with the murder of rationalist Narendra 
Dabholkar, he was let off on Thursday by the Pune police after interrogation.

The Pune police have not been able to nab the killers even nine days after the 
murder. “More than 200 members belonging to right-wing groups have been 
interrogated so far. We are looking into every angle possible,” Assistant 
Commissioner of Police (Crime) Rajendra Bhamare, told The Hindu.

[Goanet] Parrikar at DABOLIM vo MOPA Tiatr 'I have no hand in the recent Tiatrist arrest case'

2013-08-31 Thread JoeGoaUk
Parrikar at DABOLIM  vo MOPA Tiatr ' I have no hand in the recent Tiatrist 
arrest case'

Speaking as Chief guest


 Parrikar says..
Tiatrists always criticise others including me
I have nothing to do with the recent Tiatrist arrest case
I was booked or probed by CBI twice
My UK / Germany tour was not at the cost of State
My full Support to Tiatr without any reservation
Goenkars are all over the world
Where there are Goans, there will always be Tiatr

Parrikar as Chief Guest for Tony Dias Tiatr
30th August, 2013, Kala Academy Panjim

With Com Ambe

With Tony Dias, the Tiatr Director



for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc   

[Goanet] Here's Why Mainstream Medicine is Behind the Times - Video - iHealthTube.com

2013-08-31 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] ? Call Me Madam the Musical - YouTube

2013-08-31 Thread Con Menezes


Re: [Goanet] I am Puzzled 2. Re Dancing Girls. Who should I believe?

2013-08-31 Thread Gabe Menezes
RESPONSE: Speed read that.  Okay so I stand corrected - they can make more
money than a New York Lap Dancer and don't have to go to bed!

Poor, well to do Indian men get their kicks from watching; to each his own
I say.

On 30 August 2013 12:45, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 
drferdina...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Gabe Menezes gabe.menezes at gmail.com on  Fri Aug 30 01:22:33 PDT 2013

 I may be wrong and may stand corrected but I think these Dance

 girls are the same as the massage parlour girls - they get most of

 moolah from prostitution.


 If one has the time goes through this some 35 page report from the
 Dept. of Anthrapology, Cicago; one may have a better idea of what Mumbai
 bars were.


 Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fatima statue at Bondorim, sirlim Dramapur

2013-08-31 Thread Nelson Lopes
Fatima Shrine at BONDORIM Sirlim Dramapur
The supreme court has ordered demolition of all illegal monuments,
religious structures on road sides hampering smooth flow of traffic,They
may be encroachments in Govt land or private properties Some may be
relocated The above shrine is in eminent danger, facing the axe ,Such
religious obstructions are surveyed and cataloged for further action under
the direction of S.C. order The present Govt. is no way responsible for
this pending action
Practically every day, a large number of grateful devotees throng the area,
even on foot offering flowers, litanies and candles in gratitude for the
favours received.Faithful bow in obedience and reverence as they cross the
site and vehicles halt to pay their homage
The place bursts into festivitieses and celebrations on 13 October and 13
May every year
The shrine and the surroundings have been tastefully conceived and executed
There is no denying that the shrine is pilgrimage centre, attributed with
healing and miraculous cures
The statue of Our Lady of Fatima was on a visit to Goa from Portugal for 3
days, one day each in the jurisdiction of Municipalities of Panjim, Margao,
Mapusa. Dr Alvaro de Loyola Furtado was then the President of
MargaoMunicipality Corporation, deviated and made special arrangement
adoration at Chinchinim Church The pilgrim statue was to return next
morning by 8 .A.M. The vehicle carrying the statue broke down at Bondorim,
for 3 hrs till 12 midnight. A huge crowd in the locality took the
opportunity to venerate the statue of O.L.Fatima believing it to be Divine
providence The statue finally reached Chinchinim and there were massive
crowds of the faithful waiting to receive .O.L.Fatima and pay their
obeisance for the whole night
The elders of the village of Bondorim in commemoration of this incident
believed it to be the act of Divine providence and erected the shrine at
the present site. The statue was vandalised by some miscreants and an
accident damaged the pilar The victim was miraculously saved with the
occupants and  in grateful obedience of thanks giving repaired it
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day.....

2013-08-31 Thread Gabe Menezes



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] DEBATE: Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese (Ferrao Fernandes, Kafila.org)

2013-08-31 Thread Goanet Reader
Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese

By R. Benedito Ferrão  Jason Keith Fernandes
12ch...@gmail.com   jason.k.fernan...@gmail.com

AUGUST 31, 2013

  This article serves as a response to Sir Andrew
  Green's comment on the alleged misuse of Portuguese
  citizenship by Indian nationals of Goan origin whom
  the Daily Star and the Daily Mail have
  characterized as immigrants who travel to Great
  Britain to take advantage of it.  Green's
  perspective from a few months ago mirrors prevalent
  xenophobic views on the rights of immigrants to
  Europe; hence, the counterpoint offered here hopes
  to challenge such bias as it will surely continue
  to be expressed.

On 13 May, 2013, the Goan Ethernet was aflame with outrage at
statements made by Sir Andrew Green, chairperson of Migration
Watch, carried in the Daily Star and the Daily Mail. The
Daily Star reported, An Indian national from Goa can obtain
Portuguese citizenship if their parents were Portuguese
citizens prior to 1961, and quoted Green as saying, They
can then move straight to the UK with their family. On
arrival they can avail themselves, immediately, of all the
benefits available to UK citizens.

The Daily Mail seems to have been spurred on by Green's
statement, going on to claim that [a] number of Indian
nationals from the former Portuguese territory of Goa are
thought to have taken advantage of the loophole.  Indians
living in Goa can claim they have Portuguese heritage and so
claim Portuguese citizenship.  They can then move directly to
Britain -- without ever having to visit Portugal -- and bring
a family without meeting any qualification test.

  Given the manner in which the matter regarding Goan
  access to Portuguese citizenship has been reported
  in the British press, as academics studying Goa and
  the Goan community, we believe that there is a need
  to redress such misrepresentations and firmly call
  out, not only the wilful amnesia about Britain's
  imperial past, but also the Anglo-centric
  interpretation of colonialism, the post-colonial,
  and de-colonised world order that motivates such
  representations.  In so doing, our aim is to
  address not merely a need for Goans and others of
  former Portuguese India to assert the legitimacy of
  their actions, but to also enable a view of the
  global order from a position that is more
  respectful of the formerly colonised.

Addressing the aforementioned inherently Anglo-centric bias
of the colonial and post-colonial context requires commencing
with a review of the Western European encounter with South
Asia. This engagement traces back to the late 15th century
with the Portuguese discovery of the sea-route to the
fabled Indies. It resulted in the establishment of what came
to be known as Estado da Índia Portuguesa, or the Portuguese
State in India, which was centred in Goa in 1510.

The boundaries of Portuguese India, which extended to other
enclaves beyond Goa were firmly fixed only in the 18th
century in the face of contestation with, not just local, but
other European powers as well.  As a result of this early
entry into South Asia, by the time the British departed from
the subcontinent upon handing over power to two nation-states
-- India and Pakistan -- the Portuguese State in India would
outlast their English counterparts and have existed for
approximately 450 years.

  This Portuguese state was markedly different from
  the one that the British had created in the course
  of their time in the subcontinent.  Most
  significant, for the misrepresentations that we
  seek to correct, was the fact that through the
  length of its presence in the subcontinent, the
  Portuguese state attempted to recognise natives as
  citizens, or bearers of rights equal to those of
  persons from the metropole.

As a consequence, Goa was represented by non-White
parliamentary representatives from 1834 when the declaration
of the constitutional monarchy in Portugal created the space
for a national parliament.  These rights were extended
universally in 1910 with the commencement of the First
Portuguese Republic, only to be eclipsed somewhat during the
course of the dictatorial Estado Novo, or New State, headed
by Dr.  António Oliveira Salazar.

Nonetheless, the rhetoric of equality was firmly established
and constantly referred to by Portuguese Indians, whether
living in Goa, or as migrants to British India or, indeed,
British East Africa where many Goans lived and worked, as
bearers of Portuguese citizenship.  Within this colonial
framework, even if only in legal theory, racial and cultural
difference was in fact surmountable.

  This situation was certainly different from that

[Goanet] Infertility - Health Wellbeing

2013-08-31 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Cuncollekars or Vested interests?

2013-08-31 Thread Joel Moraes
Cuncollekars or Vested interests?
It’s a matter of deep concern that some vested interests are opposing the NIT 
at Cuncolim in the name of Cuncollekars.Being a Cuncollekar, personally feel 
that it is my pride to have such a descent institute in our village where the 
deserving locals who intend to pursue their career in IT can make the best use 
of the same and politicians incapable of getting elected from their respective 
wards have got no right to oppose such a institute and that too without any 
valid reasons.
Some vested interests might be supporting the institute and some might be 
against the same for personal reasons but dirty politics should not hamper the 
chances of turning the NIT at Cuncolim into a reality. One of the statements by 
the Cuncolim BJP mandal regarding reservation of jobs to locals as peons and 
security guards looks to be a bit insulting but again ignorant people are known 
for making ignorant statements and making a issue out of such statements is a 
part of political business.
If Cuncolim and Goa as a whole has qualified people to be a part of the faculty 
at the proposed NIT at Cuncolim, why not such posts should be reserved for the 
locals? With regard to the reservation of seats for the locals, nobody can deny 
admissions to the deserving locals and this should be put on the paper. Seats 
just can’t be reserved for non deserving locals in such institutes on first 
come first serve basis. Hope we all are aware that certain criteria has to be 
complied with while seeking admissions in such institutes and if locals comply 
with such criteria definitely locals should be given the preference.
It’s really hurting when few highly qualified people misguide the village for 
personal gains. If the concerned authorities are capable of providing the basic 
amenities to the NIT like the power, water, etc, without affecting the locals, 
the proposed NIT should not be a burden on the village. It is our foolishness 
to oppose such an institute of very high calibre in our village when in the 
past we had welcomed highly polluted industries which has even polluted our 
holy ground water. My historic village should not be considered as a dumping 
side as far as the proposed NIT is concerned as said by one of the politician 
but yes, it is a dumping site for industrial waste of which very few of us are 
seriously bothered and fighting against the same.
My village has produced Judges and we are known as warriors but we the present 
generation of warriors couldn’t stage a successful war till today to fight 
against the industrial pollution which has ruined the clean, holy environment 
of our village. Last but not the least if Cuncollekars as a whole feels that 
the proposed NIT will add to the present destruction of the village than we are 
free to act against the same but again whether we will succeed or not is a 
million dollar question.
Joel Morais
Mob - 9970561727

Re: [Goanet] Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary (BC's comments)

2013-08-31 Thread Eugene Correia
Who is Bernando to inform us if any posts are suitable for Goanet or not?
For his info, there's a team of administrators who decide what to use and
what to reject.

BC should read what he wants to read, and not give his learned opinion on
what is Goanet and what is Indianet. Remember, Goa is part of India.


[Goanet] 3 pols x 3 wonks= ? Answer: 1, 250 million in a leaky boat

2013-08-31 Thread U. G. Barad
I found this article to be informative hence sharing with Goanet members.

U. G. Barad

Read more at:

Kapil Sibal said in Parliament the other day that politicians are the most
accountable among all categories of people. So, how accountable do six
people, who between them have run the Indian economy these past five years,
feel as they survey the mess around them?

All but one of them spoke this past week. Sonia Gandhi told Parliament that
if there was no money for the food security programme, then money would
have to be found - but she did not care to suggest how. She also said that
if the public distribution system had its defects, they would have to be
fixed - again, the details were beneath her. If the isolation at 10 Janpath
is not like living on Mars, the Congress president must know that the
economy faces urgent challenges, and that the last things it needs are laws;
so she must tell us whether she really thinks that two-thirds of Indians go
to bed hungry. Accountability, Mr Sibal?

Then, the finance minister appeared to ignore a good rule in public life
(don't criticize your predecessor or successor). His comments about economic
policy in 2009-11 were interpreted as targeting Pranab Mukherjee, who having
become the president can only seethe in private. To his credit, Mr
Chidambaram confounded skeptics (including the writer) by controlling the
fiscal deficit last year, but he has focused more on financing the current
account deficit than on addressing that deficit; taxed gold imports and
revived its smuggling, instead of asking why people prefer gold to financial
instruments; and bungled the attempt to arrest the rupee's fall. Care to
guess what a future finance minister might say when the time comes?

Dr. Subbarao responded later to the criticisms about his record as central
bank governor. He was man enough to admit that he may have got it wrong on
monetary policy, but he also gave a parting shot to the government and
specifically the finance minister. But surely, Dr Subbarao cannot pass the
buck entirely; he has to bear some of the responsibility for allowing the
rupee to stay too long at a level that priced out exports and caused the
gaping current account deficit for which he blames the government.

As for Manmohan Singh, he was anodyne in his statement on the economy
yesterday. Even those favorably disposed towards him have been forced to
recognize that his prolonged inaction and weak-kneed acquiescence to steps
that damage the economy will be permanent taints. In Ratan Tata's damningly
simple phrasing, he has failed to provide leadership.

Finally, Montek Singh Ahluwalia's espousal of the idea of public-private
partnerships has led to flourishing crony capitalism, and a backlash against
business. More accessible than the others, Mr Ahluwalia is ever willing to
step up to the plate and defend the government, with his usual smooth
articulation. But he must know that he carries progressively less conviction
as the government's record in office becomes steadily more indefensible. He
could be seen as the boy on the burning deck.

Between them, these six people have created a political climate more
difficult for business, indeed more hostile to business, than at any time
since the mid-1980s. It's not just crazy new laws, but also retrospective
tax changes, arbitrary and excessive penalties on companies, stupid
conditions when inviting foreign investment, poor macroeconomic management,
and no predictability about what might come next. Still, if the rapid
economic growth that made so many politicians so unhappy becomes history,
even as aam aadmi spending balloons, we might get to settle the Sen vs
Bhagwati-Panagariya debate - as to which of the two is better for getting
rid of poverty.

[Goanet] Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary (BC's comments)

2013-08-31 Thread Bernado Colaco

Talk of the development of hockey (JC) in Goa rather than some one from the 
imperialist regime. Goan hockey is an abyss since I last played in 1978.


BC should read what he wants to read, and not give his learned opinion on
what is Goanet and what is Indianet. Remember, Goa is part of India.


Re: [Goanet] Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary

2013-08-31 Thread Jose Colaco
I disagree with Bernado Colaco. An adult individual should have the freedom to 
write whatever he wishes. It is for the moderators to accept or reject the post.

I agree with Dr. Falcão wrt the Rules subject to the following exceptions:

a: Does he ( Dr. Falcão) have any evidence that Eugene Correia ever abides by 
any rules?

b: Is it not possible that Mr. Chand dreamed of Goa once? 

Personally, while I normally chuck Mr. Correia's scratchy scribblings into the 
Thrash Bin, I prefer him writing about anything (even if it is non-Goa related) 
to some of the crapola he writes wrt Goans esp Canadian Goans. 

BTW 1: How seriously does anyone take Mr. Correia's scratchy scribblings?
BTW 2: How is Field Hockey doing in Goa?


(1)Bernado Colaco ole_xac at yahoo.co.uk on Fri Aug 30 19:55:53 PDT 2013 wrote:
Here is Goa net and not india net. Dhyan Chand may have been a good player but 
his eulogies should be written elsewhere.
(2) Eugene Correia eugene.correia at gmail.com on Sat Aug 31 01:49:14 PDT 2013 
Who is Bernando to inform us if any posts are suitable for Goanet or not? For 
his info, there's a team of administrators who decide what to use and what to 
BC should read what he wants to read, and not give his learned opinion on
what is Goanet and what is Indianet. Remember, Goa is part of India.
(3) Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão wrote :May I know who is that “us” referred 
to in the first line of Eugene's response? And may I also know if the Rules  
Regulations of Goanet cited below are obsolete?

[Goanet] Special Status

2013-08-31 Thread Eugene Correia
Now that the Union government isn't keen on granting Special Status, I have
seen no statements from the groups, Movement for Special Status for Goa,
and Goa Movement for Special Status.

Eagerly waiting to know the future actions of these groups.


[Goanet] Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary

2013-08-31 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Bernado Colaco ole_xac at yahoo.co.uk on Fri Aug 30 19:55:53 PDT 2013

Here is Goa net and not india net. Dhyan Chand may have been a good
player but his eulogies should be written elsewhere.



Eugene Correia eugene.correia at gmail.com on Sat Aug 31 01:49:14 PDT
2013 wrote:

Who is Bernando to inform us if any posts are suitable for Goanet or

For his info, there's a team of administrators who decide what to use

what to reject.

BC should read what he wants to read, and not give his
learned opinion on

what is Goanet and what is Indianet. Remember,
Goa is part of India.





May I know who is that “us” referred to in the first line of Eugene's response?

And may I also know if the Rules  Regulations of Goanet cited
below are obsolete?




Post material
which is relevant to Goa and Goans.

In the event that the volume of emails in a day is high, posts on topics
directly pertinent to Goa and Goans and those of higher quality will be given a

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

Re: [Goanet] Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary Video

2013-08-31 Thread Albert Peres
... copy of the book is yellowed and pages have come apart. I never 
saw Dhyan play but my dad often related to me his skills and art. Later 
on when working as sports journalist in Mumbai I did hear lot of stuff 
from those who saw him play...

Well here you go...

Olympic Hockey footage from 1936.  Uploaded on Aug 23, 2010 from Leni 
Riefenstahl's Olympia: Festival of Beauty


Score: India-8 Germany-1.  Chand top-scored with 3 goals.  Chand 
discarded his spiked shoes and stockings and played with bare legs and 
rubber soles and became speedier in the second half. Dhyan Chand 
remembered for his goal-scoring feats and for his three Olympic gold 
(1928 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1928_Summer_Olympics, 1932 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1932_Summer_Olympics, and 1936 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936_Summer_Olympics) in field hockey, 
during an era where India was dominant in the sport.

Thanks Youtube and Wikipedia

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

[Goanet] Goa fails to cash in on e-waste - goacom.com

2013-08-31 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Goa fails to cash in on e-waste 

Published on Friday, 30 August 2013 12:05   

There is significant consumption of expensive metals such as palladium,
 gold, platinum and copper in electronic-used products, which are thrown
 away as old televisions, telephones, computers and laptops.


This e-waste reaches China, which cashes in on it.

Currently in India, the days of 100 per cent recycling is as good as 
dead, but there could be ways for new entrepreneurs to explore to 
reclaim precious materials, said Goa State Pollution Control Board 
chairman Jose M Noronha.

The E-waste (Management and Handling) Rule, 2011 came into effect in 
May, 2012 to deal with the rising e-waste.

Goa generates over 1000 tonne of e-waste every year, of which around 
400 tonne comprises personal computers, and the balance is refrigerator,
 washing machines, handset and anything that is powered by electronics.

 “To segregate the precious metals from the e-waste we should think of 
developing `urban mining’,” said industrialist  Haresh Melwani. Although
 each component contains only a fraction of a gram of the precious metal
 in a single electronic product, the sheer volume of e-waste can reap 
huge benefits like it is done in China, he observed.  

‘Urban mining’ is the process of reclaiming resources from all this 
electronic waste. It is increasing the recycling value of this e-waste. 
There are no authorised recycling unit in Goa, because of which most of 
Goa’s e-waste is finding its way to Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, which
 in turn  export it to China.

Nevertheless Centre for Incubation and Business Acceleration – the only
 incubator academy in Goa – is thinking on the lines of mining the 
e-waste before discarding it out of the state. Overseas scientists are 
developing what they call ‘urban mining’. Our mining industry may have 
the answer for problem of  e-waste, Noronha, CIBA chief, said.

It is learnt that most electronic waste is sent off to be shredded and 
shipped to China for processing. It means Goa is losing out on precious 
metals: for example one tonne of old mobile phones can contain well over
 100 kilograms of copper, three kilograms of silver and 200 grams of 

“The ‘waste material concentration’ of these metals is relatively high 
and it may be much higher than the normal concentration from real ore,” 
Melwani said.

Normally after five years of usage of any ICT equipment an electronic 
product is declared obsolete, said e-waste expert Nijanand Vasta.

Vasta said there is a buyback scheme for electronic products in Goa. 
According to that scheme, the actual hardware vendor quotes for buyback 
along with the purchase cost for hardware. All government departments, 
including government corporations, go for new procurements as a 
replacement to the obsolete hardware under the buyback scheme.

The vendor takes responsibility for collecting the obsolete hardware 
(e-waste). Under the buyback scheme old computers are taken away as 
e-waste, making it easy for the government departments to dispose  of 
e-waste. [NT] 

[Goanet] Goa news for September 1, 2013

2013-08-31 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Is more upside left in Sesa Goa after 50% rally in one
month? - Economic Times
onomic Times0. Share More. READ MORE ON » Syria 

*** Goa CM Manohar Parrikar alleges double standard by Centre on
mining issue - Economic Times

*** Why Goa is looking to go upmarket  and banish Brits and
backpackers - The Guardian
ime state, the hedonistic hippy haven whose promises of sun,
sand, cheap beer and drugs transformed it into a magnet for
backpackers and budget tourists looking for an alternative to
the Spanish costas. With the collapse of the ...

*** Central government opposes special status for Goa - Times of
against giving special status to Goa

*** Sizzling Stocks - Sesa Goa (Rs 187.3) - Hindu Business Line

*** Bench pulls up Goa for lack of prudence in medical
admissions - The Hindu

*** Buy Sesa Goa, advises Nischal Maheshwari - Moneycontrol.com
V18, We have a buy in Sesa Goa . The broader call is on the
metal basically. Metals have been on a recovery path. Whether
this recovery is temporary or sustainable I think the jury is
out ...a class=

*** Relocation process of religious structures in South Goa
underway - Times of India

*** Candidates not allowed to answer Goa public service
commission exam, cry foul - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Candidates who had applied for the posts of
mamlatdar/joint mamlatdar/assistant director complained that
they were not allowed entry into the examination centre in
Panaji to answer the written test conducted earlier this week.
More than 700 ...a class=

*** Indian rupee crashes: Indian vacationers ditch Italy for
Goa, stay-cations - Christian Science Monitor
ear-old will settle for cold beers on the beaches of Goa on
India's west coast. Skip to next paragraph. Related
stories ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-08-31 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Marshall Mendonza wrote:
 2. Fr Jerome's statement that there is no caste in Christianity is factual.

I am based in Toronto, Canada. I am not sure where you are based but I can 
assure you that caste is a huge factor in the peculiar type of Christianity as 
practiced by Goans. Just in case, just in case you are not aware of it, here is 
a link that will update you, with every agonizing detail, how caste and 
Christianity go hand in glove in India.


 I believe that education never ends. There is always something

 more to learn each day. With every new evidence, our old beliefs are 

Yep, I am waiting, breathlessly, for your announcement that the evidence points 
out that the whole concept of god is a sham. Either that, or the announcement 
that with God on your side, how could you be wrong?


[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Church of Santa Cruz, Cavelossim

2013-08-31 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Church of Santa Cruz,

Venite Adoremus Dominum.

This centre of worship in the coastal village of Cavelossim in south Goa began
as a chapel in 1763 and was elevated to a church in 1948. In his monograph, The
Parish Churches of Goa (Amazing Goa Publications, 2006), José Lourenço cites
the structure as an example of the Mannerist Neo-Roman style [...]

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar

[Goanet] Mining Protest Hypocrisy

2013-08-31 Thread arwinmesquita

I understand that many Goans are affected but is further destruction the 
answer. What will the protestors do when Goa runs out of the ore?  Also is it 
not true that the main reason for the mining dependents affected today is 
because of few privileged mining families along with Central and specific Goan 
politicians ruthlessly exploiting Goa to amass huge wealth for themselves. Why 
are the protestors not also demanding the return of the mining loot? Not doing 
this makes the protestors lose credibility. The loot when recovered from the 
mining thieves will more than compensate those affected in the mining belt. 
Also for all those questioning from whom the Environmentalists get funds,  
should first answer who funds the huge pro-mining media coverage, massive  
protests etc. The Chief Minister on the other hand is in some way not even 
respecting the Supreme Court judgement on stopping the further 
exploitation/destruction of Goa! 


[Goanet] Malar / St. Mathias Bonderam 31.8.13

2013-08-31 Thread JoeGoaUk
Malar / St. Mathias Bonderam 31.8.13



for pics etc