[Goanet-News] GOANexpats: Tony Fernandes, AirAsia and expanding the Indian flying market

2014-05-09 Thread Goanet News
GOANexpats: We have a headstart over Tata-SIA: Tony Fernandes

AirAsia’s Tony Fernandes thanks the Indian govt for putting
people first and not listening to vested interests

Tarun Shukla

AirAsia founder and
group chief executive
Tony Fernandes.
Photo: S. Kumar/Mint

New Delhi: A-year-and-a-half after announcing its India
plans, AirAsia India Pvt. Ltd has finally won an airline
licence. AirAsia founder and group chief executive Tony
Fernandes, who turned 50 last week, said it is the best
birthday present he has ever got. Edited excerpts from a
telephone interview:

Q: You are now the eighth domestic scheduled passenger
airline in India.  Where does AirAsia India go from here?

  It's a big day for me personally. It feels great
  that we have achieved it.  I have just turned 50
  last week and my son said the celebrations will go
  on for one week.  He told me today dad, this is
  the last day of your birthday celebration.  It's
  the best birthday gift I could have got, I told my
  son, a great day to end my birthday celebrations.
  Now we need to take stock of where we are.  We
  never knew when it was coming.  I thank the Indian
  government for putting people first and not
  listening to vested interests.  The consumer will win.

Q: When are we looking at the first flight?

It's up to the board to decide now. We have everything in
place. The Indian elections are getting over. So let's wait
and see.

Q: Would you say two-three months, which is typically the
time frame to sell flights?

Let's see the elections results, there is no rush, we want to
make sure that this is something which can work.

Q: Is there something that still worries you?

No, nothing. We just want the elections out of the way. We
need to see the direction of the new government and what
policies they bring in.

Q: You are referring to the five aircraft and 20 years'
experience requirement for an Indian airline to fly
international, which some airlines want to be revoked?

Yeah, 5/20 would help.

Q: How many aircraft is AirAsia India going to fly initially?

There would be eight aircraft in six months.

Q: You already have one Airbus A320 in India. When is the next
one coming?

The next one is this month.

A few weeks back you were nearly on the edge and wanted to
scrap the AirAsia India project in frustration.

  Until we get it finally, until the fat lady sings
  (you don't know).  I have been through 12 years of
  this, you go through highs and lows.  I never give
  up.  The good always wins in the end.  My father
  somewhere up there would be very proud that I have
  managed to become the first foreign airline
  invested carrier in India.  I have managed to have
  an airline in India.  Now we have to deliver what
  we said we are going to deliver to the people.

Q: Have you met Subramanian Swamy who has challenged foreign
airline investments in a court and what do you have to say to

I don't know Mr Swamy. Never met him. We will certainly meet
one day. He will see the benefits of AirAsia India entry to
Indian aviation. He had to do what he had to do. We have to
do what we have to do. There is no grudge from our side. We
are just happy we got the AOP (air operating permit).

Q: The AirAsia licence is subject to a court decision. Does that
worry you?

  I mean the government of India has already decided
  on allowing foreign airlines to invest in India, so
  it's the moot point that government of India didn't
  want new airlines they would not have given licence
  in the first place.  That's what you meant, right?
  So I don't really see how that ever was an issue.

Q: What would you say to rivals like IndiGo and other
low-cost airlines in India with whom you will compete?

I have seen many airlines before me and many have started
after me in the last 12 years. A new Indonesian carrier has
just started in our market. I never objected to it. You can't
pull back competition. Let the consumer decide who is better.

My focus is on my airline not what others do. In a a market
of 1 billion people, there are structural issues to correct.

It's a big enough market for all of us. I also would like to
say Mittu (AirAsia India chief executive Mittu Chandilya) has
done a great job -- I mean here is a man with little aviation
experience, young and energetic who is thrown into a gang of
wolves, he jumped into it and came out well. That's what we
do, we empower people.

Q: When is the AirAsia India board meeting?

In the new few weeks. I should be flying down to India soon.

Q: Tata's second airline investment with Singapore Airlines is
also starting soon. How will you ensure you don’t cannibalize
each other?

  Well, we haven't. Let's see what happens when they
  start.  We have got a bit of headstart over


2014-05-09 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The ethics and moral principles in Goa’s political spectrum is sinking to a
very new low. There was high expectation that Manohar Parrikar would have
kept his promise to cleanse up the political rot. But his hobnobbing and
flirting with the corruption tainted Mauvin Godinho leaves much to be
desired. If Manohar Parrikar had vowed that his mantra was Zero tolerance
to Corruption, how is he so obsessed with Mauvin Godinho who is well
immersed into the infamous Power Scam Case which is now before the Supreme
Court. Ironically Mauvin Godinho was charge sheeted in that Power Scam case
on the very complaint of Manohar Parrikar himself.

That Mauvin Godinho is desperately trying to creep into into the BJP is no
surprise. He has been a known defector who would stoop to any level to
secure his ever so ambitious political and personal interests. Mauvin
Godinho has recently claimed that he was a student leader and social
activist. Could he make public his contribution if any to the student
movement and social activism? For now all we know is his tale from Rags to

That Manohar Parrikar has bent to such low levels in embracing the  A. Raja
and Suresh Kalmadi of Goa Mauvin Godinho should be an eye-opener. Infact
every Goan must be now trying to figure out as to who is more corrupt,
Manohar Parrikar or Mauvin Godinho and as to how this duet could harmonise.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Book Club

2014-05-09 Thread books

  16TH MAY 2014 AT 8.15 PM 
The Book Club will meet to discuss_ THE

[Goanet] India's Gerson da Cunha: Renaissance Man

2014-05-09 Thread Luis Vas
Pranay Gupte
Bestselling author, historian, biographer, foreign correspondent

India's Gerson da Cunha: Renaissance Man

The name of Gerson da Cunha of Mumbai means a lot to men and women of
a certain generation, including mine. Simply put, he is sui generis.
He's India's Renaissance Man.

He possesses a towering intellect, a warm and giving personality, a
voice that has been projected across film and drama theaters in many
countries, a mind that has graced the diverse worlds of advertising,
strategic communications and social marketing, a brain that developed
modern India's mix of telecommunications of sustainable economic
development -- particularly in rural areas -- and a heart that has
worked relentless in the cause of women's education and empowerment,
for children's rights and for trying to restore urban sanity in
teeming metropolises such as Mumbai.

I thought of these things just the other evening at a dinner hosted by
Gerson and his wife Uma, a noted film critic, publisher of a highly
regarded film quarterly, and organizer of film festivals. The guests
included the film composer and lyricist Vanraj Bhatia, the marketing
guru Shashi Kathpalia and his wife, Nayna, the social activist,
Madhulika Dash of Orissa, a noted food writer, and the acclaimed
photographers Suzanne Lee of Malaysia and Sanjit Das of Kolkata.

I was reminded of what President John F. Kennedy said at a White House
dinner in April 1962 honoring Nobel laureates of the Western
hemisphere: I think this is the most extraordinary collection of
talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at
the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson
dined alone.

I write about Gerson because he's 83 years old, and is still going
strong. A mild stroke hasn't slowed him, nor has the fact that today's
generation of public intellectuals seldom acknowledge -- at least not
fulsomely -- his stellar contributions. Gerson's door remains open to
all, and notwithstanding ingrates he continues to be generous with his
counsel and contacts.

Gerson da Cunha belongs to a generation of Indians who set about
creating and strengthening institutions in advertising and other
fields in post-Independence India. At a very young age, he became
chief executive of Lintas, a fabled company whose business he grew.
Unicef recruited him for South America, where he helped conceive and
implement social marketing programs such inoculation for children in
Brazil's slums, and healthy motherhood in Central America.

After a long Unicef stint -- which included serving at the agency's
headquarters in New York -- Gerson returned home and helped his
friend, the entrepreneur Sam Pitroda, to implement then Prime Minister
Rajiv Gandhi's ambition to streamline India's telecommunications. He
wrote newspaper columns, and spoke widely about the importance of
primary health care and women's education in India's ambitious
development plans.

Gerson then turned his attention to urban management. While a large
majority of India's 1.3 billion people live in rural areas, the
country's rapidly expanding cities suffered from poor management and
planning. Gerson formed a nongovernmental organization in Mumbai
called Agni -- fire -- that kept after political governors to devote
more time and resources for the wellbeing of city dwellers.

And all the while, Gerson continued acting in plays and movies, and he
continued his column writing.

I had the privilege of persuading Gerson to join me in starting a
conference newspaper, The Earth Times, for the 1992 Earth Summit. The
summit was more formally known as the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development. That parlay -- which was attended by 110
heads of state and government, and more than 65,000 civil-society
participants -- took Gerson back to his old territory, Rio de Janeiro.

His daily columns for The Earth Times appeared under the title, View
from the South. They spanned the spectrum of environmental and
developmental issues, and they fetched Gerson a new cohort of fans.
Indeed, his perspectives helped shape the political dialogue at the

We continued publishing The Earth Times until 2003. That's when I
shuttered the not-for-profit newspaper, which appeared daily at UN
conferences in a dozen cities ranging from Bonn to Cairo to Beijing.
It would be no hyperbole to say that Gerson's columns were the most
sought-after feature of the newspaper.

Now he's back home in Mumbai, still pressing the cause of livable
cities and healthy environments for city dwellers. His home serves as
a salon for everyone from the high and mighty to everyday citizens.
Gerson clearly relishes good company. But I venture to suggest that
his visitors get far more out of him and Uma than the couple do.

That clearly doesn't bother Gerson da Cunha. After all, he says, his
extraordinary and special life experiences are there for him to share
and not to hoard. His art-and-artifact-filled living room is enhanced
by the 

[Goanet] Dubai dreams turn Goa horrors for 11-year-old

2014-05-09 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] GOANexpats: Tony Fernandes, AirAsia and expanding the Indian flying market

2014-05-09 Thread Goanet News
GOANexpats: We have a headstart over Tata-SIA: Tony Fernandes

AirAsia’s Tony Fernandes thanks the Indian govt for putting
people first and not listening to vested interests

Tarun Shukla

AirAsia founder and
group chief executive
Tony Fernandes.
Photo: S. Kumar/Mint

New Delhi: A-year-and-a-half after announcing its India
plans, AirAsia India Pvt. Ltd has finally won an airline
licence. AirAsia founder and group chief executive Tony
Fernandes, who turned 50 last week, said it is the best
birthday present he has ever got. Edited excerpts from a
telephone interview:

Q: You are now the eighth domestic scheduled passenger
airline in India.  Where does AirAsia India go from here?

  It's a big day for me personally. It feels great
  that we have achieved it.  I have just turned 50
  last week and my son said the celebrations will go
  on for one week.  He told me today dad, this is
  the last day of your birthday celebration.  It's
  the best birthday gift I could have got, I told my
  son, a great day to end my birthday celebrations.
  Now we need to take stock of where we are.  We
  never knew when it was coming.  I thank the Indian
  government for putting people first and not
  listening to vested interests.  The consumer will win.

Q: When are we looking at the first flight?

It's up to the board to decide now. We have everything in
place. The Indian elections are getting over. So let's wait
and see.

Q: Would you say two-three months, which is typically the
time frame to sell flights?

Let's see the elections results, there is no rush, we want to
make sure that this is something which can work.

Q: Is there something that still worries you?

No, nothing. We just want the elections out of the way. We
need to see the direction of the new government and what
policies they bring in.

Q: You are referring to the five aircraft and 20 years'
experience requirement for an Indian airline to fly
international, which some airlines want to be revoked?

Yeah, 5/20 would help.

Q: How many aircraft is AirAsia India going to fly initially?

There would be eight aircraft in six months.

Q: You already have one Airbus A320 in India. When is the next
one coming?

The next one is this month.

A few weeks back you were nearly on the edge and wanted to
scrap the AirAsia India project in frustration.

  Until we get it finally, until the fat lady sings
  (you don't know).  I have been through 12 years of
  this, you go through highs and lows.  I never give
  up.  The good always wins in the end.  My father
  somewhere up there would be very proud that I have
  managed to become the first foreign airline
  invested carrier in India.  I have managed to have
  an airline in India.  Now we have to deliver what
  we said we are going to deliver to the people.

Q: Have you met Subramanian Swamy who has challenged foreign
airline investments in a court and what do you have to say to

I don't know Mr Swamy. Never met him. We will certainly meet
one day. He will see the benefits of AirAsia India entry to
Indian aviation. He had to do what he had to do. We have to
do what we have to do. There is no grudge from our side. We
are just happy we got the AOP (air operating permit).

Q: The AirAsia licence is subject to a court decision. Does that
worry you?

  I mean the government of India has already decided
  on allowing foreign airlines to invest in India, so
  it's the moot point that government of India didn't
  want new airlines they would not have given licence
  in the first place.  That's what you meant, right?
  So I don't really see how that ever was an issue.

Q: What would you say to rivals like IndiGo and other
low-cost airlines in India with whom you will compete?

I have seen many airlines before me and many have started
after me in the last 12 years. A new Indonesian carrier has
just started in our market. I never objected to it. You can't
pull back competition. Let the consumer decide who is better.

My focus is on my airline not what others do. In a a market
of 1 billion people, there are structural issues to correct.

It's a big enough market for all of us. I also would like to
say Mittu (AirAsia India chief executive Mittu Chandilya) has
done a great job -- I mean here is a man with little aviation
experience, young and energetic who is thrown into a gang of
wolves, he jumped into it and came out well. That's what we
do, we empower people.

Q: When is the AirAsia India board meeting?

In the new few weeks. I should be flying down to India soon.

Q: Tata's second airline investment with Singapore Airlines is
also starting soon. How will you ensure you don’t cannibalize
each other?

  Well, we haven't. Let's see what happens when they
  start.  We have got a bit of headstart over

[Goanet] http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/04/doesnt-heart-get-tired-need-rest-like-muscles/

2014-05-09 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Rat eating at Mumbai airport terminal counter

2014-05-09 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fw: Taking the law into their own hands...

2014-05-09 Thread Con Menezes

Subject: FW: Taking the law into their own hands... perhaps the 
solution to that public nuisance  urination in Goa?


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[Goanet] http://eandt.theiet.org/news/2014/may/blood-pressure.cfm

2014-05-09 Thread Con Menezes

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is active.

[Goanet] Holant Beach 7.5.2014

2014-05-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Welcome to Holant beach 
(Close to Bogmalo and Dabolim Airport, area comes under Velsao-Pale-Issorsim 

 A beautiful picnic spot, a sort of natural and safe sea water swimming pool 
for both young and old.
And to add to your safety, there are two lifeguards too since 2009 closely 
watching your every movement at sea. 
 This is a small beach often busy all days of the week but if possible avoid 
the crowded weekends.
The beach is mainly visited by locals (Goans) making a very popular picnic spot 
which includes bathing. 

Today Wednesday 7.5.14,  we visited the beach around 5pm.


The beach, bathing, playing etc


Shore with canoe boat, voddem


Chapel view in the background

With Holy Cross Shrine in the background

Restaurant copacabana

View of Velsao Dando beach, and Cuelim Hill chapel

Lifeguard on guard




More on Holant beach (Past pics and videos)


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc’  

[Goanet] BMM condemns arrests of villagers protesting mining in Cavrem

2014-05-09 Thread Sebastian

Call up Quepem police station landline 0832-2662253 and get the latest update 
on the arrests

Bharat Mukti Morcha strongly condemns arrests of 34 mulnivasi people protesting 
against mining transportation or iron ore in Cavrem village of Quepem taluka On 
May 8, 2014 without being released till reports last came in. They are split 
and shifted at police stations in Margao, Vasco etc. According to the reports 
received Cavrem villagers including large number of tribal people block 
transportation of ore from Jairam Neogi mine operated illegally since 2007 by 
Dinar Tarcar. His lease expired in 2007 and Supreme Court in recent judgement 
has confirmed that all mines in Goa have been functioning without valid leases. 
This is the same mine where Dora, Sheryl, Karush, Sebastian, Fr.Mathias 
Protested and few others- were beaten up by mining truck drivers under the 
direction of mining Contractor Subhas Phaldesai and arrested on October 11, 
2008. The first account of Fr.Mathias is available here. Another account by 
Sebastian is also available.

Bharat Mukti Morcha hold that the act of blocking mining transportation by 
Cavrem villagers is correct and Police has acted only to fulfill the combined 
will of the mining companies and the Chief Minister who in any case is heading 
Bamon Raj government that believed in scant respect for mulnivasis like 
Adivasis of Cavrem, their livestock, forest and paddy fields.

Amongst the arrested 34 are 10 women and as per report received till midnight 
were not served any food or water in police custody at Quepem Police station, 

Shah Commission has pointed out the robbery of Rs.35,000 crore through mining 
trade. Public Accountability Committee headed by then Leader of the Opposition 
Mr.Manohar Parrikar has marshaled evidence of illegal mining export of 85 
million tones and Rs.3,400 crore loss to the State treasury. Mr.Parrikar 
however after taking over as Chief Minister has not acted on his own report nor 
has he recovered Rs.3,400 crore looted by mining companies. He has also avoided 
any actions to nail those responsible for the illegal export of 85 million 
tones of iron ore from Goa. What Mr.Manohar Parrikar has provided for Goa is 
ethically bad leadership for Goa with active promotion of black money and 
corruption just like his predecessor Digambar Kamat. The rightful place for 
both these Bamons is behind the bars. They are moving scot free and troubling 
entire state of Goa only because they are Bamons heading Bamon Raj committed to 
loot and plunder of Goa.

Bharat Mukti Morcha is of the studied opinion that mining in legal as well as 
illegal way is not sustainable in Goa and every effort must be made to rid Goa 
of mining curse.

Bharat Mukti Morcha also strongly object to the Department of mines trying to 
create fear amongst public that protests against mining is a contempt of 
Supreme Court Judgement in Goa Foundation versus Union of India dated April 21, 
2014 on mining in Goa. This judgement is already criticized.

Bharat Mukti Morcha congratulates Cavrem villagers for their bold action in 
defense of life that is threatened by mining companies.

[Goanet] http://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/239111747988/This-Is-Brazil

2014-05-09 Thread Con Menezes
   Full screen for optimal viewing

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[Goanet] Press Note-TAG to condole Tiatr Artiste Prisco’s Death

2014-05-09 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa
*Press Note*

*For Favour of Publication*

*TAG to condole Tiatr Artiste Prisco’s Death*

Prisco Corte  a versatile artiste of the tiatr stage and husband of tiatr
artiste Rosy Alvares who has done yeomen service to the tiatr stage died on
17th April 2014.

Born on 19th June 1962 Prisco began his professional carrier at Mumbai and
excelled in acting and singing. Some of the noted  tiatr directors whom
Prisco has served in their tiatrs are C. Alvares, Rosario Rodrigues,
Patrick Dourado,Menino Mario, etc.

In order to condole his death and pay respects to his departed soul Tiatr
academy of Goa has called for a Condolence Meet on Wednesday, 14th May 2014
at 4:00 p.m. at the Black Box, Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.

All tiatr artistes and tiatr lovers are requested to attend the meet.

*Victor de Sa*

*Member Secretary*

[Goanet] http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/mythbusters/videos/how-3d-printers-work.htm

2014-05-09 Thread Con Menezes

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