Re: [Goanet] Last Kadamba King (eric pinto)

2014-07-28 Thread Siyona G Gaunkar
As Claimed by local MLA Mr. Vishnu
Wagh that the urns containing the ashes of the Kadamba King Beira could be
under the partially visible stone arc under the mud dump near the ' Royal road'
at the foot of the Pillar hill which needs to be excavated.
It is to be noted that most
inscriptions stones mark an event that happened under their governance. 
The Kadamba era stones of 12th
century are in Devanagari script, even those found in Bombay Museum. 
So also  Jaykesha I
Velliapura Southern Capital site Victory stone is in Devanagari script too while
the 1360's Kadamba era stones from Velim cremation site are in Kannada Script
which means there was a cultural change in the same family.
Going by Ibn Batuta, the Arab traveler or others, the attack period is 100% 
same 1344 or
1345 when converted from the  older calender systems to roman calender
systems but the writings of Ibn Batuta are little confusing that father and son
called the muslims much reliable  are the Kannada stone information
that ...after the father the half brothers fought to claim the throne and the 
unfortunate one called the muslims sounds more eventful. The number when 
converted to roman calender systems can be
 1344 or 1345 or 1346 so too the deaths dates can be 1364 or 1366 or 1368 so 
 it can be 1396 to 1399.

Now the historical question arises as to who was in the
position to sponsored and installed this 1354 inscription, it cannot be the
royal family as they were all wiped off by 1345, during this time the surviving
Queen was living with her Hangal family in secret Veliapura site never known to
Muslims or else they would slaughter them other dates this date is 
confusing but going by the
flow of circumstances the Muslims would not allow the royal to survive under
them. After the attack by the Nawab of Honnavar, Goa was under
the Muslims so there is no way King Beira lives and dies in 1354 ten years
after the attack. If it is the Muslims victory inscriptions announcing the
death of the opponent King  they would
have been in Arabic. If the inscriptions were put up by the royal family they
must have been from normal times therefore it looks like Beira death
inscriptions are before the final attack of 1345, as the family had time to do
so and mourn his death. 

Upadhayaya who visits Velim is a Kannada Brahmin who having
descended from a family who performed ‘Yagna’ meaning sacrificial rituals for
the Kadamba King Mayurvarma and later as equivalent of ‘Sarva-Karyakartas’
meaning chief secretary and lived in Haliyal
Timber and Construction Lime compound of the Hangal Kadamba family as family's 
managers up to 1855 when
Governor of Madras presidency George Harris under Lord Dalhousie administration
confiscated the whole thing, He is inspired by
his family historical hereditary occupation and also by his late grandfather a
native of Belgaum, his family had migrated to England in
1940’s. Mr.Venkatesha
Upadhayaya along with others villagers of Karnataka visit Velim once a year, a
centuries old practice and as part of the
Banavasi festival celebrations to pay their respect to Hangal family.

Now this issue was completely unknown to others and very
confusing to locals due to a close secret bond of respect between the royals, 
the Hangal section of the Kadamba descendants living in
Velim and their subjects until the death of Roque Santana who
secretly reciprocated the respect to their hereditary workers of Haliyal. As
made known through Mr. Upadhayaya there was no love lost even when young Roque
Santana went against his own father and Kadamba coterie wish and contested
elections as peoples representative, according to their coterie the freedom and
Democracy was brought into Goa by Roque Santana for the people, is of the
people and by the people where as this family is not. His eldest son Sanjaya
and his mother have no place for these according to them, so called 'pilgrims'
who come across the ghats to pay respect to the site, all this leading to 
Mr.Upadhayaya losing temper on 21st Dec 2013 when denied
access to the historical compound, calling upon the Archaeology to save the
Velim Jaykeshi I site from destruction.

For the coming 3 months during my spare time I could be
working on the argument 'Queen Venomai adopting her brother the Uvraj of Hangal
as her heir and upon his death his son, her nephew Jayasha' put up by 
Mr.Venkatesha Upadhayaya regarding the Velim Jaykeshi I
site and Haliyal compound both properties of Goa Kadamba in the possession of
the Velim family up to the time it was lost to British confiscation and how 
Mr.Venkatesha Upadhayaya numbers late Roque Santana as the 41st successor to 
Kadambarasa  Irivabeda Deva the founder of Hangal reign partly from the 
recorded history
and partly from the year and name plates of iron burning on wood that was sold
from the Haliyal timber yard, the ancient business management process and how
the family was positioned to remodeled the ancient Vell

[Goanet] Novena to ABBA FATHER begins tommorrow 29th July

2014-07-28 Thread joseph fernandes

The Novena in honour of GOD our Heavenly Father
begins today 29th July.

The feast is on 07 August
For novena prayer, kindly follow the link below :

Joseph Fernandes

Visit Click: Father speaks,on LHS, below home, then click: 
Messages to Mother Eugenia
ABBA FATHERS Feast on 07th August

[Goanet] Toronto Police and Mobile Recording Devices

2014-07-28 Thread roland.francis
With 56% of the Canadian population owning snartphones and 8 out of every 10 
owners taking them when they leave their homes, a change is underway in the 
behaviour of public officials.

There are quite a few of the population afflicted with mental illnesses and 
unlike yesteryear these persons are no longer confined to home. Along with the 
fact that Toronto Police have shown themselves to be trigger-happy (they all 
carry the Austrian-made 9mm automatic Glock pistols), it makes for an unhappy 

There is the recent case of a young Syrian-Canadian who waved a small knife in 
the air while in a streetcar (tram) at midnight and threatened other passengers 
who fled the stopped vehicle. Police were called and one of them unnecessarily 
shot him eight times from outside while he was still confined in the car and 
then the police piled in and another of them tasered the dead boy. 

After a detailed probe by the Special Investigations Unit, Canada's equivalent 
of Internal Affairs, the guilty officer was charged with second degree murder. 
In normal cases there would have been a lot of "filtering" by lawyers and 
witnesses and refusal of other officers to testify against one of their own, 
had it not been for a 96 second cellphone camera clip uploaded to YouTube by a 
civilian witness that may clinch the case against the criminally charged 

In another case, a ticket collector on a subway train station was recorded fast 
asleep at the turnstile where he was supposed to be checking entry. He was 
immediately terminated inspite of the fact that he had a serious medical 
ailment that caused his sleepiness. The employer's argument was that he should 
have been on sick leave until he could fulfill his duties properly.

There are numerous more situations where modern technology can do some good 
without of course avoiding some bad. An example of the latter is most public 
washrooms with posted signs that usage of recording devices in the washroom 
area is a criminal offence indicating that such things happen.


Sent from Samsung Mobile


2014-07-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The debate generated by Justice Markandey Katju should be channelized as a
fruitful window of opportunity to strengthen the Indian judiciary whose
credibility has been at stake in recent times. Any devious attempt by the
Narendra Modi government to conveniently seize this opportunity to craftily
encroach and undermine the independence of the judiciary should be
forcefully thwarted.

The current Collegium mode could have been the safest and surest way to
preserve the Independence of the Judiciary had it not been reduced to a
cabal. The collegium has ended up being a very secret club with the
proceedings not being a public record. This veil of secrecy is untenable
and cannot go on.  The colleguim system must be given a constitutional
status with all its deliberations being very transparent and within the
purview of the Right to Information Act.

This may be the right time to reform the process of judicial appointments
by making the judiciary accountable to the public at large while also
ensuring it is totally free from political interference. Only then will the
Judiciary act as a successful defensive wall against the growing excesses
and abuse of power by the executive.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues



2014-07-28 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigues1
at on Sun Jul 27 00:48:31 PDT 2014 wrote:

Anyone planning to file a defamation case would be well
advised to seek former Advocate General of Goa Subodh Kantak’s opinion and
guidance on his first hand turbulent experience with the libel law…



Thank you Aires for your piece of advice and sharing some
relevant legal interpretation. We have plenty of Goans including some
politicians who fly off the handle to threaten others with libel; little
realising that they are exposing their ignorance to the learned. I do hope they
read this post of yours, and realise where they stand after having made foolish

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.   

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Eighteenth Sunday of the Year

2014-07-28 Thread Jude Botelho [JudeSundayReflections]

Dear Friend,

When you look at your life and all that you have, do you say to yourself: "I've 
earned it all! I deserved it and more! I've worked for it!" Or "Everything I 
have is a gift!" "I received much more than I deserved." Our attitude to life 
depends on our vision of life, making us frustrated or thankful. Our faith 
challenges us to be givers, to be as generous with others, as God is towards 
us. May His Word open our hearts and hands to give! Have a 'thanks-giving' 
weekend! -Fr. Jude

Sunday Ref: Eighteenth Sunday - 'God cares and shares! Do we care to share?' 
Readings: Isaiah 55: 1-03;          Rom.8: 35, 37-39;          Mt. 14: 13-21;

In today's reading Isaiah says something that sounds strange to our ears: "Oh, 
come to the water all you who are thirsty; though you have no money, come! Buy 
corn without money, and eat, and at no cost, wine and milk. Why spend money on 
what is not bread, your wages on what fails to satisfy? Is Isaiah kidding? How 
can anything be free? In a world where everyone is out to make a fast buck, our 
experience tells us nothing is free, you pay for everything and hope you get 
your money's worth! Our own experience also tells us that sometimes we get 
tired of earning, and we always seem to want more. We earn and buy things that 
do not satisfy. Maybe we are yearning for things that will never satisfy.

Loving Generosity
Time before time, when the world was young, two brothers shared a field and a 
mill. Each night they divided evenly the grain they had ground together during 
the day. Now, as it happened, one of the brothers lived alone; the other had a 
wife and a large family. One day the single brother thought to himself: "It 
isn't really fair that we divide the grain equally. I have only myself to care 
for, but my brother has children to feed." So each night he secretly took some 
of his grain to his brother's granary to see that he was never without. But the 
married brother said to himself one day, "It isn't fair that we should divide 
the grain equally, because I have children to provide for me in my old age, but 
my brother has no one. What will he do when he is old?" So every night he 
secretly took some of his grain to his brother's granary. As a result, both of 
them always found their supply of grain mysteriously replenished each morning. 
Then one night the brothers
 meeting each other halfway between their two houses, suddenly realized what 
had been happening and embraced each other in love. The story is that God 
witnessed their meeting and proclaimed, "This is a holy place - a place of love 
- and here it is that my temple shall be built." And so it was. The holy place 
where God is made known, is where human beings discover each other in love.
Wilkie Au in 'By Way of the Heart'

The Gospel tells us of the huge crowds that had followed Jesus to a deserted 
place. They were so hungry for words of Life that they followed Jesus to this 
deserted place. The disciples are worried because they see the people as a 
problem on their hands. They are aware only of their lack of resources. They 
want to get rid of the crowds. "Let them go home, let them feed themselves." 
They suggest to Jesus, who says to them: "You feed them!" The Israelites were 
nomads, born travellers who always carried their own resources with them. Each 
one had more than enough but they wanted to get something from the others. 
Jesus takes the five loaves and two fish, blesses, breaks and asks them to 
share them with the others. The miracle that Jesus performs makes them ready to 
give rather than receive. The little that they have offered Jesus becomes much 
in His hands and is more than enough to feed the vast multitude. The Gospel 
episode reminds us that what we have will
 never be enough to satisfy our own needs, but in sharing what we have with 
others we receive much more than we give! The multiplication of the loaves and 
the fish are a reminder of the Eucharist. Jesus is the only one who can satisfy 
our deepest needs; the bread given freely, the blessing we receive in placing 
the little that we have into the hands of the Lord, blesses us and multiplies 
when we share it with others. Some people show their thanks by having, others 
show their thanks by giving!

More blessed to give rather than receive
There was the beggar who sat at the temple gate everyday begging for his 
living. One day he hears that the King is coming to the temple and he is all 
excited, sure that the king will give him enough alms so he won't have to beg 
any more. He eagerly awaits the arrival of the king but when the king comes, 
the king does a strange thing. Instead of giving alms, he begs for alms 
himself. Perplexed, the beggar puts his hand into his bag and reluctantly puts 
a few grains of rice into the king's hands. Thanking him, the king departs, 
much to the disappointment of the beggar. At the end of the day the beggar 
returns home frustrated. But when he pou

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day.....

2014-07-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
Come prima



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Austin Jazz Society Creates Butch Miles ~ Fundraiser Campaign


( was diagnosed 
the first week of March with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which has no 
treatment other than a transplant.  After a lot of evaluation and testing, 
Butch was accepted as a candidate for a lung transplant at the Methodist 
Hospital at the Houston Medical Center.  Due to critical timing Butch and Linda 
took up temporary residency in Houston yesterday (July 18, 2014) awaiting a 
call from the transplant team.  The total time waiting for a transplant donor 
and the post transplant care could be upwards of twelve months.  Because of 
their loss of income and added living expenses, we are part of a group of 
concerned friends that are involved to raise funds to help them offset these 
additional expenses.

In addition to setting up this avenue of contribution through the AJS website, 
we will be coordinating some fundraising concerts and exploring other avenues 
to raise funds.

Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to help Butch and Linda 
and revisit the website 
( for periodic 
updates on both the upcoming concerts and our progress.

Thank you.


Austin Jazz Society

Board of Directors

Alternatively, you can send a check made out to:

Austin Jazz Society - Butch Miles Fund

Austin Jazz Society

P.O Box 42113

Austin, TX 78704





To control which emails you receive on THE JAZZ NETWORK WORLDWIDE "A GREAT 
PLACE TO HANG", or to opt-out, go to:

[Goanet] Last Kadamba King (eric pinto)

2014-07-28 Thread eric pinto

On Monday, July 28, 2014 3:00 AM, Siyona G Gaunkar  wrote:

   Not sure of a link to the raja, but will accept a knighthood !
   Good luck to Siyona, she is doing a great job.       eric.


The Kadambas of the Deccan, the Royals of south India, Our proud heritage, the
secrets of Velliapura.



2014-07-28 Thread Marshall Mendonza
George Pinto:
Today God looked at all the nonsense going on this world in the name of
religion and declared herself atheist.

Atheism has also been considered as a religion. See weblink below. Also
recently I came across a news report that a Court in USA has held atheism
to be a religion.



[Goanet] Reformed Christian Hindu

2014-07-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
Dy. Chief Minister of Goa
Francisco D'Souza 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Anyone remembers... Nazia Hassan?

2014-07-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Her music lent pep (to the otherwise slow pre-Indipop music scene) in our
teenage years. Sad she died young:
P +91-832-2409490 M +91-9822122436 W

[Goanet] From 39th Tiatr Competition - Tumcho Sangat

2014-07-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
This tiatr won most  top prizes
yet did not figure in the winning list of 5


For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Criminal defamation in India

2014-07-28 Thread Santosh Helekar
Unlike politicians and public figures, private individuals need to be protected 
against malicious personal abuse in forums such as Goanet. One good mechanism 
to do this is to file a criminal defamation complaint. As opposed to many other 
democratic countries, in India defamation is covered both under civil and 
criminal law. Civil action is a waste of time and money. But criminal law can 
bite. Here is an article on the Wall Street Journal blog by a prominent Supreme 
Court lawyer that talks about this:

Here is how a criminal defamation charge can bite, and put the scurrilous 
abuser out of business in the public sphere:

Tardiness in the Indian legal process also leads to more criminal complaints 
being filed than civil actions for damages because a criminal case followed by 
a summons from the magistrate’s court is often perceived as a greater threat 
and nuisance than a civil remedy that may take an age to come to fruition. 
Indeed, just the threat of punitive criminal action can be enough to serve as 
an effective deterrent to the publishing of future allegations.
Anish Dayal, Supreme Court and Delhi High Court lawyer.



[Goanet] OHERALDO July 27

2014-07-28 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Please do not confuse the exposed limbs in background of pictures fot H&M 

They are his nine muses of Orpheus, the master-maestro of the Elyseum, who even 
mastered Hade for 
Euripidyce: the daughters of his mam, Calliope. 
Alfred de Tavares

[Goanet] Goa news for July 29, 2014

2014-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa Dy CM apologises for his "Christian Hindu" remark -
deputy CM apologises for Hindu nation remark

*** Goa mediclaim scheme: State govt to notify within a week -
Business Standard
siness StandardGoa mediclaim scheme: State govt to notify within
a week. A family of three members will be entitled to Rs 2.5
lakh claim, and that of more than three to Rs four lakh annually
under this scheme. Press Trust of India

*** Goa CM calls for unity, communal harmony - Times of India
l-Fitr. In a message, Parrikar said the festival symbolizes
piety, patience, fortitude and godliness. The chief minister
expressed the hope that the festival, which ...

*** Goa deputy CM apologizes for Hindu nation remark - Times of
ost minority members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
in Goa and has been the party's poster-boy as far as the
Christian community is concerned. Christians account for nearly
26 per cent of the state's population.

*** Five Mumbai men robbed on way to Goa disco - Firstpost
he-spur desire to check out Goa's famous nightlife proved
expensive for five young men from Mumbai who were waylaid by
unidentified assailants, beaten up and robbed of Rs.2.75 lakh in
cash and valuables, police said Monday ...

*** Lack of awareness among general public in Goa about HIV/AIDS
- Times of India
ositive children in a Rivona school has brought into sharp focus
the lack of awareness about HIV/ AIDS among the general
population in the state though Goa state ...

*** 3G: Gambling Gujaratis head to Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaAHMEDABAD: The freedom to gamble in casinos along
with the rains and beaches of Goa are attracting Gujaratis in
large numbers for the extended weekend which includes the
holidays from Independence Day on August 15 to Janmashtami on
August 17.

*** Goa Deputy CM Francis D'souza apologises for his "Christian
Hindu" remark - Deccan Chronicle
ccan ChroniclePanaji: Goa's Deputy Chief Minister Francis
D'Souza on Monday apologised for his remarks that he is a
"Christian Hindu", after being criticised by the Catholic
community. "I am sorry if I have hurt anyone's sentiments. What
I feel I said. According to ...

*** Time is ripe for Goa's own green revolution - Times of India
mes of IndiaAs climate change continues to impact traditional
agriculture patterns altering expected yields on every
continent, food security has become an increasingly problematic
issue. Here in Goa, every household has felt the pinch as prices
for even basic ...

[Goanet] Cyber Warriors of the Goan Diaspora

2014-07-28 Thread roland.francis
Those who are regulars, like me, and even those who are not, but get immense or 
even occasional social value from the Goan Voice UK and Goanet, ought to 
frequently pause and ponder on the huge acts of volunteerism put in by Eddie 
Fernandes of the GVUK and Frederick Noronha and Bosco D'Mello of Goanet. 

One does extensive research through sophisticated web tools, the other uses 
mental alertness for moderation of the many posts that pass through its 
portals. Both require constant monitoring through the waking day, often keeping 
aside personal matters so that readers throughout the globe can get their fill 
or rush or fix - whatever you may choose to call it, through news or opinions 
of things Goan.

Imagine a world without these sites where you might in the fullness of time get 
news of a friend's death or an event that is newsworthy or an opinion that is 
worth reading about but not in the quick instant that we are used to, in the 
digital age.

Rarely do we stop and think of the immense sacrifices that are necessary in 
order to meet schedules or the many personal matters that have to be bypassed 
so that others may benefit from what they do.

Think of the man-hours spent for you and me and the Goan World who are savvy 
enough to make use of its fruits that could otherwise have gone to enrich 
Eddie's, Frederick's and Bosco's lives.

So patraos, viva to you, your happiness, your families and your good health to 
continue what you do as long as you wish to do it.


Sent from Samsung Mobile

[Goanet] Fwd: GOA UK and the GOAn Festival 27th July follow up Thanks You; etc as also to the good people of GO-anet for use of this medium

2014-07-28 Thread A.A. Fernandes

 Chloé De-Mendonça 
5 hrs

 · London

What a Festival that was! Hope you all had an amazing time like we did:)

 Indeed we did Chloe /Neil et al . GOA UK Facebook Event Page


Well organized reception on early arrival @ layout for setup etc., friendly
helpful folks in the main

My sincere thanks on behalf of
author and respected 'wazee'
( ie (respected elder )and humble 'diaspora' community heritage figure
Mervyn Maciel @

Photo Links to Festival yesterday :

*A ginormous Dev Borem Korun tumkan sogleannk /Asante sana Watu wa Shamba
.Watu wa Kenya /Goa and GOA UK for their unstinting and generous support
especially to a 'newbie' stall holder @ this fest .*

Here's to bigger and better things in 2015 and on . GOA UK Volunteer Team
Ravi Vaz (President )  , Flavio and Bernie Gracias , Lorraine De
Souza,Chloe,Neil and folks ...  et al... I/WE are deeply grateful and
appreciative for all you have made possible with a MASSIVE Smile the EXTRA
MILE attitude all the WAY. Happy to help co-drive GOA UK 2015 Edition and
on in any humble way I can .

*LAST BUT NOT LEAST : We are also very BLESSED AND GRATEFUL indeed to author
and journalist Selma Carvalho  ( Diaspora & A Railway Runs Through It etc )
for this gem of a


Cheers to Fred Noronha  ;Founder of GOA 1556 for the books safe passage to
London amongst many other other ;un-reedeemed and cultural capital

PS: Great overall fest feedback re big picture event from punters who stopped
by 'my' humble stall .

The efforts of Ravi Vaz and Team GOA UK to exhort visitors to maintain a
clean responsible end user 'garbage disposal' did not go unnoticed nor
unappreciated !

Cheers for now
  deed we did Chloe /Neil et al . Well organized reception on early arrival
@ layout for setup etc.,  friendly helpful folks in the main and my sincere
thanks on behalf
and  author and respected 'wazee' ( ie (respected elder )and humble
community heritage figure Mervyn Maciel @
we did Chloe /Neil et al . Well organized reception on early arrival @
layout for setup etc.,  friendly helpful folks in the main and my sincere
thanks on behalf
and  author and respected 'wazee' ( ie (respected elder )and humble
community heritage figure Mervyn Maciel @
Cheers for now

[image: A.ANTHONY (Tony) FERNANDES on]

Wishing Well


PS: Great overall fest feedback re big picture event from punters who
stopped by 'my' humble stall

Cheers for now

[image: A.ANTHONY (Tony) FERNANDES on]

Wishing Well



[Goanet] Oh Mogrea, konn go to..?

2014-07-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
Joe:  Oh Mogrea, konn go to tujea hatat dorun also to?

 Mogrem:  Xi baba, kitem uloita re tumi? 
Amghelea xivai hanv ani khuicheai dadleak aapddunk pasun nam

Joe:  Korench sangta tum Mogrea?

Mogrem: Devachean, Ayi Xap’pat!

Joe: tor ho konn go?

Ha ha ha

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2014-07-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Marshall Mendonza wrote:
>Atheism has also been considered as a religion. See weblink below. Also
>recently I came across a news report that a Court in USA has held atheism
>to be a religion.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines religion as:
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods 

Atheism, on the other hand, is defined as:
:  the doctrine that there is no deity

If one needs to search websites to find meanings of words, sooner or later one 
will find the perfect website i.e. with the meanings that fit perfectly with 
one's own definition of the word. 

The question I have for the Catholics here is, how does one stop being a 
Catholic? I was told that the easiest way was to be caught plotting to 
overthrow the Pope. That seems a long road to take in order to declare 
independence from religion.

In this regard, perhaps both Catholic's and Hindu's face the same challenge 
when they want to escape religion in a secular country like India.  
