[Goanet] The Brain that changes itself.

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes
 30 mins.  

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[Goanet] Easy listening selection....Lena Zavaroni

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes

Remembering this child prodigy  1963-1999   

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[Goanet] Diesel cars: Is it time to switch to a cleaner fuel?

2015-07-19 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

EnergyHarnessing the power of the oceanChina eyes shift in energy policyIce 
cold water heats whole cityWind turbines take to the skiesIn the 1920s, 
pregnant women were encouraged to drink Guinness to increase their iron 
intake.For decades we were all told to avoid fatty butter and eat synthetic 
margarine. Both pieces of health advice have since been discredited.We are now 
learning that millions of motorists who've bought diesel cars believing they 
were less harmful to the environment have been equally misguided.Diesel cars 
emit less carbon dioxide (CO2) than their petrol equivalent, we were told. In 
fact, not only are CO2 emissions almost identical on average, but they also 
produce large quantities of other pollutants linked with thousands of premature 
deaths.Carmakers say they have already taken action to reduce emissions greatly 
in the past decade and regulators are beginning to acknowledge the problem, but 
the challenge remains enormous.The reason is simple: about half of all cars 
currently sold in Europe are diesel powered.As Greg Archer at Brussels-based 
think-tank Transport & Environment says: "The car industry is fighting to keep 
selling diesel because it has invested so heavily in the wrong 
technology".Different realityAir pollution caused by diesel engines is, for 
now, a peculiarly European problem. Of the 70 million cars sold worldwide last 
year, only 10 million were diesel. Three quarters of those were sold in 
Europe.Quite why European carmakers developed diesel in the first place is a 
moot point, but some have argued that as domestic heating systems turned from 
oil to gas, oil companies needed to find an alternative market for their 
mid-range distillate, or diesel fuel.The industry itself points to government 
incentives, such as lower tax rates for companies buying fleets of diesel 
vehicles. "All manufacturers followed this political direction," says the 
European Automobile Manufacturers Association.The Audi A5 (l) meets EU nitrogen 
oxide limits, but the Audi A8 falls well short, one test foundAnd, in theory, 
it was an easy sell - diesel engines are more efficient than petrol engines, so 
running costs are cheaper. Using less fuel should mean lower emissions.In 
practice, however, laboratory measurements of CO2 emissions from diesel and 
petrol engines are the same, according to Martin Adams at the European 
Environment Agency (EEA). And as diesel cars tend to be bigger and heavier, any 
advantages in efficiency are wiped out.As a result, average CO2 emissions from 
diesel cars are only fractionally lower than those from petrol cars, figures 
from the UK's Society of Motor Manufacturers show. The industry counters that 
of course emissions would be greater from larger cars, and maintains that when 
comparing like-for-like models, diesels do emit noticeably less.But carbon 
emissions aren't the main problem when comparing diesel with petrol. So-called 
particulate matter, which causes cancer, and nitrogen oxide and dioxide (NOx) 
are the real concern. Recent studies have shown that nitrogen dioxides (NO2) 
can cause or exacerbate a number of health conditions, such as inflammation of 
the lungs, which can trigger asthma and bronchitis, increased risk of heart 
attacks and strokes, and lower birth weight and smaller head circumference in 
babies.In some European cities, NO2 levels are more than double World Health 
Organization guidelines, with diesel vehicles the single biggest 
contributor.Indeed air pollution as a whole causes more than 400,000 premature 
deaths in Europe, with road transport, and diesel in particular, contributing a 
meaningful chunk.InconsistenciesMost of these deaths are caused by particulate 
matter. Carmakers have recognised this and modern diesel cars are fitted with 
extremely effective filters that stop almost all of this carcinogenic soot 
entering the atmosphere. But there is a "significant problem with tampering 
with filters", according to Mr Archer.So when you see a car belching out thick 
black smoke, the chances are it will be a diesel with a faulty or a missing 
filter.Although a diesel car will fail its MOT if a filter that was originally 
fitted on the vehicle has been removed, there are a number of specialist 
companies which advertise doing just this for drivers who want to improve fuel 
economy and performance. Removing them isn't against the law.These filters also 
perform best when hot, and short trips around town won't heat your engine 
sufficiently. Nor do they help with secondary particulate matter, which is 
formed from NOx, the effects of which are not fully understood.How to reduce 
emissions from your diesel carDon't accelerate unnecessarilyGet your car 
serviced regularlyTurn your engine off if you are stationary for more than one 
minuteStick to the speed limits, especially on the motorwayCheck your car's 
levels of urea (ammonia used to tra

[Goanet] Our MPs Don't Need Cheap Food. Give It Up

2015-07-19 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


Today, we have another opportunity to re-examine our own stance on special 
privileges. An excellent example is an incident that happened some years ago. 
Former President Dr. Kalam was once frisked by an airline, thereby creating a 
major furore. The impressive part of this episode is that the former President 
did not even object to being frisked. This says a lot about the person, and my 
respect for him only went up higher. And I am sure I can say the same for most 
people in this country. Is it possible that shunning VVIP culture in small but 
significant ways may be a strong reason for the respect he commands by us 

Special privileges that have become so ubiquitous range from substantive to the 
frivolous. Politicians and bureaucrats do not have to stand in line for 
anything, live in heritage buildings, move around in cars with red beacons, and 
of recent relevance, enjoy subsidized food in canteens starting from the 
Parliament to government offices around the capital.

The issue of food subsidy offered to Members of Parliaments reeks of privilege. 
We talk about abolishing subsidies with regard to government policy, except we 
completely miss the point when we ignore the food subsidy extended to MPs. 
Without discussing the specifics with regard to the cost incurred to offer the 
food subsidy, there are certain fundamentals that I feel must be followed with 
regard to subsidies in general. They are 1) targeting the poorest of the poor 
and 2) to effect minimal leakages and avenues for corruption.

No organization enjoys the absolute trust of its members. No government enjoys 
the absolute trust of its citizens. And no elected representative enjoys the 
absolute trust of his or her constituents. Indeed they may aspire to achieve 
it, but it is a given that such a position is impossible if not untenable. 
Keeping this in mind, one finds that the privileged of this country, wittingly 
or unwittingly, participate in actions that are detrimental to this effect.

This brings me to what we all know as "VVIP culture". Such a culture has become 
pervasive and an inescapable part of an Indian citizen. It has practically 
touched everybody in this country. There are some who are more equal than the 
others. And they seem to make it very clear to the rest.

In an equivalent of name-dropping, we 'drop' the kind of access one has with 
the state. Interestingly, we are also a country wherein we decry and boast the 
privilege in equal measure, depending on which side of the fence we are. This 
deep-seated, still-fragile post-colonial mindset that 'they' are better than us 
and thereby 'deserve' such privileges is an unfortunate scenario after over 60 
years of independence.

The feudal relic of special privileges makes a mockery of democracy. Democracy 
does not simply mean that citizens provide consent and approval by way of the 
ballot every five years, but also means that they have access to the same 
individuals they have elected to office. The latter argument is lost on the 
elected representatives. Citizens are alienated from their representatives 
courtesy privileges that should be done away with. This alienation feeds into a 
cycle that is counter-productive, it promotes rent-seeking from the 'winners' 
and servile attitudes among the rest.

In recent months, the government campaign to encourage those citizens who can 
afford to voluntarily give up subsidized LPG cylinders has been very 
successful. If a million Indian citizens can give up subsidized cylinders, then 
certainly a few hundred MPs can give up subsidized food. I personally had given 
up my gas subsidy some years ago. I also have been advocating the dismantling 
of the well-entrenched VVIP culture in India over the years ranging from topics 
relating to red light beacons, security frisking and toll exemption on national 

Many have argued that the recipients of the subsidized Parliament canteen 
facilities are not only MPs, but also staff working in the Parliament. It is 
one thing to stereotype MPs to be privileged, for they already get a lot, but 
another thing to take away subsidy from a government employee for another 
person's disrepute. Unfortunately, this logic does not stand up to the 
fundamental role of a subsidy, besides the failure of categorizing government 
employees as the poorest of the poor. Government employees have also been 
surrendering their subsidized LPG connections - so the affordability argument 
is lost immediately.

However, should there be any measure of apprehension, and a strong case is 
present to continue the food subsidy for them, the Direct Benefits Transfer for 
LPG (DBTL) would be a suitable mechanism. DBTL is a process whereby the subsidy 
is directly affected through cash transfers into bank accounts that virtually 
eliminate any scope for leakage or corruptio

[Goanet] Let's be fair to Kenya

2015-07-19 Thread Mervyn Maciel
I couldn't agree more with Antonio Menezes when he says:

"Let us be fair to Kenya.  African authorities could not  have thrown
 non-Kenyans out , not even because they were British passport  holders.
They simply left Kenya  because their means of livelihood were curtailed
by the Africanization process."

I cannot speak for the rest of the Goans who left Kenya -but speaking
personally, can
I say how painful a wrench it was to uproot oneself from the land of one's
birth and
move to a 'foreign field'. I had  no choice. I had a young family, and
having experienced
at first hand the bloody revolution in Zanzibar, I just couldn't subject
them to any
further risks much though I loved and still love Kenya, the land of my
birth. This
decision was also prompted by the fact that although I had applied for
Kenya citizenship,
there was a considerable delay in processing my application, with the
result that the
approval actually came along with the Notice of  the Africanization of my
Having worked for some 20 years for the Kenya colonial government, my
and other privileges could not be guaranteed by an independent Kenya
nor were the prospects of obtaining a similar job elsewhere favourable
since the
clamour for more Africanization was accelerating and rightly so.
The decision to move to the United Kingdom was made purely in the interests
of my
young family. That said, my heart is still in Kenya -a land and people who
I admire, love and
still correspond with and help as best I can.

Mervyn Maciel

[Goanet] Goa news for July 20, 2015

2015-07-19 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 2 Injured as False Ceiling Collapses at Goa Airport -
hurt as false ceiling collapses in Goa airport - The Hindu

*** When a crocodile went strolling on a Goa beach! - Hindustan
Times - Hindustan Times

*** Indian Super League: FC Goa sign Keenan Almeida - Goal.com -
Goa sing Goan tune with 3 new signings - The Times of India

*** Goa CM to seek CBI probe in alleged bribery by US firm Louis
Berger for water ... - Economic Times
ased construction management firm bribing Indian officials for a
water developmental project in the state. Parsekar's reaction

*** Crocodile controversy created by rivals: Goa tourism
industry - The Times of India - Times of India
Crocodile Sighting at Morjim Beach Sparks Concerns [VIRAL

*** Regional Plan for Goa likely to delay - Times of India
govt to conduct audit of buildings over 3-decade old

*** Zico may disagree but FC Goa need younger players - The
Times of India - Times of India
hould-have-trained-in-brazil-zico">Romeo should have trained in
Brazil: Zico 

*** A Taste of Goa On Mumbai's Marine Drive This Sunday -
HungryForever - HungryForever (blog)
ngryForever (blog)Goa isn't too far away from Mumbai. But, it's
a bit of a hassle getting there, since trains, buses and flight
routes are nearly almost always booked. If you're craving a
taste of Goa, it would be easier to drive down to Hotel Marine
Plaza on Marine ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNE8aUeZljZs8g4jmaibctQ6KvVSQw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=_TKsVefNIobL3QGn5KfwDQ&url=http://www.hungryforever.com/taste-goa-mumbais-marine-drive-sunday/

*** Goa govt to adopt Arvalem village - The Times of India -
Times of India
mes of IndiaBICHOLIM: The state government recently decided to
adopt Arvalem village under the 'Adarsh Gram Yojana'. This was
decided in a special meeting called by the Goa state
infrastructure development corporation (GSIDC) chairman and
Sakhali MLA Pramod ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNHc0kTi7g7_05Ct6QEc5S68d64ZQA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778904249712&ei=_TKsVefNIobL3QGn5KfwDQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-govt-to-adopt-Arvalem-village/articleshow/48128872.cms

*** US bribery case: SMC Infra-SPML joint venture executed Goa
water project ... - Business Standard
ased firms - SMC Infrastructures and SPML Infra - and the India
office of Japanese consultancy Nihon

[Goanet] Kanara Cultural Association (KCA) of Delhi bids farewell to Fr. Franklin D’Souza

2015-07-19 Thread Ancy S DSouza Paladka
Kanara Cultural Association (KCA) of Delhi bids farewell to Fr. Franklin D'Souza
By Ancy DSouza Paladka

New Delhi, July 19: KCA organised farewell function for CBCI Secretary
for Youth Council Fr. Franklin D'Souza. At 10.30am Fr. Franklin
together with newly designate Secretary Fr. Deepak K J Thomas offered
Holy Eucharist. He preached on "God has shown his mercy and goodness
through Jesus". He explained the role of every Christian is to witness
Jesus. He said that salvation offered by Jesus is free gift for the
humanity. When we accept that salvation our lives will be filled with
joy. He also prayed for the members.

After the mass at 12 noon KCA had organised a short felicitation
program for Fr. Franklin. KCA welcomed new member Fr. Deepak K J
Thomas. Fr. Victor D'Souza offered a bouquet to Fr. Deepak. KCA
President Mr. Elias spoke about Fr. Franklin's achievements and he
said that as Fr. Franklin attributes all achievements are nothing but
God's mercy and His grace. Mr. Vincent Menezes in his farewell speech
said that Fr. Franklin is a man of prayer specially chosen by Jesus.
Many have witnessed healings and blessings through his various
retreats. He testified some of the testimonies. He also said that we
were able to organise every year residential Konkani retreat and it
was possible because of God's grace and his servant Fr. Franklin. Then
Fr. Victor D'Souza felicitated Fr. Franklin and KCA president Mr.
Elias gave a Momento on behalf of KCA.

Fr. Franklin in his farewell address said that "I have sole desire to
serve Jesus; I have no other desire in my life. What I am it is
because of Jesus and His Word. Positions will come and go but Lord
Jesus is my greatest position". He thanked every member of KCA which
made him to feel at home with their vibrant programs. He wished God's
blessings in future endeavours.

Fr. Victor D'Souza senior priest of Archdiocese of Delhi and founder
spiritual director of KCA, thanked God for the gift of KCA and gift of
Fr. Franklin. He said that Fr. Franklin's presence was felt very much
in the Archdiocese of Delhi. He has left a mark in us. He said Fr.
Franklin's zeal for the Lord is praise worthy. He wished him all the
very best for his new mission.

KCA secretary Mr. Prashant D'Souza compeered the program. He also
thanked everyone. Food was organised for all.

Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka
E2-139 Diwan Apt 3, Navghar
Near Railway Station
Palghar Dist - 401 202
Cell: 902898, 9209001777
Email: anc...@gmail.com

[Goanet] About our Health: Asparagus for Hypertension relief?

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] [Citizen-Mumbai] Expert Gyan: What Lies Behind the CBI Raid on Teesta Setalvad

2015-07-19 Thread Police Reforms Watch

Time to speak up and join in solidarity.

Pls come.Teesta Setalvad will be at the CBI office, tomorrow, Monday, 

20 between 3pm - 5 pm. , next to Bombay Store, National Insurance Bldg,
phirozsha mehta (P.M) road, next to Mogambo Restaurant, Fountain. CBI 

said , she is a threat to National Security.

Dolphy A. D'souza

Cell: 9833884227
Email: policereformswa...@gmail.com
W: www.policereformswatch.org

Please note my new number.


Expert Gyan: What Lies Behind the CBI Raid on Teesta Setalvad

On July 14,  2015, the Central Bureau of Investigation raided the home
of anti-communalism activist Teesta Setalvad, a week after the Union
Home Ministry transferred an ongoing investigation into her finances
to the elite agency.

Social activist Teesta Setalvad during a CBI raid at her residence in
Mumbai on Tuesday. PTI Photo
Social activist Teesta Setalvad during a CBI raid at her residence in
Mumbai on Tuesday. PTI Photo
The CBI filed a case against her last week for criminal conspiracy and
illegally receiving foreign funds, charges Setalvad denies. Though she
wrote to the CBI saying she was willing to cooperate with them in
every way, the CBI decided to raid her premises.

Setalvad’s organisation, Citizens for Justice and Peace, has canvassed
and litigated for the prosecution of cases stemming from the 2002
anti-Muslim massacres in Gujarat, especially the Gulberg Society and
Naroda Patiya killings.

The latter case led to the conviction of prominent BJP leader and
former minister Maya Kodnani.

The CBI raid on Teesta came barely a day before the appeals by those
convicted for the Naroda Patia massacre case were to be heard in the
Gujarat High Court, and just two weeks before the final hearing of
Zakia Jafri’s petition against the closure report of the Supreme
Court-appointed SIT, which cleared Narendra Modi of criminal liability
for the Gujarat riots. Setalvad has been closely assisting Zakia Jafri
with her petition and appeal.

The Wire asked a few prominent individuals for their views on the
matter. Is the CBI raid an attempt by the BJP-led government at the
Centre to intimidate activists opposed to it? Or is the agency merely
doing its job, investigating charges against Setalvad just as it would
in any other case?

Julio Ribeiro
Social Worker and former Director General of Police, Punjab

319215-julio-ribeiroI’m quite certain that Teesta will fight it out. I
know her and I know she will fight and we must help her. This just
shows that there is no difference between the old government and the
new one. The old one was trying to keep the guilty out and the new one
is putting the innocent in. If they say they are different from the
last one then I don’t know what is worse, keeping the guilty out or
putting the innocent in. This government will lose out on public
perception through this. Under no stretch will Teesta do something
illegal. If she has contravened a rule, then many such rules are
contravened and why aren’t they targeting everybody like this. I’m
sure she had no intention to take money without clearance and now they
have accused her of using it for personal purposes. Teesta has only
ensured justice be done. They have chosen Teesta specifically because
she has confronted them.

Satish Deshpande
Eminent sociologist and Professor at the Delhi School of Economics

satishdIt is a clear and transparent attempt to intimidate and it
ought to be resisted, no matter which government.

Based on its timing, there seems to be a clear sense of vendetta, and
has gone way beyond Conflict of Interest, a light phrase in this case.

It seems obvious to even someone like me who isn’t associated with the
facts of the case.

Amitava Kumar
Writer, and the author of, most recently, Lunch with a Bigot

kumarJust last night I was reading a novel by Philip Roth in which a
young woman goes to a police station in Hong Kong. She is the mistress
of a man who is a shipping tycoon and has gone to the police to
complain about the rich man’s plot to get rid of his wife in a car
accident. The officer on duty makes a phone call and subsequently a
packet of cocaine is found in the woman’s purse.

I’m telling you this story because, of course, it doesn’t happen only
in India. But, as a phrase dear to the liberal section of our society
would have it, the brazenness is shocking. I’m talking now of the CBI
raid on Teesta Setalvad’s home. It is an instance of the ways in which
our prime institutions collude with power. I don’t, of course, have
proof. But proof of what really? As in the with the deaths of
witnesses in the Vyapam and Asaram Bapu cases, the needle of suspicion
points in only one direction.

Rajeev Dhavan
Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India

rajeev dhavanThe three issues here are bringing civil society under
total control, using the word accountability to oppress 


2015-07-19 Thread Devak Argham
Dear All Concerned

THere is alreay a page in Romi Konkani for Goa.

As for the konkani-english vocabulary there are already 280 odd pages
In Romi konkani waiting to be  moved from the incubator stage of the
konkani wiki

Mogh Asundhi

[Goanet] Fwd: [GOABOOKCLUB] Re: Mhonneo

2015-07-19 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Yeah. If you really want to know just take a look here:

Good ol Gusto shoots in the dark when he wants to. And he can't bear anyone
disagreeing with him, it seems. (Even if it's on some unrelated list, like
the GBC or MoiraNet.)


P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556


[Goanet] Mhonneo *augusto pinto* pintogoa at gmail.com

*Sat Jul 18 10:20:57 PDT 2015 *

If you want to know why FN has suddenly got this itch for 'Mhonneo' which
means 'Sayings' / 'Proverbs' / 'Idioms' and if you're wondering why FN has
got this 'khorzonnem' (itch) which is looking for a khorpi' (scratch) I'll
tell you.

First you must understand that FN never issues his dicta without having
some connection to Goa 1556, and in this case his dictum is connected to
the fact that he wants to fill in the gaps of Valmiki Faleiro's forthcoming
Goa 1556 book on Konkani phrases and idioms and proverbs which he is going
to issue soon.

I think that of all the books which a Goan publication house can issue with
an almost guaranteed readership-base if it is a book on cooking, a book on
Goan houses, a book on Konkani phrases and idioms and proverbs...

I hope that FN has been smart enough to order at least 5000 copies of


P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556


2015-07-19 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The alleged 6 crore Louis Berger kickback is peanuts compared to the
astronomical riches the current ruling BJP politicians in Goa and their
cronies have and continue to amass. Manohar Parrikar while Chief Minister
the government had paid the same Louis Berger a whopping Rs 14 crore
towards the Mopa Airport techno-feasibility study.Only Manohar Parrikar
could enlighten us on how deep his cut was.

What we have been witnessing over the last three and a half years is
organized daylight rampant corruption with the Government intentionally
having kept Goa without a Lokayukta and Information Commission as well.

The CBI needs to interrogate Manohar Parrikar, Laxmikant Parsekar, Atmaram
Nadkarni amongst others to unearth the mountain of ill-gotten wealth
acquired. It has been a tale of rags to riches for this most corrupt
government in Goa’s history.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Pay Parking Areas in Campal Panjim.

2015-07-19 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed
about Road Safety & Traffic Management in Goa.

Pay Parking Areas in Campal Panjim


Advert. on page 11 in The Navhind Times 18/7/15

Re: [Goanet] Let's be fair to Kenya

2015-07-19 Thread Jose Colaco
On 19 July 2015 at 06:20, Antonio Menezes  wrote:

Let us be fair to Kenya.  African authorities could not  have thrown
non-Kenyans out , not even because they were British passport  holders.
They simply left Kenya  because their means of livelihood were curtailed by
the Africanization process.


There are two ways of 'throwing someone out'

1: Evict
2: Make it very difficult for the 'someone' to make a living and to live.
It is known as the good old Minister of Paperclips
technique...wherein...the unwanted is made irrelevant.

I beieve that AM is right.

The process of Africanization forced (say) Goans to choose between UK,
Indian, Portuguese and Kenyan citizenship. Of importance is the 1969 Trade
and Licensing Act which locked out non-Kenyan businesses. The civil service
was already Africanised.

Those who chose UK citizenship but delayed migrating soon found out that
the UK law was different for them as opposed to native-born (mainly
Caucasian) UK citizens.

India was "championing" the cause of these folks of Indian descent before
1963. Thereafter, it virtually closed to door on their faces

Those who had Portuguese nationality (mainly Goans and some Gujratis) were
relatively OK. They moved.

A tiny % opted for Kenyan citizenship and stayed on (till the later
violence made them move)

In Goa anyway.That on another day



2015-07-19 Thread Michael Ali


 By Goretti Ali

On the morning of Sat. 11 July, 2015 three 60 - seater buses left the Church 
premises for the Shamsi Resort Farmhouse at Malir Cantonment for a day of 
relaxation and fun.  This picnic was authorised by Ref. Fr. Edward Joseph, 
Parish Priest of St. Anthony’s Church for the various groups of the parish, the 
fete’s helpers and the parishioners.  The organisation and arrangements for 
this event was done by Mr. Marshall Fernandes, a very active parishioner along 
with the assistance of Ms. Debbie Santamaria, Mr. Fabian Bob, Mr. Aloysius 
Soares and a few others.  

Before proceeding to the farm house, Fr. Peter John said a prayer for the 
safety of all and wished everyone a fun filled day.  On arrival, everyone was 
served with a packet of juice and a brownie.  Without wasting any further time, 
all the water lovers stepped into the pool.  There was a water slide where 
many, children and adults alike enjoyed sliding down and splashing into the 
cool water.  Most of the group spent the day in the pool cooling off Karachi’s 
humid weather.

The premises was a spacious L-shaped building consisting of two lounges, a 
kitchen, three rooms each with an attached washroom and two changing rooms and 
washrooms on the outside.  The lounges had a TV and tables for billiards, 
carom, table tennis and table football.  Beside the lawns were swings and net 
ball and throw ball courts.  There was also a small pool with ducks.

Two similar premises adjacent to each other were booked so there was ample 
space to move around and relax.  A disc jockey was present so music vibrated 
throughout the day.

Lunch was delicious chicken biryani, salad, a kebab and a soft drink.   
Thereafter the ubiquitous game of tombola was played where many winners went 
home happy.  In the evening tea was served along with a potato patty.  All eats 
and drinks were served in styrofoam containers that eliminated the need of 
washing up and storing crockery and cutlery. The premises were clean and the 
surroundings safe.
 Before closing, Marshall thanked all for their co-operation and assistance, 
especially the priests of St. Anthony’s Church.  In all it was a day well 
spent, thanks to the excellent arrangements of the organisers.

Re: [Goanet] Mhonneo

2015-07-19 Thread augusto pinto
If you want to know why FN has suddenly got this itch for 'Mhonneo' which
means 'Sayings' / 'Proverbs' / 'Idioms' and if you're wondering why FN has
got this 'khorzonnem' (itch) which is looking for a khorpi' (scratch) I'll
tell you.

First you must understand that FN never issues his dicta without having
some connection to Goa 1556, and in this case his dictum is connected to
the fact that he wants to fill in the gaps of Valmiki Faleiro's forthcoming
Goa 1556 book on Konkani phrases and idioms and proverbs which he is going
to issue soon.

I think that of all the books which a Goan publication house can issue with
an almost guaranteed readership-base if it is a book on cooking, a book on
Goan houses, a book on Konkani phrases and idioms and proverbs...

I hope that FN has been smart enough to order at least 5000 copies of


[Goanet] Charles Correa

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: [Goanet] Urgent: need help to translate into Romi...

2015-07-19 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
By the same logic, making a dictionary or thesaurus available online would
also be "pointless" work because "everyone who knows Konkani in the Romi or
Devanagari also knows English".

Bizarre argument! FN

On 18 July 2015 at 18:01, augusto pinto  wrote:

> Comment:
> I think doing this sort of work is pointless. Everyone who knows Konkani in
> the Romi or Devanagari script also knows English. Why do you need to
> translate something which is already available in a language that you know?
> A more sensible project would be to ensure that a) a dictionary and b) a
> thesaurus of the Konkani language c) a Konkani-English and English Konkani
> dictionary  are available on-line in preferably all the scripts in which
> the language is written. Am I right in thinking that one could do this
> using the currently available information and books as a base without
> violating copyright law. I wonder if anybody could enlighten us here?

P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at archive.org https://archive.org/details/goa1556


2015-07-19 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The alleged 6 crore Louis Berger kickback is peanuts compared to the
astronomical riches the current ruling BJP politicians in Goa and their
cronies have and continue to amass.  What we have been witnessing over the
last three and a half years is organized daylight rampant corruption with
the Government intentionally having kept Goa without a Lokayukta and
Information Commission as well.

The CBI needs to interrogate Manohar Parrikar, Laxmikant Parsekar, Atmaram
Nadkarni amongst others to unearth the mountain of ill-gotten wealth
acquired. It has been a tale of rags to riches for this most corrupt
government in Goa’s history.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



2015-07-19 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Bombay High Court has notified that complaints against the District
Judiciary will not be entertained unless accompanied by an Affidavit. So
complaints against High Court Judges do not need an affidavit.

Surprisingly without there being an affidavit the High Court promptly acted
on the complaint filed by the Government against Margao JMFC Bosco Roberts
for having issued a search warrant to look out for the then absconding
convict former Minister Mickky Pacheco at 10 Akbar Road, the official
residence of  Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar. One wonders whether it is
the Government that is steering and manipulating the wheels of the
Judiciary in Goa.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] India researchers cook up low fat ghee.

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Anyone remembers Blinston Fernandes B2?

2015-07-19 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Our then young ex-GEC friend (and Free Software enthusiast) is a director
at Paisool

Check him out on TV here:

Congratulations, guy!!  Well done. We're all proud of you. FN

P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at archive.org https://archive.org/details/goa1556


2015-07-19 Thread Stephen Dias


-- Forwarded message --

Date: 19 July 2015 at 10:13
To: Stephan Dias 

You have a point
On 18-Jul-2015 7:22 am, "Stephen Dias"  wrote:

> Dear Local Editors in Goa,
> I have my grievance,  that most of our local newspapers in their Letters
> to the Editor column are been published letters by either Adelmo Fernandes,
>  Michael Vaz, S.N. Poojary or Panchu Menon and definitely one can see in
> our local  papers Gomantak Times, Herald , Navhind Times and even The Goan,
>  one of these writers names are always there forever. I have my question to
> ask the Editors in Goa why only these names all the times seen figuring in
> their columns; as if there are no other Goan writers who can write better
> than them? Is Goa writers gone on hibernation like frogs?
> Please see this suggestion;  as Goa needs more and better writers so that
> whole image of Goa which is under attack by so called outsiders builders
> are finishing Goa and grabbing land of Goa and constructing illegal
> buildings for them to stay forever in Goa and Goans will one day will have
> to stay on huts. Look at the roads in Goa they are gone , Look at the
> sewage in Goa  it is gone to the St Ines and Ourem Creek and Mandovi River
> as well as in the wells;  Look at the old buildings in Goa or Panjim they
> are still being utilized and pose danger to the public;  Look at the water
> and electricity in Goa, the fares have gone up and Goans have no money to
> pay their bills;  Look at the victims of rapes , murders and thefts all
> these things could be well written or exposed by the new writers of Goa and
> not keeping these old writers forever in their columns who perhaps are hand
> in gloves with the Government and the Editor are using them as they
> cooperate with them so that no important facts are been exposed to the
> public. Will the Editors of our local dailies  open their eyes and see that
> this suggestion is implemented? But mind you editing must be minimum.
> Thank You
> Stephen Dias
> D.Paula
> Mob:9422443110
> ---

[Goanet] A. A. de Moira Club Elections on 26th July UNCONSTITUTIONAL

2015-07-19 Thread augusto pinto

*There is something decidedly dodgy about the forthcoming A. A. de Moira
Club elections and I'd like to alert members regarding this. *
Some days ago I received the Notice and Agenda of the AGM to be held on
Sunday, 26th July 2015 at 10.30 a.m. I had a look at it today and realized
that the elections of a new Managing Committee is to be held on the day.

Reading the Agenda, I realized that the elections, if held as procedurally
flawed and as a consequence are bound to be null and void.

The Constitution of the Club provides that the schedule of the elections
have to be announced beforehand and panels of those who wish to contest
have to file their nominations beforehand.

Nothing of the kind has been done in the Notice and Agenda that has been
sent to the members. There is also no mention about the annual membership
fees that are to be collected.

>From what has been given in the Agenda* it seems that the election will be
conducted directly on the floor of the house.* *It should be noted that
this procedure can be followed only if and when no panel has filed
nomination papers.*

I am alerting the members about this because the procedures should be
followed as per the Constitution. *Bypassing the rules*, (even if the
members are willing to go along with this),* will set up a very bad

If today the Constitution is violated like in this way, in future they will
continue to do whatever they like. And I can assure you given the real
estate that the Club is sitting on, there are lots of people who would be
quite happy to do just that.

At last years' AGM the Committee had promised to present an estimate of the
repairs that the Clubhouse required. It had also promised that the
financial accounts would be kept open for scrutiny and copies of the
financial statements and annual report would be available for members
beforehand. To the best of my knowledge none of these measures have been
taken by the Committee till now.

Will the members wise up and oppose these fraudulent elections and actions
of the current Managing Committee?

[Goanet] Let's be fair to Kenya

2015-07-19 Thread Antonio Menezes
Kenya is a beautiful country where at least 10.000 Goans resided
and earned their livelihoods during the British colonial regime.

Kenya became an independent country in December 1963 and in
the following years adopted a policy of Africanization of government
and private sector jobs . Many young Asians ( mainly Goans, Gujaratis
and Punjabis ) had to make way for Africans and since most of them
were British passport holders , they starting migrating to Britain as
they could just walk into Britain without any restrictions

In February.1968 , the British parliament  passed a law curtailing
the free entry of Asian British passport holders  and introduced
an entry voucher system limiting the entry to a certain  number
per year.

To beat this deadline (March,1968) many Asians travelled to
Britain in February, 1968 and it was known as mini-exodus.
And possibly among them was one young Goan aged about 21
( just like Suella's Papa ).

Let us be fair to Kenya.  African authorities could not  have thrown
 non-Kenyans out , not even because they were British passport  holders.
They simply left Kenya  because their means of livelihood were curtailed
by the Africanization process.



[Goanet] Photo-gallery-your-india-photos

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Expert Gyan: What Lies Behind the CBI Raid on Teesta Setalvad BY THE WIRE STAFF

2015-07-19 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: cedricprak...@gmail.com

Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:

From: Teesta Setalvad 
Date: 19 July 2015 09:41:53 GMT+2
To: Teesta Setalvad 
Subject: Fwd: [The Moderates] Expert Gyan: What Lies Behind the CBI Raid on 
Teesta Setalvad BY THE WIRE STAFF

Expert Gyan: What Lies Behind the CBI Raid on Teesta SetalvadBY THE WIRE STAFF 
ON 18/07/2015• ( LEAVE A COMMENT )On 
 14,  2015, the Central Bureau of Investigation raided the home of 
anti-communalism activist Teesta Setalvad, a week after the Union Home Ministry 
transferred an ongoing investigation into her finances to the elite 
agency.Social activist Teesta Setalvad during a CBI raid at her residence in 
Mumbai on Tuesday. PTI PhotoThe CBI filed a case against her last week for 
criminal conspiracy and illegally receiving foreign funds, charges Setalvad 
denies. Though she wrote to the CBI saying she was willing to cooperate with 
them in every way, the CBI decided to raid her premises.Setalvad’s 
organisation, Citizens for Justice and Peace, has canvassed and litigated for 
the prosecution of cases stemming from the 2002 anti-Muslim massacres in 
Gujarat, especially the Gulberg Society and Naroda Patiya killings.The latter 
case led to the conviction of prominent BJP leader and former minister Maya 
Kodnani.The CBI raid on Teesta came barely a day before the appeals by those 
convicted for the Naroda Patia massacre case were to be heard in the Gujarat 
High Court, and just two weeks before the final hearing of Zakia Jafri’s 
petition against the closure report of the Supreme Court-appointed SIT, which 
cleared Narendra Modi of criminal liability for the Gujarat riots. Setalvad has 
been closely assisting Zakia Jafri with her petition and appeal.The Wire asked 
a few prominent individuals for their views on the matter. Is the CBI raid an 
attempt by the BJP-led government at the Centre to intimidate activists opposed 
to it? Or is the agency merely doing its job, investigating charges against 
Setalvad just as it would in any other case?Julio Ribeiro
Social Worker and former Director General of Police, PunjabI’m quite certain 
that Teesta will fight it out. I know her and I know she will fight and we must 
help her. This just shows that there is no difference between the old 
government and the new one. The old one was trying to keep the guilty out and 
the new one is putting the innocent in. If they say they are different from the 
last one then I don’t know what is worse, keeping the guilty out or putting the 
innocent in. This government will lose out on public perception through this. 
Under no stretch will Teesta do something illegal. If she has contravened a 
rule, then many such rules are contravened and why aren’t they targeting 
everybody like this. I’m sure she had no intention to take money without 
clearance and now they have accused her of using it for personal purposes. 
Teesta has only ensured justice be done. They have chosen Teesta specifically 
because she has confronted them.Satish Deshpande
Eminent sociologist and Professor at the Delhi School of EconomicsIt is a clear 
and transparent attempt to intimidate and it ought to be resisted, no matter 
which government.Based on its timing, there seems to be a clear sense of 
vendetta, and has gone way beyond Conflict of Interest, a light phrase in this 
case.It seems obvious to even someone like me who isn’t associated with the 
facts of the case.Amitava Kumar
Writer, and the author of, most recently, Lunch with a BigotJust last night I 
was reading a novel by Philip Roth in which a young woman goes to a police 
station in Hong Kong. She is the mistress of a man who is a shipping tycoon and 
has gone to the police to complain about the rich man’s plot to get rid of his 
wife in a car accident. The officer on duty makes a phone call and subsequently 
a packet of cocaine is found in the woman’s purse.I’m telling you this story 
because, of course, it doesn’t happen only in India. But, as a phrase dear to 
the liberal section of our society would have it, the brazenness is shocking. 
I’m talking now of the CBI raid on Teesta Setalvad’s home. It is an instance of 
the ways in which our prime institutions collude with power. I don’t, of 
course, have proof. But proof of what really? As in the with the deaths of 
witnesses in the Vyapam and Asaram Bapu cases, the needle of suspicion points 
in only one direction.Rajeev Dhavan
Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India The three issues here are bringing 
civil society under total control, using the word accountability to oppress and 
the sanctity of the Gujarat model.The government cannot handle activist civil 
society. Indira Gandhi wanted to monitor them under a common umbrella in 1982. 
Rajiv Gandhi tried to do something similar by use of the defamation provision. 
This government wants to use the platf

[Goanet] Goa news for July 19, 2015

2015-07-19 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 2 Injured as False Ceiling Collapses at Goa Airport -
hurt as false ceiling collapses in Goa airport - The Hindu

*** Regional Plan for Goa likely to delay 
usiness Standard News

*** Goa CM to demand CBI probe into minister's bribe charge 
usiness Standard ...

*** How a Croc Likely Showed up on a Goa Beach - NDTV.com - NDTV
potted-at-goa-beach-photos-go-viral/">Morjim Beach, Goa:
Fully-grown crocodile spotted, photos go viral 

*** Minister Part of $1 Million Bribe for Goa Project, Says US
Firm - NDTV.com - NDTV
ased construction management firm has been charged with bribing
Indian officials several crores of rupees to win two major water
developmental projects in Goa and in Guwahati. The bribery of
$976,630 for a Goa project by ...

*** FC Goa sing Goan tune with 3 new signings - The Times of
India - Times of India
wner Dattaraj Salgaocar that the Goan franchise in the Indian
Super League (ISL) will have more Goan players than ever before,
especially at a time when the owners have maintained that the
"franchise belongs ...

*** Kanitkar, Ratra to coach Goa - The Times of India - Times of
atra-to-coach-goa">Kanitkar, Ratra to coach Goa 

*** Goa govt to adopt Arvalem village - The Times of India -
Times of India
mes of IndiaBICHOLIM: The state government recently decided to
adopt Arvalem village under the 'Adarsh Gram Yojana'. This was
decided in a special meeting called by the Goa state
infrastructure development corporation (GSIDC) chairman and
Sakhali MLA Pramod ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNHc0kTi7g7_05Ct6QEc5S68d64ZQA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778904249712&ei=fuGqVdjNIobW3gGI5byQBg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-govt-to-adopt-Arvalem-village/articleshow/48128872.cms

*** Defence project: Goan cos to visit South Korea on July 22 -
The Times of India - Times of India
mes of IndiaPanaji: A strong delegation of shipbuilders and
allied industries from the state is all set to visit South Korea
on July 22 for further discussions on collaborative partnerships
for the 32,000 crore mine counter measure vessel project that
Goa Shipyard ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNH79T0WuMjnZg0enemh1NrTInBnTQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=fuGqVdjNIobW3gGI5byQBg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Defence-project-Goan-cos-to-visit-South-Korea-on-July-22/articleshow/4812.cms

*** It's raining film stars at the 8th Goa Marathi film fest -
The Times of India - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe eighth edition of the Goa Marathi film festival
by Vinsan Graphics will have an impressive assortment of film
screenings, celebrity appearances, felicitation to stalwarts and
live performances determined to satiate every excited film lover
in the ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=

[Goanet] Administrator to run Bicholim school

2015-07-19 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

PANJIM: Education department has appointed an administrator to run a
high school in Maulnguem-Bicholim after its management, Shri Mhalsa
Educational Society (SMES), failed to run the institution.
The management has been refusing to run the Rauji Rane Memorial High
School, Maulinguem for the last 5 to 7 years despite the department
giving them an opportunity to take over the functioning of the school
every year.
“The Education department has taken over the management on a temporary
basis for the last five to seven years because its actual management
refused to run the school leaving the fate of students hanging in
balance,” Education Director Gajanan Bhat told Herald.
The department has appointed deputy education officer (north education
zone) Poma Braganza as Authorized Officer to oversee the functioning
of the school.
Since the temporary arrangement cannot exceed one year, the department
has been extending the period for the original management to take over
the school but in vain. “Since SMES is not operating the school
despite orders, we are running the institution on a temporary basis.”

[Goanet] Potholes cause rise to whole lot of injuries(especially to women) ....ADC July 18, 2015 pg 2

2015-07-19 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

Potholes cause rise to whole lot of injuriesSaturday, July 18, 2015By Vrushali 
PurandarePotholes on Mumbai roads have become one of  major risk factors for 
Mumbaikars, being one of the major reasons for spine injuries, with the result 
that doctor are advising people to reduce travelling especially during the 
monsoon season, where many roads are full of pot holes. The ones suffering the 
most because of this are mainly women.

A number of complications occur which include injuries like  lower back pain, 
cervical spine pain and whiplash injury, cervical spondylosis, body ache, neck 
pain  are very common due to potholes,  but one of the most severe undoubtedly 
are miscarriages which occur to pregnant women, because of this potholes.  

Sometimes, potholes lead to  fatal accidents which  may lead to deadly injuries 
like brain or spinal cord injury.

One  patient who is pregnant (name changed ) Sarita Singh said , “The problem 
is with potholes on our roads, that  is  causing  significant injuries to the 
back while traveling, when cars or bikes or autorickshaws passes over potholes, 
it gives a jerk which is risky and causes a lot of tension. I am  five months  
pregnant and have been advised by doctor to reduce traveling especially now 
that the monsoon is here due to potholed roads  but since I belong to a middle 
class family I can't afford to sit at home”.

Speaking to ADC, Dr. Arvind  Goregaonkar, Head of Orthopedic Department at Sion 
Hospital said, “Such conditions used to affect  many people aged above 60. But 
now it is increasing in a number of young people, under 40 years of age, who 
are being diagnosed with  conditions like cervical spondylosis.  One of the 
first  major cautionary signs  for cervical spondylosis, is  a pain in the neck 
and shoulders and arms, which may lead to excruciating pain shooting down the 
arms. Patients always complain of severe devolution of the low back pains of 
increasing pain, stiffness and inability to stand and walk instantly after the 
rocky bumpy rides passing over potholes. Many people have to repeatedly face 
this problem both to and from from work to their home. So we had to give  them 
an extensive spinal rehabilitation program focusing on the back  pain. Chronic 
back pain has become a immense problem.”

Corporator  Devendra Ambekar said, “Potholes is a  major issue which BMC is 
taking lightly, after all its a question of middle class people who are 
travelling on roads by rickshaw or by bike, even its harmful for people who are 
travelling by car. The common problems  noted among people are spondylosis and 
back pain, which are significantly growing. BMC authorities should look into 
this matter on a personal basis, avoid corruption and ensure that the roads are 
free of pot holes.”  

BMC chief engineer, roads and traffic, Ashok Pawar said, “At one time there  
were around fifty thousand pot holes  in Mumbai city , but now it  have been  
reduce to  seventeen to eighteen  hundred , improvements have been done over a 
period of time. All the complaints have been attended to this monsoon, then the 
recent rains created problems but we  managed to sort them out during the  dry 
span. All the pothole complaints are attended in 48 hours and it is also 
peoples responsibility to drive carefully”.

With key inputs by Priyanka Bhatt


[Goanet] need legislation

2015-07-19 Thread Nelson Lopes
Need legislation

Underground electric cabling is a good idea that will take years for
germination.  May be an attempt in cities   is not cost effective.
Immediately and first low and high voltage fluctuations and erratic energy
supply, power cuts can be attended .The consumers have lost heavily on
appliances and have to bear the brunt silently besides hefty increase for
domestic consumers. The overhead  open supply lines need wire separators
.On NH 17 land acquired in 1988 the overhanging branches cause frequent
disruptions The clipping has to be done well in advance instead on the eve
of onset of monsoon In villages too branches and falling trees create
hardships for the users

Specially in villages no objections from adjacent neighbors, landlords lead
to denial of this facility This malaise is also applicable to other
essential services like water, phone connections, Hence a legislation is
the need of the hour, so that no legitimate user is denied connections. It
must be remembered that those who enjoy these services the supply lines
traverse over properties of numerous people Denial of such a facility
should be made an offence
Nelson Lopes Chincinim

[Goanet] GOA Picnic - Sunday, August 23, 2015 (Noon to 5 PM)

2015-07-19 Thread goansofamerica

Hello Everyone,   

Hope you are having a great summer so far and can attend our next summer event. 

What: Beach Picnic   

When:Sunday, August 23, 2015 (Noon to 5pm)   

Where:   Veteran's Park (located at 309 Esplanade, Redondo Beach).   

Cost: Free   

Parking: There is metered street parking (beware of parking enforcement) or you 
can park at the Redondo Beach Pier (100 W. Torrance Blvd., Redondo 
Beach, CA 90277) for $2.00 per hour.  There is also free residential 
parking (Broadway and Pearl).   

What to bring: Bring your own food and drink!  Please be self sufficient with 
plates, cutlery, cups and napkins.  Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.   

Come hang out, build sand castles and bask in the sun. Please help in bringing 
games to play like balls, nets, kites etc..   

Upcoming Events:   

Camp Seely | September 11 to 13, 2015 (Accepting reservations)   

Christmas Dance | December 12, 2015

We are on Facebook as Los Angeles GOA.   

Looking forward to seeing all of you!   

Selma Rodrigues   

[Goanet] essential services

2015-07-19 Thread Nelson Lopes
Connections like water, Electricity, telephone are essential services.
landlords stall and object to such facility, as it has to cross their
boundaries or properties Mostly it is due to jealousy,. envy and ego
problems, Technically such objections cannot be overruled by the designated
department unless they have no objection certificate, As a result many are
denied these facilities, Those enjoying the benefits, forget that such
facilities and connecting lines pass through many properties of owners. Had
they to adopt the dog in the manger attitude, perhaps, we would be waiting
in vain. Mobile phones have solved the problem of wires passing over other
properties. Water and electricity connections are still being hindered. It
does not make sense and does not disturb anything as water pipe lines are
dug at least a meter below the ground and in some places fixed lines phones
are also underground. Underground cabling of electricity may be  reality
soon There must be a legislation to take care of these difficulties,.
otherwise those that object must be denied similar facilities with
immediate effect The owners can suggest an alternative route through their
properties, if it causes encumbrance, These problems are acute specially in
villages No one must deny such facilities to their neighbors adamantly on
flimsy grounds Those whose houses are abutting the roads do not think of
others and hence only legislation can remove this lacuna

The gestation period of underground cabling in cities is not cost effective
.Immediately and first the problems of high and low voltage, fluctuations,
erratic electric supply, power cuts and high tariffs for domestic consumers
can be attended .The loss of electric appliances is a cause of anxiety for
helpless consumers. Line separators for open wires will remedy short
circuits. The overhanging branches must be trimmed much before the onset of
monsoons. On NH17 the land acquisitions was way back in 1988 and yet the
overhanging branches of trees are crying for actions
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on Biodiversity Management in Goa: Are Village Panchayat Committees the way forward ?

2015-07-19 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 24th July from 4pm to 6pm
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC: Biodiversity Management in Goa:
Are Village Panchayat Committees the way forward ?
SPEAKER: Open Discussion

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the FRIDAY BALCAO.
If you cannot attend, then please send
your views and action plan suggestions
by email to goad...@gmail.com

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail to: goad...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Wet weather in Goa

2015-07-19 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
After days (week?) of a dry spell, we've been getting some heavy rains im
Goa since Sunday.

This adds to the seasonal total but I don't think it's very helpful in


P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Easy listening selection..........Max Bygraves

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes

Max Bygraves retired and died on the Gold Coast  Australia.

  It had to be you & two more. 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Getting the diagnosis right.

2015-07-19 Thread Con Menezes
Some of our doctors  might be able to relate to this situation.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Video: Rough Neighbourhood in Canada

2015-07-19 Thread Albert Peres
Police carrying out an undercover sting to catch criminals in Vancouver, 
BC, Canada.


Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell