[Goanet] Jesus the God incarnate

2016-02-05 Thread Nelson Lopes

People and followers were amazed at his provocative and insightful wisdom.
He was the centre of attraction with mysterious characteristics that set
the son of carpenter apart. He travelled miles around which was his
credentials. His impact and influence was none like any other of his time.
Though some like to call him a moral and ethical teacher, but his radical
claims about himself astounded his followers and adversaries’ alike .His
unique claim was viewed as that of God actually in human form, purest with
sublime ethics His sermon on mount first talked about equal rights, he that
is greatest amongst you,let him be your servant .Both Gandhi and Thomas
Jeferson extolled his lofty moral teachings, that all men are created equal
.He ministered almost entirely outside established frame work. Only and
exclusively Jesus offers deliverance and forgiveness of sins and
transformation, unlike others prescribing instructions for way of life
.Only Jesus claimed divinity and only God can forgive sins. We may be part
of God and seeds of divinity are ingrained in all of us. Jesus said Come to
me, I am the truth,  obey him, and follow him He used the same phrase  I
AM, which God said to Abraham at burning bush in describing himself

Thus Jesus claimed power which uniquely belongs to God.. He raised the
dead, cured deaf, dumb , lepers, multiply bread in the name of God He
claimed to be more than prophet like no other before or thereafter .Jesus
 referred himself as son of God. He never proclaimed explicitly as God, or
man or prophet It cannot be discounted that Jesus being divine ,even if he
did not say so explicitly Jews belived in one God as Jesus did. He prayed
to Father, those who see me see the Father, no one can go to father except
through me. Further at Lazarus death , he says I am the resurrection and
life and those who believe shall  live, even physically dead in earthly
terms. Jews hated him and angered them, accused him for blasphemy for
making him God. Forgiving sins was outside the realm of human world. Coming
to judge at the end of the world was also considered blasphemous .Jesus was
not accepted a God, which is shocking truth Even to the last Jesus does not
retact or relinquish his claim to be son of God, In fact he would never
would be condemned to ignominious death on the cross if he retacted his
claim to be the son of God

Was Jesus God in flesh or was he a fake, lying or lunatic with God complex
?. nobody accused him  as a liar, misleading for political ends as is the
case normally, he could not build his entire ministry of fame, power,
success  the legacy on lies. Jesus was opposed to lying and hypocrisy and
not motivated to lie , even though the Jews   labored  in vain to expose
him as a fraud and liar What benefit would Jesus obtain through lies, God
has divine origin and inherent power, which divine source was claimed by
some rulers to consolidate their grip on followers. Jesus in fact chased
those who abused power. Jesus  reached out and touched powerless like
lepers, deaf, dumb, prostitutes, which activities are diametrically
opposite to urge for power With his divine power he could avoid death on
cross accepting it as his destiny and purpose. Dying does not bestows power
, as few die for a lie, but for a cause that death brings, The son of God
was crucified The ordinary son of a carpenter was catapulted to the world
stage, even though his disciples abandoned him and Peter denied him thrice
as prophesized

No one was resurrected  or predicted it advance to strengthen his legacy
The periodic aspirations of Mary in various parts of the world further
accentuate that Jesus Christ as the son of living God in union with his
Father Jeus is God divine in human form, born of Virgin Mary as the
scriptures predicted

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2016-02-05 Thread AIFF Media
Dear colleagues,

Please find below the match report of India’s goalless draw against
Maldives in the 12th South Asian Games.

*We request you to follow AIFF Twitter Handle @AIFFMedia for regular

AIFF Media Team


*AIFF Media Team*

*NEW DELHI:* The Indian Women’s Senior National Team started their 12th South
Asian Games campaign with a goalless draw against Maldives at the
Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Shillong, Meghalaya on February 05, 2016.

In what was a dominating performance, the Indian Senior Women’s National
Team attacked right from the whistle and had the Indian eves had their
goal-scoring boots on, the complexion of the match would have been much
different and the score-line much contrasting. However, as destiny had it,
complacency infront of goal cost the Indian eves, a deserving win.

“In Football it is all about taking your opportunities and we did not take
them today”, Head Coach of the Indian Women’s Senior National Team Sajid
Dar told www.the-aiff.com later.

“You have to score in order to win and today’s draw points us straight to
the drawing board to rectify our errors infront of goal”, he added.

As early as the 4th minute, the Indian eves carved a opening in the
Maldivian defence line as Kamala Devi, after a glitzy passing move with
Sasmita Malik on the left flank, teed up on rushing Premi Devi, who could
only unleash a lacklustre shot as the opponent’s custodian made an easy

Four minute later, Sasmita Malik released Bembem Devi onto goal with an
accurate through ball, but the latter could only hammer the side-netting as
the opportunity went abegging.

In the 12th minute, the Maldivian custodian made a top-draw save to deny
Grace the joy of scoring from a header, following a Premi Devi cross from
the right flank. With chances coming every now and then, the Indian eves
although piled pressure on their opponents, had nothing to flaunt for their
attacking finesse.

Premi Devi failed to convert her chance from inside the box after Sasmita
Malik unleashed a delightful cross for her in the 20th minute.

In a move to thwart away a flurry of Indian attacks, Maldives committed
bodies in defence and ‘parked the bus’ to disrupt India’s attacking
fluidity. Nevertheless, the Indian eves cut through the Maldivian defence
like knife on butter and in the 36th minute, Prameshwori Devi had the best
of the first half as she wriggled her way past the Maldivian defence, only
to scoop her shot wide.

After the half-time scoreline read 0-0, the Indian eves found the net
seconds into the second half, but the referee waved it offside to dampen
the celebrations.

The action, even in the second half was accumulated in Maldives’ half, as
India’s custodian Aditi Chauhan, not once came under fire from the
Maldivian attack force.

In the minute, substitute Sanju released Grace onto goal, but the latter
could only manage to hit the side-netting as another opportunity went
abegging for the Indian eves. Shortly after, a direct Kamala Devi free-kick
from the edge of the 18 yard box was fisted away by the Maldivian custodian.

The Indian eves, dominated possession, launched attacks at will, but were
left reeling for the finishing touches, as in the 70th minute, Kamala Devi
failed to find the net after a routine corner kick scenario.

In the 82nd minute, Grace burst onto a vacant left flank and unleashed a
cross for Kamala Devi, but the former’s cross, failed to find its intended

In the dying embers of the match, Grace was awarded with an opportunity to
seal the deal when Sanju’s delicious cross found her unmarked in the 18
yard box. However, Grace failed to make clean contact with the cross, as
her header went wide of the goal.

The Indian eves pressed for the deciding goal, but were thwarted by
Maldives, and at the end of time the score-line read 0-0.

The Indian Women’s Team will now clash against Sri Lanka on February 09,
2016 in Shillong.

*India’s starting XI against Maldives*: Aditi Chauhan (GK); Dalima Chibber,
Ashalata Devi, Manisa Panna, Umapati Devi; Bembem Devi (C), Premi Devi,
Dangmei Grace, Sasmita Malik, Kamala Devi, Prameshwori Devi (45’ – Sanju)

AIFF Media Team



Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

[Goanet] GOD - Do you know ? part 1 of 4

2016-02-05 Thread Devak Argham
Fr Jerry Sequeira in one of his discourse, beautifully puts together
verses from The Bible to give us a picture of God, if he is there,
where he is, where he is not and what he is. The discourse is in a
vernacular language and an effort has been taken to bring it forth in
English. Some light has been shed on the terms like Big bang and Bible
at the start to enable one to move forward and understand.
Truly said by Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) - "Understanding
is the reward of faith. Therefore do not seek to understand in order
to believe, but believe that thou may understand"
I was from the truth, but did not know the truth. I went around like a
vagabond searching for the truth. Until, the eyes of faith opened me
to understand and believe the truth.

The Big Bang Theory  :

Most scientists believe that the Universe started about 13.8 billion
years ago. That in the beginning, there appeared an infinitely small
and dense burning ball that gave rise to space, matter, and energy (in
physics – 'singularity'). The great, unanswered question is what
caused a small dot of light – filled with concentrated energy from
which matter and antimatter were created – to rise from nothingness
then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to form the cosmos
that we know today. I always thought science was based on facts but
big bang theory is based on an assumption. And, also the origin of
this small dot of light is not known. Could this small dot of light be
'the word' (John Ch. 1 verse 1 – 5) of God

What is the Bible  ?

The Bible is a compilation of books and letters written by 40 authors,
over the longest period of time, a period of approximately 1,500
years. The Scriptures teach us that the Holy Spirit produced the work
of preserving the Word of God through the authors of the Bible. The
authors were people from different walks of life such as Moses,
Isaiah, John and Paul. In spite of the diversity of the inspired
writers, The Bible has one central message consistently carried by all
40 writers of the Bible: God, who created us all, desires a
relationship with us. He calls us to know him and trust him. It
explains life and God to us. It does not answer all the questions we
might have, but enough of them. It shows us how to live with purpose
and compassion. How to relate with others. It encourages us to rely on
God for strength, direction, and enjoy his love for us. The Bible also
tells us how we can have eternal life.

Is there God?

Well known philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, on his death bed exclaimed,
"Oh God if there is a God save my soul if there is a soul. " A well
known philosopher, a knowledgeable man of wisdom according to the
world. In spite of being filled with knowledge and wisdom, Jean Paul
Sartre did not have knowledge of God and soul. He was filled with
knowledge of the world but blank in Divine wisdom
There is a story about two boys, Johnny and Tony. One night under the
brightness of the street light Johnny was searching for something. His
friend Tony who happened to be passing that way inquired what he was
searching for at night under the street light. Johnny replied, "It's
just a small needle" Tony offered his assistance and both started
searching for the small needle. After thoroughly searching Tony
happened to ask his friend, "Johnny Dear, you have lost this small
needle and cannot be found. Where did you lose it?" Johnny replied,
"In the house" "what! You lost it in the house and why are looking for
it under the street light" exclaimed Tony. Johnny replied, "Because it
is very bright under the street light"
As it was with Johnny, we are also looking for God. Are we looking for
him in the right place? Probably we are looking for him in the wrong
place and hence we do not know him, no understanding of him, and no
love of him.

The following verse from the Bible declares that he is there:

Exodus Ch. 3: 13 – 15

13 "But," said Moses to God, "if I go to the Israelites and say to
them, 'The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,' and they ask me,
'What is his name?' what do I tell them?" 14 God replied to Moses: I
am who I am . Then he added: This is what you will tell the
Israelites: I AM has sent me to you. 15 God spoke further to Moses:
This is what you will say to the Israelites: The LORD, the God of your
ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
has sent me to you. This is my name forever; this is my title for all

God replied to Moses, " I AM WHO I AM" thereby stating his living
presence as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob
and the God of the Living. This being his title for all generations.
Now where is 'I AM' present ? Instead of first trying to find his
presence it would be appropriate to know where he is not present !

The following verses from the Bible gives us an understanding of where
God is not present :

Continued  ……

[Goanet] Goacom Newsclips on 5 February 2016

2016-02-05 Thread goacom newsclips
Goacom Newsclips

“Konkanis shy away from global issues, lack social commitment”

Konkani literature lacks social commitment because creative people in Konkani...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1NTJgiY

Corlim residents against Syngenta selling property to ‘highly polluting 

A citizens group has approached the State government accusing Syngenta...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1L2uAyl

Arpora bridge to be ready by June: Lobo

 The work of rebuilding the Tambodki bridge near Mackie Saturday ..
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1PYnt1s

Yugank bags TMA Pai Award for a Konkani book on World Cinema

Yugank Naik, a research scholar at Goa University, has bagged a prestigious ...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1QK70e3

Extra punch: Wine festival at Goa Carnival this year

Celebrations at Goa’s popular carnival festival will pack an additional punch 
this year with the four-day ...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1nLj6tB

Heritage Village Club Goa wins Thomson award for 6th time

Heritage Village Club, beach front facing resort located on the Arossim Beach, 
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1nLjfNA

Tillari canal breaches at Sasoli and Bhedshi

Water supply to North Goa from the Tillari canal has been stopped since ...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1Ku5JIP

Click below link to read more articles

[Goanet] Easy listening selection.......Martina McBride.

2016-02-05 Thread Con Menezes
  Help me make it through the night.

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[Goanet] Song for the day....Andy Williams, Bobby Darin & Eddie Fisher - Do-Re-Mi

2016-02-05 Thread Gabe Menezes
Andy Williams, Bobby Darin & Eddie Fisher - Do-Re-Mi




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Re-worked Konkani songs

2016-02-05 Thread Jazz Goa
New take on old Konkani favourites.. 
Free downloads!

[Goanet] A night with Delhi's homeless.

2016-02-05 Thread Con Menezes


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2016-02-05 Thread AIFF Reports
Dear colleagues,

Please find below the preview report of India’s match against Maldives from
the South Asian Games.

*Also find attached two pictures (Credit AIFF Media).*

*The boys want to capitalise on the recent success, informs Lee Johnson.*

*Rowlin Borges is one of the Senior Players in the squad.*

*For all Media queries concerning the Indian Men’s Team in Guwahati, please
contact Mr. Nilanjan Datta at +91-9873185150*

*For all Media queries concerning the Indian Women’s Team in Shillong,
please contact Mr. Joseph Solomon at +91-9810578254*

*For all updates of the National Team and exclusive pictures please follow
our Official Twitter Handle @AIFFMedia. You will find live updates of all
of India’s matches (across all age-groups) and all other relevant updates
on our Official Twitter handle.*

*Also follow and like the Official Page of Indian Football Teams on
Facebook at **https://www.facebook.com/TheIndianFootballTeam*

AIFF Media Team



*Boys want to capitalise on recent success: Lee Johnson*

*AIFF Media Team*

*NEW DELHI:* A day prior to the Indian Men’s opening match against Sri
Lanka in the South Asian Games, Head Coach Lee Johnson mentions that the
“boys want to capitalize” on the Indian Senior Team’s success in the SAFF
Suzuki Cup.

Though as per the rules, the Tournament is an U-23 one with three overage
Players allowed (as per rules of the Asian Games), the Indian squad will be
fielding only two overage Players while all the rest and below 23 including
three Players who are U-19.

In a freewheeling chat with www.the-aiff.com, Johnson speaks about the U-19
Players, preparations, the mood, India’s opponents and much more.

*How much is the importance of the first match?*

We hope for a win and get the ball rolling.

*How have your preparations been?*

We didn’t have much time with the Players but from as and when we
assembled, we have gone well in terms of training. We have trimmed the
squad to 20 Players on basis of Players which we had available with us.

*How’s the mood in the Camp?*

The boys want to capitalize on the recent success of the Senior Team where
they had gone to win the SAFF Suzuki Cup. Some of them were part of the
triumph, and there are also some who have played for the Senior Team in the
recent past. As individuals, they all want to do well and everyone is
positive and confident.

*How much of the SAFF Triumph will transpire down to the squad?*

It was obviously a great experience for those who were involved in the SAFF
Suzuki Cup. They played some exceptional Football and ended as Champions.
Having tasted success, it makes them confident. Now it’s important for them
to impart their experience onto the juniors and their contemporaries.
That’s pertinent for success at all levels. Their experience, I feel,
should help us.

*You have incorporated three U-19 Players in the squad.*

The Players are there on merit and bring value addition to the squad. In
International Football, it is simple – if you are not good enough, you
won’t be there. It’s a good opportunity to develop younger Players.

*What’s your take on India’s opponents in the first game – Sri Lanka?*

In International Football, you cannot take any Team lightly. We respect
them as a Team as much we believe they will respect us as a Team. The
Players need to stay focused. The weather here is so much conducive for

The 20-Member squad stays as follows:

*GOALKEEPERS:* Kamaljit Singh, Rehenesh TP, Laxmikant Kattimani.

*DEFENDERS:* Bikramjit Singh, Pritam Kotal, Sandesh Jhingan, Salam Ranjan
Singh, Kaushik Sarkar, Narayan Das, Samad Ali Mallick.

*MIDFIELDERS:* Vinit Rai, Lallianzuala Changte (both U-19 Players), Rowlin
Borges, Jayesh Rane, Germanpreet Singh, Udanta Singh.

*FORWARDS:* Jerry Mawihmingthanga (U-19 Player), Sumeet Passi, Amoes T,
Holicharan Narzary.

Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

[Goanet] Goan Association Golden Jubilee

2016-02-05 Thread Eugene Correia
Great to hear that GA will celebrate 50 years. What's lined up? Just a
Dance? Souvenir? International conference?


[Goanet] Goa Carnaval preparations - a preview (Panaji

2016-02-05 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goa Carnaval preparations - a preview (Panaji)


Entry poing, KTC Circle, Divya Circle, Old Secretariat, steets, Miramar Circle, 
Samba Square

More here 