[Goanet] The University Under Siege

2016-03-22 Thread augusto pinto
The following articles by Udaya Kumar, Satish Deshpande and Partha
Chatterjee in the EPW help to offer some perspective to the larger issues
which underlie the recent goings on at Hyderabad Central University, JNU
and other universities. I hope that reading them might stimulate Goan
readers to reflect more deeply on the issues involved. Feel free to forward
them to others so that a more rational debate emerges.

The University Under Siege[image: Subscribe to The University Under Siege]

The Public University after Rohith-Kanhaiya

Vol. 51, Issue No. 11, 12 Mar, 2016 
The University Under Siege 
Satish Deshpande 

The public university is on its way to becoming a truly democratic space.
It is the only site in contemporary India where all major social groups
come together in more or less egalitarian conditions. In every other social
location, there are various forms of segregation, not to speak of explicit
hierarchies. The public university is thus a unique and historically
unprecedented space from the point of view of the democratisation of
society. This is also the reason why existing social hierarchies and power
centres are beginning to view it as a threat.

   - Read more about The Public University after Rohith-Kanhaiya

The University and Its Outside

Vol. 51, Issue No. 11, 12 Mar, 2016 
The University Under Siege 
Udaya Kumar 

In the new conception being put forward by the government, the university
is considered as a skill factory which, through mass production, will
address the needs of the country's economy. This model thinks of
universities not as laboratories of thought but as factories where
activities are performed in unison. Instead of a cohabitation of
differences in friendship and respectful, heated disagreement, you have a
paranoid fantasy that gets rid of all real diversity.

   - Read more about The University and Its Outside

Freedom of Speech in the University

Vol. 51, Issue No. 11, 12 Mar, 2016 
The University Under Siege 
Partha Chatterjee 

There is a concerted campaign in the political arena, the media and even
Parliament questioning the presumed autonomy of the university. The law
must apply equally everywhere, we are being told, and so why should the
university enjoy a special privilege? There is a fundamental confusion
here, caused by lazy thinking or deliberate obfuscation, about the actual
limits to freedom of speech in the university and the appropriate
authorities who can enforce them.

   - Read more about Freedom of Speech in the University

- See more at:


2016-03-22 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Kudos to the Advocate General of Maharashtra Shreehari Aney for having
taken the high moral ground and resigned yesterday, but on Goa’s shameless
and thick skinned Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni less said the better.

The cardinal principle of ethics and morality has been brazenly flouted by
Atmaram Nadkarni in his never ending penchant for raking in the moolah by
hook or crook not sparing even any unholy means.

Despite his very dubious and chequered record, this master tantrik Atmaram
Nadkarni who has been even the legal messiah of the now fugitive Vijay
Mallya is now desperately lobbying laboriously for an elevation as Judge of
the Supreme Court. It would be the darkest ever day for India’s Judiciary
if the Maestro in chicanery and jugglery presides over the solemn Temple of

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] The hope through disappointment

2016-03-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
The Hope through disappointment.

In October 2007 an email began circulating.  It said;Once there was a
man who asked God for a flower . . . . . and a butterfly.  But instead God
gave him a cactus . . . ..and a caterpillar.  The man was sad.  He did not
understand why his request was mistaken.  Then he thought: God has too many
people to care for . . . .  and he decided not to question it.

After some time, the man went to check on the answer to his request (the
cactus and the caterpillar), which he had left forgotten. To his surprise,
from the thorny & ugly cactus a beautiful flower had grown, and the
unsightly caterpillar had been transformed into a most beautiful butterfly.

In May 2015Cipriano took ill, he asked God for health, he underwent surgery
and had high hopes of recovery.  He prayed, his family prayed. We prayed.
Then came the biopsy report.  MALIGNANCY!so shattering.  Cipriano was
quiet, “Bad News” is what he said to me, when I entered his room in Grace
Intensive Cardiac Care Centre and General hospital.  Nevertheless, he was
not one to give up.  The encouragement of friends gave him hope.  He sought
strength in the reception of Holy Communion as much as possible.He took
solace in the word of God.  He, his family, prayer groups, friends, kept
praying.  And he began Chemotherapy.  He had another scare when during
chemotherapy the catheter inserted into his superior vena cava snapped.  A
careful surgical intervention at the Goa Medical College helped remove the
broken bit from his heart.  Our hopes grew.  God was hearing our prayer.

Then we had the news that he resumed work.  We thanked God.  He was on his
way of recovery.  The Chemotherapy was not without its discomfort and
suffering.  But he looked to the healing part.  The six chemotherapy
sessionswere increased to ten and Cipriano went through it.

But then came a shocker.  The killer had migrated to another part.  Blocked
his small intestine,again preventing him from any intake even a sip of
water.  Medically nothing could be done.  We asked for life and we had
death nearing...Had God not heard our prayers?

Life is a gift from God, and it is He who grants a long or short life.  It
is not the years that matter but the quality of the years that matter.
Cipriano strived to be a good son, a good husband, a good father and a
responsible person at work.  Rising to new heights.  Let us be thankful for
the 54 fruitful years of his life.

Cipriano and his wife Bella accepted the despairing news gracefully.His
prayer was, “Lord if you want, heal me.”  He was ready to accept the will
of God.  God gave us a caterpillar and thorny cactus..He suffered and along
with him his dear wife Bella, who as  faithful wife stood steady in pain
and happiness with him and till the end all that she could do. At the same
encouraging Cipriano to hope in a miracle. Similarly his sons Asher and
Elizer, and the whole Sequeira and Lopes family took part in the agony.
His friends were pained.   But the joy was to see Cipriano serene.

Without oral nutrition, and assisted byglucose and the nutrition liquids
infused into his body he knew he needed to prepare himself for departure
from this world.  He sought to receive the Lord in the Sacred species
regularly and prepared himself spiritually.  His family was internally
ready for the worst but knowing that God doeswork  miracles hoped against
hope.And on the morning of the 23rd of February, Cipriano returned to the
Lord.  But not before hejoined his wife and family members in prayer.  He
spoke till the last moment and peacefully entrusted himself in the care of
the Lord. He was just 54 years.

The flower we received was the faith of Cipriano,  the butterfly his
peaceful and serene death. The fact that his earthly sufferings are over.
Life is a gift of God and we cannot make demands from the Lord.

No doubt for his growing sons Asher and Elizer, it is an early loss.  They
will not have their dad besides them as they venture into life. Especially
Asher who is preparing himself for the Std. XIIexams.  His wife Bella will
miss him a lot, it is a time of wondering of what awaits the future.  They
walked the Isle of the very Church where Cipriano’s body lay for the final
rites.  At that time having hope.  Today this future has been cut short.
His mother brought him to Church along with his twin brother to be baptised
and may have had many hopes about this son as that of the other three sons
and only daughter.  One of the thoughts could have been that this son would
lay her body to rest in the earth.  She may have never thought that today
she would have to lay his body to rest.  His siblingsand all his friends
mourn this loss.

But at this time the owner of the future, the Son of God says,  “Do not let
your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.” (John 14, 1).
The book of Wisdom says,   “The souls of the just are in the hand of God,
and no torment shall touch them” (Wisdom 3,1) St. Paul writes to the
Romans, hope 

[Goanet] Cipriano Lopes....... as i knew him

2016-03-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
*Cipriano Lopes …as I knew him.*

*I have very few friends in Goa and among these very few friends , Cipriano
Lopes was the closest . He had high regards for me and I thought of him as
someone on whose sincerity and honesty I could depend.

saw leadership qualities in me and motivated me to lead many social
movements while he himself stood behind me strong as a solid rock .*

*There were many issues of common interest between us.*

*He was proud to be a Goan and so was I. He loved Goan art and culture and
so did I.*

*He resented any one destroying the Goan , God given , beautiful, natural
environment  and so did I.*

*His work  at the Doordarsan (Panaji) was exemplary . He did all within his
powers to promote Goan Art & Culture  through the television media.  There
will be hundreds of Goan artists who, if not for Cipriano Lopes, may have
never had the opportunity to be seen on television. Cipriano  looked out
for talented Goans from the remotest corners of Goan villages and showcased
their talent on Doordarshan (Panaji).  For this he was greatly admired by
every staff member of Doordarshan , Panaji ,Goa.*

*Cipriano loved his mother-tongue Konkani , especially when it is written
in the Roman Script as he himself grew up learning to read and write
Konkani in only the Roman Script. It pained him to see the Romi Konkani
suffer  due to it’s non-inclusion in the Official Language Act of Goa
1987.  He believed from his heart that this was a big injustice to the Goan
community that grew up reading and writing konkani in the Roman Script. He
was of the firm opinion that Romi Konkani  should receive the same
recognition  as Devnagari Konkani in the Official Language Act of Goa, and
he openly propagated for it’s inclusion in the same.*

*Cipriano was my colleague in the Dalgado Konknni Academy  for several
years and actively propagated   it’s aims and objectives. The work done by
Cipriano in promoting Romi Konkani cannot be measured in any form as
Cipriano was always a silent worker and never looked for any publicity for

*In him I have lost a very good friend, guide and a motivator.

Romi Konkani movement has lost a leader .*

*The “Romi Lipi Action Front” has lost it’s all important “right arm”.*

*May God give him eternal rest .*

*I salute you Cipriano , my friend , motivator and guide.*

*……..Wilson Mazarello……….*
*   (Convenor, Romi Lipi Action Front*
3 Attachment

Re: [Goanet] Photo near Cranzalem

2016-03-22 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Vishal,

Thanks for the appreciation.
Shame for them. They want Panjim as Smart City? when they cannot manage
such simple garbage activities ! ( see photo).
 I just clicked this photo of garbage at Caranzalem, on my way back home
after the presentation at CCP hall, by consultants ICLEI.
We did our job well today during the presentation although they started
Dr Nandkumar Kamat explained everything in detail for more than half an
hour.  Hats off  to him. You and Dr Joe D'Sousa also grilled them well.
 Panjim has really become a MESS.
Let them first put in order our Panjim City than only we can think of
having Smart City with Smart funds. Panjim can become a best city among all
other 20 cities already selected.
I am really surprised that Gomantak Times has published Dr. Joe article in
time today, on Smart City. Thanks to the Editor.
Dr. Joe  gave you the paper but there was no time for us to read.
I will try to forward his article  on line,  may be by tomorrow if I get
his pendrive.
These young Consultants ICLEI are immature. I told them during
presentation, that we might have lost some points on basis of citizen
participation which was one of the parameters/criteria  on the basis of
which decision was taken by the Union Ministry of Development.



On 22 March 2016 at 23:27, Vishal Rawlley  wrote:

> Stephen Bab you have made your point with impact!
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:57 PM, Stephen Dias 
> wrote:
>> stephen Dias
>> Dona Paula
>> --
>> -


2016-03-22 Thread AIFF Media
Dear colleagues,

Please find below a report on the Indian National Team landing safely in
Tehran. Quotes from National Coach Stephen Constantine about the conditions
and problems being faced in Tehran have been incorporated in the copy.

*Also find attached four pictures:*

*Francis Fernandes, Arnab Mondal and Pronay Halder wait at the Team Hotel

*India play Iran on March 24 at the majestic Azadi Stadium.*

*Stephen Constantine explains a point to Pronay Halder.*

*The Indian squad landed safely in Tehran on Monday evening.*

*The copyright of the pictures attached lie with AIFF Media. Please credit
AIFF Media for the pictures used.*

*For all updates of the National Team and exclusive pictures please follow
our Official Twitter Handle @AIFFMedia at **https://twitter.com/AiffMedia*

*Also follow and like the Official Page of Indian Football Teams on
Facebook at **https://www.facebook.com/TheIndianFootballTeam*

*For Media queries contact AIFF Media Manager Mr. Nilanjan Datta on his
temporary Mobile number in Tehran at +98-9352450376*

AIFF Media Team



*By Nilanjan Datta,AIFF Media Team*

*TEHRAN: *The Indian National squad landed safely at the Imam Khomeini
International Airport on Monday (March 21) evening.

Its festive time in Tehran and despite the New Year celebrations keeping
the spirits of the locals high, the skies have stayed gloomy. The Mountain
peaks which stare at you in the proximity within the City have their Peaks
covered with snow, threatening to spread with very single minute. It’s cold.

“Yeah, the temperatures here are much cooler than what we had in Delhi. We
need to settle down fast,” National Coach Stephen Constantine mentioned to

As per the schedule, the Indian Team would be having two practice sessions
in Tehran before facing ‘Giants of Asia’ Iran at the majestic Azadi Stadium
on March 24 (Thursday).

But the National Coach couldn’t hide his disappointment at “not being
allowed to train” at the Azadi Stadium for two days.

“When Iran came over to Bengaluru, we allowed them to train at the match
venue for two days expecting that you would receive the same treatment.

When you extend courtesies you would always like to be repaid, no matter
what,” he stated.

“But to our surprise we are being denied to train at the match venue (the
Azadi Stadium) for two days.” he uttered. “It was understandable that we
would also be training at the match venue for two days simply because we
had allowed the Iranian National Team to train at the venue for two days.”

Apart from the “denial of training at the match venue,” it has so far been
good for the Indian contingent on arrival.

“We were received well at the Airport and the transfer to the Team Hotel
was smooth. My Assistant Coach (Lee Johnson) came here in advance and
sorted everything out,” he maintained. “The Hotel is a decent one and we
look forward to our sessions and the match.”

Meanwhile, Goalkeeper Gurpreet Singh Sandhu has also joined the squad in

Outdoors, the gloom persists. Even if you missed the Snow and rush to the
balcony to have a look, the Peaks have been covered by clouds by then. Your
wait continues.



Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

[Goanet] TECH TALK: It was like old times...

2016-03-22 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Thanks to Animesh and his networking, we had a really nice function last
Saturday, dealing with RUNG.

An innovative android touch app which eliminates the need for coding your
Raspberry and Banana Pi to control I/O's. Now on Google play.

Immediately afterwards, we thought of reviving some informal meetings. Is
anyone game to meet up informally at a no-agenda-planned get-up over chai
and samosas (Dutch style!) at Cafe Prakash, Near Azad Maidan? Let's meet
this Saturday, March 26, 2016, at 5 pm. No agenda. Open to all. No charge
to attend, but please compensate the restaurant with some business! Pls
RSVP if you'd like to join in (9822122436) and we will keep you informed of
any (unlikely) change of plans, etc.

See some of the photos here:



DO YOU REMEMBER Ajay Cuncolienkar?




https://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/25883853471/in/dateposted/ (Shivika)

_/  Frederick Noronha  http://about.me/noronhafrederick http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
_/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at

[Goanet] Fwd: Finland-based company looking for location in South India

2016-03-22 Thread Goa IT Professionals
To: Goa Govt
BCC: Press (170+ recipients)

Dear officials,

The largest manufacturer of phone accessories Salcomp is scouting for a
space in South India for setting up a factory.

Large phone companies get their equipment manufactured by Salcomp.

The Govt should not delay contacting them for possible investment in Goa.

Here are the contact details:
Sasikumar Gendham| Managing Director| sasikumar.gend...@salcomp.com|+91

Goa IT Professionals


2016-03-22 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Goa’s very distinguished South Goa Principal District Judge Nutan Sardessai
has been appointed as a Judge of the Bombay High Court. Besides her very
sound knowledge of Law and good Administrative skills,  we can confidently
vouch that Judge Nutan Sardessai will ensure that the wheels of justice
move in accordance with law, while she does her further bit in taking the
Judiciary to enhanced heights.

Judge Nutan Sardessai who has been a Judge for 25 long years has worked in
both districts of Goa.  The iron lady is known to be a no nonsense Judge
with the spine to take on the powers to be by the horn. She has been a
Judge who is always very blunt while never mincing words in what she has to

Let us wish Judge Nutan Sardessai all the very best in discharging this
enhanced important role as Judge of the Bombay High Court.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] A friend's tribute..

2016-03-22 Thread JoeGoaUk
A friend's tribute..

Cameron Fernandes paying tribute to Derwin Gracias 
Prince Jacob also speaking
Taken from DVD/ACD pack / Souvenir  given to all during recently held 
anniversary Mass at Agassaim Church. 

[Goanet] Marie Paul is going to become famous this Easter...

2016-03-22 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Diversity is the new Nationality

2016-03-22 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Jesus: He died for us & rose again.

2016-03-22 Thread Con Menezes


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] "Artistic Creativity - Western and Indian Perspectives" - a talk by Dr. Sudhir Kakar at Gallery Gitanjali

2016-03-22 Thread Gitanjali Gallery
Join us at Gallery Gitanjali for a series of Friday engagements starting
with a talk this Friday, 25th March at 7 pm by celebrated writer Dr. Sudhir
Kakar entitled "Artistic Creativity - Western and Indian Perspectives"

The riddle of extraordinary artistic creativity has always fascinated
curious minds in East and West. This talk discusses the psychological and
spiritual approaches to art and artistic genius as it compares European
views of creativity with those of the Hindu tradition.

Dr.Sudhir Kakar is India’s leading psychoanalyst, in addition to being a
novelist, and a scholar in the fields of Cultural Psychology and the
Psychology of Religion.

Dr. Kakar’s many honours include the Bhabha, Nehru and ICSSR National
Fellowships, Fellowships of the Institutes of Advanced Study, Princeton,
Berlin and the Centre for Advanced Study of Humanities, University of
Cologne, the Kardiner Award of Columbia University, Boyer Prize for
Psychological Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association,
Germany’s Goethe Medal, Rockefeller Residency, McArthur Fellowship, and the
Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Dr. Kakar is the author / editor of twenty two books of non-fiction and
five of fiction. His latest books are Young Tagore: The makings of a genius
(Penguin-Viking, 2013) and the novel The Devil Take Love ( Penguin,2015) .
His books have been translated into twenty-two languages around the world.

Thanks & Regards
Aisha Khalifa
Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

[Goanet] Goacom Newsclips on 22 March 2016

2016-03-22 Thread goacom newsclips
Goacom Newsclips

Rs 1-crore development projects sanctioned for Bicholim: Shantaram

Rajya Sabha MP Shantaram Naik on Monday visited the office of the Bicholim...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1S2zaPH

Smart City: CCP to seek govt funds for its share

 The Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) has prepared a revised Smart City 
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1SeC0DG

Women and child trafficking rising: Goa study

Goa has become a source as well as transit destination for trafficking of...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1Poddst

Six Cavrem villagers held for obstructing ore transportation

The Quepem police, on Monday, arrested six persons from Cavrem...
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/21EInmv

TB curable with proper treatment: Mamledar

Pointing out that tuberculosis can be cured with proper treatment,..
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1RczPBP

Met dept warns of rising temperatures

Panaji: The Goa Observatory of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)..
Click here to read more...  bit.ly/1T4Qmsy

Konkan Fruit Fest: Celebrating lesser known fruits

The Botanical Society of Goa has been assisting with the organisation of the...
Click here to read more...  http://bit.ly/1LD04kz

Roseferns promises the best this Easter

This Easter Sunday, Roseferns, the ‘King of centuries’, is all set to launch ..
Click here to read more...  http://bit.ly/1UAO9Gk

Click below link to read more articles

[Goanet] Moira Musings: The Cube's Webotika and AAM's General Meeting

2016-03-22 Thread augusto pinto
So what has yours truly been amusing himself with in Moira of late. Well
I'd pick out my visit to The Cube and the Special General Body Meeting of
the venerable Associação Academica de Moira.

1) I went to The Cube, the art gallery of Sonny Singh which is just next to
the Church to see Webotika an exhibition of paintings by Unnati Singh.
Interesting stuff I thought with the painter seeming to be doing stuff
which I used to do (figuratively speaking) during boring science classes in
schools - either reading comics or drawing doodles. However I decided that
I not to invest any money on the Rs 5000 - 150,000 priced artworks. 👹

The exhibition is open until the 24th of April and if you just go there Tue
- Sun 11am - 6pm) the watchmen are quite obliging and will open the gallery
for you. I think Moidekars especially should take the opportunity to taste
something different. Promoters of art galleries do appreciate it when
people come and see what they have to offer. And we are one of the few
villages in Goa that has such an urban thing as an art gallery. Some
reports of the exhibition are in the following links:



2) On Sunday morning I dropped in at the Associação Academica de Moira aka
the Moira Club for an Extraordinary General Meeting. Such meetings are
rarely held and this one was mainly because the committee wanted to get
approval for a cemented dance floor.

I entered a little late and found that the minutes had just been read and
the main item was on. Some of the more honourable members were grilling the
committee members about the money they had collected so far (about 3.5
lakhs) and pungent questions about why some members were targeted for
donations and others were not and whether all the sponsorship appeals had
been numbered or not were being asked.

I felt a little sorry for the committee as I had noticed that they were
doing a commendable job in the short while they have been in office having
done repairs to various parts of the club and bought a big new 50inch TV
and had tournaments and other activities which was good I thought.

Finally the dance floor was approved after the committee promised to keep
the plans open for objections till March 31.

Since nobody else was saying anything during this barrage, I decided to
open my mouth and defend them by appreciating the good job they were doing
at the thankless task of fund-raising and that if some people thought they
were being 'targeted' then a general appeal should be made but they should
continue with the practice for when making personal appeals it is an
accepted practice to hand out a written appeal to potential sponsors. I
think that other members agreed with this for there was applause.

Actually I don't understand this charge of people being 'targeted' for
funds. The fact that someone approaches you for sponsorship should be taken
as a compliment because it means that you are thought of as a person of
'good standing'.

For instance the committee will not come to me for sponsorship because
apart from being a Moidekar, a race which as everyone knows is as stingy as
Scrooge and Silas Marner and Shylock all rolled up in one, they also know
that I don't have a *domdi* in my *chomdi* to give them. So I think it
should be regarded as a privilege when someone comes to you with a
sponsorship appeal. It means that you're one of the twice born.

Then there was a bit of a stir when it was announced that two of the
members were resigning as they could not attend the meetings for various
reasons. I think this is the first time that this clause has been used
since the Constitution has taken effect. Francis Nazareth and Mark Cordeiro
came in as the new members.

During the AOB I made an offer to organize some talks, discussions,
debates, "different" films and so on. I was a bit surprised that there were
some people saying there was no interest in this. I retorted that before
burying the idea alive we should at least try and find out whether it
really is as dead as is being made out. Privately I thought to myself that
the Moidekars should welcome the opportunity to shed the tag of being
*pixés*. I intend to give it a shot anyway.

Later I was talking to Denzyl Andrade who looks after the club's facebook
page who told me that the club had plans to start zumba classes soon.
Interesting I said, maybe I should join it considering all the tyres that
have settled around the middle. He also said that the club may offer free
wi-fi and I thought the idea was good as it should get more of the youth
coming to the club and as long as there were activities happening too it
would be a good investment.
