[Goanet] THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ... helping to catch the bus

2016-04-13 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Well said!!! It is necessary to also recognise and appreciate instead of
criticising and finding fault all the time . After all, he who has not
sinned can cast the stone.



*It is easy to criticize others for their lapses but one tends toforget the
good done by the institutions Managed  by the Church.  Ohyes also giving us
affordable, quality education and many otheressential services for the
needy.   Due to all these unnoticed timelyhelp many of us would not have
moved forward.  In other words missedthe Bus to greener pastures.*
*Devak Argham*

[Goanet] Goa Hippy tribe

2016-04-13 Thread Con Menezes

  Click on the titles as you go along... & eventually 
you’ll arrive there.. Skip the sign in  Facebook   instructions...
early sixties.

   Viewer advice..a group picture of  nudists might offend 

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[Goanet] Is Sugar the New Fat?

2016-04-13 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Easy listening selection....Bill Haley & his Comets.

2016-04-13 Thread Con Menezes
  Rock around the Clock 

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[Goanet] The first Konkani jazz album. It's taken too damn long! (Stanley Pinto)

2016-04-13 Thread Goanet Reader
Stanley Pinto reviews
the first ever
Konkani Jazz CD.
Pinto is a Jazz singer
and pianist who has
rubbed shoulders with
global jazz legends, even
while managing an
international ad agency.

I have known for fifty years that Jazz knows no boundaries.
It started in the USA, at the hands of Blacks born of African
slaves. Perhaps the only good thing that came of World War II
was that American soldiers and US Army bands spread Jazz
wherever they went. And then later, as part of a strategic
front to win over the Soviet-influenced countries during the
Cold War, the US started Jazz radio broadcasts to the world.

So many of us cut our Jazz teeth on the late, great Willis
Conover's programmes that worked on so many levels. It
resulted in the formation of the Polish Jazz Society, with
the largest membership in the world. The Romanians sent a
band that transformed their country's folk songs into jazz
forms to one of the international jazz festival I staged in
Calcutta in the 1970s. I even have a recording of Russian
Jazz from those years. Who'd have thunk it?

So how could Goan musicians and singers not one day gravitate
toward Jazz as a genre of music? All I can say is it's taken
too damn long. Admittedly, we had many legendary Jazz
musicians of Goan origin performing in Bombay and a few other
Indian cities over the last century. But Goan Jazz
performers, home grown from Goa's soil, and in full-time
residence in Goa? As I say, it's taken too damn long.

But that's apparently a foible from the past. Goa now has a
growing jazz culture thanks to people like Armando Gonsalves
who started to stage concerts on the balcony of his mother's
home in Campal while we sat in the streets enjoying it
over glasses of feni and more. And now we have the bassist
Colin D'Cruz who has exploited the digital age to take a
group he calls Jazz Goa around the world. Not a day goes by
that I don't receive a Facebook message from Jazz Goa, almost
always with a clip of Jazz from Goa.

  This morning I received the first jazz CD featuring
  singers and musicians from Goa. Finally, God and St
  Francis Xavier be praised, Goan Jazz!

The CD is full of surprises.

Imagine, Sonia Sirsat, the accomplished Fado singer who weeps
her peerless fados regularly all over Europe and specially
Portugal, attempting a Jazz-flavoured song. Imagine the
resurrection of Lorna Cordeiro, famous for her discovery by
the great Chris Perry and her tumultuous relationship with
him. She's back at age 70-plus, still the same little girl
with the big voice that startled us out of our seats when
Chris first unveiled her at Firpo's Lido Room in Calcutta.

There's Queenie Fernandes, all innocent charm, a Nora Jones
audio doppelganger. Her style, like Nora Jones', is ... 'no
style'. It worked for Nora Jones as it does for Queenie. Her
second track on the CD is an old, much loved Goan song, the
heartbreak of a lover's farewell. It had me in tears,
remembering a love I not long ago lost.

  But of the individuals on this CD, listen specially
  to Mozart Rose, Seby Fernandes and Mesha Philipine.
  Their performances, unique in their styling and
  voices, took me to Cuban jazz. To Tito Puente,
  Chucho Valdes, Mongo Santamaria, Chano Pozo and
  more recently the delightful Buena Vista Club whom
  I heard at the Marciac Jazz Festival in the South
  of France, and whom I then followed to Havana. This
  emerging Goan Jazz is in the spirit of Cuban Jazz.
  Listen to Mozart and Seby and Mesha and tell me you
  don't hear echoes of Ibrahim Ferrer and Omara
  Portuondo and Celia Cruz of the great Buena Vista Club.

This is not to ignore the other singers on the CD. While not
of the purist Jazz genre, Verphina Dias and Susan Rocha's
reliving of our own Goan mandos is delightful, there's a
lurking mischief in Veeam Braganza's voice as she swings on
about Go-aaah, and the velvety crooner Andre Souza whose
voice is something to cuddle up to when the witching hour
finally comes.

Providing fine support to the singers are the accompanying
musicians, clearly hand-picked by Colin for their special

  Gerard Machado is a lovely guitarist in the old
  style, from what is now my home town Bangalore. God
  bless Colin D'Cruz, for he is perhaps one of the
  last musicians playing the upright bass in India,
  something few of the nouveau bass players have the
  courage to attempt. Gerard and Colin's work
  throughout the CD is top class. Instrumental Jazz
  at its best.

And finally there is a sprinkling of soloists who, with names
like Олег Каспер, Bob Tinker, Helga Sedli and Mtafiti Imara
are clearly expats, bringing more value to Goa than we have
come to expect from too many others who have flocked to the
easy life in Goa.

Did I remember to say Jazz knows no boundaries? Well, now
those boundaries have stretched

[Goanet] 25º colóquio da lusofonia 21-25 abril

2016-04-13 Thread coloquio

NOTA DE IMPRENSA 2-2016/Press Release

14 abril 2016

*Montalegre *hospitaleira recebe, pela primeira vez, o *25º Colóquio da 
Lusofonia da AICL (21 a 25 de abril*), com patrocínio da Câmara 
Municipal e apoios da SATA, Governo Regional dos Açores (Secretaria 
Regional da Cultura, Secretaria Regional de Turismo, Direção Regional do 
Ambiente e Mar), UTAD, Tertúlia João Araújo Correia e AGLP (Academia 
Galega da Língua Portuguesa).

Serão homenageados dois escritores transmontanos de relevo *BENTO DA 

Os convidados de honra deste 24º colóquio são o *Prémio Nobel da Paz 
1996, Dom Ximenes Belo, *que fará a apresentação do seu novo livro */Um 
missionário açoriano em Timor/ *editado pelo Moinhos Terrace Café de 
José Soares com apoio AICL, *José António Cabrita* que apresenta o seu 
novo livro */Na lonjura de Timor / Iha dook rai timor/**//*e o 
*Dramaturgo Norberto Ávila, homenageado AICL 2016, *cuja vasta obra será 
evocada com a representação de uma peça de Álamo Oliveira.

Vários autores deslocam-se a Montalegre para divulgar a pujante 
literatura de matriz açoriana (ex.º *Brites Araújo, Carolina Cordeiro, 
Norberto Ávila, Pedro Paulo Câmara*) que tem sido promovida pelos 
Colóquios desde 2006, com várias incitativas como os Cadernos de Estudos 
a tradução de obras para sete línguas 
e a publicação de várias antologias 
(http://www.lusofonias.net/projetos/livros-aicl.html) destinadas ao 
currículo escolar.

Neste colóquio, todas as *sessões* (palestras e sessões culturais) são 
*gratuitas e abertas ao público, *mas almoços, jantares e passeios são 
reservados aos inscritos oficiais. Abordam-se três temas genéricos: 
*Lusofonia e Língua Portuguesa, Açorianidades e Tradutologia*.

Com mais de sete dezenas de participantes, este Colóquio conta ainda com 
a presença do Embaixador Eugénio Anacoreta Correia da CPLP, e de 
Bonifácio Belo, Secretário da Embaixada de Timor-Leste em Lisboa. Será 
ainda firmado um Convénio com o Observatório da Língua Portuguesa.

Há várias sessões especiais: a de 3 Academias de Letras; a da AGLP - 
Academia Galega da Língua Portuguesa, a da UTAD, dedicada 
maioritariamente a Bento da Cruz, a sessão da Tertúlia João Araújo 
Correia e duas dedicadas à Açorianidade, esperando-se nos debates uma 
forte interligação entre académicos, escritores, professores, alunos e o 
público em geral.

 Haverá – para além das sessões científicas: *2 apresentações
 literárias* de livros sobre Timor-Leste; *3 recitais de Poesia*; *2
 recitais* do Cancioneiro Açoriano e de poetas açorianos musicados pela
 maestrina Ana Paula Andrade, ao piano, acompanhada ao violino por
 Carolina Constância (Conservatório Regional de Ponta Delgada);
 *Teatro* da UTAD, e atuações do Grupo de Cantares da Galiza “*Terra
 Morena”; *Alunos da Escola de Música Tradicional do Larouco, Rancho da
 Venda Nova e grupo Filarmonia.

 Em todos os intervalos serão visionados vídeos sobre as 9 ilhas dos

 Dia 24 pelas 21:00 no Pavilhão Multiusos, a Câmara e a AGLP (Academia
 Galega da Língua Portuguesa) patrocinam uma sessão especial dedicada
 ao 25 de abril com poesia e música, e duas curtas alocuções do
 Presidente da AICL e do Prémio Nobel da Paz D. Carlos Filipe Ximenes
 Belo antecedem a atuação do grupo de cantares galego *Terra Morena,
 *de Ourense.

As 18 *regiões e países* representados são: Alemanha, Açores, Austrália, 
Bangladeche, Bélgica, Brasil, Canadá, Espanha, França, Galiza, Goa, 
Índia, Itália, Luxemburgo, Malaca, Portugal, Macau, e Timor-Leste, 
incluindo 13 académicos representando três academias de língua 
portuguesa e membros de 13 universidades e politécnicos.

De notar que o 25º Colóquio ostenta pela segunda vez a prestigiada 
logomarca Açores informações em 

Com os melhores cumprimentos

Chrys Chrystello, (MA)

Presidente da Direção da AICL e da Comissão Executiva dos Colóquios


[Goanet] Sr Mary jane ANGEL OF PRISONERS

2016-04-13 Thread Nelson Lopes

 Born in March 1941,she started life as a teacher, Headmistress and was
well known , as an Educationist, administrator,  reformer, , innovator ,
igniting young minds of students and teachers in all fields .Her friends in
the education had propose her name for prestigious teacher award, but she
would not consider delaying her transfer by 6 months to serve her
Congregation, Hence she was beyond the lure of awards,. She left her legacy
and indelible mark and foot prints in the field of Education. She also
served as the Superior General of SFN. in response and obedience. After
retirement and at the age of 74, she has reinvented herself through
successful prison Ministry by seer hard work and determination.
In recognition and appreciation of her contribution to prison missioner,
Directorate of Women & Child Development Govt, Goa has honoured her with
prestigious RAJYA MAHILA SAMAN AWARD for the year 2014, conferred on
8/3/2015, on International Women Day, at Goa Secretariat, It was applied by
her well wishers, showing her disposition and least preference for such
recognition and honours.
She was very much inspired, motivated, encouraged to continue her mission
by the talk of Mrs Kiran Bedi, a prison reformer ,at a seminar in 1994 at
Goregaon, Seminary.Fr Varghese’s Kariperry , unanimously elected her area
co- coordinator in October 17, 1997 and  it was rebirth in a world of
desperation .In this demanding and challenging mission,, she is empowered
by a dedicated force of 38 volunteers from different walks of life, The
prison ministry is operating under the banner ,CARITAs Goa
believed in reformation in action and not retribution, which can change
humans. A  touch of compassion, love.  hope and help are her amour of
prison mission to dispel depression, hatred and violence .She showed that
prisoners are human beings to be treated with respect ,  dignity and
manifested faith in their reformation , social rehabilitation and
usefulness .She was Ma and didi, a mother  figure to the prisoners
since1994 having calming effect on prisoners. Many prisoners are outsiders,
illiterates and hence counselors and speakers were engaged to reach out to
them. Her approach has led to  the acceptance by prison officials,
culminating in the  improvement in state affairs of prisons .She emphasized
in changing the environment of understanding, forgiveness , forgetting
hatred between the  families of victims, accused and the society, Her work
is connected with Central jail , sub jail, lock ups and at major towns of
Goa .Her mission is centered on Education at all levels, computer literacy,
culture, skills are imparted in making of candles , paper bags  weaving
bamboo baskets, painting, plumbing, flower making, electrician ,tailoring,
papad, pickles ,handicraft, tailoring,  music , ,weaving baskets,, screen
printing are various trades taught. Making 1000 paper bags got remission in
sentence of 2 days at her initiative and amount deposited in welfare fund
of prisoners. Sports and development of skills help  mental balance to
prepare them for entering the society on release with confidence
There is formal and non formal education, literary classes, which will help
to qualify at all levels of Educational ladder up to graduation and beyond
to professional stage in certified courses.She also distributed
permissible eatables.,  Since 1997,pregnant women ,Children born in prison
are cared for,  provided medical attention and proper diet  and after  3
years  children are enrolled in formal schools, monitored for their
progress and also pa, Making 1000 paper bags gets  remission of 2 days at
her  initiative. There is celebration of birthdays, all festivals and
National days, conducting games, tournaments in various games too helps in
physical exercises, along with meditation to beat stress on court hearings
and medical examination. Her holistic development embraced integral
liberation, with spiritual psychological, emotional renewal, reconciliation
with self God and society .Thus counseling, vocational awareness brought
attitudinal positive changes, mental stability and transformation of
prisoners into disciplined citizen, Besides they were relieved of boredom,
depression and open confession freed prisoners of guilt complex inculcating
values of repentance and forgiveness of self, loved ones for hate crimes.
The release prisoners are in constant contact, financed, employed and kept
abreast of Govt schemes for resettlement.
In 1992  Asha Sadan was established to help the released prisoners with
trades and skills and also to integrate them in the society. Kiran Niketan
at Zuari Nagar is aimed at protection and promotion of of child interest
and welfare. In 2008 a quarterly news letter for prisons was published and
later new manual on remedial and reformation as she was on board of
Commission to visit prisons. She visited rape


2016-04-13 Thread Stephen Dias

1.  Ourem Creek third Bridge,  foundation stone put by RM  Manohar Parrikar
recently and hopefully will be completed by September this year 2016 as per
his promise.
Photos: 1999 and 1998

2.   Adjacent road near Health Services Campal , Heavy vehicles seen parked
Photos: 1995 and 1994
 Comments: No traffic cell/RTO nor CCP  has interest in it. THIS PARKING IS

3.  Unsafe Building at Panjim market.
Photos : 1992
Comments: CCP is yet to take action as it is a danger for the public going
to market.
Many such worst cases are seen in the city. Shall be reporting later.

4.  St Ines Creek aerator in action installed at the side of Bridge near
Thomas Garage.
Photo: 1980
Comment: It is failure project from Goa State Pollution Control Board.

5. Near St Francis Chapel Caranzalem a dumping place with plastic materials
and garbage put on fire, near the NOTICE BOARD OF CCP written in it as "
Photo: 1979

6. Electrical box in broken condition near Dhempe College Miramar.
Photo : 2000 and 2001
Comments: Chances of electrocution for college school children touching
this board.

Authorities like CCP,Taleigao Panchayat , traffic police and TCP are yet to
inspect thIs area.
Photo: 1990
Comments: Residents feel that there will be no widening of road near this
slope AND if no action is taken for illegalities in that area which is
prone to accidents due to the bottleneck residents will be the sufferers.
Mayor Furtado generally passes everyday in this road but he still silent.
There are hundred illegalities on his route from his Dona Paula residence
upto his CCP office but no action.

Stephen Dias
City Journalist and Panjimite
Dona Paula
date: 13.4.2016

[Goanet] Still In Dark Ages

2016-04-13 Thread Bernado Colaco
The message below is like pointing a gun on the head of the Pope. It is like 
saying 'change or we shall bolt...'. 

Marshall, many thanks for your response to my opinion. I always respect what 
you have to say.

In the western world and I suspect also in India and other countries that are 
aggressively coming onto the world stage, what the pope says or what the church 
practices is no longer as relevant as it once used to be. 

You can blame it on modernity or materialism or more people thinking for 
themselves or even the fact that the church has been too slow to respond to 
changes in people's lives that were forced upon them in a fast changing world. 
A Pope Francis was required when the issues he is talking about were exercising 
the minds of the faithful who were like lost sheep and seeking direction. The 
Pope has missed the bus.

The path he is showing now, has already been paved by the faithful themselves. 
Divorce and separation is more common than one would want it to be and 
tolerance towards the LGBT community is now embedded in most thinking persons' 
lives. Excommunication has long been irrelevant. 

Where was the Church and indeed the Pope when the sheep were lost? One can only 
hope that the next time people are presented with vexing issues, a Catholic 
Pope is more timely. The well worn argument that the Church moves slowly but 
surely can only result in another bolting the barn when the horses have run 

Roland Francis


[Goanet] Subject: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ... helping to catch the bus

2016-04-13 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Devak Argham wrote:  THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ... helping to catch the bus

Youngsters  leave their elders in Old age homes  of which some institutions are 
 managed by the Catholic Church.  Such timely help by these institutes help the 
younger generation to leave their relatives in their care. 

It is easy to criticize others for their lapses but one tends to forget the 
good done by the institutions Managed  by the Church.  Oh yes also giving us 
affordable, quality education and many other essential services for the needy.  
Due to all these unnoticed timely
help many of us would not have moved forward. 

Kam zallem voiz mello  or  kam zalle atam Ram Ram?
  GL responds:
Good post.  This highlights the need to support the church and its various 
religious and secular institutions even when we do not need these services.  As 
pointed out more and more , we are dependent on public institutions when 
in-need; as family members for various reason are unable on unwilling to help.  
 There are three "T"s to help
Treasure - financial contribution.Time - volunteering.Talent - providing one's 
In prior generations these institutions were supported by invariably one or 
more members of the family joining the priesthood or nunnery. Often through 
them and due to them the other family would contribute.   Situations have 
changed today.  Yet, there is absolutely no reason that all of us cannot 
contribute at-least one or more "T"
Regards, GL

[Goanet] Goa: India's literary lilac (Roanna Gonsalves, abc.net.au)

2016-04-13 Thread Goanet Reader

  Goa, often thought of as India's answer to Phuket
  or Bali, is also home to one of the country's most
  complex literary scenes. Roanna Gonsalves
  [roan...@gmail.com], herself of Goan heritage,
  dives in and finds a state coming to terms with its
  history and its future.

Goa has done for India what November does to the jacaranda
tree; added literary lilac, so to speak, to an otherwise
green canopy. This tiny Indian state continues to blossom,
time and again, with thoughts, words and deeds to feed the
life of the mind. Goa is one of the few places in the world
where Catholic nuns can study feminist theology, at the Mater
Dei Academy, interrogating the central, Adam's apple tenets
of the Roman Catholic Church.

  Goa is a land of many tongues, tongue roast recipes
  and tongue lashings in Konkani, Marathi, Portuguese
  and English. Goa is also my grand-motherland, where
  my grandma Philomena and her sister Umiliana grew
  up in a riverside house full of brothers and
  doctors. They probably heard the chuckle of the
  white-throated kingfisher, a distant cousin of the
  kookaburra, Goan in tooth and claw, hunting and
  breeding in local waterways. Their relatives
  studied at Goa Medical College, which some regard
  as the oldest medical college in Asia. The Nirmala
  Institute of Education has been training teachers
  for over 50 years, despite having to negotiate a
  precarious ongoing funding situation.

Yet this intellectual history, this deep commitment to
education, is erased when Goa is seen as nothing more than
froth on a big cold beer, so un-Indian, its booze so cheap,
its beaches full of white bikinis and surf-lifesavers in
Australian red and yellow, its churches so colonial. Goan
history is often considered a footnote to the history of
Mughal kings and British colonisers. After all, some
colonisers are more equal than others. The rain-in-Spain
British, for example, are considered by some to be higher-up
on the colonial ladder than, say, the naval-gazing

Yet this former Portuguese colony was the first part of the
empire to bite back with political teeth; Antonio Costa, the
son of a Goan writer and freedom fighter, became the prime
minister of Portugal on 25 November, 2015, the exact
anniversary of the Portuguese conquest just over 500 years
ago. For various reasons this should not be seen as a Goan
takeover of Portugal, writes R Benedito Ferrão, but the
symbolism is thrilling.


Of course, there is more to Goa than the stereotype of a
hedonistic party town that's more European than Indian. Its
architecture, for instance, presents stunning examples of
syncretic church, mosque and temple traditions, which
developed in relation to one another.

Goa is a land of many tongues, tongue roast recipes and
tongue lashings in Konkani, Marathi, Portuguese and English.
The Konkani language itself is written in at least five
different scripts -- Roman, Devanagari, Kannada, Malayalam
and Perso-Arabic.

It was in the ebb and flow of this tongue-tied landscape that
Indian print culture had its somewhat-unexpected water birth.
India's very first printing press landed in Goa in 1556, on
its way to Abyssinia, and decided to stay on Goan soil. That
first press was the placenta for the first book printed in
India, Garcia Da Orta's *Conversations on the Simples, Drugs,
and Medicinal Substances of India*, published in 1563.

It may have been accidental, but that Goan legacy of print
and publishing, although it unfolded as slowly as a new moon,
has become a beacon in the literary world. The Goan poet
Joseph Furtado, writing in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries, is considered by many to be one of the finest
Indian poets of his time:

When I was young and went all day
Bird-nesting, oft would neighbours say
'Those birds will be his ruin'
'Tis not with age my hair is grey
And well might birds now turn and say
'Tis all his neighbours' doin'.'

Goa is home to some of India's best public libraries like the
Goa State Central Library in Panjim. It is home to the
writing retreats of Booker prize winners like Kiran Desai,
and writers who really should've won the Booker Prize like
Amitav Ghosh; writers' festivals like the recently concluded
Goa Arts and Literature Festival; writing groups like the Goa
Writers' Group; and the major annual publishing event on the
Indian calendar, the Publishing Next conference. The
brainchild of the Goan couple Leonard and Queenie Fernandes,
the conference is where the decision-makers of Indian and
international publishing 'come and go, talking' not just of

[Goanet] Pearls Group $100m scam tracked to Australia.

2016-04-13 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] The Papal Bull

2016-04-13 Thread Roland
It is not my intention to showcase the eccentricities (that's a kind word) of 
the Catholic Church unnecessarily. As 'Devak Argham' has pointed out, the 
Church has done much good (and also bad, I say) in its existence.

But there are instances where their sublime has often turned into their 

There was the age of the Indian boarding school (in this case a Jesuit one) 
where meat was served on Fridays. Catholics were in those days mandated to 
abstain from meat on Fridays all year. So this school would ask the student ten 
rupees for an impressive-looking certificated copy of a papal bull allowing the 
holder to eat meat on Fridays.

In those days too, there was this 'Papal Blessing' beautifully done framed 
certificate that a newly wedded couple could buy for a not insignificant sum of 
money from the Matunga Don Bosco church. I myself was presented one by an 
in-law relative.

The Papal blessing has at least resulted for me in the privilege of being 
buried in a classless cemetery in the age I live in, since the Assagao cemetery 
once had first, second and third class graves.

Thank God a Pope in 1962 issued an encyclical after Vatican ll allowing 
cremation and not making provision for urns of the same three classes.

Roland Francis

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day.....♫ SOMETHING STUPID - Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman ♫

2016-04-13 Thread Gabe Menezes

Nicole Kidman looking evergreen and doing the Etihad Advert!



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Police attempts to pressurize Sanjay Harmalkar failed

2016-04-13 Thread Sebastian

 to the information just received Bharat Mukti Morcha Diwar Convenor was
 today called at Coastal Security Police Station in connection with the 
joint complaint filed on 17 March 2016. Today morning police jeep came 
to Sanjay's residence in Diwar. Since he was not at home cops phoned and
 called him while he was near Panjim. Sanjay visited Coastal Security 
Police Station, Ribandar at around 11.00 am today. He was asked as to 
why the names of boat owners are not mentioned in the complaints. Sanjay
 replied that he is not aware of the names and it is the duty of the 
police to find out this information. Sanjay also told Police Inspector 
that extraction of sand has deepened the depth of Mandovi river and 
sides from Divar may cave in at any time if sand mining does not stop. 
Sanjay Harmalkar also told police that nexus of illegal sand mining is 
not restricted only to Old Goa Police station that but also to head 
office as on several occasions when he dialed 100 there was no response 
from the police. This is very serious issue. Police has to act. We share
 with you copy of our complaint based on which Coastal Police has acted 
to pressurize Sanjay Harmalkar. 

Date:17th March 2016




The Chief Secretary,

Government of Goa,

Porvorim, Goa



Secretary (Mines)


Porvorim, Goa





Government of Goa,


Porvorim, Goa




Government of Goa,


Porvorim, Goa




The Director-General
  of Police (DGP)

Police Headquarters,

Panjim, Goa



The Director,

Department of Mines
  and Geology,

Panjim, Goa




The Superintendent
  of Police (North Goa)

Porvorim, Goa




The Police

Coastal Police

Ribandar, Goa


Subject: Continues Illegal Sand mining in
Mandovi river

Dear Madam/Sir,

We once again urge you
to act against illegal sand mining currently ongoing in Mandovi river at
different places. We specifically call for your intervention to stop illegal
sand mining extraction in Mandovi river between Diwar and Vanxim. We had
written to you earlier on 18th May 2015. The river bed here is getting badly 
and we anticipate that it will have adverse effect on marine ecology. Besides
the telephone cable and public water pipeline to Vanxim Island is affected due
to sand mining and water pipeline may burst in the river and telephone cables
cut through. Both these are necessity and not a luxury to the people of Vanxim
as it is an island.

The Konkan Railway
Bridge at Malar may be weakened and even collapse in near future as the sand
extraction is being carried on in its close proximity. This will lead to
disruption of rail traffic in konkan region. 

Sand mining is
affecting fishing as river bed is constantly dug and will ultimately leading to
changing of shape of river bed from ‘U’ shape to ‘V’ shape.

Please act to stop
sand mining extraction in Mandovi River with immediate effect.

Yours sincerely,


Maggie Silveira

President, Goa Unit


Sanjay Harmalkar

Convener, Diwar Unit


Rohidas Andrade

Convener, Bambolim


Sanjay Pereira

Convener, Cacra Unit


Re: [Goanet] Protest and demonstration by Caurem villagers against illegal mining transportation

2016-04-13 Thread Sebastian Rodrigues
Thanks Ravindra!

Check the links here:



On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 12:29 AM, Ravindra Velip 

> Hi everyone
> Please find the attached pictures clicked during peaceful demonstration of
> Caurem against illegal mining transportation
> Thanks and regards
> Ravindra ​
>  IMG_0021.JPG
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>  IMG_0032.JPG
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>  IMG_5249.JPG
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>  IMG_5221.JPG
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>  IMG_0044.JPG
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>  IMG_5235.JPG
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>  IMG_0058.JPG
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>  IMG_0043.JPG
> ​
> On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 8:02 PM, Ravindra Velip 
> wrote:
>> It was a peaceful protest by Caurem tribals by standing on the roadside,
>> but their slogans written on placards were louder enough to realise that
>> peace does not exist in this remote mining village of Quepem taluka.
>> They protested peacefully standing on the roadside while mining trucks
>> were illegally transporting the e-auctioned iron ore from Fomento mines.
>> It was a unique scene with police force deployed at the mining lease
>> while villagers were standing on the road, holding placards in their hands.
>> Most of them were women including children and senior peoples of village
>> It was a  peaceful protest, to reach out their feelings to the
>> authorities, with a hope they would listen and act against the illegal
>> transportation.
>> Finally the protesting villagers burnt the statue of Sanguem MLA Subhash
>> Faldessai.
>> They have demanded the following
>> 1. To stop immediately illegal transportation that is taking place.
>> 2. inventory of the iron ore before transporting it, claiming that the
>> quantity of the ore is more than double of what is being measured by the
>> mines department.
>> 3. Immediately register an FIR, Suspend jail authorities of Sada sub-jail
>> and inquire into the matter Ravindra's assault.
>> 4. Suspend PI Pravin Gawas ans PSI Vinayak Patil of Quepem Police station
>> and inquire into the assault of Tribal villagers when they were custody of
>> Quepem police on 06.04.2016
>> 5. Immediately register 'The Sadhana Multipurpose co-op society' and
>> allow to transport the e-auctioned ore through the society.
>> Because they stopped ore transportation before inventory, the police
>> arrested them thrice while Ravindra was blind-folded and beaten up in a
>> judicial lock-up, fracturing his hand.
>> --
>> *Ravindra A. Velip*
>> Sadhana Helpdesk
>> F-09, Daasha Classic Bldg
>> Quepem - Goa
>> Mob. 9404913435/9764078375, Off. (0832) 2663435
>> sadhanahelpd...@gmail.com
>> https://www.caurem.weebly.com
> --
> *Ravindra A. Velip*
> Sadhana Helpdesk
> F-09, Daasha Classic Bldg
> Quepem - Goa
> Mob. 9404913435/9764078375, Off. (0832) 2663435
> sadhanahelpd...@gmail.com
> https://www.caurem.weebly.com


2016-04-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


‘Money disappearing’ from BMC’s citizen help centres 
Money paid by Mumbaikars for various municipal services such as registration of 
birth has been disappearing from citizen facilitation centres in the western 
suburbs ...

Money paid by Mumbaikars for various municipal services such as registration of 
birth has been disappearing from citizen facilitation centres in the western 
suburbs, opposition members in the BMC have alleged.

An audit of the centres' records has revealed that the cash collected at the 
centres is not entirely deposited in the bank, claimed Sandeep Deshpande, MNS 
group leader in the BMC. The shortfall over the years may be running into 

"There are many skeletons in the civic accounts department's closet. In K-East 
Ward, for instance, there is a shortfall of nearly Rs 2 lakh for the period 
February 28-March 15. I am sure there are similar discrepancies in the accounts 
of other wards. Only an inquiry will reveal where the money is going," he said.

Mirror is in possession of documents that reflect the accounting discrepancy. 
"It is mandatory for the BMC to present monthly audit reports before the 
standing committee, but the procedure is not being followed," Deshpande said.

Additional municipal commissioner Sanjay Mukherjee rejected the accusation that 
money was being siphoned off from citizen facilitation centres. "There was a 
mismatch of around Rs 12 to 15 lakh [overall]. But it does not mean that the 
public money that was to be deposited in municipal account has been siphoned 
off. We have asked the accounts department to review the records and the 
picture will be clearer during reconciliation of accounts," Mukherjee said.

Deshpande claimed discrepancies in the BMC's books had also come to light in 
2007 and 2011.


2016-04-13 Thread AIFF Media
Dear colleagues,

Please find below the links to the match reports of today’s fixtures in the
37th Sub-Junior National Football Championship.

West Bengal prove too good for Madhya Pradesh:

Assam breeze past Haryana:

*For all updates of the National Team and exclusive pictures please follow
our Official Twitter Handle @AIFFMedia at **https://twitter.com/AiffMedia*

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Facebook at **https://www.facebook.com/TheIndianFootballTeam*

AIFF Media Team

[Goanet] THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ... helping to catch the bus

2016-04-13 Thread Devak Argham
Youngsters  leave their elders in Old age homes  of which some
institutions are  managed by the Catholic Church.  Such timely help by
these institutes help the younger generation to leave their relatives
in their care.  There may by lapses here and there but all the fingers
are not of the same size.

It is easy to criticize others for their lapses but one tends to
forget the good done by the institutions Managed  by the Church.  Oh
yes also giving us affordable, quality education and many other
essential services for the needy.   Due to all these unnoticed timely
help many of us would not have moved forward.  In other words missed
the Bus to greener pastures.

“Kam zallem voiz mello”  or  “kam zalle atam Ram Ram”

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