2016-09-16 Thread AIFF Media
Dear Colleagues,

Please note that INDIA team's practice session has been cancelled today.
They won't have any practice at the Benaulim Ground tonight.

Meanwhile, Nicolai Adam will be available for a media interaction at
CARAVELA BEACH RESORT* from 06:00 PM to 06:10 PM.

Interested journalists, please communicate with Media Manager, *Mr. Nilanjan
Datta (+919873185150)*. The detailed address is noted below:

*Varca, Salcete, Goa, *
*Margao, Goa 403721*

Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

[Goanet] Changing face of Catholicism

2016-09-16 Thread Antonio Menezes
Well, I am not surprised at all. Way back in the forties, when
I was a student of a Portuguese Secondary School called
Lyceum,I vaguely remember a middle aged staunch Catholic
priest tell me:
''Eu sou (I am ) bramane, catolico e portugues '' in that order.
Of course, there was no question of being a ''Goes'' or for that
matter, being an ''Indiano'' of the ''grande e glorioso Estado
da India Portuguesa.

[Goanet] Guadalupe: The experience of one pilgrim caught unawares (Nazar da Silva, Goanet Reader)

2016-09-16 Thread Goanet Reader
Guadalupe: The experience of one pilgrim caught unawares

Nazar da Silva

As a complacent near-nonagenarian, I have learnt to take
long-distance travel in my stride: I read the scenery rather
than sign boards. I get taken to places unknown; but I have
my wits around me for sure.

For instance, my son and I were due to travel from Vancouver
to New York; so I expected to travel from the West coast to
the East. Never having travelled this route before, I looked
out eagerly for landmarks.

There were none. We seemed to be hugging the West coast; that
could only mean we were travelling South! My son reassured
me: "On this route we have to make a transfer in San
Francisco," he said. Thoroughly confused, I resigned myself
to fate! That's when he had pity on me.

  Flash-back: Many years, may be a dozen years ago, I
  was enthralled by an EWTN programme on TV. I only
  got a little bit of the programme but I was
  fascinated by the sheer devotion of the throngs of
  people who sang their hearts out in praise of God
  and in thanksgiving for the gift of His Virgin
  Mother -- Our Lady of Guadalupe.

I spoke to whoever would listen about my experience. It made
no impression on anyone. My own sister who is a nun and has a
two-year advantage over me in seniority, had been posted much
earlier to Mexico City; but she does not have any
recollection of this devotion. I spoke to family members who
live in this part of North America: they love to go to the
beaches on vacation; I said to them: "Go to Guadalupe!" But
then I came to discover: the village of Guadalupe which is
many miles northeast of Mexico City has nothing to do with
this devotion.

Here I am now, on a plane supposedly bound for New York but
proceeding in the exact opposite direction! And now I am
informed that we will be landing in Mexico City at supper
time; the next morning we would celebrate the Eucharist in
'the' Basilica! And, post noon we would be on our way to New York!

I was desperate to know more about the ground realities in
order to plan a programme to fit into such a tight schedule
but language was a problem. At the dining reception, the
person we met was a young lady. Her name was, believe it or
not: Guadalupe! I was over the moon! But not for long.
Language was the barrier. I had to wait until the next
morning. Guess who I met next morning in the vast breakfast

At 7 o'clock on a Sunday morning, the hall was practically
empty. That is why I noticed the two gentlemen that appeared.
By the time they filled their plates and picked a table to
sit at, I discovered that one of them spoke English! It did
not take me long to go across and barge in on their

I got a load of information: In the new Basillica, every
hour, on the hour, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays, the
Eucharist would be celebrated. There is seated accommodation
for 5,000 people in this basilica. It is packed for every
celebration. Masses are also celebrated in the old Basilica
and five other chapels in the immediate vicinity. The 'must
see' sites are the two basilicas and the chapel built on top
of the hill where the Virgin Mother appeared to the peasant
pronounced Saint Joao Diago by Pope John Paul II. All the
holy sites are within one square mile of real estate.

The ride by cab from the airport to the Basilica takes under
twenty minutes if you are lucky to get a parking slot. We
were lucky -- not only with the parking, but also with the
seating in the pews! Apart from the high altar, what drew our
attention was the relic of the cloak protected by a photo
frame fixed to one side on the wall behind.

On a Sunday, there is no way to get close to the relic;
however, at a lower level, behind the main altar, one can
step upon a moving platform that takes you past, but well
below the relic.

The spoken language is Spanish, and all the services
and homilies are conducted in this language. Fortunately,
plenty of room is reserved for the language of Love. Everyone
you are likely to meet is conversant with this language.

But hey! Wait a minute: am I trying to sell the pilgrimage by
describing it in every detail? I hope not!

Physically, for me, the most difficult chapter of this
venture was not the three hundred odd steep steps leading to
the summit of the hillock where the loving encounter between
the Virgin Mother and her faithful disciple took place; it
was not the climb, but the descent to terra firma! If it were
not for my son's arm to which I latched on for dear life, I
could not have made it to ground reality!

With hindsight, I can say that there should be at least two
criteria that establish the success of any pilgrimage: The
first of course is to approach the venture with utmost
humility, and the second is to establish a firm sense of
purpose. If one is lacking in either of these criteria, the
outcome, at best, may be lukewarm.

Put another way: it is quite common to approach a pilgrimage
with an attitude 

[Goanet] Wreck of Portuguese slave ship

2016-09-16 Thread Bernado Colaco
The wrecks should have been national treasure of Goa and Portugal but according 
to the reports below they have been stripped off their bounty. Moreover I was 
expecting some slaves to be found (reference to the title). But by the looks of 
the article no slave was found or probably they were sold to the richest bidder.

?  Shipwreck treasure off Goa coast
Mayabhushan | Panaji
Next time you are headed for Goa, it makes sense to pack in your scuba gear 
along with swimming trunks.
With more than three shipwrecks discovered and explored off the State?s coast 
in the last seven years, marine scientists at the National Institute of 
Oceanography (NIO) here believe that Goa might be the next big thing as far as 
underwater shipwreck exploration is concerned.?
?We have begun explorations since 1988 but regular, organised explorations 
began in 1997. We had found two ships earlier, but this is the first time we 
found a steel-hulled steamship,? NIO marine researcher Dr Sila Tripathi told 
The Pioneer, adding that the recent find was a century-old merchant ship.?
Over time, however, some of the underwater relics have been stripped bare of 
their merchandise by local divers.
?Boilers, furnace bricks, flanges, broken copper pipes and tubes were found 
scattered over a wide area. The engine, which appears to be a triple-expansion 
type, is reasonably well preserved, though local divers have despoiled the 
wreck in the recent past. They have removed copper alloys, and other attractive 
or saleable items,? Dr Tripathi said.
In the last few years, three wrecks ? including a 17th century merchant ship 
(oldest wreck found in Indian waters to date) ? were found at the Sunchi Reef 
(between Mormugao harbour and the promontories of Cabo headland), a Basel 
Mission Company shipwreck at St George reef (eastern side of Grande Island to 
the south of Mormugao port) and the recently-explored merchant ship at Amee 
shoals (a sand bank that divides the Mormugao bay from the Arabian Sea).
The Sunchi shipwreck, found in 2006, fetched a unique brass barrel of a 
handgun, iron guns, an anchor, Chinese ceramics, Martaban pottery (stoneware), 
assorted bases of glass bottles, elephant tusks, hippopotamus teeth, lead pipe 
fragments, a copper vessel and strip, stone bricks and dressed granite blocks ? 
all sitting pretty at one location.
According to the NIO, the wrecks have offered rare glimpses and vital clues to 
the Portuguese and British maritime trade.?
?The stamps on the flanges and the name on the firebricks of the wreck suggest 
a British origin, and the three scotch boilers indicate that it was a large 
merchant ship (naval vessels used water-tube boilers),? Tripathi said.?
The scientist further said that in the 1880s, steel from Sheffield (England) 
was imported by Portugal for the laying of a railway line from Mormugao to 
Castle Rock, a railway station in Karnataka near the border with Goa. ?The 
vessel could be from that period. However, lack of datable finds means that it 
is difficult to identify the date and origin of this wreck,? Tripathi rued.?
With Goa being a major trading post for the Portuguese, it is suspected that a 
large number of ships sunk off its shores. ?The Portuguese records housed in 
the Goa State Archives, Panaji, and India House, Lisbon, hint at the wrecking 
of numerous Portuguese shipwrecks in shallow waters off Goa, with its 
treacherous reefs and sand-bars, in prevailing storms or due to enemy fire,? Dr 
KH Vora, a marine archaeology project leader at the NIO said.
The Portuguese had established several shipyards in Bassein (Maharashtra), 
Cochin (Kerala), Goa and Daman on the western coast of India.?
Goa alone had three shipyards situated on the banks of the Mandovi. Well-known 
ships that were built in Goa shipyard at the time include the Santo Ant?nio de 
Tanna, Cinco Chagas, S?o Jo?o Baptista, Bom Jesus and Madre de Deus.?










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[Goanet] Changing face of Catholicism

2016-09-16 Thread Albert Peres
Its not the changing face of Catholicism, its simply not Catholic. And 
its simply not Religion, as in 'a particular system' of faith and worship.

This is type of thing the RC Church has had to deal with for centuries...

Aspects of evolution are up for discussion, but heresy in the first 
degree is usually quite obvious..

These stories should be uses as an opportunity to reflect, study and 
deepen faith, trigger an exit, or even start a new religion...

Some reading here: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07256b.htm

Pick door 1, 2, or 3 ...

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

--- Bernado Colaco ole_xac at yahoo.co.uk wrote ---
Fri Sep 16 04:57:49 PDT 2016

Changing face of Catholicism

An interesting picture of priests worshipping Lord Ganesh was sent to me 
by a persona non grata. I guess it is the changing face of Catholicism 
in Goa. In concani one would say - soglem attam boltechz zalam.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Le Can Can.

2016-09-16 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] The History of Fado.

2016-09-16 Thread Con Menezes
Documentary in English


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Juices for healthy

2016-09-16 Thread Con Menezes


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Nuts, bolts... and history

2016-09-16 Thread Clara Desa
Thanks for your informative and interesting emails. truly appreciate the
news for folks like me in Canada and elsewhere in the world who long for
that touch of home. esp enjoy the coverage of small local businesses with

keep up the good work!

[Goanet] Mumbai: `Public has greater role to play in resolving city's traffic chaos' ...TOI 14 Sep pg 9

2016-09-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

Public has greater role to play in resolving city's traffic chaos - Times of 
Severe and stringent steps are required to be taken urgently, if we are to save 
our roads from total chaos and mayhem

COMMENT - `Public has greater role to play in resolving city's traffic chaos'
Armin Wandrewala

The traffic situation on Mumbai's roads is reaching a state of grave concern. 
Severe and stringent steps are required to be taken urgently , if we are to 
save our roads from total chaos and mayhem.

While the authorities --BMC, government, police, transport department--have a 
major role to play in resolving the many issues that plague our roads, the 
general public itself has an even greater role to play , considering that the 
majority of the problems are caused by sheer indiscipline, lack of obedience to 
signals and traffic regulations, and utter lawlessness that road users exhibit 
blatantly, defying laws, rules, regulations, even common courtesy and indeed, 
common sense.

It is a given, today , that hardly anyone halts at a red signal. What is worse 
is, if someone does, they are sought to be intimidated by the vehicles behind, 
into moving ahead, with constant honking, at times even abuses! This happens 
even at pedestrian crossings and the zebra lines continue to be transgressed. 
Often, regrettably , the traffic police at pedestrian junctions urge the 
vehicles ahead, right onto the zebra lines, in a bid to try and diffuse traffic 
jams, without a thought to pedestrians.

The problems are compounded by pedestrians jaywalking , often while talking on 
cellphones, resulting in motorists having no option but to honk, leading to 
noise pollution. Pedestrians sometimes jump over barricades right in the middle 
of the road without a thought to oncoming traffic, even at night. A mishap, if 
occurs, can then create untold problems for the hapless motorist, for no fault 
of his.

Increasingly evidenced is the tendency of motorists --especially bikers--to 
drive on the wrong side of the road and to completely disregard "no-entry" 
signs, creating bottlenecks for the traffic coming the right way . Bikers often 
get onto pavements adding to the woes of the hapless pedestrians.

While illegal parking mushrooms all over, there is the alarming increase in the 
tendency of people to park not only bikes, but even cars on pavements. So, 
pedestrians who are already battling against hawkers, encroachments and filth, 
also have to contend with vehicles parked on pavements.

What is needed is a combined, holistic effort by all road users with sincere 
efforts by the authorities concerned to address our traffic situation, which 
results in more fatalities than does terror. Less tolerance and more outrage 
voices against traffic offenders would perhaps help remedy the situation.

(The author is an advocate who has filed a PIL against rampant traffic 
violations and indiscipline)


[Goanet] A Good Samaritian: Amid Violence In Bengaluru, Lorry Owner Becomes Saviour For Tamil Nadu Driver

2016-09-16 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


Amid Violence In Bengaluru, Lorry Owner Becomes Saviour For Tamil Nadu 
In the middle of the arson and vandalism seen in Karnataka's Bengaluru on 
Monday over the Cauvery water dispute with Tamil Nadu, one man refused to go 
with the mob.

Shivanna went to the spot where Tamil Nadu-registered buses were being set on 


  1.  Shivanna went to Mysuru Road where buses were being set on fire.
  2.  He drove the drivers to the border with Tamil Nadu.
  3.  More than 40 buses were burnt in the depot.

 In the middle of the arson and vandalism seen in Karnataka's Bengaluru on 
Monday over the Cauvery water dispute with Tamil Nadu, one man refused to go 
with the mob.

Shivanna, who has been in the lorry business since 1968, went right to the spot 
where Tamil Nadu-registered buses were being set on fire on Mysuru Road. There 
were flames and smoke everywhere at a depot where more than 40 buses were burnt.

Some of the drivers were hiding in a storage room. They didn't know how to 
escape, until Shivanna helped them.

"I was in Ramanagaram. When I returned to Bengaluru and learnt about the 
protests I checked if my lorries were damaged. Two were. I learnt that the KPN 
buses had been set on fire so I took my car and went there. 42 buses were 
burnt. I looked for the drivers. 15 of them had been taken to a police station 
and the others, all frightened, were hiding in a godown," Mr Shivanna told NDTV.

He found the drivers, put them in the container compartment of his lorry and 
drove them to the border with Tamil Nadu. He said: "I took 31 drivers, put them 
into the bus home and then returned to Bangalore,"

That day, those who were not protesting stayed away from the roads. What made 
Shivanna go the extra distance to help the men?

"My service is mostly in Tamil Nadu. I felt in my mind that I have been eating 
their food so I wanted to help. I also employ 30 drivers from Tamil Nadu. The 
men I took to the border called me when they reached home and blessed me," he 

"When we are born as human beings we need to do things like this. Whatever 
state they are from, once they come to Karnataka we must consider them ours and 
help them."

Two persons were killed in protests, several buses were burnt and shops and 
other buildings were vandalized after the Supreme Court announced an order that 
meant Karnataka would have to give more water from the river Cauvery to 
neighbor Tamil Nadu that it had been asked to a week ago.

Re: [Goanet] Changing face of Catholicism

2016-09-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 16 September 2016 at 12:57, Bernado Colaco  wrote:

> An interesting picture of priests worshipping Lord Ganesh was sent to me
> by a persona non grata. I guess it is the changing face of Catholicism in
> Goa. In concani one would say - soglem attam boltechz zalam.
> BC

RESPONSE: Tomorrow it will be the golden calf; already the cow is
venerated. Will Moses come down and break the tablets? I very much doubt it!


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] (no subject)

2016-09-16 Thread Nelson Lopes
tisfaction. Then there are those who dwell in social work to create self
illusion Some find gratification in occupying position of power in
occupation or society, wielding authority and influence over others Then
there are those ,who make their life a mission in accumulating wealth with
greed and avarice quiet a few get pleasure in donating constantly their
assets for publicity and hsppiness, Only those living within their means
and have fewest wants find a lot of solace and meaning in their life
Unlimited desires to posses are the root cause of unhappiness The fable of
the King, wanting to wear the shirt of the Happiest person, found that when
located was shirtless The swet innoncence of Children amuses us, but being
like children in our attitude , behaviour is too far fetched Hence the
hermits , religious are in search for God within themselves are often
elevated ,sublimated to the higher platform, being at peace internally Some
take recourse to drugs, alchohol to momentarily drown their miseries and
feel high and elated. Greed , avarice,prejudice, hatred, revenge, envy,
pride of intelligence,arrogance lack of humility, drain our energies and
rob our inner peace, joy and tranquility .The birds of the air and the
animals in the wild so happy, for they only bother for the day for their
meals The christians pray for daily bread evry day, but there is no
sincerity in limiting and living practically to this request Just detach
yourself from wealth , family ,possesions, greed and constant desires and
cravings for being loved , recognised, appreciated,and lo Eureka , you will
have discovered the truth for happiness to some extent, Health is wealth
and happiness and nothing wrong in maintaining it without obsession. Inner
peace radiates happiness, so be carefree, thionk positive and active, live
and let live and leave one day at a time Not living in the
present,excessively ruminating over the past,and over catious , worried of
the futue is unhappiness searching
Nelson Lopes chinchinim
[image: Image may contain: 9 people]

[Goanet] Offtopic: What Kashmir is to Bollywood...

2016-09-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
... houseboats, flowers, gardens and songs... and where people are
increasingly terrorists. (This point comes up around 56 mins.)

A very insightful (in discomforting) discussion on Kashmir. Not on-topic
here, but definitely not without relevance to many parts of India.
Including the reigns of power at New Delhi. FN
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet-News] COMMUNITY VIDEO: Nuts, bolts... and history (reposted with correct URL)

2016-09-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1OD-SQLBx8

By some chance, I dropped in to Aleluia Menezes & Sons in Panjim, Goa, to
create a spare key. The charming setting and its current proprietor
(Arnaldo Menezes, 9822102366, the son of the founder, who set up shop seven
decades back) got me wanting to photograph, talk and video. Here are the
results... (he told me his son has set up a charming boutique hotel nearby

Some more photos at:

Apologies for sending in the wrong URL earlier. Thanks to Preeti Sampat for
pointing out.
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Changing face of Catholicism

2016-09-16 Thread Bernado Colaco

An interesting picture of priests worshipping Lord Ganesh was sent to me by a 
persona non grata. I guess it is the changing face of Catholicism in Goa. In 
concani one would say - soglem attam boltechz zalam.

[Goanet] Goacom Newsclips on 16 September 2016

2016-09-16 Thread goacom newsclips
Goacom Newsclips

Build more ultramodern waste treatment plants: Dave to state.
The Union Minister for Environment Madhav Dave, during his visit to the Saligao 
waste treatment plant, 
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2cKn5VZ.

Fair price shops to be checked for poorly-stored foodgrain stocks.
Director of Civil Supplies Mayesh Korjuvekar, on Thursday, informed that a 
fresh circular will be issued on Friday to all the civil
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2cedfMJ.

‘Goa’s electronic waste is manageable’.
Electronic waste generated in Goa is at manageable levels compared to other 
states and most of it is in the form of tube lights, 
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2cegIL1.

Scrap amendment to Tenancy Act, tenants demand.
Many tenants have lost their agricultural land after the government, in 2014, 
made amendments to the original Agricultural and Tenancy Act 1964.
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2d4PAOM.

Roll revision till Oct 14.
A special summary revision exercise by the office of the Chief Electoral 
officer was launched on Thursday aiming to see that no eligible voter is left 
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2cBHAnh.

Guv raises concern on drug consumption in colleges.
Applauding the State administration for zero incidents of ragging, Goa Governor 
Mridula Sinha raised serious concerns about drug consumption in educational 
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2cvB1BB.

Vasco cylinder blast, robbery: cops on lookout of youth.
Verna police are on lookout for a 19-year-old youth who allegedly set a LPG 
cylinder afire and committed theft
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2crIQGs.

Centre vows to clear garbage plant projects on priority.
Union Environment, Forests and Climate Change Minister Anil Madhav Dave,
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2d4OToH.

Direct flight from Goa to Thailand likely from Dec.
Goa has expressed keen interest in the offer of Consul-General of Thailand 
Ekapol Poolpipat as regards starting a direct flight between Thailand and Goa, 
and further,
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2cDpcHc.

Technical snag delays Amravati Express.
Hundreds of passengers travelling by the Vasco- Howrah Amravati Express were 
stranded for nearly 40 minutes after the train’s
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2ct5xiW.

Drastic decline in paddy output.
Notwithstanding the support extended by the government to farmers in the form 
of various schemes,
Click here to read more... http://bit.ly/2ct69Fk.

Click below link to read more articles

[Goanet] Share your photos... with Wikipedia and the world

2016-09-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Do you have missing images of monuments on this list? If you can
photograph/share any, you will be contributing to the commons pool which
can then be shared by all, including students, worldwide:

What's missing as of now are images of:
(i) Site where the ancient image of Buddha was discovered at Colvale
(ii) Site where the ancient image of Buddha was discovered at Colvale
(iii) The Fortress of Khorjuve
(iv) Cabo da Rama Fort
(v) Caves at Naroa
(vi) Site of Gujir (Bicholim)
(vii) Fort of Sanquelim
(viii) Namazgah (Bicholim)
(ix) The Cave of Sidhanath at Tar Surla
(x) The Mosque and Tank at Tar Surla
(xi) The Fort of Marmagoa
(xii) The Site of Kaivailya Math at Consua (Mormugao)
(xiii) Shri Saptakoteshwar (Ponda)
(xiv) Ruins of Jain Basti (Ponda)
(xv) Fort of Alorna (Pernem)
(xvi) Fort of Terekhol (Pernem)
(xvii) Caves at Khandepar
(xviii) Cave at Ishwarbhat (Ponda)
(xix) Shri Chandranath Paroda (Quepem)
(xx) Site of Rock Carvings of Kazur (Quepem)
(xxi) Site of Ruins of Manguesh Temple (Salcete)
(xxii) Site - Ruins of Ramnath Temple (Salcete)
(xxiii) Ruins including Tank of the Temple of Mahalsa (Salcete)
(xxiv) Gate of Rachol Fortress
(xxv) Caves of Aquem (Salcete)
(xxvi) Caves of Rivona (Sanguem)
(xxvii) The Cave at Shigoa (Sanguem)
(xxviii) The site of Narayandev at Vichundre (Sanguem)
(xxix) Ruins of Brahmapuri
(xxx) Ruins of College of St. Paulo
(xxxi) Site of the Temple of Saptakoteshwar (Tiswadi)
(xxxii) Chapel of St. Jeronimus (Tiswadi)

_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556


2016-09-16 Thread AIFF Media
Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the information regarding India Team's official practice
session prior to their match against Saudi Arabia and a report from AFC
U-16 Championship India 2016.

*INDIA team will have their official practice session at the Benaulim
Ground in Goa at* *07:00 PM **on 17th September 2016**. First 15 minutes of
the practice session will be open for the Media.*

*Head Coach Nicolai Adam will be available for a media interaction **prior
to the practice **at the Benaulim Ground at 06:40 PM on 17th September



*MADGAON: *Mohammed Abdullah Al Abdali, the Coach of Saudi Arabia has set
his sight nothing less than reviving the winning memories from the '80s
when the youngsters from the nation lifted the AFC U-16 silverware for the
last time.

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Re: [Goanet] Tramp's Call Girl morals.

2016-09-16 Thread Jose Colaco
On Sun, 11 Sep 2016 eric pinto  wrote on GOANET:
"Give Trump credit for taste, at least, he picked a Slovenian call girl"

jc COMMENT: I am not sure whether Eric Pinto is merely a "Bhakt" or a
Misogynist. But, I contend that, in this thread, he has used Goanet to
libel another person. I'd like to advise Mr. Pinto that: disagreeing with a
person politically, is NOT an exclusion clause to the Observance of the
Ninth Commandment.


[Goanet] Wreck of Portuguese slave ship

2016-09-16 Thread eric pinto

    Shipwreck treasure off Goa coast
Mayabhushan | Panaji
Next time you are headed for Goa, it makes sense to pack in your scuba gear 
along with swimming trunks.
With more than three shipwrecks discovered and explored off the State’s coast 
in the last seven years, marine scientists at the National Institute of 
Oceanography (NIO) here believe that Goa might be the next big thing as far as 
underwater shipwreck exploration is concerned. 
“We have begun explorations since 1988 but regular, organised explorations 
began in 1997. We had found two ships earlier, but this is the first time we 
found a steel-hulled steamship,” NIO marine researcher Dr Sila Tripathi told 
The Pioneer, adding that the recent find was a century-old merchant ship. 
Over time, however, some of the underwater relics have been stripped bare of 
their merchandise by local divers.
“Boilers, furnace bricks, flanges, broken copper pipes and tubes were found 
scattered over a wide area. The engine, which appears to be a triple-expansion 
type, is reasonably well preserved, though local divers have despoiled the 
wreck in the recent past. They have removed copper alloys, and other attractive 
or saleable items,” Dr Tripathi said.
In the last few years, three wrecks — including a 17th century merchant ship 
(oldest wreck found in Indian waters to date) — were found at the Sunchi Reef 
(between Mormugao harbour and the promontories of Cabo headland), a Basel 
Mission Company shipwreck at St George reef (eastern side of Grande Island to 
the south of Mormugao port) and the recently-explored merchant ship at Amee 
shoals (a sand bank that divides the Mormugao bay from the Arabian Sea).
The Sunchi shipwreck, found in 2006, fetched a unique brass barrel of a 
handgun, iron guns, an anchor, Chinese ceramics, Martaban pottery (stoneware), 
assorted bases of glass bottles, elephant tusks, hippopotamus teeth, lead pipe 
fragments, a copper vessel and strip, stone bricks and dressed granite blocks — 
all sitting pretty at one location.
According to the NIO, the wrecks have offered rare glimpses and vital clues to 
the Portuguese and British maritime trade. 
“The stamps on the flanges and the name on the firebricks of the wreck suggest 
a British origin, and the three scotch boilers indicate that it was a large 
merchant ship (naval vessels used water-tube boilers),” Tripathi said. 
The scientist further said that in the 1880s, steel from Sheffield (England) 
was imported by Portugal for the laying of a railway line from Mormugao to 
Castle Rock, a railway station in Karnataka near the border with Goa. “The 
vessel could be from that period. However, lack of datable finds means that it 
is difficult to identify the date and origin of this wreck,” Tripathi rued. 
With Goa being a major trading post for the Portuguese, it is suspected that a 
large number of ships sunk off its shores. “The Portuguese records housed in 
the Goa State Archives, Panaji, and India House, Lisbon, hint at the wrecking 
of numerous Portuguese shipwrecks in shallow waters off Goa, with its 
treacherous reefs and sand-bars, in prevailing storms or due to enemy fire,” Dr 
KH Vora, a marine archaeology project leader at the NIO said.
The Portuguese had established several shipyards in Bassein (Maharashtra), 
Cochin (Kerala), Goa and Daman on the western coast of India. 
Goa alone had three shipyards situated on the banks of the Mandovi. Well-known 
ships that were built in Goa shipyard at the time include the Santo António de 
Tanna, Cinco Chagas, São João Baptista, Bom Jesus and Madre de Deus. 










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[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day.....Little Peggy March - I will follow him (best version)

2016-09-16 Thread Gabe Menezes



Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Nuts, bolts... and history

2016-09-16 Thread Vishal Rawlley

There is something wrong with the link you have posted. Kindly resend the
correct link. I would like to link that video to my initiative 'Panjim
Star' which also features the wonderful Menezes.

Links to Panjim Star:

Links to Aleluia Menezes & Sons:


On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
* فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> By some chance, I dropped in to Aleluia Menezes & Sons in Panjim, Goa, to
> create a spare key. The charming setting and its current proprietor
> (Arnaldo Menezes, 9822102366, the son of the founder, who set up shop seven
> decades back) got me wanting to photograph, talk and video. Here are the
> results... (he told me his son has set up a charming boutique hotel nearby
> too).
> https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=b1OD-SQLBx8
> --
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick |
> http://goa1556.in
> _/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
> _/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

[Goanet] Fwd: COMMUNITY VIDEO: Nuts, bolts... and history (reposted with correct URL)

2016-09-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
 URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1OD-SQLBx8

By some chance, I dropped in to Aleluia Menezes & Sons in Panjim, Goa, to
create a spare key. The charming setting and its current proprietor
(Arnaldo Menezes, 9822102366, the son of the founder, who set up shop seven
decades back) got me wanting to photograph, talk and video. Here are the
results... (he told me his son has set up a charming boutique hotel nearby

Some more photos at:

Apologies for sending in the wrong URL earlier. Thanks to Preeti Sampat for
pointing out.
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] COMMUNITY VIDEO: Nuts, bolts... and history (reposted with correct URL)

2016-09-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
CORRECT URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1OD-SQLBx8

By some chance, I dropped in to Aleluia Menezes & Sons in Panjim, Goa, to
create a spare key. The charming setting and its current proprietor
(Arnaldo Menezes, 9822102366, the son of the founder, who set up shop seven
decades back) got me wanting to photograph, talk and video. Here are the
results... (he told me his son has set up a charming boutique hotel nearby

Apologies for sending in the wrong URL earlier. Thanks to Preeti Sampat for
pointing out.
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556


2016-09-16 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Justice CV Bhadang of the Bombay High Court at Goa today granted
conditional bail to the jailed convict Goan model Siddesh Dashrath Juvekar.
Suspending the jail sentence pending the hearing of his appeal the Court
has directed that Siddesh Juvekar be released on furnishing a bail bond and
one or two sureties of Rs 50,000. Siddesh Juvekar who has been lodged at
the Colvale Central Jail since 8th September has also been directed to
deposit in Court Rs seven lakhs within two weeks and to pay the total fine
of Rs 15,000 forthwith. Siddesh Juvekar has been further directed to
deposit his passport in Court and not to directly or indirectly contact the
victim girl or the witnesses.

The Court today passed the order after hearing Senior Advocate Surendra
Desai representing the convict, Additional Public Prosecutor Pravin
Faldesai for the State and Adv. Aires Rodrigues representing the victim

South Goa Additional Sessions Judge Sherin Paul on 8th September sentenced
Siddesh Juvekar to seven years imprisonment for having raped an orphan girl
from Navelim on the false promise of marrying her. The Court also sentenced
him to three years imprisonment for having cheated the victim the girl to
the tune of five lakhs while also directing him to pay the victim a
compensation of seven lakhs. The Court also imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 and
Rs 5000 for the offences of rape and cheating respectively. The Court on
3rd September had convicted Siddesh Juvekar under Section 376 (rape) and
Section 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code for being guilty of rape
and cheating.

Siddesh Juvekar who has been pursuing modeling as a career had represented
Goa and was the first runner up at the ‘Mr. India Man Hunt’ contest held
last year in Delhi by Sky Walk Entertainment. He is a close relative of
Senior BJP leader Pradeep Shet.

Siddesh Juvekar on 13th November 2013 was charge sheeted by then Colva
Police Inspector Nilesh Rane on charges of rape and cheating. Siddesh
Juvekar was accused of having repeated forcible sexual intercourse with the
victim girl under the false promise of marrying her. He was further charged
of cheating the victim to the tune of over Rs five lakhs by taking money
from her on the false pretext of starting a business.

Siddesh Juvekar was however on 4th July 2014 discharged by the then South
Goa Additional Sessions Judge Vandana Tendulkar without going through the
trial. The victim girl through a Criminal Writ Petition moved the High
Court challenging the order discharging the accused Siddesh Juvekar.

Allowing the victim’s petition Justice S.B. Shukre of the Bombay High Court
at Goa on 26th February this year while quashing and setting aside the
South Goa Additional District Judge’s order directed the accused Siddesh
Juvekar to appear before the Margao Sessions Court and to face trial for
the alleged offences.  The Court had also further directed that the trial
be completed within six months.

Justice Shukre in his order observed that the South Goa Additional Sessions
Judge had committed illegality by discharging the accused in disregard of
the well settled principles of law and that such an order cannot stand the
scrutiny of law.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Easy listening selection..........Adya Classics Medley.

2016-09-16 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Catalyst: Making dogs happy. Pt. 2

2016-09-16 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] TRAVEL: London England.

2016-09-16 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] The Atlantic Magazine: what it feels like to die.

2016-09-16 Thread Con Menezes


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