[Goanet] Goan Pope

2019-03-17 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
Francis please Enlighten me...you are not implying that the Jesuits Canned
mangoes like in CAMPBELL SOUP. I  thought that Mangoes were indigenous to
Asia & Africa.I know that the Portugese introduced Avacado, cassava,
chilies etc.

I spent six weeks doing my field work in the Santa Rosa county in CA. We
lived in a bracero camp, which served as a Prisoner of War Camp for the

So while therr,both Mexican .men & women mistook me for a Mexican & in
Spanish, i replied in Kiswahili. I was the only non white in a group seven
Phd.students from UCLA. I...i lesrnt quite a bit about Avacado, lettuce,
orangesbut the problrm was that Chavez was hated by the landlords for
protesting low wages.

Ok what did the Jesuits do.about Mangoes I am curious?

Adolfo Mascarenhas
In Dar es Salaam
Not a Mexican

[Goanet] HISTORY of the POPES Glimpses 1492-1503

2019-03-17 Thread Eddie

Rodrigo Borgia, 'nephew' of Calistus III (Pope No 208) became Archbishop of 
Valencia in 1456 at the age of 25. He was made cardinal a year later and 
Vice-Chancellor a year after. His favourite mistress was the beautiful 
Vanozza Catanei but he also dallied with her sister and mother.
At the papal election, Rodrigo faced stiff opposition. One rival cardinal 
was backed by the French King with 200,000 ducats and the Republic of Genoa 
with 100,000. But Borgia being Vice-Chancellor could offer bigger bribes - 
towns, villas, abbeys. A rival, Cardinal Sforza was reportedly silenced with 
four mule-loads of silver. Borgia emerged the winner and took the name 
Alexander VI. He was 61 and this was the fateful year 1492 - when Columbus 
landed in the New World.

Borgia had 10 known illegitimate children, including Cesare and Lucrezia by 
Vanozza. When he was 58, he was infatuated by a 15-year old beauty, Giulia 
Farnese, who had recently married one Orsini. She soon became known as the 
Pope’s Whore. The Pope openly acknowledged his children by her - Laura, Juan 
and Rodrigo. He made Guilia’s brother cardinal - he became the future Paul 
His son Cesare became Archbishop of Valencia and a cardinal a year later. 
Daughter Lucrezia married three times. Her father annulled her second 
marriage after three years in order to get remarried to Naples royalty. 
Cesare is rumoured to have killed his own brother, dumping his body in the 
river Tiber.

In 1493, Alexander VI issued a Bull giving Spain and Portugal the right for 
“barbarous nations (to) be invaded and brought to the faith”. This European 
Vicar of Christ (and many after him) clearly had no regard for the 
indigenous people and took it upon himself to divide the New World between 
Spain and Portugal.
He reportedly used the first gold brought back from the Americas to decorate 
the ceiling of Santa Maria Maggiore (Ref 2).
“Bound by papal edicts, bishops & missionaries became an integral part of a 
political project of conquest and exploitation.” (Ref 4)

In 1503, the pope mistakenly drank the poisoned wine which he had served 
many an eminent personage in the past. His face turned a mulberry colour and 
then yellow. The eyes turned red, the lips puffed up and the tongue doubled 
up. He started foaming profusely at the mouth and the skin started peeling 
Soon the corpse began to blacken and putrefy. Meanwhile, Cesare’s men were 
pulling off rings from the fingers, carting off candlesticks, ornaments, 
vestments etc before the palace was ransacked. As the body would not fit 
into the coffin, it was squeezed in after wrapping with a piece of old 
carpet. It was reluctantly allowed to be buried in St Peter’s basilica but 
was removed in 1610 and now rests in Spain. Alexander’s son Cesare died 
three years later in battle.

1. The Bad Popes, E Chamberlain (Barnes & Noble, 1993)
2. Vicars of Christ, P de Rosa (Corgi 1994)
3. Popes through the Ages, J Brusher (New Advent 1996)
4. Chronicles of the Popes,  P  Maxwell-Stuart (Thomas & Hudson, 1997)


[Goanet] Konkani, Kerala... a post by @TianChengWen on Twitter

2019-03-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
Indian Linguistics | Bhāṣāśāstra
#Kerala has two #Konkani speaking communities. One in the two northern
taluks of Kasaragod district, which is part of the #Tulu cultural &
linguistic area. These speakers, like others in #TuluNad, use #Kannada as
their literary language. Their dialect is similar to Mangalore's.

#Kerala's other #Konkani speaking community is found much further south,
centered around Kochi and some neighboring cities & towns. These speakers
migrated to Kochi after being granted land there by the local raja in the
late 1500s. They use #Malayalam as their literary language.

The Kochi #Konkani community is almost 4x the size of the Kasaragod Konkani
community. One major difference between the two is their choice of literary
language, which by extension decides the script used to write Konkani.
#Malayalam in Kochi, #Kannada in Kasaragod.

Karthik Malli, a curious young man looks at language

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[Goanet] Death is a relief to all

2019-03-17 Thread Nelson Lopes

We talk about greatness of people and how effective they are
But the means and methods used are not to be ignored
Some great people will go down in history using terror, intimidation , threats 
to keep opponents in check
We may like to call it skill, but it is downright meanness
Immediately after demise everything is painted rosy but time will alone entomb 
their legacy for posterity good people and  bad are soon forgotten if they have 
been cunning and treacherous 
All greatness assumed will buried with them or cremated sooner then expected
People in position and power wield false respect and exaggerated appreciation 
because they are in position of authority to ruin  future and rise  or 
ascendancy in society
Many in the past have been reduced to inconsequent status and live not in minds 
and hearts of people but in forgotten pages archived as history 
Walking over the misfortunes of others creating such situation to humiliate and 
decimate adversaries is but authoritarian streak of some
When not in position or power your worth and that of wonders you believed you 
created impacting life of others with arrogance are bound to cast into oblivion 
of history 
The truth will last longer than lies as curses and hatred will follow you to 
the grave
It is not what you think will make you indelible but how sincerely and 
meaningfully you have touched lives of others those of whom cannot praise or 
repay in any form
Your worth after passing away will rest on how you have been perceived by 
majority not minuscule minority who are your.cheer leaders
You will turn into your grave realising that you have deceived not only 
unsuspecting poor souls  but yourself and your conscience if you have one
Farewell friend you have been paid by the same coin you used to measure others. 
God retires some early and to others he gives extension so they suffer here 
itself and not on the next world
At times we feel invincible to be touched by human hands and power 
It is  at this time God steps in to lay you to rest and close your fanciful 
glorious innings of deceit 
Should I say more not now it is enough for you can neither harm hurt others nor 
they can too
Your memory will last shorter than creamation or burial ceremony
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] A paradox called Parrikar, India's first IITian CM (Mayabhushan Nagvenkar, IANS)

2019-03-17 Thread Goanet Reader
A paradox called Parrikar, India's first IITian CM

[IANS] / Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
Indo Asian News Service
IANS17 March 2019

Panaji, March 17 (IANS) It will take a while for Goans to
come to terms with the fact that 63-year-old Chief Minister
and former Defence Minister Manohar Gopalkrishna Prabhu
Parrikar died on Sunday after a protracted battle with
pancreatic cancer for over a year.

And the disbelief need not necessarily stem from
unadulterated love for the country's first IITian CM.

  In recent years, after several unpopular,
  controversial decisions, questions were being asked
  whether Parrikar, who won overall adulation for
  nearly two decades for his wit, bluster, charm and
  audacity, was really a salt-and-pepper-haired
  political rockstar or just a closet groupie
  clinging to the coat-tails of the casino, mining
  and real estate industry.

The shock is also rooted in the belief that the trained
metallurgist was simply too omnipresent and omnipotent to
melt away, just like that. The very fact that he continued in
office for a year after he was diagnosed with cancer and
occasionally attended office as well as public functions with
medical paraphernelia trapped to his person, testified his
penchant for not giving up and appearing infallible in the
small, but closely followed cosmos of Goan politics.

While Parrikar was undeniably the weave, which determined the
quality of Goa's political fabric for nearly 30 years, there
was very little about Parrikar's public persona which wasn't
a paradox.

  He appeared sloppy, but was meticulous in political
  strategy. He promised much, but actually delivered
  very little. As Defence Minister, he was obsessed
  with Goa politics. In 2012, he promised to retire
  and never contest elections again, but ended up
  clinging to power from a hospital bed until his end.

He swore to end casinos, illegal mining when in opposition,
but failed to crack down on them when in power.

  But paradoxes apart, the young boy born in a
  nondescript town called Mapusa, to a Gaud Saraswat
  Brahmin family of grocers in Portuguese-held Goa,
  rose to be India's Defence Minister and was partly
  credited with carrying out cross-border surgical
  strikes along the country's eastern and western borders.

Parrikar has explained his fabled transition well. The way
only the former IIT-Mumbai alumnus can; with an anecdote.

  "So I have done my duty (as Defence Minister) for
  the nation. Probably, that was a loan that Goa
  owed, that needed to be paid back. The Indian Army
  (had) liberated the State," he said in July last
  year, while speaking about his stint as Defence

There is no doubt that Parrikar will go down in history as
Goa's most successful politician ever.

Working in tandem with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh veteran
Subhash Velingkar, Parrikar was the cornerstone of BJP's rise
in Goa, from a party whose candidates routinely lost poll
deposit fees in the late 1980s through early 1990s, to a
powerful outfit which won a simple majority in 2012.

But somewhere along the meteoric rise, says his
mentor-turned-foe Velingkar, the BJP became Parrikar and
Parrikar became BJP in Goa.

  "He (Parrikar) has ensured that there are no
  second-rung leaders. Laxmikant Parsenkar (former
  CM), Rajendra Arlekar (Speaker), Naik (Union
  Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Naik) have been
  systematically sidelined," Velingkar told IANS.

Sanjeev Verenkar, who authored a character sketch of Parrikar
in his book 'Hada Masachi Devla' (Temples of Flesh and Bone)
credits his stunning rise to several unique qualities.

"His memory was as astounding as his vision. He was sharp,
incisive at analysing situations could take quick decisions
and I have never seen him tire... He had one fatal flaw. It
was his disregard for another person's opinion. He
underestimated others," says Verenkar.

Vijai Sardesai, Parrikar's critic-in-chief as a legislator
from 2012-17 and now a ruling coalition ally, recalls his
first meeting with Parrikar in the 90s.

Just out of agricultural college, Sardesai had pitched
Parrikar for help in winning university student elections.
The latter turned him down point-blank.

Sardesai later went on to win the polls, but thirty years
later, his nostalgia has traces of irony.

"It is ironical, that decades after he dismissed my plea, I
now played a part in bringing Parrikar back to Goa. I
insisted with the central BJP leadership that my party, Goa
Forward, will join the coalition only if Parrikar is CM,"
said Sardesai.

  Parrikar's first stint as CM was in 2000, after he
  staged an internal coup against a coalition
  government of Congress rebels supported by his BJP
  MLAs, when then CM F

[Goanet] OBIT: Goa CM Manohar Parrikar, the man who espoused Narendra Modi as PM, passes away

2019-03-17 Thread Goanet Reader
Goa CM Manohar Parrikar, the man who espoused Narendra Modi
as PM, passes away

Parrikar’s political acumen & organisational skills are
credited with taking the party to power.

Manohar Gopalakrishna Prabhu Parrikar died on Sunday in the
midst of his fourth term in office. The 63-year-old widower,
also former defence minister of India, is survived by two
sons and a grandchild. His death leaves India's smallest
state with a coalition government under considerable strain.

Parrikar had quit as Union defence minister in January last
year to return as chief minister of India's smallest state to
hold together the ruling coalition after its constituents
refused to accept anyone else as its leader.

That he stayed on in the job despite his deteriorating
health, reflected his indispensability to the Bharatiya
Janata Party.

  In the past two decades, as far as Goa was
  concerned, Parrikar was the BJP and vice versa. But
  while the state saw a degree of political stability
  when he was at the helm, Parrikar was destined
  never to complete a full term as chief minister.
  His first term, which began in October 2000, lasted
  16 months and the second, from June 2002, was for
  two years and eight months. He began his third in
  2012, having led the BJP to its biggest ever
  victory, giving it a majority on its own for the
  first time.

Parrikar even declared that it would be his last term as
chief minister and as an elected representative.

"I want to live the last 10 years of my life for me. I have
given enough back to the state. No matter what the pressure
from the party, I will not be contesting or be part of active
elections after this term," he told a media channel. "Nothing
grows in the shade of a banyan tree," he added, conscious
perhaps of his stature overshadowing others.

In another two years, he would, however, be drafted by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi to become the country's defence
minister, forcing Parrikar to leave his beloved Goa.

Born to a Goud Saraswat Brahmin family in Mapusa, Parrikar
was introduced to the Rashtriya Swamsevak Sangh (RSS) at an
early age. After graduating with a degree in metallurgy from
the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, he set up a
pneumatic pump making unit in Goa.

  It was in the 1980s that the BJP got serious about
  establishing itself in Goa, which had mostly been
  governed since liberation from the Portuguese in
  1961 by the Maharastrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP),
  which represented the interests of the majority
  Bahujan community. The BJP asked the RSS to lend it
  the services of some of its cadres. Among them were
  Parrikar and Laxmikant Parsekar, the latter defying
  his MGP-loyal family.

When the BJP decided to contest assembly elections in 1989,
Parrikar was still splitting his time between business and
party work. The BJP got 0.8% of the vote. Parrikar's
political acumen and organisational skills are credited with
taking the party to power in about a decade.

He began his first term as chief minister in 2000 just months
after losing his wife to leukaemia, making him a single
parent as well. He sought to bring about a change in Goa's
governance. His reputation as an honest politician and the
rigour with which he applied himself to issues, encouraged
greater accountability from the administration. His
short-sleeved, untucked shirt and sandals --- eschewing the
sartorial style of most Indian politicians--was noted, as was
his no-fuss style of work.

Meanwhile, roads got built, water and power supply
improved and some of his pet social welfare schemes were
launched during these early years.

  In opposition, he brought the same zeal to
  campaigns against the Digambar Kamat-led Congress
  government over allowing casinos on the Mandovi
  river, for extending government grants to
  English-medium schools, on illegal mining that
  wrought heavy environmental damage, leading to the
  2012 victory. The illegal mining controversy that
  he'd fanned as opposition leader would soon lead to
  a court-imposed ban.

Parrikar would fume against the Congress-led coalition
government at the Centre and the Supreme Court for
"interfering"; chafing at the limitations of his position.
"Parrikar's belief in his own abilities was immense," said a
long-time colleague.

Parrikar considered himself a nerd at finding solutions
to problems, particularly economic and accounting ones. While
he'd listen to people, his word would be final.

  Meanwhile, the casinos stayed afloat, the government
  continued to fund convent schools, and nothing much
  happened to Kamat, who he'd vowed to send to jail.
  This would prompt one-time friend and mentor in the
  RSS, Subhash Vellingkar, to 

[Goanet] Digambar Kamat likely to join BJP, could be next Goa CM

2019-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
*There is no honour among thieves?*

*http://tinyurl.com/y5kwvsaj *

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] CCR TV Schedule for 18th March

2019-03-17 Thread CCR TV
Cable Channel of God's love

Kindly pass around the word to your friends and relatives in any part of
the globe that they can keep track of all the CCR TV output (including our
archives) via the simple-to-use,
free-to download CCR TV app from the Google Playstore.

Schedule for Monday  18th March  2019

12:00 Midnight
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:30 AM
Career Guidance- Indian Navy- Commander Dixit

01:00 AM
Health Matters : Dr Rufino Monteiro - Shanti Avedna Sadan

01:30 AM
Music - Spiritual Music 3 - followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

02:00 AM
Praise and Worship - Francis Fernandes- followed by Daily Prayer to the
Holy Spirit

02:30 AM
Bhajans 1

03:00 AM
Program on Childline

03:30 AM
Koxttam vorvim Devachi Hazeri bhogop- a talk by Victor Mascarenhas

04:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai- Sontosache Mister

04:30 AM
Be holy as I am holy- a talk by Glenn Nunes

05:00 AM
Eucharist in our daily life - Talk by Godfrey Pereira

05:30 AM
Thomas Aquinas teaching on Sloth- Talk by Sr. Joeyanna DSouza FSP

06:00 AM
Bangalore Men's Choir

07:00 AM
Bhajans 1

07:30 AM
Music- Abide in me  - followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

08:00 AM
Praise and Worship - Fatorda 2 - followed by Daily Prayer to the Holy

08:30 AM
Dusreacho Khobro Go Chaddio Kori Nakat- a talk by Victor Mascarenhas

08:55 AM
Poem Lent - Jivea Udkachi Zhor by Sandhya Fernandes

09:00 AM

09:05 AM
Our Father / Amchea Bapa- Malayalam

09:10 AM
Differ to be Different- Sr. Saral

09:30 AM
Stations of the Cross- Konkani - Ulisses and Suzy Menezes

10:00 AM
Bhogsonnem - Orlando D'Souza

10:30 AM
Weekly Catholic News in Konkani- Michael Gracias

11:00 AM
Weekly Catholic News in English- Oreena Vaz

11:30 AM
Mass in Konkani followed by  Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

12:00 Noon
Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi- Manuel Fernandes interviewed by Daniel F. de Souza

12:50 PM
Maria Maria- Hymn by Ivy Ferrao

01:00 PM
Prophetic Intercession 3 - Cyril John

01:30 PM
Gardening 1- Mr. Farmer

02:00 PM
Literally Goa- Dr. Celsa Pinto interviewed by Frederick Noronha

02:30 PM
Caritas Holiday Home

03:00 PM
Divine Mercy English 3

03:20 PM
Jesus - Saviour and Lord- by Bosco Fernandes

03:45 PM
Konknni Bhas Bhag 12-  Fr. Pratap Naik sj

04:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

04:25 PM
Reflection on the Gospel- Dominican Media Mission

04:30 PM
Exercises for Sr Citizens- 7

04:50 PM
Bhokti Lharam- Bhag  4

05:00 PM
Tell Me A Story- Blind Leading the Blind

05:25 PM
Career Guidance- Goa College  Home Science

06:00 PM

06:02 PM
Health Matters- Hypertension Dr. Edward D'Mello interviewed by Runa Aggarwal

06:40 PM
Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

07:05 PM
Aimorechem Magnnem followed by Prayer for India  4

07:10 PM
Our Father -  In The Parlour- a talk by Fr. Ronald (Ronnie) D'Souza SJ

07:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai- Sontosache Mister

07:55 PM
Poem Lent - Jivea Udkachi Zhor by Sandhya Fernandes

08:00 PM
Talk on Laity and the Church by Fr. Subhash Anand

08:35 PM
Entrepreuneurship- Basil D'Cunha interviews Liesel Duarte - Event Planner

09:00 PM

09:05 PM
Our Father / Amchea Bapa- Malayalam

09:10 PM
Ratchem Magnnem

09:30 PM
Youthopia- Footballer- Chadel Nash Fernandes

09:45 PM
Katholik Bhavarth- a talk by Adv. F. E. Noronha

10:40 PM
Documentary on Road Safety 'Sambalun Chalat'

10:46 PM
Short Film on Suicide Prevention (COOJ)

11:00 PM
Mass in Konkani followed by  Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

11:30 PM
Effects of Alcoholism- Dr. Rajesh Patil

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Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Candolim Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0002624
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[Goanet] Chief Minister Parrikar dead

2019-03-17 Thread George Pinto
Chief Minister Parrikar died today. However, the biggest issue for me is Goa 
has been killed over the last 20 years by Goans and their elected/bureaucratic 
officials. At this rate, we have to prepare the Goan pyre soon.


[Goanet] Aghô Milagrin, Khell nachotta mugo, tum ienam ghô? Milagrin, the Khell is going on, aren’t you coming?

2019-03-17 Thread Sonia Gomes
Who says we do not have fun for Carnaval?

Khell in my village


Re: [Goanet] (india-ej) Senior journalist Darryl D'Monte passes away in Mumbai; scribes express grief on Twitter (First Post)

2019-03-17 Thread nupur basu
Dear Frederick
Darryl's passing has left us all shaken from this morning. Condolences to
us all. Darryl spoke of environment protection well before the phrase
climate change was coined. His legacy to protect the environment will live
on with us - but we need to pass this passion onto the next gen of journos
- I am sure all of you will think of fellowships in Darryl's memory...and
to try talk of his body of work in journalism schools.
More on that later...but for now - with a heavy heart, I join you all in
bidding him a final farewell..may he rest in peace.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 2:46 AM Frederick Noronha <
fredericknoro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Senior journalist Darryl D'Monte passes away in Mumbai; scribes express
> grief on Twitter
> India  FP Staff
>  Mar 17, 2019 00:12:52 IST
> Senior journalist Darryl D'Monte on Saturday passed away in Mumbai.
> [image: Senior journalist Darryl DMonte passes away in Mumbai; scribes
> express grief on Twitter]
> Darryl D'Monte. Screenshot from YouTube video
> D'Monte was known for his environmental journalism and articles about
> Mumbai and the various issues linked with the city.
> His book *Ripping the Fabric: The Decline of Mumbai and its Mills* is on
> the challenges faced by the city after the decline of cotton mills.
> Many journalists expressed their condolences on Twitter on his demise.
> https://www.firstpost.com/india/senior-journalist-darryl-dmonte-passes-away-in-mumbai-scribes-express-grief-on-twitter-6274741.html
> --
> received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> India-EJ: The mailing list for environmental journalists in India group. To
> post to this group, send an email to india...@googlegroups.com. To
> unsubscribe from this group, send an email to
> india-ej+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group
> at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/india-ej?hl=en
> ---
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2019-03-17 Thread AIFF Media
Dear Colleagues,

Please find the report below.


*BIRATNAGAR, NEPAL:* The Indian women's team sealed their place in the
semifinal of the SAFF Women's Championship with a 5-0 victory against Sri
Lanka today (March 17, 2019) at the Sahid Rangashala Stadium in Biratnagar,
Nepal. The result extended India's unbeaten run in the competition's
history to 21 games and secured the top spot in Group B, with all five
goals coming from different scorers.

*READ MORE:* https://the-aiff.com/news-center-details.htm?id=9518



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Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndianFootball
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Best Regards,

Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

[Goanet] OffTopic: NASA - First person on Mars is 'likely to be a woman'

2019-03-17 Thread Albert Peres

NASA head says first person on Mars is 'likely to be a woman'

By Christina Maxouris, CNN
Tue March 12, 2019

Forget everything you've learned about men and Mars. Chances are the 
first person to land on the red planet will be a woman, the head of NASA 
said recently.

Jim Bridenstine was a guest on the science and technology radio show 
"Science Friday," when he teased that a woman is "likely to be" the 
first person on Mars. The NASA administrator did not identify a specific 
person, but said women are at the forefront of the agency's upcoming plans.

Bridenstine responded "absolutely" to a question from a Twitter user who 
asked whether women will be included in the agency's next trip to the 
moon. In fact, he said the next person on the moon is also likely to be 
a woman. "These are great days," he said.

NASA will also have its first all-female spacewalk at the end of the 
month, when astronauts Anne McClain and Christina Koch will get to float 
around in space. The spacewalk will last about seven hours, according to 
the NASA website.

Both McClain and Koch were part of the 2013 astronaut class, half of 
which were women. They came from the second largest applicant pool NASA 
ever has received -- more than 6,100. The most recent class of flight 
directors was also 50% women, NASA said.

NASA has come a long way since 1978, when the first six women joined 
NASA's astronaut corps. Today, women comprise 34% of active NASA 
astronauts, according to the agency.

"NASA is committed to making sure we have a broad and diverse set of 
talent and we're looking forward to the first woman on the moon," 
Bridenstine said.

Happy National Women's Month, indeed.

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

[Goanet] LIVE Updates | Goa CM Manohar Parrikar Passes Away Aged 63 After Battle with Pancreatic Cancer

2019-03-17 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] A Goan Pope

2019-03-17 Thread Mervyn Maciel
Well put, Roland.
And who knows, if ever a Goan Pope is elected(remote possibility)
I hope he will insist on BOMBAY DUCK being the 'authorised' saltfish!

Mervyn Maciel

[Goanet] Roland's Scenario With A Goan Pope

2019-03-17 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
Really hilarious... Goan imagination at its best. ...
Why should we people go to war, needless wars...children & women suffer the

Roland would you agree with me that the Nobel Prize should have a category
called ' 'Humour'?

Adolfo Mascarenhas
Dar es Salaam

[Goanet] Goan Pope & The Mando Decreed? As A Preferred Dance !

2019-03-17 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
This would lead to a major schism...the Argentinian would insist on the
Tango and even stop making claims on the Falklands, in turn  the Brazilians
would insist on the Samba.. and even stop playing Futbol.

I regret a Goan Pope ..not a good idea. A  Goan Pope would only lead to

I hope Pope Francis has a long reign. He is good. Agreeing to make clergy
who molest minors will be  rimknal offence is  a bold step but the national
lobby especially in the US can sabotage the rational decision.



2019-03-17 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Over the years crores have been spent on tackling the stray dog menace but
the situation is just getting shoddier. The stray dog menace across Goa is
now beyond control. The so called sterilisation programme is just not
working. Sterilization alone can never be the only solution to this grave
and alarming crisis of stray dogs.

We have the stray dog population multiplying in every nook and corner of
Goa. Every road in our cities and every corner of the villages are
infested, with the stray dogs even messing up Goa’s beaches. The situation
is very alarming and disturbing. Animal welfare organizations have been
making tall claims about their successes in controlling the stray dog
population. However, the general public remains unimpressed as the stray
dog population grows relentlessly.

The anguish and distress faced by a victim of a dog bite is only to be
experienced or seen. A dog bite can be fatal. One would prefer a natural
death than undergoing the trauma of being bitten by a dog with rabies. The
victim becomes and behaves like a dog with a strong impulse to bite anyone
coming in his way. Even the loved ones dread of going close to or
approaching such a victim. There being no cure at that stage the patient
has to be confined till he breathes his last.

The agony of those luckily not bitten by a rabies affected dog is no less,
having to undergo a treatment of several injections. Rabies is not the only
disease that is gifted by dogs to man. In fact there are other serious
diseases which can be spread by the dogs and particularly the stray ones.

Pet animals are an asset to the society. It is also true that animals are
required to be protected from unnecessary pain and suffering. It is also a
fact that love and compassion for animals is growing. However, when it
comes to choosing between the sufferings of human beings due to a dog bite,
obviously the weight age will have to be given to the suffering of humans.
There is a need and necessity to consider the seriousness of the stray dog
menace in a very dispassionate manner not being influenced by any emotional

But for Goa’s Aam Aadmi the choices are limited. They are at the mercy of
the stray dogs and also the rabid corrupt politicians who keep mauling and
crippling the State Exchequer. Unlike dogs the mating season for
politicians is now throughout the year!

Ironically despite the battalions of stray dogs patrolling every street the
number of thefts and burglaries in Goa are surprisingly on the rise with
the thieves having a field day. Maybe canines are too busy feasting on
strewn garbage everywhere with no time to be Watch dogs.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Savage Indian Moms

2019-03-17 Thread Roland Francis


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 14, Issue 97 GOAN SAINT

2019-03-17 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
Thank you for reminding me about the incredible work done by THE GEORGE
PINTOS  (both husband & wife) in far off Calformia... it would be nice to
hear from them what made them so persistent..The Holy Spirit.

For some reason I have associated GOANESS with Catholicism. Miracles happen
every day to me from finding my car keys to my spectacles on my head...but
these are not saint making miracles.

IRELAND is a very Catholic Country...Apart from St. Patrick. I cannot think
of another saint from that country.

I appreciate your point about The Ugandan Saints...yes they should be less
busy. Must tell my friends in Uganda...to pray hard that they be spared
from Their Chief Minister now in his sixth term...that also means  prayers
and a miracle that a certain other Chief Minister leave his office.
Peace & Good Will

On 16 Mar 2019 23:57,  wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   2. END OF THE ROAD FOR PANAJI (Aires Rodrigues)
   3. DESIGN MELANGE 1.0 (S Y)
   4. WHERE ARE OUR MOTETS GONE? (Stephen Dias)
   5. Agh? Milagrin, Khell nachotta mugo, tum ienam gh?? Milagrin,
  the Khell is going on, aren?t you coming? (Sonia Gomes)
   6. Goan Saints (Mervyn Maciel)
   7. Preventing Adolescent Suicide in Goa (Iris gomes)
   8. Re: Goan Saints (Mervyn Lobo)
   9. Have Fun - Make Money - Promote Goa (Gilbert Lawrence)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2019 08:32:44 +0530
From: S Y 
To: goa...@goanet.org

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


Conference organized to create awareness  on World Consumer Rights Day,
Roland Martin's anchoring with focus on relevant practical solutions all
the way

Dr. G. Shaber Ali, Director, Consumer Clinic, V.M. Salgaonkar College of
Law gave the opening keynote address,
Theme of World Consumer Rights Day "Trusted Smart Products" wonderfully
explained through his presentation humorous

>From smart phones to smart TVs many of the products we use are increasingly
becoming connected by default,
Globally, there are currently 23.1 billion smart products in the world,
outnumbering people three to one assault

Smart products are connected to the internet and receive, collect and send
More people will come online across the world as internet connectivity
becomes better

Faster, smart products will become more of a day-to-day reality for
consumers everywhere,
Marking a major change in the way many consumers interact with products &
services anywhere

The emergence of smart technology brings many opportunities for each
Access to new services, more responsive products with choice & convenience

However there is significant concern around issues of accountability, lack
of security, privacy & meaningful choice over how we use them,
There are also issues around lack of access, with millions of people
globally locked out of this new technology by overly high data charges
imposed on them

Keynote address was followed by presentations by Richard Noronha,
designated officer & Licensing Authority, North Goa, Directorate of Food
and Drugs Administration & Ranjan Borkar, Asst. Controller, North Zone and
Dept. Of Legal Metrology,
Also by Vaibhav Bhagat, Asst. Manager, LPG-HP Gas, HPCL & Parijat Shukla &
Prabjoyt Dahikar, Scientists, Bureau of Indian Standards, each explaining
their respective issues and redressal methodology

Aptly designed cartoon by renowned Goan cartoonist Alexyz released during
the conference
Alerting us all 'not to assume what we consume to be genuine but to check
it out & clear the doubt'

The aim of WRCD is to celebrate solidarity within the international
consumer rights movement,
The day is organized by Consumers International (CI) that serves as global
voice independent

>From 'Caveat Emptor' regimes to time now for providers of services &
products to beware of buyers' rights,
World Consumer Rights Day ensures respect to consumers & the need for their
protection highlights


March 15, 2019


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2019 05:43:44 +0530
From: Aires Rodrigues 
To: goanet 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

With the controversial and notorious Uday Madkaikar taking over as the new
Mayor of an already be