[Goanet] Bible verse for the Day

2020-03-29 Thread Devak Argham
Ezekiel 33 : 11

I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn
from their ways and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways!

[Goanet] Believe it or not

2020-03-29 Thread Nelson Lopes

Believe it or not
The covid 19 virus travels 15000kms to USA , Europe, 8000 kms to Italy
but not 900kms to Beijing and Shangai
Russia, Japan, North Korea are out of bounds for Covid19 so far
It is  a strange and surprising phenomenon of selective and rapid spread with 
unique affinity
Japan,s normal   way of  life  can be effective. The people always ho about 
with masks , maintain distance in social interaction, habits of washing hands , 
keep surroundings clean and practice personal hygiene 
Hence there  are no lockdowns and other restrictions. Life is normal with all 
facilities stores , restaurants malls.  open and daily routine is unhindered
India hopefully is limiting possible fall out that could break all arrangements 
in place to deal with any eventualities
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 
Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] beg your pardon

2020-03-29 Thread Nelson Lopes
beg your pardon
during demonetisation it was touted as short term pain and long term  gain 
which turned out to be otherwise. The offer to hang by lamp post was abandoned 
as there were no takers. The effect to this day continues to haunt the economy 
.we  have adjusted to carry on as we are a very resilent breed of unique human 
species on this planet
Now comes the forgiveness part with genuine folded hands .The great escape of 
poor migrants is a pathetic story of desperation for survival. It was not 
forseen or the  laudable suggestions have been thrown to wind and stay at home 
is forced to gay abandon .What is needed as aftermath is quick measures in 
place to make available essentials of daily survival at reasonable  prices. The 
cost has touched the roof , escalating many tomes and thus market forces are 
breaking the backs  of those most vulnerable. The need of the hour is daily 
provisions,  quickly efficiently. All talks are on paper that must be put into 
practice to give immediate relief  .True all schemes are paved with good 
intentions and albeit for good of citizens .It is no time for sanctimonious 
appeals, emotions and sentiments but far from attending to  urgent requirements 
There  must be measures on the  ground that makes sense and avoid hardships of. 
survival .What is the point if people are jumping from frying pan into the fire 
to save themselves  rather then wait to prosperity  in a distant future, which 
destination however well intended may not be reached after all .It is neither 
short term gain or pain. Controls of commodities m
must be arrested to reduce the woes further
use power and administration to deal with essential supplies post haste ans let 
citizens not  suffer more due to shortages, non availability of essentials 
rather than the scourge of Covid 19

Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim 

Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] A Little Peace

2020-03-29 Thread Roland Francis
Ein Bisschen Frieden was a song sung in 1982 at the The Eurovision Song Contest 
by Nicole a 17 year old schoolgirl representing Germany. It won by a margin of 
62 votes, a record for many years.

Ein Bißchen Frieden

Another pleasant version by a female South African singer Charlie Dicks


[Goanet] Avoiding Panic

2020-03-29 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
I am learning a lot from your sensitive articles .   I cannot find the
article where you wrote that the population of the City of Old Goa was
double that of London and Paris put together. Then Old Goa collapsed !!!
Was it an outbreak of Malaria.  There  are many cases of pandemics in
history  they have been resolved by taking sensible steps not irrational

*FIRST You have traveled widely but also met the people, famous . *In your
piece on Chef D Cruz ,who died of the Corono 19

Your Message-ID:


The first time I set eyes on Floyd Cardoz, he was carrying an entire deer
carcass. It

wintertime in New York City, at the 1996 ?Sustainable Cuisine Dinner? in
the stunning Delegate?s Dining Room at the United Nations, *featuring
environmentally sensitive dishes from the best American chefs: Michael
Romano, Rick Bayless, Patrick Clark.

Chef Floyd?s food was grounded in his Goan background, filtered by
French Cardoz
was irrepressibly enthusiastic about his culinary heritage. In our last
telephone conversation he told me, ?everything the world talks about  as
fashionable  The world is waiting for us!?  Should Chef Floyd...have hidden
in NEW YORK because he did not know about the Pandemics..

*THIRD Your Piece on What the Leadership is doing in **KERALA &

Message: 2Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 22:34:07 +0530
From: V M  To: V M 
Subject: [Goanet] Coronavirus Competence: The Kerala Model (Dhaka
 Tribune, 27/3/2020)


You come straight to the point "All this week in South Asia, amidst immense
human suffering caused by nearly two billion people retreating from the
streets in panicked flight from the coronavirus emergency, two Indian
leaders stood out by radiating confidence and empathetic humanity.

The more surprising statesman is Uddhav Thackeray, chief minister of
Maharashtra, who radiates personal calm, and has managed to keep his state
in the same condition of being. But the standout is Pinarayi Vijayan, chief
minister of Kerala, whose leadership easily ranks amongst the foremost
feats of governance of our times.

 We are used to envying the administrative competence of super-rich
countries like Singapore and Taiwan (both are coping supremely well with
Covid-19) but here?s an example that is home-grown in the subcontinent. We all
much to learn, and gain from Kerala.

In fact, that has been true for decades, because experts have long
extolled  the state?s remarkable record of maintaining high human
development (on par with the developed countries) despite remaining
relatively poor. In his 1992 *Earth in the Balance*, Al Gore wrote
admiringly of ?the Kerala model? the rest of the world should adopt: land
reforms, women?s empowerment, universal health care and education, and
rigorously democratic political awareness. To that list, we must now add
disaster management.

The difference between what Vijayan has done, and almost everywhere else,
is astonishing. After its first virus cases were registered in February,
Kerala implemented contact tracing with route maps and patients etc

Vijayan began to meet the press daily, to meticulously share all available
information. He increased Internet connectivity, ramped up state production
of sanitizer and face masks, and began home-delivering meals.

 I am yet to see any panic buying. In supermarkets, where only five
shoppers are
allowed at a time, people wait patiently for their turn, and those who are
inside the store do their shopping quickly so that others don?t have to
wait for long.?

Can that heightened political consciousness be replicated elsewhere? I

asked the brilliant young historian Manu Pillai, who said, ?I think it can.
But it cannot be done through shortcuts or quick fixes,  etc etc.

Some fellow asked me whether I knew anything about lock downI  know a
bit about saving the situation when I was working for WHO/UNICEF.  There
was a terrible outbreak of Cholera in Syria...the team went there.  I went
to Dar es Salaam where there was an outbreak  Cholera.

I am learning, there is a place for Goanet. to help the vulnerable by
sharing  knowledge not panic.

I am confident we will ride this storm. The Great Goan Saint...Joseph Vaz
also left us with numerous examples of CARING

Paul p 
12:19 PM (11 hours ago)
to goanet, E, me, goanet
Who is this  Adolfo?  Does he not understand lockdown?  Does he not know
that is a COVID-19 pandemic raging?  Does he not know there are online
newspapers? Prisoner in Quepem?  Stay at home  - you will stay alive to
maybe read a newspaper next month.

[Goanet] Badkani, Bhirankhul dovenç eilam...

2020-03-29 Thread Sonia Gomes
When the Spanish ‘flu ravaged Goa and people were dying in multitudes one
brave person a relative of António Guia Furtado and Padre Eufemiano de
Jesus Miranda took an extremely radical decision that was unheard of.

My tribute to her at this terrible time... My apologies for not knowing her


[Goanet] Elephant Feet

2020-03-29 Thread Mervyn Maciel
Sharing a short article I wrote years ago.

Mervyn Maciel


During my service with the Provincial Administration in Marsabit in the
late 1940’s and 50’s, it was not uncommon to see elephants roaming  in the
boma late in the evening and especially at night. Several would often
appear, feasting noisily on the pepper trees outside my government quarter
while we relaxed indoors.

  The locals would often complain when elephants went on the rampage
destroying their shambas and crops. It was on one such occasion that the
Administration decided to call in the ‘expert’ – Terence Adamson (who was
then with the Kenya

National Parks), to do some culling.

   When news reached me that the local Turkana and others were feasting on

meat of an elephant shot not far from my house, I quickly sent one of our

labourers to try and rescue the 4 feet. I was too late as most of the
carcass had been

demolished, but the men managed to save 2 feet for me. They saved me a lot
of labour by hollowing out the feet (more meat for the ‘watu’!), leaving me
to clean out, disinfect and dry them out. I’ve lost count of the number of
bottles of disinfectant I used in the process. At one stage I thought I’d
lost one of the feet, only to find that hyenas had dragged it  away during
the night(teeth marks there to prove this!) As it was too cold to have the
feet dried in Marsabit, I left them out in the Chalbi desert for 2 months.
Later on I stuffed these with the moss found around Marsabit (elephant
grass or old man’s beard), had suitable tops made for them and polished
them regularly with boot polish.

   When we left Kenya for the U.K., I obtained an Export Permit from the
Game department after explaining how I came to possess the feet.

  It  was always my wish that the feet should go to a good Home, and I am
delighted that John Rendall(of “A lion called Christian fame”)has accepted
these on behalf of the George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust, and
pleased that they are returning to the Africa(Kenya) where they belong.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 15, Issue 142

2020-03-29 Thread Filomena Giese
6. Coronavirus: What this crisis reveals about US - and its
      president - BBC News (Roland Francis)
With the British Boris Johnson testing positive for coronavirus and advocating 
a policy of no social distancing, a failed policy based on  the false notion 
that the people will develop herd immunity, and the rampant spread of the 
coronavirus in Europe, it's hardly worthwhile to read through a canned list by 
a British reporter, BBC or not, of Trump's unscientific policies here in the 
One of his last sentences caught my attention by the total falseness of this 
reporter's statement:   "South Korea, with its massive testing programme, and 
Japan have been exemplars."
 South Korea is indeed an exemplar.  But Japan is an exemplar?  Really?  What 
are the facts he's basing this on?I have a son working in South Korea.   He 
went there at the end of November with his wife and children,  to work at the 
U.S. army base near Seoul.  Their 4th child was born on Dec. 29th in Seoul.  
The coronavirus scare started in mid-January.   He was in panic.  We were in a 
panic.  But they saw the level of organized response and decided to stay.  We 
all agree that they are better off in Korea than here in the U.S. for now.
Indeed the South Korean government immediately swung into action with testing 
and isolation.  They've also been paying every Korean who has to stay home or 
has lost their job $1700 a month to stay home.  Koreans follow all the 
recommended sanitation procedures and have closed all shops, schools, offices. 
There are checkpoints everywhere.  
They've been testing 15,000 people a day while other countries hadn't even 
thought about what to do.  They have tested upwards of 200,000 people in a few 
short weeks, unlike the rest of the world.  They laugh at the U.K. and the 
possibility of herd immunity and all the countries that failed to act quickly.
My son says that Koreans not only have one of the highest IQs anywhere. They 
have a high social IQ - they gather together to study a problem, then the whole 
community acts together to take the right action.
In contrast, It has been reported that Japan has tested a total of 15,000 and 
not reported their cases in full as an effort to save the Olympic Games.  
Finally they bowed to pressure from the Olympic Committee and others and 
canceled the Olympics.  So, Japan is not an exemplar by a long stretch.BTW, my 
son says that China is not giving a full and truthful reporting of their 
coronavirus cases and deaths.
Cheers,FilomenaOn Thursday, March 26, 2020, 11:22:15 AM PDT, 
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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: John Eric Gomes's post. (Vivian A. DSouza)
  2. Coronavirus Competence: The Kerala Model (Dhaka Tribune,
      27/3/2020) (V M)
  3. The Beatles (Roland Francis)
  4. Iskrice (Roland Francis)
  5. The Beatles (Roland Francis)
  6. Coronavirus: What this crisis reveals about US - and its
      president - BBC News (Roland Francis)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 14:10:45 + (UTC)
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] John Eric Gomes's post.
Message-ID: <1784615881.2448633.1585231845...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

We were told not to panic, so I blythely trusted our leaders.? Now we two? 
senior citizens(in our 80s) are locked in, unable to get money from the bank, 
unable to get provisions.? Thanks to our good neighbors who have witnessed our 
plight, we are surviving.? How long is the question.I got an E-Mail from 
California, USA where they also have a lockdown.? Grocery stores are open and 
well stocked. One person from a family is allowed to shop every second day with 
the hours of 7 a.m. to 8:00 am? reserved strictly for senior citzens, and 8:00 
am to 1o:00 am for non-Seniors? Now that appears to be a well thought out 
plan.? Why cant our leaders emulate this plan and save us from this misery ?? 
And of course everyone is wearing a protective mask, and obsrving the 
recommended social distance, and the stores have? sanitizing spray to use after 
completing your shopping chores.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 22:34:07 +0530
From: V M 
To: V M 
Subject: [Goanet] Coronavirus Competence: The Kerala Model (Dhaka
    Tribune, 27/3/2020)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


All this


2020-03-29 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On 30th January, 2020  World Health Organisation  declared Corona virus COVID 
19 as PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY   and on 11th March, 2020 as PANDEMIC .   
The Union Budget session commenced on 31st January  2020 and the General Budget 
proposals presented on 1st February, 2020 . A recess was in place from 12th 
February, 2020 to 1st March 2020.  Second  session commenced on 2nd March, 2020 
and was to continue  until  3rd April 2020 for discussion and passing :the 
same;  but both Houses of Parliament adjourned sine die and prorogued on 23rd 
March, 2020. in view of rise of  the corona virus cases internationally and in 
the country. 

In Goa the  State Assembly Budget session commenced on 3rd February, 2020 and 
ended on  7th February, 2020  the Budget proposals as is the practice will be 
discussed and passed later during  the monsoon session  

As the COVID19 cases began slowly but steadily rising  in the country the PM of 
India gave a clarion call for a self-imposed 14 hr -  JANTA - (peoples) curfew 
on Sunday, 22nd March 2020 ( remain indoors ) . The Govt of Goa after several 
postponements cancelled the Zilla Panchayat elections slated for 24th March, 
2020   and locally  extended the JANTA curfew until Gudi Padva the Hindu New 
Year 25th March, 2020 (public holiday) . 

The unabated rise of +ve cases in the country nearly 500;odd and rising the  PM 
 announced a  further  21 day complete lockdown from 24th March 2020 upto 14th 
April, 2020.  Immediately thereafter economic packages were announced by the 
Finance Ministry Govt of India on 26th March, 2020 and later by the Reserve 
Bank of India on 27th March, 2020 by and large offering economic largesse as 
well as reprieve for all taxation matters upto 30th of June, 2020.
It will thus be seen that despite the hectic calendar of financial activities 
both Govt of India and Govt of Goa initiated measures to check the 

A visit to websites of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt of India 
www.mohfw.gov.in,  Directorate of Health services  Govt of Goa 
www.dhsgoa.gov.in  and  Goa  Legislative Assembly and the Executive Govt of Goa 
on  www.goa.gov.in/covid-19 or Directorate of Information and Publicity Govt of 
Goa   www.dip.goa.gov.in the Union Finance Ministry Govt of India 
www.finmin.nic.in and the RBI  www.rbi.org.in stands a mute testimony,

It must be noted that even the first two World Wars had not affected as many 
countries as this new corona virus COVID-19 super spreader does.

For a country with a population of 130 crores including   population  of over 
15 lacs in Goa there is obviously bound to be initial chaos.  Yet the series of 
measures taken are indeed  notable and exemplary Rember the old adage from  
CHAOS   comes ORDER.

Notwithstanding the fake news loose gossip spread on the print and visual media 
 also social media what sapp face book  twitter at  state national and 
international  level  one needs to separate the chaff from the grain . 

GODFREY J. I. GONSALVES, cyber journo social activist BORDA, MARGAO, 403 602, 
GOA. (INDIA) +91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in


2020-03-29 Thread Stephen Dias
> 9422443110
> The Am Aadmi government kn Delhi has managed the situation arising out of
> the outbreak of Covid-19 very professionally. Elaborate and comprehensive
> measures have been taken which defeats the capital of India.
> - all groceries stores and fair price shops have been kept open since the
> begining of the lockdown, and encouraged to be open 24 x 7 to help in
> diluting any overcrowding that would happen if shops were open for only a
> limited time window.
> - free rations have been allocated to almost 72 lakh beneficiaries.
> - 4 lakh free meals are being served daily at various homeless shelter and
> government schools.
> - Rs 5000/- each has been given to 8 lakh beneficiaries including senior
> citizens, differently-abled and widows.
> - Rs 5000/- each has been given to construction workers whose daily income
> has been cut off.
> - Delhi CM has been addressing the people on a daily basis and resolving
> awareness of corona virus transmission and constantly giving information
> and reassurance that reduces panic and maintains order.
> - Covid cases in Delhi are only 3-5 per day and day by day may increase
> if  health care system not well maintained but it us being prepared to
> handle any sudden spike, even 1000 cases per day. In other countries
> adequate hospital beds, ICU facilities and ventilators are plenty available.
> In fact in Goa being a very small state the Government could have tried
> something like the surgical strike of novel corona virus. This could be
> achieved by targeting only people and areas which are prone to the novel
> corona virus and letting others to lead a normal life. In fact
> concentration of affords only to control the spread of the novel virus
> could be a big step forward in protecting the people of Goa from the
> pandemic.
> During 4 days the Janata curfew, seems traffic has almost come to a
> standstill. The transportation of essential goods from the border could
> have been simply implemented and if the organisation of these medicines
> were efficient distribution of theof of supplies to the all nook and corner
> of Goa could have been done in a very short time.
> The Goa government could have also have contacted the owners of big
> pharmaceutical companies to supply essential medicines to the none of the
> pharmacies of Goa could have face any shortage of essential medicines and
> drugs.
> One essential aspect and a lesson that we in Goa have learnt from Janata
> curfew or lockdown is that the air quality index in Goa has improved
> considerably and in this respect conduct of this 21 days Janata curfew was
> a blessing in disguise. Also, since we in the summer month, the heat
> prevent the spread the corona virus and environment especially the air has
> greatly improved due to imposition of the 21 days curfew. Also, the Goa
> government could have learnt in the National capital Delhi so as to provide
> in this difficult times the much needed help and essential commodities to
> this tiny state which is even smaller than Delhi.
> Stephen Dias
> 30.3.2020
Mob 9422443110

Sent from my Samsung device

[Goanet] Prisoner In Quepem ....not even a newspaper to read !

2020-03-29 Thread Paul p
Who is this  Adolfo?  Does he not understand lockdown?  Does he not know
that is a COVID-19 pandemic raging?  Does he not know there are online
newspapers? Prisoner in Quepem?  Stay at home  - you will stay alive to
maybe read a newspaper next month.

[Goanet] A Calypso Medley

2020-03-29 Thread Roland Francis
The melodious singalong by the Brothers Four of Seattle, Washington starts with 
Yellow Bird and includes John B, Marianne and Jamaican Farewell.

’Chicotounne’ was actually a Hawaiian nineteenth century folk song, re-written 
in English lyrics as Yellow Bird in the twentieth century by a Bergman husband 
and wife team and performed by the Norman Luboff Choir and Harry Belafonte in 
the calypso beat. It was made famous in 1961 by the Arthur Lyman Chorus.

A yellow bird heralds joy and a positive outlook in the Hawaiian tradition.



[Goanet] The Eruption

2020-03-29 Thread Roland Francis
First recorded by Ann Peebles, and later by Tina Turner, the Eruption were best 
known for the cover of this song as well as for Neil Sedaka’s ‘One Way Ticket’.

The Eruption were a British disco band doing R&B and Soul in the 1970s and 80s.

I Can’t Stand The Rain

One Way Ticket



2020-03-29 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Despite Goa being a very tiny State the Government which has totally
mishandled and mismanaged its approach in dealing with the COVID-19
pandemic seems to be making no amends.

After repeated goof ups, the authorities should have ensured that those
being given volunteer cards and involved in door delivery of food items
were first all screened for the virus. In this very dicey situation we may
lend from the frying pan into the fire. Every precaution must be taken in
such tumultuous times. Every person involved in any relief work must be
screened as otherwise it would be a recipe for further disaster.

One also fails to understand as to how the Father of all scams the Panaji
Mayor Uday Madkaikar who has over the years been involved in a rainbow of
scams from the Market to pay parking and not even sparing the garbage has
been now entrusted yet another window of opportunity to make hay while this
critical pandemic rages. What a shame!

It is time Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and Health Minister Vishwajit Rane
who have failed the State in this crucial battle should stop their
worthless oscillating sound bytes at the Press conferences and instead get
down to ground Zero to see the miserable plight of the people and the
caregivers, who while risking their lives are caring for those infected and
quarantined on account of this deadly and merciless virus. The common man
is the paying a heavy price on account of this slumbering government having
woken up so late.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



Re: [Goanet] Prisoner In Quepem ....not even a newspaper to read !

2020-03-29 Thread Voznadik vojem
I brought my newspaper today.  In my part of the world, I was advised to
put the newspaper in the "bhatti" along with "pao" to get rid of the
virus.  As I sit here basking in the early morning sun, it is just "futti
Chau (black tea with no milk and sugar), daily quota of pao and baked
newspaper. I believe rest of the world can put their newspaper in the oven
and stay safe.
Voznadik Vojem

[Goanet] In The Summertime

2020-03-29 Thread Roland Francis
Mungo Jerry was a British rock group named after a T S Eliot poem “Mungojerrie 
and Rumpleteazer” seeing its best success in the 1970s. The band was fronted by 
Ray Dorset a composer, guitarist, blue harp and kazoo player. “Summertime” 
climbed from number 13 to number 1 in just a week on the British charts when 
released in 1970.



[Goanet] Bible verse for the Day

2020-03-29 Thread Devak Argham
John 11 : 25 - 26

“I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he
dies, will live,

26 and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe