[Goanet] Fw: Hi (Looking for Goan Community in Birmingham)

2020-10-29 Thread blanche judith mascarenhas

I sent this email to Rene and it bounced back.

Just trying to connect to a Goan Community here in Birmingham, UK.

Any assistance would be much appreciated please.

thanks and best regards,


Hi Rene.

Hope you are well and safe.

Not sure if this email is going to reach you but thought I would give it a try.

I happened to come across this blog with asking if there are any Goans in 
Birmingham, UK and to email you. I realized this mail was posted 16 years 
ago but just thought I would take a chance and reply to your message.

Would it be possible to connect me to a Goan community in Birmingham, UK if 
possible please?

Hoping to hear from you.

Thanking you in advance.

kind regards,


Re: [Goanet] What will President Joe Biden mean for South Asia? (Dhaka Tribune, 29/10/2020)

2020-10-29 Thread Roland Francis
Well said Naguesh.
Better to be allied with a friend who sometimes questions your actions than a 
madman who can never have any relationship with you.


> On Oct 29, 2020, at 12:11 PM, Naguesh Bhatcar  wrote:
> There has been no other unpredictable US President than Trump, in recent 
> memory.
> Many Indians in the US are supporting Trump, only because of his anti-Muslim 
> stance. And Trump coddles up to the rich Saudis, as they have helped his 
> business interests!
> He has not said a word about the Khashoggi murder.
> If we believe that he is forever going to support India, they are mistaken. 
> All he wants is business opportunities in India for him and his family.
> He is ready to bury anyone that does not help/support him, as can be seen 
> from his vindictive actions against the likes of Jeff Sessions.
> Jeff Sessions, the first Republican Senator to support him in 2016, refused 
> to defend him as the Attorney General of the US and he unceremoniously booted 
> him out.
> And legally, no Attorney General can defend the President, like a private 
> lawyer.
> I have received WhatsApp messages and writeups, with concerns on how a 
> Biden-Harris administration could be detrimental to India, just because they 
> questioned some of the
> happenings in India and more particularly related to Kashmir. It is as if the 
> US is only focused on India!
> In general, no US Administration has ever been anti-India, with perhaps Nixon 
> being an exception. Indira Gandhi at times foolishly crossed swords with the 
> US, in the
> name of Non-Alignment and support of Muslim nations and her anti-Israel 
> stance. And look at where India is now, with excellent relations with not 
> just Israel, but even other
> Muslim nations of the Middle East.
> Shashi Tharoor's assertions/hopes about Biden-Harris raising the Kashmir and 
> CAA issues, might simply be a dream.
> NB
> From: Goanet  on behalf of V M 
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 9:44 AM
> To: V M 
> Subject: [Goanet] What will President Joe Biden mean for South Asia? (Dhaka 
> Tribune, 29/10/2020)
> https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2020/10/29/op-ed-what-will-president-joe-biden-mean-for-south-asia
> Polls have been wrong before, but it’s looking increasingly certain
> [https://ipmcdn.avast.com/images/icons/icon-envelope-tick-round-orange-animated-no-repeat-v1.gif]
> Virus-free. 
> www.avast.com

Re: [Goanet] What will President Joe Biden mean for South Asia? (Dhaka Tribune, 29/10/2020)

2020-10-29 Thread Naguesh Bhatcar
There has been no other unpredictable US President than Trump, in recent memory.
Many Indians in the US are supporting Trump, only because of his anti-Muslim 
stance. And Trump coddles up to the rich Saudis, as they have helped his 
business interests!
He has not said a word about the Khashoggi murder.

If we believe that he is forever going to support India, they are mistaken. All 
he wants is business opportunities in India for him and his family.
He is ready to bury anyone that does not help/support him, as can be seen from 
his vindictive actions against the likes of Jeff Sessions.
Jeff Sessions, the first Republican Senator to support him in 2016, refused to 
defend him as the Attorney General of the US and he unceremoniously booted him 
And legally, no Attorney General can defend the President, like a private 

I have received WhatsApp messages and writeups, with concerns on how a 
Biden-Harris administration could be detrimental to India, just because they 
questioned some of the
happenings in India and more particularly related to Kashmir. It is as if the 
US is only focused on India!
In general, no US Administration has ever been anti-India, with perhaps Nixon 
being an exception. Indira Gandhi at times foolishly crossed swords with the 
US, in the
name of Non-Alignment and support of Muslim nations and her anti-Israel stance. 
And look at where India is now, with excellent relations with not just Israel, 
but even other
Muslim nations of the Middle East.

Shashi Tharoor's assertions/hopes about Biden-Harris raising the Kashmir and 
CAA issues, might simply be a dream.


From: Goanet  on behalf of V M 

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 9:44 AM
To: V M 
Subject: [Goanet] What will President Joe Biden mean for South Asia? (Dhaka 
Tribune, 29/10/2020)


Polls have been wrong before, but it’s looking increasingly certain


[Goanet] What will President Joe Biden mean for South Asia? (Dhaka Tribune, 29/10/2020)

2020-10-29 Thread V M

Polls have been wrong before, but it’s looking increasingly certain
that Donald Trump and his Republicans will decisively lose next week’s
election. Early next year, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take over
as president and vice-president, and the US leadership will swing back
into the Democratic ambit.

There’s plenty at stake for South Asian countries, but less than might
seem obvious from the vastly different personal styles of the brash,
bloviating incumbent and his understated, empathetic (and visibly
elderly) challenger.

As the wily imperialist warmonger Lord Palmerston put it, “it is a
narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out
as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy. We have no eternal allies,
and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and
perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”

When it comes to the United States and South Asia, there are two sets
of permanent interests at play in the superpower’s calculus:
geopolitical power, and internal electoral politics. The former
dominated overwhelmingly until the 21st century, but then South Asian
American voters emerged an increasingly potent force, possessing the
capacity to swing some states, as well as contribute funds far out of
proportion to their numbers.

Here it’s vital to note that Indian Americans (and there is good
reason to believe these trends are equally pronounced amongst other
South Asian diaspora groups) always overwhelmingly support the
Democrats, and close to 80% are expected to vote for Biden/Harris this
year as well.

What is more, this loyal bloc doesn’t really care about the American
government’s positions towards their ancestral homeland. According to
a fascinating survey released earlier this month by the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
International Studies and the University of Pennsylvania, only 3% of
Indian American voters listed foreign policy as their number 1 issue.
Everyone else cited the economy, health care, and racial

This is largely to be expected from what is in many ways the richest,
best-educated, and most highly integrated immigrant demographic in US

These are not disaffected people. They think America is already pretty
great. Naturally, they’re alarmed by Trump’s rage, racism, and
extremist supporters. The fact that Joe Biden picked a running mate
with Tamilian roots is a bonus, albeit one that is likely to make a
policy difference.

“In the event of a Biden victory, it's clear India won't be
overlooked, let alone forgotten, in an administration of which Kamala
Harris is a senior member” says Shashi Tharoor, the veteran
international diplomat (he ran for the post of UN Secretary-General in
2006), prolific author, and popular MP who served as India’s Minister
of State for External Affairs under Manmohan Singh.

He told me Harris “is bound to be a strong voice for democracy and
human rights generally, but that could put her at odds with some of
the Modi government's actions, such as on Kashmir, the CAA and the
situation of India's Muslim minority. When you care about a country
you won't be indifferent to it, and are more likely to take a stand on
issues agitating the community.”

Tharoor says, “Mr Trump has not always been ideal for India -- his
stands on trade and tariffs, and on India's environmental policies,
could hardly have been welcome in New Delhi -- but he has been
uncritical of Mr Modi's domestic politics and his divisive Hindutva

He pointed out, “there are always continuities in any country's
foreign policy, all the more so that of a superpower like the US, with
well-defined interests and well-established engagements around the
world. That said, where Trump departed from his predecessors was not
only in his rhetoric, which was often ill-phrased and intemperate; but
also in his resort to 3am tweets on major policy issues, such as to
the "Little Rocket Man" in North Korea; his unpredictability and
tendency to change attitudes at a moment's notice, as with China and
President Xi, which has gone from bromance to Cold War; his extreme
transactionalism, resulting even in a mini-trade war with a country he
was trying to woo, India; and his inability to stay the course (eg
bombing Syria one day in April 2017, and failing to follow through for
the next three and a half years).

The bottom line? Tharoor says, “I believe the US's South Asia policy
has evolved definitively the way it has and there is bipartisan
consensus in both capitals that underpin it, not to mention the
influence of the significant Indian diaspora in the US, which will
ensure India's continued salience in Washington. While I do expect
course correction on global issues like multilateralism (I expect
Biden to reverse Trump's decision to pull the US out of WHO, for
instance) I do not expect 

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Glacier Cave

2020-10-29 Thread Rajan Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Glacier Cave'

Water, frozen.

Last week I dropped by a glacier cave at Breiðamerkurjökull in South
Iceland. These ice caves are natural formations, the handiwork of meltwater
meandering through the glacial bowels and carving out tunnels.

You may view the latest post at


Warm regards,

Rajan Parrikar

[Goanet] Degenerating election campaigns

2020-10-29 Thread Nelson Lopes
In recent years the election campaigns  in India  have become  a pale
shadow  of the past traditions  , decent norms and self  imposed restraints
No party can be considered to be  above board as  fierce,  no barred
retaliation is the order of the day
Calling names  like Papu, mauth ka saudagar, king  of jungle Raj ,birth of
girls  in  pursuit of son etc are demeaning utterances that do not suit the
stature of those resorting to them, however justified  they might be.,
Persons holding responsible position must  set exaple of rectitude in
public life.It is setting a dangerous trend with the aim of diverting
issues and appealing to emotional  ,basic instincts to sway the voters
Elections must be focussed on issues of governance,  policies and future
development plans Such mean behaviour  indicates bankruptcy of issuesThe
public platforms  cannot degenerate  into such abject  low levels
 Reference to General Dyer may not be so mean after all
The politicians are getting impatient and frustrated by resorting  to
personal  and frontal attacks by assassination of character
We forget that times are changing, voters are much more informed and
personal attacks are bound to  be counter productive  By the way what NDA
in Bihar was doing for last several years to control Jungle Raj  when in
power that it has suddenly awoken to this malaise  The issues are health
education ,drinking ,water  and unemployment that the voters want to be
Nelson lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Objections galore

2020-10-29 Thread Nelson Lopes
Objection  galore
Goa has donned  a new garb of objections everywhere for everything and
discarded susegad tag
We clamour for development  ,  employment and good life.   Throug  there
must  be sustained growth  but it is  a relative concept.How much is to
much and what is the barometer  of absolute.We need electricity, mobiles
 industrialization  but those that are beneficiaries  seem to deny those in
waiting   .One wonders on what issue in Goa,  if ever there has been
consensus, unanimity or what is the alternative  suggested .some activists
want to be seen and are  publicity seeking hence raise flags against
everything  like .Casinos,Marinas   NH and State HIGHWAYS   expansion
 IIT   Uber , Railways   , Airport,Port ,Development , waterways,  garbage
disposal  ,   mining,reforms   exhibitions , MOI  etc are some  of the
most  contentious issues dominating  the scene  .At a public meeting those
protesting  vociferously  against towers were  refusing to forego that
facility   themselves.
Protectionism  in a democracy destroys competion and subsequently progress
Those  who were  at front of railway agitation are using that mode
frequently today.
AGITATION must be reasonable  always suggesting alternativeS that will
reduce impact to a minimum . Expansion of  road network have displaced many
for  general benefit . TRAWELERS HAVE displayed  traditional  ramponkars
New technologies  have given rise to many new jobs and so has  automation
Adapt with change and adjustment is the way forward  .Oppisition parties
irrespective of merit  or otherwise make  a common cause  with agitators to
fuel their motives of creating dissent to destabilise z
Govt. In power.  Beware of  self appointed guardians of our welbeing
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2020-10-29 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Yesterday the 28th October was the fourth death anniversary of a great
leader and Goa’s second Chief Minister, Shashikala Kakodkar was known as
‘Tai’ to us all. She took over the reins of Goa on August 12, 1973
following the death of her father, Goa’s first Chief Minister, Dayanand
Bandodkar.  Shashikala Kakodkar  had the distinction of being India’s third
lady Chief Minister, the first being Sucheta Kriplani (Uttar Pradesh) and
the second being Nandini Satpathy (Orissa). Shashikala Kakodkar had a very
firm grip over the administration unlike some of the subsequent Chief
Ministers. Goa’s Iron Lady she always was.

As a friend of the family, Shashikala’s three sons Yatin, Sameer and Abhay
we played together as children. Shashikala’s three boys were brought up as
normal kids never ever pampered or allowed to play truant unlike most
children of today’s strange tribe of politicians.

In 1979 the student community proved to be a formidable force to be able to
challenge the then Government headed by Shashikala Kakodkar. It was the
kindling of student activism in Goa. It was our desire that the student
community in Goa should get 50% bus concession. The powerful bus owner's
lobby was being fully supported by the Shashikala Kakodkar Government. The
student agitation launched on 1st January 1979 swiftly spread from Pernem
to Polem and within 13 days the Shashikala Kakodkar Government decided to
graciously concede to the demand of our student community for 50% bus

During the same student agitation, on 7th Jan 1979 Shashikala Kakodkar was
being felicitated at Azad Maidan on her 44th birthday by a committee headed
by the late Mr. V.M Salgaoncar. As she was not conceding to our demand for
50 % bus concession we decided to demonstrate and disrupt her felicitation
function at Azad Maidan. We were successful and ended up with VM
Salgaoncar’s Mercedes car badly smashed in that chaotic evening. It was
just a coincidence that I later graduated in law from the very VM
Salgaoncar’s College.

Shashikala Kakodkar was definitely never vindictive. Though I was a very
close family friend of the Kakodkar family, Shashikala respected my right
to oppose some of her government’s policies and decisions. And for this I
respected and always held her in the highest esteem. She was more than a
"Tai" to me. She was always very concerned about my well being.

A true tribute to Shashikala Kakodkar would be for Politicians and people
in authority today, by virtue of their positions to be ready for both
bouquets and brickbats. They should know that their lives and (mis)deeds
are under the public scanner and are more than likely to be exposed at some
stage. Freedom to fearlessly fight against social ills is the very hallmark
of a true democracy, but unfortunately some of those who ride to power on a
contrived electorate are unable to withstand such a scrutiny.

After being Chief Minister for 2084 days, Shashikala Kakodkar graciously
conducted herself even after being out of power. She at all times kept
herself abreast with issues concerning Goa.  We should always remember the
enormous contribution of this great lady towards the development of Goa and
in particular the enlistment of the downtrodden Bahujan Samaj. My fond
memories of Shashikala Kakodkar will never ever fade away.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




2020-10-29 Thread John Eric Gomes
>From smart cities whose streets become rivers with potholed roads during heavy 
>rains or cyclones and disruption of all services with flooding/destroying 
>houses and livelihoods to one limited small smart street is no great 
>achievement for the government to boast about, specially when it has been 
>possible due  private CSR funds after the locals and Panchayat nod as 
>reported. This short street will no doubt attaract tourists and be a boon to 
>the famous Tito establishment and beneficial to Calangute.  Now comes the 
>maintenance costs and I presume it will be private government partnership for 
>roads, law and order, parking, street lights and all the high tech equipment 
>which must be kept functionning with maximum efficiency? This will no doubt 
>require smart people who encourage and get feedback from the locals whose 
>welfare and livelihood must be given priority and not turn Goa into a concrete 
>polluted jungle with unsustainable development. Life after Covid will require 
>the best Wifi and infrastructure and skill development with priority in 
>education, healthcare and bothering about food inflation and high prices, 
>working towards love,joy and peace! A big change of attitude in mindset is 
>mandatory. Here I congratulate our CM for hitting out at the bureaucracy for 
>poor service to citizens. For example in Canacona it is reported that the 
>vulnerable elderly population reading omnious advisories from the public 
>health aithorities have kept themselves indoors for many months taking a toll 
>on their health both mentally and physically! When CHC health Officer was 
>approached, instead of making arrangements to visit Old Age homes,organize a 
>convenient place or do the rounds herself, she reportedly wants them to visit 
>the hospital or sub-center for regular checkups! If people bring some feedback 
>or complaint to a bureaucrat, instead of stopping chatting with each other, 
>there is no culture af attending to citizen with priority! Instead there will 
>be delay, made to wait, write a complaint or some hurdle rather than quickly 
>looking into what is bothering the people! The citizen is unfortunately not a 
>VIP he is touted to be by government propaganda and the bureaucrat does not 
>behave like a government servant who is indebted to the people for their 
>salary and perks?