[Goanet] Slimed by South Delhi (O Heraldo, 1/10/2023)

2023-10-01 Thread V M

Last week, the grand new Parliament building inaugurated by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi as ‘the temple of democracy’ was grossly befouled by his own
party comrade Ramesh Bidhuri, the Lok Sabha representative from South
Delhi. In an abusive rant that plumbed an unprecedented new low for
national discourse since 1947, the 62-year-old career politician and
lifelong RSS man volleyed hateful *gaalis* at Danish Ali of the Bahujan
Samaj Party: “*yeh Mullah aatankwaadi hai, ugrawaadi hai. Bharwa, katua,
baahar phenko iss mulle ko*.”

The victim described his assault in a dignified letter of appeal to Modi:
“in addition to Shri Bidhuri’s threats to confront me outside Parliament,
in a manner more akin to a street altercation than a parliamentary setting,
certain unknown individuals are persistently sending me threatening and
menacing messages. I urge you to remind all Members of Parliament of the
importance of upholding the highest standards of decorum and conduct within
the House, as the whole world looks upon us as a torchbearer of
parliamentary democracy. Such indecent incidents should have no place in
our democracy.”

All that is impressively high-minded, but the truth is disgraceful
indecency is now commonplace in Indian democracy. What is more, Bidhuri has
not been punished – although a ‘show-cause notice’ has been issued – and
instead entrusted as ‘party in-charge’ of the campaign to unseat Sachin
Pilot in Rajasthan. This level of brazenness bodes very badly, as Vir
Sanghvi puts bluntly in his latest column: “India is sinking deeper and
deeper into the morass of divisiveness and hatred [which] has now
penetrated so deep that nobody can stop it.”

Sanghvi says these previously unthinkable outbursts have official sanction:
“We know why the Modi government is doing nothing to condemn Bidhuri’s
remarks - it is election season again. It needs to keep the Hindutva
faction faithful on its side in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and other
states. That may also explain why Bhopal MP Pragya Thakur has been allowed
to get away with calling Nathuram Godse a ‘deshbhakt’ (patriot) yet again.
When she praised Godse on previous occasions, she was upbraided and the PM
said how unhappy her remarks made him.Not this time, though. There is an
assembly election coming up.”

Whatever the cause, no one can remain unconcerned by the rapid
normalization of loutish rhetoric and behaviour, because Bidhuri is no
outlier. At the heart of things in South Delhi, he is amongst the most
prominent public faces of the newly rich who define the country at this
juncture. It’s difficult to digest, but here’s the undeniable fact: these
are the wealthiest and (at least superficially) most globalized North
Indians in history, and this boorish vulgarian is their chosen
representative. Watching this debacle from Goa, where these same South
Delhi elites are descending in unseemly droves, it begs an obvious
question: what kind of mess are they going to create here next?

“The growing and disturbing feeling is that the majority of South Delhi’s
elite think bigotry is part of life now,” says Sunit Arora, the well-known
journalist and editor who has spent most of life in that iconic locality:
“many people in this well-off constituency do not agree with Bidhuri's
views, but are conspicuous by their silence. The elite has come to accept
mainstreaming of hate, and most view speaking out as dangerous and unwise.
Remember that in August, next-door Gurgaon shut down due to communal
violence. It does not seem far away and nobody is totally insulated, so the
pragmatic South Delhi-*wallah* will keep his/her counsel. They are not
going to man the trenches in the battle against hate.”

Rather uniquely, Arora spans the South Delhi elites and their favourite
North Goa neighbourhoods, because his grandfather was Anthony Lancelot Dias
(1910-2002) of Assagao and the Indian Civil Service (later IAS) officer,
who served as the Governor of Tripura and West Bengal throughout the 1970s.
When I wrote to ask about Bidhuri’s cohorts swarming his ancestral village,
he cautioned me to remember good things South Delhi people could bring,
like “a sense of business, hustle and an ability to make things happen.”
But this was his unavoidable bottom line: “they might ignore or stay
neutral when they see hate and unfairness being stoked there. It all
depends on the enabling environment. I do fear hatred will find oxygen in
Goa too, despite the beautiful balance sustained over many hundreds of

Who will take moral responsibility for the havoc South Delhi is visiting
willy-nilly on the safety and stability of the entire country? In this
regard, I was struck by the questions the brilliant, prolific and
multi-talented author Rakhshanda Jalil posed on social media earlier this
week: “Dear Friends in South Delhi, many of you have chosen Ramesh Bhiduri
to represent you in the Lok Sabha for the second consecutive term. Are you


2023-10-01 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Editors
Local Newspapers

I am resident of Dona Paula and  I am now in 80s. Let me express first that
during Portuguese era the tourists were almost negligible and slowly
started caching up the trend and now is nearing saturation and definetely
by Christmas the crowd will be untorable for motorist to move the city. I
think those days are gone. Today I had to struggle so much even to complete
a round of this Dona Paula circle.
Then  I saw 3 policemen standing together at the side of Police check post.
I decided to convey my grievance to them. I told them that these tourists
are crowding the circle and the road. They are not local but from
neigbouring states who are roaming at any direction. Even to urinate the
tourists could not find any toilet nearby, and they had to use a nearby
building wall through a private plot.
My request to the Government is to be alert right now as we are at October
month and GOD only knows what will happen by Christmas.
Will the authorities take this as input from me so as to improve the
situation at least for Panjim if not Dona Paula as Christmas season is
round the corner.

Stephen Dias
Resident of Dona Paula
Date 1st October 2023

[Goanet] {Dilip's essays} Whither, scientific temper?

2023-10-01 Thread Dilip D'Souza
Oct 1 2023

I'm always poring over figures I run into. Just this morning, I am trying
to make sense of a Madhya Pradesh Government claim that  "70.61 lakh
farmers get Rs 26 thousand 94 crore 02 lakh". That's Rs 260,940,200,000 to
706,100 farmers, or nearly Rs 370,000 each for each farmer. Is that right?
Why then does the text below say "Every farmer receives a total of Rs 6,000
per year"?

Well anyway. It's some figures like these, and some other stuff I read,
that got me thinking (agonizing, more like it) about a scientific temper.
And that prompted my Mint column of September 22.

Wither, scientific temper?

(Note: I sent it in with a title of "Requiem for a scientific
temperament?"; they suggested "Wither, scientific temperament?" which (as
someone pointed out) is perhaps grammatically wrong, but I kind of liked it.



Requiem for a scientific temperament?
Dilip D'Souza

Every so often, there's news that makes me despair that we will ever build
a scientific temperament in this country. This column is about some such

First, take the truly awful recent front-page report, about two deaths in a
small Haryana village. Six years apart, two young women from there fell in
love. One, with a man outside her caste. The other, with a man from another
village. Both these caused plenty of local annoyance, not least from their
own families.

You know what's coming. Eventually, the women's own families allegedly
killed both. There are some ghastly, nauseating quotes from family members.
"How can you be with someone from a village nearby?" asked the mother of
one of the murdered women. "Girls cannot interact with men, especially from
their own village or from those nearby." The bereaved husband of the other
woman listened to his own mother say: "[Their marriage] is a shameful deed.
I would have never accepted it." And both households, the report tells us,
believed that "you cannot marry someone from the same village because it is
like marrying your brother."

And if these two murders weren't horrifying enough, we have the Chief
Minister of Haryana, Manohan Lal Khattar. Supporting a call to prohibit
marriages between people from the "same gotra and village", Khattar claimed
such prohibition had "scientific backing".

The word "gotra" usually refers to lineage that, to many people, marriage
must not violate, for that would amount to incest. I don't want to argue
about this, nor chase a precise definition of the word. But to suggest that
someone from the same or nearby village is automatically of the same
"gotra", as these murderers did, is, by itself and at best, questionable.
To murder a woman for such a relationship is a grotesque crime. That a
Chief Minister waves away such atrocities is unconscionable.

But that he does so by invoking science is profoundly disheartening. He
seeks a patina of respectability for an outlook that's indefensible in
anyone, least of all an elected official, and he thinks he will get it by
tossing us the phrase "scientific backing."

No, Shri Khattar, there's nothing scientific here. Just irrational hatred.

Second, take a short clip that's making the rounds. It features a young
woman interviewing Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport & Highways,
in what looks like a tunnel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB9MXMEq2WU).
In fact, it is indeed a tunnel, being built below the western reaches of
New Delhi. Gadkari explains at some length why this tunnel is such a marvel
of planning, engineering and cost savings. Judging by the comments the clip
has attracted, this has become one more reason to applaud Gadkari's vision
and drive.

Which is all good, as far as it goes. But in the clip, Gadkari makes two
claims that might furrow some brows. The first is that the tunnel is 28km
long. The second is about people driving to Delhi airport from Punjab,
Haryana and other northern states. Using the tunnel, Gadkari says, they
will travel from Panipat to the airport in 20 minutes.

One problem: just two days later, there was news of work on this tunnel
being "80% complete" (
The length of this nearly-complete tunnel? Not 28km, but 3.6km.

Another problem: Even a quick glance at a map shows that the distance
between Panipat and the airport in Delhi is about 100km - most of it along
an arrow-straight existing road. What kinds of cars on what kind of road
will cover that distance in 20 minutes, meaning at a speed of 300 kmph?

My complaint here is not at all about Minister Gadkari. I really don't
believe he deliberately made these claims. He just misstated the numbers,
and these things happen. No, my complaint is instead with the woman who
interviews him in the clip. By not challenging these absurd numbers right
there - as any reasonable journalist must - s

[Goanet] {Dilip's essays} Cosmic curio: A little bit of Bennu

2023-10-01 Thread Dilip D'Souza
Oct 1

Don't know if you've noticed, but in recent years we (meaning us humans)
have had a number of encounters with asteroids and comets. In 2014, a
spacecraft called Philae dropped (on purpose) onto a comet called 67P. In
2020, OSIRIS-REx carefully picked up a cupful of rubble and stones from and
asteroid called Bennu. In 2022, DART smashed into Dimorphos.

Wonderful stuff, if you ask me. And last week, OSIRIS-REx delivered that
cupful successfully to us (meaning us humans) on Earth. (Yes, it took 3
years, a little longer than your typical pizza delivery.)

So here's something about that little bit of Bennu arriving home - my Mint
for September 29.

Cosmic curio: A little bit of Bennu,

Comments welcome!



Cosmic curio: A little bit of Bennu

Half a century ago, astronauts brought back a total of a few hundred
kilograms of rocks from the Moon. It generated great excitement, because
this was the first extra-terrestrial material humans ever examined. There
have been meteor strikes, of course. But the Moon rocks were the first such
stuff that humans deliberately brought onto our planet.

This week, another haul of extra-terrestrial rocks landed on the Earth. Not
from the moon, though. These were from an asteroid called Bennu that is,
right now, motoring along about 82 million km from the Earth. To put that
in perspective, the Moon is nearly 400,000 km away; the Sun, about 150
million km. That 82 million km figure should flag another difference from
the earlier haul: unlike the Moon rocks, these from Bennu were not
collected and brought home by humans.

Instead, it was a spacecraft named OSIRIS-REx. My last column reminded you
of another meeting between spacecraft and asteroid. That was DART, which
smashed into Dimorphos a year ago. I assure you, OSIRIS-REx's encounter
with Bennu was far less violent.

As I wrote in this space in 2020 ("And yet she pirouettes, there above
OSIRIS-REx spent two years finding its way to Bennu. Once there - it was
about 300 million km distant at that point - it spent two more years flying
alongside, and in orbit around Bennu. For much of that time, through
hundreds of orbits around the asteroid, it was examining Bennu, searching
for the right spot on the surface from where to pick up asteroid-material.

Eventually, the craft chose an area that Nasa called "Nightingale": a patch
of something resembling sand, surrounded by rocks. OSIRIS-REx descended
till a long extended arm with a cup at its end touched that sand. It set
off a small controlled explosion designed to deposit some of the surface
material into the cup. Then the craft slowly withdrew and returned to its

Of course, this was just the start. Earthbound scientists were not likely
to be satisfied with simply filling that cup with sand and rubble and
letting it stay out there in space. They wanted to study this primordial
material of our universe - older than anything here on Earth. They wanted
to bring it back to Earth.

And three years on from the encounter with Bennu, they managed to do just
that. A few days ago, a canister the size of a mini-fridge landed in a
remote part of Utah in the USA. Inside it is OSIRIS-REx's treasure: a bit
of Bennu.

How did this happen? Well, over these last three years, OSIRIS-REx has been
shooting through space towards us, carrying that capsule with rubble from
Bennu. According to Nasa, when it got sufficiently close to the Earth, the
scientists and engineers on the project held a meeting in which they asked
and offered answers to a number of questions. From a Nasa report, here's
some of that: "Are projections showing that the capsule will land in its
target area? Yes. Do the latest predictions of peak heat and peak
deceleration levels that the spacecraft will endure still meet our
expectations? Yes. Is the spacecraft ready to release the capsule and
divert itself away from Earth? Yes. Is the team ready for the day? Yes. Is
the range clear? Yes."

So: when it was within about 100,000km of the Earth's surface, OSIRIS-REx
released the capsule. It coasted through space for a few hours. It entered
Earth's atmosphere last Sunday morning, travelling high above California at
36 times the speed of sound. At some point, it deployed parachutes to slow
its descent. Thirteen minutes after entering, black from barrelling through
the atmosphere, it landed in Utah.

In a photo taken just minutes later, the capsule sits upright on a flat
stretch of desert, surrounded at a respectful distance by a few bushes, the
bright orange parachutes lying to one side. It's almost like a staged
photo, capsule set just so on the sand.

But of course it isn't staged.

Looking at the scene, it is almost mind-numbing to think of everything that
preceded this near-perfect touchdown. The long v

[Goanet] Schedule for Monday 2nd October 2023

2023-10-01 Thread CCR TV

Channel of God's love

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.

Click the link below.


Email ID: ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Monday 2nd October 2023

12:00 AM

Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:23 AM

Hymns - St Anthony's H.S. Majorda

12:30 AM

Alcoholism - Eddie Fernandes interviews Socorro Coutinho - Testimony

12:57 AM

Blessed words of the Holy Ones -St Augustine of Hippo - Quote

1:00 AM

Mass in Konkani for Sunday

2:00 AM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:22 AM

Devachem Utor - Mhonn'nneo Avesor 23 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:29 AM

Mother Teresa of Kolkota - Quote

2:30 AM

Literally Goa - Tino de Sa IAS (Retd) interviewed by Frederick Noronha

2:56 AM

Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 3

3:00 AM

Agree or Disagree - Bungalow Full of Troubles hosted by Ashley do Rego

3:56 AM

Hymn - Jezu-xim ietat- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

4:00 AM

Health Matters - Hypertension - Dr Edward D'Mello

4:40 AM

Bible Project - Gospel of the Kingdom

4:45 AM

Synodal Journey with Mary - Fr Ashley Alphonso

4:57 AM

Saint Claire of Assisi - Quote

5:00 AM

LSS Repentance Day 2 Victor Pereira

6:24 AM

Saint Teresa of Avila - Quote

6:25 AM

Bhogsonnem - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

6:55 AM

Sokalchem Magnnem - Somar Wk 2 & 4

7:00 AM

Praise and Worship - Cajetan D'Costa

7:19 AM

Morning Prayer - Monday Wk 2 & 4

7:22 AM

Devachem Utor - Mhonn'nneo Avesor 24 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

7:29 AM

Youthopia - Edmer Barreto - Author interviewed by Jessica Sharma

8:00 AM

Jezu Konn? - A talk by Adv. Elgar F. E. Noronha

8:40 AM

Synodal Journey with Mary - Sr Luisa Bothelo GHIC

8:48 AM

Bhurgem-Ball Nasloleancher Bhagevont Zuze Vazache Mozotin Magnnem

8:50 AM

Pastoral Letter 2023-2024 - Sr. Myra Mendes SFN in Konkani

9:00 AM

Morning Music - Hymns - Fr Seville

9:30 AM

Jesus Name above all names - Colin Calmiano

10:00 AM

Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit - Alfwold Silveira

10:26 AM

Pope's Intentions in Konkani

10:29 AM

In conversation with Alec Sequeira and Alan Sequeira - The Grand Motocross
Event - Goa by Jovito Lopes

10:58 AM

Word of God - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

11:20 AM

Intercessions - English

11:27 AM

Angelus - English

11:30 AM

Mass in English

12:15 PM

Daily Flash

12:18 PM

Prayer while travelling - St Joseph Vaz

12:20 PM

Activists of Goa - Rajan Ghate interviewed by Daniel F. de Souza

1:06 PM

Bhurgem-Ball Nasloleancher Bhagevont Zuze Vazache Mozotin Magnnem

1:10 PM

Literally Goa - Alan Machado interviewed by Frederick Noronha

1:35 PM

Song - Someday Soon - By Ernie, Alan and Tony

1:40 PM

What's Cooking - Season 2 Episode 10

1:54 PM

Feast of Archangels - Sem Melito

2:00 PM

Abundant Life - Depression - Causes - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

2:25 PM

Hymn - Lourdes Convent H.S. Navelim

2:30 PM

Heads Held High - St. Theresa's Higher Secondary School, Candolim

2:54 PM

My Music Video - Mosaic City - Daneca Da Cruz

3:00 PM

Prophetic Intercession 1 - Cyril John

3:25 PM

Natalam Khoxiechim - Monica Fernandes

3:30 PM

Divine Mercy Chaplet (E)

3:39 PM

Saint Gregory Nazianzen - Quote

3:40 PM

Talk on Glory in Tribulation by Eliot Gonsalves

4:00 PM

Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:23 PM

Song - Someday Soon - By Ernie, Alan and Tony

4:28 PM

Prayer - Alone with none but Thee, my God

4:30 PM

Senior Citizens Exercises - 14

4:54 PM

Somi sorgar veta ani Ankvar Mariek sorgar vhorta hache modem ontor kitem?
Rev Clive Diniz

5:00 PM

Badminton in Goa

5:30 PM

Entrepreneur - Nilisha Ferrao interviewed by Basil D'Cunha

5:56 PM

Aimorechen Magnnem

6:00 PM

Mass in Konkani

6:45 PM

Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 277 - PONGO KUNVOR - Fr Pratap Naik sj

6:54 PM

Feast of Archangels - Sem Melito

7:00 PM

How reliable are the words of the Bible? - Edmund Antao

7:28 PM

Gaddie-Vahonan Vechea Vellar Bhagevont Zuze Vazache Mozotin Magnnem

7:30 PM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:52 PM

Our Father - Khasi

7:56 PM

Prayer of children for their parents

8:00 PM

Breaking Barriers through Dialogue - Discussion on Goa Farmers Policy - by
Nelson Figueirado

8:45 PM

Bhokti Lharam- Bhag 19

8:52 PM

Devachem Utor - Mhonn'nneo Avesor 25 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:00 PM

Adoration - Fr Saturnino Colaco

9:32 PM

Ratchem Magnem

9:47 PM

Saint Teresa of Avila - Quote

9:50 PM

Jazz Goa World Day Broadcast

10:47 PM

Saint Claire of Assisi - Quote

10:50 PM

Agree or Disagree - Regularization of Unauthorised Constructions Act hosted
by Ashley do Rosario

11:46 PM

Apostolic Carmel (A.C.) - Vocation Promotion

11:57 PM

Hymn - Mary Immaculate Girl's H.S. Panjim

Donations may be made to:

Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.

Name of Bank : ICICI Bank

Branch Name: Panaji Branch


Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] Fw: The Battle for Konkani and Statehood of Go

2023-10-01 Thread Yahoo!Mail

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
   - Forwarded message - From: "Yahoo!Mail" 
 To: "edi...@herald-goa.com" 
 Cc:  Sent: Sun, 1 Oct 2023 at 16:41 Subject: The Battle 
for  Konkani and Statehood of Go  Well this book The Battle for  Konkani and 
Statehood of Goa written by Shri Luizinho Faleiro ex CM  of Goa  has in the 
himble opinion of this writer no relevance to the real aspiration of the 
population of Goa and Goans..                                      True  it is 
well documented book of  the struggle to achieve both  Konkani and Statehoid 
but fails to reveal   how a certain section of the Gaud Saraswat Brahmin 
community just a mere  3% of the Goan population discreetly  manipulated the 
entire Konkani speaking community in Goa to  achieve their  sinister design.  
Goans world wide supported  an emotive issue  Konkani our mother tongue which 
was mainly spoken written read and preserved by the non Brahmin Goan minority  
community in the English or Roman script  definitely not in the  Nagari script 
accent and vocabulary with which these 3% segment  population are familiar 
with.  Despite several write ups by some outstation writers and this writer 
fore warning the movement stalwarts of  the sinister design of the 3% referred 
here to above even  the Church in Goa till this date is not reconciled to the 
fact they were betrayed by a "nagari mogi" insider.  So what was the result the 
hearts of Goans sank when they realized that Konkani became an official 
language but till this date it is not  in the public domain who inserted a 
handwritten entry unsigned : in nagari" scriot on the notified..official 
Gazette of  Govt of Goa This writer is confident that the needle of suspicion 
points to a protagonist of Konkani nagari script but cannot name him for 
obvious reasons. The corollary therefore the  27 % minority community continue 
with the Englush script Konkani jn religious rites and in domestic use but 
their kith and kin are forced to digest an alien script Konkani as guinea pigs 
in the laboratory of konkani chauvinism  Of course by this  script all the 3% 
are ensured Government jobs because they are more familiar with the script   
Hence this book can well find a place only in the Goa  Konkani Bhavan and used 
as  resource materisl by students to understand in hind sight why Konkani is 
written in Kannada Malayalam Nagari script even this  day  but not in the 
English script.. The writer could therefore stand advised to add a chapter as 
an  explanation to the above betrayal to his book as an addendum to make it 
complete  Ofcourse 3% supporters got the Sahitya Academiy to post haste get the 
Konkani nagari script  inclusion in the ninth schedule of the Constitution to 
abort any attempt to tinker with the official language and add the English 
script . But the possibility that with a large section of Malyalees and 
Kannadigas familiar with Konkanu in these scripts they could demand official 
recognition for these scripts besides nagari script in matters of employment.  
Godfrey J I Gonsalves  Borda Ward X St Joaquim Rd Margao Goa 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  

[Goanet] Politics is the best career

2023-10-01 Thread Nelson Lopes
Politics is the best career

Any wonder  why many aspirants Tom , Dick and Harry aspire to be a
politician? .There is no minimum qualification. Age experience or skill
training .Contribution to political parties funds is a norm and winability
is a criteria  .The so called salary is designated as emoluments free from
any taxation  neither income tax or professional tax.Even if one works for
a day is assured of life long pension  making mockery of pension rules in
private and Govt requiring  minimum number of years to qualify . Other
enviable  perks  are free water ,  electricity, postage , phone calls ,
inverter worth 5 lakhs  , two or three  paid attendants for office. Free
travel by air ,road  for self and attendant, allowances to celebrate at
residences National and state  days .Subsidized food , allowances to attend
Assembly,travel allowance .Interest free loans to purchase luxury cars  and
flats worthover 40 lakhs . Quota of monthly fuel ,   Free medical treatment
in India or abroad with no limits.If it is quantified in monetary terms  it
will be mind-boggling  .Look at their assets before entering politics and
thereafter.It is envy of those highly qualified professional individuals
who cannot afford the luxury ,even upto to the date of retirement.Always
have to live on shoe string budget   There is always undeclared commissions
on various projects in their  Constituency which is a matter of.rule There
is always a fee to act as liason officer with Govt offices etc and
compensation for expediting services kept in hibernation for grease
money.An industrialist , entrepreneur has to slog for years , take
calculated risks , arrange finance , pay labour,  taxes  water,
electricity and can go bankrupt.Have you ever heard of any  politicians
going bankrupt or designated insolvent.In fact there are instances of them
acting as sleeping partners for profit and. share Their final worth runnig
into crores  only after a few years  as politicians , envy of any toiling
businessman.  No wonder politicians never wish to retire  as no such
retirement age of 60/62 " as long as they are elected  past 75 or 80.
Of late realization has dawned on Industrialists, who have entered and won
in political fray
Only if you are a politicians and in the ruling party all your dreams for
generations can be achieved and assured . The defections are understandable
for self development  and protection from prosecution of ill-gotten
gains.What is needed is finance and muscle power and recovery is  very
fast.No honest individual can afford to contest and without the above
factors never expect to win.  Look at the quality of some legislators
getting elected for sure
It is worth throwing the hat in the ring  , someone may at least  offer you
to withdraw like they do in tenders .
The career for being a politician will not be found in any brochure. THE
vguarded secrets are passed within the family that is how husband and wives
.sons and daughters, widows and widowers,  cousins  relatives get elected
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes