2024-02-12 Thread Aires Rodrigues
With public money being spent on development works, every Panchayat and
Municipality is duty bound to ensure that very rigorous Quality
Control Standards are not bypassed in their attempt to hastily get it

Every project has to be a very lasting one. A successful project is one
which can achieve a balance between cost, time, quality and meets the
agreed goals of the project. This can only be achieved with transparency,
accountability and zero tolerance to corruption. To ensure that every
project is properly and meticulously executed, we need to ensure Quality
Control by persons well equipped to technically and administratively
monitor and ascertain strict compliance of established standards.

Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of forward planning
and research, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful
execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.  Great
projects require the highest quality output at every stage. Quality is a
journey which has to be ensured from the foundation stone till the very
completion of any project.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




[Goanet] Gratitude a virtue to be cultivated

2024-02-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
Gratitude a virtue to be cultivated.

Disappointments loom large at ingratitude .This virtue is the distinctive
mark of individual personality and best attribute and qualifications to
wear on lapel.  The attitude of gratitude  is the glue that  binds
relations into  inseparable  bonds.It is noticed that behaviour and signs
of indifference  of  ingratitude,  spring from only those recipients of
this free largesse. The   example in Bible  of 10 cured leppers  of curse
is exemplified by Christ .Only one of the ten returned to show gratitude
.It is human nature to ignore may be out guilt of indebtedness or feelings
of uncomfortable ness  for receiving charity .It is also  desire to forget
the past and not to be reminded  of pitable state .It  is absolutely normal
to expect ingratitude on our way and life  from all human contacts
The parents struggle to elevate the status of children through sacrifices
and self denial.Often  they return with ingratitude.Abandon  elderly,sick
and helpless to their fate.Parents are unwanted, neglected or assigned to
old age homes Many are dependent on public charities and social doles to
bear the bare minimum .Parents are harassed for their inheritance and
subjected to mental brutality and physical abuse.Parents never considered
gratitude  ,if they were certain of it they would have secured their
future. .The love of parents is boundless beyond expectations of
gratitude.The act of doing good is for goodness sake .The wonderful
attitudes  behaviours ,actions of some moves the world ,society to greater
heights. If expectations of gratitude were main  and only considerations
,then limitless charity at all levels would have grounded to a
hault.Nations   ,Societies  individuals  come to succour of affected  in
disasters  wars, natural calamities without any knowledge of who the
beneficiaries are .The self satisfaction of acting with good intentions to
provide relief  to those in distress is in itself biggest reward .Gratitude
is not interest on fixed deposits on works of charity to draw as a security
hedge . Purpose, motivation ,inspiration would be casualty if gratitude is
sought as compensation .Parents , teachers  ,passionate social workers or
activists  are doing their duties for which they are paid.and hence there
is no obligation or favour to nurse   remorse in not acknowledging.  The
contrary is also  true not being bound and  to use their discretion of non
commitment. It  is said that only 01% may be responsive  at best ,but
acknowledgement is not pre requisite for charitable dispositions
There is no doubt that this virtue may be imbibed  by induction from
experience.It has definitively to be taught   .instilled at all stages by
conscious Our Trust enjoins on recipients to address compulsorily  a thank
you  within 7 days and students paid on receipt of it only . Thank you is
all compassing simple,  effective  means.This is the best expectations that
soothes the turbulent mind of feelings of ingratitude  .The false pride of
humility in acknowledging  favours even as obligations  need to be
discharged.Gratitude indirectly can be elevating experience and
inspirations to  continue with redouble energy.The sacrifices in sharing
resources, time, company, and words of appreciation and recognition  need
to be reciprocated .Ungrateful individuals are ashamed of their past
circumstances .Gratitude does not imply ,prostrating ,touching feet by
recipients or being indebted for life.. Gratitude is also displayed by
reciprocation similar acts  towards others  in  identical  circumstances.
An employed  student helped substantially  found excuses galore  when
requested to aid another .The negative attitude that it provided an
opportunity for self fulfillment is abhorrent.Charitable institutions fill
a void , because of inherent desire to assist those  destitute in need
.EXPRESSING   "THANK YOU" IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED materially  , by a simple
smile , visit  ,message or a call.
The virtue of gratitude in actions wins  lasting  friends   and must not be
delayed indefinitely .Gratitude is milk  of human kindness , a garment of
beauty and a precious gift in human relations
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

[Goanet] Schedule for Tuesday 13th February 2024

2024-02-12 Thread CCR TV

Channel of God's love

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.

Click the link below.


Email ID: ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Tuesday 13th February 2024

12:00 AM

Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

12:23 AM

In conversation with Fr Rob Galea by Alfie

12:56 AM

Prayer for the Synod 2023 - Konkani

1:00 AM

Mass in Konkani

1:45 AM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

2:13 AM

Daily Fash/ Jivitacho Prokas

2:16 AM

Creative Strokes - Wilfred Goes

2:42 AM

Panel Discussion on Punishment hosted by Kavita Almeiia

3:36 AM

St John the Baptist - Talk by Fr Victor

3:51 AM

Activists of Goa - Amit Palyekar interviewed by Daniel F. de Souza

4:37 AM

Love as a Challenge - Fr Subhash Anand

5:06 AM

Heads Held High - Holy Spirit Institute, Margao

5:28 AM

Literally Goa - Angela Barreto Xavier interviewed by Frederick Noronha

6:03 AM

Sustainable Ripples - Eps 3 Toddy Tapping

6:10 AM

Fr Joseph Vaz - Talk by Fr Eremito Rebelo

6:30 AM

Prophetic Intercession 1 - Cyril John

6:55 AM

Seby Wings -Gazzlo

7:00 AM

Praise and Worship - SJVSRC Magno Menezes

7:23 AM

Bhajan - To Amchaa Svami- Fr Glen D'Silva

7:31 AM

Devachem Utor -Izaias Avesor 37 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

7:44 AM

Povitr Zaunk Apovnne - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

8:13 AM

Atmavishwas - Vocational Training Center for the Disabled

8:46 AM

Katholik Quiz - Sant Francis Xavier conducted by Shenaya Pereira

9:00 AM

Feast of St. Anthony from St. Anthony`s chapel, Colva, Goa.

10:32 AM

Bhagevont Zuze Vazache mozotin Piddestam Khatir Magnnem

10:34 AM

Journeying with Our Blessed Mother - Dr Sarita Nazareth

11:00 AM

Career Guidance -Film Making, Photography etc. Chowgule College

11:30 AM

Mass in English

12:15 PM

Daily Fash/ Jivitacho Prokas

12:18 PM

Angelus - English

12:20 PM

The Dangers of an unforgiving heart - Edmund Antao

12:49 PM

Literally Goa - Fr Mousinho de Ataide interviewed by Frederick Noronha

1:15 PM

What's Cooking - Episode 6 Bebinca

1:43 PM

Bhagevont Zuze Vazache mozotin Bhurgeancher Magnnem

1:45 PM

Pope's Intercessions

1:48 PM

Commitment to Holiness through Prayer - Fr Fernando da Costa

2:32 PM

Talk - Standing up for the Truth - Alfwold SIlveira

3:00 PM

Divine Mercy Chaplet

3:10 PM

Documentary - Wages of Tears

3:50 PM

Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 74 - Kazaranchim 60 Vorsam - Fr Pratap Naik sj

4:00 PM

Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

4:27 PM

Senior Citizens Exercises - 14

4:51 PM

Pope's Intercessions

4:56 PM

Amchea Bapa - 4 - Domnic Rodrigues

5:25 PM

Jose Rod interviewed by Jovito Lopes

5:53 PM

Jezu Mojea, Tujea Sangatan - A song by Felicio Fernandes

5:57 PM

Spiritual Communion Prayer

6:00 PM

Mass in Konkani

7:30 PM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

7:56 PM

Aimorechen Magnnem

8:00 PM

Health Matters - First Aid CPR - Dr Jorson Fernandes

8:40 PM

Education and the Challenges - Talk by Sr Saral

8:54 PM

Hymns - Our Lady of Lourdes, Utorda

9:00 PM

Adoration - DCLA 3

9:30 PM

Ratchem Magnem

9:44 PM

Devachem Utor -Izaias Avesor 38 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:51 PM

Xinpyentlim Motyam - Bhag 313 - Fulanchi Dali - Fr. Pratap Naik SJ

10:00 PM

Faith - Questions & answers - Fr. Ronnie D`Souza interviewed by Basil

10:25 PM

Pride - Talk by Dr Silvia Noronha

11:00 PM

Hymn - I have decided to follow Jesus - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

11:02 PM

Breaking Barriers through Dialogue - Child abuse

11:50 PM

Psalm 84 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

11:56 PM

Hymns - Our Lady of Grace HS, Bicholim

Donations may be made to:

Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.

Name of Bank : ICICI Bank

Branch Name: Panaji Branch


Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183




2024-02-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
Fate of  khell tiatr  is  a sword hanging on a thread

This tradition and custom  was the best form of entertainment availble
then.The Portuguese  were weary of criticism against the rulers and hence
the Regidors had to censor the content.It was compulsory that  it was
first  staged before him  to get his assent. It thus provided a free show
to the audiences gathered  and in waiting
The actors  trudged on foot from Village to Village  with band announcing
the arrival.They performed  on the ground  with people  surrounding in a
circle and children  seated .Chairs were provided to the musicians  There
was  no amplified  sound system  .Sometimes  they used to cook food at site
with cooks accompanying them . At other   times villagers provided the
actors , musicians with meals for a free show.Normally each group was ready
with 3 folk plays .The contributions were from village wards   from every
house. DANDEAVADO  has century old MAND. No group is  ever  refused
performance and hence concession here were a norm .Khell tiatr never did
skip this well organised  Mand for its popularity and surging crowds  No
plays were  held after 8 pm for safety  ,   security of  women ,
adolescent  ,girls being molested ,abused  under licence of Carnaval
.As the participants had to travel back home on foot ,late night shows were
not posdible. Cocotes  , small missiles  with sand,  powder were a common
practice that sometimes caused severe injuries  and were  banned and
objected too.Indigo and powder  was used to smear the faces of females,
carnaval  licence by traditions for molestation of sorts  .Slowly balloons
filled with water was the new phenomenon and dangerous too. The  squad of
village elders  kept a strict vigil   against such abuse .Petromax were
used for  night shows and for their movements on foot. Later on different
villages and wards arranged their own shows for their  residents.Some well
wishers  had performances  at  their own residences  late at nights and it
was considered a prestige ,a sign of status  .Municipalities too specially
at Margao arranged public performances on stages   .Carnaval  was mostly a
village phenomenon  popularly restricted to South and predominantly in
Salcette.Adventourous youth, elders disguised in colourful masks visited
homes ,  distributing  sweets and  also venturing into sales of some
products.People encouraged such activities. DRESSING in colourful outfits
was a tradition and norm  . Carnaval was a festive ocassion at homes.
Relatives  from far visited to enjoy the Khell at entertaiment Mand .  en.
Girls were normally not  a part but men disguised as females  and actors
were mostly  men in female attire Today we have girl actors too. .It was  a
chalenge to identify the disguised participants. KHELL lovers came with
food tiffins from faraway villages and spent the whole day at these
entertainments centres or travelled along with entertainment groups   As
times progressed the costs escalated.Politicians joined the fray with
donations .Plays are also staged with handsome donations by well to do
village patrons and expatriates  .Stages are erected with sound system and
chairs for public.Housies are conducted ,competions held for villagers.
CARNAVAL today has taken to streets uprooted from villages and has added a
new dimensions of floats and commercialisation for tourist
attraction.Carnaval revelry
Has invaded  Porvorim Canacona, Sanvordem  and other municipal areas.  Now
village Panchayat  are . Staging their own versions of carnaval with
parades ,  khell tiatr  supported by Govt Dept of Art and Culture .
Incidentally  carnaval is a unique tradition of Portuguese now spread to
Mumbai too and every part of the world were Goan Diaspora  resides
Khell tiatr  as  an art form is competing with traditional tiatr staged
likewise  differing from formats.
Will these cultural art forms survive the changing times The cost is the
factor ,musicians, transport , sound system ,  nominal remunerations, food
are a huge economical strain that does not financially  compensate the
producers The Govt need to preserve this culture by subsidising but since
it is a catholic tradition there will be objections The Govt does not
hesitatec to exploit catholic carnaval  commercially for tourism .
The last day of the carnaval is turning out to be a horrible experience
People avoid venturing out .Water balloons   missiles , colloured  water
harassed passers by , bus travellers   in cities .The police are now
naitaining strict vigil against this menance  of sadistic enjoyment.
Hordes of tourists local , foreign  throng  the streets of parades
,participate  in it enjoying the fun.  Tourism industry is the direct
beneficiary of carnaval revelry promoted with vengeance. CARNAVAL FLOATS
rival floats on Repunlic   day portraying local culture and Goan  way of
life . Carnaval is here to stay but shone of Khell tiatr  will rob the
charm  and distinctive nature . The variety of novelty masks really are
mind boggling   

Re: [Goanet] [GOABOOKCLUB] Belonging anthology

2024-02-12 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
 Belonging anthology

Of late there has been a spate ofwrite-ups about Goa related books, especially 
those relating to colonial times.In full disclosure, our own book Insightsinto 
Colonial Goa is entirely on the colonial times.

I am often reflective that much of today’s problem amongGoans both in the 
native land and in the diaspora is yearning for the 
train-that-left-the-station.  The novels, especiallywhen nostalgic, reinforce 
that feeling which can turn into an illusion anddelusion as one sees the 
departed train continuing to fade into the distance. By dwelling onthese 
experiences, one totally misses and fails to accept and make the best of the 
current changed times; leaving us with little to do but complain.

Regards, GLOn Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 05:05:20 AM EST, Eugene Correia 
 Where can I get this anthology? Anywhere in Vasco is better for me. Or, need 
to ask Dogears

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024, 11:53 a.m. Eugene Correia  

Oops, sorry that I thought "Belonging" is a title of a book. Rereading the 
post, I realize it's a subject of GALF talks. I was checking the website or 
news in a paper on GALF and I didn't find any "Goan" mentioned. I would again 
on the website to check, but would welcome if VM or someone posts a link to the 
writers/authors, etc who are taking part at GALF.

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 11:45 AM Eugene Correia  

The youth-ki-awaaz says the review is "self-published" and doesn't say it is 
responsible for the views. That's a surprise. Yesterday, I attended the launch 
of Becoming Goa and heard the author, Michele Mendonca Bambewale, gives the 
background to what made her write the "home-coming"  bookShe said she was  born 
in Pune and lived in many places, including Bombay, Dubai, Bangkok and London 
before come back to her native Siolim. I just started reading the book and I 
feel Michelle had 'rediscovered' herself. I feel once a Goan always a Goan and 
if we are "wanderers of the world" or words to that effect, we cannot lose the 
"Goanness" in us. I was told by a NIO scientist that I am not a "Goan" as I was 
born in Bombay but my father was since he was born in Portuguese Goa. It made 
me raise my eyebrows, coming from an educated man. These are types of people 
who raised walls among Goans.I will get the full picture of Michelle's 
self-diagnosis on this vexing subject.I saw another title, don't remember it 
fully, but the word 'belonging" is in the tile. I have to buy the book, and 
sure that it's available at one of Goa's bookstores. This sudden awareness 
maybe due to the crisis in the political climate of Goa that is stil debating 
the "Portuguese Goan" issue. Trying to seize back our roots, so to say, seems a 
new game or a new subject that writers want to explore.it's a interesting topic 
in the century when the very identity of who is a "Goan" seems uppermost in the 
minds of those searching for an answer.
Eugene Correia
On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM 'Selma Carvalho' via The Goa Book Club 

 Dear Patricia,
Oh gosh, much blushing but ever so grateful for your feedback. The best 
feedback is the unscripted variety. Much gratitude and hope to meet you at 
Dogears or GALF.
Warm wishes,Selma
On Saturday, 10 February 2024 at 08:35:43 GMT, 'Devika Sethi' via The Goa 
Book Club  wrote:  
  Amazon delivered the book yesterday,  Friday Feb 9, and I devoured it the 
very same day. I simply could not put it down. Absolutely brilliant Selma. Your 
capacity to weave poetry and rhapsody  into a narrative is truly astounding.   
Congratulations and warm regards,  Patricia Pereira-Sethi


On Friday, February 9, 2024 at 05:02:52 PM GMT+5:30, 'Selma Carvalho' via The 
Goa Book Club  wrote:  
Overall, Selma Carvalho’s ‘Notes On A Marriage’ is a masterful work that 
reaffirms her place in the literary firmament. The novel’s mellow, poetic prose 
captures the essence of a marriage with tenderness and wisdom.

I would recommend this book to everyone who enjoys reading literary fiction, 
contemporary or otherwise. The book will also enchant readers who like 
slow-burn novels that are thought-provoking while being ethereally exquisite.


All best wishes,Selma

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[Goanet] Fw: Ram Mandi Temple - Religious Art and Architecture

2024-02-12 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Attached is this month'snewsletter on issues affecting GEMs. The topic is:  Ram 
Mandi Temple and Religious Architecture. The focus of this presentation isa 
timely and often overlooked topic of the Economics of Religion. 
Knowing and understanding the past helps us tounderstand ourselves better.  
There was a time when Goa was overflowing with Religious Tourism, which added 
to the economy. Grasping the scope of one’s inheritance should givea more 
nuanced base to make our decisions. To the diaspora, the land has the ashes of 
theirancestors and is the abode of our deities and saints. We hope to unfreeze 
theevents by presenting to the readers the when, why, and how of past events.  
We hope you enjoyreading this aspect of GEM history.  There is a lot of ‘food 
for thought.’Please forward these articles to your relatives, friends, peers, 
Indian andIberian chat sites. Sharing history is sharing our cultural heritage; 
and thework is for us, by us. Thank you for allowing us to share this with you.
Philomena and GilbertLawrence,Authors: Insightsinto Colonial Goa,Published via 
Amazon inpaperback and e-book.Fordetails about the book and authors see: 
Insightsinto Colonial Goa.

[Goanet] Fw: Ram Mandir Temple - Religious Art and Architecture

2024-02-12 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Attached is this month's newsletter on issues affecting GEMs. The topic is:  
Ram Mandi Temple and Religious Architecture. The focus of this presentation is 
a timely and often overlooked topic of the Economics of Religion. 
Knowing and understanding the past helps us to understand ourselves better.  
There was a time when Goa was overflowing with Religious Tourism, which added 
to the economy. Grasping the scope of one’s inheritance should give a more 
nuanced base to make our decisions. To the diaspora, the land has the ashes of 
their ancestors and is the abode of our deities and saints. We hope to unfreeze 
the events by presenting to the readers the when, why, and how of past events.  
We hope you enjoy reading this aspect of GEM history.  There is a lot of ‘food 
for thought.’ Please forward these articles to your relatives, friends, peers, 
Indian and Iberian chat sites. Sharing history is sharing our cultural 
heritage; and the work is for us, by us. Thank you for allowing us to share 
this with you.
Philomena and Gilbert Lawrence,Authors: Insights into Colonial Goa,Published 
via Amazon in paperback and e-book.For details about the book and authors see: 
Insights into Colonial Goa.

[Goanet] Fr Antimo Gomes remembered

2024-02-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
Rev .Canon Fr.Antimo Gomes  legacies live on

The Heads of DSE & staff members  have perpetuated his revered memory as an
excellent  Adminidtrator,  Educationist , founder of DSE  , its Secretary &
President ,Principal .a devout PP ,as on5.3.2012 . À VISIONARY who has
etched indelible  memories in the hearts and minds of friends and colleagues
P.CTrust  unique efforts.Released  special  magazine in his honour,a hand
bound book for his most beloved sister  too  and awards for 4 teachers from
16 DSE by rotation along with citation from corpus of over 03K. reserved
only  for one functionary  of DSE. SPECIAL files are provided to 16 schools
and DSE office.  Born on 5.3.1940, passed away on 12.2.2013
Held various positions in Archdiocese, academic platforms and has been
graciously  honoured for his meritorious  services
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes