Re: [Goanet] Congratulations to Education Minister

2011-04-04 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Mumbai is not Goa.
All things may be possible in Goa -breaking of the law etc.
Blame the ministers for  his ignorance or his crony who misled him in believing 
that he could pull a fast one in Mumbai.
One more critical comment from our Maharashtrians well wishers about our Goans.
He could have caught his flight from Chennai or Kochi.
Why Mumbai?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Congratulations to Education Minister

 "Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão"  wrote: 
> JoeGoaUk joegoauk at
> Sat Apr 2 23:58:48 PDT 2011, wrote:
>> Congratulations to Education Minister
> It’s time to celebrate with champagne again.
> School/college students should take example of their Education
> Minister.
> Voters can expect a huge bonus this time.
> Parabens! You done it.
> BREAKING NEWS : Goa Education Minister RELEASED!
>> E.D. confirmed that the Goa Education Minister was unaware of the
> Rules clearly displayed at Mumbai CS International Airport, as he does not 
> know
> to read in English nor Hindi. (Little wonder he wants all Goans to remain
> illiterate)
**It is the privilege of the politicians to make and break laws!... They do not 
need any academic qualification to govern the literate people of Goa. They do 
not need to know Hindi, English, Marathi, Konkani. They have their scribes and 
interpreters... They do not need to know the rules of the country and of the 
state. There are always lawyers who will defend them, and the Chief Minister 
can always rectify every mistake of theirs (whatever may be the strategy!)... 
We are privileged to have such leaders! Let India shine! Let Goa shine, through 
them, or in spite of them!

Re: [Goanet] BJP seeks dismissal of Goa minister

2011-04-04 Thread Ashley D'Silva
What makes people think that CST airport is so pores as Dabolim airport?
Many will not know that cctvs keep a continuous watch on the road at least
from 2 km away from the airport, 
continuously monitoring each and every person who visits the airport
premises and right through the boarding gate.
In all possibility the ministers personal body language, gait and behaviour
did him in.
Even the porters are trained to keep an eye on all. 
The smile & query that you may be greeted at the ticket counter is to disarm
the potential smuggler and terrorists and make him/her  slip. 
Even if the baggage is checked in the hold,  it is x-rayed once more inside
the loading dock.
Monserrate should have known better since he claims he is flying in and out.
Good luck to him. I doubt the matter will be easy to wriggle out as another
case the CBI has asked for the transfer of his case to the Mumbai High
CISF& Airport intelligence security is tighter than before and forget
playing such games with them.
If they care a hang for a Maharashtrian  minister,  would they care about
the goan minister?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Goanet News Service
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 1:13 AM
Subject: [Goanet] BJP seeks dismissal of Goa minister

BJP seeks dismissal of Goa minister
PTI | Apr 3, 2011, 09.31pm IST

PANAJI: Bharatiya Janata Party has sought dismissal of education 
minister Atanasio Monserrate from the cabinet after he was detained with 
unaccounted money at Mumbai airport.

Speaking at a press conference, BJP Goa unit chief Laxmikant Parsekar 
said that the party would adopt all the democratic means to ensure that 
Monserrate is dropped from the cabinet.

"We will not allow such a tainted Minister to continue running our 
government," he said.

Parsekar said that they have sought appointment of the Governor Dr SS 
Sidhu on Tuesday to seek his intervention in sacking Monserrate from the 
state cabinet.

"We expect that the Governor will execute his powers and ask Chief 
Minister to sack Monserrate," he said.

The Congress minister was detained at Mumbai airport on Saturday on his 
way to Dubai for carrying unaccounted money in foreign currencies.

The BJP leader also wondered as to why the state chief minister Digambar 
Kamat was silent on the issue.

He demanded that the chief minister should make a statement as to how 
many ministers went abroad and whether they had taken permission from 
ministry of external affairs for the same.

Parsekar also said that they are planning to move an adjournment motion 
on Tuesday when state legislative assembly will discuss state budget.

Monserrate, however, has argued that he could account for the money that 
was found on him.

Re: [Goanet] Eucharistic Magic .. aka Miracles

2011-03-02 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Dear Goanetters,

Why point fingers at people who go for mass and then indulge in " chor
bazaar from 9.30 to 5.40.There are so many things in the church which are
not correct..."?

How good is our own goodness when we chuck these statements?

Let us ask ourselves before throwing a stone whether we are sinless or not ?

What we need to do is be agents of small changes and relentlessly convert
those who are corrupt with love - as Christ did.

It works if we believe that love triumphs over evil. But if you believe that
evil is greater, then the fight is lost and we succumb to a mental paralysis
that we have to live with evil and there is no choice. 

The choice is individual and the consequences return in the same form and
people continue feeling helpless.

Rather if you see any form of injustice / corruption take a stand even if
means losing out on all ones personal comforts & family.

The choice is yours to say no to corruption

Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Albert Desouza
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 10:01 PM
To: Major domo goanet
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Eucharistic Magic .. aka Miracles

Dear Goanettersjesus says"i am the truth and the Resurection.' So if you are
a follower of Jesus learn to speak the truth. There is no miracle in the
eucharist. We say those words to remember that two thousand years ago Jesus
said those words and said do this in remembrance of me. No priests have that
much of power as they tell us about. The host remains as host and there is
no transformation at all. Imagine if the host was to be transformed into
body the life of those who receive it would have been transformed. We see so
many government staff going for mass everyday and they do chor bazaar from
9.30 to 5.40.There are so many things in the church which are not correct.
One is immaculate conception, assumption, and may be even appriations .
These are all man made secrets.albert 

> Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 13:38:37 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Eucharistic Magic .. aka Miracles
> Santosh,
> I think the confusion in this discussion is in part the result of an
> subject header - which I have now corrected. Dr. ... er .. Fr. Ivo is an
> in the subject of Eucharistic Magic. Please give him the benefit of the
doubt on 
> this issue.
>  Marlon 
> From: Santosh Helekar 
> To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list 
> Sent: Mon, February 14, 2011 11:58:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Eucharistic Miracles
> The response appended below shows that the detailed explanation I gave in
> last post regarding the biological impossibility of having a type AB blood
> only a single set of chromosomes derived from the mother was not
understood at 
> all. This is the problem with people who make these wild nonsensical
> about modern science confirming their parochial supernatural beliefs. They
> understand the science even if you explain it to them in simple terms. I
> the situation is different with others who cared to read my post. My
> was pitched to a high school educated lay person. But a student with a 9th

> standard level of understanding of biology should have had no problem
> the argument.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

2011-02-16 Thread Ashley D'Silva

It would be really good for those who can attend this program.
This program can add a lot to your careers and soulful existence.

Ashley D'Silva
PTL Batch 1

Dear Gordon / Sabhaites,

It would be good if BCS sponsors the candidates to attend this very
important leadership programme.

Please pass the message around and motivate.

Best Regards,
Dolphy D'souza

Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields

2011-02-15 Thread Ashley D'Silva
True - this was what struck me too.
The fenced fields were looking lush and appealing.
Witnessed this on 9th feb 2011

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 11:57 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields

To Goanet -

Quick & brief -

On the way back to Panjim this morning from an early photo shoot
in Loutolim, I saw a Goan farmer selling fresh vegetables by the 
roadside in Agacaim.

Gaunthi vaingim -

Looking at these magnificent brinjals I couldn't help but reflect on 
what might have been if Goan agriculture - and with it our traditional
farmers, mostly gaude - had not been systematically destroyed
and diminished.  You can't get this quality of produce and its taste 
anywhere in the world, not even in fertile California.

Goa could have been self-sufficient, and farming could have 
been an export industry as well.  We could have employed all
our traditional folks, saved our open spaces and fields, and
thwarted the take-over by ghatis.  Shame on us.

The thug Monserrate has destroyed live cultivable fields in Taleigao
to make way for monster concrete buildings, mostly to be lapped
up by outsiders.  If you have sampled the vaingim from Taleigao
you will know what real vaingim taste like.



Re: [Goanet] Portuguese citizenship for Indians

2011-02-13 Thread Ashley D'Silva

When I mentioned this to my colleague from The Netherlands - he says India
is a good bet.
The situation in Europe is bad. The only two countries that are strong is 
Germany and 'The Netherlands'.  

Portugal's economy is in dire straits and is being temporarily propped up by
the EU.
In the EU community the respect for Portugal & Spain is not ideal.
India fares  better.

His comments about the recent bails outs - 'it will take  generations to pay
back 'The Netherlands' & Germany for loaning them the money' came true after
one year.
What was predicated by him about Ireland , Iceland &  Greece all came true. 
At that time he also mentioned Portugal & Spain.

So dear Goans do not throw your Indian Citizenship and  abort Goa.

Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of armstrong augusto vaz
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:37 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Portuguese citizenship for Indians

Time is ticking by. The alarm bells are ringing. It may well turn out
to be a false alarm but as of now no one knows and there is no
official word on it till date.
Will the special option accorded by the Portuguese government for
residents hailing from Estado da India to become Portuguese citizens
closed in the coming years. The chances are by and large that at some
point of time, the Portuguese government may crack the whip and say
enough is enough.
So, there is mad rush to cross the finish line. Yes, hundreds of
Indians from the Estado da India are making a bee line to get the
Portuguese citizenship.
"What that actually means is that those born in Goa before 1961 are
still Portuguese citizens even today according to Portuguese law.
However, since the birth records were left in Goa after the brutal
invasion by the Indian army in December 1961, the Portuguese
authorities are not aware of the existence of these Portuguese
citizens in that part of the world. The fact remains that they are
indeed Portuguese citizens according to Portuguese law and full
Portuguese/European citizenship rights are available to them if they
wish to avail of those rights. In order to avail of those rights, you
need to register your birth in Portugal"
Portugal is not granting Goans Portuguese citizenship. They are
already Portuguese citizens by virtue of having been born in Estado da
India Portuguesa or by virtue of being descendents of those born

Goans born before 1961 do not become naturalised citizens of Portugal
because they always were Portuguese citizens and retained their
Portuguese citizenship after 1961, according to Portuguese law. Even
if they only register their birth in Portugal today, that act of
registration of their birth in Portugal today is backdated to their
date of birth as they are and will always be Portuguese citizens of
origin and not naturalised Portuguese citizens.

Lisbon based Pedro Rodrigues, a Goan-origin advocate, who traces his
roots to Moira village and who specializes in the Portuguese
Citizenship says: "The chances are that they (Portugal) may close it
down. So it is better to complete the formalities before the year end.
Never be late and regret at a later date," said Rodrigues who was on a
three-day tour to Qatar to help Goans in acquiring a Portuguese
Rodriguese said this was his first visit to Qatar and for that matter
to the Middle East. And, he promised to come again to Doha if the need
The soft spoken attorney was in the Qatari capital at the invitation
of Doha Goans Sports Club (DGSC) and also conducted an seminar for the
benefit of Goans in Qatar.
Mathew Estrocio, an executive committee member of DGSC was happy with
the turn out.
"Many Goans came to see him and they came well prepared having with
documents which are necessary to start the process. Rodrigues, gave
them a patient hearing and some of the interested individuals then had
one-to-one discussion with the resource person from Portugal,"
Estrocio who hails from Carazalem.
Call it a second wave of migration or by any other name.  A large
number of Goans are in the process of changing their citizenship, with
an eye on a bright future in some European country- predominantly
The first wave of migration started from Goa with our forefathers
migrating to different lands through  the sea route, lands as far as
Africa.  Some Goans made Kenya and other African regions their home.
Some were accorded the right to have UK citizenship when trouble broke
out in Uganda and all Indians were chased away by Idi Amin.
The craze to acquire a Portuguese pa


2011-02-13 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Desmond has our full support.
The Government should be explicit and clear .

Ashley D'Silva 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Aires Rodrigues
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 6:24 AM

A public meeting will be held on February 14th at 5 pm at the Goa
Chamber of Commerce Hall, Opp Azad Maidan at Panaji to protest against
the sudden suspension of Judge Desmond D'Costa. It is a citizens'
initiative to condemn the injustice meted out to this outstanding
Judge. We need to stand in solidarity with this distinguished judge.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] Now Fly-over Porvorim village

2011-02-11 Thread Ashley D'Silva
This is not a solution to their problems.
Mr. MLA should provide an honest solution.
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of soter
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 10:33 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Now Fly-over Porvorim village

Porvorim, 8th Feb.2011; 17.30 IST

A meeting of Baixo Porvorim residents was convened by aides of the Aldiona 
MLA Dayanand Narvekarat the Candelaria Chapel grounds this evening to 
explain the decision of the National Highway authorities to erect a fly over

from Porvorim Tisk to Mandovi Bridge along the present alignment of the 
NH17. The MLA tried to impress upon the public how he had argued vehemently 
to save the demolition of existing houses and fianlly settled for a fly 
over. But, angry residents were in no mood to listen to any proposal on 
widening of the existing NH 17 or construction of fly overs and appeared 
firm that the present alignment must be scrapped.  A senior citizen was 
heard telling the MLA that the residents have been encircled by high rise 
buildings on all sides and now the fly-over will be like a cover to the 
tomb. Seeing the angry mood of the residents the MLA beat a hasty retreat 
and left the venue claiming that he cannot do anything more since the 
alignment has been finalised yesterday.
Some youngsters questioned the MLA over the government's failure to enforce 
the observance of pedestrian crossings and the increasing accidents due to 
rash driving. The MLA was evasive in his responses claiming that the 
government can do nothing more if youngsters choose to drive their vehicles 
in a rash manner. 


2011-01-24 Thread Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of blandino viegas
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 9:05 AM
Subject: [Goanet] MORNING/EVENING

Hi! JoeGoaUk,

Can you tell me, Morning is first or Evening is first ?

B. M. Viegas

Re: [Goanet] Irrefutable evidence to back gold claim: Kamat

2011-01-05 Thread Ashley D'Silva

   Goa Sudharop Annual Awards
January 5, 2011 - 3:45 - 6:30pm
   Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

  Details at:


Does Goa need to provide more reasons for people to make a beeline for Goa?
Kamat's claims were published in the Mumbai TOI as if India has cracked the
Jackpot in trillions>
Does Goa need this publicity at this point or should we work on resolving
the existing issues that are tearing at the very heart of our society.

Ashley D Silva 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 1:22 AM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Irrefutable evidence to back gold claim: Kamat


   Goa Sudharop Annual Awards
January 5, 2011 - 3:45 - 6:30pm
   Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

  Details at:


Whether he likes it or not, Kamat is betting his professional reputation on
this claim.
Rich and more famous if true, of du bious reputation if false.
Good luck to him if it's a risk he has willingly taken and hopefully not on
the power of feni in the manner of Goanet's resident gold advisor who of
course has no reputation but only a job to lose. 
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Sender: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.orgdate: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 18:39:48 
To: ; 
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

Subject: [Goanet]  Irrefutable evidence to back gold claim: Kamat


   Goa Sudharop Annual Awards
January 5, 2011 - 3:45 - 6:30pm
   Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

  Details at:


If what Nandakumar claims is true, we will have bigger international
sharks coming to the North. But if what he claims it found to be bulls#*t,
he can always claim that NRP Sagres sabotaged it and turned it to ash. Or
the Indian tourist for depositing their ‘gold’ on the banks every morning.

I know that orthorectified high resolution satellite imaging and
multi spectral sensors can give better images, with much more accuracy and
greater depth of the earth’s crust. The microbial methods of mineral
exploration, using analysis of concentrations of Bacillus Cereus spores to
determine their affiliation with Mesquite, and Au, or gold  is outdated.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326),
Vardaan (9527463684) SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse
Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim (2417288)

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326),
Vardaan (9527463684) SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse
Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim (2417288)

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popul

Re: [Goanet] SMILE...................... IT'S WEEKEND (11/11/2010)

2010-11-11 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Hello Cajetan,

Greta one.
Warm Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of CAJETAN DE
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:35 PM
Cc: Bosco D'Mello
Subject: [Goanet] SMILE.. IT'S WEEKEND (11/11/2010)


Recently USA President Barack Obama have been to India. During his stay in 
India, he visited so many places. finally he visited the Maruti car 
factory.The General Manager (GM) went out of the way to show him around and
the end of the tour:-
GM: This is the latest car we have manufactured, which will be out for our 
showrooms in 2011.
Obama: Oh. great!
GM: Did you like it?
Obama: Yeah very much!
GM: Mr. President, I would like to offer you a free car from this model.
Obama: Oh.. no, I cannot accept it.
GM: Why, you dint like it?
Obama: I liked it very much, but free it's against my conscience

GM: In that case I'll sell it to you for 100 dollars
Obama: (Smiled) Oh really??
Obama reached his hand into his pocket and removed 2 notes of 100 dollars, 
handed over to G.M and said:-
Obama: In that case, I'll have two.
Cajetan de Sanvordem
Eid greetings to all, next WEEKEND SMILE will be appeared on  25th November 


_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

Re: [Goanet] I am back !

2010-11-09 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Nice learn that you are back Freddy.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Freddy Fernandes
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 11:43 AM
Subject: [Goanet] I am back !

Dear Goanetters,


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all, who have been
for my early recovery. Thanks for the calls and concern. I am grateful to
all and happy to be back on my feet again. Doctors have said that it was
God who saved me. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes.  


I know I have missed a lot fun in the past three and a half months on


Thank you all


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at

Re: [Goanet] SMILE................ IT'S WEEKEND (02/09/2010)

2010-09-03 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Thanks Cajetan,
I look forward to these jokes. Keeps my sanity at times and in touch with my

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of CAJETAN DE
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:37 PM
Cc: Bosco D'Mello
Subject: [Goanet] SMILE IT'S WEEKEND (02/09/2010)

A drunk (Minglu) walks into a bar and says to the bartender (Xembu):-
Minglu: "Drinks for all on me. That is including you, Xembu." 

The bartender (Xembu) follows Minglu's order...
Xembu: "That will be Rs:525/= please." 

Minglu: "Soy, I have no money." 
Xembu slaps Minglu around and throws him out. 

The next night, the same Minglu enters the bar and orders drinks for
everyone in 
the bar including Xembu. 

Again, the bartender follows Minglu's instructions and the drunk Minglu says
has no money. 

So Xembu slaps him around and throws Minglu out. 

On the third night again Minglu comes in the bar:
Minglu: Hey you Xembu, come here!
Xembu: Today no way I'll serve you the drinks
Minglu: "Why not? Here I have lots of money, take this two thousand rupees 
(hands over 2 notes of 1000) and settle yesterdays and day before yesterdays

pending bills."
Xembu happily takes the money and settles Minglu's account.
Minglu: Now serve drinks for everyone in here except you (Xembu). 
Xembu: "What? Why no drink for me?" 

Minglu: "Oh, no. You get violent when you drink."
Cajetan de Sanvordem


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

Re: [Goanet] Invitation

2010-07-07 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Hi Wency,
Just spoke to you. Cel 098210 70769 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wency Mendes
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 1:19 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: [Goanet] Invitation


We are having our engagement ceremony on the 4th of July in the evening.
This is in Gurgaon/ Delhi NCR.  If would be excellent if you could make it.

Simran Issar & Wency Mendes
DLF City Phase 3,
Gurgaon Haryana 122002
+91 9811424363

Re: [Goanet] On : Footballers detained for misbehaving with air hostesses -

2010-01-08 Thread Ashley D'silva

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Hello All,

What is important to understand in this issue, is not an individual  act of
transgression but the intention  to get away with the act blatantly - esp.
in Mumbai.

if you refresh your memory Mumbaikar's are sensitive to such acts of
rubbing, squeezing, patting , pushing a women anywhere - whether on the road
on the bus, local packed train etc. The details provided were pretty lurid
in terms of decency.

So the situation in a passenger aircraft is no different.

Then we have a very a strict Mumbai police that reacts pretty fast to such
complaints whether one is 30,000 thousand feet above ground or on ground

What was articulated in the Mumbai  Press was totally a totally different
news item - unless the elite Times of India - Mumbai edition has got its
fact wrong which is literally questioning the authenticity of the news

So what Mr. Alemao states is contrary to what is reported as neither were
there at that moment. However the choice of words used by Mr. Alemao conveys
something different - esp. the use of the word 'bedroom'.  People are not so
naïve anymore to accept any statement from anyone anymore  - but it does put
the person reputation in jeopardy. Moreover the public will watch to see
whether the defamation case is filed in due course. If these words are not
translated into action then creditability erodes further.

What could have been done was to immediately apologize and go ahead with the
journey instead of exacerbating the situation - which is often the case.

Lastly, in such cases the Mumbai Police will always listen attentively and
discern the situation and then take a call. What is possible is that the
other players could have possibly joined in the fracas without anticipating
the consequences of mob violence; wherever it happens - which is simply not
done over Mumbai jurisdiction. Mumbai is a tinderbox that can trigger
something bigger causing damage to the Goan Community in Mumbai. What is
relieving  is that the name of the airhostess is not revealed to the public

Here the Manager of the team , coach and Captain should have stepped in to
diffuse the situation instantly. The reading indicates that these
responsible people failed the Churchill Brothers Team as a whole thereby
once again sending a message to the world that Goans are a rowdy lot  who
indulge in all sorts of anti social incidents ( Fernandes rape, Colva
Incident etc., )  consequently indicating that the fabric of Goan cultural
is giving way. 

What needs to be done in a civilized society need not be elaborated.
Let's hope better sense better prevails at all levels in society and people
do not take the law in their hands.

Ashley D'Silva
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of armstrong augusto vaz
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:17 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Footballers detained for misbehaving with air hostesses


Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


video file see joaquim alemao speak

Footballers detained for misbehaving with air hostesses 5 Jan 2010, 2148 hrs
In a shocking incident three Nigerian footballers representing the
Goan-based club 'Churchhill Brothers' have been detained by the police in
Mumbai for allegedly molesting air-hostesses.

Three players have been booked under Indian Penal Code section 354 and have
been detained by the CISF and a case has been registered against them.

The Goan club was on its way to Kolkata via Mumbai on a Spicejet flight when
a few players in drunken state misbehaved with the airhostess.

As soon as the fight landed in Mumbai, the players were detained by the CISF

More shocking was the beahviour of the other players in the airport who
pushed the TIMES NOW cameraman away while filming them

Churchill Brothers threaten to sue Spice Jet

Mumbai/Panaji, Jan 5 : Churchill Brothers football club president Joaquim
Alemao has threatened file a defamation suit against Spice Jet airlines
its 23-member team was offloaded at the Chhatrapati Shivaji airport in
Mumbai, for alle


2010-01-08 Thread Ashley D'silva

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten



No ! . 
You don’t have to walk all the way back from Blueberry hill.
Get somebody from the group who can drive and does not drink.
Hire a cab or concierge car to do the work of dropping you back.

We do this in Mumbai Incidentally after the new rules were put into place.

Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of From PAES
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:37 AM
To: GoaNet


Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


By: Bennet Paes

Ads by Goa Traffic Police on front pages of HERALD say: “ Your safety is our 
concern” (who will believe this anyway!)

They also say: “If you’re drunk, don’t drive”. This makes sense when one is not 
drunk, yet. It also deserves to be taken seriously.

But when they say: “If you have  to drive, don’t drink”,  and literally exhibit 
what looks like a glass of whisky in their ads, is rather questionable in my 

For example, in the days of old, Goans went to a wedding reception on foot. 
Usually the functions used to be in the neighbourhood or within some walking 
distances. Because marriages then  were usually “arranged”,  the process went 
so far as delving into three generations of parental history, and that took 
long enough to prepare the wedding couple to finally say: “I do”. Consequently 
fewer functions took place in a year, outside of the period of lent. 

Today, there is an explosion of marriage vows, come rain or shine,  resulting 
in a swell of celebrations that stretch over the length and breath of Goa. 
Therefore,  reaching out to meet those commitments , however selectively, is 
possible only on wheels which the Goa Police seem to be so obsessive about.

Now, let me ask this. When people attend  social functions, traditionally 
alcoholic drinks are served to enhance the spirit of the occasion. So people 
imbibe and celebrate, and soon it’s time to hit the road back home. Some 
privileged ones, including politicians of course, afford the luxury of a 
driver, but what about those that don’t? Should  they leave their vehicles 
behind and walk all the way home from ‘Blueberryhill’ with their partners in 


  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Mumbai's water woes

2009-12-28 Thread Ashley D'silva

Dear Salus,

Staying in Mumbai since 1980 and seeing the city evolve its tough on
Mumbaikar's when the taps dry up. By now all staying here know how to manage
with only half water supply a  day.

Goemkars staying in Goa should not fall into the trap Mumbai has fallen

It's wise to plan now for the next 5 years failing which the situation will
deteriorate as time passes.

The govt of Goa should take note of what happening in Mumbai and avoid these


Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Panjim pics tonite

2009-12-22 Thread Ashley D'silva

Who are these people sleeping on the payments?
This is not good.
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of JoeGoaUk
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 2:02 AM
Cc: Parrikar Manohar bjp; surendra Furtado ccp;
Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Panjim pics tonite

For Rest on the pavement

Mum’s lane
blocked lane

Silent nite

Old Patto 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Vedanta (Was: Anyone has the guts to hold GoaNetters meet in Morjim?)

2009-12-08 Thread Ashley D'silva
Vedanta is an octopus. Cut one tentacle and you get two grown in its place.
The choice depends on the factors influencing peoples pockets.
I know this person well. Ruthless.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bosco D
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 5:39 AM
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] Vedanta (Was: Anyone has the guts to hold GoaNetters meet
in Morjim?)

-Original Message-
From: Samir Kelekar

> Also, those who have Vedanta stocks, please raise your hands. I will count

> them as destructers of Goa.

RESPONSE: What if the owner of Vedanta stocks is also a philantrophist and a

benefactor to several causes in Goa? Would he be counted as a saviour, a

- B

PS. Vedanta stock has taken-off this year, literally. Stock is up almost
500%. Desis 
managing the joint are doing a fantastic job as far as shareholders are

Re: [Goanet] GoaNetter's Meet

2009-12-05 Thread Ashley D'silva
Let's have it in Mumbai dear. I will arrange a nice place.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tony de Sa
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 1:34 PM
To: Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994
Subject: [Goanet] GoaNetter's Meet

Hi FN,

Where and when are we going to have the GoaNetter's Meet?

  _( )_
(_(%)_)Tony de Sa
 __ | __M:  +91 9975 162 897
 \_ \|/_/ Ph: +91 832 2470 148
Practice safe eating - always use condiments.
.-"-. .-"-. .-"-. .-"-. .-"-. .-"-.
"-.-" "-.-" "-.-" "-.-" "-.-" "-.-"

Re: [Goanet] Preserve the Culture and Identity of Goa, says NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro

2009-11-21 Thread Ashley D'silva
That's a politician talking Mario & lyrawmn.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mario Goveia
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Preserve the Culture and Identity of Goa, says NRI
Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro

Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:25:16 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn 

I find it deliciously hypocritical that NRI Commissioner Faleiro who having
done so much to encourage and promote out migration of Goans and others as
Gulf guest-workers who daily toil in inhospitable climes, and who attempts
faux Goan unity with repeat junkets (paid for by resident Goan tax payers)
to these areas, now has the cajones to "stress" the importance of retaining
Goan identity and culture of his dwindling countrymen.

Man talks with forked tongue.

Mario adds:

I wonder if his tongue has as many forks as there are "Goan identities":-))

My personal Goan identity will last as long as I do.

[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-11-19 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Arwin,
It's quite sometime we have connected .

Hope all is well. We will be celebrating 'World Goa Day - Mumbai ' on Dec
13th 2009.

Please pass on this message to all your friends for support. 

Ashley D'Silva
Gen Secretary
Mumbai Goan Association

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Arwin Mesquita
Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 11:34 PM
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] Global Goan Convention 2009 - Muscat Oman

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please can you publish my letter in your esteemed media.

Arwin Mesquita,
C/o Liwa Trading Enterprises,
P.O. Box 45326, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Mobile : 0097150 6118985

Subject: 2009 Global Goan Convention
The Goan Community of Oman (GCO) deserves to be complimented for organising,
such a Good Global Goan Convention 2009 and their hospitality was
remarkable. For the betterment of Goa, It is important that we first, at
least acknowledge the harsh realities facing Goa, make Goans aware of the
same and then look at solutions. In view of the latter, I think that the
main positive, which came out of this particular convention, was that
the critical issues facing Goa were strongly discussed i.e. on its Land,
Language, People & Identity. It was also very good to meet Goans, who are
fighting for the said issues on the ground and we overseas Goans in
particular, need to urgently support them & join hands with them; for our
common cause.

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:

2. "Rape of Goa" :

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :


5. For the Love of Konkani:

6. Goa's Identity Movement website:

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

Re: [Goanet] Reign of Makods - previously Reign of Fanatics

2009-11-02 Thread Ashley D'silva

Hello Mario,
Possibly - but nothing like giving it a try. The best part of the people of
Kerela is trying to communicate in English/Hindi. They stubbornly stick to
their mother tongue and of course making it difficult to communicate. And of
course connections open doors faster than butter melting in hot sun. 
God Bless Goa and all give the Goans saving grace to resurrect Goa from the
dumps.  Incidentally I got better treatment in Kerela for the tourism deals.
Somehow some Goans were not willing to walk that extra mile, raising
multiple bogies that I never even thought of. But then, aren’t we the wisest
race in India to permit all that’s happening- of course those who are
residing out of Goa are to be blamed too including myself. 

Regards to all our lovely simple Goans,
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mario Goveia
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Reign of Makods - previously Reign of Fanatics

Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:39:28 +0530
From: "Ashley D'silva" 

The Golden Goose that lays the golden egg will soon disappear - Joel. Just
returned from Kerela - a much better place for tourist and they care a lot
for their environment. May be because they have a lot of communists. 

Mario observes:

Can't be the communists.  If communists were any good the old Soviet Union,
China, Cuba, N. Korea, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Somalia, Vietnam, Venezuela,
Nicaragua and Bolivia would all be like heaven on earth instead of the
hell-holes they were and are.

I think the solution is for Goa to attract more Mallus and elect fewer

Re: [Goanet] Congratulations From Mumbai Goan Associations

2009-10-31 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear General Secretary - Alexandro Gomes and Asst. General Secretary - Kevin

Please covey our hearty congratulations to the Executive Committee and
Council Members

Ashley D'Silva
Mumbai Goan Association

Re: [Goanet] Porvorim suffers- government releases water connections...

2009-10-30 Thread Ashley D'silva
Sorter ,
Is there any other way to resolve this issue?

Let us know,

Ashley D'Silva
Mumbai Goan Association

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of soter
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:22 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Porvorim suffers- government releases water connections...

Porvorim residents may be suffering due to acute water shortage, but the
Government continues to release water connections to huge housing projects
in the village. Today 29th Ocotber 2009, one more water connection was given
to Sapna Habitat with 400 apartments and everyone knows why. The close
relationship of the nanu's and the CM. The A.E. who refused to approve the
water connection for this project was transfered one month ago. To add
insult to injury, today the PWD was armed with an SDM's order asking the
police to give protection to the labourers. The Sarpanch and some Panchayat
members who came to the site were helpless as the PI kept flashing the
order.  With so much of rainfall, the PWD is not capable of releasing water
to the residents everyday. The sewerage which is released into public drains
from the Sapna Garden apartments at nights from the below capacity sewerage
treatment tank is being ignored by the health authorities. Worst still the
sewerage is released into a water drain that leads directly to the Pilerne
spring. Despite a Gram Sabha resolution not to allow more constructions of
buildings, the giovernment is forcing it's way through with use of the
police. If one goes to court, the matter will continue to see-saw for the
next 3 years or even more. Leaving aside the lawyer's costs and the
continued burden of keeping track of the dates for court hearings, briefing
the lawyer, leaving your job and being present in court, if accounted for
will run into thousands.  An FIR filed by us against a sarpanch in 1999
under prevention of corruption act has now come up in special court in 2009.
What would be the peaceful solution to all this dadagiri of the government,
if violence by the tribals to protect their land and livelihood is
considered wrong in a democratic process? 
-Soter D'Souza

Re: [Goanet] Goan_IT_professionals group formed

2009-10-30 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Samir,
Samir add  our company to your list. Pls get in touch with Mr. Santosh who
is handling this division as an associate company. His No: 099200 38197 Mine
: 098210 70769 Off 022 67101000 / 3421 / 3422 our web: 

Ashley D'Silva
Mumbai Goan Association

Re: [Goanet] Goa news for October 30, 2009

2009-10-30 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Administrator, 
This is  a much better way of providing us the links.
Thanks keep up the excellent work.
Regards to the whole team and God bless your day.

Ashley D'Silva
Mumbai Goan Association.

Re: [Goanet] Reign of Fanatics

2009-10-30 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Joel,

The Golden Goose that lays the golden egg will soon disappear - Joel. Just 
returned from Kerela - a much better place for tourist and they care a lot for 
their environment. May be because they have a lot of communists. 

Re: [Goanet] Expats set up shop here to beat the blues at home

2009-10-30 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Armstrong Agusto,
It shows that you have think out of the box. Read the story how watermelons 
were grown to be square in shape to reduce volume in a container - in Japan.


2009-10-28 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear  Dr. Joyce,

Wish we could help from here - but we are really very far. Over here we have
data base of all blood donors who are free from any ailments. Consequently
we are able to respond to any situation in less than 30 minutes. Think of
creating a data base that will be able to reach the needy in down time. An
organised group can do it through the Parish & well-wishers.
Thank you,
Mumbai Goan Association. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dr.Joyce
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:02 PM
To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"

Dear Members & Friends,

An appeal from Audrey D'Souza ( Beryl's daughter):-

Beryl Dias is admitted at Nairobi Hospital after breaking her leg following
a fall.  She is in stable condition but urgently needs blood.  The family is
requesting that any one (who has not had jaundice or hepatitis) to kindly
donate blood in her name.  She is at Lady Macmillan Ward - Room 9.

Thank you and God Bless.

For and on behalf of the 
Goan Welfare Society

Re: [Goanet] Cancer in Goa

2009-10-20 Thread Ashley D'silva
There has to be follow up Gilbert. Saying, suggesting is all good but gets
nullified if there is no action.


Re: [Goanet] BOOK REVIEW: Incredibly Believable

2009-10-20 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Rose Hoff,
Your mailer was vague. Should elaborate if we have to grasp the essence of
the book.
Thanks ,

Re: [Goanet] The Goan "Poder"

2009-10-20 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear TABP,

I loved this article. Pls let has more of nostalgia. The beauty of these 
articles is 
that it touches a chord deep, deep down our hearts - wanting to return to Goa 
day. Thanks to all the chaps who bring out these articles who keep the love of 
burning in our cynical hearts.

Thanks and God Bless you'll

[Goanet] Condolences

2009-10-20 Thread Ashley D'silva

>From the Mumbai Goan Association

The Committee Members of the Mumbai Goan Association  deeply mourn the sudden 
of 'Tiatrist Eddison Fernandes'  whose budding career  was cut short by a 
illness. We convey our deepest sympathies for his family and his parents and 
the Almighty God  grant  his soul eternal rest.


President   - Jude Tandon

V. President -  Dr. Peter Rodrigues

V. President - Belinda Kuwelkar

Secretary   - Ashley I. D'Silva

Jt. Secretary - Buddy D Souza

Treasurer   - Peter G. D Souza

Advisor &

Coordinator  - Jane Rodrigues

Committee   -  Alice Vaz

-  Luella C. D Souza

-  Shailendra Mehta

Re: [Goanet] Comment

2009-10-19 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Vidyadhar,
Your article was true to the pint as I live in Thane City barely 2kms from
Gagkari Rangayatan. What needs to be noted in the context of the Margao
blast is that the Sanshta Parishad is a spent force with the Mumbai police
force coming down heavily on the. So also other places in Maharashtra. The
Goa Govt and its force has to nip this organization in the bud before they
have another Taliban on its hands. Having friends in the Police forces we
understand from them, that a quick surgical action is better than wait till
gangrene sets in. The Goa Police has to be quick and ake speedy action just
as the Mumbai Police caught the two murderers.

More on this later .

Re: [Goanet] Goa news for October 14, 2009

2009-10-13 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

The earlier links were better - now its garbled. Pls see.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Goanet News Service
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:00 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa news for October 14, 2009

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

[Goanet] FW: Thanks and Best Wishes to Bosco D'Mello, volunteer and NIZ GOAN who only GIVES!

2009-10-11 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Bosco,
Many happy returns of the day. Wish you good health and all the best. Thank
you for your help. 
Mumbai Goan Association

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Taking another look, at Goa (FN, in Gomantak Times)

2009-10-08 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Goanet,
Where Can this book purchased from in Mumbai?


Re: [Goanet] Criminal flooding

2009-10-07 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Dear Soter,
At last reality seems to be dawning on Goa. This is what happens when
unbridled construction and destruction of vegetation gets out of hand. We
have seen it happening in Mumbai and we paid a price.
Bye Ashley

Re: [Goanet] GOAMAP urges written apology from Goa Police for threatening RTI applicant

2009-09-28 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Sebastian,
Pls contact me on email to network with fellow Goans to create outside
support for the cause. 
Thank you,

Re: [Goanet] Motesh Antao of Colamb under arrest at Quepem Police Station

2009-09-25 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Goa netters

IPC Sections that need to be understood 
The Indian Penal Code - offences against public tranquility 

Sec 143 - Punishment :- Whoever is a member of an unlawful assembly, shall
be punished with imprisonment of either six description for a term which may
extend to six months, or a fine , or with both.

Offence - being a member of unlawful assembly 
Cognizable or non cognizable   - under  cognizable stands for 'a police
officer may arrest without warrant'
Bailable or non Bailable - Bailable
By what court ; any magistrate 

Sec 341 - Punishment for wrongful restraint: - Whoever wrongful retains any
person , shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to five hindered rupees,
with both

Offence -  wrongfully  restraining any person 
Cognizable or non cognizable   - cognizable --under  cognizable stands for
'a police officer may arrest without warrant'
Bailable or non Bailable - Bailable
By what court ; any magistrate

Sec 506 - Punishment for criminal intimidation. Whoever commits the offence
of criminal intimidation shall be punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with

Offence -  criminal intimidation - If threat to cause death or grievous
hurt, etc.
Cognizable or non cognizable   - Non cognizable --under  non- cognizable
stands for 'a police officer shall not arrest without warrant'
Bailable or non Bailable - Bailable
By what court ; Any Magistrate / Magistrate of the  First Class  

if threat be to cause death or grievous hurt, etc, - and if the threat be to
cause death or grievous  hurt, or to cause the destruction of any property
by fire, or to cause an offence punishable with death or [imprisonment for
life] or with imprisonment for a term which may extend or seven years, or to
impute, unchastely to woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or
with both. 

Ashley D'Silva 



2009-09-25 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Govt of Goa,
Please reply to this mail. 

Ashley D'Silva 

Renoir writes ..
May I take this opportunity to ask the same Government who is keen to get
the High Quality meters installed to earn the maximum revenue what measures
they have taken to ensure the common men gets an un interupted supply of
water the whole year through


Re: [Goanet] Petition: Final Draft with signatories

2009-09-24 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Sandeep,
You have my solid support for this cause and keep at it. A few more missives
will resolve the issue.

Re: [Goanet] Tourism Minister is Touring in Court

2009-09-23 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear doctor,
Please clarify - touring in court?
Ashley D'Silva

Re: [Goanet] Rs 25 lakh prize for Goan film maker Laxmikant Shetgaonkar

2009-09-23 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Goanet,

Why do we wait for a certificate of appreciation from organizations from
abroad? Difficult to understand? Are we groveling ?

Ashley D'Silva

Re: [Goanet] The Accidental Activist - The Other Accidental Activists

2009-09-23 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Venita,

How can we support people in this movement - Please spell out.

Warm regards
Ashley D'Silva


2009-09-23 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Rosario,
Pls join World Goa day if you are in Mumbai/
Ashley D'Silva

Re: [Goanet] Fish seen strewn on the Miramar-Caranzalem beach after the fishermen, who had a huge haul, picked up the gigger variety and left the smaller ones to rot - Photo inset NT-22/9/09

2009-09-22 Thread Ashley D'silva

To  ---floriano

Dear Floriano,

Don't you think this is a too harsh - talk to them , hold a meeting with
them, point out that the whole world is watching this  Or pls send me their
emails and we could tell them that this is simply not done. 
Thank God bless your endeavor to keep the beaches clean.

Re: [Goanet] Will India EVER be a world power

2009-09-16 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Goa netters,

Here is something to mull on.
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Will India EVER be a world power

Slogans can't make India a World Power: Murthy 
Bysiliconindia news bureau 

Tuesday,15 September 2009, 14:17 hrs Comment(28)

Bangalore: India's strive to be a world power is guided more by euphemistic
slogans and the country's aim cannot be achieved with it. "Its only with
real dedicated performance that India can excel," said Infosys Chairman and
Chief Mentor, Narayan Murthy. 

The initiative for better performance can be witnessed as the company has
rigorously stretched its training period. "Earlier it was not more than 2-3
months, however, now as a measure to enthuse more competition, its extended
to seven months," said an employee, who has been a part of the organization
for four years. The vast enthusiasm in the IT sector is witnessed by the
fact that 70 percent of the employees who join the IT firms do not have
graduates as parents, pinpoints the Leader of the Opposition, Karnataka
State Legislative Assembly, Siddaramaiah.

Murthy's remarks came in while addressing a crowd during the inauguration of
Infosys' second Global Education Center (GEC II). Inaugurated by UPA Chief,
Sonia Gandhi, the new education center is spread across an area of 1.44
million square feet. With the emergence of the new center, which took four
years to develop, the number of employees who can be trained at the Mysore
facility of Infosys invariably increased from 4500 to 14,000 employees. The
facility is also contemplating on a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) with a
capacity of 3000 seats, which is under construction. The UPA Chief asserted
that the facility inauguration gave her a chance to bunk her political life
for a few hours. The combined influence of education and the business world
makes her pine for a few more days of freedom from politics. 

The Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa was also present on the

In context of infrastructure and size, the centre is the largest corporate
education centre in the world. The company's total investment in the Mysore
centre is Rs.2,055 crore of which Rs.350 crore has been invested in
construction of software development blocks and related services, as another
Rs.1,705 crore was spent on education and training related infrastructure.

"In 2008-2009, more than 16,000 new entrants were trained and this financial
year around 16,000 more are expected to be trained through this program. In
addition, special programs have been conducted at the GEC for students from
Australia, Bhutan, China, Columbia, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Panama,
Thailand, U.K. and the U.S," said Murthy.

Structured with classical designs, the education center is equipped with
smart classrooms. It has 485 faculty rooms, 42 conference rooms, five
assessment halls, an induction hall, a cyber cafe and two libraries which
can house over 1,40,000 books. The GEC I has a built up area of 4,40,735
square feet, as it has 52 training rooms, 183 faculty rooms and a library
that can accommodate 60,000 books. The new GEC has a has 84-'100 seater',
three-200 seater, six-60 seater and two-36 seater class rooms, five
examination halls and 302 faculty rooms. It also has an induction hall which
can seat 400 trainees and a library which can accommodate 80,000 books. The
seating capacity of the cyber cafe is 236. It has seven food courts,
offering various cuisines ranging from South Indian to continental food.

Submitted By Ashley D'Silva

Re: [Goanet] Goa Melbournians

2009-09-14 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Bernado,

It's nice to hear someone supporting a person who does great work. But at the 
same time one should never be disheartened or lapse into a freeze from 
continuing further. Today what is missing is loads of positive strokes that 
keep people going and you seem the one who aired this Good and keep it up.
Ashley D'Silva


Re: [Goanet] Something about us

2009-09-12 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Admin,
Pls patch me up with Albert, for improving his business prospects.
Thank You,
Ashley D'Silva

Albert writes:- I want to write about myself and my family. We are in Life
Insurance under LIC of India. Those of you from Bardez who are closer to
Mapuca and have any problems with LIC like you find it difficult to pay your
premium can visit us at our office situated in Saldanha Business Tower A
207. It is under Maria Pia Luiza de Souza. We are open from 9 am to 1 pm and
then 4 pm to 6 pm. We have an assistant to help us with our official work.
Please readers do not hesitate to ask us to help you even if you have taken
a LIC policy through other agents. Incase if some want to take insurance we
are ready to do the needful. We have health insurance policy which covers
medical expenses of the hospital and cost of 48 surgeries mentioned by LIC
or daily expenses towards medicine. If nothing happens to you till the
policy is inforce you are paid back the amount collected in the fund .This
policy is for you and your whole family.

Re: [Goanet] Trouble In Paradise (Megha Bahree in

2009-09-12 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Administrator,
Please put me in touch with Ramesh Gauns, Subject: [Goanet] Trouble In
Paradise (Megha Bahree in

Are these people challenging the Justice System. Mayawati felt she was way
above the law - but the Supreme Court knocked her out in 6hrs. Lets hear
from you. Lets create strong legal pressure ?

Ashley D'Silva

Re: [Goanet] A request to Goanetters

2009-09-10 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Hello Antonio,

You'll are doing a great Job. Check out the repeats nonetheless.
Ashley D'Silva

Re: [Goanet] The Happiness Project: Tips for being a more light-hearted parent.

2009-09-10 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Con Menezes,
This was a good site. extracted a load of information. 
Thank you,
Ashley D'Silva

Re: [Goanet] Have the Guts to Name Yourself Goenkars

2009-09-08 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Augusto,

Please fill me in with the details regarding foul mouthing Joe. I have never
met him but the impression I get he is doing a good Job. is it some personal
enmity or the political chmachas who are it. Possibly if stepping on their
toes brings out an " OUCH" response.
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bosco D'Mello
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 9:37 AM
To: Goanet
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Have the Guts to Name Yourself Goenkars

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

From: augusto pinto

> But by and large those who use  these pseudonyms are cowards who use the
> cover of their pen names to attack their enemies. I wish that people like
> joegoauk who generally do contribute positively would come out and use
> their real names because it is because of people like him that malicious
> people get an excuse to ply their foul trade.


#1) Joegoauk - that's his name, Joe.

#2) He is no coward, perhaps has no enemies either.

#3) Joe is not responsible for the irresponsible behaviour of others
including you 
and me.

#4) You have met Joe. So have I.

#5) Perhaps you should point out the irregularities in Joe's postings
instead of 
linking Joe with pseudonyms.

- B 

Re: [Goanet] Electricity department responsible for the deaths of Joaquim and son.

2009-09-06 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Sir
BLAME HIS boss & the politicians who control the purse strings
Ashley D' Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Vivian A. DSouza
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 8:03 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Electricity department responsible for the deaths of
Joaquim and son.

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Indeed, it is a wonder that more people dont get electrocuted.  Actually, I
suspect that many do, but it is seldom if ever reported.
 I feel sorry for the poor lineman who has to carry out repairs wearing only
chappals and no protective gear or gloves, especially during the rains.  I
still see the lineman pushing his bicycle with a bamboo ladder attached to
repair street lights.  Since I live off the beaten path, when he comes to
repair the street light near my house, he asks to borrow my bamboo ladder.
Especially in the rains, one sees sodden tree branches brushing against live
electrical lines
sometimes resulting in sparks. Who do we blame ? The poor electrical
linemen, his bosses or the politicians who control the pursestrings ?  One
questions whether India will ever reach the status of a world power when for
decades there are no improvements at the
local level.



2009-09-05 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Oscar,
Your report was informative and thoughtful.Any Suggestions for 'World Goa
Day - Mumbai' - pls revert if possible.
Thnak you
ashley D'Silva
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Oscar Lobo
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 6:50 AM
To: Goanet

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear All

Mogal Goemkar Bhavano ani Bhoinnano!

The 7th World Goa Day in Melbourne was celebrated with style as Goans and
friends were welcomed by the Melgoans team wearing their name badges with
"Dev Bori Sanz Dium" - (Good Evening).

People happily made their entrance to a hall that was decorated with Palm
pictures of coconut Trees and pineapples around the hall. A few Goans came
up to us 
and said: "Oscarbab amee Goeyan assa koshem dista!! (It looks like we are in
Goa ) 
For many it brought nostalgic memories of Goa . The ambience was lifted with

coloured lights at the entrance and in the hall with tables decorated to
expect a 
great night in the making. One of our Goan Hindu brothers commented "Makam
dislem aiz"! (I feel very nice today).

The event was well attended by a large number of new Goan arrivals in
Melbourne and 
our usual Goan crowd that have been our supporters since 2003 and to whom we
our thank you! We had a good mix of young and those young at heart. The 8
piece live 
band "Soul Mates" led by Mr. Joe Fernandes (amcho Goenkar) and assisted by
Natasha Rodrigues pleased many people that night.

The members of the Australian Goan Association Inc and their friends
attended in 
large numbers. On a similar vein we had a few members from the Goans

Melgoans and Australian Goan Association Inc., share one common goal that
is: "We do 
not restrict people from joining us unlike others who are yet to see the
albeit 3 decades of existence". Yes, the mouth watering Xacuti and Sorpotel
was the 
order of the day along with other dishes including Vegetarian dishes.

As Goa is a part of India , the Indian Banking Division of the Commonwealth
sponsored a bollywood dance that made people spellbound. It was a fitting
and a "JAI HO 2009 WORLD GOA DAY"; this was well received following the fame
Slumdog Millionaire.

We have been pleased to receive phone calls and numerous e-mails thanking us
putting up a show that was enjoyed by all.  One well read Goan was overheard
to the other "How does Melgoans afford to put up a show for $35.00 per
person with 
such a grand hall, buffet, live music, floor show, table decorations and
above all 
no membership fees all this plus 6 hour entertainment? to which another Goan
"Todeh Goenkar muntat pundra pundra ponchviss" and that may be the reason
why we 
have people always talking about Melgoans in private parties in Melbourne .

I seize this opportunity to thank our valued patrons for making this event a
success and I am sorry that 111 people had to be kept on waiting list as
they tried 
to book tickets at the last moment.

Kindly forward this e-mail to all those who came along in your group/s.  My
special thanks to the people who came in big groups 20 plus.

Let's live today to love tomorrow and make Melbourne the Place to be
our services to our new homeland.

Warm Regards

Oscar C. Lobo
World Goa Day &
Director - Melgoans - an events management company with a Twist.

Re: [Goanet] Goa Electricity Dept responsible for the death of Joaquim 55 and his Son 20?

2009-09-05 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Goaneters,

Why doesn't Goanet file a PIL in the High Court and take those responsible
for this tragedy. How far will Rs. 50,000/- go in today's economy. Any
takers!... or provide the details to me and the draft can be sent to
Goa. Or is everybody just talking only?
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of JoeGoaUk
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 1:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Electricity Dept responsible for the death of Joaquim
55 and his Son 20?

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Goa Electricity Dept responsible for the death of Joaquim 55 and his Son 20?
Well, next time you see overheard electricity snapped wire lying on the 
road etc  You better watch out!  It could still be live.
Such incident brought 2 tragic deaths in the same family at Morjim on 
the night of 2nd Sept 2009  Joaquim Fernandes and his son Domingos 
lost their lives due to the negligence of the Goa electricity Dept?
I really thought, every time such things happen (Snapping of wires etc), 
the fuse from the mains/transformer blows off automatically.
It looks like Electricity Dept is not taking such things seriously thus 
putting the lives of general public (particularly in the rural areas)  to 
great risks.
Imagine, having  two coffins/funeral in the house same time
What must be the family going through- the wife/mother and 
two daughters/sisters.
The whole village must be in deep grief, including  friends and family.
Taking into account the financial background of the victims family, one 
could immediately release some interim  funds say minimum of 
Rs.50,000, pending the compensation if any.  But the Minster is 
waiting till the Chief Ministers comes back from Delhi (ref. NT).  I am
if  they do compensate, they will make it a sort of public  event by posing
before the cameras at the time of handing over the cheque etc
I wonder, if the local MLA Laxikant Parsekar and the Asst. Engineer 
who visited the house given any  help from their own pockets.
Read more here
Saiba, zata zalear, osllim mornam ani konnakuch  nirminaka. 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


Re: [Goanet] The rise and fall of a man consumed with a passion tobe Indias' PM

2009-09-03 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Dear Floriano,

I  keep telling people that BJP stands for - 'BRING JESUS TO THE

Simply put  - 'What ones sows so shall one reap'. 
Many may not believe  - but God does throw a spanner in such organization;
that you will find nuts and bolts fling around. Only girdle yourself & stay
afar, watching from a distance how the situation evolves; ready to slay the
dragon in one stroke. I can't use the other term it may offend our
non-Catholic brothers. I.T Naidu from Andhra suffered the same fate when he
could have voted out Modi when Vajpayee was the P.M. He adopted Pontius
Pilots posture and washed his hands - he had the key to bring down Vajpayee,
but he was diffident when spoken to by me. Now that's history sir. Now let's
see how things crystallize in the political arena for the merry knights of

The perspective we should adopt is not of anger and bitterness but - ' We
shall choose the Time , Moment and Place to Strike" to demolish these myths
and lies perpetuated by these people. Why was Advani so  smug about the "Ram
Ashley D'Silva
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of floriano
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 6:03 PM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The rise and fall of a man consumed with a passion
tobe Indias' PM

Dear Col.,

Thank you for saying what you have said and thank you for the 
The Loh Purush has at last 'melted'
This melt is a lot different than the melt of the Silver idols and artifacts

that were lovingly gifted to him (Advani) during the Rath/Ram Yatras by 
gullible people, of course, for no fault of theirs. This Loh Purush had 
these melted in Mumbai to turn these into cooking utensils for his home. 
This is according to none other than his own daughter-in-law who was up in 
arms against this mad-man but he was successful in appeasing her afterall, 
just like he did the same with Liberhan Commission. The Commission report 
was timed in such a way (after 17 long years)  by the time it was released, 
he expected to be sitting on the PM's chair. This Jako must go to jail, even

if it is a token one day affair for the demolition of the Babri Masjid.  'Jo

karne Gaye, who karke ayem' . These are his words according to his 
daughter-in-law. And he has the cheek to deny his involvement in the 

I had seen through this evil person a long time ago. When Manohar Parrikar's

brother Audhut  told me that I should consider joining the BJP ( circa 
1993/4), as a good friend of course, I had said 'why not'? But there was one

condition I had told him. Advani must be shut inside Tihar Jail. He had 
never pursued this or any other topic with me after this.

I have openly declared that if Advani became India's Prime Minister, I, 
floriano lobo, would spit on his face if I got the chance. And I would do it


You don't melt Gods that are gifted to you. Gods melts you if you did.
This has come to pass with Advani. He has been MELTED.

Col, we must meet some day to exchange a few pleasantries.


- Original Message - 
From: "cyril D'Souza" 
To: "Goanet" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The rise and fall of a man consumed with a passion 
tobe Indias' PM

> Dear Mr.Floriano Lobo ,
> you have aptly described the BJP Cobra/ wolf -  L.K.Advani whose only 
> dream was to sit in the PMs chair at any cost - even at the cost of 
> innocent lives . We cannot forget the lives lost at the time of his 
> infamous Rath - yatras that were purposely taken through muslim areas ( 
> even those areas that had a history of communal harmony had witnessed 
> their first disturbances ) to disturb the peaceful fabric of the country. 
> We cannot forget the tears in the eyes of innocent women and children and 
> even scared boys that cried like babies whenever we tookout flag-marches -

> how they pleaded with us for peace .
> The destruction of the Babri - Masjid was instigated by Advani and the 
> resulting riots and bomb blasts were all due to his passion - nay not for 
> the betterment of the country and its countrymen but to sit 

Re: [Goanet] Flattery, stealth and intimidation

2009-09-01 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Cecil,

I enjoyed your article - those were the good old days.

Ashley D'Silva 

Re: [Goanet] Restoration of Dr Gomes' house, old municipal building likely

2009-09-01 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Goanet,
Can I have the email of Mr. Coutinho pls so that I can support him ?
Thank you,
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Goanet News Service
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 9:27 AM
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] Restoration of Dr Gomes' house, old municipal building

Restoration of Dr Gomes' house,old municipal building likely


These two structures of heritage value - the Old Municipal building and the 
ancestral house of Dr Francisco Luis Gomes - might have been virtually lying
ruins over the years.

But, if the plan mooted by the Margao Civic body is anything to go by, these

structures may be restored to its lost glory and preserved for posterity.

Members of the Goa Heritage Action Group were in the city on Monday upon an 
invitation from the Margao Municipal chief over the restoration of the old
building located at the Old Market and the ancestral house of Dr Francisco
Gomes in Colmorod-Navelim.

Historian Prajal Sakhardande of the Goa Heritage Action Group visited Dr
house at Colmorod and disclosed plans to preserve the structure for
posterity. "This 
was Dr Gomes' house since 1829. We have come to see the house because we
students and people to remember this great man", he added. "Dr Gomes was a
nationalist and was a parliamentarian of repute", he said, adding "it is
hearting to 
know that the Margao Civic Chief want to preserve the house for posterity.

Says Coutinho: "We have invited Sakhardande to inspect the old municipal
and the house of Dr Gomes as the Council felt that something needs to be
done to 
maintain and protect the heritage landmarks".

Aware that both the old Municipal building and the house of Dr Gomes are now
by private parties, Coutinho said the Council discussed with Sakhardande the

ownership issue of these structures, adding "as far as possible, the Council
seek the cooperation of the private parties to restore the buildings.

"The government remembers Dr Gomes time and again, but it is high time that
ancestral house is converted into a museum, where his works can be housed
for the 
benefit of posterity", Coutinho added.

The Margao Civic Chief has even suggested to the government to compensate
private parties and acquire the building at market rates. "On September 30,
we will 
be commemorating 140th anniversary of Dr Gomes. I hope the government will
take up 
the matter in right earnest and acquire the house and preserve his works for

posterity", he asserted. 

Re: [Goanet] Mr. Jaswant Singh, You Are Welcome To Goa

2009-08-30 Thread Ashley D'silva

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Hello Freddy,
Leave this poor guy alone for the moment - who knows where the snare lies?
Before long he will be back in the roost. Birds of the same feather flock
Ashley D'Silva 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Freddy Fernandes
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:49 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Mr. Jaswant Singh, You Are Welcome To Goa

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Mr. Jaswant Singh, You Are Welcome To Goa 

A marital union gone sour and a colourful vociferous divorce looks
eminent which could very well lay a good amount of exotic saucy bedroom
to boardroom extramarital affairs, bare. Looks like our Jaswant Singh
who had been wearing the black beaded mala of the BJP, had set his eyes
and soul on Mr. Jinnah from the other side of the border and had
harboured these romantic feelings for a long time and to the utter
horror of the dignified, self-righteous Saffron family, proclaimed his
love and admiration for the green, Mr. Jinnah in public. The bride's
"saffronised" family and the cousins just couldn't accept this
infidelity, especially since they were sworn enemies of the green
oriented Jinnah, who according to them was nothing less than a traitor.

In this modern world where divorces, live-in's or even remarriages are
as rampant and as natural as early morning breakfasts, what's new ?  We
have seen it all, from Parliament to the Panchayats, all marriages are
solemnised by nuptials, nikha or the "sat phere" round the fire or even
the "pyre" for that matter, but mean nothing to the brides or the grooms
in politics and more so in our beloved GOA. 

Our Goan politicians have even out done the Hollywood actress Elizabeth
Taylor and her eight marriages, twice to the same person, she had
divorced before. Isn't it amazing ? I don't think Mr. Jaswant Singh
should worry about the whimsical BJP's untimely divorce at the centre,
in Goa we do not have any problem with political infidelity and most
times it's even reward, if you have any doubts you can ask, Churchill,
Monster-rat,  Ravi or even the MP Sardinha bab. No ill feelings at all,
even if you are impregnated by the rival politicians.

Mr. Singh, you are welcome to Goa anytime. No problem if your book is
banned by Mr. Modi, Mr. Parrikar will welcome you with open arms as Mr.
Modi wasn't too popular here in Goa even with a good number of Hindus,
he will also help you to sell your book in Goa, I am sure most of our
politicians will be enlightened by the past leaders provided they can
read.  You can even produce CD's and I am sure Mr. Parrikar will help
you distribute them in no time, he is an expert and has previous
experience as well. While in Goa please be advised that you can write
anything except against the Chief Minister and his elite Ministers, even
if they are facts, or you could be taken to court and jailed thereafter.

Mr. Ali Baba our CM, will have no second thoughts in offering you a plum
post in his cabinet, your tenure in External Affairs at Delhi will help
him with the much needed protocol in Goa,  which is abysmal at the
moment and your experience of the Kandhahar episode, will help in
handling crime and terrorism which showing an upsurge in Goa. 

I won't be surprised if the MGP extends you a red carpet welcome to Goa,
because they too need, a dashing and vocal personality like yourself, to
lift their ebbing misfortunes. 

You could teach the UGDP liars oops !!  I mean lawyers who run the show
and are looking not just for new blood but oldies like you as well and
you could teach them a thing or two as well, even though they could be a
bit  of hindrance, than support in your venture. The Save Goa Party
needs to save itself, from it's own biological parents before, it can
save Goa or anyone else and as for Mr. Floriano and the GSRP, of the
little, I have heard and read of him, it looks an unlikely corner to be
offered since Floriano say he wants clean and secular people to run Goa.
There could well be a clash of ideologies once again, even then no
problems there are ample opportunities in the ruling and the opposition
party in Goa.

Come to Goa Mr. Jaswant Singh and enjoy the fruits of corruption. By the
way, how would you like to be served Mr. Singh, just a routine
clarification sir, over the table or under the table, like all our
present residents of the Vidhan Sabha ?  

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes


Re: [Goanet] Talking Photo: Boje

2009-08-30 Thread Ashley D'silva

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Thanks for the pictures Joe - Great memories. I can literally smell the Bojes 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of JoeGoaUk
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:04 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photo: Boje

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

I have a Sharp nose.
And the senses are even more sharper  when there is fish-frying  around  say 
or restaurants. I can smell it for upto a distance of 300-500 meters. 
The same applies  to ‘Boje’. 
Boje, I love it and I simply can’t resist the smell or flavour if it freshly 
done around.
Some people may call it bojim and non goans may say ‘Pokodda/e or Kanda Boji’
Even when I was a kid, I was very much fond of ‘Boje’.
Gone are the days where fresh hot-hot boje were available at the ‘Tiatr’ venues 
 in villages. Now, Tiatr is staged in Hall/auditorium and day time.
However, I have noted now, every village market corner, there is at least one 
‘Bojekar’ (most are migrant bojekars).. they would also sell Mirchi or 
mirsango, Kapam, battatwadda (Bhuk-laddu), Samosas etc
At Navelim feast too (Last year) I saw one or two Bojekars (see pic).
Good Friday:
We all spent up to  5 hours at the church starting from 3pm to 8pm.
It was really boring, as kids, all we used to look forward was the opening of 
black Curtain behind it large life size of Jesus Christ Image with Cross on His 
shoulder and Our Lady of seven Sorrows. Once that was shown and done, there 
was another curtain opening but this time just the huge standing Cross with 
cloth on it and the Saibinn.
 Just after 6.30 pm, the local ‘Bojekar’ would start deep frying ‘Boje’.  
Oh! I could not resist the smell or the urge to eat ‘boje’. But how could I? 
I have to wait till around 8pm when church services get over.
My mother used to give me 25 poixe (Paisa) with strict order saying ‘ put 15 
to Jezuk and 10 poixe to Saibinnik’  (trays or money boxes or ‘Fund Petti’ were 
placed below each image)
I asked:  ‘give me some more money to buy boje’
She replied: What Boje? Come home straight, we have ‘canji or Pez’ at home 
(This day being jinzvar or fasting day, all homes did not prepare or cooked the 
usual ‘Xit-Kodd’ and instead cooked just ‘pez’ enough ‘Pez’ to last for three 
sessions i.e Pez/Lunch/Dinner. (Usually, on daily basis,  we had Pez around 
11am followed by Lunch (Xit Coddi) around 2pm and Dinner around 9 pm).
Now, I won’t go home without eating ‘boje’
But with no money how could I buy ‘boje;?
Of the 25 poixe, I would now give 10 poixe to Jezu and 5 poixe to Saibinn.
Remaining 10 poixe I would buy and eat ‘boje’ and for this, I did not have to 
till the end of the church services as I went straightaway after receiving 
 as at the end there was always rush and all ‘boje’ got over which disappointed 
Now how much the ‘boje’ were  costing at the time?
For just  one rupee, one could get a big ‘pottolli’ of  50 ‘boje’ as each 
would cost just 2poixe which also means  even for 10 poixe you got a small 
pottolli (paper wrapped)  of 5 ‘Boje’
Only, yesterday, I bought ‘boje’ at Margao KTC Bus stand.
Each ‘Bozo’ now cost Re.1 (slightly bigger though)
I am sure, after reading all the above boring stuff, many of you would now say 
to me
‘Ho Joe sarko Bozo mure’
 Here are my favourite ‘Boje;
navelim boje/cheurisaum etc
Bozo is singular of Boje.
Like kids of today, we did not get pocket money.
Only time we used to make some money  when we were sent to the 
local 'society' (fair price shop) where I remember 2.5kg of sugar was costing 
Rs.5.38p i.e  half kg per head.
Also. we walked for upto 3 kms in the funeral procession with the priest 
(dressed as Alter boys) and we were given  25 poxe by the Pad Vigar. 
Again during Easter, home or house blessing - house to house, we got 25 poixe 
end of the day.  
However, the priest would instead, give us some 'Milk powder' or 'Bod'do' 
(broken wheat?) which they got in large quantity for distribution for  poorer 
school kids.  
We had to accept it much against our wishes as prefere poixe to milk etc. 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


Re: [Goanet] Swines and Swindon

2009-08-29 Thread Ashley D'silva

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Hello Tony,
I managed to read this; thanks to Goanet. Pls elaborate on this - ?
Thanks you & God Bless,
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tony de Sa
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:10 PM
To: Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Swines and Swindon

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

>From: xembuh Moidekar 
>My caring advice and free advice that too is that in to-days world no >one
loves no one..

Arre Innocent Xannia Xembhulia.

Pixea re pixea, Moidekara pixea!

Why are you policing the aspirations and hopes of the poor Goychis in

Arre Baba why are you demeaning the choriskars? Don't you relish amchi
goychim chorisam?

And why are you giving them bad free advice? When you were sitting in the
ante chamber of Goa's most powerful minister, you could not spare them the
time of the day. Why the sudden philanthropy now?

Any why demean the poor sanitation workers? Calling them terms like 'bongi'
displays extreme bad taste.

Did you once not emigrate for better pastures?
You demean all Moidekars and all Goychis with your crab mentality and 'free

And one for the way: Why do you hide behind the skirts of a pseudonym?

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897

In a world without fences, who needs Gates?

Re: [Goanet] GOA' VILLAGES

2009-08-27 Thread Ashley D'silva

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Hi Antonio,

Great piece of info. Now it's pretty clear and I have saved it for future
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Antonio Menezes
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 12:02 PM
To: goanet
Subject: [Goanet] GOA' VILLAGES

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

On the river Chapora from West to East; Anjuna, Siolim, Oxel,
Revora/Nadora, and Pirna
Coastal villages from North to South:  Vagator/Anjuna, Baga, Calangute,
and Sinquerim.
South on river Mandovi from W to E. : Verem (Reis Magos), Betim, Britona
de Franca),Saloi ( Salvador do Mundo) and Pomburpa.
NW of Mapusa:  Assagao
NE of Mapusa Cunchelim, Tivim, Cansa, Sirsaim and Assonora.
E of Mapusa;  Moira, Ucassaim, Nachinola, Aldona, Carona, Calvim and
S of Mapusa: Bastora, :Socorro and Porvorim
SW of Mapusa:  Saligao, Pilerne and Nerul
W of Mapusa:  Parra, Nagoa/Arpora and Guirim/Sangolda.

Coastal villages from N to S.  Velsao, Cansaulim, Arossim, Utorda, Majorda,
Betalbatim, Colva/Seraulim, Sernabatim, Benaulim, Varca, Fatrade/Orlim,
Carmona, Cavelossim and Mobor.
Along National Highway no: 17 from N to S.Nagoa, Verna, Nuvem, Fatorda,
Navelim/Sinquetim, Dharmapur, Sirlim, Chinchinim,Sarzora, Panzorconi and
At the entrance of River Sal : Tolleacanto, Velim and Assolna.
Along the Zuari river from N to S : Loutulim, Camurlim/Ambora, Raia, Rachol,
Curtorim, Macazana and Chandor/Guirdolim.

>From W to E.  Vasco, Chicalim, Dabolim, Sao Jacinto Is. Sancoale, Cortalim,
Quelossim and Consua.

ILHAS:  Chorao Is, Divar Is. ( Malar, Goltim/Navelim) St. Estevam Is.
Is. ( Sao Braz)  ,
E of Panjim along the Mandovi river:  Ribandar, S.:Pedro, Old Goa,
Corlim, and along the Cumbharjua Canal:   Carambolim, Azossim, Neura, Mandur

and Pilar.
W of Panjim:  Miramar, St.Inez Taleigao, Caranzalem, Dona Paula, and
Along the NH 17  Santa Cruz Merces, Babolim, Siridao, Goa Velha and
In the interior:  Curca, Santana (Telaulim)  and Batim.

Re: [Goanet] Arctic_Indian borders_Kargil_Nathu La, etc. ------Reply

2009-08-23 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Venantius,
If you can provide details of the exact purpose I could ask my classmate Col
NB Thapa stationed in Manipur -  commando regiment for taking up your
request in his area of posting.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Venantius J Pinto
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 10:01 PM
To: Goanet Mail list
Subject: [Goanet] Arctic_Indian borders_Kargil_Nathu La, etc.

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:

Dear People,
Does anyone have an idea of who I talk to/approach to go as a member of
those expeditions that go to that go to the Arctic from Goa.
Also can any Senior army personel (Goan or otherwise) help me obtain
permission to live with our soldiesr so I can draw them and their lives on
our borders.

Any response much appreciated.

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Indian govt discovers it has no balls...

2009-08-20 Thread Ashley D'silva

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:

Hello Rajan ji,
It's the other way around, for one; dollars speak  - and what is India's'
status in the scheme of this world ? - where do we stand ? - for one we are
the cyber coolies of the world. The world treats us a little better than say
Zimbabwe because we are in the elite Nuclear CLUB. Doesn't Pakistan gets
treated better than us ? We have the balls; otherwise our population
wouldn't be touching a billion. So be patient and let the Govt finds its
fractured footsteps to elicit the information it requires to bring its own
politicians to book - that's why it's taking inordinate time - it's quite
funny if you think of it - a thief shouting choor choor at another thief.
Warm Regards,
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 12:49 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Indian govt discovers it has no balls...

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see: ask the Swiss for the names of secret Indian account 
holders, whereas the Americans are soon going to get their


Re: [Goanet] Panch Members usurping dead peoples' properties

2009-08-19 Thread Ashley D'silva

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:

Dear Goa netter,

Please provide details so that the issue can be taken up with the
appropriate authorities. If what you claim is true then it should not
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Damian D'Mello
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:01 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Panch Members usurping dead peoples' properties

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

Dear Sir/Madam,

my name is Damian D'Mello and am a resident of Calangute and would like to
bring to your notice that one member from the panchayat recently has
encroached forcibly upon my late grand- auntys' plot in the name of late
Mrs. Estudiana Souza  situated on the hill which *had cashew *trees and
teakwood trees which he has forcibly cut and when I went to question him he
threatened me and abused me with filthy language . *I informed my uncle who
asked me to write to your esteemed Goanet site in case anybody else in Goa
has been facing similar problems *where Panchayat members have used their
powers by force to claim properties that belong to people who are dead and
gone. I am based in the Gulf and dont know what to do - he has warned me
against even going to the cops.

I think the Government because of this very reason that Panchayat members
take law into their own hands and do whatever they want have decided to give
certain powers to the secretaries. I think it is a good decision as I for
one have become a victim of a greedy Panchayat member. Kindly publish


Re: [Goanet] Simple and Grievous injuries.

2009-08-11 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello doc,
Interesting , I can use this information for my legal work.
Thanks, God Bless,
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dr. Ferdinando dos
Reis Falcão
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 9:28 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Simple and Grievous injuries.

Injuries are classified as Grievous and Simple injuries. Injuries can be to
soft tissues, bones and organs. All fractures of bones are classified as
grievous injuries. Injuries to soft tissues and organs that incapacitates a
person from doing his normal duties for more than TEN days are classified as
Grievous injuries. Soft tissue injuries that permit you to resume normal
routine duties within ten days are classified as simple injuries. I am
defining this as a lot of resentment out of ignorance, has appeared in the
press against the Casualty Medical Officer at GMC in respect of the 12 year
old domestic maid who is alleged to have been branded by the Pednekar
Government doctors under Public or political pressure can keep a person in
hospital under treatment for more than 10 days to label any injury as
Grievous. The injury report released does not state that any of the burn
injury being full thickness of skin burn; but “almost full thickness”. These
types of burns are similar to branding that Goans do in case of jaundice,
and a person can perform his normal duties. The only difference here is that
the burns were not promptly treated. 
Let me be clear; I am in no way condoning the criminal act here, nor do I
know the identity of the concerned CMO. I am just stating that in my opinion
the CMO at the GMC was right in his opinion to label the injuries as
“Simple”. And as a medical person myself, it is my duty to justify my
colleague and the truth, as the CMO being a govt. employee is restrained
from defending openly the public accusations.



Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

Log on to MSN India for a lowdown on what’s hot in the world today

Re: [Goanet] Goan Plumber

2009-08-11 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Agnelo,

Pls let me have your address details and contact number with a description
of the problems faced. Possibly something  could be organized for you.
Reliability is very rare these days. It's like the rains  - zero liability.
However, I believe that there is a solution to all exigencies. 
Thank you, God Bless,

Ashley D'Silva
Tel : 67103422/21
Cell: 9619299208

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Agnelo Fernandes
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 5:48 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Plumber

Hi Everyone,
Does anyone know of a good and reliable "GOAN" Plumber for total household
plumbing maintenance works around the Calangute area?
I have gone through at least a dozen of them non-Goan Raju's, Tulu's,
Shanker's, Pitamber's, Digamber's etc since the past 19 years. Once they do
your job, they just disappear or don't answer their phones for fear of
receiving complaints of the shabby work they carry out.
I don't mind paying the price for reliable work by a 'GOAN".
No offence meant to any individual, but I would like to carry on what I
started - promote GOAN-ism.
Thanks and bests,
Agnelo Fernandes

  Yahoo! recommends that you upgrade to the new and safer Internet
Explorer 8.

Re: [Goanet] Shame on Goa's Congress

2009-08-05 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

Dear, dear Selma,

Please get as many goanetters to email the GOA GOVT and see the results
first hand. I am sure every electronic hardware of sanchnet will collapse
with the over load including other systems. It works wonders - why? because
when avenues of communication collapse  - the virus mill of rumours start
multiplying proportionately - and that's really bad for the GOA GOVT.
Be cool and see what happen. 

Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Carvalho
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 3:05 AM
To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
Subject: [Goanet] Shame on Goa's Congress

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services,
training and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land
betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: or or ph+91-9881499458

Shame on Goa's Congress and shame on you Mr Speaker

How dare you try to muzzle a citizen of Goa with threats of imprisonment?
Who do you think you are? You are elected by the citizens of Goa, for the
citizens of Goa. You are not elected to threaten our civil liberties and
assume you are above the law. 

What a sad day for Goa's democracy that you should even think of uttering
what you did in the assembly. 

I for one am for starting a petition to the Governor of Goa, to have the
speaker removed.

And I sincerely hope the newspapers of Goa have the guts to stage a morcha
outside his house and have him removed from the asembly.

Please, I ask all Goans to support our freedom of Press. This is an
important issue.



Re: [Goanet] A veritable victory for the anti-mining lobby in GOA.

2009-08-04 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

My dear Floriano,

Don't get giddy because more such good news is in the pipeline for Goa.
Goaneters have to make it a reality.

Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of floriano
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 10:46 AM
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] A veritable victory for the anti-mining lobby in GOA.

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services,
training and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land
betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: or or ph+91-9881499458

The Times of India front page headline today captioned ' ENVIRONMENT
MINING LOBBY - Gram Sabhas' Apporval Made Mandatory For Forest Clearance'
comes as a 
real shot in the arm for Goa and Goans. I, in particular,  have already
feeling tipsy. I do hope that this 'high' continues indefinately, since the
it has generated is real good and satisfying.

I do think that my party's line has made some difference to bring about this

marathon change in New Delhi's thinking.

"The mineral wealth of Goa is the gift of God to Goa and Goans. If its
does not benefit the people of Goa,  but on the contrary it gives
Tuberculosis [TB] 
through breathing the dust from acute dust pollution, rendered deaf through
noise pollution,  their fields and houses destroyed by mining reject slush,
wells  dried up soon after the monsoons and survive on unfiltered tanker
gifted to them by the powers that be  to keep them pacified,  their houses
that are 
not carried away by the mining slush, cracked to kingdom come through
blasts, their forest cover  eatten up to make the wild life homeless, to
roam in 
villages and endanger the population,  then let Goa's mineral resources lie
where it 
is, deeply burried and untouched neither by the Central Government nor by
Government of Goa, whether they like it or not."

The people of Goa, especially those who have been acutely affected and those
Sebastian Rodrigues (Goa's Naxalite) and Company,  who have been at
with the mining lobby as well as with the impotentent Goa Government have a
cause to rejoice.

floriano lobo
Gen. Secretary,
Goa Su-Raj Party

Re: [Goanet] River Princess: Govt puts ball in HC court

2009-08-03 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

Hello Goa - netters,

This issue is  taking a toll on all - people, environment and public peace.
The State Goa Govt must initiate steps to bring ship breakers from  Alang (
Gujarat) and break it up and sell the steel scrap before further disaster
sets in. Court is one process to stall action OR the State Govt of Goa
should set up a FAST TRACK COURT that will resolve the issue within  3mths.
Will and Determination is required dear G-Netters and only U can force the
Govt to Act.  Up to you.

Ashley D'Silva 

[Goanet] Trumatised Child - how can this happen in a civilised society

2009-08-02 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

Hello Domnic,

Now it is the time to act against those who are in power and do nothing about 
child. The most horribly/  dastardly act and a gutless  one. Bloody (Bs). The 
should put them in for a long time. Shame on  those Goaneters  who are keeping 
mouths shut. With all the platitudes that are sent electronically it is a 
shame. If 
this couple was in Mumbai or Thane  they would not have been allowed  to live 
peace and in addition would be made to pay a heavy- heavy price. Shame on the 
community for sitting tight. They will understand till their own are touched in 
way.  What a shameful govt you'll Have and that too a Congress.  I must inform 
Margaret  and Oscar about this and tell them how good their govt is.

Kind Regards,


Tel   +91 22 6710 3422   # 22 6710 1000   Telfax  +91 22 6710 3421

email :

My Care International

Aspen Tree Services Pvt. Ltd.

Re: [Goanet] Why you should care passionately and worry like mad ..

2009-08-02 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

Hello Floriano,
Gosh you have said it .It belongs to the people, just as the the oil in the
Krishna basin belongs to the people and not to the Ambani family.
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of floriano
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:44 AM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Why you should care passionately and worry like mad ..

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services,
training and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land
betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: or or ph+91-9881499458

How about this line for a starting??



In short, the renewed commandment must be . THOU SHALT NOT TOUCH 
 UNLESS AND UNTIL  ... period.


- Original Message - 
From: "Carmen Miranda" 
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 8:36 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Why you should care passionately and worry like mad ..

I am willing to help with anything and in anyway I can and look forward to a
great challenge!


Re: [Goanet] Missing coffee at Goa's Marliz in Margao

2009-07-26 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services,
  training and research and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to
  2000 sq mtrs betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact: or or phone +91-9881499458

Dear Samir Kelkar,

Yes!; if given a try something good can be done for this iconic place that
most would be associated with; sometime in their lives.  Personally I can
offer this person some help in terms of improving the place through contacts
from Mumbai - that's if he is interested. Secondly he should be ready to
accept the help and he should share the difficulties he is facing to
maintain this place so that a workable solution to restore its glory of
yesteryears is provided by us.

It's worth a try, Sami. Check out Clintons view of the place being sold to
someone else??

Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Samir Kelekar
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:30 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Missing coffee at Goa's Marliz in Margao

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services,
  training and research and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to
  2000 sq mtrs betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact: or or phone +91-9881499458

>Hello Gabe,
>It seems only yesterday that the memories have been triggered by your
>article - vow I can recall the taste and smell of the patties that made my
>mouth water albeit - circa 1975 to 1980. Out of Goa since then. Thanks for
>triggering those memories.
>Ashley D'Silva

I have faint but fond memories of Marliz, as a child who was born
hardly 200 meters from Marliz in my mother's place. I still remember the
smell of coffee. I also remember some posters on the wall; things like
"smile" and
stuff like that.

These are early memories of a place which I found to be the most
sophisticated in Margao.

I dont think we should let Marliz close. We should revive it. Any takers?



Re: [Goanet] Missing coffee at Goa's Marliz in Margao

2009-07-25 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services,
  training and research and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to
  2000 sq mtrs betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact: or or phone +91-9881499458

Hello Gabe,
It seems only yesterday that the memories have been triggered by your
article - vow I can recall the taste and smell of the patties that made my
mouth water albeit - circa 1975 to 1980. Out of Goa since then. Thanks for
triggering those memories.
Ashley D'Silva
Thane/ Mumbai

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gabe Menezes
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:32 PM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: [Goanet] Missing coffee at Goa's Marliz in Margao

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact: or or phone +91-9881499458
   Missing coffee at Goa's Marliz in Margao Armstrong Vaz Sat, Jul
25, 2009 14:46:30 IST  THE CLOSED shutters of Marliz restaurant, once
Margao's much sought-after eating hole and a meeting point for the Satiskars
(residents of Salcete taluka in the Indian state of Goa), points to yet
another grim story. A sad tale of yet another Goan enterprise folding up.
The place had become synonymous with the high and  mighty of Salcete as they
discussed the day's hot stories over coffee while enjoying the fragrance and
greenery of the Margao Municipal garden.

Just as Mumbai's once famous and now closed Bastani restaurant was a perfect
place for Goans to start their day, back home Satiskars craved for Marliz's
coffee. If Basanti's meat mince was once highly-prized by Goans, here in
Margao it was coffee which ruled the roost at Marliz. There are many stories
of marriage, business deals, jobs, career options and land deals woven
around Marliz. But the name Marliz, has a story of its own. Like the Taj
Mahal, here was a man inspired by love for his wife, to name his business
venture after her - Maria and Luiza; she died soon after its establishment.

For many Salcete residents,it was not only about having their first morning
coffee while reading newspapers here, it went much beyond that. Its ideal
location, a few meters away from the old Margao bus station, meant that it
drew customers from varied fields. It served as a link for many
professionals, teachers and government servants. It was a place where the
creamy layer of Salcete met over a cup of coffee. Having your morning coffee
at Marliz was just an excuse for the gossip-happy Goans to  make their way
to the restaurant. There were many items on the menu you could pick up for
your breakfast, but there were others which were not served by the Marliz
staff, but which came as  side "assortments".

The morning newspapers had all the news that the Satiskars asked for. But
some craved for news which did not go into print - the untold stories of
affairs, bribery scandals, and more hot news. Its client base came from the
far-off villages of Cavelossim to Cansaulim, Curtorim to Cuncolim, Quepem to
Raia. Ask Assolna-based Panchayat Secretary Theophilo Almeida  or his
politician-cum-businessman friend John Baretto from Benaulim and they will
have numerous stories to tell, related as they were to Marliz. It was here
that land deals, engagement proposals, career options, job opportunities and
business options were discussed and fine-tuned.

If you wanted to bribe some government official then there were people to
guide you to that effect. The collector's building was a stone's throw away
from Marliz. The high and mighty from the collector's building came to
Marliz to have coffee. They needed the caffeine dose to give them the
adrenalin rush for th

Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

2009-07-25 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact: or or phone +91-9881499458

Ref : Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

Nobody has bothered to reply . Why is it so? Are  Goa-netters really
interested in solving the problem or is it a coffee table discussion to show
that someone somewhere in the world is really interested in the welfare of
Goa? Platitudes are great but they don't serve the purpose..???

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Samir Kelekar
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:50 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

Ashley writes:
>Dear Goanetters,
>It's a shame that Rama Velip of Colamb village is being harassed. Can
>do something for him.

Can we have Phaldessai's number ? We can definitely call him and ask him
under what law is he making midnight calls ?

If ten people call, it will surely have an effect.



Re: [Goanet] Hindi Coures

2009-07-23 Thread Ashley D'silva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact: or or phone +91-9881499458

U have not mentioned the place? Ashley

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Communicare Trust
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:55 AM
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] Hindi Coures


Communicare Cultural Center will conduct a  Basic & Intermediate Hindi
Course from August 2009. The duration of the course will be 3 months. 3X a
week, 1 
hr class.

Interested students please contact on 9767504770 / 2903089

Thank you
Glancy Fernandes 

Re: [Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

2009-07-19 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Goa' netters,

It would help if all en- mass email the concerned police dept and its head,
Goa CM and the Home Ministry, collector etc and swamp them with emails that
will jam the whole line forcing them to take cognizance & action against
this harassment to Rama. Some years back when some smart guy opened a
restaurant and named it 'Hitler' in Kharghar- Navi Mumbai, the Jewish
community from all over the world used this tactic and simply laid
Mantralaya low forcing the C.M to immediately react in minutes - fall out
was that they did not want a bad name and labeled as fascist. 

So therefore somebody get the details for their emails and put it up on the
net and start acting rather than tossing mails around - let all the mails be
directed to the Govt and the Governor. 

Best of luck to all,
Ashley D'Silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 8:46 AM
To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

The CID in India,is like the FBI in the United States and certain police
units in Great Britain, France, and other democracies. Its detectives work
under cover, but whoever called them the "Secret Police" obviously not only
mislabelled them out of ignorance but also managed to confuse you, Gabriel.
 That is what I have to say.
 Very best regards, and I hope some time soon we will meet again? I
enjoyed my last meeting with you in Melbourne, not so long ago, when you
were such a gracious host!

--- On Sun, 7/19/09, Gabriel de Figueiredo 

From: Gabriel de Figueiredo 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 6:35 PM

Secret Police? I thought these had gone out with the so-called "liberation".

Get Karmali and all the freedom fighters involved. No use just getting the
pensions and benefits, and celebrating 18 June and 19 Dec - they need to see
that the "freedom" they "fought" for, is also maintained.  

Victor RR, what do you say to this?  

- Original Message 
From: sebastian Rodrigues 
Sent: Saturday, 18 July, 2009 9:33:18 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

Over the past two weeks Rama Velip of Colamb village in Sanguem Taluka is
being harassed by Goa's Secret Police - CID (Criminal Intelligence
Department). Secret police has been visiting the house of Rama Velip and
seeks to know about future plans of anti-mining movement.


Access Yahoo!7 Mail on your mobile. Anytime. Anywhere.
Show me how:

Re: [Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

2009-07-18 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Goanetters,
It's a shame that Rama Velip of Colamb village is being harassed. Can Goanet
do something for him.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Venantius Pinto
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 10:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip

 Some thoughts.
If it possible to get an OP, Order of Protection against the police. I mean
has it ever been done. Besides emotional torture, what do midnight calls
amount to? An ample opportunity for possible liquidation?!
It also reminded me that almost no analysis has been done of anything
related to mining and its various caveats, as sporadic missives from the
fields appear on Goanet--by Goanetters. I could be wrong, but even if I
could be, it still implies that unlike other issues this one needs a lot of
processing before cogent or however incoherent thoughts make it into
cyberspace. Also have not seen much by way of writers or essayists, however
well meaning their toughts on matters and ills relating to society; aside
from mining, with its pros and cons as it plays out in Goa. I am not talking
here of journalists, or correspondents in the journalistic sense, nor of
activists, or bloggers (who are not exactly slacking). I am talking of
corespondence from writers, artists, poets, doctors, professionals,
home-makers, and other as correspondents. Remember the word correspondent as
it was used in the past.
The dessais--Phaldessais--sounds more like fruit parasites, who took a shine
to ore.

> Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 17:03:18 +0530
> From: sebastian Rodrigues 
> Subject: [Goanet] Goa's Secret Police Harass Rama Velip
> Over the past two weeks Rama Velip of Colamb village in Sanguem Taluka is
> being harassed by Goa's Secret Police - CID (Criminal Intelligence
> Department). Secret police has been visiting the house of Rama Velip and
> seeks to know about future plans of anti-mining movement.
> There are phone calls made at Rama Velip's residence at very odd hours in
> the night and ask him to report to Quepem Police Station.
> Rama Velip is heading Gawda, Kunbi, Velip and Dhangar Fedearation
> unit under the jurisdiction of Rivona Panchayat and in the middle of
> resistance movement against mining in Sanguem and Quepem Talukas of South
> Goa.
> CID officer who is involved in harassing Rama Velip is one Premanand
> Phaldessai attached to Quepem Police Station. He hails from Sanvordem and
> according to the sources his family members are involved in business of
> transportation of Iron Ore through ownership of trucks.
> _
> Stay updated! Add Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace & Hi5  friends to your
> Windows Live network instantly. Add Now!
> --

Re: [Goanet] Lion Roars

2009-07-16 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Lionel,

Possibly Mantri Ravi Naik does not have the right Police HEAD in Goa [ IGP
?]. This is the person responsible for getting the ground work done. Maybe
the IGP lacks motivation to do his work for whatever reasons; OR maybe it's
a punishment posting. File a RTI and it may open a can of worms???.
Regarding the Mantri; he may not be upto the mark for the Central Govt to
shoot down his proposal. With the NSG - Black cats based in Mumbai- Kalina
the need to have an ATS is not pressing as they have all the High Tech
equipment to fly down at a moment's notice. Anyway what is there to protect
in Goa? . the firangs? Or the ministers? Its time more jobs are given to the
asli Goans.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lionel Messias
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 4:40 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Lion Roars

*Inspector Gadget *

Marine Commmando Squad, Missing Persons Squad - these are not American TV
serials which have stories inspired by real life. These are among the units
that our Home Minister Ravi Naik intends to set up in Goa. All these names
have a nice ring to them and Ravi Naik knows he'll get his 15 minutes of
fame in the media when he makes such grandiose announcements. He sure knows
how to grab eyeballs. He demonstrated that when some months ago he dared
Pramod Muthalik, infamous for orchestrating the attack on young women
visiting a pub in Mangalore, to enter Goa. In May, after the body of a
Russian teenager was found on the tracks in Tivim, Ravi Naik famously blamed
foreigners for giving Goa a bad name by bringing in the booze and partying
culture. Does the home minister know that many domestic tourists too booze
and party as if it going out of style? Besides, if the home minister really
means business won't Goa be able to shed its reputation?
Coming back to the Marine Commando Squad, it seems our *montri *thinks he
can spend tax payer's money to get James Bond-like gadgets like high-speed
interceptor boats, especially the 12-tonne Hell Raisers' that can be used
for deep-sea patrolling. That his earlier proposal to set up an Anti
Terrorism Squad has not get the centre's green signal is no secret, so it
seems that he has thought up this new avatar.
It seems strange that he should come up with these new-fangled names when
the police has been found wanting when an alleged serial killer was on the
loose for many months despite a missing persons complaint by 14 families (of
the 16 he allegedly killed). By the way, now the police are going to have a
Missing Persons Squad. It's called locking the stable door after the horse
has bolted! But all this begs the question - if the home minister had led
from the front and got the police to do real police work, would he have to
invent all these fancy-sounding squads?

*What a song and dance*

Recently, well known Hindustani classical singer and Padma Vibhushan awardee
, Kishori Amonkar stormed off the stage at Kala Academy when she discovered
that a casino was sponsoring her concert. To add insult to injury, she said
she was not paid for the concert. She had never been so "insulted", she
said. To think she is a Goan.
Her grouse has been that classical music does not have enough government
patronage. Are Goa's cultural coffers so empty that they have to get a
casino in for a classical concert? It's another matter that they get booze
companies to underwrite something like a Grape Escapade.
But, surprise, surprise, the Goa government does seem to have money for
culture or so the details below would testify. But if someone of the
eminence of Kishori Amonkar feels slighted one wonders where the money has
gone, or should I say, who is the beneficiary of the government's largesse?
A point to note is that Goa is known internationally for its song and dance.
But not the kind of song that needs a harmonium for which Rs 21 lakhs was
given and Pakhvaz for which Rs 7.50 lakhs was allotted. What a song and

Details of the expenditure of Rs 48, 86,523 incurred in 2006-07 under the
scheme to "Provide Musical Instruments and Performance Related Material to
Cultural Troupes":

*Name of Item / Amount*

Harmonium -21,02,100
Pakhvaz - 7,50,750
Zamkhan - 3,39,456
Cymbal (Taal) - 3,84,930
Keyboard - 8,00,000
Violin - 2,26,575
Guitar - 2,82,712

*Total expenditure: Rs 48, 86,523*

*(Feedback 6658606, 9763718501 *

Re: [Goanet] Prisoners of Colvale - by Wendell Rodricks

2009-07-14 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Wendell,
May be the Goa Govt should learn from the Thane Central Prison. Here they have 
work in sections of their choice e.g. Bakery, Flour Milling, Textile Dept, 
Carpentry, Jail Kitchen, Housekeeping within the Jails, Administration etc. 
Under Trials are not given that much of work. Regarding the food, there are 
down defined quantities of food [in grams] that they are entitled to as 
specified in 
the Jail Manuel. I met one Sr. Jane who is working with prisoners many years 
back at 
a prison ministry seminar in Pune. The ones at Aguada Jail, do have a good 
time; is 
what she also said.


Re: [Goanet] Foreigners buying properties in Goa

2009-07-13 Thread Ashley D'silva
I think this may work.
Write to Sonia Gandhi and let her know the situation. Guess you will receive
a positive reply & action.
You have to understand something of the Central Govt power. In the eyes of
the powers that hold the reins; Goa is insignificant and not really
important unless something drastic happens. If Maharashtra is treated
insignificantly what is Goa? The only way to show them is writing to them
and agitating on the ground. When I was in Delhi I met one Top Politician at
another top persons place. He was discussing how to switch over. I happened
to be their because I was a relation at  the persons place. I understood one
thing, if you want any action in Goa then go to Delhi and start knocking on
the doors. If required appoint someone - to do the follow up as it cost
money to be a powerful activist.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gabriel de Figueiredo
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:51 AM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Foreigners buying properties in Goa

Well, if the cops are scared of doing anything, or if they have are in
cahoots with the Russians, then I suppose the whole village ought to
'gherao' en masse the Russians, the police and the State Govt. Things should
not be left as they are. 

What is GBA doing? 

Has this situation been brought to the attention of the Governor? 

- Original Message 
From: Domnic Fernandes 
To: Goanet 
Sent: Monday, 13 July, 2009 1:14:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Foreigners buying properties in Goa

For the greed of money, the Morjekars have sold vast stretches of their
to the Russians.  In some cases, they have bought almost entire wards. 
Thus, they 
do not only control the place but also the people.

Mind you, we are dealing with Russian mafia and international drug lords who
hand in gloves with the local machinery by paying them a very high premium,
the aam admi cannot even dream.

Usually, an outsider should not and does not interfere with locals but the
in Morjim are an exception.  Whenever their neighbors approach them with a
they are outnumbered, threatened and even beaten up.

As far as police are concerned, the lesser said the better.  Obviously, they
well-fed with hafta; so, they turn a blind eye at everything - "Te mevta te

It is we who have created this monster, which has grown in size.  We must
unite and 
destroy it before it grows further and devours us.


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Tel: 9420979201;


Access Yahoo!7 Mail on your mobile. Anytime. Anywhere.
Show me how:

Re: [Goanet] foreigners buying proerty in Goa

2009-07-12 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hi Freddy,
You have succinctly stated it in clear simple terms. Now how do you get
those idiots, greedy self-centered sharks to lay off? 

The biggest off them is Mr. Aggarwal of Sterlite. Many do not know this guy
and how he operates. Cue:??? He is not interested in the mines ; it's
something else.

Bye and take of yourself and family, because these battles require the
support and wishes of all - in unity Goa can be saved.

Warm wishes ,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Freddy Fernandes
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:53 AM
Subject: [Goanet] foreigners buying proerty in Goa

In response to:

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 11:31:26 +0530
From: "Ashley D'silva"
leyi> >
Subject: Re: [Goanet] foreigners buying proerty in Goa

Rightly put Ash,


In konkanni there is a saying which goes "one has to stretch one's self as
the size of one's bedding" and there is yet another one that goes " one
not gulp, more than one can swallow", but who the crap cares ?  


Water was in abundance, in  most parts of Goa in the good old days, so what
gone wrong ?  Those who live in Mumbai have been hit hard and are already
feeling very insecure of their future, because life without water is
but in Goa who care ?  


Every body knows the adverse effect of mining, silting, hill cutting, land
filling and mega housing on the water resources and water bodies, are we
wisely and prudently ? Or do we think that, no, it's not going to happen to
Goans ! If so,  we are destined for doom and that's a fact.


Checks should be made around every village and notes made as to how many
and ponds have gone dry and how many others are about to run dry ?  The
dam, which is the life line of people of south Goa, has been silted and is
done openly, don't we know Pascal's laws of pressure ? I am sure most of our
Ministers will not know them (sale angute chaap) ? Don't we know what
occurs when the inner walls our arteries and veins are saturated with
cholesterol  ?  With the cholesterol thickening inside the walls, increases
pressure on the heart and results in a heart attack,  With the sides and the
pushing the weight of water on the front portion of the wall of the dam it
only inevitable that raptures will occur and ultimately, disaster is just
waiting to happen ? Is our Government blind to the safety and the wellbeing
the people of Goa ? If the Politicians do not care than it's up to the
people to
see that they remain safe by taking the initiative and taking law into their
hands to protect themselves and their future, have to do what must be done
before it's too late.


Mega housing is cutting and eating away into our very valuable and limited
resources like water and electricity, I have written about this an umpteen
number of times, what we need to do is like Ash said, we should at all costs
develop, enhance and safeguard these precious resources first. Development
the cost of ecology and human tragedy is not worth it. Sustained development
per our infrastructure, population and our needs should be the priority of
Government. Uncontrolled and unsustainable development will only lead to
disaster, chaos and anarchy.  Our Politicians, most certainly should not
Goa gulp more than it can swallow but should only be allowed to stretch as
the size of it's bedding, but the greed of our corrupt politicians has
amnesia towards actual facts which will further deteriorate and devastates
ecology and our natural resources. 


Wake up Goa or you'll die in your sleep


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 681

2009-07-12 Thread Ashley D'silva
U seem to have hit the nail on the head. It does tae people a long time to
realize this.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Carmen Miranda
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 681

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Foreigners buying land in Goa

I totally agree with Roland Francis regarding the issue of foreigners buying
land in Goa.
May I add that "foreigners buying land in Goa" is the least of the problems
facing Goa at the moment. Goa's biggest problem at the moment and much more
deserving of your attention and concern is the massive destruction of
forests, water tables, agricultural land, air and water pollution caused by
the mining industry in Goa.  The devastation in the mining belt is totally
irresponsible and criminal, and will soon affect everyone living in Goa. The
sooner you realise that the better.


Re: [Goanet] Foreigners buying properties in Goa

2009-07-09 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dominic why can't  they be thrown out?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Domnic Fernandes
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:06 PM
To: Goanet Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] Foreigners buying properties in Goa

Early this year, Russians in Morjim even hoisted Russian flag in
confirmation of their occupation of most land there.  It took public morcha
and police force to bring it down.  

About four months ago, one of the Russians from Morjim publicly assaulted a
policeman in Mapusa.  

Can we behave like this in a foreign land?


Domnic Fernandes

Gaumvaddy, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa-403 509
Mobile: 9420979201; Off: 0832-2274954

Stay updated! Add Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace & Hi5  friends to your Windows
Live network instantly. Add Now!

Re: [Goanet] Foreigners buying land in Goa

2009-07-09 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Rina,

People should understand this.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rina Mukherji
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 9:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Foreigners buying land in Goa

Isn't the sympathy shown by people towards foreigners who have or intending
to buy land in Goa a little misplaced?.
The laws regarding foreigners buying property in any part of India may be
very strict; we ought to understand one cannot equate it with indians
settling down or buying property in the US or Canada. We are bursting at the
seams; US, or most parts of Europe need people, especially migrants.

We are indignant when cheap labour finds its way into India from across the
border. Are these foreigners bringing in some special skills that we are
short of? Or are we getting cheap labour that we need?They are here as
pensioners because life is affordable and cheap; but does that help Goa at
all. If anything, it will send land prices skyrocketing!

Rina  Mukherji


Re: [Goanet] foreigners buying proerty in Goa

2009-07-09 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello there - Jane etc,
The issue is not those who are here. It’s the big mega colonies that are
being promoted . Is it susutainable?

Will Goa experience withdrawal symptoms just like what's happening in other

A little firsthand experience : Mumbai is experiencing a 30% water cut{ In
reality it is double that}. Two lakes are below reserve therefore water
cannot be drawn. Thane city residents are getting water every alternate day
for 1 hr as on May 2009. Earlier it was 3 hrs. Current Pop approx 45lacs.
1992 Thane city Pop; 8lacs; water was available 24 hrs. Promise aplenty were
made on bended knees by the Municipal Councilors. 
My personal experience . The clothes were stuck in the washing machine for 2
days. In two days the odour of a 50% incomplete washing cycle was terrible.;
something like a dead rat in the apartment. How do we manage? 

Patience dear all, and pray the water runs through the taps. Fights took
place between those staying on the ground level and those staying on higher
floors all because the pressure was inadequate & add to this hydro Pneumatic
pumps that  has no storage tank. Imagine a house with little children and no
water. Imagine staying on the 17th floor with aged parents and one has to
subsist on raw water { Bore well water] that smells brackish because every
building has the facility for the toilets. What does one do?

The truth is that the Municipalities in connivances with greedy builders
have sanctioned new MEGA PROJECTS that is not in sync with water supplies',
electricity, sewerage lines, concrete roads with a service road  etc. 

What does one do? Gehrao the Municipal Commissioner, abuse him etc? 
Well this time the people have voted for someone else. 

Only time will tell;  till then one has to patiently wait for the situation
to ease out and hope for the best, get involved in civic &  political
affairs etc and create pressure  modules. 

So the basic issue is the infrastructure - who is going to create it first 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gabriel de Figueiredo
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 7:34 PM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] foreigners buying proerty in Goa

Dear Jane,

>Since Gabriel is the ACTIVIST in favour of foreigners buying property in
>should every Goan hold him responsible if some problem does take place,
>in Goa, because of them?

First of all, allow me to express to sogle Goemkar (not Goankars) on this
forum, that an activist, accidental or otherwise, I am not and never will
be. I don't know exactly when you, Jane, discovered that there are problems
looming, but these have been in existence since a very long time ago. I am
not going to elaborate. And please refrain from shouting. I hear you loud
and clear. Calm down. 

>Our Freedom fighters liberated Goa from foreign rule
Please stop there. None of your freedom fighters ever "liberated" Goa from
foreign rule - Krishna Menon and the Indian armed forces saw to that. And
don't bother going into that topic either - its a topic that's been torn to
shreds on this and other fora in the past.  If you do need more information,
please visit
(BTW, since you dislike the Brits so much, inferred from your constant
references to "freedom fighters", now tell me: you enjoy a Westminster-style
of Govt in India, speak and write English fairly well, travel on a British
idiosynchrasy of a double-decker bus, travel on a British-laid railway
system, and probably well-educated in an English-medium school/college;
isn't it a bit hypocritical on your part to dislike the very things you were
brought up with, and use every day? ) 

>All Indians who wanted to continue to be ruled by foreigners have 
>migrated to foreign countries and enjoy being governed by Foreigners.
Again, you're rambling. We who have settled in "foreign countries" are no
longer foreigners - we're locals where we've settled, and rather enjoy each
other's company, food and culture in a multi-cultural environment, and we
choose who we want to rule over us just as you do in your own country. 

>Even the USA has a number of immigrants in top decision-making jobs.
So what is the point you're trying to make?

>We all know about the thousands of Indians who are welcomed into foreign
>to work at menial, low-paid jobs, because the citizens of foreign
>do not want to do their own, dirty work.
Oh really? So you think all we do is clean toilets? That's a great one :-)) 
Indians may work menial jobs to get started (which sometimes is a great way
to gain work-experience, contrary to India's theoreticians who know
everything in theory and nil in practice - see the state of the Goa Medical
College Hospital, the public wing), but perhaps you've never heard of Goan
judges, administrators, doctors an

Re: [Goanet] Vision - Sustainable Goa

2009-07-09 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Santana,

This is good reading. I have bookmarked for further ref.

Thank you

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of SANTANO VAZ
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 2:54 AM
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] Vision - Sustainable Goa

To all Goa lovers,

it was good to have all your comments veiw about goa and non goans buying
in goa, though it was not racist in any menner but lot of people took it

here is another fact on Goa, check on this link and might get some more
details of 
Goa what non goans wants to change goa into.

again this details are given to me by a western citizen who was in goa once
years a go and was in love with goa the way it was then and most of the real
and nature lovers do apriciate goa as it was few years back and he told me
"Goans should keep their identities by saving your nature and culture"

we goans are "Sesegad goiekar" fokot bhailim vorram dakoitat, we celebrate
all our 
traditions all over the world and so some VIP's from goa are also taking a
trip, but in Goa practice all other traditions other then goan.

Mog asundi

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Some upcoming City Mega Projects

2009-07-08 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Joe,
Ref: Mega Project

Where is the water supply coming from? Will it be 24hrs x7 or 1/2 hr x7 ?
Is the power supply adequate to service this block of apartments & the 
necessary voltage?
Is there a local market around?
Where does the drainage passage flow ? Into a bigger organized nallaha or into 
some paddy fields?
Is there a Municipal vehicle service to collect wet & dry garbage?
What about local supermarkets?
Please let us know 
Thank u'

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of JoeGoaUk
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 4:09 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Some upcoming City Mega Projects

Talking Photos: Some upcoming City Mega Projects

Mega projects 
Gera near models millennium, Caranzalem
Mega Project – Models Mystica – same road little further
another behind Goa Science Centre, Miramar
There plenty others like Kamat etc etc 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


Re: [Goanet] God and You

2009-07-07 Thread Ashley D'silva

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Albert Desouza
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:09 PM
To: Major domo goanet
Subject: [Goanet] God and You
Hello Albert,

The said statement is quite true for those who do not understand the liturgy
of the Church. Procedurally Catholics cannot have so many 'Mother Mary's'.
But then one has to bring this to the notice of the dioceses and work from
there to change the system. 

For e.g. in my church in Thane City some well wisher happily brought a
Velankani wooden Statute nicely painted encased in a beautiful three sided
glass pedestal unit whose height touched 5'.6" x 20" x 20" . This
well-wisher wanted it to be placed at the rear of the church where he placed
it. Now in addition to this we have a huge crucifix plus our lady of Fatima
from Spain plus the famous  " Russian Mother Mary Icon" of approximately
30"x 30". As the coordinator of the Parish liturgical team I informed the
Concerned people to remove this new addition, which was done and it was
relegated to the store room. So you see if this also was added there would
have been more confusion. I have noticed people mechanically kiss the
statues - maybe out of piety or may be for some other reasons and proceed as
if on a escalator. So it is important to create  understanding of the
liturgy of the Church gradually otherwise there will be a reaction -
basically this happens with the elderly people who have been brought up in a
particular fashion. It will take time - but it also depends very much on the
Bishops and his colleagues in Christ. If they want to perpetuate it you are
against a wall. If they are amiable to change then it would do away with
what you have just penned below. So take heart in these matters as they
cannot be stopped overnight. 

Another stupid thing that most churches permit is the use of plastic flowers
in churches/ blessed sacraments. When I did my 1 year Liturgical training
Diploma Course at Goregaon Seminary were asked how would we feel if somebody
gave us  bouquet of plastic flowers on an occasion?. Many replied
negatively. Similarly we affront God in this manner when we place plastic
flowers/ garlands before God. Many churches in Mumbai/ Thane  r more or less
are breaking this practice. It takes time as we were the first batch in the
Archdiocese ( 2002) to have completed this training with a an exam and the
results are showing now - 2009.
So take heart & God Bless

"Feast of this Mary and feast of that Mary. It is very easy. Nine novenas of
Mary no one. We start with Rosary, mass and go home and sin. Tenth day is
the feast of Mary no one. Then comes Mary no two and Mary no three. For me
there is only one Mary, the mother of Jesus who said Yes to God and showed
concern towards her fellow people"


Albert writes:- My dear brothers and sisters. 
God has not signed a sale deed with us when He promised the property of
Heaven. No Roman Catholic has any right to say " Heaven is ours and that we
will achieve happiness in Heaven " if we do not know to live on earth
peacefully. Every living soul is born from God and is nourished by God.His
title his name has come from certain earthly belief for which he or she is
not to be held responsible. Jesus came among the Jews and he had to be
crucified on the Cross because his own people did not accept him as come
from God. What are we doing today? We have received baptism from water when
we were born but have we received the baptism of the Spirit ? We never give
importance to the Word of God at all so whose property are we fighting for,
God"s or the devil ? I hear people talking about faith. Can these same very
people teach me what faith is ? My faith has taught me this and is enough.
My faith has taught me that and is enough but what exactly this faith we are
talking about no one knows. We criticise the believers and say that they do
not believe in Mary. Can anyone tell me what is that we have to believe of
Mary ? Today the Catholic church has made Mary as a doll with many names..
PLease hunt for that Mary and each one of you who flock to  the church be
another Mary. My hats off to those people. Will we find such Mary in today's
world ? If you are such a fan of Mary, you will definetly try to become
another Mary in this life. If that was so our world would have been a better
place to live.
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Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Dogs & Goats college at Miramar?

2009-07-07 Thread Ashley D'silva
Dear Joe,

Not bad for Goa. I think the Goa Govt should look towards Mumbai and draw a
lesson of creating better bus stands that pay for themselves. I understand
from the News Papers that the ones in Mumbai cost a little over Rs. 3.00
Lacs made from stainless steel; which was disclosed when some smart Alec
uprooted the whole bus stand  and sold them over night till the cops caught
the gang.
Fantastic ads can be affixed on them esp. the' Axe" ads. Keeps the mood
positive in these wet days.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of JoeGoaUk
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 3:35 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Dogs & Goats college at Miramar?

Talking Photos: Dogs & Goats college at Miramar?
Bus sheds at Bus Stops, are they for sitting or standing on it?
Look at these college students, Miramar circle.
They are not the usual naughty boys but..
Reminds me of dogs and goats taking shelter under village bus stops/sheds.
Bhokddio ani sunnim kednachean Kolejik vochonk laglim tor? 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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Re: [Goanet] Goa to withdraw hundreds of complaints to save minister

2009-07-07 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello there!
Why do these people behave in this manner? Sooner or later the chickens will
come to roost. 
If this 'Rane person' has threatened Aries then the law should take its
course - why be an obstacle to it?
Might as well take the law into one own hands is it? 

See what happened in Maharashtra to a high profile ex minister. Ultimately
how long could he hide from it? One year , 2 years , 3 years huh?  

Will the same thing happen to The President of India's Kin? If it is true it
will happen, as truth is like a cube of ice in a glass of whiskey - it will
surface someday with a terrible rebound. Please advise this 'Rane person'
not to fiddle with the law.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gabe Menezes
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:59 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: [Goanet] Goa to withdraw hundreds of complaints to save minister

Goa to withdraw hundreds of complaints to save ministerJuly 7th, 2009 - 2:35
pm ICT by IANS [image: Tell a

Panaji, July 7 (IANS) After hurriedly pushing through a controversial
ordinance changing a 105-year-old law to save a five star resort from
demolition in March, the Goa government is now tinkering with a cognisable
section of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) to save a cabinet minister charged
with threatening to kill a lawyer.
A controversial note by Goa Advocate General Subodh Kantak now seeks that
charges against hundreds of people booked under section 506 of the IPC since
May 2004, including Health Minister Vishwajeet Rane, be dropped on technical

Section 506, which deals with various aspects of criminal intimidation, was
made more stringent by the state government in 2004, making offences booked
under the section non-bailable and cognisable to ensure that those arrested
under it would be automatically placed in police custody.

The note dated June 30, of which IANS has a copy, was subsequently endorsed
by Home Minister Ravi Naik and Chief Minister Digambar Kamat. It states that
the 2004 notification rendering section 506 IPC cognisable was bad in law as
it had had not been published in a government gazette, as mandated.

"Notification dated 11.5.2004 has not been published in the official
gazette. The notification therefore cannot be acted upon or enforced or
treated as law until and unless it is published in the official gazette.
Section 506 (of the) IPC, therefore, cannot be considered as a cognisable
and non bailable offence," Kantak has said in his note.

"All FIRs (first information reports) registered by the police under section
506 alone or under section 506 read with any other cognisable offence will
be without authority of law. It is therefore necessary to instruct all
assistant public prosecutors, public prosecutors to withdraw prosecutions
filed under section 506 IPC alone or together with any other non cognisable
offence," he added.

Rane was booked by the police after he allegedly threatened to kill a
lawyer, Aires Rodrigues, over the phone in 2007. The police, who had earlier
refused to file a FIR, were forced into action, following directions from a
trial court.

In March this year, the state government had issued a controversial
ordinance amending the Land Acquisition Act 1894 to legalise 54 illegally
constructed rooms in the Cidade de Goa, a five star resort near Panaji,
after the Supreme court had ordered demolition of these structures.
 COMMENT: As stated before, one law for them another for the rest of
usthey are above the law, or the law can be changed to accommodate them,
including rape (possibly Monsterrate Jr will also get scott free) the man
who raped and killed 14 women can also claim this benevolence.

Goa Government is opening up a can of worms.

Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] British citizens buying property in Goa

2009-07-06 Thread Ashley D'silva
Hello Santano,

What you sat makes sense.
Why ? ; If the infrastructure is not ready or created in advanced ; namely
Water , electricity, roads, sewer lines, telephone lines, gas lines ,garbage
disposal system etc there is going to be helluva a problem and all living
there will be inconvenienced terribly to the point of severe agitations
leading to sickness in the form of high blood pressure , diabetes,  heart
problems - in short life will be too stressed for the people for someone
else's comfort.  Its happening in Thane City, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai suburbs
and other places. Whose making  whack are the builders who laugh all the way
to the banks.

So Think Deeply all and consider the +Ves & -Ves.

-Original Message-

Reply to: British citizens buying property in Goa (Gabriel de Figueiredo)

We goans don't have problem when our fellow goan brothers and sisters buy
properties or settled in other countries, as their government encourages
migration and hence their government are obliged to make law as per these
regulations and they will do that as they have good infrastructure and vast
land and very less population.