[Goanet] Notice of Meeting of GWS

2008-08-31 Thread Santos Carmo

I wish the goanet moderators and specially Bosco D'Mello, Herman Carneiro, Fred 
Noronha, and others for your tremendous hard work to have the mailing list 
going.  Keep up the good work and may the Almighty shower his choicest 
blessings on all associated with goanet.   I as the the Chairman of Goan 
Cultural Centre-Kuwait – a registered organization with the Embassy of 
India-Kuwait  and  the recipient of the Goa NRI Award, take this opportunity to 
wish goanet a long innings.
Now, I draw your attention to a  posting done by W.C. Coelho about a meeting of 
GWS and in the Notice  my name figures  which is done with malicious interest.  
 Without any substantiating evidence, how does the Managing Committee allowed 
such a notice to be published?   Why only on goanet?   Why was it not published 
in the local newspapers and other internet forums?   
Please desist from publishing such malevolent notices.  I demand an 
unconditional public apology from the persons associated with this posting.
Kuwait is not a large country and the land line phones are still free thanks to 
the authorities.   Using goanet mailing list is not in good taste.  If the 
intentions were good they would have called me and informed me about the 
meeting.   I am positive that the moderators will take note of such dubious 
With love, prayers and good wishes
Carmo Santos
Ex-Honorary GWS President  
Kuwait Mob: 9047401
Chose your Life Partner? Join MSN Matrimony FREE

[Goanet] Goa police question mother of dead British teenager

2008-03-17 Thread Santos Carmo
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

 Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


The Government of Goa and the Police should not be blamed in this particular 
( Rape/Murder Case) 3.00 am should be fast sleeping time in your house, 
accomodation or hotel room. How come @ 3.am the teenage girl came out of her 
house and for what purpose? .

Either for drugs, sex or for 

Why did her mother ( Fiona ) left her grown-up daughter in Goa without 
proper shelter,money and clothing?...

What a big joke!!! A mother who is having so many children and also don't 
know some of her chlidren father's names??? This is to be question in 

Who knows if the mother ( Fiona ) is involved in her own daughter's 

Fiona had a murder case on her in London for killing one of her lover years 
back and  was jailed and later pardoned.

Goa Government and U.K. Government must first investigate the background of 
Mrs.Fiona, her lovers and husbands in U.K and later file the case against 
the criminals and punish them.

The rape/murder case in Goa has been blown up too much and the image of Goa 
and U.K has been portrayed very poor by the media in both countries.

Precautions are always better than medicines. In this episode mother is to 
be blamed for negligence. A good mother will never leave there under-age 
teenage children alone to someone unknown person anywhere in the world.

The Goans and Goa Government should not be blamed. It's a accident and a 
total negligence.

Carmo Santos / Goa 

Re: [Goanet] Otherwise, one day we might even end up having an outsider for a CM

2007-08-08 Thread Santos Carmo
   The First Konkani E-Cinema

  BLACK Nhesop Atanchem Fashion

  Premiers at Masrah, Hawalli Auditorium, Kuwait on Aug 10, 2007


We already have non-goans Sarpanch,Panch,Councillors and the next is DIRECT 
NON-GOAN CM. Don't be surprised!! Our very own MLAs from ALIBABA 40 CHALIS 
CHOR will invite them to ocupy the CM's Kodel.

Today in Goa nobody loves Goa,Goans,Konkani,Peace,Harmony and Development. 
Both men and women MLA's ONLY LOVE  P O W E R  & M O N E Y.

Carmo Santos / Kuwait


2007-08-14 Thread Santos Carmo


   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
  Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org


Wishing all the Indians,Goans in India and worldwide on the occassion of 
India's Independence 1947-2007 JAI HIND ! JAI HIND !! JAI HIND !!!


"How did Mahatma Gandhi practiced the principles and teachings of Jesus???"

Let us find out from His own writings " my imperfections and failures are as 
much a Blessing from God as my successes and my talents, and I lay them down 
both at His feet. Why should He chosen me, an imperfect instrument,for such 
a mighty experiment? I think He deliberately did so. He had to serve the 
poor,dumb,ignorant millions. A perfect man might have been their despair.

When they found that one with their failings was marching on towards ahimsa 
( non-violence movement), they too had confidence in their own capacity. We 
should not have recognized a perfect man if he had come as our leader and 
we might have driven him to a cave. May be he who follows me will be more 
perfect and you will be able to receive his message " ( 21-7-1940 )

Yes! God giuded him to use some unique methods to achieve the GOAL of 
freedom. Indian history says: What was succeeded everywhere else did failed 
in India and what was never tried anywhere else did succeeded in India. The 
success of this non-violent revolution is perhaps, thus the biggest lesson 
for Indian leaders. It should make them realise the importance of coming out 
clean with unique management concepts for Indiansbecause it seems we are 
actually an unique combination of great values and cultures.

The world over bloody revolutions have led to independence but we attained 
through a wonderful hassel-free method and so every Indian marched, walked 
with Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi to the doorsteps of an Independent 

Let God guide and use you too !!! Jai Hind Jai Hind Jai Hind


On this day 15th of August, 2007 our Ali Baba 40 Chalis Goans ( AMDARS ) 
Stop looting, stop pulling down, stop boder crossing at any eleventh hour 
like today e.g Babush and Alemao did in Goa.. Please try to save India,Goa 
and Goans. Since 2nd June, 2007 our MLA's did not sleep well neither allowed 
our peace loving Goans to sleep well.

We have a very good sales in Goa for goan newspapers like Oheraldo, 
Navinhind Times, Gomantak Times etc etc. Also in demand all the goan 

My suggestion to CM Kamat in the case of 3 disqualifications are taken place 
in couple of days then CM must directly absorb directly as ministers 
Mr.Aires Rodrigues and Floriano Lobo in place of Davlikar brothers and 
Mrs.Jenifer Monsarette in place of Mummy.This chemistry might work in the 
better interests of Goa and Goans.

Jai Hind Jai Hind Jai Hind


 Enjoy Goa cartoonist, Alexyz Fernandes, daily take on contemporary issues




2008-11-12 Thread Santos Carmo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences



Student goes missing while on Delhi tour

HERALD REPORTERMARGAO, NOV 12  The mother of the missing 15-year-old student of 
a city-based higher secondary school has knocked the doors of the South 
district police, to help trace her son, who went missing in Delhi on November 
8.The student Clinton Vaz, a student of RMS Higher Secondary School, Margao, 
was part of the 69-member group of students and teachers that had gone to Delhi 
as part of the Bharat Yatra Tour. Hailing from Utorda village, the student went 
missing from the hotel room in the wee hours of November 8. Since then, his 
whereabouts are not known to the family or school.RMS Higher Secondary School 
Principal, Vinod V Powar, when contacted, said the management and students are 
so much upset over the missing student. “Immediately after the incident was 
brought to my notice in Delhi, I lodged a missing report with the Prasad Nagar 
Police Station, stating that Vaz had left the Hotel Sunshine on November 8 
morning at 8 am”, he said.Asked whether there was any incident with other 
students or teachers which prompted the boy to go missing from the hotel, Powar 
said the boy was found quite during the tour. He did not join others for 
shopping”, he maintained.Powar said a 69-member group, comprising of students 
and teachers, had gone on the Bharat Yatra Tour to Delhi and the incident has 
indeed upset the management and the students.Meanwhile, the boy’s mother, Maria 
P Vaz has asked for help of the district police chief to trace her son through 
the cell phones. She has provided the mobile numbers of the two cell phones 
with her son to track down his location.
Movies, sports & news! Get your daily entertainment fix, only on live.com

[Goanet] CCP, Mala schools and residents to oppose IFFI 2008 Navhindtimes.com, Goa

2008-11-13 Thread Santos Carmo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Dear Mr. Tony Rodrigues,
Please don't use our young innocent school children for your dirty games. It 
looks like you are landed in Pakistan.
All our Indian Schools / Institutions are used to teach only good things and 
not bad things. Here in this particular
case you are using our small children for your selfish interests. Allow our 
sweet and tender children to study well
and be good doctors,engineers,lawyers,professors,religious leaders,mayors and 
In Pakistan and Afganistan the governments have set-up Madrasas (Schools ) to 
learn how to use the guns against
their enemies and go in the Terorists-way. This is the reason behind Pakistan 
and Afganistan. So Mr.Tony, don't go
in dirty way. You can have a nice and decent dialogue with the government to 
solve the garbage problem.
Carmo Santos


PANAJI - The city councillors, teachers from the educational institutions in 
Mala/ Fontainhas ward, the 6,600-odd students from these schools and the 
residents of Mala, led by the Mayor, Mr Tony Rodrigues will oppose the 
International Film Festival of India 2008, scheduled to open in the city on 
November 22, if the government is unable to find a solution to the city garbage 
disposal problem.
�However, I hope that there is 90 per cent chance of the government reaching a 
solution before November 22, which is a deadline set by us,� the Mayor told the 
media on Wednesday.
Earlier in the day, around 350 students of the five educational institutions 
located in the Mala/ Fontainhas ward as well as situated along the Rua de Ourem 
creek poured a bucketful of garbage in the office of the Mayor denouncing the 
failure of the CCP in preventing the stench emanating from its anaerobic 
digester plant, at Patto. The students belonging to the educational 
institutions namely People�s High School, Mary Immaculate Girls High School, 
Mushtifund Middle and Primary School, Dr K B Hedgewar High School and Seventh 
Day Adventist Primary School were accompanied by their teachers, principals and 
headmasters. They also lighted candles and agarbattis at the entrance of the 
CCP headquarters.
Interestingly, Mr Dattatray Ghanekar, the president of Mother Earth, a 
city-based NGO concerned with environmental and health issues, which in 
association with the Goa People�s Forum, earlier guided a morcha of the 
students from Mala to the CCP headquarters, said that neither the organisers of 
the morcha wanted the students to pour garbage in the office of the Mayor, nor 
had they asked the students to give any slogans against the councillors.
�Some interested person misled a group of 40 students to enter the office of 
the Mayor and pour the garbage on his chair and table,� he stated. Few 
councillors like Ms Carolina Po and Ms Regina Almeida, however maintained that 
the entire incident was pre-planned and the students carried garbage with them 
right from the starting of the morcha.
The teachers from these schools, later in the evening attended a meeting 
convened by the Mayor and apologised to him for the action of the students. The 
teachers also agreed to join hands with the CCP to pressurise the government 
for reaching a solution to the city garbage problem by November 22.
It may be recalled that the students of these particular schools are facing 
serious health problems including stomachache, headache, nausea, throat 
infections and so on since past few months, due to the stink generated by the 
garbage at the Patto plant of the CCP.
Meanwhile, the deputy Mayor, Mr Yatin Parekh said that the anaerobic digester 
plant, at Patto was set up by a group of councillors without taking other 
councillors as well as the public into confidence. �The futility of the 
decision can be understood from the extreme step taken by the students,� he 
In another development, the city MLA, Mr Manohar Parrikar and the 9 opposition 
councillors at the CCP on Wednesday complained to the chairman of the Goa State 
Pollution Control Board, Mr L U Joshi that the CCP is still dumping the city 
garbage at Patto, despite stop orders from the GSPCB.
�We request you to instruct the Panaji town police to conduct a thorough 
inquiry and also immediately stop illegal dumping of garbage, which has been 
causing severe health hazard to residents of Mala and students studying in 
educational institutions located in close proximity to the garbage treatment 
site,� the complaint stated

[Goanet] Road closed near Holy Family Cathedral - Kuwait

2008-11-16 Thread Santos Carmo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 Renew your wedding vows in Goa,
 or gift a Ceremony Package to a close couple

   Multiple options to make your day extra special!

Road closed near Holy Family Cathedral - Kuwait

Note that the only way to go the Holy Family Cathedral in Kuwait City is via 
the Gulf Road only.

The road between the Church and the traffic light (after the Sheraton 
round-about) is closed.  When you are approaching the Church, you can only 
turn right (towards Watiya Souk) at the Sheraton Traffic light!

You cannot drive straight towards the Church.

Therefore, you have to drive via the Gulf Road and park on the opposite side 
of the Church or take a U-turn (new) and park at the Starbucks parking area.

If possible, please try to car-pool to avoid parking confusion and delays.

Please pass on this info to others in Kuwait and follow the traffic 
guidelines/signs/ directions.  You will save a lot of time ! 

Re: [Goanet] Churchill demands official status for Konkani in Roman script

2008-12-30 Thread Santos Carmo

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Dear Mr. Churchill,

All the goans including my self will be very happy if you make your demands 
clear and strong with the CM. Tell CM Kamat that you will resign from the 
cabinet as 
a MLA and as a Minister if CM Kamat don't give official status to KONKANI in 
Script. This will prove that you really love our mother tongue KONKANI in ROMAN 

Compliments of the seasons
Carmo Santos 

[Goanet] Miguel Fernandes needs your assistance

2007-04-25 Thread Santos Carmo


   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

The predicament of Mr. Miguel Fernandes who had come to Kuwait for greener 
pasture from Goa (Loutolim - Salcette) just like most of us, was a victim of 
a road accident here in Kuwait.

On 14th of March Miguel was returning to his housing quarters after 
finishing his shift duty hours in the company transport, which overturned 
after colliding with a pick-up truck and then being rammed by a second 
following bus. Three personnel were killed and 17 others including Miguel 
were seriously injured.

Besides multiple fractures to this entire body, both of Mr. Miguel legs had 
to be amputated below the knee. He has been declared by the medical experts 
as 100% disabled from waist down.

Mr. Miguel works for one of the catering company who are sub contractor for 
Combat Support Associates (CSA) providing services to U.S. Army troops & 
Allied Forces at one of the camps, namely (Buehring). In regard to Mr. 
Miguel's plight, not much can be said & done. The catering company is now in 
the process of sending Miguel to Goa for his further treatment.

We kindly request all the Goan associations who would like to help Mr. 
Miguel in any kind or form, may contact his Brother Mr. Alex who works at 
the McDonalds in Jaberiya. Cell #760345.

Goanet Moderator Note: Photos accompanying this message have been stripped. 
Those interested in the photos may please contact Carmo Santos.

Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

[Goanet] HO UZO PALOIET ( Konkani Drama to be staged in Kuwait on 1/6/7 @ Hawally A/C Hall

2007-05-16 Thread Santos Carmo
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Double Century King "Menino de Bandar" presently taking the audiences in 
Goa's towns, villages and cities to glorious heights in entertainment by his 
captivating tiatr "Ho Uzo Palloieat", now confirms his plans to tour the 
Gulf countries with his full cast, as per the following scheduled dates:

14th June 2007 in Adeliya - Bahrain

 8th June 2007 in Dubai - UAE

 1st June 2007 in Hawalli - Kuwait.

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Kuwait Airways seeks for more flights from Kuwait to India vice versa

2007-06-27 Thread Santos Carmo


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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Kuwait Airways seeks for more flights from Kuwait to India vice versa

"Kuwait is a developed country in the world of today. Kuwait has its own oil 
reserves which is enough for another 10 decades to maintain.

The undersigned is living and working in this country for the last 3 decades 
and that too in shipping and airline industry. This is the first time I came 
across in last 28 years that Kuwait Airways is threatening AIR-INDIA and 
INDIAN AIRLINES during summer peak hoildays season in demand of more flights 
to India which is rediculus and shameful.

Kuwait Airways should have raised this issue during off-season and serve 
notices to Air India and Indian Airlines atleast 6 months in advance. During 
this 6 months  if both countries fail to solve the contentious issue 
amicably then all our Indian summer passengers could have grace period to 
choose their airlines of choice for their holidays without any inconvience 
caused to them.

Kuwait Airways have 30 flights a week to India. In addition, Jazeera Airways 
is flying daily to India and whatelse they want more? Air India and Indian 
Airlines don't have a daily flight from India to Kuwait, instead opened the 
doors to Kuwait Airways and Jazeera Airways to operate their daily flights 
to India.

Out of the 600,000 Indians in Kuwait a major share of air-traffic have been 
controlled by Kuwait Airways compared to any other airlines in the world.

All the world dailies are having headlines of Kuwait Airways,Air-India, 
Indian Airlines and all its passengers who have booked their tickets for 
July,2007 and who have already travelled to India.

In my opinion Government of Kuwait should intervene and solve the issue as 
fast as possible so that our people can travel as per their bookings made 
earlier without any further disturbances.

Kuwait and India have excellant bilaterial relationship for the last 5 
decades and this relation should not be jeopardise by Kuwait Airways alone.

Let us join hands and work for a better tomorrow.

Carmo Santos
In Service of Indian Commuinity in Kuwait.
Dated: 27th June, 2007


2009-03-01 Thread Santos Carmo


  The President, Members and Players of SANTOS UNITED-KUWAIT, deeply mourn 
sudden demise of Mrs.ANNA SEVERINA RODRIGUES e DIAS in Goa, beloved Wife of 
Dias and  Mother of Salvador Dias (President of Kuwait Goan Association - 

  May Her Soul Rest In Peace.

  Funeral services will be on 2nd March,2009 @ Curtorim,Church, Goa,India @ 

  Condolences can be reached on 0091-832-2860205 or 0091-9763552731

  Carmo Santos



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[Goanet] PRESS-RELEASE - GGC drawing competition 2009- rgds/Carmo Santos/Kuwait/00965-99047401

2009-10-21 Thread Santos Carmo


Drawing Competition by Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait

A Drawing Competition will be organized by Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait on 13th 
November 2009 (FRIDAY) at CARMEL SCHOOL - KHEITAN, Kuwait to commence at 4:00 
p.m. sharp.  Participation Rules for Drawing Competition:
* The competition is open to school going Indian children up to the age of 14 
in three groups: Group A - 3-6 years - (Colouring only)
Group B - 7-9 years - Theme: A River Side in Goa - Group C - 10-14 years - 
Theme: Any Tradition of Goa.
* A maximum of one hour will be allotted to the participants. 
* 3 prizes will be given to the winners in each category. 
* Judges decision will be final and binding. 
* Only the Drawing Paper will be provided by the Organizers. Children are 
expected to bring their own stationery including crayons, colours, and brushes.
* The winners of the competition will be awarded prizes and certificates at the 
Christmas Tree (Pai Natal) Programme to be held on 11th December 2009. For 
further info, please contact Mob: 99472905 / 66567848 / 66955719 / 66806661 / 
97549642 or email: goanculturalcentrekuw...@gmail.com
Kindly note the change in date and school - now to read as 13th November 2009 
and at Carmel School - Kheitan.

Begin your day with a strong dose of news, sports, entertainment and more on 
MSN India

[Goanet] "Snowball with Pai Natal" - Christmas Tree 11-12-2009 (Kuwait)

2009-12-10 Thread Santos Carmo

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

"Snowball with Pai Natal" - Christmas Tree 


Friends! It's time for the annual "Snowball with Pai Natal" - the Christmas 
Tree with the Goan touch and extravaganza, organized by the Goan Cultural 

The festive event will be held on Friday, Dec. 11, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. 
onwards. The grand program will feature a nativity tableau, games for children 
and adults, singing contests, waltzing/jiving contests and many more 
attractions, choral singing and delicous buffet lunch and sweets to match it. 
Fantastic prizes for contestants, spot prizes, surprise prizes, lucky entrance 
prizes, Christmas Hampers, etc. Prizes sponsored by reputed Kuwaiti business 
companies and by individual well-wishers. 

Renowned DJ to put your feet on musical fire and a popular emcee to keep your 
heart and minds in the festive spirits. 

Also, the winners of the colouring and drawing competition for children will be 
distributed and certificates of participation awarded during the 'Snowball with 
Pai Natal' celebrations on Dec. 11, 2009.

For entry details contact 99047401,99472905, 66567848, 66806661, 97549642 and 
Email: goanculturalcentrekuw...@gmail.com 

Season's Greetings from the Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait. 

Posted by Goan Cultural Centre Kuwait 


Where they eat your meat let them pick the bones.
~Proverb, (Spanish)~





Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

[Goanet] Goa Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children (GSPDC).

2009-08-18 Thread Santos Carmo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 12:01:20 +
To: carmosa...@hotmail.com; 
From: commissionernri_...@rediffmail.com

In continuation of my email dated 4th August 2009 on the above subject, I am 
pleased to inform you that the time limits laid down in the above Scheme have 
been extended by one month for the benefit of wards of PIOs and NRIs of Goan 
origin who are desirous of pursuing under graduate studies in professional and 
general courses in Institutions affiliated to the Goa University or the Goa 
Board of Technical Education, as under:

1. Receipt of application forms --- September 30, 2009.
2. Date of written examination --- October 12, 2009.
3. Declaration of result of examination --- October 30, 2009.
4. Announcement of recipient of scholarship--- November 12, 2009 .

You are requested to bring to the notice of the Members of your Associations 
about the new dates for submission of applications, dates of written 
examination, declaration of result and announcement of beneficiaries of 

With regards,

(U. D. Kamat)
Director for NRI Afairs
Government of Goa 

Log on to MSN India for a lowdown on what’s hot in the world today

[Goanet] Prediction for Another Tsunami

2009-04-14 Thread Santos Carmo

   July 22nd 2009 another Tsunami - Please cascade...

There is a prediction that there will be another tsunami hitting on 
22nd. It is also when there will be sun eclipse.
Predicted that it is going 2 be really bad and countries like 
(Sabah & Sarawak), Singapore, Maldives, Australia,
Mauritius, Si Lanka, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and 
Costal Parts of China are going 2 be badly hit.
Please try and stay away from the beaches in July. Better 2 be safe 
sorry. Please pass the word around.
Please also pray for all beings."

Re: [Goanet] In defence of JoeGoauk - to Samir

2010-05-04 Thread Santos Carmo

> Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 04:57:58 +
> From: joego...@yahoo.co.uk
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] In defence of JoeGoauk - to Samir
> I will come back on others later.
> But first, let me take on Samir
> What you mean whole Tiatrs?
> Fyi, each tiatr is about 3 hours long.
> And to put it on the net/youtube, it will require at least 
> 18 parts/clips of 10 mins duration each. 
> e.g. Tiatr Part 1 , Part 2 ….. part 18
> You being into IT, should have known it better.
> Whoever told you must be another inter-nutter like me and 
> whoever believes in them is even maha nutter.
> Looks like some people are jealous minded
> For I don’t shout..
> I am a freedom fighter, give me the first preference
> I am a freedom fighter, give me my full or more pension
> I am a freedom fighter, give my son a job
> Fyi, 
> People who don’t shout are also freedom fighters 
> (there are some in Canacona)
> People who don’t shout are also social workers etc 
> When one gives to God or to a poor or a needy or to a community etc
> he/she need not shout (for publicity etc).
> And that’s what JoeGoaUk is all about but some people simply cannot digest it 
> thus revealing one’s own crab mentality to the world.
> About copyright violations, I do agree it is wrong to film no matter how 
> small or 
> no matter what the person intends to do with it, no matter if it is for 
> profit or loss.  
> Theft is a theft no matter how small or no matter how clean one’s conscious 
> is.
> But let’s not blow it out of proportion by making false accusations or 
> by giving wrong or malicious information in the public forum
> thanks.
> Samir wrote:
> And correct me if I am wrong --- 
> that whole tiatrs have been put on the internet (or rather internut) by 
> joegoauk.
> If it is true, then certainly it is not right, if it is done without 
> permission.
> regards,
> Samir
> joego...@yahoo.co.uk 
> for Goa & NRI related info... 
> http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOAN-NRI/ 
> For Goan Video Clips 
> http://youtube.com/joeukgoa 
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc
The amazing world in sharp snaps

[Goanet] CONDOLENCES: Rosary Ferns

2011-01-12 Thread Santos Carmo

"Death leaves a heartache
No one can heal;
Love leaves a memory
No one can steal."

The Chairman, President, Managing Committee and Members of the Goan 
Cultural Centre-Kuwait join fellow Goans and the Mangalorean Konkani 
speaking communities to express their deep sympathies and grief on the 
tragic news of demise of Rosary Ferns.

We share with the family and his friends in the sadness and loss of a 
young, dynamic and talented Konkani stage writer-director-producer-singer.

May his soul rest in peace. Our sincere prayers to the Almighty.
This has been a tremendous shock on us all.

Carmo Santos
Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait

Re: [Goanet] Wake up Call

2011-02-21 Thread Santos Carmo

Hi Willy,
We are there always for the good cause but beware of the promises made by gulf 
Goans ex and present. In october, 2010 you have learned a lesson in Kuwait with 
your konkani film premiere.
It's just a good advice
> Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 09:53:40 -0500
> From: wilsonwil...@rediffmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Wake up Call
> Date:- 21. 2. 2011
> Hi !
> I am , pleased to inform you , that during the last week , 2 more 
> Overseas Goans have contacted me on the “Food for Thought”, issue 
> concerning Goans.
> Mr Bonnie Coutinho from Vancouver (Canada) has sent an email, clearly 
> agreeing to collect funds from Canada. My hearty congratulations and a 
> warm welcome to Bonnie Coutinho, into our efforts to save Goa.
> The other gentleman is an Overseas Goan based in Switzerland and he has 
> spoken to me on phone. He has expressed keen interest in what we are 
> planning to do for Goa. We do expect him to be a part of this 
> “movement”. We hope to disclose his full identity no sooner we receive 
> his ‘email-commitment’ and a few more details.
> So , my dear Goan bothers and sisters , the picture seems very 
> “optimistic” .
> Firm commitments from Australia , Qatar and now from Canada.
> Many more commitments , to follow , from other Countries, very soon.
> The offer to individual Goans and Goan Overseas Associations to 
> “volunteer”, on their own, remains open, and will always continue to 
> remain open .
> However, from now on , we will be directly approaching a few individuals 
> and Overseas Goan Associations , requesting their co-operation to our 
> ‘Movement to save Goa, during the forthcoming Assembly Elections-2012”. 
> This is because, we do not have much time on hand.
> We will continue to keep every Goan , all over the World , informed of 
> the future developments.
> Our motto :- “Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear “.
> Mog Assum,
> Tumchya sanghatak ,
> Wilmix Wilson Mazarello.
> Bonnie Coutinho (Canada):
> Hello Wilson,
> My name is Bonnie Coutinho and I live in Vancouver, British Columbia, 
> Canada.
> This is the second time I am receiving your email "Re: Wake up Call for" 
> from the GOA in Vancouver, BC.
> If you need a representative here in Vancouver, I do not mind doing 
> it. I would like guidance from you regarding details of how to go about 
> it.
> Thanks & regards,
> Bonnie
> PS: I was a member of the Dubai Committee several years ago.
> Oscar Lobo (Australia)
> Dear Wilson!
> Great call I am happy to do what is required from Australia…..
> I am with anyone who keeps their differences aside and work for the
> greater glory of Goa……
> May Force be with us all - Together with proper ground and proper
> structure in what we are about to embark……
> Oscar C. Lobo.
> Mathew Estrocio (Qatar)
> Hi Wilmix,
> "SAVE GOA MOVEMENT" IS GAINING more and more momentum from the like 
> minded Goans spread all over the world…….
> It is my desire to join this people’s movement and I am ready to take 
> the responsibility in collecting funds from the Goans settled in Qatar,….
> I take this opportunity to wish you and all those who are actively 
> involved with this movement all the best and more courage and strength 
> to march forward.
> Cheers,
> Mathew Estrocio


2010-03-10 Thread Santos Carmo


The Chairman, President, Members and the Managing Committee of Goan 
Cultural Centre - Kuwait  conveys their deep sorrow on the passing away 
of Wilfy Remimbus.

Our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

The world has lost of one the great contributor of Konkani music and songs.

Our prayers to the Almighty God to grant him Eternal Rest in His 
Heavenly Abode.

Carmo Santos
Hon. Chairman
Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait


2010-04-14 Thread Santos Carmo
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa



The Chairman, President, Members and the Managing Committee of Goan Cultural 
Centre - Kuwait  convey their deep sorrow on the passing away of Peter Colaco, 
founder member of Navelim Youth Centre.  
Our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and our prayers to the 
Almighty God to grant him Eternal Rest in His Heavenly Abode.

Carmo Santos
Hon. Chairman
Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait




Catch the latest in the world of fashion

[Goanet] IFFK Grand Closing Ceremony at KTV stadium

2010-04-29 Thread Santos Carmo


IFFK Grand Closing Ceremony at KTV stadium

Indian Football Federation Kuwait is pleased to announce that the closing 
ceremony of the IFFK season will be held on the KTV stadium on 30th April 2010. 
The Chief Guest for the closing ceremony will be the Hon. Minister of Tourism 
of Goa Mr. Micky Pacheco who is being specially flown directly from Goa to 
grace the occasion. Mr. Pacheco will arrive in Kuwait on 28th April 2010. The 
proceedings will start at 7.30 am in the morning with an exhibition match 
between 2 Indian Schools and then the final of the IFFK knockout tournament 
between AVC-Kuwait and Fahaheel Bros. The prize distribution for the IFFK 
league and the knockout tournament will be the main attraction as the prizes 
have been specially customised and ordered from United States of America which 
is a rare feat amongst the Indian expatriate held tournaments in Kuwait. 
The management of the Indian Football Federation Kuwait invites all soccer 
loving fans to throng in large numbers to witness the glittering closing 
ceremony on the KTV stadium on 30th April 2010. The organisers have specially 
decided to have the closing ceremony on the KTV stadium as it brings the 
nostalgic memories of the famous Soor Grounds which is in the close proximity 
of the KTV stadium. Watch out for more news in this column as new events unfold




Climate, controversies and the changing signatures of nature

Re: [Goanet] Mamta-ji wants to turn Bengal into Goa

2012-01-15 Thread Santos Carmo

Kiya bhat hai!!!
Do she really want to go for it??? or she want to change Goa into Bengal with 
the help of Dotor Willy??

> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 17:17:46 -0800
> From: parri...@yahoo.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Mamta-ji wants to turn Bengal into Goa
> To Goanet -
> So I hear.  On behalf of all Goans, I say to Mamta-ji: GO FOR IT!  Invite
> all your fellow bongs currently using up Goa's precious oxygen back to 
> your state where no doubt milk & honey shall soon flow.  Same request
> to all the other N Indian Chief Ministers.  We will be delighted to show 
> the Jharkhandis, Oriyas, Biharis, UP the next train out of Goa with a
> free send-off drink (Mirinda or Lehar Pepsi).
> By the way - who is the current governor of Goa?  Has he stolen any
> coconuts yet?  Remember the ol' Bengali governor-robber who shipped
> truckloads of items out of the Cabo when he left?
> r
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] Manohar-bab's Blast on Herald - 19 Jan, 2012 - Comments

2012-01-19 Thread Santos Carmo

You are right Mr. Floriano.
Parikkar cannot become CM without the support of so called dirty ELEMENTS. He 
1st became CM by entering the back door and this time also will repeat the same 
old story.

> From: floriano.l...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 11:01:46 +0530
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Manohar-bab's Blast on Herald - 19 Jan, 2012 - Comments
> http://www.heraldgoa.in/News/Main%20Picture%20News/I-will-not-become-CM-if-forced-to-take-support-of-undesirable-elements-Parrikar/56037.html
> Will not become CM, If forced to take support of undesirable elements. Can 
> work with MGP but not Goa Vikas Party (Mickky)""
> Dear Manohar-bab,
> I sincerely feel that you should not make statements which you will fry and 
> eat later. One never knows what one will do and not do at a later date. Very 
> few persons can. Your record has shown otherwise.
> Are you telling us that apart from MGP and Vikas Party which Mickky has now 
> resurrected from the tombs there is no other regional party?
> Next, you will be asking God to give you a second DEATH. Is it possible??
> Cheers
> floriano
> goasuraj
> 9890470896
> PS: The above link shows something like a dagger parked on the wall behind 
> you Manohar-bab. Is this one kept handy for someone like Mickky just like 
> you had one handy for Sardinha?? 
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-25 Thread Santos Carmo

You will never have a 100% answer from Mr.Parrikar.. till 

> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 07:28:04 +
> From: joego...@yahoo.co.uk
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar
> Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar
> ‘BJP making waves...’
> OK OK, I see that too.
> But most are confused, they need help, they need assurances.. 
> BJP knows very well that it needs us and needed us very badly.
> This is the chance, perhaps the last chance.
> So, come on Mr. Parrikar, let’s talk business now!
> (oh! No, I don’t mean cash for votes or Sops for votes)
> Tell us why you think we should vote for you?
> What’s there for us in it?
> Or what can we expect from you in exchange
> Now, now, pl don’t even try your ‘daggling carrots’ tactics
> i.e. cash (Rs.1000) for women, DSSS increment, lowering petrol prices etc
> Peter would not be too happy if you rob him to pay Paul
> If you do decide to come back on this, besides other things, please make sure
> you give us your solid assurances on these following serious and most urgent 
> issues:
> Our Goa (Special Status)
> Destruction of Goa
> Rampant Corruption 
> Communal Harmony (Hindu-Christians-Muslims)
> That’s all we are interested in right now, can you do it?
> or can we rely on you?
> The ball is in your court.
> Looking forward to hear from you soon.
> Thank you.
> (confused minds)
> PS.
> Don’t worry much about ‘Good Friday’ Holiday episode
> It has never been a real public holiday to all, besides that, we also know 
> some Hindu Holidays too were proposed in the list such as 
> Mahashivratri, Dashera, Gudi Padva and Gandhi Jayanti , Statehood day etc
> I believe, the proposal was only to make it optional or include it in the 
> restricted holiday’s list 
> where people (Govt. employee) could opt for it if so desired.
> You did it to reduce the Govt Holidays and as per the Central Govt. 
> directives.
> Perhaps you could introduce 6 days a week pattern as work in Govt. dept 
> always behind schedule.
> Govt jobs, govt holidays, restricted holidays etc discussed here
> http://joegoauk-pointofview.blogspot.com/2012/01/why-govt-jobs-are-in-high-demand.html
> 'Actions speak' they say, we have witnessed it too.
> joego...@yahoo.co.uk 
> for Goa & NRI related info... 
> http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOAN-NRI/ 
> For Goan Video Clips 
> http://youtube.com/joeukgoa 
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-28 Thread Santos Carmo

Appoligies and self corrections or admitting to crimes and mistakes done in the 
past are ONLY a ELECTION gimnick

> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:11:29 -0500
> From: ole_...@yahoo.co.uk
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar
> The anti Catholic CD is all over Youtube and highly patronized by the 
> RSS. It is a shame that some Goans continue patronizing this evil man.
> BC
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php



2012-01-30 Thread Santos Carmo

Dear Mr.Aires,
Why can't you call personally DOTOR WILLY, RANE and Victoria Mummy to retire 
from active politices and make way for the new faces.

> Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 05:27:55 +0530
> From: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Sharad Pawar at 71 has rightly decided not to contest the next election in
> order to make place for a new and younger face. In Goa after decades in
> power we have Pratapsingh Rane at 73 and Victoria Fernandes at 78 still
> trying to seek re-election at the ensuing March 3rd elections to the Goa
> Legislative Assembly.
> Politicians should realize that the core to a successful democracy is to
> infuse new and bright faces. But in the guise of bringing in fresh faces,
> politics has been reduced to a family business for some, the investment
> returns of which are very high. Dynasty politics runs contrary to the very
> tenet of democracy. Politics was meant to be a mission but sadly today it
> has been reduced to a business venture.
> Let us hope Pratapsingh Rane and Victoria Fernades would voluntarily take a
> cue from Sharad Pawar and call it a day, something that has been long
> overdue. Over the years they have had the best of it. All good things have
> to come to an end. There is something known as retired life. Please enjoy
> it now and make room for someone young, dynamic and vibrant. The people of
> Goa will salute you for this.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] NEWS: Goa Assembly Election 2012: Five Catholic faces in BJP's first list for Goa (Economic Times)

2012-02-07 Thread Santos Carmo


This is another poll gimmnick of Manohar Parikkarr of BJP!
Fielding 5 catholic week candidates for the March 3rd Election by Goa unit of 
BJP under directions from Parikkar and not the decision by central leadership 
of BJP. Parrikar feels that by fielding 5 catholics  he will be pardoned and 
forgiven for the sins committed by him in the past. No Mr.Parrikar, you are 
mistaken here or it is your mis-calculation. If you have real love and sympathy 
for the catholics then please field another 5 catholics and make it to 10 
catholics in total out of 40 Ali Baba's
In Cumbarjua BJP and MGP are supporting jointly to lone female candidate 
Ms.Nirmala Sawant against a Catholic Priest FR.Bismarque Dias because you know 
that neither BJP or MGP can win this seat. These are your week points. Its so 
easy in Goa to have AFFAIRS with anybody and it is said in Ajay Devgan's hindi 
movie " SINGHAM " that the liquor is expensive in Goa then the women. This 
saying is also applied to all the parties in Goa who can have affairs at 
anytime, anywhere,anyplace in Goa.This time there are NO courts, No Judges to 
punish the rapists but people are there to punish the parties.

> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 22:12:03 +0530
> From: news.goa...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: Goa Assembly Election 2012: Five Catholic faces in 
> BJP's first list for Goa (Economic Times)
> 6 Feb, 2012, 04.19PM IST
> Goa Assembly Election 2012: Five Catholic faces in BJP's first list for Goa
> PANAJI: In an apparent indication of its eagerness to cast off its
> pro-Hindutva image, the BJP's first list of 22 candidates for Goa
> includes five Christians including a former state tourism minister who
> joined the party recently.
> The BJP's Central Election Committee had met in Delhi last night to
> finalise the first list of candidates for the tiny coastal state going
> to polls on March 3.
> Catholics constitute a substantial 27 per cent of state's population
> of about 14 lakh.
> Mathany Saldanha, a former tourism minister, who was a minister in an
> erstwhile BJP-led government in the state as a nominee of United Goans
> Democratic Party, will be in the fray from Cortalim constituency. He
> will cross swords with Caetan Xavier, a Catholic leader, of the
> Congress in the Christian-dominated constituency.
> Glen Ticlo, an entrepreneur, has been fielded from Aldona where he is
> pitted against Congress' Dayanand Narvekar, a former state finance
> minister.
> Carlose Almeida, who recently joined BJP, has been nominated from
> Vasco. Party's sitting legislator from Mapusa, Francis D'Souza, has
> been retained, while Calangute, a major tourism hub, will have another
> Catholic candidate Micheal Lobo trying his luck against sitting
> Congress MLA Agnelo Fernandes.
> In the run up to the polls, several Catholic leaders have joined BJP
> which is going to the hustings under the leadership of former Chief
> Minister and current leader of opposition in the state assembly
> Manohar Parrikar.
> "There has been no sustained attempt to get Catholics join the party.
> In fact, so many people joining the party indicates that BJP is
> getting more popular in the state," BJP Goa spokesman Vishnu Wagh
> said.
> BJP has a pre-poll alliance with regional outfit Maharashtrawadi
> Gomantak Party which once ruled the state.
> While BJP will contest 31 of state's 40 seats, MGP will field its
> nominees in 8. The two parties will support an independent Nirmala
> Sawant in Cumbharjua constituency.
> MGP was a constituent of state's Congress-led government till a few
> days ago before joining hands with main Opposition BJP.
> http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics/nation/goa-assembly-election-2012-five-catholic-faces-in-bjps-first-list-for-goa/articleshow/11778612.cms
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php



2012-02-12 Thread Santos Carmo

There is NO Democracy remain in the state of Goa now and it will not remain 
In sports I have heard about MATCH FIXING but now I can see the Bloody Goan Ali 
Baba 40 chor
are more advanced in " ELECTIONS FIXING " Family Raj wants their next of kin in 
every party as
MLAs. You own be surprised for the Congress MLAs will even fix their candidates 
in BJP. Now they 
have succeeded in fixing their own candidates + seats in NCP. I won't be 
surprised anymore because
they must have already FIXED the CM chair, deputy CM, Speaker, deputy 
speaker,powerful portfolio
of PWD and Home Ministry. People of Goa must be prepared and ready to accept 
the shit from all MLAs
 from NCP and Congress.

> Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 09:07:30 +0530
> From: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> The manner in which certain families are trying to usurp and monopolize
> political power in Goa is deplorable. The Congress party in particular has
> made a mockery of its own rule of one seat per family. The trend has been
> not to seek a mere ticket for themselves but a family pass to accommodate
> their family and friends. Such rank dictatorial tendencies need to be
> checked or otherwise Goa will be at the mercy of a handful of families who
> will hold this state to ransom. If this is allowed the government will have
> to provide Family suites instead of MLA rooms at the Goa Legislative
> Assembly Complex.
> At the ensuing Assembly elections the people of Goa will have an
> opportunity to denounce these moves towards family Raj. It may not be
> possible to eliminate all these families in one go. But to start with even
> if the voters are able to show the Ranes and the Alemaos the exit door we
> will be on the right track. We must be able to save Goa from these
> political vultures who have virtually taken this State to the brink of
> disaster. Only a crusade against family rule will usher back democracy
> which is the hallmark of our country.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] Wish More Priest had followed BISMARQUE DIAS

2012-02-21 Thread Santos Carmo

There is no time left for other priests to join now. It's a trial sort of acid 
test for Fr.Bismark in Cumbarjua and the rest to follow within 7 months. Goans 
be prepared for another election.

> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 00:24:53 -0500
> From: winmi...@yahoo.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Wish More Priest had followed BISMARQUE DIAS
> Dear Goans,
> Today we need more priest to join the fight for justice.
> Alas even though our Goan priest are intelligent , learned , 
> informative, kind, and followers of True God and his only Son Jesus 
> Christ, it looks like they still lack the wisdom of Bismark Dias.
> Â For me Bismark Dias is a true disciple of God and Goans masses.
> Â Â All i want to say.to all other priest of Goa...Hope you had 
> the same wisdom of True God.as seen in Fr Bismark.
> Fortunately ..its not too late...it is just a 
> begning... a right trend had to be set...and it is done by 
> Fr Bismark.who will be rememebered in the history of Goa. ( Rest 
> of the priests of Goa will die like ordinary human beings and will be 
> forgotton by Goa and World goans.
> M.Britto.
> NOTE:Â It would had been wiseif Goans had made request for priest 
> of every village to stand up for elections/Social work/ Muncipality 
> elections...ect.
> ---
> Protect Goa's natural beauty
> Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve
> Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
> ---

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Nigerians living on photocopies of passports: Manohar Parrikar

2013-11-04 Thread Santos Carmo
What are the foreigners in Goa doing?? Are they employed by the Petroleum 
Companies, Gold Mines or by the  Ore companies?? And what is the Government of 
Goa doing??? There are Israelis living in Anjuna,Goa in large numbers, Russians 
in Morje,Goa and Nigerians in Parra,Goa,India. I can beleive that they are 
purely leaving on DRUGS buying and selling which is called a trade.


I agree that lots of Goans are working outside Goa,India in Oil Companies, Gold 
Mines, Industries, computers etc etc. and during their work stay in their 
respective countries if found guilty, then they are jailed and deported 
instantly. Why can't Goa Government do the same thing. If we don't have a valid 
documents in our hands at day time or night then the cops arrests us and 
deports us instantly and without no waste of time.

What do our Goa Government benefit from these bulk of foreigners leaving in 
Goa?? Wake up Goa, Wake up Goa Government, UTT GOENKARA!!!


Nigerians living on photocopies of passports: Manohar Parrikar 

All India | Indo-Asian News Service | Updated: November 04, 2013 15:52 IST


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Manohar Parrikar said that the police were close to cracking the case of murder 
of Nigerian Obina Obiwesi. (File photo)Panaji:  The Goa government will write 
to the Nigerian embassy after a number of Nigerians living in Goa were found to 
be using only photocopies of passports and visas as proof of their nationality, 
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said on Monday.

Mr Parrikar was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a government function 
at the secretariat. 

"We have questioned a lot of Nigerians and were verifying their documents. Most 
of them have only photocopies of their passports and visas. We are going to ask 
the Nigerian embassy to verify these documents," Mr Parrikar said.

This is part of a verification drive started by the Goa government which will 
inspect documents of all foreign nationals living in the state.

The drive was announced after Nigerian nationals blocked a National Highway 
Thursday for hours protesting the murder of a Nigerian by a local drug gang.

Both MPs from the state as well as many people have been calling for a boycott 
of Nigerians living in Goa even as many liberals have called these statements 
'racist' in nature.

Mr Parrikar said that the police were close to cracking the case of murder of 
Nigerian Obina Obiwesi. 

He said the narcotics gang war which spilled out into the open last week will 
not mar the image of Goa as a tourism destination.

For NDTV Updates,



2013-11-09 Thread Santos Carmo
Dear Mr.Shantaram, ( UTT GOENKARA )


Please request the state government and the central government to give all the 
foreign nationals living in India without proper documents ( staying illigally 
) a grace period of 30 days as AMENESTY to leave the country without any fines 
or jail terms. They are all human beings and treate them with humanity. Don't 
treate them like the Saudis, Kuwaitis or any other gulf state who maltreat the 
Asians all the time.




> Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 11:38:16 +0530
> From: shantaram...@gmail.com
> To: a...@assamtribune.com;  bur...@herald-goa.com; goa...@goanet.org; 
> sunapar...@rediffmail.com;  ni...@digitalgoa.com; joaquim. 
> shantaram.n...@sansad.nic.in; 
> 2137, Near Swami Math,
> Gogol, Margao,
> Goa 403 602
> 0832-2759555
> 9422439990
> 09868181344
> 8th November 2013
> DEPORTED - Shantaram Naik* 
> Mr Shantaram Naik Rajya Sabha Member from Goa said that all the foreign
> nationals, irrespective of their nationality, overstaying in Goa or staying
> without valid documents should be deported by following due process.
> Mr Naik who has ,time and again been raising the issues pertaining to
> illegal activities of certain foreign nationals in Goa ,in the Rajya
> Sabha, have condemned the act of Nigerian nationals of blocking National
> Highway- 17 at Porvorim on 31st October and attack made by them on Goa
> police personnel.
> Mr Naik said that his demand for amending Constitution of India by
> making Special Provisions for State under article 371, was made in order to
> protect Goa's limited land and its culture so that illegal activities of
> certain foreign nationals are curbed.
> A Nigerian was reportedly killed brutally in a group clash at Parra,
> Bardez, earlier day, in what is suspected to be over drug trade in the
> coastal belt of north Goa, Mr Naik said.
> Mr Naik said although Nigerians are permitted to take education in India,
> their activities in Goa are dubious, illegal and dangerous to the peace
> loving State.
> They stay in Goa even, reportedly, by destroying their passport and
> continue to stay on temporary documents, they pretend to be students while
> they carry no proof regarding the same, some of them claim to be self
> employed or self paid, and that they carry no visa documents, Mr Naik said.
> Mr Naik said that it is the locals who came to the rescue of the police
> who were being attacked by Nigerians as Nigerians outnumbered the local
> police at the site.
> Mr Naik said that Nigerians misuse education schemes, violate Foreign
> Exchange Management Act, indulge in drug trade and yet try to boss over
> Goans which, no civilized society would tolerate.
> Mr Naik said that there must be full and fair investigation into the murder
> of the Nigerian in Goa on 30th October and no room should be kept to doubt
> the veracity of investigation.
> *Mr Manohar Parrikar, the Chief Minister of Goa, holding Ministry of
> External Affairs responsible for allegedly not briefing Nigerian High
> Commissioner properly, is a politically motivated statement *
> Chief Minister's admission that he was not briefed properly and that he was
> not informed beforehand about the arrival of a Nigerian diplomat, who had
> come to Goa to meet him, and the resulting misunderstanding *etc* is a sad
> reflection over the way administration in Goa is being run.
> CMs statement that “Protocol wasn’t followed and I wasn’t aware the
> diplomat was here to meet me,” again shows that Mr Parrikar is not in
> control of his Home portfolio.
> Mr Naik also demanded that a Nigerian Diplomat sent abusive SMSs to North
> Goa SP Priyanka Kashyap, should be inquired into while at the same time Goa
> Government should also inquire into the allegations made against the SP
> whether she had used offensive language against the locals as alleged by
> the Independent MLA Shri Rohan Khaunte.

Re: [Goanet] In defence of Manohar Parrikar

2013-06-19 Thread Santos Carmo
Why Alina had to call first CM and later to her close 

> From: floriano.l...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 11:37:31 +0530
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] In defence of Manohar Parrikar
> Let us say that Matanhy was very conveniently REMOVED with a 21 gun salute 
> so that he could not tell us WHY there was a CHANGE OF MIND or NO CHANGE OF 
> Cheers
> floriano
> goasuraj
> 9890470896
> www.goasu-raj.org
> PS: Arafat was exhumed after 8 long years to find out if he was poisoned.
> Ditto must happen with our MATANHY at the earliest.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Edwin/Diana Pinto" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:43 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] In defence of Manohar Parrikar
> > So, I suggest: That you and Anilbab (et al) not be disappointed. That
> > is the way politics plays itself out.
> >
> > All one can hope for is that, at the end of the 5 years, Goa will in a
> > better state than it would have been.
> >
> > jc
> >
> >
> > At the end of five years, there will probably be nothing left of the Goa 
> > we know and love. The sellout of Goa has reached new heights of 
> > sophistication and finesse. The red carpet has been rolled out and the 
> > Boses and the Modys are being welcomed with a brass band in Manohar bab's 
> > Goa. If the previous dispensation opened the gates to migrant vote banks, 
> > the present government is in the process of selling us out lock, stock and 
> > barrel to the high and the mighty. He is playing games in a most skilful 
> > manner, which is even more frightening for the future of Goans than 
> > anything we have seen in the past. And however justifiable, we cannot 
> > accept our new government continuously whining about the erstwhile regime 
> > and using them as convenient whipping boys for ever and ever, even as they 
> > perpetuate and solidify in stone the degeneration of the past. We elected 
> > this majority government to take us to a bright and better future. But it 
> > appears that the brains and IIT intelligence cannot succeed in extricating 
> > us from the mire of the past.
> >
> > And that is the way politics will play itself out only if we the people 
> > lie down passively, spread our legs and accept it. Be it SEZs, Mopa, 
> > Casinos, clearance for huge mega projects even as the government throws up 
> > its hands and publicly declares that it cannot handle the garbage problem, 
> > all this is playing out freely now, and every excuse is "The Congress 
> > government dunnit, nothing can be done", even when permissions are given 
> > in this government's tenure. And yet Manohar bab tries to lull us to sleep 
> > with the siren song of Special Status. We will get it I suppose when there 
> > is nothing left to lose. And the guts of the man to declare that Matanhy 
> > understood the need for Mopa (and conveniently passed away presumably 
> > before he had time to tell any of us about his strange and inexplicable 
> > change of mind and heart).
> > But this is just our opinion from being in the thick of things.
> > Edwin Pinto
> > 

Re: [Goanet] Where is alternative Govt. land? - oheraldo.in

2013-07-10 Thread Santos Carmo

> From: camillofernan...@hotmail.com
> Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 12:10:56 +0530
> To: 
> Subject: [Goanet] Where is alternative Govt. land? - oheraldo.in
> So, will someone tell Goa where this ‘alternative’ govt land is?
> July 10, 2013
> Kamat denotified Dabolim land meant for parking as govt supposedly had 
> alternative land...
> Parrikar refuses to renotify the land on same grounds, adds he's awaiting AAI 
> requirements...
> teamher...@herald-goa.com
> PANJIM: The case is simple: With a claim that there is 
> “alternative” land to the tune of approximately 70,000 square metres 
> available for parking, the then Congress government led by Digambar 
> Kamat de-notified 36,800 square metres falling in survey number. 8/1 in 
> Dabolim village valued at Rs 75 crore. After coming to power, the new 
> chief minister Manohar Parrikar said he would not renotify the land for 
> a similar reason -- that it was not needed for parking.
> This begs the question: Where is the ‘alternate’ land that the 
> government claims is available for parking the core reason why the land,
> was first denotified by the Kamat-led Congress regime and is now not 
> being renotified by the Parrikar-led BJP regime. 
> When first denotifiying the land, the then Revenue Minister Jose 
> Philip D’Souza and then Deputy Speaker Mauvin Godinho claimed that there
> was 70,000 square metres available “opposite the airport and meant for 
> parking”.
> In an earlier letter to Bernard Costa, the member secretary of the 
> Mormugao Planning and Development Authority, had claimed that there was a
> total of 76,500 square metres of land marked as ‘transport/parking 
> areas” in the Outline Development Plan (ODP) of Mormugao. This was to be
> made available. Despite contrary claims by the two former 
> representatives and the official, this land ---spread over survey 
> numbers -- 82/1, 83/1, 20/1, 21/1 and PT Sheet/Chalta No 162/1 of Vasco 
> city-- isn’t really available for parking.
> The representatives were either knowingly bluffing the government, or simply 
> ignorant of the situation.
> Located across the highway from the airport and spread over several
> locations spread along the National Highway 17B next to the airport, 
> the land has way too many encumbrances to be made available for parking.
> This land “opposite the airport and meant for parking is survey 
> numbers. 83/1 and 20/1 of Chicalim village. 83/1 is disputed land with 
> both the Government of India, Ministry of Defence as well as the 
> Comunidade of Chicalim laying claim to it. Survey number. 20/1 is land 
> belonging to the Ministry of Defence. Other land, including that of the 
> Vasco municipal area is too far away to make it feasible for parking.
> Any attempt to acquire the land is being stoutly opposed by the Navy claiming 
> the land is already rightfully theirs.
> An official at the secretariat, speaking to this paper on the 
> condition of anonymity stated that the land in survey No 83/1 at 
> Chicalim village panchayat is under dispute that whether it belong to 
> Navy or communidade.
> “If the land belongs to the Navy, then would they hand over land 
> for parking when it has refused to part with land for a parallel 
> taxiway, in the past,” official said.
> The official confirmed that Kamat on February 14, 2011, while 
> de-notifying the land, had directed PWD to initiate action to acquire 
> vacant land (70,000 sq mt) under emergency clause of Land 
> Acquisition Act.
> When the government initiated the acquisition, the navy claimed 
> ownership of, 20/1, 83/1, it being being already acquired for Ministry 
> of Defence. Currently the land is owned by Indian Navy.
> Costa, in whose possession the denotified land now stands, has 
> justified the denotification of the government land on grounds that 
> survey number 9/1 of Dabolim village, also belonging to him, could be 
> used for parking. However this piece of land is only 20,000 square 
> metres and will be able to cater to only around 200 cars.
> It’s been more than two years, and yet the administration is still 
> grappling with suitable land next to the airport to accommodate parking.
> As per information procured by Herald, government has no such land. At 
> least in hand.
> On the basis of a petition, filed by one João Philip Pereira, the 
> High Court gave the government six months to identify and acquire the 
> “alternate” land it claimed was available for parking. With a court set 
> deadline fast running out (barely a month to go) there has been no move 
> to acquire any land.
> With the Navy stoutly claiming that most of the land being eyed by 
> the government belongs to it, the earlier ‘supposedly available 
> alternate land’ is all but out of the government’s reach.
> After assuming power, and being questioned by opposition legislator
> Aleixo Reginaldo over his refusal to renotify the land, Parrikar simp

Re: [Goanet] ‘Goa Chief Minister wants to replace democracy with dictatorship of Brahmins’

2013-07-22 Thread Santos Carmo





> From: sebydesio...@hotmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:16:04 +0530
> Subject: [Goanet] ‘Goa Chief Minister wants to replace democracy with 
> dictatorship of Brahmins’
> http://www.bharatmukti.blogspot.in/2013/07/goa-chief-minister-wants-to-replace.html
> In this second part of interview to Bharat Mukti Morcha (BMM), Goa Unit 
> blogwww.bharatmukti.blogspot.in on 20th July 2013 Cliffton de Souza of Velim, 
> Salcete, Goa explains his role in agitation against Fish Mill project in 
> Coastal Salcete, his confrontation with the Chief Minister who is also Home 
> Minister Manohar Parrikar who has unleashed political vendetta against 
> Cliffton through arrest in fabricated case. The first part of his interview 
> is available, just clickhere.
> BMM: In your last interview you said that Home Minister of Goa State is 
> responsible for arresting you on 26th June 2013 in fabricated case, can you 
> tell us why Home Minister in involved getting you arrested?
> Cliffton: Do to my confrontation with Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar when he 
> came to take my village land admeasuring 30,000 square meters; I strongly 
> opposed him.
> BMM: Why he wanted land of your village?
> Cliffton: As per Chief Minister’s statement he wanted land to construct 
> toilet, but as per villagers understanding the land was for Fish Mill for 
> which villagers were opposed to.
> BMM: When was the confrontation with Chief Minister (CM)?
> Cliffton: It was on 9th September 2013 at Panchayat Hall, Velim, Salcete, Goa.
> BMM: How many people were present at this meeting?
> Cliffton: Around 300 people.
> BMM: How many policemen were present at the meeting?
> Cliffton: around 50 policemen including lady police.
> BMM: How many MLAs were present at the meeting besides CM?
> Cliffton: Two MLAs were present: Avertano Furtado who is Navelim MLA and a 
> cabinet Minister in Parrikar government, and Benjamin Silva who is a Velim 
> MLA.
> BMM: How did the proceedings go at this meeting?
> Cliffton: CM was telling that villagers must appoint a committee and he is 
> giving 30 days for a decision. Then he consulted the Land acquisition officer 
> present and modified his deadline to 10 days as land acquisition process was 
> due to lapse on 29th September 2013.Then I stood and told CM that this 
> problem is not of the Committee but of the Gram Sabha of the villagers and 
> the committee is not responsible for it. Gram Sabha has already opposed the 
> Fish Mill.Then he told me publicly that he will not listen to Gram Sabha and 
> said that people who are silent want Fish Mill. He said he will use the 
> voting system in Gram Sabha as in case of Switzerland. Then I asked him 
> whether present Jetty at Cutbona that is renovated is legal or illegal. CM 
> told me that if it illegal then to go to Court and he asked to sit down.He 
> was then explaining the procedures of the committee formation. He said that 
> there will be committee of nine people and himself will be the President of 
> that Committee. He will never listen to Gram Sabha and he will listen to the 
> Committee that will be at village level with sole aim to acquire land for 
> Fish Mill.Then I stood up and told him that he is defying the Gram Sabha and 
> reminded the CM that he is not superior to the President of India and the 
> Supreme Court. Many other people joined me in protest at the meeting.Then he 
> cancelled the meeting saying that if people don’t want the land acquisition 
> then he will support the people and with that meeting ended.
> BMM: what makes you suspect that CM is taking revenge against you after that?
> Cliffton: Because Police force is used against me when it was uncalled for. 
> Police is under CM who is also the Home Minister.
> BMM: What CM wants to achieve by taking revenge against you?
> Cliffton: To keep me silent.
> BMM: This is certainly unhealthy trend for democracy. Do you think that Goa 
> CM is determined to destroy democracy?
> Cliffton: Yes.
> BMM: What is that Goa CM wants to replace democracy with?
> Cliffton: Dictatorship
> BMM: Whose dictatorship?
> Cliffton: Dictatorship of Brahmins.
> BMM: What would you call this dictatorship of Brahmins?
> Cliffton: Manusmriti. 

Re: [Goanet] MLA Vishnu Wagh and Dr. V.N. Jindal to look into GMC water shortage matter ? Hey Raam !

2013-08-26 Thread Santos Carmo
What a shame? What a pity? No value for the humans / patients in Goa?? water.. 
water... water ..who is there to look out? where is the administration gone?? 
gone gone goa gone

> Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 06:24:57 -0700
> From: goa.wo...@yahoo.com
> To: gulf-go...@yahoogroups.com
> CC: goa-go...@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Goanet] MLA Vishnu Wagh and Dr. V.N. Jindal to look into GMC water 
> shortage matter ? Hey Raam !
> www.goa-world. com GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)
> >>http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/ http://www.colaco.net/ 
> >>http://www.live365.com/index.live
> >>Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - 
> >>everyday someone, somewhere learns a 
> >>little.
> >> PANAJI: The erratic water supply at the Goa medical collegeand hospital is 
> >>causing grave inconvenience to patients and their attendants, who are 
> >>forced to use drinking water, or carry cans of water from home, for washing 
> >>purposes.
> >>
> >>
> >>"Every floor has a set of restrooms, as does every ward. But there is no 
> >>water supply for many hours at a stretch and we are unable to use the 
> >>restrooms, leave alone having a bath," Mary Gomes (name changed) says. Her 
> >>husband is admitted to the male ward in the medicine block. "At least if 
> >>there were fixed timings, we could collect and store some water for 
> >>emergencies; but nobody here knows when the water supply would resume," she 
> >>complains. 
> >>
> >>When TOI visited the hospital on Sunday morning, the bathrooms in the 
> >>medicine block did not have any water, all the taps were dry and most of 
> >>them were left open. 
> >>
> >>"We provide patients with jugs of boiled drinking water twice a day, but we 
> >>are quite helpless when it comes to the supply of running water. We never 
> >>know when the flow of water may stop suddenly, so nobody goes to the toilet 
> >>without a bottle of water," a nurse manning one of the surgical wards 
> >>quipped. 
> >>
> >>"It is a nightmare for the ayahs and cleaning staff, who are expected to 
> >>keep the toilets clean without water," she pointed out. 
> >>
> >>While the 1000-bedded hospital at Bambolim has always been plagued by water 
> >>scarcity, the hospital administration tends to point fingers at visitors 
> >>who leave the taps open, wasting water or miscreants who steal plumbing 
> >>fittings. 
> >>
> >>Chairman of the visiting committee of the Goa medical college hospital, MLA 
> >>Vishnu Waghopines that the persistent water problem reflects poor 
> >>administration. "The hospital urgently requires at least two bore wells and 
> >>a rain water harvesting system to re-charge ground water levels in the 
> >>area. Water is an essential commodity, how can patients and doctors 
> >>maintain hygiene in the hospital if there is no water in the bathrooms?" 
> >>Wagh asks. "The hospital administration has no contingency plan, and even 
> >>though they claim to be buying tanker loads of water, the patients continue 
> >>to suffer," he added. 
> >>
> >>GMC dean Dr V N Jindal said he would look into the matter and sort it out 
> >>at the earliest. 
> >> 
> >>_ 
> >>http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Visiting-GMC-toilets-Carry-your-own-water/articleshow/22059410.cms
> >> ___
> >_
> > www.goa-world.com/goa/music/
> > 

Re: [Goanet] Catholics in Goa are culturally Hindu, says CM

2013-09-06 Thread Santos Carmo
Catholics in the world are born HINDUS and later Blessed in Christian or Hindu 
or Muslim or any other religious ways.



> From: floriano.l...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 12:50:51 +0530
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Catholics in Goa are culturally Hindu, says CM
> Therefore they should not object to the BJP-RSS's HINDU NATION
> Is that it??
> Is he not trying to MODIfy Goan Catholics??, ESPECIALLY when he says that 
> Who is he trying to fool??
> Cheers
> floriano
> goasuraj
> 9890470896
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Mayabhushan" 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 11:14 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Catholics in Goa are culturally Hindu, says CM
> > http://www.dnaindia.com/india/1884677/report-catholics-in-goa-are-culturally-hindu-says-cm
> >
> >
> > Catholics in Goa are culturally Hindu, says CM
> > 

Re: [Goanet] Tennis at 40

2013-09-09 Thread Santos Carmo
Yesterday was a festival day.. Feast of Mount Mary and celebrated all over the 
world being a Sunday..all smiles on everybody's faces specially the Goans for 
Leander Paes and Super-Mom runner up from Goa Cecile coz they both had the 
love, good wishes and Prayers from all the Goans.

> Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 22:08:09 -0700
> From: bennetp...@yahoo.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Tennis at 40
> Tennis at 40
> Flushing Meadows never saw a man winning a Grand Slam title (his 3rd on it) 
> ever, at 40. In fact no one ever did anywhere else in the world, before 
> Leander walked away with it along with Radek Stepanek yesterday. That’s a 
> PAES for you.
> Bennet Paes
> Assolna, Goa

[Goanet] FW: [Goanet-News] Nachom-ia-Kumpasar -- a review and comments (Avinash Tavares, Caroline Colaco, JoeGoaUk)

2014-12-06 Thread Santos Carmo
Thank you Mr.Avinash Tavares, Ms.Caroline Colaco and Mr.JoeGoaUK for your 
positive reviews and the credit goes to The Baretto Brothers from Canacona 
epecially Bardroy Baretto, Angelo Braganza and the team. I was personally 
present on the sets during the shooting of this movie in Goa. Its a must watch 



> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 04:42:59 +0530
> From: goanetrea...@gmail.com
> To: gn-n...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet-News] Nachom-ia-Kumpasar -- a review and comments (Avinash 
> Tavares, Caroline Colaco, JoeGoaUk)
> Nachom-ia-Kumpasar -- an honest review
> Avinash Tavares
> avinash.tava...@gmail.com
> Posted to Goanet
> Nachom-ia-Kumpasar is a treat for the senses. No film has
> showcased the colours, sounds and beauty of Goa like this
> movie. You can't help but marvel at the movie making skills
> of its creator, Bardroy. His experience as an adfilm maker
> screams in every scene and set of the movie which has been
> designed with meticulous detail from scratch.
> Nothing is out of place and every object in every scene is
> authentic the era of the story. Bardroy has gone the extra
> mile with the songs which almost made me stand up and dance.
> The lighting used in the film is flawless as it enhances the
> emotions of the characters while maintaining the natural look
> of the environment.
> The story left scope for improvement. The comedy in the
> beginning seemed forced when the story entered the tragic
> phase. It takes time to figure out whether the characters
> are in Goa or Mumbai. It's also hard to figure out how how
> much time has passed in the story as the movie progresses.
> One particular scene of suicide was confusing because the
> audience couldn't tell whether it was real or a dream. The
> songs, however, are perfectly stitched into the movie, the
> likes of which were seen last in the Abba inspired Mamma Mia!
> Without the songs the movie wouldn't have had the glamour that
> it did and the audience wouldn't have had the deep emotional
> connection with the lead character, Dona. The second half
> onwards the pace slows down to a point where you would almost
> wish that the movie's predictable end would come sooner, if
> not for the brilliance of Palomi Ghosh.
> Where the story lacks dept, this fairly unknow actress
> performs on par with Reese Witherspoon and Witney Houston,
> both of whom have performed similar rolls. Her portrayal of
> this role is a delight to watch as she takes the audiences
> through a rollercoaster of emotions. Her gestures,
> movements, dialog delivery, her micro expressions, her looks
> and her performance are all spot on and makes her character
> believable and real.
> I'll be surprised if she doesn't win an award for this role.
> The actor who plays Lawrence, her love interest,
> unfortunately falls far behind. Vijay Mauryas acting is
> mechanical. There is absolutely no chemistry between the two
> lead actors. I couldn't see any reason why Dona would fall
> in love with this character who barely speaks during the
> first 45 minutes.
> Vijay's character limps on throughout the movie as
> Palomi steals the show. John DSilva deliver every
> dialog with precision timing making the audience
> laugh and love him in the first half whereas in the
> second half, he effortlessly transforms into a
> villan and makes the audience hate him for ruining
> dona's career. Prince Jacob performs his role like
> a legend that he is.
> Three years ago when the movie makers came to my shop to make
> copies of the script, I instinctively knew they were holding
> something special, but I never expected the magnificant way
> it would go on to be implemented. At the end of the movie,
> the audience were leaving in a hurry. I was a little sad
> because we couldn't give a standing ovation to the makers of
> this masterpiece that will change the Goan film industry for
> the better.
> As I left the theater thinking about all the Goan filmmakers,
> I hope that they don't see Bardroy as a competition or as
> someone who has made their movies look less than worthy. I
> hope that they see him as an inspiration who has reinvented
> the genre of movies that should be made by Goans for goans.
> In the words of the my friend-we finally have a real Goan
> movie (of international standards) .
> Caroline Colaco  writes: "Was
> lucky to watch the first show of the movie in
> Margao and loved it. Don't know how they are
> giving info to the Press but the Director is a
> friend of mine and I think he has done an awesome
> job of paying tributes to Goan music and musicians.
> As the folder distributed states: "It celebrates
> Goan music through the eyes of its eclectic
> generation of musicians in the 1960s and 70s.
> Nachom-ia Kumpasar is a nostalgic musical tale set
> in the times these musicians lived and died --
> unrecognized, unappreciated, And unsung." There is
> a se

[Goanet] FW: India gang-rape victim cremated as UN chief calls for action to protect women | World news | The Guardian

2012-12-31 Thread Santos Carmo


> From: cmene...@tpg.com.au
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 21:56:07 +1100
> Subject: [Goanet] India gang-rape victim cremated as UN chief calls for 
> action to protect women | World news | The Guardian
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/dec/30/india-gang-rape-un-call-action

Re: [Goanet] Marriage is like contract between husband & wife

2013-01-07 Thread Santos Carmo

This message is not reaching to Mahu Bhagwat through goanet and he has no 
answer for all your questions specially para ( 4 ). Your name reads as 
PhilipNeridesouza and at the bottom you have also wriiten as " ABUDUL NARAYAN 
DE SOUZA" I thought you must be narrating the story from Prem Kumar's konkani 

> Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 16:37:43 +
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> From: neri...@rediffmail.com
> CC: neri...@rediffmail.com
> Subject: [Goanet] Marriage is like contract between husband & wife
> Marriage is like contract between husband & wife
> To the editor,
> Sir,
> Reference to the news report attributed to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. 
> If what is quoted is true, could it also be true, that the RSS chief Mohan 
> Bhagwat is a good 
> man, but has no control over his negative emotions towards women. 
> I do have a few questions to ask and would like Bhagwat to personally clear 
> my doubts;
> He says, I quote “husband has said that you should take care of my house and 
> I will take care 
> of all your needs. I will keep you safe. So, the husband follows the contract 
> terms. Till the 
> time, the wife follows the contract, the husband stays with her, if the wife 
> violates the 
> contract, he can disown her,"
> 1) What is the wife to do when, while she is in the house, and he is outside 
> breaking the 
> contract… drinking, gambling away all the money that rightfully belongs to 
> the wife and 
> children, transforming himself into a ‘Road Romeo an indulging in eve 
> teasing, hopping around 
> other people’s houses ogling at another men’s wife, servicing prostitutes in 
> places with neon 
> lights.
> 2) What is the wife to do, if the husband who is a pure vegetarian and drinks 
> only the 
> white liquid produced by the ‘holy cow’ and discreetly attends the late night 
> cinema show and 
> indulges in non-veg delicacies at the kitchens on wheels outside the 
> theaters, not forgetting 
> the times when he drowns himself thinking he is the ‘Director Special” or he 
> considers himself 
> to be an “officer’s - choice”, or an “Old Monk”?
> 3) 
> He continues, I quote “marriage is successful only when wife looks after the 
> household things 
> and husband looks after the earning and outside work.”This system is also 
> good for society and 
> ensure proper order in society,"
> 4) If this is true why is it that Sushma Swaraj, Vijayaraje Scindia, 
> Uma_Bharti, Pragya 
> Singh Thakur and many other members of his extended family in India and 
> abroad are not 
> confined to the house? 
> He is reported to have said in Silchar (Assam), I quote, “rape is mainly 
> prevalent in urban 
> India due to western influence and that such crimes against women do not 
> happen in rural areas 
> of the country”.
> 5) Will the good Bhagwat enlighten my ‘village & forest based’ mind, as to 
> how many of 
> his adult years he spent in villages and forests? 
> Here’s another quote: "Crimes against women happening in urban India are 
> shameful. It is a 
> dangerous trend. But such crimes won't happen in Bharat or the rural areas of 
> the country. You 
> go to villages and forests of the country and there will be no such incidents 
> of gang rape or 
> sex crimes," he had said.
> 6) Could the man in boxer shorts that expose more of his thighs then his feet 
> and a hat 
> to hide his top, also let me and other Indians, or should I say, Bharat-ies, 
> know, as to how 
> many hours he spends under ceiling fan, in ‘cool’ conditioned rooms and 
> swanky bungalows and 
> the latest cars, researching the conditions of rural women?
> Permit me to share this little story with the RSS Chief and his likes some of 
> who may be your 
> readers.
> [Three men were hiking through a forest..., when they came upon a large 
> raging, violent river. 
> Needing to get to the other side, the first man prayed: ' God, please give me 
> the strength to 
> cross the river. 
> Poof!!! God gave him big arms and strong legs... and he was able to swim 
> across in about 2 
> hours, having almost drowned twice. After witnessing that, the second man 
> prayed: 
> 'God, please give me strength and the tools to cross the river' Poof!!! God 
> gave him a 
> rowboat and strong arms and strong legs... and he was able to row across in 
> about an hour, 
> after almost capsizing once 
> Seeing what happened to the first two men, the third man prayed: 'God, please 
> give me the 
> strength, the tools and the intelligence to cross the river' Poof!!! HE WAS 
> WOMAN!!! 
> She checked the map, hiked one hundred yards upstream... and walked across 
> the bridge 
> Guys, if at first you don't succeed, do it the way your wife told you! Or at 
> least ask for 
> directions!]
> Could it be possible that Bhagwat did not ask for directions before he made 
> his put his foot 
> in the opening below his nostrils?
> And if that’s true… Should I

Re: [Goanet] Nine questions on Mopa? (Oheraldo)

2013-02-07 Thread Santos Carmo

All our Montries either elected / defeated or rejected in the past / present 
had no developmental thinking power. They were and are only making money for 
them and their future generations.

> From: drferdina...@hotmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 08:29:57 +0530
> Subject: [Goanet] Nine questions on Mopa? (Oheraldo)
> In
> respect to the letter “Nine questions on Mopa” (Herald 7 February), I wish 
> the writer would do a
> little of lateral thinking.
> 1) Why
> do Goans or Goa need a 6 lane highway from North to South? Would that not
> destroy and displace many ancestral homes besides covering the earth with 
> acres
> and acres of tarmac?
> 2)If
> one reads the newspapers, it is obvious that foreign tourists are fed up with
> the lack of infrastructure for tourism. Every turn is an eyesore of filth and
> garbage. Every night is a nightmare of thefts, molestations, extortions, etc.
> 3)
> May I ask what Goa has to export? Except for iron ore, that too not through
> airports?
> 4)
> The BRAND GOA depicted and the brand Goa in reality is too late to change.
> Tourist all over have commented on how Goa has deteriorated over the decades.
> 5)When
> a huge project singly is not economically viable through expert opinions, and
> made worse still by projecting that both airports would be functional, can any
> rational doubt suspicion?
> 6)With
> Mopa at the extreme Northern border, will it be economical for Goans or 
> Maharashtrian
> to commute? Leave aside other projects in the heart of Goa where we hardly see
> 50% Goans employed.
> 7)When
> the project itself is destroying greenery, agriculture, water table, forests
> & wild life, tourism to the south and its repercussions; what is left of
> the State of Goa?
> 8)
> RTI is a tool in every citizen’s hand. We should not depend on others if WE
> need to know the truth.
> 9)I
> do not see any political gimmick in case of Mopa. Both national parties are
> hand in glove in this issue. 
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Re: [Goanet] Goa-Bombay Road Accident

2013-03-22 Thread Santos Carmo
You are right Mr.Thomas. some times they are influenced with Ethanol 
and Sexanol.

> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 17:42:48 -0700
> From: thosdi...@yahoo.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Goa-Bombay Road Accident
> It is very important that the Bus Drivers and the Conductors
> are checked for alcohol every few hours at every Police check point.
> It is nothing short of a miracle that there are not many accidents on these
> Bus Routes as it is a known fact that many Drivers, if not most, drive under 
> the
> influence of alcohol.