[Goanet] Fw: Your Catholic Week in Review (Back in the Saddle Edition!!)

2022-01-18 Thread Tom
Newsletter from: Michael Hichborn  Lepanto Institute 
---> Please share with others

View this email in your 
Your Catholic Week in Review (Back in the Saddle Edition!)

EDITOR'S NOTE: This newsletter was scheduled to go out on Friday evening, but 
for some unexplained reason Mailchimp suspended our account.  We appealed to be 
reinstated and just a few moments ago, received the following message: "At this 
time, your account has been reinstated and is fully active. ... To provide 
insight on suspensions like this, our automated abuse-prevention system, 
Omnivore, looks for issues with audience and campaign results and will take 
action on the account if it detects a problem. The account was suspended 
pending human review and through our review we have determined we can support 
the account at this time. We have also taken measures to ensure the account is 
not suspended for the same reason again."  We have no idea what triggered the 
automatic suspension, and Mailchimp isn't telling.  But it does seem to follow 
a pattern that something breaks whenever we take take spiritual arms against 
the Enemies of the Cross of Christ. Please continue to pray for us.

Well, 2021 is now in the history books and 2022 has already roared onto center 
stage.  You may have noticed that we did not have a newsletter last week.  This 
is because on Monday, January 3, a massive snowstorm brought down over 600 
power poles, knocking out power to over 400,000 residences, including ours.  
Not only was the power out, but utility repair trucks couldn’t even get through 
to the downed lines because the roads were littered with thousands of trees 
that had come down during the storm.

After a very cold six days, power was finally restored to us on Sunday, January 

It was impossible to work, and my focus was entirely on maintaining things in 
our home.  That said, we’re back in the saddle and ready to face the portents 
of civil and spiritual collapse looming before us.

The news of late has been grimly focused upon the illness that came upon the 
world at the end of 2019, and whose origins are from a country in Central Asia 
(I’m trying to avoid spam filters).  Whether the news is about mandatory 
injections, travel limitations, business restrictions, hearings in the House of 
Representatives, or Supreme Court decisions … this is the topic of the day, and 
apparently no one is really allowed to talk about it.

On social media, any discussion of these topics, if they fall outside of the 
approved talking points, will cause you to be censored or silenced as state 
approved “fact checkers” closely monitor everyone’s activities to ensure we are 
all on the same state-approved page.

It’s a sad commentary on the state of things if I can lose power for a week and 
see that nothing in the news had changed from Monday morning all the way 
through Sunday, when the power finally came back on.

Meanwhile, in Rome, the assaults on the Traditions of our faith are increasing 
with bold audacity.  Pope Francis had recently written letters praising a 
condemned organization and its foundress, New Ways Ministry and Sr. Jeanine 
Grammick.  This was done, ostensibly, in response to reports about New Ways 
Ministry being included as a “resource” on the Synod on Synodality website, 
removed when it was discovered that the organization had been condemned by the 
USCCB, and then restored with apologies to the LGBT community.

In addition to this, there are rumors swirling about the Vatican that another 
blow to the Traditional Latin Mass is coming on Ash Wednesday in the form of a 
follow-up to Traditionis Custodes.  This letter allegedly is aimed at the 
Ecclesia Dei communities, such as the Fraternal Society of St. Peter and the 
Institute of Christ the King.  As this is still only a rumor, we will see what 
transpires when the time comes, but given the current trajectory of things this 
rumor is certainly not unfounded.

Given the state of things in the world and in our Church, it is easy to be down 
about things.  Inflation reports indicate that the economy is on a collision 
course with a massive iceberg, the shelves at grocery stores are beginning to 
resemble Venezuela, various countries around the world are lobbing threats at 
each other, illegal immigrants are crossing the border with impunity, and 
mad-men in Rome appear to be desperate to destroy the Faith.

But we have not been left weaponless in the struggles before us.  We’ve just 
not coordinated our offense in a cohesive manner.  Our Lady gave us THE weapon 
against such times, The Holy Rosary.  This is the weapon that smashed the 
Albigensian heresy, that brought about the Victory at Lepanto, and that rolled 
back Communism on several occasions.

On May 13, 1955 - the

[Goanet] Do Not Succumb To Pandemic Madness

2022-01-06 Thread Tom
Do Not Succumb to ‘Pandemic 
Fr. Daniel Nolan warns what happens when we remove Christ from society. People 
begin to loose touch with reality and adopt irrational thinking. God gave us a 
brain - let us use it. Watch additional homilies at 
This sermon was published on January 2, 2022 on Alpha News and we watched it on 
our TV last night.  Fr. Daniel Nolan warns what happens when we remove Christ 
from society. People begin to lose touch with reality and adopt irrational 
thinking. God gave us a brain - let us use it. Watch additional homilies at 

God Bless.

[Goanet] Visions of the afterlife as described by St. Faustina Kowalska

2021-11-13 Thread Tom
St. Faustina's Visions of the 
Visions of the afterlife as described by St. Faustina Kowalska

[Goanet] ( GREEEAT!!!!)From:Roy " I beg of all people to watch 26 min talk to Israel leaders to the end"

2021-08-13 Thread Tom

I received this from a good friend and would like to share it with you - please 
watch this interview/discussion with Doctor Vladimir Zelenko explains to 
Israeli politicians and health minister about the Vaccine.
God Bless.

 Original message 
From: Roy

trumps doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to israeli politicians and health minister 
about vaccine (bitchute.com)
trumps doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to israeli politicians and health minister 
about vaccine
trumps doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to israeli politicians and health minister 
about vaccine

[Goanet] Coronavirus song.--Inspirational Song

2020-04-10 Thread Tom

[Goanet] Let us pray for the world 👏👏

2020-03-25 Thread Tom
Received this from a friend please pray for the eradication of Corona Virus in 
the world.
May God Bless us all.

[Goanet] Prayer for a Fruitful Lent -- A journey of personal conversion!

2020-03-10 Thread Tom

I came across this site and found the prayers, lenten reflections and chaplets, 
particularly " A Chaplet for the Mercy to Forgive Another" very moving and 
useful.  Forgiveness of one who has hurt you can be very difficult.  It is not 
something that you can simply accomplish overnight.  It takes much grace and 
surrender to God.  And it takes much prayer. Lord, Jesus, Son of the Living 
God, have mercy on us sinners.
Hope you will find these site useful during our lenten journey.
God Bless.

[Goanet] Fw: The Final Report of the Amazon Synod and the “conversion” of the Church

2019-11-25 Thread Tom

Dear Church Militant,

Be not afraid said Pope John Paul II.

We need to pray for the Cardinals faithful to the Magisterium led by Cardinal 
Burke, Cardinal Mueller, Bishop Schneider and many more Cardinals faithful to 
Christ, Who founded His Church on Peter that they in an emergency situation 
elect a new pope and declare Francis an invalid pope to save The One True Holy 
Catholic and Apostolic Church from further destruction under the papacy of 
We are asked to pray the Holy Rosary and to fast and to do penance specifically 
on December 6th in reparation for the sins against our Lord and His Church. It 
seens that a big thing is to happen on December 6th that needs the whole 
Church’s prayer.
Let us fill Parishes with our family members and friends do our part as Church 
militant to spread the word for others to pray as well.
God will not be mocked.


After this end times, there will be an era of peace.
May God Bless everyone of us.

[Goanet] WHY THINGS ARE FALLING APART ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus ❤️ May 18, 2016

2019-10-23 Thread Tom

Please take a few moments away from your busy life and listen to this video it 
might change your life. Remember:

If you are facing your own life changing events today, whether through crisis 
or choice, invite Christ to walk with you through each day and to be your 
strength and your guide. You can enter this life changing relationship today by 
sincerely praying a prayer like this. It’s the best choice you will ever make.

“Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open 
the door of my life to You today and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank 
You for forgiving my rebellious and independent ways and for promising me 
eternal life. Take control of my life and guide me through the changes I face 
today. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen.”

May God Bless all of us.

[Goanet] Please watch the following on Youtube - each one till the end

2019-09-18 Thread Tom
1) How we will win the final battle between our Lord and the reign of satan

2) The Vortex - Heart of the crisis
The Vortex — Heart of the Crisis - 
https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/... Go to our website to watch thousands 
of hours of Catholic content. https://www.churchmilitant.com/
3)The Vortex - Climate change
The Vortex — Climate Change - 
https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-climate-change Go to our 
website to watch thousands of hours of Catholic content. 
4) How the new world order was made
How the New World Order was made
In #BrettonWoods, 44 countries negotiated a new set of rules, which allowed 
#Washington to claim the mantle of leadership in the #NewWorldOrder. GET 
NORDVPN https://nordvpn.com/caspianreport USE COUPON CODE caspianreport USE THE 
CODE SO YOU CAN GET 75% off 3-year plan + 1 month free Support CaspianReport 
Patreon https://www.patreon.com ...
Thank you and God Bless.

[Goanet] WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION: Why They Destroyed Liturgy First

2019-08-26 Thread Tom

>From the Catholic Identity Conference 2018, Father Gregory Pendergraft of the 
>Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter breaks down how the Revolution used the New 
>Mass to undermine the faith of millions.
Please watch the above YouTube by Fr. Gregory Pendergraft, FSSP. It is worth  
to educate not just the laity but also modern day priests and nuns.
God Bless.

[Goanet] I hope you will find this Very HUMOROUS ENJOY!

2019-04-14 Thread Tom
Subject: Dying rich??
Doug lived all his life in the Florida Keys and is on his deathbed and knows 
the end is near. His nurse, his wife, his daughter and two sons, are with him. 
He asks for two witnesses to be present and a camcorder be in place to record 
his last ishes, and when all is ready he begins to speak:
"My son, I want you to take the Ocean Reef houses."
"My daughter Sybil, you take the apartments between mile markers 100 and 
"My son, Jamie, I want you to take the offices over in the Marathon Government 
"Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residential buildings on the bayside 
on Blackwater Sound."

The nurse and witnesses are blown away as they did not realize his extensive 
holdings, and as Doug slips away, the nurse says, "Mrs. Pender, your husband 
must have been such a hard-working man to have accumulated all this property."

The wife replies, "The Moron has a paper route."

[Goanet] The Message of Fatima & the Latin Mass

2018-06-29 Thread Tom

Here is the background on this Website - the presenter, David Rodriguez is a 
lay person and this Video presentation is very enlightening for people to 
understand the real meaning of the Sacrifice of the Mass (Tridentine or Latin 
Mass) - and hope with the Grace of God you will be enlightened to know the 
difference  between the Tridentine (Latin Mass - The Sacrifice of the Mass and 
the Novus Ordo Missae of the Second Vatican Council ).

Published on Oct 9, 2017

+J.M.J.+ A presentation by Mr. David Rodríguez, M.Th., on the importance of the 
Traditional Latin Mass, especially as it relates to the Message of Fatima 
brought from Heaven by Our Lady (celebrating the 100th anniversary of this most 
important event of the 20th century). There is an intimate link between the 
Message our Lady brought us one hundred years ago at Fatima, the crisis which 
has befallen the Church and the world, and the near disappearance of the 
Catholic Mass of the Ages. All Catholics should be made aware of this. Although 
many are familiar with the Traditional Mass and regularly assist, this talk is 
geared for an audience that may only be nominally familiar with the Mass. 
Nevertheless, it presents information that should be beneficial to all, even 
the most seasoned Latin Mass goers, as it serves as a reminder of why the 
Traditional Latin Mass is our heritage and our right.

The apostolate of the St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation of Texas 
 is focused upon recovering and restoring the beauty, truth, and majesty of our 
traditional Catholic Faith all over the world. This organization was founded by 
Catholic lay faithful to help spread, promote, and foster the practice of our 
traditional Catholic Faith in all its integrity: doctrine, morals, devotions, 
corporal and spiritual works of mercy, penance, mortification, liturgy, etc. As 
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the source and summit of our Catholic life, 
we naturally also place a unique emphasis upon the Traditional Latin Mass. It 
is our heart-felt prayer that our humble efforts, in cooperation with God's 
manifold graces, will help individuals, families, society, and nations restore 
all things in Christ (omnia instaurare in Christo). We are firmly convinced 
that the recovery and restoration of our traditional Catholic Faith, including 
a return to the Traditional Latin Mass as the universal norm for the Holy 
Sacrifice, is an absolutely necessary step in bringing about an end to, and a 
cure for, the current grave crisis in the Church. Therefore, all of our efforts 
are also aimed at doing all things for the good of our Spiritual Mother, the 
one, holy, roman, and apostolic Catholic Church (omnia pro sanctis Matre 
Ecclesia). We invite all Catholics who share these goals and desires to unite 
themselves to the efforts of this apostolate. Each individual's union with 
these efforts is to be completely free-willed, and motivated by their 
conviction (and prayerful discernment) that God is indeed calling them to this 
work of recovery and restoration. David Rodríguez was born and raised in El 
Paso. As a child, he lived in Bavaria for four years giving him a lifelong 
appreciation for traveling and the glorious heritage of our Catholic Faith. He 
is fluent in English, Spanish and German. He graduated as valedictorian from 
the University of Texas - El Paso with a BS in Electrical Engineering in 1995, 
and worked in the semiconductor industry. After graduate school in engineering, 
he spent several years in a diocesan seminary and as a novice in a Cistercian 
monastery before earning his Masters Degree in Theology from the University of 
Dallas in 2003. David spent eight years working in parishes, directing 
religious formation, and in Catholic Radio, hosting call-in apologetic shows in 
English and Spanish. Since 2012, he has collaborated with the St. Vincent 
Ferrer Foundation of Texas, a non-profit corporation founded and run by lay 
traditional Catholics, which exists to help recover and restore our true 
Catholic Faith. He currently teaches weekly adult catechetical classes in 
English and Spanish, airs a weekly internet radio show, manages a website, 
gives monthly seminars in Mexico and the US, and publishes devotional Catholic 
resources. David has been a Catholic speaker at several conferences and 
recently served as a tour guide for pilgrims to Our Lady of Good Success in 
Quito, Ecuador. Monthly Tridentine Masses are offered for all our benefactors 
who are also remembered in our daily prayers. Deo grátias! Thank you!

(2) Please also read this very important and enlightening article  - the 
original author (Father Carota) of this BLOG has passed away in July 2016.  RIP 

[Goanet] Blasphemous, Gross, and Unacceptable! TV Show Goes Too Far

2018-04-07 Thread Tom
Have you heard about this despicable Catholic comedian Stephen Colbert creates  
a blasphemous show—aired on Easter!

Let's pray that:

God fulfills his hope-giving promises in spite of and through the opposition of 
ignorant people.
God wipes away all the sins of people who repent and turn to Christ.
God will one day establish the kingdom of Christ on the earth.



Catholic comedian Stephen Colbert
creates blasphemous show—aired on Easter!

I’m very saddened to write to you about this, but I feel it is my duty.

God is being attacked in one of the most impure and vile ways imaginable, and I 
can’t let this one slide by.

Showtime aired on Easter Sunday a creation by late night comedian Stephen 
Colbert, "Our Cartoon President."  The show has the cartoon character of Trump 
asking the question, "How do grown adults still worship Jesus?" [1]

But to question how we worship Jesus wasn’t enough, the show went even further 
and much more graphic and sexual. The show attacks God, Mary Most Holy and St. 

In the show, the cartoon president is caught off guard taking on a hot mic.

"Was that Joseph guy a p**z, or what? Clearly he wasn’t taking care of Mary’s 
needs. I mean, If God kd up my wife, He’d never d again. I’d cut off 
God’s p***s."

Tell Showtime that Blasphemy is a LIE
and it’s Absolutely 

Later on the cartoon Trump "clarifies" his statement saying, "Don’t believe the 
dishonest media. I would never cut off God’s p***s, unless God begged me, like, 
‘Please, son! Slice off my d***!’ I’m like Jesus, only with twice as many 

Also, there is a scene where the cartoon God calls the cartoon Trump an 

This is absolutely outrageous and gross to say the least! This is an extremely 
vile and sick attack on everything Christians hold dear and sacred.

On top of that, this show was aired on Easter Sunday, a most holy day revered 
by Christians when Our Lord resurrected, having died on the Cross for the 
redemption of men.

The creator, Stephen Colbert claims to be Catholic. How can a Catholic create 
and permit such vile blasphemy as is shown in "Our Cartoon President"?

Tell Colbert and Showtime to be Honest
about Catholicism and Stop 

Please sign this petition to have Showtime immediately take downs this grossly 
offensive public blasphemy.


id: 2d0ae44b-8e09ea39-d8db97bd-8a54608f

Until next time, I remain

Sincerely yours,


Gary J. Isbell
Tradition Family Property

P.S. - If you are happy with the work of the American TFP, please consider 
giving a small tax deductible 
 today so we can expand our spiritual crusades. Thank you! May God bless you.

© 2017 The American TFP - PO 341, Hanover, PA 17331
Do not reply directly to this email; please use this address 

You are subscribed as: dominic...@hotmail.com


Sent to: dominic...@hotmail.com


American TFP, P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331, United States

[Goanet] 12 Traditional Catholic Lenten Practices

2018-03-04 Thread Tom
Here are some suggestions of what we can do for Lent.



12 Traditional Catholic Lenten 
On Ash Wednesday, all over the world, traditional and Novus Ordo Catholics are 
going to be praying and fasting.  It is a powerful day to ask for God’s 
forgiveness and for the salvations of So…

[Goanet] You are Invited to Hear Excellent Catholic Sermons

2017-12-08 Thread Tom
From: St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation of Texas 
Sent: December 6, 2017 6:33 AM
Subject: You are Invited to Hear Excellent Catholic Sermons

May the Peace of our Lord be with you, and may the Holy Ghost grant you many 
graces this Octave of Pentecost.

- We thought you might be interested in receiving a weekly email from the St. 
Vincent Ferrer Foundation (www.svfonline.org). This 
non-profit foundation, founded in 2012 by Catholic laity, exists to help in the 
recovery and restoration of our Traditional Catholic Faith. Each week a number 
of sermons from various priests in good standing are uploaded to our website 
and an email is sent. This week's email is included below as a sample.

Saint Vincent Ferrer Foundation - svfonline.org
Chesterton commented that our nation is the only one founded on a creed. Many 
believe this nation to be a force of moral good, a ‘city on a hill’ and God’s 

- The website contains a treasury of novenas, stories from the lives of the 
saints, numerous traditional prayers, a section on learning how to pray basic 
prayers in Latin, prayer requests, as well as audio and video of numerous 
Missions, Conferences, podcasts and classes on the Faith. (We also have a 
section in Spanish.)

* At present, you are NOT subscribed; so, if you do not wish to receive such 
emails in the future, you can just ignore this email.

*  If you would like to receive these weekly emails, please subscribe 
Here. (it is free).

*  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

* Please do feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be able to 
spiritually profit from it.

May God bless and reward you.
St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation


To Thee have I lifted up my soul; in Thee, O my God, I put my trust;
let me not be ashamed; neither let my enemies laugh at me;
for none that wait on Thee shall be confounded.
(From the Introit and Offertory for the First Sunday of Advent)

May you have a grace-filled and joyous Feast of St. Nicholas!
- Four new sermons have been uploaded at the St. Vincent Ferrer Homepage (CLICK 


Suffering - Our Heritage and Privilege  - Sermon by Fr. Rodríguez (32:46)
There will be extreme trials, sorrows, tribulation and suffering. This has been 
foretold by Christ Himself (Mt 24), and more recently, by Our Lady of Fatima. 
This great tribulation is due to sin. Three particularly hideous sins rampant 
today are blasphemy, heresy and impurity. Reflect upon the horror or sin. This 
helps one have a correct attitude regarding suffering, because one recognizes 
the need for sin to be justly punished and souls to be purified from all stain 
of sin. This advent, let us [1] Firmly resolve to never consent to mortal sin; 
[2] Endure our suffering courageously, using those trials to prepare for our 
judgment; and [3] Practice resignation to the Divine Will
A quick link for regular donors logged on at 

Sometimes Right, Sometimes Wrong, Never in Doubt  - Sermon by Fr. Ioannes 
Petrus (17:56)
Man often lacks the humility to acknowledge that his opinion might be wrong. He 
is so convinced of his rightness that he refuses to consider the possibility 
(doubt) he could be incorrect, even though the reality is he may be right or 
wrong. Heretics have accepted death rather than admit their error. The devil 
has his martyrs too. One can only have such certitude – and must – when it 
comes to infallibly defined dogmatic matters. At times, fear, intimidation and 
confusion tactics are even used in the effort to destroy or “change” God’s 
truth. Yet like St. Bernadette, we must stand fast, trusting that Our Lady 
picks her servants well. The first part of Advent calls to mind the General 
Judgment. In this universal courtroom there is impeccable evidence and no 
appeal is possible. This Judgment is inescapable and eternal. It is then that 
all errors and lies shall be revealed before everyone and all injustices shall 
be righted.
A quick link for regular donors logged on at 

Prayer like Good Soil and Leaven - Sermon by Fr. Jeremias (19:09)
The habit of daily and faithful prayer establishes the kingdom of heaven in 
man’s heart. It prepares us to receive the sacraments well and is necessary for 
growth in the spiritual life. It is absolutely essential for salvation. The one 
who thinks he doesn’t have time to pray is poor and deluded for saving his soul 
is one’s most important task. Our Lord teaches us much about prayer through 
parables. Just as the mustard seed needs good soil to grow, so too before we 
pray, we must clea

[Goanet] Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea - Conclusion Talk during 2014 Marian Conference on this Great Marian Apparition in the 16th century

2017-10-26 Thread Tom
Please listen to Father Isaac Relyea's sermon - this might change your life.  
We have to pray for each other and especially for our Priests.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ have Mercy on us and free us from the clutches of 
Satan through the intercession of His Blessed Mother

and the protection of St. Michael the Archangel.



Fr Isaac Mary Relyea ~ Our Lady of Good 
Conclusion talk that Father gives during the 2014 Marian Conference. Fr speaks 
of this great Marian apparition in the 16th century that was hidden till our 
times ...

Conclusion talk that Father gives during the 2014 Marian Conference. Fr speaks 
of this great Marian apparition in the 16th century that was hidden till our 
times because it was for our times.

God Bless.

[Goanet] Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success (16th Century)

2017-10-25 Thread Tom
Please listen to this Interview : On this Voice of Catholic Radio Interview 
which was broadcast on 1370 AM in Long Island, New York, Dr. Marian Horvat 
discusses the prophecies and their fulfillment in our times.



Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success (16th 
In the 16th Century the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Mother Mariana de Jesus 
Torres to warn of what would happen to the Church and the corruption of society 
via ...

You can find this audio interview and many others at: 

The link below contains a free downloadable book (PDF) on the Church approved 

God Bless.


[Goanet] A presentation by Mr. David Rodríguez, M.Th.,

2017-10-12 Thread Tom
Hi Everyone,

Please take some time to watch these two presentations by Mr. David Rodrigues 
on "The Message of Fatima & the Latin Mass" There is an intimate link between 
the Message our Lady brought us one hundred years ago at Fatima, the crisis 
which has befallen the Church and the world, and the near disappearance of the 
Catholic Mass of the Ages. All Catholics should be made aware of this. Although 
many are familiar with the Traditional Mass and regularly assist, this talk is 
geared for an audience that may only be nominally familiar with the Mass. 
Nevertheless, it presents information that should be beneficial to all, even 
the most seasoned Latin Mass goers, as it serves as a reminder of why the 
Traditional Latin Mass is our heritage and our right.

Please pass this on to all your contacts, your relatives and friends. May God 
Bless us all.


(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqDDumr1Zzk


The Message of Fatima & the Latin 
+J.M.J.+ A presentation by Mr. David Rodríguez, M.Th., on the importance of the 
Traditional Latin Mass, especially as it relates to the Message of Fatima bro...


[Goanet] Beautiful!!!

2016-12-16 Thread Tom
Dear Friends,

Wishing you A Blessed Christmas and all the best in the New Year may it be 
filled with hope, peace and happiness.

Thought you would enjoy this beautiful music during the Festive Season.

God Bless.

Tom & Family

> https://www.youtube.com/embed/eee4-d7FUis

Le flashmob des Prodiges - YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/embed/eee4-d7FUis>
Try watching this video on www.youtube.com, or enable JavaScript if it is 
disabled in your browser.

[Goanet] The Gift of Time to give ...

2016-08-21 Thread Tom
Hi Everyone,

I hope it will touch your heart reading through these lines, particularly this 

>The best present that you
> can give to your family and friends is your
> May you be granted with
> plenty of TIME, to share with All.

I remember we had a poem in high school by Thomas Gray entitled: "An Elegy 
Written in a Country Churchyard" - only these words stuck to my mind: all 'the 
paths of glory lead but to the grave.' the following abstract will give the 
depth of the poem:

An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is a poem by Thomas Gray, first 
published in 1751. Gray may, however, have begun writing the poem in 1742, 
shortly after the death of his close friend Richard West. In this poem Gray has 
changed the form of writing an elegy; it is the first elegy that mourns the 
death not of great or famous people, but of common men who remain unknown and 
unrecognized. Gray also attempts to show that all 'the paths of glory lead but 
to the grave.' By implication, the futility of all human ambition and 
aspiration is hinted at. The contrast between the lives of the rich and the 
poor, or the privileged and the unprivileged is also highlighted in the poem. 
He shows how the poor are not in a position to enjoy the luxuries and joys of 
life in this world. Their poverty proves an obstacle in the path of their 
progress. But this poverty is a blessing in disguise. If it does not allow 
people to rise higher, it also restrains them from doing evil, by limiting 
their power to do so. The rich, on the other hand, possess the power and means 
to do well to themselves and the world, but they also have powers to do 
mischief and bring destruction on innocent people.

God Bless.

Subject: .The Gift of Time to give ...

Very good...
> He had amazingly great
> wisdom!
> "The Gift of
> Time"
>Something to think
> about!
> The last wishes of
> Alexander the Great
> On his death bed,
> Alexander summoned his army generals and told them his three
> ultimate wishes:
> 1. The best doctors
> should carry his coffin...
> >
> 2. The wealth he has
> accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be
> scattered along the procession to the cemetery...
> 3. His hands should be
> let loose, so they hang outside the coffin for all to see!
> One of his generals who
> was surprised by these unusual requests asked Alexander to
> explain.
> Here is what Alexander
> the Great had to say:
> 1. "I want the best
> doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that in the face
> of death, even the best doctors in the
>  world have no power to heal."
> 2. "I want the road
> to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that
> material wealth acquired on earth, will stay on earth."
> 3. "I want my hands
> to swing in the wind, so that people understand that we come
> to this world empty handed and we leave
>  this world empty handed after the most precious treasure of
> all is exhausted, and that is: TIME.
> We do not take to our
> grave any material wealth.
>  TIME is our
> most precious treasure because
>  it is LIMITED.  We can
> produce more wealth,
>  but we cannot produce more time.
> When we give someone our
> time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will
> never take back.
> Our time is our life!"
> The best present that you
> can give to your family and friends is your
> May you be granted with
> plenty of TIME, to share with All.
> We all forward jokes and
> other messages.
> Every person you know
> should read this.

[Goanet] A Priest’s View Of Latin Mass Vs. New Mass - Please pass this on to as many from your mailing list and family and friends. God Bless,

2016-07-19 Thread Tom
A Priest’s View Of Latin Mass Vs. New Mass

Traditional Catholic Priest by Fr. 
Peter Carota

A Priest's View Of Latin Mass Vs. New Mass | Traditional 
Constantly I hear from people that they do not go to the Latin Mass because 
they do not understand Latin. (Some even think that the homily is in Latin.)

This is the advice from Father Peter Carota to all Catholic Faithful:
The final question (and the answer should make everyone who reads this article 
want to only go to the Holy Latin Mass) is:  Do we truly believe that God/Jesus 
is in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar?  If so God deserves adoration, respect 
and protection.
As a priest who says the New Mass and the Latin Mass, the Latin Mass has by far 
more rubrics built right into the Latin Mass to protect the Body and Blood of 
Jesus from being desecrated in any manner.  It clearly has the strong 
sacrificial component of the Holy Mass and priesthood.  It does not have the 
protestant emphasis on the Last Supper and “doing this in remembrance of Me” 
like the Martin Luther advocated.  It also has prayers and gestures that 
facilitate more easily the adoration that Jesus deserves from us His creatures. 
 And because of this, the Latin Mass pleases God way more than the New Mass.

Re: [Goanet] 'Don't suppress freedom of expression' (Times of India)

2010-01-10 Thread tom
The world is a place for free enterprise; Freedom of speech is a must in 
a democratic government.

If the issue is of defamation, the issue has to be settled in the court 
of law; blocking roads and damaging property is not an answer to the 

The lyrics for dogui bodmas is been circulated in youtube and the 
forthcoming movie will hit box office thanks to the unnecessary publicity.

Tom de Sousa, Hong Kong

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] POLL: The recent death/killing of 15-year-old

2008-03-11 Thread tom
The death of Scarlet in Anjuna beach is a sad story.
However I feel that the Goa Police should also make her mother liable for her 
death. How could she leave a child who is only 15 alone in a tourist location 
at the care of unknown people? How can a child of that age take 6 months off 
BBC, CNN, Channel 9 in Australia are all broadcasting news about this incident. 
It is waste of a young life and sad for Goa and its tourist industry.
Tom de Sousa, Sydney
> From: "Goanet Poll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2008/03/11 Tue PM 02:13:52 HKT
> To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet-News] POLL: The recent death/killing of 15-year-old
>   Scarlett in Anjuna, Goa shows:
> The recent death/killing of 15-year-old Scarlett in Anjuna, Goa shows:
> [ ]  The rotten state of Goan tourism
> [ ]  Corruption among the police, others
> [ ]  Goan government inefficiency
> [ ]  This was a cover-up, don't trust the cops
> [ ]  Everyone in Goan society shares the blame
> [ ]  Tourist misbehaviour, parental irresponsibility
> [ ]  Global media hype at its worst
> [ ]  Local media lethargy
> [ ]  All of the above
> Cast your vote at:
> http://www.goanet.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-Polls&file=index&pollID=36
> *** PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS (March 10, 2008)***
> My views of D D Kossambi:
> Goa fails to recognise her own prophets   4.61% (13)
> Better late than never   4.96% (14)
> Unnecessary hype, and too late too   44.33% (125)
> Who is D D Kossambi?   46.10% (130)
> Total Votes:  282
> Goanet POLL
> http://www.goanet.org 

Re: [Goanet] Annual Goanetters Meet - 2007

2007-10-27 Thread Tom de sousa
Thank you for the invitation. As I will not be in Goa at  that time I will 
be there is soul and all the best to the management of Goanet to Fred and 
associates. It keeps all of us who are abroad closer to home.

Tom de sousa

From: "Goanet Admin"

Annual Goanetters Meet - 2007

Date: December 27, 2007

Time: 4:30pm

Venue: Foodland Restaurant & Bar

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-news] Goanet's 12th Anniversary - August 25, 2006

2006-08-26 Thread Tom & Carolina
Herman and others,
Keep up the good work.
It has been interesting associating with Goanet and keeping in touch with 
Goan affairs.
Tom de Sousa, Hong Kong
- Original Message - 
From: "Herman Carneiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:01 PM
Subject: [Goanet-news] Goanet's 12th Anniversary - August 25, 2006


Discuss Goa-related issues, post your comments to goanet@goanet.org
Keep track of what others are discussing about Goa in cyberspace,
visit http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/

Dear Goanetters,

Goanet celebrates its 11th anniversary today -- August 25, 2006.  On
behalf of the Goanet Admin team, I'd like to say thank you and
congratulations for making this possible.

Goanet had a humble beginning in 1994 with only 20 members.  Today, Goanet
is *the* public forum of choice for Goans worldwide for addressing
important issues.  Goanet is an interesting and vibrant forum with lots of
different characters.  Goanet also has a great wealth of information in
its archives. However, Goanet is much more than that -- it is a "virtual"
community.  Whether you have made new friends on Goanet or rekindled old
friendships Goanet has certainly been an important network in our
community.  I hope that you will continue to support Goanet far into the

The Goanet volunteers require special mention.  They work tirelessly and
selflessly to keep Goanet running.  Moreover, they do a fantastic job. We
owe them tremendous thanks.  They are:

Frederick Noronha (Goa, India)
Viviana Coelho (San Francisco, CA, USA)
Bosco D'Mello (Toronto, Canada)
Daisy Rodrigues (CA, USA)
Michelle D'Souza (Boston, MA, USA)
Christina Pinto (Australia)
Deborah Santimano (Lahore, Pakistan)

What does the future hold for Goanet?

As you know, the Goanet mailing lists have been the mainstay of Goanet.
We will continue to expand this network to reach Goans wherever they may
be.  We will also continue to work towards improving the quality of the

We need your help to make Goanet grow.  There are two important ways all
our members can help:

1. Make a donation to Goanet.  Your donations will be used to solely to
maintain Goanet operations.  Go to our website (http://www.goanet.org/)
and make a donation using the Paypal link.

2. Become a volunteer.  We're looking for volunteers to help expand our
network.  You work will go a long way to supporting the community.

Congratulations to Goanet on its 12th anniversary!

Herman Carneiro
Goanet Admin

Building social capital since 1994.
Where Goans Connect!

Goanet-news mailing list

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Ban on tourists to the St. Francis Xavier's Basilica in Old Goa.

2006-07-22 Thread Tom & Carolina
The Basilica is a place of veneration and has to be respected.

On the other hand it is a national museum and people of all faiths
have a right to visit.  It would therefore be a constructive approach
if the management provides brochures in different languages so that
the tourist know the behavior pattern. The same implies for the
temples in Mardol and other parts of Goa. The tourist guides all over
the world tend to overdo and sometimes do provide the wrong
information; it would therefore be up to the management to provide
trained tourist guides for the conducted tours inside the church.

Tom de Sousa, Hong
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Thermal Power Station in Goa

2006-07-11 Thread Tom & Carolina

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Power Stations are  major infrastructure projects and the news that Goa is 
going to benefit with a new 250MW X 2 is good news. The load shedding or black 
out in a more colloquial term and the damage it does to the plant and 
equipment besides causing a lot of inconvenience to the public is beyond 

Coat fired plants have to be associated with other industries to use the 
residue of burnt coal or dust(ash) and also the unborn coal. The power station 
in consideration should generate about 400 tonnes of coal a day and the volume 
per month should be about 12000 tonnes. To overcome such a problem there has 
to be a cement plant adjacent to the power station to use the ash. Ash can be 
one of the components in cement manufacture.

The coal that does not burn is deposited in the bottom of the boiler and 
flushed into an ash lagoon.  This material has to be removed daily by trucks 
and used for making bricks for construction.

The power station and the associated industries will occupy an area of at 
least 5 sq kilometers and development  of electricity is  ongoing and there 
has to be sufficient room for future expansion. Technology changes and the 
life of a power station does not exceed 20 years before it becomes obsolete.
The large amount of coal required for daily consumption needs a jetty to 
accommodate ships of at least 140,000 capacity and also another jetty for low 
sulphur oil deliveries.

The design of the steam boiler is for dual firing as the coal does not ignite 
on its own. The boiler pressure will be about 4000psi at 500 degrees 
centigrade and the exhaust chimney about 700 ft. high. I do hope our learned 
politicians do not object the construction of this project as their objection 
will only create un-employment and inconvenience to the public.

Tom de Sousa in Hong Kong.

Goanet mailing list