[Goanet] dirty panjim / goa

2008-01-13 Thread marie

 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:



[Goanet] Of Goans, non-Goans and Ghantis....

2008-02-11 Thread marie
I totally agree with Selma's statement:-

Re: [Goanet] Act fast to REMOVE picture of PROPHET MOHAMMAD

2008-02-13 Thread marie
If Fr. Ivo and Albert can write all they want on Goanet, Selma,  I do not
see why Ahmed Shaikh cannot add his two bits.
Selma do not sign if you do not want to.


--- Ahmed Shaikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ACT -1: Sign the Petition for Removal of Picture

I think in respect for the 5 or 6 of us on this site
who are atheists and agnostics, Goanet must give us a
break, and time to recuperate from these type of
postings which have become a regular feature on
Goanet. My mind has turned to utter mush reading this
day in and day out, so much so that I am beginning to
wonder if I have been mysteriously teleported to the
16th century.

As a secular forum, Goanet must stop becoming a
mouthpiece for such propaganda.



[Goanet] senior citizens note

2008-03-11 Thread marie
About a month back i went to Thivim to cancel my railway ticket.  There was
a long queue and i got quite tired standing there.  At railway long distance
ticket counters in B'bay there are separate queues for senior citizens and
at Churchgate even a separate one for women.  I went to the Station Master's
Office (at Thivim a Station Mistress) and asked whether they could not have
a separate queue for Senior Citizens, even if it is at the same counter.
Her reply - nowhere in Goa is it done -  Well. i said,  can it not change?

Any way i asked for their Complaint / Suggestion Book and wrote in my
suggestion.  I was very heartened when i received a reply to my suggestion
"Instructions are being issued to give preference to Senior Citizens and
Physically challenged persons in the case when the number of persons are
more in the queue"

copies have been sent to RRM/KAWR;  Dy. CCM/ Belapur; Sr. Station Master,
Thivim; Sr.CS (R) / MAO


Re: [Goanet] Framework to interview Manohar Parrikar and other Goan politicians on Goanet

2008-03-11 Thread marie
Nigel wrote

I agree with Nigel and also Selma, and FN.  And this should apply to all
political parties, including Goa SuRaj.  Floriano may post as an individual
but not as Goa Suraj spokesperson - or whatever.
Just as Manohar Parrikar or Digambar Kamat may post as individuals - giving
their opnions as all the rest on goanet do.

I do not understand why Bosco made the suggestion that goanet decide on the
questions to ask Parrikar.




2008-03-14 Thread marie
Such a lot has been posted on Goanet about Scarlett Keeling. Fiona Mackeown

We often get postings for signatures from various organisations about
different issues - SAVE THE TIGER;  VOTE AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING etc. etc.

 Miguel Braganza wrote on aldona-net:
One may like to support the cause which goes beyond an enquiry into the
death of Scarlett, to the investigation of the nexus between police, drug
mafia, politicians and the state administration [apparently including the
Forensic doctors whose timely 'assistance' makes these things possible.]

Perhaps some knowledgable person or group could start a signature

Could Goanet do so?

Just a suggestion


Re: [Goanet] Attack on Churches in Mangalore and Coversions

2008-09-17 Thread marie
Laluram Salvi's comments on Christian Missionaries are partly true.  I say
"partly" because this was what was said and done by many missionaries till
the early 1960s.

The Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965 changed this.  During this
Council the attitude of the CATHOLIC CHURCH changed and documents were
written and promulgated of respect for all religions.  Of couse not all
Catholics read or practiced what was written in these documents. In fact for
many years even priests who had been trained earlier did not read these
documents. or put them into practice.

I stress CATHOLIC CHURCH because Christianity is today made up of many
denominations with newer ones coming up every few years and maybe even every
few months.  And each one believes and preaches differently.  Of course most
people who are not Christians do not know about this diversity and lump all
Christians together.

The pamphlets that Laluram speaks about were distributed by one of the
newest denomination of christians and in fact were not approved by many
other denominations of christians. This led to the damaging of ALL christian
places of worship even those who were against these leaflets.

I too condemn the belief that led to the printing and distribution of the
leaflets.  But do we need to resort to violence to make known our
disagreement?  Would it not have been better to enter into a dialogue /
disussion with the members of the New Life Church?


Re: [Goanet] Notes from after the Azad Maidan rally

2008-09-28 Thread marie
Message: 12
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 15:25:50 +0530
From: "Jason Keith Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Notes from after the Azad Maidan rally

Though late I would like to add my agreement to Jason's "Notes"


[Goanet] Fwd: Fw: Who Really Does Conversion?...

2008-10-20 Thread marie
-- Forwarded message --
From: janseva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 10:56 AM

> *Who Really Does Conversion? "I and my forefathers were
> forcibly converted
> to Hinduism"*
> By Madhu Chandra* *
> NEW DELHI, SEPT. 17, 2008, 18.00 Hrs (Madhu Chandra):
> Hindutva fundamentalists have chosen Conversion as a
> yardstick to kill
> missionaries, rape nuns, and vandalize churches.
> Who actually does fraudulent conversion? Charges are given
> to Christians and
> made it as real to whole nation through saffron sponsored
> media. I am a
> living example, representing 2.5 million Manipuris, where
> my forefathers
> were forcibly converted to Hinduism in 19th century, which
> is known as PUYA
> MEITHABA (burning of Meitei Script) by Hindu missionary.
> Ever since then,
> every Manipuri (Meitei) has Singh at the end of every name,
> although many
> youngsters are abandoning it by returning to indigenous
> Meitei religion.
> The casteism and untoubality emerged after migration of
> Hinduism to the
> Manipur society where caste or creed never existed earlier.
> The saffronisation of Hindutva, which is purely the
> proselytizing movement,
> does not end with my people there. The ongoing conversion
> of tribal
> communities to Hinduism is still in full swing in different
> parts tribal
> dominated areas.
> We have witnessed the saffronising of Dang district of
> Gujarat during Sabri
> Kumbha Mela in 2006. The tribal of Jhabua in MP,
> Chhattisgarh, Jharkhan,
> Assam, Arunachal etc are the example of saffronising
> propaganda of Hindutva
> forces.
> In the land where anti conversion law is forcefully
> implemented, the tribal
> Christians in Kandhamal district of Orissa are in night
> mire at the hands of
> Hindutva forces. To be alive in the village, become Hindu
> otherwise get out
> or get kill is the threatening almost every now and then to
> the tribal
> Christians in Kandhamal. The law making machinery calls it
> freedom of
> religion.
> Christians in MP, Orissa and other states where anti
> conversion laws exist
> are accused for their involvement in force conversion when
> they themselves
> are the victim of force conversion at the hands of Hindutva
> forces.
> The Christian population in last twenty years has decline
> in India. Then how
> and where comes the question of more people being converted
> to Christianity
> in India?
> The allegations of conversion is lie and hate campaign of
> Hindutva forces to
> license themselves to rape, kill, burn and vandalize the
> Christian churches.
> While all religions as per as the constitutions of India,
> welcomes everyone
> to their religions. The force, fraud and fraudulent
> conversion carried out
> is none other than Hindutva forces, that too totally
> against the will and
> wishes of the individuals so as it was done to my
> forefathers in Manipur and
> its consequences still suffer by the presently community.


[Goanet] Changing people's hearts and minds on caste (to Cornel dacosta)

2007-12-10 Thread marie
Hi Cornel,

I did not mention anything about the CONFRARIAS. Yes they stand merged and i
do not know whether they have distinguising vestments.  i wrote about the
COMMUNIDADES, which by the way women are not allowed to be members of

[Goanet] Goa contributed Rs 9,478 crore to the central kitty

2008-03-25 Thread marie
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

 Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Goa has contributed Rs 9,478 crore to the central kitty this year.

Can one of the goanetters find out what Goa contributed to the centre during
the last 6 years and what was allotted to Goa by the Centre in the
respective year?

Or is this contribution limited to this year alone?

[Goanet] Condolences

2008-04-23 Thread marie
Dear Frederick

Please accept my condolences on the sad loss of your


[Goanet] Remo speaks out (TOI, May 8, 2008) Vol3, Issue 531

2008-05-09 Thread marie
In a reply to Remo

Mario speaks out
If push comes to
shove their money is then trapped in an assett they
cannot easily carry away ...

marie says

Have you considered that, while it is true they (the foreigners) cannot
carry away "land" assets, they then sell off the land at a huge profit and
carry away all of it to their home lands --total loss for India.

If an Indian buys land the money is just circulated within India -- with
probable loss to Goa.


[Goanet] Fwd: FW: Raj Thackeray - Let us support him..

2008-11-13 Thread marie

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

-- Forwarded message --
   This mail could also apply to "Goa for goans only"

  *This is a wonderful mail circulating in favor* *of RAJ Thackeray* *,* *
have a look…*
*All of us should support Raj Thackeray and take his initiative ahead by
doing more...** *
*1.****We should teach our kids that if he is second in class, don't
study harder... Just beat up the student coming first and throw him out of
the school .*
*2.****Parliament should have only Delhiites as it is located in
Delhi .*
*3.****Prime-minister, president and all other leaders should only
be from Delhi .*
*4.****No Hindi movie should be made in Bombay. Only Marathi. *
*5.****At every state border, buses, trains, flights should be
stopped and staff must be changed to local staff. *
*6.****All Maharashtrians working abroad or in other states should
be sent back as they are SNATCHING employment from Locals in that country.*
*7.****Lord Shiv, Ganesha and Parvati should not be worshiped in
Maharashtra as they belong to north (Himalayas).*
*8.****Visits to Taj Mahal should be restricted to people from UP
*9.****Relief for farmers in Maharashtra should not come from centre
because that is the money collected as Tax from whole of India, so why
should it be given to some one in Maharashtra? *
*10.**   **Let's support Kashmiri Militants because they are right to
killing and injuring innocent people for benefit of their state and
*11.**   **Let's throw all MNCs out of Maharashtra, why should they earn
from us? We will open our own Maharashtra Microsoft, MH Pepsi and MH Marutis
of the world.*
*12.**   **Let's stop using cell phones, emails, TV, foreign Movies and
dramas. James Bond should speak Marathi ..*
*13.**   **We should be ready to die hungry or buy food at 10 times higher
price but should not accept imports from other states.*
*14.**   **We should not allow any industry to be set-up in Maharashtra
because all machinery comes from outside.*
*15.**   **We should STOP using local trains... Trains are not manufactured
by Marathi manoos and Railway Minister is a Bihari .*
*16.**   **Ensure that all our children are born, grow, live and die without
ever stepping out of Maharashtra, then only they will become true

*This mail should somehow reach Raj Thackeray so forward it to as many
people as possible.*

*This mail needs to be read by all Indians.*
*So please help in this cause.Keep Forwarding.*


[Goanet] where is he from?

2008-12-08 Thread marie

I do not know how many perople watched NDTV last night 7th dec - I think it
was 9.30 p.m. when besides three others a journalist from Pakistan was also
questioned.  He mentioned that there are "three Faridkots" in Pakistan and
Pakistani Journalists in one Faridkot found that the man - supposedly the
father of the person in police custody in Mumbai - died 10 years ago.  The
interviewer did not question this journalist further.  Of course he - the
interviewer is also a journalist - not  an interrogator trying to prove that
the terrorist is a Pakistani.

Will we, the ordinary citizen, ever know what is the truth?  Let the
investigating agencies do their job thoroughly.

Re: [Goanet] Organic Red Rice and Alsande for sale

2016-04-04 Thread marie
I do not use chemical fertilisers or pesticides.

 I use Neem cake ; Goat Pellets ;Potash,  Rock Phosphate and some Cow dung
and Cow Urine

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 8:36 PM, E DeSousa  wrote:

> Out  of curiosity  what makes this rice "organic" as against any other
> rice that is grown in Goa?
> It must be quite a job to grow rice without the use of chemicals for
> fertilizer and pest control.
> And what is Alsande?
> When I buy "organic" Basmati rice here (in Michigan) the going rate is
> about 200 Rps per lb.
> Best Regards.
> E.



406/1 grande coimavaddo
aldona, bardez
goa 403508
tel 0832-2293034
mob: 9921875544

Re: [Goanet] Fr. Cedric Prakash

2009-07-24 Thread marie

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact:

contac...@sangath.com or yvo...@sangath.com or phone +91-9881499458


I agree totally with Samir - quoted below.

Can anyone, who has written on the topic, prove that Fr Cedric Prakash
has created hatred between communities or promoted violence? or has he not
rather criticised the violence and hatred?

And capitalists never see beyond their noses and self interest.


"Interesting point. Religious leaders speaking on societal issues; why not?
Provided they dont create hatred between communities based on religion.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is well regarded when he goes and meets some Pakistanis
to broker peace. Baba Ramdev is well regarded when he speaks against

So, if a priest speaks against the ills of society, it is fine.

Provided of course, he doesnt take a trishul or equivalent and go around
demolishing religious places of other religions, speak bad about other
religions etc etc.



Re: [Goanet] Are our ministers' phone bills eating into the state's coffers

2009-08-03 Thread marie

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

It would be interesting to know who the ministers are calling and the length
of the conversation.  Or are they billed also for in-coming calls?
We do not need to know the content of the conversation.  We can guess on


[Goanet] Goanet Reader: A Letter To The Bleddy Goans From an East Indian Bugger

2010-05-02 Thread marie
It looks like some persons are not willing to allow others "freedom of
speech" on Goanet.
Others are "touchy". Others have "common sense"


[Goanet] zilla panchayat constituencies

2010-02-26 Thread marie
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


North Goa has 30 Zilla Panchayat Constituencies.

Can anyone let me know which villages fall for e.g. in the Saligao and
Aldona constituencies.


Re: [Goanet] Tomatina?

2011-11-08 Thread marie
 Goanet Classifieds 

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

 Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Congratulations to all involved in banning the "Tomatina"


On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 1:35 AM, muriel&mario  wrote:
> Dear Nettekars,
> Forwarding a message from Miguel Braganza...
> But first, profuse apologies for flooding your mailboxes with the
> "flurry of messages" on this disgraceful tomato mess.  We had to act
> fast, not only to create enough awareness of this bit of mindless
> debauchery, but also to generate enough pressure across the state to
> have it pitched into its rightful place - the garbage bin.
> Thanks for your patience, your understanding and your cyber networking
> that converted this perverted 'tomato smash' to a 'musical bash' ;-)
> Second, besides those mentioned below...Tulio D'Souza, an aspiring
> occupant of the Saligao seat, in the upcoming Assembly elections,
> played his part, after we phoned him to join Saligao in stopping the
> insanity.
> Like every sane Goenkar, he too had very strong reasons why such
> proposed depravity should be aborted at once.  But beyond the words,
> he was also instrumental in getting Michael Mascarenhas and Sajjid
> Hussain, the organisers of the 'saucy' event in Saligao and Nilkant
> Anant Naik, the owner of the village's most controversial venue, Club
> Westend, to come to a meeting and dialogue with concerned villagers.
> Other protesters present, both at the meeting with the organisers in
> the Panchayat Hall and the MLA, Dilip Parulekar in his office, were
> Arun Sawant and Sitaram Mahale of the Salmona Pariyavaran Manch,
> Ashley Delaney of the Saligao Forum, Joaquim Vaz, Mario 'Venas'
> Cordeiro, and Nicholas Sequeira of the Saligao Civic & Consumer Cell,
> Sarpanch Lucas Remedios, panchas Bholanath Gaadi, Jack Coelho and
> Deepak Rane of V P Saligao.  Miguel Braganza represented the various
> other protesting NGOs and the rest of Goa.
> Villagers also protested the ear-splitting sound pollution that keeps
> Saligao awake through the year, on specific days of the week and often
> for days at a stretch...literally, because Club Westend lives up to
> its promise to drunken, drugged and tranced-out revelers: time and
> space "where the party never ends!"
> The organisers were quick to deny any sound violations above the
> legally permitted decibel levels and were quicker to give us their
> cell phone numbers.  With the TV channel Goa365 and a Herald reporter
> in attendance, Michael-9890707107 and Sajjid-9767501320 told us to
> call them up *anytime* if Saligao is inconvenienced in any way.
> Sajjid also promised to bring to our home, a copy of a legal affidavit
> that committed not to use any tomatoes at the venue.  The affidavit is
> still to come, but our investigations revealed that in fact, no
> tomatoes were used.
> Oh...we forgot to mention: the meeting took place under the uninvited
> but peeled eyes and cocked ears of the mufti-disguised, Calangute
> Police and Special Branch, Mapusa...
> "Thanks for gate-crashing guys!  If you had told us, we would have
> given you chairs to sit on, instead of you trying to blend in with the
> street light fittings and other junk of the Electricity Dept., stored
> at the back of the hall.   Sorry to blow your cover, but your snooping
> habits die hard and never let you down!  Thanks also to informers that
> Saligao has always had, we do know you are reading us!"
> Congratulations to everyone who helped to prevent the madness and keep
> the tomatoes where they truly belong: the gardens, kitchens, dining
> tables and mouths of our people.
> Over to Miguel...
> Warm regards and solidarity.
> M&M.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Miguel Braganza 
> Date: 7 November 2011 20:53
> Subject: Re: Tomatina?
> To: Albertina Almeida 
> Cc: muriel&mario , Sabina Martins
> , goacan goa , Yogita Mehra
> Dear Albertina,
> The "Sundown Tomatia Festival Goa 2011" mutated or transformed itself
> into a "Music festival" without tomatoes thanks to the T.E.A.M. effort
> of Mario & Muriel Mascarenhas and Ni

Re: [Goanet] [Secular Goa] The Inquisition Lore

2015-04-01 Thread marie
I am no historian just an ordinary Catholic.

My ancestors may have been forcibly converted as may have been many
of today's Goan Roman Catholics during the inquisition in Goa.
(Kerala's Syrian Catholics were converted during the first century AD it is

What is important for me and should be for all other Roman Catholics is
whether today I want to remain a Catholic because of the faith I have in
one God and Jesus Christ who willingly sacrificed Himself for me.

Bringing up the Inquisition that took place about 4 centuries ago to say
that because my ancestors were forcibly converted hence i should revert to
being a Hindu (as the extreme right would have us do) does not make sense.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 10:23 PM, Santosh Helekar chimbel...@gmail.com
[seculargoa]  wrote:

> Good to see that Vivek has provided a pertinent quote from Priolkar in
> which he appears to be expressing the concern that his account would
> be dismissed as biased because it was not written by a Portuguese
> historian. Legitimate specific criticisms of any scholarly work is
> always a good thing. What is wrong is its outright dismissal without
> producing contrary facts, but rather, just by using such baseless
> canards as guilt by association and various ideological devices. As
> alluded to by Vivek, there is no detailed alternative historical
> account on Goan inquisition based on primary sources. I understand
> that this is in large part due to destruction or loss of original
> records. In this context, I remember that Teotoniobab de Souza once
> mentioned that some of the remaining records were transferred to the
> Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil. So all we need is a competent,
> committed and dispassionate secular historian, and proper funding from
> a secular source.
> Priolkar's book relies naturally on secondary sources. But it was
> well-received by eminent historians such as C. R. Boxer. Regarding
> Dellon and Buchanan, I should have said that they are eyewitness
> accounts rather than well-researched. No independent facts contradict
> what they have written. They have been maligned based on pure
> speculations and biases of their detractors, and generalization of
> such ideological concoctions as the "Black Legend" to the Goan
> situation.
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 10:26 PM, V M vmin...@gmail.com [seculargoa]
>  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > The problem with the state of "Goa Inquisition Studies", such as they
> > are, is the near-total absence of decent modern and contemporary
> > historiography of the two-centuries-plus episode. Twenty-first-century
> > historical understanding cannot be properly achieved by reading
> > primary documents by witnesses or near-witnesses who (a) wanted to
> > sell their accounts, (b) gain coniderably grom their accounts, or (c)
> > were published in order to settle tertiary scores. I'd say Priolkar's
> > book is a significant step in the right direction, but as he himself
> > writes, while laying his bare to be considered, " the story of the
> > Inquisition is a dismal record of callousness and cruelty, tyranny and
> > injustice, espionage and blackmail, avarice and corruption, repression
> > of thought and culture and promotion of obscurantism and an Indian
> > writer who undertakes to tell it can easily be accused of being
> > inspired by ulterior motives. From this point of view, it would have
> > been appropriate if the task had been undertaken by a Portuguese
> > historian..."
> >
> > But no such Portuguese historian has emerged, and no serious Indian
> > historian has tried to develop the necessarily complex understanding
> > required here either, and so Goans are left foundering, reacting by
> > instinct and out of a misplaced sense of self-protection. As Priolkar
> > also writes, rather piercingly, "it is indeed an irony of history that
> > some of the descendants of the "New Christians" in Goa, who suffered
> > cruelly at the hands of the Inquisition, should be so anxious to
> > prevent the truth about the working of the institution from coming to
> > light."
> >
> > In that case, Priolkar was speaking directly about the "contentions of
> > Dr. Gerson da Cunha and Braz Fernandes" that Dellon's account was
> > fiction or fictionalized, despite no European scholar having similar
> > doubts. Elsewhere, he is quite unreasonable and nasty - thus betraying
> > considerable bias in his own history-making - as when thanking "the
> > Goud Saraswat Brahman Community of Bomay for the grant given for the
> > publication of this volume&qu

[Goanet] new id of carmel chicalimGoa

2008-09-07 Thread Therese Marie
Dear Friends,

 Kindly Note our one more  new email id.  you can also use this id 


[Goanet] Changing people's hearts and minds on caste

2007-12-08 Thread Marie D'Souza
If we want to change people's hearts and minds on caste what we need to do at 
the start is change the mindset of people  / members of Institutions promoting 

I have recently come to know that Communidades in Goa - or at least definitely 
in Aldona have 2 Presidents and 2 groups.  One is for the upper caste /s and 
the other for the Sudhras.

Only when the Communidade in each village decides to act jointly and not be 
divided according to caste lines then the first step will be taken in the right 


Re: [Goanet] Calling All Goan Chauvinists (concluded)

2007-09-20 Thread Marie D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Rajan Parrikar says

"It is not as if the ghatis are
here to emulate our relatively civilized ways.  Their instinct is
to turn every corner they can squat on into a sty just like it is
'back home' whether in UP, Bihar or the village in Karnataka.
Slums have sprung up, they have fouled our beaches, our
city sidewalks, and our village tintos."

My take:-
Are the Ghatis to be blamed for the above situation?  If they are given work 
in the cities - mostly by Goan contractors - who do not provide them with 
decemt temporary housing or toilets - what ar they to do?

I have worked with Tribals who out of dire necessity had to migrate to the 
city in another state for a few months every year.  They hated going there 
because they had to squat in the open and on roadsides.  At home they went 
into the fields far away from their homes.

By the way, even today, goans who do not have toilets - either the septic 
tank, sulabh or piggy varieties still go to the fields or even to river 
sides! We have them in our village !  What if these same goans had had to go 
to work for contractors in cities?  Where would they go to relieve 

May be this is one of the reasons goans do not work for contractors / 
builders and ghatis are brought in.

And in the villages, aren't the goans to blame who rent out their rooms to 
the ghatis but do not provide them with toilet facility?  They charge a fat 
rent however !

"The goans are concerned about the ghati problem" .. only when they cannot 
make some money from them.

And by the way do you know that there are also goans living in slums in 
Mumbai ?  Should they not be sent back to Goa by the Maharashtrians?


Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Please read legal notice-MOEF- delhi (M/S Akar Creations Pvt Ltd)

2009-12-09 Thread MARIE MENEZES
hello Arwin please let me know if you studied in the New Indian school your
name is very familiar. I was a teacher there so do reply

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Arwin Mesquita wrote:

> Dear Goans,
> Please see the below email and respective Attachments. You can see yourself
> the
> influence of scruplous builders; hellbent on destroying Goa. This builder
> in
> question (i.e. M/S Akar Creations Pvt Lt) has already ravaged my village
> Colva and
> now is challenged in the courts by the Local Activists; fighting to
> preserve what is
> left of Goa.
> Attachments here:
> http://bit.ly/5FjQl5
> Regards,
> Arwin
> From" Siddarth Karapurkar
> sending pl find 3 attachments,
> 1) a press note giving details in short
> 2) a fax received from MOEF delhi
> 3) notice sent to MOEF.
> A mega project with more than 2 sqmts area needed environment
> clearence but got licence to build without clearence. but when
> citizens went to high court regarding illegalities of the project ,
> the builder produced a fax that MOEF will consider their application
> that too dtd the same day on which the court hearing was held.
> pl do needful
> --
> Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Re: [Goanet] Robin Vaz's Death Anniversary ?

2009-05-21 Thread MARIE MENEZES

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 1:31 AM, audrey  wrote:

> Hi Dominic,
> I am Audrey Robin Vaz's daughter. I live at Mumbai and have a sister
> Bernice who is at Toronto.
> It is good to read about my Dad from the net.
> God bless!
> Audrey Vaz
> 99301 20353

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: The Charms of Goan Dhobitalao (Roland Francis)

2011-03-06 Thread marie dmello

Mary D'mello
Edmonton, Canada
March 06, 2011

Well done my friend. Admire and appreciate the frankness and clear 
picture of the good old days of Goan Dhobitalao.
Here's something, I have to sayMy Uncle Joe had a tailor's shop 
opposite Snowflakes he did so well selling local bze to the tarvotis 
(shippe's) and, he was an Excellent Ladies Tailor switching Wedding 
Gowns. Life was good and fast at that time and is still the same. I 
visited India in 2009 and made sure to drive by the lane where my Uncle 
Joe once lived and dam it felt good to think of the good old times. That 
day, in that house were 10 kids studying they were from
 grade 4 and up surely these kids will someday be professional doctors, 
lawyers, pilots and so on. INDIANS KEEP IT.


> Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 05:43:06 +0530
> From: goanetrea...@gmail.com
> The Charms of Goan Dhobitalao
> By Roland Francis
> 416-453-3371
> roland.fran...@gmail.com
> In a certain generation not too long ago, if you said
> Dhobitalao, you meant Little Goa.

Read all Goanet messages at:


Re: [Goanet] Dodol... in KL

2011-03-07 Thread MARIE MENEZES
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Frederick Noronha <
fredericknoro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dodol, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (like the sweet from Goa)
> Photo copylefted by Frederick FN Noronha. Creative Commons, 3.0,
> attribution non-commercial May be copied for non-commercial purposes.
> For other purposes, contact fn at goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/5502704729/in/set-72157626083679881/
> Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

Re: [Goanet] Goan Association of New Jersey Christmas dance

2010-11-14 Thread MARIE MENEZES

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Tony Barros  wrote:

> The Goan Association of New Jersey (GOANJ)  will be holding its annual
> Christmas
> Ball  on Saturday, December
> 18 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Somerset, New Jersey.
> The dance - from 6 p.m. to 1a.m.  will feature New Jersey's "PRISM" band
> whose
> band leader- Brian Barretto
> will "double" as a DJ. Last day for ticket sales is December 5, 2010.
> The dance will be preceeded by the Children"s Christmas Party on Sunday,
> December 12 at the
> Our Lady of Peace Church Hall in North Brunswick, New Jersey/
> Tony Barros.
> Union Twnshp,
> New Jersey.
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
> _/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
> _/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
> _/ member of the Goanet family daily at
> _/ http://www.tambdimati.com.
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.


2006-06-29 Thread Marie D'Souza
My experience with the police has been very positive
on the 2 occasions i had reason to make  FIRs.  Once on my own behalf and
once helping a friend.  On both occasions action was taken against the

Once a mason (whom i had contracted for some earlier work and had been paid
in full for that) was asked to do a piece of work (no contract) which he
kept delaying.  I called some other labourers and while they were doing the
job this man appeared and in my presence threaenend to beat them up..

The labourers were scared and wanted to stop the work half done.  I went to
the Aldona police station and lodged a FIR against the mason. Within a short
time the police came to investigate, then went over to the mason's village
and told him off.  Since then the mason has not stepped into our village or
any where near my house.

In the secoind case too action was taken.


- Original Message -
From: "Francis Rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet] POLICE FUNNYMEN 2!

> Helga/Sonia/Floriano,
> I do try to see reality in perspective - the lot of a 3rd World
> policemen is an untenable one. My experiences with them
> in Goa has not been salutary. I have battled them in the
> streets, courts, stations as the frontline of a business family,
> (despite being an NRI), my folks having prevented me from
> further confrontations these last few years. Oh certainly
> KPS Gill was an able administrator, let down by the dodgy
> bits, like propping a stooge to effectively ruin Goa hockey!
> Floriano is being economical with the truth, when he says in
> the same voice that Goa police should serve selflessly out of
> loyalty and then goes on to blame crooked politicians for
> ruining the police. Reality is crystal-clear. Virtually no third-
> worlder chooses a career today for altruistic motives. Every
> single choice is purely economical. An awful paradox known
> for three thousand years - you must pay your guardians of
> law and order extremely well, irrespective of what you pay
> anyone else. The West realized this two centuries ago. The
> Third World, having institutionalized corruption, remains blind.
> FR.
> ..
> Helga:
> >Good point  Francis. Our halwaldars are very poorly paid while
> >some of the IPS types enjoy the bribes and the bungalows. But whether its
> >because of their highly stressed but poorly paid jobs or just because -
> >some of them are very cruel and inhumane to the most helpless of them
all -
> >the street kids,
> >. My experience with cops in Goa have all been severely
> unpleasant. How about yours? Most of us were poorly paid...
> >
> Floriano:
> >We at goasuraj believe that if anyone wishes to join the police force, it
> >is because there is a basic instinct in them
> >for understanding what is rightand what is wrong. And not to stop at mere
> >identificaton of right from wrong, the basic instinct must prompt the
> >concerned person to right the wrong. That is police instinct. In Goa,
> >basic instincts are waylaidand those who are responsible for this to
> >come by are: Ranes, Parrikars, Khalaps,Narvekars, Narvekars, Shirodkars
> >Luizinhos Churchills and a host of them. In fact, the entire political
> >culture in Goa is responsible for the demoralized and inefficient police
> >force...
> ...
> Sonia:
> >Francis,
> >I agree with you, Kiran Bedi is a person who did a lot of good work,
> >jail is one of her best examples. But KPS Gill although infamous for that
> >one incident, cleaned Punjab of terrorist activities and allowed the
> >to live in peace.
> ...
> ___
> Goanet mailing list
> Goanet@lists.goanet.org
> http://lists.goanet.org/listinfo.cgi/goanet-goanet.org

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] yt}+Re: Talibanisation of Goa. (re uniforms)

2006-06-29 Thread Marie D'Souza

Thanks for your thoughts on the dress code for girls.  i totally agree with

- Original Message -
From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa. (re uniforms)

> Dear Fred,
> I would feel a lot more assured if the headlines had
> read "Parents offended by Western attire - Khasti
> reinstated". I would even have settled for, "Kurta
> Pajama reinstated for boys as uniform."
> Unfortunately, the demands made are on a women and it
> is not the attire that worries me, it is the motive
> behind it. Whenever changes take place in a women's
> world, we have to ask ourselves; does this further our
> cause of equality, does this level the playing field
> between genders, does this teach us lesson that are
> important and relevant or ones that are archaic? Does
> this make us more important in society or does it set
> parameters for us, that are ill-defined in today's
> world?
> This decision is not different from that of banning
> skirts in Madhya Pradesh, so as not to entice men. Nor
> it different from all the decisions that restrict
> women in Middle Eastern countries. Nor it is very
> different from what the Taliban did to their women.
> Perhaps those decision were blatant but this one is
> more insidious because it is opaque. The motive
> however is not.
> Elisabeth
> ---
> --- Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When it comes to uniforms, is it hard to imagine
> > that a section of
> > parents in Goa find the Western garb to be an
> > immodest form of dress
> > for their daughters? If so, is it fair to force it
> > on them?
> >
> > Once we accept this reality, then the only question
> > left to be sorted
> > out is what choices should be given over the
> > uniforms to be worn, who
> > should exercise these choices (parents? students?
> > educational
> > institutions? PTAs?) and how the interests of those
> > (minorities -- but
> > not necessarily in a religious sense) should be
> > taken care of.
> >
> > While *we* think it is abominable to be forced into
> > a purdah or salwar
> > kameez, why not ask others what they feel about it?
> > Is it any less
> > abominable to force them to be clad in a Western
> > attire, which for
> > whatever reason they are unwilling to accept?
> >
> > If you think my logic is flawed, let me know why. FN
> >
> __
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[Goanet] veterinarian

2006-09-17 Thread Marie D'Souza
Can anyone suggest a good vet for our dog? We live at Aldona and any good
vet  in and around Mapusa, Porvorim or Panjim would do

The dog also needs to be groomed.  Any good groomers around ?


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Please identify these Plants/Fruits (with ans.)

2006-09-25 Thread Marie D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

1 & 2 are country figs
3 is pudina
4 is country almond (gavti badam)
6 is Tulsi


- Original Message -
From: "JoeGoaUk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 11:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Please identify these Plants/Fruits (with ans.)

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Please identify these Plants/Fruits


I thing the following are the right answers:

Some pics provided (Rich text only or visit Goan-Nri or Margao-net yahoo

1 & 2  Rumad, Rumda foll, Figs, Anjir  (see pic)
Brief Description :
Anjir also known as fig is very helpful to combat respiratory diseases. It
makes a good
children's tonic, common cough & cold. It is also very beneficial for
fighting fever,
indigestion and colic pain.

3 Mint (Pudina) (Mint/green Icecream, mint Chutney, Mint Pullav etc)
 Tulsi, mint can help prevent cancer

4 Almonds, Badam (Nuts, Badam oil, Badam-pista Ice scream etc) see photo (
5 Chepllam, Tirfollam, Terfollam  (Sichnam pepper) see pic also a link below
(Divar Fottash,
Petnoll, Mackerel /Sardine curry in North Goa


6 Tullesh, Tullsi,  Holy Basil (found in front of Hindu houses)
Tulsi, mint can help prevent cancer

Thanks to .
Anthony Lobo,
Maurice D'Mello
Olga Maciel
SP Naik
Janice Fernandes
Doreen Gomes
Peter D Souza
Lucy Casu
Etc etc

Alonds Cake,Almonds oil
Rumlli mullam sorop or Rumllikolle denvoi re.. (lady shouting to stop at
buststop) Anjir ?
Anjiracho ruk ?
Main Actress Tullsi in 'Kabhi sas bhi bahu ti'
Mint chocolate, after8, mint chettni, mint sauce

Catholics read this..
Matthew 21:19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and
found nothing thereon,
but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward
for ever. And
presently the fig tree withered away.

I suppose Figs/Rumoll/Anjir is one and the same (I could be wrong)

Please identify these Plants/Fruits


All found in Goa.

Some Clues:
-I think there is a biblical mention of one of the plant.
- Banglleamchi ou Taliamchi Koddi (Mackerel or Sardine curry) hobodda lagta,
chodd korun
- Are you watching Satr Plus 'Kabi sans bhi bahu ti' ?
- Most restaurants, it comes with icecream.
- Another Clue within the pictures (..could prevent cancer)

Local names will do.

thanks for you usual support.

Coming up next Pl. Identify these Goan Vegetables


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