[Goanet] Fwd: Malala's hope

2012-10-18 Thread Zena Costa
Hey Y'all
Please take a minute to sign a petition that will keep brave heart Malala
's dream alive.
Pls Fwd to your contacts, anybody/ people who care...
Thank You,

-- Forwarded message --
From: Emma Ruby-Sachs - Avaaz.org av...@avaaz.org
Date: 17 October 2012 17:07
Subject: Malala's hope
To: zenaco...@gmail.com zenaco...@gmail.com

To ensure you receive emails like this, add Avaaz to your contacts
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Dear friends across India,


*Fourteen-year-old Malala was shot by the Taliban for supporting girls'
education. *We can help make her dream come true by calling on her
government to roll out funding to encourage all Pakistani families to send
their girls to school. *Click below to give girls' education a fighting
chance: *

[image: Sign the
*Malala has dedicated her childhood to championing education for girls like
her in Pakistan.* As she lies in a hospital bed, a tragic victim of Taliban
gunmen, *let's help make her dream come true.*

One part of Pakistan has already *started a successful programme of paying
families which send their girls to school* regularly. But in Malala's
province *the government is dragging its feet*. Senior politicians have
offered Malala help, and if we act now we can get them to commit to rolling
this out nationwide.

Before the media spotlight moves on, let's raise our voices to *demand that
the government announces funding for all Pakistani girls* who attend
school. In days the UN Education Envoy will meet Pakistan's President
Zardari and he says hand *delivering 1 million signatures will strengthen
his case. Sign and forward this email, and let's help make Malala's dream
come true:*


North-west Pakistan has been in the grip of the Taliban since 2007 when
they systematically started burning and destroying girls’ schools. *The
Taliban destroyed 401 schools in Swat between 2001 and 2009 -- 70% of them
were girls' schools*. Malala drew the world’s attention to the Taliban’s
reign of terror, when she started writing a blog in Urdu for the BBC. Her
writing is a crucial record of the devastating consequences of extremism on
the lives of ordinary Pakistanis.

*Pakistan's constitution says girls should be educated alongside boys, and
the government has the resources to make it happen.* But politicians have
ignored that for years, influenced by extremist religious groups, and now,
only 29% of girls attend secondary school. Study after study has shown the
positive impact on personal and national income when girls are educated.

Let’s turn this shock and horror at the Taliban’s attack on a young girl
into a wave of international pressure that forces Pakistan to address
girls’ education. *Click below to stand with Malala and support a massive
girls’ education campaign in Pakistan*, backed by resources, security, and
most importantly, the will to fight the extremists who tear down Pakistan:


Let’s come together and stand in solidarity with a brave, young activist,
who is showing the world how one little schoolgirl can stand up to armed
and dangerous extremists.

With hope and determination,

Emma, Alaphia, Alex, Ricken, Ari, Michelle, Wissam, Rewan and the rest of
the Avaaz team


Pakistan girl shot over activism in Swat Valley, claims Taliban (The

Malala Yousafzai: Pakistan bullet surgery ‘successful’ (BBC):

Pakistan: The schoolgirl the Taliban tried to kill (The Daily Beast):

Pakistan’s army is in the mood for a change (FT, Ahmed Rashid):

Pakistan rebuilds its education network after Taliban are driven out of
Swat (The Guardian):

Lack of education is adversely affecting girls (Pakistan Today):

Why Gender Equality in Basic Education in Pakistan? (UNESCO):

Avaaz.org is a 16-million-person global campaign network* that works to
ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global
decision-making. (Avaaz means voice or song in many languages.) Avaaz
members live in every nation of the world; our team 

[Goanet] Fwd: [WIKILEAKS] WikiLeaks under threat: Assange extradition judgement tomorrow

2012-05-30 Thread Zena Costa
-- Forwarded message --
From: Wikileaks Press Office press-off...@wikileaks.org
Date: 30 May 2012 00:38
Subject: [WIKILEAKS] WikiLeaks under threat: Assange extradition judgement
To: wl-pr...@lists.riseup.net


State of play of attacks against WikiLeaks to date
Tuesday May 29, 2012 20:30 GMT



* WikiLeaks is under attack. The United States is seeking to charge Julian
Assange - a journalist and publisher - with espionage.

* The US Grand Jury reportedly possesses a sealed indictment, which could be
used to extradite Assange to the United States.

* Secret subpoenas have been served on ISPs and online services for the
data of WikiLeaks staff and supporters.

* Special task-forces have been setup by various various US intelligence
agencies, including the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, and the US State Department.

* Associates of WikiLeaks have been detained and interrogated at US and UK
airports, their equipment confiscated, and attempts have been made to turn
into informants.

* If the indictment is unsealed upon Assange's extradition to Sweden he
further removal from Sweden to the United States.

* Meanwhile, an unprecedented extralegal denial of service by Visa and
Mastercard has cut off funding to WikiLeaks, almost shutting down WikiLeaks'
publishing activity.


* If the extradition to Sweden is quashed in the outcome of the court
judgement, he faces extradition from the United Kingdom.

* Both Swedish and UK governments have been coordinating with the US, taking
steps to facilitate a US extradition request in either eventuality. Assange
cannot take steps to avoid either risk. For 539 days he has been detained
without charge in the UK under house arrest.

* Under US pressure the Australian government has relaxed its own
law, smoothing any possible extradition from Assange's home country. The
Gillard government has also amended legislation to give Australian
agencies powers of surveillance over WikiLeaks supporters.

Full Brief

WikiLeaks is under serious threat. The US, UK, Swedish and Australian
governments are engaging in a coordinated effort to extradite its
editor-in-chief Julian Assange to the United States, to face espionage
for journalistic activities.


For twenty-one months a Grand Jury sitting in the Washington DC area has
meeting on a monthly basis, seeking to prosecute Julian Assange for

No judge or defense counsel is present at these proceedings. According to
global intelligence firm Stratfor, a sealed indictment against Assange was
issued 18 months ago, in January 2011. a
More]/a a

In connection with the case, individuals have been legally compelled to give
evidence to the Grand Jury. a

Google, Twitter, and other internet service providers have been issued
court orders to divulge private information about WikiLeaks staff,
and supporters. a

Friends and supporters of WikiLeaks have been detained, searched and
interrogated at airports, and attempts have been made to turn them into
informants. a

Please consult Alexa O'Brien's a
of US vs. Manning, Assange, WikiLeaks and the Press/a for comprehensive
information on the Grand Jury and associated matters.


Australia quietly changed its extradition law three months ago. An amendment
passed in February makes it possible for someone to be extradited for minor
offenses. This amendment weakens the security of all Australians, and
facilitates Assange's extradition from his home country, despite popular
support for him there. There was no media reportage on the passage of this
amendment. a

Declassified Australian diplomatic cables reveal that Australian diplomats
raised no concerns over the possible extradition of Julian Assange to the
United States. The Australian government asks only that it be forewarned,
so as
to coordinate a media response.  a


2011-08-30 Thread Zena Costa
  Link to this post:



 The investment marks that moment in Indian football when intent turned into
 commitment. It’s kick-off time for the Dempo foray into truly international
 Goa's Dempo FC has acquired 34% stake in the Danish Club and football
 academy FC Midtjylland for € 12Mil via Share Subscription Agreement. Dempo
 investment in FC midtjylland is estimated at £8.6m. Besides 34% stake Dempo
 will also have presence on the board F C Midtjylland Holdings A S, the
 holding company for Herning and Ikast based club.

 The Share Subscription Agreement shall take effect after the final approval
 of the shareholders of FCM Holdings A S at an Extraordinary General Meeting
 to be held on 15 September.The deal is a long-term commercial and technical
 partnership between the parties, with Dempo investment strengthening the FCM
 capital base, and FCM committed to providing technical know-how to Dempo,
 which owns Dempo Sports Club, a first division I-League club.

 The understanding in brief envisages FCM sharing its football expertise
 with an Indian club, and establishing an academy in football-crazy Goa, in
 collaboration with Dempo.

 “It's a historic day for FC Midtjylland and the start of a new era for the
 Club. The agreement enables us to add value to the continuity of our soccer
 team and retain our own playing talent longer. We can enhance the level of
 talent development, and begin truly to internationalize the Academy,
 explains FC Midtjylland CEO Søren Bach.
 Dempo Group chairman Shrinivas V Dempo said the agreement was aimed at
 raising the standard of Indian soccer.Our agreement is aimed at raising the
 playing standard of Indian soccer, and this tie-up with a first-rate
 European academy and team shall spur the development of the game even
 faster, Dempo

[Goanet] Post from Zena Costa---Dum Maro dum is Damn Maro GOA!

2011-04-17 Thread Zena Costa
  Link to this post:

 18:17 *Zena Costa:* The Wanda Alvares Blog: Damn Maro Damn

 I love Movies, entertaining movies! made by thorough professionals. However
 every now and then we see crap and rubbish being produced and re...

[Goanet] Buzz from Zena Costa-------- JD ,JC The Calypso

2010-12-04 Thread Zena Costa

  Link to this post:


 13:13 *Zena Costa:* Happy 100th Birthday, Jaques-Yves Cousteau. Thank you
 for all you did for this planet, for all the things you showed us,
 especially what a beautiful world it is below the waves.
 People listened to Cousteau because he was honest. He didn't make up
 emergencies like man made global warming. He educated people on the real
 conditions of nature, he spoke of real situations, so people responded.
 John Denver---One of my biggest musical influences that appealed to the
 COUNTRY BUMKIN in me thanks to my Dad. This man has one of the most
 beautiful voices in the world and when we lost him the sun got just a little
 dimmer. If ever a man could convert me, this is the one.

 This song, and many others by himbring tears to my eyes and a good feeling
 of life and living.What a beautiful, inspiring song John left us - and about
 such a noble vessel at that. A few years back, it pained me to hear that the
 Calypso was a dead hulk somewhere in a ship bone-yard. But I just read a
 story about her, and I quote, The boat is now docked in Brittany and its
 restoration will take a year and require around 8 million euros ($9.63
 million), of which a third has already been raised, Cousteau said [widow of
 Jaques]. This is really great news.

 In 1950, French national (Oceanologist  Marine Biologist) Jacques Cousteau
 founded the French Oceanographic Campaigns (FOC), and leased a ship called
 Calypso from Thomas Loel Guinness for a symbolic one franc a year. Cousteau
 refitted the Calypso as a mobile laboratory for field research and as his
 principal vessel for diving and filming.
 Jaques Y. Cousteu ( Emile Gagnan ) in 1942 invented the word SCUBA
 an accronim for: self contained underwater breathing appatusin the 50's and
 opened our eyes to the magic of the oceans a start of a movementJohn
 Denver sings to them  the Crew Of Calypso M.S in this particular video.

 * This post is dedicated to Goa( n) INDIA Marine Biologist of repute Anjali
 Menezes e Ticlo the (my) familia Marine Biologist. Mother Earth gave us all
 life... its time we repaid her... before she rids herself of this man made
 problem child.
 JD  JC R.I.P 3
 13:15 *Zena Costa:* Sit back and listen to this for what it truly means.
 It's not just about the Calypso boat.Jacque Cousteau, Steve Irwin and John
 Denver... more than ever, our world could use the hearts, souls and
 guidance of these men. Our world is not the same without them. We need to
 keep their spirit alive and growing.

[Goanet] Bhakti Kulkarni becomes International Woman Master (IWM)

2010-10-24 Thread Zena Costa
  Link to this post:


 09:22 *Zena Costa:* Bhakti Kulkarni becomes International Woman Master

[Goanet] Acharya wins four golds at World Yoga Championship

2010-10-24 Thread Zena Costa
  Link to this post:


 24 Oct *Zena Costa:* Nhehern Acharya wins four golds at World Yoga

[Goanet] HELLO!!!!!!!! GOA--------------hockey is back , LETS PLAY!!!!!!!!

2010-09-24 Thread Zena Costa

Dev Borem Korum  Patrao,
has never been doubted
for now its almost a one man (sigmund) versus the rest of GOA
(reSAG  the rest )
SAG doent even give recognition
Rec persons wt your kind of attitude
Its a super endeavour ,real proud of Sigmund
Lets Stick for GOA
I'm really excited abt   the whole thing
I love HOCKEY but i ve never seen a tourney in GOA!
Sure look fwd to it
Identifying a land/property for turf-field hockey is vital so
GOA  starts right at  world standard s surface!!
 if each of us can give a 1000 INR= a lac=lacs v quick.
do write in to Sigmund (wt cc goaanet @BUZZ!!)
/whoever you can Via Goa net
so it pricks the thick skinned ones!
They are still struggling but what a game wtout a  contest!
wt Anna nana aiz passun recognition na-na!
{hmm..i know!}
team leaves evening.Will send u pic
see if u can use it 
Maatche Faca Favor  fwd to whichever Goa groups /individuals u can
we have set bench marks for football,
despite tringgg 'Watch it  u , OR ELSE hmmm whatever!
 *musslles re!!!kinda chaps (im not JOQING!!)
seriously !!some benny from navelim?? volleyball ball player  ??was 
hockey ??

hm is  going blahh! u got it.
Sports esp the national game is
something we must kp alive for gen next !!
lets take the shame outta the national game!
viva GOA, SPREAD THE WORD!! if theres any body
   u kno i can contact here   let me know ..
just HOLaaa the Gulfies okay ??
game on!
I will be in touch,kp u info.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 1:33 PM, armstrong augusto vaz 
armstrong...@gmail.com wrote:

nice write up
lets support sigmund and join the cause
my full support

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:22 AM, Zena Costa zenaco...@gmail.com wrote:

 ACHG squad for U-20 National Hockey Championships

[Goanet] HELLO!!!!!!!! GOA--------------hockey is back , LETS PLAY!!!!!!!!

2010-09-23 Thread Zena Costa

ACHG squad for U-20 National Hockey Championships

Even as this Write  goes cyber, a young Canadian of Goan Origin Ken 
Pereira is  training and gets set to lead the Canadian National HOCKEY 
SQUAD for  the forthcoming Common Wealth Games, in India.
  Meanwhile in his native land Goa; which has thrown up the most 
brilliant talent in India in the bygone days; another multi faceted 
Goenkar, who once nutured a HOCKEY dream  is  getting set for a revival 
of sorts, to make a GOAN dream a reality. AcHG's prime soldier doesn't 
have a degree in administration and Goa may not be aware of his HOCKEY 
dream.Nevertheless the name Sigmund De souza is synonymous with 
dedication to all things GOAN and one of the most trusted and respected 
names for yeomen service to GOA in varied fields.
   The right men (for Goan Hockey) at he right time, Sigmund, with 
Anselm Gabriel filcked the stick near two years ago with  dedicated 
souls worked toward a  dream- a dream that the entire nation 
sharesQuest for excellence in Hockey -The National Game.AfTER 
squad---comprising eighteen players and two officials are getting 
set participate in the U-20 National Hockey Championships organized by 
the Indian Hockey Federation in Pune from 25 September The team which 
has been by coached by Melchior Alemão under the supervision of Anselm 
Gabriel is being fielded by the Association for Control of Hockey in Goa 
(ACHG) the sole affiliated body of the Indian Hockey Federation. The 
team will leave for Pune on Thursday 23 September.
The  Association For Control Of Hockey (ACHG) with Sigmund de souza as 
President and former state  pro fieldsman Anselm Gabriel as Secretary 
is one that promises to stem the rot plaging Goan hockey  Noteworthy is 
the fact that sigmund  Anselm have borne all costs approx 12 lakh from 
their own pockets , in the two years its taken to field a 
squad.still require another couple lac for the team expenditure.
 ACGH president Sigmund de Souza unlike the majority of sports 
adminstrators  is more 'hands-on-lets-do- it' than 'boss'.wished the 
boys the best of luck and asked them to do Goa proud.  GOENKARS PLS 
NOTE***The team is being sent despite attempts to sabotage the tour by a 
couple of South Goa politicians and the non cooperative attitude of 
Sports Authority of Goa Director V M Prabhudessai.ious .
 Its Obvious that these people who call themselves sports lovers are 
more in love with their own selfish interests and couldn’t care less 
about the future of Goa’s sports persons,” says ACHG general secretary 
Anselm Gabriel.
 The Goa team the first in two decades-will be captained by 
Sanford Jokas of Fr. Basilio School, Majorda.

The sQUAD:: Goalkeepers Navin Mendes (VC), Jesus Cardozo.
Defenders – Richard Gama, Marco Gracias, Neville Rodrigues.
 Midfielders - Kennedy Fernandes, Sanford Jokas(C), Sheikh Mouzzan, 
Maxie Dias.Forwards - Anthony Po, Robert Gomes, Glen Frada, Basil 
Tirkey, Aidan Fernandes, Sheikh Tabrez, Martin Cardozo, Ronny Fernandes, 
Rajat Chari. Coach Melchior Alemão. Manager Carlton Fortes.

Sigmund De souza AN aPPEAL to GOENKARS!
Subject: We Need Donations
The U-20 team, like teams that have been sent by us before are not being 
funded by the SAG. We are working hard to give the boys an opportunity 
we did not have. But there are expenses involved, if there is anybody 
out there who can afford to donate something to the Association for 
Control of Hockey in Goa (ACHG) I am reachable on 91 9823095064.

Thanks and God Bless You All. Long live Goan hockey.
P.S. There's a likelihood one of our boys will get selected for the 
national player pool.


HELLO GOA--hockey is back ,LETS PLAY
It takes a village to raise a child, goes an old goan axiom..In case of 
Hockey GOA  it will take  an united front and help from GOANS in goa  
overseas to ensure that this dream lives on...ACHG

 Much Like the game,  this endeavor relies on teamwork-Each, true to 

Hockey Goa
A place for Goan hockey players, former players, lovers of the game, 
members of Hockey Goa and the Association for Control of Hockey in Goa, 
and well wishers to interact.All content is public.

Email:hockey...@rediffmail.com, sigm...@yahoo.com
open your hearts, pick up your phone
and dial *91 9823095064 for SIGMUND.
If Ken can do it Canada, so can GOA!!!
hockey is back --GAME ON!!!

[Goanet] MICKKY PACHECO's PRIME Mistake???

2010-06-09 Thread Zena Costa
*Nadia Jolene Torrado: Girl Interrupted?*

-Zena Costa
THIS TIME IT BOOMERANGED and with  accuracy--former Goa Tourism Minister and
Nationalist Congress Party legislator Mickky Pacheco, (currently in his
running sho), the flamboyont and Arrogant  native of Betalbatim  had
obnoxiously stated on record and repeatedly...that his 'close Family Friend
has ''made a mistake of using the  pesticide RATOL(THE
ENTIRE) tube mistaking it for toothpaste will certainly not count this  one
as his favourite Mistakes

*Crime branch as declared MICKKY as prime suspect*

subsequent to second post mortem findings in Goa,based on prima facie
evidence and the post-mortem report received from a Chennai hospital, The
family freind had resigned from the Cabinet over allegations about his
involvement in the death of his close friend Torradoe  and was questioned by
the State police Crime  is on the run and is likely to move for anticipatory
bailIs now PRIME ACCUSED in heartbreaking death of young Nadia Joelle
Torrado (27) om loutulim.She died 10 days ago in the Chennai.She was first
treated at Apollo Victor Hospital, Margao, and later moved to Jupiter
Hospital in Thane before being airlifted to Chennai for a liver transplant.
She underwent a liver transplant through the Chennai cadaver transplant
registry. But the surgery failed because of severe internal bleeding. She
was pumped in with more than 250 units of blood components. Hospital sources
said she developed blood poisoning and died of cardio-respiratory arrest.
Her body was then moved to the Government Royapettah Hospital for a
post-mortem. Meanwhile, the judiciary has  denied  the bail plea of Lyndon
Monteiro, who was the OSD to the former tourism minister, the prosecution
also informed the Margao sessions court on Tuesday

)The Crime Branch earlier in the day registered a case under Section 304 of
the Indian Penal Code (culpable homicide not amounting to murder)After the
death of Ms. Torrado, a case was registered under Section 306 (abetment to
suicide against unknown persons.)hospital, where she was admitted after she
had allegedly consumed rat poison at ( am On !5th May at her residence in
south Goa.The investigations reveal 11 injury marks on her body. Police
sources said that during interrogation it was revealed that Mickky
currrently the prime accused, had taken her out for dinner on the night
before she consumed Ratol.

IGoa Superintendent of Police and public relations officer Atmaram
Deshpandehas stated the body bore “serious injuries including head injuries”
indicating that the woman was badly battered.
We suspect that the injuries had been caused because she has was beaten up.
We had asked the mother and brothers if they had beaten her and they have
denied doing so, said sources.
The autopsy report of Nadia Joelle Torrado has revealed that even though she
died of poisoning, her body had multiple contusions. This, according to a
forensic expert, suggests that she might have been beaten up with a log.
All her personal belongings have been destroyed. Her passport, laptop and
mobile phone have gone missing soon after the incident, said sources.
Nadia, who reportedly consumed Ratol (a rodent poison) mistaking it for
toothpaste on May 15, was admitted to a local hospital before being taken
for treatment at Jupiter Hospital in Thane. A confidential police note to
the governor says that instead of being admitted to any of the known
hospitals in Mumbai, she was driven to a far off hospital in Thane which
didn't have required facilities for treating (patients with) liver failure.
She was subsequently taken to Apollo Hospital in Chennai against medical
advice. On Tuesday, cops from Goa met forensic experts in Chennai who
conducted the post-mortem examination.

They (Goa police) wanted to know if these contusions could have been caused
by jabbing of needles and catheters during treatment. We have ruled that
out. Needles and catheters are not injected all over the body and she had
deep contusions resulting in tissue damage in at least ten places on her
body. Her lower lip appeared blue while the upper was normal. These are
reasons to suspect that she may have been beaten up, probably with a log or
stick, said a forensic expert.that the 11 injuries had been caused by a
blunt object/weapon. (Updatesw


2010-06-08 Thread Zena Costa
*An appeal to GoanS!*
*Hello GOA?? PLs.support this family *
*Torrado Family seek CBI PROBE In Nadia's Death.*
If You were  involved and   guilty even a little
in the Nadia Torrado death case, would you ask the
 best in the country to probe??
IF There are any doubts And more (False?) allegations
that Sonia  Torrado would go out of her way to harm
her own daughter,(as alleged in the section of the Goan Press)
this should keep the cynics quite for a while.

Stating total despair of over harrasment and unfair means in the
investigation process,Nadia's bereaved mother Sonia
Along with her son Conrad  and Nadia estranged huband
Winston Baretto have petitioned for a impartial and
complete probe into the sad demise of Nadia with the Central.Bureau
of Investigation.With Mickky  Now back town and prime accused
The first hearing is scheduled for Tommorow the 10th Of June 2010
May justice be pevail
Sonia Torrado in her press conference  has appealed

Pls Help   me and my family we are beingharassed

A personal note.I think in one death and before  this family
 who i  personally know as Friends and former neighbours
have  died a 100 ts and over!!! enough gut
wrenching pain.i appeal to fellow Goans that If you cant
 help or don't wont to help them PLEASE STOP MESSING WITH THEM!!

and let justice take its course.al policing
Truth will surface,--- pls quit making monster out of a mother
This mother has just lost her daughter under
 horrifyingconditions and the nitemare never cease??nobody is above the
If  Sonia has have broken the law  e will have to face  the music.
 PLEASE GIVE her the benefit of doubt until proven guilty


2009-09-13 Thread Zena Costa
Noted football commentator Noel da Lima Leitao (50)
was found dead earlier today in his hotel room in Kolkata,
only a day after being a commentator in the final of the 114th IFA Shield
(courtesy -indianfootball.com)

[Goanet] India v/s Palestine: Nehru Cup Entrée

2009-08-06 Thread Zena Costa

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com/


*ola GOA---love Football?*
*STAND UP FOR THE BOYS iN BLUE will you??SEE fooT- note!!*
*India v/s Palestine: Nehru Cup Entrée*

Defending champs India take on Palestine in entree to the 14th edition of
the Nehru Cup Nehru Cup on the 19th of this month.

The top two of each group shall qualify into the semi finals and the
eventual finals shall be held on 30 th August. formerly scheduled for the
18th NOW kicks off on 19 due to the Independence Day festivities at the
Ambedkar Stadium, the Indian FA decided to delay the kick-off by a day to
ensure that the turf is in its best condition. “The tournament kicks off on
19th. Everyone is working hard to give the ground the best shape and we
assure that like the previous year’s edition this year also it will be a
success,” All India Football Federation (AIFF) acting president, Praful
Patel said.

Fuelled by India-Footy  never- say- die ally ONGC yet again pitching in as
sponsor; the Nehru Cup is being revived after a decade.The petroleum major
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC), has chosen venue Dr. Ambedkar
Stadium, New Delhi.The preceding edition of the tournament saw India pulling
off a 1-0 victory over Syria to lift their first ever ONGC Nehru Cup.India
received the winners’ prize of USD 40,000.

*FIFA rankings of the other participating nations of the 2009 Nehru Cup are:
Syria (95), Thailand (117), Lebanon (148), Sri Lanka (156) and Kyrgyzstan
** Group A –India; Palestine;lebannon ;***

* Group**B-  Syria, Sri Lanka and Kyrgyzstan.**


*:19th August: India – Palestine (Group A)

20th August: Syria – Sri Lanka (Group B)
*21st August: Palestine – Lebanon (Group A)

22nd August: Kyrgyzstan – Sri Lanka (Group B)

23rd August: India – Lebanon (Group A)

24th August: Syria – Kyrgyzstan (Group B)

27th August: Winner (Group A) – Runner-up (Group B)**

28th August: Winner (Group B) – Runner-up (Group A)

30th August: Third Place Play-off

31st August: Final *
*ola GOA!! With GOA making team India;well almost -- its truly crucial n
essential that Goa responds in prop up of  our boys n the national squad.pls
spare a min to drop a line at the following blogs(below) Can  WE  SUPPORT

 *Msgs fr: invigorating aggressor(Sunil Chhetri)*

*Indian football's chief guardian  ( Mahesh Gawli)*



[Goanet] GOA gets SANTOSH once more

2009-06-14 Thread Zena Costa
In a clash of India's most dominant 'footie'' regions, GOA ended a super
season, with the Coach Mariano guided boys pulling off a 4-2 win over
Bengal via SUDDEN DEATH   in the final of the 2009 63rd National Football
Championship for the Santosh Trophy played in  chennai this evening,
certaininl;ywell deserved icing on the cake for the Goa football
Association secretary savio messias who takes who takes the GFA into
its golden jubilee season. .

Goa which has easily dominated the Indian football scenario in the last five
seaons (2004-05  to 2009) exorcised the ghosts of the past by  taking home
the most coveted and the only PRIZE that eluded the state in the last three
seasons. It was Goas first win against Bengal in six meetings in the
final and their fifth title triumph and fourth outright (they were
joint-winners once). Bengal last won in 1999 whilst Goa took the cup 1n

After a goaless 90 minutes and half-hour of extra-time period which saw both
teams put up a gritty fight in an entertaining and evenly balanced encounter
it was heartbreak for Bengal and 'Santosh zalem Goem.Leading to the penalty
shootout, Climax Lawrence, Beevan DMello, John Charles Dias and Fulganco
Cardozo converted for Goa. former International and spoting clube de Goa 's
man in the den Captain Felix DSouza brought off  saves off Safar Sardar and
Lalkamal Bhowmik.  as Bengal  Snehashish Chakraborty and Pachau Lalam Puia
found the net for Bengal. *Goan skipper Saligao lad felix DSouza thus came
through the tournament without conceding a goal during regulation period to
emulate fellow Goan and the  legendary  goalie Bramhanand Shankwalkar who
was so far the only goalie in India to do so three decades ago.  Climax and
Covan Lawrence  who have a plaY in separarte units in club football,
also bagged have the distinction of being the only Brothers on Field' for
both 2004-05 and the current Santosh Triumphs.*
 Bengal paid a heavy price with a slightly casual approach of their strikers
 missing scoring chances galore while Goa, playing their eighth match in
three weeks, looked more
likely to score though neither could break the deadlock.. Bengal kicked off
in style  and had  Goa under pressure with a series of raids as they
intelligently moved the ball around from flank to flank to keep the
defenders guessing. but couldnt get past some  commited and clean defending
from mercurial defender Mahesh Gawli who was equally matched by SOME
inspired defending  by Covan Lawrence .GOA's Young  gunners however,  were
found inexeperienced in positioning and anticipation despite a constant
supply of exellent crosses from Nicholas Rodrigues (left) and Wilton Gomes
(right) from the wings and midfield play lead by Climax lawrence .

After  lemon break, it was Goa who took the initiative and in fact looked
more dangerous when on the move.in the second half using  the width of the
field to stretch the Bengal defence that just about managed to avert danger.
*Marcus Mascarenhas, the livewire in the Goan ranks was undoubtedly the
player of the match for Goa, kept the team move with splitters from the
midfield and then following up on the attacks.* and the Bengal goal looked
certain to fall at any moment. A few close shaves kept Bengal in the game,
but their defending left a lot to be desired. The Goan forwards too  were
guilty wasting a couple of great scoring chances off some  .  In the dying
moments,Felix DSouzas courage and reflexes to bring off a couple of saves to
take the game into 'sudden death'..for Bengal.
whilst Tamil-Nadu  younster Muthu bagged the player off the tourney' ,
Goa who did not have a single foul in the final also took the Fair Play
Bengal tiger endangered ?well thats agood debate  for another day
.Football loving GOANS are getting set to welcome victorius team Goa  (at 5
pm,tommorow) in a rally linning the streets from southernest Pallolem to the
hub of our football ,the PJN stadium at fatorda. Right  now, its SANTOSH
times iN GOA..

[Goanet] Fwd: GOA gets SANTOSH once more-------------------RE:CORECTION-------------victory celebz.

2009-06-14 Thread Zena Costa
The celebration to hounour  the Santosh trophy vicrors are at 5pm Tilak
PJN Fatorda.
mea culpa!

some  commited and clean defending from mercurial defender Mahesh Gawli who
was equallFootball loving GOANS are getting set to welcome victorius team
Goa  (at 5 pm,tommorow) in a rally linning the streets from southernest
Pallolem to the hub of our football ,the PJN stadium at fatorda. Right  now,
its SANTOSH  times iN GOA..

[Goanet] Fwd: Clubs Summoned For license/ Registration Renewal Official Press Release from GFA---------

2009-05-04 Thread Zena Costa
The folowing press note has been
issued by the Goa football Association(GfA)
pls do carry .
thanks n Regards

-- Forwarded message --
From: Savio Messias
Date: Sun, May 3, 2009 at 10:52 PM
Subject: Press Note
To: Zena Costa

  All the football clubs affiliated to the Goa Football Association, which 
not renewed the registration for the 2009-10 season are hereby reminded that 
last date for submitting the forms is 15th May 2009.

Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Yahoo! Edition * 


2009-04-25 Thread Zena Costa

Goa Heritage Action Group releases PARMAL, the journal of the GHAG, on Apr 25, 
2009 at 5.30 at Gallery Gitanjali, Fontainhas. Price Rs 200 in Goa.

Dear Goa netters n football aficionados
Here's great news vis-a -vis
Savio Messias -secretary of Goa football  asso.
we have our first Gary linekar scholar '
congrats Les -proud of u Kiddo !!
lets futbol em  !!
pswishes/msgs for Lester cld ne mailed to me or gfa
*Savio Messias* gfa_go...@yahoo.com


* *


Lesten Martins, a young footballer from Goa will begin the first Gary
Lineker Football Scholarship on 23rd April. Lesten Martins, 15, will travel
to the UK to train with Leicester City and sample the life of a professional
footballer in this country.

The scholarship, sponsored by Air India, is part of the Leicester India
Football Link, an initiative launched to forge links between Leicester and
India by Milan Mandaric, Chairman of Leicester City Football Club; the
British High Commissioner to India, Sir Richard Stagg; and Keith Vaz, MP for
Leicester East and GFA. It follows a hugely successful tour to Goa in
October last year by a group of Under 14’s footballers from Leicester.

During the tour, Lesten was identified by the coaches that accompanied the
touring party as possessing great ability, and they chose him to receive
this once in a lifetime opportunity.

In addition to training with the club, Lesten will attend the Foxes final
home game of the season against Scunthorpe and meet with Leicester City
legend Gary Lineker, in whose name the scholarship is awarded.

Keith Vaz MP said:

“It’s wonderful to be able to welcome this talented young man to Leicester.
The players from Leicester enjoyed a fantastic tour last year and I’m
delighted that the link between the two communities can be further
strengthened through the Gary Lineker Scholarship.”

Lesten Martins said:

“I can’t wait to get to England and train with Leicester City. It is my
dream to be a footballer, and I can’t believe I’m going to have the chance
to train with a professional team.”

Savio Messias said:

This is a wonderful opportunity for Lesten Martins who will be accompanied
by Fabien D’souza of Goa United Academy, whose club has been responsible for
the development of Lesten.


Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Yahoo! Edition *

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: To a time that was: remembering an unusual chef from Raia (Lesley A. Esteves)

2009-04-21 Thread Zena Costa
HI Bernard,
No offence man, but since Chef isn't with us anymore i am lets say Im his
''spokes person''
I will ask  you what chef would definitely  have said to you ..
 Arre Patrao, why are we looking at a glass half empty ,why not half
full? so muchfor your Goenkarponn''
If you have witnessed the years when i  played the drums (One year only not
really important )
why not   add to the content  ? This boy (Lesley ) wasn't even born then  

(And i would second him for certain)
We don't have to be ''know it all'' to  pen from the
heart''--I'm immensely touched so is Chef 's family and close
friends.that's what Lesley  has done---he  touched our hearts like
many who loved   him so..

 Lesley's piece on Chef Fernando Da Costa is undoubtedly straight from the
and its a very apt description, a very emotional one and most
importantly its sincere.
Its also very clear from the onset that the writer approached the
subject from what was dearest to Chef
and also the reason why   they met and bonded---GOAN CUISINE

Its  very apparent  from his ;;header''To a time that was: remembering an
unusual chef from Raia (Remembering a CHEF/not  Remo's drummer!!)
The article does mention  his wife Margarida (He was
married to Imelda Tavora's daughter that's  her.).
 Chef was a multi faceted , immensely gifted  person.
 His  dedication to all things GOAN cannot be summed up in one article.
It will take a book.Chef was also his own person,i don't see any sense in
''Imelda's son
in law'' /Remo blah blah

WellThere is a lot to CHEF fERNANDO
4-former Right BACK football sALGAOCARSPORTS club
5--FOUNDER  Raia YOUTH assoc
 THE BEST PLACES TO EAT IN INDIA (4 years running) BY THE WORLD culinary
need i go on?i think you get my point? it would be really nice if you could
write about his times with the
group Remo and companhia ---even i wasn't born then
7---Chef   did not have kids and was very attached
to his elder brothers children in the joint family he lived in
and practically raised and guided the eldest  niece n grandchild when his
brother passed away at 46.
i ought to know
.i am her and
I rest my case.

Dev Borem Korum;

Mog Assunim...

ps-.i look forward to your piece on my  uncles one year as drummer.

2009/4/21 Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या 

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Bernado Colaco ole_...@yahoo.co.uk
 Date: 2009/4/21
 Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: To a time that was: remembering an
 unusual chef from Raia (Lesley A. Esteves)
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org

 The article does not mention Fernando's passion for music. He a was an
 avid drummer and belonged to the group Remo and companhia. He was
 married to Imelda Tavora's daughter.


 FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
 M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
 http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org
 Sent from Pune, MH, India
 quot;God heals and the doctor takes the fees.quot; - Benjamin Franklin


2008-12-16 Thread Zena Costa
  Close on the heels of Leceister City under 15 team visiting Goa yet
another team this time from the US will be playing a tournament in Goa
involving 3 teams. A team of Sikh NRI'S based in the US and presently
touring India would play matches against Mahindra United and Goa under 15

The Goa team coached by Lino Pereira consists of

Sheldon Fernandes,Albino Gomes, Flobert Montero,Joy Dias, Jesmon
Carvalho,Meldon D'silva,Dario Rodrigues,James Fernandes,Niall Cardozo,Lester
Martins Sheldon Rodrigues,Estevan Mendes,Tunard Fernandes,Brandon
Fernandes,Alesh Sawant, Nickson Castana. Mahindra United  under 15 team
arrived yesterday while the US team currently in Delhi

 is touching base Goa tomorrow.

The draw is as follows

Dec16 Mahindra vs Goa at Raia ground

Dec 17 Mahindra  vs Golden Temple at Tilak Maidan

Dec 18  Goa vs Golden Temple at Fatorda Stadium
Final to be held at Fatorda on 20th Dec

All matches to be held at 4pm

Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get yourn...@ymail.com. Sign up


2008-11-25 Thread zena costa
*Salcette's toddy bear keeps Goas feni spirit tapping*

*Feni Fransicso is the maker and preserver of Goas best known ambassador of
goodwill and friendship-feni. At sixty-five, the Tarzan from Salcette swings
from palm to palm to pluck coconuts and tap toddy to make feni. This is a
first of a new series, Keepers Of The Past, profiling Goans who till today,
nurture and preserve those little slices and nuggets of Goa that are fast
diminishing, Zena Costa, meets the artist who knows his feni like the back
of his palm.*

Hanv zaite maad chodla …hanven zaite paus podoilliant…says Francisco
Rodrigues or Feni Francisco as he is to feni guzzling Saashtikaars, belying
his 65 years one observes him nimbly scramble and descend swinging palms.
Years, in fact are rather inapt to mark the passage of characters like
Francisco who are timeless custodians of Goa's prized heritage. His words
translated from Konkani I have climbed many a palm…weathered many a monsoon
… are germane to the arduous journey of this man from Per-Seraulim, Colva.

Orphaned at age 6, Francisco lived with his uncle, and worked as caregiver
cum playmate to the kids of the local Bhatkar…by the time he was 11 he had
moved on to tending cattle, tapping toddy and plucking coconuts for Rs.15 a
month. For the hardy lad, both marriage and enterprise happened at 20.
Whilst he continued to pluck coconuts for steady income, (with the backing
of his wife whom he describes as 'God sent' and a great mother to their
three children), he hired few palms from the Bhatkar and put years of toddy
tapping to fine use to brew feni and vinegar. What started off as Devachem
besanv asliar zatlem' (God willing, it will work) more than forty years down
the line, is a success story accepted with touching humility and modesty.

It is to Feni Francisco that connoisseurs and regulars of the hardy brew
travel from all over Goa. Some clients go back a good 30 years or so and
extend to Goa's top politicians, tiatr artistes and cross borders to
Bollywoods 'Anthony Gonsalveses'. Such is the demand, that off- season
(monsoons) Francisco sells only one bottle per person. It wouldn't be fair
to persons driving all the way from Bardez to go empty handed''. He says.
Otherwise, a client may buy upto 10 bottles each.

Francisco's routine today is the same it was at 20. Up at 5 am, he ascends
palms to hang the 'Budkulo' (earthen pot) to collect toddy.  Its coconut
plucking until noon (a brief Kanji-break at 11am). Back on the palms by 1 pm
to descend with a pot of toddy and heads for his tiny 'brewery' adjoining
his humble home. Watching him at work is a lesson in minutiae and
intricacies of the art of brewing feni.

Ask him if factories manufacturing Feni are selling authentic stuff, he
slaps the palm he was leaning against, as if it had just insulted his
grandmother…but calms down to rue the fact that spurious stuff sold by
factories at cheap rates, has traditional brewers shut shop. Some often
complain my price is high, but if a man knows Feni from what passes off as
feni, he can tell by taking a small sip…the true Feni drinker can tell from
smell… knows that many a laborious day has gone into the making. I don't
advertise or force anyone to buy he says. Francisco gets bit emotional as
he tells Hya soryaan Goemchem nanv soglia sounsarak gazoilam''(this spirit
has sung the Goan melody to the world) and adds I would rather that God
takes me away, than keeps me alive to make and sell something else as
Coconut Feni'.

Interestingly, the proud keeper of Goa's coconut Feni is a teetotaler. How
does he test the stuff? God gifted me with this art…I can tell by looking
…by just the first whiff …I feel lucky to be able to keep alive something
precious to Goa.

(courtesy: Gomantak Times)

This first of its kind Gulf-Goans e-newsletter is dedicated to Goans around
the Globe. http://www.goa-world.com/ Team and founders are always the first
to get you in the limelight - in the field of sports, politics, social,
cultural, educational, other actitivity(ies) or to the benefit of Goans and
Goa via its news services from professional journalists and supporters based
in Gulf countries and worldwide. It is moderated by AlmeidaGaspar since
1994, and presented by Ulysses Menezes, owner of
http://www.goa-world.comwebsite. Any and all postings from Goans are
welcomed - be it a Goan
business enterprise, a Goan event/programme of cultural heritage, or of a
personal nature. Thanks to true and brilliante Goan writer ZENA COSTA of
GOMANTAK TIMES for the support to Goa and Goans

[Goanet] International Standard Athletic synthetic track for Peddem

2008-11-24 Thread zena costa
*International Standard Athletic synthetic track for Peddem*

*-zena costa*
With the Chowgules going magnanimous in support of sports infrastructure
with a state of the art fitness centre and SAARC
countries sole Field turf playing surface under the capable ELVIS GOES; at
the Shrimati Parvatibai  Chowgule College;
Track and Field athletes possibly will just have their 'field-days' before
long; with a synthetic athletics track coming Goa-way at the Peddem Sports

It is Chief Minister Kamat an avid sports lover, who played catalyst in
transfer to realism

Goa's dream of an international standard athletic synthetic track by
shooting off a letter to the union minister for Sports Dr.M S Gill.

 In a e-comminuque to this writer; Roque Dias Regional director SAI West is
positivist that with the Sports Authority of India
seriously considering of laying the same,  to the tune of Rs. 3.5 crore.The
ambitious project of SAI, under the Ministry of Sports
and Youth Affairs, Government of India, has deputed as team of experts to
access the feasibility and soil testing for this ambitious project .
The project which was initiated by Kamat could finally come to light after
a gap of 20 years to various attempts to put the
track in the pipeline, at the cost of Sports Authority of India (Government
of India.)
As a consequence of a letter by Mr Digambar Kamat, dispatched by the Chief
Minister's office to Dr M S Gill, Union Minister of
Sports, a high level  panel, comprising of  Roque Dias, Regional Director,
Mr Manmeet  Singh Goinde, SAI DD of Infra Division
and Mr Dinesh Kumar, Executive Engineer, CPWD, visited the State and have
undertaken the preliminary formalities at the SAI

Directorate of Sports Dr Susan de Souza accompanied the panel along with
Marwin Gomes, architect of PWD and Monica Lobo

were also present. Dr de Sousa also apprised the panel of the various
features of the Sports Science at Peddem which can facilitate

the conduct of national camps in the State.

Roque Dias also informs that two Goans namely Talasha Prabhu  (swimming)
and Steffi Cardozo (athletics)

are probables for the forth coming Commonwealth Games 2010.
The Sports Authority of India would provide  the air fares for  national
coaching camps including a kit of

 Rs. 10,000, besides Rs 350 per day for the diet. Both, Steffi and Talasha
would be under the guidance

of a foreign coach and would be assisted for international exposure, he
training centre, Peddem, Mapusa, where around 60 girl inmates are housed in
the discipline of boxing, athletic, football and judo.


2008-10-15 Thread zena costa

 A Coaching Clinic organised by the GOA Football Association (GFA)will be
 held at the Duler ground, Mapusa on 21st October and 23rd October 2008,
 7.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.  The Clinic will be conducted by the coaches of
 Leicester City including former England players Alan John Bircherall and
 Marshall a former Bolton Wanderers player. The Clinic Is Ipen to Coaches,
 Players ,fotball writers and afficianados Football Lovers and allthose
 intrested in picking up the finer nuances of coaching From amongst the
 in the bussines.

 Those interested in attending the workshop should submit their names to
 GFA office.via telephome /email.



[Goanet] Fwd: Goa Blog------------zena--------------Delegate registration for IFFI-2008 opens

2008-10-15 Thread zena costa
Hi,Pls pass on to   Ur colleagues who mite be interested.

   Goa Blog http://www.goablog.org/

Delegate registration for IFFI-2008

Posted: 13 Oct 2008 09:15 AM CDT

The Directorate of Film Festivals along with the Ministry of Information 
Broadcasting has opened the on-line registration of delegates for the
39th International
Film Festival of
- 2008. The Film Festival will be held in
Goa http://www.goablog.org/posts/about-goa/ from 22 November to 2

The website can be visited at http://www.iffi.nic.in/  for getting
registered online by delegates.

The last date for registration with normal fee of Rs 300 is 14
November. *However,
a delegate can  get registered  up to 20 November with late fee of Rs 200.*
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[Goanet] Fwd: JOSHUA,CHARton

2008-05-25 Thread zena costa
-- Forwarded message --
From: zena costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: May 14, 2008 3:13 PM
Subject: JOSHUA,CHARton

Joshua, Charlton, Aiken Return

-zena costa


Where shall we go this summer? Queries novelist Anita Dessai in her best
seller entitled the same. Try inquiring this of year old Joshua Vaz (17)
and15 year olds Charlton Vaz and Aiken Dias the counter is similar to
millions.-Goa for the summer. But the boys are not vacationers. After a year
of football training in Portugal these teens come back to that place where
the heart lies-Goa. HOME!

It maybe recalled that there three footballers Goan were sent to Portugal
last year following a GFA m.o.u with Porto FC and Vitoria Guimaraes. Having
completed their intensive training at Guimaraes in a major football nation
like Portugal and successfully so. And what's the feeing at home? Speaking
to Herald spoke the families of these budding footballers just prior to
their arrival in Dabolim.

Aiken Dias' father Felipe a former footballer says I cant wait to see
Aiken. My wife Flory is in Jerusalem and will miss Aiken's home coming.
When queried how Aiken had coped without family Filipe replies We would
always be admonishing him for his fathomless watching of every football
match he could both live and on Television. In his absence each time the
word football was mentioned or the TV switched on we would miss him .As for
my boy, he was totally engrossed in what was being done there and wasn't
homesick at all.Infact he was very jovial and would cheer us up  I haven't
seen my son for a year and have missed him.I m off to the airport.


Vitória Sport Clube is a Portuguese football club based in the city of
Guimarães, located 40 km north of Oporto. It is reported to be established
in 1922. Although Vitória de Guimarães (the club abbreviation used in
Portugal) never managed to win the championship or even the Portuguese cup,
it is one of the most respected clubs in Portugal, playing in the last
decades always at the top division, most of the times seeking for the places
that grant access to the UEFA competitions. Clubs such as Parma AC, Atletico
Madrid and Sparta Prague were eliminated from european competitions in ties
with Guimarães. Joshuah Vaz who had earlier undergone a 5 month stint at
Porto trained and did play matches for the club.Aiken and cherton were in
the trainee category receiving intensive training a la Portugal.


report continues….

In the fatorda home of Joshuah and Charlton Vaz, a very close-knit family
for whom football is a way of life eagerly awaits the boys' return. Their
father coach Soccorro Vaz a reputed footballer in his day, and a respected
coach and PE teacher at the manovikas trust say told Herald Other than the
time Josh and Charlton represented Goa ,they have spent every night of their
young lives at home. We did miss them a lot since both my sons were not
home. Their mother missed then terribly as any mum would. We would be in
touch online regularly it's not the same as being with them. But, as much as
we missed their presence Coach Socorro stressed  my sons want to excel. And
as parents however much we night miss them it's a sacrifice we have to make.
Parental backing and support is vital. When queried how te boys had fared he
said there is a new maturity about them. They come out to be more mature
,more grown up,independent.Infact Joshua t was able to pass on to me some
stuff they learnt and I was able to implement it here 'says Coach Soccaro.

All three boys who step out of the airport with long locks haircuts are
expensive in Portugal quipped Aiken to be enveloped in hugs  mingled with
tears of joy and re-union. We have one demand they say- xitt-kodi-fish
please! We are s tarving! While Ailken's fish-curry- rice awaits him in

 The vaz boys will  home to the aroma of fish curry rice,  chicken Goesa,
bebinca, Doce de grao and home made chocolate cake cooked with love by their
mother Debbie.

Well, as the axiom goes you can take a true Goenkar out of Goa but not the
Goenkar out of the Goan. So xitt-Kodi it is. What does one say but,Eivkar!
Welcome home and Bon Appetite!

[Goanet] JAMES REBELO------bids adieu

2007-12-01 Thread zena costa

Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




JAMES REBELO--bids adieu
Goenkar Music-maker signs-up with *THE* maker

Dear Goa-netters,

Info.very heart-rending; has just come my way. Remember/Know James Rebelo? 
James from Seraulim (Salcete), who in his zenith captivated us with his 
wizardry on the drums, especially as the (literally)blue eyed guy on the 
drums, percussions and vocals with the Goan band LYNX??? He and his wife 
Vera who had moved on to their common-interest-Cuisine (after music  
dancing) with the eat-sing-dance eatery Picket Fences at Seraulim?

Well, yet another Goenkar musician has signed up with the lord. James Rebelo 
passed away early evening/late this afternoon.

I'm short of precise details. Figured numerous goa-netters know him?  Maybe 
family /friends?? Would want to know? From word-of mouth info- James was 
riding/driving toward Margao, when a vehicular accident sent him plunging 
into a roadside water body, cause of his death is drowning. James is 
survived by his wife Vera and 2 daughters. The older one's Marushka 
(latish-teens.) can't recall the little one's name.  Don't know when the 
funeral is. Best look up obits in the dailies morn?

Ani kitem? Just thinking why we keep losing ones we care for/love? Yes. 
Death is the lone surety we have.I can reason that with my mind... But what 
do I tell my heart?



2007-07-21 Thread zena costa

Savio Messias Is GFA Secretary

-zena costa

  The fact that Passion, and a never- say- die hard slog  emerges victor 
above Mafia, Politics and Pedigree in the election of Savio Messias to his 
second term as secretary GFA, is a triumph and a well deserved one. Not only 
for Messias, but for Goan Football and for  all matters sporting . The fact 
that he was voted in unanimously by the panel of 16 who got their place 
thanks to votes from the nurseries of our football-village clubs, makes it a 
victory the football fraternity ought to attach importance to.

  Speaking to this writer, above the din of what sounded like merriment 
Messias took a minute off to remark I want to build upon and consolidate 
the areas in which I have laid the base in the last four years.

Messias' first term as secretary, has been a time of sweeping changes; 
daunting obstacles and plenty of hurdles and impediments courtesy the Aiff. 
To his credit, Messias has taken all blows firmly on chin, rising to each 
new challenge.  More of a Hands- on- Worker than 'Thinker';he has 
effectively Converted ideas and ideals into policies appropriate to Goan 
football.with deep focus on youth development.  And it is a matter of pride 
for every Goan that our tiny state is today, the number one state in the 
country. A success story  the fine panel of 16 is competent of taking Goan 
football to further heights.Messias who was a lone worker until a few days 
ago can now rely on a well balanced team

 In a press release, prior to ballot vote Sporting Clube de Goa's Peter Vaz 
who was in the present day named

Vice president accurately summed up then outgoing GFA secretary s the most 
dynamic secretary the GFA has ever had. Messias not only managed day to day 
affairs by devoting all his time, but was also instrumental in securing 
commercial sponsorships for the long neglected lower divisions and age group 
tournaments. Most importantly, with his constant efforts, he achieved the 
distinction of securing additional land allocation from the Goa Government 
for the GFA stadium at Duller, an issue that was pending during the tenure 
of the three previous committees. Said Vaz.

Whilst the committee with the likes of the 'GFA's Conscience' José Antonio 
Botelho; is any secretary's dream. The office bearers following electing of 
President Joaquin Alemao are a fine lot.

Elected Unanimously this day:

Secretary -Savio Messias, Treasurer John Dias, Asst, Secretary: Jaju 

Vice presidents: Peter vaz, Elvis Gomes, Sandeep Jaques, Vinod Parkott

Co-opted: DR. Susana de Sousa, Anthony John D'Costa, and Lector Mascarenhas

As a football writer passionate about the jogo Bonita- I am more optimistic, 
fuller of hope than the day I keyed in my first match report. Certain that 
from now on. (Excluding Alemao's pathetic dole- to village clubs-I give you 
50,000 and you give me your vote!!!)Am gladdened that Goan football will be 
run by Goans and not by New Delhi. Confident than ever before that Goa's 
best football days lie ahead for.

In the next 4 years the super sixteen who come from all walks of life, may 
or may not hold a position more respected than they do today.. But there is 
no 'title' (along with all of us who truly love football,) they wear more 
proudly than that of Goenkars, who simply love the beautiful game.- 

[Goanet] “New Panel Surfaces

2007-07-11 Thread zena costa


   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
  Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

Dear Mr.Botelho,
As a football writer and a Goan passionate about football, it
was heartening to read in local dailies last week, your tough
 *'against panels'* (as anti-constitutional.)Stand, and endeavor
to necessitate elections in keeping with the GFA constitution.
I am really troubled on reading *New Panel Surfaces*
(Ref: Herald/ 10th July 07).   Your name figures  in this so
called panel along with Peter Vaz, Anjulo Albuquerque, S.Dempo (For ilhas)
The publication further claims that they are in possession
 of a copy the new panel'.Can you please  clarify  why you
 have changed your stand,( IF you have done so?)
Who drafted this' new Panel' and may we at goa-net-Sports
Please be provided with a copy of the same? If there is any
further point you wish to make for  Goan football kindly
feel free to do so.

Kindly Revert,

Than you,
Zena costa
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2007-07-08 Thread zena costa
 a valid passport and Goa Police Force who cleared the same. The
organisers would have to establish that
ALL the above are in the wrong and thus age –cheats if GOA is to
 accept the Meldon D'silva is not 12 years old.

There is absolutely no question as of now, in Goa that Meldon is over
age as all the above have been checked and his date of birth stands at
17th NOVEMBER 1994 as registered by the GFA and an appeal has been
made to
Vision India Director Shaji Phrabakaran.That he is looking into the
matter is positely hope that a young football
 dream will not be killed.
zena costa/Navhind Times/24th December 2006


MELDON IS INNOCENT:Dr.SHaji Phrabakaran is Santa
25 December 2006
Dr Shaji Prabhakaran is known to be a fair and ethical administrator
and on  xmas he brought in the goodies.
speaking to this wrter affirmed that bone density isnt full proof ,so
and mri would be conducted asap.
 he informed late evening of 24th December.
Speaking from Chennai Phrabakaran on 25th December 2006 he affirmed
Meldon was innocent
and will play in the Goa match tommorow.Goa finished runners -up  losing 0-1.
Loyola high SCHOOl'S Goa Captain, Brendon Fernandes emerged the top
scorer,(13 GOALS)and player of the Tournament.
His neighbour and  fellow Loyolite Meldon  now 'innocent' (missed two
matches) but went on to score TOO

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Jul 8, 2007 9:42 AM
Subject: [Goanet-sports] sports

I am interested in the soccer happenings at Loyola High school,
Margao, I played for Loyola, represented the school in the Subrota Cup
and the All-Goa School  tournament, ( I may have the names of the
tournaments wrong. This was long time ago, in the mid and late '70's).
How is the school doing lately?
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Goanet-sports mailing list

[Goanet] Fwd: steffi...

2007-07-07 Thread zena costa


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Dear Zena,

Thanks for the cell phone no of Euginio. Will talk to people in Dubai for 
Steffi's sponsorship.


Xavier Carneiro

From: zena costa [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 2:22 PM
Subject: steffi...

Hi Xavier,

This is zena ..im a sports journo

i dont have Steffi 's  id but u can call Eugenio
on his cellular phone :09423061883.

Did try  him now but couldnt reach him..

i will forward u some older articles i did.

since u have a blog...or u can even have them

published in a Dubai- Goenkar ctrculation..


i am very proud of Steffi-she is champin stuff..

as an athlete and a human being.

it would be really nice  if you coud help out

 in some way ...she is looking for a sponsor..

maybe Goans in Dubai coud do their bit?

i am contactable on 09421240941

or 0832-2771266

thank u for writing in



[Goanet] Bingo! Ditto!!!.

2007-06-24 Thread zena costa


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 by GEOERGE Gabriel
i second that..ur say..uarent second to none
neither am i ..some still hang the fuedal hanover
 ( note the question marks-benefit of doubt)
We are what we make of ourselves
i had no say of shade i would be land on planet earth..
but i do know all i do with a shade of brown..
it dont matter if ur black.white,brown
or red..like those who dont agree with this are right now..
i am  happy in my own skin..
 lets get on with life...
zena costa.