[Goanet] Book Release- ‘Livro da Cozinha Goesa- Tradicional’

2014-09-30 Thread zoya joao
To the Editor ,

Kindly publish my listing on your daily ,

Thanks and regards ,

Book Release-   *‘*Livro da Cozinha  Goesa- Tradicional’

An inaugural thanksgiving mass will be held   at *11.30a.m*.* on Sunday the
 5th October 2014 *  at *St.Francis  Xavier’s  Church Velim , Salcete* , Goa
followed by  the  book launch – ‘*Livro da Cozinha  Goesa-* *Tradicional’* ,
  at Casa de Francisco Xavier João, near Clube De Baga, Velim, Salcete , at
1 p.m.   and celebration lunch as an ode to her memory  by Adv. Lida and
Dr. Zoya João .Open to all . Contact - 277

[Goanet] Heritage Fest at Casa de Almeida João - Assolna, The Feast of St. Dymphna on 15 th May 2014 at 10.45 a.m.

2014-05-14 Thread zoya joao
*Heritage Fest at Casa de Almeida João  -  Assolna*

*The Feast of St. Dymphna on 15 th May 2014 at 10.45 a.m. *

The image of saint Dymphna  the saint for emotional well being and 20
different ailments  will be kept open for the public on the occasion of her
 feast from 10 .45 am onwards followed by a traditional meal at the house
of Lida João“Casa de Almeida”sBainfol,Assolna, soon after Assolna  Police
Outpost . on the Main assolna - Betul Road ,Salcete Goa .. Viewing is Open
to the public  of all faiths  from 10.45 a.m.till 9.30. p.m.fr details  Contact

Dear Editor

Please list this feast in your events column

Thanks and regards zoya

*Saint Dymphna – the matron saint a woman should emulate in the modern
times in a world full of trials and tribulations. Born in
the 7th century in Ireland to the  pagan king of Oriel and a devout mother
remarkable for her piety and beauty.  This forgotten saint on account of
her spotless virtue and glorious martyrdom is also known as the  ‘Lily of
Fire’.Dympna being filled with the fervor and love for Jesus Christ chose
him for her Divine spouse and was consecrated to a vow of chastity An
unexpected cloud overshadowed Dimpna’s happiness with her mother’s death at
the age of 14 and her father too greatly mourned the death as well and
continued to prostrate with grief till at length he was persuaded by his
counselors to seek solace in a 2nd marriage so he commissioned from his
court to seek him a lady in beauty and character like his earlier spouse ,
after visiting many countries in vain the messengers returned back stating
that there was none so charming and amiable as his own lovely daughter
giving ear to their suggestion Damon dympna’s father conceived an evil
design of marrying her . With persuasive words he manifested his purpose to
her and Dympna was horrified by this suggestion and asked for a period of
40 days to consider the proposal . She immediately on the advise of Fr.
Gerberan fled to Antwerp and then to the village of Gheel  .  Her father on
hearing this set out in search of her and persuaded her to return back but
Fr.Gerberan rebuked him for his wicked intentions, whereby he gave orders
to Fr.Gereberan to be put to death ,Dympna’s father inducement to return
with him proved futile ans she spurned his enticing promises , infuriated
by her resistance  Damon drew a dagger and struck the head of his own child
,recommending her soul to the mercy of God ,she fell prostrate  at the feet
of her insanely raving father and the crown of martyrdom came to her at the
age of 15 and on the 15th of May between 620 to 640 .her feast day. This
saint is depicted in various forms such as being beheaded by the king,
kneeling at mass ehile her father murders the priest Gerebernus  ,lamp,
praying in a cloud surrounded by a group of lunatics bound with golden
chains, princess with a sword holding the devil on a leash, young woman
with Saint Gerebernus . Dimpna is a patron saint  for sleepwalking,
epilepsy, insanity, mental illnesses and  disorders,insanity,
epilepsy,Incest victims, possessed, mental health givers and professionals,
princesses, psychiatrists, rape victims, runaway brides, sleepwalkers,
therapists, nervous and neurological disorders, mental hospitals and
asylums., The  feast day is celebrated on May 15 th and on this day the
image is kept open to the people to pay their obeisance or for those who
wish to have a glimpse of this forgotten saint  at the ancestral house of
Lida Joao at ;Casa de Almeida’s at Bainfol Assolna , Salcete .Every year
there is a service wherein the relic is kissed by the faithful irrespective
of their religious backgrounds and the devotees are anointed with the holy
oil.At the end of the ceremony always proceeds the traditional meal to
commemorate the feast of this unfamiliar saint .It is  attended by hundreds
of faithfuls.The  nine days novena constitutes 9 different intentions
starting from faith,hope,charity, piety,prudence, justice,fortitude,
temperance,and lastly chastity.  There lies the church in Gheel inhonour of
St.Dymphna at the site of the original tombs which were white as snow one
of Fr.Gereberanus and when the coffin of the saint was opened there was
found lying on her chest a  red tile with the inscription ‘Here lies the
holy virgin and Martyr Dymhna’.Here miracles and cures continually occur in
increasing numbers.In Gheel the insane are treated in a peculiar
manner,wherebythey are placed in an institution for observation and
thereafter sheltered in the homes of the inhabitants there , and are
allowed to lead a normal life ,by taking part in agricultural activities
etc. and are being watched without being conscious of it,and are also
treated very kindly wherein the treatment proves effective.The old church
in Gheel was destroyed by fire in 1489 and the new church was built in 1532
which stands till date.  . There also exists a church in America at Masilon
Ohio the first in honour of this saint, there ar


2013-11-17 Thread zoya joao
Boas Festas

    As one leaves the
picturesque  village  of Assolna at the crossroads  stood the unique peepal  
tree which got uprooted in the monsoon of
2013 where the betal temple is situated and parallel to it lies the huge cross
that can never go unnoticed in the Assolna market place ,each of these
unique  historical structures are
surrounded by the famous  fish market
that sells the best assorted river fish  from the agars in the village and we 
also have the well known Lohia
Chowk  where the origin of the June 1946
liberation  movement was conceptualized .
On entering Assolna one cannot fail to notice  the church of Our Lady of Regina 
Martyrum  wherein  alongside meanders the river Sal   , the church was 
initially a fortress during the Portuguese era  built in 1616 on the Neo-Roman 
style with a
prominent triangular gable and has a large bell tower to the left with
balustrades.. The Queen of Martyrs houses on the left wall the attractive stone
grotto of Our lady of Lourdes  built in
History  relates that
on 25th July 1583 five religious of the Society of Jesus Rev. Frs.
Rudolph Acquaviva, Alphonsus Pacheco, Peter Berno, Anthony Francis and
Bro.Francis Aranha along with Goncalo Rodrigues a Portuguese and 14 native
Christians were  massacred in
Cuncolim,and as a retribution the Portuguese Army raided and destroyed
orchards  in the village and unleashed
many atrocities on the local population. The Captain Major Incharge of the
Portuguese Army garrison at the Assolna fort now a Church, invited the
Kshatriya Gaonkars of Cuncolim for talks at the fort and in an act of treachery
sixteen of them were similarly executed without trial by the Potuguese
authorities,  out of which one escaped
execution by jumping into the Assolna river through  a toilet hole and fled to 
Karwar,Karnataka. Thus this church was given the name in association with these
martyrdoms which is the only church in South Goa with this title.
The’ Church is also surrounded on both sides by two
cemeteries  with an elaborate Rocco
façade.The uniqueness about this church in the South is that in its
compound  one does not fail to notice the
elegant and grand monument of the CHRIST THE KING   the Asian wonder, 
surrounded on all four
corners by the Marble statues of the  four Apostles of the New Testament 
John,Luke,Mark and Mathew.  Besides, it has a central motif of the Holy
Spirit,and beautifully carved urns flanked by horn blowing angels which was
blessed on 26 th April 1942 .My  avô   Maria Ida Cotta Pinto de  Almeida used 
to relate to us in our childhood
that this Cristo Rei statue  was a
replica of the 54 feet   white marble
statue built in front of the St.Patrick’s Cathedral in Karachi, Pakistan 
the Shahrah e Iraq previously known as Clark Street constituting one of the
seven wonders of the world. The CRISTO REI in Karachi and the world renowned
CRISTO REDEMTOR atop Mount Corcovado In Rio De Janeiro constituting 220 steps
an inspiration for poems and songs famous being the “Corcovaddo” by Tom Jobin
and “Blessed to be a witness” penned by Ben Harper so also we have the Cristo
del Otero Palencia in Castile and Leon  all  were built in October 1931
.We have the tallest Christ the King monument 108 feet tall rising above the
Polish plains in Swiebodzin, Poland.completed in November 2010.The Cristo de La
Noas on a dice cup in Torreon ,Coahuila in Guanajuato, Mexico is  2,700 metres 
high. Designed by Rev.Jose
Rodriguez.The Cristo Resucitado is built inside a cemetery in San Rafael
Tlalnepantla completed  in the 70’s in
Mexico. These statues signify purity and pride in the devotion of Christ the
The feast of Our Lady of Regina Martyrum is usually
celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of November and this year it will be
celebrated on Sunday the 17th of November  and the masses are at 6am, 7.30am, 
and the High Mass at 9.00 am and the main celebrant will be Rev.Fr.Edson
Fernandes, Director of Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate along with the 
Vicar South and Parish Priest Rev. Fr.Lucio Dias,Chaplain of Ambelim
Rev.Fr.Savio Dsouza and Assistant Parish Priests Rev.Frs.Xavier Estibeiro and
Elvis Dias. The theme for this year constitutes-Mary model of relationships
towards family and neighbours At the end of the festivities you have a football
match  played in one of the Agors at the
origin of the strongest bridge built during the Portuguese Era which connects
this village to the rest of the  South.
Immediately, preceding this feast on the 20th follows the feast of
Pe. Agnelo De Sousa at the Pilar Monastery and the feast of Our Lady of Rosary
Church, Navelim , Salcete, Goa on 20th Wednesday itself ,a feast instituted
by  Pope St. Pius V in thanksgiving for
the great naval victory over the Turks at the battle of Lepanto in the year
1570, where rosary is a tool used to aid prayer and meditation on all

[Goanet] Fw: months remembrance of our mother Irma Philomena Da Cotta Pinto de Almeida Joao - Intimation by Lida & Zoya Joao

2013-11-08 Thread zoya joao
Dear Frederick ,
Please publish te same on goanet .Thanks and regards zoya

On Friday, 8 November 2013 11:22 AM, zoya joao  wrote:

do mês
Philomena Da cotta pinto DE  almeida  joão 
Month’s Remembrance Mass for our   esteemed  mother  & aunt Maria
Goodwilla  de João will be held on
Saturday, 9th November 2013 at 4.00.p.m.- St.  Francis Xavier Church , Velim  
followed by  the book  release ‘Eternal Journeys’- a Timeless
literary Selection of  erudite Senhor  Francisco João.
Adv.Lida e Dra. Zoya  do modo especial agradecem ao nosso Patriaça
Felipe Neri Ferrão, Bispo Emerito Raul Gonsalves; Bispo  Allwyn Baretto 
(Archdiocese of Sawantwadi) ,
Bispo Derrick Fernandes (Archdiocese of Kankavili & Karwar)e outros Bispos,
Rev.Frs. Arnolf Mazarello (Former RectorRachol), Lucio  Dias (Episcopal 
Vicar),Pazzi Fernandez(Parish
Priest),Visitaçao Monteiro(São Pedro), Nelson Colaço(Benaulim), Shanon
Perreira(Arupe-Raia),RichardCorreia (Don Bosco), Johnsie Pereira( Santana ),
Lourdinho Pereira( Seraulim) , Christino Fernandes (Chandor),Ambrose(Allahabad)
& otr. Priests , Rev.Dr.Janalynn(Pastor ,U.S.A.);Rev. Sr. Dolorosa sfx
(Clergy Home ); Rev. Srs.of various Congregations ;Members of the Judicial
fraternity ; D.G.P.,S.P.,PI. Raju R.Dessai , PSI’ s Sachin Panalkar&
T.Chavan & Police personnel of Cuncolim Pol.Stn.; Doctors,nurses,staff of
Apollo,Grace Cardiac , GMC ,Hospicio- Morgue ,Manipal Hospital & NUSI-Wockhardt 
 ,Snr.Joshi’s Technoclin lab- Vasco ,MLA Mickky
, Ex- MLA Filip N.;Lawyers, CWC; SKHMC –Shiroda & P.E.S.-Ponda College, Don
Bosco H.S.; Adv. Schubert & Snr. Miguel  Cotta choir for their wonderful 
renderings ;Confidant
& Rebello undertakers;Goa Today , press , media & photographers ,
relatives , friends & well wishers who participated, offered condolences,
tributes , prayers , personal  visits,
conveyed sympathies in different forms and for the invaluable comfort and  help 
Nos agradecem a todos que participaram no
nosso luto com a morte de nossa querida mãe.
vos avençoe abundatemente.
Relatives , Friends & well wishers kindly
accept this as the only intimation .

[Goanet] Book Release- ‘Eternal Journeys’- a Timeless literary Selection of erudite Senhor Francisco João

2013-11-08 Thread zoya joao
 To the Editor ,
Thanks for featuring about the book launch on your dailies . Iam adding a
picture of the book .
Thanks & regards

Book Release-  *‘Eternal Journeys’- a Timeless literary Selection of
 erudite Senhor  Francisco João*

There will be a Eucharistic Celebration  on 9th November 2013at4 p.m.
at St.Francis  Xavier Church Velim , Salcete , Goa  followed by  a book
release *‘Eternal Journeys’- a Timeless literary Selection of  erudite
Senhor  Francisco João *( Vol II ) . The same is open to all .

[Goanet] Faleceu

2013-10-12 Thread zoya joao
The voice we loved is still . Funeral Service of Irma Philomena Cotta Pinto 
de Almeida Joao on Sunday 13 th Oct at 4p.m. St Xaviers Church Velim . Cortege 
will leave the residence at 3.45 p.m. 
Dr. Zoya

[Goanet] feast of St. Dymphna on 15 th MAY

2012-05-14 Thread zoya joao
The feast of Saint Dymphna, the patron saint for victims of nervous diseases 
and mental ... May15, Tuesday  from 9.30 am to 11 pm at `Casa de Almeida's' - 
the house of Lida Joao, Bainfol,  assolna . Open to all .For details contact  
on phone no 277
Dear Frederick ,
Please post this event on goanet .

[Goanet] feast of divine mercy

2011-04-30 Thread zoya joao
the feast of divine mercy will be celebrated on 1st may 2011, so let us 
remember the essence of the divine mercy message  by asking for God's mercy, 
being merciful to others, doing acts of mercy,  completely trusting in God' s 
happy feast 
Dr. Zoya Joao

[Goanet] World homoeopathy day - 10th april 2011

2011-04-17 Thread zoya joao

World Homoeopathic Day on April 10
 Keywords: Homoeopathy, medicine system

Article by :

Dr. Zoya João, Incharge , Dept of Pathology, Shri Kamaxidevi Homoepathic 
Medical College and Hospital , Shiroda , Goa.

0832-2306842, drzoe1...@gmail.com

10 th of April is observed every year as World Homoeopathy Day . On this 
day people across the globe commemorate the birth day of Dr. Samuel 
Hahnemann , the German Physician ,  who is the founder of Homoeopathy .
People around the world require medicines at one time or the other. Some 
people use direct medicines like antibiotics and others opt for 
alternative therapies like homeopathy, ayurveda, siddha , unani and 
other therapies.

Homeopathy is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature's 
Law of Cure, namely 'Like Cures Like'. Homeopathy is the revolutionary, 
natural medical science. It is gentle and an effective system of 
medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise 
standards and work by stimulating the body's own healing power.

Homeopathy is highly scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely 
effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure, 
treating the disease from its roots, for most of the ailments. It is the 
most rational science with respect to its concepts of health, disease 
and cure. Homoeopathy does not treat superficially by just driving away 
the symptoms but heals the patient from within.
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from different sources like 
vegetable kingdom, minerals, chemicals, compounds, healthy tissues, 
infected tissues, the source is always in the form of the existing 
substances available in nature.
This system of medicine has stood the test of time since it was 
commissioned for the cure of patients in 1790, because it has been able 
to adapt to the demands and the intrinsic worth, credibility of the 
principles are close to the human metabolism and understands the wisdom 
of the symptoms expressed by the human body.
The human body is a wonderful organism and has an innate capacity of 
self preservation. Whenever it sees that there is something harmful 
which seems to gain its way into the system, the immune system rises to 
the task and expels, neutralises the harmful substance.
But in certain circumstances the internal mechanism is under duress of 
the harmful agent and the disease sets in. This is when the system in 
its wisdom cries for help in the form of symptoms. These have to be 
corroborated by the Homoeopathic Physician in seeking the most similar 
drug and since internal protective force of the body responds to it and 
wakes up to the call,  it subdues the disease and its symptoms.
The concept of disease in homeopathy is that disease is a total 
affection of mind and body, the disturbance of the whole organism. 
Individual organs are not the cause of illness but disturbance at the 
inner level (disturbance of the life force, the vital energy of the body 
) is the cause of illness. Therefore homeopathy does not believe in 
giving different medicines for different afflicted parts of body but 
the homoeopaths prescribe  one single constitutional remedy which covers 
the disturbance of the whole person. It treats the patient as a whole 
and not just the disease Homoeopathy believes in holistic, totality and 
individualistic approach.

The feeling of well being is the most beautiful gift the physician can 
give to their patients. It always re-establishes their positive outlook 
and attitude towards the others around them. This feeling of well being 
is most gratifying when bestowed upon a child. They are our future and 
their wellbeing will ensure a healthier tomorrow.  A well selected 
Homeopathic medicine has excellent curative properties; it heals from 
within and establishes the balance at spiritual, emotional, 
intellectual, physical and pathological levels with a non - invasive non 
toxic dose. Most of the children's ailments like Cold, Cough, Fever, 
Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Colic, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Measles, 
Chickenpox, Mumps, Dentition problems, etc., could be very effectively 
and quickly treated with homoeopathy without producing any side effects 
whatsoever. Homeopathic pills do not hamper digestion, nor lower body's 
resistance. Neither do they cause any allergies nor cause any damage 
even if taken over a long period. Homeopathic pills being sweet in 
taste, is willingly ingested by children. Besides, homeopathy is 
effective also in temperament and behavioral problems seen commonly in 
children like irritability, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, 
destructiveness; and thumb- sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting; as well 
as in mentally & physically backward children.

 It has treated effectively  most of the infectious disease such as 
Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Gastro-enteritis, Urinary Infections, common 
cold, influenza, measles, chickenpox, mumps, etc.. In modern life 
infections have diminished and various al

[Goanet] feast of st. dymphna on 15 th may

2010-05-13 Thread zoya joao

Dear Frederick,
Sending You information on St. Dymphna as well as the Saint's existence at 
'Casa de Almeidas' Assolna.
Kindly do the needful.
St. Dymphna was born in the 7th century in  Ireland. Her father King Daman  was 
a pagan whereas her mother, a descendant of a noble family, was a devout 
Christian, who was remarkable both for her piety and her great beauty. 
Dymphna   resembled   her mother and a lot of  affection and attention was 
lavished upon her right  from birth. She was a  very intelligent  girl blessed 
with wisdom and grace. Dymphna lost her mother when she was fourteen years old 
. Many were the secret tears she shed over this bereavement, but at the same 
time she found great comfort in the Divine Faith, though she was still of a 
tender age.
Dymphna's father, too, greatly mourned for  his deceased wife and for a long 
time continued prostrate with grief.  So he was persuaded by his counselors to 
seek solace in a second marriage. He  commissioned certain ones of his court to 
seek out for him a lady who would be like his first spouse in beauty and 
character. After visiting many countries in vain, the messengers returned 
saying that they could find none so charming and amiable as his own lovely 
daughter, Dymphna. The king conceived the evil design of marrying Dymphna.She 
was greatly horrified at the suggestion, and asked for a period of forty days 
to consider the proposal. She immediately  met  Father Gerebran, who advised 
her to flee from her native country without further delay. She  set out for the 
continent, accompanied by Father Gerebran, the court jester and his wife and 
settled at Gheel. 
King Damon  immediately set out with his followers in search of them. He  tried 
to persuade her to return with him, but Father Gerebran sternly rebuked him for 
his wicked intentions, whereupon he gave orders that Father Gerebran should be 
put to death. Without delay, his wicked retainers laid violent hands upon the 
priest and struck him on the neck with a sword.
Further attempts on the part of Dymphna's father to induce her to return with 
him proved futile. With undaunted courage she spurned his enticing promises and 
scorned his cruel threats. Infuriated by her resistance, her  father drew a 
dagger from his belt and he himself struck off the head of his child. The 
corpses were put in sarcophagi and entombed in a cave where they were found 
later. The body of St. Dymphna was buried in the church of Gheel.. .
St. Dymphna is depicted with a sword in her hand and a fettered devil at her 
feet and her feast is celebrated   on 15th  May. She is the patron saint for 
family happiness, loss of parents , nervous disorders/ neurological disorders . 
The glorious crown of martyrdom was accorded to her  in the fifteenth year of 
her age, on the fifteenth day of May, between 620 and 640. The day of her death 
has been assigned as her feastday.
In the ancestral chapel  of the ‘   Casa de Almeidas’ at Bainfol , Assolna  in 
Goa  existed amongst other images of saints ,  the image of  ‘St. Dymphna’  . 
This year Lida  João  and  family will be dedicating the 15 th of May to the 
devotion of this saint  at their ancestral house at ‘ Casa de Almeidas’ 
Bainfol, Assolna.  The image of the saint will be kept open to friends , 
relatives and persons who wish to have a glimpse of the Saint  and offer their  
prayers  on the 15 th of May 2010 from 8am to 11 a.m. , and the prayer service 
will be at 9.a.m. 
For details contact  on phone no 277

[Goanet] Feast of St. Dymphna on 15 th may

2009-05-13 Thread zoya joao

Dear Frederick,
Sending You information on St. Dymphna as well as the Saint's existence at 
'Casa de Almeidas' Assolna.
Kindly do the needful.
St. Dymphna was born in the 7th century in  Ireland. Her father King Daman  was 
a pagan whereas her mother, a descendant of a noble family, was a devout 
Christian, who was remarkable both for her piety and her great beauty. 
Dymphna   resembled   her mother and a lot of  affection and attention was 
lavished upon her right  from birth. She was a  very intelligent  girl blessed 
with wisdom and grace. Dymphna lost her mother when she was fourteen years old 
. Many were the secret tears she shed over this bereavement, but at the same 
time she found great comfort in the Divine Faith, though she was still of a 
tender age.
Dymphna's father, too, greatly mourned for  his deceased wife and for a long 
time continued prostrate with grief.  So he was persuaded by his counselors to 
seek solace in a second marriage. He  commissioned certain ones of his court to 
seek out for him a lady who would be like his first spouse in beauty and 
character. After visiting many countries in vain, the messengers returned 
saying that they could find none so charming and amiable as his own lovely 
daughter, Dymphna. The king conceived the evil design of marrying Dymphna.She 
was greatly horrified at the suggestion, and asked for a period of forty days 
to consider the proposal. She immediately  met  Father Gerebran, who advised 
her to flee from her native country without further delay. She 

 set out for the continent, accompanied by Father Gerebran, the court jester 
and his wife and settled at Gheel. 
King Damon  immediately set out with his followers in search of them. He  tried 
to persuade her to return with him, but Father Gerebran sternly rebuked him for 
his wicked intentions, whereupon he gave orders that Father Gerebran should be 
put to death. Without delay, his wicked retainers laid violent hands upon the 
priest and struck him on the neck with a sword.
Further attempts on the part of Dymphna's father to induce her to return with 
him proved futile. With undaunted courage she spurned his enticing promises and 
scorned his cruel threats. Infuriated by her resistance, her  father drew a 
dagger from his belt and he himself struck off the head of his child. The 
corpses were put in sarcophagi and entombed in a cave where they were found 
later. The body of St. Dymphna was buried in the church of Gheel.. .
St. Dymphna is depicted with a sword in her hand and a fettered devil at her 
feet and her feast is celebrated   on 15th  May. She is the patron saint for 
family happiness, 

loss of parents , nervous disorders/ neurological disorders . The glorious 
crown of martyrdom was accorded to her  in the fifteenth year of her age, on 
the fifteenth day of May, between 620 and 640. The day of her death has been 
assigned as her feastday.
In the ancestral chapel  of the ‘   Casa de Almeidas’ at Bainfol , Assolna  in 
Goa  existed amongst other images of saints ,  the image of  ‘St. Dymphna’  . 
This year Lida  João  and  family will be dedicating the 15 th of May to the 
devotion of this saint  at their ancestral house at ‘ Casa de Almeidas’ 
Bainfol, Assolna.  The image of the saint will be kept open to friends , 
relatives and persons who wish to have a glimpse of the Saint  and offer their  
prayers .

  Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter 

[Goanet] Feast of Matievello or Rakhneacho Khuris' on 27th October 2008

2008-10-25 Thread zoya joao

The ' Feast of Matievello or Rakhneacho Khuris' will be celebrated  on 27th
October 2008  at Goemchembhatt , Velim. The Eucharistic celebration will be
held at 9.00 a.m.  and the main celebrant will be Fr. Romano  Gonsalves ,
the Velim Parish Priest  and  the co- celebrant  will be  Fr. Arnolf
Mazarello , a son of Velim. The history goes that the 1st feast mass was
celebrated by a saraswat  hindu family from Margao. This year the feast will
be celebrated by the family of Lida João from Baga, Velim. Devotees of all
religions throng in thousands to this miraculous cross known for granting

Margao:  The renowed feast of 'Matievoilo Rakhneacho Khuris' near Vellim
will be celebrated on 27th October. There are 2 other crosses too on the tip
of the other 2 hills.The feast of all these 3 crosses are celebrated on the
same day. This year happens to be the 28th feast and this year the feast is
celebrated for the first time by the João family of Baga ,

There are a lot of traditions attached to this cross, firstly on 27 th at
12.01 a.m. (midnight) there is a ritual of lighting of candles and pouring
of coconut feni, and singing and chanting of prayers heralding the arrival
of the festival .Thereafter, the feast mass which will be celebrated for the
1st time at 9.00 a.m. so that the devotees from various villages can make it
there , to take part in the Eucharistic celebration.

Situated amidst the scenic beauty of Baga and surrounded by a beautiful pond
of pink and white lotuses lies the miraculous 'Matievoilo Rakhneacho Khuris'
on the tip of the Goenchembhatt hill. the 1st feast mass it is said was
celebrated by a Hindu Saraswat .The cross has about 262 steps which one has
to climb to reach the cross, and at each of these steps you find people
whose favours are granted waiting with sweets, sugar etc. in trays , whereby
the people coming down from the cross after the mass take a pinch of sugar
or pick up a sweet and sweeten their tongue or taste buds.

This year the Main Celebrant for the festive mass will be the Velim Parish
Priest , Fr. Romano Gonsalves who has been untiringly working for the
Eucharistic Celebration along with the Asst. Parish Priest , Fr. Arvino
Fernandes ; besides Fr. Arnolfo Mazarello, son of the Velim Village would
also be one of the co- celebrants along with other Priests / Celebrants.

After the feast mass concludes, at about 12.00 noon the males from
Goenchembhatt come down from the hill in a procession singing with flags
accompanied by the beating of the drums and you have at the foot of the
cross the traditional sweet i.e. the 'firi' prepared by the women folk of
the ward which is carried by these males persons to the " Pandava Ghole"
also known as the 'Vagachi Ghole' and placed at the entrance of this cave
and is then followed by a few other rituals .

The story goes like this that when the shepherds used to tend the flock of
their masters from some families from Baga , which used to be attacked by
lions , so in order to prevent the same the cross was erected by the owners
of the flock of cattle . Slowly people would come there to pray for other
favours , for e.g. jobs, for the gift of a child or any other favour they
wanted to be answered and even some people attend the litany which is there
between 6.00p.m. to 7.00 p.m. in the evening on 27 th where devotees prayer
requests are announced and prayed for by the people gathered there followed
by distribution of sweets offered by the devotees .

This year the feast is celebrated for the first time by the João family of
Baga , Velim. Says Lida João - " It was at the litany in the evening which
she accidentally happened to be present in 2006 that a voice told her to
celebrate the feast and she says that readily the feast of 2008 was
available and according to her it is God's plan that the devotion of this
miraculous cross be spread far and wide to the nook and corner of Goa which
is the focus for promotion of secularism.

There is a chapel built now with the funds pouring in from different
quarters , for the favours granted .The chapel bell they say was donated by
one of the ex. Parish Priest of Velim , Fr. Rosario Menezes . They say there
used to be a Priest from Cuncolim who celebrated a mass every year as a
symbol of Thanksgiving.

Photos:  http://www.goanet.org/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=41

"Churchgoers are like coals of fire,
Together , they glow; apart, they die out"



Invite you and your  family for the feast of the " Matievoilo Rakhneacho
Khuris", the miraculous cross with 262 steps at , the Goenchem - Bhatt -
Velim .

The Eucharistic Celebration will be  at 9.am . on 27 th Oct , 2008 followed
by refreshments at the venue till 11 a.m.