[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-02-27 Thread Marshall Mendonza
One oft repeated propaganda of the sangh parivar is that muslims have been
continuously appeased in India. Here is an article which critically looks at
the reality. Read on.


[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-02-27 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Muslims are still in the clutches of their religious gurus. These religious 
gurus oppose setting up of School near madarass. These religious gurus keep 
Muslims away from main stream education. Politicians keep this religious gurus 
happy for their gain.. This is basic appeasement. 

Now a move is going on to make Shariat Law applicable, is it taking community 
forward or backward?

Which Muslim reformist has won election in Muslim dominated locality?

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

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[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-02-28 Thread Mario Goveia
Subject: [Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

Muslims are still in the clutches of their religious gurus. These religious 
gurus oppose setting up of School near madarass. These religious gurus keep 
Muslims away from main stream education. Politicians keep this religious gurus 
happy for their gain.. This is basic appeasement. 

Mario responds:

This may be a problem in part of the Muslim community.  However, ordinary 
Muslims are better off and more progressive in India than in any Muslim 
majority country, except Turkey.

Shrikant wrote:

Now a move is going on to make Shariat Law applicable, is it taking community 
forward or backward?

Mario responds:

If it succeeds, definitely backwards.  Muslims who want Sharia law should move 
to Swat or Waziristan:-))

Shrikant wrote:

Which Muslim reformist has won election in Muslim dominated locality?

Mario responds:

I have no idea.  Perhaps progressive Muslims should move to localities where 
Muslims do not dominate.  Besides, how many such localities exist in India?  
Couldn't be too many as a percentage of India's population.

[Goanet] Are Muslims in India Appeased?

2009-02-28 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Marshall Mendonza refered us to the following article:
http://www.countercurrents.org/matheikal230209.htm which contends that there
is no Muslim appeasement in India.  I would like to mention following
actions taken by the secularists:

* While the Hindu Code Bill was rightly introduced, there was no move to
change the archaic laws, in case of the other communities.

* The facilities given to the education institutes of the religious
minorities have been grossly misused.

* While a state funded education institute belonging to a religious
minorities can teach its own holy books, teaching of the Hindu scriptures is
not permitted.

* The laws permit, rightly, that the use of funds with a temple are
monitored by the government, and suitable action is taken where the affairs
are not run in the best interest of the society. No such provision exists
for places of worship of the religious minorities.

* Article 370 of the Constitution, although conceived as a temporary
measure, is still on the statute. Although some of the sections have been
deleted, the most important (which says that any act passed by the
Parliament is applicable in Jammu & Kashmir only after the state assembly
accepts it, giving the latter an effective veto over the Parliament) part
still remains.

* The law relating to property in J&K (not a part of Article 370) has made
the people of the state feel that they are different from the other people
of India.

* The changes in the child adoption bills were dropped because of the
resistance of the Muslim clergy.

* The date of introduction of the Aligarh Muslim University Bill was
changed, since it fell on a Friday, and the Muslim MPs thought it more
important to go for their namaz rather than fulfill their duties in the

* A private members bill to regulate conversion was opposed by the 
Christian and the Muslim clergy, and the government subsequently thought it
fit not to pursue with it.

* The Supreme Court Judgement on the Shah Bano case was overturned, at the
insistence of the religious leaders of the Muslims. (The maintenance
allowance asked to be paid was only Rs 250 per month.)

* A national holiday on the Prophet Mohammed's birthday was announced at the
time of the Independence Day speech of the Prime Minister.

* No follow up action has been taken on the recommendation of an independent
committee to look into the abuse of powers of the Syedna over the Bhori

* The list of the candidates of a political party had to be approved by the
Shahi Imam, to ensure that the party has his support.

* India was the first country to ban Satanic Verses, even before any of the
Islamic countries.

* The Minorities Commission (recently given statutory provision) enables a
member of a religious minority to get justice at a different plane than a
Hindu against whom the sane injustice has been done. It is for this reason
that the Minorities Commission should be replaced with a Human Rights

* The General Affairs Committee of the Lok Sabha under the chairmanship of
the Speaker took a unanimous decision to start each session with the
national song "Vande Matram". But the day before the start of the session,
sore Muslim MPs objected because they claimed the song is idolatry'. The
'secular' political parties supported them.

* The then communist government in Kerala carved out a new district on the
basis of Muslim majority. Similarly, the DMK government in Tamil Madu
changed the name of Dindigul District to Kaide Millat District.

* Urdu is made the second language of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh by the state
Congress governments.

Clearly these actions do establish that there is appeasement.

I agree that the lot of the Muslims in India is not a happy one.  The above
actions were done to make the Muslim communal leaders happy, so that these
leaders would try and force the community to vote according their
instructions.  Given that the secular media makes a big issue of importance
of Muslim vote, clearly the average Muslim is influenced by these leaders.

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Are Muslims in India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Barad is at his confusaoed best when he narrates his dhobi list of
grievances emerging from his hindutva mindset.

1. he is unable to distinguish between constitutional guarantees and acts of

2. he seems to be unaware that urdu is an Indian language and that many of
our early bollywood films were made in urdu.Urdu was spoken predominantly in
the north in places like Punjab, Delhi, UP and parts of what are now in
Pakistan.Khushwant Singh the well known writer is proficient in urdu, as is
Kuldeep Nayyar former editor of Indian Express. Urdu was spoken by both
hindus and muslims, especially the elite. However, due to communalisation,
the hindus were forced to drop urdu as their language. It is still, however,
spoken by a large number of people till today. Urdu is a rich literary
language and it will be the nations loss if it is allowed to die.

3.Laws banning the purchase of property in Kashmir is not unique to Kashmir.
Similar laws exist in Himachal Pradesh and other north-east states.These
laws were specially enacted to protect the culture and ethos of these
states. Goans too have been demanding enaction of similar law to protect
land from being sold to non-goans and to preserve their culture.

4.While complaining about the haj subsidy given to muslims, Barad forgets to
inform us  that Gujarat also provides subsidies to hindu pilgrims going to
Mansarovar. Further during BJP rule at the centre, the haj subsidy was
increased. And can we forget the amusing sight of Vajpayee throwing iftar
parties and going around in a skull cap. Pray, what do you call this?

5.So far as adoption is concerned, I do not know what stops the BJP or the
Congress from enacting a common law (like the Special Marriage Act) which
would apply to all irrespective of their religious affiliation. Goa has
common civil laws which have worked wonderfully for all.

6. Freedom of Religion is a fundamental right and tinkering with it by
hindutva elements was rightly opposed.

7. The minorities commission has been doing wonderful work within the
constraints imposed on it. It also looks after hindu interests in states
where they are in a minority like Kashmir and the north eastern states.

8.Hindus are given special tax benefits under the HUF. Why does Barad not
oppose this?

Muslims have been used and abused by all political parties. Sops like haj
subsidy, holiday on Prophet Mohammed's birthday have proved
counter-productive. It leaves little tangible benefit for the common masses
who want food, clothing, shelter, education and employment.
No doubts there have been acts of omission and commission, but these have
been blown up beyond all proportion to politically capitalise on them.

The muslim community too have been to an extent cause of their own
backwardness. They lack the leadership and mindset to take them into the
21st century. But as a nation, we all need to remember that unless all
sections of the people are taken care of, the country will always lag
behind. That is the challenge before our leadership.



[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread edward desilva
Muslims are still in the clutches of their religious gurus. These religious 
gurus oppose setting up of School near madarass. These religious gurus keep 
Muslims away from main stream education. Politicians keep this religious gurus 
happy for their gain.. This is basic appeasement. Now a move is going on to 
make Shariat Law applicable, is it taking community forward or backward?

Chapter 9, Verse31 of the Qura'n clearly states that Muslims should not listen 
to 'Any One'.
"The Qura'n is so simplistically and beautifully written that any one can 
understand it, therefore we do not need rabbis and priests like other religions 
have, to advise us".
If it is so written, why is that they have Mullahs?
Note to moderators:
(moderators again, will question my authenticity on this - WELL, 'the Qura'n' 
via Channel 4 documentary - want a copy? will do so gladly - everything I say 
here is Kosher - it is you lot who have not lived long enough and seen much, 
therefore whatever I say is a Shocking unbelieveable news for you lot).

[Goanet] Are Muslims in India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 19:31:46 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

I agree that the lot of the Muslims in India is not a happy one.  

Mario asks:

Hanh???!!!  Compared to whom?  Besides, how would you know?

Some of the most well known and well liked and influential and wealthy Indians 
are Muslims.

I know many Muslims in India who are happy that they are better off than their 
counterparts in almost all the so-called Muslim countries, educationally and 
socially and professionally, and free to practice their religion without 
interference from radicals.  They can access the many opportunities available 
to them through the Indian government as well as private charities if they 
want, or stay backward and ignorant if they want.

[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

In response to the list of various acts, Marshall says that I am not
distinguishing between constitutional obligation and others.  Yes, I know
that the constitution talks about special treatment to non-Hindu educational
institutions.  But surely education is a secular issue. So, if government
control on education institutes for non-Hindu institutions is not to be
done, then it should not be done for ALL institutions.

Furthermore, the constitution does not say that it is an obligation for a
state government to carve out a district based on its being a Muslim

In a way, Marshall has accepted that there are various acts being done which
are for benefit of Muslims and other minorities.  Despite the fact that
ordinary Muslim is not benefitted, let us not try and get away from the fact
there is a programme to appease the Muslims and other minorities.  Recently,
the Kerala state government has announced that it would be giving free land
to educational institutes which are run by minorities.  And the Andhra
Pradesh government has announced subsidy to Christians to visit Israel, on
lines of the Haj subsidy.

Marshall has pointed out that the Gujarat government gives subsidy to Hindus
to visit Mansarovar in Tibet.  This is as a reaction to the Haj subsidy, and
other state governments have not made similar gestures.

In contrast, we see the protest from many secularist to the facilities that
are planned to be provided for the Amarnath Yatra in Jammu & Kashmir.  I
think that the MJ Akbar has stated the Hindu side nicely when he wrote:
"The Hindu who has quietly watched mosque and dargah expand around him,
explodes when a few acres are denied to pilgrims on the arduous trek to
Amarnath. He has seen Haj Houses sprout around him for Muslims on their way
to Mecca. These rest houses are not temporary structures created for the two
months involved in the two-way journey for Haj; they have become permanent
community centres. He asks a question: why should he be denied a place for
tired feet on the way to Amarnath? Is it a punishment to be a Hindu in

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-02 Thread edward desilva
Hi Mario,
You can quote as much as you like.
The Qur'an was NOT written in Arabic.
All that you have quoted and copied and pasted is a Translation.
The Qur'an as is related and followed by the Mislims today is a Translation 
from another language.
Therefore it is NOT a direct word of God but 'lost in translation word of God'.
Just because you are a moderator you think you know it all.

[Goanet] Are muslims in India appeased?

2009-03-02 Thread Marshall Mendonza
let us not try and get away from the fact there is a programme to appease
the Muslims and other minorities.
Here is a news story from the Times of India. I would like to hear what
hindutvavadis like you and Natekar have to say.



[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-02 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 04:56:45 -0800 (PST)
From: edward desilva 

Hi Mario,
You can quote as much as you like.
The Qur'an was NOT written in Arabic.
All that you have quoted and copied and pasted is a Translation.
The Qur'an as is related and followed by the Mislims today is a Translation 
from another language.
Therefore it is NOT?a direct?word of God but 'lost in translation word of God'.
Just because you are a moderator you think you know it all.

Mario responds:


I may be your worst nightmare, but you need to wake up and read posts before 
responding to them:-))  Here, try again:-))


I think your comments should be addressed to Bosco, who certainly knows it all, 
who is a moderator whose comments you are apparently addressing while putting 
my name on it, :-))

[Goanet] Are muslims in India appeased?

2009-03-03 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Marshall writes:

Barad: let us not try and get away from the fact there is a programme to
appease the Muslims and other minorities.

My response Marshall: 

Here is a news story from the Times of India. I would like to hear what
hindutvavadis like you have to say.


The Karnatka government collects more than this amount from the temples
which are managed by the government.  I am surprised that Mashall does not
know this, given his penchant for collecting so much information.

Best regards,

Dr. U. U. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
From: edward desilva

> Chapter 9, Verse31 of the Qura'n clearly states that Muslims should
> not listen to 'Any One'.
> "The Qura'n is so simplistically and beautifully written that any one
> can understand it, therefore we do not need rabbis and priests like
> other religions have, to advise us".
> If it is so written, why is that they have Mullahs?

RESPONSE: Instead of refering to ED's thoughtless rants, please refer to the 
following links for readings/translations of the Koran (Chapter 9) that appear 




> Note to moderators:
> (moderators again, will question my authenticity on this - WELL, 'the
> Qura'n' via Channel 4 documentary - want a copy? will do so gladly -
> everything I say here is Kosher - it is you lot who have not lived long
> enough and seen much, therefore whatever I say is a Shocking
> unbelieveable news for you lot).

NOTE on behalf of moderators:
ED...Your posts are neither informative nor thoughtful and are instead 
cacophonous laced with jeering. Not only are your posts discordant but boorish 
nature too!! Your credentials do not potray you as an expert on the religion of 
others. As far as your posts go, you dont need to amend your writing style; the 
moderators will henceforth make one small modification while rejecting your 
messages - you will get no explanations!! Rejecting your msgs on a daily basis 
definitely a waste of the moderators' time!!

- Bosco
Goanet Admin
Where Goans Connect