Re: [Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-09-02 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
3: Quero um fusco?
Não. Mas talvez uma Fusca J.
In Brazil, the (VW) Beetle is called Fusca. – see, scroll down to Names for the 
Type 1 …

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Re: [Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-09-02 Thread J. Colaco jc
re this rather crude and surprising offer  from Selma: 'Quero um
fusco?'  [in English translates as: Do you want a fart?]

Gabriel de Figueiredo responded: 'Não. Mas talvez uma Fusca [in
English translates as: Not really ...but a VW Beetle perhaps] [The
VW beetle is known as 'la Fusca' or 'a Fusca' in South America]

Your request is noted, Gabriel.

Selma's offer is respectfully turned down with.

While natural Gas is an expensive commodity, it is better NOT to rely
on imported Gas.

If any among us has the problem with excessive Gas production 
there is an OTC remedy i.e. BEANO

further educational oportunities are available at this Institute of
Higher Learning (Cannot guarantee jobs in Swindon even with
Portuguese passport)


Re: [Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-09-01 Thread Carvalho

--- On Mon, 8/31/09, J. Colaco  jc wrote:

 I have NO COMMENT on whether anyone cares or not that
 Selma learnt
 French and is currently studying Portuguese. The topic for
 was based on high end i.e. Technical positions in the UK.

Now the Doctor is just pushing the limits of credibility. In his previous post 
he told us the topic was about jobs in Swindon. Now he tells us the topic is 
about technical positions in the UK. If that is so, then why is he advising 
Goans to learn Portuguese, Spanish or French. Does he imagine that an interview 
for these positions will be conducted in the UK in one or all of these 
languages. I can imagine just such an interview.

Quero um fusco?
Sim, muito obrigado
Excuse moi, il y a un petit bruit
C'est pas moi
Peut-etre le medecin, il est plein d'air chaud



Re: [Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-09-01 Thread J. Colaco jc
Selma Carvalho wrote the following:

1: Now the Doctor is just pushing the limits of credibility.
2: In his previous post he told us the topic was about jobs IN Swindon.
3: Quero um fusco?

jc's response:

a: May I ask Selma, WHICH part of my 'previous' post said anything
about jobs IN Swindon

b: Is this another one of those A whole generation of Goan Hindus is
being trained to hate Catholics stories?

c: re #3 above, I'd say 'Bravo' to you and the GoaNet moderator


[Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-08-31 Thread Cajetan Alvares
J. Colaco  jc
6: There is NO shame in doing any work one has to do to pay one's bills.
Iknow some of my physician colleagues who worked part-time in
restaurants(washing dishes), in gas stations and in super-markets (as
cashiers) to makethe extra funds. Today, they are on the top rung of the
ladder in themedical field.
There are newly arrived Indian doctors who are still doing the same today. I
dont understand why Goans with their PP should be treated any differently.
Goans are used to their susegado attitude.

Re: [Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-08-31 Thread J. Colaco jc wrote:

So, if you want portuguese nationality you must speack good english;If
you want chinese nationality you must speack good japanese...


And what about learning portuguese?

Dear Salles,

The Swindon story was about the UK - where, I believe
English is the main language.

IF the 'job' was in Japan, one MUST speak  good Japanese. Speaking
Chinese, Portuguese or English will NOT be enough.

Similarly, speaking good Portuguese will NOT help any Portuguese-Goan
to find employment in the UK. One MUST be fluent in good English.

Possessing Portuguese Nationality has certainly helped Goan doctors in
the UK. They have had a a better chance than non-Portuguese-Goans with
similar skills - for jobs  in the UK.

PS: All of us would do well to learn another language. Goans would do
well to learn Portuguese, Spanish and French. In Goa, there are
facilities to study Portuguese and French. Smart Goans would surely
take advantage of these facilities.


Re: [Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-08-31 Thread Carvalho

--- On Mon, 8/31/09, J. Colaco  jc wrote:

 Possessing Portuguese Nationality has certainly helped Goan
 doctors in
 the UK. They have had a a better chance than
 non-Portuguese-Goans with
 similar skills - for jobs  in the UK.

Sometimes I find it hard to follow JC's infallible logic. How has the 
Portuguese Nationality help Goan doctors in the UK? And how are they any 
different than non-Portuguese-Goans in the UK? The English don't care how you 
got to the UK, whether you flew in from the plains of East Africa or sauntered 
in with a Portuguese passport, some 40 years after liberation. They don't care 
that you call your self a Goan. To them, you are an Indian, broadly classified 
as an Asian, a darkie and a paki. Please get over the belief that being Goan 
matters to anyone other than Goans.

JC wrote:
 PS: All of us would do well to learn another language.
 Goans would do
 well to learn Portuguese, Spanish and French. In Goa, there
 facilities to study Portuguese and French. Smart Goans
 would surely
 take advantage of these facilities.

RESPONSE: The smart Goan will equip himself with stellar Hindi and English. He 
is most likely to head to Bombay, Bangalore or the Gulf countries, where he 
will be required to work with or supervise large number of Hindi-speaking 
colleagues or staff. He will be lost without Hindi. Alternatively he will head 
to Canada, UK or Australia, where he will be lost without impecable English. 

By the way the Portuguese are also learning English as so many of them head to 
the UK, to work in the bars, as bricklayers and other odd jobs or they head to 
San Diego to work as tuna fishermen. Infact in San Diego, they are sneeringly 
called Tuna. I won't be surprised if they too start learning Hindi next.

By the way this Goan learnt French and is currently learning Portuguese. So who 
cares? It's something nice to do but it has no value in the world we live in.


Re: [Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-08-31 Thread J. Colaco jc
This is a response to a Selma Carvalho post. I claim not to know the
bases of her assertions ...


In response to my assertion that possessing Portuguese Nationality HAS
HELPED Goan doctors in the UK and that they HAVE HAD a better chance
than non-Portuguese-Goans with similar skills - for jobs  in the UK

Selma Carvalho wrote the following : Sometimes I find it hard to
follow JC's infallible logic. How has the Portuguese Nationality help
Goan doctors in the UK? And how are they any different than
non-Portuguese-Goans in the UK? 

JC's response: I will NOT comment on Selma's self-proclaimed
disability with following logic especially as the point I made was
based on FACTS. Some of those same individuals who HAVE benefitted
occasionally read these posts. They are free to disagree with me..
For further reference, please see Appendix 1 (at the foot of this

I will draw specific attention to #4 and ask: Do Portuguese-Goans need
a VISA to enter the UK and look for jobs? How does one appear for
interviews for medical jobs?  from remote?

I will submit that Selma (understandably) does NOT have a clue of what
it really takes for doctors (any doctors) to secure jobs including
specialist-training jobs in the UK. If she had, she would hardly have
made the comment she made.

[B] in response to MY  'advice' that Goans would do well to learn
ANOTHER language

Selma wrote that: The smart Goan will equip himself with stellar Hindi
and English. By the way this Goan learnt French and is currently
learning Portuguese. So who cares? It's something nice to do but it
has no value in the world we live in.

JC's response: I trust that Selma noted the word 'ANOTHER' in my
statement...before she commented. As a person who reads writes and
speaks Hindi, Marathi and English quite fluently, and as one who has
studied these languages in Indian schools, I did NOT expect any
present day student of these schools NOT to be fluent in English and

I have NO COMMENT on whether anyone cares or not that Selma learnt
French and is currently studying Portuguese. The topic for discussion
was based on high end i.e. Technical positions in the UK. These
automatically require advanced degrees and experience in the relevant
areas. I do not believe that Selma has advised us of her
qualifications in such areas. If she does possess the High-Skill
qualifications and experience I am surprised that No One has

Now .the info which should be self explanatory

good wishes




Work permit rule hits Indian doctors in U.K

LONDON: Alarm and panic has set in among thousands of doctors from the
Indian subcontinent after new rules that came into effect made work
permits mandatory for non-European Union doctors to work in the
National Health Service (NHS).

Till now the doctors from outside the EU, including from India, were
able to take up NHS jobs under what was called PERMIT-FREE training
schemes. Their jobs were considered part of training that did not
require work permits.


Indian Doctors File Appeal Against British Court Ruling

The British Association of Physicians of indian Origin (BAPIO) filed
the appeal on Thursday. The Department of Health and the Home Office
have three weeks to respond to the appeal, after which it will be
listed for hearing.

The new rules announced in April 2006 made it virtually impossible for
doctors from outside the European Union to gain employment in the
National Health Service (NHS).


Indian doctors returning from UK

London, February 16: An estimated 5,000 Indian doctors HAVE RETURNED
home from the UK since April last year when changes in immigration
rules were effected, a spokesman of the British Association of
Physicians of Indian Origin said on Friday


Indian doctors win legal battle in (the) UK

In a landmark judgement, the high court upheld the doctors' appeal
that the guidance given by the Dept of Health to the National Health
Service regarding the treatment of Indian doctors on the highly
skilled migrant programme or HSMP, was unlawful.

ALTHOUGH, this has been a significant victory, this provides relief
ONLY to doctors with HSMP visas.

The new rules introduced in April last year, which ABOLISHED
permit-free training still apply.


Non-EU doctors barred from specialist training in UK

Junior doctors from outside the European Union are to be barred from
specialist training in this country following protests over the
shortage of jobs for newly-qualified British 

[Goanet] Automatic job with Portuguese passport

2009-08-30 Thread J. Colaco jc
Here are some random thoughts - some of them based on the recent
Swindon-Goans posts on GoaNet.

1: Goans who wish to apply for Portuguese nationality would do well by
thinking about nationality as opposed to just passport

2: A Portuguese passport is NOT a guarantee to a job in the EU, just a means
to enter, travel within the EC and apply for a job.

3: A degree or post-graduate degree from Goa or elsewhere is NOT a guarantee
for a job in the EU.

4: To stand a chance of securing  a job, the following must apply - as a

   a: There must be a vacancy to match your qualifications.
   b: You must have the requisite experience.
   c: You must do well at the interview.- IMPORTANT
   d: The employer must want you as an employee.
   e: You must bring a skill to the table which is needed.
   f: You MUST have decent references from recognised individuals.
   g: These references MUST be written in decent English.
   h: You must speak clearly and properly in decent English - a fake English
accent will not impress anybody.
   i: You must want to work - not just want a job.
   j: You must be properly dressed for the interview and not smell of curry
or alcohol.

Just as a note: It is a Supply and Demand situation. The average overseas
qualified doctor (as an example) may interview 1-100 times before landing a
decent short term position.

5: It is easy to think of racism and discrimination - which is surely
there BUT eventually, the strong applicants with a good attitude to work
will survive. and do well. There are loads of examples of Goans who have
done well - Almost everyone of them has had to overcome hurdles. It is the
'Survival of the Fittest'. Complaints are for losers.

6: There is NO shame in doing any work one has to do to pay one's bills. I
know some of my physician colleagues who worked part-time in restaurants
(washing dishes), in gas stations and in super-markets (as cashiers) to make
the extra funds. Today, they are on the top rung of the ladder in the
medical field.

7: The economy is tight all over the world. The competition is tough. We
need to cut our expenses and do whatever work we have to do - to pay our
bills. We also need to continually upgrade ourselves (educationally) to meet
the opportunities of the future economy which will certainly rebound.

8: If we cannot make it - we should 'accept our inability to overcome
hurdles' and return home to Goa.

9: Remember now ...the Portuguese nationality only gives Goans the edge over
non-EC citizens when it comes to jobs. How Portuguese-Goans compete for jobs
against other EC citizens, is entirely up to the individual.

10: If any Goan is thinking that obtaining Portuguese citizenship
automatically will find him/her a job in the EC . please think again.
