Re: [Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
2008/10/9 Laluram Salvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Response
> I do not need  certification for  whether I have links with radical 
> organizations or not from any dimwitted bigots. Being  a Hindu I could not 
> either stand  the venom being spewed on Hinduism in the guise of criticizing 
> Hindu extremist  organizations. I can very well understand the tone behind 
> the Hindu basher's write ups on Goanet.

RESPONSE: Not all Hindus are Christian bashers, but all Christians who
have been bashed, have been bashed by Hindus. Hope you understand this
simple sentence.

I do hope you read the Media, many Hindus are fomenting trouble, by
openly detonating bombs, hoping to create more communal disharmony,
hope you can understand this as well. We have it from you, that an
attack on extreme Hindu organisations is an attack on Hinduism! How
charming, calling others bigotted, you can see the spec in other's
eyes, when you have a beam in yours!

Here's one for you, since you are clearly bent in your views or a bit
slow to grasp:-


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-11 Thread Laluram Salvi
"Freddy Fernandes" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
I am sure most of our Goanettes have by now caught up with your "modus 
oprandi",you are one of those guys, that throws a stone and goes far off and 
watches theripples, your stone has created. I am sure most of us including our 
Hindubrothers on Goanet have realized your links to the radical organizations.

I do not need  certification for  whether I have links with radical 
organizations or not from any dimwitted bigots. Being  a Hindu I could not 
either stand  the venom being spewed on Hinduism in the guise of criticizing 
Hindu extremist  organizations. I can very well understand the tone behind the 
Hindu basher’s write ups on Goanet. They do not miss a single opportunity to 
have cudgel against Hindus by highlighting the violence by Hindu radical groups 
but conveniently ignore to underline the truth of reasons behind these 
As far as our Hindu brothers on Goanet are concerned it  Depends on what kind 
of Hindu they represent. Even if they do not subscribe for ideologies of VHP 
and Bajarand Dal, how did you imagine that they will agree with your creepy 
thoughts ?  You should not forget that protest and violence is a natural 
instinct of all life forms, especially to defend the integrity of their being. 
Surely, you cannot be dreaming of depriving Hindus of their right to self 
I just want to make a few things clear, first and foremost let me advise 
you,that the people who fund, support and instigate violence or terrorism are 
asguilty as the terrorist themselves, so you are a terrorist or a part 
ofterrorism yourself for your support for the RSS and the Bagrangdal against 
theCatholics and Muslims.

Response :
Look, you are talking trash out. You are only concerned of Orissa, Guajarat and 
Mangalore incidents. You can not accept the attack on  churches, the storming 
of Christian and Muslim hamlets even if these acts were the results of 
provocation and were done in defense of Hindu faith.
You believe that we should gladly accept the desecration of our temples, the 
Christian - Marxist mercenaries killing our Hindu monks and the Islamic 
terrorist bombing our parliament. 
To further educate you on the behavior of humans, let me tell you that, 
peoplewith radical ideologies, who think like you are found almost in every 
walk oflife, and unfortunately there seems to be no remedy for that, so for the 
sake ofthese radicals, we cannot blame the whole community, for their 
misdoings, forexample we cannot say that every Hindu is a bigot like you or the 
radicalorganizations you support , can we ? So why blame the whole Muslim 
community ?Aren't the RSS and the Bagrangdal, as much terrorist organizations, 
as SIMI ?And remember to clap, you need two hands, cannot clap with one hand. 

Response :
Let me ask you a couple of Questions based on your crackbtrained statement 
above. Show me any incident where Bajrang Dal, RSS or VHP is involved in any  
anti national activity like carrying terrorist activities like  Bomb Blasts?
Forget these Organizations, is there any other Organizations known to media who 
are attempting conversions of Christians to Hindus or teaching Muslims against 
their faith?
Let us first see what SIMI and Christian Missionaries do in India..It is well 
proven that SIMI and Indian Mujahiddin (reformed SIMI) are well engaged in 
doing bomb blasts all across the nation. Their network is throughout the 
country and their aim is killing innocent people.
Missionaries entice poor Tribal people of money and convert them to Christians. 
They also attempt converting  Hindus by way of abusing Hindu culture and Hindu 
concept of God.

You also justify violence against Muslims because most of the terrorist 
areMuslims (according to you), so would you make it clear to the goanetters, 
whatacts of violence or terror were committed by the innocent Christian victims 
ofthe Bihar carnage ? Is conversion according to you terrorism ? If there were 
anyforceful conversions, why isn't a single complain logged with the 
Authorities ?Are we not in the a 21 century democracy ? You sure are a confused 
personality,at the moment it looks like, your body is in the 21st century but 
your peanutbrain was frozen during the stone age era. 

Response :
Pastors Vinod Karsal and Sekhar Kashav of Assembly of God Church in Jabalpur of 
Madhya Pradesh were arrested on false conversion allegation on 14 August 2006.  
Both of them were taken into custody under Section 3 and 4 of the Madhya 
Pradesh Freedom of Religious Act, 1968. 
Conversions are taking place among rural poor illiterate people by missionaries 
where they offer them money, free education and medical service. These people 
fall easy prey to these missionaries. You should understand that for them 
hunger is their religion. It is failure of our Government in these states that 
they can not provide them what foreign funded missionaries provide them. So the 
lodging of compl

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-10 Thread marshallmendonza
Dr. U. G. Barad wrote:
Writer appears to be pouring his venom towards Hindus in Goa and equally
says he does not except GIFT!! What as joke!!!
1.I was not aware that Dr Barad represents all the Hindus of Goa. Thank you for 
this invaluable information. Where he saw the venom in his infertile mind is 
best known to him.

Dr UGB wrote:
...when he has already accepted the gift..and not even had the courtesy to
thank or otherwise for the wonderful gift he received??
Please do not speak in riddles. I am too dense to understand. I would 
appreciate if you could kindly put it in plain simple language.

Dr UGB wrote:
I request Goanet members not to chop his writing until he drains his
intellectual weight? 
Sorry, I do not understand your pharmalogical english. Pl speak in English 

Dr UGB wrote:
The writer needs to be given a long rope.and only there after..!!!???
Is this a threat?

This is my last post on this thread. I do not wish to waste my time and that of 
other goanetters on inane matters. Let sleeping dogs lie.







[Goanet] Build up 

Will the all new Indica Vista zip ahead of the Suzuki Swift? Read the expert 
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[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-09 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
This response is in connection with Message: 9; Dated: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 under
subject title as is mentioned above. 


Writer appears to be pouring his venom towards Hindus in Goa and equally
says he does not except GIFT!! What as joke!!!


...when he has already accepted the gift..and not even had the courtesy to
thank or otherwise for the wonderful gift he received??


I request Goanet members not to chop his writing until he drains his
intellectual weight? 


The writer needs to be given a long rope.and only there after..!!!???


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad





[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-09 Thread marshallmendonza
Dr. U. G. Barad wrote:
Marshall, Goanet is not owned by me to dictate my terms. If it was, you
would have got a best gift from me, which unfortunately got rejected at
Dear Dr Barad, unfortunately I do not accept gifts especially from people I do 
not know personally. And in the case of a hardcore hindutvawadi, a definite no. 
I would however, accept a gift of peace and harmony were you to advise this to 
your kinsmen in the VHP / BD who are still creating havoc in Orissa and 
elsewhere. And as for your best gift which was rejected by the moderators, 
please keep it for yourself. You most deserve it.



Will the all new Indica Vista zip ahead of the Suzuki Swift? Read the expert 
review on

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-08 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Marshall, Goanet is not owned by me to dictate my terms. If it was, you
would have got a best gift from me, which unfortunately got rejected at

Any way Marshall, please keep going and draining your knowledge with
rubbish. I wish you very best in your planed vision. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-07 Thread marshallmendonza
Laluram Salvi wrote:
In fact, with the exception of Sanatan Sanstha  men’s alleged involment in 
Malegao bomb blasts almost all terrorists attacks against our nation, and the 
civilized world, have been committed by Muslims. 
1.First of all I thank you for coming out in the open and not hiding behind Dr 
Barad. Maybe it is time for Dr Barad too to realize not to front for others. It 
is very obvious.
2.The SS / HJS has been responsible for bomb blasts in Navi Mumbai and Malegaon 
and some of its members have been arrested. The HJS has its headquarters in Goa 
and every right thinking goan ( I hope you too will agree and support this 
move) needs to raise his voice and compel the government to treat the 
organisation as a terrorist organisation and keep tabs on its members and 
activities under close scrutiny.There have have been bomb blasts in Nanded and 
Kanpur where RSS members were assembling bombs.There have been acts of 
terrorism against the christian community in the Dangs,in Orissa, Karnataka and 
other places.It is time civil society treated these deliberate acts of violence 
as acts of terrorism which they undoubtedly are and put them on the same 
footing as other acts of violence.

LS wrote:
400,000 Kashmiri Pandits, constituting 99% of the total population of Hindus 
living in Muslim majority area of the Kashmir Valley, were forcibly pushed out 
of the Valley by Muslim terrorists, trained in Pakistan, since the end of 1989. 
They have been forced to live the life of exiles in their own country, outside 
their homeland, by unleashing a systematic campaign of terror, murder, loot and 
The violence in Kashmir has nothing to do with religion, though at times it 
does take a religious hue.The fight is for self determination. More muslims 
have died and suffered due to the violence in the valley. But this fact is 
conveniently glossed over by the BJP because it does not fit in with their 
scheme of things. It is true that many Kashmiri Pandits have been forced out of 
their homes and compelled to live in refugee camps. However, the BJP was in 
power for 6 years. Please tell us what did they do to enable their return home 
and to provide them security. All the BJP did was to use use them for garnering 
votes and for propaganda material. They have no sympathies for the Pandits. So 
please do not shed crocodile tears.

LS wrote:
Mahatma Gandhi began this policy of MUSLIM APPEASEMENT IN INDIA with Indira and 
Rajiv Gandhi  following this tradition the most prominent of being repulsion of 
Shah Bano divorce lawsuit and recent one not hanging of Terrorist Afzal Guru.We 
should accept the diversion of temple funds for churches and mosques, and the 
subsidy from the Hindu majority"s money to visit pilgrimages to Mecca and 
Only those who never participated nor contributed to India's freedom struggle 
will fail to understand the immense contribution of Gandhiji in uniting all 
sections of people in fighting the British by non-violent means and bringing a 
mighty empire to its knees. India's independence was a catalyst for the 
independence of several other countries like Ghana,Ceylon,Kenya, Tanzania, 
Zambia,Malaysia, Singapore, Burma,etc.
Rajiv Gandhi did make some mistakes as he was not a 'politician' and was guided 
by people like Arun Nehru who later turned turncoat and embraced the BJP.
It shows the communal mindset of the sangh parivar when they focus on Afzal 
Guru.Mercy petitions have been pending at the highest level for 6 years or 
more.Many of them during BJP rule. Why is the BJP not asking for the return of 
Prabhakaran of the LTTE who was responsible for the assassination of Rajiv 
Gandhi? Is it because he is not a muslim or that Rajiv Gandhi's life had no 
value for them?
Sops like subsidies for pilgrimages to Haj have done more harm to muslims than 
good. Because they are mere tokenism. Had the government invested the same 
amount in providing them good education and healthcare, they would have been 
much better off today. Incidentally, the Haj subsidy was increased during BJP 
rule. So much for double standards!!! The Christian community in AP have made a 
big mistake in accepting subsidy for pilgrimages to Jerusalem. It will give 
them minimum benefit and maximum propaganda mileage to the sangh parivar.

LS wrote:
In a landmark judgement, the Allahabad High Court on Thursday held that Muslims 
couldn’t be treated as a religious minority anymore in Uttar Pradesh.
Can Mr. Marshall give me reference that this order was stayed later. May be I 
have no idea of it.
A small correction. The order stayed by a bench of the Allahabad HC within 24 
hours and not by the SC. Pl refer to the following links:

LS wrote:

Re: [Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-07 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
--- On Mon, 6/10/08, Laluram Salvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Laluram Salvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance
> To:
> Received: Monday, 6 October, 2008, 6:40 AM
> Response : It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are
> terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally
> true, that almost all terrorists are Muslims.

Oh c'mon Laluram, perhaps you've forgotten the Catholic/Protestant terrorists 
in Ireland, the Basque terrorists in Spain, the Hindu terrorists right there in 
India (a couple of whom died in the process of making bombs), the Indian army 
itself going berserk in Hyderabad, Goa, Nagaland, Kashmir at various times ...  

  Make the switch to the world's best email. Get Yahoo!7 Mail!

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-07 Thread Laluram Salvi
Marshall wrote : our police have little or no clue to what is happening. After 
every incident, under public pressure,they immediately jump into action and 
effect a number of arrests stating that they have nabbed the masterminds and 
broken the module. Until the next incident takes place, by which time public 
memory being short, the story is again repeated.3. Under police torture, 
confessions are obtained. But since the actual culprits are at large, there is 
no stopping further incidents.4. Bomb blasts and terrorism is not the monopoly 
of only Islamic terrorists. There are terrorists in the extreme right too who 
have so far not been investigated with the same seriousness and enthusiasm. 
There have been incidents in Kanpur, Nanded, Navi Mumbai and other places where 
the SS which is affiliated to the HJS( headquartered in Goa!!!) have been found 
to have a hand. Incidents in muslim dominated Malegaon and Hyderabad where 
muslims have been the main victims
 suggest deeper investigations are needed.
Response : It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is 
equally certain, and exceptionally true, that almost all terrorists are Muslims.
When will we wake up and admit the fact that almost all terrorist attacks 
against the United States in the last quarter century have been perpetrated by 
Muslims?  Of the 19 hijackers on 9/11/01, all of them were Muslim. 
How about the Delhi Paliament  attack  on 13 December, 2001? Yes by Muslims. In 
fact, with the exception of Sanatan Sanstha  men’s alleged involment in Malegao 
bomb blasts almost all terrorists attacks against our nation, and the civilized 
world, have been committed by Muslims. 
400,000 Kashmiri Pandits, constituting 99% of the total population of Hindus 
living in Muslim majority area of the Kashmir Valley, were forcibly pushed out 
of the Valley by Muslim terrorists, trained in Pakistan, since the end of 1989. 
They have been forced to live the life of exiles in their own country, outside 
their homeland, by unleashing a systematic campaign of terror, murder, loot and 
Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits has reached its climax with Muslim terrorism 
succeeding in 'CLEANSING' the valley of this ancient ethno-religious community. 
With the completion of 11th year of their forced exile, this peace loving, 
culturally rich community with a history of more than 5000 years, is fighting a 
grim battle to save itself from becoming extinct as a distinct race and 
Marshall wrote : The sangh parivar loves using the words 'pampering minorities' 
and 'minority appeasement' and as examples they point out to the Haj subsidy or 
declaring Prophet Mohammed's birthday as a public holiday. However, they gloss 
over the tax exemption given to HUF's or subsidies given by various state 
government for religious pilgrimages. eg: subsidy given by Gujarat govt to 
Hindu pilgrims going to Mansarovar.They ignore the facilities govts give in 
places like Amarnath, Shirdi, and other religious places. Further only dalits 
from Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh religions are extended state benefits. Dalits who 
embrace Islam or Christianity are immediately deprived of any benefit. So much 
for pampering!!! If one reads the Sachar Committee Report it would be amply 
clear who is being pampered. Muslims lag behind on every development parameter 
except on their numbers filling state prisons. In Gujarat POTA has been used 
against muslims but not a single
 hindu was arrested under POTA inspite of the genocide committed against 
Response : I can give you n number of  instances of Congress political 
surrender to the blackmailing of Muslims of India right from the days of 
Khilafat Movement in 1921. Mahatma Gandhi began this policy of MUSLIM 
APPEASEMENT IN INDIA with Indira and Rajiv Gandhi  following this tradition the 
most prominent of being repulsion of Shah Bano divorce lawsuit and recent one 
not hanging of Terrorist Afzal Guru.
We should accept the diversion of temple funds for churches and mosques, and 
the subsidy from the Hindu majority"s money to visit pilgrimages to Mecca and 

We should also accept the largest state subsidy to those secessionists of 
Kashmir, who howl anti-India slogans and hoist Pakistani flag, and yet 
successfully clamor to disallow the temporary use of a mere 40 hectares of land 
for the Hindus, on way to a pilgrimage in their own country.

Marshall wrote : Dr Barad fails to mention that the order was stayed by the SC 
and that strictures were passed by the SC against the offending Judge for 
exceeding his brief and giving vent to his personal prejudices.

My Response : Read the following news in Indian Express
Muslims in UP not minority: HC
Press Trust of India Thursday, April 05, 2007 
 Allahabad, April 5: In a landmark judgement, the Allahabad High Court on 
Thursday held that Muslims couldn’t be treated as a religious minority anymore 
in Uttar Pradesh. 
Justice S N Srivastava gave the ruling after

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-06 Thread marshallmendonza
Dr. U. G. Barad wrote: 

Article 25 - 28 deals with Right to Freedom of Religion; Articles 29 - 31
deals with Cultural and Educational Rights and Article 340 deals with
Appointment of a Commission to investigate the conditions of backward
classes. read Part III of Constitution of India - from
Articles 12 - 35 dealing with Fundamental Rights and Articles 14 - 18 which
deals with Right to Equality. 

Please ask your ghostwriter to come out in the open. I will then debate the 
matter with him.



Will the all new Indica Vista zip ahead of the Suzuki Swift? Read the expert 
review on

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-06 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Hi Marshall,

Have you read the Article 25 and 30 along with the judgments on this issue?
I'm sure you have not nor grasped these articles but preferred only to fire
bullet in Goanet which is open to every Goan including pretenders to be
Marshall, to help you out, I will only reproduce the zest of Articles.
Article 25 - 28 deals with Right to Freedom of Religion; Articles 29 - 31
deals with Cultural and Educational Rights and Article 340 deals with
Appointment of a Commission to investigate the conditions of backward

Now to help you again, read Part III of Constitution of India - from
Articles 12 - 35 dealing with Fundamental Rights and Articles 14 - 18 which
deals with Right to Equality. 

Read all these articles and only than come back with your quack .quack. 

Am I teaching or preaching english ("Ingles bhas") in this message. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-05 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Marshel / Marshall,


Don't spend your time to suspect or imagine! 


Think positively towards saving Goa!!


Write to fight / get evil out of GOA. 


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad





[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-05 Thread marshallmendonza
Dr. U. G. Barad wrote:

Of late increasing blasts and waves of violence are rocking city after city
in India. After every blast or violence one or other outfits / mastermind is
named as suspect. Thereafter that case(s) is transferred from the Police to
the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) and then from the ATS to the Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI). And finally 'Operation Cover-up' takes place only
with a covert view not to punish the culprit(s). This raises the obvious
question: does continuance of intimidation indicate that our apex
investigation agencies or judiciary are not discharging their functional
duties as is required? There might be "n" numbers of reasons for initiating
'Operation Cover-up' as there might be equal numbers of reasons for
terrorism activities flaring up. 

1. As an aside, I suspect this write up has been ghost written as the post does 
not carry the trade mark bad English, atrocious spellings and lack of clarity 
of the subject. However, if Dr Barad is indeed the author of this post, then 
kudos to him for the marked improvement over the previous posts. I hope he will 
maintain these standards.
2. If one has been following news reports in the media, and I mean the 
mainstream media, it would be amply clear that our police have little or no 
clue to what is happening. After every incident, under public pressure,they 
immediately jump into action and effect a number of arrests stating that they 
have nabbed the masterminds and broken the module. Until the next incident 
takes place, by which time public memory being short, the story is again 
3. Under police torture, confessions are obtained. But since the actual 
culprits are at large, there is no stopping further incidents.
4. Bomb blasts and terrorism is not the monopoly of only Islamic terrorists. 
There are terrorists in the extreme right too who have so far not been 
investigated with the same seriousness and enthusiasm. There have been 
incidents in Kanpur, Nanded, Navi Mumbai and other places where the SS which is 
affiliated to the HJS( headquartered in Goa!!!) have been found to have a hand. 
Incidents in muslim dominated Malegaon and Hyderabad where muslims have been 
the main victims suggest deeper investigations are needed.  
Dr Barad wrote:
In a pluralistic society like ours,national identity cannot be adjudged by any 
litmus test ... This nation does not belong to any single race." This 
expression is absolutely true and in line with the Constitution of India. But 
the biggest question is: Is his government practicing what he is preaching? On 
the contrary, his government is seen pampering "minorities" and yet not willing 
to finalize "minority" related 103rd Amendment - a perfect double role strategy 
which smells dubiousness. 
The sangh parivar loves using the words 'pampering minorities' and 'minority 
appeasement' and as examples they point out to the Haj subsidy or declaring 
Prophet Mohammed's birthday as a public holiday. However, they gloss over the 
tax exemption given to HUF's or subsidies given by various state government for 
religious pilgrimages. eg: subsidy given by Gujarat govt to Hindu pilgrims 
going to Mansarovar.They ignore the facilities govts give in places like 
Amarnath, Shirdi, and other religious places. Further only dalits from Hindu, 
Buddhist and Sikh religions are extended state benefits. Dalits who embrace 
Islam or Christianity are immediately deprived of any benefit. So much for 
pampering!!! If one reads the Sachar Committee Report it would be amply clear 
who is being pampered. Muslims lag behind on every development parameter except 
on their numbers filling state prisons. In Gujarat POTA has been used against 
muslims but not a single hindu was arrested under POTA inspite of the genocide 
committed against muslims. 

Dr Barad wrote:
At this point, it's time to recall and read the ruling / the judgment which
was passed by Allahabad High Court.  The Allahabad High Court had held that
Muslims with 18.5 per cent of Uttar Pradesh's population in 2001 - were not
a religious minority in the state. The judgment also pronounced that state
government should treat members of the Muslim community as equal to those
belonging to the non-minority communities without discrimination in
accordance with the law. 
Comment: Dr Barad fails to mention that the order was stayed by the SC and that 
strictures were passed by the SC against the offending Judge for exceeding his 
brief and giving vent to his personal prejudices.

Dr Barad wrote:
In short, if the bill (103rd Amendment) has to see the light of the day it
has to be amended to give definitions of minorities in line with apexes
courts landmark judgments and also abolish the existing national minorities
pari passu. Such amendment once in place will obviate any confusion on the
question of minorities. 
Comment: It has been the objective and dream of the sangh parivar to reduce 
minorities in India to the status of secon

[Goanet] Build up Zero Chances within Zero Tolerance

2008-10-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Of late increasing blasts and waves of violence are rocking city after city
in India. After every blast or violence one or other outfits / mastermind is
named as suspect. Thereafter that case(s) is transferred from the Police to
the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) and then from the ATS to the Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI). And finally 'Operation Cover-up' takes place only
with a covert view not to punish the culprit(s). This raises the obvious
question: does continuance of intimidation indicate that our apex
investigation agencies or judiciary are not discharging their functional
duties as is required? There might be "n" numbers of reasons for initiating
'Operation Cover-up' as there might be equal numbers of reasons for
terrorism activities flaring up.  

Considering the gravity of "n" numbers, government's action plan as is being
suggested by intellectuals need not only be zero tolerance but must also be
zero chances approach. In this context let's see, one among many, Zero
chance measure that would have complimented to normalize the turbulent
situation long back. But no, it's still kept brewing for vote bank

Recently at the annual conference of State Minorities Commissions in New
Delhi, our beloved Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh stressed pluralism of
the Indian culture saying "India does not belong to any single race and that
it belongs to a mosaic of religiously, linguistically and culturally varied
communities ... India must remain a nation where pluralism and
socio-religious variety are respected. In a pluralistic society like ours,
national identity cannot be adjudged by any litmus test ... This nation does
not belong to any single race." This expression is absolutely true and in
line with the Constitution of India. But the biggest question is: Is his
government practicing what he is preaching? On the contrary, his government
is seen pampering "minorities" and yet not willing to finalize "minority"
related 103rd Amendment - a perfect double role strategy which smells

In this context, for better understanding, let me divide the period from
1540 to date into four phases. First phase: Times started becoming different
from 1540 when Portuguese landed in Goa. That was a disturbing phase due to
Inquisition and fervor of religious conviction either by force or by
coercion.  Phase Two: even after first phase, all Goans (Hindus, Christians
and Muslims) lived in perfect harmony intermixing with each other. Third
Phase: Our harmonically intermixing attitude turned our Goan mindset to get
our Goa liberated from colonial bondage. We achieved what we wanted and
again lived harmoniously. No signs of hatred at any level were visible.
Fourth Phase: Today in liberated Goa we see disturbances from all fronts.
Goans openly say "any thing can happen to our Goa at any time.. This is more
because our politicians are pampering Influx, slum dwellers and the
Minorities ". At the start of the fourth phase Goa did witness influx,
slums, minorities but pampering attitude like today was hardly noticeable. 

All this is going on unnoticed only because the term "Minority" is not
defined legally & logically nor any Intellectual, Individual, organization,
or NGOs made any attempt to specify as to what parameters need to be
considered to declare certain group as "Minority" in the state or nation. 

In 2005, politicians were literarily shaken by two judgments of apex court
i.e. 1) T. M. A. Pai Foundation vs. State of Karnataka case, wherein eleven
judges bench raised important question as to 'What is the meaning and
content of the expression "minority" in Article 30 of the Constitution of
India?'. This bench also spelt out that "Linguistic and religious minorities
are covered by the expression "minority" under Article 30 of the
Constitution. Since reorganization of the States in India has been on
linguistic lines, therefore, for the purpose of determining the minority,
the unit will be the State and not the whole of India. Thus, religious and
linguistic minorities, who have been put on a par in Article 30, have to be
considered state wise"; 2) Subsequent to this judgment, Supreme Court, after
T. M. A. Pai Foundation case judgment, once again, in Bal Patil & Others vs.
Union of India case reinterred the same stand. (Hence forth these two cases
will be referred as "landmark judgments)'. 

Factually, for the Ministry of Minority Affairs in India, redefining
"minority" state wise, in accordance with apex court's landmark judgments
has become a task as tough as bringing out water from a rock. And the bill
for giving constitutional status to National Commission for Minorities (NCM)
is hanging since 2004 and in view of the sensitive issues involved in it
nobody wants to put their hand in it. The Ministry is in a fix over defining
the term "minority" for more than one reasons - firstly in view of the
coming elections and secondly opposition from the so-called minorities.

The cabinet cleared the official a