Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2021-12-05 Thread Roland Francis
An interesting thread of March 2008.


Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2021-07-31 Thread Roland Francis
Hi John, haven"t heard from you for a long time on Goanet.
Hope you and yours are all well.
Glad to hear from you if you have a moment.


On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 4:31 PM JOHN MONTEIRO 

> Dear Fred
>   Many thanks for your kind words.  Forgive me for such a long email reply
> but it will help a little perhaps in knowing more about my father, if he is
> the Casimiro Monteiro we talking about.
>   Yes you are right this ought not to be a witch hunt as such but gaps are
> gaps, and as you say, they are pre-1961 & post 1961 & ought to be filled,
> if not just for my sake, really for posterity, though its 57 years since I
> first set foot in Goa and now, its some 47 years since I "left" ("fled" was
> more like it if I remember correctly) I was not able to bring forth all the
> memories that one is meant to.
>   Creeping memory loss it is not, I was not able to remember much of my
> childhood from my teen years in the mid to late 60's because we were
> forbidden by mother to speak Portuguese or Konkani or to discuss anything
> at all to do with Goa or India in general. I have a mental block in many
> ways, one is trying to read or understand Portuguese or Konkani.  I simply
> cannot let myself read or learn to read or have anything at all to do with
> either of the two languages.
>   I have revisted Goa and I am afraid of coming back.  I have not
> re-visited Portugal after 1958 either.
>   Some days it was as if my childhood never happened, and no matter how
> hard I tried it was all I could do to remember little bits of it, even
> though they only happened a two or three years earlier, I now know why, it
> is very possible that this person IS my father, for if he was not, then
> there were twins in this family (he had a younger brother I know who lived
> with us, on & off most of the time my father was absent, he was no better
> behaved), my father was violent, rude & uncaring.
>   Not a nice thing to say about one's father, but what did he expect us to
> think of him, he was never around, and when he was he was not to be
> disturbed, we were not allowed to his side of the house, his room was
> forbidden for anyone to go into, we had better contact (thank heavens for
> little mercies, with the neighbours, though some shunned us children,
> others did not, we were invited to celebrations when he was not around).
>   He was a prolific debaucher, he fathered so many children (locally, that
> my mother & I knew of), yes I & my brother Fernando (renamed David after
> 1961) must have at least 10 half-siblings via the many "ayas" we had, some
> lasting up to 6 months but many left after a few weeks..
> also with the local womenfolk he & his brother abused.
>   I remember mentioning this & other things to do with my childhood in my
> first couple of posting on Goanet, my introduction on Goanet.  I was so
> pleased to have found a way out of getting this monkey off my back that I
> probably blurted out too much, but what of it I said to my wife, she agreed.
>   It was history and if its helping me to get this off my chest, what a
> better way than to share it with all Goans on Goanet?  I was after all torn
> from Goa, and never really settled properly in UK afterwards, unlike my
> brother who was born in Goan in 1954 (that memory came flooding back to me
> after my mother died in 1999, I was four & half years old at the time, just
> as some other memories are surfacing lately, I feel quite unnerved by it
> all).
>   If I can get confirmation of this man Agente Casimiro (Teles Jordao
> ???)  Monteiro then perhaps it will explain why I used to piss the bed
> nearly every night when I was at Loyola High School and why I was always
> afraid of going home... and why I always found my mothe in a
> distressed state when I did come home.  I remember once I ran away from LHS
> just to go see my mum. I wish I hadnt, I continued wetting the bed
> for the rest of the time I was there, even though Brother Canna at the time
> was concerned, told me not to drink water after 4pm and made sure I went to
> the toilet before bedtime, I still managed to find the pee, I was a scared
> child.
>   But all this aside, it was my mother who was the one that suffered the
> most in our family, she could do no right in his eyes, and the rest of the
> RC extended RC family who lived within walking distance did not like her
> either.
>   She as Church of England, therefore a Protestant & not of the Old
> Religion, also not married to my Father (he was allegedly already married
> but left them, for my mother), having lived in the UK where they met (in
> the East End of London) it was time for him to be arrested in UK, so fled
> to Goa, where it appears he found alternative
> employment.
>   But I thank you for your kind words again, and hope & pray that if its
> positive (he is NOT my father), then I have to begin again, to find a
> Casimiro Teles Jordao 

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Fred
  Many thanks for your kind words.  Forgive me for such a long email reply but 
it will help a little perhaps in knowing more about my father, if he is the 
Casimiro Monteiro we talking about.
  Yes you are right this ought not to be a witch hunt as such but gaps are 
gaps, and as you say, they are pre-1961  post 1961  ought to be filled, if 
not just for my sake, really for posterity, though its 57 years since I first 
set foot in Goa and now, its some 47 years since I left (fled was more like 
it if I remember correctly) I was not able to bring forth all the memories that 
one is meant to.
  Creeping memory loss it is not, I was not able to remember much of my 
childhood from my teen years in the mid to late 60's because we were forbidden 
by mother to speak Portuguese or Konkani or to discuss anything at all to do 
with Goa or India in general. I have a mental block in many ways, one is trying 
to read or understand Portuguese or Konkani.  I simply cannot let myself read 
or learn to read or have anything at all to do with either of the two languages.
  I have revisted Goa and I am afraid of coming back.  I have not re-visited 
Portugal after 1958 either.
  Some days it was as if my childhood never happened, and no matter how hard I 
tried it was all I could do to remember little bits of it, even though they 
only happened a two or three years earlier, I now know why, it is very possible 
that this person IS my father, for if he was not, then there were twins in this 
family (he had a younger brother I know who lived with us, on  off most of the 
time my father was absent, he was no better behaved), my father was violent, 
rude  uncaring.  
  Not a nice thing to say about one's father, but what did he expect us to 
think of him, he was never around, and when he was he was not to be disturbed, 
we were not allowed to his side of the house, his room was forbidden for anyone 
to go into, we had better contact (thank heavens for little mercies, with the 
neighbours, though some shunned us children, others did not, we were invited to 
celebrations when he was not around).
  He was a prolific debaucher, he fathered so many children (locally, that my 
mother  I knew of), yes I  my brother Fernando (renamed David after 1961) 
must have at least 10 half-siblings via the many ayas we had, some lasting up 
to 6 months but many left after a few weeks.. also with the 
local womenfolk he  his brother abused. 
  I remember mentioning this  other things to do with my childhood in my first 
couple of posting on Goanet, my introduction on Goanet.  I was so pleased to 
have found a way out of getting this monkey off my back that I probably blurted 
out too much, but what of it I said to my wife, she agreed.
  It was history and if its helping me to get this off my chest, what a better 
way than to share it with all Goans on Goanet?  I was after all torn from Goa, 
and never really settled properly in UK afterwards, unlike my brother who was 
born in Goan in 1954 (that memory came flooding back to me after my mother died 
in 1999, I was four  half years old at the time, just as some other memories 
are surfacing lately, I feel quite unnerved by it all).
  If I can get confirmation of this man Agente Casimiro (Teles Jordao ???)  
Monteiro then perhaps it will explain why I used to piss the bed nearly every 
night when I was at Loyola High School and why I was always afraid of going 
home... and why I always found my mothe in a distressed state when 
I did come home.  I remember once I ran away from LHS just to go see my 
mum. I wish I hadnt, I continued wetting the bed for the rest of the 
time I was there, even though Brother Canna at the time was concerned, told me 
not to drink water after 4pm and made sure I went to the toilet before bedtime, 
I still managed to find the pee, I was a scared child.
  But all this aside, it was my mother who was the one that suffered the most 
in our family, she could do no right in his eyes, and the rest of the RC 
extended RC family who lived within walking distance did not like her either.
  She as Church of England, therefore a Protestant  not of the Old Religion, 
also not married to my Father (he was allegedly already married but left them, 
for my mother), having lived in the UK where they met (in the East End of 
London) it was time for him to be arrested in UK, so fled to Goa, where it 
appears he found alternative employment.
  But I thank you for your kind words again, and hope  pray that if its 
positive (he is NOT my father), then I have to begin again, to find a Casimiro 
Teles Jordao Monteiro in Goa, in the 1950's. could there have 
been two, both with the same name, same time-windows  working for the police 
force albeit sometimes in Khaki or Camouflage ??  Both Portuguese?
  Perhaps a PHOTO of him would be the next step as 

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Roland
  I cannot thank you enough for this, it is a start for me.  I have always 
known in my heart that the evil of my father was totally like this, he was a 
very nasty, ferocious  unaffectionate man, that was towards his family, my 
mother, my brother and me.  
  The rest of our neighbours suffered from his visits also, but my mother was 
too timid (it was the 1950's  all women, whether Goan or Portuguese or as in 
my mother's case, English father  French mother, had no rights and no 
discussions between them, she did as she was told, no arguments).
  He was a truly evil person  my mother refused to talk about him when we 
returned to England in Dec 1961, after a brief stay at Karachi when we left 
Goa, I was aged eleven  half years, my brother was born there but not 
registered... () or so my mother told us.  We never returned, 
but my heart has always been in Goa, you cannot change your childhood and the 
older one gets, the more you miss it.
  I am an old fella, 58 in June and some memories come flooding back to me, so 
much so that I am frightened of some of the things that come to my mind, I can 
now remember when my brother was born in Nov 1954, I was four and half years 
old nearly but then it all goes blank for 3 years or so, then something 
flickers about HOCKEY at LHS, or my first communion couple years later, some 
bits of when we went to Portugal, another instance where my mother had asked 
both my brother and I to hid on the floor of a taxi  she was dressed in a red 
 yellow sari... all very strange.
  But at least the trauma that may have occured to me (and my brother), can 
slowly be released month by month, week by week.  But I have to be careful as 
it is making me fragile, due to my father being the really bad man that I 
remember, I hope of course that Agente Casemiro Monteirol is NOT my father, but 
I have this strange feeling he is the one.  
  It is too much of a coincidence that his first name  surname is the same as 
my father, and the name Casemiro tied to Monteiro is the first time I have 
heard together, let alone hearing the name Casemiro in the first place.
  And his brother was no better.. but I dont remember his name, nor 
can I remember any Portuguese, we were forbidden to speak Konkani or Portuguese 
when we left Goa, so it all went to the back of my mind, forgotten... 
until now.
  The last 14 months have been an eye-opener for me, but my brother is unwell 
and I cannot raise any of this with anyone other than my wife Pamela.
  How ironic that that Casemiro Monteiro, my father should have been such an 
evil person and a bigot, a racialist  a moron, if he only knew my wife, she is 
from Mauritius, of Tamil (HINDU) descent, and we have two daughters.  IF HE 
  I cannot think of any better way of paying him back for all the evils he did, 
to see his eldest son married to a brown skinned woman of a religion that he 
hated so much.  I really cant begin to think how he would react, but a reaction 
of any kind would be welcome.  He is either dead or if living, be around 83 to 
85 years old now.
  Thanks again for the update, I will continue with Google at the week-end and 
send some emails to Mr Faleiro, Mr Vaz, Mr Tavares  Dr D'Souza.  It means so 
much to me to get this far, after 14 months on Goanet and the past 9 years 
trying it the hard way.
  WHY did I not consider Google??? How could I have missed this, its so 
obvious, but not as obvious as I thought!!!

Roland Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear John,

If you google Casimiro Monteiro Goa, you will get quite a lot of
information on CM who it is said was an agent of the dreaded PIDE
(Policia International de Defense do Estada), the equivalent of USA's
CIA or Israel's Mossad.

I personally do not know much about Agente Monteiro besides the fact
that he was both reviled and revered in the Goa of the Portuguese
years depending on who was affected. I copy some passages in Floriano
Vaz's Sunday Ramblings that I found on the internet whose conclusion
was that Agente Monteiro dispensed speedy justice. All I know of
Agente Monteiro is what I heard of him from people and from a Konkani
tiatr of the same name (one of the 2 or 3 tiatrs in my life) staged in
Byculla Bombay when I was 15 years old.

Your best bet would be Dr. Teotonio D'Souza the Goan historian who
often posts on Goanet and has his own Goa Research website. CM figures
in one of his research papers (as I see from Google) which are mostly
in Portuguese.

There are several people on Goanet who may come forward to give you
information. Among them will be our Alfred Tavares (there are few
people in Goa of those days that he doesn't know) and Valmiki Faleiro
whose propensity for researching his various articles is well known.

Here is Floriano's Sunday Rambling:

It seems that one timber 

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Hi John, Don't be so harsh on yourself! We don't choose our parents,
and we can't always be responsible for their actions (except those of
our children, in a way). Even assuming he's your dad, I think your
attitude matters more than his!

There are issues involved here though. Understanding Agente Monteiro
is important for filling in the gaps as far as Goan history goes. And
there are many gaps, not just this one, both pre-1961 and post-1961.

It needn't be a witch-hunt, though one could understand the pain of
those who suffered brutalities of whatever form. At the same time,
those at whose hands the brutalities was doled out were mentally
prisoners of those times. I'm sure they believed they were doing their
patriotic duty, 'protecting' Goa or whatever.

When I visited Dachau in 1998, I wondered how anyone could have done
what they did there hardly six decades earlier. But while we do it, we
all have justifications for the violence we wreck on others, even in
the case of Gujarat in 2002 or in Algeria or Vietnam and Indonesia or
Afghanistan, and the many invasions (and toppling-via-military-coups)
that even countries the US has undertaken in recent times.

There is, sometimes, a self-correcting mechanism at play though. Call
it poetic justice, if you want to. The children of many of those who
have strong anti-'outsider' sentiments have chosen to marry people
from the other states of India, for instance.

Just my thoughts ... FN

Dear Roland, I cannot thank you enough for this, it is a start for me.
 I have always known in my heart that the evil of my father was
totally like this, he was a very nasty, ferocious  unaffectionate
man, that was towards his family, my mother, my brother and me.
The rest of our neighbours suffered from his visits also, but my
mother was too timid (it was the 1950's  all women, whether Goan or
Portuguese or as in my mother's case, English father  French mother,
had no rights and no discussions between them, she did as she was
told, no arguments)

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Bernado
  I have always wanted to find my father's side of the family.  In fact I have 
been searching more and more over the past years since my mother passed away in 
1999.  That's nearly 9 years of searching for him, his brother  any relatives 
in Goa  Lisbon.
  Casemiro Monteiro, whether he was in fact my father, and his brother who was 
with him (our uncle), we (my mother, my younger brother  I) lived together in 
the same house IN Goa.
  I was indeed shocked to the core ( I am still bodily shaking) to read the 
report Roland had posted, for the incident in 1955.  As much as I feel my 
personal life has nothing much to do with the events of today, on Goanet, or in 
Goa itself,  maybe of no interest to anyone outside the Monteiro family, I am 
pleading with everyone who may have any information regarding the Agente 
Casemiro Monteiro ( his brother) who were in Goa during the 1950's.
  You say, CM is dead  gone  he was irrelevant, well that is probably right, 
for you  possibly many other posters who have read your post, and mine.  But a 
small detraction away from the current Monteiros since 1961 will not make much 
difference to you or those who are not interested in my plight, but I also need 
to know about my father, who he was and where he went, whether or not he was 
that person described in Roland's post.
  I can only SUSPECT it was him, I cannot be sure of it.  So I ask again, if 
anyone has any light they can shed on this man, I would be very grateful to 
you.  Any archive footage such as Roland's or links to where I can go next to 
find out more about this man, can only help me (and my family).  Even if he is 
indeed dead  gone as you put it, it would help us enormously to lay our 
ghosts to rest, if it is true, then where is he laid, where are his / my 
paternal relatives living in Goa / Lisbon?
  Surely this is not too much to ask, and it will not deter from the main 
events currently being discussed (some ad nausium, but still being read by 
yours truly).
  I thank anyone in advance for any information, no matter how small or 
insignificant they feel they have some information or knowledge on this.
  John Monteiro

Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Recently one Roland Francis from 
Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Canada has invoked the memory of Agente Monteiro and 
has left John Monteiro of Berkshire in a quandary as to his parentage. RF 
should spend more time in my opinion on the current Monteiro's that Goa has 
produced and is producing since 61. Please do not raise issues of irrelevance. 
CM is dead and gone. BC

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-27 Thread Roland Francis
Dear John,

If you google Casimiro Monteiro Goa, you will get quite a lot of
information on CM who it is said was an agent of the dreaded PIDE
(Policia International de Defense do Estada), the equivalent of USA's
CIA or Israel's Mossad.

I personally do not know much about Agente Monteiro besides the fact
that he was both reviled and revered in the Goa of the Portuguese
years depending on who was affected. I copy some passages in Floriano
Vaz's Sunday Ramblings that I found on the internet whose conclusion
was that Agente Monteiro dispensed speedy justice. All I know of
Agente Monteiro is what I heard of him from people and from a Konkani
tiatr of the same name (one of the 2 or 3 tiatrs in my life) staged in
Byculla Bombay when I was 15 years old.

Your best bet would be Dr. Teotonio D'Souza the Goan historian who
often posts on Goanet and has his own Goa Research website. CM figures
in one of his research papers (as I see from Google) which are mostly
in Portuguese.

There are several people on Goanet who may come forward to give you
information. Among them will be our Alfred Tavares (there are few
people in Goa of those days that he doesn't know) and Valmiki Faleiro
whose propensity for researching his various articles is well known.

Here is Floriano's Sunday Rambling:

 It seems that one timber merchant cum timber contractor was operating
his very successful timber business in Goa supplying timber to various
outlets, timber such as teak wood, which was freely available in
forested areas of Valpoi etc. This contractor is believed to have been
operating in a dubious manner, where, he would get the forest
department's mandatory clearance to cut say 50 teak trees, but would
actually cut 100 or more. And this was not without the connivance of
the officials of the forest department who were kept happy by this
contractor with ample gifts during Ganesh, Divali and Christmas
festivals. It is believed that one such upright lower official of the
forest department had the courage to send back such a gift from this
contractor, not because he wanted a better and a more expensive one,
but merely because he disliked to be bribed and taken for granted. Due
recognition was registered by the contractor in this particular case
which was considered as an insult. Things started to get out of hand
gradually as the contractor was denuding the government forests of its
teak trees to the extent that an anonymous letter reached the desk of
the brand new and very young Director of forests by the name of Maciel
Chaves, first out of college from Lisbon, having been deputed to take
charge in Goa, ratting on the deeds of the timber contractor who
hailed from Marcel-Goa. The director was duly warned that the
personnel of his department could not be trusted and could be on the
payroll of the contractor. It is believed that young Chaves started
making clandestine inspection trips to the scenes of the crime ,
talking to people etc. This, having alarmed the contractor, he made
contact with the Azad Gomantak Dal, which was then making regular
incursions into Goa as satyagraha strikes, to have this young Director
assassinated. A 'supari', as it is known in ordinary parlance. The
unfortunate thing actually happened. The young Director was shot dead
during one of AGD's incursions into Goa. I am told that a tearful
funeral service of this young Director was conducted at the chapel of
the old GMC complex at Campal, which complex is now renovated for the
IFFI-04. Perhaps the body was taken to Portugal for burial.

With Casimiro Monteiro in charge (Agente Monteiro as he was called),
the investigations into this murder was conducted on a war footing,
given the efficiency of the Portuguese Police. It seems that the
timber contractor from Marcel was duly picked up in the middle of the
night and taken in. The intensive interrogation is believed to have
lasted for almost a month when the accused died in custody. Same
night, it is believed that Casimiro Monteiro and two of his guards
carried a bundle, hardly considered as a human body, tied up in a
bedsheet, to the contractor's home in the dead of the night. The home
people having been woken, were ordered to conduct the funeral rites of
the remains there and then without allowing the sheet to be unwrapped
. Agente Monteiro is said to have left only when the body was totally
consumed by flames.

To us, in our make believe democracy, where our shoes get worn-out by
making trips to the court rooms, this type of swift and horrifying
justice makes our legs weak. But then, one could sleep without fear,
keeping the doors and windows of the houses open precisely for this
very reason of swift justice during the Portuguese rule. And, by the
way, the identity of this criminal contractor, who thought he would be
able to pillage Goa's forests by having the thorn in Maciel Chaves
removed, the blame of which automatically and satisfactorily dumped on
the satyagraha movement, must be known to a few in Goa who are