[Goanet] Caution on RP 2021(Navhind Times)

2015-01-28 Thread roger dsouza
Caution on RP 2021

Posted by: Navhind Times January
28, 2015 in Opinion 

Deputy Chief Minister Francis D’Souza might want to take the bull by the
horns, but when it comes to the Regional Plan 2021 it is better to tread
with caution. He recently told the media that one meeting to sort out
issues (and issues there are many) was held on Monday and the second would
be held Friday. It is interesting to note that the first meeting
deliberated in 3,500 suggestions, most of which were private in nature.
Private, in this case, would mean requests to release land locked in the
regional plan for construction. What D’Souza did not say, and this could
eventually become a stumbling block, is how many were considered. The good
news though is that D’Souza is of the view that the plan should not be

Nothing stirs up passion in Goa like the regional plan. It was notified by
the previous Congress government after a five-year long process that saw
people’s participation for the first time. The exercise released forces
that pushed and pulled in several directions and it was a miracle that the
plan actually saw the light of day. Villages stepped up to the challenge
and set up committees with technically competent persons to survey and
finalise the plan. The fallout of this process was that villages began to
think like republics and went beyond their brief. The result was opposition
to new roads, widening of old roads and public utility projects. In
addition, over 10,000 requests, which were never made public, were accepted
directly by the town and country planning department and incorporated into
the plan after a screening process.

The BJP cashed in on the resentment against the plan and promised to
de-notify it if elected to power. After it formed government a promise was
made that plans would be sent back and the entire village would be allowed
to vote on it. When it realised the complications such an exercise would
create, it simply started delaying the process of reconciliation. However,
by superimposing the regional plan 2001 on RP 2021 it sought to curtail
conversion of land. This formula remained in place until D’Souza began the
process to finalise the plan once and for all. One is tempted to ask if the
Deputy Chief Minister has bitten off more than he can chew because there is
a chance the process could spiral out of control if ground rules are not

First, the Deputy Chief Minister must clearly and unequivocally declare if
the government is still keen on sending plans back to the village for
reconsideration and voting. Second, since he agreed with the view expressed
by Leader of the Opposition he must state if he also agrees that only plans
of 15 villages need to be viewed afresh, or all. Third, he must specify how
the department plans to deal with the 3,500 requests for land conversion.
It might be recalled that over 1,000 revisions or amendments were made to
RP 2001. Does the BJP government want to launch the plan with 3,500
revisions? Fourth, he has to state if new requests will be entertained.

When dealing with the mining issue, the Supreme Court introduced the
principle of inter-generational equity which when spelled out meant all the
ore should not be exploited by one generation. This is the guiding
principle behind the regional plan and hence special protection was
accorded to forests, paddy fields, orchards, water bodies and hill slopes.
Land was sought to be released on the basis of population requirements and
economic needs. However, some powerful vested interests also got included
in the process. If the intention of the Deputy Chief Minister is to weed
out these vested interests and finalise the plan, it is welcome. If, on the
other hand, fresh requests are going to be entertained, then it will result
in chaos. The Deputy Chief Minister and government need to think carefully
before venturing into the regional plan minefield.


2012-04-25 Thread floriano

Page 08

'Opinion' - MOPA flying in Unclear Skies
Surging ahead with crutches By: Caetano De Abreu

These two different and unconnected opinions say it all.

The Goa Su-Raj Party  was always apprehensive of the 'Wolf' in 'Sheep's 
Now that things are coming in the open, it goes a long way  in cautioning 
the ever euphoric Goan public about things to come in the name of GOOD 

Those who have been shouting from the roof-tops cautioning about  the roots 
that have gone deep down and not ever possible to uproot may have been 
considered as mad dogs going rabid  wanting to touch 'power'. But then GOANs 
must understand that they have been already compromised eons ago, more like 
since 196,1 when GOA was annexed to the chagrin of the world where persons 
like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was preaching in one tongue and licking the 
self-imaging plate with the other. We at Goa Su-Raj want to go on record to 
say that  NOBODY repeat NOBODY bleeds for Goa except the mad rabid dogs who 
have the capability to see what is in the best interest for FUTURE  GOA.

It is high time that GOANS take their own destiny in their own hands and 
guide GOA towards being the Pearl of the East, patriotism for  India as a 
country notwithstanding. We must take heed of the old Goan adage "Bailo eun 
tujea potan galtolo mhun sozmoxi zalear ti bongli phott. Tuzea potan tuvench 
galchem podtolem"
Meaning " Do not expect an outsider to come and feed you. You will have to 
do it yourself"

MOPA is going to take away our dear dear Dabolim from us Goans forever and 
deny us the change or the opportunity to name it as  Dr. Jack de Sequeira 
Airport of Goa. We must be very very certain that the Indian Navy has been 
plotting and charting the course on this since 1961. Fools! that Goans have 
been. Are you going to allow this to happen? Does tiny GOA have the 
responsibility to play body-guard to the whole of the Indian Nation at the 
cost of it's own survival? What sort of zombies are we??

Also, GOANS must be smart to know that since they did not want the Congress, 
the BJP has come in by default. The BJP has not been given the mandate to do 
what it wants and what it likes to do with Goa. This is only because our own 
GOAN house was reduced to  a mess of a disorder and chaos that the BJP has 
walked in easy. Therefore, it is incumbent on GOANS to put their own house 
in order, make it safe and foolproof and then let us see where the outsiders 
like the BJP, the Congress, the Trikamtel Congress ( of West Bengal) and the 
Charade that is called the NCP stand a chance.

Will GOANS please WAKE UP?


PS: Discard this as sheer trash if you feel it is and WELCOME.

Shall conduct Interviews with PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES for all 40 
Constituencies of Goa for Elections 2017  starting from May-2012 [Saturdays 
Only] at Party's City Office, 2nd. Flr. Karekar Bldg, Above Indian Overseas 
Bank, Angod-Mapusa. For further details call 9890470896. Let us endeavour to 
set up GOA'S effective High Command in Goa. Thank You. www.goasu-raj.org 

[Goanet] Caution!

2010-09-20 Thread Ivo


 Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
 Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

   Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
  state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome


Dear Goanetters,
This type of e-mails are sent to undisclosed-recipients for acocunt upgrade, 
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Attend World Conference on Science, Education and Culture: Local Wisdom 
Inspiring Global Solutions. For more information, visit 

Re: [Goanet] Caution for Cancer Survivors

2010-09-15 Thread Ivo


 Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
 Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

   Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
  state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

A helpful article for all, particularly for the cancer survivors.
Cancer survivors require quality care long after active phase of treatment 
"The cancer survivor population in the U.S. is nearing 14 million and is 
growing at a rate of about 10% each year. Unfortunately, cancer patients who 
have completed treatment do not always have access to comprehensive, 
follow-up care.

"Earlier detection and better treatment methods mean that two of every three 
adult cancer survivors are living five years after treatment," said Steven 
Castle, administrator of CJW Medical Center's Thomas Johns Cancer Hospital 
(TJCH) in Richmond, Va. "At TJCH, there are about 1,800 survivors finishing 
treatment each year."

The lack of follow-up care can result in suboptimal long-term outcomes, 
said Matthew P. Mumber, MD, a radiation oncologist with the Harbin Clinic in 
Rome, Ga. Very specific forms of followup care have a better chance of 
positively impacting a survivor's quality of life after treatment, Dr. 
Mumber added.

"A successful survivorship system must connect and engage the oncologist and 
the patient with the primary care physician. So often, primary care 
physicians are left out of the loop with potentially serious consequences."
- STEVEN CASTLEDr. Mumber cited studies showing that behavioral and 
lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on the progression of 
prostate and colon cancer. One showed that diet and lifestyle changes were 
directly correlated with prostate cancer patients' ability to prevent the 
progression of their disease (J Urol 174: 1065-1069, 2005).

Another study found a significant increase in colon cancer recurrences and 
mortality among survivors with the highest intake of a high-fat 
western-patterned diet, with heavy consumption of red meat, sugary desserts, 
and refined grains (JAMA 298: 754-764, 2007).

Dr. Mumber advocated for "transformational" support that helps patients 
navigate through the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges 
involved in replacing old habits and patterns with newer, healthier ones. 
However, Dr. Mumber said that, in the current model for cancer treatment, 
there is little support for making the lifestyle changes that could 
positively impact survival.

According to Mr. Castle, cancer survivors receive highest quality care 
during the active phase of their treatment, but can be lost in transition to 
the more passive follow up phase of survivorship. "Sometimes patients may 
feel abandoned or lost after their last radiation or chemotherapy treatment 
or their last appointment with the surgeon," he said.

Dr. Mumber pointed out that "patients in the acute phase of being treated 
for cancer are helped through the use of technology, tests, and procedures. 
This is a 'top down' sort of treatment, with an expert using his or her 
clinical judgment to make important decisions and guide the process. During 
the survivorship phase, a more patient-centric approach that supports 
survivors' efforts to make important lifestyle changes is more likely to 
have an impact," he said.

Survivorship care can be organized into a multidisciplinary system. At TJCH, 
for instance, physicians have the option of either managing survivorship 
issues on their own or referring patients to the nurse practitioner, 
explained Tricia Cox, nurse practitioner with the survivorship program.

In addition, the survivorship care continuum must include the primary care 
physicians. "A successful survivorship system must connect and engage the 
oncologist and the patient with the primary care physician," Mr. Castle 
said. "So often, primary care physicians are left out of the loop with 
potentially serious consequences."

Survivors being followed at TJCH will soon receive secure access to their 
individual care plans over the Internet. "Having the plan online will enable 
two-way interaction between survivors and healthcare providers," Ms. Cox 
said. "Primary care physicians will also have a secure portal where they can 
view their patients' care plans and obtain information about post-treatment 
issues they may be experiencing."

The goal is to create a lifetime connection between survivors and healthcare 
survivors. "We see the survivorship progra

[Goanet] CAUTION, MEN AT WORK -- II (concluding part of Augusto Pinto's piece on the Herald sexual harassment case. )

2008-08-27 Thread Pen Pricks

This is the concluding part of Augusto Pinto's piece on the Herald
sexual harassment case. PenPricks

The Herald Sexual Harassment Case: Here Is The Connection In The Form
Of A Few Comments, Predictions And Advice.
1] Like V.R.Naik, Manjunath will avoid appearing before the G.S.C.W.
This puts all the burden of facing the tension of appearing before
this Commission upon the victim and witnesses on her behalf.
2] If the victim is lucky, a

for more log on to