[Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

2010-10-15 Thread Nisser Dias

Democracy attains a new low in India
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

The recent development over toppling games of BJP led Karnataka 
government has its fall-out on democracy and sadly our democratically 
elected politicians irrespective of political party they belong, 
demonstrated that they will stoop to any level or even act 
undemocratically to either grab power or cling on to it.

But in this case the Congress led government in Goa bled democracy 
further by refusing leaders of BJP unit in Goa to meet their own 
partymen at a luxurious hotel in south Goa. 16 MLAs had rebelled against 
Karnataka chief minister B S Yeddyurappa and withdrawn their support to 
his government. The rebel traveled from Karnataka to Chennai to Bombay 
and finally arrived in Goa and set their tent in Goa.

It was but natural for the BJP party bigwigs to urge its partymen in Goa 
to convince or even induce the rebels not to topple its government. But 
the government had no business to thrown a security cordon of police 
around the villa of the resort where the MLAs were housed. If the rebels 
did not want to meet their partymen or the party emissaries for a 
dialogue they could leave instruction with the hotel staff that they 
needed absolute privacy, if the rebels felt that they still would not be 
safe they could have requested for additional security near their villa.

Now lets us consider that the Karnataka rebel MLAs including the 
independents requested the Goa government for police protection, the 
government could well do by posting some policemen or police officers in 
the lobby of the hotel to deter troublemakers. But dispatching most of 
the top brass of police officers from south Goa along with a huge 
contingent of police with direction to throw a cordon around the villa 
making it a virtual fortress was unacceptable. This very fact made the 
Congress led government in the state an abettor to defections and the 
presence of Home minister Ravi Naik, PWD minister Churchill Alemao and 
Power minister Alexio Sequeira at the resort in company of the rebels 
endorsed the BJP’s claim that the Congress party was involved in the 
toppling games in another state.

The politicians might say that this is politics but we should not forget 
that we live in a democratic country and just as the disgruntled rebel 
MLAs have a right to dislodge its government and the opposition parties 
have the right to support such a move, party leaders of rebels have 
equal right to convince them not to topple the government. But what the 
Congress led government in Goa tried to do is drill another nail in the 
coffin of democracy by trying to deny BJP leaders in Goa to meets its 
rebel party, this is not acceptable. This is an indication that Congress 
party crucified democracy.

Actually we should not raise eyebrows at the presence of Home Minister 
of Goa Ravi Naik being present at the hotel with the BJP rebels as he 
too thrives or rather gets kicks out of toppling games. I say this 
because he has distinction of being the shortest serving chief minister 
of Goa. After a successful coup against then chief minister Dr. Wilfred 
D’souza he attained chief ministership only to be ordered by the High 
Court to step down in just four days. Here the High Court had endorsed 
its mark that Ravi and gang had illegally, unconstitutionally and 
undemocratically toppled Dr. Willy’s government

Now let us see how BJP butchered democracy to stay in power in 
Karnataka. After their efforts failed to convince the rebels to withdraw 
the letter of withdrawal of support to the Yeddyurappa government a 
petition for disqualification of all the rebel MLAs was filed before the 
Karnataka speaker who promptly within hours decided the matter and 
passed an order disqualifying all the rebel MLAs. Here is an indication 
that the speaker either acted in a biased manner or was forced by the 
top party bigwigs as it was unfair to disqualify the independent MLAs. 
Even in the case of BJP MLAs they have rebelled and not defected to any 
party so where is the question of defection. Secondly it is very rare 
that petitions before the speaker are decided in such a hurry. In some 
case disqualification petitions are never decided at all and when the 
five year term of elected representative ends the petitions become 

The Karnataka government seems to have taken a leaf from Manohar 
Parrikar’s book. In 2005 when his government had lost majority, a 
disqualification petition was filed against then independent MLA 
Filipeneri Rodrigues as he was the part of the group that withdrew 
support to the BJP led government. On the day the motion of confidence 
was to be placed in the house, the speaker disqualified Filipeneri 
Rodrigues and asked him to leave the house. When he refused policemen 
were called to bodily lift out of the house. As commotion prevailed the 
motion was put to vote and decided in Parrikar’s favour. It was in 2002,

[Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

2010-10-17 Thread manuel tavares
Truly this is a sad state of affairs and should not be allowed to succeed any 
longer. I do agree with you that we in Goa too are to be blamed as we keep on 
re electing the same corrupt and dishonest scoundrels into office. It is high 
time that we kick them all out and elect truly trustworthy and honest people to 
represent us in the legislature.

Manuel (Eddie)  Tavares.

Re: [Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

2010-10-19 Thread floriano

If this comes about, then there will be no holes left in Goa where the
Alibaba and his 40 thieves could ever hide.



- Original Message - 
From: "floriano" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" ;
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Anti-Goans for Elections

Very true, indeed.
And that is exactly what is going to happen.
There is a fool proof alternative  sound  and fool proof and effective
'SOLUTION' which needs to be put on the road in a jiffy.

However, I shall spell out the SOLUTION in my next post.

- Original Message - 
From: "manuel tavares" 

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:27 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

Truly this is a sad state of affairs and should not be allowed to succeed
any longer. I do agree with you that we in Goa too are to be blamed as we
keep on re electing the same corrupt and dishonest scoundrels into office.
It is high time that we kick them all out and elect truly trustworthy and
honest people to represent us in the legislature.

Manuel (Eddie)  Tavares.

Re: [Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

2010-10-19 Thread floriano

If this comes about, then there will be no holes left in Goa where the
Alibaba and his 40 thieves could ever hide.



- Original Message - 
From: "floriano" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" ;
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Anti-Goans for Elections

Very true, indeed.
And that is exactly what is going to happen.
There is a fool proof alternative  sound  and fool proof and effective
'SOLUTION' which needs to be put on the road in a jiffy.

However, I shall spell out the SOLUTION in my next post.

- Original Message - 
From: "manuel tavares" 

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:27 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

Truly this is a sad state of affairs and should not be allowed to succeed
any longer. I do agree with you that we in Goa too are to be blamed as we
keep on re electing the same corrupt and dishonest scoundrels into office.
It is high time that we kick them all out and elect truly trustworthy and
honest people to represent us in the legislature.

Manuel (Eddie)  Tavares.

Re: [Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

2010-10-19 Thread manuel tavares

Dear Floriano,

These are very salient points and you have my full support in your efforts 
to bring some semblance of the democratic principals of Government being of 
the people for the people and by the people. I hope that every Goan who has 
the well being of Goa at heart turns up and lends their support to the 
movement  by turning up for the gathering on December 19 2010, and that on 
election day, they all turn up to vote (THIS MUST BE STRESSED AS IMPERATIVE 
TO OUR SUCCESS) and throw out the corrupt and selfish people who are 
currently in power in Goa. A movement which engulfs all well meaning Goans 
surely must prevail against an autocratic and corrupt lot who are bent upon 
enriching themselves at the expense of Goa and Goans. I humbly suggest that 
as in the U.S. and Canada, persons who are elected to office declare their 
Assets and liabilities and those of their closest relatives on assuming 
office and on relinquishing office in order to achieve transparency. This is 
important as any discrepancies discovered on relinquishing office must be 
explained. Any unexplained or fraudulent or wishy washy transactions must be 
investigated and if necessary the individual must be prosecuted in order to 
dissuade future electees from indulging in dubious transactions.

Wishing you every success on December 19 2010.

RegardsManuel (Eddie) Tavares.

- Original Message - 
From: "floriano" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Cc: "manuel tavares" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

Dear Manuel,

Your post has wound  me up to do what I promised to do.
Therefore, here it is.

1. Goa 'NEEDS' a Political Solution.
2. This Political Solution must be spelt out first so that it is swallowed
'bait-hook & sinker' style by the People of Goa who seem to be fed-up of
this MESS.
3. As an alternative  to all existing Political Parties, Goa needs to 

all 40 candidates who have never been elected before... aka fresh faces.
4. It does not matter if they are Saints or Devils. The Political System
which will be spelt out will not allow itself to be bent or marginalized.
Therefore, the Devils will fly into outer space leaving Saints and mostly
hypocrite Saints  to be dealt with.
5. Before too long, Goa needs a massive  people's MOVEMENT which can 

swallow their pride and come to terms that Goa requires 'political sanity'
like 'yesterday'
6. This massive MOVEMENT of the people must be like the movement we have
seen in the past on 18 December, 2006 at Azad Maidan... the GBA Movement.
7. The closest date for this MOVEMENT to take shape is 19 December, 2010 

there is not much time left until the next elections in 2012 or earlier.
8. This MOVEMENT must have a charismatic MASCOT where the people will 
everything and just flock in numbers and nod their heads, a mascot that 

remain the mascot until the end of the MOVEMENT, no matter what, and no
matter who tries to pull it down.
9.Immediately after the 19 December 2010 , there must be a full-fledged
CONVENTION of the people with invited DELEGATES et al.
10. All of  Goa's political Parties must be invited for this CONVENTION to
give their PARTY PRESENTATIONS,  warning them that their survival in Goan
Politics henceforth will depend on this  PRESENTATION,.
11. The CONVENTION shall deliberate for one or more days (if necessary) 

come out with its finding before the CONVENTION  is closed as to which
political party in Goa it will support OR if it will go ahead and take the
job of doing the necessary by itself at  the next elections  with all 40
12. If this be the case, a very very strong signal will have been sent to
the people of Goa that they can now expect a real change. That is because
one or two well meaning and self-less persons cannot clean the ROT and 

are chances that the ROT  will engulf them too. With all 40 in the fray,
chances are that there could be a chance to get absolute majority, to say
good-bye to blackmailing coalition politics which only works for itself 

for their kin and friends.
13. Those who get elected shall be controled by this people's MOVEMENT on
the basis of the  blue-prints which has been accepted by the people ---
which by-the-way will be the ' SYSTEM OF FUTURE GOVERNANCE OF GOA'. The
recalcitrants shall not only be dropped like hot potatoes but also be 

and blacklisted for life.
14. The 'No Second Term' which will be enforced with an iron hand shall 

to it that vote-bank politics will vanish in thin air for once from the
sacred Goan soil.
15. Soon after the Convention - the MOVEMENT  shall identify and bring in
people who will take the lead (for once) ...  who have been long time
activist for 'good-effective-governance'. These people should come forward