Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and South Goa Parlimentary Polls

2007-10-17 Thread Joseph de Melo
Hi Mr. Cedric,

Your post reflects echoes the views of many Goans; be they resident here,
somewhere in India, or abroad. I am no member of any party, but I fully
endorse what Mr. Floriano Lobo has said on the need for party funds. I
definitely do not think that greater monetary power with a party is going to
ensure the well being of society, I will not elaborate as Mr. Lobo as summed
it up in the best possible way.
Writing letters is excellent. And I have nothing to say about you speaking
from Dubai, many of us have compulsions that force us to go elsewhere.
Letters present interesting viewpoints that might not always strike all our
minds. (but I have to mention that I did not like the tone/content of your
criticism of the Goa Suraj Party). A social revolution in Goa atleast, will
not come overnight. But the attempts need to be ongoing. Education is a
strong means. Participation of youth at the panchayat level, gram sabhas,
greater awareness toward govt policy etc needs to be undertaken by the
youth. I think we can expect change in that way. As far as the issue of
votes is concerned, well, blame the large Goan faithful. But I believe very
strongly this will change one day, because (even though in a small way),
there are groups that are working towards bringing change.


Joseph de Melo

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:54:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and South Goa Parlimentary Polls
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear Rolando,

All i can say to you is wait and watch...other than that i cannot divulge
any more details at the moment.

Cedric da Costa

Dear Floriano,

Firstly, although being away from Goa, I will be well versed on many a
ground realities happening in Goa than many a sussegad Goenkar based in
Goa...that credit i will give myself. If you have been reading my posts on
Goanet, 'Uncensored' in Goan Observer and Herald (of course they banned me
when i put an open letter against Digamber Kamat, titled...Margao's
Suffocating Judas, that highlighted Margao's ailing plight and the rampant
migration problem that Margao facesmy thoughts were right but somehow,
people in power dont like highlighting the ills of their constituency).

Why would I waste my precious time to highlight Goan issues, being
comfortably based in the Gulf? the answer is simple -- having born and bred
in a Goa of heart will always be with my
day I will come back to it...but unfortunately it lies in shambles today --
thanks to the politicians of today.

Although i think you should do a rethink and try and organise funds for your
party cause without which in the current political ringto
like...wishful thinking even in the next twenty years if your party lasts
that long with the current think-tank. The ground reality is many regional
parties die a natural or slow death all over the world due to paucity of
funds and that is a given fact, although some of them have better agenda's
than  most of the big parties put together...we are in the era where no
matter what, money has to flow to win an election, specially when we are
competing against huge money bags and regional parties. If money was not a
criteria, why would the elected representatives let out a reign of loot and
plunder, ofcourse part of it spent on getting themselves re-elected.

But anyways, as a fellow Goan I passionately and wholeheartedly subscribe to
your thought to cleanse Goa of all that it is going through.

Imagine we are suffering so much due to rampant corruption abetted by the
politicians...imagine again the state of Goa that our children will inherit.

Just a small thought i would like to share...on filing his nomination see
what issues Francisco Sardinha a senior politician said...instead of trying
to improve infrastructure or say trying to support the next big industry --
tourism...his comments smacked so much one can
imagine...what lies ahead...

None of the current MLA's or Ministers nor even the Aam AAdmi chanting CM
have the future of Goa in their mindall they think of is live for, or
survive for the day...arn't they?

Goans should be trained in the art of grabbing all the monies and freebees
that the national parties give them, but while voting elect honest people
like say your party would put up. But with the huge migrant vote...once
again money plays a huge part.

At the last election, I personally waited for one of his opponents (you
included) to destroynot defeat... but destroy a narkasur like Dayanand
Narvenkar...but what happened is what we all saw...but maybe in the years to
come...Good luck there!

Wish you luck maite and your organisation...May Goemcho Saib, bless it!

Cedric da Costa

Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and south Goa parlimentary polls

2007-10-16 Thread Roland Francis

You have told us everything the Goa Suraj party shouldn't do and how
it will never meet with success. You have told us how Francisco Colaco
will not even get the Margao Bamon votes and how Monster Rat will get
voted in wherever and on whatever party platform he stands.

We Goans always easily tend to tell what can go wrong but have no
answers on how to do it right.

Having noted your: And its very easy to do post mortemswhat Goa
needs is an urgent cure cause it is ailing,

Please tell us what urgent cure YOU have in mind from your base in Dubai.


On 10/15/07, cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Floriano,

 Dr Francisco Colaco? he he...this is the problem with small time upcoming 
 parties like'll falter in the very first stepDr  Colaco will 
 not even get enough votes from the bamons in margao to secure his deposits, 
 so the first sin you would have committed is to make the huge mistake of your 
 selection of candidate.

 thanks heavens better sense prevailed.

 As for houses like UGDP..they have lost their voter base in the south, hence 
 only Babush at Taleigao, definately not on the party banner could win the 
 elections as the lone UGDP babu. for the records, babush could be elected on 
 any ticket and even as an independent.

 The people of margao know the types of anacleto and radharao as people who 
 flow as the wind blows and hence, the bigger national parties have been able 
 to kick them aside and see that regional parties like that never ook strong 

 I am sorry the pace at which your party is goingeither you will be left 
 out or the suraj might never rise...

 And its very easy to do post mortemswhat Goa needs is an urgent cure 
 cause it is ailing

 I wish you well in your campaign to cleanse goa, but i guess its time you 
 change your pace of agression and also the approach.


 Cedric da costa

Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and south Goa parlimentary polls

2007-10-16 Thread Floriano - Goa Suraj Party
Pace of aggression???  Did I hear right??

Oh Cedrico, I am not sure if you are aware of Goa's  ground realities yet.

Political aggression is directly proportional to how much money is extorted
from every source plus more  and spent on the promotion of the Party. In
order words people want to belong to a party if they are well looked after.
You know what I mean.

And Goa Su-Raj is built not to do just that. Otherwise Goa would have one
more party and that would not make a difference.

However, I must confide in you that Su-Raj is not bothered whether it will
RISE at all.  But I must reassure you that it will maintain its static
position, if need be,  but it will never SET.

Moreover, the job of making it rise is left to the people of Goa. Or else
they can go hunting elsewhere, Maybe in Taleigao, Betalbatim, Varca etc.

BTW the right type of aggression  was initiated by GBA. But it went to sleep
putting cold water on people's expectations.

I'll tell you a small story why Goa Su-Raj will not rise on its own and why
people should fly it like a kite  up in the sky.

One of our executive members came to me once and said.  Floriano, we need
money yaar. If we have money we can do a lot of things. So I push a paper
and pen to him. What is this?  he says. write down what you want to do I
say. Write? he says. You are mad. With money we can do a thousand
things to promote the party. Well Mr. I say.  At the starting  of the
Party ,you had said that you will bring in 1000 life members. 1000 x 300
would be 30 (3 lacs). That is a lot of money. So far you have not brough
in a single life member, remember?

Then I told him what would happen if there was a lot of money with the
Party. You would come one day and say Floriano, I need to pay my mortgage
tomorrow. I will return the sum in a month's time. That you don't want  to
break your fixed deposit for nothing. If I say no, you will go about telling
every one that Floriano wants to eat all the money. If I give you, you will
not only not return it but when asked for it,  we will stop coming to the
party office. No Sir. Again, If I give you, I will also be tempted to use
some myself. And sooner than later, all the money will be gone and the 1000
things will be lying dried up like dried fish. You write what you want to do
with that money and that money shall  be raised. Until such financing does
not come, we shall not do the thing.

In fact we have lost this particular executive member from that day onward.

Sorry tale, isn't it? Cedrico??? And you were asking if at all Su-Raj will


- Original Message -
From: cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 5:09 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and south Goa parlimentary polls

Dear Floriano,

Dr Francisco Colaco? he he...this is the problem with small time upcoming
parties like'll falter in the very first stepDr  Colaco will
not even get enough votes from the bamons in margao to secure his deposits,
so the first sin you would have committed is to make the huge mistake of
your selection of candidate.

thanks heavens better sense prevailed.

As for houses like UGDP..they have lost their voter base in the south, hence
only Babush at Taleigao, definately not on the party banner could win the
elections as the lone UGDP babu. for the records, babush could be elected on
any ticket and even as an independent.

The people of margao know the types of anacleto and radharao as people who
flow as the wind blows and hence, the bigger national parties have been able
to kick them aside and see that regional parties like that never ook strong

I am sorry the pace at which your party is goingeither you will be left
out or the suraj might never rise...

And its very easy to do post mortemswhat Goa needs is an urgent cure
cause it is ailing

I wish you well in your campaign to cleanse goa, but i guess its time you
change your pace of agression and also the approach.


Cedric da costa


[Goanet] Goa Suraj and South Goa Parlimentary Polls

2007-10-16 Thread cedrico dacosta
Dear Rolando,

All i can say to you is wait and watch...other than that i cannot divulge any 
more details at the moment.

Cedric da Costa

Dear Floriano,

Firstly, although being away from Goa, I will be well versed on many a ground 
realities happening in Goa than many a sussegad Goenkar based in Goa...that 
credit i will give myself. If you have been reading my posts on Goanet, 
'Uncensored' in Goan Observer and Herald (of course they banned me when i put 
an open letter against Digamber Kamat, titled...Margao's Suffocating Judas, 
that highlighted Margao's ailing plight and the rampant migration problem that 
Margao facesmy thoughts were right but somehow, people in power dont like 
highlighting the ills of their constituency).

Why would I waste my precious time to highlight Goan issues, being comfortably 
based in the Gulf? the answer is simple -- having born and bred in a Goa of heart will always be with my day I will come 
back to it...but unfortunately it lies in shambles today -- thanks to the 
politicians of today.

Although i think you should do a rethink and try and organise funds for your 
party cause without which in the current political ringto 
like...wishful thinking even in the next twenty years if your party lasts that 
long with the current think-tank. The ground reality is many regional parties 
die a natural or slow death all over the world due to paucity of funds and that 
is a given fact, although some of them have better agenda's than  most of the 
big parties put together...we are in the era where no matter what, money has to 
flow to win an election, specially when we are competing against huge money 
bags and regional parties. If money was not a criteria, why would the elected 
representatives let out a reign of loot and plunder, ofcourse part of it spent 
on getting themselves re-elected.

But anyways, as a fellow Goan I passionately and wholeheartedly subscribe to 
your thought to cleanse Goa of all that it is going through.

Imagine we are suffering so much due to rampant corruption abetted by the 
politicians...imagine again the state of Goa that our children will inherit.

Just a small thought i would like to share...on filing his nomination see what 
issues Francisco Sardinha a senior politician said...instead of trying to 
improve infrastructure or say trying to support the next big industry -- 
tourism...his comments smacked so much one can imagine...what 
lies ahead...

None of the current MLA's or Ministers nor even the Aam AAdmi chanting CM have 
the future of Goa in their mindall they think of is live for, or survive 
for the day...arn't they?

Goans should be trained in the art of grabbing all the monies and freebees that 
the national parties give them, but while voting elect honest people like say 
your party would put up. But with the huge migrant vote...once again money 
plays a huge part.

At the last election, I personally waited for one of his opponents (you 
included) to destroynot defeat... but destroy a narkasur like Dayanand 
Narvenkar...but what happened is what we all saw...but maybe in the years to 
come...Good luck there!

Wish you luck maite and your organisation...May Goemcho Saib, bless it!

Cedric da Costa


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[Goanet] Goa Suraj and south Goa parlimentary polls

2007-10-15 Thread cedrico dacosta
Dear Floriano,

Dr Francisco Colaco? he he...this is the problem with small time upcoming 
parties like'll falter in the very first stepDr  Colaco will not 
even get enough votes from the bamons in margao to secure his deposits, so the 
first sin you would have committed is to make the huge mistake of your 
selection of candidate.

thanks heavens better sense prevailed.

As for houses like UGDP..they have lost their voter base in the south, hence 
only Babush at Taleigao, definately not on the party banner could win the 
elections as the lone UGDP babu. for the records, babush could be elected on 
any ticket and even as an independent.

The people of margao know the types of anacleto and radharao as people who flow 
as the wind blows and hence, the bigger national parties have been able to kick 
them aside and see that regional parties like that never ook strong root.

I am sorry the pace at which your party is goingeither you will be left out 
or the suraj might never rise...

And its very easy to do post mortemswhat Goa needs is an urgent cure cause 
it is ailing

I wish you well in your campaign to cleanse goa, but i guess its time you 
change your pace of agression and also the approach.


Cedric da costa



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