[Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai

2010-06-27 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In response to:

Message: 6

Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 19:56:12 +0400

From: Querobino Fernandes qfer...@gmail.com

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai


I have no idea from where Querobino has sent this post but as a fellow Goan,  I
would like to comment on a few points which the writer may not be aware of. What
is it that sells media ?  I am certain, that I will not be wrong to say that,
disasters, scams and dirty laundry are the three main factors that sell media
today, just because we like to read about these things do we become sadists ? 


I am sure most of us are familiar with the adage pen is mightier than the
sword though media can be used as a tool as well as toilet paper depending on
our perception, if you think it's toilet paper than you are free to do so.


We NRG's, don't we pay our taxes back home ? Don't we bring in foreign exchange
that helps our economy ? Don't we have a right to criticize our elected leaders
for their actions as well as their inactions, just because we are NRI's ? As
citizens aren't we entitled a better governance from our elected members like
anybody else ? And for your information, there are a good number of NRG's who
support the local activists in more ways than one, so they are not just keyboard
freaks with nothing else to do.


As far as inviting and honouring our corrupt politicians in the Gulf or in
Swindon, there is a purpose behind the call, just because we are not in Goa,
does it mean we should not support our activists or show our solidarity with
them ? Boycotting these blood suckers is the least we can do to show our support
and our solidarity towards them. Ours discord with them is nothing personal, it
is related with the issues of Goa and for Goa. How does it looks when most of
Goa is up in arms against our politicians and we NRG's licking their shoes ? And
this issue is not taken up with the politicians but with the people who invite


You are right to say that we are to be blamed for electing these imbeciles, and
that's the message that we are trying to get across, these corrupt politicians,
use their money and muscle power to win elections, which the NRG's cannot help
but we can at least raise awareness, and that's precisely what's being done. 


We have two options, one is to take our corrupt politicians head on or let our
corrupt politicians continue their rape of Goa ? What do you suggest ?


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai ( Response by Agnelo Pinheiro )

2010-06-27 Thread Querobino Fernandes
Dear Pinheiro
Thanks for attempting to clear a few facts in reply to my post. I too have a
few discrepancies that need to be addressed.

1)  Yes you did not mention the Ministers name directly...but even a blind
man will know who you are talking about the Church man who hangs up on the
2) We are not talking about washing Ministers or MLA's... we are talking
about displaying our disunity to the whole world (in layman's terms)...You
are absolutely right...they are elected to represent the people, they are
public servants but who elected them? THE PEOPLE and the same people (at
least majority of the people) elect them election after election, year after
year! Why ? There must be a reason..How do we know who you elected? If
manifestos are out in the bin after the election why elect them again?
3) No one said that NRI's have no right to question the Ministerswhat
was said is that we should try not to wash our dirty linen in Public. There
are several ways we can do itArwin , for example had the guts to go and
air his grievances directly to the Minister.
4) If you have proof from the event manager of Global Goans  why not
disclose the name and he can be approached as the Minister claims he had an
5) If we do not go home and at least try to change Goa for the better how
will we ever know what Would have been? Its no use barking from afar!
Keyboard does have the power but the human has the ability to make a change
if he or she WANTS to !
6) Our homes are always safe in Goa... its the land that does or does not
belong to us that matters
7) Who did you vote for
8) Our brains will work better when we put our heads together and take
action ! not just write about it.

Anyway all said and done, we all, including you and me, only want the best
for our motherland


On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 12:18 AM, pinheiro gift.pinhe...@gmail.com wrote:

  6. Re: Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai
 (Querobino Fernandes)

 Allow me to clear few facts in reply to Querobino post in reference to my
 initial post.

 A) I never mention the the name of the minister in question.
 B) Washing Minister or MLA's is our right as they are elected to represent
 for the people.  They are public servants.
 C) People vote based on manifesto presented to them but after election
 manifesto is out in a bin.  This cycle is repeated every 5 years.
 D) If NRI have not voted them and have no right to wash them than why NRI's
 go licking Politicians BOOTS. Why invite them for functions and give
 political colour to social events?
 E) I have a proof from one of the Event Manager of Global Goans Dubai that
 the minister came un-invited. Its on record on Global Goans website.
 F) Let's all go home, but will it change the political landscape of Goa?
 G) Keyboard has a power, 'Pen is mightier than sword'
 H) Goans have been working/migrating for centuries but they knew their land
 and homes are safe.  Are they now?
 I) I have maintained my voting rights and voted in every election except
 one since 1992.  Unfortunately I could not keep my birth record as they went
 missing this year from the Sub-Registrar's office- Margao
 J) With due respect to all fellow Goans,  our brains will function better
 when we stop eating pork,  pork is contagious and main culprit of our ills,
 pork causes Encephalitis(an acute inflammation of the   brain).

 Mog Assum!

[Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai

2010-06-26 Thread Ignatius Xavier
Yes Arwin n Agnelo,

This pig is non other than our Great Chor Churchill Alemao. We must disclose 
his name.

Ignatius Dias

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 21:48:28 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita arwinmesqu...@gmail.com
To: Goanet goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Re. Goa Minister gate crash at San Joao event in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Yes, Agnelo this PIG came from nowwhere uninvited!!

And I was extremely disgusted to see him.


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 10:56:16 -0400
From: pinheiro gift.pinhe...@gmail.com
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai
Message-ID: 4c24c390.6000...@gmail.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Global Goans UAE celebrated San Joao with gaiety and festivities at
Ramee Hotel Dubai. As the fun was picking up and people were having fun
and frolic.


There was hullabaloo and uneasy atmosphere. The festivities were on
the verge of being disrupted as the result of gate crashing by a well
know corrupt minister (he has church in his name but shameless soul
hangs up on the hill) who was in Dubai on a private visit.  Who says
Pig?s can?t fly.  We witnessed 100kg Goan pig fly out of nowhere on the
roof top of the hotel.  We Goans are holy people so we immediately
forgive and forget just as we do every election and embrace this
politician as if his is our Saviour.  And lo and behold out of now where
he is at the centre stage taking pictures.  It was a disgraceful that
this minister came un-invited at the event and vanished in the same
speed as he came in.  Many of our fellow Gaons took pride to shake hand
with this Saviour of Corruption. It shows how thick skin we Goans are.
We are willing to worship any God of corruption.  I can only hang my
head in shame and pray to God to give those  people wisdom to
distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad.  Lord delivery us
from these evil forces.

Agnelo Pinheiro

Re: [Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai

2010-06-26 Thread Querobino Fernandes
I am sure Ignatius, Agnelo, Arwin etc have their reasons for being so bitter
against the Ministers from Goa. They have a right to speak their
mind...However, this forum is a constructive forum and one is free to air
their views but one should not lower themselves to such an extent that they
have to abuse or call people names. After all, we are not in Goa and have
come to greener pastures of our own choice, as each of us has our own
reasons. But, by calling people names and defaming them in public can call
for a lot of unnecessary hassles. We must see the bottom lineThese
Ministers are in their posts as They have been elected by the people in one
of the worlds largest democracy's. They have been elected time and
again...by whom? The people of Goa...the people who actually physically live
there. Most of us are abroad and only use our keyboards to condemn or
praise. By condemning the Ministers we are in fact condemning our fellow
Goan Brothers and sisters (the electorate) as they are the ones who have
elected the Ministers...They are the majority...if we want to make a
difference to our Goa, then we should go to Goa and do something about it
instead of sitting abroad and having a go at our keyboards. One can go and
stand for elections and IF elected can make a difference to Goa AND Goans. I
am sure the same people that elect the current Ministers now and again will
elect some new faces provided the new faces are capable of delivering the
goods and are capable of taking all the flak!

I have read in recent posts that Babush is going to Swindon, Churchill has
come to Dubai and gatecrashed a function, Joaquim Alemao has done this and
so and so Minister has done that Making accusations is simple and one
cannot be stopped, but making it on a public forum just goes to show the
mentality of our OWN People...the Ministers are elected by US and we
OURSELVES condemn them ! indirectly we are condemning ourselves ! If one
thinks or has any evidence of any wrongdoings by any individual why not
confront the concerned individual or Minister or even the event organizers
directly instead of making a noise on a public forum knowing that it is not
going to obtain any positive result (except to put the author in the
limelight)? Babush is going to Swindon...dont think its a good idea ?
Contact the Swindon Goans and reason out with them giving them valid
reasons..they MAY listen to you and act accordinglyChurchill
gatecrashing an event? Does anyone know this for a fact? if you have
evidence, contact the organizers (Global Goans, I think) and verify the
point..who knows maybe they invited him? if not who entertained him at the
event? How did he gain entry without a ticket or invite? I don't really

We can go on and on, so to cut it short, lets wash our dirty linen at home
and not in Publicif we think our Ministers are tainted...lets go to Goa
and make a difference...at least our keyboards will have some rest.

Written without malice to any individual...written only in the better
interests of Goa and especially our Goan Community.

Viva Goa


On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Ignatius Xavier ig_d...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Yes Arwin n Agnelo,

 This pig is non other than our Great Chor Churchill Alemao. We must
 disclose his name.

 Ignatius Dias

 Message: 2
 Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 21:48:28 +0400
 From: Arwin Mesquita arwinmesqu...@gmail.com
 To: Goanet goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] Re. Goa Minister gate crash at San Joao event in
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 Yes, Agnelo this PIG came from nowwhere uninvited!!

 And I was extremely disgusted to see him.


 Message: 9
 Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 10:56:16 -0400
 From: pinheiro gift.pinhe...@gmail.com
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] Goa Minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai
 Message-ID: 4c24c390.6000...@gmail.com
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

 Global Goans UAE celebrated San Joao with gaiety and festivities at
 Ramee Hotel Dubai. As the fun was picking up and people were having fun
 and frolic.


 There was hullabaloo and uneasy atmosphere. The festivities were on
 the verge of being disrupted as the result of gate crashing by a well
 know corrupt minister (he has church in his name but shameless soul
 hangs up on the hill) who was in Dubai on a private visit.  Who says
 Pig?s can?t fly.  We witnessed 100kg Goan pig fly out of nowhere on the
 roof top of the hotel.  We Goans are holy people so we immediately
 forgive and forget just as we do every election and embrace this
 politician as if his is our Saviour.  And lo and behold out of now where
 he is at the centre stage taking pictures.  It was a disgraceful

Re: [Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai

2010-06-26 Thread floriano

Querobino Fernandes, Sir,
Hats off to you for your very visible post.

This particular sentence of you post makes all the difference.
We can go on and on, so to cut it short, lets wash our dirty linen at home
and not in Publicif we think our Ministers are tainted...lets go to Goa
and make a difference...at least our keyboards will have some rest.

See! I am connected to an outfit called the Goa Su-Raj Party, a party that 
wants to drive the Delhi-Maharashtra-Nagpur High Commands packing from the 
Goan soil. For instance, Churchill Alemao ( whatever he may be) is the 
elected member of the Government of Goa. People were and are free to elect 
anybody else in his place. Presently he is the PWD Minister incharge of all 
Roads/Bridges /water distribution etc. His word is the command. So, though, 
I would want him out, technically speaking, I have to go to him to highlight 
the nececities which I think are on priority basis. [The other day I went to 
him to tell him that the MOira bridge is in danger of falling as a result of 
wide cracks] He immediately ordered the concerned PWD Engineer to look into 
the matter and in a jiffy, right there when I was sitting in his office at 
the Secretariat.

We are in a wonderful country which is called the Biggest Democracy in the 
world. If we do not want Churchill Alemao, Mickky Pacheco, Babush 
Monserrate, Vishwajeet Rane et al, we should work our hackles and see that 
we promote someone else with a better system of governance to sit in their 
places. That they are using money and muscle power is not argument. The 
entire political system is going that way.You want to win, you need to 
unload Otherwise, like we are propagating the system of 'no money-muscle 
power', the people of Goa must support this system and make it win over the 
other system which they are chronically disgusted.

Once again, not to discourage others, hats off to you for your 


PS This reply has not been re-scanned for errors. So pls excuse.

- Original Message - 
From: Querobino Fernandes qfer...@gmail.com

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai

I am sure Ignatius, Agnelo, Arwin etc have their reasons for being so 

against the Ministers from Goa. They have a right to speak their
mind...However, this forum is a constructive forum and one is free to air
their views but one should not lower themselves to such an extent that 

have to abuse or call people names. After all, we are not in Goa and have
come to greener pastures of our own choice, as each of us has our own
reasons. But, by calling people names and defaming them in public can call
for a lot of unnecessary hassles. We must see the bottom lineThese
Ministers are in their posts as They have been elected by the people in 

of the worlds largest democracy's. They have been elected time and
again...by whom? The people of Goa...the people who actually physically 

there. Most of us are abroad and only use our keyboards to condemn or
praise. By condemning the Ministers we are in fact condemning our fellow
Goan Brothers and sisters (the electorate) as they are the ones who have
elected the Ministers...They are the majority...if we want to make a
difference to our Goa, then we should go to Goa and do something about it
instead of sitting abroad and having a go at our keyboards. One can go and
stand for elections and IF elected can make a difference to Goa AND Goans. 
am sure the same people that elect the current Ministers now and again 

elect some new faces provided the new faces are capable of delivering the
goods and are capable of taking all the flak!

[Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai ( Response by Agnelo Pinheiro )

2010-06-26 Thread pinheiro

  6. Re: Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai
 (Querobino Fernandes)

Allow me to clear few facts in reply to Querobino post in reference to my 
initial post.

A) I never mention the the name of the minister in question.
B) Washing Minister or MLA's is our right as they are elected to represent 
for the people.  They are public servants.
C) People vote based on manifesto presented to them but after election 
manifesto is out in a bin.  This cycle is repeated every 5 years.
D) If NRI have not voted them and have no right to wash them than why NRI's 
go licking Politicians BOOTS. Why invite them for functions and give 
political colour to social events?
E) I have a proof from one of the Event Manager of Global Goans Dubai that 
the minister came un-invited. Its on record on Global Goans website.

F) Let's all go home, but will it change the political landscape of Goa?
G) Keyboard has a power, 'Pen is mightier than sword'
H) Goans have been working/migrating for centuries but they knew their land 
and homes are safe.  Are they now?
I) I have maintained my voting rights and voted in every election except one 
since 1992.  Unfortunately I could not keep my birth record as they went 
missing this year from the Sub-Registrar's office- Margao
J) With due respect to all fellow Goans,  our brains will function better 
when we stop eating pork,  pork is contagious and main culprit of our ills, 
pork causes Encephalitis(an acute inflammation of the   brain).

Mog Assum!

[Goanet] Goa Minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai

2010-06-25 Thread pinheiro
Global Goans UAE celebrated San Joao with gaiety and festivities at 
Ramee Hotel Dubai. As the fun was picking up and people were having fun 
and frolic.


 There was hullabaloo and uneasy atmosphere. The festivities were on 
the verge of being disrupted as the result of gate crashing by a well 
know corrupt minister (he has church in his name but shameless soul 
hangs up on the hill) who was in Dubai on a private visit.  Who says 
Pig’s can’t fly.  We witnessed 100kg Goan pig fly out of nowhere on the 
roof top of the hotel.  We Goans are holy people so we immediately 
forgive and forget just as we do every election and embrace this 
politician as if his is our Saviour.  And lo and behold out of now where 
he is at the centre stage taking pictures.  It was a disgraceful that 
this minister came un-invited at the event and vanished in the same 
speed as he came in.  Many of our fellow Gaons took pride to shake hand 
with this Saviour of Corruption. It shows how thick skin we Goans are. 
We are willing to worship any God of corruption.  I can only hang my 
head in shame and pray to God to give those  people wisdom to 
distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad.  Lord delivery us 
from these evil forces.

Agnelo Pinheiro
