2009-05-17 Thread Carvalho

--- On Sat, 5/16/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> Is there any doubt that abstinence or a monogamous
> relationship with an un-infected person is 100% safe in an
> absolute sense?  This is really what the Pope would
> like to see.  The condom issue is a distraction from
> this Papal message. 
Abstinence or a monogamous relationship can also be detrimental to one's 
health. Has enough research been done in this area? :-))



2009-05-17 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 09:13:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar 

The claim made by the Pope that condom use "even aggravates the problems", as 
far as AIDS is concerned, is demonstrably false.

Mario observes:

I believe the Pope's comments must be taken in context.  As a moral leader he 
does not want to be perceived as encouraging unsafe sex outside the bounds of 

In an absolute sense I agree the comment sounds absurd.  We know from WHO 
research that latex condoms when consistently AND correctly used provide a high 
level of security, though less than 100%.  The word "safe" suggests 100%, so 
the use of condoms is "safer", but not "safe".

However, we also know from the WHO research that when condoms are not used 
consistently AND correctly it is virtually like not using condoms at all.  
Thus, the real life likelyhood that condoms are not being used consistently AND 
correctly, especially by the young, the ignorant, the careless and the sexually 
desperate, simply providing condoms may provide them with a false sense of 
security, which may then lead to fatal outcomes.

Unless the incidence of new HIV/AIDS cases starts to fall worldwide, one must 
take a hard look at the preventive measures being used, to find which measures 
are being successful and which are not.

Is there any doubt that abstinence or a monogamous relationship with an 
un-infected person is 100% safe in an absolute sense?  This is really what the 
Pope would like to see.  The condom issue is a distraction from this Papal 


2009-05-16 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 20:06:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho 

What we should have is a contraceptive that contains unneccesary spillage from 
the mouth.

Mario observes:

>From your relative silence recently may we gather that you are working on 
>developing one for yourself:-))


2009-05-16 Thread Santosh Helekar

Averthanus L. D'Souza wrote:
>Averthanus L. D'Souza.

Here are statements in the above article that are totally absurd, illogical 
and/or false:

>Either there IS a God or there is no God. Richard Dawkins should make up >his 
>mind which. Saying that there is "probably" no God only exposes his >own 
>ignorance and dim wit.

What kind of logic and rationality allows one to conclude that someone is a 
dimwit just because he does not possess absolute certainty about the truth or 
falsity of a faith-based belief?

>They claimed that the use of condoms reduced the chances of the spread of 
>>AIDS - in complete contradiction of all the studies which show that AIDS >is 
>spreading even faster, in spite of (and maybe because of ) the >widespread use 
>of condoms.

The claims that AIDS is spreading even faster is utterly bogus. The implication 
that condom use is not at all effective in preventing AIDS is equally false. 
The truth is that global AIDS incidence is declining. The prevalence is 
declining or leveling off in most countries, including those in Sub-Saharan 
Africa. Condom use, while certainly not 100% effective, is in part responsible 
for these declines. 

>After many years of battling this dreaded disease, the medical >establishment 
>came to the realization that it should place far 
>more emphasis on the "prevention" of the disease, rather than on curing >it. 
>The purely "medical" approach to malaria has been conclusively proven >to be 

This is one of the most ridiculous of false dichotomies I have ever read on 
Goanet. Prevention is a medical approach. Without specific medical knowledge 
about the cause of a disease, how would one know what to do to prevent it? How 
would we adopt measures to get rid of mosquitoes in the case of Malaria? 

What is even more absurd is the author is oblivious of the fact that condom use 
is a preventive measure against AIDS, even in cases of monogamous relationships 
wherein one of the partners has already been infected with HIV?

>Read in its proper context, Pope Benedict's observation makes eminent >sense 
>and deserves the appreciation of everyone, including self-professed >atheists 
>and men of medicine, who often refuse to see beyond the point of >their noses.

The claim made by the Pope that condom use "even aggravates the problems", as 
far as AIDS is concerned, is demonstrably false.

>School children who are just beginning to mature are encouraged to 
>>"experiment" with sex. . Now even unnatural "same-sex" activities are 
>>been promoted. 

The above claims are hyperbolic and false. Nobody is actively promoting sex 
among school children or same-sex activities.

>It is not at all surprising that the distortion of sex has resulted in >many 
>medical and sociological (and psychological) diseases. 

A rhetorical statement that is not supported by any factual evidence.

>There are many who will vociferously defend homosexuality as being >"natural" 
>but unless they can demonstrate that heterosexuality is >abnormal, they will 
>fail to be convincing.

An illogical statement! Whether homosexuality is natural, unnatural or 
supernatural has no bearing on the fact that heterosexuality is natural and 
normal. That homosexuality is a normal natural variation of sexuality has been 
demonstrated by countless studies. 





2009-05-13 Thread Carvalho

What we should have is a contraceptive that contains unneccesary spillage from 
the mouth.


--- On Wed, 5/13/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> Excerpt:
> "The fact is that the correct and consistent use of condoms
> is far better than not using condoms, and incorrect or
> inconsistent use is almost like not using condoms at all."
> "It is an abuse of the language to call condoms "safe"
> without any qualification."



2009-05-13 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 23:31:23 -0400
From: "Averthan" 



"The modern world needs to be reminded, as Pope Benedict XVI has sought to do, 
that tragedies like HIV/AIDS cannot be cured merely by investing more money or 
providing more condoms. The root lies in the minds and the attitudes of people, 
who have acquired a condomized culture."

Mario responds:

The efficacy of condoms in preventing HIV/AIDS, including the results of a 
report by WHO, and its proper interpretation, were discussed in detail in:


"The fact is that the correct and consistent use of condoms is far better than 
not using condoms, and incorrect or inconsistent use is almost like not using 
condoms at all."

"It is an abuse of the language to call condoms "safe" without any 


2009-05-12 Thread Averthan
Averthanus L. D'Souza.

A little over a month ago there was an international furore in the media about 
observation which was made by Pope Benedict XVI about the problem of HIV/AIDS, 
specially in Africa. He is reported to have told a correspondent while on his 
to Africa that the prevalence of HIV/AIDS is a "tragedy that cannot be overcome 
money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms which 
aggravates the problems." This comment drew some blistering attacks from people 
should have known better, and who should have paused to study the observation 
launching out on a verbal assault on Pope Benedict XVI. Richard Dawkins, the 
known British atheist and an implacable foe of all religions said that "The 
Pope is 
either stupid, ignorant or just dim." He did not elaborate on his statement by 
proving that the Pope is ignorant or "just dim." His statement is comparable to 
juvenile's irrational outburst against someone whom he hates. Of course, 
Dawkins, being the professed atheist that he is, will be infuriated by any 
made by any religious leader on any subject on earth. His own intellectual 
is evident in the campaign which he initiated of placing advertisements on 
buses which said: "There is probably no God. . ." Either there IS a God or 
there is 
no God. Richard Dawkins should make up his mind which. Saying that there is 
"probably" no God only exposes his own ignorance and dim wit. Under the 
circumstances, he clearly does not qualify to sit in judgment on the Pope's 
observation. However, there were other criticisms of the Pope's statement, 
appear to have been made without due consideration of the facts. Some doctors 
pilloried the Pope saying that his opposition to the distribution of condoms 
be responsible for the spread of HIV/AIDS. They claimed that the use of condoms 
reduced the chances of the spread of AIDS - in complete contradiction of all 
studies which show that AIDS is spreading even faster, in spite of (and maybe 
because of ) the widespread use of condoms. [Space does not permit an 
elaboration of 
these research findings.]

The problem of HIV/AIDS however, has roots which go far beyond the purely 
or even the medical. The problem has been approached with a too limited focus 
on the 
mechanical aspects of transmission. Like all other blinkered approaches such an 
attack on the deadly disease is bound to fail. Sexual contact with unknown 
or with multiple partners and other such "high risk" behaviour has been 
to spread the disease. Both epidemiological as well as sociological studies 
indicated that the control of all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) requires 
sexual contact be limited to single partners and also that it be confined 
within the 
institution of marriage. "Scientific" studies confirm, (rather than disprove), 
moral understanding that sexual activity should be limited to the confines of 
marriage. Even a dim witted atheist like Richard Dawkins should be able to 
understand this. (By the way, his atheism is not relevant to this argument.)

That Pope Benedict XVI's observation is perfectly rational and reasonable is 
confirmed by reference to another disease which has plagued humankind for a 
time - the persistence of malaria. After many years of battling this dreaded 
disease, the medical establishment came to the realization that it should place 
more emphasis on the "prevention" of the disease, rather than on curing it. The 
purely "medical" approach to malaria has been conclusively proven to be 
Governments all over the world are now changing their priorities to 
measures, rather than to merely medical measures. For this, of course, the full 
knowledgeable participation of the citizens is required. Without dissemination 
information about the causes of malaria, its modes of transmission and its 
prevention, the disease cannot be either controlled or eliminated. It may seem 
to be 
clichéd, but the commonly held belief that "prevention is better than cure" 
seems to 
have been vindicated in many programmes. During the International Drinking 
Supply and Sanitation Decade sponsored by the UNDP, this author had the 
to do a lot of research into many water-borne diseases. Invariably, what stared 
in the face was the need to Inform, to Educate and to Communicate knowledge to 
people. The IEC programme, which this author was privileged to be associated 
had a very positive impact here in India.

The insight that one gets into the causes, transmission and spread of diseases, 
including that of sexually transmitted diseases, is that one simply cannot take 
limited mechanical or medical view of the problem. The problem has much wider 
deeper) ramifications. Apart from the pure