[Goanet] Raveena's case

2011-10-25 Thread Freddy Fernandes

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In Support of
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 06:00:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: lino dourado libado23...@yahoo.com
To: estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Raveena's case

I support the statement made by bab Lino, I too am genuinely surprised at the 
excuse of Sabina Martins when she says No one has approached Bailancho Saad 
for intervention and we understand another women's organisation is handling the 
matter, in the case of Raveena's un-natural death.

Would Sabina Martins clarify as to who approached them in the high profile 
Ratol case, was it the mother, the brother, the politician or the victim 
herself who approached them ?

Even if another women's organization is handling their case shouldn't your 
organization support them or help them ?
A women's organization like Bailancho Saad should have been involved in every 
crime against women, high profile or not, whether approached or not.

Most of the crimes against women go unpunished because the women involved are 
either scared, weak or insecure and have no voice to approach so it is the 
members of the organization who are duty bound to seek suck women through their 
network and not wait for them to approach. Bailancho Saad should have been the 
approaching party.

Roveena's death has highlighted the plight of voiceless people who believe on 
what they are told by the doctors and the authorities. If the alleged doctor 
has been the cause of her death and guilty of the charges levied against him 
nothing less than a death penalty would serve justice.

No doubt Bailancho Saad has been taking up a lot of women issues but my only 
advice would be, seek those in trouble and help them get justice, do not wait 
for them to come to you because they may never come and die within.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Raveena's case

2011-10-25 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Just out of curiosity I would like
clarification from Freddy and Lino. What are the cases that women organization 
take up? In Raveena’s case it could be a surgery failure which could have
happened to a boy also. The case does not deal with women issues at all. It is
similar to a woman killed in a road traffic accident for example, which could
happen to a male being also.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.   

[Goanet] Raveena's case

2011-10-25 Thread Sabina Martins

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Mr Freddy Fernandes asked  who approached Bailancho Saad in 'ratol'case.
 No one . Bailancho Saad was not handling the Nadia suicide case.

As far as approaching every woman in need, it is impossible for a purely
voluntary, non funded group like ours,  as the volume of cases is large. We
try to do whatever we can outside working hours.

 In a study done by me of *12 *police stations out of the then *24*,  there
were 8304 complaints related to women, registered as NC (non cognisable ),
out of which 2305 cases were of violence against women in one year
alone (1998). Besides there were cognisable cases too.I need not mention
that there are those  that never reach  the police stations. The Report
Cognisance of Non cognisance was published by Goa State Commission for
Women in 2000.

So we lobbied for a women police station, helpline for women. We held
training programs for police, students,self help  groups, youth groups,
community leaders, religious groups, elected women  panchas, to assist and
guide women in need.

It is the responsibility of the State to ensure the welfare of women as well
as social justice.  Women are tax payers too!
But increasingly the State is withdrawing from social sector.

 As to the suggestion that we should assist other women's organisation, we
do network on common issues and seek advice and assistance whenever needed.
We also agree to disagree if there is a difference of opinion, without going

Due to time constraints we are not able to respond to every wrong
presumption, defamatory statement,  that appears in the media or plug in the
debate on goanet.


Re: [Goanet] Raveena's case

2011-10-25 Thread J. Colaco jc

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Freddy Fernandes (FF) wrote:

A women's organization like Bailancho Saad should have been involved
in every crime against women, high profile or not, whether approached
or not.

Roveena's death has highlighted the plight of voiceless people who
believe on what they are told by the doctors and the authorities.

If the alleged doctor has been the cause of her death and guilty of
the charges levied against him nothing less than a death penalty would
serve justice.


1: General Comment:

 I believe FF is right. Those among us who are paying for the
running of these NGOs, have a right to demand that the Women's NGOs do
what we are paying them to do. And while, we have to struggle hard
to sit in air-conditioned 'discomfort' and on our armchairs, they (the
women's organizations) are duty bound to go and look for such cases.
If they don't, we will not send them any more funds.

No more 1st class air-travel for you even though you may choose to
travel by cattle-class (;-).

2: First set of Questions specific to the Raveena case (esp as the
death-penalty has been sought by FF):

[FF may choose to answer the questions or seek the answers to these questions]

a: When did R first complain of pain in her belly?
b: When was R first taken to the doctor?
c: When was the diagnosis of appendicitis first made?
d: When was she first operated upon?
e: Has a case for negligence (criminal) been filed against any of the
doctors in any of the courts?

3: There are other non-death penalty questions that FF may wish to
seek answers to (wrt to the reportedly unethical actions of the
doctors) i.e. verbal abuse of sister (for which there is NO excuse)
and the removal of eyes and kidneys without consent (which is an

f: Has any body written to the Medical Council about the abuse and
filed a case in any court wrt the assault?

4: WRT the non-provision of information to any individual who is not
the Official Guardian, I will leave it to FF to think about it.


Re: [Goanet] Raveena's case

2011-10-24 Thread lino dourado

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Further to my comment, please be advised that these comments are not to offend 
any one or any group who are working in their own capacity to make our Goan 
society a better place to live. As far as Bailancho Groups work is considered 
we have no exact knowledge of their agenda and these groups has a working motto 
to lift women in needs and more over the correct terminology is women 
empowerment, as citizens we see or perceive these groups only associates 
themselves to high profile cases and other cases which do not garner much TRP 
are left to be fended by other small organizations.
 If Baialancho groups associates themselves to all people with out looking at 
the caste or creed it would be more better. May be Bailancho groups working on 
other cases which do not come to light infront of the public. So to cut the 
long story short please cover all women related issues in Goa with equal 
attention if possible. Next issue is whether there is a strategic plan from 
these groups like pre and post intervention and what remedies this groups has 
suggested to help the women in the society, since Goa is small and compact 
society, problems maybe interrelated or similar in 90 percent cases. Does these 
groups have full time professionals to deal and solve the problem?

Lino Dourado 
--- On Sun, 10/23/11, Sabina Martins martinssab...@gmail.com wrote:
From: Sabina Martins martinssab...@gmail.com
Subject: [Goanet] Raveena's case
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Date: Sunday, October 23, 2011, 11:46 AM

This has reference to the query made by Lino Dourado ' Raveena somplem or

The producer of the CD has wrongly involved the name of Bailancho Saad  in
the CD  circulated and  shown at Tiatrs.

No one has approached Bailancho Saad for intervention.

We understand another women's organisation is handling the matter.


[Goanet] Raveena's case

2011-10-23 Thread Sabina Martins

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

This has reference to the query made by Lino Dourado ' Raveena somplem or

The producer of the CD has wrongly involved the name of Bailancho Saad  in
the CD  circulated and  shown at Tiatrs.

No one has approached Bailancho Saad for intervention.

We understand another women's organisation is handling the matter.
