Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial

2012-06-01 Thread Santosh Helekar
George Pinto georgejpinto@... wrote:

In a democracy, one can make the same arguments in an open public forum, as
vigorously and robustly as in a court of law.


The above is indeed the definition of a debate, and women are perfectly capable 
of debating as robustly as men. In fact, they are also capable of shouting over 
an opponent in a shouting match, as you saw in that TV9 YouTube video. The 
problem with your proposal is that the religious fanatics who filed the 
blasphemy lawsuit are not interested in a debate. They certainly are not 
interested in a civilized discussion. They only want to seek revenge and give 
vent to the hatred they feel in their bones, as is true of all religious 
and ideological fanatics. That is why we have communal riots, suicide bombings 
and genocides.

Here is the progression of expression of hatred among religious and ideological 

1. Name-calling and demonization of the target(s)
2. Mass hate propaganda emails, websites and newsletters.
3. Aggressive public protests, and encroachment on the rights of others, 
including bystanders.
4. Issuance of indirect and/or direct threats in public and/or by phone calls.
5. Filing of blasphemy lawsuits and/or issuance of fatwas.
6. Engagement in violent retribution through communal riots, murders, remote 
control bombings, suicide bombings and genocides.



- Original Message -
From: Gabriel de Figueiredo
 Your rationale is all very good, George, but my gut feeling is that any such 
 discussion would very soon come to an exchange of verbal and 
 physical violence. 

 From: George Pinto
 My view is that the Sanal Edamaruku case should not be adjudicated in a 
 court of law but in an open public forum with both sides presenting their 
 and moderated by an independent person. The Indian courts are clogged enough 
 emphasis should be on violent crimes, including where real injury of life and 
 limb is suffered like murder, rape, etc. and measurable like financial loss 
 theft of property, etc.
 P.S. I have intentionally not used the word debate for such a 
 proposed forum, a male-oriented word which implies confrontation as opposed 
 discussion. In fact, most of the voices on this issue are male, and they seem 
 prefer to resolve this issue as they do war - the tone and language 
 unmistakeably hostile. Perhaps it is time to seek civil resolutions - again, 
 one aggrieved party would that be the Christian thing to do?

Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial

2012-06-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi all, 
I would second this proposal in toto, from George Pinto. 
It could promote compassion and understanding among people, when out in the 
open; rather than in a coutroom where only a few people are privy.
There is a lot of sense in it. The so called laws of Blasphemy should be 
repealed all over the world; starting with Muslim and Islamic Countries to 
begin with, since Islamism is like a dictatorship and Fascist movement and 
intrinsically so. Fast on their track is the Hindutva fascist program of the 
RSS and BJP. 
When this BJP and VHP were asked for a dialogue, some years ago by the Church 
Authorities in New Delhi, these groups just refused to talk, as their sinister 
plans would be exposed. 
When the Popes visit came, these groups insisted  a Sadhu be present at the 
Ceremony of Holy Mass by the Pope as main celebrant. This was so silly as if it 
could prove anything like all religions are equal. Will these groups make 'such 
a demand' from Muslim religious? Bloody hypocretes!
In the end they only made a fool of themselves. The helpless Sadhu looked and 
felt like a 'Fish Out of Water' totally lost physically and spirtually! 
Such is the communally charged atmosphere in India. 
Wake Up  now and arrest this. 
Nascy Caldeira


 From: George Pinto
To: Goanet 
Sent: Monday, 28 May 2012 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial
My view is that the Sanal Edamaruku case should not be adjudicated in a court 
of law but in an open public forum with both sides presenting their views and 
moderated by an independent person. The Indian courts are clogged enough and 
emphasis should be on violent crimes, including where real injury of life and 
limb is suffered like murder, rape, etc. and measurable like financial loss and 
theft of property, etc.

In a democracy, one can make the same arguments in an open public forum, as 
vigorously and robustly as in a court of law. This can be done in a calm, 
civilized manner. Indian courts of law which derive their legitimacy from a 
secular constitution, are still a notch below in matters of truth than an open 
public discussion of such matters, better settled in the court of public 
opinion. Imagine if all of India through public forums, television, newspapers 
engaged in these discussions rather than the narrow confines of a court of law. 
And Sanal and his accusers would be no less wrong or no less right at the end 
of such a forum, where the public can make up its own mind after hearing both 

Towards this end, I would hope the Christian group withdraws its legal case 
(would that be the Christian thing to do?) and instead makes available a church 
hall and invites Sanal and his colleagues to an open public discussion about 
his statements and about miracles, religious offense, Church impropriety, etc.  
Let each side present its case without fear or favor. The truths which result 
are no less true than those derived in court, but substantially more valid when 
derived in the court of public opinion. And yes, I believe the public is free 
and capable of making up its own mind. That is how democracy should work.

P.S. I have intentionally not used the word debate for such a proposed forum, 
a male-oriented word which implies confrontation as opposed to discussion. In 
fact, most of the voices on this issue are male, and they seem to prefer to 
resolve this issue as they do war - the tone and language unmistakeably 
hostile. Perhaps it is time to seek civil resolutions - again, for one 
aggrieved party would that be the Christian thing to do?

Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial

2012-05-28 Thread George Pinto
My view is that the Sanal Edamaruku case should not be adjudicated in a court 
of law but in an open public forum with both sides presenting their views and 
moderated by an independent person. The Indian courts are clogged enough and 
emphasis should be on violent crimes, including where real injury of life and 
limb is suffered like murder, rape, etc. and measurable like financial loss and 
theft of property, etc.

In a democracy, one can make the same arguments in an open public forum, as 
vigorously and robustly as in a court of law. This can be done in a calm, 
civilized manner. Indian courts of law which derive their legitimacy from a 
secular constitution, are still a notch below in matters of truth than an open 
public discussion of such matters, better settled in the court of public 
opinion. Imagine if all of India through public forums, television, newspapers 
engaged in these discussions rather than the narrow confines of a court of law. 
And Sanal and his accusers would be no less wrong or no less right at the end 
of such a forum, where the public can make up its own mind after hearing both 

Towards this end, I would hope the Christian group withdraws its legal case 
(would that be the Christian thing to do?) and instead makes available a church 
hall and invites Sanal and his colleagues to an open public discussion about 
his statements and about miracles, religious offense, Church impropriety, etc.  
Let each side present its case without fear or favor. The truths which result 
are no less true than those derived in court, but substantially more valid when 
derived in the court of public opinion. And yes, I believe the public is free 
and capable of making up its own mind. That is how democracy should work.

P.S. I have intentionally not used the word debate for such a proposed forum, 
a male-oriented word which implies confrontation as opposed to discussion. In 
fact, most of the voices on this issue are male, and they seem to prefer to 
resolve this issue as they do war - the tone and language unmistakeably 
hostile. Perhaps it is time to seek civil resolutions - again, for one 
aggrieved party would that be the Christian thing to do?

Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial

2012-05-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Your rationale is all very good, George, but my gut feeling is that any such 
discussion would very soon come to an exchange of verbal and physical 
That which we see on Santosh's private email list (to which I've been added 
unasked) is only between half-a-dozen folks; imagine what the result would be 
if you get the whole nation involved in such a discussion in a place where 
democracy has degenerated into a mobocracy.  That's my point of view anyway.

 From: George Pinto
To: Goanet 
Sent: Monday, 28 May 2012 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial
My view is that the Sanal Edamaruku case should not be adjudicated in a court 
of law but in an open public forum with both sides presenting their views and 
moderated by an independent person. The Indian courts are clogged enough and 
emphasis should be on violent crimes, including where real injury of life and 
limb is suffered like murder, rape, etc. and measurable like financial loss 
and theft of property, etc.

In a democracy, one can make the same arguments in an open public forum, as 
vigorously and robustly as in a court of law. This can be done in a calm, 
civilized manner. Indian courts of law which derive their legitimacy from a 
secular constitution, are still a notch below in matters of truth than an open 
public discussion of such matters, better settled in the court of public 
opinion. Imagine if all of India through public forums, television, newspapers 
engaged in these discussions rather than the narrow confines of a court of 
law. And Sanal and his accusers would be no less wrong or no less right at the 
end of such a forum, where the public can make up its own mind after hearing 
both sides.

Towards this end, I would hope the Christian group withdraws its legal case 
(would that be the Christian thing to do?) and instead makes available a 
church hall and invites Sanal and his colleagues to an open public discussion 
about his statements and about miracles, religious offense, Church 
impropriety, etc.  Let each side present its case without fear or favor. The 
truths which result are no less true than those derived in court, but 
substantially more valid when derived in the court of public opinion. And yes, 
I believe the public is free and capable of making up its own mind. That is 
how democracy should work.

P.S. I have intentionally not used the word debate for such a proposed 
forum, a male-oriented word which implies confrontation as opposed to 
discussion. In fact, most of the voices on this issue are male, and they seem 
to prefer to resolve this issue as they do war - the tone and language 
unmistakeably hostile. Perhaps it is time to seek civil resolutions - again, 
for one aggrieved party would that be the Christian thing to do?

Re: [Goanet] “Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!

2012-05-23 Thread marlon menezes
I am a little confused by Gabe's post. Does he want the offended christian 
extremists belonging to the CSF to emulate that select group extremist muslims 
into conducting violence against civil society? Or is he implying that the 
christian extremists are not as violent as some of the muslim Jihadies and that 
Sanal should thank his lucky stars that he is still alive. In this post, Gabe 
is sounding a lot like former goanetter Mario G who would take any opportunity 
to disparage muslims.


From: Santosh Helekar
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] “Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!

Wouldn't this comment about Muslims in the interview and in the subject line 
hurt the feelings of Muslims?

Here is the rhetorical question in the interview, which insinuates ina public 
forum that Muslims in general are intolerant:

Would he have dared to make any uncharitable remarks against the Muslim 

Please see:

Perhaps, now Muslims have a reason to file a criminal law suit under the 
blasphemy law, IPC Section 295A.



- Original Message -
 From: Gabe Menezes

 *“Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!*
 *Targeting of Edamaruku has created an impression that the Church is
 intolerant of any *
 *rationalist viewpoint?*
 This is incorrect. We are not opposed to rationalist perspectives. In fact
 we encourage them. We never claimed that the dripping cross in Vile Parle
 was a miracle. It is quite possible that it has a natural explanation.
 Edamaruku’s comments were thus unwarranted.

[Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku

2012-05-23 Thread MD
From: Marshall Mendonza
To: goanet
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 11:43 AM
 Subject: [Goanet] Support Sanad Edamaruku

T he below poster has made it a habit of embarassing himself on public
 forums when he sermonises on subjects of which he has zilch knowledge,
 little insight and no awareness. One can only forgive him for he knows not
 what he is talking about.



Sanal Edamruku, a self proclaimed ‘Rationalist’ spent several years
debunking ‘miracles’ and other beliefs, thereby hurting peoples’ faith,
beliefs etc, which is not his business. Just because we can’t see ‘wind or
air’ that it isn’t there!! Belief in miracles, superstition, custom,
tradition is personal.

Now Sanal Edamaruku is accused by Catholic groups in Mumbai of breaking the
Indian Penal Code, which outlaws “deliberate and malicious acts intended to
outrage religious feelings.” Mr. Edamaruku is facing blasphemy charges
after he claimed water dripping from a statue of Christ in Mumbai was not
miraculous but the result of a badly plumbed toilet, and designed to make
money from visiting pilgrims, but church authority says no money has been
collected at the shrine.

Edamaruku says  “ I believe in absolute freedom of expression in any free
society people should have the freedom to ridicule to criticize or to be
ridiculed. That should be guaranteed in any civil society,” he said. But he
is misusing what he believes to hurt the religious sentiments of others.

“This is the first time I have had cases filed against me… I don’t want
unexpected people to come and attack me, so only close friends know where
to find me,” Mr. Edamaruku told India Real Time.

And in this forum, there are some people, first to criticize if Christians
speak up.


Re: [Goanet] “Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!

2012-05-20 Thread Santosh Helekar
Wouldn't this comment about Muslims in the interview and in the subject line 
hurt the feelings of Muslims?

Here is the rhetorical question in the interview, which insinuates ina public 
forum that Muslims in general are intolerant:

Would he have dared to make any uncharitable remarks against the Muslim 

Please see:

Perhaps, now Muslims have a reason to file a criminal law suit under the 
blasphemy law, IPC Section 295A.



- Original Message -
 From: Gabe Menezes

 *“Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!*
 *Targeting of Edamaruku has created an impression that the Church is
 intolerant of any *
 *rationalist viewpoint?*
 This is incorrect. We are not opposed to rationalist perspectives. In fact
 we encourage them. We never claimed that the dripping cross in Vile Parle
 was a miracle. It is quite possible that it has a natural explanation.
 Edamaruku’s comments were thus unwarranted.
 *So why is the Church and Christian community upset? *
 We are not against him for expressing his opinion. The community is hurt by
 his highly derogatory utterances. He has charged the priests of having
 created the dripping cross to make money. To the best of our knowledge, no
 money has been collected by any priest. Besides, priests do not build
 churches. It speaks volumes about his ignorance. He has also made
 unwarranted statements against the Pope and the Church.
 *But aren't you overreacting by filing police cases against him? Even Jesus
 preached tolerance and forgiveness?*
 The police cases have not been filed by the Church but by Christian
 association members who are loyal to it. He has no right to hurt other
 people’s sentiments. He has made these and other unwarranted statements out
 of ignorance. The least he could do is apologise to the Catholic community.
 But he has no remorse. He dared to make these remarks only because he knows
 that Christianity preaches tolerance and so he can get away with it. Would
 he have dared to make any uncharitable remarks against the Muslim community?
 *Is there a process in the Church for identifying what is a 'miracle' 
 what is just a natural phenomenon?*
 Yes. There is a lengthy scientific process to be undergone before any
 official pronouncement is made. In this case, the Church did not make any
 pronouncement. As a rule,  the Church is slow to attribute supernatural
 causes to extra-ordinary phenomenon we observe in life. As far as possible
 it tries to explain such phenomenon by natural causes.
 *Do you think Edamaruku made such comments for cheap publicity? *
 I do not want to attribute any motive. May be he felt that he was launching
 a crusade. Whatever be his motive, the approach was unacceptable.
 COMMENT: A copy and paste job from The Hindu
 Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] “Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!

2012-05-18 Thread Gabe Menezes
*“Sanal Edamaruku would not have dared to offend Muslims”!*
*Targeting of Edamaruku has created an impression that the Church is
intolerant of any *
*rationalist viewpoint?*
This is incorrect. We are not opposed to rationalist perspectives. In fact
we encourage them. We never claimed that the dripping cross in Vile Parle
was a miracle. It is quite possible that it has a natural explanation.
Edamaruku’s comments were thus unwarranted.

*So why is the Church and Christian community upset? *
We are not against him for expressing his opinion. The community is hurt by
his highly derogatory utterances. He has charged the priests of having
created the dripping cross to make money. To the best of our knowledge, no
money has been collected by any priest. Besides, priests do not build
churches. It speaks volumes about his ignorance. He has also made
unwarranted statements against the Pope and the Church.

*But aren't you overreacting by filing police cases against him? Even Jesus
preached tolerance and forgiveness?*
The police cases have not been filed by the Church but by Christian
association members who are loyal to it. He has no right to hurt other
people’s sentiments. He has made these and other unwarranted statements out
of ignorance. The least he could do is apologise to the Catholic community.
But he has no remorse. He dared to make these remarks only because he knows
that Christianity preaches tolerance and so he can get away with it. Would
he have dared to make any uncharitable remarks against the Muslim community?

*Is there a process in the Church for identifying what is a 'miracle' and
what is just a natural phenomenon?*
Yes. There is a lengthy scientific process to be undergone before any
official pronouncement is made. In this case, the Church did not make any
pronouncement. As a rule,  the Church is slow to attribute supernatural
causes to extra-ordinary phenomenon we observe in life. As far as possible
it tries to explain such phenomenon by natural causes.

*Do you think Edamaruku made such comments for cheap publicity? *
I do not want to attribute any motive. May be he felt that he was launching
a crusade. Whatever be his motive, the approach was unacceptable.

COMMENT: A copy and paste job from The Hindu


Gabe Menezes.