Re: [Goanet] the Israeli eviction of Arabs from their age-old homes in East Jerusalem

2009-08-04 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2009 17:37:47 -0400
From: Joe Lobo 

For   those of  our  Goans  who   do not  care  about happenings  
beyond  their  villages..

One  must   remember  that  the  Israeli  State  was  born  with  
massive  theft of  land  from Arab  Palestenians   (  ...why  else  
would  refugee  camps   suddenly  have  been  born  with  the  birth  
of  the  new  jewish  State  ?).and  the  theft  continues  till  
today  with  the  assent  of  the  E.U.  and  the  USA.

Mario responds:

Hey, Joe,

Nice try are re-writing history, but, unfortunately for your fairy tales, some 
of us also care about the REAL facts about the region you are referring to.

It seems to have escaped your attention that Jews were among the original 
inhabitants of the region since before the time of Christ.  You may find some 
clues about this in the Bible.
Perhaps it has also escaped your attention that the Brits and UN did come up 
with a two state solution of a homeland for Palestinian Arabs and Jews in 1947, 
including Jews who had survived the Nazi attempt at genocide in Europe.  The 
Arabs got the bulk of the land, but they wanted it all.  The partition plan was 
accepted by the Jews but not by the Arabs.  

You are obviously unaware that, instead of negotiating their grievances through 
the UN, five Arab countries decided to take the law into their own hands and 
invaded Israel in 1948 to "push the Jews into the sea".  It was during this war 
that many Arabs abandoned their land to avoid the conflict.  This is how they 
ended up in refugee camps, not because anyone "stole" their land.

After Israel had defeated all five Arab invaders simultaneously, they held on 
to the land because the Arabs have continued to try and "push them into the 
sea" or "wipe them off the map" and have never accepted their right to exist as 
a state.

Until the Arabs accept Israel's right to exist and quit trying to wipe them off 
the map by force, no right thinking person should have any sympathy for their 

Accusing Israel of "theft" of land acquired while defending themselves would be 
even more bizarre than accusing Pakistanis of "theft" of land belonging to 
Hindus who ran away from Pakistan after partition to save their lives.  BTW, 
none of the Hindus were ever compensated by anyone.  

Unlike the Arabs, who are still trying to eliminate Israel 62 years later, the 
Hindus accepted the partition and moved on with their lives.

Since you have so much catching up to do, perhaps the following information may 
be a place to start in realizing what is really going on in that unfortunate 


Despite decisive military defeats in the wars that they have launched against 
the Jewish state since the very day of its birth, the Arabs, in an almost 
unbelievable act of mental acrobatics, deny the existence of the country that 
has inflicted such severe and repeated punishment on them. When it becomes 
inevitable to mention the Jewish state it is referred to only as "the Zionist 

This non-acknowledgement of Israel's existence is not simply a matter of 
semantics. Arab maps do not show Israel, but a vast area, including Jordan, 
labeled as "Palestine." Cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa simply don't exist. 
Arab school children, though imbued from earliest age with hatred of the Jews, 
have no "official" knowledge of the existence of Israel. They learn about it, 
one supposes, just as they learn about sex, by whispered comments in the 
schoolyard. Schedules of foreign airlines that show Israel on their route maps 
or that list Israeli destinations are not allowed in the countries.
[end of excerpt]

Re: [Goanet] the Israeli eviction of Arabs from their age-old homes in East Jerusalem

2009-08-02 Thread Joe Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: 
or or ph+91-9881499458

 For   those of  our  Goans  who   do not  care  about happenings  
beyond  their  villages..they  may  be  reminded  that  the  
Israelis  who have ,like the Russians , with  the  help  of  Goan 
politicians  have  established a toehold in land  holdings ,   in   Goa.
 Strange   as  it  may  sound..there  may  come  a  day  when  
they  will  ,  with  the   help of  our  corrupt  goan  politicians  be  
evicting  goans  from  their  ancestral  agricultural  land.
 One  must   remember  that  the  Israeli  State  was  born  with  
massive  theft of  land  from Arab  Palestenians   (  ...why  else  
would  refugee  camps   suddenly  have  been  born  with  the  birth  
of  the  new  jewish  State  ?).and  the  theft  continues  till  
today  with  the  assent  of  the  E.U.  and  the  USA.