*** Goanet News Bytes * Aug 16, 2005 * Mumbai's little Goa... Zuari bridge plans ... useful email contacts

2005-08-16 Thread Goanet News Service
# Don't just read the news...discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet #
# Goanet was setup in 1994 and has spent the last decade building a  #
# lasting Goan non-profit, volunteer-driven network in cyberspace.   #
# Visit the archives http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join Goanet. #

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* Compiled in public interest by Frederick Noronha ***

o Tuskers will be tranquilised if 'kunkis' (tame elephants) fail in
  their task. If operations to use the tamed elephants specially
  brought in from Karnataka, fail to drive off the 'trouble-making'
  three elephants plaguing the Nadora-Sal belt of north-east Goa,
  then the government is likely to go in for tranquilisers. The
  'kunkis' made several attempts to befriend members of their tribe
  who strayed into Goa, but have met with no positive response as
  of now, officials say. (Herald)

o Rane reviews progress on Independence Day, and says his government
  is committed to Goa's development with equity, unity, brotherhood
  and secularism. (H)

  September 2002 issue of Goa Today, I had at length
  described how the Goa government had neglected the
  scientific disposal of garbage in Goa. I had indicated
  how the lackadaisical approach of successive governments
  had resulted in comunidade land being used as dump sites
  by five-star hotels and industries in Goa. These large
  establishments employ private contractors to clear off
  the hotel or factory waste and quietly and surreptitiously
  dump the garbage from hotels and industries on hill
  slopes, forests, comunidade properties, vacant government
  land and on the beaches of Goa Today, the entire Goa
  is a dumpyard for garbage, sewage sludge and industrial
  waste. -- Dr Joe D'Souza, in Herald.

  St Anthony's Homes Society in the middle class suburb
  of Chembur is a plot owners' society formed by several
  Goans who came to what was then known as Bombay in the
  1940s. These Goans who had made a mark for themselves
  in the city had bought sevral acres of land in the
  village of Chembur, and formed themselves into a 
  co-operative society. Goans are spread all over Mumbai...
  one of them John D'Souza, did not live to tell his
  tale as he gave his life trying to rescue little children.
  -- Arvind Pinto in Herald. 

  Goy basla jwalamukhicher, pun prashashan maat
  ghoreta. (Goa is on the precipice, but the administration
  is snoring, cover story in the Konkani monthly Bimb)

o Plans for constructing a cable-stayed bridge across the
  River Zuari continues to remain at a standstill as the approval
  of the Central Government is yet to be obtained, official
  sources in the public-works department said. (H)

o Cops continue tirade against gambling dens in Vasco. (H)
o None of the seven panchayat members of Uguem panchayat in
  Sanguem turned up for the flag-hosting. Only at 9.15 am,
  after a phone call, one panchayat member came to the venue,
  much to the anger of villagers. (H)
o Environment minister Dr Wilfred de Souza inaugurate a lab of
  the Goa State Pollution Control Board at Dempo Towers,
  EDC Complex today. (H)
o Forest officials seized a squirrel and four parrots from a
  young lad sitting on the pavements near the Navelim junction,
  with the intention of selling them. (H)
o Finance department to undergo major changes in Goa. Officials
  from the cadre of the Reserve Bank of India, Indian Economic
  Service and other states or central service are likely to be
  appointed. (H)
o 88 mining leases in Goa are left unexploited, assembly told.(H)
o 15 passenger hurt as speeding Kadamba bus goes off the
  road, turns turtle at Agassaim. (H)
o Forest department undertook a cleaning operation at three main
  points of the dense forest at Nadora, where wild elephants have
  been playing hide-and-seek. (H)
o Stress, irregular diet plaguing Goa police, says doctor. (H)
o Goan 19-year-old violin talented teenager Sa

*** Goanet Reader: Don't treat women like a piece of flesh... (Bailancho Saad)

2005-08-16 Thread Goanet Reader
# Don't just read the news...discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet #
# Goanet was setup in 1994 and has spent the last decade building a  #
# lasting Goan non-profit, volunteer-driven network in cyberspace.   #
# Visit the archives http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join Goanet. #
Does Goa need to rush in to become the land of crimes against women?

By Bailancho Saad-Goa

Newspapers and the other print and electronic media are increasingly
blaring advertisements derogatory to women. Huge hoardings along
Goa's highways with advertisements derogatory to women are standing
witnesses to the degeneration that has set in in the companies,
advertising agencies, hoarding owners and publishing houses who make
a fast buck by using women in suggestive postures.

  These women are either fully clothed, without clothing or
  with very little clothing. The captions are such that it
  gives ample room for the advertiser to denigrate women and
  at the same time escape from the law, as captions are
  subject to interpretation. No action is taken; women
  continue to be exploited.

This has severe repercussions on the hard-won rights of women. Women
are leered at and jeered at. They are humiliated and treated as sex
objects. They are blamed for enticing men. Any woman or girl who is
sexually assaulted is equated to the woman, as projected in the ad,
who *must* have invited it.

Overall, the average woman does not easily get support from society
until she proves beyond doubt. The net result is that women are
advised to stay indoors. Their movements are severely restricted.
Moral pundits cry hoarse for a dress code for women, thus further
blatantly violating her human rights.

Goa's tourism industry, with the active connivance of successive
Governments has promoted Goa as a land of fun where seducing women
await, where alcohol flows freely, where casinos invite you to test
your "lady luck". These advertisements have severely battered the
image of women in Goa and are paying a heavy price. The flesh trade
in Goa thrives from the customers these advertisements bring.

  The Government of Goa is all set to set-up the Special
  Economic Zone (SEZ). In these zones the laws of the land
  do not apply. If this trend is allowed to continue, Goa
  will soon be known as the land of vices and crimes against

Readers in Goa have probably seen the advertisement reading "Levi’s
sale upto 50% off" written across a photograph of a nude woman,
which appeared on the back-page of Navhind Times dated August 6,
2005. Readers have probably also seen the recently-launched
Kingfisher Airlines ad wherein a bikini clad woman lies sprawled in
the Navhind Times, Herald and Gomantak Times between August 8 to 15,
several times. There are no indications that this ad will be
withdrawn. The same ad appears on the hoardings too.

  These ads can no longer be dismissed as the outcome of
  simply a kinky mind. They are derogatory and trample on
  the rights of women. They are an assault on womanhood and

Women's collective Bailancho Saad has lodged a complaint against the
company, ad agency and publishers of newspapers advertisement under
the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act.

Under the Act, the "indecent representation of women" means the
depiction in any manner of the figure of a woman, her form or body
or any part thereof in such way as to have the effect of being
indecent, or derogatory to, or denigrating women, or is likely to
deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals.

You can protest too. Some ways you can make your voice heard:

  * Participating in the signature campaign urging the
authorities to take action;

  * Supporting the demand to the Goa Government to notify
the Gazetted Officer under the Indecent Representation
of Women (Prohibition) Act to effect seizures of such

  * Write to the local dailies not to publish derogatory
advertisements. Let them know that this is strongly
disapproved and let the public know that there are other
citizens who share the same sense of disapproval;

  * Countering these ads with your impressions of the need
to preserve the self-esteem of women and girls;

  * Exposing the double standards of the powers that be that
see nothing wrong in these advertisements even as they
inflict the worst possible human rights violations
against women in the name of preserving the

*** Goanet News Bytes * Aug 10, 2005 * Matanhy Saldanha disqualified * Vasco fire kills four * Goa looks at monorail (delayed)

2005-08-16 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
# Don't just read the news...discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet #
# Goanet was setup in 1994 and has spent the last decade building a  #
# lasting Goan non-profit, volunteer-driven network in cyberspace.   #
# Visit the archives http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join Goanet. #
Apologies if you're reciving this in duplicate. It appears to not
reached some readers. FN


   / d8   Founded 1994
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  /  Y888   ' C888  888 888  888 Y888,  888   www.goanet.org
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* Compiled in public interest by Frederick Noronha ***

o Matanhy Saldanha has been disqualified as an MLA of the Goa
  assembly, on the eve of an assembly session. The Cortalim
  MLA says he plans to move the high court. His United Goans
  Democratic Party welcomed the move. (H) Disqualified MLA
  Matanhy says he was "very happy" about the verdict. (GT)

o Four burnt alive in Vasco. Prime accused nabbed in Karnataka.
  Two women and a minor girl belonging to a family were
  allegedly burnt alive by the paramour of one of the dead women.
  Roopsing Naik (35), his wife Ratna (30) and nine-year-old
  daughter Neela and an unidentified woman -- all natives of
  Bagalkot -- were burnt in their sleep. (NT) GT says,
  Jilted paramour burns 4 of a family in Vasco. (GT)

o Goa cabinet approves the setting of a mono-rail service
  connecting Mapusa, Panjim and Margao. Rane expects this
  to be complete in 18 months, and done on the lines of those
  in Malaysia and Thailand. (H) Says the Navhind: Sky-bus
  gives way to Monorail. (NT)

o VAT, value-added-tax on feni and Indian Made Foreign Liquor
  to be reduced "so as to boost liquor sale in the state". (NT)

o Goa lags behind on IT front. (NT)

Travel companies are keeping their fingers crossed
over the fear of negative feedback reaching Europe
on the garbage crisis in Goa. Chief minister Rane
said the overflowing and scattered garbage and the
foul smell emitted from untreated garbage will
definitely affect tourism in Goa, as nobody wants
to visit a dirty city. Rane said that a solution
might be expensive, but "at the end we have to pay
for the garbage we generate". He added, "We have to
segregate garbage and ensure that the Act banning
the use of plastic is strictly implemented in the state."GT

Mapusa, Panjim stinks as garbage keeps mounting. (GT)

Verna garbage dumping fiasco: CCP commissioner

o Industrial Development Corporation authorities blocked
  road to Verna garbage dump. The road to the interior of the
  Verna industrial estate was blocked with stones, to avoid the
  entry of trucks loaded with garbage. (NT)

o Calangute police arrested six women on suspicion of their
  being involved in the flesh trade. Mapusa police were
  unable to prove their guilt, since their arrest was
  forced by agitating villagers and "police did not have
  time to set a trap for them". (NT)

o Police sub-inspector "Felix da Lima, retired PSI,
  was granted bail in a case of misappropriation of arms
  and ammunition from the armoury at the police HQ.
  D'Lima was in charge of the armoury when the guns went
  missing between 2001 and 2003. (NT)

o Minorities unsafe under Congress rule, says Arlekar. (NT)

o Melvyn Vaz posted as Margao chief officer. (Herald)

o New NGO to fight corruption in government office. Called
  the Zero Tolerance Corruption Compliant (ZTCC). Paul
  Robert Clarkson, a resident of Harmalkar Residency, Saligao,
  and Noel Fernandes, an architect, explained their version
  of the incident that took place at the office of the 
  deputy collector Agnelo Fernandes. (H)

o Ex-Cortalim sarpanch, secretary face probe over
  irregularities. (H)

o Sucorro takes to streets for water. (H)

Nursing college opened at Victor Medical and Research Foundation.H

o Power supply to Calvim will be improved soon, promises
  Narvekar. (GT)

o Bailancho Saad flays companies for exploiting women
  to sell their products. (GT)

  ARLEM, monsoon five-a-side football festival at SAG
  Grounds, Airport Road, Chicalim on Sunday Aug 14,
  9 am onwards. Entry fee Rs 200. At least one person
  of the opposite gender will play. 98221 50813

o Kunki (tamed) elephants to be put on the job from today
  (in evicting the wild