Re: [go-nuts] Please consider voting to reopen Golang subreddit

2023-06-23 Thread 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts
On Sat, Jun 24, 2023 at 3:03 AM  wrote:

> If 100 people are on a boat and 51 want to sink the boat is that fair to
> the 49 who want to live?

This is not a life-or-death situation and such comparisons are almost
universally unhelpful, as you literally do not have a choice in them.

You’re taking a resource away from others.
> If someone wants to protest Walmart they don’t burn it down.

No one is burning down anything. But, again, protest has to be
inconvenient. And contrary to the claims made by you and Jan, yes, it is
actually completely normal (and legal, in most legislatures) for a protest
to temporarily "take resources away from others". Roads get closed for
protest marches all the time.

But really, what I miss most here is an argument about the actual subject
matter. If you are frustrated about the subreddit being closed, you can
direct that frustration at the moderators or you can direct it at Reddit.
If they didn't implement their API changes, the protest would end, after

You seem to be taking it as a given that the moderators are the appropriate
target of the frustration and that they should be automatically the one to
give in. When Jan asked me - an unrelated party - to refund his Reddit fee,
he could've just as well written to Reddit, telling them that he wants his
money back because their insistence on overcharging for their API causes
this protest and makes reddit less valuable to him. That would've likely
done exactly as much to get his money back. But it would actually exert
pressure on someone who has a hand in this issue - after all, threatening
Reddit's bottom line is what this protest is all about. And given that his
business relationship is with Reddit, that's the only party he actually has
any real leverage with. So I'm really confused that someone would bend over
backwards, logically speaking, to misdirect their frustration this way.

If you want to convince me, at least, that the protest is bad, you have to
convince me that the API charges Reddit is implementing are good and
justified and that the moderators are wrong to object to them. You won't
convince me with arguments about the procedure.

Or to put it another way: In your metaphor, you are assuming that the
moderators protesting are the ones who are trying to sink the boat. I'm not
convinced of that. To me, they make a pretty convincing case that it's
their actions which are trying to keep the boat afloat, by preserving
third-party tools that are essential to reddit's operation and the
voluntary labor of the moderators. And if the owner of a ship directs it to
steer into an iceberg and the crew objects, I'd expect the passengers to
back them in it, instead of complaining that they'll be late and how dare
they obstruct *my* right to have the ship go wherever I want.

Anyways… as I said, this isn't actually such a dramatic situation. It's
just a website being closed for a bit. And if the mods are open to a vote
on whether or not to participate in the protest, that seems a perfectly
serviceable process to me. People should feel free to vote on that poll
however they like. I just wanted to provide some counterweight to the
initial call to vote against the protest.

> On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 4:37:20 AM UTC-4 Axel Wagner wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:29 AM Jan Mercl <> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:18 AM Axel Wagner
>>>  wrote:
>>> > Just for context, as not everyone seems to be aware: I was, in that
>>> sentence you quoted, referring to examples like this
>>> >
>>> > This demonstrates that even with overwhelming support from the
>>> community (and yes, in this example the modifier applies), the company
>>> overwrites those wishes to shut down protest. There are a couple of other
>>> subreddits with similar stories.
>>> >
>>> > So I was making the case to *provide* overwhelming support for the
>>> mods of /r/golang, referring to precedent of other subreddits where that is
>>> happening. Not claiming that they already have it.
>>> Thanks for the added conext.
>>> Anyone not liking Reddit is free to not visit the site. Anyone not
>>> accepting the price for the API access is free to not buy it. It's
>>> fine to vote by your visits and by your wallet. That's how the free
>>> market works and it works well unless there's some monopoly. But
>>> Reddit has no monopoly.
>>> Protesters are free to protest. That's their respected right.
>>> Protesters have no right to deny access to other users. That's my
>>> right and I expect it to be equally respected.
>> /r/golang has no monopoly.
>>> PS: I'm paying $7/month to Reddit to have r/golang ad-free. May I ask
>>> you for a refund? Thanks for your consideration.
>> You may certainly ask *the company you are paying* for a refund.
> --
> You received this message because you are 

Re: [go-nuts] Please consider voting to reopen Golang subreddit

2023-06-23 Thread
If 100 people are on a boat and 51 want to sink the boat is that fair to 
the 49 who want to live?

You’re taking a resource away from others.  

If someone wants to protest Walmart they don’t burn it down. 

On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 4:37:20 AM UTC-4 Axel Wagner wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:29 AM Jan Mercl <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:18 AM Axel Wagner
>>  wrote:
>> > Just for context, as not everyone seems to be aware: I was, in that 
>> sentence you quoted, referring to examples like this
>> > 
>> > This demonstrates that even with overwhelming support from the 
>> community (and yes, in this example the modifier applies), the company 
>> overwrites those wishes to shut down protest. There are a couple of other 
>> subreddits with similar stories.
>> >
>> > So I was making the case to *provide* overwhelming support for the mods 
>> of /r/golang, referring to precedent of other subreddits where that is 
>> happening. Not claiming that they already have it.
>> Thanks for the added conext.
>> Anyone not liking Reddit is free to not visit the site. Anyone not
>> accepting the price for the API access is free to not buy it. It's
>> fine to vote by your visits and by your wallet. That's how the free
>> market works and it works well unless there's some monopoly. But
>> Reddit has no monopoly.
>> Protesters are free to protest. That's their respected right.
>> Protesters have no right to deny access to other users. That's my
>> right and I expect it to be equally respected.
> /r/golang has no monopoly.
>> PS: I'm paying $7/month to Reddit to have r/golang ad-free. May I ask
>> you for a refund? Thanks for your consideration.
> You may certainly ask *the company you are paying* for a refund.

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[go-nuts] Re: odt: an OpenOffice/LibreOffice document parser

2023-06-23 Thread Jason E. Aten

On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 2:56:13 PM UTC+1 Sebastien Binet wrote:

> hi there,
> I've just cut [`o...@v0.1.0`][1], an OpenOffice document parser, 
> "automatically" generated from the RelaxNG specification document.
> `odt` also provides `odt2md`, a command that tries its best to convert an 
> ODT file into a CommonMark one.
> ```
> $> go install
> $> odt2md -h
> odt2md converts an ODT document into a CommonMark one.
> Usage: odt2md [OPTIONS] [INPUT.odt]
> Example:
> $> odt2md input.odt
> $> odt2md input.odt >
> $> odt2md -o input.odt
> $> odt2md < input.odt >
> $> odt2md -o < input.odt
> Options:
> -o string
> path to output CommonMark file
> $> odt2md ./testdata/simple.odt
> # Title
> Hello World!
> ```
> One can find the expected output of a more involved example under
> 'cmd/odt2md/testdata/'.
> The parser isn't complete (yet?) and a more robust solution would be to
> really generate it from the RelaxNG specification document (instead of
> from a simplified one.)
> Handling preformatted blocks of text could be improved.
> right now, it just translates it to a sequence of `foo`\n`bar` instead of:
> ```
> foo
> bar
> ```
> but this is coming from an impedance mismatch between how ODT encodes
> this information and how CommonMark expects it.
> some heuristics could fix that.
> -s

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: 'go run hello.go' taking ~30 seconds on windows

2023-06-23 Thread Rajesh Pandian
Hi Declan,

What's the full code? Also have you tried 
using and 
see what it does? 

On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 10:04:24 AM UTC+5:30 Henry wrote:

> I am running Windows 11 with Kaspersky. I don't have such problems. When 
> it comes to Windows, it isn't as simple as blaming your AV. Windows is a 
> complex OS and it is doing many different things in the background (e.g. 
> doing maintenance, installing updates, etc.).  You should open your Task 
> Manager and see what is hogging your resources. You also need some decent 
> hardware as Windows is a bit resource hungry. You may also check if there 
> is an error with Windows itself. See  Using System File Checker in 
> Windows - Microsoft Support 
> On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 7:47:59 PM UTC+7 Jet Li wrote:
>> Like to note that if you mean Windows Defender, there is no way to 
>> disable that after Build 20H2 iirc where I was task to deploy Windows 10 
>> and could not find the option in Windows Group Policy settings after the 
>> update, if Go app are affected by Windows Defender. Your only option is to 
>> use older Windows build and alternative OS, mileage may vary.
>> Another option, could be impossible to backup VM image as it's on macOS
>> On Thursday, 22 June 2023 at 19:52:56 UTC+8 Wojciech S. Czarnecki wrote:
>>> Dnia 2023-06-18, o godz. 22:52:58 
>>> tokintmash  napisał(a): 
>>> > Hello, 
>>> > 
>>> > Was there a solution to this? I am having the same issue. Win 10 
>>> machine 
>>> > and compiling and running simple lines of code takes ages. 
>>> The answer is always the same: turn off your antivirus software for your 
>>> development tree. 
>>> Such delays are due to "heuristics" usually implemented by uploading 
>>> your exe to the vendor. 
>>> Root cause is that after 12 years AV vendors still can not cope with 
>>> what they pereceive 
>>> a "non standard" linker, ie. a Go's one. 
>>> hope this helps, 
>>> -- 
>>> Wojciech S. Czarnecki 
>>> << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE 

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[go-nuts] Re: 'go run hello.go' taking ~30 seconds on windows

2023-06-23 Thread
This may be related. I have always had a significant delay when building Go 
programs on Windows. It mostly happens the first time I build, if I have 
not built recently. A normal build of a simple program is about 3 seconds 
of wall clock time, whereas it can take over 20 seconds when it is being 
slow. Using the Windows tool Process Monitor, I was able to determine that 
my problem is that a huge number of go standard library files are being 
read, in their entirety on every build. I thought there was package caching 
of some sort to avoid this, but apparently not. So about 2,000 standard 
library files are being read in to build a tiny program. When it is being 
'slow' these take around 10-40 milliseconds each. Once things are warmed 
up, they typically take 0.01 to 0.03 milliseconds each. That seems to 
account for much of the initial slow build. I am assuming the difference is 
whether the files are cached in memory by Windows?

I am currently running go 1.19, but have had the same issue for years. 
Using Windows 10, with anti-virus shut off for the source and build 

By the way, the Process Monitor tool from Microsoft can be useful in 
situations like these, as it can give a good indication of how long every 
operation is taking. 
On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 12:57:40 PM UTC-5 Declan Finn wrote:

> Hi,
> Platform: Windows 10
> Go Version: 1.19.4
> Compile and run of the most basic helloworld program is extremely slow on 
> my windows machine, taking roughly 30 seconds every time.
> Whereas the exact same program, using the same go version, compiles and 
> runs in under 1 second on my Ubuntu machine.
> Why is it so slow on windows?
> I asked a collogue to do the same test on his windows machine and he sees 
> the same slowness.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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[go-nuts] Re: How do you use traceback ?

2023-06-23 Thread Jason E. Aten
I'm not sure what traceback refers to, but for me, debug logging with 
file:line number is essential, and I use
the approach here

On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 10:49:31 AM UTC+1 wilk wrote:

> There is a proposal to add a trace only opt-in at error level.
> Only on this error I like to know the method and line.
> *Apart* to know if it's something useful to add in the standard lib or
> not (to don't pollute the github issue), how do you use the traceback in
> errors ?
> Do you add a full traceback like with pkg/errors ?
> No traceback, decorate the error is enough ?
> A mix like the proposal ?
> Depends of the project ?
> For me it depends of the project but after using pkg/errors a lot I
> tried no traceback at all, it was working and it force me to think two
> time how I decorate each error, that's eventually more accurate than a
> traceback. And now in few places I see that my decorate looks like a
> small traceback "I'm in method X and I call Y: %v"
> Thought ?
> -- 
> wilk

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Re: [go-nuts] delve crashes in presence of a circular reference variable

2023-06-23 Thread Jan Mercl
On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:38 AM
> Here is the minimal example code causing delve 1.20.2 to crash with a stack 
> overflow
> func TestExample(t *testing.T)  {
> type pptr *pptr
> var p pptr
> p = 
> t.Error("hello")
> }
> Here is the stack trace

I guess you may get better feedback by issuing the report at

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[go-nuts] Re: delve crashes in presence of a circular reference variable

2023-06-23 Thread
I should have added that the debugger crashes when it reaches a break point 
after the p =  instruction or steps over this instruction. It doesn't 
crash when there is no break point.

Le vendredi 23 juin 2023 à 10:38:32 UTC+2, a écrit :

> Here is the minimal example code causing delve 1.20.2 to crash with a 
> stack overflow
> func TestExample(t *testing.T)  {
> type pptr *pptr
> var p pptr
> p = 
> t.Error("hello")
> }
> Here is the stack trace
> goroutine 6 [running]:
> runtime.deductAssistCredit(0x108?)
> /usr/local/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:1201 +0x7b fp=0xc021380360 
> sp=0xc021380358 pc=0x40f8db
> runtime.mallocgc(0x108, 0xa9d2e0, 0x1)
> /usr/local/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:932 +0xd0 fp=0xc0213803c8 
> sp=0xc021380360 pc=0x40f0d0
> runtime.newobject(0x7fa133558108?)
> /usr/local/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:1254 +0x27 fp=0xc0213803f0 
> sp=0xc0213803c8 pc=0x40f9e7
> , 0x0}, 
> 0xc000104e48, {0xb98be8?, 0xc000e7a6c0?}, 0xc0002fc2c0, {0xb93350?, 
> 0xc0002b8ac0})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0x2d0 fp=0xc021380498 sp=0xc0213803f0 pc=0x7607f0
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0x11b fp=0xc021380510 sp=0xc021380498 pc=0x764ddb
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0xad2 fp=0xc021380708 sp=0xc021380510 pc=0x765b72
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0xb45 fp=0xc021380900 sp=0xc021380708 pc=0x765be5
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0xb45 fp=0xc021380af8 sp=0xc021380900 pc=0x765be5
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0xb45 fp=0xc021380cf0 sp=0xc021380af8 pc=0x765be5
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0xb45 fp=0xc021380ee8 sp=0xc021380cf0 pc=0x765be5
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0xb45 fp=0xc0213810e0 sp=0xc021380ee8 pc=0x765be5
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> /home/meessen/go/pkg/mod/
> +0xb45 fp=0xc0213812d8 sp=0xc0213810e0 pc=0x765be5
> 0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
> . . .

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[go-nuts] delve crashes in presence of a circular reference variable

2023-06-23 Thread
Here is the minimal example code causing delve 1.20.2 to crash with a stack 

func TestExample(t *testing.T)  {
type pptr *pptr
var p pptr
p = 

Here is the stack trace

goroutine 6 [running]:
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:1201 +0x7b fp=0xc021380360 
sp=0xc021380358 pc=0x40f8db
runtime.mallocgc(0x108, 0xa9d2e0, 0x1)
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:932 +0xd0 fp=0xc0213803c8 
sp=0xc021380360 pc=0x40f0d0
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:1254 +0x27 fp=0xc0213803f0 
sp=0xc0213803c8 pc=0x40f9e7{0x0, 0x0}, 0xc000104e48, 
{0xb98be8?, 0xc000e7a6c0?}, 0xc0002fc2c0, {0xb93350?, 0xc0002b8ac0})
+0x2d0 fp=0xc021380498 sp=0xc0213803f0 pc=0x7607f0*Variable).newVariable(...)
+0x11b fp=0xc021380510 sp=0xc021380498 pc=0x764ddb*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfae120, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
+0xad2 fp=0xc021380708 sp=0xc021380510 pc=0x765b72*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfade60, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
+0xb45 fp=0xc021380900 sp=0xc021380708 pc=0x765be5*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfadc20, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
+0xb45 fp=0xc021380af8 sp=0xc021380900 pc=0x765be5*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfad9e0, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
+0xb45 fp=0xc021380cf0 sp=0xc021380af8 pc=0x765be5*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfad7a0, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
+0xb45 fp=0xc021380ee8 sp=0xc021380cf0 pc=0x765be5*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfad560, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
+0xb45 fp=0xc0213810e0 sp=0xc021380ee8 pc=0x765be5*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfad320, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
+0xb45 fp=0xc0213812d8 sp=0xc0213810e0 pc=0x765be5*Variable).loadValueInternal(0xc01cfad0e0, 
0x0, {0x1, 0x1, 0x200, 0x40, 0x, 0x1900})
. . .

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Re: [go-nuts] Please consider voting to reopen Golang subreddit

2023-06-23 Thread 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts
On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:29 AM Jan Mercl <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:18 AM Axel Wagner
>  wrote:
> > Just for context, as not everyone seems to be aware: I was, in that
> sentence you quoted, referring to examples like this
> >
> > This demonstrates that even with overwhelming support from the community
> (and yes, in this example the modifier applies), the company overwrites
> those wishes to shut down protest. There are a couple of other subreddits
> with similar stories.
> >
> > So I was making the case to *provide* overwhelming support for the mods
> of /r/golang, referring to precedent of other subreddits where that is
> happening. Not claiming that they already have it.
> Thanks for the added conext.
> Anyone not liking Reddit is free to not visit the site. Anyone not
> accepting the price for the API access is free to not buy it. It's
> fine to vote by your visits and by your wallet. That's how the free
> market works and it works well unless there's some monopoly. But
> Reddit has no monopoly.
> Protesters are free to protest. That's their respected right.
> Protesters have no right to deny access to other users. That's my
> right and I expect it to be equally respected.

/r/golang has no monopoly.

> PS: I'm paying $7/month to Reddit to have r/golang ad-free. May I ask
> you for a refund? Thanks for your consideration.

You may certainly ask *the company you are paying* for a refund.

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Re: [go-nuts] Please consider voting to reopen Golang subreddit

2023-06-23 Thread Jan Mercl
On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:18 AM Axel Wagner

> Just for context, as not everyone seems to be aware: I was, in that sentence 
> you quoted, referring to examples like this
> This demonstrates that even with overwhelming support from the community (and 
> yes, in this example the modifier applies), the company overwrites those 
> wishes to shut down protest. There are a couple of other subreddits with 
> similar stories.
> So I was making the case to *provide* overwhelming support for the mods of 
> /r/golang, referring to precedent of other subreddits where that is 
> happening. Not claiming that they already have it.

Thanks for the added conext.

Anyone not liking Reddit is free to not visit the site. Anyone not
accepting the price for the API access is free to not buy it. It's
fine to vote by your visits and by your wallet. That's how the free
market works and it works well unless there's some monopoly. But
Reddit has no monopoly.

Protesters are free to protest. That's their respected right.
Protesters have no right to deny access to other users. That's my
right and I expect it to be equally respected.

PS: I'm paying $7/month to Reddit to have r/golang ad-free. May I ask
you for a refund? Thanks for your consideration.

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Re: [go-nuts] Please consider voting to reopen Golang subreddit

2023-06-23 Thread 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts
Just for context, as not everyone seems to be aware: I was, in that
sentence you quoted, referring to examples like this
This demonstrates that even with overwhelming support from the community
(and yes, in this example the modifier applies), the company overwrites
those wishes to shut down protest. There are a couple of other subreddits
with similar stories.

So I was making the case to *provide* overwhelming support for the mods of
/r/golang, referring to precedent of other subreddits where that is
happening. Not claiming that they already have it.

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:08 AM Axel Wagner 

> There exists more than one subreddit.
> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 9:38 AM Jan Mercl <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 7:01 AM 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts <
>>> wrote:
>> > And even *when* they ask and get overwhelming backing from their
>> communities, ...
>> Latest poll results on r/golang as of now:
>> [image: image.png]

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Re: [go-nuts] Please consider voting to reopen Golang subreddit

2023-06-23 Thread 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts
There exists more than one subreddit.

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 9:38 AM Jan Mercl <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 7:01 AM 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts <
>> wrote:
> > And even *when* they ask and get overwhelming backing from their
> communities, ...
> Latest poll results on r/golang as of now:
> [image: image.png]

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Re: [go-nuts] Please consider voting to reopen Golang subreddit

2023-06-23 Thread Jan Mercl
On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 7:01 AM 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts <> wrote:

> And even *when* they ask and get overwhelming backing from their
communities, ...

Latest poll results on r/golang as of now:

[image: image.png]

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[go-nuts] Export fs.FS as FUSE fs

2023-06-23 Thread Tamás Gulácsi

Does anyone know an existing solution for exporting an fs.FS as a FUSE 

As fs.FS is standard now, this would open several new possibilities,
as a lot of interesting fs.FS implementations exist (zip, tar, DB, 
embedded, union ),
and this one little glue code could export them all!

Thanks in advance,

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