[go-nuts] Re: Why is the reason that the flame graph in go pprof rotated 180 degrees?

2023-06-13 Thread a2800276
180 degrees in respect to what? ;) 
I'd argue callgraphs have no "natural" orientation, top to bottom is as 
good as bottom to top or left to right (right to left feels off to me, but 
I read left to right, so I assume that's just a matter of familiarity)

On Monday, 12 June 2023 at 14:26:30 UTC+2 fliter wrote:

> Why is the  reason that the flame graph in go pprof rotated 180 degrees?
> The reason I can think of is that it seems that this conforms to the func 
> calling order from top to bottom.
> Thanks for anyone's discussion and replies

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[go-nuts] Re: Short Variable Declarations Are Oversold

2023-04-24 Thread a2800276

import “os”

func main() {

 file, _ := os.Open(os.Args[1])



func myfunc(file ???) {


What type should I use to declare “file” in the parameter list for 

This argument doesn't seem logical to me. If I fully declare `file` in this 
case, I also have to know which type to declare it as:

 var file ???;
file, _ = os.Open(...)

This will also be a "distraction and waste time". I'm all for explicit 
declarations in cases where they add clarity, but in idiomatic cases, I 
don't feel it adds anything useful.

Additionally, in cases where I am creating a new function to work with the 
variable, surely I'm aware of more context concerning the API, e.g. in the 
example, I'll assume `file` has `Read` and `Close`, but passing the 
variable along, I would assume the operation on the variable will be more 
involved and requiring reading the documentation anyway ... 



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[go-nuts] Re: Quick poll: Which of these declarative UI trees looks the most legible to you?

2022-06-08 Thread a2800276
To be honest: on first glance, they all look identical to me apart from the 
missing AddClass statements in the  last example.
Would it be possible to have some examples with less subtle differences?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry

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Re: [go-nuts] What is the point of gzip Reader.Close?

2021-06-23 Thread a2800276

>  So I think it can be safe to omit 
> using gzip Reader Close in the general case.

In the general case it's also safe to ignore all errors, because by 
definition they only occur in exceptional conditions . 

More practically though, most programmers would probably prefer to follow 
guidance provided by the authors of the library they are using because by 
virtue of having written the library, the authors probably understand not 
only the library's implementation  and  technical constraints better than 
the user but  also tend to have a better grasp of the problem domain.

As a rule if I feel that the author of libraries I intend to use are 
totally inept morons and can't be trusted to not ask me to arbitrarily call 
random unnecessary functions I would shy away from using their library 

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[go-nuts] Re: [ANN] New german translations

2021-03-12 Thread a2800276
"Kode" really seems nonstandard to me. It really pops out. I'd definitely 
spell it "Code" in German and even then it seems like colloquial usage. I'd 
prefer Quellcode or Quelltext or Programm. 
"Kode aus einem externen Paket rufen" should really be "aufrufen" no matter 
how you feel about "Kode" :)

Are you looking for help with the translations? I'd be happy to work with 
you on them for a while. Is there a repo anywhere?

On Thursday, 11 March 2021 at 20:53:43 UTC+1 HaWe wrote:

> Thanks for your comments. It's nice when one's work is appreciated.
> About choice of words, have a look at the "Wörterliste". The link is in 
> the box at the top.
> About Spelling: that seems to be a question of age. I learnt the word 
> "Kode" long before I came across computers (but I do use "Computer" in 
> german sometimes).
> Uli Kunitz schrieb am Mittwoch, 10. März 2021 um 21:53:04 UTC+1:
>> The authority on German Orthography, duden.de, recommends the writing 
>> Code but allows Kode as well.
>> On Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 7:34:05 PM UTC+1 Haddock wrote:
>>> I don't know about using the word "Kode" in German. I've never seen it 
>>> different than with c as in English. Whatever, you took a big effort and 
>>> did a very nice job. Thank you!
>>> HaWe schrieb am Dienstag, 9. März 2021 um 17:26:48 UTC+1:
 Just finished german translation of the two new tutorials:


 Maybe that helps some newcomers.

 In the menu you'll find all the other Go documents I translated over 
 the years. I tried to keep them up-to-date.


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[go-nuts] Re: crypto/tls/generate_cert.go: Should it be used? And how can it be used?

2020-11-30 Thread a2800276

On Sunday, 29 November 2020 at 22:09:24 UTC+1 Jeroen N. Witmond wrote:

> In trying to find out how to do this I came across (closed) 
> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19900 As a result I found another way 
> to invoke it: go run `locate generate_cert.go` host 
> --rsa-bits=2048 --ca 
> Should the comment in the example of 
https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#example_ListenAndServeTLS be changed to be 
more exact in the way crypto/tls/generate_cert.go can be 
> invoked? Or should crypto/tls/generate_cert.go not be referred to at all? 

I think rsc's comment in the issue says it all:

> I don't think we have committed to writing a cert generation tool 
appropriate for production use. The generate_cert.go program is a simple 
program for writing tests. 

Typically, you would use openssl to generate production certs. You could 
use the functionality in `crypto/tls` to write your own  tool, though. 
And if you want to distribute a binary, 'go build `locate 
generate_cert.go`' (taking into account the caveat about more than one file 
with that name mentioned above.)

My feeling is that the documentation in  ListenAndServeTLS (which is an 
inline comment in example code) is meant more as a helpful hint on how to 
generate a quick and dirty certificate for testing.

> Should I open an issue about this?
> Jeroen.

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[go-nuts] Re: pure-go implementation of sqlite

2020-06-16 Thread a2800276

> is there (or is somebody working on) a pure-go implementation of sqlite ? 
> or at least a subset of it, to be able to read sqlite files ? 
> -s 
> PS: I know about the (by now) canonical implementations 
> (mattn/go-sqlite and others) but a completely go-based solution would 
> facilitate deployment and development across devs machines... 

sqlite is a bit of a special case, because the C implementation IS sqlite, 
they have a very stable development and testing setup and my trust in 
sqlite is basically trust in the developers of the C code. 
I don't see the advantage of having a Go implementation, expect for the 
sake of Go purity...
Can you elaborate a little bit on the motivation? I've been using go-sqlite 
on both amd64 and arm64 with absolutely no problem.


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[go-nuts] Re: crypto data types

2020-01-14 Thread a2800276

> looking for guidance on how to get an rsa.PublicKey from id_rsa.pub
> seems like I can parse the id_rsa.pub contents and get a ssh.PublicKey but 
> how do I transform this into an rsa.PublicKey
> i need the coersion in order to use other support services.
Please consider whether this is really what you need to be doing. If you're 
being provided with a id_rsa.pub file (presumably from a .ssh configuration 
directory) you will very likely be performing ssh operations, which are 
ideally left up to the ssh library to perform. 

If you have a very exotic usecase an know what you are doing, the ssh 
package uses the crypto.rsa package internally to parse the ssh keyfiles, 
so just have a look at the implementation there: 

Good Luck! 

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