[go-nuts] Advancing the container/set design?

2024-07-01 Thread Frederik Zipp
Some time ago, Ian started a discussion about a potential proposal for a 
container/set package: https://github.com/golang/go/discussions/47331

The main point of uncertainty was iterating over elements. Now that 
iteration is solved in Go 1.23, is it perhaps time to advance this design 
and turn it into a proposal for the 1.24 release cycle?

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[go-nuts] Re: [ANN] Interactive 2D graphics on an HTML canvas via WebSockets

2021-04-04 Thread Frederik Zipp
manlio@gmail.com schrieb am Sonntag, 4. April 2021 um 19:03:48 UTC+2:

> Thanks, it is really interesting.


> Do you know if there is a similar module that use the DOM API as target 
> instead of the Canvas API?

I haven't looked for it, so I don't know if something like that exists for 

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[go-nuts] [ANN] Interactive 2D graphics on an HTML canvas via WebSockets

2021-04-04 Thread Frederik Zipp
I often find myself wanting to visualize simple graphics or even 
interactive animations from a Go program without resorting to 
platform-dependent or Cgo-based libraries, so I created this Go module:


It streams drawing operations and keyboard/mouse/touch events to and from a 
browser canvas via WebSockets.

It is loosely inspired by the protocol of the 
https://p9f.org/magic/man2html/3/draw device.

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Re: [go-nuts] [ generics] Moving forward with the generics design draft

2020-08-25 Thread Frederik Zipp
Ian Lance Taylor schrieb am Dienstag, 25. August 2020 um 00:35:33 UTC+2:

> I've seen objections that a language change for generics should not 
> implicitly pull in a change to non-generic code. That seems fair. It 
> may be the right thing to do, but it should be justified separately. 
> So we're going to start with "any" only being accepted as a type 
> constraint, and we can discuss making the name available for all uses 
> separately, probably on issue 33232.

I understand the motivation, but I hope this artificial restriction is 
eventually lifted, because I find special cases and exceptions to 
generality make a language more confusing to learn ("Why can I use this 
here but not there, even though it's referring to the same thing?"). 

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-19 Thread Frederik Zipp
Ian Lance Taylor schrieb am Mittwoch, 19. August 2020 um 00:39:16 UTC+2:

> Yes, but here you are assigning the value struct{}{} to the type S. 
> That's not how type arguments work: type arguments are not assigned to 
> type parameters. Instead, the body of a generic function or type is 
> instantiated with the type argument. In a generic function, rather 
> than assigning a value struct{}{} to type S, we are replacing 
> instances of S in F with struct{}. But struct{} has no methods. So 
> can you call method M on an argument whose type is the type parameter? 
> Why or why not? 

Thanks for the explanation. 

Given this setup:

type S struct{}
func (s S) M() {}

func F1[T S](s T) { s.M() }
func F2[T struct{}](s T) {}

The instantiations would have to be:

F1[S] :: func(S)
F1[struct{}] :: func(S)

F2[struct{}] :: func(struct{})
F2[S] :: func(struct{})

Non-interface/non-"anyof" constraints would always be instantiated as 
I can see that this might be surprising. Given that it doesn't add any 
value over normal function parameters it is probably not worth it.

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
Ian Lance Taylor schrieb am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 um 21:26:23 UTC+2:

> What would it mean to permit any type as a constraint? 

Each type would match exactly the same types it would match in a plain old 
function parameter list:

type MyStruct struct{}
func (s MyStruct) M() {}

== Type parameter list ==

[T int] // matches 1 type; useless, just for the sake of consistency
[T MyStruct]  // matches MyStruct and 
struct{}; useless as well
[T struct{}] // matches MyStruct and 
struct{}; useless as well
[T interface{String() string}]
[T anyof{float32, float64}] // replacement for type lists in the current 

== Plain old function parameter list ==

(x int) // matches 1 type
(x MyStruct)  // matches MyStruct and 
(x struct{}) // matches MyStruct and 
(x interface{String() string})
(x anyof{float32, float64}) // maybe in the future


> I actually looked into this, to see if we could say that any type 
> could be used as a constraint, and say that a type parameter 
> constraint would permit any type argument that is assignable to the 
> constraint type. Unfortunately that leads to some odd behavior. If 
> we use a named type as the constraint, it may have methods. But we 
> can use a corresponding type literal as a type argument. That would 
> add methods to a type literal with no explicit type conversion. 

But isn't that already the case with normal function parameters?

package main

type S struct{}

func (s S) M() {}

func F(s S) {

func main() {
// no explicit type conversion from struct{} to S


> Similarly, if we use a type literal as a type, we can use a defined 
> type as a type argument. But the generic function could assign the 
> type parameter to some other defined type, and now we have a generic 
> function that could not be compiled if we simply substituted the type 
> argument for any instance of the type parameter. 

Same here:

package main

type S struct{}

func (s S) M() {}

func F(s struct{}) {
var x S = s
_ = x

func main() {
// no explicit type conversion from S to struct{}

> And I don't see what we gain by following that path. 

It would mostly be for the sake of consistency, and as a justification for 
a hypothetical sum type like `anyof` (as a replacement for type lists in 
interfaces) to be usable as a constraint.

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
axel.wa...@googlemail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 um 20:47:12 

> We already have a way to express "any of a certain subset of types", which 
> are interfaces, so using them for constraints is natural.

I'd argue that every type expresses a certain subset of types, not just 
interfaces. For the other types the size of the subset just happens to be 1 
(each containing just itself). So every type should be usable as 
constraint. Types, constraints, ... I don't see a difference anymore. 
Constraints are just types used in the type parameter list on the left.

> it's about avoiding a new *concept*.

Type lists are still a new concept. Just because they hide inside 
interfaces doesn't mean that they are not a new concept. I'd prefer it to 
be honest and give them a name, with the possibility to use them as sum 
types in the future.

> No, it is neither the same, nor is it nonsensical. `interface{ type int }` 
> is any type with *underlying type* `int`, not just `int`. It adds some 
> expressive power. I'm not sure how important that expressive power is, but 
> it's more than zero.

On the go2go.dev branch they recently made a change to use the actual (not 
underlying) types of type list elements for interface satisfaction: 

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
The more I think about it the less I understand why type list should reside 
inside interfaces. I can only think of two reasons:

1) Avoid a new keyword for type lists.
2) The idea that only interfaces should be able to act as constraints.

Regarding 2): Why this artificial limitation? Why not allow all types as 
constraints? Even int. It's nonsensical, but it would be like "interface{ 
type int }" in the current draft, which is nonsensical, too. The rule would 
be simple: Any type can act both as normal type and as constraint. With the 
possible exception of `anyof`s, until there is a solution to use them as 
regular types as well.

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
Frederik Zipp schrieb am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 um 19:44:05 UTC+2:

> I agree it is a weird combination. Ideally it would be:
> 1. `anyof` declarations containing only types, usable as constraints and 
> types
> 2. `interface` declarations containing only methods, usable as constraints 
> and types
> 3. n/a
> But then Go would introduce both generics and sum types at the same time, 
> which does not seem to be feasible due to unsolved questions like the 
> zero-value issue.

Of course, it would be possible to allow usage of `anyof`s only as 
constraints, with the option to allow them as general types in the future. 
The cost is a new keyword, though.

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
axel.wa...@googlemail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 um 19:19:32 

> 1. `anyof` declarations, only usable as types
> 2. `interface` declarations containing only methods, usable as constraints 
> and types
> 3. `interface` declarations containing methods and type-lists ("embedded 
> `anyof`s), only usable as constraint.

I agree it is a weird combination. Ideally it would be:

1. `anyof` declarations containing only types, usable as constraints and 
2. `interface` declarations containing only methods, usable as constraints 
and types
3. n/a
But then Go would introduce both generics and sum types at the same time, 
which does not seem to be feasible due to unsolved questions like the 
zero-value issue.

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
axel.wa...@googlemail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 um 17:44:16 

> I think in the overwhelmingly common case (a type-list being a list of 
> identifiers or short type-constructors like channels or slices), having a 
> line per item takes up a lot of vertical real-estate for little use. 

Both options, single line and multi-line, are still available with curly 
braces and semicolons, but in the multi-line case you do not have to manage 
trailing commas, and the first line containing type(s) is not indented 
differently than the following lines.

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
Jan Mercl schrieb am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 um 16:45:54 UTC+2:

> I don't think so. The type list in this case is syntactically just an 
> identifier list, i.e not a list containing possibly eg. type  
> literals/anonymous types. 

I just looked into the draft design again: If composite types like slices 
and structs are allowed, as discussed in [1] and [2], then it is not just 
an identifier list.

[1] Composite types in constraints 

type byteseq interface {
type string, []byte

[2] Notes on composite types in type lists 

type structField interface {
type struct { a int; x int },
struct { b int; x float64 },
struct { c int; x uint64 }

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
Jan Mercl schrieb am Dienstag, 18. August 2020 um 16:45:54 UTC+2:

> i.e not a list containing possibly eg. type literals/anonymous types. 

Yes, I wanted to interpret a type list conceptually as an anonymous type 
embedded in an interface.

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[go-nuts] [generics] Type list syntax

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
The draft syntax for type lists is a comma separated list:

type SignedInteger interface {
type int, int8, int16, int32, int64

Wouldn't it be more consistent with existing Go syntax regarding types if 
it was a semicolon separated list in curly braces?

type SignedInteger interface {
type {int; int8; int16; int32; int64}

With automatic semicolon insertion:

type SignedInteger interface {
type {

At least that's how 'struct' and 'interface' separate their items.

If some day, somehow, type lists should emerge from 'interface' as 
non-nilable sum types, the natural syntax would be:

type MySum type {

var mySum type{A; B}

Even if this will never happen, this thought experiment suggests that curly 
braces and semicolons are the more Go-like syntax choice for type lists.

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Re: [go-nuts] [Generics] Constraints package name

2020-08-18 Thread Frederik Zipp
ma...@acln.ro schrieb am Montag, 27. Juli 2020 um 08:34:04 UTC+2:

> The entire notion of the constraints package feels a little suspicious to 
> me. What if the comparable and ordered constraints were pre-declared in the 
> universe block, and the numeric constraint were named math.Numeric?

In this case 'Ordered' might belong in the "sort" package: sort.Ordered, 
and most other constraints in the 'math' package: math.Numeric, 
math.Complex, math.Unsigned. Or maybe 'Complex' belongs in "math/cmplx" as 

But from a dependency hygiene perspective it is probably better to have the 
most common constraints in a dedicated package rather than distribute them 
over existing packages. I suppose we would not want "math" to import "sort" 
in order to implement Min and Max.


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Re: [go-nuts] Generics and parentheses

2020-08-17 Thread Frederik Zipp
jlge...@gmail.com schrieb am Montag, 17. August 2020 um 19:13:45 UTC+2:

>- No support covariance or contravariance. Maybe I am on shaky ground 
>in terms of my understanding but doesn't this mean, for instance, that if 
> I 
>have two interfaces, Foo and Bar, and a third composite interface, FooBar, 
>which consists of Foo and Bar, that a function with a generic parameter T 
>constrained by Foo would not accept a type that implements FooBar? If i am 
>incorrect, where does this come into play?
> What you describe does work: https://go2goplay.golang.org/p/5bLN7fDMVGN

2) I don't see syntax for directly applying multiple constraints to a 
> generic type. Is this achievable only via interface composition? 

Yes, and it can be inlined as usual:

func Example[T interface{Foo; Bar}](s []T) {

Although naming complex types is a good idea. 

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Re: [go-nuts] [Generics] Constraints package name

2020-07-26 Thread frederik . zipp
On Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 12:46:38 PM UTC+2, Jesper Louis Andersen wrote:
> You can always solve that with a rename:
> import (
>   is "constraints"
> )
> but you run the risk of users not knowing what the "is" package is.

Of course, but like you said, "is" would be unfamiliar to most other users. 
People usually use the default package name and that's what we will have to 
read the most.

> Also, the name "is" doesn't follow the usual naming style of Go packages. 

I'm not sure if there is a Go standard library package naming style other 
than "relatively short name". 


> I tend to find such package names risky because they don't really say what 
> they contain. 

The package doc comment can say that it contains constraints.

> This means they become attractors of all kinds of different functionality 
> over time, where most of that functionality isn't belonging in there but in 
> separate packages. It is like declaring a package such as "util", "misc", 
> or "aux".

I'd trust the Go maintainers that they can resist to clutter it with 
unrelated things.

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[go-nuts] [Generics] Constraints package name

2020-07-26 Thread frederik . zipp
The package name "constraints" is quite a mouthful to read:

  func Min[Elem constraints.Ordered](s []Elem) Elem {}

Did you consider other package names like "is"?

  func Min[Elem is.Ordered](s []Elem) Elem {}


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