[go-nuts] First column in sql rows.Scan is always zero

2020-06-08 Thread Saied Seghatoleslami
I am scanning database tables into a structure explicitly (with 
&struct.field) that works just fine (working path below).  

But my tables have different columns, so I am working to generalize the 
API.  There are two methods that build and reverse a []interface{} to be 
supplied to scan.  I have listed them in the problem path.  The last item 
is the people data in the use case.

It scans every column correctly except the first one that is the ID.  

The problem path always returns zero for the ID field while the working 
path works fine.  I have been staring at it for a day and experimenting 
with different ideas but no success

Any thoughts?

//=. Working Path =

//Person is the target for scan.
type Person struct {
ID int
Name   string
Email  string
HashedPassword string
Role   string
Active bool
Online bool

//inside the "get" method to get the data

person := broker.Person{}
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&person.ID, &person.Name, &person.Email, //g...)
&person.HashedPassword, &person.Created, &person.Active)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return broker.ErrNoRecord
return err
newPeople = append(newPeople, person)
//=. Problem Path =

person := broker.Person{}
g := person.GetItems(e.Get)
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(g...)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return broker.ErrNoRecord
return err
person.GetBack(e.Get, g)
newPeople = append(newPeople, person) 

//note that iD, Name, Email... are constants

//GetItems uses the get string to generate an interface to be passed to the
//sql.Execute statement for the INSERT sql command.
func (p *Person) GetItems(get []string) []interface{} {
var g = []interface{}{}
for _, sp := range get {
switch sp {
case iD:
g = append(g, &p.ID)
case Name:
g = append(g, &p.Name)
case Email:
g = append(g, &p.Email)
case HashedPassword:
g = append(g, &p.HashedPassword)
case Created:
g = append(g, &p.Created)
case Role:
g = append(g, &p.Role)
case Active:
g = append(g, &p.Active)
case Online:
g = append(g, &p.Online)
return g

//GetBack reverses the get item and takes the interface items and gets the
//underlying data back.
func (p *Person) GetBack(get []string, g []interface{}) error {
var ok bool
for i, sp := range get {
switch sp {
case iD:
p.ID, ok = g[i].(int)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("ID (int) type assertion failed")
case Name:
p.Name, ok = g[i].(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Name (string) type assertion failed")
case Email:
p.Email, ok = g[i].(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Email (string) type assertion failed")
case HashedPassword:
p.HashedPassword, ok = g[i].(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Hashed Password (string) type assertion failed")
case Created:
p.Created, ok = g[i].(time.Time)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Created (time.Time) type assertion failed")
case Role:
p.Role, ok = g[i].(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Role (string) type assertion failed")
case Active:
p.Active, ok = g[i].(bool)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Active (bool) type assertion failed")
case Online:
p.Online, ok = g[i].(bool)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Online (bool) type assertion failed")
return nil

exchange := Exchange{
Table: table,
Put:   []string{},
Spec:  []string{iD},
Get: []string{iD, Name, Email, HashedPassword, Created,
Active, Online},
People: []Person{
Person{ID: id},
Action: "get",

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[go-nuts] First column in sql rows.Scan is always zero

2020-06-08 Thread David Suarez
I havemf eun tour code bit the lower case "eye" jumps out as something to look 
at...  "case iD".  

Hope that helps.  A debugger to walk through should help!

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[go-nuts] First column in sql rows.Scan is always zero

2020-06-10 Thread David Suarez
Lol!  Lack of sleep is real...  apologies for the horrible keyboard offset 
below.  What I was trying to suggest was to check the case on your ID field.  
In your struct it is all capitalized.  The constant and my guess the 
dereferenced string is a lower case i with a capital D.  Running your code 
through a debugger at that point might confirm why it isnt falling into your 
expected area vs my above guess based on the case mismatch of your ahortened 
 Good luck!  I am sure you will figure it out soon... David

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[go-nuts] First column in sql rows.Scan is always zero

2020-06-10 Thread Daniel Theophanes
Can you try to use


? That might help.

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